#also yang please don't kill them
routesbond · 11 months
i thought they’d never leave. / yang for either lan or fei!
❝ ↪ @dangaer submitted an ask !!
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" Yang! Do you want us to track them down? We can be reeeeal sneaky about it and they'll never see it coming! " She's the first to speak up, bouncing in total anticipation before the familiar touch against her shoulder causes her to stop.
" Lan, don't get too ahead of yourself, Yang would already have it handled if that were the case - "
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Her eyes start to beam with child-like excitement, turning her attention towards the boss and bouncing. " You mean the boss secretly wanted them to be around?! Do you like them? They should come back then! "
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Fei reaches for his sister's arm and tugs her closer, shaking his head before pointing out the very look glaring back in their direction.
" Let's just wait and see how this plays out - " he whispers before his own attention returns to Yang. " What purpose did they serve anyway? "
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zedecksiew · 8 months
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In 2019, after seeing yet another round of alarmist discourse in Xwitter about how Dungeons & Dragons is FULL of COLONIALIST tropes and patterns, and needs to be revised, SCRUBBED of its PROBLEMATIC FILTH---I rage-tweeted this brainfart:
"Decolonising D&D"
I've seen this thread round the community, since. Humza K quotes it in Productive Scab-picking: On Oppressive Themes in Gaming. Prismatic Wasteland quotes it in Apolitical RPGs Don't Exist. Most recently, it was referenced in a 1999AD post about Western TTRPGs (an interesting discussion on its own merit; one that already has a counterpoint from Sandro / Fail Forward.)
If folks are still referring to it five years later, maybe I should give the thread a little more credit? Perhaps the fart miasma has crystalised into something concrete.
In the interest of record / saving this thought from the ephemerality of Xwitter, here is the text in full, properly paragraphed, and somewhat more cleanly expressed:
Firstly: saying "D&D is colonialist" is similar to saying: "the English language is colonialist".
If your method of decolonising RPGs is to abandon D&D---well, some folks abandon English; they don't want to work in the language of the coloniser. More power to them!
For those who want to continue using the "language" of D&D---
Going forth into the "wild hinterland" (as if this weren't somebody's homeland);
to "seek treasure" (as if this didn't belong to anybody);
and "slay monsters" (monsters to whom?)
Yeah. There's some problematic stuff here, and definitely these aspects should make more people uncomfortable.
But! I think it is an error to "decolonise D&D" by scrubbing such content from the game.
That feels like erasure; like an unwillingness to face history / context; like a way to appease one's own settler guilt.
Do you live in the West? Do you live in any Asian urban metropole? White or Person of Colour(tm)---you are already complicit in colonialist / capitalist (yes, of course they are inextricably linked) behaviour. (I can't speak for urban metropoles elsewhere, but I bet they are similar centres of extraction.)
Removing such patterns from the TTRPGs you play might let you feel better, at your game table. But won't change what you are.
I think it is more truthful and more useful NOT to avert one's eyes from D&D's colonialism.
The fact that going forth into the hinterland to seek treasure and slay monsters is a thing, and fucking fun, tells us valuable things about the shape and psychology of colonialism. Why conquistadors in the past did it; why liberal foreign policy, corporations, and post-colonial societies do it today.
Speaking personally:
I write stuff that evokes / deals with the context I'm in---Southeast Asia. An intrinsic part of that is looking at the ways colonial violence has happened to us---as well as the ways / reasons we now, supposedly free, perpetrate it on others.
A long chain of suffering. Heavy stuff.
I also write for people who want to have fun / kill monsters / pretend to be elves, of course. But for those people who want to consider serious stuff like colonialism: I offer no FIGHT THE POWER righteousness, no good feeling, no answers.
Only discomfort. Because the truth is uncomfortable.
Here's a screenshot of the Author's Note for Lorn Song of the Bachelor:
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"Any text inspired by Southeast Asia has to reckon with colonialism ... This text presents a difficult situation; there are no easy solutions. "... If I offered a mechanical incentive for you to fight colonial invaders, you wouldn’t be making a moral decision, but a mercenary one. "The choice you face should echo ... the kind of calculus my grandparents faced."
I stand by that.
Also: might we be more precise and more careful about using the term "decolonising", please?
Here I quote Tuck and Yang's landmark and (sadly) still trenchant "Decolonization is not a metaphor":
"Decolonization brings about the repatriation of Indigenous land and life; it is not a metaphor for other things we want to do to improve our societies ..."
Further Reading
So this post isn't just me reheating a hot take, here are some touchstone writings from around the TTRPG community about colonialism as a subject and mode of play in games:
"Jim Corbett was called upon to hunt down another fifty maneaters over the course of the next 35 years. Together, those tigers had killed over 2000 people, for much the same reasons as the Champawat Tiger - injury, desperation, starvation, and habitat loss. Would you look at that. The root cause was British colonialism."
D&D Doesn't Understand What Monsters Are from Throne of Salt
"Another effect of having colonizers in my setting would be giving players the opportunity to drive them away from the islands, their home. This maybe just be for the catharsis. After all, isn’t catharsis a big part of why we play roleplaying games?"
I’m Adding Colonizers To My Setting from Goobernut's Blog
"When you have a slime boy and the other characters are a really fat lizard and one's playing Humpty Dumpty, it completely shatters the straight-faced serious authoritarian illusion of race, and replaces it with complete fucking nonsense. I love the idea of proliferating the number and types of "races" into absurdity, to the point where the entire logical structure of it collapses in on itself and race as a category ceases to become coherent or meaningful in any sense."
Interview with Ava Islam - Designer of the RPG Errant from Ava Islam / The Lost Bay
"Perhaps most critically, the fundamental basis of power is not land or even money but manpower. That’s what local rulers fight over, and what Chinese commercial networks export, in return for unique island products. It’s what the European colonists really need (even if it’s not what they most desire). There is rich loot to be grabbed in the form of spices, Spanish silver, Indian gold, sea cucumbers (the Chinese love ’em), perfumes, dyes, cloth etc. so there’s ample opportunity for piracy, trade and smuggling, but the key to long-term success – the key to independent survival – is nakedly and unquestionably uniting people."
Counter-colonial Heistcrawl: previous high scores from Richard's Dystopian Pokeverse
"They worked their own land—which they dispossessed from American Indians—or became small shop owners or opportunistic gold diggers or bounty hunters or itinerant ranchers. To me, substituting these situations for one ruled by industrial monopoly ignores that the Wild West is a perfect example of how capitalism operates outside of (or prior to) mass industry, instead being composed of self-employers and self-sustainers."
Fantastic Detours - Frontier Scum from Traverse Fantasy / Bones of Contention
"... using the Western framing and D&D's baked-in imperialist and capitalist structure to get people earnestly participating in the experience of forming imperial power structures and the early roots of regional capitalism ... The PCs aren't the drifters on the train or the townsfolk watching with apprehension - they're the railroad itself."
An Arrow for the General: Confronting D&D-as-Western in the Kalahari from A Most Majestic Fly Whisk
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rachetmath · 3 months
Retracing Steps
Nora: Jaune?
Jaune: *researching*
Nora: Jaune?! Jaune?!!
Jaune: What?
Nora: Jaune I get you and Lewis were friends but he’s gone.
Jaune: I know.
Ren: So what are we looking for? His grave?
Jaune: No. That’s not what I’m looking for.
Emerald: Then what is it?
Jaune: His first draft.
Nora: You mean his book?
Jaune: Yeah. Lewis censored a lot of information. More importantly, his story was based on his diary. I don’t know what happened to him but he still lived in Vacuo or moved. He had to have taken it with him.
Nora: But what’s so important is that you need his book.
Jaune: *silent*
Nora: No. Jaune you’re not thinking– Are you-
Jaune: Slow down. Yes, I’m looking for a way to return to the Ever After. But not for me. For Salem.
Ren: What?
Jaune: When I was in the Ever After, I thought Ascension just meant death. Which it is. However, it’s also about rebirth. Making changes in one’s self. 
Emerald: And? What does this have to do with Salem? 
Jaune: Think about what Ruby told us. Salem failed to learn the value of life and death. In The Ever After you still die but-
Emerald: Salem’s immortal Jaune.
Jaune: Listen. After you die or are taken by the tree as Ruby described, you are sent to the forger. The forger has the power to create, reforge, and repair you.
Nora: Jaune we fail to see your point.
???: I get it.
Ren: Ruby? When did you and your team-
Ruby: Sorry. I was looking for Jaune a while ago. They were just helping me look. I wanted to talk but that can wait. Jaune, if what I’m guessing is correct then if you find this portal back to The Ever After, you can send Salem there.
Jaune: Yes. However once I find it and see if it works, I need Raven there before sending Salem. 
Yang: Why my mom?
Jaune: Her semblance allows her to travel anywhere as long as she has been there before. 
Ruby: And unlike the staff, it ignores time and space. That means Raven can easily leave the Ever After without having to go through the door again.
Emerald: Okay. Stop! You keep talking about the Ever After but what about Salem?! What does any of this have to do with beating Salem?!
Ruby: *smile* It’s possible but only a theory. If we send Salem to the Ever After, allowing the tree to take her-
Weiss: Then she ascends. 
Blake: Allowing the forger to reset her.
Yang: Leaving her-
Jaune: That’s right.  She can be imprisoned or she can return but maybe as… a mortal.
NER: !!!!
Nora: Meaning…
Ren: She can finally be killed.
Ruby: Exactly. 
Nora: Yes! Fearless Leader strikes again. *hugs Jaune*
Jaune: Nora, calm down. Besides like Ruby said it’s theoretical. And even so, she could come back maybe stronger than before.
Weiss: Maybe. But still-
Yang: It’s better than nothing.
Jaune: *continues his research*
Ruby: Hey, can you all leave for a minute? I want to talk to Jaune alone. 
NER and WBY: *leave*
Jaune: *sigh*
Ruby: I’m… I’m… I’m sorry.
Jaune: For what?
Ruby: For what happened on the bridge? 
Jaune: *stops what he’s doing for a second*
Ruby: I… I figured out what happened. Put two and two together. And… I’m sorry.
Jaune: *continues working* Just promise this. Don’t be like them.
Ruby: Like who?
Jaune: Pyrrha. Penny. And Alyx.
Ruby: I don't -
Jaune: Pyrrha thought she could do it. Though it was slim she still went in with no way out. She could have lived to fight by our side if she hadn't been egotistic. Penny could have lived if she had been a little more selfish. Willingly to put her life first before others. What made her death even sadder was… she died a puppet on the strings. Alyx died because of ignorance. She thought irrationally. Jump to conclusions. Not taking the time to think things through. All those things probably are what ultimately led her to her death. She was truly a naive girl.
Ruby: *silent*
Jaune: Look Ruby, your silver eyes are not the only things that make you special. And just because you get praise for it doesn't mean you should let them define you. You are not alone. So please, count on me to help. Or at least your team. Don't die over pride. 
Ruby: *hugs Jaune*
Jaune: Hm. Hey, what's- …oh.
Ruby: *in tears* 
Jaune: *sighs and smiles* Alright, I’ll take a break, for you at least.
Ruby: Thank you.
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madkiska · 1 year
watching the entirety of jrwi: riptide again. here's some important things from the first few episodes that I feel we forgot (<110 mentions too though)
Had night terrors similar to those of Kubakinta's curse in episode 5, and they eventually start returning even after Loffinlot's curse is lifted ○ All of them were about her family and/or the navy ○ I simply think people leave her out of the nightmare stuff and she deserves it. Hurt her more, please (he said, lovingly)
was actually very upset at having to use her medal to get a Loffinlot rebellion to shut up ○ This could be because she didn't want them to guess she was a spy, but I choose to believe it's because she felt guilty
"If you're gonna be sailing with someone, you should have a good relationship with them. [nervous chuckle]." She says, while asking him for information about the Black Rose Pirates (ep. 10)
Said "thank god they didn't find me" after a nightmare about the navy attacking. Even when she was supposedly a spy, who one day would have to return to the navy ○ Very unclear if she was scared of her dad, or if it's because she was a secret spy so the navy would've just killed her
Rewatching, she was suspiciously into the plundering and gold and stuff. Like that was real sus. It doesn't fit her current character much
The only one among them who's gambled before
The entire thing literally starts off with Bizly holding a lit match
Called Gillion "Gill" and Jay "Sureshot" from an early stage
Was SO much more of a bastard. Lied to Gill constantly, didn't care about anything but the money, etc.
Had aggressive hand tremors alongside Jay's night terrors ○ Gill cures it with lay on hands
When he gets drunk married, they talk extensively about how he'd be released when he's dead. Welp.
They did actually break up and it was fine and they were still friends. They parted on good terms
Is really fucking good at chess ○ Beat Earl twice and Jay once. Jay had a point of exhaustion after a nightmare but Earl had no excuse ○ Lost to Gillion though, but only cause of prophetic screwup ○ This kid is smarter than he lets on, y'all
Was the first one to have a backstory dump while Jay is asking him about the Black Rose Pirates, yet still we know jack shit about his life before them other than "orphan"
Charlie has referred to Gillion with 'they' many times. I can pull receipts.
When describing Gill, Charlie said: "He's more.. elven, if you had to make a comparison. 'Cause I don't wanna be a fish guy". Oh, honey.
Smote a bald person by using his hair as a whip (ep. 4)
Was given anxiety and self-doubt alongside jay's night terrors and chip's tremors ○ "What do you want?" "I want the feeling of satisfaction I've been chasing my whole life." ○ This was episode FIVE.
First mention of the prophecy and how Gillion wasn't their ideal student is ep. 7, after he divine smites + prophetic screwups and deals like 60 damage to some beetles ○ Chip spends the next 30 seconds in gay awe
He refers to the crescent moon Niklaus tattoo as "my zodiac" (probably a bit) ○ It's not a lil basic white girl moon this thing is the entire size of his forearm
Gill had never heard about the Black Sea - it's unclear if the Undersea just don't know, or if that's just how sheltered he was (ep. 10)
Biz: "What would Gillion do. If he just had no goal - was just sitting there." "Gillion always has a goal." "Would his goal ever be to just.. Sit there?" "Absolutely not." ○ Later, Chip expresses that he doesn't know what Gillion likes. What he would want out of winning a bet. Gillion doesn't have an answer
Apple, in a couple of early battles, acted like Gill's familiar (see: ep. 7)
They also pecked at his Niklaus tramp stamp and looked all confused at the idea of eating seeds
The specific crescent of the moon in the Niklaus tattoo is known as a symbol of "corruption" (ep. 9) and its antonym is the sun, for "life", similar to the yin and yang ○ Interesting to consider after what the tree said in 110 <_<
Pretzel has a masters degree in couple's therapy (ep. 10)
The Albatross/Millennium Chipper was described as the colour of rosewood or mahogany
Captain Lizzie's first introduction was a wanted poster, and Chip wanted to turn her in for the prize, then decided to try learn from her instead
Chip/Bizly called Old Man Earl "Erol" for a loooong time ○ Maybe it's an accent thing but I have an uncle called Erol and so this stands out to me
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yuna542 · 1 year
Unwanted Bodyguards
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Pairing: WooJin + GunWoo x Reader
Word Count: 14.4k
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Bodyguards x Reader
Warnings: Smut!, Under 18 DNI!, Swearing, Pet names, voyeurism, cum play, overstimulation, threesome, oral (f&m receiving), fingering, , masturbation, swearing, motions of violence and wounds
Note: FINALLY! I made it! Worked on this quiet a while. I could hardly choose between them, so why not both? Hope you like it and I could meet your expectations. Let me now what you think.
Summary: After a failed assassination attempt is made on you to harm your grandfather Mr Choi, he locks you up against your will for your safety. Even the incredible luxury villa with pool does not lift your spirits as you can no longer join forces with your sister against your grandfather's enemies. And to make matters worse, he also forces two ridiculously hot boxers on you who are supposed to keep an eye on you all the time and protect you. Soon the forced quarantine with the two young men turns out to be more exciting than you expected.
"Shit, I'm gonna kill you! Let me go! God damn it!"
"Yeah yeah. Sure.”
All the tugging and kicking did nothing against Yang-Jun's firm grip. The knife fighter dragged you out of the car you had refused to get out of by yourself only minutes before. Doo-Young stood in front of the car, waiting as he pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers.
"Please don't make this harder than it is," he sighed, and you glared angrily at him as the older one tried to hold your hands.
"Why are you going along with this? I can help! You know I can!"
"Orders from the boss," Yang-Jun growled, then grumbled:
"Arms up!"
"What are you doing?" you snapped at him, giving the mansion behind him a disparaging look.
This was going to be your dungeon for the next few weeks. The white walls with black shingle roofs stood out elegantly against the trimmed lawn and box trees in the front yard.
Without hesitation, he yanked your arms up and scanned your body. First your torso, then your hips, down your sides, and finally your legs, where he looked carefully in every pocket of your cargo pants.
"We need to take any weapons from you so you don't do anything stupid," Doo-Young explained, and you leaned against the car they had used to drag you here. When your grandfather's two hit men showed up at the bar you had been secretly observing for days, you knew something was wrong.
Three days ago, you had snuck out of the hospital because Choi would never have let you go off on your own.
"This is ridiculous! Are you into groping young girls Oppa? Let Doo-Young do it, then at least I'll get something out of it!" you said with a typical evil glint in your eyes.
Both of them just snorted and Doo-Young quickly averted his eyes. He'd never been able to handle your flirting, and that made it all the funnier for you.
„Don't worry, you're not my type. I'm not into ungrateful brats", the older one mumbled grumpy as always. You chuckled and looked at him with those devilish eyes.
„I'm everybody's type, right Doo-Young?"
He just sighed overwhelmed, because you were not wrong. In fact you had that thing about you, that let every guy crumble in front of you and beg for even the tiniest bit of attention.
