#also they bring their instruments everywhere because i said so?
bearieio · 1 year
ellie w. hcs :3
bc im seeing them everywhere and i need to put in my 2¢. thank you. (also not proofread :P)
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⋆ biggest hayley kiyoko fan for like 3 years (the intro to ‘girls like girls’ was her ringtone when she was 14). would beg joel to take her to random record stores that they passed by just to see if they had any hayley kiyoko cds.
⋆ because of joel, she listens to a lot of 70s-90s dad rock. 
⋆ can’t drive for shit. like literally she’s not allowed to drive without her glasses
⋆ she needs glasses btw. she doesn’t wear them because she’s already too much of a loser. but when she does where them, you tease her endlessly about them. 
⋆ can and will sleep on the floor whenever prompted. no blankets, no pillows needed. just her and the floor.
⋆ isn’t allowed to drink any sort of energy drinks on account of a previous incident that had to do with about 3 cans of redbull and 2 large cans of the ‘Java Monster.’
⋆ isn’t allowed to own small pets (like gerbils, guinea pigs, hamsters, etc.) because she’d definitely forget about them. 
⋆ owns big dogs. great danes, newfoundlands, irish wolfhounds, mastiffs, st bernards, YOU NAME IT, SHE HAS IT (or has had it)
⋆ when she’s older, i feel like she’d be like one of those white people who has 192793999 dogs for no reason 
⋆ since her mannerisms are so much like joels, you guys argue playfully all the time about how things should be done, often bringing others into it too. 
“jesse, tell her!” he flips her phone screen around to reveal a very tired jesse, “it’s 1AM, ellie-“ 
⋆ i feel like at random times, she’ll just grab your boob(s). i don’t know why and you’ve never said anything about it, so she hasn’t stopped…… very handsy….
⋆ audibly goes “honk honk!” almost every time she gives ‘em a squeeze.
⋆ she’s a really sloppy kisser. not like boy-sloppy, but like the hot, messy, girl sloppy bc that sounds better and honestly i think her kisses would be the best.
⋆ she was one of those kids who’d eat dirt and find bugs all the time
because of this, she’s the designated bug killer/bug-getter-outter…. idk
⋆ she’s the worst drunk you know.
like literally sssoooooooooo messy oh my god. but you love her nonetheless :)
she’s soo clingy, and, touchy (like more than usual), but also much more emotional and sensitive than usual when she’s drunk or when she’s sick.
⋆ ellie tends to be quite difficult when she’s sick. BUT! you make it work bc you love her and she loves you :>
when you bring ellie her favorite drink from her favorite coffee shop, you literally have to fight her to be able to get out the front door. when you get up to serve her lunch, you’ve got to peel her off of you because she refuses to let you leave her side. when you go and get the medicine she says she doesn’t need…. you guessed it, she fights for you to stay in bed next to her.
“babe, what if i die right here, when you leave- like- BABE PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME-“ she bewails, crossing her arms and huffing at the sight of you leaving her.
⋆ when you catch her playing her guitar, she sometimes gets all shy and plays the wrong chords n stuff. 
“don’t LOOK! >:(” she says, gripping the body of her guitar, glaring in your direction.
“oh!- okay” you say, throwing your hands up in a playful manner, giggling. 
⋆ but the times where she’s not shy about playing in front of you, she’ll ask you if you want to play.
“do you uh- maybe wanna play? i could teach you” she suggests, gesturing toward the stringed instrument.
but then after, she’d tease you about your finger placement :(
“i said the fourth fret, girl, not the second, or, the third!” she says, in between laughs.
“well fourth from the top or the bottom?!” you scoffed, looking at her, still puzzled.
she knows your trying your best but it’s still fun to poke at you when she can >:)
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constructive criticism is appreciated !!!
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moonbyulsstuff · 4 months
Soo could I request a Yakuza (yansim) x male reader?
M!reader is Rybarus older brother, and one day ayanos busy/sick (you get to pick) and M!reader has to bring one of the students they picked for the ransom to him (the Yakuza got notified before hand, if you pick that she's busy than Rybaru informs the Yakuza the day before)
M!reader is described as naturally handsome/beautiful, oh and m!reader can be kinda flirty and he usually wears clothes with boob windows, you can pick if the also has the "love sick dom" that the Aishi family has.
Oh~ I'm All Yours Darlin'
Male Reader
Request Rules
Now, I know the Yakuza doesn't have a official name yet so I made one up just for him. His name is Kenji.
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Kenji waited in the back alley as usual, he was waiting for Ryoba but apparently she couldn't come because her daughter, Ayano became sick. So her older brother would be the one to come.
He inhaled the cigarette and blew it, waiting for the man. Then he heard footsteps step into the alleyway as he turned and saw a man, he squinted his eyes and he could see the resemble between the man and Ryoba. He walked away from the wall and looked at him.
"I guess you are... Ryoba older brother..? I presume.."
Kenji asked as the man let out a deep chuckle and nodded, surprising Kenji. He had a small smirk that could resemble Ryoba sweet but sinister smile. "Yes, I'm Ryoba older broher, and Ayano uncle. My name is [Name] Aishi, Kenji right?" He said as he put the huge instrument box down.
He nodded as he approached [Name]. "I guess the girl is inside, right?" Kenji asked looking at the instrument box, [Name] nodded while Kenji took the time to get a good look at the man in front of him.
He had the usual dark hair with black blank eyes, and with a smirk. He was wearing a black buttoned shirt that had two unbuttoned shirts that showed off his chest with black matching formal pants and dress shoes, with looks like that, he could have girls or men falling over his feet.
[Name] noticed that Kenji was staring at him as he let out a deep chuckle and leaned close to Kenji face catching him off guard. "Admiring the view, perhaps?" [Name] teased as Kenji rolled his eyes and looked away.
"Just taking a good look, nothing all."
[Name] just laughed as he licked his lips while staring at Kenji. "You sure? Just taking a good look and not admiring the view at least?" He teased Kenji who scoffed and rolled eyes.
"Don't get your ego a bit too much."
Ever since that day, Kenji has seen [Name] everywhere he goes. To the park, on his way to a meeting, just everywhere. It was creeping Kenji out, which was a weird thing especially for a man who is the leader of a yakuza.
"You keep following me everywhere." Kenji said to [Name] who was still smirking even after Kenji caught him in the bathroom of his own house. "Even in my house, how did you even know where I live?" Kenji said, growing annoyance.
"A secret~"
[Name] winked as he immediately pinned Kenji against the bathroom, towering over Kenji at the process. "Sorry darling, you are just too cute~ Ever since the day we met, I can't keep you out of my mind." [Name] said, blush across his face and lovesick eyes.
Kenji eyes widened as he saw the look on [Name], he scoffed and immediately kicked [Name] in the calf causing him to yelp and kneel down in the ground. "You're a creep you know that right? Following me and sneaking inside my own house, I could kill you right now if I wanted to." Kenji said gripping [Name] hair.
But the look on [Name] face caught Kenji off guard, he was panting heavily and the blush on his face grew and the lovesick eyes he held didn't disappear. "Yes, you can kick, scream, and even spit at me. Do whatever you want with me." [Name] said as Kenji was creeped out but something ignited inside of him.
The way [Name] was pleading and the look on his face really ignited something inside of Kenji, his grip on [Name] hair tightened causing [Name] to groan.
"Wow... you really are something huh.." Kenji said as he let go of his hair and tilted [Name] chin as he looked at Kenji like he was some sort of god. "I guess... I could keep you around.." [Name] face lightened as his eyes turned bright of love.
"You might be worth keeping around."
Sorry that I haven't posted awhile HAHAHHA, school has been hectic but now that school is over. I will get back to posting the requests people have sent me... for like.. last year and last last year.. I have been slacking off...
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gamerbearmira · 6 months
More resident Evil stuff!
Antonio 1000% tries to follow Mirable everywhere she goes! And as much as Mirable would love to bring him to the meeting she doesn't want to expose him to Miranda anymore than she has too she's the most protective of Antonio because of his age(it also helps that his adorable and is the sweetest little boy ever) he does follow her everywhere in the house and if she's taking a trip to the village or the orphanage he joins her 9 times out of 10. The only time his not allowed to follow her is when shes going down to her lab in the house or when she's going to a religious service in town.
