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The question is, does Josh arrive loudly?
Joshua Kiszka, the master of arriving.
That's it. That's the post.
#Just trying to keep my mind off the more serious stuff ok?#greta van fleet#josh kiszka#diva#gvf#josh gvf
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Joshua Kiszka, the master of arriving.
That's it. That's the post.
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I'm actually Morana. 😜
Now seriously, everytime I receive a comment like this one, I want to print it, frame it and hang it on my wall like a diploma. 😆 Thank you!!!
Olalla Chapter Fourteen 1/2

Jake Kiszka x f!OC x Josh Kiszka 2.666 words So, once again I decided to split the chapter in two, not because of the lenght, but because it's quite heavy and might me more palatable when served in smaller doses (for the readers as well as for me). As I said at the end of the previous one, this was always my plan. The fact that I reached this part of the story NOW is a disturbingly peculiar coincidence, and I think it's inevitably reflected in the writing.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, intended for adult readers. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental. Also, if you're under 18, go find some other entertainment elsewhere.
Warnings (are spoilers): indirect descriptions and mentions of war and invasion (no gore), psychical defeat and depression, incensed arguing, anger, language (even though most of it is in Polish), and as always, an unhealthy dose of heavy emotions and feelings
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Previous chapter Olalla masterpost
Agnieszka, 23rd March 2026
I think that the worst part about it was that the world around us was still shrouded in darkness when we got woken up by the piercing sound. Nothing else happened, but you simply never know what the next second might bring when you can’t see. I wrapped myself up in my terry bathrobe and ran into the hallway to put all the lights on, ignoring the frightened faces of our visitors in their open doors. They kept asking what was going on and I had to reply with honesty that I had no idea, although we all suspected it and the possibility made my stomach turn violently.
I met dad in the common room. He had already switched the TV on and was scrolling through his phone at the same time, and I stood frozen in the doorway, feeling my heartbeat rise with each passing second until it felt like I would suffocate.
He remained silent, acknowledging my presence but staying in his own mental bubble for a few more minutes until he finally turned around towards me and calmly spoke: “Why?”
Why, indeed.
One minute you’re a complex human being and within seconds, the tables turn and they reduce you to a mere ant, trying to run away from being squashed with the thumb of their dirty hands.
Still, when dawn broke and I looked out my bedroom window, everything looked almost the same as before, filling me with a strange – and false – sense of calm at first. The garden was dusted with fresh snow, just as it happened almost every other day at this time of year. It would melt by midday, but it made our mornings sugar sweet. Same with white frost. It turned the whole town into a white wonderland, making us ignore the imminent danger that kept lurking just behind the corner. My sister was not immune to that, but it was always too easy to forget about the rest of the world here.
Not this morning.
This morning I saw Svetlana sitting on the frost-covered bench near the fireplace in the farthest corner of the garden, in just her pajamas and slippers despite the cold, clutching her head with both her hands as if in pain.
She was in pain.
Broken hearts hurt more than broken bones.
Maya called at six thirty. I expected that, as that’s normally the time she wakes up. She cried and sobbed and almost screamed at times – not at me, just out of frustration – and all the time I tried to remain calm. So did dad when I put her on speaker because she suggested we all just pack our bags and drive straight to Frankfurt as soon as possible, leaving everything behind. Mama, on the other hand, was calm. With her usual, steely and dispassionate voice, she scolded Maya for being completely out of her mind, telling her we would not become a burden to her family. Needless to say, we agreed with her. What could we possibly do there? Me? I’d manage to fend for myself, no doubt. But my parents?
Besides, I’m not the one who runs away. I wanted to be useful, to face whatever was coming with my head held high and to help others do the same. Just like we always had. We’re not ants!
I spent the rest of the morning immersed in administrative work as our guests, most of them leaving in a hurry, all needed help at once.
It also helped me keep my own feelings at bay, for which I was grateful. Some emotions are easy to navigate, but not hatred. I always resented the feeling, but it’s too powerful and nearly impossible to suppress when you’re a mere human.
Two families decided to stay, though. One from Warsaw, another one from Poznan. They concluded they wouldn’t be safe at home and we naturally offered them shelter for as long as they needed.
A woman from one senior house in Krakow contacted me just after lunch. They needed to transfer their clients to safety. Of course we agreed. There weren’t going to be any tourists anytime soon. It was actually a magnificent idea, and my defiant determination to be as useful as possible only grew.
Things were changing so fast that my head was spinning by three pm, with my body overdosed with adrenaline but low on sugar. Agitation makes me forget to eat, until my body reminds me in painful ways. I had been up since 4 am, functioning solely on one cup of coffee I managed to drink before Maya’s phone call. So, as my hands started to shake and my legs turned to jelly, I sat behind the reception counter, quickly ate a few pieces of chocolate I had stacked in the drawer next to my chair, and rested my head on my crossed arms in front of my laptop for a while.