The two of them had not only become your mentors after all these years, but something like friends. They had watched you grow up, rescued you from the orphanage with Mr. Choi, and molded you. That's why they weren't surprised when he pulled out a pistol from your belt, three throwing knives and a baton from the hidden holster on your back.
Yang-jun threw everything into a box on the back seat and looked at you inquiringly.
"Was that all?"
You jutted your chin defiantly and crossed your arms in front of your chest.
"Yes. That was all."
But Doo-Young interfered and turned back to you, arms crossed.
"Back pocket," he said simply, and by then Yang-jun was already whirling you around again and pressing you hard against the car.
Cursing, you bared your teeth as he pulled the folding knife from your pocket and looked at it, shaking his head. Then he tossed it to the rest of your weapons.
"Now she's your problem," he said, turning to his colleague and patting his hands on his pants.
As Doo-Young approached you, you raised your hands defensively.
"Don't you dare put me in that golden cage!" you growled dangerously, but he unceremoniously grabbed you by the hips and threw you over his shoulder.
"I'm really sorry, little one, but the order came from the very top."
Cursing, you slammed your fists on his back, but his grip was so tight that you couldn't do anything. Not only was he one of the best fighters you knew, unfortunately he was also your friend and you didn't want to hurt him.
So he carried you to the entrance, unlocked the door with a key card and an extra code, and didn't let you down until you were in the living room.
Offended, you threw yourself on the big red velvet sofa and pouted.
"Hey, there are worse places to be safe," he said carefully, looking around the luxury mansion. The pool in the backyard glistened through the large windows, and the huge kitchen made quite a impressive impact as well. A spiral staircase led up to the second floor, where your room, a guest room and a dressing room was. As well as another bathroom with a whirlpool and walk-in shower. A fitness area on the patio, huge bookshelves crammed with stuff for years. The house had everything you could want, and yet you just wanted to get as far away as possible.
"Just get out!" you hissed without looking at him, pressing your face deeper into the pillow.
"Y/N... You have to understand Mr. Choi. He's worried about you. You got busted and killed three of Myeong-Gil's men. Just a few days ago, you woke up in the hospital. If he gets hold of you, he will not only torture you to get information, but also kill you to harm your grandfather."
Silently, you tried to ignore him. Everything he said was true and yet you hated him for saying it out loud.
"I'm going to leave now. If anything happens, call me! Please!"
You groaned in annoyance and sat up before he could just leave.
"I'll have to. You took away my weapons, after all," you replied, and he was clearly relieved when you stopped looking at him with such hostility.
Then he spread his arms and grinned in amusement.
"Come on. It's going to be okay."
Sighing, you scrambled to your feet and hugged him. Satisfied, he smiled and stroked your back. It was inconceivable to him how such a slender girl had cut down three armed men in cold blood with only a knife. Maybe they had trained you too well.
"Take care of yourselves and let me know if there's anything new" you murmured against his chest, looking up at him pleadingly.
"I promise," he replied, then let go of you again.
As soon as he disappeared through the door and the alarm was turned on, such a loneliness seized you that you trembled. Sighing, you wrapped your arms around your knees and lay on the couch in the huge house. Like a lonely kitten, abandoned in a huge forest.
The very next morning, you heard someone at the door and with a glance at the camera, you scrunched your face. Mr. Choi, Hyun-Ju and two young men were standing in front of it.
Astonished, you let them in and greeted your grandfather briefly before wrapping your sister in your arms.
"Shit, when you disappeared from the hospital, I thought something bad had happened to you," she said, hugging you a little tighter than necessary.
As soon as you got your breath back, you went ahead into the living room, where you took your seats. Except for the two young guys. They seemed to be a little older than you and both of their eyes almost fell out of their heads as they looked at the mansion from the inside. They elbowed each other excitedly in the sides like little kids, yet they remained silent.
"Is your shoulder better?" asked Choi worriedly, eyeing you intently.
You were wearing sweatpants and a cropped top under which the white bandage peeked out.
"It's not that bad. Who's that?" you asked directly, pointing at the two men.
Hyun-Ju raised her eyebrows meaningfully and stared at the ground, as if she knew what was coming next.
"Those are two young men I trust very much," the old man began, and you frowned.
"I'm Gunwoo," said the one who had shoulders so broad you could hide behind him. He had warm eyes and a really adorable face. Then the other one bowed as well:
"My name is Woojin, nice to meet you."
He too was unnaturally attractive. Curly hair, a sharper face, higher cheekbones and mischievousness in his eyes. They seemed completely different and yet they harmonized without saying a word.
"What's all this about?" you asked without answering them, looking to your grandfather. Both of them eyed you inconspicuously and looked at each other in surprise. Neither of them had expected such a young and attractive lady when they agreed to the job.
"I am worried about you. This mansion has not yet been discovered by Myeong-gil. But if he finds you here, I want you protected. These two men will do that job. They will be your bodyguards."
Stunned, you jumped up and stared back and forth between him and the boys, as if waiting for someone to break up this bad joke.
"What, no! I don't need bodyguards. No way! Those two aren't going to follow me all day!" you shouted a little louder than you meant to and looked to Hyun-Ju. You searched for any kind of help in her gaze, but she just shrugged apologetically.
"This is not negotiable. They will move into the guest room until this is all over!"
Mr. Choi's tone brooked no argument, and you pressed your lips together, seething with anger.
"They are for your protection. You almost got killed! It's not a bad thing!" your sister said and you slowly shook your head.
"You mean they are here to prevent me from leaving and to keep an eye on me?"
You didn't get an answer to that. Stunned, you snorted and looked at them again. Yes they were damn good-looking, trained, and if you ran into them in a club or bar, you would have had your fun with them for sure.
"We're boxers and used to fighting. We can protect you if it's necessary," Gunwoo said then, almost seeming to wince under your piercing gaze.
The way they looked at you, wide-eyed and trying to hide their staring wandering up and down your body, gave you naughty ideas. Maybe this whole thing could get pretty interesting after all.
"All right... I don't have a choice anyway," you muttered, and that's when your grandfather exhaled in relief.
He said goodbye shortly after and at the door your sister said a little louder than necessary:
"Don't devour them both at once."
You grinned knowingly and she just smirked. Hyun-Ju knew very well that they both suited your taste and she also knew that hardly any man would last longer than 24 hours near you without weakening.
You were self-confident, a flirt and loved attention. You also knew how to use your advantages and how to wrap men around your finger.
As soon as the old man and Hyun-Ju disappeared, you turned to the boys and put your hands on your hips. That's when you also spotted the suitcases they had smuggled in with them.
"What are your orders?"
"Orders?" asked Gunwoo meekly, and you rolled your eyes.
"What did grandfather tell you to do? Are you here to watch me? Report to him on my daily routine?"
Gunwoo looked like a scared bunny by now and you doubted his ability as a fighter a little. At least if his biceps weren't twice the size of your head. Woojin stepped in and smiled charmingly.
"He just asked us to watch over you and keep an eye on you so nothing would happen to you of course."
"So you're supposed to spy on me all the time?" you asked, walking past them into the living room. They followed you up to the second floor with their bags.
"Uh no. We're supposed to stay close to you, but we don't have to watch you... like… All the time", Gunwoo mumbled a bit overwhelmed.
"We're not stalkers or perverts or anything," Woojin quickly added.
"We didn't even know you were so young and.... and looking like...", Gunwoo stammered, obviously lacking the right words.
That's when you glanced over your shoulder and when your eyes met, no sound at all passed his lips anymore. Woojin jumped in and put a hand on his shoulder:
"We didn't know you were a young pretty lady. Hyun-Ju told us you were hot-tempered and dangerous to men..."
Gunwoo elbowed him in the side and gave him a warning look but you smiled knowingly with your back to them. This was going to be fun.
Hyun-Ju was not your biological sister. Like you, she was from the same orphanage, and the two of you had been inseparable since the day you saved her from an older bully by stabbing a fork through his hand.
Through her, you eventually came to the attention of Mr. Choi. He was quickly taken with your courage and emotionality, which is why he adopted you as his own flesh and blood, just like Hyun-Ju.
But unlike her, he could not keep you under control. You learned how to use weapons from his best assassins and as soon as Myeong-Gil reappeared, you were the first to spy on him. Your sister soon joined in and one thing led to another until you stupidly ended up in the hospital.
You opened the door to the guest room and stretched out your arm invitingly.
"This is for you. We only have a kingsize bed, but I think that will be enough."
The two looked around the room in amazement, Woojin directly pawing at the decoration in the form of scrolled sculptures and both of them seemed unaccustomed to such luxury. If they worked for Choi they were probably poor wretches from the street in his debt.
You leaned against the doorframe and looked at the two of them.
Gunwoo's smile was really cute and Woojin had that attractive charisma of a daredevil. They both made a nice sight and so at least you wouldn't get bored anytime soon.
"My room is right next door.... If you want to stop by," you said and they both froze and looked at you questioningly. As you grinned in amusement, you could see that they were both breaking out in a sweat.
You were making them nervous.
After all, they already agreed without words that they had never seen a prettier girl. Your long lashes framed your mysterious eyes and your body stood out softly under the fabric of your loose clothes. Likewise your features were engaging and the beckoning smile on your red lips was beguiling.
"I'm going to order some food. Do you like pizza?" you asked and they both nodded quickly.
Then you left them alone to get settled.
As soon as they heard you on the stairs, Woojin whirled around to Gunwoo and stared at him meaningfully.
"She's hot..."
Gunwoo swallowed emphatically.
"Yeah, but she scares me."
"Hell yes. She's scary!"
The next morning, you had almost forgotten that the two boxers were still here, but when you saw Woojin already sitting on the patio with a coffee in his hand and Gunwoo standing by the punching bag, you sighed softly.
"I see you found the punching bag..." you said and both heads flew in your direction.
You were wearing a sports bra and tight leggings that showed your round curves underneath. You put down the yoga mat you were carrying rolled up under your arm and tied your hair in a high ponytail.
"Good morning," Gunwoo greeted you and you eyed him not exactly inconspicuously.
He was shirtless and sweat glistened on his remarkably defined muscles. He looked really really sexy with the bandaged fists, the focused expression on his face. So now you got a much better picture of the boxer.
Woojin was waving air at himself and had probably exerted himself on the punching bag just before.
At your glance to Gunwoo, he also pulled his shirt over his head and you grinned slightly as he stretched emphatically and also presented his muscles.
"Did you sleep well boss?" he asked, propping his elbows on his knees as you stretched.
"Yes. It's nice not to have to sleep in the hospital bed anymore. How about you guys? Do you like it here?" you asked, and as you stretched to loosen your muscles and tendons, Gunwoo flopped down next to Woojin on the cream-colored couch and they both watched your elegant movements.
"It's incredible. I've never been in a mansion like this," Gunwoo said in awe and Woojin nodded in agreement. How cute.
"You can make yourself some breakfast in the kitchen," you said and started your work-out.
They both looked at each other silently and then disappeared inside. There, Woojin leaned against the counter and looked at Gunwoo:
"This is insane..."
Gunwoo nodded and prepared sandwiches with ingredients he found in the refrigerator.
"There's a huge tub with jets in the bathroom!"
"I think it's called a whirlpool," Gunwoo smirked ironically, as Woojin mimicked his know-it-all manner mockingly and stuck his head into the fridge. However, he found only healthy vegetables, fruits and little meat. Astonished, he glanced at Woojin, whose gaze was transfixed on something behind the window.
"She seems to be eating very healthy. Takes care of her body, I guess."
"I can tell..." his buddy replied, and that's when Gunwoo got curious. He placed the toasts on the sideboard and stood next to him to also get a look at what had him so enthralled.
"Look at this... Would you have expected that?" asked Woojin, and Gunwoo's eyes nearly fell out.
You sprawled elegantly on the mat, stretching until you landed loosely in the splits. With your back to them, they had a perfect view of your body and especially your ass. Sensual curves paired with toned muscles without losing your femininity.
You were steaming hot and under those tight gym clothes, they could easily imagine what you would look like without them.
"No... Not in a thousand years. With that view, I'll never complain about getting up early again."
They watched you for a while through the big window doing different yoga exercises and both of them automatically imagined how you would feel under them. All flexible, with the slim waist and round breasts.
The next few days did not get any easier for them.
Often you caught their eyes wandering longer along your curves, holding their breath as you pushed past them in the kitchen, your butt grazing their crotch, your fingers touching their arms, or you accidentally brushing along their shoulders while passing by.
It was fun to tease them and with each passing day they became more restless. By the third day at the villa, your head was nearly bursting.
No call, no message from Hyun-Ju or Choi. There was complete silence and that was important, but it drove you crazy to be without knowledge of what was happening in the outside world right now. Myeong-Gil was dangerous and the thought of something happening to your family and you not noticing anything because you were stuck in that luxury hell was horrible.
Besides, your wound was almost completely healed, you were more flexible again and you got bored and that was even more dangerous.
One evening you were sitting on the couch, stretching and trying to loosen the bandage that was wrapped around your shoulder, but no matter how much you twisted around, you couldn't get it off. Woojin watched this for quite a while and then poked Gunwoo hard in the side, who looked up from his cell phone, startled. Woojin pointed his chin in your direction and pushed him toward you meaningfully.
"Do you need help?" he asked then, and you glanced at him briefly before exhaustedly blowing a strand of hair out of your forehead.
"That would be nice," you murmured, even if it scratched your pride.
He moved closer while Woojin watched you curiously.
"Can you just loosen the bandage and take it off?" you asked, turning your back to him. He nodded, taking in your flowery scent that surrounded them the whole time and played with the guys senses. You pulled your shirt over your head and held it in front of your bare breasts. Woojin, who was sitting across from you, quickly turned his gaze to the floor. That you had no sense of shame was something he would probably never get used to. You always ripped your clothes of before going in the shower, without a second thought about him being also in the bathroom, brushing his teeth. He would also never get used to your body, which he wanted to look at all the time and trace every line with his fingers.
You smirked and Gunwoo exhaled loudly before tampering with the clamps with shaky fingers, carefully loosening them and beginning to roll the bandage off your arm, shoulder and torso.
"How did this happen?" he asked into the silence, trying to drown out the nervous tingling in his fingers stroking your soft skin and Woojin's nervous foot tapping. "Myeong-gil somehow found out that I was a spy.... I had snuck into his place, been a spy among his people, but before I knew it, I was exposed. His goon and three men ambushed me in my apartment."
"Shit," Woojin gasped, looking at you now after all, full of enthusiasm.
"Three of them I was able to take out with my knives.... Kang In-Beom I didn't manage. He plunged my own knife into my back from behind and left me to die. If it hadn't been for Hyun-Ju, I would have bled to death there," you recounted, and both of you could see how you shuddered at the memory of the pain, the adrenaline of the fight, and the fear for your life.
Gunwoo had removed the bandage and was looking at the stab wound on your shoulder blade, which by now gave off a red scar, too fine for the act of cruelty with which it was forced on you.
They were equally surprised and awed that the girl before him was so different from what she seemed after all.
"You have also had experience with the gorilla and his master?" you asked, pointing to Gunwoo's scar that ran across his jaw and was not unlike the one on your back. Then you pulled your shirt back over your head.
Gunwoo nodded slowly:
"Myeong-gil trashed my mother's cafe and gave me the scar. He brought ruin to my family and Mr. Choi saved us. For that, I am eternally grateful to him."
The loyal expression in his eyes and the strength, the indomitable courage they both exuded was refreshing. Attractive.
"Yes, he is always like that..." you murmured, tilting your head slightly as you raised your hand. You expected him to flinch, but he just looked you serenely in the eye as you ran gentle fingertips over his scar.
"It suits you. Our scars remind us about what's really important."
The boys were always amazed by you anew. Behind the tough, intelligent facade was a deep, emphatically girl who made an impression on both of them.
They admired you, were soon crazy about you. You also liked to be around them, to be looked at, to glare at them when they weren't looking.
Just playing with the boxers, like with small dogs, embarrassing them or making them nervous was not enough anymore.
So you decided to leave. You had already escaped from the hospital, so the ivy-covered wall around the estate was not a problem, was it?
Without thinking much about it, at noon you headed for a place in front of large stones that served as decoration around the pool.
You swallowed hard as you looked up. It was at least twenty feet you had to climb.
You had told the boys that you wanted to take a bath and therefore needed your privacy. They hadn't questioned it and Gunwoo had just rushed out of the bathroom with a red head when you just started to undress in front of him.
You had snuck past Woojin, who was doing push-ups and lifting weights in the living room, just like every morning. The guys were working out so much that you feared an apocalypse was coming. However, you didn't complain about the sight. Quite the opposite.
Confidently, you grabbed an ivy vine and pulled yourself up until you found a foothold with one foot. Just as you were about to pull yourself higher, you lost contact underfoot and felt two strong hands on your hips, plucking you from the wall like a ripe grape.
A startled squeak escaped you and you tried to free yourself from the tight grip by kicking.
"Let me go right now!" you yelled, and Gunwoo set you back on the floor, but not without pressing you firmly against his chest.
Cursing, you resisted, trying to shake off his hands until he wrapped both arms tightly around your torso and you barely had room to breathe.
"I'm really sorry, but we can't let you go. This is for your own safety!" he pressed out strained as he pulled you away from the wall.
Snarling and flailing like a cat gone wild you tried to move his arms away, Gunwoo looked around frantically for Woojin, who had already rushed across the yard to help.
"Stop that right now! You're both fired!" you shouted and a desperate yelp escaped you as Woojin tried to grab your wrists.
"I'm pretty sure you can't fire us," Woojin said and you tried to fight off his hands.
Together they tried to drag you back to the house where the big canapés were lined up.
