#and also Monty Oum
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daniellefen · 2 years ago
I haven't seen it yet, but like, these tweets were part of the impetus for me deciding to teach myself to do animate.
I'm completely normal about this movie...
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Anyway won't it be cool if all media was treated with this much love and care
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bizarrocloudy · 8 months ago
Ok, I just watched ALL* of Red vs Blue. Here is my rating for each season.
Note: This is mostly a vibes-based rating system, because I didn't think to rate them as I watched them-- so having all of this information shoved into my brain over the course of 3 weeks has maybe damaged me a little bit. And I maybe can't remember exactly why I am rating these things the way I am. And I am maybe even forgetting some stuff. I am an elderly person now so legally you have to either a) feel sorry for my cognitive decline, or b) respect my opinions due to my worldliness and wisdom.
Season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: A
Season 6, 7, 8: B
Season 9, 10: D
Season 11: C
Season 12: A
Season 13: B
Season 14: C (Since it's such a mixed bag because it's an anthology. We're averaging here. There were some really cute ones! And also some boring as hell ones.)
Season 15: B
Season 16: D
Season 17: F+
Season 18: N/A -- Watched like 2 episodes and I hated it so I just skipped this season
Restoration: C
Notes: I watched The Blood Gulch Chronicles countless times, and I loved them. I first saw a season when my friends showed me in 2004, when I was in high school. Donut with the spider on his head has lived rent free in my brain ever since.
I remember catching up in college and watching some of Seasons 6 & 7 maybe? And that is where I stopped. So the majority of this was a first-time watch!
Some of the humor is so good, and some of the humor is just edgy as fuck. Peak gen-x male gamer in early 2000's type shit.
It was interesting to watch the use of misogyny and the R-word as comedic devices taper off throughout the course of the 20-year time period it spans. Honestly watching these was like a cultural research project.
Overall I had a pretty good time. Like I said, a lot of the writing is very well done for what it is, and really funny.
The ending for Church and Tex was pretty sweet. The ending for Grif and Simmons, not so much. Would've been ok if they'd sounded a little bit sadder about leaving each other!!!
Another shameful note: I recently found a grimmons fanfic buried deep within my computer's most secret file folder structures. I think I wrote it about 14 years ago. I read it and it was so embarrassing that I considered throwing my PC into Lake Michigan. I guess I can say I've been a grimmons shipper for about 15 years though!!! 🫡 I'VE SERVED MY TIME
Thank you for reading about this strange compulsion that I had.
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teamjlry · 2 years ago
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SNNN + CVFY + NR + BRNZ + FNKI: Pose as a team cause shit just got real
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queer-ragnelle · 1 year ago
hbomberguy’s rwby video has me feeling very good about my own writing after a few weeks of feeling…meh. at least i’m comprehending why i like my inspirations & don’t just copy paste the visuals without knowing what any of it means. at least i know not to have two characters from the same family explaining their shared culture to each other for the benefit of the audience. hello??
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mbat · 2 years ago
wait so why are so many people obsessed with shit-talking rwby, at least that ive seen around
like its not the best show ever but its still a good show? it didnt kick your dog, man
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sternenhimmel-mond · 1 year ago
Forgot to make this post when I saw the episode the other day and I was thinking about it again but.
I still can't believe the buffalord episode isn't the episode they get together. "I can't imagine a world without you in it" like goddamn. I remember when I was first watching it, I was so sure they'd get together at the end, especially when Astrid repeated the sentiment after they burned that ship. And I was so confused when it wasn't the episode it happened it. And again, I still couldn't believe it.
But we do get more of their friendship after this so it's fine. We do need platonic relationships shown in media where the people in them feel that way without it becoming romantic.
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sir-adamus · 10 months ago
i've got the blu ray for volume 1 playing and i'm watching the behind the scenes video and Monty explicitly spells out how important collaboration with other creatives was in building RWBY, saying how he wanted to work with Kerry and Miles on it in creating the world and how he mostly gave them broad strokes. and it's mentioned how they all put the show bible together - i'm gonna put the whole transcript for the video under the cut (which i'm having to do myself because no one has uploaded this video anywhere as far as i can tell and there's no fucking subtitles)
Monty Oum [Creator and Director]: It’s the stories I’ve always wanted to tell versus the idea I came up with about, a little over a year ago. And we were talking about doing another show, and I just kind of half-asleep came up with the idea of a color rule for a bunch of characters. The red, white, black and yellow color scheme was something that was very prominent even in my previous work, so I started matching names up, matching ideas up. Also thinking about like, some of the ideas I’d stored up over the years. At some point or another the word ‘RWBY’ came to me.
Monty: Starting the show out originally, I designed the original character, Ruby, as well as going into the other characters. So once I had the first trailer done, and thinking about the rest of the characters for the show, I started bringing in other artists who I had watched for years. People I’d always said “someday I’ll work with them, someday I’ll have them design for me.” And when I was certain about having certain characters, I first contacted an artist I admired and found over DeviantArt. Her name was Ein Lee, she’s actually from Taiwan, and I found her art probably well over five years ago, and just loved her art style, and therefore wanted to incorporate it into my characters. So, I would do rough designs for team RWBY as well as designs for team JNPR, and she would flesh that out to be even further. To the point where eventually I didn’t need to design characters anymore, she started designing a bunch of the rest of the characters down the line.
Monty: The second person I brought on to RWBY was Kerry, because we had just been having conversations about the kind of show we could make. I’d been working with Miles on Season 10. He was writing scenes while I was making scenes, and so the three of us would have a lot of meetings and collaborate on the show to the point where I just started coming up with the broad strokes eventually and they had pretty much written the bulk of the show. Collaboration’s a big deal here, and I tried to include as many people as I can.
Kerry Shawcross [Co-writer]: Right after RvB ended, we wanted to just go straight into RWBY, but that was like right when we were going into commercial season. So we would work our normal hours here. Like 10 to 7-ish, then we would go back to one of our apartments and just start writing.
Miles Luna [Co-writer]: Monty really was enthusiastic about having these characters that may appear really one-dimensional for like the first few scenes that you see them, but the longer you get to know them, you realise “Oh, Yang isn’t just a dumb blonde party girl. She’s a very caring and nurturing girl, that has had to essentially be there for Ruby when she was young.”
