#also her hair style is not something I’ve tried to draw before but
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Redraw of these two because Jackienat needs more art and I def didn’t make this to procrastinate the fic I should be writing about them
#SUPER proud of how Nat turned out#I feel like I could work on Jackie’s skin/hair tones for FOREVER#like she has these tan tones but also seems super pale in some shots and#it’s got me fucked up#also her hair style is not something I’ve tried to draw before but#I learned a lot from this drawing! so that’s good#I might rework her hair entirely at some point#we’ll see#jackienat#Yellowjackets#Jackie Taylor#Natalie Scatorccio#I just think they’re neat#one day this slow burn teammates to friends to lovers fic will be written#Nat Scatorccio#ella purnell#sophie thatcher#sophie bathsheba thatcher
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Draw the Line
f!OC x Josh Kiszka x m!OC 13.200 words

Summary: Jo and her husband Lucas own an art studio where Jo teaches drawing lessons. As one of her students becomes a model one day by a "lucky" chance, he soon manages to have them both wrapped around his finger (unintentionally, f'course). The situation escalates quickly when they confess about being attracted to him, respectively.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, intended for adult readers. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental. Also, if you're under 18, go find some other entertainment elsewhere.
Warnings (are spoilers): This is filth, ok? FILTH! Including: voyeurism, seduction, kissing, licking, fingering, rimming, booze, threesome, sex, oral sex, anal sex, light choking, light dom play, overstimulation, throatfuck, gagging, face-sitting, expressive language, open-ish marriage, polyamory
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Oh, you're such a pretty one And the naked thrills of flesh and skin Would tease me through the night Liquido, Narcotic
Ever since you can barely walk, there are people who think it’s due or even necessary to ask that one stupid question: What do you wanna be when you grow up.
It’s quite funny, because some people can reach middle age without having figured it out! Yet there’s always this one grandpa, or aunt, or someone else’s mom who thinks they have the right to know your answer before you even reach the age to even care.
Not me. I cared quite early on. However, my answer never satisfied anyone. Ever since I could barely hold a crayon, I wanted to be a famous painter. Famous because in my childish head that simply meant that I would make money, and thus wouldn’t have to do anything else.
The imaginative worlds created by visual artists always fascinated me and I wanted to be one of them. I wanted to dedicate my life to it. ‘But that’s a hobby, Jo, not a profession,’ they all said. Some of them went as far as calling me a stupid girl, which became much more common as the years went by.
I can be quite stubborn when it comes to my life choices. Sometimes it’s a weakness, other times I profit from it, depending on the situation. It proved to be a blessing exactly twice.
The first time was when I met Lucas and I simply decided that he would be mine, even though I’ve always thought that he’s completely out of my league. He’s perfect. Toned and strong, but not too much, with overlong eyelashes and thick dark shiny hair that many a woman would die for, including me. He wears it in a high bun with an undercut, sometimes switching to a french braid when he wants to get me extra wet, because it makes him look like Ragnar.
But more importantly, he’s kind, loving, (com)passionate and supportive. And that brings me to the second time I tried to get what I wanted, and went for it, headlong! No, I did not become a famous painter, but running an art studio where I teach drawing classes is not that bad either. Definitely better than some boring office job. So, against all odds and with a bit of luck, I’m living the life I truly enjoy. Needless to say, it wouldn’t be possible without Lucas, his support and help. I’m the creative driving force and he’s the brain, taking care of “business”.
He had helped me to create a place that truly felt like a second home. I’m confident enough to say that it’s a cool artistic haven, bohemian in style, but well-equipped. Lucas understands my chaotic mind, always willing and able to put my visions and ideas into practice in an orderly, yet original way. I wanted my art studio to look like a tearoom, and he made it work.
You see, my husband is a true bringer of light. At least as far as my life goes.
Well, despite all that, having everything doesn’t necessarily mean that you never want more. I’m not talking about money or ambition, but rather about simple joys of life and that insatiable yearning to try something new. I still had secret dreams and fantasies; some of which came true. However, certain wishes should remain locked in the safe and sacred space of your own head.
My most secret fantasy materialized in the form of one loud and vivacious pixie man.
He was attending my figure drawing classes. I never really understood why, because he just couldn’t stand still and focus on the task in front of him. Instead, he roamed around the room, discussing other people’s progress animatedly and with sincere interest. Everyone loved him, because he managed to turn each session into a pagan sermon praising human creativity. While hardly ever finishing his own drawing, he assisted me in bringing out the best in other people.
Did I mention he was also cute as a button? No? Well, let me tell you, there were times when I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He possesses this special kind of handsomeness that’s not always noticeable at first sight because he doesn’t flaunt it, but once you really look at him, you just can’t unsee it. A little effeminate, but with some undeniably masculine features. His face is asymmetric, and yet the proportions are just right. He has an almost boyish body, but so well toned it makes him look powerful. No, actually, I think it is his strong personality that makes him look powerful.
Long story short, Josh invaded my mind with impudence and made himself at home there. That means the thoughts he helped paint inside my head were definitely not innocent.
But that’s where I drew the line.
Don’t get me wrong. There were no complicated feelings involved. Josh was like fragrant, spicy wine that I wished to taste, but did not necessarily crave.
I enjoyed his company during my lessons and always looked forward to seeing him again. My fantasies and secret, made up scenarios took us a bit further – to more dangerous places – but they were my and my only.
Private fantasies. Locked up worlds to which only you have the key. Not even Lucas can infiltrate these. He has his own, anyway.
We both know this. It’s refreshing to be able to talk about it without the fear of hurting the other. We even discussed the concept of an open marriage a few times, and even though the opportunity never presented itself, we never ruled it out as a possibility in the future.
For a long time, we were just dreamers.
Nevertheless, the Universe works in mysterious ways sometimes.
One course usually consists of ten weekly classes, and the one I mentioned – the one Josh was attending, that is – was nearing the end. I needed promotional pictures for my socials and Lucas once again volunteered to take them. He’s no professional photographer, but still pretty good, being able to catch the genuine atmosphere of my courses.
Sadly, it was also one of those days when everything that could possibly go wrong, indeed does go wrong. My personal struggles that day culminated when my model cancelled at the very last moment and without explanation. The lesson was already paid for and everyone was waiting by their respective easels.
Normally, I would probably just call it off and return the money, but this was the last session before Christmas, there was not time to schedule a substitute class, we had agreed on doing a series of quick sketches and I desperately needed those in-class photos to promote exactly that because new courses starting January were supposed to focus on croquis drawing for designers.
See, my courses are not intended only for enthusiastic amateurs; I offer help and consultation also to many aspiring and ambitious artists and designers who feel like school classes are not enough. That’s why it’s necessary to have a good model.
Anna had proven to be unreliable in the past, but the people attending my classes loved her for her naturally looking yet challenging poses. Models are almost like actors. Or mimes. It’s hard work, extremely boring on Monday and then suddenly physically challenging on Tuesday… I guess I couldn’t really blame her. And yet I blamed her.
For a moment, I considered doing it myself, but I also had to instruct and advise my students, AND it was also essential for me to be portrayed in Lucas’s photos in precisely this role.
I’m able to keep my cool in most situations. However, the stressful day had taken its toll, Lucas had not yet arrived to give me at least some emotional support and I simply lost it in front of everyone, groaning in frustration and kicking the stool in the middle of the room where my model was already supposed to sit and which was now empty.
“Fucking bitch!”
I regretted it immediately. Very unprofessional. However, several people laughed and Laura, a sweet (and slightly roguish) sixty year old lady who attended almost all my courses including landscape painting, chimed in with “hear, hear”.
I didn’t laugh though. I felt tired and miserable, and it probably showed. Tilting my head back and searching for some answers on the ceiling (Blank spaces inspire me, so what!), I didn’t even notice him approaching me until I felt his light touch on my shoulder.
“Hey, Jo, I can do that.” He sounded almost bashful… which was pretty unusual, if you ask me. His cheeky grin when I finally looked at him spoke a different language though. I knew who Josh was, and what he did for a living. I knew he loved to be the center of attention. And yet…
Artistic models are often deliberately anonymous people. They cherish their privacy and like to remain unrecognized, especially when they pose for nudes. It’s understandable, because for many, it’s not their main source of income. Another good thing about Anna was that she didn’t mind being featured on my website and social media. So that’s another reason why the situation sucked.
“Seriously? You’d do that?” I asked incredulously, crossing my arms. “Do you realize you’d have to strip to your underwear…?”
“Yeah, about that…,” Josh scratched the scalp at the nape of his neck and giggled.
I didn’t really need to ask, though, because I think we all already suspected it. And sure enough, the cheeky Laura made herself heard once again.
“I think he’s not wearing any, Jo! Am I right, Joshy boy?” Standing there with her large cup of latte like the queen she was, she pulled her glasses down and winked at him playfully.
Josh blushed and bit his lip, but remained determined to save the day. “Damn right, Lor!” he practically screeched and then giggled again. While I would have been willing to let him pose for us in just his briefs, I couldn’t possibly allow this. He might be a bit reckless, but I am not. Getting into trouble with his manager was not worth it.
The possibility of seeing him totally naked was, on the other hand, DEFINITELY worth it, but still not enough to make my brain shut down completely.
“I can’t let you do that, Josh. Do you realize my husband is coming to take photographs of this lesson? And I’m planning to use them online!”
He still seemed completely unfazed, making a long face as well as some other animated gestures with his truly beautiful hands, and it was starting to get on my nerves, honestly. “And? People have already seen all of me anyway… well, um, maybe all the parts except lil’ Joshito, but even that’s a bit… debatable.”
I shouldn’t have laughed, but the nickname almost made me choke on the oxygen I just inhaled. He was still so nonchalant about it. With his hands in his pockets, he was swaying slightly back and forth, while still waiting for my response. It was a true match of stubbornness, with the two of us standing in the middle of the room, and neither willing to give up. He kept wiggling his eyebrows at me, and I kept chewing my lower lip.
“Seriously, Jo. It’s gonna be fine! And honestly, what other option do you have? Well, of course, unless the others are against my idea…” To my dismay, Josh was very good at persuading people to do whatever he wanted. It comes with the profession, I suppose. When he failed with me, that little weasel naturally turned to others for help. And he was successful. Those traitors all cheered and kept nodding in his favor, so I finally gave in, albeit reluctantly.
“Fiiine,” I sighed and put on the most careworn face I could muster. “But see how miserable you make me feel?” There was still more on my mind – and tongue – but the sudden kiss on my cheek rendered me speechless. Bold! Before I could recover, he was already shirtless and taking off his shoes… which immediately felt like a final, fatal blow.
To say that I did not expect such a sight would be a lie. If I told you I had never watched any of his videos on Youtube or TikTok, my nose would grow like Pinocchio’s. Josh is like one of those friendzoned good guys from movies that transform into objects of desire when you’re least expecting it. Not that I did not suspect him to look fine under his bleached long sleeves and beige hoodies, but what used to be a very abstract subject of my daydreams now became a tough reality that had me on a chokehold in no time.
Thank god I was not the only one and god bless Laura once again for her insolent remarks that brought me back to reality and prevented me from staring at those flexing arms while he was unlacing his sneakers. I recovered quickly, reminding him we had a changing room for that, with bathrobes he could use.
Josh dismissed that with one flick of a hand and proceeded to unbutton his fly. I think my head started spinning even before he actually slid the khaki fabric down his precious buttocks. I have seen my fair share of male asses and dicks – and not just in bed, obviously – but there’s a strange novelty in it when it’s someone you actually want to see naked, which I’m sure you understand. I went to check on my emergency supply of charcoal and kneaded erasers that were placed on another stool nearby. There I secretly counted to ten before I took his neatly folded clothes to put them away.
He was sitting cross legged on the stool when I got back, grinning and tapping fingers on his knee. “So, what do you want me to do?”
“Right…well,” I cleared my throat. “You’re supposed to change the pose every fifteen minutes… don’t worry, I’ll set the timer. It could be theatrical or completely relaxed, doesn’t really matter. Just make sure it’s different every time. AND be mindful of the fact that you’re supposed to hold the pose! No fidgeting.” Knowing Josh, I stressed the last piece of information and he nodded enthusiastically to convince me he understood. It didn’t convince me at all. “We already lost some time, so there will be nine poses max.”
“Got it, boss. So how about this?” He stood up and struck a mighty pose with his hands on his hips, chin up and chest sticking out proudly. He looked like Napoleon before bedtime and I couldn’t prevent my eyes from rolling.
“Yeah, whatever suits you… So everyone, let’s get to work!”
As I had expected, it proved to be an almost impossible task for Josh to keep still, and after a short while, he started talking to keep himself from moving. I wouldn’t mind if it wasn’t interrupting me in my own attempts to consult other people’s progress as I walked around the room, checking their sketches.
We finally agreed on putting on some music during his next pose, which was that of the thinker a la Rodin. Not gonna lie, I was glad he got back in a sitting position. At least for a while.
My relief was short-lived.
As the timer chimed for the second time, Josh stretched his back, pulled his arms up and my breath hitched in my throat at the sight. I thought and hoped he was just making himself comfortable, relieving his tense muscles, but he decided to remain in the position. He just bent the right arm, grabbed his left elbow with his right hand, rested his head against his right bicep and closed his eyes. Obviously, that was the next pose and everyone got back to work, quickly switching their papers once again.
I stood there mesmerised, watching his heaving chest and being intrigued by his pouty lips, when a familiar voice on my right almost made me jump. I hadn’t noticed him coming in.
“Who’s that?” Lucas asked in a low voice so as not to disturb anyone. He stroked my back gently, but his eyes were fixed on Josh, his expression one of wonder.
“That’s Josh…,” I replied – almost absentmindedly – as if that somehow explained the situation, but Lucas’s amused “ok…?” pulled me fully back into reality. Lucas was often present at my lessons – usually doing some boring but necessary work in the adjacent office – but never before during figure drawing, because it collided with his workout plans.
“Yeah...uh…Sorry. He attends this course. Anna screwed me again and Josh volunteered to substitute for her today.” I looked sideways at Lucas to see him still watching Josh with a furrowed brow. I was a bit anxious that he had noticed my restlessness, but Lucas seemed lost in his own thoughts.
“He seems familiar,” my husband mumbled after a while.
“Yeah, I think you know him. Greta Van Fleet.” I never listened to that kind of music, but Lucas did, and Josh’s band was featured on some of his favorite playlists. I think he had even subscribed to their channel, but in Lucas’s case, that doesn’t mean much. I expected him to respond with “oh, cool,” or something like that, but he just kept staring at the dainty figure in the middle of the room that still seemed oblivious to his arrival. Just like I had been, thanks to the music. Laura finally noticed him too, and waved hello, breaking the strange spell we were both seemingly under.
“You sure that’s a good idea?” Lucas whispered after he saluted the old lady. I knew what he meant, so I also knew his mind returned back to business.
“No, but he insisted, and there were no other options. Just please, try to keep it all waist up and… I dunno, blurry,” I added with a telling, pained look. He squeezed my shoulder in silent response just when the timer chimed again, making Josh open his eyes at last. He immediately looked our way and his whole body jerked as if he got burned. It was followed by a shy smile.
“Hey! I… um, got lost in thoughts a bit… I think, uh… I love this song, ya know, anyway… forgot to think about the next pose...” He got back to his incessant babbling, but it was different this time. He looked almost embarrassed as he crossed his legs again and started playing with his curls absentmindedly.
I tried to introduce him to my husband, which in the end made the whole situation even more awkward because it wasn’t exactly one of those moments when guys just shake hands, if you know what I mean. Moreover, I knew about Josh’s preferences and my husband is a handsome man. I’m sure those pretty cheeks didn’t suddenly turn so rosy only because of the heating.
But as I already said, I can always count on Lucas, and this was no exception. He remained very casual about it and proceeded to take the camera off the bag matter-of-factly. “I’m only here to take some pics, so everyone please ignore me and just keep doing what you’ve been doing, which, as I can see, you’ve been doing great so far.” He addressed everyone in the room with a pearly smile, making it known and clear that it was a perfectly normal situation for everyone involved. I made a mental note to thank him for it later.
The rest of the evening went on smoothly. After two more poses, Josh stood up again, seemingly at ease once more. He was a natural after all, and in the end, everyone told him so. Laura went as far as to suggest that he should do that more often. Of course she was going to attend the next course and I suspected the main reason was not him just being a good model. I couldn’t help but agree though. After the slightly shaky start, his behavior turned completely professional and his poses were perfect, allowing my students to explore all essential aspects of human anatomy and movement. Not to mention that good male models are hard to find.
“You know, I think she’s right,” I chimed in half-jokingly, but he took my offer very seriously.
“I had a great time, to tell you the truth, and I’m kinda free till early March, so… if you really mean it, I’m more than willing to help.”
You know… screw it. Yes, I meant it. Even though Lill’ Prudent Jo on my right shoulder kept telling me that I was about to enter a potentially dangerous territory, I agreed. There was a strong chance that if I didn’t, I’d never see him again, and I was not yet ready for that. As a bonus, I suddenly had a strong leverage against Anna. If she wanted the job, she should start to behave in a different way.
Christmas was fine, but even though I love the festivities, I was really looking forward to January. For the first time in my life, because I hate January. However, the picture of naked Josh – stretching like a tomcat – got burnt into my retinas and haunted me for days after the last session.
But not only that. The pictures Lucas had taken turned out great and because it was Josh on them, as soon as I posted them online, they went literally viral, boosting my business immensely. So strictly businesslike, January suddenly didn’t seem so bad at all.
Josh had warned me it might happen (...with a wide grin, no less… that cheeky little fucker was looking forward to it.), but to see it actually happening was something completely differrent. It was like a Christmas gift. I wanted to thank him, and as I didn’t have his number, I had to wait to do it personally.
We were starting January 6th. I was a bit concerned with Josh’s inability to arrive on time, as he had been late to seven classes out of ten, so I told him we start at five. He arrived at quarter to six, just in time to get ready, and when I told him the truth, he blushed and promised to never do that again.
Of course he did it again, but all within the academic quarter hour. But I digress…
Lucas was free on Mondays, which basically meant that he spent those in my office, catching up on administrative work I had been recklessly ignoring. Oftentimes he wandered into the main studio to greet the people or watch me doing my job.
I always loved those little interludes; it only enhanced the sense of home, as well as camaraderie. Sometimes he gently brushed his fingers across my arm in passing. Other times he brought me a cup of tea and kissed my hair while doing so. When he was in an especially good mood, he arrived with a full box of chocolate pralines and offered everyone a treat before going back to emails and paperwork. We were known as the perfect couple.
That day, Lucas lingered in the main room more than he usually does, and I soon noticed it was not only because of me.
One moment I noticed him standing in the doorway with a cup of tea in his hand. He leaned against the door frame, his eyes scanning the room, until they fell on the naked figure in the middle. He wore his poker face, which I deemed as foolish because I know very well that he does that when doesn’t want his thoughts and emotions to be seen, while being naturally quite expressive when he doesn’t care.
Despite his aloofness, he watched Josh intently.
After the first week, Josh and Anna modeled alternately, five poses each. It gave Josh the opportunity to wander around again and watch other people working. It didn’t take long for him to grow unusually calm and simply observing, because it was different this time, as the room was filled with naked drawings of him: haphazardly thrown on tables, or even on the floor. His body, seen from different perspectives or even points of view. I quickly sensed what was going on. It’s just very different to seeing photographs of you, because art doesn’t necessarily reflect unfiltered reality; rather someone else’s perception of you. He knew how he looked, but seeing yourself through someone else’s eyes can be a strange and humbling experience.
That was the second time (but definitely not the last) when I saw him blush.
“They’re beautiful, aren’t they?” I chimed in when I approached him. He was crouching down, examining a few sketches that lay abandoned on the floor.
“Scary,” he whispered, careful not to offend the person who drew them. “I mean, they’re fantastic, but it’s also a bit frightening.”
“I know what you mean.” I got on my knees next to him. “Just a few expressive lines, yet you can recognize yourself, right?”
“Yeah… but at the same time, I can’t.” His voice sounded strange. Hoarse and husky. I placed my hand on his shoulder and stroked it gently. I wouldn’t dare to act that way with anyone else, but this was what he himself often did. Josh never shied away from touch. For him, it was an essential part of human communication, because sometimes there are things you simply cannot put into words.
I looked up and noticed Lucas watching us again, his expression wild. It was not jealousy though, yet it still made me strangely agitated, because I couldn’t quite interpret it. He looked… hungry.
Later that evening, when we finally got home, he fucked me raw. I know my husband well, so I also know this is often the result of some conflicting thoughts and emotions, as well as previous unanswered arousal. It could very easily be interpreted as lust driven just by jealousy, but I felt there might have been other reasons.
I already suspected it, but nothing could prepare me for what I witnessed later that night.
I woke up in an empty bed after midnight. At first I thought he just couldn’t sleep so he decided to go get some work done instead. Just him and his laptop in our otherwise dark living room; that was a usual scene in our household.
After an hour of having trouble going back to sleep, I concluded I needed his embrace to help me, as his arms wrapped around my body could do the trick when everything else failed. So, I put on my bathrobe and ventured into the dark hallway to search for him and convince him to go back to bed.
I heard him before I actually saw him on the couch; the sound of him jerking off was unmistakable. So that thing with me earlier that night wasn’t enough? Interesting. But… men, huh? Still, I was becoming more and more convinced that something kept bothering him. I was also sure he would tell me in due time if he wanted or deemed it necessary.
Everyone needs their private space, some alone time. I respect that. I was about to turn around and go back to bed, but the sound of some music playing faintly on a loop made me intrigued. It didn’t sound like porn.
I remained standing in the open doorway, keeping myself quiet so as not to disturb his moment… when I saw it.
It was probably some tik tok video, playing over and over again. A video of… Josh! My husband was masturbating to the more or less erotic stage poses of our little friend, further sexualized by the edit.
And even though I had my suspicions that Josh managed to get into his head too, it was still a shock. Lucas was as straight as can be, never having mentioned any fantasies of this kind. It confused me, shook me, intrigued me even, as I stood there barely breathing… and surprised that my own jealousy was not part of the whirlwind. How could it be, when I was essentially guilty of the very same thing?
At last, I made my way back, making sure my footsteps weren’t heard.
I was still awake when Lucas came back to bed as well. Snuggling closer to me, he buried his face in my hair, while I pretended to be sleeping. We had to have a conversation, but it was destined for another place, and another time.
Morning came, and my determination to talk to him about last night’s events vanished. We ate our breakfast in peace and went our separate ways. Hours went by, then days, but I never mustered the courage to open that hot topic. Everything else was pretty normal. Just our usual week.
The week passed eventually, another lesson started, and Lucas was once again there, unknowingly confirming my theory.
Except this time he didn’t just watch.
The lesson went on smoothly. After it ended, I collected the supplies to carry them back to the storage. When I came back, I found them sitting on stools next to each other, deep in a low, nearly whispered conversation.
That wouldn’t be that surprising, or unusual. We often whispered during lessons (not Josh!) and it was an unconscious habit to continue doing so even when it was no longer necessary.
Josh had his bathrobe on, but the front was still open, more like a blanket thrown over his shoulders rather than something that was supposed to cover his naked body. What really threw me off was Lucas’ hand on Josh’s knee and the look on their faces. Now I was pretty much sure, but… the bastard! I never dared to actually do something like that, never even thought of doing it outside the confines of my own head. Ok, I might lie a bit, but – knowing I probably had no chance anyway – I simply didn’t.
I cleared my throat, notifying them of my presence, and they both jumped as if hit by electricity. Trying to keep Josh out of it, I pretended I hadn’t seen anything weird, although I’m pretty sure my face betrayed me. However, making a scene was the last thing on my mind. I wanted answers. One answer, to be exact. And, to be honest, the sight ignited something else in my mind.
“I'll wait in the car,” was all I said before turning around abruptly. I grabbed my coat in the hall and disappeared outside, letting Lucas take care of the rest.
They came out five minutes later; together, but keeping a visible distance.
When Lucas got in the car, I could feel his silent gaze on me, intent and wary, but I didn’t return it. My eyes followed the other figure, dressed in a weird, custom-made bomber, strolling hastily across the parking lot towards his own car. He kept glancing our way stealthily.
“Not now,” I interrupted him coldly. Josh got into his jeep in the meantime and I watched him drive away. “...and not here. Later. I’m hungry.”
Lucas watched me for a few more seconds, before he finally put the key in the ignition.
We spent the whole ride home in silence, ordered some food, which we once again ate in silence, until he just couldn’t take it any longer.
“Listen, Jo, I…”
“I saw you the other night,” I interrupted him.
“Saw me…” Lucas’ perplexed look quickly turned to one of utter horror. I won’t lie, I enjoyed watching him squirming like a snake on a hot plate, searching for words, before I finally decided to put him out of his misery. “But I’m not mad.”
That actually made him look even more perplexed, though he relaxed just a bit.
“Do you have feelings for him?” I continued. I needed to be sure of that one thing.
“No!" He seemed almost panicked. It was a dangerous question. Sex is a physical need, sometimes interconnected with feelings, but not necessarily. We agreed on that. Even our own fucking varied. It wasn’t always making love. And there were times when we weren’t even completely alone… “No, I mean, it’s difficult not to like him… in a purely platonic way…? But this is just lust. How come you’re not mad?”
I finished my beer before I replied. “I feel the same way, actually.”
“Do you!”
He raised his right eyebrow at me; a gesture which held a couple meanings at once. Curiosity and annoyance. He was teasing me… because he was jealous, while knowing too well that he had no right to be.
We watched each other for a while, each contemplating what to say next, even though there was nothing else to say. Knowing it as well as I did, Lucas sighed: “Ok, so what do we do? Ignore it and forget about it?”
“We’ll see it next week, my dearest,” I replied sarcastically, because that was actually the core of the problem. Not only we’ve never been in this situation before, but Josh was also very real. And while I enjoyed his company for the reasons I already mentioned, knowing that we in fact shared this little secret made it uncomfortable for the both of us. Lucas leaned back and crossed his arms.
“Oh, funny. Fine, enthral me with your own proposal on how to get out of this situation.”
“Well,” I sighed, “sometimes it’s best to scratch that itch.”
“What are you suggesting, Jo? Surely not to seduce Josh…?”
“I’m just answering your question,” I replied evasively. “I have one too, though.”
“Which is?”
“What were you two talking about?” For some strange reason, it made Lucas laugh. “What’s so funny?”
“Music. We were discussing music…”
“Stop trying my patience, Lucas,” I spat. For the first time, I felt really angry. This game can be played only when there’s honesty. Lucas’ expression sobered, but he shook his head. “I’m serious. Kind of. We were discussing life performances,” he smirked at me. “And before you bite my head off, let me remind you what some of your most cherished paintings are about. It’s art, right?” he added, referring to several large canvasses depicting the two of us fucking.
“Ok, point taken,” I mumbled sulkily. He really liked those tiktoks, didn’t he. Bastard.
We left it at that, not really sure what to do. However, the situation solved itself that very next week. Josh may look like a cherub, but he’s not that innocent.
Josh was the only model that week, because Anna had to finish some essay which was almost past the deadline, and of course, he was late again. Storming into the room, he gave me just one worried glance and a barely audible sorry that had nothing to do with his late arrival, before he quickly changed and took up his position in the middle of the room, pretending to be a statue. That was unusual, considering his inherent restlessness.
Lucas was there too, but preferred to stay hidden in the safety of his office room. And while Josh kept avoiding eye contact with me as if his life depended on it, I noticed his numerous side glances towards that door.
When the lesson ended, he hastily wrapped himself in the bathrobe and started helping others put away their easels and other stuff. That was even more unusual. I had half expected him to run off as soon as possible, but the boy was lingering.
And surely, the moment everyone else left and I took some remaining supplies to carry to the storage room, he followed me like a pup, trying to explain what I had walked into the week before. “Listen, Jo, about that last t…”
“You mean when I caught you shamelessly flirting with my husband?” I interrupted him, throwing the unused paper on a huge pile in the corner. I can be merciless sometimes. His expression turned to one of utter abashment and diffidence, and it was funny to watch. I didn’t feel like he really fully deserved it, because it was Lucas’ hand on his knee and not vice versa, but this shy, empathetic and almost boyish side of him is sexy as hell and completely intoxicating.
Shamelessly, I wanted a sip of that tasty cocktail. Nevertheless, I fell into my own trap.
We were shrouded in semi darkness, with just enough light coming from the main room through the open door to allow us to see our expressions, enhanced by sharp shadows. The dim light suited him and his Adam's apple looked even more prominent as he swallowed.
“I… It…” unusually at a loss of words, he resorted to the second best thing he mastered quite well: touch.
A completely innocent touch. Just his hand sliding down my shoulder, his fingers gripping my arm firmly but tenderly. It shouldn’t have surprised me that much. Josh just likes to really physically connect with people in order to be understood. But it did take me by surprise. I had imagined those fingers wrapped around my bodily parts many times before.
My immediate reaction was completely involuntary. I just moaned. I mean… aloud.
Josh looked taken aback – and quite understandably – but instead of retreating, those fingers slid gently and slowly down to my elbow, as if testing me. Needless to say, I failed the test, although it wasn’t that blatant this time.
“Seriously?” he whispered. The puppy dog face was gone, replaced by something much more fierce… and excitingly dangerous. “What’s the deal with the two of you?”
“Yeah, Jo, what’s the deal?” I saw him enter, but Josh did not, and the suddenly cast shadow accompanied by Lucas’ husky tone visibly startled him.
It was like a strange pantomimic theatre nouveau. A play of shadows, touches and slow movements. Josh let go of me and his palm, open theatrically like a flower in mid air, was suddenly covered by Lucas’s right hand while the left one slid lightly down Josh's spine until it found purchase on his lower back. Josh tensed, but didn’t withdraw from the touch. In fact, he pulled Lucas’ right arm closer to him instead. Looking at me intensely with those big dark eyes, his lips slightly parted, but all that came out was a soft exhale. Being much more hesitant and restrained than my husband, I reached out to caress his cheek, and he leaned into my touch.
Suddenly, he tensed again, as if being awakened from a slumber. “Ok, what’s going on here?”
“Do we make you feel uncomfortable?” I wasn’t teasing. It was a genuine question.
“No, not uncomfortable. That’s why I’m asking. If I felt uncomfortable, I’d tell you both to fuck off.”
It took one shared fleeting glance between me and Lucas to escalate the situation beyond the point of no return. It was a true now or never moment.
“I have a few questions.”
Josh made himself comfortable on our large, U-shaped couch and took a sip of red wine from the glass I just handed him.
He had arrived in his jeep just about three minutes after us, giving me no time to make this place a little bit more… presentable. But honestly, who cares. He’s a rockstar, I’m a painter, and I was about to see him naked in a completely different situation. Dust if you must; I shall not.
“Shoot,” I replied, leaning against the kitchen counter.
“Uh… ok… well, the first one’s obviously why.”
Naturally. At the same time, it was a pretty stupid question, with the three of us evidently sharing the why not mindset. I just opened my mouth to respond, but Lucas beat me to it. “Why what?”