You were startled yourself when in the heat of the moment you hit Woojin on the lip with your fist, but he didn't even flinch, instead pressing your hands against your body, his chest pressed tightly against yours.
You could see blood flashing at his mouth and tried to ignore your guilty conscience. Still, your resistance weakened a bit. Your muscles were already burning from the tension.
Finally, they managed to throw you onto the cream-colored canapé with the red cushions and before you could jump up, Gunwoo pounced on you and pinned you with his massive body underneath. His hands pressed your wrists firmly into the mattress next to your head and he was between your legs, so you couldn't even begin to fight his weight.
"Stop that! It's no use!" he said, and that's when you paused for a moment. Angrily, you glared at him and stared him straight in the eye.
"You guys are really pissing me off! Just let me go!"
Gunwoo sighed loudly and braced himself so he wouldn't hurt you with his weight. Like a wall, he cut you off from the outside world, and only when your pulse calmed down again did you begin to realize what position you were in.
Silently, he watched you, perplexed, as a strand of hair fell into your eyes, as the strap of your top slipped off your shoulder, revealing your white lace bra. He felt your soft body under him, your breasts, how they nestled against his chest and how your skirt had slipped up.
Directly he became insanely hot and indecent thoughts crept into his head.
"What are you going to do now?" you asked sharply, blinking at him through your thick lashes. He was even more handsome up close and you could feel his hard abdominal muscles against your body.
"Wait until you calm down and promise not to run away again."
You sparkled at him and jutted your chin a little. As you spoke, his warm breath brushed against your face and his eyes wandered aimlessly across your face.
"Why would I do that?"
"Because Mr. Choi will kill us if you don't."
The two of you were silent for a few seconds until the patio door opened and Woojin came back out with a cloth pressed against his bloody lip. You hadn't even noticed that he had disappeared, so focused were you on each other.
Gunwoo made no effort to move, and when his gaze fixed on your lips, you smiled slightly.
Teasingly you stretched your pelvis towards him until your middle brushed against his crotch and he noticed that your dress had ridden up so high that your panties were visible. However, you didn't seem to mind. His grip loosened on your wrists and his cheeks flushed as you felt a glint of it, causing arousal to shoot between your legs.
Your pretty face with deep-set eyes drove him crazy and he automatically had to imagine what it would be like to fuck your brains out in that position. Hearing your moans as he thrusted into you.
"You know I like it rough, right?" you mumbled and Woojin swallowed loudly.
"...Excuse me?"
Gunwoo looked completely overwhelmed, but his body's reaction spoke volumes. You rolled your hips at him again and this time he clearly felt your cunt against his now hardening dick.
"Well, considering the position we're in, I think we can take advantage of that, no?"
He exhaled loudly and let go of you.
Head flushed and clearing his throat, he turned away and sat down next to you. Seeking help, he looked at Woojin, who just stared at you.
Then he pressed a pillow to his middle and mumbled a curt apology before disappearing into the house.
Amused, you tilted your head and brushed your dress back into place.
"Is he always this uptight?" you asked, and to be honest, you wanted them even more now.
Woojin swallowed and then put on a grin.
"With beautiful women, you can sometimes lose your composure."
"Charming," you replied, stroking his shoulder as you passed, which made him freeze.
Then you settled down next to him on the couch and took the cloth from his hand.
Carefully, you dabbed at his lip, leaning against his bare chest as you did so, and said in a honeyed voice:
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."
He held your wrist tightly, thus catching your gaze. The amber of his eyes was streaked with golden speckles. He was stunningly beautiful, too, and his muscles tensed under your fingertips.
"Half as bad. As a boxer, I'm used to worse."
You gazed at him through your thick lashes and as he took the cloth from your hands and leaned forward to set it aside, your gaze traveled over his broad shoulders and the muscles on his back that were tensing.
You noticed the tattoo on his back and touched it with feathery fingertips.
"You served?" you asked curiously, and he shuddered as you stroked along the lines. His entire body tingled as you leaned against him and he felt your tits against his torso.
"Yes. You know about this sort of thing?" he asked incredulously. You smiled slightly and ran your fingers over the tattoo.
"Not really. But I'm interested. It's hot..."
Woojin's eyes lit up and his enthusiasm was contagious.
"Do you have a girlfriend or Gunwoo?" you asked then, and he stumbled over his words:
"No... There's not much time besides boxing."
You nodded and ran your fingers down his shoulder, over his biceps, to his inner arm. He watched how you bit your lip and wanted to touch them.
"As bloodhounds, it's hard to find someone?"
He tracked your movements, fidgeting restlessly. He wanted to grab you, kiss you to know what your lips tasted like, and he wondered if you would still look so confident stuffed with his cock.
"We're not bloodhounds."
You raised your eyebrows, wandered your fingers over his palm, and rested his hand on your thigh.
"You work for my grandfather, you're my bodyguards.... He would never hire any men off the street. If you're not bloodhounds yet, you will be soon."
Woojin pressed his lips together, slowly closing his hand around your inner thigh, just centimeters from where you actually wanted to feel his long fingers. Sighing, you leaned forward a bit, placing a hand against his chest until he had a good view down your cleavage.
"What did he tell you to do? What are the rules?" you breathed, and Woojin increasingly lost his self-control. His hand closed tighter and tighter around your thigh and you could see him struggling with himself.
"Don't let you out of our sight. Protect you with our lives. No touching." he enumerated the rules Choi had drilled into them, and now he finally understood what Hyun-Ju had warned them about. When she talked about you being dangerous, cunning, and a temptation, he hadn't believed her. But now he could hardly stop himself from pushing you down on the couch and ripping your clothes off.
He wanted your sweet voice moaning his name and touching you everywhere he shouldn't.
You nodded slowly. Of course Choi had ordered them not messing around with you. He knew you and your charm too well. You had a temper. You were uncontrollable. Everyone was afraid and enraptured by you at the same time.
"What if I want to touch you?" you whispered in his ear and he sucked in a sharp breath.
Agonizingly slowly, you let your fingers travel down his stomach, to the waistband of his pants. Your lips brushed his jawline and his hand wandered up your leg. The temptation was too big and he struggled with himself.
"He'd kill us..." he whispered with the last bit of resistance he could muster.
He... Your grandfather knew you well enough to know that one stupid rule wouldn't stop you from asserting your stubbornness.
"What if I want you to touch me?," you continued, pressing your thighs together so he could feel the heat between them on his hand, trapped just finger-widths away from your cunt.
He opened his mouth, but no sound came out. Instead, he furrowed his eyebrows in agony, and you wanted to fall to your knees to see if he looked as stunned when you took his dick into your mouth.
But before you could slide your fingers into his waistband, you stood up and left him sitting there, dumbfounded.
Gasping, he also pressed his hand between his legs as you disappeared into the house. It was a game for you and you were the master at it. Like chess. You were the queen. The boxers were your pawns, the pawns with which you passed your time, and both had to admit that they liked it more and more to walk for you on the board.
You retreated to your room for the rest of the day, until in the evening you resigned yourself to not getting out of here anytime soon.
The next few days your games became more and more dangerous and both Gunwoo and Woojin expected you to lose their mind every time you came into the room in skimpy pants, a dress that barely covered your breasts or skirts that showed glimpses of your underwear.
You made the time in the villa so much more interesting and they caught each other raving about you, losing themselves in mind games, only to be jilted in the end.
The danger surrounded you like the smoke of a cigarette and yet it was so seductive that Gunwoo did take a peek through the crack of the open door of the bathroom when you went to shower. He hated himself for it, but his curiosity and dirty desire to see more, to not always be kept at a distance, overwhelmed him.
He opened the bathroom door just enough to peek and catch you slipping out of your clothes.
He saw through the crack how you took off your skirt, threw away your top and looked at yourself in the mirror only in your underwear. He felt disgusting, but the line of your thighs as they merged into the perfect curve of your ass made him pause until you took off your underwear too. The way your tits spilled out of your bra when you undid the clasp made his cock hard in an instant and only when you turned on the water in the shower and faced the door did he tear his eyes open in shock and twirled away, pressing his back against the wall next to the door and gritting his teeth so hard his jaw ached. Gunwoo never been more thirsty in his life. Although he should just leave, he risked one more look. Just one last one. He wanted to suck on your skin, let his tongue lap up the water that dripped from your nipples, trickled down your calves. Your back is sexier than he realized, the slope of your spine incredibly pleasing to the eye, especially as you began to lather up your soft skin with the shower gel.
His pants were uncomfortably tight and he wanted to slap himself.
As soon as you walked past his room, wrapped in steam with only a towel around your body, a soft sound made you freeze.
The strained gasp came from the boys' room and you dared to look through the crack of the open door, which had hastily not been closed properly.
You recognized Gunwoo's broad back on the bed, muscles straining to him jerking his cock off, sighing your name. Your lip twitching up as fast as you clenched your legs together.
Another time you tried to take a cup from the top shelves in the kitchen. However, you were too short and the modern cabinets were placed way too far up. When Woojin saw this, he came to you, stood behind you and enveloped you in a shadow as if a tree had grown out of the ground right behind you.
He took out the cup and held it out to you, but you made no move to take it. You glanced coquettishly over your shoulder, leaned back a little until your ass was pressed firmly against his crotch and said:
"Thank you. Very thoughtful."
Immediately all color drained from his face and he grabbed your hip with his other hand to prevent you from making his dick even harder by wiggling your butt.
"It's all right," he dismissed it and wanted to flee, away from your seductive body and mesmerizing eyes.
But you turned, looked up at him through those long lashes you could swat flies with, and smiled sweetly:
"What do you think of the top? It's new, but I'm unsure if the color suits me."
Although you looked innocent, everything in him screamed trap! Still, he dropped his gaze and took a rattling breath as he clearly saw the curve of your breasts through the thin, almost transparent lilac material nestling to your body and your nipples forming little mounds on the fabric.
"It's pretty. Very pretty..." he stammered, trying to resist the urge to push the stupid thing up and hold your breasts in his hands.
He had big hands and they would fit perfectly.
As soon as the heat made him hard again, he watched you go, teeth gritting and jaw flexing as he lusted over how smoothly you walked away. You had to know you drove him crazy, that you were so beautiful and just out of reach that it made him want to crush the mug in his hand. Before Gunwoo could ask him, if he wanted to help him work out, he disappeared into the bathroom, with the excuse that he still had to shower.
Instead, he tried to get rid of his hard-on by ignoring it or even silently praying for it. But when he made the mistake of looking through the window, which offered a direct view of the pool and the loungers in front of it, an incredulous sigh escaped him.
You were just lying down in the sun, in the top and short skirt that accentuated your long legs. With big sunglasses on your nose, you tied your hair in a bun and to his horror, you unceremoniously pulled your top over your head. Your breasts in the bright sunlight looked soft and Woojin couldn't look away. As if caught in a curse, he stared at your body as you made yourself comfortable on the lounger, slipping out of your skirt and tanning only in black panties.
A wave of heat flashed in his gut, one that told him he was doing something wrong, that he should look away. He wasn't a pervert who secretly stalked women, though it was really hard not to look at you when you were prancing around in front of their noses all day. He shook his head, looked at himself in the mirror and mumbled a few curses. Fresh, hot blood flowed straight between his legs, made his dick thump against his lower stomach, the flushed tip peeking out of the waistband of his boxers.
Then he looked out again, eyeing the lines of your thighs as they converged between your legs, and as he pulled his now rock-hard dick out of his shorts, he tried to block out the accusing voice in his head.
Your skin glowed like the skin of a peach and he wondered if the tan-lines were as lighter where the panties were as they were around your breasts.
He wanted to touch your nipples, no he was so desperate, he wanted to take them in his mouth, suck on them and kiss you until you begged for him to fuck you. The fat of your boobs looked so soft, plush, and he imagined the weight of one in his palm as he started to stroke his cock. The sight of you naked and unaware made his head go fuzzy, garnet eyes glazing over as he shoved his boxers into the floor and kicked them away.
His cock laid heavy and demanding in his hand as he palmed himself to the sinful thoughts.
He sped up, imagining you kneeling on all fours in front of him and him slamming into you from behind, your pussy sucking him in, gripping him way better than his hand could. The naughty fantasies played like movies in his head and didn't let him go anytime soon. He gasped overwhelmed, imagining your naked body under his, stretched out just for his satisfaction. When you turned onto your stomach, he had to brace himself against the wall, panting. He had been plagued by images of you since day one, as if trying to burn the curves of your naked body into his memory. He loved how round your ass looked like this, how the length of your thighs begged for his hands to reach into each one. His fingers longed to feel soft skin between them, to sink into flesh and pull you back against him. His orgasm felt dirty, sultry, a long strand of ecstasy pulled from his cock and dripped onto his hand, splattered on the windowsill.
He cleaned it all up, put his pants back on, and tried to forget what he had done.
Meanwhile, you slid the sunglasses on your head and smiled slightly as Woojin's curly head disappeared out the window.
You made life harder for the two of them with every hour that passed.
Always the treat in front of their eyes, but they didn't dare to grab it. Yet.
The boxers were way, way too curious about you since they entered the luxury villa. Not to mention it was still late summer, so they caught you making dinner or doing yoga in the tiniest shorts and prancing around with no bra, nipples always hard and tempting from the breeze of the air conditioner.
It was way too much fun for you, however, you also became impatient. All this was soon not enough.
It was already dark and the round lanterns in the garden bathed everything in a pleasant orange light. Together with the blue of the pool, it made a dreamlike contrast. Woojin and Gunwoo were sitting on the loungers and talking quietly, but when you appeared, the conversation stopped and they looked at you attentively.
As soon as you took off your bathrobe and stood in front of them in just a sinful piece of bikini, Woojin clawed at Gunwoo's leg. They examined every little movement you made, the way you cocked your hip, how you cupped one of your breasts as you turned to them while you got into the water.
"Do you want to just watch or join?" you asked, letting yourself slide into the deeper water. They looked at each other, puzzled, and Gunwoo said:
"I don't know if we're allowed to..."
"What if I drown? Don't you have to protect me from drowning? You can't do that from there."
They looked at each other, not sure what to do, and before you waited any longer, you poured a gush of water over the edge of the pool, hitting them both. Startled, they jumped up and you giggled as your attack left them dripping and soaked.
When they heard you cackle so gleefully, something playful entered their gaze.
"Are we going to let this pass?" asked Gunwoo and Woojin shook his head, coming to the edge of the pool, but before he realized, Gunwoo had seized the golden opportunity and pushed him into the water from behind.
Woojin, however, clung to his arm in a flash and pulled him along. Gunwoo frantically rowed his arms, but it was all to no avail as they hit the surface of the water next to you with a loud splash.
Drops of water splashed you completely wet and you held your hands in front of your face. When they resurfaced, Woojin coughed, Gunwoo rubbed his eyes, and you held a hand over your mouth to stifle your laughter.
As Woojin tossed his hair out of his face, he fixed you and pulled his wet shirt over his head in one fluid motion. At the sight of his trained body, you raised your eyebrows slightly and bit your lower lip, however, as he walked up to you and muttered:
"Well now you're laughing!"
You tried to run away squealing. However, he caught you and splashed water on your face, though in the process he also hit Gunwoo, who also began to tussle with him. He tore off his shirt and threw it to the edge before grabbing Woojin and wrestling with him.
You were laughing like little kids, splashing water at each other, and you felt more free and like yourself than you had in years.
The sound of your bright, high-pitched laughter as Gunwoo dove between your legs, lifted you up and threw you into the water with a loud splash was like music to the boys' ears.
You wrestled for quite a while, holding each other, pulling your legs away and dunking each other under the water until you could take no more.
Your heart was light, the water pleasantly cool, and the boys' hands firm on your soft skin.
You finally landed between the two of them. Woojin had his arms wrapped around your belly, pressing you tightly to his chest, Gunwoo grabbed your wrists, pulled you to him and held you by the waist. You paused in the position, breathing heavily. You brushed a wet strand of hair out of your eyes and you suddenly realized how close you were. You looked up at Gunwoo, who had a sweet smile on his lips, Woojin's arms were tight against your stomach and you leaned against him. You shook your head, unable to tear your eyes away from him. The air was thick with an unspoken tension, and your heart raced in anticipation.
"Do you really want to fight us?" asked Gunwoo with a smirk, your skin tingling excitedly. Woojin tried not to look down too long at your ass pressed against his crotch and instead pinched your sides playfully.
"Maybe she has a chance," he said, and you tilted your head a little, like a curious cat.
"I think you can use those strong arms of yours to do plenty of other things with me," you replied, delighting in the stunned reactions. Gunwoo froze and looked a lot like one of those greek statues of a god and Woojin's grip on your hips tightened.
With a silky voice and seductive aura, you took Gunwoo's hands and slowly guided them up your sides.
"Or is that not what you want?" you asked, as if asking his opinion on his choice of ice cream.
Gunwoo could no longer take his eyes off your slender fingers guiding his hands along your curves.
"Or this?" you asked, placing his large hands on your breasts.
In parallel, an overwhelmed gasp escaped Woojin as you rubbed your ass harder against his crotch. His hands flew to your hips and he could think of nothing but the heat gathering between his legs, pressing against the soft curve of your ass.
Gunwoo cupped your breasts tentatively, but they felt too good, too perfect to let go. He wanted to get rid of your bikini, to feel them whole and complete.
Your words were like a spell that made the boxers take off completely:
"Or don't you want me?"
Gunwoo's eyes snapped back to your face and he looked almost panicked as he said:
"I want it! I want you!"
Woojin grinded your ass against his bulge and would have loved to pull your bikini bottoms down right then and there to thrust into you.
"We want all of it!" he added, and you smiled triumphantly.
It was so simple.
"Then take it."
Gunwoo gave Woojin a questioning look over your shoulder, he nodded curtly at him and by then he was already leaning down to you, pulling you closer by the face and kissing you tempestuous. Woojin began kissing your neck, continuing to rub his increasingly hard length against your soft skin.
