#and a stinger bc scorpion bc venom
spicymoodle · 10 months
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draw me like one of your french girls <3
my bloodiest valentine in his first demon form yes i drew him naked bc fuck drawing clothes. i think tomorrow i’ll get to his “biblically-accurate-oh-my-god-the-horrors” form.
eventually i’ll do the same for each brother but i think keeping one post per brother
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beelsbignaturals · 1 year
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AN: Unfortunately, the concept of hypnosis is a major theme for my OCD so I can't really write him as creepy as I want to. Alas, I tried. Fucked up Asmo supremacy. also I was tryna keep this sfw in terms of *spicy* content bc thats for a different post hehehe. As always, feel free to check out my obey me world building tag for more demon headcanons and since con is over I can work on requests!
Inspiration for this part: literally everyone who has ever drawn Asmo with a scorpion tail like he DESERVES also @noecoded bc they have the BEST Asmo art ever. Also @princessasmosprincess has been such a major help in writing this! ily Michi 😘 thank u for letting me pick ur brain bby
TWs: Bugs (scorpions), mind manipulation, alcohol (part 4), vauge reference to nsfw stuff (part 3), demons being demons, body horror? Maybe?
● Level 1.5. you know, in the Percy Jackson books, how Aphrodite appears as whatever you think is most beautiful? Asmo is kinda like that. Not fully, but if you are more attracted to say, dark hair, he will have darker hair. (Cute note: if you fall in love with him for realsies, this stops happening, and you just see. Him.) Like Belphie, he is alot more… mental with how he freaks people out. Even without hypnotism, if he asks you to do something, you feel like you want to agree. Only Asmo can make you think taking out the garbage when it's his turn is YOUR idea. He glows under blacklights because… scorpion. His teeth look normal from a distance, but up close, you can see how sharp they are. His eyes shift through every possible color, changing each time he blinks. His pupils are heart shaped. He gets cold really easily and will make it everyone's problem.
"MC! I'm going to freeze to death, please, save me!" The overly dramatic Avatar of Lust drapes himself across your lap, intent of using you as a personal space heater. Nights in the Devildom just get so cold! His poor, beautiful heart can't handle the subzero temperatures! And of course the last argument between Levi and Mammon managed to complete destroy the heating system. So it's your solemn duty as Asmo's favorite human (don't tell Solomon) to keep him warm!
● Level 2. His nails get longer and sharper, and even when talking, it sounds like he's singing. If he actually starts singing, you will find yourself dancing or lulled into a false sense of security depending on the song. He actually caused the dancing plague this way! He is capable of using his carapace as a sort of natural corset, controlling each segment to give himself the desired silhouette. Somehow, Asmo is wonderful at knowing exactly what you desire. Not just in a sexual way, he can figure out your ambitions after one conversation. If he decides to talk to you, everything else will kind of...fade away. How can you focus on anything when his eyes fade from pink to purple to blue... What were you talking about again?
Asmo thought the house was empty, that it was safe for him to sing without consequence. Unfortunately, you came home early, which led to the awkward incident where you began dancing the moment you walked inside. At first, you thought you were hit by some curse, screaming in surprise as your body moves on its own. Hearing your shrieks, Asmo rushes downstairs, fussing over you. Luckily, you weren't under his spell long, so when he stopped singing, you stopped dancing. He was very apologetic after that.
● Level 3. He grows several extra limbs on his sides. They are small little insect legs that are basically useless. He likes to annoy his brothers by tickling them with his weird lil bug arms. But otherwise, Asmo is EXTREMELY self conscious about them because bugs aren't stereotypically cute. He can keep his wings bc they are cute. BUT HE ALSO HAS A SCORPION TAIL. The stinger is heart-shaped. It's adorable. It also has venom capable of making you so horny you die! Which is... slightly less adorable.
It was quite the sight, seeing Asmo, shirtless with several small arachnid limbs, covered in a hard exoskeleton as he chases Satan around the house, claiming he needs to be less grumpy. Satan threw a pillow at his brother, causing you to laugh. Bad move. Now Asmo has locked his eyes on his next target. You.
● Level 4. You know how so many Greek monsters are giant creatures with the face of a beautiful woman? That's Asmo. He has the body of a scorpion-if a scorpion was the size of a horse - and face so gorgeous, you might cry or go blind. He sings so sweetly to lure in prey. Basically, he's a siren-scorpion monster from hell! He usually won't take this form because, honestly, he thinks it's ugly. So for the most part you are only going to see a scorpion with Asmo's face scuttling around if he is feeling particularly emotional. Like when he gets a little bit too tipsy and his insecurities plague his mind.
It was rare Asmo would get properly drunk. At least the type of drunk where he is miserable. Usually it's a very... drunk girl in the club bathroom who just LOOOVES your shoes and wants to know who did your eyelash extensions 🥺 sort of energy. So hearing straight up wailing from his room after a long night at the Fall was...unexpected. What was even more surprising, was what you found when you opened his door to try and comfort the demon. A large scorpion with the head of the Avatar of Lust, standing in front of a broken mirror with mascara streaming down his face. You only hesitate a moment before making your presence known. Asmo starts to cry more, sobbing about how terrible he feels having you see him like this. In the form that he considers the definition of ugly. You are quick to reassure him, naming each thing you find beautiful about his more demonic looking self. Like the way his armored body catches the light, reflecting rainbows across each segment. Or how his stinger is heart shaped. Or the fact that even without proper hands, his hair and makeup is still flawless. Aside from minor damage due to his tears. Soon enough, you have a giant scorpion sleeping on your lap like an overgrown cat. You decide not to mention it in the morning.