Lucas, too, was still standing. Moving closer to the couch from behind, he grabbed the headrest on each side of Josh’s head and leaned down a bit.
We were circling Josh like prey, but the little cherub didn’t even flinch, convincing me he was well aware as to why… and liking it very much. The fucker just wanted to hear it.
“Why me, obviously,” he responded with a raspy voice and took another sip.
“Have you seen yourself?” I chimed in.
Josh sighed and leaned his head against the headrest, his curls brushing Lucas’ clothed stomach teasingly. See? He was VERY well aware, already playing the game along with us with gusto.
“Took me a few years to really see myself, but yeah.” His jaw tightened and he smirked at last. “Alright. Point taken. I’m irresistible.” He straightened again to help himself to another gulp of wine without the risk of spilling it, allowing Lucas to rub the nape of his neck gently. Josh leaned into the touch, but Lucas asked anyway: “Is this ok?” It was very important to build trust in this new situation.
“Totally,” Josh whispered and blinked, before he focused his gaze back on me.
“Ok, next question. Have you two done this before?”
Lucas stopped playing with Josh’s locks and put his hand on Josh’s right shoulder instead. Our little friend acknowledged the gesture with a stealthy side look, but his main focus remained on me, even when Lucas spoke. “No… Well, we… shared a bed with another couple once, but it wasn’t as exciting as it may sound, because everyone was only interested in their respective partners in the end. I dare say it turned out to be even a little bit awkward eventually. Chemistry’s important in such situations, and it wasn’t there.”
We certainly couldn’t complain about the lack of it this time. On the contrary, it was so strong it turned the air in the room into a thick soup of tension and growing lust. I kept eye contact, watching Josh’s eyelids droop as his lips transformed into a subtle pout. Our Ganymede was playing along, exerting his own power and dominance. At least over me.
The evening was not planned, the roles were not set and my own imagination had never led me this far despite me being the original author of this bold proposal. Now I was dying to know what was going on in his pretty head and what he might have in store for me.
His demeanor changed in a snap, and he turned his head a bit, finally looking up at Lucas like a puppy waiting for his master’s next move. I had to hide behind my own glass to prevent Lucas from seeing my face. Unnecessarily, because he wasn’t paying attention to me, anyway. “... and outside your mutual experience… how about… men?” Josh looked directly into Lucas’ eyes, who returned the gaze and answered truthfully: “No.”
Josh’s eyes widened slightly and he bit his lower lip. He had probably already expected it, but hearing it is always different.
It was pretty obvious what he was thinking, but even if it weren’t, his growing bulge told stories of its own. His sexual intelligence mesmerized me, though, as he willingly allowed Lucas to keep the high ground. It was no doubt a vulnerable moment for my husband, and I admired him for how well he’d been handling it so far.
I hated to break their little moment, but there were still other things that needed to be addressed. “Speaking of chemistry… I want you to know that I’m perfectly fine with just… watching. The last thing I want is to make you feel uncomfortable.” Josh’s eyes snapped back to me, his expression a bit hard to decipher, but it still managed to increase my heart rate significantly. Then he spoke up and said heart jumped up my throat.
“I…uh… think you underestimate me, Jo. I consider myself to be a very eclectic person, especially… uh… when it comes to fun. Which brings me to my last question. What are you two actually planning to do with me?”
My breath hitched as I watched him lick his upper lip with the tip of his tongue playfully. We had no plan. We couldn’t possibly have one, not without his participation, and he was quite aware already. It wasn’t really a question, it was an offering.
“Whatever you want…,” was all I managed to choke out.
“I think I want a kiss. Just show me how much you want this, yeah?”
I swear I could hear something snap, and the last remains of our restraints were gone with a puff. Josh was game. I wanted to ask from whom, but there was no longer room for questions, because Lucas took action. Without any further ado, he leaned forward again, grabbed Josh by the chin and forced him to turn his head to the side. I’m not sure if my brain slowed my perception of time or if they really looked at each other for so long, but it was fascinating to watch.
And then Lucas fulfilled Josh’s wish. Softly at first, but Josh made it clear he didn’t come here to cuddle. He opened his mouth without being asked to and their tongues met in a very sloppy and passionate kiss.
Josh reached behind Lucas’ head to grab the nape of his neck while my husband’s hand slid down to Josh’s throat, which made the latter moan loudly and I had to pull in my lips to stifle my own whimper. They paid me no mind though, lost in their own realm where they both ruled, each one in a different way, each one holding a different kind of power over the other.
What a mesmerizing sight. Truly. I watched in awe the dark and dirty fairytale that was just being played before my eyes. I really would be happy just watching it. My stomach muscles contracted violently and I could feel my panties absorb the overflowing wetness. I took the glass from Josh’s outstretched arm, which became an inconvenience. I put it on the kitchen counter and poured myself more wine.
In the meantime, Lucas climbed over to join Josh on the couch, where they continued with their mutual exploration; taking their time. Lucas was on his knees, still hovering over Josh slightly, holding his head in both hands now, fingers scratching the buzzed sides. The huge amount of energy that had been building inside of him for hours (or weeks) was palpable, and it begged to be released.
With his head tilted backwards, Josh’s hands slid down Lucas’ chest, searching blindly for the hem of his shirt, tugging at it tellingly. I downed the glass, bracing for what was to come, as Lucas broke the kiss and pulled his arms up, letting Josh do the job. They were both almost breathless, watching each other with eyes wide open. I couldn’t blame them; my own were popping off. Suddenly, Josh grabbed Locas’ bare sides and brushed his open mouth and nose hungrily against Lucas’ chest, taking him in with all the senses.
The wildest fantasies couldn’t compare to this overwhelmingly intense show. I wasn’t ready, and with the wine already making my head spin and my cunt burn, I myself was getting completely lost in the intensity of the moment.
“I… really…,” Josh breathed out before he licked his lips and his fingers brushed the button of Lucas’ jeans.
“Good god,” my husband muttered and closed his eyes. “Ok, yeah, go ahead, please…” With that, he straightened and stood up, once again towering over our sexy guest. Josh looked up with his mouth slightly open to allow those slow, deep breaths in and out. His fingers brushed over Lucas’ prominent bulge, making Lucas whimper. “But don’t tease.”
Josh smirked. Teasing was exactly what he was planning to do.
He pulled the zipper down, keeping the movement excruciatingly slow, and carefully pulled the pants low enough to set Lucas’ throbbing dick free. “No underwear, tsk,” he teased. “Another thing we have in common.”
“What’s the firs…” Lucas tried to ask, but never finished the sentence, because Josh suddenly swirled his tongue over the already leaking head like a hungry tomcat.
“Oh Jesus!” Lucas panted, his finger running through Josh’s curls. “No more teasing! You wanted suck, so take it. Suck!”
And so he did. And I suddenly wished I had a dick, because while I considered myself to be quite good at it, I hardly ever managed to make my husband really weak in the knees. Josh, on the other hand, got him there in less than three minutes and Lucas had to stop him eventually.
“Good?” Josh grinned.
“Too good, and you know it, you bastard,” he growled before turning to me. “Jo, could you… the box…”
“Oh, sure,” I nodded, rushing to retrieve a small box filled with necessities from our bedroom. Once there, I decided to quickly change as well. He wants fun, so let’s have fun. I chose a black lacy top with ribbon lacing at the back and no underwire. No panties either. let the pussycat breathe. I had showered before the lesson, so whatever was going to happen, I was ready.
I checked myself in the mirror one last time before going back. Letting my hair down was the last, finishing touch to make me satisfied with what I saw in the reflection. My tits looked heavy supported just by thin lace and my cheeks were flushed from the excitement.
It only grew as the muted sounds of their voices reached me through the open doors. Lucas’ teasings and promises, uttered in his lowest register, followed by a naughty giggle. It fueled my imagination even more.
Were their limbs already entangled? Restless hands roaming every inch of their flesh? Did their eyes meet often, sharing the unspeakable? Soft moans reached my ears as I stood there, wondering. I longed to see it all, and hurried back.
They didn’t notice me at first. I walked around the couch stealthily, careful not to disturb the intimate foreplay.
And as I had expected, both were already naked. Josh, lying on his back with his arms behind his head. He had his eyes closed, getting lost in time and space. Lucas was crouching between his spread legs, his parted lips travelling across Josh’s chest, while his hands kept Josh’s elbows in place.
I watched as he darted his tongue out, swirling it around Josh’s left nipple, leaving the areola glistening wet. Josh tilted his head back and moaned again, arching his back ever so slightly while doing so.
“Oh dear god,” I muttered at last, informing them of my presence.
Josh just opened his eyes while Lucas straightened a little, his hands stroking Josh’s exposed triceps’ while he turned around to look at me. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” he asked Josh with his eyes still on my.
Feeling a bit uneasy under their sudden scrutiny, I took a step forward and handed Lucas the small box, before I dared to sit on the floor right next to Josh’s head. “Hey,” I smiled shyly.
… which he answered with a toothy grin. “Why so coy all of the sudden? Where’s my bold lecturer? Shouldn’t I be the one to feel bashful?
“Are you?”
“No… especially not now when I see what this does to you.”
Always a showman. I rolled my eyes in mock annoyance and he grinned even more before his eyes fell back on Lucas, who had bent down again to pepper Josh’s lower abdomen with tiny kisses.
“I love when he does that to me,” I whispered. “Feels good, doesn’t in!”
With a melodic “mmmmhhhhn,” Josh closed his eyes again, panting softly through his parted lips as Lucas dared to venture lower. I watched how his finger enveloped Josh’s hard dick, giving it a few tentative strokes, before he suddenly grabbed Josh’s legs under his knees, forcing them upwards, making him gasp.
“Can I kiss you?” I asked, making him open his eyes again.
“I think you must.”
And I did. I had been longing to taste them for so long that I was NOT coy about that in any way. I took advantage of him keeping those lips parted and licked the inner corner first before I pushed my tongue into his waiting mouth, making him moan into mine.
Or perhaps it wasn’t just my doing. He gasped again soon after, breaking the kiss. “Fuck, you’re good at this!” It didn’t belong to me, as I could immediately see.
Lucas paused for a bit, just to look at us. “That’s because she loves it,” he grinned deviously before returning to Josh’s ass, eliciting a few more profanities from his pouty mouth. The sight and the sounds were making me hungry, and I went for Josh’s exposed neck, licking and sucking on the delicate skin. He grabbed the back of my head to prevent me from stopping. He loved that. I could HEAR it! Oh god, he sings even during sex. So beautiful.
Lucas straightened again and with a long, steadying intake of breath, he opened the box to retrieve a bottle of lube and a pack of condoms from it. It was time.
“Is it ok if I stay like this? I wanna see everything,” Josh breathed out in a husky tone, watching Lucas apply a generous amount of lube on his fingers.
“Whatever you want, pillow princess.” With that, he pushed Josh’s legs even more upwards, letting them rest against his listed arm while he started circling Josh’ entrance with the middle finger of his other hand. He watched me, looking a bit lost in thoughts and I wondered what was going on inside his head. I didn’t have to wonder for too long, though.
“Hold him!” he ordered and I quickly obeyed, loving the idea.
“What?!” Josh bursted out when I sat behind his head and grabbed his wrists, pulling his arms back behind his head. At the same time, Lucas pushed the finger inside. I looked down into those wide-eyed pools and he swallowed hard. “Not what you expected?
“I… I…”
“Not what you want?” Once again, I didn’t mean to tease. His pleasure was the ultimate goal, after all.
“I..yes…I want…”... Lucas added a second finger… “Yes!”
“Wonderful, baby. Enjoy,” I smiled down at him.
I knew Lucas would be careful, and Josh’s relaxed face told me I was right. And Lucas had been right too; I loved this a lot, thanks to his gentleness. I always wondered what it would feel like if I had a prostate though, feeling maybe even a bit jealous sometimes. This time, I could at least watch it. Tiny droplets appeared on Josh’s forehead and and a string of muttered ‘fuck’s’ flew from his pretty mouth when Lucas curled those fingers.
“Fuck…” Josh breathed out again after a while. “Fuck me already!”
Lucas’s eyes visibly darkened at those words. He let go of Josh’s legs, carefully withdrew and crawled over him, looking him directly in the eye. “That was hot,” he hissed. “Beg again!”
“Please… fuck me,” Josh whimpered, tugging at his wrists restrained by my firm grasp.
“Good boy.” With deliberate precision and skilled swiftness, Lucas put on a condom, poured more lube on top of his dick, spread it all over and positioned himself. between Josh’s outstretched legs. One of his feet slid down from the couch, so Lucas grabbed him again under his knee and threw the leg lovingly over his shoulder. “You’re a very pretty whore, Josh Kiszka,” he crooned and slowly, carefully entered.
I bent down to kiss our very pretty whore whole Lucas waited for him to adjust, and I didn’t stop until I felt him move. Josh arched his back again and his soft pants soon turned to moans, and moans to cries when Lucas quickened his pace, holding Josh’s hips firmly.
I wondered why Lucas was so quiet though, and I learned the reason soon. This night…it was just too much, it was too unexpected and overall so sexy there was a pool between my legs just from watching it. He exhaled ruggedly all of the sudden, and then again, and at last he cried out before he collapsed on top of Josh, panting.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered right next to his ear, making Josh chuckle breathily.
“For what? God, that was…”
“Yeah, but…”
I let go of Josh’s wrist and collapsed into the corner of the couch, trying not to laugh. Lucas pulled out carefully and helped Josh into a sitting position before he disposed of the condom quickly. When he came back, He offered Josh his outstretched hand. “Stand up.”
“Why?” Josh asked as he hesitantly took it.
“Just stand up.” My husband looked visibly nervous, but determined, and I knew immediately what he was going to do. For the first time in his life.
He kissed the slightly bewildered Josh first, softly on the mouth, before he got on his knees before him. “Oh…ok,” Josh panted.
I sucked in breath, unsure what to do… or maybe just feeling second handedly Lucas’ own uncertainty. “Lucas, if…”
“Shut up.” He brushed his fingertips across Josh’s lower abdomen first, shadow tracing all those kisses he had planted there before, before he let them circle around the base of Josh’s erection. And, at last, he opened his mouth and wrapped his lips around the head.
Josh closed his eyes and with a furrowed brow, he muttered an encouraging “yes”. Emboldened, Lucas tried to venture further, only to make Josh hiss in discomfort. I bit my lower lip. Teeth.
“Imagine her mouth,” Josh said softly. “What does she do?” Lucas tried again and Josh shuddered, but it was different this time. He smiled at last. “Uh huh…hmmmm, yes,” he breathed out. “Yes, that’s it.
Slowly, Lucas found the way, as well as the right rhythm. He was hell bent on making it right. Needless to say, he had a very empathetic teacher. He stroked Lucas' hair with one hand while the other ventured behind his ear, holding him firmly without forcing him down. And Josh was not a faker; when he made a sound, you knew it was genuine.
“I’m gonna come,” Josh moaned after a while and his fingers slid gently to the nape of Lucas’s neck. He was asking for permission.
I could see that Lucas tensed slightly and visibly hesitated, so I quickly slid down on my knees right next to him and opened my mouth. Josh blinked at me, understanding slowly appearing on his face. “Come on, I want it,” I urged him. He pulled out and I quickly swallowed him whole, pressing my flattened tongue against the underside of his already twitching dick. I continued to suck, determined to save every drop as he shuddered above me with a heavy sigh.
After I finally released him, he fell backwards on the couch, panting wildly. I already swallowed most of his cum, I could feel it burning my throat slightly, but there was still a strong aftertaste when Lucas grabbed my jaw and kissed me deeply and hungrily.
“Good?” I panted when he withdrew.
“So good.”
“Jesus Christ…” we heard Josh mutter, rubbing his hand over his face before he let it run through his messy curls. I looked at him and smiled before I stood up, joined him on the couch and exhaled slowly, content, but not fully satisfied. Lucas remained sitting cross legged on the floor in front of us. His gaze darted between me and Josh, and I couldn’t really tell what he was thinking. With his arms resting on his knees, he looked calm and tired.
“What about you, Jo?”
I slowly turned my head towards the source of that deliciously raspy voice. Josh’s eyes looked almost black in the dimmed light, making the whites sparkly in contrast. He smiled and ran a finger back and forth across his lower lip, eyeing me inquisitively.
“What about me?” I smiled weakly back.
He cleared his throat first before he replied. “I’d really love to reciprocate.”
“What do you mean by that, exactly?” I teased, my mind already there, browsing through all the possibilities.
His reddened cheeks literally glowed and I found myself unable to break eye contact, still examining what was hiding behind his dilated pupils. I didn’t notice how his hand slid towards mine until he grabbed it and drew it up to his plump lips. I expected him to kiss my fingers, and he did, but… his tongue then slid between my index and middle finger, licking suggestively. He kept eye contact the whole time and I squealed a bit taken aback by the lewdness of the gesture, despite everything that already happened.
Josh’s pillowy mouth between my legs? Oh, fuck yeah! “I’d really love that.”
“May I?” He asked Lucas almost hesitantly.
“Go on, she deserved it.”
I expected him to get on his knees, but instead he slid lithely on his back again and rested his head on a small cushion in one of the corners of the couch. “Come on then, sit.”
“Are you sure?”
He rolled his eyes and grabbed my arms, making me almost tumble over him, making us both giggle. Regaining my balance, I positioned myself carefully and hesitated again, so he grabbed my ass and pulled me down, making me squeak. I dared to look down, meeting the same gaze that he had shared with me earlier that evening in the storage room. Fierce…and dangerous. The very next second I understood why, as he darted his tongue out and let it flutter over my clit with insane speed. I tensed and arched my back, opening my mouth in a silent scream.
Mercifully, he gently enveloped it with his lips instead and started licking it tenderly. Honestly, that was probably even worse. In a matter of seconds, I was a moaning mess, bending over the headrest.
Naturally, I didn’t hear Lucas move until he was right in front of me. He was hard again and ready to continue. “I think I need your help, bitch.”
Not the first time he called me bitch. Never during an argument, always when he wants to cum. It makes me wild, to be honest, and that’s exactly what he wanted. I grabbed him by the hips, pulled him closer and swallowed him whole. He grabbed my hair to make sure I knew who was in charge and pushed again, thrusting all the way until he hit my throat. And then again.
I relaxed, focusing on tbe head of Lucas's dick deep in my throat, but it took one swift flick of Josh’s tongue around my clit to throw me completely off balance and I gagged violently.
It was followed by his own loud whimper that reverberated through my pussy. That kinky little bastard. I felt a subtle, rhythmic movement somewhere behind me and tried to break free from Lucas’ grasp to have a look. “Yeah, he’s jerking off,” he groaned impatiently. “Suck!”
For a fleeting second I imagined seeing myself from the outside, the whole scene. My head spun and the sensation between my legs became almost unbearable. I was acutely aware of every tiny licks that sent me further towards the edge… and then I was falling. Lucas had to pull out just to let me breathe.
Slowly and carefully, I lifted myself on my knees, allowing Josh to get from under me. I was aware we weren’t done. Not after my husband had called me bitch. It also meant he was in the mood for some pretty rough fuck. However, he didn’t move, his hard-on now literally resting against my flushed cheek. “Well, well, what a precarious situation, right?”
His tone confirmed my suspicion, but still told me nothing about his plans. “I think that pussy’salready pretty swollen now. Hmm, that’s always good. Do you want to fuck her, Joshy boy?” I tensed at those words, so hot and lewd and unexpected. A hand ghosted over my left asscheek, making me shiver.
“Oh yeah, you do, don’t you. Go ahead then.”
The continuing silence made me nervous. “Josh?”
I felt him shift behind me, I felt his skin brush against my back and closed my eyes, reveling at the sensation. Then suddenly, it was his hot breath near my ear and he whispered: “Can I, Jo?”
“Oh god, yes!” I blurted out.
I felt him shift again, reaching for a condom. A moment later, I felt those hands again, as he grabbed my hips and pushed them up. I looked up, meeting Lucas’s dark eyes, my mouth already open and ready. “You’re whore,” he said. “I love it.”
And then Josh entered me. And then I was completely full, and barely breathing.
It was overwhelming. Josh was hitting my g-spot just right and it took only a few more minutes until I came hard again with my mouth still full of Lucas’s dick. I moaned around it as he held me by the nape of my neck and continued to fuck my mouth. I gagged violently and he let go just to let me take one deep breath before he plunged back. I convulsed and my throat constricted around his head, making him moan. I loved the sound. My whole body tensed and another wave of orgasm reverberated through it, making my pussy spasm and clench around Josh’s dick.
He slowed down and hesitated, and his grip on my hips loosened. He was no longer holding me firmly, he just stroked me soothingly. I looked up, begging Lucas to tell the other one that it was all ok, because I couldn’t. “Go on, she absolutely loves this.”
It didn’t convince him. He was still rock hard, I could feel it. That wasn’t the issue. Losing my patience, I clenched my walls on purpose now, making him whimper, before I mustered all my remaining energy to hiss: “For fucks sake do your worst.”
I’m not kidding, he growled. I swear, it’s true.
I felt almost like a ragdoll between them, with my chest pressed against the headrest and clutching it with both my hands until my knuckles turned white. My thighs were shaking and I was gasping for air, but neither of them stopped. After a while, Lucas grabbed me by the hair and pulled my head up. I looked up at him with my mouth still open, long ropes of saliva still connecting it with his dick somehow. He didn’t meet my gaze; he was looking at Josh instead, while jerking himself off frantically right in front of my face.
“Does it feel good, fucking her?” he growled. I could feel Josh’s fingertips pressing harder into the ample flesh of my hips as he slowed down his pace considerably. I couldn’t blame him. Lucas’s tone was dangerous.
“Yes…” Only then I realized how much I wanted to hear that, but Josh stopped in his movements, unsure if that was the right answer.
Me being familiar with that menacing tone, I knew it meant Lucas was extremely aroused. Only this time, I couldn’t really tell where this was heading, and my own apprehension only grew. He soon answered my unspoken question, making me gasp.
“Would you like to fuck ME?”
I couldn’t really see what happened next. I could only feel and hear it. I only imagined the shock on Josh’s face, drawing it with sharp lines inside my head, inspired by Josh’s sharp inhale. It was followed by a whispered breathy ‘oh’ and a whimper as his dick twitched inside me. One involuntary thrust forward, followed by three more… and he was spent.
I DID watch how it all reflected in Lucas’s eyes, growing more fierce with each passing millisecond as he stared at the other man behind me with his lips slightly parted in surprise.
“Open!” he ordered suddenly. I thought he meant me, so I obligingly opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out, but Lucas pushed me slightly aside and I felt Josh shift above me. He leaned himself onto the small of my back to get closer, grabbing the headrest with one hand and my shoulder with the other for support. I could feel he barely recovered; he was still shaking. And yet… In my own post-orgasm gaze, I dared to glance sideways only to see him do just what I had done a second before.
Looking down at us, Lucas smirked. “Look how obedient he is, my love.” The words, while spoken to me, were not meant for me at all, and Josh inhaled loudly, dutifully bracing for what was to come. Lucas grabbed him by the hair and rammed his dick deep in his throat. Josh’s cheeks puffed out and he barfed chokingly, while his eyes rolled up into his skull, making him look almost possessed. The obscenity of it was the last impulse Lucas needed to paint Josh’s throat with hot spurts of his seed.
Lucas pulled out just enough for Josh to be able to swallow. Only then did he let go of his hair completely, letting him take a breath.
Josh collapsed onto my back completely now, with his cheek resting on my shoulder, and his quickened breath resonating against my ribcage. I wrapped my arms around Lucas’ waist, resting my forehead against his belly. He stroked my hair gently, while wiping sweat from his forehead with his other hand. We must have looked like a mannerist sculptural group.
“So, everyone good?” Lucas said at last.
I felt Josh chuckle against my shoulder and I started giggling uncontrollably.
We showered separately, allowing ourselves a moment of privacy to fully absorb what had just happened.
Lucas ordered some Indian food and we are on the very same couch just like three good friends, except we were all still naked. And because we also finished the bottle of wine and opened another one, I refused to let Josh drive back home. No, he was staying, end of discussion. Our bed was large enough.
Despite my previous exhaustion and unusually deep sleep, I was roused later that night by a peculiar sensation; as if I was sleeping in a rocking cradle. Half awake and with my eyes still closed, my brain tried to make sense of it, until I heard the unmistakable sound of the two of them fucking on my right, literally just a few inches away from me. They were trying to be quiet, and moving slowly, swaying together in a spooning position like two boats rocked by the waves. Their deep breathing and the sensuous, slapping sound of lubricated flesh gave them away in an instant and I could feel the heat emanating from their skin. I listened in silence for a minute or two, feeling almost like an intruder in that very intimate and very carnal moment.
But this was my bed, and my husband, and basically my idea. I was not going to let them leave me out of it like that.
I turned my head to the side slowly and opened my eyes, instantly meeting Josh’s. They widened in bewilderment, the white of his eyes shiny in the near darkness, and I responded with a cunning smile.
Lucas had his arm wrapped around Josh’s torso and I stroked the back of his hand with my fingertips. It immediately made him stop. They lay unmoving in complete silence, waiting for my next reaction.
“Go on,” I whispered, while my hand traveled further down, brushing against the tense flesh of Josh’s abdomen until it reached his rock hard cock. I wrapped my fingers around it and gave it a tentative squeeze in unison with Lucas, who moved again.
Josh finally broke the silence and immediately tried to stifle the moan by biting his lower lip. What a blasphemy! I wanted to hear that beautiful voice. I wanted it to reverberate between the walls of our bedroom until the window panes rattled! So, I grabbed his jaw with my right hand and forced it open again with my fingers. He continued staring at me with wide eyes and I snuggled closer, licking his parted lips with my tongue while stroking him slowly with my other hand.
His eyelids fluttered closed and he moaned loudly in my mouth.
“Hello, sleeping beauty,” he mumbled afterwards.
The darkness around us was slowly subsiding, but it wasn’t just my eyes getting used to it. Dim, blue light gradually filled the room and I could finally see more than just their outlines. It was already early morning. Lucas lifted his head and looked at us for the first time, winking at me. The motherfucker felt no shame. He wanted him all for himself. “You bastard,” I spat and he responded by bottoming out forcefully, making Josh arch his back and grab my arm instinctively. I kissed him again in response while still pumping him, only this time I forced my tongue inside his mouth, licking into it.
“You’re so sinfully pretty,” I mumbled against his lips when I finally broke the kiss. “I wanna paint you as a fallen angel.”
“A fallen… angel…?” he whispered back shakily in between his pants that matched Lucas’s languid thrusts and my strokes.
“Yeah, watching you being fucked by my husband is making me all wet. What a sight. So beautiful...”
Lucas grunted and Josh just shook his head in a silent no.
“Yes, you are. See?” I let go of him and reached between my legs, gathering some of the wetness before I pushed my fingertips inside his mouth, making him suck on them. Josh obliged, in his docile attempt to please me.
We were literally using him and he was very much aware. And loving it. With his plump lips still wrapped around my fingers, Josh looked at me again and something in his eyes changed. I swear I could see undiluted depravity in it and it made my head spin even while still lying safely on the pillow. He was indeed a true piece of art.
“What are you gonna do about it?” I whispered daringly and he grasped my wrist and pulled my fingers out of his mouth, before he grabbed a handful of my hair, letting me know that he was not yet completely giving in. He was not as strong as Lucas, but nicely toned and could still overpower me if he wanted. I felt the power emanating from him, boosted by the sexual stamina. I could tease him all I wanted, fascinated by how comfortable he was in letting me, but – clearly – enough was enough.
“Turn around,” he breathed out and I quickly obeyed, completely taken aback by the sinful idea and breathing in their mixed manly musky scent that wafted around us. Lucas halted his movements again, letting Josh position himself. He pressed his right thigh against mine, using it as leverage. Feeling his head between my folds, I let out a shaky breath and pushed back, making him enter me fully.
Now it was me breathing heavily, still trying to convince myself that it was not all just a dirty dream. The time almost ceased to exist in the steely morning light. We were no longer silent, all moving in a synchronized rhythm set by Lucas. He was like a metronome, setting the pace as we all moaned into it, writhing like snakes in the lustful melody. Josh wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer while I reached behind me to stroke his hair. “So soft,” he mumbled, kneading my tit. I took another deep breath, taking in the overwhelming mixed scent of their heated bodies. For a moment I wondered what it would feel like to be in between them, penetrated by both and being pushed to the brink of madness by the combined, double stimulation.
Josh came first, and no wonder, because he was the lucky one now, being fucked while buried balls deep in the warm softness of my pussy. He let out a prolonged, high-pitched whimper and I could feel him twitch inside me. I reached down and grabbed his thigh while he trembled with his face pressed in the nape of my neck, his hot breath sending shivers down my spine. My hand traveled up his thigh until I reached his ass and dug my fingernails in his hairless, juicy flesh, making him squeak. Lucas kept fucking into him mercilessly as if nothing happened and Josh held onto my forearm for dear life. He almost sobbed and for the first time that night I felt strangely strong, like he was finally completely at our mercy… which he was.
“Is he big inside you?” I teased.
“So…,” Josh breathed out, but was unable to finish the sentence. That’s when Lucas chimed in for the first time.
“So tight. He’s taking me so good. You’re… a good boy, huh?”
Josh was still hard inside me and whimpered again at those words. “So be a good boy a little longer. Make her cum if you want my load,” Lucas continued – almost breathless – but his tone sounded strong… authoritative almost. He was also very close, I could tell. And so was I. To be honest, I could come just by listening to the two of them.
Josh’s obedience prevented me from testing that theory, though. His hand grabbed my inner thigh and forced my leg up a bit, before he snaked it in between my legs and his fingertips brushed against my clit, almost fearfully this time. He started with slow, tentative circles, but soon quickened his pace when I moaned lewdly, making it known that he was doing a good job.
Lucas’s thrusts became frantic at this point and he basically forced Josh to keep moving inside me. His knee that was still resting against mine started to tremble violently and he cried out from overstimulation.
Suddenly, Josh’s breath hitched and I sensed rather than saw how Lucas wrapped his hand around Josh’s throat, as I could feel his arm between us. “You like this?” Lucas growled and Josh let out a high-pitched, strangled “yeah”, confirming my suspicion. I was getting high on his nasal ‘hnnnns’ and it took only a few more seconds until I came hard around him, squeezing him tight.
It was too much for him, and he ejaculated again, howling like a wolf pup. He was literally writhing now. His arm twisted around me again, squeezing my rib cage.
“Lucas!” I hissed warningly and looked behind me, but there was no need. He let out a low growl and let go of Josh’s throat, grabbing at his side instead in a frantic need to hold on to something. I was certain he was going to leave marks. He bottomed out one last time and his whole body shook while he filled Josh’s ass with his seed.
Neither of us moved for a while. I felt Josh go limp inside me until he just slipped out. I heard him hiss slightly as Lucas pulled out too. “Are you ok, baby? I asked him tentatively and he rubbed his nose against the nape of my neck before he answered.
“More than ok, Jo? I think I might not be able to walk tomorrow, but… yeah, it was worth it,” he chuckled.
I felt something shift as the dawn broke. It felt right like that. I didn’t want it to be just one night.
The truth about love is it's nasty and salty It's the regret in the morning, it's the smelling of armpits It's wings, and songs And trees, and birds It's all the poetry that you ever heard P!nk, The Truth About Love
@thewritingbeforesunrise @fleet-of-fiction @writingcold @lvnterninthenight @its-interesting-van-kleep @takenbythemadness @edgingthedarkness @myownparadise96 @gvfstuddedmajesty @jazzyfigz @sanguinebats @josh-iamyour-mama @Lyndz2names @wetkleenex-gvf @peaceloveunitygvf @cheersdannyx2 @fleetingjake @lizzys-sunflower @emojakekiszka @gvfmarge @Dayumclarizzel @lipstickitty @clownstarr @gretasfallingsky @musicislove3389 @i-love-gvf @psychedelectable @allof--mylove @sacredsparrow @scarabsinthestardust @Ironlotus90
#greta van fleet#gvf#josh kiszka#josh gvf#greta van fleet fanfic#greta van fic#gvf fanfiction#josh kiszka x oc#josh kiszka x male oc#josh kiszka smut#josh kiszka gvf#josh kiszka fanfic#greta van smut#gvf smut#gvf fanfic#gvf fan fiction#greta van fleet fan fic au#greta van fleet fan fic#greta van fleet fanfiction#greta van fleet smut
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Five years ago today, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power premiered on Netflix. I had seen a few preview articles about it, and liked what I saw. Those articles mostly focused on She-Ra’s, Adora’s, Glimmer’s, Bow’s, and Catra’s redesigns, and I thought they were fabulous. I loved Adora’s new red jacket and bouffant hair style. Glimmer’s entire redesign was inspired, and I loved that they made Bow black so we could have more diversity in the main cast.
It was She-Ra’s and Catra’s redesigns that caught my eyes the most, though. They made Catra an actual catgirl, and not just in the anime sense where she's just a cute girl with cat ears and maybe a cat tail. She was a full-on furry. It was a brilliant design choice. Honestly it’s no wonder that so many were instantly drawn to her.
And of course, She-Ra herself. I loved her new look, and her huge ass new Sword of Protection. In fact, I loved it so much that I drew this picture of her before the show even came out:

Then the show came out, and needless to say, I fell in love. And honestly, it changed my life.
I know, I know. That sounds very hyperbolic, and to an extent it is, but in a lot of ways, I’m absolutely serious.
Alright, I have to back up a little. Back when I was in college, and for a few years after, a couple of friends and I tried to make a webcomic called The Devil’s Gate. It was minorly successful but eventually floundered. Then I met some people and we tried to make a video game, which also failed. After those few years, I found myself on my own and trying to rework the concept of my webcomic. Making comics, creating stories, those have always been my dream, and I was desperately trying to figure out a story I could make work, something that I believed in. But it never truly got off the ground. By the end of 2015 I had given up on the comic, realizing that after working on it for years in different forms that I needed to step away from it.
I didn’t really know what to do after that. I was still doing my quick daily doodles, but I wasn’t writing, I wasn’t drawing anything of note. I felt emotionally and physically drained of my creativity. I was honestly getting to the point where I thought it might be time for me to give up on trying to be creative or making things all together.
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power came out on November 13, 2018, but despite looking forward to it, I didn’t actually watch it when it came out. It wasn’t until that weekend that I decided to check it out.
I was instantly hooked. I binged through the entire season in two days, and did plenty of crying and cheering. And then rewatched it immediately. I was in love. I was obsessed. It had been a long time since anything grabbed me like SPOP did. I loved the characters. I loved the colorful, sci-fi-fairy tale world of Etheria. I loved how unapologetically feminine it was. And most of all, I loved how queer it was.
I hadn’t done a ton of shipping before SPOP. I’ve been down bad for harlivy for what feels like my whole life, and I was angry when Mika and HG didn’t get together in Warehouse 13, but more often than not I had just been conditioned not to look for queer things in mainstream culture, and even barely in subculture.
That is to say, when I was smashed in the face with Catradora I was surprised how much I glommed onto it immediately. I was absolutely taken with Adora and Catra and their relationship. Both characters were so relatable, and despite not quite being text (although the subtext was so loud and obvious it might as well have been text), it was impossible to not read their feelings for each other as romantic.
It wasn’t just Catradora, even if that was a lot of it. Spinnerella and Netossa being canon from the start was wonderful. How much Glimmer and Bow screamed “BISEXUAL DISASTERS” from the start was adorable. Scorpia’s crush on Catra was as cute as it was sad in its one-sidedness.
I had never really been in a fandom. That is, yeah I’ve liked things, loved things even, but I never found other people to talk about it at length, never found discords just for that thing, never read or wrote fanfic, barely ever drew fanart.
But, I watched SPOP, and then I watched it again. And then I drew Catra. And then I drew Adora. And then I drew them again. And suddenly I was on AO3, a site I never frequented, reading Catradora fics. And then I had an AO3 account. That December I participated in Catradora Week 2018 (I’d never heard of this kind of thing) and drew two pictures for it and wrote my first fanfic.
By the end of February I had drawn more in the three months since the show had premiered than I had in the previous year. I was working furiously on a long, multi-chapter fanfic, and writing more words than I had in the previous couple of years combined.
I was inspired again.
In the 18 months that SPOP ran for, I drew more than I had in years, I wrote hundreds of thousands of words. I felt so rejuvenated and happy about my creativity and free for the first time in years.
It’s hard to put into words exactly how it felt. I was so close to giving up my art and writing, which honestly, would have been giving up a part of myself. An important part of myself. It’s not overstating that SPOP saved me, or at least my creative spirit.
I also learned about the wonders of being in a fandom and fandom things like fan weeks, big bangs, zines. And I made some wonderful friends that I cherish to this day.
Even as I inevitably moved onto other hyperfixations, my love for She-Ra hasn’t diminished. Plushie Catra and Adora sit next to me on my desk every day. Catradora art still hangs on my wall.
The inspiration that SPOP ignited in me hasn’t died either. It’s carried me through a tremendous level of creativity that I’ve been riding since the premiere. It let me create a ton of fan art for SPOP, and then RWBY and then the Witch From Mercury, and I’ve written a ton of fanfics for RWBY and Supergirl. And perhaps the best, that inspiration has helped me create more OC stuff in the last couple years than I had in a long time.
I owe She-Ra and The Princesses of Power so much. I am so happy that it exists and that it happened when it did. I’ll always cherish it.
And for real, Netflix, SPOP spin-off movies WHEN?!