I must have dozed off, being suddenly roused by a ringing phone next to my head. Disoriented, I had trouble remembering where I was, much less being able to determine the source of the noise. It took me a few more seconds to collect myself, but as soon as I saw a foreign, but strangely familiar phone number on the display, my heart freaked out again. I felt myself panicking, unsure what to do, and the phone continued to ring. It took me another while before I finally pressed the answer button.
“Willa Eulalia, Agnieszka Kowalska speaking. How can I help you?” I answered mechanically. It was the best thing I could think of at that moment to keep my voice steady.
“Oh, thank GOD! Why the fuck aren’t you answering your phone? Jeeesus, you scared us!”
Phone? My phone... Oh yes, because this wasn’t… “I think I left it in my bedroom. What do you want Joshua?” I asked cautiously.
“Are you ok? Everyone safe? I tried to face call you, but you didn’t… anyway, nevermind, we need to talk…”
“What do you want?” I repeated in exasperation. I didn’t feel anger. To be honest, I can’t say with certainty how I really felt, as I was getting quite lost in it. Hearing his voice again was unsettling, and it only added to the whirlwind currently swirling inside my head, but at the same time, there was something strangely soothing about it. I had been addicted to it once, and I felt myself falling into relapse pretty quickly.
“Please, could we do this face to face? I’m… it’s serious.”
I hesitated. What could he possibly want to discuss now? No, don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t that obtuse. ‘Willingly in denial’ might be a better description.
“Hang on…,” I tapped on the touchpad and the laptop screen in front of me came on. “Ok, I’m putting this down. You can call me now,” I said and pressed the side button without waiting for his reply.
“So what do you… oh… it’s both of you.” The possibility hadn’t occurred to me and I was now literally facing my worst nightmare. I’m not exaggerating. Those nightmares nearly made me go insane in January. Joshua smiled weakly, his eyes soft and full of affection, just how I remembered them. Even though that only made me feel worse, at least he was legible… I dare say I’ve always been good at reading people, although I admit I failed a few times... And Jake was one of those few exceptions, with his lips always pressed together defensively as if he expected the worst from everyone. I was definitely not interested in having to deal with it at that moment.
“Could you please take off your sunglasses at least now?!?” I snapped, finally getting angry. To my surprise, he immediately obliged. But it was nothing in comparison to his eyes looking puffy.
“Hello, Veela.”
I didn’t want them to know how it all made me feel. They sat there… somewhere… next to each other, both looking like two schoolboys ready to get berated for whatever folly they had done. Both pairs of hands pressed together in silent anticipation. “I’m waiting,” I said coldly.
Joshua cleared his throat. “Well, first of all, we’re glad to see that you’re ok…” He paused and looked at Jake, who bowed his head down. I was getting impatient.
“And…” he took a deep breath, “and we want to make sure it stays that way.” He looked at Jake again. Something was off, hidden between the lines and I couldn’t decipher it.
“Okay… so… I assure you I’ll do my best. If that’s all, I really have a lot of work to do right now, so…” I was ready to close the laptop but Joshua suddenly became very agitated, making my hand stop in mid air.
“No, Agnieszka, wait! You don’t understand. You need to get out of there.”
I think that was the first time I actually heard him call me by my real name, but that wasn’t what made me halt. I stared at him in utter disbelief for a while before I blurted out: “Ja pierdolę! Who are you to tell me I don’t understand?! And to tell me what to do?! I know very well what’s going on! Why do you care anyway? Gówno ci do tego!”
My sudden outburst wasn’t fair and I knew that. I regretted it almost immediately. However, his words ignited something in me, making me finally lose control over all those thoughts and feelings I had been trying to suppress the whole day. To top it all, I started crying. He was right, in a way. I really couldn’t understand it. I still had no answer to dad’s question. Why…
Joshua looked defeated. He started rubbing his chin with the back of his hand while staring somewhere above their own web camera. Jake kept examining the floor, as if he couldn’t even bear looking at me.
“I’m sorry,” Joshua finally whispered.
“No, I am,” I sobbed. “But don’t tell me I don’t understand. It’s ME who’s here for fucks sake. I was woken by the sirens and I have been dealing with the consequences ever since. But don’t worry. I’ll be fine. It’s you who…”
“Stop it. You’re right. Of course you’re right. What I meant was…”
“We’re in Paris, actually…” Jake’s head had snapped up during my second outburst and now he suddenly interrupted his brother with a steady hand squeezing Joshua’s shoulder. “Have you watched the news this afternoon? You probably have, but…”
“No…” I answered hesitantly, but truthfully.
“It’s bad. Really bad. It’s not just you, but Baltics too. We just watched it. It happened maybe… an hour ago?” He looked at Joshua again, who simply nodded. “The tour just got canceled. What he really meant is that we want to help keep you safe. We want to get you out of there. It was an insane move and everyone says that it won’t last long, but it could get really nasty in the meantime.”
Jake paused, but kept watching me. Another moment passed in silence while I tried to process it all. “Why?” I finally choked out.
“Why what?”
“Why do you want to get me out of here?”
Jake squeezed his eyes shut and took a deep breath before he answered. “I already told you.”