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devilsrecreation · 10 months
Outlanders episode/fanfic idea
Body swap/position swap with the leaders (except Jasiri, she’s safe lol)
1. The position swap is pretty simple. Janja, Reirei, Kiburi, and Mzingo are all arguing on who has the most responsibilities. Sick of the arguing and bragging about everyone’s problems, Jasiri decides everyone needs to walk in each other’s shoes and orders the others to switch places. Janja switches places with Kiburi and Reirei switches with Mzingo. Shupavu and Njano get to watch all the leaders suffer and realize leading the different groups isn’t as easy as they thought
2. The body swap is the more fun version. The problem’s basically the same, except there’s a shooting star involved. Upon seeing it, Madoa is like “Wow! A shooting star! Make a wish, Jasiri!” and Jasiri half-jokingly says “Lol I wish everyone would get to walk in each other’s footsteps”. Little does she know, the leaders wake up trapped in different bodies. And thus, hilarity ensues.
- Janja: Janja thinks ruling over the crocs is a piece of cake since Tamka and Nduli are basically Chungu and Cheezi as crocodiles. Little does he know, it’s a lot harder than it looks, since Janja has to learn how to fight as a reptile while also making sure he gets enough water. I like to think Janja would try to spar with Tamka or Nduli, only to have his tail handed to him
- Kiburi: Kinda similar to Janja while he gets used to being a mammal, but he’s pulling through. However, he’s GOT to teach the other hyenas how to fight cuz during a sparring match, he whooped everybody’s tails. Now it’s up to the rest of the clan to teach Kiburi how to loosen up
- Reirei: Reirei is not doing well as a bird. She may be good at being a mother and the voting isn’t so bad, but she cannot eat an already decaying animal for her life. And it takes about all day to learn how to fly properly
- Mzingo: He’s raised Janja and his clan pretty much their whole lives, he’s sure he can handle a litter of pups and teenagers, right? …….Right? Well, not si much. Turns out his parliamentary rules don’t really work with jackal pups. And on top of that, Goigoi keeps forgetting Mzingo isn’t really Reirei and keeps trying to kiss him (Mzingo may be gay but Goigoi is NOT his type) 😭
Not even the skinks are safe, cuz Shupavu and Njano have switched with Kenge and Sumu hfhfgf. I guess bc they thought Kenge and Sumu’s lives were easier just cuz they had venom to protect themselves
- Shupavu in Sumu’s body: Shupavu was confident Sumu’s life was easy (save for his lack of friends when he was a child) cuz of the stinger. What she DIDN’T realize was that apparently, her new stinger could come off easily and not affect certain predators like hornbills and baboons. She also learns that like Ushari’s venom, Sumu’s venom is rather precious to him and she has to be careful not to use it too much
- Njano in Kenge’s body: I think Njano is the only one who loves his new body. He’s big, he’s got venom, and he has way too much fun scaring other animals for the fun of it. I think his only downside is that he can’t exactly sneak or spy on anyone cuz they all know he’s coming lmao. Like his og form, Njano tends to leave his (or should I say, Kenge’s) tongue sticking out, making Kenge’s body a little less intimidating, much to Kenge’s chagrin
- Sumu in Shupavu’s body: This has got to be the strangest one. A scorpion in a skink’s body. While Sumu kinda enjoys the new look (and he has a much easier chance of making a new friend if he wanted to), he’s no longer venomous. And he’s got a lot more predators than he usually had, making him turn to Shupavu and Njano for protection. Also he internally freaked out when he accidentally detached Shupavu’s tail, thinking he was gonna die (which is realistic for scorpions)
- Kenge in Njano’s body: This is probably the funniest one yet. Kenge, the big venomous monitor lizard with a hatred for anything little is….well, little. And because he doesn’t have any venom either, he’s pretty much harmless. He can’t even be taken seriously cuz Njano’s face is so goofy, he appears angy and that just makes everyone laugh and go “awww”. Lmao poor Kenge
Thankfully, everyone only has to deal with this for a day, since Jasiri manages to reverse it (as for how, off the top of my head, she wishes on the north star)
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hurrakka · 11 months
Oh speaking of which! I’m back with more RE character stands! :] This time… the Redfield Duo and Leon’s handsome boyfriend!
Stand Name: 99 Red Balloons (99 Luftballons by Nena)
Stand Type: Colony of 99 dolls and action figures of any kind (That’s intentional)
Stand User: Claire Redfield
Power: C
Speed: B
Range: A
Durability: D
Potential: C
Ability: The user can create balloons and inflate them, then give these balloons to her stand to bring them to a target. The user can create only 99 balloons per doll. These balloons can have different effects the user places upon being popped, the balloons can heal wounds physical or mental, bring joy, energize, or sadden, cause drowsiness, cause dizziness etc. The stand, while lacking in offensive capability, makes it up in range. It's an excellent scouter and can relay information to the user and their allies. However, the stand can be caught by opponents and will accidentally relay the information to them.
