#also we stan parents that know boundaries
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ilikekidsshows Ā· 3 months ago
I just saw a video of children pshycologist where she said "a lot of parents nowadays only want their kids to be happy, and that's why a lot of kids nowadays has a lot of problem. because they never taught what necessary for them, such as disappointment, responsibility, accountability, how to regulate their emotion, emphaty-" and some more I don't remember, sorry. And Marinette's parents does reflect this IRL problem which should be a good thing because we have seen what kind of child Marinette is as a result of such parenting. but, instead of make this a moral lesson, the show just validated this kind of parenting and Marinette behavior as "good".
But also it's interesting how I never see the so claimed child pshycologist who said "sentimonster is good methapor for abuse" commenting about Marinette problematic behavior, or maybe because I'm no longer followed the blog, idk.
To discuss the connection between Marinetteā€™s problematic behavior and how sheā€™s been raised, people would need to accept her accountability for said behavior first. Instead the closest to accepting that Marinette did anything wrong Iā€™ve seen from the stans is the take that ā€œGabriel manipulated her into itā€ because being manipulated would make Marinette a victim and therefore not culpable for her own actions in their eyes. To the average Marinette stan, ā€œbeing asked nicely by the main villainā€ just about equates to ā€œwas forced to do it with a gun held to her headā€.
Also, like, I really do think that the Miraculous fandom at large either considers Marinetteā€™s parents as close to perfect as you can get or claims they're neglectful for not suing the school for suspending her. Because, as I said before, the idea of parents who never expect anything from you, always give you whatever you want and instantly do whatever it takes to keep you in a good mood sounds really good. We all talk about how having supportive parents is really important, so no one thinks itā€™s possible for parents to be too supportive. It sounds ridiculous, the idea that you can basically give your child too much love by wanting them to always be cheerful and never having to struggle with anything.
The reasons for this attitude make sense. The other extreme of completely unsupportive parents messes with a childā€™s psyche much more obviously than being overly permissive does. Unless youā€™re actively observing someoneā€™s behavior and know what to look for, thereā€™s not much difference between having a healthy sense of self and being self-obsessed. Itā€™s good to take care of yourself and prioritize yourself, it keeps you safe and healthy. But itā€™s bad to mistreat others because you just couldnā€™t be bothered to be considerate. Itā€™s one thing to set boundaries when youā€™re dealing with things yourself and donā€™t have enough strength to take care of someone else on top of that, and a completely another thing to ask others to always prioritize you to their own detriment because you can't deal with even the smallest problem alone.
Fortitude against anything needs to be built up, just having support doesnā€™t cut it. When it comes to strengthening your immune system, it's not enough to just take all your vitamins while staying indoors all day, you actually need to expose yourself to bacteria by going outside frequently. Itā€™s the entire point of vaccines that you need small amounts of a bad thing to be able to counter large amounts of it. Children facing expectations, disappointments and stressors is the same thing. Youā€™ll never be able to handle even the slightest amount of stress unless you get exposed to it in small amounts first.
Also, like, this isnā€™t new information about parenting. Granted, developmental psychology as a separate field of psychology is a pretty new field of science to begin with (less than two centuries old), but I remember, already in my childhood, there being a philosophical approach to parenting that said: ā€œoverprotective parents raise cowardsā€. This was based on the idea that children mimic their parents, so the things their parents overly protect them from start to register as ā€œscaryā€ things. These days we know child development also includes more subtle connections, and, indeed, several articles on overprotective parenting discuss children with overprotective parents as being overly anxious, being more dependent on others, being involved in bullying as either a victim or perpetrator (or even both) and tending to lie to get people to like them more, among other behaviors connected to different types of overprotective parenting. Sounds almost like a checklist for Marinette, huh?
I used to think Marinette was coddled all the way back during the original show. It was just so obvious to me, because thatā€™s how I was parented and I had similar problems with emotions and I had to clean up my act as a teenager. But, I think the reason itā€™s never been a topic of discussion, is that it makes Marinette out to be flawed in a real, tangible way that she herself would need to fix. Even before the retool validated all the more annoying stans, we had to be very roundabout and hushhush about any flaws Marinette had, because the stans were using the boogeyman of ā€œeveryone on Reddit/Youtube calls her stalker and blahblahblahā€ to justify being annoying jerks to people trying to discuss Marinetteā€™s character with anything that wasnā€™t pure praise.
The one thing to remember about the fabled fandom psychologist, whose posts Iā€™ve also had blocked for years, is that they were a popular blog. Iā€™ve never been that popular in the Miraculous fandom, some posts of mine were, and my most popular posts were the most milktoast, tongue-in-cheek posts that didnā€™t actually challenge the audience in any way, practically shitposting. The Miraculous fandom at large, the side of it that desperately clings to this show and its protagonist as flawless, have never wanted to be challenged. They donā€™t want to read anything too spicy, they want to read posts that validate the common consensus . And thatā€™s why a popular Miraculous blog would never write an in-depth analysis of Marinetteā€™s character flaws and what caused them, it just wouldnā€™t bring the numbers theyā€™re used to. In fact, if a popular blog decided to say anything even vaguely critical-sounding, theyā€™d be torn apart by the Marinette stan mob who are just ā€œso sick of all the saltā€.
I know these things because I lived that too. I used to dial back my opinions on this show so much, once it became clear that Marinette stans just donā€™t remember what happens in the show and go purely on vibes and will dogpile anyone who says the vibe isnā€™t canon. The thing I said that offended these stans so much? ā€œMarinette has a huge support system.ā€ This was ā€œtoo much saltā€. I was new to active blogging and didnā€™t know how to deal with that much negative attention, so I tried to remain mostly inoffensive the rest of my time in the fandom. Choosing to burn any bridges with a fandom that unquestionably supports this bad of a show was the best decision I ever made.
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andreal831 Ā· 4 months ago
i have heard a lot of people deny that Marbekah isn't a problematic ship, and if anyone ever discusses the issues it's usually about Marcel choosing NOLA over Rebekah. But never the fact that Rebekah knew him a child.
And usually the defence is that Rebekah (like Elijah) wasn't an active parent after Klaus' jealous tantrum. I admit that Rebekah didn't fraternize with child!Marcel with the sole purpose of dating him, so traditional 'grooming' definition is hard to apply.
But Rebekah never set any kind of proper boundaries between them. When he initially had a crush on her, she should have explained that they're 'family' now and that's not how it works, thus stopping his crush from going further but not drive him away. She was the adult at that time.
On top of it, Marcel grew up watching Klaus-Rebekah's messed up dynamic. He was a traumatized child who watched these stuff being normalized by two of his white guardians. And the show has never been subtle about Marcel being raised in Klaus' image, or how much Klaus & Rebekah date people that look or act like eachother.
Oh and the casual disregard for adopted kids.
Why do you think Marbekah goes under the radar for this, when Caroline+Alaric, Stelena , Delena and Klaroline are often ripped apart for this exact reason?
Does it have anything to do with Marcel being poc or is it the infantilisation of Rebekah's character?
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I used to really love Marbekah. They were top 3 TVDU ships for me. But the more I think about it, the more I have to rewrite to keep loving them. And I do want to love them just because it is one of the two ships I loved that actually got an endgame. But in typical TVDU fashion, the ships that got endgames were so problematic.
I don't think anyone can say Marbekah isn't problematic. It's one thing to love them, but they are deeply problematic for several reasons. One of them will always be Marcel constantly choosing either Klaus or New Orleans over her.
But the bigger reason is Rebekah grooming him. Because there isn't another way to say it. Rebekah knew Marcel as a child, helped raise him, and then quickly got into a relationship with him. We don't really know how old he was but he was at least in his early twenties when they first got together.
