#rusty leasebound
angelmelon · 4 months
hey rusty Leasebound rant time
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okay so this might be a non issue to others but fuck it I’m a special ed highschool student it needs to be said
Rusty, with simple word choice, has spread information that KILLS
there is no circumstance in which you “HAVE” to restrain a child hugging you. None. I don’t care if they’re big, I don’t care if it’s lasting too long. lovely that she doesn’t want to restrain them but there is NO circumstance in which you HAVE to when the child is simply HUGGING you.
Rusty, I know I’m critical of you in general and make dumb little haha jokes about you scratching your West Virginia but for the love of all that is holy and unholy alike, if you care about disabled readers. Do something about this harmful misinformation
sincerely, a special ed rusty hater
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l0veraven · 3 days
Now, I'm not saying I'm writing a fanfic to make a terf webcomic actually have better storytelling and not be terfy...
But I am
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micah-write · 4 days
Rusty leasebound:
Falling into racism?
I believe that at first rusty genuinely tried her best despite biased opinions she learned from the people around her , it's very common to be fed theses ideas and then having to unlearn them as you grow older . Unfortunately as leasebound grows and get older the more rusty falls into racism . The terf movement despite being rooted in feminism is an elitist type of feminism. If you don't cater to their ideas of feminism you may deserve the benefits of it but they'll judge you harshly and even go as dehumanize you in order to feel like your savior . It's a very toxic mindset that doesn't make them acknowledge your needs in the feminist movement .
But you may ask me "micah what's the point with racism" I'm getting here !
A part of the Terf movement will exclude or view black women as in need to be saved as well . Depending on what branch of the movement they follow . From what I've seen in the comic rusty believe that black women needs to be saved. Because the terf movement center white gnc women (yes there are black terf women . But you will notice how they're not at the face of the movement nor in important debates ? It is in fact again a proof of who the terf movement serve the most , white women)
Now that our history moment is done , Leasebound is falling into racism big time
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Rusty did not only whitewash her men characters, she even whitewashed THE MAIN CHARACTER and before I hear the rusty boot licker "oh it's the background you ignorant gendie" look well at the color wheel , rusty insanely whitewashed Jaden. It was so easy to notice too . Background won't make someone look this white . Saturation too . Rusty made the choice to go whiter as she changed her color palette . Not only that she also changed some of her characters ethnic traits for a set of another I the middle of the comic , she's trying so badly to evade the racist allegations she's digging a bigger hole instead of listening. Parnyia look completely different, she doesn't look like the same person at all , she's so damn white she should be called patricia (/j) I honestly think rusty has only been fed wrong ideas by people that want to see her portray their vision of the world and that in a attempt of pleasing them is starting to fall deeper in the white supremacist side of terfism . I believe genuinely that rusty doesn't mean harm and has simply been thaught anger for so long she doesn't know any other way to react . If she wishes to contact me I'd be more than open to talk to her properly with open mindness only if she is ready to do the same and respect me as a men . Because I do believe in a future where rusty understand she doesn't need to be a terf to be a radical feminist if that's the movement she aligns with , simply terfism isn't radical for everyone, it's only for a white gnc elite .
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coolasstransgay · 4 months
Hey Rusty and/or friends of Rusty, when she says that she “can’t draw men”, remember that she drew these photos:
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werewol · 4 months
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LB WEEK DAY 1: Confession | Kiss | AU (Celebrity/Bodyguard)
When Riley Zhou, a hugely successful children's author, receives a series of anonymous threats, her publishing company hires her security for upcoming worldwide book tour. Enter Jaden Anderson, an elite bodyguard with a mysterious past. Sometimes, the hardest thing to guard is ~your own heart~
*~*~* Additional notes under cut *~*~*
Based on the "bodyguard romance" genre of romance novels because I think they're cute.
Riley writes the "Muddles the Cat" series, a fantasy series about a cat-witch attending an all-female magical school. She starting out sharing it online as a hobby outside of work. Unexpectedly, it BLEW up. She is still struggling to find her confidence and voice as an author.
Jaden works for a by-women, for-women security firm! They provide a variety of services, including personal protection and providing security for women's only events.
Faith (her coworker Violet's daughter) is a huge fan of "Muddles the Cat" and is over the moon that Jaden is working with Riley! She consistently tells Jaden to ask Riley questions about the series and for spoilers for upcoming books in the series haha.