#art#she ra#adora#catra#catradora#sk's art#shera#spop#she ra and the princesses of power#shera and the princesses of power#she-ra and the princesses of power#she-ra#fifth anniversary#netflix#netflix she-ra#wlw#lesbians#sapphic#lesbian love#lgbtq+#lesbian
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🦋The Princess and the Parselmouth🦋
Chapter 8: The Purity Act
Spring sunlight bloomed into the Great Hall, warming the winter-weary flagstones. The chatter of students, of the university rousing to life after a long weekend, echoed against the high walls, up to the enchanted ceiling. A cornflower blue sky stretched above them, wisps of clouds drifting past.
A shame, then, that despite the balmy weather, Sebastian’s breakfast was being utterly ruined.
“One would think I’ve suffered enough- yet I have to watch you two be sickening.” Sebastian relished in the way his words made Ominis snap his head up from whatever he’d been murmuring in the princess’s ear, his own going rather red.
“Is this going to be permanent?” The brown haired wizard gave a sickly sweet grin. “Because I’m kicking myself for suggesting that Ominis snog you last night-“
“Sebastian, I’m eternally grateful for your ham-fisted advice.” Ominis tried to keep the exasperation out of his voice and focus on the laughter Mira was trying and failing to suppress. “And I am so very sorry that our courtship displeases you.”
“Apology not accepted.”
Ominis pressed a hand to his heart with an expression of such incredibly feigned hurt that Mira almost reached out to comfort him. “I’m crushed. Debilitated. How will I survive without your approval- oh, you absolute neanderthal.”
Wrinkling his nose and casting a quick spell, Ominis cleaned off the spoonful of milk and cereal that had been flicked his way as Mira dissolved into a peal of laughter.
Satisfied at successfully peeving off his best friend, Sebastian turned to Miradevi.
“Been to Hogsmead yet, princess?” His brown eyes shone slightly with mischief, but the dark shadows beneath them gave away his late nights and restless days.
“No, unfortunately. Balancing academics and the duties I bear has guzzled my free time like a black hole. Why? Am I missing out?”
“Ominis, this is a disgraceful beginning to a courtship. You’ve been swooning after our little princess for months, and you’ve not taken her to Hogsmead yet?” Sebastian clicked his tongue, and Miradevi happily joined the bandwagon.
“How could you?” She leaned easily against Ominis’ arm, batting her lashes although the effect was useless. “Depriving me of the authentic Hogwarts romance experience.”
Merlin. Ominis tried to fight down the hot flush on the back of his neck, but it had been a while since he’d had romantic attachments, and this was the very definition of uncharted waters. He tried to keep his tone stern, floundered, and failed miserably as the princess traced her fingers over his palms.
He turned to Mira, gently running his hand along her braided hair.
“You deserved better on our first. date. But Hogsmead is, indeed, a tradition I must oblige.” Ominis tilted his head before his fingertips ran over the shell of Mira’s ear. “You’re radiating heat, princess.” He held down a laugh at the little sound of reproach from her. “Are we a tad flustered?”
“We are not.” Miradevi’s playfully scathing retort died away as the doors to the Great Hall shuddered open.
The conversation around them died down as a few sets of footsteps- crisp, purposeful- echoed on the flagstones. Miradevi turned, and it was due to her years of court training that she didn’t instantly roll her eyes. A headache on two legs was walking towards her, chin lifted in his classic pompous manner, flanked by an auror who also looked like he’d rather be anywhere else.
“What is it?” Ominis leaned closer to her, brows drawing together at the hush in the Great Hall and the telltale shift in her posture. “Is something wrong?”
“No, nothing. Just something long and tedious I’d rather not be dealing with at breakfast. What is he doing here?”
Christoph Franz, Secretary of International Affairs, seemed to have missed the memo that the Tudor days were long gone. Old-fashioned in more ways than his dressing style, the man’s sense of self-importance was exacerbated by the frills and ruffs draping his clothes—everything hued in a strangely garish purple.
“Your Royal Highness. It is an honor.”
A plumed feather on his cap bobbed as he approached Mira and bowed deeply. Ominis smacked Sebastian on the back as the other man choked on his orange juice, and Mira thought it a great testament to her discipline that she did not burst into laughter.
Pulling herself together, the princess stood and folded her palms, trying to ignore the sounds of Ominis reproaching his remorseless best friend.
“Namaste, Mister Secretary. This is a welcome surprise- to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“The wizengamot requests your presence in a few days to witness the passing of the Purity Act, your highness.” Franz gestured at the auror standing impassively at his side, who stepped forward with a cream envelope in hand. Miradevi took it, her previous amusement dissolving slightly. Ominis stiffened slightly, recognizing the name.
“The passing?” Miradevi’s tone was deceptively light as she flicked open the envelope and scanned it. “You seem confident, Mr. Secretary.”
Franz smiled tightly, the feather futtering in indigantion as he nodded. “I have my hopes, your royal highness. Besides, the Act shall pass. Projections are anticipating a near- unanimous verdict.”
“Mm. Well, I’m honored to witness such a historic moment in British history.” Mira smiled, and Ominis heard the lilt of mischief in her tone that usually spelled trouble. “I wasn’t aware the Ministry of Magic would make such a fuss about taking a decidedly monumental step backwards.”
If the Great Hall was quiet before, a pin could have fallen and made a noise loud enough to echo along the walls.
Ominis straightened and stood, unsure about what exact emotion was choking his lungs. But he couldn’t focus on that; what he did have to focus on was the frigidity in the room and getting rid of it, quick.
“Mr. Secretary.” He cut in smoothly, and the air seemed to relax. “It has been too long, sir.”
“Mr. Gaunt.” There was a degree of relief in the older man’s voice. “I didn’t realize you were here. My apologies-“ he shot a look at Mira, who offered a little grin in return. “I was just here to deliver a message. I trust I will see you on Wednesday as well?”
“Of course, sir.” Ominis shifted, standing closer to Miradevi. Whatever the Secretary spoke next was lost. Mira’s usual jasmine scent was replaced today with something rich, something sweet- rose oil, perhaps- a hint of incense hanging around her. He could feel her shoulder brush his, electricity sparking up his spine.
Pulling her closer and kissing that little attitude from her lips in front of a government official and the entirety of the Great Hall was a wonderful idea in theory, but he managed to reign himself in just to catch the tail end of the conversation.
“Well. I will see you in a few days, Mr. Gaunt.” Christoph turned to Mira and bowed, but she caught the disdain in his gaze. “Your highness.”
Escorted from the Hall by the stern-faced Auror, Mira watched as Christoph Franz swept off. Ominis managed to hold himself in as breakfast was quickly finished up, but his restraint snapped as the three of them missed a moving staircase, guaranteeing a ten-minute wait till the next one rolled into place. Ignoring Sebastian’s groan of annoyance, Ominis turned to Mira.
“What in Merlin’s name were you thinking?” The princess had a carefree streak- he knew that and adored it. But something close to anger was bubbling up inside him- this wasn’t like their mock debates, their heated discussions about hypotheticals. “The Ministry already has a target the size of a Graphorn on you- are you trying to make it worse?”
“I don’t feel too concerned about it,” Mira replied airily, the lack of concern in her tone doing nothing but dialing up his anger. “If they think they can back me into a corner, I can vocalize my displeasure.”
Sebastian chose that moment to cut in, turning away from the staircases and leaning against a wall. “Back you into a corner?” He echoed. “Inviting you to a Wizengamot meeting didn’t sound like that big a deal to me.”
“It’s because they know the Purity Act is going to pass,” Ominis said tightly, not turning to face Sebastian. “It’s a political show of force by inviting Mira to be there. Posturing the might of the British pureblood families by having her witness them voting away the rights of muggleborns.”
“So you understand why I had to throw in a little jab. If they want to play games-“
“They’re not playing games, your highness.” Ominis hissed. “This is them showing you your place and letting you and every other muggleborn know that the power still lies in pureblood ideals.”
Miradevi laughed, much to his chagrin. “You are so very lucky that I am ridiculously attracted to you, Ominis.” Her voice took on a sugar-sweet tone. “I would not be so lenient with anyone else who had the audacity to speak with me in such a manner.”
“I’m flattered.” He tried to keep the cold tone in his voice, but failed. Despite the warning in the princess’s words, he felt strangely pleased. She was dangerous, not in her veiled threats, but by how easily she disarmed him. “My point still stands. You know they’re trying to show you who’s in charge, princess. Why stir the cauldron?”
“Because I am not in the habit of being disrespected and intimidated.” Mira wrinkled her nose as if affronted by the very idea. “Especially not by a gaggle of pompous aristocrats that seem so desperate to cling to their outdated ideals that they will slash their own progress to do it.”
“What I don’t understand is why you two seem so sure that the Purity Act will pass.” Sebastian cut in again, prompting Mira and Ominis to turn to him.
“The Wizengamot is stacked with pureblood families, and any dissenting voices are either cut out or silenced. I’m fairly certain it’ll pass.” Mira pointed out. “There’s no way it doesn’t.”
“Ah, the joy of educating the upper class.” Sebastian grinned. “You two don’t know what’s happening on the ground level with us peasants. The tides are shifting, and people are not happy with the current state of things.” A laugh bubbled out of him at the mirrored reaction from the princess and the parselmouth as both leaned forward almost in sync, eyes wide with interest. The next staircase came and scraped by, shifting merrily away again.
Clearly, some wisdom needed to be imparted. While Ominis and Miradevi both were aligned with speaking up for the common crowd, it was easy to get lost in the echelons of the upper class, given their positions in society. But Sebastian knew the murmured conversations of the people- the whispers that grew louder each passing day.
He took their hands, tugging them along a corridor behind a stone wall. It was one of the more secluded corners of Hogwarts- no portraits lined the walls, no students romping up and down. Sebastian leaned forward, tone taking on a conspiratorial edge. “You two are stuck in an echo chamber and aren’t hearing what the people are talking about. They’re sick of the current system, even the pureblood families. Last year, after the Fair Tax system was passed-“
“Wait, I’m sorry- the Fair Tax?” Mira raised a hand. “Never heard of it.”
“I’m not surprised. It’s one of Minister Spavin’s worst failures.” Ominis said. “The Ministry saw the financial progress of new businesses popping up, and you’d think that was a good thing.. but it threatened the Sacred 28 and their business practices. So, he introduced the Fair Tax system. Increased taxes on new businesses- which was also a blow to muggleborns because they were the ones creating those businesses.”
Mira sucked in a sharp breath. “The idiot. What happened?”
“The economy tanked.” Sebastian crossed his arms. “The Ministry overestimated the amount of money contributed by the Savred 28 and single-handedly decimated a budding market. People were pissed. Purebloods, halfbloods- everyone was hopping mad except the Sacred 28. The Fair Tax went up in the Wizengamot and got voted out.”
Mira was silent for a long moment, considering. There had been a dip in trade between the Surya empire and Britain last year. “That doesn’t mean sentiment towards muggleborns has changed enough for the Purity Act not to pass. People were upset about losing their profits, not-“
“No, that’s where you’re wrong. The general sentiment is changing- people care less and less about subjugating muggleborns and more about boosting the economy and focusing on innovation and progress. Yes, it’s mostly purebloods voting on the Purity Act- but not all of those purebloods are Sacred 28. It might not pass.”
Ominis felt Miradevi slide her hand into his, her fingers curling around his palm. He squeezed back, reeling slightly. “That’s-“ he began, breathless. “I can’t imagine-“
“Secretary Franz doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Purebloods on the voting committee have been keeping it quiet, and everyone in the upper classes thinks the vote will go their way. They’re wrong.” Sebastian grinned and winked at Mira. “Enjoy the proceedings on Wednesday.”
AN: okay a shorter chapter this time but RAHHH the plot is finally hitting! Thank you am to everyone who provided valuable advice on my last post!
#ominis gaunt x oc#ominis gaunt#ominis gaunt x f!mc#hogwarts legacy fanfic#desi oc#ominis gaunt x poc! mc#ominis x miradevi#princess miradevi surya lakshmi#I LOVE FANTASY POLITICS!
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I was thinking abt this and I wanna ask, does anyone else have any little headcanons that are canon but only to their own personal Mc that literally doesn’t make any sense but you have it bc YOU like it? Cause I sure do,
one of them is that Luci does my Mc’s hair every morning,
like, this is a day one thing which is what makes it a little wonky. My mc, as seen in drawings I’ve done of her, doesn’t really have her hair controlled apart from her two front braids, which she grows for like, growth from trauma. Her entire head of hair is very thick and untamed, and she rly only brushes it. she has a hard time doing her own hair so that’s how she just leaves it, (she has a few visual impairments and sometimes her hands just don’t listen to her) SO, first day at RAD she does her usual thing of just brushing out her hair and leaving, however Luci notices their hair looks just as messy as when he had first met her. He just thought she was such a mess bc she got randomly teleported, but does she seriously just live like that?? so he stopped her before she left and tied her hair up into a simple high ponytail, tied off with a purple bow to match her uniform tie. Really it was because he didn’t want the exchange student to look bad, because it would also made Lord Diavolo look bad. He didn’t want anyone to assume anything about Diavolo, and he makes sure to make that clear to her, he wasn’t doing this because he wanted to, it was just because he didn’t want the future king to be shamed. (Though I’m sure that paternal instinct in him also was kickin in but we know he would never admit it..)
over time it becomes a routine, he tried to get mammon to try and do their hair… but ofc he didn’t want much to do with mc in the beginning so luci always had to step in. He (kinda harshly) questioned my mc as to why she just doesn’t do it herself, which she, while embarrassed, awkwardly explained that she has a hard time with it and she’d rather not get into why. But she did stress that he didn’t have to do it! It’s completely fine! Yet every morning he’s ready with a hair tie, hairbrush, and the bow to do their hair. Honestly, my mc is absolutely a creature of habit and does NOT want it to be ruined, she needs all the stability she can get dang it! So it doesn’t sit right with her if there’s a day where her hair doesn’t get done by him, and it gets weird for him too if he doesn’t do it, like something in his schedule is missing. Even when all the tense crap is going on and Luci and mc lowkey are close to murdering each other, she’ll still walk into his room in the morning, hand him the stuff, and turn around. And he’ll do it, she’ll say thank you, then leave.
I can also imagine the other brothers wanting to try and help too, but mams struggles a bit with her hair(though he gets used to it and helps often once they start dating<3), Levi got really embarrassed but tried his best! He’s honestly good bc of styling cosplay wigs.. but she doesn’t always want ruri-Chan pigtails…. S8n would probably get frustrated but still manage a cute hair style, asmo… gets carried away, suddenly he’s braiding and curling- then doing a different style to see what else he could do- and it’s just a mess. I don’t think sweet boy Beel could manage much beyond helping to brush hair, which she can do just fine, and belphie… doesn’t know how to take care of his own hair let alone someone else’s, so he wouldn’t try lol,
another little thing I have with her is that like, she LOVES fruit, like, I like to imagine RADS cafeteria is kinda like a buffet but with the main course always changing, so she always gets like, a burger or something, and stuffs the rest of her tray with cut and uncut fruit, nearly every snack she has is fruit, So I have it like, if you were to give her a plate of fruit she’ll just zone out and eat it until it’s gone, then come back into reality. So it’s sometimes used to the brother advantage when they need to do something without mc stopping them or telling Luci, literally they just give her a bowl or plate of fruit and she blanks out til it’s gone, then she’s like “wait where tf did they go”
AND another thing is that she often has tea with Diavolo! It’s a weekly thing, they go and vibe together and just chit chat while barbatos makes sure their cups are never empty, over time she does actually get the both of them in on the convo, despite the fact that at first Barb insists on them enjoying their little hang out, since the young master has just been dying to see his human bestie, but he caves and usually joins in after a few visits
also my mc and luci have a father daughter thing going on, since he looks/reminds her of her father who she only knew for the first few years of her life, and Luci is just.. well himself, but ofc the game kinda ruins it for me sometimes🥲 I just pretend them hanging out is just wholesome fun bonding time and not an implied date 😔
#obey me#obey me mc#Obey me MY mc#obey me my mc#obey me mammon#obey me asmodeus#obey me leviathan#obey me lucifer#obey me beelzebub#obey me belphegor#obey me satan#obey me one master to rule them all#obey me shitpost#Dumb stuff
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It’s that time of year again!!!
The amount of times Ibis crashed on me ;~; (still sorting out the storage issues—at a slug’s pace, ‘cause other things be preoccupying my mind), but it was worth it!! I’m very much proud, very much pleased, with how it came out this year if I do say so myself! Ahhh, all that struggling with and “refinding” my art style this year was not for naught!!
I think of my previous years, 2021 is my favorite, but it’s officially been replaced now 😌 I feel so content rn (please don’t let this be a short moodlet, eheh)
That said, I do think I prefer last year’s hands. They were also a pain this time—primarily Yukiko’s right hand…
Anywho, previous versions (+ “base-color” version + a close-up ‘cause why not) under the cut (after some more rambling, eheh):
I was really struggling to start this—I restarted it 3 times essentially—so I’m also really happy with how it came out in that regard. As such (plus the crashes), I’m a wee bit late this year, but only by a few days; I really don’t mind it for once, haha.
I noticed I was going in a certain direction over the years with Yukiko’s hairstyle and the light source, and not the one I intended. Realized that this year, so I fixed those trends:
Tried to make the light source more behind and adjusted it’s position to match with the scene in my head more (though, if I really wanted to be truthful to that, she’d be in one of the other ballgowns I designed for her since she wears this specific one for her first meeting with Gakushuu in this AU, whereas the idea for this scene is supposed to be from when they’re much more familiar with each other later on. But, uh, I like this dress wayyy too much, so let’s just ignore that, haha). I was actually thinking of finally implementing a proper bg this year—even sketched it (mainly for perspective, though)—but I really wanted to just get this done, haha, but also… I didn’t want to deal with more crashes… Perhaps next year… but don’t quote me on that, haha.
As for the hair, the strands that bunch up the rest of Yukiko’s hair—I noticed I was placing them too low. How I imagine her hairstyle to be is that they eventually connect up to her bun (I should definitely sketch a back view concept of this design, mainly so I don’t forget stuff like these, eheh, and to visualize just what in the world is going on… but that’s something distant future me will worry about… if she remembers, of course ^^;). But they’re also supposed the same length as the rest of her hair, so… yeah… I thought this would make her hair less fluffier, which would’ve saddened me, haha, but it didn’t! That said, I have a feeling I’ll possibly make it less voluminous next year… Seems a bit too thick… but idk. I like drawing thick hair, haha.
Oh, also, if you’ll notice: I decided to simplify her underskirt design last year, and… yeah, no, I reverted that change, haha.
Mannn, I am in such a mood to draw more “A Brothers’ Quarrel” stuff/AC Kingdom AU stuff in general (like designing some proper outfits for Gakushuu and Karma finally (they’re the main characters, and Yukiko only appears for a specific part of the AU, yet who do I draw the most…? XD), drawing her horse, Camellia, drawing her in her other dresses, finally getting around to drawing her ladies-in-waiting designs in that other Kingdom AU (just how long ago did I post the traditional sketches of them? Yikes…), etc, etc), but I’ve got too much stuff to get finished before the end of the year. I really need to pick up the pace, eheh.