For the most part, as you said, I just headcannon that Rebekah wasn't an active parent in Marcel's life. But the show actively tries to fight against that narrative. The scene where Marcel is a literal child saying he wants to marry Rebekah was meant to be cute, but it's gross considering they then have a romantic relationship. You do mention that it doesn't fit the traditional definition of grooming, but I think it does because of that scene. Marcel makes a comment about being attracted to Rebekah in a way that he wants to marry her as a child and instead of seeing Rebekah rebuke this, she is flattered and essentially gives him a goal, saying she wouldn't marry someone who couldn't beat her in a duel. Not that she couldn't marry a child or someone her brother was raising as a son. This is then paired with a flashback of them dueling when he is an adult and they begin to kiss. The fact that they are still dueling all those years later make it seem as if she had an active role in his life. Rebekah's failure to set boundaries and encouraging the crush is a form of grooming. As you said, she should have set him down and explained family. But also as you point out, Rebekah doesn't really understand healthy family.
Marcel being raised by the Mikaelsons turned him into a Mikaelson. In some good ways and some bad. Marcel definitely has a lot of similar traits to Klaus. I definitely think there is an aspect of Rebekah choosing Marcel because of that, but also simply because the Mikaelsons had to keep it in the family or Klaus would lose his mind. Even though he also lost his mind here. But at least Rebekah wasn't worried about Klaus killing Marcel like he had killed every other lover she had in the past.
Klaus stans will say he "punished" Rebekah because of the grooming, but that's really ignoring his entire character and the entire show. Rebekah took something that belonged to him, because he viewed Marcel as property more than a child. This is another reason people overlook the grooming, because people don't view Marcel as a Mikaelson or as a child of Klaus. I've always been curious of where the last name "Gerard" came from. Why wouldn't he go by Mikaelson if he was raised by them? Klaus gave him a first name but not their last name? Potentially Marcel dropped it to distance himself, but even in the flashbacks, we don't see him truly being regarded as a Mikaelson. The show did this because they understood they were walking a creepy line of predatory/incest.
I think Marbekah tends to get less judgment than the other ships because people think Marcel and Rebekah are morally superior than the other characters. This is not true for everyone, just something I've seen with both of their stans. I love Rebekah, but I get attacked if I ever criticize her for how she treated the teenagers in TVD. Or the fact that Rebekah dated teenage Matt and used money and the ability to travel to persuade him to be with her. Or when I compare Marcel to Klaus, because they do have a lot of similarities. I've noticed with a lot of characters who may have less terrible deeds under their belt get away with murder, literally. If you criticize them, people will respond with "You like x, and they've done worse," instead of holding their character accountable. Or like with Klaus, their abuse is used to excuse all of their misdeeds.
People will argue that Rebekah was turned as a a 16 year old teenager so she was a teenager and it was fine for her to date teenagers, but then Marcel being with her at 25 years old is problematic as he's an adult sleeping with a 16 year old. Or Even Damon who was turned at 24 years old. So that argument is still problematic.
I do think Marcel being a POC does play a role. POC children and teens tend to face "adultification" in media, so people are less concerned about them being groomed or taken advantage of by adults. I do also agree that Rebekah is often infantilized. I blame a lot of her behavior in TVD for that. She behaved like a child. But in TO, they matured her so much, even in the flashbacks. If TVD Rebekah was with Marcel, I think that would have felt creepy on his part.
Like I said, I do still enjoy Marbekah, but I can't think about it too much or it grosses me out. I do prefer my ships to be age appropriate and contain the least amount of toxicity we can expect from a series like TVDU.
Thanks for the ask!
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livannasalinger Ā· 2 years ago
DP x DC prompt 2
I like the idea that JLD starts hearing rumors about the new King of Infinit Realms and then Batman decides to investigate. Usually stories are written with Batman having discovered Amity and then meeting Danny, but what if the focus of the story is a little earlier? The idea is:
Okay, according to wikipedia, the JLD members are: John Constantine, Detective Chimp, Doctor Fate , Ragman, Etrigan and Zatanna. Wonder Woman is also included in some fics and I think it's cool to include her here. Well then, it would be nice if the story started from the perspective of these members, each one (or at least some of them) having supernatural encounters that go in a different direction than expected (a mission, an artifact that starts to work differently, a realization that something in the universe has changed). Each member reports these changes in a conversation that started casually and then they decide to investigate more, it would be great to explore different encounters they have with creatures or beings more connected to the other side, and these beings talking, but not talking - maybe presenting riddles, maybe not talking on purpose, refusing to comment - I particularly like it when the character Lucifer, from the series, appears. He can clarify the facts, or he can refuse to give a straight answer (I imagine he and Danny can actually get along very well). Anyway, after many ghostly and surreal encounters, as well as finding several pieces of art and legends about the mysterious Phantom (maybe Diana will also get in the middle of this, discovering files in themyscira about Phantom being connected to Kronos aka grandfather clockwork), the group finally discovers that there has been a significant power shift, that Pariah Dark is no more etc. Not only that, theyĀ  discover the GIW and the Anti-Ecto Acts exist. And in the midst of it all they discover that there's still a whole universe of things they don't know (infinit realms and such).
Meanwhile, on the other hand, it would be awesome if, like stan lee in the avengers movies, Danny actually had multiple appearances (a boy asking for coffee in the background, someone they asked for directions in a certain city). Danny would already be moving towards being the king (crowned, but still learning and effectively being a prince, more than a ruler). Or the idea that he's basically the host of the realms is pretty cool too, less of a ruler, but more about being the one who maintains the balance between life and death. This would all be part 1, which would see JLD coming to the realization that there's a part of the world they didn't know about and now they have to bring it to JL.
In part two you could focus on other aspects, such as: - Division JLD and JL: not on purpose, but members like Superman and Batman, among others, have their problems when interacting with the supernatural. Batman for example: he's not stupid, but his tendency to investigate and have a contingency plan for everything and everyone can be especially problematic when dealing with the supernatural, as there are rules and boundaries you can't cross if you don't know how to deal with them and the consequences. So, difficult conversations trying to explain the situation in the right context and perhaps a greater understanding from JL members of how unprepared they are to properly deal with this type of problem maybe?. - Follows after the fact above the investigation itself, with a mixture of JL and JLD, each with their contacts and specialties, finally arriving at Amity park and the Fentons. - And finally we come to the classics DP fics: the Fentons as Mad scientists, neglectful parents and etc and the plot twist of the moment: Danny and Jazz Fenton are ā€œmissingā€,Ā with the city as part of a conspiracy that helped take the children out of the Fenton family and out of reach of the GIW, and citizens of Amity distrustful or aggressive towards the JL (Danny and Jazz ran away and they are now Nightingale , it would be great if they were in Gotham this whole time hauhau) . It could even expand the lore about the Nightingales, they could be a family relatively known within the right circles as the psychopomp. The idea here is that they don't find out who Danny is at first, that there are layers of mystery until they find the answer. That Danny, even though he's young, has enough time to learn and when he has to face it and talk to JL and JLD, he would do it as an equal.
possible part 3 - In parallel, the adventures of Danny, jazz and company running away to gotham, learning things outside the small world that is Amity Park, Danny talking with Lady Gotham and helping her to take care of the supernatural part of the city, since that is not the specialty of Batfam, even with Metas like Duke. The batfam feeling that the city is different someway. Maybe Danny meeting several of the waynes/ vigilants, bonding with some of them and etc. Not forgetting Jazz and her work in Arkham and Sam and Tucker and Ellie somehow included. (maybe even Dan).
tips - fics and stories that inspired me in this idea:
You and me and our best friend makes three by Elizabehta_Beilschmidt
Humans and Ghosts and Different Kind of Hero by RedGhost1010
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lefluoritesys Ā· 2 years ago
The difference between some of our headmates sometimes is literally just:
Host (me): *avoids the subject of what our life like even around our literally the most trusted friend/found family member ever (and succeeds), takes months before they even consider telling someone about the system if it's irl, read people like an opened book to figure out if they could be trusted with that kind of info.*
Sexual persecutor today when we left them at front during volunteering thinking it'd be a good idea to a person they met 1,5 hours ago: Yeah, so I actually have DID, basically like when you're a kid and go through a shit ton of repeated/prolonged trauma your brain goes "nope" and puts up amnesia walls that split you, so now cause of that I have a lot of different personalities, and they're not like parts of me (one person) or smth, and I know you also brought up schizophrenia which is totally different from DID despite sharing symptoms, they're actually their own people, and all of us are called a system.
