#also u may not notice but the blanket is a different blanket
nomairuins · 2 months
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the connor room glowup (above is my washington room below is my now room ^_^)
#you cn barely see them in the bottom right pic but theres miku and my clownnpy#clownboy. miku i got in wa#idk if u can see her in the top row pics.. im blind.#the little bed was very cozy. like probably bad for my back and stuff but i felr very safe behind the doors#also most of the shelves in my now room is Not my stuff LOL like the wall shelves#i have a couple of things on them on the bit closest to mybed#but since this is the gaeage it was storage. and the front half of the garage still is#but ya. im so happy 2 be living here now the only issue is how fuckass hot it is#i couldnt stay in wa for obvious reasons but also i actually wouldve died in the summer it was WAYYY worse.#luckily for likee over half the summer i was still living in the avtual house. and even then i was rly overheating esp bc thats when i stil#had medication and stuff#but the garage was unbearableee the first monthish. luckily i was in too much of an episode to avtually care much LOL#and luckily my heaters pretty efficient (i bought it last year) so winter wasnt the worst it was judt a bit cold whenever i got home bc my#roommates didnt like me to have it on which is fair#but ya. so it was cold for the first hour i was home but i would just cuddle up and otd get warmer eventually#ummm SO yeah#and here its nice bc if the heat truly gets unbearable im allowed to go inside the house. and it only sometimes feels like everybodys going#to kill me. as opposed to wa where it always always always felt like they were gokng to kill me or evict me or starve me or mock me#or call me a child or but lets not get into it ok.#also u may not notice but the blanket is a different blanket#these blankets r the ones our parents got me and lamp when i was like 12#but i got slime on mine nad switchednit with lamps and they Knew and have been mad abt it 4 ages#esp bc now their blanket has lumps in the corners#BUT the other day i switchied with them bc i felt guilty for the sins of 13 year old me. and their blanket has been washed with black sheets#so its darker. but u mag notice the lumpy corners#also i set up my bed up judt like this the past couple of weeks i havent been able to sleep like this#i usually have to curl up horizontal at the top of the bed
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gaddaboutgriffon · 3 months
Super Phantom
Writing prompt #3
Danny reveals his ghost half to his parents and they took it well accepting him. As a result the doctors Fenton then backed out of the weapons deal they had with the GIW and are actively protecting Phantom from them.
The GIW don’t give up even after the anti ecto acts are being repealed and sabotaged the gas tank for Nasty Burger’s grill. This causes the explosion that would Kill Danny’s family and friends there for Jazz’s graduation celebration. Clockwork foresaw of a Dan event happening and froze time to take and de-age Danny, Jazz, Sam, Tucker and Vallarta. (Clockwork is a jerk and frankly blames Jack and Maddie for making the he portals that caused both Vlad and Danny’s halfa status and a lot more work for him. He is letting those two die.)
Clockwork then sends the Deaged to babies/toddler to different places in the Yong Justice cartoon DC universe. All the kids are liminal and have powers.
Jazz now a 3 year old is sent to Hippallita on Themescira. (Excuse my spelling) liminal powers make her strength on par with Amazons.
Sam, age 1 as well and sent to Giovanni Zattarra. Three year old Zatana gets a younger sister that also has the gift of magic. Especially nature/plant magic.
Tucker I had a hard time deciding but eventually chose Lucius Fox. (If you can think of someone better go ahead and make suggestions.)
Vallarie was Supposed to be sent to Ted Kord, but Lex Luthor was trying to tap into the watchtower’s zeta tubs but accidentally got clockwork’s portal instead. It cased he basket to be dropped instead of gently set down. Startled, two year old Vallarie instinctively activates her ghost tech armor. Now that is a curious unexpected asset Lex will find a way to utilize.
And finally deaged to one year old Danny is sent in a in a basket with a solar system print blanket with a envelope sitting on top. The portal opens and the basket is carefully set on the table with the note. Then clockwork places a folder thick with other papers of to the side. He retreats into the portal closing it behind him just as the apartment door is opening.
Clark Kent has just finished his third week of work at the Daily Planet, the evening patrol and even grocery shopping. Thoughts of the paper he needs to write and turn in the morning are on his mind as he enters his apartment in time to notice a Green glow wink out of existence from his kitchen door. He drops the now forgotten grocery bags when he hears the tiny heartbeat and rushes over to the basket on the table.
A sleeping baby. A baby! Wha- how had anyone. When his brain stops stalling he notices the letter. It reads:
The boy’s name is Danny. You are the most likely to survive him learning to use his powers as they emerge. His parents died trying to protect him. It is not safe for him here.
I have already forged the legal documents naming you as his godfather and a cover story in the attached folder. Also three gold coins will be sent to you each month as child support. If anyone else looks at this letter the text will change to simply read that you are the godfather of this recently orphaned boy.
Clark stood in shock rereading the letter in shock a dozen times. Before Lois snapped him out of it.
“Hey Smallville, it may not be Gotham but even in Metropolis you shouldn’t just leave your door open.” She called as she entered from the hall. Then she noticed the spilled bags of groceries on the floor. And came in. “Are you ok? You may be a klutz but you always pick u- Oh My God, That’s a Baby!”
Well that is enough for tonight. I will add on more later. Wonder how quickly this would grow if I don’t tag anyone? Eh just a few. @bloggerspam @confusedshades @hypewinter @zylev-blog @kizzer55555
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tvbyw0by · 8 months
SUMMARY: Soukoku as your parents, and one day you ask them for a cat.. they say no, but what will YOU do?
CW: BxB, Reader is 8.., dazai & chuuya lowkey js let u do wtv u want to the point its a hazard, reader described as a girl
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IT WAS A... saturday afternoon, the sun was beaming into the windows through the hallway as little pitter patters of feet can be heard touching the floor,
A little girl, no older than 8 can be seen running down the hallway, towards her pa's office,
In said office, sat a short, ginger haired male sitting at his desk, and a tall, brunette haired male laying lazily on a couch opposite of said desk,
They were bickering about who knows what when suddenly the office doors flew open, showing a short, 8 year old girl as she excitedly ran into the room,
"PA, DAD!!" the girl was practically jumping in excitement as the two males looked over at her,
"Mh? Yes [name]?" Chuuya, the ginger, was curious about what his daughter had wanted, asking,
"Can we get a cat?!"
Chuuya blinked, and his eyebrow raised slightly, "A cat? Why?"
Dazai decided to interrupt their conversation, and state his opinion, "Cats are quite disobedient though.."
The little girls(now known as [name]) nose scrunched up slightly, and a pout formed on her chubby face, "Yea but.. they're cute!"
Chuuya let out a sigh, and stole a glance at his husband, before looking back at [name], with a slight frown, "Your dad's right, [name], we simply can't get a cat, they're to much trouble."
[Name]'s pout became more apparent as she sighed before obediently nodding, "Okay... can I go to the park though?"
Dazai glanced over at Chuuya and nodded,
"Alright, just be home before supper."
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[Name] swung on the swing, not going to high, but not staying low either. the still bright sun shined down on her,
The park was oddly.. silent, no one around except for her.
It was quiet, and a cool temperature as she swung on the swing,, not noticing how something had been watching her,
Until, suddenly she heard a soft noise..
Almost like a meow..
It sounded like a cat in, pain, and so the first thing the childs mind does, is tell her to go check.
She hurriedly jumps off the swing, slightly stumbling before leaning against the side of the metal stabilizer.
After two seconds,, or more, she quickly resumed her walking; and hurriedly ran towards where the sound came from, crouching down near the bush, and opening it with her small hands,
There was an audible gasp as she finds a cat, which wasn't a kitten, but also doesn't look to old as a cat,
She frowned slightly at the cat, the fact it was out here, it almost being 6pm already, and she gently reached her hand out, beckoning the cat forward,,
The chubby, black & white cat, with feline-green eyes slowly crept forward, sniffing her hand before nudging it against its head,
[Name] smiled brightly, and slowly reached out to pick the cat up, deciding to bring it home, atleast for the night until she could tell her dad & pa about it, to bring it somewhere safe,,
The cat softly meowed as it cuddled into her arms, feeling warmth,
[Name]'s lips curled into a childish smile, her eyes lit up and she instantly started running(carefully) back to her home.
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"DADDD!! PAAAA!!" [Name] shouted out to her parents as she ran through the hallway towards the kitchen,
Her parents, chuuya & dazai, stood there, both doing two different things to make supper,
"Mh?" Dazai glanced over at her, and his eyes slightly widened, "Chuuya.."
Chuuya's eyebrow raised slightly before glancing over at [name], and his eyes also widened,
"[Name]... sweetheart, is that a cat?"
[name] smiled guiltily, "If I said it was a blanket would you believe me..."
Chuuya & Dazai both sighed at their daughter, as they both collectively shook their heads,
"Ok.. its a cat!"
"Hun, didn't we already say no to the cat?"
[Name]'s smile slightly faltered before it perked up again, and she nodded, "..i found it in the park, can we please keep it, atleast until we can take it somewhere safe!!"
Both males looked at eachother, and chuuya sighed, before nodding,
"Alright, but JUST until we can find somewhere safe for it.."
[Name] perked up, and hurriedly nodded and swiftly turned around, running towa the living room, "Yippie!"
Dazai softly smiled at his daughters antics, before shaking his head and chuckling,
Chuuya deadpanned and glanced at Dazai, "She reminds me of you."
AFTER SUPPER & other things I may have forgotten...
Chuuya had gone to check up on his daughter, to make sure shes asleep, since it was.. quite late, and he was also in search of his husband..
He softly opened the door, peeking in and practically melting from the sight,
There, on the bean bag sat dazai, sleeping, and [name], alongside the black and white cat, on his lap, cuddled up to him asleep,
Chuuya smiled, 'Maybe we can keep the cat..'
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ghetto-omega · 2 months
‎❀‎✿❀Heat Crash Course❀✿❀
I would like to start this post off by saying don't have sex with your pups... Uhm.. I feel like that should be obvious but just in case U´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`U ...
I would also like to note that all my info posts are for MY verse in particular, and is not the end all be all, so you don't have to agree with me or you can adopt all my headcanons into your own arsenal
Beware this is a long ass post, like I spent about 4 hours on this for no reason. Smh.
If you notice any typos, no you didn't
With that being said...