Of course I have Bruno! in my universe a little bit after Mirabel went missing he came out of the walls to try and help find her he helped with the search and after 4 months when they called off the search because it was clear she wasn't in the area he kept trying to have visions but he just kept seeing the black mold and he couldn't make sense of it. He did keep the original vision hidden in fact before he came back he snuck into his old room and found it and completely destroyed his old vision so no one would know(he was still scared of Alma's reaction.) he also refused to tell what was in the old vision that made him leave.
Mirable tries to keep her family away from the religious aspect of the village she's uncomfortable with the fact that she's worshiped and the whole cult that is the village. Of course the family does find out and they're all very uncomfortable with the idea of Mirable being worshiped and the fact that they are viewed as higher beings by the townsfolk because of the relationship they have with Mirable.
Miranda isn't always punishing Mirable, in fact Maribel out of all of the Lords gets the least amount of punishments the difference is that Mirabel's punishments in comparison to the other Lords are much more severe because more is expected out of her. Miranda actually often tries to force weird little dinners/lunches or tea parties onto Mirabel as well as getting her the odd gift of needles,instruments,paints/art supplies and oddly enough toys still, she views mirabel as younger than she is. Mirable gives the toys to the orphanage and then later Antonio after cleaning them (they sat in a bucket of disinfected for days almost a week then were scrub down).
I haven't actually thought about where Miranda made Mirable experiment on each family member and how that would physically affect them. All I know is that they wouldn't have too many mutations because the miracle protects them from it but in return for that their powers act pretty wonky like sometimes they'll work sometimes they won't and it's kind of up in the air when they do and when they don't. I think she might have made Mirable experiment on dolores's ears and maybe her mother's hands but everyone else I'm not entirely sure. I would actually like your opinion on that matter I do like the idea of Antonio and his eye.
Alcina has invited Mirable and her entire family to the castle for visits, let's just say it was very tense the first time that they actually did go to visit. The sisters were glaring at all of the family the entire time and being pretty passive aggressive/borderline threatening with the family and kinda possessive of Mirable. Alcina was being nicer in comparison she was also glaring though but not at the entire family just at Julieta she was being less passive aggressive but still passive aggressive but she wasn't being borderline threatening and was acting less possessive of Mirabel then the girls were though that was because she was restraining herself. They all were of course constantly calling the men in the family "man things" though they were a little bit nicer than they would have normally been and said that "they didn't seem to be as pest like most men".
Glad Antonio follows Mirabel around, and it’s understandable why she wouldn’t bring him to meetings. Even for how much he begs, she still says no. She’s just not willing to take that risk 😭 also Mirabel keeping her family away from all that worshipping stuff is. So true because Miranda is CRAZY and honestly the service are probably really weird, knowing Resident Evil 😭
ALSO BRUNOOOOO LETS GOOOO 🌚🌚 him coming back to look for her, nice to see he cares so much <333 I feel bad that he couldn’t find her with the vision, I mean yeah, it was hinting her location, but like. He don’t know what the black mold is or where it is 🤠 the fact that he tried though is what counts.
Even if Miranda doesn’t punish her. If THAT is tamed, I feel bad and wonder what the others go through (besides what’s seen in the of game). Her viewing Mirabel as younger than she really is terrible like dawg she is??? 15. 16. Wrap it up 💀💀 but at least the gifts go to some use (after some through cleaning). And Alcina and her daughters need to take it down a notch 🌚 I understand that they are attached to her, but I feel like they haven’t realized they haven’t noticed that Mirabel prefers her family, even if she still does like them to some extent. Rip to the guys of the family 🧌 though I always found it funny with Lady D and her daughters called Ethan "man-thing". Idk why 💀
AS FOR THE EXPERIMENTS UHHHHH. Ok I'll try but feel free to switch it up, these are just suggestions/ideas <333
Ok so obviously Antonio was on his eye. Originally it was his mouth, but the black mold spread to his eye, rendering it essentially useless. Camilo, it really didn't affect him appearance wise, but by far, his gift is ALL out of wack, the worst of the family. He cannot control it, and if he tries to use it, he just?? Turns into something not very pleasant to look at. Kinda painful for him as well; the only thing I'd say he could turn into, ironically, is a Lycan, anything human will just. Look like a balck mold vicitim 👺 Dolores' ears kinda always have this ringing sound, and while she can still hear pretty far, it's just overall not a pleasant experience.
Isabela, quite literally, has vines wrapping around her. Like they are digging into her skin, and she can adjust them and they can move, but they never go away. Luisa's isn't as bad, but the nerves in her arm were taken over by the black mold, and she's kinda in constant pain, so she doesn't use her gift nearly as often; in her arms, you can see where the black mold took over her nerves 😭😭
Julieta's hands were experimented on; told by Miranda to Mirabel to do specifically. She wanted to fugure out if her gift could be taken, and if it could be used to revive people. Well, Julieta had a really BAD reaction to the mold, really bad, and her hands started to burn. They, on a day to day basis, will spontaneously combust at any given point, except when she's asleep. Her hands always look burned, and no matter how much of her own food she eats, it never really goes away. Pepa has a constant cloud, even when she's happy. It's not always thundering, so she never knows when lightning will strike; 9 times out 10, it'll strike her, so she has a lot of lightning scars, and the black mold prevents her from dying; her hair has started to turn white. Bruno's eyes were experimented on, and now he's kinda in this perpetual state of seeing the future (and sometimes the past??? Maybe). His eyes are always glowing and he gets bad migraines. His vision is actually hindered a bit and everything he sees has a green hue around it 🗿
Miranda didn't care too much about the husbands because they didn't have a gift, but you know. Agustín got punished because he was yelling and trying to argue with Miranda; he was experimented on, but it didn't really effect him appearance wise. Felíx actually had some reaction to the mold, but mentally it made him really jumpy, and he's just not as happy as he used to be, though he does try to be optimistic, and is still just as protective.
Alma, I'm actually not sure??? Miranda probably doesn't like her very much, Alma is always picking fights, verbally anyway, and Alma will often be caught just glaring at her. She was experimented on but. Idk, maybe on Miranda and Mirabel know how it truly affected her, physically. Unless you or someone else has an idea LMAOOO
I LOVE THIS AU AND I LOVE RESIDENT EVIL❗❗❗🙏🙏 probably gonna do art of whatever the next ask is (if you have one)
Also. If you have any writing ideas I'd totally love to write a snippet or something <33
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nattaphum · 2 years
Highlights from the Giffarine live ❤️
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When they introduced their names in chinese, Mile said the wrong name, he said Apo’s (ajdksks it’s not the first time happening) and his reaction is very cute:
Q: In the acting career, which role is the most challenging?
Apo: I think that Khem, that i play in Man Suang, is the hardest one because he’s a folk dancer. I had to cut my hair like this. (me: cries a river)
Apo asks Mile: Which habit/character do you like about me?
Mile: Is this a trick question to get me to compliment you? Haha, it's the attention to detail, and being a very focused person especially when working.
Host: Nothing about his looks/apperance?
Mile: The question is about personality, but he's handsome too....he's also very talented, especially in acting. He has the skills and focus
Apo: I'm getting flustered.... but it's all possible because of the team too
Q: What music genre do you like to play the most, and what music genre would you like to produce?
Mile: If it’s an instrument, it's the guitar, but i also like ambience sound with different instruments. If I were to produce, i’d produce blues and rock music, cause there's ambience element and it can become a great piece of art.
Q: Do you want to work together again?
Mile: That's it? Yes, yes, yes. That's really all? (omg so many yeses and so much enthusiasm dkasjkd)
Apo: Follow-up question is: what kind of work do you wanna do together?
Mile: We have the period film, but for the next one I’d like to do a horror/ghost movie.... i wanna be the ghost, it'd be cool.
Mile to Apo: Which city in China you want to go to the most?
Apo: The hardest question
Mile: Because you wanna go everywhere
Apo: True. I wanna go backpacking
Mile: Across the Great Wall
Apo: Yes, I really wanna go, did you go?
Mile: Not yet! (that’s an invite y’all!!!!!)
Q: Share something that no one knows that your shy about.
Apo: I think, many know this, but it's when I walk, I don't really look at where I'm going, so I would walk and trip or miss a step, and would find myself locking eyes with someone and it's very embarrasing. When I miss a step, I try to act cool.