The poor person in question: Did your parents do that?
Sexual persecutor: Well, they didn't start it, but they did continue it, basically- *proceeds to spill our worst trauma without a lot of details.*
We stan a queen, but jfc, [insert sexual persecutor name here because you know who you are, but I'm not gonna say].
(Clarification, they did not hurt the system that way. Despite all that was mentioned before, no boundaries were crossed, and none of us are in danger.)
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goblins-riddles-or-frocks Ā· 10 months ago
I have mostly only seen Baghra hate in Darkling apologia circles so this makes me curious. What is your overall opinion of Baghra? Especially her morality.
I like Baghra! I think sheā€™s a really interesting character that just isnā€™t fleshed out very much and suffers for it. I think book one specifically just feels like LB wasnā€™t really thinking about her as a character as opposed to a plot device.
My general interpretation of her is that sheā€™s probably supremely depressed by TGT era, given how inactive she is. And I mean she literally kills herself in R&R. There seems to be a huge discrepancy between the values she raised Aleksander with and what she believes in the present. I suspect the shadow fold may have something to do with that? Or again just depression. We donā€™t know why she stopped using her own power aside from the vague implication that itā€™s to protect her sonā€™s identity, but I think it ends up painting a larger picture of someone whoā€™s just lost interest in everything. And we do see a hint of what an entirely different person she was in the Demon in the Wood era.
I donā€™t have particular opinions on her morality tbqh. She seems like she never really got past the formative experience of being neglected by her father and hated by her mother and then everything that happened with her sister. Like no shit sheā€™s not particularly emotionally well adjusted.
She seems to have had a child more out of a desire for companionship than like any particular maternal instinct. Thereā€™s mention of her trying to have thee most powerful kid ever but I suspect itā€™s more because she wanted to ensure immortality again more for companion ship rather than actually caring about the power itself. And with their isolated fear filled lifestyle early on, like even if she *was* the most competent parent ever (which. we have established that she was not) you wouldnā€™t have gotten the best results.
I feel like Darkling stans do act insane about her. Like I remember seeing conversations about aww poor Aleksander he must have felt so betrayed when Alina sided with his *abuser.* Like fuck off sjfhf itā€™s obviously a way more complicated dynamic than that. And Iā€™d argue that multiple centuries in, there actually isnā€™t a power differential between them anymore.
But it seems like the boundaries were bad! That she almost definitely set him up for his megalomaniacal tendencies! And also that she imparted her own fears of vulnerability to him. Like I do think that with her own history of being so neglected she overcompensated by raising her son to the idea that heā€™s above all reproach (but her own lol) and that other peopleā€™s lives simply do not have as much worth. (The same kind of elevation and isolation that he tries to pull with Alina)
So yeah idk I think the fact that Aleksander is such a piece of work falls directly at her feet but also like. itā€™s understandable?
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stanofwar2 Ā· 3 months ago
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Journal Entries, 1, 3
Entry #2! Not much going on for Leon, but he's trying his best to keep himself entertained.
Was tempted to put a sketch on this page but Leon isn't much of an artist.
Transcript/Clear text below
June 16th
Hello again! Iā€™ve been busy for the past few days babysitting/watching the young twins, while also getting to know the Pines family some more. They are an odd bunch. Endearing, but odd. Stan and Fordā€™s full names are Stanley and Stanford Filbrick Pines, which tells me that whichever parent picked their names but clearly they werenā€™t very clever. They also had been traveling across the world on their ship called the Stan Oā€™War 2, now whatever happened to the first one is still a mystery. Though they seem to have been having an amazing time on their travels, Stan often going on and on for hours telling anyone and everyone (mostly the kids) these exaggerated tales of all these amazing discoveries and battles he and Ford would get in while researching and treasure hunting, talking about pirates and all sorts of mythical creatures. Now whatever Fordā€™s research is still unknown, all Iā€™ve gathered is that it seems to deal with something odd. He also keeps eyeing me, as if heā€™s trying to piece something together.
Iā€™ve also met two other members of the ā€œfamily.ā€ Wendy Corduroy, a young teen girl that works in the shack with Soos, often referring to him as her bro, she and the kidā€™s appear to be pretty close. And Soosā€™s Abuelita who moved in after Soos was promoted to Shack owner.
Iā€™ve seen Wendy and the kids laughing, playing pranks with each other, and just having some good fun. She loves the kids, like a big protective sister and though we havenā€™t spoken much, Iā€™ve noticed she comes off chill and cool, but I can see past the facade. Thereā€™s a deep sadness in her, a loss hanging over her, but not enough to dampen her good heart. She tries to be happy, to appreciate every day as much as she can. And I understand that all too well.
I often see Stan complaining about them, and at first it frustrated me but all my years on the road have taught me anything, it's how to catch a con in their tracks. And while Stan is an amazing conman, he seems to have softened in his old age. I started to see that he was feigning frustration, but in reality he deeply cares about all of them, but especially his family. He is always helping them in small ways or whenever they ask for it, complaining the whole time, but doing it nonetheless. Ford is similar but heā€™s a bit more hesitant, not wanting to overstay his welcome or overstep his boundaries. There's a.. Guilt surrounding him. A deep well of shame that covers him. He hides it well behind a gentle smile, but there are moments when Iā€™ve seen the mask fall, the light in his eyes fading as his face grows cold. And in all those moments, itā€™s always directed at his brother. And everytime Stan looks at him he quickly hides it again, smiling bright and loving at his twin. Being strong and happy for him. Like my dad..
Anyways, not much else has happened, no updates on my car yet, so until next time.
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thegeminisage Ā· 1 year ago
it IS tng update time. saturday we watched "relics" and "schisms" and last night* we did "true q" and "rascals."
*times altered bc as usual im typing this up late at night
oh boy. ohhh my god
so like, i'd like to preface this with: i am not a scotty stan or anything. don't get me wrong i love the guy and i'm fascinated by the way he tricked me into thinking he had all ten fingers. like he's v fun and all. but im not like Extremely Emotionally Invested In Scotty. all right. that said
I CRIED. LIKE A BABY. no one was more shocked than i was. actually i'm sure catherine was not shocked at all
i didn't cry when he first showed up which is what i suaully do when i see spock. no, no, no, no. it was when he went to the holodeck and created the fucking BRIDGE OF THE ENTERPRISE. and they played the main theme!!! the sound effects were even the same!!!!!!! and like all his friends are dead now except spock and bones and bones frankly has one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel!!!!!!!! I'VE NEVER BEEN SO UPSET IN MY ENTIRE LIFE.
chronologically, this is also the last time we'll ever see a tos cast member coming back to reprise their role except for aos spock and um. an appearance which i do not wish to discuss now or ever. anyway it's definitely the last time in tng proper. and like yeah we have aos and snw and everything but those guys arent the OGs. AUGH.
also wah him saying the doctors are prettier on this enterprise. thats SO MEAN TO BONESā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.i miss him so bad and he's WAY prettier than beverly sorry beverly
i definitely wanted to kill geordi for yelling at scotty when he tried to tell his old man stories. im glad they hung out for the rest of the episode and that geordi treated him really niceys but it still felt a teensy bit patronizing of him at first like he was just doing it because picard told him to make scotty feel useful
THAT SAID. for once, i am pro picard, because picard is a giant nerd and he wanted to listen to scotty's old man stories as much as i did. not that i got to enjoy them while being blinded by tears. i'm actually genuinely tearing up right now while typing this just thinking about it. i think it was genuinely compassionate for picard to want to give scotty something he could genuinely help with in a way that WASN'T patronizing. like old people are just regular people you know. we all get old one day if we're lucky
spotted scotty's missing finger twice, which is two more times than i spotted it in my original watch of tos.
he remembered how to hide the missing finger (mostly) but forgot how to do his fake scottish accent. in his defense it's been ages and he was old but it was still funny
synthehol is wack. it's just another way in which there's no work-life boundary in tng. you're always on call, so you can never get drunk. you will NEVER have personal time aboard this ship. they can call you in your son's parent-teacher meeting. they can call you during birthday parties. you cannot raise your children here. but they do. anyway.
