l0veraven · 3 hours
While separating relationships into strictly sexual, platonic, or romantic or some combination of those is fine for understanding the aromantic and asexual spectrum at a basic level, we must eventually understand that some relationships will never fit into these categories and often queer relationships are more complex than that, and our definition of queer relationships must include abstract relationships.
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l0veraven · 3 hours
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Behold, my new favourite item
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l0veraven · 3 hours
when did polyamorous people become the new queer group we're all supposed to be laughing at. did i miss something. what is happening
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l0veraven · 3 hours
Queer as in an "identity is fluid and descriptors can be imprecise so I prefer a more general term" sort of way but also queer in a "What are you, a cop?" sort of way.
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l0veraven · 3 hours
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Help Niya & Charley get out of Georgia (country)
queer people are getting the short end of the stick again so we'd appreciate some help in our move 🙏
Hi! we're Niya and Charley, a bisexual Russian woman and lesbian American enby living in Batumi, Georgia, for the past two years. We've been in a loving relationship for 8 year now.
Our original plan was for Niya to get a fiancée Visa to move to the US, but that was placed on hold indefinitely due to the pandemic and a certain Russian territorial conflict making it difficult for Russians to obtain a visa through embassies. At the time, Georgia seemed like the best alternative, and, as charming as our stay has been for the most part, it is increasingly becoming unsafe for LGBT couples. A new bill was passed trying to make "LGBT propaganda" illegal, which in Niya's experience as a Russian, means "anything they don't like, they can claim is illegal". While Georgia's president does plan to veto this bill, it has been stirring up anger and unnecessary attention to queer people regardless and led to a spike in discriminatory violence already. Even before things got this bad, Charley has had rocks thrown at them, screamed at, and been refused entry to public places for wearing normal feminine clothes.
We are currently looking into moving to Mexico, as that is another place both of us have easy access to a half year visa. Moving countries has never been an easy decision, but we've done it before, and with your help, we can do it again, for the sake of our safety.
Thank you!
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l0veraven · 3 hours
FOOD DISCOURSE: reblog with ur opinions on guacamole, olives, mango, hummus, tomatoes, and cannolis
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l0veraven · 8 hours
litter box warning
spreading this person's PSA here onto tumblr bc this seems very important for everyone to know if you're not on Twitter: here's the link to their full post.
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l0veraven · 8 hours
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l0veraven · 11 hours
fondly remembering that time I was working as a cashier when I was 19-20 and my former bus driver and his wife came through. He says to me "Hey, you look familiar" and I reply "Yes, I was one of the bus kids you drove, specifically the one you screamed at and threatened to ban from the bus and make walk home because I was crying out in pain while the other kids were ripping huge chunks of hair out of my head but you did nothing about them." and his wife slowly looked at him like this
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l0veraven · 11 hours
Leasebound haters understand lighting challenge! See there are these things called shadows and you look darker when in shadow.
I like to think they do actually know this. Like, they have to. I know they've been just wholeass making things up to be mad at at the comic over.
But at the same time they struggle with the basic concepts of sexism and homophobia. Fuck it man maybe they DON'T know what shading is!!!!
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l0veraven · 12 hours
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l0veraven · 12 hours
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The pic on the left is Parniya in assumingly neutral lighting.
On the right, it could also be understood to be neutral lighting... or that there are bright af lights like in classrooms just on full display making everyone look whitewashed af somehow. Remember, the color palette doesn't change in this "different lighting" when it comes to Rusty's art in the comic.
This is prologue Jaden:
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And this is modern Jaden:
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Remember, Rusty is allergic to using references, so there is hardly going to be any consistency. Maybe get on Rusty for refusing to be consistent lmao
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This is from Inanimate Insanity, a YouTube animated series. The left image is CLEARLY not in daylight (no natural lighting can be seen). On the right, the two characters are outdoors. As you can see from my messily pulling the colors out to compare, the color differences aren't that drastic since the lighting is VERY clearly demonstrated.
Tbh, if lighting changes occur, that doesn't mean only the characters' skin tone will change. EVERYTHING in the room would change based on the light source. Rusty doesn't do that though.
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Also... You do know that r/menwritingwomen exists, right? We can and do shit on men's horrible writing in how they depict women.
Here's a handy tutorial we can give to Rusty ♥
Leasebound haters understand lighting challenge! See there are these things called shadows and you look darker when in shadow.
I like to think they do actually know this. Like, they have to. I know they've been just wholeass making things up to be mad at at the comic over.
But at the same time they struggle with the basic concepts of sexism and homophobia. Fuck it man maybe they DON'T know what shading is!!!!
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l0veraven · 2 days
While I do appreciate the concerns of people finding it weird to reclaim a terf webcomic and turn it into something positive and not bigoted, I personally find it to be completely normal. It's not like I'm making a comic or fanfic about real life people.
And hear me out... People already somewhat do the same thing in their everyday life.
Someone sees a pretty shitty movie. "Damn, M. Night Shyamalan really did a shit job with writing Split. This story has potential, but it could be so much better if it was rewritten." The person may go on to make a YouTube critique of the film and describe how they would re-write the story to make it better.
For a real-world example, there's a movie called Cyberbully that got absolutely MEMED on for being a preachy anti-cyberbullying movie with the most emotionally unappealing characters with an unrealistic depiction of what teen social media platforms look like. I would pay top dollar for someone to rewrite that movie and make it into something actually GOOD. Cyberbullying is bad, keep that in. However, change the characters to make them more interesting, get you invested into who they are, and incorporate the realism of what cyberbullying actually looks like for the average victim. If a piece of media is shit, sometimes, you can make a better thing with it.