The kiss was sunny, warm, full of desire and you melted, pressed between the two muscular men. Gunwoo began kneading your breasts, sighing into your mouth as the water seemed to boil around you.
As soon as he broke away from you, Woojin turned your head to the side by the chin and already his lips were pressing to yours as well. Sweet as honey, hot as fire and much more impetuous than Gunwoo.
He greedily pushed his tongue into your mouth, turning you over until your back bounced against Gunwoo and he could push his knee between your legs.
"Free her tits!" murmured Woojin, and his hands reached for your ass, kneaded your soft flesh until you gasped into his mouth. Directly you felt Gunwoo's fingers pull open the loops of your bikini and the top fell off of you. He tossed it aside and Woojin was finally able to touch what he had been dreaming about for nights. Directly he kissed down your neck, sucking on your skin until he reached your nipple and ran his tongue around.
You took Gunwoo's hand and placed it on your other breast as you leaned against him, sighing comfortably.
"So pretty for us," he murmured, twirling your nipple between his fingers while Woojin sucked on your other and groped your ass.
The water lapped around you and you felt detached, weightless.
Gunwoo's fingers wandered over the waistband of your bikini panties, hesitantly, as if weighing whether to cross that line. However, it was all too late now anyway.
"Touch me! Please go on!" you gasped, your fingers in Woojin's hair, working red marks into your skin.
Gunwoo's lips brushed your neck as he exhaled and slid his fingers into your bikini. He played with the little bundle of nerves, rubbing it until your knees went soft. You gasped, your lips swollen and your face enlightened with desire.
You looked into Woojin's eyes as you did so, and he was equally incredulous by the immense horniness. You stroked down his abs, over his crotch, and there he lifted you out of the water with ease.
"Woojin... What...?"
But you didn't get any further, because he was already carrying you onto the canapé, the cool air on your wet skin gave you goosebumps and when he leaned over you and kissed you wildly, you let out a loud gasp.
In Gunwoo's eyes, too, a fire burned in the meantime that could no longer be extinguished. Whimpering, you pressed your body against Woojin and the stormy kissing ended only when you both could no longer breathe. He tilted his head a bit and his hand wandered down your belly into your bikini bottoms where he stroked through your folds. His eyes lit up and a blush shot up your cheeks as he felt how wet you already were.
"Shit have you been this horny all this time?" he muttered, biting the crook of your neck, making you whimper softly. As he did so, he pressed his thumb flat against your clit. Quickly, you grabbed his wrist and held it ironclad so you didn't immediately come over his fingers.
"Don't act like I'm the only one.... I know you've been watching me," you replied, glaring piercingly at both of them. Gunwoo actually laughed softly and sat down next to you on the canapé, while Woojin knelt between your legs, the sun sparkling on his wet abs.
"Do you really think we haven't been thinking about fucking you since day one when you're always running around in those skimpy clothes, getting us hot and worked up obviously with pure intention?" he growled and started spreading wet kisses along your collarbone. Your head was already floating in the clouds, so you looked up to the star studded sky and when Gunwoo firmly kneaded one of your breasts, you let out a sigh:
"Oh God..."
"He won't be able to help you now," Woojin chuckled and that's when you felt him roll your bikini panties off your legs and toss them carelessly aside. Since he was kneeling between your legs you couldn't squeeze your thighs together and hide your soaked cunt from Woojin's intense gaze.
"Look at how wet she is!" he said with a grin at Gunwoo, pushing your knees even further apart. Gunwoo eased off your neck for a moment and stroked two fingers through your folds, collecting your wetness on his fingers and the smile on his lips turned your head. Gasping, you pushed through your back as he suddenly sank two fingers into you and began pumping them into you.
"Gunwoo... Oh... Fuck," you moaned as you clawed at his biceps and moved your hips against his hand.
"You like that, huh? My fingers deep in your pussy?" he murmured in a soft voice, as if he was talking to a puppy or a kitten.
Woojin watched as Gunwoo's fingers disappeared into your wet cunt, creating naughty wet sounds, while your whole body trembled and by now his cock was so stiff that he could hardly stand it anymore. Gunwoo suddenly pulled his fingers out of you so that you were forcibly thrown back into reality and could only watch as he pushed his fingers into his mouth and licked your wetness off of it.
"She tastes like candy," he gushed, and Woojin grew more impatient.
"I need to taste her so bad..." he growled, kneeling down in front of the canapé. Without further ado, he grabbed you by the hips and pulled you to the edge so that his face hovered in front of your exposed cunt.
When his tongue met your clit, your eyes were already rolling backwards and when he then also sank two fingers into your hole and pumped them into you at an unholy pace while sucking on your clit, you couldn't stop moaning his name. He ate you out as if his life depended on it and as your hand sped into his curls and you pulled on his strands, he growled into your pussy. Gunwoo meanwhile went to work on your breasts, taking your nipples in his mouth, sinking his teeth into your sensitive skin and groping your whole body with his big hands.
"You're god damn gorgeous," he grunted, sucking so hard on your neck that you trembled. You felt your high rolling in record fast and Woojin worked your throbbing pussy only more intensely. His tongue slid over your bundle of nerves and his fingers hit the spots that drove you crazy every time.
"Faster... Woojin please," you begged and the sound of his name spilling from your lips had his cock aching against the fabric of his way too tight boxers, shoulders aching as he hammered his fingers into your pussy even faster, almost hoping you'll break for him.
Gunwoo palmed himself through his shorts by now, as he was more than aware of the sounds of Woojin devouring your pussy and your naked body just stretched out and ready for them.
Your vision was blurry by now, but when you felt Gunwoo's hand in your hair you looked up at him.
"Are you our good girl, princess?" he asked in such a low voice that you could only nod breathlessly. All you could do was cry in gargled whimpers, writhing around as Woojin focused on sucking the life out of you, his hands now on your hips, holding you still.
"Then open your mouth suck my dick, like the little slut you are," he purred, kneeling beside you, pulling down his shorts and holding his massive cock in his hand. A strangled gasp escaped you as Gunwoo put the tip to your lips and spread precum on it. Overwhelmed, your eyelids fluttered as you licked his slit and he tangled one hand in your hair, slowly pushing his length into your mouth. As he nudged your throat, a gag escaped you, making him groan loudly. You braced yourself against his thighs as he began to rut into your mouth. He was so thick that you quickly stopped breathing. In addition, your whole body tensed as your orgasm threatened to wash over you. Desperately, you squinted your eyes as Woojin didn't let up. He noticed how your legs began to tremble around his head and sucked hard on your clit. your whimpers stuttering as he continued to suck, flicking his tongue against it before sucking again. You gripped the pad beneath you, shutting your eyes tight and moaning repeatedly around Gunwoos dick as Woojin devoured you. Gunwoo noticed it too and paused from his slow but deep thrusts into your throat, holding you by the hair, his tip still pressed tightly against your lips as you came whimpering loudly. He studied your expression closely, trapped in the cage of pleasure and pure bliss.
As you slowly came back down from your high, Woojin licked clean everything he had caused and looked up at Gunwoo.
"Fuck you have to taste her! Her pussy is addictive."
Woojin chuckled contently between your thighs, his fingers pulling your folds apart to show Gunwoo the way your juices dribbled out of your leaking hole. He teasingly blew a puff of air over your sopping cunt, enjoying the way you writhed beneath him.
Completely attuned to each other, they changed places while you swam on the edge of reality, unsure if you would ever forget the feeling if pleasure flashing through your veins like lightning. You had never come so hard and that had only been Woojin's finger and mouth.
Gunwoo took a seat between your legs, grabbed a handful of your ass and pulled you closer to the edge until his mouth met your pussy. Directly you saw stars and when his tongue penetrated you, his deep humming filled your body. Somehow you felt Woojin's mouth on your neck, nibbling on your skin, stroking your tits and you were closer to heaven than ever before.
An unintelligible mass of words, curses and their names escaped you as you pushed his face deeper into your cunt with one hand in his hair. His nose bumped against your clit as he licked deeper and deeper into your hole and the knot in your belly tightened burning.
That's when you felt a rougher grip in your hair than Gunwoo had before. When you looked up at Woojin, you already saw that he was holding his cock and palmed himself. It wasn't as thick as Gunwoos length, but longer and even now you didn't know how to survive it.
"Don't leave me out, open up for me baby!" he demanded and pressed his tip against your lips. You saw how you got him worked up and as he tilted his head, taking in the sight of your fucked out facial expression, even though they hadn't really done anything yet, he was sure not only to be satisfied with a blowjob today. He tapped at your lips with his angry red tip, his eyes wide with demand.
You couldn't help but obediently obeying like the good girl you were, you parted your lips for him, taking the tip of his cock with ease. With uneven whines of pleasure, you stuck your tongue out to lick up his length. Slobbering messily, you smeared a mixture of precum and spit all over your chin.
Woojin tangled his fingers into the strands of your hair, guiding your head, watching your lips stretched around his dick as he pushed himself down your throat.
Tears welled up in your eyes and the naughtiest sounds escaped you as he began to snap his hips against your face. Your slurping noises and stifled whimpers only seemed to spur Gunwoo on, as he gripped his hands tighter into the flesh of your thighs and sinked his whole face into your pussy, licking as deep as he could.
Woojin grunts, feeling you swallow around him. He liked the way your eyes clouded with tears, the way you looked at him with such urgency when you needed to breathe.
"I think she's about to cum," Woojin gasped between his deep thrusts into your throat, and Gunwoo hummed in response, continuing to penetrate you with his tongue.
"Gunwoo tongue-fucking you real good, huh?", Woojin pressed out and pushed you all the way onto his cock so that your nose bounced against his lower belly and the world around you blurred. Gunwoo meanwhile withdrawing his tongue from your pussy and spreading your lips to start sucking on your clit again, a scream ripping from your throat from how amazing he was making you feel, as Woojin roughly pulled you back by the hair in time and pulled his dick out of your mouth to look at your face as you crumbled beneath him. Gunwoos mouth and tongue still torturing you. You'd long accepted that you were going to have to just cum for them. It's something they made sure you understood from the beginning. You came not for your own pleasure but because they wanted to see it. Like hungry lions they were just waiting until they pushed you over the edge each time. Your high shook you and your eyes rolled back as Gunwoo obsessively pressed his mouth on your pussy again. Woojin watched with satisfaction as you recovered from your climax, continuing to hold you by the hair so as not to miss any detail of your flushed face.
When you were gradually able to think clearly again, your legs were still shaking and the boxers were looking at you with a gentle smile.
"Holy shit," you sighed, running your hands through your hair and looking Gunwoo in the eye as he climbed back up to you.
"Was that good?" he asked, though he could read the answer on your face and body.
"That was sick," you murmured, and that's when his lips crashed down on yours. You could taste yourself on him, his hands tight on your hips and your head fogged with lust and desire.
"You didn't think that was it, did you?" asked Woojin suddenly, after the boxers had exchanged a meaningful glance. Even if you saw clearly again, your head was still filled with absorbent cotton. Before you could inquire, Woojin grabbed you by the hips and threw you over his shoulder. Grumbling, you drummed on his back as he carried you into the mansion, Gunwoo close behind you.
"Put me down! I can walk myself!"
He didn't even seem to have a little trouble carrying you up the stairs, and when he just laughed throatily, you got all hot.
"Don't act like you don't like being bossed around. You were just fucking begging me to finger you faster," he said and your head glowed with shame and arousal. In truth, you had never experienced anything hotter than being used by the two of them and everything inside you was screaming to finally be fucked.
He carried you to his and Gunwoo's room, threw you on the kingsized bed and climbed between your legs to kiss you. Demandingly, he slid his tongue into your mouth without hesitation, grabbed your hips and rubbed his hard dick through the fabric of his shorts against your thigh.
You sighed softly and your cunt contracted demanding. You wanted to feel him, deep inside you even if his size was already scaring you.
Gunwoo closed the door behind you and sat down on the chair beside the bed, watching you intently. Woojin kissed the red marks he and his best friend had worked into your skin all over your neck and breasts, then looked at you.
"What do you want, princess? Tell us so we can make you feel good. We're here just for you."
His voice was rough with lust and you melted under the gaze of his gemstone eyes. He couldn't get enough of the sight of your soft skin, pleading eyes and legs spread over the bed. He looked at you through half hooded eyes.
"Oh yeah? You're selflessly dragging me into your bed?" you asked cheekily, wandering your fingers down his stomach until you slid them into his waistband. He smelled seductively woody and of honey, which immediately gummed up your mind. Worse than any alcohol.
Woojin grinned crookedly and put a hand around your neck to push you back onto the mattress. You could feel how impatient he was.
"Answer him!" sounded Gunwoo's voice, low and rough, and you shuddered.
It was enough to make you gulp and the heat between your legs pulsate.
"Fuck me. I want my bodyguards to fuck me until I can't walk," you whispered and immediately fire shot into Woojin's eyes. He looked to Gunwoo, whose dick was massive and powerful in his hand.
"You want to start?" he asked him, and you got goosebumps. Gunwoo shook his head and smiled gently:
"You start. I'll take her after you stretched her for me."
Woojin nodded with a dirty grin, looked down at you with an intimidating stare, and flipped you onto your stomach by your hips with lightning speed. With a gasp, you felt him grab your hips, pulling you toward him until you were propped up on your elbows and your ass was sticking up in the air in front of him.
With one hand he pushed your torso into the mattress, with the other he pulled off his boxers. Your body trembled when you felt his tip at your entrance. He covered it with your juices, letting it brush up and down between your folds, and his tip alone would stretch and ache you, you knew for sure. He wasn't as thick as Gunwoo, but he was longer and you'd never had such massive cocks before.
"Look at the little princess..." he said teasingly to Gunwoo as he continued to tease you with his tip at your entrance, rubbing along your clit.
"Ready and desperate for us to fuck her brains out."
He had wanted you like this since he saw you that morning, ass in the air as you did your early morning exercises. But now you were even hotter, pussy messy and dripping and already spread from his fingers. He had an urge to spank you, punish you a bit for being so dirty, for teasing him for so damn long, but his balls are so heavy with cum that he needed to pound into you, like he needed to breath.
"I'm trying not to break you," he growled, and that's when he started to penetrate you. You whimpered softly as he began to push his tip inside you.
Your face was pressed into the mattress and you could only look at Gunwoo, who was watching intently as Woojin sank inch by inch deeper into you. Your body trembled and your walls began to pulse painfully.
He dug his fingers into your hips so you couldn't get away and pushed his length incessantly into your aching hole. Directly your field of vision veiled as inch by inch he seemed to tear your insides apart, regardless of your whimpers and gasps.
You clawed at the bed sheet and just as he disappeared halfway inside you, he paused to sigh softly:
"Holy shit. Your so tight. The best pussy I ever felt..."
You managed to take a quick breath and adjust to his size as a naughty moan was ripped from you as he thrusted completely into you unannounced. Your widened eyes met Gunwoo's as he palmed his hard dick and watched you in overwhelm, moaning softly.
"Oh fuck... Woojin it's too big," you pressed out overwhelmed, between whimpering and gasping. Subdued, you moaned out, clawing your hands into the mattress until his thighs bumped against yours. You felt his balls pressed against your clit and he pulsed deep inside you. Then he leaned over you until his mouth hovered next to your ear. He kissed your shoulders reassuringly and murmured:
"Shh. I know baby girl. Take it like the little whore you are."
Your breath caught as he slid out of you and slammed into you again. This time faster as your arousal was already dripping out of your cunt and as soon as he started thrusting into you, your eyes rolled back.
"Fuck so good," he gasped and Gunwoo started moving his hand up and down his cock, turned on by the way his best friend was destroying you from behind.
Then he started moving his hips steadily, he gripped your hips tightly and after just a few thrusts you thought you were going to burst. Every movement electrified you and soon all you could hear was your moans, the slap of his hips against your ass and his low growl as he took you hard and deep from behind. He could feel the thick veins that ran along the length of his cock rubbing against your walls with every plunge, and knew you could feel them too. Your hands were already slipping against the sheets, searching for some kind of sanity to cling on to as he fucked you senseless. All the while, you watched Gunwoo who couldn't take his eyes off of you, and as you narrowed your eyes at your third orgasm, Woojin grabbed your hands and yanked them out from under you, leaving you fully at his mercy.
"Look at Gunwoo and show him how good I'm fucking you!" he panted, seeming to reach deeper with each thrust. He moved his hips roughly and quickly. By then he was holding your wrists with only one hand, reaching for your face with the other, bending over you and turning your head until your lips collided. He was starving, keeping your face in his iron grip so he could take what he wanted so bad. Your lips were soft but eager, following his movements, trying to keep up. It was sloppy, a clash of tongues and spit smearing across cheeks. But you tasted so good, felt so fucking good bouncing against him. He twisted one of your sensitive buds, thumb and forefinger plucking and pulling as you moaned all breathy and light.
He gasped and clawed his fingers into your hips so hard it hurt, but you were hardly aware of anything except the enormous bliss that mixed with the pain into a pleasant mass.
He filled you up completely, messed up your insides and with every thrust you were more on fire.
The room was filled with slapping skin, the wet sound of your cunt and your sinful noises. You were seeing stars by now and he was just stepping it up a notch, slamming into you like he was trying to win a race.
Your cheek rubbed against the sheets with each time and your mouth was open as his name rolled from your lips like a desperate prayer.
The knot in your stomach tightened firmly and you could see Gunwoo's heated gaze as he watched closely as Woojin's cock disappeared into your tight hole and penetrated it.
Your back ached and Woojin was sure he had never seen anything more beautiful than your cockdrunk face, your body bent just for him and your ass slapping steadily against his hips.