IT'S GREEN!!! i remember seeing a gifset of data floating around saying that to somebody, and then later i saw a gifset of scotty saying it in tos, but i didn't realize data was talking TO SOCTTY i thought it was just a reference!!!!!!! there were actually sooo many tos references in this episode, i was so pleased to hav caught them all <3
looooooved the dyson sphere. that was genuinely so fucking fascinating and it was the b plot!!!!! why can't it be the a plot!!!! it was so cool looking
i thot for a sec they were gonna kill scotty at the end and got REALLY worried but they didn't and he decided not to retire after all and good for him <3
anyway. that cry felt like a full-body workout. horrific.
i waited so long to see the episode that gifset is from and it did NOT disappoint
my one sour note re: this ep was the beginning with data's poetry. can we please be nice to him and not loudly fall asleep in the front row. i know the circumstances are highly extenuating. i of all people understand sleep deprivation, which i am currently experiencing even as i type. but that was just rude!!! could he not have simply explained he was unwell and unable to attend!!!!!!! the crowd being restless was terrible. if you simply tell him that he has to have a limit on his poems he would understand. i'm glad geordi was an honest critic when data asked later but i would have liked to see data's results after incorporating his feedback. ok anyway
firstly, i loved when a little guy is sleep deprived. it was great when sam winchester did it and also great when riker does it
SECONDLY, that whole sequence with the table was fucking insane. everything getting darker and darker both literally and metaphorically and deanna starting to look uneasy near the end and riker's eyes being ABSOLUTELY HAUNTED and that table was basically like a chair, anyway
when they were like "yeah the aliens cut off your arm and reattached it" READER I HOLLERED. you can't just put a guy on a chair and tear his arm off and then make him forget stuff. please. it's been nearly 10 years.
when he's like theyre gonna take me again whether i want them to or not. yeah man they sure are. this isn't quite riker roulette but it is definitely adjacent
i think the best cure for insomnia is to be absolutely terrified of going to bed because you're still in uniform and have a tracking device on you because you are about to get abducted by fucking aliens. who could resist sleep after that.
i did wonder why he laid on the table so long before attempting his escape when time was precious but i doubt i could have done any better in his shoes. i sure did love the way that knife thing hung right above his neck though. i'm pretty sure we spent that entire scene hollering DISMEMBER HIM. TRAUMATIZE HIM!! and then they didn't <3 but i'm not even mad about it
anyway. 10/10 episode they need more space horror in star trek bc it's always fun. i remember reading that tos was originally meant to be space horror-y, but i found the pacing of those earliest episodes waaaay too slow. i want a star trek show with more dismemberment though.
true q:
mistakenly thot this episode was named qpid (got it mixed up) and was hoping for more of q wanting to fuck picard to so bad it makes him look stupid but all we got was one little arm around his shoulder. which was REALLLY funny because picard instantly made a face like he'd eaten sour lemon but we deserved more. to reiterate i do NOT want them to fuck i think the dynamic of q wanting to fuck and picard preferring to die first is the funniest possible set of circumstances
instead, q constantly displays predatory body language towards this EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL. he leans really close to her and whispers in her ear and all that stuff and i did Not like it
i kept waiting for this girl to secretly be his child, or for her parents to have once been friends with him, but they literally were just randos to each other. disappointing, especially after he vanished while she was having her emotional moment on seeing their faces
where do the puppies go when she vanishes them? do they cease to exist?? did she just kill 12 puppies on screen???? too horrible to contemplate. i wish i could make kittens out of thin air though. actually that would be a terrible power the world is overpopulated with kittens as it is but STILL.
i want to know more about the weather altering net. we could have an entire episode about that alone. you just...got rid of tornadoes? and forest fires? did you fix climate change??
riker almost being killed by an empty barrel sent me into fits. they didn't strap them down after what happened to worf? this spaceship gets jostled horrifically EVERY EPISODE. what are they thinking!!!!!!!!!
RIKER ROULETTE STRIKES AGAIN. her bringing him to the alternate dimension and trying to lay on the moves was bad enough but using her powers to MAKE HIM START KISSING HER? HELLO???? i'm still mad they wrote an episode about rape and just used it for deanna fetish fuel instead of actually discussing what this poor guy goes through. why is it somehow ok/not noteworthy when it's men. come on now
it was kind of silly to have this girl go "no way im a human forever" and then immediately solve climate change on this other planet because her lil crush (/VICTIM???) was down there. like that was so rushed and weird
ultimately not a very good episode. i only like one thing about q and they did NOT deliver. he was also a misogynist to beverly once...like, die
this got a 1 on letswatchstartrek.com and i simply disagree. i would have given it a 2 or mmmaybe 3. well no probably a 2 but STILL. first of all, tng's children are ALWAYS charming, and these guys were no exception, save possibly the kid who was playing picard, who was fine until the tantrum scene/riker's son bit, at which point i wanted to die
i never want to hear riker say daddy again.
i HAAAATE the ferengi theyre racist theyre misogynist i HATE THEM.
i felt like there was a missed opportunity with obrien and keiko to have him be cool about it, instead of awkward like everyone else. like i obviously dont think they should be canoodling or anything, gross, but there's nothing wrong with a little platonic compassion. he got there in the end ig but idk it would've made a nice contrast
how old is their fucking baby??? i just looked it up and she was born at the beginning of season 5...her ass is NOT old enough to be talking yet let alone full complete clear sentences??????
anyway speaking of compassion............GUINAN AND RO
i actually unironically loved ro's little arc here. anyone who had a shitty childhood will tell you they'd cut off their arm before going back, but she had to go back anyway, and guinan neither pitied her nor minimized anything she'd gone through. instead she got to occupy that space in a totally harmless way and receive a little closure. while the rest of this episode was okay-ish to maybe less than okayish (i NEVER want to hear riker say daddy EVER again) ro's little bit was so so so good.
re: ro...i love that we don't constantly bring her past and situation up as if it's the only thing about her but nor do we shy away from it and how it's shaped her and the narrative has never once suggested she's too harsh or too angry or whatever. of course with a season and a half left there's still time to ruin it but so far her whole thing has been one of the very few instances where tng is doing everything wonderfully.
NEXT TIME: "a fistful of datas" (noooo it's a holodeck episode) and "the quality of life."
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topconfessions Ā· 2 months ago
I hate these new fans cuz they are too invested in protecting their new fav celebrity from any criticism like they are babies. Like, do they think just because we, who have been here for longer, are hard on Seunghyun because we hate him? Baby, we are like this BECAUSE WE CARE, we want him to wake up and succeed again. I'm not about to coddle an almost 40 year old man, depressed or not, I want that man happy and successful, and I criticize him because I CARE ABOUT HIM.
If I didn't care about him I wouldn't even be talking about him LMAO
My stance is who would want to hate him? Care to hate him? And have energy to? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
He really is a hermit at the end of the day. He minds his business when possible so ??? He gives us nothing for real, we been in the desert šŸœ waiting for some project with him. I want to know who wasted months upon years fixated on him for negativity.
Everyone needs to understand those of us who was here from his debut as a kid or at least around their big break with Fantastic baby ARE OLD NOW. WE ARE IN OUR 30S! those fans who were there and already older in college are 40s now. We should not be in any place to have a fixation negative or too extremely positive about him. Also the industry changed rapidly once BTS came into power. All of the 2nd gen groups and first half of the 3rd gen don't truly matter anymore although they have core fanbases and respect for their legacies..a lot of those groups disbanded or silently but I can name several groups from bigbangs time nobody gives a fuck about anymore or remembers like that.
I'm gonna sum this up and draw on what you said, when you said we're like this cause we care: its like parents being tough, helicopter parents, riding you all the time and you end up turning decently alright or okay then you have these stories of parents who arent close to their kids, dont discipline them, dont teach them right from wrong then they end up dead, in a freezer dead in a hotel somewhere, beaten up by friends on a group trip, set up by friends, used by people, unable to walk away from uncomfortable situations etc.