Joshua rolled his eyes. I almost missed the subtle gesture, but it reflected what I was thinking. Not enough. Even though it was the last thing Jake told me – or the last thing I remembered him telling me – it was not enough. We had never been sincere with each other, always speaking in hints and riddles, and it resulted in creating a huge rift between us. I didn’t blame him, or me, or anyone. At least not anymore. It was nobody’s fault, just a fact. The three of us just found ourselves in an impossible situation and if anything, the current one convinced me that me ending it before the circumstances could inevitably force us to had indeed been the only right thing to do. I also immediately regretted answering the phone. The video call seemed not only hurtful, but also completely pointless.
Isn’t it strange how a one-syllable word can hold so many meanings? I realized it only after I said it, and watched the understanding appear on their faces. A no to their proposal, sure, but at the same time also a dismissal of Jake’s alleged reasons. He lowered his head again in defeat and once again squeezed his brother’s shoulder.
“Olalla, please, I beg you. Listen…” It was Joshua now, trying to persuade me with those puppy eyes again, but the ship had sailed.
“You two are crazy. Even if I wanted to, which I don’t, It’s almost impossible for you to help me in any way, so what are you playing at? And telling me that I don’t understand, to top it all…”
“Almost, but not entirely… Jake?”
And once again I watched them – completely flabbergasted – exchange looks. I dreaded to ask. I met Joshua’s eyes again and silently begged him to NOT say any more and just end the call mercifully, wishing me good luck or something. He just opened his mouth, but Jake exhaled impatiently and beat him to it.
“I want to marry you, Veela.”
“ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!?! You’re a fool, Jacob. FOOL!”
“It was actually my idea…” Joshua chimed in.
“And that makes it better!” I spat disdainfully and ended the call abruptly. They tried to reconnect, but I switched the laptop off. I didn’t answer the incoming phone call either. After all the time that had passed, when I thought I was just getting my sanity back, they did THAT.
Later that day, after I finally managed to eat a slice of bread with butter and thus give my body just enough energy to keep on living, I finally got back up to my room to compose myself and take a much needed shower. Reluctantly, I checked the phone as well. There were several missed calls, mostly from old friends living in Krakow.
There were, however, several text messages from Jake. The old me would have deleted them, just like I did back in August, but those two bastards broke and changed me since then. So, with a beating heart, I sat down on my bed and read the whole thread.
Kuba Starlight: I totally understand, Veela. It was blunt.
Kuba Starlight: But please believe me when I say that I mean it. I can’t bear the thought of something happening to you.
Kuba Starlight: You want me to say it again? Fine.
Kuba Starlight: I love you.
Kuba Starlight: Josh didn’t tell me to do it. He only said there was a chance you would say yes. I had to try.
Kuba Starlight: And I understand you might need some time. Even though we don’t really have it.
Kuba Starlight: Josh is flying back home with the rest, but I’m staying here. I’ll wait.
Kuba Starlight: Your kisses don’t lie, you know? You might have fooled me once, but not the second time. Not after he confirmed it was true. Just please, if you no longer feel that way, tell me now and you’ll never hear from me again.
The phone screen was covered with droplets of my tears by the time I stopped reading, distorting the last words just like my mind had been distorting the reality when he had kissed me again and I had felt those raw emotions running through my veins, poisoning my blood even more than all the vodka I had drunk.
I typed the text. I wanted to lie. I almost hit the send button… and then I deleted it. I couldn’t do it. For hours since the face call, I had been hearing those words, echoing at the back of my head: Come, my love. My conscious mind rejected it, but something deep inside my chest kept fighting back, making it hard to breathe.
@thewritingbeforesunrise @fleet-of-fiction @writingcold @lvnterninthenight @its-interesting-van-kleep @takenbythemadness @edgingthedarkness @myownparadise96 @gvfstuddedmajesty @josh-iamyour-mama @jazzyfigz @tripthelightfantastix @sanguinebats @wetkleenex-gvf @peaceloveunitygvf @kiszkas-canvas @fleetingjake @lizzys-sunflower @hollyco @emojakekiszka @gvfmarge @Dayumclarizzel @lipstickitty @clownstarr @musicislove3389 @i-love-gvf @blankvz @psychedelectable @allof--mylove @joshylanefleet @thewaythatshebreathes @Ironlotus90 @justwantjosh
#greta van fleet#gvf#jake kiszka#josh kiszka#jake gvf#josh gvf#greta van fleet fanfic#jake kiszka fanfic#greta van fic#gvf fanfiction
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That's some Stieg Larsson kinda shit. Brilliant - if you know what I mean (I'm a big fan of Millenium series).
Waiting a whole week for the next chapter is going to be painful.
Right on Time // Ch. 7
word count: 3400+
Please forgive me.
CHAPTER WARNINGS: language; injuries from a domestic violence incident; physical injury; broken/fractured bones; blood; I am not a medical professional, have no formal medical training; mentions of hospitals, police, & medications; mentions of using a gun; a tiny mention/talk of sexual assault but it does ***not*** happen; let me know if I missed anything
I didn’t think I could have been happier with the turn my life had taken since Josh came into it. I fell deeper in love with him every single day. He could make me melt with a simple touch, stop me in my tracks with just a glance, make my heart swell with his laughter. I told him all the time he was perfect; he’d shake his head and say, “No, no, no,” like nothing I said could ever make him believe it.