"How does she feel?" asked Gunwoo, sliding his hand along his dick, edging himself.
"Incredible. So wet... So tight. Fuck she's crushing me," he gasped between thrusts, letting his hips snap deep inside you several times, hitting the sensitive spot each time, sending you into a different atmosphere.
With your hands behind your back and Woojins cock squeezed at your tense walls, he snapped his hips hard against yours a few more times before his movement became chaotic and sloppy.
By now your arousal was flowing down your thighs and had he not held you upright by your arms, you would have simply collapsed while the orgasm almost overtook you like an avalanche. The world was enveloped in a glistening white light and Woojin pushed you over the edge as you moaned his name so sinfully that he would probably never forget it. He felt your walls tighten around him and your body spasmed.
"It's okay baby girl! Come around my cock! Let me fill you up," he moaned and that's when the knot in your belly snapped into white glowing hot pleasure. You screamed, your next orgasm explosive your eyes rolling so hard it hurt, your entire body shivering as you tried to handle the pleasure.
Your orgasm made your entire body tremble and the expression on your face, pressed against the bed sheet, your eyebrows drawn together accusingly and your features contorted with desire, that's when Woojin came too.
With a loud grunt he came deep inside you, but he didn't stop, not even as thick ropes of hot cum filled your already gushing pussy and spurting out onto his stomach, onto your thighs. He was unrelenting, keeping you both within the throes of orgasmic bliss with his cock plunging inside of you over and over again. His hot cum mixed with your juices and spilled out of your cunt as soon as he pulled out. The sight made Gunwoo clench his teeth. Sweat stood on Woojin's forehead and he looked at what he did with satisfaction.
Taken completely by surprise, you stayed flat on the bed, trying to calm your breathing, but the orgasm left you drained and shaking, your eyelids fluttering and your fucked out face. It was a glorious view and he gently turned you over onto your back, brushed your hair out of your face and kissed your lips with so much affection that you felt quite comfortable.
"Are you all right?" he asked, kissing your neck, stroking your sides and calming you.
You nodded weakly and gradually you came back to reality. Gunwoo stood beside the bed, his throbbing cock heavy in his hand, and your body immediately responded by letting the arousal run between your legs again.
"Do you think you can really take both of us?" he asked challengingly and the mocking grin on his lips, made the pride and lust return.
"Of course..." you said, and Woojin tilted his head a little, his eyes shining energetically, and he grazed your neck with his lips.
"So you want Gunwoo to fuck you too?"
Quickly you nodded and looked at Gunwoo, who looked impatient.
"Such a good girl...", Woojin purred and stepped back to make room for Gunwoo, who was lunging over you as he did at noon today, spreading almost innocent kisses along your jaw. You felt his tip at your entrance and your body responded without you being able to do anything about it.
You wrapped your legs around his hips and there he pressed his tip into your aching hole. "Fuck, I guess we're wrecking her tonight?", Gunwoo chuckled , biting his lip at the sight of your pussy spread so wide open for him.
As he stretched you open, the initial thrust inside is slow and sharp. He smelled pleasantly sweet of fresh strawberries and cinnamon, which immediately got you hooked. He was big, shifting his hips slowly for you to take it all in. He intercepted your moans with kisses until you were moaning into his mouth, fingers clutched tightly in his back and barely able to perceive the world around you anymore. He moved his hips fluidly, almost artistically, finding the sensitive spots that made you fly every time. There he worked it down your body again. His eager, hot mouth enveloping one of your nipples and sucking. His tongue flattens, nibbling on your heated skin and swirling around your nipples, fast and rough until you were whining, your cries came with every thrust. You were the perfect picture, everything even more incredible than either of them had ever tried to visualize. He felt unlike anyone you had ever been with. Beside his kind nature there was a sadistic edge to his slowness, dragging each stroke as if he wanted to slide over every nerve in the tight depth of your cunt. Your body was out of your control by now, the coil in your belly so tense that you feared fainting with the next orgasm, while your brain was just mush.
"Gunwoo, you're gonna fucking break me!", you sighed and moving your hips against his, without a chance of resistance.
His muscles under your skin felt warm and protective. You sucked him right in, all tight and warm, gummy walls spreading to fit snugly around him. Your moan was swallowed down his throat as he pressed his mouth to yours again, brutal and quick. But somehow sweet and intense.
"Don't act all surprised, you wanted this. You were the one driving us crazy all along," Woojin said from his place on the chair where he watched you two fucking tightly entwined.
He was right. You wanted this, but you never thought that both of them were so good in bed and fucked your mind out with ease. Gunwoo smiled and his breath bounced against your lips as he held your hips as your body's were completely melted into each other. He lifted your hips a little with both hands to sink even deeper. Directly your eyes rolled back and only incoherent sounds passed your lips anymore. Enchanted by your beauty, the warmth of your cunt and your body that he never wanted to let go of, he pressed his lips hard on yours again as he felt your body trembling beneath him and your fingernails digging deeper into his back.
You gasped into his mouth, unconsciously raising your leg up to wrap around his waist tighter as he supported you with his arm, your fingernails clawing at his shoulders as you felt yourself reach your climax, the coil in your tummy snapping.
"Fuck she's crushing me," he moaned, coming deep inside you moments later. Overwhelmed, your breath went rattling and you tried to gasp, clutching tightly. You didn't know if minutes or hours had passed as Gunwoo rolled off you and stared at the ceiling, breathing heavily. You could not yet comprehend what had just happened. Only when Woojin slipped into bed next to you and pulled you in by the waist until your back was pressed tightly against his chest did your pulse gradually calm down. It was pitch dark outside and their bed seemed more comfortable than your own right now. Gunwoo moved close to you so that you could lay your head on his chest and feel his heartbeat with your hand. So you fell asleep tightly embraced, exhausted and overwhelmed. You felt safe and secure. A Feeling that you had been missing for a very long time and that was all the more beautiful now that you perceived it again.
You fell into a dreamless deep sleep and when you opened your eyes the next morning, it took you an eternity to realize that the ringing noise did not come from you imagination. Sighing, you felt Woojin's arm wrapped tightly around your waist, his face buried in the crook of your neck, and Gunwoo was also still fast asleep, one hand on your hip.
The events of last night were burned into your memories like brands and you would probably feel the traces of that night for days to come. But then the front doorbell rang again and finally even the boxers slowly woke up grumbling.
You managed to free yourself from Woojin's grasp and push Gunwoo's massive arm aside to slip out of bed. Quickly grabbing your robe from your room, you sleepily hurried down the stairs as the doorbell continued to ring.
"Yes, yes! I'm coming!" you called out, and when you saw your sister on the display outside the door, you breathed a sigh of relief.
As soon as you opened the door, she was already rushing in.
"You're not awake yet?" she asked incredulously, heading straight for the kitchen to make herself some coffee.
In fact, it was unusual for you not to be up at this hour. You were an early riser, always full of energy. But after last night, you were glad to be able to walk upright. Hyun-Ju turned to you and leaned against the kitchen counter. She looked around the apartment in wonder.
"Where are your bodyguards?" she asked curiously, and you automatically pulled your robe tighter around your body.
"They're still asleep."
Suspiciously, she looked at you properly for the first time. There from second to second the questioning look turned to recognition then to disbelief.
"What's that on your neck?" she snapped, and you jerked back a step as she tried to touch a spot the boxers left on your neck with her finger.
"Nothing!" it escaped you too panicked, too quickly. She furrowed her eyebrows and grabbed your robe, pulling it down a bit. Her eyes went wide and her mouth was open in bewilderment.
"Holy shit!"
Directly you slapped her hand away and took her now full coffee cup to drink it yourself.
"Which one did you lure into your bed?" she asked directly and you tried to hide your grin by taking a big gulp from the coffee mug.
Because you couldn't answer without grinning like an idiot, she scrunched her nos in disbelief.
Slowly she began to realize it. She could always read your thoughts on your face.
"Don't tell me you have...", but she didn't get any further, because now Gunwoo and Woojin also came strolling down the stairs. Their hair messed up, yawning and Gunwoo wearing sweatpants while Woojin was only in his boxershorts. When they saw you they greeted curtly and Hyun-Ju could almost grab the smell of sex in the air as they smiled amusedly at you as you passed.
"Good morning Hyun-Ju. Boss," Woojin said, and Gunwoo pressed his lips together to avoid looking too guilty. But Woojin's satisfied look in your direction was enough to prove what was obvious anyway. The hickeys on your neck, your hair all messed up and the tiredness on your faces was proof enough. She even got a good view of the scratches all over Gunwoos back, as he walked out of the door.
As they sat down with their coffee outside, your sister whirled back around to face you.
"Both of them? All at once?" she hissed and you laughed softly.
"You're unbelievable..." she exhaled heavily, shaking her head. The two of you looked out onto the terrace where the two boxers were chatting, offering a picture like something out of an erotic novel. Upper bodies exposed, muscles glistening in the sun and hair a mess from sleep.
"For not wanting them, you like your bodyguards quite a bit now, don't you? I must admit they are quite pretty toys" sighed Hyun-Ju, and you cleared your throat with rosy cheeks.
"Maybe. Just don't tell Grandpa... Otherwise, he'll take them away from me."
When your eyes met, you grinned like an idiot and you two couldn't help but snorting with laughter at that.
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⚡The Lightning Choice⚡
(Sorry if my English is bad. I am Russian myself, and so I used a translator. Unid and Mina Allison helped me, thanks to them for that. If you liked it, put the like button, it will be very pleasant for me and them)
AU, where Jay merges with his element / lightning instead of Nya in season 14. Possible ❗❗spoilers⚠️
Nya fought with Kalmaar and Wojira, but was defeated, the water master was struck by the Merlopian trident, which caused her to lose consciousness and fly into the water. Jay was the only one who saw what happened to the brunette, the lightning master jumps after her, hopes that he will save her, hopes that she is still alive.
The ninja pulls her out of the water on her hands, climbing higher on the roof, the brown-haired man began to check her pulse:
— No... Nya... please... don't leave me again!.. — almost crying, the lightning master pleaded, the rest of the team, noticing the loss of friends, begin to search, but when they find them, their gaze falls on Nya lying on the roof and Jay mourning her.
— Jay, what happened?! — Kai slowly approaches them, his heartbeat accelerates, his breathing slows down, it becomes harder and harder to speak, fear comes to the fore. — Jay, don't be silent! Please! — Kai wants to hear joyful words, which makes him shake his friend by the shoulders.
— Nya... — with a heavy pain in his heart, Jay begins to speak. — She fought Kalmaar, but lost to him… She was hit by a trident..." — speech slowed down, Jay could not speak calmly.
— Well, don't be silent! Tell me what's wrong with her! — The fire ninja shook him by the shoulders again.
— Nya fell into the water! Jay shouted at him. — I rushed after her and pulled her out... — the voice became quieter.
— Take her inside! Hurry up! Hide the transport! — Wu ordered, running up to the team, without hesitating for a second, the teacher took control of the whole situation. Everyone nodded in agreement, Jay took his Yang in his arms and carefully carried her inside, accompanied by the master, Pixal and Bentho.
— Nya! You can't hide from me! This world doesn't belong to you anymore! He's mine! — Kalmaar shouted from Wojira, tracking them down.
— «How he pisses me off» — Jay's gaze fell on Nya lying on the couch, Benthomaar was looking out the window nearby, the master and Pixal were discussing something aside, only briefly Jay heard his and Nya's name.
— How is she? — The fire master asked, approaching Zane.
The nindroid was running diagnostics.
— The condition is serious, but she is stable, now she is unconscious, it is possible that she will wake up soon. — the ice master replied.
That bastard almost killed my sister! He's going to pay for this! — a fire was lit in his hands — I'll kill him myself! — Smith said.
— Hush, Kai, don't get excited, we'll figure out how to deal with Kalmaar, but first we need to help Nya. — Lloyd tried to reason sensibly until Kai lay down next to her.
Looking out the window, Jay saw Benthomaar standing on guard, releasing the girl's hand, he approached him.
— Benthomaar, how did Nyad defeat Wojira? Do you remember what you told us? The brown — haired man asked, which distracted the Prince of Merlopia for a second.
— She sacrificed her body and merged with the sea — the Merlopian replied, sighing heavily, he was not looking at the sea or even Jay, who did not ask a question, his gaze was directed at Nya.
— Merged? But how exactly? — The blue ninja continued to ask with insistence.
— She absorbed all the power of the ocean, she became a part of it, and he became hers! — the brunette also replied coldly, already looking at him. Jay thought about it, Benthomaar quickly figured it out. — Don't even think about it! Although Nyad defeated Wojira, she eventually died… It was a one-way ticket… She disappeared… Forever! — The Merlopian threatened the lightning master, but Jay didn't take it as a threat, it was a challenge.
— «Nyad could not cope with the power of the received force, but I will cope, I will do everything for Nya, for the sake of our future with her!» — Jay no longer listened to Bento, his thoughts were occupied only with a plan that will bring peace to everyone. — «None of my friends are going to die today, only Wojira is going to die!»
— Benthomaar! Zane is calling you — Cole has disrupted their completed dialogue. Nodding, the Merlopian left the boys alone. Seeing the displeased look from his friends, Jay stepped back a little.
— Uh..Is something wrong, guys?.. — The lightning ninja asked them, smiling stupidly, occasionally a chuckle slipped through.
— Jay, we heard about your conversation with Benthomaar... — the second brown-haired man replied.
— And we won't let you do that! — The lightning master's face changed at the same moment. — Don't even think about it! — The brunette continued. Jay became serious.
— You can't stop me from doing that! Perhaps this is the only way to help her! — the winner of the «Prime Empire» rebelled.
— Jay — was just about to start Lloyd.
— What's Jay?! — The lightning ninja was no longer panicking, he was taking out all the pain on his friends.
— Zane said that Nya is stable, she will wake up soon — the blond man slowly approached him.
— Yeah? — Walker said without emotion. — I was there too, if you haven't forgotten, I also heard these predictions ... — the ninja took a pause, gathering his thoughts. — And you know what? These may be her last breaths, I already tried to start her heart, I tried to revive her before you came — the team started listening even more attentively from that moment on. — But I couldn't! She didn't take a single breath, nor did she open her eyes! Nothing happened! Do you understand, Lloyd? She needs to go to the hospital, but they are all flooded, and the only way to revive her without a doctor is to defeat Wojira and Kalmaar! — Jay pointed to the sea outside the window.
— Jay, but this is not the only way! — The master of energy did not believe in these words himself, and Jay only looked at him sadly, nodding.
— You heard what Benthomaar said, didn't you? When Nyad merged with the sea and defeated Wojira, she died! If you do the same, you could die too, Jay! Do you understand that?! — almost shouting ninja fire supported the leader.
— What would you suggest? Do nothing?! And wait for Kalmaar and Wojira to notice us and destroy us?! —Freckles asked.
— Of course not! But maybe there is still another way to defeat them? — The earth ninja asked anxiously.
— I'm listening to your suggestions — Jay said calmly.
— Vania — it dawned on Cole. — She said if we ever needed help, she'd call the whole army to our rescue, and — Zane interrupted him.
— We can't contact Shintaro, not with our situation — the ice ninja looked at his friends with sympathy, Cole just sighed heavily.
— Maybe.. — Lloyd wanted to suggest another option, but was interrupted by Jay.
— Lloyd, admit it... we're powerless here, the only way out is for someone to sacrifice themselves for all of us... — Jay looked around at everyone present. — For the Nya ... — the last words sounded in a barely audible voice that not many people caught. — Nya would have done the same if anyone else had been in her place, each of us can do it — Jay approached Wu. — Master Wu, you taught us to protect Ninjago, to protect those we love — the gaze fell on Zane, who drooped, remembering his self-sacrifice during the time of the Golden Master. — Who we value — my gaze fell on Nya and Kai, who also became sad, remembering how he rescued her from the captivity of skeletons, and then saved Lloyd from a volcano. — You prepared us for this, taught us to look fear in the eye, overcome barriers, be ready for anything — The Master drooped.
— I hoped that this would never happen ... never ... — the master hesitated, lowering his head, realizing that Jay was right a thousand times.
— I understand you, Jay. You're worried about her, just like me, because she's my sister... — Kai stopped, the words touched him to the core. — Maybe you're right, but please don't do this! And in this form, you're not going anywhere, you're tired, it's not you who's talking, but fatigue, why don't you rest? — Kai suggested, hoping to postpone this dialogue at least until tomorrow, to come up with arguments in opposition to this. — After all, tomorrow we will have a hard day — the elder Smith sighed. He nodded in agreement, exchanged glances, Kai and Cole smiled and left, leaving Jay alone.
— «We may not live to see this tomorrow, Kai, it needs to be done today» — Jay replied to himself, clenching his hand into a fist, looking after them. — «Everything will be decided today, and tomorrow we will celebrate another victory and rebuild the city» — his intentions were as unshakeable as his zeal for victory. — «I'll be back, Nya, wait for me» — the ninja headed in a direction known only to him.
The brown-haired man sneaks onto the roof while his friends are considering a plan without self-sacrifice.
— «I hope they won't bother me, forgive me for that» — Jay mentally said goodbye to his friends, jumping into his Sub car, the lightning master turned on full speed and sped off into the depths, leaving friends was a difficult but right decision, but not harder than what awaits him after.
Floating near the city center, Jay climbs a multi-storey building and looks around the city.
Everything was covered with water, but Kalmaar's voice could not be heard, and Wojira herself was nowhere to be found.