Yes we're hard on him at times but we've seen the best and now worse of him. We watched him become a man over a decade before our eyes the way people watched Justin Bieber grow up, beyonce, rihanna, britney spears etc. Its the same with TOP. Sometimes you need that kick in the ass cause if not? Thats how you run rampant or dont have any healthy boundaries and understanding with self awareness, social awareness, and end up in situations like top.
I'm just saying. My example is extreme but it sticks šŸ«  AND SAME SIS SAME. I would not give a rats ass about him if I didnt care. We both on the same page. We know he not living up to his true potential and this isnt 100% the top we knew inside and out. People forget we didnt have such instant access to kpop like everyone does today so you really had to put your work in to stan your fave.
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kaleido-write Ā· 2 months ago
Chapter 6 part 6
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Thats a natural conversation that follows a great fluidity unlike the rest of the chapter !!
It finally feels like something roommates would say
Tho on the 3rd case , wtf is that hand šŸ˜­ you can use refs without tracing it's ok pooks
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Its painful how the need of references is that visible , Jaden went from a somewhat square face to full on circle, i get it drawing faces can sucks and be hard to remember, so that's why you use references yk ?
Tho i really like Riley reaction , it gives us more insight in her character and how she react to people getting hurt / her being worried
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OK so , this comic is supposed to be readable for minors , so having adults be so sexually vocal in the comments is really weird especially since rusty accepted that comment shes making the choice to make this space unsafe for minors , yes teenager will have sexual interactions ect ofc , but they shouldn't be exposed to it from adults , they shouldn't have to fall onto that . Its why their parent , teachers or health workers they seek help from are the people in position to talk to them about that , in obviously healthy and responsible manner . Rusty should change the rating to 18 yo if she cannot keep her space minor friendly and its ok to have adult only spaces , the issue is shes blurring the lines and boundaries surrounding her comic by not making this clear .
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Truly it baffles me how much Jaden face shape changed from rectangular/square to a squished up circle
Also please rusty. Look up how to draw fingers ? Because here everything looks squished up and you definitely don't know the rules of anatomy enough , you can't break them yet
Her expression is a bit too subtle to my liking , putting more emphasis on both their expression would've helped convey the emotions way better since the artstyle is very cartoons and stylized
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I really hate how infantilized Jaden is , especially since she's the only butch black women , it has been made clear the audience rusty is looking to cater to is women attracted to butch women wich by all means , butch women are beautiful and deserve this much love , that said infantilization and dumbing down a black butch women is objectifying , calling a very intelligent woman who has been shown to be strong and independent (she was also shown to be violent wich is another weird attribution to give the only black butch woman) but objectifying her and not emplifying her already existing qualities because all you see is that she's a bimbo (wich is the word for women its weird youre using the adjective given to guys usually) is pretty weird
Shes not even a bimbo she's very intelligent and educated , bimbos and himbos examples would be edan from the howl house , superman , grunkle stan , Gretchen and so many more
And rusty is enabling her audience to misinterpret her black butch lesbian dumbing her down and , frankly, objectifying her is weird , I get it Fandoms will be Fandom and simping on characters is completely fine , the issue is have is theyre objectifying black butch woman , especially when there's little to no one simping for Riley, Jaden is obviously made into the characters you're meant to simp wich sure go for it , but , it can be done without enabling your audience
And if the main focus isn't supposed to be on Jaden then show it , show that Riley is as important as her show that she is desirable as well , we are 6 chapters in and it has been made obvious the focus is on Jaden, in a work made to see 2 people end up together its important to give both of the mc similar time , because they have to go trough growth , you can't expect people to root for a half baked characters vs a very well fleshed out character .
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That scene is sweet , again more emphasis on the expressions would be perfect for that scene
There is that sweet care that Riley radiate from her vs the guilt Jaden feels for being in need of help and that is good , working to deconstruct 1 d archetypes and giving depth to your characters is great
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Again , if rusty actually made the transwoman violent then this would make sense , going close to someone to talk to them isn't violence nor a threat , she might be scared that's fair , she might be uncomfortable too , but going as far as to restraint people without any valid reason is violent , you can't root for someone that does violent things
And if you feel like showing you black butch lesbian be a defender , maybe idk do researches on queer history and how to properly write conflicts and violent scenes , gender has an intricate relationship with lesbians whether you like it or not , especially black lesbians , so if you as an individual you're only attracted to cis lesbians women THATS FINE what you can't do is shame lesbians for their individual choices nor deny the history of it .
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Again , a cap will not change someone's head shape , its ok you can draw her squary head
Rusty need to use guidelines and references, because she's very inconsistent in how she draw her character and not as in they kinda change shape ect , as in the eyes are way too far from each other or Jaden square to circle head . Its ok to use guidelines and references there's no art police that will scream at you i promise
And we are already page 50 , its a lot , rusty clearly doesn't know where she goes , she's making insanely long chapters that convey very little story and information in the giant pool of content she does , it get watered down because she doesn't cut to what's important because let's be honest , you can't write everything, as a content creator of any kind you have to acknowledge some content will have to be put aside and will not work , you have to cut down to what convey everything in the best way possible /according to what you want to convey
What you can do with the leftovers of content / what didn't make the cut into the comic and have it as additional content that the most interested will look for or make it temporarily only available behind a paywall so that people that most want to support you get additional content/lore
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This is a pretty ok panel , i like how it focuses on Riley instead of Jaden, we need to see her more we need to understand her , root for her as much as Jaden
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thats a really interesting thought !! I like how Riley understood that Jaden was lying but also understood she wasn't being malicious, and the confusion over who Jaden was trying to fool ? It's a really sweet trope that works well especially in a dorky romance setting wich again that's what rusty does the best. She obviously enjoy doing that
I also find it so creative when rusty does out of panel stuff like the arm sticking out of the cases !
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alarrytale Ā· 1 year ago
Anon asking about why youĀ“re not solo H stan here again. Okay, I totally understand everything you wrote and I get it. If I was there during 1D days I would probably feel the same. But I wasnĀ“t nowhere near and back in the day I only knew WMYB because in 2012 I was watching Olympics closing ceremony (2 week before I actually flew to London for vacation and so that song kind of is connected with that vacation in my mind) and knew the hysteria around their shows because randomly I got to see a video where teen girls responded to the fact that their parents bought them tickets to their show (which was probably sold out in a minute? what I understood). But I hadnĀ“t care about them at all.
I became a fan in Dec 2018, I donĀ“t even know how it started but I was listening to HS1 when I was going through some tough time and his Remeber everythingĀ“s gonna be alright, we can meet again somewhere, somewhere far away from here (and basically whole SOTT which was the first song I played) just helped me get through it. But until July 2022 it was always about his music than him as a singer/person/Harry StylesTM.
The thing is that besides I just love his songs - and I even love them more when I became larrie and realized most of them are about Louis - and some of them are connected with some specific moments. Whole Fine Line album is basically my Christmas album thanks to the time when it was released. As It Was came out a week after I came back from London - which was my first abroad trip after pandemic/since May 2019 + I was so scared to travel there because it was also a month after war in Ukraine began which made me extra anxious and I was basically living in fear. So as that trip in London was like a first full deep inhale after the long hibernation and letting go my fears and anxiety, hearing that song (and basically seeing him coming back to life - because I didnĀ“t see it coming how much I wasnĀ“t following him in any way) immediatelly connected to that moment and it will be connected forever. And last March I was in Berlin and my mind kept playing Golden and Grapejuice on repeat whole trip and so itĀ“s also connected to it and it will always take me there - early spring in sunny Berlin.
But anyway thatĀ“s just him as an artist/singer/songwriter. IĀ“m not buying anthing else from him and his fashion icon/multitalented/the most successful one/etc etc etc because I know itĀ“s not because of him but because of his team and people around him. Only the best people in the industry because heĀ“s SonyĀ“s golden goose/puppet. And until there wonĀ“t be any equal competitor (because currently there isnĀ“t any male singer who will compete with him and his image since Justin Bieber and Shawn Mendes went on hiatus and thereĀ“s noone new) they will invest in him until one day someone younger and prettier and more fashionable will enter and so everyone will move on and Harry will become our indie artist lmao.