Jaden and Riley end up falling in love over the course of the book tour because duh ;)
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strawberry-ace · 2 months
chapter 1
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god-of-hurmanur · 4 months
To y'all who (rightfully) hate read and mock Leasebound; do y'all got a Discord server or some? This horrid piece of media has yet to leave my brain and I'd love to like, have other weirdos like me to chat with. Also I remember seeing a post in this tag asking for the identity of a commenter with the purpose of inviting them to a hang out group. Maybe I hallucinated it but like, shit this seems like a fun community to join in on.
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meta-enthusiasm · 1 month
Terfs hatred of men should absolutely be taken as a warning sign. Those people are not mentally well.
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Like yeah, let's intimidate and threaten the 9 year old with violence if he pulls a girl's hair, ganging up on children as grown ass women surely is the morally correct thing to do here.
That revenge fantasy certainly didn't get out of hand, right?
These people are so convinced their anger at the entire "male species" is righteous, they don't realize when they start sounding like frustrated Karens looking for an easy target to let off steam on.
@angelmelon @fluffytimearts
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fluffytimearts · 2 months
Redraw Of Lease Bound Pt. 5!!!
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999horse · 7 months
calling all leasebound fans and haters alike
i really really really want to read someone's analysis of it that doesn't involve feminism or gender or whatever political themes. just the character dynamics and the plot. because i really can't see leasebound for all its fans claim it is and i cant find any sort of analysis that isn't blind praise or a simple observation of stuff happening onscreen(onpage if u will).
so if ur a leasebound hater or fan (even better) and genuinely think highly of the story pls reply or dm or make a post vaguereplying to this one. i'm just curious to get the vision
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nniko-i · 4 months
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day 1: makeup!
for @angelmelon's prompt list for its remake of a transphobic comic :3
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angelmelon · 3 months
Rusty Leasebound: “I don’t want to fuck a trans woman cause I don’t like penis”
Literally every normal person: “okay, cool, fair, everyone’s fine with that Rusty”
Literally every normal person: “….what the fuck are you talking about”
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l0veraven · 2 days
why the fuck would you reclaim the violently transphobic webcomic instead of writing your own thing. awful. are you tme? don’t think i’ve ever met a tma leasebound enjoyer. funny.
I'm trans-masc (this is the first time I've seen the term TME so that was pretty cool to see), but there's more to it than just reclaiming the story.
I 100% disavow the author, Rusty, and her beliefs that she shoehorns into her story. Many of her characters are bland and one-note, and (even though the original story is wildly transphobic), it's turning the transphobia on its head and taking a critical look at transphobia while also focusing on the actual lesbian love story.
I'm not sure if I mentioned it in the Author's Notes from the top of my head, but the love story is heavily overshadowed by the story being a soapbox and shouting, "trans women are evil and ugly and [insert more insults here]." In my fic, I'm still bringing topics of gender into it, but in a way that, again, takes a deeper look and is an integral part of how the characters interact with each other.
We also need to talk about how allergic Rusty is to depicting men. That's actually another major issue I have. The flavor of terf/radfem beliefs that Rusty upholds is genuine misandry (prejudice/discrimination against men). I don't use misandry lightly and don't mention it much in conversation.
Chapter 12 actually highlights this point.
(Spoilers for people that haven't read the chapter)
Shez's backstory is explored and details how her trauma with her mother being in abusive relationships with men had negatively impacted everyone involved (the mother, siblings, and herself). The character being averse to men and having trauma is completely valid and I would never critique someone having PTSD. I, myself, have PTSD from abusive relationships (familial and otherwise) throughout my entire life, so this isn't something foreign to me, but everyone does experience trauma differently.
I bring up Shez's backstory because even though it's a perfect way to explain why she hates men, it perpetuates the idea that men are inherently violent, predatory, and abusive. This isn't helped by how Meriam, the mother, is genuinely heterophobic and refuses to acknowledge that therapy would be beneficial for her.
(Here are the heterophobic panels in question)
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I understand where Meriam is coming from, even though I don't have the same trauma as her. It's understandable that she wouldn't want a man in her house. I see why she's avoidant of meeting Rissa's boyfriend. It's normal to avoid triggers.
What isn't normal is actively avoiding seeking help to work through trauma. This isn't to say she should invite men to her house and "get over it". It's that she needs to learn that not every man is out to hurt every woman they encounter. I had to get therapy myself in the past and had to learn that not every romantic partner will manipulate me, but need to establish boundaries to ideally avoid being in a situation like that again.
To point out the heterophobic lines (which is wild because this is the first time I've seen actual heterophobia in any piece of media)"
Rissa: "[...] SHANEZY doesn't NEED to date women. [... Your ex-husband] was ONE man, mum. ONE. [...] He treats me like a QUEEN. You'd know that if you just gave him a CHANCE!"