But I got complacent. No, I think we both did. I should have known that something would happen soon, something that would bring my entire world skidding to a halt.
I’d worked through the night, the last text from Josh being around 10:30 PM. I didn’t get the usual goodnight message, but I assumed he had just fallen asleep. My shift ended and I made it home to shower and change. I figured he’d be up soon, considering the band had a meeting with their manager planned, but I still hadn’t heard from him. I tried to call him, just to make sure he hadn’t overslept, but it went straight to voicemail. That was odd, but I was sure there was a perfectly normal reason for that. Right?
I opened my text thread with him and considered trying to call one more time. As if on cue, my phone rang, but it wasn’t Josh. It was Daniel. When I heard his voice, it was blatantly obvious that something was wrong.
“Danny? What’s going on?”
“I… something happened last night.”
“What? Danny, is it Josh? Is he okay?” When he didn’t answer right away, I started to get irritated. “Danny, answer me. What the fuck is going on?”
“Josh got hurt. He… he spent the night in the hospital. We’re at Jake’s now, but—”
“What do you mean ‘he got hurt?’ What—” My breath caught in my throat, and I prayed he would tell that it wasn’t that bad, but I think I already knew that wasn’t the case.
“He… his ex…”
If he said anything else after that, I didn’t hear him. “I’m on the way.” I hung up and rushed out the door; I don’t think I even bothered to lock it. My heart was pounding so loud I could feel it in my ears. Everything I knew, and everything I didn’t, hit me simultaneously like a freight train. “Fuck. Please be okay. Please, please be okay,” I repeated to myself like a mantra, like if I begged enough, I could make it true.
I drove as fast as I could, and when I swung into Jake’s driveway, my brakes squealed. Jake was already walking toward me. “Jake, what the fuck happened? Where is Josh? Is he okay? Is—”
“Hang on.” I ignored his words at first, continuing to try for answers while I attempted to skirt around him. “Cairo, stop! Just wait a second!”
“What did that motherfucker do to him?!” Every muscle in my body was tensed up as I stared at Jake, begging for a response. His eyes were bloodshot, dark circles underneath them.
“He’s… he’s pretty beat up. Uh…” He closed his eyes for a second as he thought about what to say. “Four fractured ribs, broken hand, broken nose. He’s got a fractured, um, whatever this is called.” He tapped near his temple, right next to his eye – the orbital bone. “And Finn, he…” Jake swallowed, and his jaw tightened. “Finn strangled him.”
My own vision went blurry, and I thought I might pass out. Or vomit. “What the fuck,” I gasped, having difficulty catching my breath. Everything was spinning. I squeezed my eyes shut and leaned unsteadily against the hood of my car in an attempt to ground myself. It was not working.
“They wanted him to stay at the hospital longer, but he wouldn’t. He’s inside, resting. He’s… he’s not in a good headspace right now. I just don’t want you to take it personally if he doesn’t want company or doesn’t want to be touched.”
“Finn. Is he in the fucking wind? Or is he—”
“No, he’s locked up. They arrested him last night, when…” Jake trailed off and shook his head. “There’s still a lot I don’t know, things that don’t make a lot of sense. But listen, I need you to understand that none of this is Josh’s fault.”
I shot him a glare. “None of it ever was.” He didn’t stop me as I stormed past him and into the house but followed close behind.
Sam and Danny were seated at the dining room table. They both shared a solemn look. “I’m sorry nobody called you earlier,” said Danny. “Everything was just so—”
“It’s fine.” I brushed it off. That seemed so irrelevant at this point, and I wouldn’t dwell on it. Daniel pointed me in the direction of the room Josh was staying in and I made a beeline for the door.
All the lights were off, but there was enough of the morning sun coming through the windows to illuminate the room a bit. I could see Josh, lying on his right side, curled up under the comforter. I didn’t see how comfortable it could have been with four fractured ribs, but I can’t imagine much was. I quietly closed the door behind me and whispered his name, unsure if he was awake. But he flinched, almost seeming to curl up tighter, if that was even possible. I carefully sat on the edge of the bed, but I hesitated to touch him; I didn’t know where he was injured other than what Jake told me, and I didn’t want to hurt him any further. “Josh, baby, you don’t have to say anything. I just want you to know I’m here.”
His back was to me, so between that and the blanket cocoon he’d created, his face wasn’t visible. His right arm was sticking out from under the blanket, resting in front of him, and he had a plaster cast on his wrist, rendering his pinky and ring fingers immobile.
“Is it okay if I stay here with you for a little bit?”
I didn’t expect him to answer me, and I certainly wasn’t prepared for how broken and raspy his voice sounded. He didn’t sound like himself at all. “Please stay.”