Hi again, anon!
It's so funny how SOTT is so traumatic to me and so comforting to you! I think for us who's been here since the 1D days we've all had to find ways to cope and to justify still being a fan to ourselves. We've had several moments were we all had to pause and consider why we're here. Like on bullshit day, 1d hiatus announcement, the bg announcement etc. There's been so many shit things happening and alot of people have left because their boundary was reached. Nothing in this fandom is black and white. I don't blame anyone for their coping mechanisms, if that's going to a show, not going to a show or giving them money or not giving them money. We all have our limits, our boundaries and our morals. We cope differently and you need to find what works best for you. Find out how you can be a fan despite the bullshit. There is no right or wrong way.
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cheetee Ā· 2 years ago
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I reblogged this ask meme then passed out immediately. Whoops! Anyway, you had the misfortune to send me this just as I finished my entire series. I'm about to hit you with literally every thought I've ever had.
EncantoTV: A Retrospective
My goal in Encanto fanfic is always, as best I can, to re-create the tone and style of the original movie. I called the series "Encanto TV Episodes From Another Timeline" because that's the level of canon compliance I wanted, not just from the plot but also from everything else, with the tone and the humour and the themes and the characters we focus on - I wanted to write something that felt like Disney had greenlit it.
(It's entirely PG except this part, which I removed briefly in early 2022 and then remorsefully put back because I literally couldn't replace the line "de-bitched their grandmother".)
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Fun fact: I literally did not care for Camilo one iota the first time I watched Encanto. I don't mean I didn't like him; I mean I straight-up forgot one of the characters could shapeshift a couple of different times during the movie and had to google who the hell he was afterwards.
I put Camilo in When the Cat's Away because I thought he would be a funny narrator to a story that was primarily about Mirabel and Bruno, and then by necessity of being the narrator he got his own character arc, and that character arc spiralled into being the main emotional hook of the fic. Whoops.
The character who did get plenty of screentime from me, though: Bruno!
Here's the thing about fanfiction. Most people watched Encanto (2021), a Family-Adventure-Comedy, saw Bruno, thought he was hot, and then proceeded to write fiction about him that was also hot, such as porn, angst, porn/angst, and the great many variations of those things that exist on AO3. I watched that movie and went: "Great! I want more of this attractive, compelling character. He is a side character used primarily for comic relief, with a tragic backstory that is only ever minimally explored. Therefore, that is exclusively what I am going to write."
Hence: Bruno only appears as a major supporting character, and his main roles are to act as foil to Mirabel and comic relief, much the way he does in the original movie. I don't know what it is about that that I enjoy writing when, as far as I can tell, every other Bruno stan on the internet went down the logical route of writing fic that was about... well, him. Maybe a bit of narrative irrelevancy is just something I find attractive in a man?
Whatever about Camilo and Bruno, though. I thought Mirabel was a great character when I first watched Encanto, and now, having written 100,461 (fuck!) words about her, my feelings have only deepened. Mirabel, my daughter, life of my life!!! I adore you!!!
Seriously: I love this girl. I wound up spiralling into a whole series because there's just not enough I could say about her. I love the way the world feels when you're at a certain point in your teens, and you're smart and empathetic enough to understand the injustices of it, and you've got this whole life ahead of you to fix them and all these things to do around you and suddenly, for the briefest period of time, you have nothing but big ideas and burning passion to see them through. I wanted to capture that type of kid, somebody who's clearly very passionate and brilliant and inspired, despite the crushing lonliness and insecurity that sometimes comes with being fifteen.
Mirabel and Bruno's relationship is very dear to me. Mirabel is a teen who's pushing away her parents and the other adults in her life, feeling misunderstood. Bruno knows how to interact with the teens in a way that makes them feel treated and seen as adults, that validates their adult feelings and actions, while never actually crossing the boundary into being a friend. Bruno is a mentor, good at showing vulnerability when he needs to get through to someone and holding it back when they need strength instead. Mirabel desperately wants someone who makes her feel seen, and she needs an adult in her life she can trust. They go together like that.
The thing I'm proudest of about EncantoTV, though, is the plots. Because deciding that something is meant to be a cartoon TV episode, not a movie, not a novel, is just... a different type of story. TV plots can be bad. There are holes, there are wildly unrealistic natural disasters and uses of weapons, people run on and off the screen, and the whole thing needs to get wrapped up in a way that you can theoretically miss this episode and it still makes sense.
My finest achievement? I have gotten SO good at writing plots that are STUPID AS ALL FUCK. I'll write fucking anything in there. I put a ghost in the Encanto. I destroyed a whole fucking mountain then NEVER referenced it again. I brought back Bubo. Antonio went to JAIL. The places the characters go in Birds of Paradise? That shit makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER when you look at the timeline, because they could only have been walking for a few hours AT BEST but they still hike an entire watershed AND drive the same distance within AT MOST a couple of hours.
Anyway, it's 4am, and I'm definitely rambling. Here's my last point, which is about having readers!!!
My webcomic used to get a comment every 2-3 months. My fiction has been rejected from a couple of litmags. Something that has been mind-blowing, life-changing, awe-inspiring? Readers! People who read what I wrote and they liked it, and not only that they told me they liked it!!! I have written lots and lots of things, and I have never, in my life, had people go out of their way to contact me and tell me what they enjoyed and why, the way that people have done for these fics, and it's... damn!!! It's world-ending!!!
This was a long-ass post, I guess being my goodbye to the series... I want to thank you, @youmaycallmeyourhighness, for sending it, and for the various comments and messages, that shit means the WORLD to me. I am a humble college student, my grades are bad, and it is surreal that my writing is something that interests you.
To @bitchykuromi, @malewifebruno, @pinwheelwhirl, @greenvillainredemption, @originalavenuefox, @ramblesanddragons, and several others who either aren't on tumblr or I just can't find rn because it's 4am: I hope you all know how much it means to me that you liked my fics enough to read them over all this time, and find the time to tell me about it, and you are all such cool people it brings me such delight to think that I actually might have made you laugh irl.
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mooity Ā· 4 years ago
Do twt fans actually think that trending #kickdave will solve anything.
I mean purposely breaking a ccs boundaries in order to make them uncomfortable is a shitty thing to do on its own but even shittier when itā€™s well know that techno has ADHD and anxiety.
And itā€™s also public information that techno lives with his parents and his siblings. His siblings are literal children. But some of yā€™all chose the doxx the dude anyway.
Doxxing is always wrong but itā€™s absolutely vile to doxx someone who lives with young children when you know it could put them in harms way.
If you are doxxing someoneā€™s entire family and telling them to kill themselves, you lose all right to say you are ā€œeducating themā€
And we already seen that it doesnā€™t fucking work. The CCs all thought twt stans were a bunch of fucking idiots for trending #KickSchlatt. And it didnā€™t fucking work.
They all agreed that it was a bunch of entitled Twitter fans being brats and making it look like they care about actual issues.
CCs are human and people like techno and schlatt are there actual real life friends.
Cus even if you donā€™t want to admit it, Schlatt and Techno are close friends with the majority of the DSMP and the Origns smp.
Theyā€™re not gonna ruin friendships cus the person who repeatedly told their friends to kill themselves asked them too.
If you donā€™t like the fact that these people are friends and in a CCs content then itā€™s up to you to leave. A CC doesnā€™t have to change their streams for you.
And letā€™s be real, if they actually cared about minorities they would focus on the actual issue rather than purposefully making techno uncomfortable.
TLDR: Twitter needs to stop being a bunch of insensitive, entitled little brats and learn to be fucking decent human beings and behave maturely.
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problemswithbooks Ā· 3 years ago
I legitimately believe toga is one of the worst characters because she's almost incel levels of entitlement to people's feelings. I hope she gets the shit kicked out of her
Toga sob storying her problems and villain stans going "šŸ„ŗ they need understand her and let her live" makes want her to die more. STOP STABBING PEOPLE YOU HORRID FETISH BAIT.
Different asks, but similar sentiments about Toga.