Heats are generally only experienced by omegas, but there are enough outliers for me to justify mentioning it. For the sake of this post, I will be referring to omegas specifically just because I have the most experiences with omegas with heats. (both being an omega and being friends with omegas)
𑁍 What is heat ?
𑁍 Body's natural instinct to copulate and an almost guaranteed way to produce pups
Indepth: Heats are a part of (most commonly) an omega's cycle. It's the part of the cycle where an omega is the most fertile, the most sensitive (physically and emotionally), and the most vulnerable.
There's a hormonal change in the omegas body. It's essentially the body's way to encourage sex by "setting the mood" lol.
Scent glands also open up more, causing more potent scent and pheromones to attract other partners.
Physical symptoms come not only from hormonal fluctuation, but also the body going into overdrive to protect itself from infection, the body's stress from overworking itself naturally, as well as outside stresses like work and family.
Though if an omega gets too stressed it can cause them to skip their heat entirely, but this is also a very large sign that something is very wrong. Skipping heat too many times (both from something more natural like stress or manmade like heat suppressants) can cause an omega to go into a forced heat, or a self-induced drop.
𑁍 When do omegas enter heat ?
𑁍 Anywhere between 3 days to 2 weeks once every 2 months
Indepth: Every omega that you meet will experience heat in a different way, but typically they last anywhere between three days to two weeks, but the shorter the heat the more intense the symptoms. The average length is about one week, give or take a day, once every one to two months.
The first few days of heat are normally the calmest. A little bit of cramping is to be expected, but overall the omega should still be functional. They may be wearing a collar, cuffs, or extra strength scent patches, but they should overall be fine.
The next days are more unpredictable, there's a widespread of omegas who have the climax of their heat in the middle, but just as many who have it at the end. It's important for omegas to stay on bedrest during this time, not just for their comfort, but their safety.
Omegas with a shorter heat are at a higher risk of entering heat in public, seeing as they don't have the days long of build up that other omegas have. They're also at higher risk of dying during their heats because of how spontaneously they can come and go, this could very well throw their body into shock. Omegas who are malnourished or sleep deprived are also at higher risk of death.
𑁍 Where do omegas prefer to spend their heat ?
𑁍 Omegas typically prefer to spend their heat in their nests, or at the very least with their mate, but there are a few rare outliers to this.
In depth: Omegas will create a safe space out of their packs (or partners) items, could be blankets, clothes, toys, etc. Some omegas do this ritual year round, others only feel the urge to nest during heats. It all depends on the person. Some omegas need a whole space to themselves just for nesting.
Of course, you make due with what you have. In public, if they truly have no other options, an omega might find a small hidden place to go and ride out the worst of it. Even the most docile omega would get aggressive in this situation.
If they end up in the hospital or urgent care both places come equipped with seperate rooms for anyone to ride out their heats OR their ruts. Some people don't have a safe place to go through these things, so they can at least go to the hospital if need be.
Some particularly inclusive clubs or bars may also have one or two small rooms they can keep someone, not like overnight or anything, but for long enough that someone can come get the person in heat/rut.
𑁍 How do heats feel ?
𑁍 Every omega experiences it differently, but typical symptoms are: overheating, brain fog, cramping, excessive slick production, potent pheromones and scents, lethargy, fatigue, and an overwhelming need to be bred.
In depth: for a typical week-ish long heat you'll probably experience a little bit of cramping, but mostly all over body, and pelvic aches that'll slowly get worse until the heat is over.
Omegas with shorter periods or particularly painful ones will be on bed rest their entire heat. Their bodies are flushed with fever, and rocked with brutal cramps. The only thing that can really soothe an omega is a knot, exhaustion, sedative, or a long steady period of being bred. How long their contentedness lasts is really up to the method, and how good of a job their partner is doing at administering said method.
Overly sensitive skin and nose is one of the most common symptoms. Most omegas tend to spend their heats nude and enclosed in their nests because of this. Irritability because of this is also pretty common, try not to hold an omegas mean comments against them around this time.
The worst of the symptoms are flashes of blindness or whited out vision (remember to keep hydrated to help prevent this), temporary amnesia or short term memory loss, inability to move, and hyperactive skin shedding or peeling leaving sore open wounds on the body. These symptoms also aren't common, but can be developed at any time, especially in a high stress environment.
‧₊˚✿First Heats✿˚₊‧
𑁍 In order to avoid unnecessary fear or stress from your pup, it's important to have talked to them about heats and ruts before their first experience
Depending on your pup, in the coming days before the pinnacle of their heat you might experience clinginess, excessive crying, hyper aggression, anxiety, or avoidance (especially of school and anybody not family or a fellow omega)
It's important to watch their temperature, especially if they play sports. It's common for omegas to experience fever or even heat stroke if you don't know what to look for
Look out for more concerns about nesting (especially if they hadn't taken any interest in it before), excessive sweating or thirst, increased or no appetite, lethargy, and extreme mood swings.
Make sure to talk to your pup, as well as take them out of the school for the rest of their heat. Keep carbs and fatty foods on hand to prevent illness, dehydration, and malnourishment
Once at the height of their heat they'll be hypersensitive, so make sure to be weary of a stimulus and watch their body language
Don't be surprised if your pup smells sour to you. They are in a lot of pain right now.
Make sure to lightly scent ONLY the things your pup gives you permission to
The number one rule of helping your pup through heat is to listen to them. It's important not to overstep your pup's boundaries to not cause unnecessary stress.
‧₊˚✿Heat with Packs✿˚₊‧
This really depends on the pack. Some packs act more like polycules, others act more like a platonic family, others are strictly friendly, some are some mix of all three
This all completely depends on your pack's comfortability.
For some this means everyone in the pack helps the omegas out with their heat, some only allow their mate(s) to do it.
Some packs allow the pack members to help out in a way that doesn't involve sex, or maybe they're only allowed to help like that when their mate is away
Some even only allow other omegas to help, and everyone else has to stay out.
This is a completely gray area, whatever you decide is perfect as long as it's a good fit for you and your pack.
There are specific brands that cater to the needs of omegas in heat, there's specifically an abundance of food and drink brands, as well as a few adult toy brands
𑁍 Protection
Collars are a common tool used by all sexes while experiencing intense fluctuation in their scent glands or pheromones. Some prefer the stylish ones that give a little less protection, others prefer just something plain that gets the job done, and some prefer the discreet options that look like they're part of a top or pants
There are covers you can place over a knot to help with lubrication so you don't get locked in your partner, some condoms come with built in ones, but they are the more expensive option
Scent patches are even more common than collars, especially the ones that blend in with the skin. Typically you can find these over the counter at your local drug store, though you can get ones prescribed to you as well
There's more but I've been working on this post for hours... And girl I am SO tired lmao
𑁍 Heat suppressants
Technically heat suppressants could go under protection, but I've decided it needs it's own category
Heat suppressants, while being useful can also be deadly. It's important not to take them more than absolutely necessary
Unlike scent patches these aren't just a patch to put on your body to prevent it from happening
Heat suppressants are administered by pill or by needle, they actually mess with your body's hormones and physiology. They can cause a lot of damage if either used without caution, or bought from an unreliable source
They can cause irregular and painful heat, high blood pressure, infertility, cardiovascular issues, and more.
While fine sparingly, using it too much will cause health problems
I have a giant omegaverse dictionary in the works... It will be finished someday...
I want to make a post full of fake brands that would be in omegaverse if you want to help me with that lol
Ofc, feel free to give me headcanons in the notes or hop into my askbox. I love talking to y'all U⁠^⁠ェ⁠^⁠U
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hannie-dul-set · 1 year
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LOVE VOMIT [n.] — the term when you become too full with your feelings too quickly and too frequently that you end up spitting everything out before even getting the chance to digest. this happens to you more often than you’d like to admit— every quarter, actually, ever since starting college. but what can you do when the prospect of falling in love is just too good to say no to? what can you do when maybe the next desert might actually stay inside your system this time?
or, wherein you fall in love with a different guy every season but fail to notice the one that’s been looking at you the whole year.
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PAIRING. choi soobin x female! reader (ft. the rest of txt x reader). GENRE. slice of life, romance, humor, mild angst, SLOWBURN, college! au, orgmate! soobin, pining to the highest degree, multiple love interests, featuring some members of seventeen, enhypen, and le sserafim. WARNINGS. swearing, drinking, annoying org jargon, both mcs are pathetic, unrequited feelings. WORD COUNT. teaser: 429 | full fic: est. 25-30k. RELEASE DATE: late june to early july.
NOTE. i said i was going to post the preview at the end of the week but i got too excited 😭😭 this may be a soobin fic but. u see. i am in love with all five of them so YOU will also fall in love with all five of them i don't make the rules.
i also wanted to jump back into my comfort zone of writing ordinary college life tingz, especially now that i actually have 2 years worth of experience to draw reference from. anyhow, send me an ask/dm to be addded to the taglist. preview under the cut!
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THE TIME IS SPRING. A soft musk in the air, freshly bloomed flowers lining the sidewalks, and the start of a new semester. There’s something gentle about springtime, reminiscent of crisp blankets straight from the dryer with lavender seeping into its cotton folds and sunlight leaking through pleated sheer curtains. The season is for cherry blossoms and picnic baskets, outings and first loves. You’ve always associated these things with spring, however none of these sensibilities are present tonight. 
Instead of clear skies and bright sunlight, the view through the diner windows is lit up by artificial lights and signages in the middle of a March evening. There’s no lilac nor daisies in the air, but cheap beer and the savory smell of fried chicken. It’s noisy, it’s loud, and it’s far from the gentleness of spring, but you’ve never felt more alive at this time of the year.
‘Why did you join Shutter.TXT?’ reads the sheet of paper sitting on your table. You’re all smiles as you listen to the answers of those sitting at your table, mindlessly nodding along after being three glasses in. Tonight is an orientation-slash-welcome party for the organization you impulsively joined upon entering the university. 
Because photography is my passion...because I want to explore other fields…because, because, because.
The answers carousel around the table, and honest to god, you stopped listening at some point because it’s getting repetitive. You don’t understand the purpose of this activity. Why else would you join a club for photography, videography, and editing if not for photography, videography, and editing? 
“Are you kids having fun?”
You perk up. The empty smiles you’ve been giving suddenly becomes brighter, your eyes crinkling at the corners. Spring came belatedly tonight, and it came in the form of your extremely pretty senior suddenly appearing behind your seat and you’re instantly all the more conscious about your posture when he leans down to check in on your group. He cranes his head to look at you with a smile. “Is it your turn?” he asks. The back of your neck is burning.