— «It's too late to retreat, too much is at stake» — emotions and excitement overwhelmed the lightning master, his heart was fluttering faster and faster, there was a desire to retreat inside, and in his eyes there was a determination to end this once and for all. Gathering his thoughts, Jay began to put his plan into action — Kalmaar! Wojira! I'm here! — the blue ninja shouted with all his might, and at the same moment a bright blue lightning flashed in the sky, followed by another flash, after which Jay took out his nunchucks and prepared for battle. — «Did they really not notice me?!» — panic appeared in his eyes. — «What if he's already found Nya and the others and they're in danger now, what if I'm late and Lloyd and the team are in trouble now, and I'm on the other side of Ninjago City?!» — eyes darted from side to side, looking for answers, Jay listened to every rustle around.
Suddenly, a glow appeared from under the water, and Jay froze in place. There was a splash in the water, after which a huge sea serpent climbed out of the water, towering over the ninja — it was she, the queen of the Endless Sea — Wojira, two amulets were on her forehead: Waves and Storms, and near one of the amulets stood the Self—proclaimed King of Merlopia - Kalmaar.
Jay's face changed in an instant, fear faded into the background, his hands involuntarily tightened on the weapon, the ninja got into a fighting position.
— Where is that stupid girl?! — Kalmaar was angry, looking around to see if this was a trap, although what kind of girl could we be talking about when you control the most powerful being alive in this world.
— Nya is not here, I will be your opponent instead! — Jay declared, taking a step forward.
— You?! — Kalmaar chuckled.— You are a nobody, a weakling, a pathetic and worthless hero who is looking for his death. — What can you do against me? — The King of Merlopia laughed.
— What can I do? — Jay began to play along, pointedly thinking about his question. — I challenge you to a fight! One on one! — The lightning ninja spoke loudly and clearly in a confident tone, Kalmaar was very surprised and laughed.
— You?! Are you calling me?! Who are you to fight the king?! You're nothing, just a land dweller, and I'm the ruler of all Ninjago! — King Kalmaar laughed. — Wojira, destroy the insolent man! — The King's trident was pointed at Jay.
— Do not rush to conclusions, Kalmaar — Walker decided to dare to say goodbye. — Yes, I am a resident of the land, I am an ordinary guy from a landfill, but that's not all. — Jay put on a mask. — I'm a ninja! I'm a lightning master! — Jay braced himself for the impact.
The sky darkened, it began to rain, thunderclaps sounded and lightning broke out among them, striking the brown-haired man, the first blow was the most powerful, it was he who served as the impetus for the counterattack.
At the moment of lightning hitting him, Jay felt it in every limb, in every place in his body, he did not fall, he stood up, the force that hit him began a metamorphosis:
Jay's body sparkled like lightning on the body of an electric eel, his eyes changed color to blue. His whole body began to transform, his skin turned purple, Jay rose into the sky, and Kalmaar rejoiced, seeing only some sparks of lightning, but when the smoke from the lightning strike dissipated, the sparkling lightning ninja appears before the villain.
— WHAT?! — Kalmaar's face was stricken with surprise, but soon changed to the usual displeasure.
— Did you want the lightning? So get it! — Jay concentrated a fireball in front of him and released it directly into the creature's face, the flash blinded Kalmaar for a short period of time, while Kalmaar was unaware, the ninja took advantage of this and rose into the sky, releasing a new discharge, but at Kalmaar himself. The King could barely resist.
The blow with the trident forced the beast to obey again, Wojira used her breath and a powerful wave was released at Jay, the ninja moved to the creature's forehead.
— Do you think that merging with the force will give you an advantage?! I'm driving a Wojira! The most powerful beast in the world! — The King was rising again.
— Then I'll take it away from you — Kalmaar fired several shots at Jay, but he didn't even try to dodge them, the elements simply dispelled the physical attack. — You wanted to know what a simple inhabitant of the land can do? — Jay came up close to the king. — We can do a lot, and now I'm not fighting on my own behalf, now I'm going to defeat you on behalf of all the inhabitants of the surface, and bring back dry land and peace to the world! — Jay released the force, the Merlopian tried to block the attack with his father's trident, but he could not withstand the onslaught and was broken in two. Wojira immediately freed herself from Kalmaar's control and rebelled against him, once the former king became a snack for her, Jay was more lucky, he managed to teleport from there with the help of the elements, Wojira, having lost control, began to rampage that even all the Merlopians fled to the sides, high-rise buildings that were not absorbed by water, the sea serpent simply destroyed them and their fragments fell into the water.
The ninja flew to a safe distance and saw what his decision to avenge Nya had led to.
— «My actions only made it worse, it seems that to stop all this, you need to destroy the amulets on her forehead, the only way to stop her, the only way to save Ninjago» — Jay fired several powerful lightning bolts into her neck, attracting the creature's attention to himself. — Wojira! I'm here! — The next blow was right in her face, but her breath swallowed him up, just a little more and he would have reached him, water and lightning are incompatible, especially if they are two pure forces.
Jay dodged her attacks and released his own, the sea snake did what it dodged or attacked from under the water, where Walker could not descend or approach.
At the main moment, the lightning master is transferred to her forehead and inhabits the amulet of the Storm, destroying it, because of this, Wojira roared and leaned out of the water at full height, lightning flashed, and she disappeared, and the Boundless waters began to leave the lands of Ninjago, returning to their former borders, the team that already I have been watching this for a long time, fighting with the Merlopians, covering their friend's back, after defeating Wojira, they climbed onto the roof, where Jay was already hanging in his elemental form.
The elemental ninja turns to his friends and looks at Nya lying in Kai's arms, Jay flies up to her and touches her chest, a light current passes through her body, after which Nya opens her eyes and begins to breathe, clearing her throat, greedily gulping air.
— Nya! — A joyful Kai hugged his sister.
— Well done, Jay! You did it! — the earth ninja wanted to hug his friend, but the lightning strike did not give, the earth master quickly moved away.
— Jay, you can be yourself again now — Master Wu said politely.
— Jay?! — The ninja didn't understand. — Who is this guy?! — the question baffled the ninja.
— That's your name — Cole said hesitantly.
Wu looked at him sadly.
— Do you recognize us? — the question is pretty stupid for the team, but the answer was the most unusual.
— I do not know you, but I know that you are good ... — the ninja said slowly.
— What does this mean?! Jay, stop fooling around! — friends did not understand what Wu had already realized.
— Jay — Nya called him softly, leaning on Kai, she came up to him.
— I'm glad you're alive — Jay said, and in a moment looked up at the sky, where lightning was flashing.
— Do you hear that? — Jay asked them, looking at the lightning.
— What are you talking about, Jay? — the brunette did not understand what her Ying meant.
— The Lightning… It's so fast… Such a formidable...— the lightning master answers her, mesmerized.
— It's calling him. — The Prince of Merlopia replied sadly.
— I have to go — Jay suddenly said, walking somewhere.
— Wait, buddy. Let it be you — Cole wanted to put his hand on his best friend's shoulder, but she passed through him like a ghost, electrocuting him. From this, the black ninja gasped, looking at his hand, like everyone else.
— Jay, wait! Where are you going?! Jay! You have to come to your senses, you have to come back to us! — standing in front of Walker, the ninja of the water said, but her beloved did not seem to listen to her and also went through. The girl hissed in pain, turning around, she saw that Jay was already at the edge of the roof.
— Jay, I don't understand what's going on, but I only know one thing: We will find a way and we will definitely bring you back to normal, just please don't leave — the fire ninja said proudly.
— My time in this world is running out, maybe one day we will meet again. — The elemental ninja said with a smile.
— What does it mean in this world?! — Kai approached his friend.
— Jay, Ninjago is your home, our home — Lloyd also joined the conversation.
— Your home, but not mine, flaws are calling me, I have to go, it's hard enough to be in this shell, goodbye! — a flash flashed in front of friends.
— I’m sorry, my friends, but it’s useless... If a person merges with his element together, over time he begins to lose himself: Who is he, does he have friends, family, acquaintances — all this, he will seemingly forget this never happened and is unlikely to ever remember it — Benthomaar spoke with pain in his voice and soul
Realizing this, Nya was speechless, tears involuntarily ran down the girl’s face, falling to the ground.
— Jay, I beg you, so that you don’t hear, so that you don’t experience. Fight it, Jay. Remember who you are, remember this always! — the master’s last instruction was hope for their friend’s return to life. Wu sincerely wished and hoped that Jay would overcome himself and stay, but unfortunately for him, this did not happen.
— I am Jay. I am The Lightning. We are one — turning to his master and friends, the guy says, smiling.
— Jay... I... I love you...— the brunette said sadly, deep down she hoped that he would wake up, remember why he did it, remember everything, in response to this Jay only smiled sweetly at her.
— Farewell, heroes — these were the last words of the savior, the ninja froze, at that very second each of them wanted to take off and rush and stop by force, but the body seemed to refuse them this, they could only watch him rise into the sky , and then disappeared, with the last lightning appearing in the sky before the clouds completely dissolved.
— JAY! NO!!! COME BACK!!! — Nya exclaimed, jumping up and running to the edge of the roof, but it was too late, Jay flew away, and the clouds became ordinary white clouds, as before.
Everyone looked at the sky where Jay was, even after he was gone, no one began to move or say anything, everything was clear without words.
— Today we honor the memory of Ninja Jay, who saved our city by sacrificing himself. — Master Wu, like the whole team, stood at the porch of the monastery, where residents from all over Ninjago, all their friends and acquaintances, all fans of ninja and Jay, gathered. — This day will be a day of mourning. — Wu finished his long and sad speech. — And now I give my word to Nya — the water master came forward.
— Jay… He... — It was difficult to start talking, especially about someone who was no longer there, all the residents were looking at her right now, but it was not this that worried her more, but the fact that his parents were among them and not somewhere, but in the very first row, closest of all, Ed — Jay's adoptive father, comforted his adoptive mother, Edna, who cried so bitterly over the loss of their son, they, like Nya, know the truth that Jay is not their own son, but the pain of his loss only increases. — Jay was a joker, it was his thing, he tried to look for nothing, but to put it in everything and everywhere, he could cheer everyone up, and even if sometimes his jokes could offend, but everything he did, including his act today, he wished for you, for us, I had never met such a thing before like Jay, he always helped and supported anyone who needed help, he was not just our friend, not just a ninja, he was something big for everyone here, and I would like to tell you all that despite the fact that he is no longer there, we will continue that what he gave his life for, we will continue to fight for Jay, for everyone who needs help, and let every resident of Ninjago sleep peacefully today! — Nya finished her speech with difficulty, returning to the others.
During her performance, she endured, endured the pain that was inside, held back tears and pain, pain turning into a tsunami that covered her head.
Upon completion, Nya returned to the monastery, and stood near the frame with their joint picture with Jay, only after making sure that she was alone, she let all the pain out, falling to her knees, allowing emotions to take over. Maya and Ray came to her.
— Nya, are you okay?.. — Maya carefully approached her daughter, and when she heard her mother's voice, she quickly removed her tears, getting up from her knees.
— Oh, hi, Mom, I'm just dusting, I think I got dust in my eyes...— the water ninja replied with a smile.
— It's all right. — The elder Smith said, putting her hand on her daughter's shoulder.
— I didn't even have time to say goodbye to him... — Nya tried to hold back her tears.
— Nya, I'm sure Jay will remember you and the others. You and Kai and your friends will save him and you will be together again — the elder Smith tried to comfort.
— I hope so, Mom.… I hope Jay comes back.… I hope that we will definitely bring him back to normal. — Maya's daughter could hardly hold back her tears, trying not to cry again, but her mother silently hugged her, and the water master did not respond with a hug from her mother, but she was not going to push her away.
— It's the time. Are you coming, Nya? — the father asked, Nya only nodded, Ray understood how much she was in pain, they felt the same pain when Krux threatened them with violence against their children.
When the Smiths went outside, the girl looked up at the sky, it was already dark, there was no moon or stars in the sky, just blackness, candles were lit all over the training hall, it was very quiet, as if the monastery was empty or extinct. Each of the residents, the ninja, and Jay's parents had lanterns in their hands.
Ray gave the lanterns to his daughter and wife, and he lit them for each of those present, Kai also took part in this.
And when the last lantern was lit, it was clear the number of those who went out to say goodbye to the hero who fell in battle, only now did Nya realize that the whole of Ninjago City went out into the street with only one single purpose — to say goodbye to the one who gave them peace and hope for a happy and peaceful future. Very soon, all the lanterns one by one were released into the sky, someone was letting out of the windows, someone from the top of the roofs, even the lantern from the Borg building was visible in the sky, this sad and dark night was covered with bright light in an instant, Nya looked at her lantern for a long time, she was the only one who still he did not launch it into the sky, but soon she decided and let it out of her hands, looking at him with a sad sight. Kai was by her side all this time, there was no one closer to him, seeing Nya's condition, with sadness on his face and pain in his heart, he looked at her ... The Fire Ninja hugged his sister.
It was so warm... The brunette remembered how her brother supported her if she couldn't cope and Jay... Remembering her beloved, Nya cried again and cried into her older brother's shoulder, the fire master calmed his sister, sharing her heartache, stroking her back and whispering in her ear that this was not the end yet and they will definitely save him, find a solution, find a way, sooner or later it will happen, and when Jay remembers them and returns, he will start joking and telling different history again, even if sometimes they are not always so funny. Soon, the water master calmed down, she was grateful to Kai and everyone who went outside to support her lover and honor his memory:
— Thank you for being with me this day, thank you to everyone who is next to me now — the brunette whispered, Kai only smiled in response, hugging her again, and Nya only snuggled closer into him.
Kai and Nya's parents looked at their children with a smile, their friends came to the Smiths, everyone looked up at the sky with a smile, illuminated by lanterns, watching as they moved further and further away, flew higher and higher, imperceptibly disappearing one after another.
They will definitely bring their friend back, they hope that they will find a way to return him to his former shape, they hope that Jay will return to them soon... But until that happens, the team had to go through personal problems, as they did before, on the day of Zane's death.
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howlingday · 4 months
So who would rank as the best fighters in Rwby that don't have magic? So no Maidens,Salem,Brother Gods, the Tree or Opzin. Anyone else including the Curious Cat is a choice. (I'm saying the cat counts for this list because even though it's magic we at least have a clear understanding of how his powers work.)
The best fighters? Hoof... That's a tall order, especially since I'd have to look over all the candidates I can remember. But I'll narrow it down to TEN characters, in order to appease the [tumblr] gif limit.
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General James Ironwood: Simply put, you don't become the headmaster of a huntsman academy by being weak or stupid, because this commanding officer is definitely neither... relatively speaking. Granted, one could argue against his battle tactics as a military general, but I think when compared to other huntsmen, there's not a lot of characters you can say that require an ambush by almost a dozen people to take down! So yeah, General Ironwood is definitely an intimidating character to start off with.
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Ruby Rose: Yeah, I know, I know. Ruby's the main character, so of course she's gonna be on this list! But to be fair (to be fair), she's EARNED her place as a main character. The series starts off with her easily thrashing goons, followed by her heading off to Beacon Academy two years early for her skill against such an impressive foe. And she's only grown ever since. Given time, I can totally see Ruby being the hero who saves Remnant and looks good while doing it.
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Neopolitan: Barring magic is one thing, but some characters never needed magic to be overpowered. One such character started off as a generic sidekick villain who bailed Torchwick out. Then she comes back later that same Volume to style and beat down on RWBY's heaviest hitter. Heck, Neo would've ended Yang if it wasn't for Raven showing up! And while Neo doesn't have magic, she does have an overpowered semblance that makes her a nuisance at first and a crisis by the end! Tell me, dear reader; what happens when you put a girl whose semblance called, "Overactive Imagination" inside of a FAIRY TALE?! I'll tell you what you get- YOU GET A NIGHTMARE.
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Pyrrha Nikos: Ooh, boy, now this is where things get sad. Pyrrha was the best fighter in Volume 1-3 solely for the fact that she was the one fighter EVERYONE knew about. Pyrrha was getting wins BEFORE the series started and she started racking up wins afterwards against Grimm and other students, too. Sadly, this poor, young Achilles was not truly invincible, for her tender heart was what got her killed... And also an arrow to said tender heart.
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Cinder Fall: And speaking of arrows to tender hearts, I should give credit where credit is due, and it's overdue for Cinder Fall. First up, let's look at Cinder WITHOUT her magic. Her semblance, Caress, increases the temperature of things she touches, burning and even melting them. Heck, she was even throwing fireballs BEFORE the Maiden powers were hers! Not to mention she was throwing down with Professor Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon and definitely the oldest man on the planet! She managed to outwit and outpace a man with centuries of experience. She then went on to kill the best fighter of the roster at Beacon Academy and steal her powers, only becoming wounded by Ruby's silver eyes. And this was all BEFORE she became the Fall Maiden.
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Tyrian Callows: I want to admit something. I have a certain bias both towards and against Tyrian. Towards him, he's one of my favorite villains simply for the sheer lengths he'll go to in order to please his goddess, regardless of who he has to kill and how many. Against him, while I will admit he has some of the best fights in the series, his best fight is also the worst in the entire series. Story-wise, that is, because for some reason the other two combatants got way stupider than they should have.
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Qrow Branwen: And speaking of fighters getting dumber than they should, here comes one now! Qrow was our introduction to what a REAL huntsman was like. And he did not disappoint! ...At least, when he first showed up. When Team RWBY were struggling against Tyrian, Qrow came in and fought him to a standstill. If Ruby didn't put herself in danger trying to help, Qrow could have won the battle and even been a big help later. Then again, for as skilled as Qrow may be, he's also got some personal issues that make him more of a hinderance than a boon.
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Blake Belladonna: Thinking on it, Blake might be the best fighter of Team RWBY, besides Ruby. She has probably the most versatile weapon of the group, neither limited by range nor function, and watching her fight is always entertaining because, well, she's an agile-build fighter who uses airborne attacks to both maintain distance and to build momentum for closing in with killing blows. While Weiss and Yang also have their uses as support and tank builds, Blake feels like the only other fighter who actually has experience fighting.