Kathleen Zuelch [Producer]: When Monty and Miles and Kerry came to me, and really took me through the story. I started becoming a huge believer, because I’m a big fan of old school, traditional fairy tales, I love the Brothers Grimm, I love all the Snow White, and I love Little Red Riding Hood. I grew up with all of those stories, and the way that they were very clever in creating this whole world that’s kind of making homage to all of these amazing stories really inspired me to get more on board with what they wanted to do with this whole anime show.
Taylor McNee (née Pelto) [Art Director]: The world of RWBY, it looks very familiar. We wanted a blend of very classic looking architecture and clothing and cars, but we’re also mixing in this really kind of futuristic feel, like these little touches of some really futuristic stuff like holograms and things that you wouldn’t find in a classic [inaudible]. And that’s how we’re making this world unique. Our assets have to go through this pipeline of concept, modelling, texturing, and then finally being able to be put into the 3D program. So we start out with the concept and we usually bring that image into Maya, which is the main 3D software that we use. We have to make a 3D model that looks exactly like the concept that we were given, and it’s quite a process. Basically, we’re pushing polys and extruding stuff until we make the perfect shape, then afterwards we have to UV unwrap it, and then lay everything out on a texture sheet and then paint it, and that will put the image on the model. After that we’re basically done with the model and texture, and then we have to give it to the animators. So then we will set it up in Poser so the animators can grab it and use it for their characters.
Gray Haddock [Lead Editor]: There’s a lot of people working on this show, and there’s a lot of different elements in the pipeline. Editorial kinda serves as a hub between all the different departments, so we help all the communication and coordination between all the different pieces of the show, depending on what part of development that they’re in. Editorial’s getting involved way early in the process, we work alongside the director and the writers and the storyboard artists, and we use the scripts to help develop the storyboards and the camera angles for all those boards. So editorial is responsible for building up the moments of any given scene in terms of the timing and what you wanna look at, at any given moment. So we take the script and we help develop the camera angles and how long you wanna linger in a particular camera angle, look at one character or another or the scene as a whole, and the rhythm of the scene in terms of how long is it gonna take to spend on a particular line or when you want the music to come in, things like that. So we build up a set of animatics with the storyboards, and the first pass of all the audio. This is what then is handed off to the animators, so they can know exactly what is in what shot and how long do they have to animate it in a given shot. And once they’re done animating and their shot’s been approved, then their shot goes to the render farm, we get the rendered shot back and we drop it into the timeline for our episode and finesse the cut a little bit if we have to. But for the most part, we’ve done our job right and everything should pretty much be locked in for the most part by the time we’re getting animation.
Kerry: What’s kinda interesting as we’re creating the characters is, we kinda knew what kind of character they’d be. We knew Ruby would act a certain way, we knew Weiss would act a certain way, but we didn’t really know much about them. So we would get to the point where we’d be figuring out plotlines or figuring out dialogue and we’d be like “What would Weiss say here? What would Nora say here?” And then it turned into “Oh well now we know.”
Miles: Obviously we put a lot of thought into Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang before we started writing the dialogue. I remember sitting upstairs and we made a show bible, and we’re starting- we talked about likes, dislikes, personality traits. One of the first things I remember making was “Weiss drinks coffee. Blake drinks tea.”
Kerry: It’s important. It sounds not important at all, but it’s very important. It says so much about them
Miles: But it’s so important. So much about them, also it says nothing about them. It was just like- that’s just what it is.
Monty: I want the show to have resonance with people who are growing up. Cos everyone’s story is the story of kind of becoming who they are. Especially these days when the path of becoming who you are tends to be marginalised with reality. Having done what I’ve done, where I’ve essentially dropped out of high school, started learning this stuff on my own, and therefore land in a position where I get to take the things I was dreaming about when I was growing up and make it real. I tend to get a lot of response from people who are also not sure what they’re meant to become, a lot of them also have the same bright imaginations and with the way the world is, the hardships of what it means to grow up tends to marginalise who you are, and I would hate that to happen to anyone because the future is in creativity and that’s not something you can just manufacture. I actually would like this show to grow up with the people, so unlike most shows where they tend to be ageless or age very slowly, I’d like our fifteen-year-old fans watching fifteen-year-old Ruby, when they’re twenty-five, to be watching twenty-five-year-old Ruby, and to actually have some resonance with the character. Probably one of my favourite types of feedback is to say “I know this person” or “this person is just like me,” and that’s probably one of the best things about coming up with these characters.
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howlingday · 3 months ago
Qrow: (Disguised as a priest) Okay, let's get this over with...
???: Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.
Qrow: (Sighs)
???: I... I had relations with my mother-in-law and...
Qrow: I'm... I'm sure it'll be alright. Just say... three hail-mary's.
???: No, Father, you don't understand! My wife is with child, and...
Qrow: What?
???: I... I fear my mother-in-law is also with child... and it is mine!
Qrow: Monty Oum, what the hell is wrong with you?! (Punches through confessional)
???: (Falls unconscious)
Qrow: (Steps out, Looks in other side) Sorry, bud, but you kinda deserved it. (Shuts door)
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fadedneonzzz · 1 year ago
Some very very sad news today, Rooster Teeth has officially closed its doors without warning to many including many people working at RT. It’s rough as now the fate of RWBY is currently in limbo with WB looking to sell the IP off along with the other popular IPs. Now it’s very likely RWBY will be picked up by someone at some point as it’s pretty profitable as a franchise, that’s not what I’m worried about. What worries me is RWBY getting the gen:LOCK treatment in which a new group of writers are tasked with continuing the story with no input from the original writers or creators. The last thing I want is another company trying to reinvent the wheel with RWBY to “revolutionize” or make it “more appealing”/“more profitable”. My hope is that the majority of the original cast is kept, most of CRWBY is retained, and that the only change made is the company attached to it. Ideally, I want a company that will allow them to continue their vision for RWBY with as little interference as possible.
Also, if you’re celebrating this because you think RT deserves it or because you think this will be the death blow to RWBY, kindly fuck off. People legitimately lost their jobs without warning, these animators worked tirelessly to deliver a show loved by many more and entertained people for over 10 years to continue the legacy and memory of Monty Oum. It’s really disgusting to see people take joy in this. Yes, RT was definitely a flawed company, in fact it did plenty of shitty things over the past 5-6 years, but even still I don’t think there’s a single person who deserves to lose their job and potentially livelihood because of it.