Mile: For me, I like eating and trying new things. So on set, when there's food or when people bring food, I really want to eat it but i have wait or have to restrict myself. Like during KinnPorsche, I wanted to eat so much but i had to restrict myself, so I would sneak a few things. And people started teasing me saying I'm a bear. Po saw it too sometimes.
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Final bonus: sexy pose 🔥
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divine-misfortune · 1 year
Mushy May, day 5. Personal grooming.
Rating: Everyone
Pairing: Rain & Copia
Words: 693
Summary: Personal upkeep can slip through the cracks when there’s so much thrust onto someone at once. The Cardinal does what he can to make it easier.
Rain could have curled in on himself from the sharp edge of the Cardinal’s tone but instead he slunk into the bathroom and sat himself on the seemingly precarious wooden stool in the middle of the room. It creaked under his weight. He folded his hands in his lap and subtly began to pick at a loose thread on his knee.
“You don’t need to-“ he started to whisper, throat dry. 
“Ah, but I do, pioggia…I can’t have my ghouls walking around in such disarray. It reflects poorly on me, but also you seem to be in need of the help.” 
Needles of cold shame pricked up his spine as Copia attempted to run his fingers through the water ghoul’s hair. A sharp tug on his scalp earns a wince as the man snags against a knot. Copia makes a soft and apologetic sound. In the mirror, Rain could see his brow furrow as he assessed the rats nest in front of him. 
It was the burn of humiliation in his cheeks that dragged Rain’s gaze to the tile floor. 
The time he’d spent topside had not been easy. He was run ragged, pulled every which way. Everywhere he looked, there was a new expectation to meet. The poor water ghoul was dead on his feet before the days could even come to a conclusion. It was exhausting, it was scary, and he couldn’t keep up. 
To say he felt inadequate was an understatement, the space he’d been set to fill was impossibly big despite the previous bassist being, well…Not very big. It was daunting. He wanted to crawl back to the pits and stay there where he couldn’t prove to be a disappointment. Most nights, he could barely bring himself to eat his dinner. Trying to care for himself was the last thing on his mind. It was all precious time he could be using to learn the instrument they’d thrust upon him. 
“I’ve noticed” Copia began as he retrieved something from the cabinet above the toilet “you haven’t been very present, during practice, meals, mass.” Rain braced himself for a lecture, a warning. “This has been hard on you, no?” 
“Your summoning, your new place,” the man gestured vaguely with one hand as he returned to the place behind him. Rain looked up at the mirror to watch Copia. “There is much to adjust to, I know. Take me for instance, this is all new to me as well.” He took a comb and began to work at a particular knot in his hair as gently as he could, Rain knew it wouldn’t be pleasant. “I cannot say this has come easy to me either.”
“But you make it look…I don’t know, like, easy.” Rain said through grit teeth as Copia tugged a little too hard.
“I will let you in on a secret, ghoul…It’s all pretending. None of this is easy. You never got to see any of the Papa’s in their prime, but they left quite the shoes to fill. I could never hope to be them, so I instead hope to be me.”
“I don’t - Fuck! Ow!” He yelped and jerked away, reaching to rub at his poor abused scalp. “I don’t get why you’re telling me this.” 
“Because, we are both confused of our place here and that’s okay. But I’m afraid that allowing yourself to fall into despair because of that fact, is not. It won’t always be this formidable, and if it is, it is not something you have to stomach in silence.”
Rain ran his tongue over the inside of his teeth and looked back down to his hands. Copia’s eyes were kind, his voice was genuine, and he didn’t know what to make of it.
“You trust me, don’t you?”
“I mean…Yeah but,”
“Then continue to trust me. You must only have faith in Satanas, me, and yourself or none of it means a thing. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Cardinal.” 
“Very good, now sit still. This is…” He gave another tug at a snag, “going to take some time.” 
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kisaraslover · 8 months
Do you think Kisara has any hobbies besides sitting in Kaiba's lap?
Well i like to look at established Kisara to draw out more traits so first things first is the dragonic nature. I think Kisara deeply enjoys nature and solitude and sitting in the sun. I dont mean this like camping either, from ancient Egypt we see Kisara already has unusual resistance to exposure to elements, with something godly in her veins so i think she might be really zen watching birds to flowers to the sky and basking her place in all this. We all have a passing moments of "everything IS everywhere all at once, all is one, one is all" but i think it would be a constant presence in her. she swings between "oblivious to life weird ass woman" and "enlightened higher being" VIOLENTLY. Meditating would be grounding to her, in the opposite way to all other people meditating.
and then music. dragons are a kind of bird <3 dont look that up. i think Kisara has an uncanny aptness when it comes to music. one of those people who can pick up any instrument and play a simple tune on it. i dont think she has a remarkable singing voice at all though. embodies "people sing because they want to not because they are good at it" hums gently music she likes. if she tries to seriously sing along to a difficult song her voice cracks loserly. she laughs and continues yknow? its still Seto's favorite and if he catches sound of her humming before entering a room, he waits outside to listen for a couple secs. its his secret no one needs to know shhhh. ALSO the fic Paper Roses has piano player Kisara and the romance is served so well by Kisara giggling while placing Seto's hands on the right keys so.
making things with your hand is a very grounding practice for anyone struggling to stay in the moment and stay present and i just cant move past these very artistic but expensive looking hobbies from youtube shorts -tries not to cry about capitalism locking the public out of arts- so after getting that Kaiba Money she'd just go "i always wanted to try glass art btw" and seto goes "?????. thats. alright ok. go for it"
im really conflicted on many "hobbies" and what makes them hobbies but if we work with the basis "how you spend your day is how you spend your life" i think she'd really be the least online person. the activies above WOULD be very frequent but i think Kisara spends her most days, ironically enough, socializing. she'd be talking to employees (important business) or talking to employees (just chatting lol) out with friends of all kinds and trades, Mokuba and his friends or Seto and HIS friends, or most surreal one, Seto and HER friends. shes the kind of awkward person who listens more than they speak, with her own charms and difficulties, thankfully when you try enough you can find people you can get along with. very endearing on the line of strange, bringing out peoples protective sides which is why she would gather Mom Friends and Bossy Bitches and Protective Eldest Siblings faster than you can say her name. while i characterize both Kisara and Seto as kind of introverted, i think Kisara would be charged with a thirst to know and understand humanity (both result of godly roots and alienated youth) so if her luck turned around after meeting Seto i think she'd build quite the social circle, not even realizing how many people shes getting close to at first. Seto's socializing would be more acknowledging part of healing means creating support systems, opening up to people -to whatever extent he can- surrounding himself with people who he cares about and who care about him in return, and definitely less easier than her collecting friends.
SO YEAH! sorry for the LONG ASS reply, i think Kisara is adopted by many Extroverts and on the time off she goes into her workshop does fuck all (DEF made a wooden dildo to see Seto's reaction. mokuba laughed his ass off thinking it would perplex him. he took one look at it and said its a pathetic cock and he could nude model for her. no ones laughing now.....)
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pokegalla · 2 years
Hey! i wanted to ask the skele brothers from undertale, underswap or horrortale finding out that their s/o goes out every night in hiding and when they went to see where he/she was going they found out that he/she is a singer who sings many different types of music?
Heyo! I’ll do my best! I won’t do my usual mini story time though cause that’s a lot of characters….and it’s all the same scenario so I don’t want it to be repetitive so I hope that’s alright!
Undertale/Swap/Horrortale bros with a secret singer!S/o
Undertale bros
* You trying to be secretive around this guy? Oh he’s noticed the odd behavior. He just doesn’t mention it. At first it was because well it’s your business and he doesn’t want to be nosy. Buuuuut he’s getting very worried the more nights you disappear.
* Eventually he’ll ask you what’s up. His worry kinda shines through when he explains that he’s worried you might be in trouble. And he admits he’s a little upset you won’t tell him. At this point you just gotta comfort him.
* After he does, you decide to bring him to the area you hide in: a hotel. He’s a little confused on where you’re taking him but imagine his shock seeing your room. INSTRUMENTS EVERYWHERE. Music sheets, a recording studio, even a flyer of an upcoming concert.
* The moment he saw your name on the flyer, everything just clicked. No WONDER you couldn’t tell him. Or anyone for that matter. He apologizes but you tell him he did nothing wrong and you’re happy to have such a caring bone-friend.