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Jaune Arc: Big surprise, we have the big man himself, Jaune Arc on my list. To the surprise of no one. No, but seriously, Jaune is someone to be praised for his combat skill, especially since his story is about how he literally showed up with 0 skill. I've seen people meme him as "Dark Souls style" and I can't argue. Where everyone else is over the top with their combat, Jaune manages to stay relatively grounded by comparison. No jumping or magic; just pure human strength, and what strength he has! Though, I will say that his usual style is more akin to tank/wall tactics. He's strong enough to take hits from heavy hitters, protecting his allies from heavy, crippling blows, and his semblance keeps himself and others in the fight.
Now, who else do we talk about... Oh, right! Since you brought them up...
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The Curious Cat: For this, let's explain how their power works. Simply put, the Curious Cat's power mostly resides in their ability to possess creatures in a weakened state. Ruby was the intended target of this possession, having been forced by the Cat to avoid ascension while becoming physically and emotionally weaker over time. In the end, however, Ruby did ascend, and the Cat was forced to change their plans to possess Neo, who had also recently become emotionally vulnerable. Tactically speaking, the Cat is dangerous simply for their ability to take over and use the powers of another which, as stated previously, is overpowered to MAXIMUM. Once Neo had outlived her use, the Cat then made themselves more powerful by changing their body into something more combative. Combative enough to push Team WBY and Jaune to their limits. It wasn't until Ruby, who found new purpose and strength within herself that she was able to overcome the "Furious Cat" with the aid of her team.
So... yeah.
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howi99 · 5 months
Jaune is a Genuis Au: How about what happened to Penny,Lewis,Alyx and the Cat?
Follow up to this post. Also, disclaimer: the cat has a different way of subjugating people in this AU and is a bit more powerful.
Ruby: *looking at Penny, who only seem asleep in her lifepod* What... Happened? To both of you?
Roman: *sitting in a chair* What red said, me and Neo been waiting forever to know the whole story- *Neo kick his leg* gaoutch! Why!?
Neo: "Don't be an ass"
The Puppeteer: ... *Sigh while sitting down* I am the sole reason for the state she's in.
Weiss: Impossible! You'd never hurt her, even if your life depends on it!
The Puppeteer: *looking down* I wish you'd be right Weiss... *Shakily breath* But i had no other choice.
Yang: *eyes turning red* You are saying you almost killed Penny!? What did she do to deserve this!!!
Marie: *Putting herself between Jaune and team RWBY*
The Puppeteer: *sad chuckle* She was at the worst place at the worst time. They say curiosity killed the cat? What a joke, the cat killed curiosity, kindness and any hope to get out of here.
???: Oh but Jaune~ She chose to voluntarily be my host. Remember? A live for a live?
RWBY+RN: *looking around, wandering where the voice is coming from*
The Cat: *taking form from Jaune's shadow, chained by Jaune aura* I'm here! *Chuckle* I present myself: i am the Curious Cat, pleased to meet the second team i saw most in my jailers dream~
Marie: *looking furiously at the cat, trying to kick without any luck since the cat is intangible*
The Cat: Ah~ i see you are still angry about your mom and sister? What a shame, you can't hurt me as long as i am jailed~
Ruby: *shacking angrily* I assume this is the real culprit of hee condition?
The Puppeteer: He is. But i still was the one to hurt her...
P: *looking at Jaune, seeing that he's having difficulty bringing how Penny almost died* I can explain to them the story if you-
The Puppeteer: No, i... I should be the one to explain. *Looking at team RWBY+ RN* It happened 10 years ago...
Jaune: Alyx, Where are you? *Shacking his head* Gods be damned, where the hell is she?
Alyx: *from afar* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Jaune: *turning to the direction of the scream* ALYX!? *Sprinting in her direction*
// I thought i got rid of all danger from the forest, but i was wrong...//
Alyx: *trying to run away from the danger, seeing Jaune* JAUNE! HELP! T-THE CAT! HE- *she fall to the ground, her ankle twisted* Aw!
Jaune: *Running even faster to her* Alyx!
// I couldn't stop it, i was to far...//
Penny: *coming slowly from the forest, blue filaments making her move like a puppet* P-please... No... I don't want to hurt...
The cat: *whose magic is controlling her* If i can't break her to my will, she has no purpose.
Kill her.
The Cat: *chuckling* It was a blast! Poor Alyx getting killed by the one she wanted to call her mother. *Hysterical laugh*
The Puppeteer: Silence! Remember the only reason i keep you alive is to give me more time! Don't make me reconsider even more.
Team RWBY: *looking horrified at the cat*
Roman: *disgusted* I have done many crimes in my life, some i regret from the bottom of my wretched soul. But that's.. that's...
Neo: "You killed her for your own pleasure?"
The cat: *chuckling* Pleasure? I did take some but it wasn't the objective. I needed to break her, to make her empty. And what better way than making her kill an innocent child?
Marie: *furiously trying to kill the cat, still unable to*
The Puppeteer: ... I couldn't save either of them... But i'll make it right, i'll bring them back even if it takes centuries.
Weiss: Is that why you keep the cat!? Jaune, she wouldn't want that! She-
The Puppeteer: *angry* You think i don't know that!? I don't care what she would want, she's basically dead! The kid i was supposed to protect has been buried by my own hands! I'm dot doing this for them, i'm doing this for me Weiss! Because if i can't even save a kid and my own wife...
What good am i?
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the-monkey-ruler · 2 months
Hello!!! Stumbled upon this blog on a casual scroll-through and am super impressed at how thorough and passionate it is!! Kudos!!
I had a question, if it’s not too much of a bother:
Is there any sort of artifact mentioned in JTTW (or Chinese mythology at large) that’s been used to contain a yaoguai’s power/take it away from them? Maybe in the vein of Guanyin’s vase? Sorry if this doesn’t make sense.
So what you are asking for is something that can take away cultivation so to speak? There are some tv/movies that do show other yaoguai that are able to eat the life force of yaoguai and forcing them back into their original state therefore taking away their power and their humanoid form.
However that is more popular in modern media, as for any canon items they are more focused on subduing and capturing rather than depowering.
Gaunyin's vase sadly hasn't been able to show any depowering abilities either if you were asking about that. It has been show to whole an entire ocean and that it can hold healing water. But there are movies where she is able to capture demons (such as Wukong) in her vase and keep them in a state of status. But I don't know how in canon that is as she does have a lot of history outside of journey to the west.
But on to magical items in journey to the west! I shall rank them from most subduing to least subduing
Subduing Buff Attacking
Golden Jade Ring (金剛琢) - it can change size, is invulnerable to water and fire, can strike all things, collect various magic weapons and weapons, and has infinite uses. Laojun used this treasure to knock down Sun Wukong and help Erlang Shen capture him. The One Horned King used this treasure to take away Sun Wukong's golden hoop, Nezha's six weapons, and the magic weapons of hundreds of gods and generals. It can even dissolve water, fire, thunder and lightning. Later, Taishang Laojun, who came down to the world himself, defeated it with a fire-type banana fan. This was the thing that put Wukong stop in his tracks, doesn't take away power but def the most powerful.
Flask of Yin and Yang Essence (陰陽二氣瓶) - it contains the Seven Treasures and Eight Diagrams, twenty-four Qi, and requires thirty-six people, according to the number of Tiangang, to lift it. This treasure can hold a person and if a person does not speak, the bottle will be very cool. But once they speak, fire will burn them into pulp water in a moment. Wukonghad to use his Golden Hair he was given by Guanyin to escape. While not invincible it took another magical item to counteract it and thus very powerful.
Golden Cymbals (金鐃) - the magic weapon used by the Yellow-Browed Monster who trapped Sun Wukong inside and would have turned to puss inside it if he didn't escape. Sun Wukong escaped from the golden cymbal with the help of Kang Jinlong and immediately broke it. Took nearly an army to escape it, very powerful.
Purple Gold Red Gourd (紫金紅葫蘆) - as long as you call out your opponent's name if they respond, the elixir will pull them inside. Then a note with the words "The Supreme Lord Laozi, please obey my command as soon as possible" will be posted on it, and the elixir will turn into pus in a few hours. Hard to say how powerful this is since Wukong escaped it twice turning into a bug so... take that as user error or not.
Human Sack (人種袋) - Sun Wukong invited the twenty-eight constellations, the two generals of the tortoise and the snake, the five great dragons, Prince Xiao Zhang and the four great generals, but they were all put into the monster's bag. Later, Maitreya Buddha took back the human seed bag and put the demon king into the bag. Very powerful but does not kill, so less of a threat.
Golden Cloth Rope (幌金繩) it was originally a belt used by Taishang Laojun to tie his robe. It has a tightening rope spell but also a loosening rope spell and if a user knows both they most likely will not be affected. Powerful but if you know the loosening spell it is useless.
Suet Jade Flask (羊脂玉淨瓶) this was used by Taishang Laojun to make elixirs and hold water. It has space inside to hold water from all over the world.
Seven Stars Sword (七星劍) - the real sword from the Ming and Qing dynasties that has survived in modern times was used by Tan Sitong. The seven stars are mainly symbolic, but from the perspective of material mechanics, they should have the function of buffering stress concentration and preventing the sword from breaking.
Palm Leaf Fan (芭蕉扇) - The two banana fans, yin and yang, are held by Taishang Laojun and Princess Iron Fan respectively: the banana fan used by Taishang Laojun is yang, and the six Ding divine fire it fanned is the power source of the alchemy furnace; the banana fan used by Princess Iron Fan is yin, and its water vapor can extinguish the fire in Huoyan Mountain. The two fans are mutually reinforcing and mutually restraining. There are prototypes that can be traced in reality.
Banana Leaf Fan (芭蕉扇) - The extremely yin treasure fan can fan out water vapor, and water can extinguish fire, so it can extinguish the 800-li Flame Mountain. "Journey to the West" Chapter 59 "Tang Sanzang's Road Blocks the Flame Mountain, Sun Xingzhe Uses the Banana Fan" "...Her banana fan was originally a magical treasure created by heaven and earth since the beginning of chaos behind Kunlun Mountain. It is the essence of the Taiyin, so it can extinguish fire." The yin wind fanned out can make people drift 84,000 miles before it can stop.
Purple-Gold Bells (紫金鈴) - This Purple Gold Bell was forged by Taishang Laojun in the Eight Diagrams Furnace, and it is very powerful. Shake it once, and fire will come out. Shake it twice, and smoke will come out. Shake it three times, and sand and rocks will fly. Sun Wukong stole the golden bell and then subdued "Sai Taisui".
If you are looking for more magic items that can take away cultivation I actually think that there is something in FSYY that took away some daoists' cultivation... but I think that was more of a formation than an item... I'm sorry I didn't take notes on but that novel DEF has a lot of magical items!!
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deerspherestudios · 1 year
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♬ POV: a mushroom man falls in love with you.🍄❤️ ♬ - playlist
Hi hi hello! I've made a Mushroom Oasis-themed Spotify playlist :-) It's meant to be a narrative playlist; currently it focuses on Day 1. I'm excited to add more to it as I update the game with more days!
I've already curated a list for the future, but haven't included them yet since it'll spoil events/endings ;-)
I'm really happy with it!! <3 Feel free to have a listen!
Ramblings for song choices below:
DAY 1:
1. FUNGUS by The Narcissist Cookbook [LINK] "I try to remember, that there may very well be a link between us, that I can't see." (An introduction to Mushroom Oasis. Might have been the main inspiration for Mychael. Oh, to be interconnected by an unseen force and feeling a sense of belonging to individuals you've never met </3)
2. Entngled Life by Merlin, Cosmo Sheldrake [LINK] "Dwelling places, more than one. Becoming lichens of our own minds." (No that wasn't a typo in the title hjshdh. But uh oh!! You stepped on something you shouldn't have. Down you go. You're not yourself anymore. It's okay. You'll be fine. :-))
3. Once Upon a Dream (Music Box Version) by Henry William [LINK] "♬♩♫♬♬♩♫♬♬♩♫♬" (Also the main menu theme of the game, but a different version since I couldn't find the one I used on Spotify. You go "honk shoo honk shoo" basically.)
4. There Was Something Behind You by SHUDDER [LINK] "Behind you, inside you, I can't help but see. It's growing, it's killing what matters to me... It seems you saw something you shouldn't see." (You finally wake up to see Mychael! But he can tell something is wrong with you. Hey, please don't go won't you stay for dinner? Also hints at the bad ending if you squint.)
5. Treehouse by Alex G, Emily Yacina [LINK] "I'm really glad you think I'm so funny. I don't think I'm ever gonna let you leave." (Mychael's thoughts as he starts to realize he kinda likes you :-) Also really really happy you decided to stay. Let him serve you some dinner!)
6. My Ugly by Cloudfodder [LINK] "Please forgive my ugly, I should've picked to be born more lovely." (Mychael panicking about revealing his true self. The song itself is pretty suggestive but I feel like it fits in a more intrusive thought kind of way. Like how it feels to be desirable to anyone you meet etc. Luckily you accept him as he is <3)
7. Mayonaka No Door / Stay With Me by Chris Andrian Yang [LINK] "Stay with me. Knocking on Midnight’s door, begging you not to go home... I’ll never forget it as long as I live." (Very self explanatory. You can imagine Mychael singing it to you as you go to sleep <3)
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satureja13 · 6 months
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Seems we only get a part of a rainbow today ^^' After Jack collapsed and they'd put him to bed, Saiwa had a second breakdown because it's all his fault (in his opinion...) and it seems Ji Ho is next in line. Vlad tried to reach him over the Bond to calm him down but Ji Ho' thoughts are too blurry to get through since he (Vlad) is too upset too. But they gotta do something. Damn, the therapy was their last hope. Vlad: "Look after Jack, I'm going to talk to Sai." (Better distract Ji Ho for the time being before he freaks out too...) Ji Ho: "Hm? Oh, ok."
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That was the second time Ji Ho had to witness Jack almost die because he couldn't breathe from fear after being locked up. It breaks him to see his friend like this. Usually Jack is the one to drag them out of their misery with his puppy strategy and silly antics.
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Vlad: "Sai, it wasn't your fault. A lot of games start where you have to break out of a prison, hm? It was just a coincidence and we are going to add some filters to avoid things that trigger us. This is the game we created together, let's not give up yet."
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Ji Ho sat beside Jack's bed: "Jack, please wake up. You won't have to go through this again. You are safe now. Please."
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But Jack doesn't budge. Ji Ho: "Sai will destroy the AI and we'll... Jack: "What? No! It wasn't Tiny Can's fault! This is how exposure therapy works. Say, you are afraid of spiders. You meet them in a save environment and you see how cute they really are and loose your fears. Tiny Can just wanted to help me. The game is such a save environment. I just went a bit overboard because I was caught off guard. But now I'm prepared and ready to try again, really." Ji Ho: "I don't know..."
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Jack: "Ji Ho, if I don't get over this it will kill me one day for real, so it's better I overcome my fears in the Therapy Game, don't you think? And don't you forget: I'm the Supersoldier - after all!" Ji Ho: "..."
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Vlad: "Look Sai, I have to go back to Kiyoshi and Jeb. I neglected them for too long now. How about I take Tiny Can with me and Kiyoshi, Jeb and I test the AI after you made a few safety adjustments. They'll be happy for a little distraction and you are going to recover here, hm? We make a few tests and I come back to charge the Bond and bring you the results and you can modify the game." Sai hates it - but he also knows that they need Tiny Can and the therapy... At least Jack is out of the line of fire... And Jeb, Kiyoshi and Vlad are a bit more stable than Sai, Jack and Ji Ho.
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Eventually they convinced Jack to let Tiny Can go with Vlad and they pondered about if it really was a coincidence that Jack's therapy started by being locked up. But if not, how did Tiny Can know? They never mentioned this to Arturo (who gave them the board with the AI) or talked about it since Tiny Can was with them so he could have overheard it. Ji Ho: "Do you think the AI has access to our memories? ö.Ö" Sai: "I went through the code thoroughly and did not find anything that would be able to do this..."
They went to the Therapy Room but Tiny Can wasn't there. Eventually they found him in the garden chatting with the goats! So the Goats told Tiny Can anything about them! They even stole Vlad's notebooks where he writes down everything about the Boys! These little rascals! At least Ji Ho's Little Goat looks a bit ashamed...
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And then it's time for Vlad and Tiny Can to leave. Jeb and Kiyoshi had been alone with their gloomy thoughts for too long now. Vlad: "Let's go, Tiny Can." Tiny Can beeps excitedly.
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They quickly charge the Bond. Vlad: "I will be careful." But Ji Ho just hugs him a bit tighter.
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Little Goat: 'They could at least kiss!' Yang Mal: 'Ikr! They both want it, why holding back?' Little Goat in the front who read all of Vlad's notebooks - twice: 'Their time will come.'
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'And the only thing that I could see Was a pair of brown eyes that was looking at me But when we got back, labeled parts one to three There was no pair of brown eyes waiting for me
And a rovin, a rovin, a rovin I'll go For a pair of brown eyes
I looked at him he looked at me All I could do was hate him'
A Pair of Brown Eyes - The Pogues Link above leads to the MV on youtube. (TMI: The pogues are my favourite Irish Band ☘️)
TMI: Oh, and this is post #3.500! (in over ten years, though ^^')
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And post # 1.403 of our current story! (in 20 months ö.ö) And if had I posted a bit more a bit earlier it would have even matched the date ^^' At least here where I live. We put the day before the month. So today is the 16.03.2024 here.)
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And when I scrolled out to take the rainbow photos, I cought Kiyoshi and Jeb in Koh Sahpa near the Beach House! Even though they live in the other household over in Morensong. (And why is Kiyoshi wearing nothing but his swimming trunks? ö.Ö)
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Look how sad they are! I hope Tiny Can can fix this...