Stand Name: Wayward Son (Carry on Wayward Son by Kansas)
Stand Type: Humanoid Stand, Close-Range
Stand User: Chris Redfield
Power: A
Speed: C
Range: C
Durability: A
Ability: Wayward Son’s Ability is to absorb heat from the environment and store it within itself, once the user wishes to release the heat, the stand can pop four of its arms off from its body and punch something to release the energy into an explosion. How large the explosion is depends on how hard the stand will punch something or someone. The user can also touch and leave an explosive charge on the enemy, this shows up as a symbol on the person. The symbol serves as a timer and lasts for 1 hour, but gets shortened into 30 minutes in the sunlight or any light source.
Stand Name: Rise Against (The band Rise Against)
Stand Type: Colony stand, long range, made up of multiple crimson scorpions can come together to become a natural humanoid with a large stinger tail.
Stand User: Alexander “Buddy” Kozanchenko
Stats (Colony):
Power: C
Speed: A
Range: A
Durability: B
(Colony form)
Ability: In its colony form, Rise Against’s stings are able to mind control living beings. This works very effectively on creatures that lack intelligence, more intelligent beings are less likely to be controlled. At most the stand can just influence their thoughts to disorient them mildly. The effect is instantaneous upon being stung.
(Humanoid form)
Power: A
Speed: B
Range: C
Durability: B
Potential: D
Ability: Rise Against now has a large amount of venom inside bulbs that are on its back, The stand’s stings can effectively decay anything once struck, from inorganic to organic beings. The corrosion of objects or people depends on the amount of venom struck on the object, the more the venom, the quicker the object will decay. Once the corrosion is done, there will be nothing left of the object or being that was stung. Rise Against can end up running out of venom though, and will need time to replenish the venom.
Ability 2: Rise Against can pull out the bulbs on its back, and throw it to release a gas that stuns and paralyzes anything that breathes it. However, once it does so, it won’t be able to use its corrosion ability till the bulbs grow back. The bulbs require 30 minutes to be regenerated.
WAHUUUUUUU THE KING HAS RETURNED!! LOVE READIN YOUR IDEAS MAN :DDD God these are all so good and it fits them. Love how Chris is still a powerhouse like that dude is packing heat (ba dum tss) Reminds me so much of part 3 stand users and Claire has like part 4 vibes and she has plenty of possibilities for her ability. And oh my god I am so glad you picked Rise Against for Sasha. I am currently picturing his stand eyecatch while Prayer of the Refugee is playing in my head, scorpions bunched up together to form a humanoid like Highway Star! Clever use of insect motifs that allude to the plagas. Gotta be my favorite one here totally not bc Sasha is my precious angery tall bb girl ahahaha Fr these are so creative and it puts a smile on my face :]
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Hello, I saw that your requests were open and wanted to request a headcanon for oviposition with these which it would included?(Sorry if this doesn't make much sense.)
Brothers Ovipositing Headcannons
Ok, I think I got what you meant, but if I didn’t, just tell me and I can fix it if you want
(Also yes I see the other people’s requests, I’m working on a long one and it’s taking a long ass time I’ll start getting to them soon I’m just doing this one first bc I need something quick to get out plus it looks like fun)
Also sorry if this is a bit darker than you wanted it to be, I just have too much fun researching for accuracy sometimes TwT
So I can only see 3 brothers at most
Beel I would see as absolutely being capable of ovipositing. I kinda mixed his whole fly thing with wasps and wasps are known to oviposit eggs into other animals so yeah. (And flies have been known to lay their eggs into wounds on living animals don’t look it up its gross)
Levi I can also see, but I usually don’t write him as being able to since snakes don’t naturally do it. But he’s a sea serpent demon thing and we’re dealing with the rules of anime so fuck it, why not.
Asmo is the last one I can see being able to oviposit. Since he’s also a bug and has the stinger/tail to do it. But like the thing with Levi, scorpions don’t oviposit eggs into other animals. Instead they actually give live birth (the things you learn from questionable fan fiction on Tumblr) but I’ll still do head cannons on him anyways
Warning: minor NSFW, Teratophilia, ovipositing, diphallia (two penises), a bit graphic at times maybe, hinting at dubcon/noncon stuff sorry they’re demons (don’t worry that’s not graphic)
Headcannons below
Ok so Levi would rarely do it to anyone if he had the ability to, even if he had consent from the person
It kinda has to do with his gross otaku complex
He just thinks ‘no one would want a gross otaku like me much less my E G G S’ (Well until you came in and told him that yes you do want them)
So um, most of his eggs just kinda end up in the ocean without an incubator, so they just don’t hatch
He’s the odd one out of his ovipositing brothers due to him not actually using his tail in the process
Yeah one of his dicks is actually an ovipositor so he doesn’t have to fiddle around with extra limbs
So during sex he just releases both the eggs and sperm in one go, no extra limbs required
Usually if he’s going to oviposit his eggs into someone, he tries to get consent, its just easier and more fun like that
Now he might push it into dub con with his charm if he gets more desperate and he’s just going for a pump and dump
But usually he just likes to get a fully willing partner
But as a last resort, his venom does act as a paralyzing neurotoxic and an aphrodisiac… so yeah, just use your imagination because I’m not writing that
But it was astronomically rare if he ever did do it, and he doesn’t even think about doing it anymore, there’s so many consenting takers afterall
But anyways, his works really simple, although he has to be careful
First he carefully inserts the eggs with his stinger, making sure not to sting you, and then fertilizes his eggs through sexual intercourse
There are two main way he can oviposit people, the sexy way or the unsexy way
The sexy way is where he inserts his tail and oviposits his eggs into you then fertilizes the eggs via sexual intercourse
Nice and simple, and fun if you like ovipositing and double penetration
The unsexy way is a lot more violent and scary, and he doesn’t do it anymore
Mainly because he first fertilizes the eggs, and then forcibly injects the eggs with his stinger (usually like straight through the abdomen too)
And then the young burrow their way out, yeah its not pretty
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eatsockss · 5 years
Irondad and SteveTony Fic Recs!!