* (Oooooo you know that boi is as blue as a blueberry after you said that-)
* I imagine this guy is not worried. But he is very curious. Like what do you do at night? Puzzles? Karaoke? Why is HE not joining you in all the possible fun?! He tries following in an amazing camouflaged costume! …..which is just him crouching and hiding behind a branch he found.
* You’re just confused on how you’re supposed to tell him that you know it’s still him but it’s also so funny you can’t stop holding in your laugh. You snap take a picture to text it to Sans (Sans: lol).
* Eventually you two end up at the hotel and finally you tell him you see him. “I Have Been Spotted! The Great Papyrus’s S/o Has Amazing Senses! As They Should!” You giggle and invite him inside. There he is mesmerized by the many instruments. He toyed with a few before finding a flyer with your name on it. At first he didn’t realize it was YOUR concert so he said you both should go! When you explained to him, his sockets were widen.
* “Nyeh?! Really?! T-Then I Will Be Your Number 1 Fan!” You both enjoy a moment and play with a few more instruments together.
Underswap bros
* You probably think he never noticed. Oh boi he does. He’s a bag of mixed feelings. Like he’s curious on where you go, worried, and also a little upset you won’t tell him though he deduced you would tell him if something is wrong so he’s also a bit relieved that’s not the case. He gets dizzy just thinking about all this.
* So what does he do next time you go to disappear? He gets tactical and goes for an attack!!! Meaning he holds your hand and will not let go until you take him to wherever the hell you go at night. It’s cute, melts your heart, and he has a fucking DEATH GRIP (not hurting you of course but that don’t mean you’re hand is going anywhere-). Yeah you assed out.
* He lets go once at the hotel and was surprised to see so many instruments. He asks a bazillion questions before seeing the flyer….and completely freaking out, especially you bumping into something saying an ‘ow’. He runs back to you to make sure your hand is ok, tearing up about how he could have ruined your whole concert AND hurt you?! Just flick his forehead with the same hand to show him you’re fine and kinda punishment. After all the concert WAS a surprise.
* He apologizes profusely but is glad he didn’t hurt you. You both end up having a sleepover together.
* Now I can’t….’stretch’ this out enough (PUNS MOTHERFUCKER-) but he’s probably the few ones who waited until the damn concert day. Now it’s not because he didn’t care about it.
* In fact, he was super worried! Who wouldn’t be worried about their S/o fricking disappearing at night?! So he just simply asked you if anything was wrong or if you were in any trouble. When you said no, he examined your facial expressions and body movement. You were completely chill. No hint of hesitation or fear. And he was alright with only that. Why? He trusts you! (Not saying the others don’t they just worrywarts-). Though he does keep checking on you. Just in case!
* On the concert day, he was pretty surprised to see you as the composer. But he now understands why you were hiding all those nights. It was like a huge relief if he had to admit. He enjoyed the show and went backstage to give you a big hug!
* “Thanks for the show, honeybun. Keep me updated for more future shows.“ (a little hint to discreetly tell you not to hide anymore secrets in the future.) He went to every show and you made sure to at least tell him where you’ll be staying at for the night.
Horrortale bros
* He’s a tough cookie to crack. You can almost never tell what he’s thinking. Though honestly it’s no mystery that he’s extremely worried about you whenever you disappear at night. You can tell by the lingering stares he gives you when you leave. You reassure him but he doesn’t say much.
* And you HAVE caught him following you. It’s ironic but this huge skellie is frighteningly good at making no noise and hiding. But his glowing red eye at night is kind of a dead giveaway. Where’s Wally? Nah this is Where’s Bone-friend? He chuckles and scratches the back of his skull “Sorry….you’re a real catch.” A small pun and flirt that was pretty adorable. You felt bad sending him away so you just invite him in.
* He was very curious about all the instruments and reacted like a freaked out cat upon hearing the noise, slightly hissing at it. You calmed him down and held him closely as you played the ocarina. The tune was much softer so it made Horror relax that much faster. So fast that he fell asleep.
* You smile and snuggle with him. You’ll tell him about your upcoming concert later.
* Baby boi. He is constantly worried about you. But he also doesn’t want to bother you or be intrusive. He is literally battling his own concerns. Luckily you notice his constant worried expression. You promise you’ll explain everything at the day of the concert.
* He will wait for that day in anticipation and nervousness. Many thoughts go through his mind but for now he just makes sure you’re ok. Need any food? Drinks? He’ll at least send you away with some home cooked meals! (Don’t worry he’s been getting better with cooking and he’s actually pretty good!)
* Finally the day has come and have you ever seen a boyfriend look SO proud? This is a proud boyfriend moment as he watched you perform. My god his FACE bro. Completely enamored and entranced by your skill. By you! All that worrying and for what? To surprise him in the most amazing way ever.
* Expect him to always arrive with flowers and a kiss after every concert. And drinks of course! You must be thirsty after all! (He cares so much uvhcgugu. Author-Chan’s heart melting yo-)
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hydrochloric-hugs · 6 months
Chapter 2
They meet muahahaha *cringes* I'm gonna cry
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: food mention, general fear times, g/t. Additionally, while not shown in this chapter, this story will probably have non-sexual vore down the line.
Devon snorted.  He was trying to sleep, he just was, but there was this annoying blaring sound… wait-
He jumped up in his bed, instinctively reaching for his phone and swiping his finger across it until blessed silence.  Christ, he should really get a more pleasant alarm.  He took his phone and stretched before bringing it to his face. 7:30 am.
He groaned but stood, tossing the covers and not even pretending to make his bed.  His morning dragged until finally he had his coffee and sat down at his kitchen table, biology textbook open to a section on fish eyes.  Thrilling.
But no more procrastination, Devon had to have this book half memorized by the end of the week, and it was better than his last semester's coverage of genetics.  He shuddered at the memory.  He was seeing punnett squares everywhere for three days.
No, Devon mused, this is much better to read for hours.
Beck pumped his fist in the air. “Just when I lost hope!” He said to himself.  Most had cleared the vent, a couple just finishing negotiations.  Beck paid them no mind, for his prize sat in front of him.  He had been eyeing a new tool Mabel had designed, a variation on an archaic instrument of foraging, the hook and string.  It could dig into most any slight crack or imperfection on a surface, especially when properly sharpened.  Very useful in Tallulah's time and in his, but Mabel had something incredible.
He picked up his shiny new toy with reverence.  He'd say it looked like a crossbow if he'd ever seen one, an elastic band stretched by a bowed toothpick with a sort of cardboard barrel giving way to a molded handle.  The idea was to load the hook pulling the string back until it was caught on a small indent that could be pushed up by a mechanism attached to the handle.  The string would unravel from a spoke just beneath the barrel.
Beck ran his finger carefully along the metal of the four-pronged hook, safely secured in place by a second mechanism with a small crank at the top back of the device.  Mabel had originally made it to help her partner on foraging trips since their arms weren't as strong as they used to be, and they had no one younger in the colony.  Once everyone got one who needed one, however, the device proved useful to anyone foraging, arthritic or not.
Beck had never asked, not for lack of desire, but because he wanted to give something in return, even if Mabel asked for nothing.  So, he went on a daring journey into the nearest apartment to his home and bagged precious materials: extra soft cloth and sweet treats.  Things humans usually notice missing, things they're most likely to punish him for messing with.  It wasn't the most important or dangerous act, but one he at least felt equated the grappling hook in utility for her.  Technically the paper clips he also picked up the day before were most useful, but they were easy pickings from humans.  Mabel had an insatiable sweet tooth.
As the thrill of the exchange waned, however, he felt a certain emptiness coming on.  Andre had gotten cat whiskers for their partner, Mabel and told him.  Cat whiskers.  Beck had never even seen a cat in real life, let alone steal something off of one.  He only ever snuck around at the dead of night, scrambling for whatever scraps he felt like he could use.
He looked down at his grappling hook, tightened his hand around the trigger.  Tonight would be different.  No, today would be different.  He'd even go alone.
He packed his things, not even saying goodbye to the final barterers as he exited.
Once he brought something incredible, something they'd never seen, he will have earned his place, and everyone would think highly of him.  He'd give them something to be talking about for years to come.  He adjusted his pack strap, feeling the weight of the hook.  He had never felt so sure.