“I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” I kicked my shoes off and, very cautiously, laid down next to him. I had to ignore the urge to wrap my arm around him, but I got as close as I could. When I lightly ran my hand along his upper arm, still covered by the blanket, he tensed up, so I retreated.
“I’m so sorry,” I whispered. I didn’t know what else to say, nor what I could possibly do to make this any easier for him, and I so desperately wished I did.
With all that was going through my head, I hadn’t expected to be able to fall asleep, but I somehow did. It was fitful, though, and I dreamt about Josh, my troubled mind inventing stories, creating the events that happened the night before. In my dreams – no, nightmares – I was forced to stand by and watch as he was brutally beaten, unable to move, unable to intervene.
I was nauseated when I woke up a few hours later. Josh was awake, sitting on the edge of the bed, his back still to me. His hand was clutched to his side, and he took a few pained, shuddery breaths.
“Josh, are you okay?” What a stupid question; the answer was obvious. How could I expect him to be okay right now?
“M’ fine. Gotta go to the bathroom.”
“Do you need—”
“I’m fine,” he snapped.
Don’t take it personally. “Okay,” I said, pulling back, despite only wanting to pull him closer, for him to lean on me for support. I watched him as he struggled to stand and walk to the attached bathroom. It wasn’t until he came out and was facing me that I, for the first time, got a good look at him.
Both of his eyes were blackened due to his broken nose. His left eye was swollen shut, framed by more dark bruising along that side of his face. His lip was split open and there was a decent sized gash on his chin. What hit me the hardest, though, was the collection of bruises along his neck, showing clearly where that motherfucker had wrapped his hands around Josh’s throat. My stomach lurched at the sight, and I choked down the gasp that tried to escape me. He wouldn’t look straight at me, so I was surprised when he came towards me and slowly reached for my hand.
“I’m sorry I snapped at you,” he rasped.
“No, it’s okay,” I tried to reassure him. “Just tell me what you need, baby.”
“Just wanna sleep,” he muttered.
“Do you want to try to eat something first?”
He shook his head and moved to crawl back into bed, eyes squeezing shut in pain as he laid down. I helped him as much as I could and pulled the blanket over top of him. I rested my hand on his hip, and he didn’t shy away this time.
He fell back asleep fairly quickly – I imagine a side effect of whatever pain medication he was on – but I wasn’t able to. I think I was still in shock from the visual, seeing how badly he was actually hurt, and the realization of how close he’d come to dying. Tears stung my eyes when I considered the possibility that I could have received a very different phone call. I could have lost him, and the reality hit me like a bullet straight to my chest.
It took way more time than I was comfortable with for Josh to finally agree to eat something. He’d meekly ventured out of the bedroom, and Jake was quick to whip up some soup for him, something warm and easy on his damaged throat. He was so uncharacteristically quiet, and it filled the room with such an eerie feeling. Anything that was said to him or asked, he responded to with one-word answers or shrugs.
He retreated to the bedroom almost immediately after eating; he didn’t have to say anything for me to know he was exhausted. It wasn’t just the physical aspect of his recovery, but the healing he would need to do on a psychological level that was draining him.
I stayed behind to check in with Jake; he hadn’t seen much of his brother since I’d gotten there.
“He been sleeping okay?”
“It’s all he’s been doing. I… don’t know what to do,” I admitted sadly.
“I don’t either,” Jake sighed. “All we can do right now is be there for him.” He lowered his voice to a whisper and checked to make sure the bedroom door was closed. “I reached out to one of the cops that arrested Finn. He doesn’t think there’s much of a chance of him getting released anytime soon, and nobody’s gonna post bail for him. But they said they’d let us know if he does get out. Safety reasons, I guess.”
“If he gets out, he’d better disappear. If he shows his face, I might be the next one going to jail.”
“I’m right there with ya, man,” he said without hesitation. “Hey, uh, has he said anything about it to you? About what all went down?”
“No, he’s barely spoken to me at all, to be honest. Why?”
“I don’t know, I’m just trying to make sense of it. Josh’s phone is busted. They said Finn’s the one that called 911 and then stuck around. He pretty much admitted to everything… why would he do that? I don’t—”
“It doesn’t matter,” I interjected. “I don’t give a shit why he did anything. He almost killed my boyfriend, your brother, and I wouldn’t lose a wink of sleep if Finn got stabbed in the goddamn throat while he’s locked up. I’m not gonna sit here and speculate on the reasoning or mindset of this psychopathic, abusive piece of shit.”
Jake didn’t have a chance to respond before Sam and Danny were walking in the door, carrying a large bag. Danny placed the bag on the ground and they both sat with us at the table, glum looks on their faces.
“How bad is it?” Jake asked.
They had been to Josh’s house to collect some of his stuff, and to see how much damage had been done inside during the fight. “We cleaned up a bunch of broken glass, but we’re probably gonna have to steam clean the carpet to get all the… the blood out.”
I chewed on my lip and considered how much evidence might be left there, more proof that everything that had happened there was real. “He’s not gonna want to go back there.”
“Do you blame him?” replied Jake. “You, uh, you can stay here with him as long as you want. Unless he wants to go back to your place…?”