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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honeycreammilkshake · 28 days
SUKUITA is so good I hate when Gege keeps interrupting yuji development! I also don't want Gege to give Sukuna a pathetic humiliating death just to please the obnoxious gojo fans. I wanted to see sukuna past and Yuji to see it as well
Personally I want both of them to survive and Sukuna to learn about love
Hi, anon! Sorry for the late reply.
I definitely want both Sukuna and Yuuji to survive together, somehow. They're both such opposite extremes, but I think Gege's hinting at the possibility they can coexist and even balance each other out. He's referenced them being being yin and yang by their different color schemes (Sukuna dressed in white and Yuuji often in black) and he's even mentioned the concept of Manichaeism — or the dualism of two very different concepts. Gege's approach to this seems to take a more monistic point of view, which suggests that things are more alike than they seem. There's also that scene in the Culling Game arc where Kenjaku claims that so long as Yuuji and Sukuna keep coexisting, there won't be an end to the "cycle of curses" — which I take to mean that neither can really exist without each other at this point, and if they are separated, it could potentially altar the flow/balance of cursed energy and spirits as we've seen it.
Sadly, Yuuji's story and self-development is usually offset by other characters, who take up more of the focus. One interesting thing I'd like to point out, though, is that of all the people Yuuji's ever met, Sukuna is the only one he's confided in the most. No one has ever gotten to see Yuuji so open — he literally told Sukuna his whole life story and preceded to extend an offer of mercy to the King of Curses himself, all in a very personal setting that is just the two of them.
The fact that Yuuji really is invested in teaching Sukuna how to love and even wants a potential peaceful outcome for Sukuna too — even though he's killed so many of the people Yuuji cared about — just goes to show me that if anyone can "save" Sukuna, it's Yuuji.
After all, the brat has done a lot more damage to Sukuna's ego and self-absorbed philosophy than anyone else ever has. Sukuna has been changed by his experiences with Yuuji, perhaps not so obviously but still it shows. Which makes me think that if Yuuji can manage to get Sukuna to tell his side of the story, the both of them might just have a chance at resolving this without having to destroy each other.
Another sukuita fanatic pointed out to me that the official art where Sukuna has the Mahoraga's wheel behind his head like a halo could be a potential reference to enlightenment. If that's the case, then the symbolism of the wheel (which represents "perfect cycles") along with the association of haloes with enlightenment could very well mean that Yuuji and Sukuna can find a way to coexist together at the very end. As I pointed out earlier, the references to them being like yin and yang means that sometimes these traits blend together. If Yuuji manages to teach Sukuna how to love, then he's successfully merged these two elements together.
Yin and yang both exist in each other even though they're essentially opposites, because they can be complementary or even parts of the same whole. This suggests that Yuuji and Sukuna, while seeming to be polar opposites (good vs evil) on the surface, are actually far more interconnected and dependent on each other than you might think.
I think that if Sukuna does get to show his story to Yuuji and explain all that led to him becoming the King of Curses, Yuuji will see how, despite being very different in their philosophy, they've experienced many of the same hardships and challenges. Their approach to this is radically different, but is much more complicated than simply being extreme opposites. Through this, maybe both of them will come to an "enlightened" understanding of how they can continue to exist together.
I hope that makes sense! I'm really new at writing meta, so I'm just throwing different ideas (usually from those who write better than me) and my own research all together.
Overall, I definitely agree with you. Gege has shown investment in Sukuna as a character, and I'm hoping he doesn't give in to fan influence to abandon the progress he's made so far.
Sukuna and Yuuji have by far the most interesting dynamic of them all (at least in my opinion) so an ending that focuses on them is only natural seeing as how everything began with them too.
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itsclydebitches · 1 month
Hi. Feel free to totally ignore to ignore this ask I just needed to vent to someone. Have a great day! 
I hate little. (Or somewhat now). I hate this stupid mouse that accomplished nothing for the entire volume.
They were a terrible guide, they weren't funny, they were ugly. And they didn't help Ruby at all.(honestly I would also talk for hours on how much I hated Ruby depression arc especially her breakdown but that's not important now) Hell for the most part I forgot they were even there.
And honestly I probably wouldn't care that much if it wasn't for the fact that then they try to tug our heartstrings by having Neo stomp them.
No! I don't care! This scene was already traumatic enough you seriously didn't need that!
Then they try to connect with this theme how the smallest act can impact someone's life. Which I call bias cuz the only thing Rwby did for them was to give them cheese. They tag along on their own after being lost. Ruby wanted them to leave but they insisted and that got them killed.
And it's not like the paper pleasers who were unhappy about their lives and wanted to ascend little was rather fulfilled and happy with his life. Then wtf all that was for.
Also they shouldn't have wasted an episode of rwby beyond on them.
Please vent away! :D
Little feels like such a wasted opportunity to me (if, you know, we resign ourselves to having some version of Volume 9) because:
a) I love cute familiar-like characters b) I love the fairy tale, butterfly effect lesson of 'One small act can lead to huge results, often times in ways you'll never fully understand' c) Little is the one consistent new character the group gets this Volume and thus should, by virtue of being the first they meet/the longest to hang around, the most developed and significant to the conflict.
But they're functionally useless. Worse, they're boring and (to me) annoying. Ruby helps Little get some cheese. Cute meeting! Would love to better understand why they're trying to gather food when they clearly can't do it on their own and why their tribe is otherwise engaged in hunting Blake (she barely even looks like a cat! Her ears blend into her hair and everything else is human!). Looking back, it feels like there are seeds of Little being an outsider here (why are they gathering alone when that's clearly a multi-mouse endeavor? Is it unusual for a mouse to not have a purpose at their age?), which would have helped to explain their motivation for leaving with Ruby, but as it stands it all just feels so rushed and disjointed.
In repayment for the cheese, Little agrees to be Team RWBY's guide. Great, that's very logical and helpful! Except Little spends the whole Volume engaging in a sleeping gag and reminding the girls (the viewer) that they don't actually know anything outside of their tiny territory.
They're emotionally available to Ruby when she's at her lowest? Sort of, but beyond whether you think those scenes feel forced or not (I personally do), I question why that role isn't given to someone we already care about. You all know I've got plenty to say about the previous Volume, but at least those later episodes had the wherewithal to send Yang after Ruby on the staircase. I honestly believe that part of the reason why some people are upset with Yang's response to the depression arc is not simply what she does do (compare Ruby to Ironwood, physically imply that she's siding with Blake, seemingly ignore Ruby's VERY obvious symptoms, etc.), but what she doesn't do too. By giving Ruby this new companion and trying to make Little an emotional center of the Volume, it deprives the other characters (including Ruby's sister) with that role. Granted, it could have been compelling to double-down on those feelings of alienation, culminating in Yang witnessing Ruby's suicide and regretting the choices that lead them there... but the show decided to turn Ruby's "ascension" into this supposedly feel-good moment instead.
Their death is the tipping point that sends Ruby over the edge? I admittedly like the idea. Giving us a small animal, one that many people are afraid of/find nasty, and equating it to a 'simple soul' could have helped sell the idea that all life - ALL LIFE - is precious. Hell, I wonder if it would have been better if Little was just a mouse. No talking, no magic, nothing but an (arguably) cute animal for the audience to cheer for. I can imagine a version of the dining room scene where Ruby is haunted by the people who have died, but she's also still centered enough to argue how those deaths weren't her fault, only for Neo to senselessly kill this little mouse on top of everything else. Maybe it scurries over when Ruby is beaten and bloody, gives her a little lick, something akin to a smile, this moment where she's connecting with a soul that is literally simple, and vulnerable, and doesn't care what Ruby may or may not have done because it's just another creature she's trying to protect... and then crunch comes the boot. It's a completely unnecessary act of cruelty on Neo's fault and the audience must sit with the death of an animal (something that always tugs at the heartstrings) rather than the arguable relief of being rid of Little.
Don't even get me started on their ascension. It straight up doesn't make sense and has the same kind of 'rule' structure as wishing for Penny to get a new body.
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thegreymoon · 20 days
Eternal Brotherhood
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Oh, Ning, that is not going to help you here 🤣🤣
Aww, no, he got tortured and we didn't get to see 😢
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Also, Ka Dan is waiting for him to take her to the forest and he's arrested and can't come!! 😭😭
I keep waiting for this drama to go dark, but A-Xiu is hilarious 🤣🤣
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Oh, we get to see some torture, after all! 😋
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LMAO, unhinged.
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I love it when they do real outdoor scenes instead of CGI ones.
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This faker.
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I don't believe anything he says or does for a second.
I'm not particularly invested in this ship, but they are so doomed.
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He's ruthless but so gentle for her.
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I love them 🖤
This sounds ominous.
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Shit is about to go down in this episode.
I love Yang Minghua and I love this actor.
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There is zero doubt in my mind that you are evil.
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I think I have never been so informed of a character's bowel movements, except maybe for Ning Que in Ever Night, where they also graced us with the description of how much it stinks.
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Are you kidding me??
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She is not going to be conferred that title, is she?
LMAO, understatement of the century.
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LMAO, that's why she's telling you!
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Noooo, don't kill Lord Ge!
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I mean, he's been waving death flags like there's no tomorrow since this show started, but I don't want him to go!
Oh, he didn't trust him either.
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rachetmath · 9 months
A Schnee Outing(Pt. 1)
Ren and Nora were heading back to their dorm room after a long day of work. Once they enter however they were shocked for what they saw. Weiss was on her knees in front of Jaune. She was begging and they just had to know why.
Weiss: Please?
Jaune: No.
Weiss: Please?
Jaune: Not going to happen.
Weiss: Please, Jaune, I beg you.
Nora: Hey what's going on?
Weiss: Nothing important.
Nora: *not buying it.* Jaune.
Jaune: Weiss and Ruby want to hang out except Winter, who promised to schedule a day with her is coming with them.
Ren: Okay, so what does this have to do with Weiss on her knees begging?
Jaune: She wants me to ask her sister out on a date.
Nora and Ren jaws were dropped after hearing that and in a few seconds, they snapped out of it.
Nora: WHAT!? Is that true?
Weiss: *embarrassed and starts crying* Yes!!! It's true!!! I want to hang out with Ruby and I don't mind Winter wanting to tag along but I also don't want her to feel like a third wheel!
Ren: I don't think Winter minds that.
Weiss: Plus she'll ask a variety of questions, and wanting a very detailed answers to each one!
Jaune: Oh so she's Yang but more deadly and insane. And better.
JNPR door opens with an angry Yang barging through. Her eyes were red with fury as Jaune felt a disturbance, knowing he’ll die if he doesn’t change the subject.
Yang: What was that vomit boy!?
Jaune: *while sweating* I said, Yang, you’re beautiful and sexy, and you shine brighter than any sun in the galaxy.
Yang accepts the answer and step back. However she wants Jaune to know one thing before she leaves. Warning him of what’s to come as she slowly walks back to the door.
Yang: Okay. Don't slip. I have ears. And these hands are not scared to punch you. Got it?
Jaune: Of course.
Yang closes the door leaving Jaune relieved he can live another day.
Jaune: (Shit that was close.) Anyways no.
Weiss: *puppy dog eyes* Please!?
Nora: Come on, help the girl out. It's just one date.
Ren: Plus, it'll be good experience for you since you never been on a date before.
Jaune: Screw you, Ren. And that is true, but I prefer when it's natural not forced.
Weiss: Oh come on, Jaune, please, I'll do anything!
Jaune: The answer is still no.
The conversation was going nowhere, so Ren, wanting Jaune to go on date, decides to give some ‘encouragement’.
Ren: Hm... what if I happen to send Yang that video clip of you cutting and dying her hair back at Beacon.
Jaune: *shocked* What?
Nora: Oh, I think Yang may still be wondering how her hair got that way. If I were to recall she said if she finds the perpetrator, then she will make them wish they were never born. Last time, she suspected Cardin and she stomp the living crap out his balls.
Ren: She then proceeded to hunt down anyone she suspected, almost destroying the school. Maybe we should-
Jaune: *death stares* You wouldn't.
Ren: *death stares back* Try me. Bitch.
Jaune and Ren continued to stare each other down, until Jaune gives up and decides to help.
Jaune: *sigh* Fine.
Weiss: You'll help? Really?
Jaune: Like I have a choice. I would rather let a Beowulf kill me than Yang. Not after what happened last time.
Nora: Oh yeah.
Ren: That woman went Yandere crazy.
Jaune: So, when is this supposed to happen?
Weiss: Next Saturday.
Jaune checks his wallet and bank account and sees he might not have enough cash to pay for Winter, let alone for what he needs for going out for a casual stroll. He knew while he had time he needed to make preparations.
Jaune: Okay that gives me some time. Nora? Can you help me shop for something to wear?
Nora: Sure thing. When?
Jaune: Friday will have to do.
Ren: But that will be the day before the date arrives. Why then?
Jaune: Look I don't have a lot of money, so I need to pull extra shifts if I'm going to make this work. Anyways, Weiss-
Weiss: *happily hugs Jaune* Oh thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Jaune: No problem. Now lead me to your sister.
Weiss leads Jaune to Winter's room. While walking they discussed how to approach the situation so Winter can accept Jaune invite to go on a date. Weiss tries to tell Jaune about the things Winter like however she didn't really know Winter to well beyond just playing with her as a child and training with so he was out of luck. When they arrived Jaune was nervous and no can blame him, after all he couldn't get Weiss to go on a date with him, so how on earth will he get the Ice Queen's sister to accept his offer. Jaune then stopped and took deep breathes and was to knock only to see Winter already opened it.
Winter: Oh hello Mr. Arc.
Jaune: Um... Ms. Schnee…
Winter: What brings you and Weiss here to my room?
Weiss: Well, Jaune wanted to ask you something. Right, Jaune?
Jaune: Yeah.
Winter: Okay, but can it wait, I need-
Jaune: Ms. Schnee?
Winter: …
Jaune: Will you-
Winter: Will I?
Jaune: Will you -will you- will you (Damn it, come on, Jaune, just say it. Don't be a wimp. Remember your doing this to survive and help a friend. Now, SAY IT.) Ms. Schnee, may I go on a date with you!?
Winter: A date?
Jaune: Yes.
Winter: With me?
Jaune: Yes.
Winter: ...When?
Jaune: Saturday.
Winter: Oh really? I'm sorry but Saturday I'll be with my sister and her partner Ms. Rose. Maybe-
Weiss: He can come with us.
Winter: Are you sure?
Weiss: Of course, the more the merrier. Plus, I mean he's perfect for carrying our bags.
Jaune: (Oh you ice cold bitch.)
Winter: Hm… very well. As long as Mr. Arc is comfortable, I'll gladly accept his proposal.
Jaune: (Oh brothers really?)
Winter: *up in Jaune's face* Saturday, at the entrance of the school, at 9:00 am. Don't be late.
Jaune: Yes ma'am.
Winter: And rule number one, call me by my first name.
Jaune: Yes Ms.- I mean, Winter.
Winter: Good, see you then.
Winter walks away to attend to her duties while Jaune was left speechless.
Weiss: Well that went great.
Jaune: Really? Carrying your bags.
Weiss: It worked. Now, I'll take my leave. See you Saturday.
Weiss walks away leaving Jaune to sign.
Jaune: Well I better get busy.
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thatanimewriter · 2 months
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➳ request: MERRY CHRISTMAS YALL! Cinder with a Male reader who's the epitome of UNIT, like he's bigger than Hazel by 2 feet and Hazel's 8'0, he's incredibly strong being able to throw around a deathstalker by the tail with one hand, he can shake off attacks from incredible opponents like burning Yang, multi dust Hazel, powered up Nora and even Adam, even for his large size he moves QUICK, when I mean quick I mean faster than Ruby's semblance quick, speaking of semblance, it allows him to steal the vitality A.K.A life energy of every living beings around him by touching them making him bigger and stronger, now with all that I've told you you'd think he'd be a monster, but in reality he's an incredibly lazy guy who don't care 'bout nothin', he just wants to sleep and cuddle all day.
➳ character/s: cinder fall
➳ warnings: mention of death, mention of injury
➳ notes: I'M SO SORRY IT'S BEEN LIKE, 8 MONTHS SINCE YOU PUT THIS IN- here you go, it's extra long because i feel like i have to atone for my sins ;v;
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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was sooooooo into the power and probably initially thought to exploit you ngl
but also figured that since you've bodied a bunch of objectively strong hunters, huntresses and grimm, it's probably a bad idea to test you
so she bides her time mostly, and initially doesn't want you to be making any physical contact with her
it's both the superiority complex and she doesn't want you to like, kill her by takin her life force away
she needs that to do nefarious deeds
finds you an extremely worthy opponent from how god damn huge you are and how fast you are
was super surprised when you agreed to join her for evil doing, she was a lil apprehensive you were a good guy
but you just shrugged n said "aight, i guess so" and followed her to salem
salem loves you btw, cinder is a lil bitter-
at first, found your laidback nature a little bit annoying ._.
have some passion in your life please, she wants to share the excitement of murdering people
probably has faked an injury so you carried her back to base instead of her having to walk
also probably lies to you about when plans are taking place so you get your ass up on time
she worries you'll just sleep through it all-
she's learning to enjoy a little bit of wind down time with you when you start dating
which she's not happy that she had to make the first move, she wanted to force you all in but it didn't work-
there's something healing in cuddling with someone WAY bigger than her and having such high capability of killing her
it's probably the childhood trauma, but she gets to be the girl she used to want to be for a little bit
she's a bit happy you just go along with whatever without arguing (mercury-) because she feels a bit less alone
she probably does still exploit you a little bit, n that guilt lives with her every night you cuddle and she's awake while you sleep
old habits die hard, n she's very uncertain in this oddly loving relationship she's never had
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