Now am I a little too optimistic? Maybe, but that’s just how I am. There’s definitely a chance we’ll never see another volume of RWBY again, but I think it’s better to cross that bridge when we get there instead of fixating on the doom and gloom.
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ruins-of-tragedy · 7 days ago
Began season three with episode one to four of RWBY... This is already scaring me. And nothing really bad has happened yet.
Season 03, Episode 01: Round One
- Good Gods. The animation and art has improved SO MUCH!!! THE LANDSCAPE LOOKS AMAZING!!!
- Ruby is at her mum's memorial plaque. Their father is here too?!
- "Being on a team with Yang helps. I keep her in line." 😂
- This is a good and wholesome way of summarising the events from before. I will give them that.
- Ozpin sounds like Uncle Qrow. Huh.
- Ruby's dad and ZWEI!!! Father be looking like a surfer dude.
- Tournament is about to begin... Team RWBY is already fighting!
- Professor Peter and Professor, no, Doctor Oobleck are the commentators! Be still, my shipper heart. 😆
- Vytal Festival, Team RWBY's on a close call with the team they be fighting against.
- The arena looks so gooooooood! Fire and ice.
- Amity Colosseum. I am aware that couldn't have been a reference to The Owl House. But this information is not going to stop me!!! 😂
- The arena is airing live! Pun intended. 😆
- Character design for the people watching from anywhere not in the flying UFO like thing... SO NOICE!
- Team RWBY of Beacon vs Team ABRN of Haven...
- Haven's team lady has a hover board!!! And is using it to fight?! 👏🏻
- Blake and Hoverboard lady. And of course the hoverboard can turn into guns. ✨
- Am glad they show someone falling on their arse while doing something cool. It happens more often in real life. Hopefully hoverboard lady can live it down.
- Yang vs Close Combat Person. The tremors from their battle can be felt throughout!
- The team has one another's back! So CUTTTTTEEEE!!!
- Ruby and Weiss are now BFFs!!! 💖. No matter how much Weiss may deny it.
- New song alert! It's GOOOOOOOOD!
- Weiss' glyphs can be used as trampolines?!?!! AGHHHHHHHHH!!! 🤯
- The hoverboard can absorb elements. Team ABRN is also a good team. Of course.
- One member of theirs down! Blake has big brain. But we already knew that.
- Team RWBY worked together to get the rest and won!!! 🥳. They did it!!!!
- And now hunnngyyy. Scratch that. Blake's stomach has turned into a lion. 😆
- Yang knows a place. Weiss' father was hung up on. Emerald stole Ruby's wallet.
- "Gahh, girl pockets are the worst!" Much agreement.
- Emerald is "Em." They are doing a great job of infiltration apparently.
- Emerald has other teammates?! Ahhh. It's just Cinder and Neo. They too have advanced.
- Mercury smelling the shoe at the appropriate moment. Things just work out sometimes. 😆
- Doubles round, Mercury and Emerald. Weiss and Yang from Team RWBY. Ooooooh!
- Emerald is having trouble being someone she is not. Team RWBY is happy all the time. The heiress and the bimbo... The fuck. You fucker. Fight me!!!
- Food time. From Dust to Dawn. And now a noodle shop owner. It's that guy!!!
- No, listen. Yang has a regular. And Blake nods at the guy and he brings her a bowl of fish that results in stars for her eyes, plus some very loud heartbeats over it... This means they have been here before. Considering how they are part of the same team, it's not too much of a leap to assume they would come... together. AGHHHHHHHHH!!!! 💖🫶🏻❤️��🔥. Don't mind me. About to dive into AO3 for this now...
- It's Weiss' treat! Declined... Blake is planning to run away with her food. 😂. Such mood!
- Pyrrha, Blake's savoir!!! Team RWBY is fed and happy, while Weiss may be entering a food coma. Team JNPR has many varying reactions. Jaune might burst from the overload. Pyrrha is polite and full. Nora is happy and healthy, while Ren is asking if they should have eaten before a fight. No more Monty Oum's voice. 🥺
- Nora advises Jaune to aim his barf at the enemy. Ren thinks it's disgusting but if it does happen... I get why they are friends now. 😆✨
- Team JNPR is questioning their chances. Nora is providing valid defence about their shot at winning. Being Jaune is it's own quality. 😂. And now Nora is playing an even better devil's advocate... Ren and her are orphans? ...Whoa. Nora is hyperventilating so bad, she has literally lost all colour. Oooooof. Been there.
- Pyrrha has a good point; now they can fight with real guidelines and not murderers. 😂
- Ruby wants more when they graduate. Weiss is depressed about not being able to pay. Team JNPR receives an official invitation for their battle, because they late. 😆
- Nora is emotionally done. Jaune is physically done. Good Gods. What have they done to Team JNPR?!!?!
- Team RWBY has entered the arena. So have Emerald and Mercury. Yang saw them.
- Pan to the bad guy team. And they already know who will win?! Of course.
- Oh my Gods. Cinder's popcorn kernel popping in her fingers... Hot. Pun intended. 😆
- Team JNPR of Beacon vs Team BRNZ of Shade... There's a school called Shade?!? What do they teach them there? How to throw their school? 😂
- Ooooooh! The arena randomises it's elemental attributes and division after each match. For some reason this reminds me of Pokemon.
- Forest and mountains for this battle.
- Holy hell. I cannot stop focusing on the great work they have done. The end credits are beginning and holy shirtballs. It looks so GOOOOOOOOD!
- OH MY GODS. This song goes hard... "Maybe it's the pool of blood the innocents will lay in, when in the end you have failed to save them..." 😳
- Is Ren voiced by a relative of Monty Oum from now? Neath Oum is written among the names of voice actors for Team JNPR. That's amazing. 🫶🏻✨
- Beacon's going to get attacked?!?! There's monsters taking the school by storm...
- "Mirrors will shatter. Crushed by the weight of the world." As Ozpin and Glynda stare at said mirrors. Ironwood and his army is the world. OH MY GODS.