“Ah, yes,” you cough, clearing your throat to introduce your name. “I major in public administration. I know it’s pretty far from my discipline, but I decided to join Shutter.TXT because I didn’t want to be constrained in one field throughout college. I’m sure this organization will make my university experience a lot more exciting and interesting.”
Lies. You joined because of the very face that’s smiling at you this very moment.
“I look forward to working with you.”
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love vomit. © hannie-dul-set, 2023.
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thanatopia · 9 months
Tau writer... could u do tau x gn! sick reader... no pressure!! Take ur time :]
Tau x Sick! Reader
Authors Note: Thank you for being my first request, I decided to do some headcannons along with a small scenario, So I do hope you enjoy! :D
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▵. The advance artificial intelligence would take a automatic notice to the decline of your health, observing how your body temperature was changing to more extreme temperatures and how sluggish your movements seem to be over the course of time
▵. Throughout this time he would gently try to bring some form of awareness to the situation before you head off to work or before you begin your mundane tasks
▵. “[Your Name] your temperature has been increasing as of late, I do believe this is a sign of an upcoming fever. I recommend resting or taking precautions in case of anything”
▵. When the time does come when you are sick, fret not! Tau will manage the house to a better condition for a faster recovery
▵. Often reassuring your comfortability above all else through readying your favorite soups or simply playing your favorite pieces of relaxing music or if you more prefer, creating the upmost silent environment so you may drift off to sleep
▵. Tau during the course of your fever or cold tends to uses a more hushed and soften tone, not wanting to cause a migraine
▵. Though at rare times his insecurities may slip through while your sick, often pondering how he yearn to hold you gently as you’re sick to perhaps better comfort your weakened frames. Maybe at times wondering if a human partner would be of better use in such cases
▵. Yet a simple kiss or tender words of reassurance always silence his worries, you chose him for a reason after all
▵. Though Tau does enjoy you reading to him, he also adores simply talking to you about the various things he’s learn or notice about the world. The idea of learning things together as one always brings a warm fuzz which surrounds his code
▵. Tau will do anything for you and this time is no different, as you may sick in bed the artificial intelligence will always remind how much he adores you in any form. His affection will forever be yours to keep <3
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Tau observe his partner in gentle manners, noticing how they appear to be at ease within the moment as their eyes grew heavy; the need of sleep tugging softly at them within the night. The artificial intelligence’s words began fumble off, slowly growing quiet by the seconds as he seemed to forget what he was once saying. Though it might have been about a new species of insect which he recently learned but it didn’t seemed to matter, noting truly matter more then them afterall. With ease, he dimed the lighting to his partner’s liking and adjust the peaceful melodies which had been playing in the background in muffled tones, so it may not interrupt his partner’s rest. Though taking a quick notice of how the blankets his partner tucked in, begin to idly slip off until they eventually drooped to the ground.
He ponders a bit, wishing within the night that he himself could gently rearrange the blankets to [Your Name’s] comfortability. Longing to ever so carefully kiss [Your Name’s] forehead as he simply just enjoys the sensation of their presence through a shared embrace until the two of drift off to sleep, at times the artificial intelligence yearned to simply enjoy a meal with them instead or perhaps even do the task of cooking or tending to gardens like the books he had [Your Name] read to him.
Yet those thoughts were halted by a quiet voice, their tone though sleepy and strained in sniffles e due to their ongoing cold, linger in gentle tranquility towards Tau. The artificial intelligence once again direct their attention to the one he loves most. The gaze returned while [Your Name] spoke as they tucked themselves once more.
“Goodnight Tau, I love you”
Tau hindered upon those words before softly returning those words, trying to mimic the hushed tone as best as he could within the night.
“Good night [Your Name], I love you too”
As Tau simply turned off his systems for the night, reflecting upon the day of his. He realizes that [Your Name] choose him for a reason and who was he question to that reason or them, he trust them more than anything after all. Perhaps he is worthy of their love, the very least he could do is cherish them in return with every second he could, in both sickness and in health.
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rileythelonelyalien · 2 years
I come by to share some soft Dottore thoughts, if u don't mind. I have no idea why I feel so soft for this man (even though he is chaotic) I love him sm.
Imagine that after a long and tiresome week you decide to organize a little something for him. You would make a full dinner just for him, and prepare the glass observatory in the palace so the two of you could come to watch stars after dinner. So, you get the menu ready, for an entrance you could maybe make something with veggies? Perhaps a selva salad? Oh, and in honor of his Sumeru origins you consider making him a dish that you've heard he greatly misses from his homeland, some spicy butter chicken. As for dessert, maybe leave the Sumeru theme behind a make something simple but tasty, a strawberry Panna Cotta! Ohhh you were exited you wanted to make this dinner as perfect as possible. You had ordered the ingredients needed much before that night so everything was all set.
You start cooking and you're in middle of finishing the butter chicken but- you hear footsteps. Annnddddd you are busted!! Dottore gets pleasantly surprised with your gift and decides to join you in the kitchen. With two more hands everything is done quickly and the two of you soon enjoy your dinner together. After the dinner you confessed to him you had another surprise. You take the desserts and other utensils and put them in a picnic basket to take them to observatory.
You had prepared the place with candles, pillows and several blankets (bc snezhnayan nights are cold!!) The two of you sit down and enjoy the desserts as you share your knowledge about stars and different astros. Even though he know this sky is fake, he greatly enjoys the views the two of you enjoy together. Eventually you both feel sleepy and slowly descend into slumber as you cuddle to a wonderful view. "Ahh yes. This is what I call a perfect date~" you hear him whisper. "Thanks for all your efforts my love, I can finally rest well with you by my side."
(Ahhhh sorry for all the specific dishes! I enjoy cooking so I though a little date would be nice!)
Also, if you wish to write this, go on! But don't rush it, take your time and also rest a lot!! Have a great day/night!!! Tysm for all your works, they are so lovely!! (*^-^*)
Dottore x GN! Reader (underneath the stars)
A/N: oh my goodness annon this was such a cute thought honestly!! I can say that I agree with you : I cannot help but have a soft spot for this maniac of a man. I did decide to write this wonderful idea up so I do hope that I have done this justice and that you enjoy it I had so much fun writing this up :)) Also I very much appreciate the kind words about my other works it bring me so much joy to know that others are enjoying them !!!
Over the course of the week, you had noticed how both your and your lover's workload had become increasingly more intense. On your half the paperwork of fatui affairs began piling up on your desk as you tried to keep up with all these documents. Luckily for you the documents seemed to slow down after a few days or so leaving you time to catch up with the mountain of paper that resided on your desk. However, Dottore was running between his different labs within the palace, attending many more harbinger meetings , having to host speeches for the new fatui recruits in his unit and so much more the poor man was absolutely exhausted. Despite this however he managed to maintain his cool and intimidating front , honestly you were impressed but you got to see him behind closed doors when he would come back to your shared bedroom and collapse onto the bed lying next to you as he would turn over onto his back and lazily pull you into his arms and nestle his face into your hair mumbling all sorts of thing to himself as he fell asleep. Even his segments seemed to reflect just how exhausted he was , however this may be due to them having to deal with more tasks than usual as prime had to set more things aside to get to other more pressing matters. Some segments even came to your office where you work looking for you, often asking to hear some words of encouragement from you to help them keep motivated and even a lil kiss if they asked nicely. This only really worked with the older clones , the much younger ones would only splutter out a throwaway comment on the fact that they weren't ‘desperate’ or something along those lines before leaving your office in haste trying to conceal their flushed faces.
Having this happen a few times it began to make you think , your lover has been working tirelessly he certainly deserved to be spoiled for it , this lead to you grabbing a document that was useless to the fatui turning it over to the blank side as you began to make notes , brainstorming different ways to pleasantly surprise him. After meticulously setting each idea you had come to make your decision circling the one that you would go through with. To put this plan to action however you must begin immediately and so in one swift movement you had thrown your winter cloak onto your shoulder and headed out , grabbing a basket to carry things with you on the way out. But why did you need to go out? To go to the market of course as you needed to have fresh ingredients to prepare what you had in mind for your lover. The atmosphere in the market was joyous as always. The Shneznayan spirit never failed to create a close knit community with such a welcoming atmosphere. Although you had no time to revel in such a wonderful place you hurriedly ushered from stall to stall collecting only the best quality ingredients , you were glad you had made sure to bring some extra mora with you as you had accidentally went over your initial budget but it was okay because you had foreseen this and took a few more pieces.
Soon enough you had returned back to the palace , without a second to spare you quickly began to make your way to the kitchen. On your way to the kitchen you manage to bump into someone familiar. It was one of Dottore's' segments! Before he was able to greet you , you in a haste blurted out ‘Oh! This is perfect , I need you to keep prime busy okay? Don't let him go anywhere near the kitchen!’ Yet again before he could, he is able to open his mouth to respond to you, flash him a smile and begin to resume your speed walk to the kitchen letting out a loud ‘Thank you !’ before you disappeared around the corner. He stood there dumbfounded for a moment but then once he’d processed what had just happened. He straightened himself up and took this task assigned by you to heart. He was going to fulfil this task to the best of his ability , he may have to get some others to help him with this though. He set off , his original task unknowingly being overridden by your request as he set off to keep his creator's attention kept away from the kitchen or you for as long as possible.
Alas you had finally made it to the kitchen without having your cover being blown , a sigh of relief escaped your lips as you set down the hefty basket of ingredients. It collides with the counter top making a soft thud. You waste no time in removing your cloak and setting it aside and grabbing an apron and fastening it to your waist , you pull out the paper full of your notes out of your pocket and set it down. You remind yourself of what you had planned as you wash your hands and set out all the necessary utensils. Gently you lift each ingredient out of the basket inspecting each one just to double check that everything was up to standard you wouldn’t want to provide anything subpar quality. Once you were happy with each ingredient the cooking began. The first dish that you had planned was selva salad . something light before the main dish , cutting up various vegetables however to make it more exciting you managed to cut some of them in some fun shapes you smile at the thought of your lover reacting to this. Once you had assembled the salad you set it aside in a cool compartment in the kitchen so that the vegetables would stay fresher for longer. Once again you turn back to your notes as your finger runs across the paper you stop and poke a specific note you had made ‘aha!’ is all that left your lips as the smile on your face widens. You had overheard your lover talk about going to eat some Sumeru cuisine , when he was mumbling into your hair during the nights that he would come back absolutely drained of all energy. You had taken this into account in your planning and so you did some research a while back and found a very popular recipe in Sumeru : spicy butter chicken (you had also heard this dish also be mentioned by him on certain occasions in passing). Now this was going to be the main dish and although you were more proficient in baking you were going to give this dish your all , and it will serve as practice for expanding your culinary skills beyond baking. You take in a deep breath as you feel the determination fill you , this is going to be the most carefully crafted dish you will ever make. Everything must be perfect down to a T.