For me I think my main issue with Toga is that Hori didn't do enough to make it clear she was rejected for her Quirk alone, rather then her own actions. Besides her parents who seemed disturbed by her Quirk, no one else seems that upset with her just her Quirk, but rather her actions.
Especially with the recent leaks, it really comes across as Toga just refusing respect people's boundaries. Izuku didn't reject her--all he did was say "hey, I get that you want to be like the people you love, but that shouldn't involve hurting them" and she saw that a full on rejection. All Ochako and Izuku have ever asked is that she maybe not try and kill them please, and Toga gets upset with them.
It's just really hard to see her as this poor misunderstood little girl, when no one's unfairly cruel to her. All they want is for her not to stab them and steal their identity--that's not asking a lot.
She comes across as very entitled, very hypocritical in certain cases and sort of stupid. She refuses to take no for an answer, sees anyone calling her out for hurting them as rejecting her unfairly, and seems to only understand people being killed is sad/bad when it's done to her friends. She'll also come right out and tell Izuku she loves him and ask him out but is still vague about asking her question, which leads to stupid misunderstandings.
I just don't know if Hori really understood how to write this type of character into something more then his original concept of "Slutty for Murder" trope. He wants her to be sympathetic, but barely spent anytime on her backstory and won't give her more mixed emotions about her Quirk. I'd like her more if we saw her struggle to control herself and feel bad that she she ended up killing people she liked. Or even just have conflicting thoughts about her Quirk and actions--trying to embrace it as her normal, but also wishing that her normal didn't end up hurting others.
I hope maybe by the end we do get something more then Ochako telling her she's actually just a sad girl and giving her hug of understanding. I want Toga to learn to accept other's boundaries and understand that someone saying no to her affection isn't rejection of her entire being.
That's why the idea that at the end Izuku and Ochako should give Toga some of their blood in the end as a show of change and friendship would make kind of gross me out. Because I think the biggest thing Toga has to learn is that she has to respect people's boundaries and accepting that some people just won't be okay with her using her Quirk on them. That sort of ending to her act would kind of imply that harassing someone is fine and that the people being targeted should just give in to their demands and do what they want. Which isn't what I think Hori is trying to say.
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nerds-escape Ā· 4 years ago
Hi I am now in an anti-Snape mood so...here we go.
Quick preface before we begin: I will be talking about abuse and some other topics, Iā€™ll put trigger warnings at the beginning of everything
NOTE: This is based off my experience as a person who was abused by both friends and family as well as a disabled person and a person who has been sexually harassed and something I donā€™t even know the term for it was somewhere in between sexual harassment and sexual assault.
ā€œHe was Abused as a Childā€
TW: Abuse
I know itā€™s mentioned a lot but just because Snape was abused doesnā€™t mean he was destined to be a bad person, in fact, when someone says that, it makes it a lot harder for people to come to terms with what has happened. As a person who was manipulated and belittled my entire life I would like to say: I have been told I am a good person so I think Iā€™m a good person, really itā€™s kind of subjective. But if you want to know some things so you can judge for yourself (a lot of these things had to be put on hold because of the pandemic which is why Iā€™m using past tense):
I taught mentally and physically disabled kids how to swim
I had good grades
I work four jobs so I can pay to go to Uni
I have a hard time setting boundaries which means whenever someone ask me to do something, I do it out of fear of disappointing them (not a good thing but a thing none the less)
I was captain of the swim team
I was in a club that the soul purpose was to raise money for a childrenā€™s hospital
I spend a lot of my time volunteering
I know this sounds like Iā€™m patting my own back but I just want you to understand who I am as a person. I like to think Iā€™m a good person but itā€™s up to you if you believe that or not.
I have lost my autonomy due to my trauma. Every other word coming out of my mouth is sorry because I have been trained to believe everything is my fault. It took me years of therapy and talking with friends to figure that out.
The other day I asked my coworker if I could go to the bathroom because everything in my life I have had to tiptoe around and get express permission on including going to the restroom at times.
Obviously everyone reacts to abuse and trauma differently but having a villain and saying that they are bad because of the abuse they faced is just not it.
I donā€™t really know why you need sources on my abuse but here are some sources on trauma and how it can effect kids
ā€œThe Marauders Sexually Assaulted/ļæ¼Harassed Snapeā€
TW: sexual assault/harassment
AMAB sexual assault and harassment is a real thing that needs to be talked about more, and something that shouldnā€™t be used to win an argument.
Snape Stans canā€™t seem to decide if this is sexual assault or sexual harassment. At most it is sexual harassment, this isnā€™t to say that sexual harassment is something to scoff at, this is to ask: pick one because saying these two are the same things is wildly misleading so stop using these words interchangeably.
Stop using male victims and survivors as trophies for your arguments. Did you know that 1 out of every 10 rape survivors are men? This is a real issue so donā€™t use it as a defense because guess what? It also makes makes men of sexual abuse seem like they are villains. ļæ¼
Pantsing was just a thing that happened when I was in grade school. Does that make it okay? No. But pantsing is mainly considered ā€œschoolyard funā€ especially when itā€™s between two people of the same sex. Again. Does this make it okay? No. Do I believe what James did was okay? No. But you can not tell me that if you got pantsed and your best friend was there to comfort you, would you call them a slur? I wouldnā€™t.
Sources: https://wlv.openrepository.com/bitstream/handle/2436/96284/Duncan_PhDthesis.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y
Yes I am using Wikipedia as a source because they have some good sources attached.
ā€œHe was Abused by Muggles and thatā€™s why he Hated Themā€
Okay and? He knew good muggles. I was abused by men. Does that mean I want all men dead? No. I have been abused by women. Does that mean I want all women dead? No! I could go on for a while of people who have abused me and I can tell you right now I donā€™t want any of those groups of people dead because guess what: those groups did nothing.
ā€œSirius Tried to Kill Himā€
Yeah, no.
Nobody forced Snape to go there. Was it fucked up for Sirius to do that? Yeah. Like really fucked up but Snape didnā€™t have to go. He knew what he was getting himself into. He suspected Lupin to be a werewolf. He didnā€™t have to go to the shrieking shack.
I genuinely donā€™t think that Sirius thought this one through. To him Moony wasnā€™t a vicious creature, he had fun playing with Padfoot and he never hurt Padfoot so to Sirius it didnā€™t even cross his mind that he might be putting Snape in a dangerous situation.
Thatā€™s one theory, there are many theories and we donā€™t know why Sirius did it all we know is that Prongs saved Snapeā€™s life. And Snape hated James for that. Which to be fair if someone saved my life I would probably be pissed off too but thatā€™s besides the point.
ā€œSnape Loved Lilyā€
No. Snape has the same energy as the guy who I blocked on Instagram after I repeatedly told him to stop something and then made four accounts just to keep texting me and went as far as to find and harass my friends. Same Energy.
ā€œTheir patroni match UwUā€ shut up. No. Jamesā€™s patronus was a stag a stags mate is a doe, Lilyā€™s was a doe. Snapeā€™s was a doe as well. Now listen Iā€™m down for two dope ass lesbian does but as we know because J*R that was not the case. That was an obsession. If you think thatā€™s what love it like you are going to have very toxic relationships in your life and quite honestly lowkey concerned for you and/or your future, current, and/or past partners.
ā€œHeā€™s a good teacher he was keeping up the actā€
No! Teachers abusing students is a real thing, whatā€™s ever worse (as if thatā€™s already bad enough) school was Harryā€™s safe haven. Now you could say the same for Snape, sure but Snape could defend himself against the Marauders. Choose your fighter: Eleven year old Harry who just learned that magic was a thing and that his parents didnā€™t die in a car crash vs Thirty-One year old Snape, a teacher. Let me tell you as a person who was bullied by her peers, when my sixth grade math teacher called me stupid, it had a lot greater of an impact than a student pushing me into the lockers.
Teachers are supposed to teach regardless of if they want to fuck your mom or not. It wasnā€™t only Harry that he was terrible to either.
Also see this entire article to disprove your point:
Also refer to the article above as well.
I am done with my source arguments here is just a fun tidbit
My abusers favorite character is Snape and and he said he fully understands Snape...