Classical music twinkled across the kitchen to where the forager stood on two shaky legs, peering over a cabinet ledge.  Tallulah is going to kill me.
The human was slumped over a book, head down, torso slowly shrinking and expanding.  Of course Beck would choose to do this while the occupant was home, and in the kitchen no less.  But Beck had to do something.  He'd been stuck the amateur that the community took care of for two years, he couldn't keep doing this.  He couldn't take it any longer.
Squeezing his eyes shut and imagining his prize, he took deep breaths.  I can do this.  Beck knew his goal the second he saw it: the book.  Taking a textbook scrap from right under a human's nose, literally?  They'd be talking about him for years.
The human snorted, started to snore.  Beck held his breath.  If I live to tell the tale, that is.
The breathing steadied, and Beck checked his route.  I'll stab my old hook into that crack, rappel down onto the counter, get my hook back, and hide behind the coffee maker.  Then I'll use my grappling hook to make a line from there to the table.  I can hide under the table with my hook if he wakes up then.  I can climb back with the paper I my mouth, climb back up, and start drafting my memoir!
The plan was foolproof, or as Tallulah would say, Beckproof.  He imagined her face (a while) after he got back, bursting with pride, never worrying about him again, and dug his hook in.
Devon bolted awake at the sound of ripping.  Had he slid and torn a page?  He was just resting his eyes while waiting for the coffee to kick in.  He rubbed his eyes and looked down.  He couldn’t get his deposit back if-
He froze.
A tiny man no bigger than the width of his palm was holding a corner of his text book off to the side, its hypotenuse shredded off.  It was staring back up at him, mouth agape.  His eyes were wide, and they darted to the side.  Suddenly, he was running for the edge of the table, page abandoned.
“Woah!”  Devon instinctively threw his hands around the figure.  The little guy’s inertia carried him, making him run into Devon’s hands and fall back.  The human closed his hands gently when he saw the creature jump up and try to climb his palm.  It was a strange sensation, moreso when the visitor started thrashing around in apparent distress.
That made Devon pause.  Was he hurt?  He parted his wrists, lowering his head for a better view.
“I-I’m sorry!” It can talk?!   Devon gasped.  The tiny being was cowering in his fingers, covering his head with trembling hands.  He looked just like a human, seemed to have the intelligence of one, but was only a few inches tall!  This was paradoxical!
“...What the hell was in my coffee?”  Devon mused, looking away for a moment.
“Ple-ease,” Devon’s attention snapped to the humanoid.  He squeaked, flinching. “I’ll do a-anything, just don’t hurt me!”
“What?”  Devon furrowed his brow. “No, no, I don’t want to harm you, did I a second ago?”  He tried to scan the man for injuries, but the way he was folded in on himself made it impossible.  Unsure of what else to do, he slowly pulled one of his hands back to his chest, slouching down further.  Hesitantly, he moved his remaining hand to be in front of the man and held out his index finger. “I’m sorry if I did.”
It took a bit of them sitting there awkwardly before the man looked up from his arms.  He was still shaking, and Devon frowned at the tears falling from his cheeks.  “Are you okay, little guy?”
He startled at the voice, but didn’t run.  Finally, “I-I’m okay…”
Devon sighed. “I’m glad.”  He remembered his finger was weakly pointed at the being and lightly coughed, folding it into his chest again. “Sorry for scaring you, uh…”  He glanced back at his damaged book. “I don’t suppose you’re magic and can put the page back like it was?”
The being followed his eyes and tensed again, started to pant. “I-I’m sorry, I can’t fix it, I’m really sorry!”
“It’s okay!” Devon smiled calmingly, “did you, uh, fall… on it?”
His breath picked up and tears gathered in his eyes again.
“Nevermind, it’s okay!”  He held his hands up in hopes to placate the poor thing but the man collapsed back into a ball with a yelp.  Devon tried to move in to comfort him, but his effort was only met with apologetic whimpers he couldn’t even really make out.
“Okay, uhhh…”  He bit his lip.  “Maybe we can start over.”  He straightened up only a little, nervously smiling.  “My name is Devon, what is your name?”  The miniature man continued to shiver. “If you…want.  You don’t have to, uh, give your name.  I guess.”
A beat.
“Well, uh, I was just listening to Mozart!”  He nodded his head at his phone. “Do you like…Mozart?”  Do you even know who that is?  He kicked himself.  One semester without roommates and all his social skills just–boom–out the window!  “Maybe you’d like some food?”
He saw the man perk up a little, just a flash of eye contact.
“I can get some food for you!  I, uh, don’t have much, but maybe you’d like some ramen?  Noodles?  Do you… know what that is?”
Despite Devon’s sputtering, he answered. “Are you sure?”
Devon grinned. “Yeah, uh, it’ll take a second, though, and I’ll have to move around a bit to get it.  I don’t want to scare you, buddy.”
That got him to uncurl himself just slightly. “Y-You don’t?”
“No, of course not.  I promise.”  He shuffled his feet under him. “Can I, uh, stand up and make the ramen?”
His breathing picked up and Devon froze. “Wh-What if I w-wanna leave?  Would you le-let me go?”
Devon’s expression turned quizzical.  “Absolutely.  Do you have some way down?  I could carry you if you want, but I have a feeling you’d rather go on your own.”
The man looked as if Devon had sprouted another head.
“Was was that the, uh, wrong answer?”
Without answering, he sat up, hugging his arms around himself.  His eyes bounced around the table top, and he seemed to be chewing his lip.  He said a word, but it was too small.
“I’m super sorry, but I didn’t catch that.”  Devon resigned himself to sit there for eternity until the person spoke up again.
“Beck,” he said, meeting his eyes with only a little terror, “my name is Beck.”
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This is probably a dumb or unanswerable question but your answer about George's songwriting has me thinking about it again and I really do want to know. I understand intellectually the where the line is between songwriting and arranging in terms of labor, but I don't really understand how they can be different skill sets? Isn't part of writing a song figuring out how all the pieces fit together? To me it sounds like writing without arranging would be similar to writing beautiful sentences without being able to construct a paragraph?
Preface: I kind of misread your question at first so sorry for saying some things you probably already know, just find this fun to talk about :( I love the journey of creating art!!!
Most songwriting happens with a single instrument at hand or even none. It generally involves coming up with the main melody, the words, the chords, and perhaps something like a guitar solo. Cause of this it doesn't involve much imagining because one can as a single person create the song on its own, and many great songs are strong even when stripped to their bare bones – not all, some songs live off their arrangement which is fine! I think this is true for a lot of pop music nowadays tbh.
Take the Esher demo of While My Guitar Gently Weeps! It's great and shows incredible skill in lyricism and melody building, it transitions from minor to major absolutely beautifully and would be performable just like this.
The song is fully written here, apart from a few lyrical changes. We have the full structure, all the chords, and a basic idea for a descending bassline, which I'd say toes the line between arrangement and songwriting.
Arranging is mapping out every other instrument in detail, the vocal harmonies, studio effects you might want to use, possibly even how loud everything is. It's much more holistic and multi-disciplinary I'd say, requires knowledge of instruments one might not play or requires cooperation between instrumentalists. It's also a lot more free I'd say. There's more types of sound than types of melodies in our music, I'd say (that might differ from something like classical Indian music which uses multiple tunings and uses microtones more liberally, while generally keeping to a specific set of instruments afaik)*
*feel free to correct me on this if you know more.
That brings us to the final version of the song:
Now we've added a piano intro, we've figured out the percussion, we've brought in backing vocals in some places (but not everywhere!), the bass has a full fledged part, the rhythm guitar isn't the same as in the Esher demo. Balancing all these pieces together is, I'd say, entirely different from matching lyrics to melodies and chords.
Sometimes the writing and arranging happen simultaneously, which can blur the lines a bit, but they're very distinct skills IMO. It's what distinguishes the songwriter from the producer profession nowadays (less so in the 60s I think, and it's different with bands anyways, think more of modern pop solo songs here).
Two more fun before (pre-arranging) and afters (post-arranging) below the cut:
(skip to 0:43) The lyrics were still incomplete at this stage. The producers are actually shouting production/arrangement ideas live which is cool!