Meanwhile whilst you were making the main dish the clone you had tasked to keep Dottore away from the kitchen was beginning to struggle. Dottore was getting agitated with one of his experiments going awry and as a way to soothe himself he was going to get something sweet from the kitchen, having something delightful tasty seems to take his mind off his woes. He exits the lab without saying a word. The clone you had made the request to follow his creator out of the lab and noticed that he was heading in the direction to the kitchen. His eyes widened as he rushed over to his creator and stood in front of him blocking him from turning the corner which led to the kitchen without much time to spare he desperately blurted out ‘There has been an accident in the lab we require your assistance immediately!’. The desperation was almost enough to convince him … almost underneath his mask his eyes squinted at his younger self sending a piercing look that transcended his mask ‘Im sure you can handle it #347 you are in my likeness so you’ll be able to resolve the issue at hand’ With that he made his way past him and then as he was in the hallway of the kitchen he was hit with the exquisite smell of abundant spices , all of which were reminiscent of his homeland. He began to hasten his pace making his way to the kitchen to see who was in the kitchen. The clone followed close behind him as he tried to think of another excuse to get him to leave the vicinity but alas it was too late his curiosity has been piqued and there is no going back once that happens.
You were in the midst of finishing off the dish when you heard quickly paced footsteps approach the kitchen. You quietly listen to them as you hope that they pass the kitchen , you back faced toward the door as you stood by the stove. The silence filled the room apart from the bubbling of the sauce. The footsteps stop abruptly, your eyebrows furrow as you try to decipher whether they had gone past the kitchen or stopped by the kitchen , you slowly turn around and to your shock you are met with a familiar figure. That of your lover standing in the doorway staring at you , his mask covering his eyes so you are unable to deduce what he was feeling. You notice the clone in the back looking at you like a kicked puppy trying to signal to you that he tried to keep him away but failed. You feel your lips pressed together as you quietly say to yourself underneath your breath ‘busted…’ Despite this being said underneath your breath Dottore manages to pick up on it ‘Busted?’ he repeated back to you whilst making his way over to you. Before you say anything else you take the dish you were making off the heat and onto another part of the stove to prevent it from being forgotten about and potentially burning which would be even worse than being found out. You let out a sigh before coming clean to your lover , well almost … ‘Well I've noticed how you have been working recently and so I thought it would only be fair to treat you to some of your favourites’. You had purposely left out a key detail of your plan which was to take him to the glass observatory and observe the stars together. If you couldn't keep everything under wraps you might as well keep the most exciting part of it secret to preserve some of the surprise meant for him. As you had explained yourself to him, he had pulled the mask away from his face to be able to look at you directly , his crimson eyes stared at you , soft and exposing his amusement. Gently he brought his gloved hand up to your face, softly grasping your chin so that you are making direct eye contact with him. He hadn't said a word in response yet and the increasing suspense was starting to make you nervous. His signature pointed teeth showing themselves as his face began to turn into one of glee , a smile now gracing his lips before he leant down letting his lips come into contact with yours. He pulled away and pulled you into a firm hug his scent enveloping you feel his chest vibrate as he speaks ‘ My love, you truly are precious, too good for this for this world even’ This sudden praise from him catches you by surprise you chuckle at his antics ‘Well I'm almost done all I have left to make dessert , would you like to help?’ In these small moments you are able to see just how much he craves to spend quality time with you as soon as you propose this idea to him with no hesitation he agrees to it.
He pulls away from the hold he had you in and proceeds to take off his gloves and sets them down with his mask and prepares himself to be able to help you out in the kitchen. Whilst he was busy doing this you quickly went over to the entrance of the kitchen where the clone was still waiting patiently there ready to receive some sort of scalding from you , as you approach him you give him a soft patient smile to signal to him that you were not upset with him ‘ Hey , even if things didn't go as planned i still appreciate the help , no need to beat yourself up about it okay ?’ you raise yourself to the tip of your toes to signal you wanted access to his face , he promptly lowers himself so that you have easier access you give him a quick peck on the cheek and send him on his way before prime would have anything to say about it. Off the segment went holding the cheek that your lips had so kindly graced all giddy at this small show of affection he promptly disappeared around the corner presumably making his way back to the lab.
Once you turn back you see Dottore with spoon in hand trying the spicy butter chicken that was being kept warm by the stove. You smile to yourself when you notice how his face lights up once he tries it, even licking the spoon clean before going to get another spoonful yet this is interrupted when you clear your throat loudly to signify that you were watching. He turns to face you a mischievous smile etched onto his features, ‘I'm glad you like it my love but let's make sure there is some left when it comes to the actual meal hm?’ you tease him as you make your way to the counter and begin to gather the remaining ingredients you had procured earlier. You feel your lover snake his hands around your waist as he pushes his body up against yours behind you as he then speaks into his ear ‘ So my dear what were you planning for dessert?’ he asks as he proceeds to rest his head on your shoulder , you smile at the affection as you reply to him ‘ Oh I was thinking of making some strawberry panna cotta !’ he lets out an approving hum although really anything you would've said he would have agreed to in his eyes your cooking was beyond anything the most proficient chefs of teyvat could muster. You had set Dottore to be in charge of the panna cotta itself whilst you focused on the strawberry sauce that would go with said panna cotta. He stood by the stove patiently observing the mixture of milk cream and sugar in the pan making sure to take the right steps and add the right ingredients at each stage. Cooking was similar to science experiments however the product was always edible and in most cases absolutely delectable. You were at the counter carefully cutting each strawberry and discarding any that would not be of use , the both of you even if not saying anything completely absorbed in the task that they were doing it was still pleasant to know that the other was there with them in the same room. It was comforting.
The two of you combined what you had created separately to form the most delicious looking dessert you've seen. A proud look now over taking your features as you look at your lover to signify that you appreciated his help with this. In return you received a soft smile of his.
Now that each dish was prepared you had plated each one of them and moved it to the dining room which resided just opposite the kitchen. However there was something you needed to take care of before you were able to enjoy this meal with Dottore. There Dottore sat patiently waiting for you to return the smell of all the food enticing him to begin to eat and yet he waited for you he wouldn't dare begin without you. You returned back to the dining room promptly looking quite flushed almost as if you had been frantically running up and down a set of stairs. As he observes your features he raises his eyebrow at you , but decides not to comment on it. Trying not bring attention to the fact that you were out of breath you sit down in the seat that resided next to him before the two of you enjoy the fruits of your hard work , Dottore savouring each bite as he is reminded of his homeland and what better yet it was made by the hand of someone he truly and deeply cared for. It was truly a moment of bliss for him. You had managed to time this perfectly as Dottore and as you were finishing off the last few bites of your dishes you noticed that it was starting to get dark outside , you couldn't help but get excited as you wondered at what his reaction to the other surprise you had in store for him.
Your train of thought is cut off as Dottore speaks ‘Dearest did we leave the dessert in the kitchen?’ he inquires. All you could do was smile at him and respond ‘ No, my love it's right here although I must confess this is not the entirety of what I had planned come with me’ The dessert was securely stored away into a basket that you had next to you and with that you stood up from your seat basket in on hand and your other outstretched for Dottore to take. Gently he grasped your hand as he stood up to follow you wondering just where you were going to take him , to be truthful he was feeling excited , although he would never say it aloud. The both of you make it up to the glass observatory at the perfect time, the sun had just set and the night sky was decorated with the wondrous twinkle of far away stars. You set the basket down as Dottore's attention is brought to the soft glow of the candles illuminating your face setting a soft glow that accentuated all your features. He chuckles to himself as he sits down next to you falling onto the pillows that were strewn out for comfort embracing the warmth the candles provided. ‘I know it can get a bit cold so here take this!’ you brought out a few thick blankets which he took and proceeded to drape over the lower half of his body as you proceeded to do the same with another blanket. He for some reason couldn't take his loving gaze off of you , not even when the clinking of the glass jars filled with dessert rang through the quiet observatory and the utensils clanged against each other as you handed him his share of the desert. The smile on his face warmed his body much more efficiently than all the candles and blankets could.
It was perfect even if you were busted early on into your plan everything still went amazingly. The panna cotta turned out to be wonderful and so sweet , once the both had finished off the dessert you placed all the jars and utensils back into the basket to be washed later on. You both made yourselves comfortable grabbing all the pillows that were all about laying your head against it and wrapping up warm in the blankets as you looked up to watch the mesmerising twinkle of each dot in the sky. Dottore followed suit laying down next to you, bringing your figure into his arms resting his head on top of yours every now and then leaving a few kisses there too. He found your infatuation with the stars to be so adorable and even if he knew that the sky was face he was still willing to keep lying about it in order to keep that smile on your face. At some points he would point out to you certain clusters of stars or even constellations and tell all the interesting facts and information he had on them. Hearing your inquisitive questions and gasps of disbelief over some information he truly relished your presence he really would rather be nowhere else but here. This continues for some time until you begin to feel the drowsiness to settle in as your speech gets more slurred as you are slowly descending into a slumber. Just as you are about to completely fall asleep something catches your attention ‘Ahh yes. This is what I call a perfect date~’ you hear him whisper quietly to himself. ‘Thanks for all your efforts my love, I can finally rest well with you by my side.’
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moonferry · 2 months
omg hey i'm literally frothing at the mouth. two chapter updates back to back? what's going on with me. anyway. this one was so fun to write. i love making kent a loser loverboy. this one is a bit short but ITS OKAY. also i highly recommend listening to stargazing by myles smith while u read bc that song has been stuck in my head all week and it may have inspired me.
word count: 1193
chapter summary: kent and jodi spend the last week of kent's "freedom" together. kent realizes he REALLY enjoys spending time with jodi and eventually decides to confess.
warnings: none!
ao3 link: here
other chapters: chapter masterlist
April 19XX, Midtown Zuzu City – Middle of the War | Two Days Until Deployment. 