Anyways I will be sending this to all people who try to argue with me about Snape.
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melody-of-lost-souls Ā· 3 years ago
Heyy!(You might see me a bit often because of random thoughts I have in the middle of the night, just a heads up)
So I've come to the conclusion that if you hate Sakura, it's either because
You don't like seeing yourself onscreen (like those people who say that she could've been written differently, or better as they intend).
2. You've had real life experience with someone like her, so seeing her selfish attitude reminds you of those moments, idk...
Or there might be more reasons, like generally you dislike selfish people.
To be fair, everyone can be selfish. But I think the reason I hate her so much is because of her attitude.. I mean, hitting your friends is kind of common. Since It's Shonen, it's more common to hit your friends, yes?????? But she does it so often that it's very irritating to watch. It's considered to be for comic relief or whatever, but I see it as a way of increasing your anger. No seriously.. Every time she hits Naruto, I get so angry. ESPECIALLY after Naruto fought off Pain. The guy was exhausted, but NOOoO! Sakura chan's gotta add that extra hit because YASSSsSs.
I hated her at the start of the series, through finish, but all I found myself doing is detest her even more as it continued. She supposedly cares for Naruto, but in order for her to wet over Sasuke, even for a little bit, "Let's get closer to the Akatsuki, you know, the group that recruits people like Naruto because it gives us a chance to see Sasuke kun!!!!!" - Sakura
There's nothing wrong with liking somebody, having an obsession is whatever I guess.. But even those who are crazy in real life don't go so far to break so many boundaries(well, I guess some do)... Sasuke doesn't like being touched, but this girl always tries to get close to him. And we all know how uncomfortable he is whenever she does that. SS stans finna be like "B-But Naruto also gets in his personal bubble!!!!", calm down. Sasuke himself voluntarily gets close to Naruto, and he isn't uncomfortable like he is when it's Sakura. That's just facts.
Wanting to know if you and your crush have something in common is completely understandable, you're tryna get close to them. What I learned from her is that, don't assume things.. If you wanna know if your crush has the same interests as you, it's preferred to just question the topic.. But nah, this girl's gotta hit real deep. "He acting like that 'cause ain't nobody gonna nag him" Like, girl are you okay?? Do you not even care to know more about your crush before talking about He AiN't GoT nO pArEnTs????? HER stans saying that she was stating facts. HUNNY, IF YOU HEARD SOMEONE TALK ABOUT YOU LIKE THAT, I'M SURE TO HELL THAT YOU'LL BE HURT.
Okay, so let's say that Sasuke likes, idk pineapple pizza but Sakura hates it right?? So like, she change herself to please him because, desperation for every girl to envy her. She'll say, "Oh! That's cool me too!". Even if in general they had some common interests, he still wouldn't like her because, she's manipulative, selfish, dishonest, and overall crazy.
One thing I hate a lot about her is how she uses people like a toothbrush like @captnjacksparrow said in one of her posts. I've somewhat had that type of friend. When she first came, obviously she didn't have any friends, so I decided to befriend her. It was cool. But then she got into that group. I didn't have a good feeling, but was still glad she made more friends.. Nah because right after that it was as if we never talked to each other. I tried communicating with her but nope.. In Naruto, Sakura and Ino Kind of represent that, just to a more extreme level. First of all Ino is way too forgiving, no.. Way too generous. Sakura ended their friendship over some boy who never once gave a single squat about her, tried everything in her power to make Ino jealous of her, idk, and brainwashed Salad talking about how Ino tried to woo Sasuke kun, like she didn't do that either. But Ino still accepted her as her friend.. If it was me, I'd laugh and walk off. Sorry not sorry, but then I'll feel guilty-
She cuts people off after she gets what she wants like
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Nobody cares about her or Salad's existence to visit. But wait, Naruto's always got her back, he cared! Oh, he has duties and does not even communicate with her anymore.. Yikes šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬ What about Sasuke, he's her "husband" surely he cares.. Oh, he also does not care.. Double yikes šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬ What about Lee! For sure he cares, he literally had a crush on her! Oh, Lee is living his best life with his son and trainingā€¦ Triple yikes šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬ What about Lady Tsunade and Kakashi! For sure they keep tabs on her!!!! Oh, Tsunade is retired and does not care enough to talk about her, and Kakashi is living his best life with Gaiā€¦ Quadruple yikes šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬
And with all that, I believe Sakura is by far the worst female character I've ever encountered. My opinion will not change. Before getting into the anime, I saw fan arts of Sakura and I was like "She seems pretty strong! I think I'll like her." My opinion did a whole 360 after I got into Naruto.
Thanks for reading the most random rant ever.. Please correct me if I'm wrong about anything!!!
She said everything :D
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golbrocklovely Ā· 2 years ago
Building off of that other anon regarding oversexualizing celebs, I think social media is the core issue. I agree with you saying that people under 17ish shouldnā€™t have social media.
If we think back to our parents and when they were our age, they definitely were fans and ā€œstansā€ of celebrities but they didnā€™t have social media to be so public about it. Our moms would sit with their girlfriends and talk about how hot some guy is and if they think heā€™d be good in bed or whatever. Probably had tons of fanfic type fantasies about it. But they didnā€™t post about it online and didnā€™t have as many other people across the world to feed off of. I think majority of us fans in our mid to late twenties still are like that. Young fans have grown up having so much more access and visibility to their idols lives and get way more invested. Then thereā€™s all these public forums and sites to connect with other people and feed off of the same obsession. It just spirals.
I donā€™t think shipping is an issue if it is innocent and you fully understand that you can be completely wrong. That type of shipping has always existed. But the full on investment and obsession is an issue with younger girls especially. There has to be more societal factors that contribute to this obsessive attitude towards celebrities. Not sure what they all are, but from my knowledge the older generations had a much smaller percentage of fans that were as obsessed as there is now.
like i said in the other ask, i think all of this is just one big mix bag of problems, so to speak.
bc like you said, back in the day ppl didn't have online discourse to muddle thru when talking about a celeb. and i think on top of that, celebs/influencers share so much about themselves to their audience that a lot of fans now think they know these ppl on a personal level, when in reality they don't.
like, i love snc, and while i have my assumptions about them, i know that i'm most likely wrong. but that's okay to me.
also, i think one of the other issues is that fans become so obsessed with their fav that they end up taking anything said negatively about them personally. i know i used to be like that about the jonas brothers back in the day, and i still see stuff like that now with snc and literally everyone else online.
and i think bc of that, that's why when ppl may say something sexual about someone, the fan gets offended on their behalf bc they don't want to be sexualized like that. or even sometimes that sexual comment breaks the idea they have of their fav and so they get upset. hell, when i first got into the fandom one of the first convos i ever saw was ppl discussing whether or not colby was virgin still, and at this point he had already admitted he wasn't. soā€¦ it's a bit strange when it comes to sexual stuff. but that's not to say that some fans don't push passed boundaries and go way off the deep end with their comments. i've definitely seen that before too. i think both sides when it comes to stuff like this, just need to block and move on. bc clearly yall are on opposites sides of the field and agreeing to disagree is the only way to go about it.
and as for shipping, again, it's one of those things of like i think if you wanna ship someone with someone, regardless of what their relationship is, that's fine to me. just realize where reality ends and your fantasy starts.
i think this goes across board for everything and everyone: you don't have to voice your opinion all the time. i know it's a little hard for me to say that on here, since i literally ask to have discussion with yall all the time, but i think when it comes to your own personal accounts, especially if you know your opinion is a hot topic, if you don't feel like getting backlash, remember you don't have to tell ppl how you feel. keep that shit in the dms or in gcs.
which i think is why i find all of this talk sometimes hilarious, bc i've been seeing it a lot on twitter on and off (especially about sexualizing snc or mostly colby). some of these fans get upset at the convos, but i know for a fact they having even dirtier ones in gcs. so tbh, it's all just noise to me at this point.
i just kinda wish we could all have discussions without it coming down to just straight up blocking bc we don't agree. it's a bit weird to me that that has to happen all the time, but i get it on platforms like twitter. ppl are relentless.
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