I shook my head. “I got someone to cover my next few shifts, but I have to go back to work eventually. I don’t want him to be alone right now.” It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Josh wasn’t in a good mental state, and I was convinced he needed to be with his people, whether he wanted to admit it or not.
I went home at some point, just long enough to grab some more clothes, and went right back to Josh. Being away from him felt so wrong; despite knowing he was safe at Jake’s, not being by his side made anxiety bubble up in my chest. But I was more than willing to put as much as I could on hold for as long as possible to focus my time and attention on him, to do whatever I could to make sure he was okay.
He was so withdrawn, unwilling to do much more than eat and sleep. He barely spoke, continuing to answer questions with a silent shrug, if anything at all. I had so many things I wanted to ask, so much I wanted to know about that night, but I couldn’t bring myself to. Not only because I knew he wasn’t ready to talk about it, but also because I was afraid of what I might find out.
I woke up sometime during the night to the sound of the shower running. I managed to resist the desire to get up and check on him. I told myself to give him time, and that if he needed help, he would ask. A little while later, the water was shut off and the shower door opened. I waited and listened to him shuffle around in the bathroom, until I heard him hiss, “Fuck!”
I made my way to the door and knocked lightly. “Josh? You alright?” When he didn’t answer, I decided to just open the door. “I’m gonna come in, okay?”
He sidestepped to give me room to join him but kept his eyes straight ahead. It was the first time I had been able to get a good look at the rest of him, bruising along his sides where his ribs were fractured, and numerous cuts from broken glass marring his flesh, some deeper or longer than others. On the back of his right shoulder, there was a spot covered by gauze and medical tape. The gauze was wet from the shower, and based on the supplies laid out on the counter, I figured he was trying to change it out.
“Here, let me—”
“No.” He turned so he was facing me, although he avoided my eyes. “I can do it.”
“Baby, it’s okay—”
“It’s gross. I don’t want… it’s really bad.”
I almost laughed. “Did you forget what I do for a living?” I very carefully drew my hand to his jaw and coaxed him to look up at me. “Josh, honey, do you remember what I told you? That you don’t have to do this alone.”
He nodded, appearing to swallow down the urge to cry.
“I want to help you. You just have to let me. I promise it’ll be alright. I’m not going anywhere, no matter what, okay?”
He stood mutely for a moment while he pondered my words, before nodding again and turning to give me access to the bandage. “I’m so sorry,” he murmured.
“Shh. You don’t have anything to be sorry for, baby.” I started to peel the tape off, moving slowly. “I’m sorry if this hurts, but it’ll be easier to do while it’s wet.”
I thought I’d be ready for anything, but when I pulled the square of gauze off, it felt like the breath was sucked from my lungs. In the middle of a patch of dark bruising and red, inflamed skin, was a very clear and distinct human bite mark. His skin had been punctured, and I already knew it would scar, leaving a permanent reminder of this battle he was fighting. I couldn’t keep my mind from darting to how this happened, and what it really meant. Did Finn do more than just break some bones? But I didn’t say anything. I wouldn’t put more pressure on Josh than he already had; he was struggling enough as it was. He attempted to stay still while I cleaned it up and put a fresh bandage on it, but his body shook as he cried.
“Shh, it’s okay,” I repeated in an effort to calm him. He turned and buried his head in my chest, gripping my shirt, and kept muttering apologies. I wrapped my arms around him, as gently and cautiously as I could so as to not hurt him.
“I’m so sorry,” he sobbed. “I should’ve listened to you. You were right—”
“No, don’t do that. It doesn’t matter. You didn’t do anything wrong. None of this is your fault, okay? The one person responsible for this is him.”
Sometime later, I laid with him, gently rubbing his back while he absently traced along the tattoos on my other arm. There was some soft music playing from my phone; it was soothing for him, giving him something to focus on other than silence. But when my own thoughts got too loud, I had to ask him the one question I didn’t want to, and I was terrified of the answer.
“Josh? I need to ask you something. But… no matter what the answer is… I love you. I love you so much, and nothing is going to change that.”
He slightly lifted his head to look at me but barely gave me a chance to get the question out.
“Josh, did he—”
“No.” He laid his head back down and sighed. “I know what you’re gonna ask, and the answer’s no. He didn’t… he didn’t rape me or anything.”
I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. Somehow, I just knew he wasn’t lying, and it was the most relief I’d felt since this had all happened. “I’m sorry for even going there, I just—”
“I know. S’ okay. It looks an awful lot like that’s what happened. The… the bite…” His voice cracked when he spoke. “It was just Finn’s fucked up way of trying to make sure I can’t forget him.”
‘Fucked up’ was an understatement. Not only had Finn beat the ever-loving shit out of Josh and made a pretty valiant effort to end his life (not that I would describe any of that asshole’s actions as ‘courageous’), but he also marked him. He attacked Josh, bit him like a goddamn animal, in some feral attempt at marking what he thinks is his territory. A small part of me, a miniscule part, had its own animalistic urge to hunt him down like a dog and put a bullet in his head. But shooting a caged beast is just as cowardly. However, on the off chance Finn got released and had the balls to show his face… well, I’d make good on my promise to Jake; I considered making sure the gun was loaded, and keeping it somewhere much easier to access.
