#anamia recovery
eating disorder harm reduction
no one ever compiled this so that it what we are doing today. for people with eds and people whose loved ones do. please note: i’m not a doctor. this is a compilation of things from books and ed resource sites.
for people whose loved ones have an eating disorder:
try to make sure they know these things.
try not to force them to eat, they might feel uncomfortable eating in front of people. also, risk of refeeding syndrome.
if their life is in danger and you are seeking help for them, consult the person beforehand to make sure they will be safe and give them a heads-up so that they aren’t startled (especially if they’re neurodivergent! giving them notice will aid control!)
offer them ways of controlling things aside from food - practice consent, include them in conversations, don’t talk about them behind their back, compliment their makeup or hair.
be patient. the person may be irritable from lack of sleep, feelings of depression, worthlessness, etc., or malnutrition.
keep in mind that you can’t tell if someone has an eating disorder by looking at them. people of all weights do - only 17% of anorexics are underweight - and also, men and non binary people can also have eds.
drink lots of water, especially if you’re drinking lots of caffeine.
drink some electrolytes at least once a week - gatorade, electrolyte tablets, coconut water, doesn’t matter, just get it into your system.
if you are getting dizzy or flushed and can feel your heart beating, quick carbs will raise your blood sugar - sweets, bread, fruit, juice, non diet soda, whatever. keep snacks around pls.
your brain uses 400-500 calories daily. eat more than this.
take your supplements!
you still need protein, have an egg or something.
don’t take adderal or insulin unless you are actually diabetic or neurodivergent, because you are raising the price by buying them and denying access to those who need it.
throw a towel over the mirror. it’s not worth it if it’ll cause you anxiety.
try to limit disordered behaviours like body checking, purging, and weigh ins.
practice good dental hygiene.
put your scale somewhere where you have to actively look for it to weigh yourself.
avoid social media and for your sake don’t go on pro ed tiktok or tumblr or twitter or insta.
get a buddy who also struggles with the same thing if possible to support each other.
get regular medical check ups (if you can afford it)
practice things within your control - makeup, hair, clothing, etc.
push your rules - eat 5 minutes before your time, or 50 calories over your limit.
for people with restrictive disorders (e.g. anorexia):
do weight and resistance training at least twice a week to prevent musculoskeletal conditions such as osteoporosis.
don’t drink on an empty stomach.
try to put gaps between fasting periods.
don’t fast for more than 72 hours.
wear lots of layers to keep warm.
eat an extra 100-200 calories on your period if you menstruate.
have a metabolism day.
take care of your hair.
as horrifying as this is to many people, please go to the hospital if you’re experiencing heart problems or if you’re passing out for more than 30 seconds.
for people with purging disorders (e.g. bulimia):
if you would like to purge, wait 15 minutes first.
after purging: drink lots of water - the emptiness you feel is dehydration. don’t brush your teeth but rinse your mouth out, preferably with an alkaline mouthwash or baking soda mixed into water. do something you want to do, like reading a book or watching a show. don’t smoke. don’t have anything acidic. eat a banana or some chocolate or a rice cake to keep your blood sugar levels in check.
if you vomit blood or your vomit looks like coffee grounds, this is a sign of internal bleeding. you could be drowning in your own blood from a hole in your esophagus, essentially. go to the hospital or call 911/999/the emergency number in your area.
stay safe everyone. i hope this helps. also, i do not use these tags - i have them blocked - but i am using them so that people on these tags will find this because they need it most.
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eds are real funny cause you think you’re the one in control until you realize you can’t tell the difference between you now and you 20lbs ago
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Nothing hurts quite like watching your loved ones enjoy delicious food that you'd do almost anything to eat while you starve and envy them and your stomach churns, empty with acid and consuming itself.
You don't want this. No one should covet Anorexia Nervosa, or any ED. They are pain and suffering and misery. Get out while you can. Get out before it's a disorder and no longer a crash diet that you started just to lose a few pounds. It's not worth it.
Fight. Please. For those of us who know nothing else anymore, fight for your life. Because if you don't fight, the only way out is a slow and painful death. Please don't give up, it's never too late but it does get harder and harder the longer you suffer. Get help.