The final version has a completely different flow and a distinctive minimalist electro sound, which isn't discernible from Taylor's initial song. The instrumental is quite masterfully arranged to build tension throughout the song, making the background chords slowly get louder throughout the second verse, using ad libs in the final chorus.
That being said the song still sounds great with just her and a guitar.
Another interesting example: Real Love
John did do a fair amount of his own arranging in this version – his piano part is fully developed and he recorded a simple tambourine. Still, this is incomparable to what Paul, George and Ringo would eventually do with it:
John is the sole credited writer of this song, yet obviously he had no hand in its final arrangement, though his piano playing definitely guided the other three.
Would John have done the same with it? Who knows. Would it have been as good? Who knows.
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ris-multi-fandom · 2 years
Here’s day 19 of Housevember22!
Fandoms: House MD
Pairings: Gregory House x James Wilson
Characters: Gregory House, James Wilson.
November 19th: Angel
“You’re Jewish,” House stated, matter-of-factly.
”Well observed,” Wilson commented.
”Then why are you putting up a Christmas tree?” House asked as he watched the man struggle with a large mass of green branches.
”Because I like Christmas,” Wilson explained as he managed to get the tree upright and stepped back to take a look at it.
”You’re Jewish!” House exclaimed.
”So what!” Wilson replied, “I will still celebrate Hanukkah, I just enjoy celebrating Christmas too.”
“Christmas is from a completely different religion!” House protested, “and before that it was stolen from another, completely different, religion!”
”So I like to mix and match,” Wilson shrugged.
“You don’t even have any decorations for the tree,” House commented.
”Well I was hoping we could go and get some,” Wilson said, hopefully.
”So now you want to bring me into this? The guy who doesn’t care for any religion?”
”Look,” Wilson sighed, “when I was a kid I got to watch everyone else get excited over Christmas with their families, sure I had Hanukkah which I celebrated with my family, but almost everyone else was celebrating Christmas. I’d walk through school on the last day before the holidays and everyone would be saying ‘merry Christmas!’ And they’d give presents, decorate trees and everywhere you went there would be tinsel and lights, I loved it but never fully got to experience it like they did until I went to college. My roommate and I would get a small tree to go in our dorm room and we’d also get a menorah, we’d spend the holidays there and celebrate both Christmas and Hanukkah. I kept the traditions with all my ex wives,” he told his partner, “and I’m going to keep doing it wether you like it or not.”
“Fine,” House replied after a moment of silence, “but I get to pick some of the decorations, if this tree is staying here then it gets to be a representation of both of us,” Wilson smiled at this before picking up his keys.
”Let’s go then,” he said.
“Really?” House questioned, looking at the item on Wilson’s hand, “an angel?”
”What?” Wilson asked, “you have to have an angel on top of the tree.”
”Or how about a star?” House replied, “the you can represent both your actual religion and the one you decide to support once a year.”
”I always have an angel,” Wilson said, “Julie kept the really nice one that I’ve had for years, I’d love to have a new one,” House looked at him before sighing.
”Alright, but no candy cane ornaments, I feel like they mock me,” Wilson laughed at this.
”Fine, no candy canes,” he agreed. House smiled back at him before they went searching for more decorations.
When they got back to their apartment they placed the bags down and began to unload the large amount of tinsel, lights and ornaments that they’d acquired. Wilson started to put the lights on the tree as House brought the ornaments over.
”Crap,” Wilson heard House say behind him, he turned and saw the, now headless, angel laying on the floor.
”House,” he sighed.
”It was an accident,” he replied. Wilson raised an eyebrow at him, “I’m serious,” he said, “I got my cane wrapped up in all this tinsel and tripped,” Wilson smirked slightly, before picking the angel, and it’s head, from off the floor.
”I’m sure we could fix it,” he told the older man.
”Why bother?” House asked, taking the body of the angel out of his lover’s hand and placing it on top of the tree, “A headless angel could really spice up the tree,” Wilson chuckled at this.
”It’s definitely different,” he said.
The two men stood back and looked at the tree when they were done, House wrapped an arm around Wilson’s waist.
“Not sure I like the vast array of snow globes you’ve decorated my piano with,” he commented, looking over at the instrument.
”And I can’t say I really enjoy the little skeletons that are covering the tree,” Wilson replied.
”They have little Santa hats on them,” House told him and Wilson laughed.
”True,” he said, “and they really go with the decapitated angel at the top,” House pulled him closer and placed a kiss on his temple.
”You know, I’m not a Christmassy person but I think I could put up with it if it means I get to see you this happy,” House said, Wilson looked up at him, a smile on his face.
”When did you get so romantic?” He teased, placing a hand on House’s chest.
”Christmas miracle,” House replied, giving Wilson another kiss.
”I think I could get used to these Christmas miracles,” Wilson commented between kisses.
”Merry Christmas James,” House said.
”Merry Christmas Greg,” Wilson replied.
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vanderwoodlings · 2 years
And same for the humphrey sibs? Dan, Jenny (& Vanessa & Ruby)
Yes!!! (Honestly these are,,, ideal asks i love talking siblings tysm) Also, @mrs-nate-humphrey was talking about the abrams sisters just recently, so that might be. In my brain (and yes my attribution on that post is correct. I did say that)
- I honestly think Ruby and Vanessa weren’t very close growing up. They definitely have a pretty significant age gap and I just think that as Ruby was figuring out her own messy self and stuff she just,,, found v kind of annoying
- And they do get closer as they get older and when they move into together and so on but it remains very present for Vanessa that to her, Ruby doesn’t like her very much. Like, she’s wrong and all, and if she were to ever mention it Ruby would be horrified, but she never does because that’s The Way It Is and so she just never really pushes too hard about their relationship and doing stuff together, because she doesn’t want to impose
- Ruby is the person who responded to her parents’ very loud expectations by going ‘cool. No <3’ at approximately age 15, and then found out that dyeing her hair electric blue and forming a queer punk band was actually something they thought was great and was a little horrified that her attempted rebellion failed
- As an adult they kind of have a,,, politely distant relationship, in that they have no idea Ruby has problems with them and she’s just going to live her life over here and not tell them because it would be a huge fucking hassle
- And that means moving in with Ruby is one of the first times Vanessa realizes they have issues either, and it’s a very freeing experience for her. And this repeats a lot over the period after they move in together, see: Vanessa lowkey thinks her sister hates her, and said sister has grown up enough to realize she’s cool and in need of nurturing
- Vanessa is, ofc, always invited to Ruby’s band’s performances and she kind of accidentally stumbles into being their photographer and videographer very quickly by virtue of just bringing her camera everywhere and being good with it
- The night she brings Nate for their first date is one of the first times that she doesn’t tape the show, and they get mocked mercilessly and warmly by a bunch of lesbians about it and Ruby is just like ‘hm. Oh. I kind of figured she was also gay’
- And, like, eventually she’s the person Vanessa tells when she realizes she’s bi and all is well in the world and in Ruby’s gaydar once more
- And I think there is something really important and affirming for Vanessa about having her sister just Know that she’s a lesbian and always be sharing that with her, even as it takes her a really long time to understand her own bisexuality, but it’s also something that makes her really insecure and makes it harder for her because she doesn’t just Know
- And Humphreys darling beloveds!!!
- Look, Dan is the sweetest, most anxious and quiet kid in his class. (Like, see that line about Rufus walking him to school way back in… s2?) Dan also comes home with a black eye in the third grade because some kid was picking on Jenny and that’s that
- Like, yes, Dan has anger issues and yes, Dan has mom friend anxiety override, but he also has Jenny In Trouble common sense override and it is one of his most appealing traits to… everyone but her. Jenny is a little horrified from the jump
- The Humphreys are a house of artists and they all absolutely definitely engage with each other’s forms of it! Dan and Jenny both grow up singing and playing like five instruments and competent with at least two mediums of visual art each. (Jenny most likes pencils, Dan prefers oils because he is a freak and also his mother’s son. Jenny will always find the smell of turpentine comforting.)