Fanfics will always be derivative, it's kinda how fanfics work. However, the Boku No Hero Academia fandom didn't only thrive from its TV show. For many, the show thrived from the fanfics that people wrote because you could still learn of the main story, but with a reframing that may differ from the source material. I myself used to only really know anything about the official story just from fanfics.
Why not make a Lease Bound AU where queer people were treated with respect? Why not depict someone facing the internal conflict of whether or not she should be a terf, especially when she's surrounded by terfs at her job?
Get creative
Write whatever you want
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l0veraven · 2 days
We can't say homosapien anymore. Didn't you know? There's a slur sneakily hidden in the word
#illuminati #wake up sheeple
I’ve finally realized the name for the hyperspecific kind of speech and tone that makes me hellishly uncomfortable on the internet
So DNI update DNI if you would tell someone to say lesbephobia instead of lesbophobia back in 2022 because lesbophobia “contains a slur” and still engage in slightly less stupid but still stupid queer identity discourse in 2024
I think that’s a solid way to put it
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l0veraven · 2 days
Nah, keep scaring the masses. If they can't handle you at your most messy, they don't deserve you at your neatest
should I make a side blog where I’m normal and I tag my posts in a very organized aesthetic normal manner so I stop scaring tumblr users
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l0veraven · 2 days
anyway new leasebound discourse
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Yonique still has a ton of accessibility violations LMFAOOOO
also adding to the violation list since Rusty said in a recent comment it was meant to be tucked in an alleyway no way a wheelchair or rollator can fit there and that’s gonna be tough to navigate with a cane (<— cane used who has walked in Cinci before)
Honestly I want the people talking about my genitals back. At least that was funny and irrefutably wrong. I can’t even laugh because I used to engage in 2022 discourse
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l0veraven · 2 days
This is VERY well-written and pretty concise. As a Black/Mexican/Native American, There is definitely something to be said about the evolving character depictions.
For one, Jaden is currently closer to MY skin tone when before, Jaden was closer to my bio-mom's skin tone. I'm mixed, so I obviously ended up being on the lighter side, but people can still clearly notice that I'm Black (because the One Drop Rule never truly got left in the past where it belongs). In media, you can normally chalk it up to lighting… But Rusty doesn't normally do much shading/lighting for her characters. I mean this in the sense that there isn't enough lighting/shading that truly showcases the lighting and how it shows the definition of their face and their skin tone depending on the light source's color. It's just… flat coloring for the most part.
Parniya is my BIGGEST gripe when it comes to consistency. The most notable trait that Lease Bound antis have mentioned is that HER NOSE KEEPS CHANGING. I'm not saying it's impossible to alter character designs over time… But Parniya currently looks like she would be the sister of her original self. They don't look the same anymore. Her skin tone probably has debatably the most drastic change in regards to consistency.
Like you show, there are three images where Parniya's design has three different skin tones. She used to be more brown. How did she end up getting her skin lightened so fast? Skin bleaching takes a longer time for it to show results and she sure as hell didn't get it that way over the course of the comic, all of which happened roughly OVER THE COURSE OF A WEEK. Even staying indoors for a full week doesn't make your skin go that light.
I agree that Rusty is falling into the White Supremacist brand of terfism, or at least is willing to portray it in her comic. I personally don't think Rusty believes EVERYTHING that she's preaching in her comic and is falling into the grifter mindset, unfortunately.
I'm willing to be proven wrong about any and all the points I'm making. After all, critique is what helps society progress!
Rusty leasebound:
Falling into racism?
I believe that at first rusty genuinely tried her best despite biased opinions she learned from the people around her , it's very common to be fed theses ideas and then having to unlearn them as you grow older . Unfortunately as leasebound grows and get older the more rusty falls into racism . The terf movement despite being rooted in feminism is an elitist type of feminism. If you don't cater to their ideas of feminism you may deserve the benefits of it but they'll judge you harshly and even go as dehumanize you in order to feel like your savior . It's a very toxic mindset that doesn't make them acknowledge your needs in the feminist movement .
But you may ask me "micah what's the point with racism" I'm getting here !
A part of the Terf movement will exclude or view black women as in need to be saved as well . Depending on what branch of the movement they follow . From what I've seen in the comic rusty believe that black women needs to be saved. Because the terf movement center white gnc women (yes there are black terf women . But you will notice how they're not at the face of the movement nor in important debates ? It is in fact again a proof of who the terf movement serve the most , white women)
Now that our history moment is done , Leasebound is falling into racism big time
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Rusty did not only whitewash her men characters, she even whitewashed THE MAIN CHARACTER and before I hear the rusty boot licker "oh it's the background you ignorant gendie" look well at the color wheel , rusty insanely whitewashed Jaden. It was so easy to notice too . Background won't make someone look this white . Saturation too . Rusty made the choice to go whiter as she changed her color palette . Not only that she also changed some of her characters ethnic traits for a set of another I the middle of the comic , she's trying so badly to evade the racist allegations she's digging a bigger hole instead of listening. Parnyia look completely different, she doesn't look like the same person at all , she's so damn white she should be called patricia (/j) I honestly think rusty has only been fed wrong ideas by people that want to see her portray their vision of the world and that in a attempt of pleasing them is starting to fall deeper in the white supremacist side of terfism . I believe genuinely that rusty doesn't mean harm and has simply been thaught anger for so long she doesn't know any other way to react . If she wishes to contact me I'd be more than open to talk to her properly with open mindness only if she is ready to do the same and respect me as a men . Because I do believe in a future where rusty understand she doesn't need to be a terf to be a radical feminist if that's the movement she aligns with , simply terfism isn't radical for everyone, it's only for a white gnc elite .
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