- Fucking Adam.
- New characters! Weiss is looking up to a lady. Is this Winter? She is her older sister, if I remember right.
- Yang and Ruby are with a man. This must be Qrow.
- Huh. Winter and Qrow are not on good terms. OOOOOOoooooooof.
- Qrow has red eyes?! And is that a picture of his team floating by? It has him, Ruby and Yang's father, Yang's mother and another lady with a white cape. Almost hidden. Huh. That must be Ruby's mum? She wore a similar thing back in season one's openings.
- Team RWBY and JNPR are holding hands while falling together. And then the latter's members stumble away in the air, leaving only RWBY. Oh no.
Season 03, Episode 02: New Challengers
- "Their dying eyes... are wide and white like snow."
- This season is going to kill me. ✨
- Team JNPR's match has begun. One of their opponents' team members ran in the opposite direction of them. Hmmm.
- Ooooooh! Sniper person. Jaune has good instincts. Retreat!
- Ren down. Nora is one of Port's favourite students. She can use charge to power her semblance. Truly Thor.
- LoLLL! The guy electrocuting her has been informed by Doctor Oobleck that Nora will now channel it against him to send him flying.
- Jaune truly is a good leader.
- This opponent team member is sending discs flying at Pyrrha and Jaune. That's a good tactic. Reminds me of a God I am aware of.
- Weiss is noting how far Jaune has come. Ugh. Being platonic friends suits them well!
- I agree with Yang though. He has got nothing on Pyrrha. Who is now taking on two guys at once. ❤️‍🔥
- Ren doing the Naruto ninja run is a prophecy fulfilled. ✨😆
- Oh my Gods. Team JNPR working together so Nora remains unarmed and can use the thunder on top of a mountain... 🫶🏻🥹🤌🏻. Such coordination and support.
- Jaune wants to use team attacks. His team don't know what Flower Power is.
- Ren being the flower and Nora being the power. Okie, that's cooool, not going to lie.
- "So, what are we?" / "Sorry! I just want to make sure it's clearly defined." -Pyrrha Nikos. HOLY SHIRTBALLS. 👏🏻😂❤️‍🔥💯
- Jaune and Pyrrha are Arkos. Awwwwwwwww! Now am just imagining Jaune scribbling their names together to come up with it. CUTTTE! 💖
- Pyrrha may not like the shipname, but I am sure she likes the person who created it.
- The opponent team has gotten up and seems flabbergasted over how JNPR is bantering now. Good Gods... These idiots. I love them so much. 🫶🏻
- "Trying to have a team meeting. Thank you very little!" 😂
- Jaune wants to see it through. He has gotten them crazy eyes. Awwwwww!!! Doesn't want their conversation interrupted. 💖
- One hit of Nora's hammer is all they need. Team JNPR has won! "By knockout. Literally." 😆
- Now we see a Crow Bar. Where lies Qrow. Drinking and perhaps in his natural habitat?
- He don't care for tournaments?
- Team NDGO vs SSSN. The latter is Sun's team. And yup. They are the boyband version of RWBY, it seems. One girl literally has a picture of just Sun's abs and has drawn a heart over them.
- Weiss is rooting for Neptune from the stands. Neptune tries to turn on the charm for the team in front, Weiss has changed sides. YASSSSSSSS!!! 😂
- Oh my Gods. Neptune really thinks he is ALL THAT. I want his unwarranted confidence.
- Desert and the ocean arena. Neptune's afraid of water. Ooooooof.
- He ran off to the barren lands. His teammates are confused. LoLLL.
- Listen. I am rooting for NDGO. I can't not. They look like Disney Princesses. And dress so COOOL. Go ladies!!!
- One SSSN member down. YAYYYYYY!
- Ugh. Three on three now.
- This girl with the hair I want is dressed like a pirate and has a crossbow that can turn into a sword. ✨🤯
- Scarlet got hit in the nuts by some projectile of coconuts. I cannot make this up. 😂.
- Sun, in reaction, said, "Ah, nuts." 👏🏻
- Neptune is extremely afraid. Trying to help from afar his only teammate left. But now needs to get to Sun.
- Salt water is a good conductor of electricity. Bromance be real. Team SSSN wins.
- I am a little sad. But at least this was entertaining.
- Doctor Oobleck called that victory shocking. 😂
- Peter dubs it well earned. Of course. I feel like punching a man-child right now.
- "What you said is stupid." Port should declare that to himself. Not someone like Oobleck. Forker.
- Qrow called this a mess. Inclined to agree.
- He be also here for a fight. Which involves a flying machine.
- The bartender's "Aww. Gee, darn it," got me. Not going to lie. Such serious music in the background and he says that. 😆
- "...the dorks made it to the next round." -Yang
- They are still dancing in the arena. Really a boy band.
- Sun shot some finger guns at Blake. She blushed.
- Yang wants to go congratulate them. Such a good wingwoman. Sun should return the favour. 😉
- Big ship Qrow needs to fight has Weiss' sister? Weiss looks so happy about the particular machine being there though! Love that!
- Team JNPR'S opponent team members' character art. Looks so GOOOOOOOOODDDDDDD!!!
- The arena as well. NOICE sketches! Music makes me want to move along and rock!
Season 03, Episode 03: It's Brawl in the Family
- "And now they know the cost of trusting you's obliteration."
- Weiss and Ruby are running. For a change, Weiss is the one with more energy. CUTTTTTEEEE!
- "Winter is coming." -Jon Snow, and probably Weiss at one point in her life. 😂
- Did she curtsy? Oh my Gods. Ruby is in her natural state, Weiss just punched her dolt.
- And I thought Weiss was tightly wound... Team RWBY's victory could have been better according to Winter, who be a regal queen it looks like, and Weiss wants to impress her so bad. 🥺
- "Silence, you boob." -Winter, after smacking Weiss on the head.
- Awwwwwwwww! Winter does care. Me like her. Weiss considers Ruby her friend. Ruby is grinning about Weiss being called boob.
- Winter Schnee doesn't seem impressed.
- "I wish to thank you for taking an interest in my sister." -Winter. Why does this sound like Ruby asked if she could court Weiss?!?!?
- I have a feeling Team RWBY's living "quarters" might not be up to Winter's "personal standards."