#assassination classroom#ansatsu kyoushitsu#kanzaki yukiko#au#a brothers’ quarrel#kingdom au#assassination classroom kingdom au#draw this again#fanart#digital art#the colors look so delicious to me this year… i want to eat them…#anyway in other news since my last post#got myself a mini-fridge for my room!!#i got a bunch of different flavors of ramune (11) to finally try out#i’m gonna stop myself before i add my commentary on ‘em that i doubt is interesting to anyone else but me + 2 others irl in the tags haha#but yeah—it was oddly exciting haha#100% superrr important and necessary info you for some reason definitely needed to know haha#i actually got a few other sodas too#finished the last one yesterday and… perhaps this was a bad idea haha#’cause guess what i’m craving rn 🙃#but yeah can’t get over how cool the bottles are haha
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Miscellaneous Sketches: Sorry if theses are still a bit messy I was rushing whilst taking a picture of some of the sketches I’ve made in July. And I forgot to erase the smudges on the side.
Image Descriptions:
First image is of is a front view from a head to shoulders style shot or Baizhu. With a slight tilt upward where he’s looking down at viewer and a gentle smile.
Second image is of Herlock Sholmes from head to waist. He is turned in a side profile to the left with his face in a 3/4 angle to the viewer. He has his right arm in a pointing up pose and his expression is a wink from his right eye whilst smiling at viewer.
Third image is of the new Zelda in Echoes of Wisdom. Where she’s carefully walking to our left with her head facing over her shoulder to the right. It’s another 3/4 angle. Where she’s clutching the tri-rod up with both hands and her little friend tri to our right. Her cape and hair are flowing to the right and she has a slightly guarded expression on her face. Full image of her walking. Fourth image is of Princess Zelda based on The Four Swords manga version of her. She is looking slightly down to our right with her hands clasped together to the front. Her eyes are tilted slightly down and she has a calm expression to her face. It’s a 3/4 angle and shot.
Fifth image is of my Oc Dante looking to our right with a slightly miffed/agitated look. His eyes and nose are a bit scrunched and he has a little pout on his lip. He has his head looking over his shoulder with his shoulders face to our left. 3/4 angle from head to shoulders.
Sixth image is of Vio also based on the Four Swords manga version. He is looking to the viewer with a guarded expression facing to the left. Head to shoulders 3/4 angled shot. He has his long hat flowing to the right.
Seventh image is of Professor Layton and Descole based on the famous Lagos and Kabru meme that I hope to redraw in digital after I finish the Herlock Sholmes piece that I’m working on at the moment. The first part of the image has Layton on the right facing the left with a neutral expression. It’s a side profile shot. Descole is on the left facing left but his eyes looking back to Layton. The way that he’s drawn is in a goofy funny sort of exaggerated style and big eyes with three big long eyelashes. The second half of the picture is of Descole in a normal style looking up with tears streaming down his face and eyes closed. To what Layton is supposed to say in the joke (along the lines of “I’m not going to call you a good brother. What you put me through was terrible!” He’s still facing to the left.
Eighth and final image is of Miles Morales Spider-man practice. Looking forward to our right in a 3/4 angle. With a gentle neutral expression and is shot from head to shoulders.
End image description.
Extra fun notes:
The Herlock drawing gave me a bit of trouble this was my third attempt in the month and my fourth attempt ever. I’m still not really satisfied with how it came out but I’m hoping I can fix it in digital.
I’m really excited about the new Zelda game Echoes of Wisdom. So much so that I remember drawing this the same day the first trailer came out. I was really happy with how it turned out. And I’m hoping to get to drawing it in digital hopefully before the game comes out in September. Funnily enough as I was writing the image descriptions the second trailer came out. ☺️
I drew the two four swords characters (Zelda and Vio) after reading through the manga again. Which the last time I did was back in 2013. It was really fun and really brought back memories. So I had to draw something for it. Maybe in the future I’ll hopefully find the time to sketch the rest of the cast.
For the Laios meme of Descole and Professor Layton. As I mentioned I’m hoping to fix it up in digital after the Herlock piece and if I can do another version of this joke with Descole at Bronev at the encouragement from my sibling.
End of Post.
#baizhu#baizhu genshin impact#baizhu genshin#genshin impact#herlock sholmes#dai gyakuten saiban#sherlock holmes#legend of zelda#echoes of wisdom#princess zelda#zelda#four swords#The legend of zelda#legend of Zelda manga#violet link#vio link#vio#professor layton#jean descole#descole#hershel layton#meme#artist meme#laios meme#good boy meme#miles morales#spider man#across the spiderverse#fanart#the great ace attorney
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Katelyn’s Hair Journey
If you can’t tell, I like changes in character design that are symbolic of their development.
Down most of the time, covering her ears, or pulled back in a high ponytail when she needed to work. Eric did his best to make sure her and her siblings had their hair taken care of, but with finances and time stretched so thin there was usually only time for basic care. Even when there was special time to get their hair done, Katelyn would prioritize her siblings over herself.
At this point Katelyn still isn’t accepting of her elven heritage, but Kasey makes a strong point that the jury is much more of a spectacle than any normal guard position, and Katelyn should show off what makes her unique. So she opts for a plait hairstyle that twists up into a bun, her ears on full display. It’s a fancier look than her earlier style, but is still something she can do without needing others.
Season 1/early season 2
Small change, but once she joins Phoenix drops she stops pinning up the braid, showing how she’s starting to let loose but her hair, just like her, is still somewhat stuck in the past.
Yggdrasil Arc
Okay so I’ve tried very hard to make Katelyn’s hairstyles realistic to her situation and comfort levels. So that meant early on, her hair care was very minimal and practical, and was focused on styles she could do by herself quickly. While she was capable of learning other ways to style her hair, she didn’t have the time to do the proper upkeep, and didn’t trust others enough to do it for her.
After her fight with Ivy, Katelyn was bedridden for quite a while and her hair wasn’t given much attention. It got quite damaged during this time, and even if they could restore it Katelyn could no longer do her own hair, at least not to the same extent as before. So she made the hard choice to cut off most of it. It was a very difficult time for her, but it was ultimately necessary for her to get a fresh start, both with her hair and life overall.
I like the idea here but I think this design came out kinda icky. Cranking up the saturation on her skin just made it way too orange, especially compared to her normal palette. Maybe she’d look better if it wasn’t right next to her other calmer color palette, but I might pull back on the saturation if I draw her in this phase again. Idk maybe because she’s a half elf or maybe because she won’t be bonded for very long she doesn’t have to be as saturated as the other elves.
Season 3
Luckily, her elven heritage makes her hair grow quicker than usual. By the start of season 3 she had regained most of her original length and it was further lengthened by putting it into box braids.
I feel they’re a good mix of practical and expressive. They can be pulled back into a ponytail for no nonsense training. Or they can be put up into a bun with hair jewelry for fancy occasions. Or anything in between. Even though it’s still braids they’re more versatile and flowy than her previous single plait, showing how’s she’s letting loose after her hard reset while still keeping her more reserved personality in mind.
Also I read a post specifically talking about native hairstyles but I also feel it applies here, where hair is believed to be an extension of oneself and braids can symbolize love or care. So I like that Katelyn shifts from one braid she does by herself, to many braids that others do for her.
#aphmau#aphblr#aphverse#mcd#minecraft diaries#aphmau mcd#mcd rewrite#aphmau katelyn#mcd katelyn#katelyn the firefist
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Weird thing I’ve noticed:
Rachel seems to be deathly afraid of giving her characters facial hair- even tho that was like, a staple for a lot of male Greek gods and deities
Well, except for the “unattractive” ones
In Rachel's defense on that one, I can attest that it's difficult to give these characters facial hair when they're all painted neon colors LMAO like, I LOOOOVE drawing facial hair, but even I haven't really bothered giving the male cast facial hair because they're so ethereal/non-human looking that if you gave them something like a mustache or beard, it would start to tip them more towards the 'human' look and it could clash with the colors and enter uncanny valley territory. Like, the characters would either have to have full stylized cartoon beards-
-or nothing at all.
(that's how I get away with it with Dionysus, because his beard is basically just a big 'ole berry bush, so it's able to color match his face and not be distracting with its stylization).
That said, I've seen some great edits of LO panels where characters have facial hair, so that's not to say it can't be done! I just don't know if it's something that Rachel is capable of doing.
Because straight up, Rachel also just doesn't know how to draw men. Or rather, she only knows how to draw one type of man. Most of her portfolio pre-LO consists of drawings of women, many sharing the same body types (though there are some variations around 2010-2014). And just like with the women, when she does draw men, they've all got the same facial structures and body types:
(from The Doctor Pepper/Foxglove Show)
Like, you've got 6 guys here, six, and not a single one of them has facial hair or any extremely varied hairstyle. Half of them look like Hades. I get the sense that Rachel basically learned how to draw one "type" of male and one "type" of female and has just been drawing from those same templates ever since while swapping out minor details like nose shape and hair type.
Shit, here's an actual Hades drawing from back when she started doing Hades x Persephone sketches around 2016/2017:
Like, that's just a guy from The Doctor Pepper Show. He looks like a mix of Donovan and Shifty Ricky LMAO And it's not like she doesn't have mortals in LO either who aren't colored with highlighter marker, but I don't think she ever really gives them beards either. The only guy I can think of off the top of my head is Psyche's *future husband:
And that has the exact kind of stylization/structure that I was talking about before that Rachel would likely have to do if she gave the gods facial hair to keep it from looking silly. Case in point, that time Hermes grew a mustache:
All that said, I do think it's a combination of Rachel not knowing how to draw men (she's even admitted in past AMA's and interviews that she's bad at drawing men and that doesn't seem like something she's tried to improve judging by how the men look in LO) and LO's art style just not mixing well with more human features like beards and body hair. It could wind up looking like a Barbie doll with marker scribbled on it LMAO
(*edited because that's not her dad, that's the man she was married off to , my bad LOL)
#lore olympus critical#lo critical#anti lore olympus#antiloreolympus#ask me anything#ama#anon ama#anon ask me anything
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Part 4: Chapter 1 "Leave Me" // Sebastian Sallow x Reader
Summary: Things are finally going down with the final repository and Rookwood. I decided to make this stray very far from canon to make it more interesting. The next few updates should be full of lots of angst... so I apologize. This section is also quite sporadic jumping around to different locations/people since everything happening is within the same time but different spaces!
Notes: I would like to thank @strawberrypinky again for the continued support, seriously this wouldn't have been possible without you! This is a continuation of my longer story so feel free to read the rest!
Warnings: angst, violence, hints of assault, etc.
Word Count: 12,000 words +

Part 4 - Chapter 1: “Leave me”
I have been conversing with Dorran as several members of his herd have gone missing over the last few days. He planned to look further south along the coast, asking if we would be willing to scout the Feldcroft region in search of clues since you’ve become familiar with the area. If we leave after potions we should hopefully be back in time for dinner.
With urgency,
Poppy Sweeting
Also, bring your broom, I would like to practice my flying.
She couldn’t help but sigh reading the message passed to her during class as she left the greenhouse with Sebastian. He sensed her frustration, pulling her gently into his side as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Pulling her slightly off to the left side of the stairs when they entered the library annex, he set their books down on the ground as she ran a frustrated hand through her tangled hair.
She had gotten in late the previous night from helping Amit with an astronomy table. The day before it was Imelda with a broom trial. And Natty the day before while trying to rescue a boy taken by rookwood’s men. This had led to a series of days where she had improperly taken care of herself simply out of exhaustion. The night before specifically had left her unable to take the time to run a brush through her hair, resorting to throwing it in some messy style along with her wrinkled clothes. Looking down for the first time all day she realized she had forgotten her robes in her dorm that morning, suddenly feeling the chill without them. How could she forget something so simple? Why was it always her responsibility to drop everything for the sake of others to forgo rest? In fact, she couldn’t recall the last night in which she got a full night's rest.
A silent tear slipped down her cheek as she did not have the strength any longer to fight her exhaustion. Knowing this brief pause was useless, as professor Sharp would most certainly give her and Sebastian detention if they didn’t show up in the next few minutes for potions class. However… a small part of her liked the thoughts of having a night off from her responsibilities, even if it was served in detention. She could be there with Sebastian, and not feel the weight of the world on her shoulders… No. She couldn’t think like that. Now was not the time to give up. Taking down Rookwood was a priority.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong? What did that note say?” Sebastian asked in a soft tone, drawing her into his arms as she started to shake. The last thing she saw before being pulled into his worn Slytherin robe was the concerned look he sported. His bushy eyebrows raised, chocolate brown eyes full of worry and the corners of his plush lips slightly downturned. She both loved and hated that he could always sense how close she was to breaking. Rubbing circles onto the small of her back he tried to calm her, and do so before they got in trouble for being late to potions.
It finally dawned on him as he felt the warmth of her skin through just her vest and dress shirt that she wasn’t wearing a robe. He figured she had taken it off for herbology, but looking around he realized she had forgotten it entirely. When he pulled back some, looking down to see her face he also noticed she was wearing two very different shoes : one brown and one black. The eye bags she sported along with the obvious exhaustion clueing in him that she was simply just stretched too thin.
“Who was it this time?” He asked her, knowing whoever passed the note must’ve once again been asking for her assistance with a task.
“Poppy.” She mumbled into his light green blazer.
“Ah. How urgent is her request?” He inquired, knowing that while he already had plans for the afternoon he could arrange for Ominis to entertain her while he was down at the Craigmire coast once their class let up.
“Quite. The centaurs who helped us save the snigits need help. They’ve had several members of their herd captured by poachers. Finding them may help me locate or get more information on Rookwood since it’s his men.” She knew Poppy’s request was well intended, and that ultimately she would go help, didn’t mean she was thrilled with it cutting into her ability to rest. Mentally she had hoped to steal Sebastian away, simply just to nap in his dorm bed while he poured over research for Anne.
“That sounds like it could be dangerous. Wouldn’t it be wise to wait until tomorrow? It will be the weekend, and you can hit the road after a full night of rest.” He suggested, knowing there was no point in trying to discourage her from going at all.
“We are simply trying to locate them, we will let the centaurs handle it once we locate where they are being held. Just some stealth digging then returning. Should be back before supper.” She said reassuringly and Sebastian got the vibe it was more for herself than him. She was well aware he trusted her and her ability.
“If you believe you are up to it…” he said.
“I am. Besides we are searching the Feldcroft region… would you like to come with us? We could eat with Anne and Solomon perhaps.” She suggested.
While normally he would be jumping at the chance to see his sister, he was unsure how long it would take for him to complete his errand, one she specifically couldn’t know about.
“I uh, actually promised Sirona I would go collect something for her from the far southern coast… I may not be back in time for dinner…” he said sheepishly. He felt horrible rejecting her attempt to spend time with him, as they had seen each other much less since being back at school between his working on the weekends and her constantly running errands outside the castle.
“Oh.” She spoke very deflated.
“You go see them, and I will join you all when I am finished. How does that sound?” He offered a secondary plan and she seemed to accept his proposal.
“Let’s go to class before we are late. I can see you and Poppy off as well.” He stood in front of her, sliding his school robe off, delicately wrapping it around her shoulders and clasping it in the front, before stretching out his hand.
She accepted both, allowing him to slide his warm robes over her shoulders, as his woody masculine smell surrounded her as their fingers intertwined.
One class then a small errand with Poppy before she could rest. How bad could it truly be?

“Be careful, please.” He spoke against the skin between her eyebrows as they stood near the front gate to the castle.
“I always am.” She said, clear exhaustion in her tone, but still undeterred by her heroic nature.
“Usually, you are, I will agree. But I mean it… please. No unnecessary risks…” he said, unsure why he felt that sinking feeling in his stomach once more. Last time he’d felt it, she came home, hole through her chest, bleeding out in his childhood bed. Taking in a shaky breath he moved her to look at him by lifting her cheek in his hand. “I need you to come back to me in one piece.” He explained with a shaken breath.
When she noticed the look of concern in his eyes she softened, pulling him in by the back of his head, slotting their lips together. Feeling him sigh into her mouth, she opened her lips, letting him slide his tongue inside. He gave little regard to Poppy standing only a few feet away as he pulled her closer by the waist.
Eventually Sebastian pulled away, eyes stinging slightly before he cleared his throat, trying to keep himself from allowing tears to properly form in his eyes. “Promise me you’ll come back.” He all but demanded, tone pleading with her as their fingers remained locked together.
“I promise.” She told him, seeming more confident than she had before.
While Sebastian still had a lingering bad feeling he decided to press one last kiss to her lips, stepping back as she mounted her broom, giving him one last wink before her and Poppy prepared to set off.
“Keep her safe Poppy, you know how she always needs to play hero.” He said, trying to break the tension in the air.
“Of course. Not even a scratch. I promise”. Poppy told him, looking off to the horizon as they both set off in search of captured Centaurs.
Sebastian took a few steps to the left, feeling the weight of the coins in his pocket as he also left the castle grounds using the floo flame.

“I thought you hated broom travel” she shouted over the wind to Poppy.
“It’s been growing on me…” the quiet hufflepuff responded, face blazing red, and her short brown hair a mess.
“It doesn’t have anything to do with a certain quidditch playing roommate of mine does it?” She teased, knowing that Poppy had been going off grounds with Imelda for weeks now as the girls desperately wanted alone time away from the prying eyes of their classmates.
“Perhaps… does she ever… talk about me?” Poppy asked, not quite sure what she was expecting in response but curious nonetheless.
“Poppy Sweeting! How could I betray my dear roommate by divulging such information!” She pretended to be horrified at the thought and her companion must have not realized she was being sarcastic.
“right, of course… I am sorry” Poppy told her, attempting to speed ahead but y/n easily caught up to Poppy on her own broom. Bringing them both to a halt over the town of Irondale.
“Poppy, I’m only messing with you. Truly you should see the way she’s always a mess before you all go fly together. Always pacing, asking me to help with her hair knowing the wind will send it flying anyways. I don’t know the full extent of what you get up to, but I know she enjoys spending time with you. The smile on her face when she comes back is always so bright.” She explained, looking at the racing course atop the hill before signaling Poppy to follow her.
The pair made their way over to the flying course she still held the record for, the one that brought her friendship with her dorm mate through mutual respect of flying. Hoping off her broom she made her way over to a discovery she recently had made while out on a flight with Sebastian, making a point of not mentioning it to him.
Bringing the Hufflepuff girl around one of the wood planks at the back of the landing pad she crouched down slightly, pointing to a new carving. Now in the grain of the wood “I + P” inside of a crudely carved heart. Whoever did it must have struggled and she couldn’t help but know it was Imelda given she helped dig a splinter out of the girl's hand not long ago.
Poppy didn’t speak as she ran her fingers over the plank, smiling to herself as her face flushed.
“How did you-?” She asked
“Revealio. Plus Sebastian isn’t exactly the fastest flyer. I got bored waiting for him to finish the course” she explained with a laugh and a shrug
“I didn’t want to say anything earlier…” She started by trailing off while looking down.
“But?” Y/n pressed the girl, unsure what she was alluding to.
“You both just seem very good for each other… I think if anyone could find even half the love you both share, they should consider themselves lucky.” She explained.
“What makes you say that?” She asked, curiously kicking a pebble under her shoe, realizing they should attempt to make some sort of progress before the sun goes down.
“You and Sebastian are just so in sync. I don't really know how to explain it. The way he looks at you, or you look to him. The way he is always there with a hand offering without you even needing to ask. You two both are just so attentive towards one another, honestly I find myself jealous of it most days. Not because I want him..” Poppy started to defend herself but the girl just laughed.
“I am well aware of what you meant Poppy… thank you for saying that. I feel as if some days our peers would believe us to be moving too fast. That most of our feelings are sudden, and may not be genuine. I appreciate knowing your insight.” She felt sort of relieved knowing her best friend since starting Hogwarts was more understanding than their peers, and saw them without judgment.
“Of course… thank you for showing me this carving… we should continue our search” she said, once again mounting her broom and nodding off towards the coast. Y/n mounted her broom and followed her off into the sunset as they made their way over the Feldcroft region together.

