#and autistic probably
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holymaccaronii · 4 months ago
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Aaaaanyways that's just a random comment I wanted to let out. Hi people who see this message, I am currently goin thru the last weeks of the semester, so I'll be able to post again very soon! I really wanted to try and post more but weekly art project assignments weren't letting me focus on almost anything. Expect new art from my ihnmaims au (no, the brainrot hasn't died yet and I doubt it will), new papercraft models (like V1 *cough) and possibly new art projects!!
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inkskinned · 9 months ago
please i love you i'm begging you bring back suspension of disbelief bring back trusting the audience like. i cannot handle any more dialogue that sounds like a legal document. "hello, i am here to talk to you about the incident from a few minutes ago, because i feel you might be unwell, and i am invested in your personal wellbeing." "thank you, i am unwell because the incident was hurtful to me due to my childhood, which was bad." I CANT!!!!
do you know how many people are mad that authors use "growled" as a word for "said"? it's just poetics! they do not literally mean "growled," it's just a common replacement for "said with force but in a low tone." it's normal! do you hear me!! help me i love you please let me out of here!!!
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introvert-slushie · 6 months ago
Currently thinking about how much Ford tries to hide his hands a lot when he can…behind his back with this stance. Due to how often he’s been bullied for it.
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And also, how Mabel is one of the ones who Ford feels happy about showing his hands to because she thought they were cool looking upon first shaking his hand, instead of him being judged for his six fingers.
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[ID: Gravity Falls screenshots. The first three are of Ford with his hands crossed behind his back. The last two are of him shaking hands with Mabel, and letting her paint a turkey on his hand. He's smiling in both. End ID.]
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swordsonnet · 10 months ago
i'm sorry but i don't think we should call this the "autism website" when there's still posts with tons of notes mocking people who:
struggle with social skills / have anxiety around social settings
are unemployed / unable to work certain jobs
have intense or "age-inappropriate" interests
haven't had certain life experiences that are deemed universal/essential
struggle with personal hygiene
don't have any friends or dating experience
don't go outside much or at all
take things literally / don't get sarcasm/jokes
have unusual ways of speaking
generally aren't "normal"
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800db-cloud · 7 months ago
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i like to imagine spy’s old dark grey suit is actually his company mandated uniform :)
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psychemochanight · 3 months ago
Dick being neurodivergent, because why not? (Am I projecting myself onto my hyperfixation character of the moment? Absolutely).
Dick finds the weirdest possible positions to be absolutely comfortable. We already talked about how he likes to hang upside down, but besides that, he's always sitting in a strange way.
Bruce doesn't have any opinion on any of this, but sometimes wonders if Dick is trying to give himself some kind of cramp. The others just wonder if the boy has actual bones.
Bruce thought Dick couldn't be a picky eater, but he's totally wrong. Alfred taught Dick to cook because he knows that if he depended solely on food prepared by other people, the boy would starve. (Worse is when they discover that if they don't remind him, this guy won't eat at all. He just totally forgets that humans need food).
He also taught him other things for sensory issues that he doesn't want to acknowledge. (Yes, there are ways to keep his sheets soft enough, to prevent his shirts from getting lint, even cleaning the slab so it doesn't have weird textures).
Bruce always purposely gave him more work than he needed to do, otherwise he would never get the boy to concentrate. Nothing too difficult, he didn't want to overburden him yet, but seriously, even if he liked math, he would never sit down for more than 10 minutes to do his homework. Organizing his tasks didn't always work, but a deadline? It was his best strategy. Even out of ten minutes, eight were just him thinking about something else and only two to complete the job, he would complete it anyway.
(He never gives him the same task twice in a row. God knows that will never be complete. Have you seen how many jobs this man has? He can't stay in one place for more than a few months).
His thoughts also jump from one situation to another as much as he jumps on rooftops when he is on patrol. Bruce never understands his line of thinking, but it is extremely helpful in solving cases.
Despite appearing extroverted, Dick was still more of an ambivert, sometimes even seeming more introverted, he's just not that shy. His social battery runs out pretty quickly, even if he pretends it doesn't. He still needs time to himself in order to move on, and as a child his best way of pointing this out to Bruce was by hiding under tables in a dark place, or instead, climb to the highest places, farthest from people. Bruce learned that although Dick was used to the noise of people, he was used to seeing it from above, not in the middle of the crowd.
It's not that he's non-verbal, but there are still days where just talking is a no-no. As a child he had better control, but as an adult he just doesn't want to talk, and he's not going to talk.