- "...the bunk beds only look unstable." -Weiss. 😂. I actually needed the clarification too, not going to lie. So thanks for that!
- Oh my Gods. Blake and Yang's bunk beds are held up by books. What if Blake wants to read one of them that's being used?!?!?!!! Holy hell. I hope they have eBook facilities in their scrolls.
- Ruby is trying her best to be fancy. Awwwwwww!
- Is Qrow following Winter and Weiss? The camera movements look drunk... Yup.
- Commendable though. He was able to take out the robos even while inebriated.
- Weiss has become so used to people calling her the Ice Queen, she assumes Qrow is referring to her... 😆
- From Qrow to crow. The camera movements in here are cracking me up. 😂
- Winter and this guy definitely have old baggage to take care of... Good Gods. They are about to fight in the streets. I can already see the PR team rampaging around to keep this one in.
- WHOA. Winter be fast. Qrow is good. Did the entire Schnee family practice gymnastics as kids?
- They are equally matched. Ruby is here. Weiss is telling her about the crazy guy, and the former screams it's her uncle... The fruity version of Romeo and Juliet anyone? ✨
- "KICK HER BUTT, UNCLE QROW!" / "Teach him respect, Winter!" Just fall in love already WhiteRose.
- Mercury has now entered the chat. And left as soon as he got there.
- Winter landed a hit! Qrow smiled like crazy over it. (That rhymes!) They are giving the world a great show. I am enjoying this more than you can know. 😁
- Winter's sword can turn into two different ones?!?!?? ✨🤯🤌🏻
- Aura doves? NOICE!
- Holy hell. Qrow really be taunting Winter by not even bothering to use his weapon for her upcoming special move...
- Ohhhhhh. I guess he saw Ironwood coming. Winter has excellent control though. She stopped mere inches away from Qrow's throat. This man also seems to have nerves of steel. 👏🏻
- Ironwood has Penny behind him?!
- Qrow really got Ironwood beginning to fumble and make excuses. Huh.
- Enter Ozpin and Glynda.
- Awwwwwwwww! Penny waved at Ruby and Weiss. CUTTTTTEEEE!!!
- Ruby getting to be a kid with Qrow. AGHHHHHH!!!! Adorable.
- I wonder how many times Glynda has had to repair the entire city now... She is the antidote to Theseus' ship. 😂
- Ozpin wants to talk to Qrow. Ruby makes better sense to Weiss now. Am glad they are not letting it all come between them!
- Grown up talking. At least Qrow is fun. Even Ozpin can't with him. I love this guy.
- Qrow don't want Winter around. She has now left. Ironwood is her boss?!?! Fucking hell.
- I like Winter.
- Who is Autumn?
- Oh my Gods. The headmasters of the main four lands, and this dumb General. They are fighting something bigger. Hmmm. Makes sense.
- Ironwood is still young. And a little too dense somehow. His heart may be in the right place, but... Showmanship ain't going to win wars, according to Qrow. I am bound to agree. Time and place.
- Oh no. The queen chess symbol on Ironwood's scroll. Things are about to get much worse.
- They need to find a guardian. It's Ruby, isn't it.
- Cinder has been informed of Qrow.
- "...smelled like my dad after a long day." -Mercury. Good Gods.
- Cinder shouldn't look so good. Penny is in the doubles round!
- Oh no. Cinder is now controlling who will fight who. Yup. This will be so bad.
- Emerald and Mercury vs two members of Team CFVY. The handbag lady from it is called Coco... With a name like that, being a part of her team was destiny. 😆
- Coco Adel and Yatsuhashi Daichi. Hmmm. Need to figure out their allusions. I only know one Diachi. He was part of Haikyuu!!!
- Cinder smirked. I died.
- GOOOOOOOD GOLLLY. Winter's sketch looks so freaking fantastic. So does the ship. The music is making me want to chase down my fate. Oooooh! Qrow sketches are here as well. And Ironwood sketch. Now Cinder... This seems like a personal attack to me. Oh my Gods.
Season 03, Episode 04: Lessons Learned
- "The pillars collapse in shame..."
- Emerald and Mercury of Haven vs Coco and Yatsuhashi of Beacon.
- OOOOOOooooooooh! Four arenas now.
- Plateau, city, river body with rocks and forest. Much banter.
- Coco is also a trendsetter. I can see it.
- The voice acting for Scarlet sounds like someone is trying to be extremely pretentious. Me likey! What accent is that?
- Mercury can shoot light blasts with his feet?! Cooool.
- This fight is getting so GOOOOOOOOODDDDDDD!!! But going bad for Coco and Daichi.
- Coco's glasses broke. She don't like Emerald anymore. 😆
- Emerald lady is not only Aladdin, but also Abu. 👏🏻
- Her semblance allows her to shapeshift?! Oh no.
- Truly an upset. Team CFVY's members lost.
- Winter is already leaving? She has a way of making Weiss feeling bad about herself, but then good by actually caring and meaning it. Doesn't mince words. I like her. She good. And extremely beautiful.
- So Weiss came to Beacon against their father's will. Hmmm.
- The Schnee family is hereditary? And the rest don't share similar talents? Ooooooh!
- Time dilation and summoning. I still can't make sense of the former. Winter is a good sister though.
- Good GODS. Did this woman just make a light Grimm??!?!!?!! I am in love, mayhaps.
- Not only is Winter good at fighting, she looks amazing in general, means what she says, genuinely cares not only about her sibling's development but also her, gives great advise without being over bearing and is trying her best. 💖
- From Weiss and Winter to Ruby and Qrow. The latter pair is playing video games. The juxtaposition of it all... 👏🏻😆
- Ruby lost. Yang's turn now!
- Oh my GODS. The art they are using for Qrow's story about his last mission... 🤯🤌🏻
- Qrow defeated Yang while also telling a funny anecdote. LoLLL! Nice. Yang isn't impressed though.
- "But they don't give out medals for almost." -Qrow.
- "They do and they are called silver!" -Ruby. Her having silver eyes... Am probably reading too much into it. Point though! Especially since it's honouring an attempt. Those are important too.
- Qrow raises some good issues as well. No crime at all... Alarm bells a ringing.