Sebastian stepped into the small hamlet along the southern coast, tracing the steps he’d taken a few times now in the past few weeks. Having followed Solomon’s advice, once he’d gotten the money from Sirona, he reached out to a metal worker in Cragcroft. The older man had been the same metal worker that his father had used when selecting a ring for his mother. The man, strangely enough, remembered the exact design he had done for the deceased Sallow’s. While his mother had always adored the ornate emerald ring given to her by his father, he wanted to put much more thought and care into this.
It took much convincing to talk the metal worker down from the lavish and over the top designs he had been doing for about a decade now, as muggle ring designs were slowly becoming more and more popular. Sebastian couldn’t imagine his witch with a large and gaudy piece of jewelry like the ones he was initially recommended. Instead he thought about their relationship, and elements of it that truly mattered to him.
He thought of the moment he first saw her, busting inside the great hall and how beautiful she looked when her robes turned green. He thought about the moment they met, and how bright her eyes were in the firelight. He thought of the moments they’d shared in Feldcroft and how alive she was in the hamlet. He almost decided on something to represent her dance in the snow but it wasn’t quite enough.
Eventually it all came back to that moment, very recently, where she’d compared him to stardust. Since that night, Sebastian couldn’t help but feel an invigorated sense of confidence whenever looking into the mirror, seeing the freckles she compared to constellations in his reflection. The morning after she had done so he stood in his dorm room, staring into the small vanity as he went to shave, seeing all the blemishes and he couldn’t stop smiling at the lovely compliment she had given him. He remembered touching them so reverently, appreciative to the fact she adored them enough to compare him to the night sky.
He thought of how she often came alive in the night, when they would sneak off the school grounds together tracking leads for the keepers trials and the goblin uprising. She always looked downright ethereal in the moonlight and starlight. Beyond that she felt like a beautiful and bright source of light in his life, much like the sun. How her very essence was that of the cosmos, of a goddess in the heavens. He knew he had to do something for her with that imagery, since that is immediately what his mind went to when he thought of her.
The old man took his ideas to heart, trying to find a way to incorporate the idea of celestial art into gold for him. At first he tried to convince Sebastian that she would like a large, ornate ring with a large center stone and several small cut stones surrounding it that resembled a star. The bloody thing looked ridiculous to him even in a sketch as he couldn’t imagine such a large piece of jewelry on her small, dainty hands.
Slowly he was able to convince the man that the smaller, and simpler the better. In fact, his ability to convey that he would prefer more detailed wedding bands as a consolation prize, with a less ornate engagement ring seemed to pique the man's interest. The jeweler confided in Sebastian that the only variety usually in the wedding bands he did were the metal themselves, as people usually cared less about the design for those rings. Having more of a challenge with the creativity in that arena finally led the two of them to a place they agreed… after weeks of pondering, trial and error.
Sebastian realized he may have been deemed foolish to get all of them at the same time, but deep down he knew there was little reason to think she would reject his proposal. They had discussed life after Hogwarts and it always included some version of the two of them as husband and wife. Having them ready to go at a moment's notice in case Anne took a bad turn with her health also seemed like a good idea to him.
So when the older man finally showed him the concept sketch for the entire set he was actually excited by the hard work they’d both put in. Walking over to the booth in Cragcroft now, he couldn’t help but be excited to finally be seeing the end result. In fact, he was so excited he could almost feel his hands shaking with the anticipation to have them in his possession finally. He had already paid for the majority of the work upfront, only owing a little more for the end result.
“Ah Mr. Sallow” the older man spoke, seeing him walking up with a proud smile on his face. He couldn’t help but notice the way the young man walked confidently, with his chin held high in the golden sunlight. When the young Sallow had first approached him, he first questioned the age and maturity of him, as Sebastian did have a young appearance due to his boyish grin and freckles. Even after he explained that he was in fact 17, legal in their world’s laws, it still took some convincing. Over the course of their time working together, he came to realize the young man was wise beyond his years, and already of age within the wizarding world. Despite this he couldn’t help but recall his very faint memory of the boy’s father, who also purchased rings at such a young age.
“I got your owl, and I came as soon as I could, '' Sebastian explained. The man reached back into a small chest, using an unlocking charm to open it, before removing a box about the size of a small tome.
“I have to say, this has been some of my best work to date. It is quite unique. You have a great eye and attention to detail Mr. Sallow.” The Jeweler spoke as he opened the box, which contained two smaller ring boxes inside. One, very ornate, and dark green while the other was simple. Beneath the boxes laid the few pieces of parchment that detailed a sketch of his work as well as notes from their time planning together. The jeweler lifted his wiry hands to select the green box, handing it off to Sebastian as he held onto the rest.
Sebastian stood there for a moment simply staring at the outside of the box, his nerves getting the better of him. He noticed the way even the box looked so small in his large hands. Eventually he found the anticipation too great and opened it.
Inside he saw the beautiful center stone, clear and radiant. It was set in a simple design that replicated a star. Along the thin band, off to the side of the center stone were small radiant white gems on each side to highlight the design of center. It looked so small and simple, but he couldn’t help but smile, finally seeing it in person. It combined both her unique sort of style while also maintaining a level of elegance. It was dainty and avoided the gaudiness of most rings he had seen. It lacked much of the height he had seen other rings have, which would suit her well as it was less likely to get caught on things. It was perfect.
“I am speechless… this is better than I could have imagined.” He said, still admiring the way it caught the light of the setting sun, sparkling inside the box. He couldn’t help but try and think of what it would look like on her finger and how he would feel sliding it on for the first time. Eventually he closed the box, handing it back to the man, who passed him the second one.
“I am glad. I must admit, I found it to be such a charming piece and I admire your commitment to making something so perfect for your soon to be finance. I am certain she shall love it. I hope the bands themselves are also to your liking” he gestured to the box as Sebastian also took his time looking at them.
Inside he found two golden bands. One significantly larger than the other, as well as much thicker. Unlike every other wedding ring he’d ever seen, the one intended for him had a simple star, the same shape as the one on her ring, engraved in the center. His parents' rings had engravings on the inside, but this was proudly on the outside, as it was integral to the design. The other was much more ornate, having many small stars and constellations depicted on the thin band, as well as some small stones sporadically placed inside some of the larger stars. They were exactly what he had hoped they would be. Hers showcasing the night sky, while his showed just a small, simple aspect that he was in fact hers.
“I don’t know what to say… these are incredible” Sebastian spoke still looking at them.
“You should make sure yours fits” the man recommended, offering a hand to take the box from him as Sebastian removed the larger gold band. He stared at it a moment, before sliding it onto his left ring finger. He’d never worn a ring, finding the way the cool metal sat along his hand to be an odd sight as well as an odd feeling. He turned his hand over, examining it. When he looked at it, he couldn’t help but feel like an adult, as it marked such an important milestone he was actually excited to take part in. The thought of himself, as a married man, was slightly odd. Not that he didn’t want to be, just to admit it to be something he wanted sooner rather than later, brought forth an excitement, nervousness and other emotions he couldn’t quite put his finger on.
Sebastian also thought of how his mother would lift his father’s hand when he would become stressed, as she gently kissed the simple silver band he hardly removed. Sebastian could almost hear in his mind how his mother would gently whisper “I’m here Sampson” against the skin of his knuckles and the wedding band as his father would sigh. In the limited years he got with his parents he rarely saw his father take his wedding ring off, keeping it on while he worked, slept, and only removing it on occasion to wash. His mother did the same, only taking it off when she would clean dishes, hanging it on a nail his father drove into a beam by the kitchen sink.
When they died, and he and Anne were given their parents wedding rings, he realized that the entire time he’d seen his parents rings, he’d never once noticed the engraving on the inside of their plain matching silver bands. Ad Astra was on the inside of each silver ring, a phrase he knew in Latin meant, “to the stars”, but the significance of why it meant so much to them remained to this day a mystery. Just another reason he felt himself inclined to ask the man for something celestial for him and his beloved. For a moment he almost forgot where he was standing, as well as the fact that he wasn’t alone until the man spoke.
“I take it the smile means you are satisfied with it” he said, commenting on Sebastian’s expression.
“Yes, I just… it is going to take some getting used to seeing that soon, I suppose,” Sebastian admitted, racking a hand through his brown hair, staring down at the ring on his left hand. One day that ring would go on and rarely come off. He imagined that there would be times he would twist it around his finger when he was distracted, or perhaps his witch would toy with it when holding his hand in hers. He would see it when he was getting ready for the day. He would see it during moments they weren’t together, a reminder that he had a home in the heart of someone else. He would also get to see that ring on his hand that would be holding onto her bare body, as she writhed beneath him. He shut down that train of thought quickly, before slipping it off and handing it back to the man who placed it back in the box, handing him everything.
The man had been gracious enough to disguise the box as a book, so that it would look inconspicuous to anyone who might stumble upon it from the outside. He could probably place it on his desk along with the rest of his literature until he would need it. Sebastian reached inside his pocket, grabbing the leather pouch with the remaining money and handing it off to the man.
“I must admit, I haven’t spent much time this far into the highlands in a while. This region is quite pretty this time of day. I can understand why you live here” Sebastian admitted, watching the way the sun was starting to set over the wheat field.
“It is lovely. Have you by chance found a home yet? Or a place to build one?” He inquired.
“I have not. I suppose that is next on my list of things to do.” He explained.
“Well, a friend of mine lives in Marunween. He said recently a couple fled their home on the outskirts of their hamlet due to the recent goblin activity, deciding to relocate to America. He bought their home in order to help them get the money they needed to leave, but he is trying to find someone to purchase it. I looked it myself, considered the change in scenery, but I don’t think I can leave Cragcroft… I do believe it may be a wonderful it if you are interested.”
Sebastian thought about the man’s words for a moment before he asked him “I don’t have much money for anything fancy. Most of my inheritance went towards my sick twin sister”
“I also know of an old house atop the hill, in the same hamlet that used to belong to my sister, but a storm knocked a tree through the roof. It would require much work with transfiguration, but it still has a good structure. Visiting it breaks my heart seeing a place a beloved sister loved so dearly in such disrepair. I would love to see it restored and being put to good use.” the man retorted.
“Maruween you say?”
“Yes at the top of the mountain that the hamlet is built under. It has such a lovely view, and a jobberknoll nest out front”
“But a tree through the roof?” Sebastian asked with a wariness at the prospect of fixing such damage.
“It’s not that far from here I could show you if you’d like. It will take some work, but it may not be a bad option for someone as young and resourceful as yourself“ the man gestured to Sebastian‘s Slytherin robes as he said resourceful.
“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to just check it out, that is if it’s not so much trouble for you?” Sebastian knew it would put his return time further back but having a lead on a home would be nice to have.
“I was already heading that way to meet with a friend so it’s no bother at all. I think it admirable how maturely you carry yourself young man. Besides I think knowing that beautiful location is being utilized once more would be a comforting thought. With ranroks activity in the area people are fleeing. Building a future for the region is an importance people aren’t considering right now.” He replied, collecting a satchel.
“Well I still think the Feldcroft region is more of where I’d like to end up but if this place is as affordable as you say, it may be worth considering just so we could start a decent life together.“ Sebastian said realizing it may be a smart decision.
The man offered his arm for Sebastian, and the two apparated away.

Poppy and her were making their second lap over the region when Poppy finally spotted something.
“Look down there I see movement near those tents. We should land and track up on foot to get a closer look“
The pair set down in the trees about 100 yards away before casting disillusionment and slowly traversing the rocky landscape to the edge of the poachers camp. There were about 20 people milling about in the camp, along with the normal traps, cages, firs, and other items associated with poaching. They crept closer and waited behind the small Stonewall at the edge of the camp while listening for anything that might indicate the centaurs location.
Time passed, and no word on the missing centaur’s location was mentioned, so they went to leave when she overheard something troubling from two of the poachers at the edge of the camp. Her and Poppy moved closer to hear what the two poachers were saying…
“Why’s the boss got us out all this way?”
“He’s got us keeping an eye on some former auror he’s been extorting. Trying to make sure he doesn’t go to the ministry. And keeping an eye on a curse he’s been developing… he usually checks in every now and again himself but he’s been preoccupied by that student”
Immediately she had a sinking feeling in her chest over what she hoped wasn’t true about the words the poachers spoke. Surely they couldn’t be talking about the sallows…
She abandoned Poppy, attempting to follow them as they walked towards a tent at the edge of the camp. She stalked behind them quietly trying not to lose track of what they were saying but when they slipped inside the tent she no longer could hear them.
“Blast.” She whispered under her breath as Poppy, still under disillusionment like herself, caught up.
“What were they talking about? An ex auror? A curse? That doesn’t sound like centaurs…” poppy asked looking confused
She couldn’t help but grimace. Reaching over she clutched Poppy’s hand, pulling her backwards a tad before casting silencio over the two of them.
“No it doesn’t… but I wonder…” she trailed off once again. She didn’t want to believe that Solomon might’ve known the whole time what truly happened to Anne. Or that her love’s dear twin was suffering as the result of Victor rookwood trying to develop nasty incurable curses.
“Poppy, I need you to listen to me right now. I am worried that the curse they are discussing is related to Anne Sallow… and the former auror is their uncle and guardian Solomon… I don’t have much time to explain but I need to get in there and figure out what they know. I don’t expect you to come with me given the risk. But I can’t let this opportunity slip through my fingers if there’s a chance it could help save her.” She explained to Poppy, feeling the girl’s fingers shake around her own.
“You think they may have more information on what curse is killing Sebastian’s sister?” Poppy asked for clarification and she nodded.
“They may or may not but I am surely not going to neglect to find out. I can hope to slip in undetected, maybe find some more information. You should wait here” she didn’t want her friend putting herself in harm's way over something that was growing to be a more personal matter.
“Are you sure? You don’t know how many of them there are inside that tent.” Poppy asked uncertainty laced in her voice.
“If something goes wrong I am going to need to rely on you to get help.” She explained knowing Poppy could get back to the castle and get the professors.
“Alright. I will wait here but please… be careful. You know the poachers are incredibly upset with you specifically.” Poppy sounded more concerned than she’d heard the hufflepuff in the past.
“I’m always careful. Wait here.” And with that she slipped after the two poachers she’d spotted and headed closer to the tent.
Hoping over the small stone fence she slipped around the back of the tent, mindful to be quiet. Eventually the voices she had been chasing returned to earshot.
“I still don’t know why Victor has us doing his dirty work. Why should we have to stalk some farm girl to see how poorly she’s doing.”
“But feldcroft of all places. It’s so utterly boring. Not to mention rookwood castle is no longer available to us with those blasted goblins haven taken over victor's home”
That was all she needed for confirmation that it was in fact Anne they were stalking. Some quick thinking made her realize that perhaps drawing them out of the tent to see what she could find inside may be a decent idea.
Slipping around near the flap of the tent, she quietly whispered “confringo” setting some crates at the far edge of the tent on fire. She continued with “bombarda” causing a tree limb to fall on their cart. The ruckus served as enough of a distraction because both the poachers ran out of the tent to investigate as she slipped in behind them.
Inside the tent remained empty of other poachers thankfully. Only a few desks with various pieces of parchment sat on one side with the rest of the space seemed to be more for living as it had bunk beds and tables filled with belongings and food.
She stalked over to the desk, carefully sifting through the parchment. Reading the tops to see if their contents proved useful.
Most of them seemed to be detailed notes for moving magical creatures through the highlands instead of Anne. Until she came across a small, leather bound journal without a label. Opening the ties around it she turned to the first page seeing December 31 1889 across the top. The date alone made her want to lurch knowing that Sebastian and Anne’s birthday was the same time in which Anne was cursed. Pocketing the journal she continued looking for more relevant information when she heard a chuckle behind her before her disillusionment charm was forcibly dropped.
Expeliarmous! Her wand flew from his hands as she truly began to dread what was to come. Was poppy okay? Had they discovered her as well?
“Well well… What do we have here? Looks like someone has wandered too far from the castle…” she turned to see the man, grinning at her like a deranged lunatic. The other man standing next to him came closer, ready to grab her as she clutched her wand and the journal.
“Wait till the boss hears about this. You sweetheart… are going to make me rich. Rookwood put out quite the bounty on your head you know… go get the others!” he said to the other man who quickly apperated away as he came closer.
“Come here, I don’t bite” he said, snatching her into his arms as he grabbed the journal out of her possession.
“Stealing things you shouldn’t… naughty girl. I ought to teach you a lesson before the boss gets here.” He said, voice sliding into a concerning tone.
“Get your hands off me!” She struggled but he pulled her closer, wrapping an arm around her waist as his other hand grabbed her by the hair.
“Not a chance. I’m not letting you get away this time. Besides, you’re such a pretty thing…” he said, his arm around her waist dipping lower to grab her buttocks as she continued to struggle.
“I said get off!” She screamed at him as he laughed.
“Not a chance. The boss has had eyes on you for a while now. How was Christmas down in Feldcroft with the Sallows? Tell me again, what’s that boy's name? The one you let hold your hand? The one you let kiss you? I must say… getting to watch him put his hands on you has been one of the only enjoyable things about being stuck all the way out here…” he said as she panicked knowing he had been watching them closely if he’d seen her and Sebastian. It made her stomach turn now realizing they weren’t truly alone in those moments.
“Cat got your tongue lass? I do wonder truly how much you’ve allowed that Sallow boy to do to you… has he gone so far as to deflower you?” He hissed against her neck as she continued to try and break free from his arms.
“Perhaps I ought to drag him in here. I can ask him myself… and if he hasn’t… well I’ll let him watch as a real man-“ his words were cut off as she heard a loud bombarda sound in the air. The man’s grip was ripped away from her as he went flying across the tent, his head smacking one of the beams as he fell to the ground, limp.
Poppy must’ve been alright. Suddenly the hufflepuff in question ran inside and up to her.
“Are you alright? I saw them follow you and when I got closer I heard him talking. What happened?” Poppy’s questions ran together as she looked around.
“We don’t have time, we need to get out of here. I need to find my wand” she explained searching for her wand eventually finding it.
The sounds of many people apparating filled the air and the two looked panicked at one another.
“Shit. Poppy you need to leave. You need to get out of here. Please. Take this” she said, thrusting the journal and the parchment into the girl's hands as she brushed herself off ready for the fight.
“Not without you. I promised sebas-"Poppy started but she was stopped by the girl.
“No. I don’t care what you promised him, this is more important. That journal may contain the key to saving Anne. Go to Feldcroft immediately and warn Solomon they are coming and to get Anne to Hogwarts. Then leave, take the journal back to nurse Blainey. After you make sure she has it, go get professor Sharp. Tell him where we are. Tell him what’s happened. If you have time, find Ominis and tell him that Solomon knew this whole time what happened to Anne and that I sent you.” She rushed out an explanation as she ran out of the tent seeing the field absolutely filled with rookwood’s men. Poppy ran out behind her seeing over 2 dozen men waiting for them.
“You there, stop!” They shouted at the girls as y/n began firing spells and to protect them both. Poppy joined in for a moment, but with holding onto the journal and parchment, trying to avoid dropping them, she became distracted, missing a poacher lurking behind her.
“Poppy look out!” She shouted blasting him, as a curse from the opposite direction struck her in the back. She struggled but kept herself upright. Looking into the scared brown eyes of her friend she felt herself being blasted with a curse that sent electricity through her body.
Turning around she tried to cast protego around the two of them, to no avail.
“Poppy go, you must!” She shouted over the fighting. The girl shook her head refusing to listen.
“Poppy please, you must… I can’t let her suffer. I can’t let him suffer any longer” she explained, out of breath.
More poachers appeared as she struck them down. The fight seemed like it would be never ending. Lifting her wand she drew down a cloud of her ancient magic, attempting to level the field some and reassure poppy she could leave.
“Poppy go, I’m right behind you. If you don’t warn them now I fear they’ll be in trouble” she explained and poppy nodded sadly accepting the situation.
“I’m coming back for you, I promise. Just hold them off "Poppy said just as she heard the words crucio muttered behind her. The last thing poppy saw before she apparated away was y/n falling to the ground writhing in pain as several poachers crept closer.