Weighted blankets? Yes please. Noise cancelling headphones? He would love to, but he is too paranoid to completely isolate himself from his surroundings. (If his friends notice that his leg is bouncing more than usual, they assure him that they will keep watch and ask him to wear his headphones for a while, if they need to talk to him they use sign language).
He also has blackout curtains. And we all know his comfort object is a stuffed elephant, come on. (I love the fandom for this idea. Give the guy his stuffed elephant, give him Zitka.)
Yes, Dick, people have hobbies, but normal people don't change hobbies after mastering them once, much less change them every three days. No, gymnastics is no longer your hobby at this point, it's literally your life.
A special interest falls short when you spent a week without sleep to continue researching your new hyperfixation.
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somegrumpynerd · 3 months ago
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The call is coming from inside the house, Dust
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feralforbeanix · 8 months ago
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If I wasn't familiar with Ace Attorney and you asked me which one of these is an edited meme and which one is an actual line he says if you pick the wrong answer I'd be flabbergasted to hear the truth.
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skullzy20 · 2 months ago
Hold on everyone I'm gonna be sick thinking about this
The fact the Drifter doesn't even feel like they belong in the Origin System is honestly painful. The fact they feel like everyone likes the Operator more because it's originally their timeline, and they've just grown to already accept that. The fact they feel actually at home in the fucking year of 1999.
The fact they feel like they were essentially being used when being sent back to 1999, but they end up staying and feeling more at home in the year despite being sent there like an errand boy. Feeling at home in a place you've barely been in for too long compared to everywhere else you've been for the rest of your life? That must feel wild, y'know? And exciting, but also terrifying.
They just have never felt like they belonged anywhere, basically, but when being sent off on a mission by the Lotus they end up actually feeling like the place they ended up felt like home. People finally care about them, and even love them. Friendships were formed and maybe even a true and genuine heartfelt relationship. Sure, they're still surrounded by daily threats like the Scaldra and Techrot, but there's people who actively care about their well-being now.
Imagine it, no longer actually being alone for most of your life? Having people who worry about you, for the first time in who knows how many years? Getting genuine human (as 'human' as the protoframes get) interaction instead of being called around to do jobs? To simply just exist in such a place? It must feel like a huge breath of fresh air
It's so human and it's so real. You finally begin to heal from the trauma that's been a part of essentially most- if not all your life before arriving. It's such a stark contrast to how things are in the Origin System. I wouldn't want to leave either.
Yeah I like the 1999 update a normal amount (lying)
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trustywukkiii · 7 months ago
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first thing I thought of when seeing this tweet
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bluejey · 1 year ago
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Big eye small eye ship
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fuckassfag · 8 months ago
Need to stare longingly at a guy while he rambles and rambles and rambles about whatever is on his mind. Maybe even give him a kiss from how cute he is when talking.
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worstwolverinesbf · 10 months ago
the batfam as things i and others have said pt 2
jason talking about his death: everyone has bad days, everyone gets blown up sometimes
tim: dad, how old are you?
bruce: old enough
dick: the moon is in a phase
tim: what is it, emo?
jason talking about tims mental state: its being held together with zip ties and a dream
steph when a bat appears: i hate when men do that… appear out of thin air
bruce, deadpan: i was gonna say who has a mobile number (police number) but it’s the police
tim talking about wifi: it keeps dropping out
jason: of high school?
bruce: are you on something?
little dick: FREEDOM
tim after scrolling on tumblr for too long: teenagers relate to murder
dick after fighting slade too many times: he’s always down to kill kids and i respect that
pt 1
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bags-of-regret · 6 months ago
If I was smart enough I would properly dissect the Pines family parallels and how it corresponds with how the Stans treated the twins, specifically how they treated the twin that wasn’t like them.
Stan understanding the bond the two have and encouraging them because thats what he misses, while Ford pushes Dipper away from Mabel because thats what he had at the time with Stan and thinks Dipper needs the same. Once Ford rekindles with Stan is when he grows closer to Mabel.
Stan being rough with Dipper because thats how he treated Ford, while Ford takes longer to bond with Mabel because he sees how much she’s like Stanley.
Both project themselves and the other onto the twins(Ford more so than Stan). They love and care for both of course, but seeing their brother in one of them hurts deeply in opposite ways. Stan is angry but longs for his brother while Ford can’t stand him but still loves him.
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theceaselessidiot · 9 months ago
Eloise Bridgerton being an absolute mood:
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and Cressida's reaction of 'this girl is so weird, but I'm into it??? Wait am I into this??'':
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 9 months ago
Autistic and Genuine Clarifying Questions Being Interpreted as Rude…
(+8 Other Social Snapshots in My Autistic Life)
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