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qu4ck1ng · 6 months
If anyone feels bad about how much they've eaten, I have just scranned tf out of 7 fucking easter nests and an entire easter egg, you're doing fine <3
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wouldyouliketobee · 9 months
Pro tip for the ana pals:
Do you ever find yourself hungry? Binging incontrovertibly? Unable to stick to sanrio character diets?? How about the monster high ones?
Ungendered peep, do I have the answer you need!
Give yourself food poisoning!!!
Takes all that appetite away and helps out the ones who are too afraid to purge and lax to do both!!! Often at the same time!!!
Make yourself a fountain of faeces and vomit, with...!
Food poisoning!!
Now at your local garbage bag ~~
(Yalls, this is a joke. I'm in so much pain)
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I have been anorexic since I was 15 or 16. I'm now 22 and my body is refusing to keep up with my restrictive eating habits. I'm starting to experience scary and frankly very dangerous health issues, but at this point I'm terrified to take even the most basic harm reduction measures.
Your body WILL NOT tolerate your disordered eating forever. You WILL get sicker the longer you suffer from this life-ruining disease. Your honeymoon period WILL end, and you will find yourself caught, miserable, in a loveless marriage to your ED.
A 30-year-old body is not as resilient as a 25-year-old body is not as resilient as a 20-year-old body is not as resilient as a teenage body.
-Mod Lia
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powerpoison · 3 months
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Lasagna homemade
Ragù, pesto, ricotta e noci
Prosciutto (jam)
Burro d'arachidi 🥜 (peanut butter)
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imtrying-butimpissed · 4 months
I'm still having a hard time with grocery shopping. After all this fucking time. Still fucking it up.
A lot of stuff in recovery has gotten easier over time. This however isn't one of them... it's annoying as fuck.
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sending love to:
people with eating disorders who haven’t told their families
people with eating disorders who aren’t underweight
people with eating disorders who live with their families
people with eating disorders caused by parental figures
people with eating disorders that aren’t “romantic” or “common” like bed, bulimia, or arfid
people with a loved one who has an eating disorder
people with eating disorders who eat normally
people with eating disorders who aren’t “sick enough”
people who’ve relapsed
people in recovery
men with eating disorders
trans people with eating disorders
young people with eating disorders
older people with eating disorders
you’re all valid, you all deserve to live, you all deserve health and happy lives and recovery.
I’m using these tags because the people on them need them the most.
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i would sell my working kidney for a croissant with no calories
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the-ugly-ly · 7 months
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idk how many calories and idc 😶 - breakfast
- 2 slices tomato salt/pepper/basil
- 1/2 avocado salt/pepper/basil
- 2 soft boiled eggs
- 1 blueberry waffle, pat of butter
- handful of root veggie chips
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fionna-cookie · 2 months
Hello There...
And back here... Well I got a weeding to attend and my apprenticeship to hold.
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That's me on the wedding day. I gained way too much for my liking. I felt unsecure and stuff... but I went.
Also... I caught the bridal bouquet. Like me?! I did it.
That was amazing. My partner was not mad but also excited. It felt so good.
I lost the feeling about my ugly body. I was just happy and danced.
Today. Well it all comes back. I know I'm in the middle to find my weight. My body. But it's ridiculously awful.
I just want to feel less awful.
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qu4ck1ng · 2 years
Who lied and told us anorexia caused “extreme weight loss” bc I’ve been anorexic for a while and I’m still waiting for that shit
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im so close to being underweight i lost another kilo and i just wanna get even closer ahhhhh (if you wanna know my stats, my sw was 62kg and my ugw is 45)
ive fasted for most of the day for a good while and i know i should have a met day but im waiting until wednesday bc gonna do some baking and need to make sure if anyone wants me to eat some i don't seem sus
uhm. send me sweetspo im so desperate for it rn (do also have a partner and the idea of being small and light for them is a big thing for me so can include that) i dont encourage it for anyone but i need to be driven to do more
also gonna see the hospital on wednesday and so i wanna be light for them but also want to like, make sure i do as much as i can now in case they wanna keep me any longer than the couple hours ive put aside for it ✨
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urskinnycow · 11 months
Active ana blogs please interact with me🥰💖🦋
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powerpoison · 3 months
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150g greek yoghurt
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