Well… the house certainly wasn’t what Sebastian expected. When he and the old man appeared in front of it, he was amazed at the view. It overlooked a massive lake and a small hamlet. There was a tree filled with jobberknoll flying and landing all around them. The view was something out of a dream… the home however.
Had a tree through the roof.
“I know it’s not ideal and will take a lot of work to get the tree out and the roof fixed but it’s got a solid foundation, and you can’t beat the view. Plus I honestly couldn’t think to make you pay much for it. The only thing worth a sickle is the land itself” the man explained. He did have a point but Sebastian worried this sort of transfiguration was above his pay grade.
“It’s not going to be an easy one, but I think it could be…” Sebastian wasn’t sure what possessed him to say “fun” but he did.
The old man chuckled, finding it amusing that a young man would consider this to be the home for his bride to be, and that the insane amount of hard work it would take to restore it would be enjoyable.
“That’s one way to put it for sure.”
“I enjoy a challenge, and I’m quite resourceful. Besides my witch, she’s actually quite the novice at transforming spaces using magic” he explained thinking this might actually be a worthwhile idea. Taking a step inside he could see where the second level used to be and that for the most part only a destroyed potions station remained.
Anne would cringe seeing a potions station destroyed.
Anne. He was supposed to go meet everyone in feldcroft. They were probably waiting for him right about now.
“The fireplace is hooked to the floo network, so once restored it will make traveling easier,” the man explained as he walked around trying to imagine the space being a place that was actually livable. While difficult I'm in its current state, he could almost imagine coming in and seeing her baking bread at what could be the kitchen. Or him playfully chasing her up stairs that they could conjure, as he laughed trying to catch her. Sebastian could build library shelves into the wall so that his books had a home. He could see a small section they could add on; when they needed room for a nursery someday…
“How much would you want for it?” He asked the man.
“Before the tree and the goblin activity in the area I might’ve been able to get a decent penny for the place but now… 50 galleons?” He responded.
Sebastian almost fell over knowing that the man practically intended to let him have the place for a few shifts at the three broomsticks. Money he actually had on him currently.
“That’s all?” He asked, trying to clarify.
“It has become more of a burden to track all the way out here to make sure there’s no squatters if I’m honest. I would be happy knowing a very resourceful young man who seems intent on handling things respectfully is taking care of the place my sister used to love.” He explained and Sebastian pondered.
Should he wait for her? Should he buy it and worse comes to worse they could sell the land and find somewhere else? What if she wanted to live closer to school? It wasn’t Feldcroft but it wasn’t that far knowing they had their own private floo.
“If you’re sure… I think it may be a fun idea for us to fix it up together. I can see that with some love it could be a very beautiful home” Sebastian said after a moment.
“I can send the deed via owl, since I have it back in my home, but if you want to just scribble out a written agreement on those parchments there “ the man pointed to the table and Sebastian nodded, handing him the parchment and quill.
Sebastian reached into his pocket, finding the money Solomon had given him, counting out the gold as the man wrote a loose contract before he signed, handing him the gold and taking the paper.
“I should be going now to meet my friend” the older man explained and Sebastian thanked him, knowing the man had single handedly helped him in many ways with securing a happy future.
As the man left, Sebastian took a look at the home and plot of land, jotting down some crude notes on what he knew he would need to fix and sketching out the current layout, with plans to illustrate things he intended to do. After a long time examining the home he took a walk to the tree out front.
Climbing up its branches he sat upon a decent sized limb lookin out as the sun started to descend, turning the sky brilliant shades of purple and pink. It was quite peaceful from up this high.
He thought of his future, their future. How he could come home every day and see her, happily tending a small garden. He knew she would be thrilled to see the jobberknoll so close to their home, maybe even introduce more beasts to the area. Would she bring her vivariums and protect others? They could build a small wooden table and place it out front and eat dinners on days like this and watch the sunset together or enjoy morning tea or coffee outside.
He could wake up each morning in a double bed instead of his current single and hold her close before they descend the stairs together, perhaps bathe together to get ready for the day. Maybe he could build a swing in the tree and they could relax next to one another overlooking the hamlet.
When she would get sick he could carry her from a spot on the lounge upstairs to their bed, tucking her in and making sure she kept fluids and potions in her. Whenever she was having a bad day he could collect a book from the library he could build, because Merlin knows he loved to read, and he could cheer her up by reading aloud and acting out the voices.
On weekends they could walk down to the coast together, and enjoy a quiet picnic on the beach. When they ran low on things like eggs they could travel down to the hamlet below together and say hi to their neighbors. Then they could walk back, cooking breakfast together as he undoubtedly would make a mess and she’d laugh while attempting to clean it up.
She could help him shave with the razor she got him, the one he was always so happy to use in the mornings even now. He could jokingly make her think she’d nicked his skin just to see her reaction before he’d laugh and allow her to continue. Perhaps he’d even allow her to cut his thick brown hair when it got too unruly as the thoughts of allowing her gentle hands to do so didn’t seem frightening.
They could stay together and share secrets and stories and never grow tired of one another. He’d never known what he wanted in life until he met her and now it all made such sense. Every mundane thing seemed wonderful if it meant it would be with her.
Realizing the time, Sebastian knew he should be heading back, that he should go to Feldcroft and see his family, not to mention: her. But he couldn’t find it in himself to leave this daydream that was slowly becoming a reality. Perhaps he could stay just a little longer and happily continue thinking of the future…

“Mr Sallow! Mr Sallow!” Poppy banged on the door of the home y/n had described as Sebastian’s frantically as she looked over her shoulder. Taking her advice she tucked the journal away, no longer fully trusting Mr. Solomon as she continued trying to get someone to open up. Eventually the door swung open.
“What is Merlin's name?!” The very angry face of a man poppy could only assume was Sebastian’s uncle opening the door. Poppy noticed the way he shared the same brown eyes as Sebastian and Anne but his hair was much darker, with streaks of gray and he had a beard.
“Poppy? Poppy Sweeting?” A timid voice called out behind the man as Poppy pushed her way inside with no regard.
“Anne! Mr. Sallow! We need to leave. I need to get you both out of here.” She said frantically.
“Not until you tell me what the hell is going on here Miss. Just because you go to school with my niece and nephew doesn’t mean you can just barge in here on a Friday nig-“ he started but Poppy interrupted.
“Y/n is in trouble and there are about a dozen of Rookwood’s men most likely headed here this instant. She sacrificed herself so I could escape and warn you both. Please don’t let that be in vain. I need to get her help and you need to leave before it gets too dangerous. We haven’t got long!” She explained hoping to appeal to Solomon’s better nature. Realization crossed the older man’s features and then his eyes hardened.
“Have you no proof for what you speak? I refuse to leave my home on the words of a student.” He explained.
“Uncle Solomon, if she is in trouble we need to help her. You can’t possibly leave y/n to Rookwood’s men all alone. I trust poppy… if she says we need to leave-“ Anne tried to reason but it seemed in vain as Solomon interrupted her.
“I don’t care what you think, we aren’t leaving” he said stubbornly.
“I am. I am no longer a child and you cannot keep me here. If you want to stay here and fight poachers, be my guest” Anne said, grabbing her coat and following Poppy to the floo flame near the home.
“Anne, get back here!” Solomon called behind her but the girl broke out into a faster walk.
“Anne, we have to hurry… y/n also found more information about your curse. Let’s get to Hogwarts and we can go from there "Poppy explained as they approached the floo network, disappearing in time to miss the poachers that ascended on the hamlet, charging towards the Sallow residence.
Solomon, deciding not to fight, went into the home, grabbing what possessions he knew were irreplaceable before apparating away from the home.
He heard something about Hogwarts, knowing he would have to appear off school grounds before heading towards the school due to its charms. So he started after the girls, hoping that his fear of y/n and miss Sweeting discovering his knowledge of Anne’s curse was just in his head…

As Poppy and Anne made their way into Hogwarts, ascending to the hospital Poppy filled her in on what had happened. About the poachers in the area, that Rookwood had been the one to curse Anne, and that she had made out with the journal detailing what exactly he had done to her. How Sebastian’s love had bravely faced a small army of men on her own to ensure Poppy could escape. The only thing she neglected to tell Anne was that Solomon might’ve known the whole time…
Handing the girl the journal they discovered,Anne shook almost violently realizing that it hadn’t been goblins to curse her this whole time and that there was more to the story. The two quickly rounded the top of the stairs, rushing into the hospital ward.
“Nurse Blainey, I believe we may have discovered more information about the curse that affects Anne, if you could look over this journal and notes we discovered for a possible cure, I need to go find professor Sharp,” Poppy explained and Anne grabbed her arm before she left.
“Wait, don't leave me!” Anne said fearfully that once Solomon caught up he’d drag her from school.
“I need to find Professor Sharp to help y/n since he will know how to handle it being an ex auror, since your uncle refused to help. I will see if I can find Sebastian or Ominis, and I will tell them what’s happened I promise "Poppy told her before running off to find help. Just as she left the hospital she was intercepted by Garreth Weasley, climbing the stairs to get to his Aunt’s room.
“Woah, slow down Poppy, you keep running like that you’ll fall down the stairs' ' the ginger joked playfully but when he saw the almost tears forming in her eyes he moved to catch up with her.
“What’s wrong Poppy? What happened?” he asked her, searching for an answer.
“They took her. Rookwood’s men, they have her. I barely escaped. She told me to leave her… Sebastian is going to be so angry with me” she said before dissolving into tears as she continued rushing down the stairs.
Garreth didn’t know who the Hufflepuff was referring to until she said ‘Sebastian’ and then it dawned on him that Sweeting was referring to the new 5th year. Merlin.
“Where are you going? You can’t possibly be going after her on your own?” Garreth exclaimed as Poppy shook her head. Stopping only to catch her breath and explain to him what happened.
“We figured out that Anne Sallow was cursed by Rookwood, and that he had men keeping an eye on her for months now. I am not sure fully why or how, but somehow the twin’s uncle knew more than he’s been letting on. Then we got surrounded and she covered my exit so I could warn the Sallow’ and get Anne out of their home. When I told Solomon what happened… he refused to go back for her, almost didn’t let Anne and I leave. We came straight here. She’s with the nurse going over what we found to maybe see if there’s a cure. But I need to go get Professor Sharp, he will know what to do. He’s a former Auror.” She explained running past a door with a large tortoise shell outside when Garreth stopped her again.
“He won’t be down in his classroom this time of night. Professor Sharp goes to his home away from Hogwarts on the weekends to see his wife.” Garreth explained, and if it hadn’t been for the moment of high stress she’d have inquired how Weasley knew so much of the potions master’s private life.
“Where can I find him?” she asked, worried Sharp would’ve already left the school grounds and she would have to go to Hogsmeade to track down officer Singer, as she was already devising a plan to track down Natty to help locate the officer when Garreth pulled her arm to stop her once more.
“Slow down for a moment. This door right here is Sharp’s quarters. If he is still on school grounds he will be in here. Come on” the tall Gryffindor boy said, dragging her up the few steps, knocking on the door as they waited to see if the potions master was still around. Eventually they heard shuffling behind the closed door and Poppy sighed in relief as the stern and angry face of Aesop Sharp opened the door.
“Mr. Weasley I thought I told you to stop bothering me in my place of residence. I am already late, and my wife Rebecca is already expecting me home…” he trailed off, noting Poppy standing beside the boy with tears on her face and twigs in her hair. His instincts as an Auror kicking in, as he realized something was deeply wrong “Miss Sweeting why are you crying what has happened?”
“I am going to get my Aunt!” Garreth said turning to run when Poppy yelled after him.
“Please try and track down Ominis or Sebastian, they need to know what’s happened” she explained as Garreth nodded, rushing up 3 stairs at a time as his long limbs quickly carried him out of sight.
“Miss Sweeting, I demand to know what happened this instant,” Sharp said, extremely concerned.
“Sir, Rookwood’s men have her. When I escaped they were using the torture curse on her. It was awful.” Poppy said while beginning to cry once more, filled with guilt once more that her friend took an unforgivable curse to make sure that she survived. Unable to explain the situation further she continued to cry as Aesop panicked seeing the young girl filled with anguish. Bending down to her height, despite his injured leg protesting, he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
Softening his tone he forced the girl to look up at him “Poppy who did they take? Where were you? I need you to help me here. I know this is upsetting but we don't have much time” he explained. Professor Sharp knew the young girl’s past. He had several run-ins with her parents over the years, as they were well known poachers, and had a bounty on their heads. As a professor, he rarely used student’s first names, only really in anger at students like Garreth blowing up cauldrons, however sensing the girl’s distress and needing to find out information quickly, he resorted to breaking formality in order to comfort her.
“The new fifth year. We were near Feldcroft…” Poppy explained, omitting details about what they were doing there.
“How many of them were there?” he asked, still attempting to pry information away from the student as Professor Ronen, having heard the noise up the stairs, came to join them.
“Aesop, what is going on here? Miss Sweeting, are you alright?” Abraham asked, looking down at the girl worried.
“A student has been taken by Rookwood. Go get Professor Fig, as it is Miss y/l/n and I am sure he would like to be made aware she is missing. Miss Sweeting, I need you to show me where you both last were.” Professor Sharp sighed as he looked back in his quarters, knowing his weekend away from the school would be put on hold. Summoning a quill he quickly jotted down a message for his wife, informing her he was going to be late coming home, as an urgent matter involving a student’s safety had taken priority, profusely apologizing before he turned back to Poppy.
“Sir… there’s something else you should know” Poppy said, having finally calmed down.
“Yes?” he asked, trying not to sound annoyed as he filled a satchel with potions and started off towards the bottom of the faculty tower to the floo network.
“Mr. Sallow… Anne and Sebastian’s Uncle… he knew that she had been taken, possibly even why she was taken and he refused to help her… he also was mad that I brought Anne to the school” she explained quickly as confusion crossed his face.
“Solomon Sallow knew the girl had been taken and didn’t try to help her? Correct me if I am wrong Miss Sweeting,” he said, rounding the last flight of stairs with her as adrenaline slowly filled his body with the strength to ignore the pain in his leg “as much as I try to ignore my student’s personal lives, it's been a tad hard to neglect noticing… but isn’t Miss y/l/n involved with Sebastian Sallow? I admit it appears the girl has been a fine influence on the boy either way” The thought that Solomon would allow his nephew’s friend or sweetheart to be hurt by criminals confounded the man, however having worked with him at the Ministry for some time, it wouldn’t fully surprise him. Solomon Sallow often walked too closely to the line of dark wizard’s for his taste.
“Yes sir. They are courting Sir. Quite seriously I may add… she spent the holidays with them in Feldcroft” Poppy explained as they came to stand near the flame, poppy holding out her pouch filled with power.
“Remind me to have a word with Solomon regarding the matter.” he said sternly as they both used the Floo network to disappear off school grounds.