Meriam: "One chance is too many. Nice men are the best liars."
This is where Meriam is unable to see the nuances of human interaction. People with enough charisma, period, are the best liars. Could be Ted Bundy, could be your mother-in-law. Anyone and everyone is capable of lying and tearing a person down. Toxic lesbian relationships can and do exist. You don't avoid liars just by attracted to the same gender or only interacting with the same gender.
Rissa: "And WOMEN never lie?!? They're just perfect angels who can do no wrong?!"
Meriam: "Women cannot make you pregnant."
We'll look past the women being able to impregnate (trans women do exist, but that's besides the point). Rissa is making a very valid point. Anyone is capable of lying and you can't avoid toxicity by only avoiding one group of people. Liars exist in a variety of spaces and have a variety of identities. Men are not the only ones capable of bad behaviors.
Rissa: "[...] So my options are: be a fucking lesbian or die alone? Great!"
Meriam: "Rissa... I am not saying this."
But she is. To a degree. I'm assuming that Meriam would be fine if Rissa abstained from relationships entirely (but we can't forget that terfs tend to not acknowledge asexual and aromantic identities), as long as she wasn't with a man. In theory, assuming that Rissa is straight, she would unfortunately be pressured by her mother to remain single.
Rissa: "What if we get married, hmm? You just won't come to the wedding? You won't meet his family? Nothing?!"
Meriam: "I cannot support this, but I cannot stop you either."
Rissa: "Well, I guess you'll just never see me after that then!"
Meriam: "You will always have a home here..."
THIS is the problem. Instead of trusting her daughter to ensure her own safety and establish hard boundaries in her relationship with someone she hasn't even met yet, she just doesn't trust men. Period. This dialogue is something that comes straight out of a conflict with a homophobic parent. Remember the lines, "I cannot support this, but I cannot stop you either," and, "You will always have a home here." This reeks of "I don't support your lifestyle, but I still love you and you're always welcome here. Just not your partner."
Why go on about heterophobia?
For one, it demonstrates how hating men is acceptable in the comic, because with how the conversation is treated within the comic, Rissa is the irrational one for not siding with her mother. The other aspect is that it perpetuates "man violent," which isn't really beneficial to anyone. It fails to understand the nuances of people as a whole.
We also can't forget the gay couple with a gender nonconforming son that only appeared for a split second and never returned. Again, Rusty is allergic to men. I actually hate how her friend rags on her "inability to draw men". I think it's untrue, and frankly, I like some aspects of Rusty's art style. However, Rusty herself has mentioned that she refuses to depict men in her comic (unless they're characters like Trinity AKA "Madame President" as shown in Chapter 13).
Why not take a shitty piece of media and re-write it to make it better? It's kinda like being mad at all the anime abridged series out there because the original media is shitty in one way or another. Besides, the story itself has SO MUCH POTENTIAL, but it's completely ruined by the transphobia and focusing on that aspect rather than developing the relationship between Jaden and Riley.
This comic has been going on for 5 years and we got the backstory of a side character before getting a look at Riley's backstory. Focus on the main characters please. We haven't even gotten to the inevitable break-up between Riley and Blaire yet.
Who knows, maybe one day I can publish this fic as its own book like with 50 Shades of Grey 🙈
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micah-write · 3 months
bro chilllll i was legit trying to help you with your overlal critique. leasebound isnt a syndicated strip or some published comic she literally isnt being paid to do it. rusty has no obligation to anyone to maintain a consistant style and seems to just fuck around and try whatever new shit she wants just like any other online artist. focusing on her artistic experiments over quality is pedantic and again weakens your overall arguement
No you're not helping because you focused solely on what I said about Jacob, her inconsistentcy rely in how she portrays her characters wich she constantly changes to fit her biased vision of the world, before complaining about only this argument I would ask you to read the rest of my critics . Plus you still don't bring me arguments about where I'm nitpicking when I gave you examples of rusty doing . Plus you hide behind anonymous so 😬😬 not a good look especially since it's so obvious you're a rusty dick rider and unlike rusty I won't block you from disagreeing with me nor will I change your comment
Unfortunately you seem to not understand that the evolution of one's artstyle isn't the same as changing a character design on purpose to fit your lies + whitewashing it . If it was just her artstyle changing I wouldn't critique it . But you haven't read my other critiques and it's painfully obvious
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arbustorum · 2 years
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clit-a-cola · 6 months
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Thank you rusty for this boon!!!!!!!!
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