- But also Jenny uses Dan as a dummy a lot, before she manages to save up enough to get one of her own, and so there are a great many early Jenny Humphrey Originals that are Dan sized
- And while Vanessa is canonically Dan’s go to person for a first read and edit of his work, Jenny is the one who plays thesaurus and rhyming dictionary and sounding board for early concepts
- Living apart for the first time during s4—Jenny running away during s2 not being counted due to the sheer amount of emotional turmoil—I think that both of them just feel. So weird about that, and I think for Dan he really comes to the sense that he had failed Jenny pretty horribly
- And he tells her that, during her first visit in s4, they just stay up at night talking about it all and Jenny fucking spirals after getting back to Hudson for a variety of reasons, but pretty high up among them is her own Dan In Distress common sense override
- Somehow this post has turned sideways into [attempts to rationalize s4!Jenny] and I apologize. Anyway
- Big believer in Dan staying with Jenny while they’re both adults and she’s in London. Not permanently, or even really super long term, but in the sense of him spending a summer there or doing a semester abroad and just showing up all the time or both. It’s very reparative for them
- Of all the gg siblings, they’re the ones who have the kind of inside jokes where the joke itself has become just looking at each other at the moment when they would tell it and cracking up to everyone else’s complete confusion
- They’re also the ones who have general freaky nonverbal communication and same brain moments the most, and they are not allowed to play things like charades as a team because they fucking decimate the competition
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blizi-reblogs · 2 years
Get to know me tag
Thank you dear @bougainvillea-and-saltwater for tagging me !
Do you play an instrument? None, but I do sing. The best feeling is when you sing in a very echo-y place, like a church or a large forest, so your singing becomes ethereal.
Favourite book characters? Ophelia, from The Mirror Visitor by Christelle Dabos, the first MC that looked and acted like me (representation matters) and Meursault from L'Etranger by Albert Camus, a man living in a society that condemns him because he doesn't work like everyone should.
What’s your star sign? If I could know !
Favourite colour schemes? It's either entirely black or strangely colourful.
Naps or long sleep? Naps kill me more than they help me to regain energy, I want my full-time sleep at night.
What languages do you speak? French and English, and I understand Spanish without being able to speak it ksksks.
Dreams/aspirations? One said once to never tell your dreams because people would discourage you from accomplishing them. However, a bit of balance is needed, in fact, projects will mostly happen if you talk about it, to make it into something concrete. But that depends on anyone, at least it's something that works for me because what I'd like to achieve one day is scary : I'd really like to make movies. Either animating characters, creating them on concept arts or directing a scenario, I freaking love stories. I currently create some and I know that when I'll be tired of the movie industry I'll continue to write and draw stories, finished or not. It makes me happy and even more when I share it with people to make them also happy. So yeah, creating a movie would be a big dream.
Long hair or Short Hair? Short hair frames my face better. However, I like to let them grow so I can give them to people who need them.
Tea or coffee? Tea at night, coffee at day. Fear me.
Bring a book character to life or go into a fictional world? Heck yeah, I'd like to live in Journey's world ! Freedom everywhere, ancient and forgotten cities, breathtaking landscapes, amazing friends ? How could you not accept ?
If anyone wants to ramble about their life, there you go ! Minors, however, stay cautious about sharing your private life on the internet. Stay vague and protect yourself <3
@chouchinobake @metallic-scaled-scarf @mellowscrolls I choose you !
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wellingtonwellsdaily · 2 months
Famous Britons!
Good day, my lovely Wellingtons! It’s Uncle Jack here, and I’m positively thrilled to bring you another installment of Famous Britons! Have you taken your Joy today? I do hope so, because we’re about to embark on a delightful journey through the life of one of Britain’s most celebrated figures. So, sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the inspiring story of a truly remarkable Briton.
Today, we’re shining a spotlight on none other than Sir Isaac Newton, one of the greatest minds our fair isle has ever produced. Born in 1642 in a little village called Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, young Isaac was a curious lad from the start. He was fascinated by the world around him, always asking questions, always seeking to understand how things worked. It was this curiosity that would one day lead him to some of the most groundbreaking discoveries in the history of science.
You’ve all heard the story of the apple, haven’t you? Well, legend has it that one day, as Isaac was sitting in his garden, he saw an apple fall from a tree. Most people would have simply thought, ‘Oh, there goes an apple,’ but not young Isaac. He wondered, ‘Why did that apple fall straight down? Why didn’t it go sideways, or even up?’ And with that simple question, he began to ponder the mysteries of gravity.
From that moment on, Isaac Newton was determined to uncover the secrets of the universe. He went on to develop his theory of gravity, explaining not just why apples fall to the ground, but also why the planets orbit the sun. His work on the laws of motion laid the foundation for modern physics, and his invention of calculus – a type of mathematics that allows us to understand change – has been instrumental in countless scientific advancements.
But Sir Isaac wasn’t just a man of science; he was also deeply interested in the nature of light and color. He conducted experiments with prisms, discovering that white light is actually made up of all the colors of the rainbow. This was a truly revolutionary idea at the time and changed the way we understand the world around us.
Despite all his incredible achievements, Sir Isaac Newton remained a humble man. He famously said, ‘If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.’ This shows us that even the greatest minds are built on the work of those who came before them, and that collaboration and learning from others are key to achieving greatness.
Isaac Newton’s contributions to science and mathematics have left an indelible mark on the world. His work has shaped the way we understand the universe, and his legacy continues to inspire scientists, mathematicians, and curious minds everywhere.
So, my dear listeners, let’s take a moment to celebrate Sir Isaac Newton – a true genius, a pioneer of modern science, and a shining example of British brilliance. His story reminds us that with curiosity, perseverance, and a bit of imagination, we can all make discoveries that change the world.
Well, I'm afraid we've come to the end of our time! I do hope you’ve enjoyed learning about Sir Isaac Newton as much as I’ve enjoyed sharing his story with you. Until next time, keep asking questions, keep exploring, and always remember: happiness is a choice. Choose Joy!
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timeoverload · 5 months
I tried writing last night but I was way too tired and pissed off to do that. I didn't even want to eat dinner last night. I was angry yesterday about a lot of things.
I got to work and the morning team lead was there but he got sent home again by the health nurse. It's good that he left because he sounded horrible. I should have went in early but I was told that he was going to be there so it wasn't necessary. I had to scramble to finish opening decontam and get my stuff set up. My boss was in the department for a little while but then she disappeared when my other co-worker came in. She was not helpful at all while she was there either. I do care about my boss but I am very irritated with her right now. She told me she was going to take instruments down for sharpening and she had to go see how things were going in the basement. She said she wasn't going to be gone very long but she lied. I didn't see her again for hours. She disappears all the time and usually she doesn't communicate. She just tells us to call her if we need something but we still can't always rely on her to show up or do what she says she will do. One of the girls that works in sterile processing in the basement came up to ask if she could have a couple biological packs and some controls. She had been waiting on our boss to bring her some but she didn't hear anything for hours so she came to talk to me. Apparently the boss told her she was going to go help upstairs while she told me that she was going to be in the basement. I was so pissed because she lied to both of us and we were both drowning. I understand that she can't be everywhere at once but she was probably somewhere chatting with someone and drinking coffee because that's usually what she's doing when we can't find her. It wouldn't have been such a big deal if she hadn't told both of us that she was going to help us and then do nothing. I told her how many cases I had and she didn't really care whether I got breakfast or not. She had brought scotcheroos for my other co-workers birthday and she basically said that I would have to eat those if I got hungry. She didn't use those exact words but I think it's fucked up that she couldn't cover for me for 15 minutes so I could go eat. It was nice of her to bring some sweets but I just wanted some real food because I haven't been able to eat breakfast since Monday. She was the only person there that could help me and she knew that. Around noon she came in and asked if I wanted to eat lunch and of course I said yes. She asked my co-worker who comes in at noon to cover for me so that was helpful I guess. I was so hangry all morning. I was so hungry that I bought a sandwich even though I hate their sandwiches. My boss also changed the decontam shift schedule and she put herself in there from 11-12:30 but she didn't come back to the department until noon. My co-worker had been in decontam for 3 hours at that point because she didn't show up to relieve him and I felt bad for him. He was pissed when she finally popped her head through the window to ask him if he wanted her to come back there. He said he didn't want her back there and someone else came in to take over. She shouldn't have put herself on the schedule if she knew she wasn't going to be able to do it. I know she has been sick for a while and it sucks. I do feel bad for her and I want her to be healthy. I really think it's time for her to retire though. I don't think she can handle it anymore and I can tell her heart isn't in it because she used to be very passionate. She doesn't care like she used to. She has definitely changed a lot in 8 years. My whole morning was very chaotic yesterday. I got 23 pans done by myself before noon. They also opened a lot of other sets. It was a lot of work. I was wishing that I could clone myself. I feel like a robot because I do the same shit over and over again. I didn't cry but I wanted to. The afternoon was a little better because I didn't have to move as fast but the last case didn't get done until 4. I had so much stuff to do at the end of the day but I managed to get it done before 5 so that's good.