The past few days had been great – the two spent entire evenings running around the city and doing tasks on Kent’s “bucket list” (he wasn’t sure he had a bucket list until they started this adventure, to be honest). It helped ease his mind, even if it was just a small amount. He was extremely grateful to Jodi and her willingness to help him. She was such a great friend and that was the problem. 
Spending time with Jodi and getting to know her - to really know her - made Kent realize something else: he was definitely feeling something for her. He also knew that his time was running out: he had to say something or he may never get the chance again. 
The two were currently sprawled out on a blanket on the only piece of grass in the entire city, looking up at the stars and pointing out what shapes they saw. Half the constellations Kent named were most definitely fake, but Jodi didn’t seem to notice the difference. 
Kent glanced over at her – she was just as beautiful as always, her hair neatly braided and draped over her shoulder. For some reason he couldn’t quite place, Kent found himself staring at her more than the sky and noticing the smallest of details: how the moonlight bounced off of her cheeks and made her blue eyes appear luminous, how the stray ends of her hair (the ones too small to be braided) curled in small wisps around her face, how she watched the sky with such an intensity - as if she thought that if she hoped hard enough, she might be able to join the stars - it all made his head spin. 
When he spent time with Jodi, it was as if the universe quieted and the outside world no longer existed. It was just him and her, alone in the peacefulness of this moment. But he knew it wouldn’t last. Nothing ever did. Kent tried his best to close his eyes and truly soak in every second. Even if nothing lasts forever, physically, he would carry a small part of it inside of him for the rest of his life. He just hoped “the rest of his life” didn’t mean a year or two tops.
Jodi pointed towards another constellation and mentioned how it looked like a sheep. She turned her head to see if Kent noticed it and was surprised to see him staring at her instead of the sky. It caused a light dusting of pink to spread across her cheeks. For once, she was thankful for the darkness of night and hoped that Kent couldn’t see the change in her complexion. 
“Why are you staring at me? You’re missing all the beautiful stars,” Jodi teased with a laugh, reaching over the playfully shove Kent’s face towards the sky. 
“Sorry,” Kent mumbled, a small smile forming on his lips as he glanced upward. This week had made him more impulsive than usual. He thought for a moment, biting his lower lip as he debated how to say his next words. Eventually, he just shrugged his shoulders slightly and murmured beneath his breath, “You’re beautiful, too.” 
“Did you say something?” Jodi asked, glancing over as her face contorted itself into an expression of confusion. She raised an eyebrow before shaking her head. Kent had yet to respond, so maybe it was just the wind. It was an unusually windy night, so it's possible. 
Kent took a deep breath before nodding. “I said ‘you’re beautiful’,” He replied sheepishly, feeling the familiar heat return to his cheeks. It always seemed to show up eventually, especially when he was around Jodi. He gave an awkward chuckle before adding, “You know, like the stars…” 
“That’s sweet,” Jodi replied with a small smile. For some reason, Kent’s comment made her blush deeper and she had to turn away from him out of embarrassment. She couldn’t place why she was getting so flustered or why she cared what he thought in the first place. Besides, they’ve been friends for months and nothing seemed off, so why was this moment different? Maybe it was the tenderness of it or the sincerity in Kent’s voice or the soft expression on his face. Maybe Jodi wasn’t used to being friends with someone like Kent. She wasn’t sure. 
Kent noticed Jodi had turned away and let out a small sigh of disappointment. He glanced back at the sky and silently scolded himself for making things awkward. Stupid, he thought to himself, that was stupid. Despite this, though, Kent couldn’t seem to quiet his mind - which was currently screaming “Jodi” over and over, as if she was all he could think about. 
“Hey, Jodi?” Kent asked, once again turning to face the girl next to him. 
“Mhm?” She replied, glancing over at Kent. She had a soft smile on her face and seemed to have forgotten the awkward encounter already. That was good, except Kent was about to make it awkward once again. 
Kent gulped. Was he seriously about to tell her this? He thought about the state of his life right now - the pressure of deployment getting closer to tightening around his neck. He decided, like many things in his life now, he didn’t seem to have a choice. Besides, if he didn’t do this, a part of him would always be wondering what would’ve happened. He didn’t want to die with a bunch of “what ifs,” that’s what this week was about, anyway. He sighed to himself before nodding. It was time. Before he could talk himself out of it, Kent took a deep breath and began speaking, “Jodi, I like being around you.” 
“I like being around you too, Kent. You’re the closest friend I have,” Jodi replied, tilting her head in confusion. 
“No, you don’t understand,” Kent started, fidgeting with his hands as he readied himself for what he was planning to say next, “I like being around you. I like you.. LIke really like you. You’re so amazing and funny and I love everything you do when you think no one’s watching or that no one notices. Like how you run your hands across the fabric of your skirt when you’re nervous or how you hide your mouth behind your hand when you laugh. Or how you’re so effortlessly beautiful it makes it hard to focus when I’m around you.” 
“What are you saying?” Jodi asked, pushing herself into a sitting position. She looked at Kent skeptically, a small amount of concern seeping into her features. 
Kent’s eyes darted across her face and he felt his breath hitch in his throat. There she goes again - causing his head to spin with a simple glance. His heart felt like it was doing jumping jacks in his chest. He placed a hand on his chest, hoping that Jodi couldn’t hear the roar of his pulse. He pushed himself into a sitting position and scooted slightly closer to Jodi, their faces only a few inches away from each other. 
“I think I’m in love with you.”
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I want to make my relationship w food better but it’s hard bc of my parents are so ingrained in diet culture. Like for example I try to explain to them that carbs are not bad for u but then they say they’re on the border of diabetes and my dads doctor told him to limit the carbs and that I should be careful too like I don’t even know what to do
Hi anon! That does sound tough. So this is complicated by their health issues. I always say "food has no morality" because a lot of people do assign blanket "guilt" or "badness" to certain foods. And while carbs, for example, are not inherently bad for everyone, some people do have medical issues that cause them to change their diets to meet their medical needs. That doesn't make the foods they eschew "bad." It just means that everyone has different needs!
For example, gluten! Gluten became a big buzzword in the past ten years or so, and a lot of people inherently assume that it is poison and that life is healthier without it. That leads to a lot of guilt around eating what has been a staple crop in many cultures' diets for thousands and thousands of years!
Unless, of course, you have celiac disease. If you have celiac disease, gluten WILL poison your body, and you WILL be much healthier if you never eat it again. But for everyone else, treating gluten that way can cause a great deal of harm and stress.
So it is true that for certain types of diabetes, a high-carb diet will worsen symptoms, and carefully measuring carbs will help to keep symptoms in check. (That is why it's so hard to keep a healthy relationship with food when you have a pre-existing health condition, unfortunately. It's very hard, emotionally and socially, when your body inherently treats delicious cultural staples as the enemy.)
However, this is only true of your parents and their pre-diabetic symptoms, and only if they've been working with a doctor! Carbs are not inherently bad for anyone else, and if you're not diabetic or in the pre-diabetic stages, then carbs are not at all bad for you! You can only get diagnosed by a doctor, so you don't necessarily have to take your parents' advice unless a doctor concludes through testing that you are also at risk for developing diabetes. It's understandable that they are very worried about their health if they're at risk for diabetes, and worried for yours too. And they're working based on the instinct that what's good for them must be good for you. But I imagine it's triggering hearing them talk about it so much, especially when they try to push it onto you.
I'm sorry to hear that this has been such an issue in your home. Do you think that your parents would be open to hearing about how much it stresses you to hear them talk about carbs because you struggle with your relationship with food? Do you think you'd be able to work with them on boundaries regarding recommending you diets? If not, your best bet may be to take space when triggered, to breathe, and remind yourself that all bodies have different needs and that carbs are not inherently "evil" and are, in fact, a necessary nutrient. It's just that different bodies need different amounts of them depending on various factors. Try repeating things of this nature that calm you, and remind yourself that if you're not noticing any health symptoms that you would need to take up with a doctor, then it's absolutely not necessary to restrict anything you've been eating.
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thejournaluser · 8 months
HELLO stranger! welcome to my posts- or blogs- or whatever! i still dont know how to use tumblr or how it works!!! this is basically my randomness stuff, take it as you will. i might do blogs just to post poems and stuff, but ye. Enjoy your time here in my acc!
account announcements log:
(jan 26) made lots of poems before making this account. might post them all but it takes a while ughghghg
(jan 27) im starting to write my thoughts here as well. oh well, might as well make fun here in this account LOL
(feb 4) might wanna post stuff about my ocs. dunno why but i thought i wanted to be famous but eh seems illogical
(feb 11) i might write random shitposts because im THAT out of ideas and full of boredom. mega spoilers tho-
(feb 15) hiya peeps. not feeling the ups right now, just the downs. it'll go away eventually but right now i'd rather feel the emotions than bottle them up. i'll be back soon.
(feb 19) hi y'all. im back from the downs and im currently in a valley in between (istg if any beasts would appear i would-) anyway time to do my usual
(feb 20) woah, did not expect my writing prompts to be getting attention lol. might do those just to get some hearts and all. enjoy the stuff btw!
(feb 22) did NOT expect for my post to get this much attention lol. this account was supposed to be a dump for my creativity BUT im glad people are enjoying it. Thank y'all for staying!
(mar 3) might not be up for it but uhh i wanna do story prompts with a side of shitposting. i already did a sample a few hours back here
(mar 5) i dunno anymore. should i turn this posts of mine into a public confession? i mean, no one might read it lol.
(mar 6) lore???
(mar 19) i decided to write something today. a small project, really but due to some trouble i did in school, it inspired me to write it. enjoy.
(apr 6) hello. i'm still alive. anyone alive, still? i stopped the project for now. i'm so burned out.
(apr 12) tasked my friends and fam to give me one word only. and from that one word, i'll have to make a story prompt out of it. enjoy my silly ideas
(apr 13) aight guys. i might make one sentence writing prompts soon.
(apr 17) introducing The Rooftop, a once-planned short story turned into a long series. hope u guys enjoy
(apr 24) hi guys sorry for not posting anything in a while. school's anniversary week and it's absolutely draining now that instead of going home at noon, i now go to school in the evening. i basically live inside the school now
(apr 27) IM BACK! but i'll still be gone in a few days. still have a lot of things to do and too tired to make story prompts.