“Cairo?” Josh’s voice pulled me back to reality. “I need to tell you about it, I think.”
“You don’t have to explain any of it, if you don’t want to.”
“I do, though. I want to tell you what happened.”
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Olalla Chapter Fourteen 1/2

Jake Kiszka x f!OC x Josh Kiszka 2.666 words So, once again I decided to split the chapter in two, not because of the lenght, but because it's quite heavy and might me more palatable when served in smaller doses (for the readers as well as for me). As I said at the end of the previous one, this was always my plan. The fact that I reached this part of the story NOW is a disturbingly peculiar coincidence, and I think it's inevitably reflected in the writing.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, intended for adult readers. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental. Also, if you're under 18, go find some other entertainment elsewhere.
Warnings (are spoilers): indirect descriptions and mentions of war and invasion (no gore), psychical defeat and depression, incensed arguing, anger, language (even though most of it is in Polish), and as always, an unhealthy dose of heavy emotions and feelings
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Previous chapter Olalla masterpost
Agnieszka, 23rd March 2026
I think that the worst part about it was that the world around us was still shrouded in darkness when we got woken up by the piercing sound. Nothing else happened, but you simply never know what the next second might bring when you can’t see. I wrapped myself up in my terry bathrobe and ran into the hallway to put all the lights on, ignoring the frightened faces of our visitors in their open doors. They kept asking what was going on and I had to reply with honesty that I had no idea, although we all suspected it and the possibility made my stomach turn violently.
I met dad in the common room. He had already switched the TV on and was scrolling through his phone at the same time, and I stood frozen in the doorway, feeling my heartbeat rise with each passing second until it felt like I would suffocate.
He remained silent, acknowledging my presence but staying in his own mental bubble for a few more minutes until he finally turned around towards me and calmly spoke: “Why?”
Why, indeed.
One minute you’re a complex human being and within seconds, the tables turn and they reduce you to a mere ant, trying to run away from being squashed with the thumb of their dirty hands.
Still, when dawn broke and I looked out my bedroom window, everything looked almost the same as before, filling me with a strange – and false – sense of calm at first. The garden was dusted with fresh snow, just as it happened almost every other day at this time of year. It would melt by midday, but it made our mornings sugar sweet. Same with white frost. It turned the whole town into a white wonderland, making us ignore the imminent danger that kept lurking just behind the corner. My sister was not immune to that, but it was always too easy to forget about the rest of the world here.
Not this morning.
This morning I saw Svetlana sitting on the frost-covered bench near the fireplace in the farthest corner of the garden, in just her pajamas and slippers despite the cold, clutching her head with both her hands as if in pain.
She was in pain.
Broken hearts hurt more than broken bones.
Maya called at six thirty. I expected that, as that’s normally the time she wakes up. She cried and sobbed and almost screamed at times – not at me, just out of frustration – and all the time I tried to remain calm. So did dad when I put her on speaker because she suggested we all just pack our bags and drive straight to Frankfurt as soon as possible, leaving everything behind. Mama, on the other hand, was calm. With her usual, steely and dispassionate voice, she scolded Maya for being completely out of her mind, telling her we would not become a burden to her family. Needless to say, we agreed with her. What could we possibly do there? Me? I’d manage to fend for myself, no doubt. But my parents?
Besides, I’m not the one who runs away. I wanted to be useful, to face whatever was coming with my head held high and to help others do the same. Just like we always had. We’re not ants!
I spent the rest of the morning immersed in administrative work as our guests, most of them leaving in a hurry, all needed help at once.
It also helped me keep my own feelings at bay, for which I was grateful. Some emotions are easy to navigate, but not hatred. I always resented the feeling, but it’s too powerful and nearly impossible to suppress when you’re a mere human.
Two families decided to stay, though. One from Warsaw, another one from Poznan. They concluded they wouldn’t be safe at home and we naturally offered them shelter for as long as they needed.
A woman from one senior house in Krakow contacted me just after lunch. They needed to transfer their clients to safety. Of course we agreed. There weren’t going to be any tourists anytime soon. It was actually a magnificent idea, and my defiant determination to be as useful as possible only grew.
Things were changing so fast that my head was spinning by three pm, with my body overdosed with adrenaline but low on sugar. Agitation makes me forget to eat, until my body reminds me in painful ways. I had been up since 4 am, functioning solely on one cup of coffee I managed to drink before Maya’s phone call. So, as my hands started to shake and my legs turned to jelly, I sat behind the reception counter, quickly ate a few pieces of chocolate I had stacked in the drawer next to my chair, and rested my head on my crossed arms in front of my laptop for a while.
I must have dozed off, being suddenly roused by a ringing phone next to my head. Disoriented, I had trouble remembering where I was, much less being able to determine the source of the noise. It took me a few more seconds to collect myself, but as soon as I saw a foreign, but strangely familiar phone number on the display, my heart freaked out again. I felt myself panicking, unsure what to do, and the phone continued to ring. It took me another while before I finally pressed the answer button.