I decided to do a fic rec list bc i always see them and am So Grateful for them, esp rn bc everybody’s quarantined so what else is there to do but read fanfic. these are some of my favorite fics/some of the fics I read recently and just have open in safari rn. they’re mostly angst or whump ngl bc that’s my favorite but,,,, enjoy!
ever in your favor by @iron--spider
Summary: Peter startles awake when someone shakes him. “Sorry, honey,” May says. Peter blinks a couple times and she comes into focus, her hair pulled back from her face. She’s trying not to look a certain way, but he can see it in her eyes anyway. She clears her throat, keeps talking. “But it’s…” She glances away, wets her lips. “You gotta get ready.” He remembers what day it is, and his heart beats like a drum at someone’s execution. But he tries to put on a mask, make it all seem normal. It’s everything but, despite the fact that he’s been dealing with reaping day since he was born, between himself, Ben and May. That fear that one of them could be taken away. Sent to surefire slaughter. But now Ben is gone, taken despite never having his name drawn from a bowl, and May’s finally safe. Now Peter’s name is in there alone. The last Parker sitting on the chopping block. He doesn’t know how to be. He doesn’t know what normal is, when the Hunger Games are looming on the horizon.
Note: this is probably my favorite ever irondad fic so like ,,, ummm ,,, Please read this
lay your weary head to rest by @the-great-escapism
Summary: “Please.” He means to say it loudly, with confidence, but it comes out as nothing more than a raspy whisper. His ears are ringing painfully, and his head feels like it’s going to explode. It hurts and hurts and hurts. “M-May,” Peter cries out to no one, feeling like a child. “Tony. Please, ‘m so tired.” He inhales and chokes on his tears. He can’t tell if it’s his imagination or not, but he’s pretty sure he hears a laugh. In which Peter gets kidnapped, and that's not even the worst part. The worst part is he's not allowed to sleep.
Priorities by JLMonroe1234
Summary: Tony had been in the cave for a month. Waiting. Planning. Healing. Biding his time until his creation would be ready and durable enough to get him home. With Yinsen's help and Tony's expertise, he would save them both. But when an injured teenager is brought into the mix, Tony must reevaluate his priorities and decide what's more important; a speedy escape, or rescuing the boy with the spider tattoo?
Return to Normal by Singing_Sirens
Summary: On his first day back, he didn’t expect the stares. Well, he expected some stares, but he didn’t think the entire hallway would just… stop. But that’s what they did. They froze, jaws hanging open, eyes wide, as he lowered his head and curled in on himself. He pushed through the attention. He set his jaw and marched forward, because he had been through worse in the last year.
Patient by alifetime
Summary: Just because Tony has retired as an Avenger, does not mean he still doesn’t have a business to run with Pepper. Since both his oldest children cannot always babysit for Morgan, he hires a babysitter. Harley didn’t really know what to think of the babysitter, and always kept a protective eye on Morgan. But she had told him that Skip was nice. She always seems to be smiling and happy whenever Skip comes to stay. It didn’t filter his concern. So when he goes college, he demands that Peter keeps an eye on him. Peter liked Skip. Until he didn’t. However, he will do anything to keep his brother and sister safe.
Identity Theft by KitCat992
Summary: It's been months since the events of Civil War, and the Avengers are doing their best to remain a team, having promised to forgive and forget. Unfortunately for them, Tony Stark's latest invention has been stolen and recovering it causes tension to reappear. Meanwhile, in Queens, Peter Parker has two main priorities on his plate — complete his midterm finals, and track down a fishbowl wearing criminal that may or may not lead him right into the hands of the Avengers. Somehow between all of this, Spider-man's identity is revealed to the Avengers, Steve and Tony's friendship may permanently be damaged due to continued hidden secrets, and Happy struggles to buy a youth-sized casket for Peter's funeral. Things were a lot easier when they were fighting over Bucky Barnes. (Or: The Avengers welcome Peter into their crazy superhero family and will do anything to protect him.) Shameless Peter whump and Protective Tony Stark.
the second law of thermodynamics by fourleafchloe
Summary: It happens the same way it always does. (It's just discipline. It's not that bad. It's fine, Peter is fine, he'll be fine--) Except he really isn't fine, and Tony knows something's up, and Peter's house of cards is falling apart, and so the story goes. — separate from other fics in the series. a recovery story full of soft irondad, found families, and (eventually) tons of fluff.