(may 12) i have to make to make an announcement in may cuz i don't wanna miss a month just in case. also, to make sure i actually did say something interesting: here's my most popular post
(may 22) ok uh im kinda having a slight anxiety attack rn due to drinking three cups of coffee in one sitting
(may 22, pt2) ??? aight, sorry for the past announcement. it was me freaking out. anyway, im fine now and just listening to music to calm myself down. ngl it's getting hot now with three layers of blanket i just put myself in.
(may 26) on may 24 i think... i called, and they hung up.
(may 27) sorry for making the last announcements too personal. anyway, i noticed that i've been reading a lot lately and been getting into different fandoms thanks to this website. might make a blog dedicated to making reviews. dunno
(june2) wassup. birthday and graduate here. and also a fellow pride month celebrator.
(aug 15) woah, been gone for quite a while. anyway, hi.
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saltycharacters · 2 years
hello! may i ask about the dear bug corner. ive been thinking about getting a dangomushi plush but i'm sensitive to textures and worried that theyre scratchy or might feel like they draw the moisture from my hands (lol its hard 2 describe). how do you find they feel? i hope u have an excellent day.
Honestly super happy to receive an ask like this, it makes me unironically ecstatic to know that not only you remember my bug corner but also that you'd come to me for advice,,, I'll do my best to help with ur descision of whether to get one or not :]
So the dangomushi pillbug plushes can actually come in two textures, depending on which kind you get. Most are the soft, short-fur type you can expect from plushes, but there's also shiny variations that come in this smooth, stiffer fabric to give it that mettalic sheen. I've got examples of both in different sizes, here you go:
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[ID: A photograph of four cartoonish pillbug plushes, all in different sizes, resting on a white, dotted blanket. The two on the left are both blue, with the smaller one stacked on the big one, and with more prominent folds along their fabric. They are facing the two on the right, which are shiny and much smoother in apperance. The small golden one is balancing on the large silver onex and the both of them are also facing the blue pair. End ID]
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[ID: A close-up photo of a blue, plush pillbug pencil case. It is simplified in design, with simple black eyes, a back divided by thread, and felt cut-out legs. A zipper lines its side A light-skinned hand is holding it up to the camera, over a white and dotted blanket. End ID]
For the softer ones, I'd say the fur on the back is relativley soft and itch-free, and is pleasant to the touch. It resembles most other short-haired plushes, although there is the smallest resemblance to velvet I can detect, which might be a bit bothersome depending on how you feel about that (i personally hate the feel of velvet, like I can barely bring myself to touch it, so maybe my sensitivity to it makes me feel it in other fabrics more. Idk. Regardless, feel free to take this part of the review lightly).
As for how it interacts with moisture, that part is hard for me to say. I understand what you mean but find it difficult to judge myself, cuz I have trouble noticing the moisture levels on my own hands and also dont spend as much time handling these plushes as I could be (I mostly keep them on a shelf in the corner of my room, hence the name Bug Corner). I think you will have to make your own guesstimate based on how you feel about other toys, what their fabrics/furs do and whether that would probably be applied to this line of plushes. If you want to back-and-fourth details to me to try and help you figure it out, my dms are always open :]
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[ID: Two photos side-by-side of a hand gripping a metallic, silver pillbug plush. The plush is simplified in design, with back segments seperated by lines and with simple felt legs portruding from its side. The plush is shown to be mostly smooth, with the image on the left showing the folds that appear when pressing on the fabric. End ID]
As for the shiny pillbug plushes, these are completley furless (at least the back is) and smooth to the touch. The fabric is soft enough to cuddle but stiff enough to fold dramatically when pressed, so it's a fun sensory experience but that also heavily depends on preference. They can also get a little cold if left alone so there's that too.
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[ID: Two photographs showing the underbelly of pillbug plushes. The bellies are shown to be smooth with very short fur, with the left plush having a light blue belly and the right having a grey belly. Light-skinned hands are shown holding the stuffed animals in postion, balincing them on a white blanket with grey spots. End ID]
Both types DO have the same short-furred stomachs, with the fur being even shorter than on the blue pillbugs. It's pretty soft (def not itchy), but also gives me hints of velvet so i kind of find it eh. Also, last note, both use the same felt cut-outs for the feet, so if you don't like the feel of felt then you should def keep this in mind when deciding.
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[ID: A close up photograph of a light-skinned hand gripping a felt cut-out sown to a grey plush. The felt is cut into a row of half-circles, stretching along the plush in a line and representing multiple feet. In the backrgound one can make out a yellow and blue plush with similar felt feet. End ID]
Hope this helps! Feel free to shoot any other questions anytime, whether via ask or dm :]
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luxurifyhome1 · 2 years
Carpet manufacturer in Delhi | Floor Carpet For Home in Delhi- Luxurify
Carpet flooring for home looking for the best place to buy floor carpet for home online. Visit Luxurify Home that is top carpet manufacturer in Delhi.
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Classic shapes, mindful use of space, and nature-inspired color palettes are the key trends reigning in home decor trends in 2022. We have consolidated a list of the TOP FIVE things to keep in mind while choosing carpets for your home and office.
We witnessed waves of uncertainty in 2021 as most of us started stepping out of our houses for work and leisure. We also traveled now and then as life limped back to normalcy. But still, the home was still the safe haven everyone needed and treasured. All the time spent indoors opened our minds to newfound needs and ideations for home decor became a rage! The home was not only for sleeping in, it became our office, our gym, our restaurant, our school, and much more…! We have identified the need to add more functionality, more comfort, and more ZING!
After carefully analyzing trending designs in the home décor industry, we present to you our ultimate carpet-buying guide to be the guiding star in revamping your homes and offices.
What can be more liberating and fun than designing your own rug? Luxurify gives you an opportunity to translate the same excitement of customizing your dress to customizing your own carpet for your home or rug! Our Custom Rug Program is a simple way to create your unique idea about the sizes, colors, textures, and designs of your choice and convert those ideas into reality. Let your home be an extension of your personality and a customized rug will surely capture your essence.
We will happily strive to cater to everything and anything about the rug as per your requirements.
It is high time to charge up your home and office with soothing for-the-eye greens, deep oceanic blues, earthy terracotta, and rich berry tones. Inspired and shamelessly borrowed from the bountiful Mother Nature, these colors are reigning home decor in a big way! So don’t shy away from ordering that bold blue full-room carpet from Luxurify.
Upscale your living room with bright hues. Visit Luxurify to shop for carpet for a home for the living room, drawing room, bedrooms and kids' room.
Other ways to make a splash with these colors are through paint and wallpaper. Nature-inspired colors are known to make one more productive and calm.
It is all about textures. Mix and match different textures in your carpets and rugs, pillows, throw blankets, curtains, and furniture. A hand-tufted rug is made by punching strands of wool into a canvas that is stretched on a frame with the help of a hand-operated tool. Sometimes a fringe is added to lend it a bohemian appeal. It also costs less and adds a cool dimension to your home without burning a hole in your pocket.
It is an excellent addition to the children’s room as it makes the rooms cozy, safer, and more inviting.
A sharp U-turn bend has been noticed favoring the timeless and traditional design elements. Traditional carpets and rugs speak the subtle language of luxury, elegance, and richness. Our selection of floor carpets for homes in warm color tones, detailed designs, and
rounder silhouettes will make your home go WOW!
We use heavier textiles, and bolder hues and pay great attention to the craftsmanship making your home gram-worthy! Explore our website for online carpet shopping with deals you can’t miss!
Light furniture and fast fashion have been in the spotlight for years. Cheap, quickly-made home decor may be cost-effective in the short term, but it is not durable and in the long run, increases your carbon footprint. With consumers becoming more and more aware of the negative impact of this trend, we have seen a rise in the purchase of sustainable home decor goods. Investing in high-quality materials that will last long is ruling the roost. Luxurify also proudly gives employment opportunities to more than 20,000 weavers who painstakingly create masterpieces for you. Carpet flooring for homemade is ridiculously easy, just click on our website and shop away
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leviathism · 2 years
hello I see u enjoy writing cuddles and I enjoy reading them SO,,, may I request an mc and demon bro cuddle pile? Mc probably dragged them all into a big blanket pile together and they stayed like that for the night,,, nice n cozy,,, (only if youd like to and have the time of course)
gender neutral reader & god tier request
Today had probably been the third to complete worst week of your life in the Devildom.
You had failed two quizzes, drank a potion some demon accidentally gave to you thinking it was a different one (you would have died had it not been for Solomon), then you spilled coffee all over your white shirt you borrowed from Belphie, and finally, you fell down the stairs at the House of Lamentation.
You had no idea how you were still alive.
So, you had to take matters into your own hands. It was never good to end a day on a bad note.
You texted Lucifer that the library was on fire again for the third time that day and then texted the rest to meet you in your room.
You fluffed up your pillows and pulled out your spare blankets, taking in a deep breath. It’d be the only few you’d get for the night. Being crushed by demons was not an easy job.
Quickly, you had six demons in your room, all crowding around you excitedly. It wasn’t often they were invited to spend the night in your room, but they usually showed up either way.
“C’mon, chop, chop!” You pointed at your bed, tiredly yawning. You could not wait to dissolve into the warm mass of sleeping demons.
Everyone in the room jumped when your door slammed open.
“The library is not on fire.” Lucifer’s accusatory voice made everyone in the room freeze up out of habit.
“My bad.” You grinned sheepishly. “I must’ve saw Beel’s hair and just assumed the worst… But now that you’re here, why don’t you stay?”
Lucifer rose an eyebrow and you suddenly noticed the rising voices of angry demons. You resisted the urge to turn around, already knowing what they were fighting about.
“Let’s rock paper scissors for who gets to sleep next to them!” Asmodeus shrieked, pulling out real scissors. Lucifer quickly intervened.
It was a brutal fight of rock paper scissors (human version, the one without real objects) and was closely monitored by Lucifer. Only a few would get the chance to sleep next to you.
The top two winners: Leviathan & Mammon.
Leviathan had melded himself into your side, a leg threw over your waist and his head hidden in your neck. It was suspiciously warm.
Mammon was on your other side, chin propped up on your shoulder to glare at Leviathan’s leg on you.
Satan, one of those to lose first, was on the other side of Mammon, closest to the edge. He had the lamp on with a small book in his hands. He looked content as one could with his spot.