- Team STRQ. Yang was looking at her mother until her uncle covered her head with his thumb. Intentional?
- Wait. Did Yang know about her mum being a part of her dad and uncle's team?
- It's pretty sweet though, that he has the picture on him and still carries it around.
- Warning about the real world vs school. Much ominous caution, with encouragement and hope. Keep it real, essentially.
- Schnee training session! ...Winter really knows what buttons to push for Weiss.
- I love Winter. She is good.
- "It was really good to see you Winter." -Weiss Schnee. I agree. I agree. I agree.
- This song... I like the almost soothing quality of it. Awwwwwwwww! Winter looked back for a second at Weiss as they parted.
- OOOOOOooooooooh! Weiss is getting there. A small sword projection! CUTTTTTE!
- So basically this was the learning from our elders, who don't get along but are actually good at their jobs and in general too, episode. Team RWBY has the best of both worlds, in a way. YAYYYYYY!
- End credits song is making me want to headbang along! Ooooooh! The arena sketch. Nice.
- Mercury's character design! He could have had different hair? Emerald's turn! Somehow they look better in the initial sketches. Or maybe I just have a weakness for this particular style. Light Grimm.
(You spoil me, I spoil your day with unnecessary emotional unloading. Au Revoir!)
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anglercrit · 19 hours ago
It is important to know that many animators would have writers on their team because they know that their talent mostly relies on drawing and animation instead of writing and screenplay. One example is the creator of Monty Oum, the man behind RWBY, who is a self-taught animator and really good dancer but he isn't a good writer.
While Viv has the right to solely be a writer, the problem is you can tell it's not her forte. I noticed how Brandon Rogers (despite him not exactly being the greatest role model), Ashley Nichols and Ken Draws contribute to a lot of the clever writing of both her shows. It's sad how Viv doesn't draw as much anymore and if she did, it looks like a downgrade (as if she fell back to amateur mode).
Another thing is how her ol' animation projects were pretty fluid albeit the overly-designed characters and awful color choices. If you listen to Paranoid DJ's old videos on the Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss characters, you can at least feel that's how everyone was supposed to be. They can be goofy but also scary. I missed the days when they used to hire indie voice actors on the Internet instead of actual celebrities.
Agreed- I've always felt like Viv's strength was her art and to an extent the general concepts she had, but fine tuning them was DEFINITELY better left to other people. The fact that she basically pushed everyone who had good ideas for the show away is a real shame.
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aspoonofsugar · 1 year ago
Weiss's Design
Here comes an appreciation post of our Snowhite's beautiful design! This is also the third installment of my RWBY design series, after Yang and Blake's analyses. As per usual, it uses ideas shared in other Weiss's metas. Enjoy!
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Monty Oum's early sketch depicts Weiss as a living snowflake:
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This is because Weiss's design plays with the idea of "a special snowflake" in two different ways:
"snowflake" is a derogatory term for a person, who is entitled, oversensitive and easily offended; it also holds some political implications linked to white privilege
snowflakes are famous for having unique structures, so each one is different from the others
Weiss is initially a stubborn and pampered heiress, who feels superior because of her name. Still, she is deep down frail and needs to build her own distinctive identity.
These two sides of our Snowhite are conveyed by the Schnees' semblance:
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Glyhps are snowflake-shaped and they represent:
the family privilege, as they are inherited by all the Schnees - they are a magical projection of the family crest
the potential of each Schnee to grow into their own person - they gain more complex and individual designs with time
In short, Weiss is a special snowflake, for better or worse. She can give in to her father's mentality and be defined by her name. Or she can step into the world and discover who she is outside her family:
Winter: It sounds to me like you have two choices in front of you. You can either call Father, beg for his money back, and explain once more why you would want to study at Beacon over Atlas, or you could continue to explore Remnant, discovering more about the world and honestly, more about yourself.
Let's see what Weiss's design says about her choice.
Let's consider Weiss's concept art:
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And let's compare it to Winter's:
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The two sisters appear similar:
their color schemes are the same
they look like royalty
they share glyphs as their semblance
they fight with swords
They are designed this way to show that Weiss looks up to Winter and tries to emulate her. This is clear if one considers Weiss and Winter's allusions: Weiss alludes to Snowhite, while Winter alludes to the Snow Queen. And yet, when one looks at Weiss's concept art, it is easier to see the Snow Queen's inspiration, rather than Snowhite's:
She looks like a snowflake
She is the color of ice and snow
She wears a crown, like a queen
Glyphs resemble the Snow Queen's power to turn snowflakes into animals
It is as if Weiss's true self (Snowhite) is hidden behind a mask (the Snow Queen). This conveys Weiss's insecurity, as she is caught between the weight of the family crest (a snowflake) and her idolisation of Winter (the Snow Queen). She is a Snow Princess, who needs to decide which kind of Queen she'll be. Either an Evil Queen like Jacques or an Ice Queen like Winter.
Still, Weiss is her own person and this comes to the surface in her final design:
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The main differences with the first version are:
Her bangs and pony-tail do not part in two sides
She has a scar on her left eye instead than a beauty mark
Her necklace is an apple instead of a tear-drop
She has no tear-drops dangling from her sleeves
The golden circles on her bolero become silver and she gains silver decorations on her boots
Weiss loses her tear-drop motif and her color-scheme gets simplified. This gives her more Snowhite-like details:
The apple on the necklace alludes to the poisoned apple
The scar on the eye alludes to the magical mirror cracking
The final design only has black, white (silver) and red, which are Snowhite's defining colors
Moreover, Weiss's appearence grows more asymmetric. Her hair is not perfectly parted, but worn in a side pony-tail. This symbolizes Weiss's struggle against Jacques's expectations. Similarly, the elegant beauty mark is changed with a scar. This gives Weiss more personality and shows that behind the princess there is a fighter.
In short, Weiss's Vale design shows glimpses of our girl's true self. However, they are hidden by the cold ice covering Weiss's soul. Luckily, the Spring Arc comes and the ice melts.
In Mistral, Weiss leaves her white dress behind and wears a blue outfit:
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This happens because our snowflake is slowly melting into water (white > blue), so that she can become herself. In order to do so, though, she has to first lose all the superficial things that define her identity:
Jacques: You are no longer the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company.