Note: this is part of a series of separate irondad fics, each one of them is incredible, so go check out this entire series.
how can the body die? (you tell me, everything) by @madasthesea
Summary: Tony felt panic creep up his spine. Something was occurring to him, slowly percolating in the back of his mind. “You said the stinger got you. Is Scorpion’s stinger venomous?” “I don’t—” Peter cut off as he groaned, the muscles in his jaw tight. “I don’t know. He upgraded—he was faster. Bigger. I—I thought I could beat him.”
oh, darling. by luna_e_stelle
Summary: "Peter?" Tony’s voice wavered with an urgency that cut through the thick haze in Peter’s mind. There was so much emotion in that one word that Peter wondered how he had ever doubted that Tony loved him. They had never said it out loud, just showed it in a way that spoke louder than words ever could. — Peter is taken, and he tries to find his way back home.
whumptober series by @iron--spider
Summary: 10 fics that fulfill whumptober prompts (i could many choose one so just go read the whole series)
Pieces of Echoes by @geekymoviemom
Summary: this is like a rewrite of the MCU integrating most of the storylines So Seamlessly with SuperFamily. Amazing series.
uneasy lies the head by @tnyystark
Summary: Two thoughts come to Peter, both at a breakneck speed he can barely handle. One: the world now thinks he is responsible for the attack in London. And Prague. And Venice. And the murder - murder; as if the man is really dead; as if the universe is kind enough to let that happen - of Mysterio. And two: the world now knows who he is.
Long Shadows by Black_Briar
Summary: Peter comes into contact with a foreign substance on a mission, and things only get worse from there.
I’ll Be Your Home (Forever and Always) by ScarletPotter
Summary: Peter didn't plan on being kidnapped, it all just sorta, maybe, happened? Peter was on his way to meet Ned when suddenly everything goes dark. When he wakes up he's restrained to a table and a man introduces himself to be Quentin Beck, and that he's going to kill him.
god did not craft us as alters, but as dying gods by helloitisafellowgay
Summary: Peter Parker is not immune to trauma. Far from it, in fact. (With great power comes great responsibility, Peter.) So when the building collapses, when the dilapidated remains of metal and concrete, and later searing scraps of plane, fall around him? Well, this is practically nothing. Practically. He’s fine, really. It just gets a little hard to breathe sometimes. Like, when he follows Happy into Stark Tower through the parking garage. Or when he turns on the news while doing homework and sees reports of a plane crash. And sure, the small fire that broke out in the chemistry lab had sent his heart racing and caused sweat to bead on the back of his neck until even Ned asked if he was okay, but it’s nothing to worry about. Regardless, he knows where those come from. But this? In which Skip Westcott is a repressed memory, until he returns.
Note: favorite fic title!
my heart is driftwood, floating down your coast by @kapteniron
Summary: Tonight, there’s a stranger in his backseat. That’s not unusual. He’s also sad. That’s not unusual either. What is unusual is that the stranger is silent. (One night, a stranger enters Steve's taxi. Nothing is the same again.)
Forever Linked by ashes0909 and athletiger
Summary: Before the door even clicked shut, he opened his mouth to let the pink petals flutter to the ground. In the center of all this mess was a single rose, not yet bloomed, but Tony knew, deep down, what this meant. But they were only teammates for sure; nothing else will go further. — “You have Hanahaki?” she asked, barely more than a whisper. He fisted out the petal from his pocket and held it out to her. “If that’s what would cause this to come out of my throat.”
Steve Rogers’ Guide to Wooing Tony Stark by Tonks22
Summary: Steve tries to woo Tony. Steve is not very good at it. Tony is oblivious.
Blue Lips, Blue Veins by @romanoff
Summary: Tony Stark is Iron Man. Before that, he was an man with bigger heart than brain. Before that, he was an asshole with a bigger mouth than sense. And before that, he was was a scared little boy. Not that it matters. Stark's always have had iron in their backbone.
Note: this is more of a character study of Tony Stark but it’s Incredible. Cannot recommend this enough.
The Butterfly Effect by @itsallavengers
Summary: While fighting with Loki, Steve Rogers from 2012 hears the two simple words: "Bucky's alive." And the whole universe ripples with the aftershocks.
Going Steady by @itsallavengers
Summary: Steve has a soft spot for the sound of Tony's heart
Hide A Heart Of War by RayShippouUchiha
Summary: “You’ve got war in your heart boy,” Howard sneers, “don’t ever try and pretend to be anything but what you are.” Tony feels the familiar burn of a flower mark being etched into his skin but he doesn’t look, doesn’t try and check to see what it is. Instead he keeps his eyes on Howard and his hands cupped around his bleeding mouth and nose.
Note: this is technically Stuckony but,,, it’s rly good so it’s going on the list.
a primer for the small weird loves by babyloveparkner
Summary: “What are you—?” “Hold on,” Peter says, tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth in concentration as the pen moves across the page. He rips out another page, then seems to grow frustrated and just opens up his notebook to start writing in it rather than stealing pages out of it. Harley feels stuck, flabbergasted and frozen, and he doesn’t know how long he sits there and watches before Peter lets out a huff and finally leans back, satisfaction in his eyes as he hands it all to Harley, all the scribbled writing and torn pages. “Read these.” Harley blinks once, slow, as he takes the offered notebook with the ripped out papers on top. “What…?” And Peter just smiles and shrugs. “They’re poems,” he says. “I looked some up, wrote down the good parts. Maybe those’ll give you that hopeful feeling that you were looking for.” or: harley runs from a homophobic town and finds solace in poetry and peter parker
the spider-man conspiracy by @tempestaurora
Summary: WHO IS SPIDER-MAN? The screen showed Peter Parker, sixteen years old and determined to prove the identity of Spider-Man over the course of the three-part documentary he was making, unknowing that it would become viral within days of the first part being released. Behind the camera, way off screen, was Harley Keener, Tony Stark’s other prodigy child, grinning like crazy as Peter started the documentary. Only a few people knew what was to come, and those few people were about to have a great few weeks. “My name is Peter Parker, and with the help of my friends, Ned Leeds, Harley Keener, and my Aunt, May Parker, who provided me with a lot of red yarn for this project, we’re going to uncover the identity of Spider-Man.” OR "what if peter just decided to fuck with everyone who didn’t know he was spider man and make a documentary about him trying to uncover the Truth."