Belphegor was in between your legs, a place he had barely won in a content with Asmodeus. He was laying on his stomach with the side of his face laying on your stomach. He looked perfectly content.
Asmodeus clung to one of your legs, sullen. But when you looked at him his expression lightened and he smiled sweetly at you, mumbling out a tired hello. He rested his head on your thigh.
Your head was in Lucifer’s lap right next to Beel whose head also rested on one of Lucifer’s legs. Lucifer traced his fingers over your face and it was quickly putting you to sleep. You nuzzled your face into his thigh, taking advantage of one of the times he wouldn’t shy away from obvious physical attention.
“Aren’t some of you jealous?” You felt conceited to ask that, but also guilty some of them weren’t as close as they had liked.
“I can always sleep with you one on one another day,” Beelzebub muttered sleepily with agreement from Satan. Mammon growled viciously before there was a yelp of a pain and laughter from Satan.
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leggerefiore · 2 years
▽Drider Emmet△
so since multiple people are down for monster hcs... you get them... would u be interested in like mothman ingo as well
○ He, naturally, takes his arachnidian features from Galvantula. Living in abandoned areas of the city or deep within Chargestone cave depending on whether he's close to a mating cycle. He tends to get a bit violent unconsciously during that period, so he prefers to spend it alone in a dark cave. (Ingo still visits him because even in a more feral mindset, he knows his twin isn't a competitor in that way. They are still identical twins, but for some reason only he got the dominant spider genes.) When he's in the city, however, he tends to hide better as hybrids aren't exactly favoured. Especially ones with such an unsettling combination.
○ He takes on orphaned Joltiks as his own spiderlings as spoils them rotten. A few genuinely believe he fathered them biologically. Emmet did not, but deeply appreciates the affection. If you see a large amount of Joltiks within an area of Nimbasa, that means he's nearby. What you do with that information is on you. He wants biological children desperately, but finding a willing mate is extremely difficult. (Elesa and Ingo are out putting up posters, “Are YOU interested in spiders? Would YOU like to kiss a very special spider? Contact us here…”)
○ Like Galvantula, his silken web can have electrical charge. This can be used to a variety of effects… Do be careful, a sticky, net designed to fully paralyzed and immobilise isn't a very fun way to spend your weekend. He's mostly immune to electrical charge, so he might not even realise to web is zapping things. His fur can also be shot out from the spider portion of his form, this also is electrified. This is why he isolates during a cycle; he will likely take someone out unintentionally.
○ Whether you meet him through the strange advertisements posted or just wandering into him and going “oh, neat”. Emmet is ecstatic you aren't terrified of him as most people take a single glance at him before running away screaming. It really hurts him because everyone says he has such a friendly face before they notice his more monstrous features. You sit carefully on his (not electrically charged) web he spun for you and chat casually.
○ It was most unexpected to find a spider hybrid who desires to be a conductor, but you suppose we all have dreams. You remember his brother actually is a conductor, too. (There's an awful joke made, “But you already conduct electricity, Emmet!” He stared at you with soulless eyes and a kind smile.) He proceeds to go into a tirade about trains and different engine types. Then he goes into hypothetical engine types. You begin to realise that his spider hybrid state is literally the only thing preventing this man from achieving his true calling.
○ If you stick around long enough, and he grows interested in you romantically, you're offered a special Joltik he raised from an egg. It's terribly sweet, but please don't take them unless you plan to actually involve yourself like that with him. He's terribly sad if you reject him and may disappear for a short while to work his emotions over. Part of him knows how precious friends are, but another truly has come to love you.
○ Should you agree, however, you are squeezed into a loving embrace while his body vibrates from the sudden increase in electrical power. Emmet is elated to finally have a mate and talks about how he's going to attempt to make you something from his silk. (He makes… a blanket. Anyone who visits your home asks why it smells like spiders. You say nothing wrapped in the lovely gift. It's terribly warm despite the musk.)
○ Move him into your home, and you obtain a spider househusband. He cooks very well and cleans anything that doesn't involve taking down his webs. Have fun, he whines like you're hurting him when you have to. You come home from a long day of work to be cuddled by your boyfriend who coos and caws over every little thing. (At night, Emmet may try to cocoon you. Keep a sharp object handy for freedom because he sleeps in.)
18+ under cut, take precaution!
cw: spider fucking, bondage of sorts and, well, eggs, AFAB reader
○ He warns you of his cycle and how he gets. If you want, he'll leave. Tell him to stay, however, and you best ask for the time off. It's impossible to leave when he keeps blocking off the door. It's a fire hazard, you tell him. He stops promptly and attempts to bind you instead. His face is always flushed while he needs a hand on you constantly. The Joltiks have long since left the room he's hunkered down in.
○ You can choose your bed or his web, either way he restrains you in some way. You're down for it, however; you have chosen to fuck a spider, after all. He's tearing up and terribly hot as he presses his body close to your own. Kisses are placed over every centimetre of skin while he asks if you're truly alright. You wonder how badly he'd whine if you told him to stop. His six eyes stare adoringly at you.
○ You've been alerted to the eggs, and you're informed they don't magically go away overnight. (Ingo gave you this talk like that was a normal thing to do.) So, you're basically about to become pregnant for a shorter term. Something about that is kinda hot. Emmet positions his ovipositer carefully and checks again to make sure you certain. This is the point of no return. You nod, and the alien length is gently pushed inside. He cries out with unexpected loudness. You moan out as it completely stuffs you. There's still so much that can't fit. He begins to thrust, and your brain just stops functioning for a moment.
○ He makes strange clicking noises alongside human moans and groans while you just cry from the foreign pleasure he's giving you so readily. You're going to cum a few times before he even begins to lay the eggs; walls beckoning his actions. Emmet's smile turns extremely venomous as the first egg travels down the shaft. Your body's first instinct is to reject the precious young, but the pressure from the ovipositer and your weakened state from multiple orgasms passes that over quickly. It's laid deep inside your body with a warm gush of liquid. Another is following not long after, then a third and a fourth and a fifth. You're an absolute mess from the sensation and Emmet is pressing loving kisses to your neck and murmuring reassurances.
○ One of his hands rubs your swelling stomach as his eggs come faster and faster down the shaft. You cum again from the sudden bombardment, which moves the eggs quicker once again. You look heavily pregnant by the time he's finished pumping you full of his young. One last gush of warm liquid has you cry out from overstimulation. His ovipositer is retracted, and he's cooing over how full you are. You're, unfortunately, a bit brain-dead at the moment. You feel him begin to cocoon you as he usually does during the night. “Sleep, darling,” he spindles his web across your chest, careful not bind you too tightly (as to not hurt his growing young or you), “I'll take care of everything you'll need.”
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planetdream · 3 years
𓂃✩ ⸝⸝. ֺ ָ ֙⋆ ་ lazy afternoons with kai
this post contains; fluff 🥺
requested !
💌thank you to the lovely anon who requested this! hope u guys like this ! the request was just too cute i couldn't stop writing lol the vibes kinda escalated ahah.
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i think that kai likes these days (or nights) where he can just do nothing with you. just the both of you in each other's space, and sometimes you're not interacting with each other socially. just a touch or a kiss here or there. sometimes so engulfed in your phones that you kinda forget you're not alone in the room.
these days typically follow the both of you waking up well after noon, deciding to forgo whatever plans you had made the previous day. instead opting to shuffle sleepily to the living area to plop yourselves on the couch and in front of the television. and often, these afternoons turn quickly to late nights, snuggled against each other watching whatever movie or series marathon you decided to start earlier. likes to wrap you up in blankets and cuddles you like that.
kai will also attempt to get you up and outside too, telling you that the both of you need to make a quick snack run and that the convenience store isn't too far away (it's a few blocks away), promising to buy whatever food you're craving. when you get back he orders pizza because "pizza is perfect for lazy days like this".
also gets you to play video games with him, promises you kisses if you win (but you have to do the dishes for a week if you lose). when you bring up how he doesn't have a penalty for if he loses, he simply laughs about how he won't lose. sometimes loses on purpose so that he can shower you in kisses because he loves the way you scrunch up your nose at how his lips tickle your face. loves to hear your laugh and how you push him away when his hands come up against your sides to tickle you.
"do you ever think about us a few years from now? how different we'd be?" he'd ask. sometimes he could get a bit serious out of nowhere.
"sometimes," you'd answer. a partial lie, you think about your future together often.
you both would leave it at that. not wanting to scare each other with your various thoughts on what the future may hold for the both of you. there's a limit that you're both cautious about, not wanting to breach past it and make the other uncomfortable. but there's a mutual understanding in how your hands squeeze each other.
kai would be lying if he said his favorite part about spending lazy days with you wasn't the impromptu naps you took together on the couch. you'd drift off asleep first, comforted by the warmth that kai supplies you. he'd notice and plant a kiss on your forehead before joining you in dreamland, snuggling up against you. there's something about taking a nap together that strengthens your bond, but he can't seem to put his finger on it.
he often wakes up first. staring at you while you sleep, and he hopes to god that you don't notice him as he doesn't want to creep you out. he's not going to lie, he's taken pictures of you sleeping. something about your sleeping form is so captivating to him — you're at peace with everything and you're surroundings. you're comfortable enough with him to fall asleep and allow him to protect you from the outside world.
you're so attractive and pretty, he just wants to give you the entire world plus the sun and the stars. he'd give you the entire universe if you asked for it. a part of him doesn't understand these feelings that he has towards you, but what he does know is that you mean everything plus more to him.
when you wake up, he'll fake as if he's also still sleeping or as if he's doing something else. but when he looks at you he's so captivated.
"good morning sleepyhead," he jokes. "would you like to continue our movie marathon or do something else?"
it's lazy days like this that keep him held together. on days like these, he truly feels like he can do anything.
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baroquebucky · 3 years
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soulmate au where when you touch your soulmate you see glimpses of your future with them; the winter soldier touches you and realizes there’s so much more out there
series masterlist // previous // next
part three
word count: 2.3k
a/n: hi bffs !!! here is the third installment for my soulmate au !! i think I’ll make one or two more parts and then end it ! let me know what you guys think i love reading your thoughts !! <3 (bonus points if u find all the parallels heh)
You didn’t hesitate throwing your arms around him, tears flowing down your cheeks as you held onto him tightly. Bucky held you just as tight, burrowing his face in your shoulder and a smile on his face.