Weiss sees herself as the SDC heiress, so the story takes away her title.
Vernal: Your sister isn't in Mistral anymore. No one is coming to rescue you.
Weiss sees herself as Winter's little sister, so the story has her separated from Winter.
Thanks to this, Weiss faces herself and discovers who "just Weiss" is:
Vernal: Let's see what the Schnee name really means. Weiss: I'm more than a name.
This transformation is mirrored by Weiss's design. She loses all the superficial references to Snowhite:
she wears no apple anymore
she has no black-white-red color pattern
Still, her fairy tale emerges strongly in her glyphs, as she learns to summon:
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Weiss's avatars are Snowhite's characters:
The Boarbatusk is the Hunter, who is famous for killing a boar
The Knight is the Prince, who saves Snowhite from the glass coffin
The Queen Lancer is both the Evil Queen and the New Queen Snowhite becomes at the end
Weiss loses all she has to be reborn anew. Similarly, her design is stripped of all the Snowhite's allusions, only for them to be expressed more clealry and in a deeper way by the evolution of her semblance. Weiss's magical snowflakes aquire unique patterns that refer to her personal story.
This process of refinement climaxes in volume 5. Here, Weiss dies, is resurrected and crowns herself queen by summoning the Queen Lancer. This Grimm represents who Weiss truly is. She is neither the Evil Queen, nor the Snow Queen, but a Royal (a queen), who is also a Knight (a lancer). She is a Queen Knight.
After this metaphorical coronation, Weiss starts showing her interiority outside. This is why she gains back her two missing colors in her journey to Atlas:
she wears a red scarf
she wears black thights
She is back to look like Snowhite (black + white + red)!
Interestingly, both the scarf and the thights are items worn to stay warm. In short, the closer Weiss gets to her Icy Kingdom (Atlas), the more she shows her true warm self (Snowhite).
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Weiss's Atlas design has three layers to it:
it is queen-like
it is Snowhite-like
it has all the colors of the previous outfits
1- Weiss gains a silver tiara with red gems. It is bigger and more refined than the old one because Weiss has grown. She isn't a princess anymore. She is a queen.
2- Weiss wears Snowhite's three colors: a white dress, black gloves and red jewels. interestingly, black and red are not covered by white. The ice is melted and Weiss's different shades are now out in the open. What is more, Weiss's outfit is similar to her Disney's counterpart:
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Disney-Snowhite wears a dress with blue puffed sleeves, which are present in Weiss's Atlas design. There is no risk to confuse our girl with the Snow Queen anymore:
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Weiss is not Winter's imitation, but her own person. She is 100% Snowhite.
3 - Weiss's clothes are white, black, red and light blue. These are all the colors worn by her throughout the story. In addition, there is a warmer shade of blue, which shows the cold is gone once and for all. These palette symbolizes Weiss's different parts coming together into a more beautiful and stronger person.
This fits Weiss's new summon:
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The Nevermore combines all the other glyphs. It is the final form of Weiss's inner snowflake and the culmination of her growth. Aesthetically, it gives Weiss an angelic look, which brings to mind the final inspiration of her design.
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Oh look! Weiss looks like Sailor Moon! This isn't by chance, as Weiss is inspired by the magical girl genre. Magical girls are heroines, who:
transform into ideal versons of themselves
fight metaphors of human emotions in the form of monsters
purify people's hearts
Weiss is the same, but the first heart she needs to cleanse is her own:
Mirror, tell me something, Tell me who's the loneliest of all? Fear of what's inside of me; Tell me can a heart be turned to stone?
Yes, it can:
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Pure Heart Crystal (Sailor Moon)
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Soul Gem (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
A gem standing for one's heart is a pretty common trope in magical girls' stories. Not only that, but the corruption and healing of these stones come up often. Well, Weiss's heart is a snow-crystal, which needs to be melted and rebuilt into a unique structure.
Weiss purifies it by fighting her inner demons in the form of Grimms. As a matter of fact these monsters symbolize humanity's darkness, so they are the perfect enemy for a magical girl. Weiss defeats them and makes them white like snow. She integrates them and the struggles they represent into herself. Through this process, she slowly changes into her ideal self. She doesn't need a spectacular transformation sequence because her evolution happens inside. It is slow, but deep and here to last. After all, the heart is irreplaceable:
Everyone is entitled to their own sorrow, for the heart has no metrics or forms of measure. And all of it… irreplaceable.
Hearts are like snowflakes because there are no two, which are the same. Weiss learns this lesson and starts teaching it to others. This is how she heals hearts. Empathy is her superpower. Thanks to it, she is ready to save her family legacy:
Weiss: I will not be defined by my name because I will be the one to define it.
Weiss's first step is to define herself outside the Schnee name. Her second step is to give the Schnee name a new meaning. She first refines her heart. Then she cleanses her surname. From her inner snowflake to the family crest. That is the kind of magical girl she is.
In a sense, she is stepping into Nicholas's footsteps. He purifies minerals into Dust. She purifies stones into souls. From Saint Nicholas to Snow Angel.
In conclusion, Weiss's design describes her evolution in three ways:
She goes from being a snowflake (derogatory) to being a snowflake (unique)
She grows from a princess into a queen
She leaves the Snow Queen behind and becomes Snowhite
This refinement process is nothing, but her magical girl transformation.
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year ago
Redesigns, and how they ignore and miss the point of the shows they are based on. Featuring RWBY
When Monty Oum, Miles Luna, and Kerry Shawcross made RWBY all the way back in 2014, even if we acknowledge that Poser was not the best animation engine, we have to give credit to Monty for 3 things with his character designs.
All characters, female and otherwise, were required to have pouches, pockets, bags, something to carry items. And all had weapons.
NO EXAGGERATED PROPORTIONS. Monty did not want his characters fetishized, despite people claiming the writers did, or demanding that it should have been.
Finally? Conservative clothing, relatively speaking. No panty shots, no jiggles, no sexual poses, and a lot of skin is covered. Also, no bikinis, no yoga pants, etc.
And yet, when people try to "redesign" RWBY?
They ignore all 3 of those things.
For them? Redesigning and "ruined potential" is about sexualizing teenagers as much as humanly possible.