5 times Tony kissed Rhodey and the one time Rhodey kissed back by lomku
Summary: Exactly what it says in the title.
Note: I wish I had more Ironhusband fics to rec bc i love them but they aren’t as abundant as Stony fics and the ones i’ve read most recently are Stony.
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bennifits · 5 years
S/O owns an Uncommon Pet or Exotic animal.
Fitz - Scorpion
Tumblr media
A/N: Scorpions are cool
“Y/N, these things kill people, why do you have it?”
“Cam, my baby wouldn’t hurt a fly!”
He thinks it’s bizzare that someone like you would own a scorpion.
He watches it sometimes in its little cage/container
Helps you feed it.
Cam is actually genuinely interested about how you like the insect and when he first found out, he asked all sorts of questions.
Once you took it out so it could ‘stretch its legs’ and he thought it escaped
“Put it back! It’s dangerous!”
It can get vicious sometimes
Because it’s a scorpion
In those times he might loom over your shoulder a bit as you clean its cage or feed it.
“What can I do to help?”
Doesn’t want you hurt.
You let him borrow your scorpion baby for bits for the channel, but it’s always gotta be up to you.
No one except Jay, Matt and Mason are willing to hold the thing for jokes.
He saw you get nipped once but you moved out of the way before the stinger could get you.
Got a little bit spooked over that.
Swagger - Ball Python (Extra: Snake Bite)
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A/N: I genuinely want a pet python or any snake bc i think they’re cute. Also the sekiro vid he posted is why this is a snake bc he just screams how he hates snakes lmao.
Fact: Swagger hates snakes
Fact: You have a Ball Python
He knew you had one, you talked about it sometimes. 
He didn’t mind talking about the thing
He would have told you that he doesn’t like snakes. You would understand why, i mean, to some people they’re a bit scary or creepy
Meeting it was something else.
He came over once and it was just, in your shoulders
He genuinely screamed.
“I’m sorry! I forgot you don’t like snakes”
When you moved in, it got some getting used to.
He wanted to make some rules, which was fair and you agreed to them. 
The snake couldn’t be running wild around the house (very fair)
Warning ahead of time. Even a simple text counts.
No one else could take the snake out EXCEPT YOU. 
To get him used to the animal a bit more, you’d manage to convince members of the household to feed it mice every now and then, and they were allowed to have the snake around them if they asked.
He got used to it.
First time on his shoulders and he just held his breath the entire time.
“Y/N, please I’ve had enough”
“Alright love, hold on”
He’ll touch it, pet the scales but that’s about it.
You end up buying another fridge to throw in the garage for snake food after a month.
Because people didn’t like dead mice and stuff in the freezer.
Mason thought it’d be funny a few times to throw a dead mouse at Swagger but we don’t talk about that anymore.
He hovers over a little when you feed it, doesn’t want it biting you
After a while, he doesn’t really see it as a threat.
More like a scaly baby.
He once talked to it, it was weird. He was just home alone and he just started talking to it.
He does like to watch it eat though, thinks it’s cool.
You: Ouch, no don’t do that please.
Everyone: what the FUCK
Swagger is panicking a lot.
A lot.
He goes to grab the thing and pry it open but you have to stop him because it has teeth and could tear the skin more.
Matt: does it hurt?
You, calmly: oh yeah.
So he just kinda stands there as you carefully handle the snake.
He looks so awkward fretting over you.
Ryan asks if you need an ambulance.
You don’t.
Someone fainted at least.
Toby almost fainted
Mason, was surprisingly the responsible one and got the first aid kit.
Almost as if he’s prepared for this moment.
“Get it off you! Get it off! If you don’t I’m gonna fucking stab the snake”
“Babe, please be calm, you’re scaring it.”
You get it off, place it back in its enclosure and scold it.
After googling if pythons have venom, you assure him you’re okay and it was probably your fault for perhaps startling it or handling it incorrectly.
A lot of facts later, he feels a little more relaxed and holds you close.
He doesn’t touch the snake much again.
Secretly flips off the snake every time he walks past
Handling Snake Gone Wrong?!
Yeah, that’s on the misfits channel now.
Zuckles - Barn Owl
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A/N: I love barn owls
Thinks it’s really cool.
Like, you sometimes take the thing out in public just for a walk in the park or something and it’s so chill. 
Just sits there on your arm and doesn’t give a single damn about anything.
You teach him how to handle it with the glove.
Honestly, he feels really bad ass with this owl.
Showing him how your owl hunts by giving him the glove and letting the owl just swoop and take the mouse.
He’s in love.
You know that clip with him and his cat?
That’s now him with the bird now.
“Oi, how do you get it to do the thing?”
“What thing?”
“Head spin thing”
Genuinely tries to train it to fetch things. Like the owls in Harry Potter.