Sebastian’s stomach rumbled as he decided that it was well past the time he had intended to meet the others at his home. Stepping back one last time to look over the peaceful view of Marunweem he finally decided to apparate to Feldcroft to join his family.
He was expecting the normal quiet sounds of the hamlet when he arrived: the birds chirping, the wind blowing, the distant sound of waves breaking on the shore, the occasional cow mooing. What he was not expecting was to be thrown in the midst of his neighbors trying to fend off Rookwood’s men.
Small fires filled the hamlet and lots of shouting sounded in the air. Curses and spells being called out all around him.
“We must fend them off and drive them back out of the village!” Bernard the merchant shouted as Sebastian frantically looked around for Solomon and Anne. Not seeing his uncle, who should’ve been leading the charge as a former Auror with the most combat experience, his stomach dropped.
Sebastian rushed over to his childhood home, seeing it swarming with poachers. When he made it through the front door, which remained ajar, he blasted the first man he saw into the wall, not caring for how hard the man’s head smacked into the brick there. His mind went unconscious as he only briefly scanned the faces of those who had invaded his home, only making sure it wasn’t his uncle or sister, before blasting them into oblivion.
He tore through every single one of them, with little thought as they all fell to the floor, incapacitated and some possibly even dead judging by the looks of it. He hardly cared, as defending his home was a priority over the criminal's lives.
It wasn’t long before he felt a hand on his shoulder, aggressively shoving the tip of his aspen wand in the face of Mr. Ndiaye, who’s wide eyes at the sight of the light wood looked startled. Sebastian lowered his wand, recognizing the man as his neighbor, not another poacher.
“What happened?” Sebastian asked frantically, looking around to see if anything had been taken from his home, attempting to douse a small fire in the corner.
“We are not sure. I heard a small argument between your sister and Uncle, along with another student. Anne left with the girl and as Solomon left to follow after them, Feldcroft was suddenly under attack by Rookwood’s men. They were looking for something in your home. Solomon did not stay to help.” Mr. Ndiaye said, sounding shocked that their long time friend had left them to defend themselves against dark wizards.
“Solomon left you all?! What student? Was it y/n?! Was she here?” he said frantically, looking around before cupping his mouth and shouting her name to no reply.
“No it was not. It was some girl who must’ve been in Hufflepuff… she wore yellow and looked frightened.” Bernard explained and Sebastian almost felt his legs give out under him. Poppy. Poppy was in Feldcroft. Without her. Poppy wouldn't have been alone unless...
“Are you sure she was alone? That she didn’t have my… that y/n wasn’t here with her” Sebastian asked hoping the man had mistaken what he’d seen.
Mr. Ndiaye looked down reverently and shook his head. “She was not here Sebastian…”
Sebastian took a step back from him, running out of the house, and down the hill some. He started shouting her name, praying to Merlin that by some miracle she was out there, where she could hear him, and that she would come running to him. After a while of shouting, his voice went raw and he fell to his knees, feeling the ring box in his pocket as he sobbed into the cool air of the night…
To be continued...
#hogwarts legacy#sebastian sallow#anne sallow#fluff#ominis gaunt#sebastian sallow x reader#sebastian sallow x slytherin!reader#sebastian sallow x you#sebastian sallow/reader#aesop sharp
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Makeup Help
So I think that Neuvillette wears makeup, and then I had the thought of him helping me do my makeup, specifically eyeliner bcs I have a weird thing about my eyes. Which now leads us to this fic lol
Rating: Gen
Genre: Fluff
Words: 1255 words
Divider by saradika
“Neuvi, could you help me out with my makeup?” Andromeda asks, looking over herself in the mirror.
Neuvillette turns to look at her through the open doorway to his bedroom, part way through getting dressed for the day. Andromeda thinks that he looks handsome in just his shirt and pants, his hair not tied back with its usual ribbon yet, though she knows that he’d never be seen in public dressed down like this. It only makes him letting her see him like this all the sweeter of a view— it’s a sign of just how close they’ve gotten over the past month.
“What would you need me to help with? Your makeup always looks lovely,” he says.
“I’m good with lipstick and eyeshadow, but I can’t do eyeliner,” Andromeda says. “You’re good at that, though.”
Though Neuvillette is good at makeup in general. Andromeda knows that he prefers a subtle look, with a small bit of eyeshadow you can only notice if you’re close enough to him, but she also knows from some of his looks when the two have gone out on dates that he can do more than just that. His more dramatic looks might be reserved for special occasions, but they're nonetheless impressive.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you use eyeliner before,” Neuvillette notes as Andromeda steps out of the bathroom with an eyeliner pencil in hand.
“You haven’t because I’m not good at putting it on. My hand always gets too shaky,” she says.
She doesn’t mention that the reason her hands get shaky is the pencil being so close to her eye terrifies her. She tried to teach herself how to properly do her eyeliner in the past, but every time she’d see someone else doing it she’d have to look away as the tip of the eyeliner got closer to the inner crease of the eye, flinching as if she were hit. The thought of anything even somewhat sharp being close to her eyes is a terrifying one, and she’s always too nervous about accidentally stabbing herself to be able to line anything up straight.
Still, she wishes that she could put some eyeliner on. It’s always something she appreciates in other people’s makeup, and she wishes that she didn’t have to get so nervous that she can’t even make a straight line. And as much as it’s nerve wracking to think of anyone doing her eyeliner for her, she finds the thought of Neuvillette of all people doing it far more soothing.
“I don’t have much experience doing makeup for other people,” Neuvillette says.
Andromeda notes that’s not a no. “That’s okay. I’m sure it’d still come out better than anything that I could do.”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“I would. You haven’t seen my past attempts at eyeliner.”
Neuvillette looks at Andromeda as she closes the distance between them, sitting down on the edge of his bed. He looks her over, as if assessing whether or not he could do what she’s asking. Then he says, “Is there a particular style you’d like?”
“Nothing fancy. Maybe just some simple stuff with a little bit of a wing?” Andromeda says.
“I can do that,” Neuvillette replies.
He takes the eyeliner pencil from her hand, kneeling down to be at eye level with her. When he looks at her, Andromeda gets the feeling that he’s mapping out her face. It’s simultaneously odd and flattering to think of how he seems like he’s trying to memorize every detail, first imagining what he’s planning to do before he draws the eyeliner on. Andromeda’s never been the type of person who likes much attention, but capturing the attention of the Iudex like this feels uniquely special.
“May I?” Neuvillette prompts, nodding towards her lap.
“Oh, uh, yeah, sure,” she says.
Neuvillette carefully lowers himself to sit on Andromeda’s lap, as if he’s worried he’ll be too much to fit properly on her. But for as much as he’s taller and heavier than she is, she can’t help but think they fit perfectly together with how his knees bracket either side of her hips. Him doing her makeup already felt intimate, but their increased proximity now only heightens that.
“Sorry if I flinch or anything,” Andromeda says. “I… I don’t like pointy things by my eyes.”
“Ah. Well, I can promise you that I will be as careful as possible,” Neuvillette assures.
“Thank you.”
Neuvillette starts with her right eye, drawing from the outer corner of her eye upwards in the shape of a wing. He keeps the pressure of the eyeliner pencil just strong enough to draw it on, but still his touch is gentle. He doesn’t want to make her uncomfortable, and that’s something that she can’t help but adore him even more for.
Neuvillette is careful as he draws along her lash line, though Andromeda still tenses as he gets close to the inner corner of her eye. She trusts him, and she knows that he’d never do anything to hurt her, but still it’s intimidating having the tip of the pencil so close to her eyes.
“You’re doing wonderfully, my love,” Neuvillette says as if picking up on her nervousness. Andromeda supposes it would be hard for him to miss with how close they are right now. “It’ll be just a moment longer.”
“Okay,” she says as he moves to draw the wing along her other eye.
Andromeda tries to focus just on Neuvillette instead of the feeling of the eyeliner pencil along the edge of her eyelid. It’s hard for her to make out the fine details of his face without her glasses, but she can still see the focused look on his face by the set of his jaw and the furrowing of his eyebrows. She focuses on his hand on her cheek, and his stomach brushing against her as he draws himself closer to her.
Andromeda thinks that she’s lucky. She doesn’t think there’s anyone else that could say that they’re in a relationship with a dragon sovereign, and even beyond that she can’t imagine being with a more gentle and caring partner.
It’s nice having someone that she knows she can completely trust. It’s hard for Andromeda to let her guard down, and even though she knows she’s not completely doing that now as Neuvillette does her eyeliner, she still has enough faith in him to even ask him for help like this.
Neuvillette lifts the pencil from Andromeda’s eye, looking her over. “You look lovely, mon coeur.”
“Only thanks to your help,” Andromeda says, reaching up to stroke his hair with one hand.
“You’re beautiful with or without makeup,” he states. He presses a quick kiss to her forehead as he gets up, bracing himself with one hand on her shoulder. “If you don’t like how it looks, though, just let me know. I can do it differently if you’d like me too.”
Andromeda gets up, taking the eyeliner pencil back from Neuvillette. “Okay. I’m sure it looks great, though.”
Her hand brushes against his as she makes her way back into the bathroom, taking a look at herself in the mirror. Neuvillette did well— it’s a subtle look, but still she likes the way the wings show off her eyes. She calls another thanks towards him as she takes her eyeshadow palette from the drawer. She has a little more work to do getting ready for the day, but she’s glad to have a little help with things from her boyfriend.
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(Matchup for Lulu🌸)
Hi baby!! I was hoping to get either overwatch or arcane matchup (either or is lovely!)
-for the basics run down, I'm looking for a romantic matchup but platonic is just as fun. Im AFAB (she/her), lesbian :)
-personality wise I easily cater my humor and demeanor for whoever im talking it (a bit of a ppl pleaser tbh) but overall I'm a bit introverted but warm up very easily. I joke a lot and my mind goes faster than my mouth sometimes, before I trust people I'm more on the calmer quiet side (still like making people laugh though). I am a little blunt but never in an insuilting way- (I tend to rat myself out a lot lmao) typically the wine aunt of friend groups.
-looks wise I'm a bit on the shorter side (5'1") and I have a good mix of lean muscle and some subtle curves (lost a lot of weight so I just have my legs and ass left-) I have a round face, im pretty pale and have medium length curly dark brown hair, I have glasses (dont wear then as much as i should) and I dress in a very 2000s-2010s way (heels, skinny/flare jeans, zip ups, camis, hoop earrings etc-) I love thrifting my clothes. Also I love makeup but if I could stick to one thing it would be my fluffy false lashes :)
-hobbies and overall interests, I really like knitting (ive tried crochet but knitting is more calming), I working on becoming a tattoo artist soon, I draw a bit, I like thrifting and going to garage sales, I did sparring/boxing for a bit, I'm a pothead (ive cut down a bit though!) And I like listening to music (Kali uchis, tommy February, Jinjer [metal band from 🇺🇦] and mitski) I also know ASL as *technicly a first language, and still use it today
That felt like a lot but I hope it was enough to mgroups.make something cool- have a great day/night!! TYSMM
Thanks so much for requesting, I love doing these!
As soon as you meet she picks up on your people-pleasing habit and decides she needs to know more about you.
Like your real sense of humour, which is definitely a core foundation in the relationship.
You’re always making each other laugh, even after a (rare) argument.
Kiriko is an easy person to warm up to, I can’t imagine it takes very long at all. Not if she has anything to do with it anyway.
She finds your ‘wine aunt’ tendencies hilarious. If you both need to complain about someone, she’ll casually open up a conversation with something along the lines of
‘__ seems… well.’
to test the waters. 99% of the time you both like/dislike the same people though, so that can give way to a recreational bitching session.
Much like two sassy wine aunts.
You both know ASL which is handy.
It makes for a form of personal communication between just the two of you that, I’d imagine, most people you surround yourself with don’t understand.
It’s intimate, in a way. If you’re out with a group together and one of you wants to leave, you can communicate that and slip away without anyone else knowing.
Also linking back to complaining about people, WELL. That’s just a whole new world.
You have similar styles when it comes to clothes, but not in a way that makes you look boring, just coordinated.
I feel like Kiriko would have pretty basic music taste, but she’s an open minded person and would give you the aux when driving without complaint. You’d at least have some Mitski in common
(Even if the occasional ‘oh I’ve heard this song on TikTok’ drives you mental sometimes)
Actually I take that back I can see you converting her into a Kali Uchis fan
Oh thrifting and garage sales are a MUST. She loves that as well, although she lingers for so long.
But with Kiriko, the time passes easily and you’ve had such a good time you don’t even realise you’ve spent an hour looking at some dude’s car boot.
She’ll call them dates, even if it’s just going out to get something for the house. Or if it’s basically just hanging out.
But she goes ‘Cool, it’s a date!’ In a way that’s far too self-assured for you to object in any way.
Runner up: Mercy
It’s another relationship based on humour with her (sorry, I realise there’s a slight pattern here)
But it’s much less serious, even when it maybe should be.
This girl INSTANTLY took a liking to you. And she wasn’t even sure why. But she made no secret of her opinion, always bugging you to get you to stay and talk to her, making up excuses to get your input on something, making little trinkets and giving them to you.
‘Hey, hey!! I made this, isn’t it cool??’
‘Oh, yeah it’s pretty cool’
‘Well you can have it if you want it so bad, here, take it, don’t mention it.’
And just like that the conversation has moved on.
Once you’re actually close enough that she can just verbally request your presence for the sake of having you around, she does that a lot.
Dates/hangouts could range from just hanging around listening to music to pulling shenanigans and pranks together.
She’d approve of your music taste, you definitely have a blend playlist that she puts on when you’re just hanging out.
Her working on her gadgets, you knitting, with your playlist on, the silence between you interrupted with a
‘Is this mine or yours?’ As a Jinger song comes on, to which she shrugs.
She’d encourage you to practice tattooing on her
Whether you accept or not- she’s pretty reckless with her body.
‘I trust you to not do a penis on my face or something, just like- you need REAL practice, right???’
You’re both around the same height, Jinx having maybe an inch over you and never letting you forget it.
But to everyone else you’re just two gremlins joined at the hip
Well, she’s much more gremlin than you. Obviously.
You regulate her though. Shes not very consistent, so this doesn’t apply all the time, but she’s generally calmer around you.
It’s either she’s that loud, obnoxious way teenage boys get around their crushes (she wants to impress you) or she’s totally subdued, still very strange- she can be herself with you at least- but calmer. Like she’s afraid of scaring you off.
There’s a lot of that fear of losing with her, which can be a headache to deal with in itself, but if you have the patience and gentle hand she’ll be okay.
#overwatch#overwatch 2#ow2#ow#x reader#character matchups#matchups#arcane#arcane league of lesbians#jinx arcane#jinx league of legends#jinx#kiriko#kiriko overwatch#kiriko ow
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“I’m glad your my friend…” -Shouka Kobayashi, demon slayer OC
OKAY SO I DECIDED TO FINALLY SHOW SOME DEMON SLAYER CONTENT AFTER MY OC WAS COLLECTING DUST IN PHOTOS…introducing shouka! I tried my best to make shouka accurate to the show! After watching demon slayer, I’ve been just dead set focused with Senjuro😭🙏 he’s my son idc, now I decided to make a demon slayer OC, who plays now as senjuro’s small crush/Friend! Also wanted to play around with making a demon slayer character and trying to make her unique! I wouldn’t really call this an AU? Maybe I’m not sure😭 she does take role in the story too, even till the final battle and sunrise countdown arc in this Au ish..- OKAY NOW FOR EXPLANATION TIME ABOUT HER
Shouka is a demon slayer in the demon slayer corps that is younger than most, some deem to take note of this due to how violent and harsh she acts, not to mention how scarred up she is, but demon slaying is no joke so it’s no surprise how injured she looks, but due to her strong build despite being one of the recent demon skaters.
Her age is around senjuro’s but she is slightly older, only being a year older than him or almost 2 years older- not sure yet
The info I will give will be small, once I make a post dedicated to Shouka”s character and her relationship with senjuro, and how it works, I will give more information! Since I would like to make more drawings for her for her explanation of her backstory and character, the flower’s in her hair have meaning, and flowers are used to symbolize her story, which her arcs are named after, showing the comparison and similarities she shares with the flowers.
(Got inspired by a tik tok breathing style ideas😭)
She currently is wielding stone breathing, after practicing after a while, she manages to make her own breathing style, diamond breathing, which is why her sword has a grey-blue tint to it, she is very fierce for her moves. And for a demon slayer, she is very agitated, and always on a short fuse, many are sometimes confused on how she could even befriend senjuro Rengoku, who seemed to be the opposite of her. But it would surprise anyone if they knew she was nice with him, almost as if someone was different. Senjuro is unsure himself of how he even managed to make friends with someone this scary and tough, but with the way she’s kind with him, it quickly flies over his head, and he always waits for her visits, eager to show her his cooking, and maybe even teach her something.
(Shouka meets senjuro before the Mugen train arc with Kyojurou, so she slightly knows of the flame Hashira.)
Well I can’t wait to show more posts of her soon! With her character being explored more and with the main trio as well!
(Sorry if anything doesn’t look accurate or correct! Tried my best! Since this is just a reference for her)
#digital aritst#digital arwork#alternative universe#demon slayer#original character#oc x canon#senjuro rengoku
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Ninja Storm AU lore dump
Marah and Kapri's parents, Kairi and Gasharioto
Psst @lordkingsmith @skyland2703 @ninjastormz made more on this 👌🏾

(Temporary images to get some idea before I draw their designs, Gasharioto is based both on Gasha Jr from Kakuranger and Rito from mmpr with a little of Skull mixed in)
Anyways, Kairi was adopted when Kiya and Kanoi were four years old. Their parents were on a retrieval mission stationed in New Zealand due to a hidden town being destroyed mysteriously and in the remnants of a few relics they found an infant no older than two years old, black and pinkish hair.
The parents never were able to have a third child so they decided to adopt the infant and named her Kairi. Both Kiya and Kanoi cared for her very much, Kiya seemed to have a better bond with her considering his negative upbringing and drifting away from his twin brother. Kairi was described as a very adventurous person as she would stay up for many nights looking to the stars and wondering about “other worlds” as she saw something that the others didn’t, her teen years consisted of a little rebel phase and enjoying rock music.
One night when she was twenty three a flash from the sky shot down and a man in spatial clothes with a rebellious style appeared and fled the scene. Without any notice Kairi went on to wonder what happened to that mysterious individual but flash forward a few months later she met the man during a small rock shoe and the two hit it off with a marriage? He went by Gash for short and soon after a few dates the two were obsessed with each other, Gash revealed himself to be a karmanian which from the show are being of energy who pass their powers onto another being when they pass on.
As to why this man from the stars arrived on earth stayed unknown for a while but ignoring his purpose he took Kairi on a honeymoon trip to enjoy music and see the stars, due to going without notice everyone assumed Kairi up and dissapeared for a year causing a grave panic for Kiya and Kanoi. She returned from space with Gash and with her were two twin infants, Marah and Kapri, of course her brothers were skeptical as they were unaware of the marriage nor did they know about the space antics and origin behind Gash, Kiya was quite untrustworthy of Gash but hey what are you going to do?
1989, the twins are now five and Gash is starting to act weird, something or someone has been making the karmanian feel on edge and Kairi can sense this. The couple has been living on their own for a while and also overseeing Marah and Kapri as they went to attend ninja school, on one tragic night another light fell from the sky causing Gash to get Kairi and flee, though it was too late as whatever caught up with Gash from his past managed to not only to torch their house but ended up killing Kairi before going after Gash.
Marah and Kapri were staying other at the Watanabe estate with their cousin and uncles(Miko as well) when the news was shared about their mother’s passing, Gash wasn’t found and presumed dead as well. Outside of the family being heartbroken, it’s also rather tragic as the year after Miko Watanabe would pass way from a sickness. With the loss of their parents Marah and Kapri tended to act out on their own and usually tried keeping to themselves, gaining quite a reputation within school of being semi troublemakers, Kiya seemed to be very attentive to them throughout it as he could relate in being a problem child within the family. Gash’s true form is very human like but the aura he emits with Ki turns into a rockstar like suit as it reflects his own persona, he hid it while on earth due to how strong it was but Marah and Kapri also have this trait with being half karmanian hence why their true forms consists of those serpent and insect related outfits.
The Karmanians and the lore I’ve created for their species will come in later story wise but this is all to explain a bit of the background between the sisters and family stuff. This was a bit sad but I have lots of cool stuff planned for them when I get further into the AU 🩷🧡🩷🧡
#lore planning#marah#Kapri#lore#au#power rangers#mmpr#mighty morphin power rangers#power rangers ninja storm#parents#family lore#worldbuilding#ninja Storm au#fic stuff#why am I like this#me and sad stuff mix too much
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zeblue sketch dump

here we go! :) this will go long because I Love them

I personally think of Blue’s glasses as less of the conventional nerd kind, more of the insufferable tech bro vibe. He IS a nerd but he’s also a scammer trying to get you to think it’s a sound financial investment to buy his cryptocurrency

God I wish I was more interested in/better at drawing clothes and fashion, because the idea of Blue wearing Aava hand-me-downs is one of the greatest mental images I’ve ever incepted myself with and I don’t think I can ever do it justice. + obligatory blue's dumbass jester my beloved

The Most important version of fullly armoured knight zero that I unforgivably forgot to include in my original post

Introducing Nephili ‘Neph’ Ax-Vel, one of the Force-sensitive kids that I invented for my ever-fixed mark ‘verse! Featuring an omwati redesign because the idea behind the species seemed so cool and yet what little art there is looks like uh… just humans with 80s hair and that was Not It for me.
She is incredibly interested in technology and is showing signs of integrating her connection to the Force in that, exactly as Aava was so interested to see someone do! However (the monkey’s paw curls for Aava) Blue is her absolute favorite adult in the whole world, for unknowable reasons. (It probably comes down to them having some ineffable yet powerful autism2autism communication going on; he is surprisingly non-awful with her.)
She’s also the only one of the kids small and literally bird-boned enough for Blue to be able to carry. (Dar-Yen — who even as a little babby 10 year old besalisk is pretty solid — once made a bet with his BFF that Blue would catch him if he jumped into his arms, Brooklyn 99 meme style. This experiment ended with several bruised ribs on all sides and a stern talking to. To this day the kids argue over whether Blue at least tried to catch him before they both went down like matching sacks of potatoes, or was just trying to save his cup of caf. Reader, I think you know in your heart what the truth is there.)
Before Aava and Zero started trading off haircutting duty, Blue’s hair got pretty long, which Neph took as prime free ‘I’ll braid your hair!!!’ real estate.

Feared lethal assassin Agent Zero play fighting with the kids and dramatically pretending to fall to their combined might is something that can actually be so personal (is so personal I guess considering I made it up for myself lol). It is partially just to be an uncle-shaped jungle gym, but also a way to sneakily train them in working as a group the way he used to when running with a pack in his youth

*blue voice* but why did theseus seduce ariadne though. Why did he not put the moves on the minotaur instead. This seems like the more obvious and productive cause of action long-term (and I have no other horny reason to think this)
*affectionate Zero voice* you’re insane (and extremely gay) but alright I’ll be insane along with you
(I could imagine this being a real in-universe statue that got commisioned and that they'd pose for fdskajfa Zero has gone through all the stages of grief long ago when it comes to what Blue does to his libido and has arrived at the perfect Zen of 'this will awaken something in me. and that's chill we live and learn about ourselves')

:') they

(Slightly older?) Neph and Blue, and some Zeros I doodled as a means to cling on to my sanity while stuck on a train for a couple of hours. Aava is right he handsome

important information being exchanged (the fact that blue specifically calls the hired killer he employs pretty... I will never be over it what is wrong with him)

The silly stupid little arms-wide-open-in-welcome doodle of Blue in this might be my favorite thing I’ve ever drawn. He really saw bae, went :) , and it fills me with such simple delight
(there’s also a Zero looking sad on this page of my sketchbook that didn’t make it in here, but that’s the context lol)
#zeblue#campaign star wars#evil campaign#agent zero#minister blue#my art#these are all very silly but I learned so much about working in procreate by putting these together! folks I am using layer masks#wow this is fucking revolutionary! I say about something everyone else has been doing for decades lol#long post
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After drawing straight through a dnd campaign session! I’ve finally finished! Happy early Lunar New Year @itoshisoup!
What do you get when you cross a Hell Fic alternate universe with a tragic ending, a Touya with bad coping mechanism, and a multiverse-hopping quirk? HTTM DTTS: HELLVERSE!
Ok, so, I finally read Hell fic which is really good! I’ve been keeping up with the blog for a while, so I was a witness to the 2022 descent into Dabi Hell along with the bajillion Hell fic aus that popped up. Earlier this month, I hit my mha phase, read Hell fic, and understood what the hype was about. I kept thinking of those aus and how they were perfect for a spiderverse-style crossover epic. So fueled by writer’s block for a completely different project, I made a mockup poster of the concept!
general art notes:
this was hard. Dabi’s anime hair is stupid hard to draw. The flame effects covered so much. I’m glad I didn’t do shading. Also, super proud of myself for figuring out a way to draw anime hair! I took inspiration from an across the spider verse poster with all the characters facing the camera head on. Because I had less characters, with designs similar to each other, I had to modify the poses to give some more character. Not sure how well I did on that. The white shape in the center represents MC, and I wanted it to look like the shape’s been erased from the canvas, cutting through all the Touyas.
the touyas (top of left column to top of right column, like a horseshoe), individual art notes, and story notes:
Normal fic!Touya. From default/default adjacent Hell fic universe. Don’t have much variation to go with, so he’s a ‘normal’ Dabi. Not much to say here. I think I drew him last? Was weirdly hard to finish.
jjk curse au!Touya. None of the other Touyas know what the fuck he’s talking about. What do you mean curses? What do you mean you’re dead? In universe, he and MC are HS second years/16-ish, so I made his eyes bigger, face softer, hair fluffier, tried to make him look youthful. I think you noted that this Touya didn’t look much different than normal, but as you can see, I made him blue. I think it’d be cool if he had fire glowing from beneath his scars. I thought about replacing with burned skin with exposed muscle (also blue), but decided against that for ease of drawing. His uniform’s white, because, y’know, death.
Villain au!Touya. From the au where Touya and MC ran away to become horny villains together and Touya makes a ‘no bitches’ joke to Shigaraki. He gets a matching tungsten ring and a smile! I envision him as the first alternadabi to pop up in Normal’s dimension for some reason. Maybe because he’s the most similar?
Pro-Hero!Touya. Is miffed and yet not surprised that so many of his counterparts are villains. The most well-off financially of the Touyas. The Touyas raid his agency’s fridge at some point. There are so many awesome hero au designs floating in the fandom. I came up the outfit on the fly and it probably needs to be redesigned a few more times before I’m personally happy. Still, it serves its purpose. This Touya gets gold-plated piercings because he’s worth it.
Toxic WLW!Touya. TBH I don’t remember much about this au. Does it take place in the MHA world or is it a mundane au? Either way, this Touya was the first one I had concepts for. I think every Touya is a trash gremlin no matter the gender, and I didn’t want her to lose that aspect. I gave her a new, pushed-back hairstyle because I didn’t want to draw 6 versions of the same hair, and canon Touya looks really cute with his forehead exposed. The nose piercings are replaced with eyebrow rings to take advantage of that.
late 20s!Touya. From that concept you had about an older Touya having a happy ending. This one is stable, happily married, and is a good parent. The others totally aren’t jealous at all! Why hasn’t the rogue Touya who started this mess try to take over his life? Uh…something something this reality too unfamiliar to him…too used to destruction and dying young…can’t fathom having a life like this where he builds instead of destroys…would rather tear open the multiverse than face the prospect of internal change. This Touya is more often than not the holder of the sole braincell and is trying to wrangle his younger selves in more positive directions. Assigned Responsible Adult (tm) despite not hitting 30. Wears sweats the entire time.
- I see late 20s!Touya as entering the story in 2 ways. Doing laundry and getting sucked into a portal waiting for the washer to finish (1). Seeing his alternaselves in the distance, calling his MC, and being like ‘I’m gonna need to leave for a week I have to stop myself from doing something stupid’ and following after (2).
misc notes:
I thought about doing a version of this for MC, or Shouto, but I never had a solidified design for MC, and Dabi was the funner brother to come up with concepts for.
The Touyas without the flames:
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