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Here, see for yourself. When they say they "hate" the new designs? Its about them not being able to sexualize or fetishize the characters. Which Monty Oum wanted them NOT to do. And these people like to think they're doing the show a service by fetishizing teenage girls. That nudity and fanservice somehow makes them decent. It doesn't...it only makes them worse. But by sexualizing the characters as hard as possible, and claiming to be "fixing" the show? People are only promoting toxicity against the show, and accusing anyone criticizing their designs of "toxic positivity".
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homoeroticfisticuffs · 3 months ago
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found these lil guys for $4 each the other day at mckay's !!!! same place i got my star lord cardboard cutout. i am really starting to love this place teehee
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i also got this jaune !!! he's part of a jnpr set that apparently sells for like $750 ???!!!?? idk. but i'm just happy my partner found him :] it was funny too because when we walked into the store i was literally just like "i'm kind of just looking for rwby stuff and that's it" and my partner didn't think they would have any, but then they spotted him like 2 seconds after saying that 😭 i was also wearing a rwby shirt and my monty oum tattoo was visible LOL but sadly when i unboxed him that evening i broke his sword, so now i've gotta glue it 😑 but it's ok i'm just glad i have him <3
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bluecheeseinmyoffwhites · 8 months ago
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To celebrate the exciting news of RWBY finding a new home, I want to celebrate the fans who kept moving forward & never gave up on our beloved franchise. And what better way than to review the most popular RWBY OC Team? SLVR is a fanmade project by Mark Zhang. These fanmade trailers blew the internet away with just how CLOSE he replicated Monty’s style with the RWBY trailers. Music, settings, weapons, moon shot, everything. One thing he does the best, however, is his incorporation of fairy tales & mythology. Today I want to honor his characters beginning with the one who started it all, Simin Megistus (video linked below if you haven’t watched his Silver Trailer).
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Simin Megistus is based on Hermes Trismegistus from Greek mythology. Hermes’s Roman counterpart is Mercury, who has a reference character in RWBY proper with Mercury Black. This explains the similarities between the two characters. Luckily, Simin fights for justice. His name means “silver” which is why it is spelled that way. This can be a nod to mercury also being known as “quicksilver”. His last name, Megistus, means “greatest”, and is derived from Hermes’ last name, Trismegistus.
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Hermes was a famous author who wrote several pieces of historic text. His most famous work was Kore Kosmou, detailing several ideals & cosmetology (moon, stars, etc,). The book continuously references the 4 elements (Fire, Water, Air, Earth). Simin’s weapon is named Kore Kosmou & can conjure weapons made from the 4 elements. Hermes is often depicted with a traveler’s cloak said to have magic abilities. This is why Simin’s weapon is a jacket.
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Hermes practiced alchemy, which is basically the foundation of chemistry. It is the study of changing the characteristics of matter. This is done by extracting, merging, or manipulating elements like metal, fire, gold, etc. Simin’s weapon allows for him to manipulate dust & form different elemental weapons, allowing for various fighting styles.
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All of Team SLVR has a moon/lunar theme, but it is the most present with Simin’s character. He represents the element of the moon, silver. He has a moonshot in the trailer (standard). His symbol is a moon & it's different craters. His weapon has 4 different “moon phases” where each of the craters hold a different types of dust. The song used in his trailer is “Paper Moon” from Soul Eater. Also, Hermes & his counterparts are said to be deities of the moon.
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Hermes is the protector of thieves, merchants, & orators. This translates to Simin fighting the White Fang in his trailer, thieves who are trying to smuggle dust (merchants) & spread the word for social justice as Faunus activists (orators).
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Hermes was also known as the “Argus-slayer” for defeating Argus, the 100 eyed giant, with his mighty sword. This is referenced with the final boss in Simin’s Trailer, Banesaw 2.0. His White Fang mask is significantly more detailed than the others, having emphasis on circles & dots in its design, resembling several eyes.
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The white fang is smuggling dust, as they do in Volumes 1-2 of RWBY. Simin in a way represents the dust “fighting back”. Simin can also represent the full moon itself, causing the beasts of the night (White Fang) to ravage. Notice the trailer takes place at night & stars are surrounding him.
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Simin has become more than a simple fan character over the years. He is the symbol of the RWBY Fandom, & his creation shows how inspiring & beloved the show is to its audience. Mark Zhang has said that he was deeply motivated by Monty Oum's work, & this led to the creation of the Silver Trailer. Everyday I hope Monty could somehow see the impact he had on others. Rest In Piece❤️
Here is the Silver Trailer for those who haven't see it or just want to look back on it :) love you Mark & keep moving forward.
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deusvervewrites · 9 months ago
I wouldn't really trust HBomberguy as a source for RWBY, given that, as someone who's actually WATCHED the show, HBomberguy makes a lot of shit up.
Not least of which being his claim to being a huge fan of Monty Oum when, back when Monty was alive, HBomberguy regularly tore into everything the man made, no matter what. He only stopped when Monty died because he knew mocking a dead man would ruin his reputation.
Take the self insert accusations, for example:
The only reason that Miles Luna was chosen to voice Jaune because Monty liked his "nerd voice".
Neptune is NOT that big a character in Volume 2. Weiss' crush on him is little more than a gag that comes up every now and then, and even his own voice actor calls him a loser who's nowhere near as cool as Weiss thinks he is. Weiss' short-lived crush on Pyrrha has gotten more focus over the years than her crush on Neptune ever has.
Seriously, it REALLY bugs me that people parrot Hbomberguy's word as gospel when he decided he was going to hate the show before he even watched a single episode.
Oh none of that was what I was talking about. I'm talking about things like the plot shifting direction completely mid-season, weird pacing decisions, problems with the animation, inconsistent and sometimes contradictory exposition, exposition appearing way later than it should have, character details getting lost or forgotten, etc.
I should also note that I have watched the first three volumes of RWBY. In fact I've watched the first six volumes of RWBY. I've also watched the Anime Slushie episode breakdowns of seasons 7 and 8.
If I wanted to make an argument about self-inserts, I wouldn't start with Adrien or Jaune, I'd start with Showrunner Thomas Astruc actually straight up being in the show himself did you think I forgot about that TA? Did you think I missed the entire episode dedicated to you calling people who criticize you losers who hate things without watching them?
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