I left work feeling disgusted and nauseated due to all of the negative energy around me all day. I just wish that I felt like I could fit in. Some people are just so cold and unfriendly. I'm tired of people giving me dirty looks. I have never felt like I belonged there. It is a nightmare and I'm stressed out. I never thought I could develop PTSD from a job and I think it will haunt me even after I leave. I don't want to think about it anymore because I don't want to dwell on it all weekend. I had nightmares about it last night. I'm definitely not looking forward to next week.
I still feel like trash today and I am having horrible cramps too. I managed to get out of bed and get a couple groceries this morning so at least I have something to eat. I don't want to get up now and it sucks because I have so much shit to do. I slept a lot last night but I am still tired. I guess I woke up several times in a panic so that probably didn't help. I think I need to take a nap sometime and maybe I will feel better. I am very happy to be at home and I need to try to enjoy my day.
I hope everyone else is having a good day so far. :) 💖💖💖
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brewedblooms · 6 months
a eulogy that no one asked for.
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How do you think a twelve year old would define a crush?
The word "love" for a twelve year old, whose socks are mostly mismatched, is a word to describe a familial affection or a kiss Snow White received to wake her up from food poisoning. While a "crush" is not too much, no exaggeration. A twelve year old me would define a crush as thinking your chest is way too small for your jumping heart every time the tip of his hair is visible among the crowd. Filling any empty space on your notebooks with hearts, and his initials, paired with your initials. Screaming at your parents to buy the green t-shirt from man section at the department store because you swore you saw him with the same exact one the other day. Paddling out your bike one afternoon 20 minutes away from your neighborhood only to see how his house looks like. Everything is your first time, everything makes you nauseous.
I had my first silly, twelve year old non-sense crush with the nicest kid at school. Man, I was lucky. He never been a jerk about it, though everybody would make fun of me. He texted back, he waved from across the soccer field, he said hi. It was pretty delicate, one single blow would probably traumatize me for as long I could remember because the whole process was there for me to learn. I began to "see" my reflection on the mirror, and Nikka Costa's First Love was my ultimate anthem. Everybody remembers their first crushes, and I definitely kept mine like it's an aged collectible—so precious, but since it's for a safekeeping I don't go back to it ever again. For years, and years, I never thought of that nice little boy in 6th grade who once gave me his water when I forgot to bring mine.
Until his obituary appears.
At this age, it is both an extreme optimism and being realistic to think it's still early to ponder about death. It could also be a false assumption, of course, because death occurs all the time in no chronological order. There are days where I could find myself thinking about deaths and its instruments—the afterlife, or the ones who get left behind—more than usual. The funny yet vicious thing is no matter how often you ponder about death or you definitely have the knowledge that every single living thing will eventually be buried underneath the earth, when it happens it's always caught you off guard. Too sudden, too soon. A sickly dark surprise no one seems aware of. Then, sometimes, the death of those people whose presence somehow leaves a mark in the timeline of your life, be it big or just a little dot, puts you in such confusion—Do I have the right to grieve? Do I have to mourn? Should I go to the funeral? I do feel something but I can't quite describe it. I was stunned. And of course I'm in no place to write a eulogy because we were practically strangers despite the fact that I have two diaries from when I was younger filled with scribbles about him. After all, I made up my mind, and I think I'm allowed to eulogize his twelve year old self version—the one that I used to know by heart.
I woke up this morning seeing they began to put your picture everywhere on social media—they mourned, though it was obvious most of them hadn't heard from you for quite awhile. I sent a prayer on your way last night, though it took me some time to process the news. I secretly hoped that you had grown into a decent human being, was an amazing father to your child, and your wife used to be the luckiest woman in the world. I prayed that your shadow would encourage them to get on their lives on ease, because the life you used to lead was glimmering with faith and love.
When he shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine, that all the world will be in love with night, and pay no worship to the garish sun. — William Shakespeare; Romeo and Juliet
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ledenews · 9 months
American Pies Proving Popular at Centre Market Location
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One has more than 20 years of experience in hospital nursing, primarily in the cardiology specialty. The other has 25 years of experience as a general foreman with tree service companies. So, with that background, what did this married couple decide to open in November 2019 just prior to a pandemic? A bakery, of course! Malinda and Dan Stevey of Moundsville, without any business ownership experience or any work in retail, agreed to open American Pies and Pastries. They have proven since that you can indeed reinvent your career. So, who was the one with the initial idea? Neither! It was a friend who first nudged them with the idea. “That is all my friend’s fault, who is also a nurse,” Malinda joked. “She was doing an arts and crafts festival … she’s an artist. She said, ‘Hey, I don’t want to do it by myself. You got to be able to make something.’ “I said, the only thing I’m good at making is fried pies because we have a small orchard, and I’ve been making fried pies for a long time. So we went up there just to help her so she wouldn’t have to do it by herself. And then absolutely loved it. The American Pies location has a front window to the courtyard area at Centre Market. “I’d never sold anything before. I never worked retail. I never worked a restaurant. It was all brand new. And I think when you get to middle age, and you find something different, you think, ‘hey, wait a second. We could do something different.’” And Dan thought, “I was for it. I put in a lot of time and effort making it happen too. “We got a lot of local stores that actually helped us out a lot. Put our product in the stores. And in return we’ve made a lot of friends with a lot of local businesses.” Both mentioned Valley Meat and Cheese, Miklas Meat Market and other small, local businesses as being supportive and instrumental in building and growing their business by placing their product while offering advice and encouragement. The bakery is located at the Wheeling Centre Market, in the spot that previously housed Oliver’s Pies. As people mill through Centre Market, they can shop, enjoy artwork, eat a meal and then visit American Pies and Pastries for a unique, delicious dessert. There are several options to satisfy every sweet tooth. Cheesecake, which has become Dan’s specialty, comes in several flavors: cherry, strawberry, blueberry, white chocolate raspberry swirl, peanut butter-chocolate, chocolate, caramel apple, pumpkin, and plain. If not cheesecake, then cookies offer another option. Chocolate chip, double chocolate chip, peanut butter or sugar may be on the day’s menu. Chocolate brownies iced different ways could be the choice. And finally, the fried pies. A hand-held, portable piece of pie. Take your pick from: apple, cherry, blackberry, blueberry, bumbleberry (a combination of several berries), strawberry, lemon, Boston cream, banana cream, chocolate, coconut cream, Buckeye (peanut butter and chocolate), and The Elvis (peanut butter and banana). The signature flavor, and the genesis for the business, is the fried cherry pie. “I would say the cherry (fried pie) because that is how we started,” Malinda said. “We had this little orchard. Cherries all come at once and if you don’t hurry the birds will eat them. So me and my kids would be picking cherries, picking cherries. We’d have all these cherries. American Pies also offers cakes to their customer. “So, we played around with that. Everywhere we went for the past 15 years. . . summer cookouts. . . we’d bring fried cherry pies.” Dan said, “Our kids eat pies. A child, a slice of pie is not attractive to them, but you put them in that, all of a sudden they want that. Now it’s more like a treat instead of eating pie.” What started as a family treat grew into a small startup company showing continued growth. Now, orders and daily output are much larger than in those early days. So too has the physical bakery to meet the increasing numbers. “We would make like 10. Our first big order was like 25,” Malinda said. “We were like, it’s out of control, it’s too much. But now we are like. . . that’s nothing. “So, we’ve progressed because I told (Dan) I’m really liking this. And he said, ‘We need a new shed anyways. Why don’t I build one that we can use as a bakery?’ Well it turned out to be 28x30 with a loft ceiling and the whole thing. He made a whole commercial bakery. “The community’s been very encouraging and helpful. The Marshall County Health Department helped us put all that together. They came in and walked through the space when it was just a framework,” Malinda said. The department gave them directions on want they needed to do and connected them to others for assistance with the construction. American Pies and Pastries is open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Read the full article
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