Doesn’t work. The bird just looks at him and looks away.
He teaches it to dance, somehow.
Toby - Sugar Glider
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A/N: Sugar gliders just scream Toby to me
What is that thing?
Whatever it is, it’s her baby now
She’d die for this thing.
They’re nocturnal animals, which works out great when Toby is up late editing and she can just watch them a little between breaks.
You teach her how to properly care and handle it, which she enjoys thoroughly
Thinks it’s great that you trust her enough to handle the baby.
Walking out in public with it is very fun, it just wants to jump everywhere and have a grand old time
But that results in you two becoming parents running after their child when you two get near a tree.
Inutt - Tarantula
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A/N: i know arachnaphobia is big so instead of getting an actual gif of a creepy tarantula because sadly there are no cute ones, have this spider with the drums :)))
He thought you were kidding, until you sent a picture of it.
He’ll touch it and let it crawl over him.
Just no skin contact because it feels weird.
He’s not afraid of it, it’s just really creepy to him.
He can only really handle it in small doses. 
Doesn’t understand how you can kiss the top of its head casually
The amount of pranks you two pull while high or drunk on the gang with the tarantula is remarkable.
I mean, they should see it coming by now
He’s impressed over how calm you can be when handling the 8 legged creature.
He now knows that if there’s a big ass spider in the bathroom, to get you.
McCreamy - Hedgehog
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A/N: this gif got baby mode. I don’t know much about hedgehogs as well i apologies that this one is really short
It’s so fucking cute oh my god.
He just calls it Sonic, any name before doesn’t matter.
Loves watching it run at full speed across the floor
“How much can we sell Hedgehog bathwater?”
They’re kinda easy to take care of, so he’ll help in anyway he can.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 6 years
Merlin Characters as Wings of Fire Dragons
so these books were my childhood (and i still read them) so i decided to do this
Magic in this universe is being an Animus and it’s still illegal. But in this AU (i guess you could call it that) nobody loses their fucking mind and stay friends. There’s still war, though
Breed: SilkWing
Appearance: He’s the color of an old world swallowtail butterfly but with a little more blue and red. The undersides of his wings are iridescent and shimmer in sunlight.
Abilities: Flamesilk, Animus
- When he first arrived at the kingdom, his wings weren’t grown in yet
- It’s unknown as to why he is Animus; possibly because of SeaWing blood he has
- He has enchanted many objects and almost gets caught a handful of times
- Vegetarian
- Hates killing Scavengers (the name for humans for those who don’t know) and usually releases or rescues any he sees
- Honestly I have no clue what would be the equivalent of a Dragonlord in this universe, but at least he still has his magic
- He’s one of few Pantala dragons in the kingdom
Bonus dragon name: Butterfly
Breed: SkyWing
Appearance: Prominently golden with orange undersides to his wings. His scales have hues of pale yellow and reds to them, making him seem to glow in the sunlight. He’s very large, being one of the biggest at the castle.
Abilities: Fire breathing, Powerful fighter and flyer
- He’s seen wearing armor quite often, usually when he’s out on quests
- Snorts embers in Merlin’s face when he’s annoyed at him
- As revenge, Merlin tied his jaws shut with his silk
- That did not make him happy
- When he’s angry, smoke streams out of his nostrils and jaws
Bonus dragon name: Falcon
Breed: SkyWing
Appearance: The scales the color of a sunset- beautiful gold with hues of pink, orange, and red. When standing in sunlight, her scales seem to glitter. She’s nearly as large as Arthur. Has weirdly discolored eyes, which are pale green.
Abilities: Fire breathing, Powerful fighter and flyer, Animus
- She enjoys wearing jewels and flower necklaces on different days
- She’s Animus but she doesn’t use her magic nearly as much as Merlin does
- She enchanted some flowers Gwen gave her to never wilt
- Also enchants an earring to help block out the voices Morgause hears
- Worries over losing her mind if she used her magic too much
- Definitely gay
- Loves tail twining
Bonus dragon name: Sunset
Breed: HiveWing
Appearance: Shiny copper scales with speckles of bronze and gold. The colored parts of her wings fade to ebony.
Abilities: Venomous barbs that can extend from her wrists, A stinger on the tip of her tail that can eject a paralyzing nerve toxin, Poison in her teeth, Occasional fire breathing
- A small dragon girl
- Despite being much smaller than the others (besides Mordred) she is probably one of the most dangerous with all of her abilities and poison
- She’s a slow flyer because of her insect wings
- Was originally put through mind control by her queen and fled when she managed to break away
- She’s hunted constantly because she’s a rare breed of dragon (along with Merlin) so Morgana enchants a necklace to change her appearance to look like an IceWing
- Originally enslaved
Bonus dragon name: Firefly
Breed: SkyWing
Appearance: Dark red scales with a scarlet underbelly. Wears a black chest plate and a crown.
Abilities: Fire breathing, Powerful fighter and flyer
Bonus dragon name: Scorch
Breed: SeaWing
Appearance: Indigo scales with an emerald green shine to them
Abilities: Water breathing, Powerful swimmer, Can see in the dark, Weak Animus
Bonus dragon name: Reef
Breed: NightWing-SkyWing hybrid
Appearance: With her disguise, she has shiny ebony-purple scales with sparkling grey underscales. There’s a slight dark blue tint to her hide that appears in sunlight. The undersides of her wings are speckled with sterling like stars. Silver teardrops are beside her dark green eyes. Without her disguise and with her natural colors, she remains black but has large gold and orange speckles and blemishes all across her body. It almost looks like she’s been burned.