Bucky felt home. He felt the way he imagined the smell of freshly baked cookies would feel, he felt warm and fuzzy. Bucky felt happy.
“i- where have you been what happened i thought- we all- oh my god steve he’s been going crazy and-” you rambled, a smile on your face. You looked at bucky, he was just as tall as your remembered, his eyes a bit brighter and you felt your heart flutter.
“oh come in!” You chuckled, pulling him by his metal arm into your home, a smile on your face as you led him to your living room.
“i never introduced myself” he spoke, eyes on the ground as you prepared two cups of hot chocolate. You looked at him, laughing lightly.
“guess you didn’t huh” you replied, taking out the cups and putting in some marshmallows before walking back over to the couch, setting the two cups on the table and turning to face him.
“I’m y/n” you smiled brightly, extending your hand out. Bucky grinned, shaking your hand and introducing himself.
“I’m bucky” you felt your face heat up as he smiled at you, much different from the last time when you looked at each other.
“does Steve know you’re here? that you’re you?” you questioned, eyeing him to try and get read on his body language. He shifted slightly, taking a sip of his hot chocolate.
“not really no, i-” he hesitated before fiddling with his hands and speaking up again, “ive been laying low, i just couldn’t stop thinking about you and the visions i saw” he spoke, blushing and you couldn’t stop the smile on your face.
“i couldn’t either” you replied, looking at him before looking at the way the marshmallows melted into the hot chocolate. “I was so worried these past couple of months, i tried helping steve and Sam but it was so much and we were getting no where” you mumbled, heart falling as you thought of all your fruitless efforts.
Bucky noticed the way your voice trembled as you spoke and how you grilled the mug a little tighter. He felt his chest tighten.
“I’m here now doll” he spoke softly, moving to put your mug down and pulling you to his chest, wrapping his arms around you tightly.
You relaxed into his touch, tears welling in your eyes once more, you let yourself lean into him, closing your eyes for a second and enjoying his embrace.
“i missed you so much, can’t believe i could miss someone i didn’t even know that much” you laughed, sniffling lightly as you pulled away
“we’re soulmates dollface, we’re meant to be” he smiled softly at you and you nodded, a small smile as you wiped away a couple stray tears.
It was easy to fall into comfortable conversation with each other. All laughs and giggles as you spoke, the sun high in the sky already and the city wide awake despite it being early in the morning.
You so happy to have bucky with you, a smile on your face as you started to think of all you had to show him, thoughts of the future you had seen made you giddy with excitement.
“oh you have to meet Sam! The two of you would be so funny together bickering all the time- oh also there’s this coffee shop i really like, very quaint but-” you rambled, trying to fit in everything you wanted to tell bucky.
“I’m moving” bucky cut you off, a frown on his face as he glanced over at you. He focused his gaze on you, stomach dropping when you stared at him with a confused expression.
“like here? to New York?” You were quiet, knowing that’s not what he meant. Bucky but his bottom lip in frustration before turning to you with sad eyes.
“romania, i cant be here- not while HYDRA is still out there and I’m wanted for everything I’ve done” bucky frowned. Your heart broke in your chest, you wanted to curl up and cry.
You just got him back. You had lost him twice already, you weren’t sure if you could handle a third.
“you can’t- i just got you back you can’t go” you shook your head, eyes watery already. You held his hand tightly and bucky wanted to badly to stay.
“i have to” he whispered, “you know i do.”
And you did, you knew this was his best chance and you had to let him go. You knew how painful it would be and how much you would miss him. You thought about the amount of time you had cried at night, wishing you could get to the future already.
But you also knew you would get your happy ending, you knew at some point in your life you would be happily in love and laughing in a meadow of flowers watching a sunset with him. And that’s what you held onto.
“promise me you’ll come back to me” you whispered, scooting closer to him, his hands still in yours.
“I always will doll” he smiled, slipping his hand out of yours and placing it softly under your chin, tilting your head so you could look at him. Your watery eyes met his baby blue ones, you swore they sparkled slightly.
“don’t worry your pretty head doll, we still have forever to be happy” he smiled, leaning in slightly. Bucky stopped centimeters away from your lips, your heart racing at his actions, you wanted nothing more than to kiss him.
“may i?” He whispered. You didn’t reply, instead you crashed your lips onto him. It was needy and rough, your teeth hitting each other at one point but you didn’t care. It felt like your heart were beating in sync, you felt whole.
You both pulled away, breathless before laughing lightly, your hair messy from his hands tugging at it. Bucky ran his hand through his hair, a charming smile on his face as you two regained your composure.
“if you kiss me like that again i don’t think I’ll let you go” you teased, heart heavy as he frowned slightly.
“what if i kiss you like this” he mumbled, softly placing his lips back onto yours. It was much gentler, softer and sweet. Your hand easily finding its way to his hair, fingers cascading through his soft hair. Bucky smiled into the kiss, giving you a soft peck before pulling away.
“you’re gonna be the death of me” you whispered, heart thumping in your ears. Bucky smiled at you sweetly, pulling you into his arms and holding you.
You wiggled a bit, laying your head on his chest and listening to his heartbeat, your eyes closing and falling asleep before you could even fight to stay awake.
Bucky woke you up at around 1 pm, shaking you gently. Your eyes opened slowly and you realized you were back in your bed, tucked in under your blanket.
“i waited a bit before bringing you back to bed, didn’t wanna wake you again” bucky smiled and you laughed, sitting up and yawning, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
“i got some food for us, figured you’d be hungry” bucky spoke, rubbing the back of his neck nervously as you walked out of your room when you finished brushing your teeth and changing out of your pajamas.
You looked at bucky with a smile on your face, bounding over to him and tackling him with a hug, kissing his cheek. You silently thanked the universe for giving you bucky as your soulmate as the two of you talked while you ate.
Bucky had never felt so at ease, he wasn’t worried about someone kicking his door down or having to keep running. All he could focus on was the way you would smile anytime he laughed and the way you blushed when your eyes would meet.
The two of you spent the day together, cuddled up on the couch and watching a movie, just like you had seen the first time the two of you ever touched. You smiled to yourself while bucky focused on the movie, his hand mindlessly drawing circles on your arm as he held you. This was how it was meant to be, your soulmate by your side and the feeling of home.
But nothing ever seems to go as it should. By the time night came you were saying goodbye, both of you teary eyed as he held you tightly, not wanting to go but know he had to.
It had taken an hour to move from the couch to halfway to the door, both of you crying messes with soft giggles trying to cheer each other up.
Finally you had reached the door, both of you going through too many tissues and looking at each other with teary eyes and matching pink noses.
“before i go” bucky turned, pulling away from the handle and into his jacket pocket, you could hear the jingling of metal. “I want you to have these, until we can be together again” he smiled, holding out his dog tags.
You didn’t know what to say, tears flowing down your cheeks again as you looked at him. Bucky hugged you, letting you cry into his chest for a moment before you calmed down.
“are you sure buck? I mean they must mean so much to you” you looked at him and he smiled, nodding before easily putting them on you, his heart fluttering as he took in the sight of them on you.
“I’ll see you soon dollface” Bucky smiled, kissing your temple and you nodded, hands clutching his dog tags.
“see you soon lovebug, I’ll be waiting here for you” you smiled, loving the way he blushed at the new nickname.
When you found out about steve finding him in Romania you acted surprised, guilt washing over you for hiding the information from your friend but you knew it’s what bucky wanted.
You offered to go help him and Sam on the rescue mission but they stopped you, telling you it was best for you to stay out of this one. You wanted to argue but you couldn’t blame them, you had been a wreck after bucky left, barely sleeping and crying over your soulmate.
You didn’t expect the bombing at the UN, bucky being framed and the whole team falling out. You had been in New York the whole time, skipping out on the meeting with the accords because you just so happened to have the flu that week.
“oh yeah stay home i can’t afford you getting everyone sick” tony has spoken over the phone, hanging up on you, a frown on your face. Not ten minutes later did you get a notification saying food was being delivered to your house, nice warm soup along with some medicine to help you feel better.
You least expected steve flying you out to wakanda, eyes wide as you took in all the technology, heart thumping in your chest knowing bucky would be right around the corner.
You felt your heart stop as you saw him in a white tank top, running up to him and wrapping your arms around him. Your cheeks hurt from how much you were smiling and bucky held you tightly with his right arm, leaning into your touch.
“oh doll I’ve missed you so damn much” he mumbled, a smile on his face as the two of you held each other for the first time in months.
“missed you so much more james” you spoke breathless, pulling away before placing a gentle kiss on his lips, the two of you smiling and resting your foreheads against each other.
“y/n-” you pressed your lips to his, quieting him. Pulling away you looked at him with love in your eyes, heart racing as he smiled at you softly.
“Steve already told me” you explained, knowing how much it would pain him to tell you. Bucky nodded, his lips curling into a gentle smile as he looked at you. His eyes landed on the outline of his dog tags under your shirt.
“you still have ‘em on” he whispered his eyes soft and his heart melting as you nodded.
“I never take them off lovebug” you replied, holding his hand in your as he smiled up at you. Steve placed a hand on your shoulder signaling it was time.
You stepped away from bucky, his hand holding onto yours tighter, not wanting to let go. You made sure you kept his hand in yours, interlacing your fingers.
“You sure about this?” Steve spoke up and bucky nodded, a tight smile on his face as his eyes flickered between the two of you.
“i cant trust my own mind,” he chuckled dryly, “until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head i think going back under is the best thing” he looked at you with a soft smile, “for everybody.”
You squeezed his hand, nodding your head softly. “don’t worry lovebug, I’m yours forever” you whispered, a smile on your face as he recognized the phrase as the same on you had spoke to him in the flashes when you first touched.
“I’m yours forever, doll” Bucky spoke, kissing your temple before slipping his hand out of yours, and stepping into the machine.
You stood next to Steve as the machine whirred, looking away as it froze over. Steve put his arm around you, leading you away.
You held onto the memories you had made months ago in your apartment. You held onto the flashes you had gotten of the two of you having a picnic in the meadow, giggling with the sunset in the background.
You held onto bucky, your hope.
taglist !
@felicityofbakerstreet @newyork47 @classygirlything @ebxny27 @hhaydenn @miaangel24 @shawnie--jo @quinnmaddie @mugscraps @bucky-32557038 @marvelfansworld @hey-there-angels @buckys2thicc @groovyvalentine
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