Abilities: Fire breathing, Can blend into shadows, Mind reading, Foretell the future, Firescales, Animus
- Her mother was a SkyWing (which is why she’s related to Morgana and Arthur) while her unnamed father was a NightWing, but she ended up looking more like her dad
- In fact, most of her genes came from her dad; you probably wouldn’t even think she’s half SkyWing when she’s disguised
- Speaking of which, she enchanted a bracelet to hide her true appearance because she hated being a hybrid
- She hatched under three moons, so she has the special NightWing powers
- The worst thing is her firescales, though, and she had to enchant another bracelet to cancel the effects
- Smaller than Morgana but bigger than Gwen
- I love her a lot y’all, she’s so interesting
Bonus dragon name: Trickshadow
Breed: SandWing
Appearance: Burnt orange scales that have a very metallic tint in sunlight. The frill going down his spine is pale yellow.
Abilities: Fire breathing, Can withstand great heats and go a long time without water, Poison enemies with the scorpion barb at the end of his tail, Blend in with sand, Scales give off natural heat
Bonus dragon name: Quicksand
Breed: IceWing
Appearance: Silvery scales that fade into dark blue.
Abilities: Frost breath, Can withstand subzero temperatures and bright lights, Scales give off a natural chill
Bonus dragon name: Sleet
Breed: SandWing
Appearance: Sandy brown scales and a dull golden white underbelly. There are black diamonds going down his neck.
Abilities: Fire breathing, Can withstand great heats and go a long time without water, Poison enemies with the scorpion barb at the end of his tail, Blend in with sand, Scales give off natural heat
Bonus dragon name: Fennec
Breed: MudWing
Appearance: Olive green scales that fade down to his cinnamon colored underbelly. The spines going down his back are light brown.
Abilities: Fire breathing, Fireproof scales, Can hold his breath for up to an hour
Bonus dragon name: Croc
Breed: RainWing-SeaWing-LeafWing hybrid
Appearance: He’s built like a RainWing with the horns and tail of a LeafWing. He has gills and fins going down the back of his neck and chest like a SeaWing. His scales can still change color and he has a ruff behind his ears from his RainWing side. Normally, he enjoys being multicolored. There are webs between his claws.
Abilities: Venom-spitting fangs, Water breathing, Night vision, Animus
- He’s weirdly small
- Lived in a tribe of LeafWings that are being hunted
- He’s a strange little hybrid, as he has the blood of three different breeds. The most logical explanation is that his mother must have been a RainWing and his father was a hybrid between a SeaWing and LeafWing.
- He hates being hot because his gills get dried up and start hurting
- His gills are his weak spot; hit them and he tends to tense up. Or he will spray his venom
- Likes to enchant plants with his magic
Bonus dragon name: Hedgehog
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devilsrecreation · 9 months
So…. new hc/“What if” scenario for Sumu:
So ya’ll know about the fable “The Frog and the Scorpion”, right? Well, what if that story actually happened with Sumu at one point? And while some of the Outlanders are talking about actions and their instinctive nature (for some reason), he gets reminded of that frog. Now I’m thinking of two versions: one wholesome and one angsty
The Wholesome one is based on https://href.li/?https://www.deviantart.com/fluorescentnova’s version of the story. Except it was really the frog’s idea. Sumu wanted to get across a big watering hole for one reason or another and was just about to take the long way until a frog named Msaada (help) suddenly started talking to him, suggesting that he could give him a ride across. Now this was literally the first time an animal other than another scorpion showed him kindness and didn’t run away screaming, so he was REALLY confused. But after some back and forth of “You know I can kill you if I wanted to, right?” “Yup” “And that…doesn’t bother you?” “Nope!”, he agreed. The ride, although pretty short, was probably the best thing that ever happened at the time. He and the frog got to know each other better, they laughed, they sang a little, just all around having fun, you know? When they got to the end, Sumu thanked Msaada and before walking away, Msaada asked “Hey, why DIDN’T you sting me? I thought it was in your nature” and Sumu was like “…..Huh. I guess your nature doesn’t always equal your actions”.
OR OR OR, when they got to the end, MSAADA actually told him “Hey you know why you didn’t sting me? Cuz while you can’t control your nature, you CAN control your actions.
Either way, Sumu never saw that frog again, but he’ll never forget him either. Also Sumu hugged him bc I said so :)
Alternatively, the angsty one is based more of the original fable. I say “more of” because while Jasiri tells the nicer version, Janja’s like “Pfft, that’s not how the story goes. In the one I heard, the scorpion couldn’t control his nature and he stung the frog, so they both died!”. Then Sumu suddenly goes “You’re both wrong. It was only the frog that died.”
The story started off like the more wholesome version, except when they got near the land, it happened. It was purely an accident. Sumu didn’t mean to do it, but the next thing he knows, something like an animal causing a wave or him not being careful enough or something that made his stinger go right through Msaada’s skin. Even though scorpions can control their venom, Sumu was a late bloomer and couldn’t do it very well at the time. He luckily managed to get off, but not without seeing his new buddy complete his journey through the circle of life. The last words exchanged were “I-I’m sorry…” “I forgive you…”
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