“Willa Eulalia, Agnieszka Kowalska speaking. How can I help you?” I answered mechanically. It was the best thing I could think of at that moment to keep my voice steady.
“Oh, thank GOD! Why the fuck aren’t you answering your phone? Jeeesus, you scared us!”
Phone? My phone... Oh yes, because this wasn’t… “I think I left it in my bedroom. What do you want Joshua?” I asked cautiously.
“Are you ok? Everyone safe? I tried to face call you, but you didn’t… anyway, nevermind, we need to talk…”
“What do you want?” I repeated in exasperation. I didn’t feel anger. To be honest, I can’t say with certainty how I really felt, as I was getting quite lost in it. Hearing his voice again was unsettling, and it only added to the whirlwind currently swirling inside my head, but at the same time, there was something strangely soothing about it. I had been addicted to it once, and I felt myself falling into relapse pretty quickly.
“Please, could we do this face to face? I’m… it’s serious.”
I hesitated. What could he possibly want to discuss now? No, don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t that obtuse. ‘Willingly in denial’ might be a better description.
“Hang on…,” I tapped on the touchpad and the laptop screen in front of me came on. “Ok, I’m putting this down. You can call me now,” I said and pressed the side button without waiting for his reply.
“So what do you… oh… it’s both of you.” The possibility hadn’t occurred to me and I was now literally facing my worst nightmare. I’m not exaggerating. Those nightmares nearly made me go insane in January. Joshua smiled weakly, his eyes soft and full of affection, just how I remembered them. Even though that only made me feel worse, at least he was legible… I dare say I’ve always been good at reading people, although I admit I failed a few times... And Jake was one of those few exceptions, with his lips always pressed together defensively as if he expected the worst from everyone. I was definitely not interested in having to deal with it at that moment.
“Could you please take off your sunglasses at least now?!?” I snapped, finally getting angry. To my surprise, he immediately obliged. But it was nothing in comparison to his eyes looking puffy.
“Hello, Veela.”
I didn’t want them to know how it all made me feel. They sat there… somewhere… next to each other, both looking like two schoolboys ready to get berated for whatever folly they had done. Both pairs of hands pressed together in silent anticipation. “I’m waiting,” I said coldly.
Joshua cleared his throat. “Well, first of all, we’re glad to see that you’re ok…” He paused and looked at Jake, who bowed his head down. I was getting impatient.
“And…” he took a deep breath, “and we want to make sure it stays that way.” He looked at Jake again. Something was off, hidden between the lines and I couldn’t decipher it.
“Okay… so… I assure you I’ll do my best. If that’s all, I really have a lot of work to do right now, so…” I was ready to close the laptop but Joshua suddenly became very agitated, making my hand stop in mid air.
“No, Agnieszka, wait! You don’t understand. You need to get out of there.”
I think that was the first time I actually heard him call me by my real name, but that wasn’t what made me halt. I stared at him in utter disbelief for a while before I blurted out: “Ja pierdolę! Who are you to tell me I don’t understand?! And to tell me what to do?! I know very well what’s going on! Why do you care anyway? Gówno ci do tego!”
My sudden outburst wasn’t fair and I knew that. I regretted it almost immediately. However, his words ignited something in me, making me finally lose control over all those thoughts and feelings I had been trying to suppress the whole day. To top it all, I started crying. He was right, in a way. I really couldn’t understand it. I still had no answer to dad’s question. Why…
Joshua looked defeated. He started rubbing his chin with the back of his hand while staring somewhere above their own web camera. Jake kept examining the floor, as if he couldn’t even bear looking at me.
“I’m sorry,” Joshua finally whispered.
“No, I am,” I sobbed. “But don’t tell me I don’t understand. It’s ME who’s here for fucks sake. I was woken by the sirens and I have been dealing with the consequences ever since. But don’t worry. I’ll be fine. It’s you who…”
“Stop it. You’re right. Of course you’re right. What I meant was…”
“We’re in Paris, actually…” Jake’s head had snapped up during my second outburst and now he suddenly interrupted his brother with a steady hand squeezing Joshua’s shoulder. “Have you watched the news this afternoon? You probably have, but…”
“No…” I answered hesitantly, but truthfully.
“It’s bad. Really bad. It’s not just you, but Baltics too. We just watched it. It happened maybe… an hour ago?” He looked at Joshua again, who simply nodded. “The tour just got canceled. What he really meant is that we want to help keep you safe. We want to get you out of there. It was an insane move and everyone says that it won’t last long, but it could get really nasty in the meantime.”
Jake paused, but kept watching me. Another moment passed in silence while I tried to process it all. “Why?” I finally choked out.
“Why what?”
“Why do you want to get me out of here?”
Jake squeezed his eyes shut and took a deep breath before he answered. “I already told you.”
Joshua rolled his eyes. I almost missed the subtle gesture, but it reflected what I was thinking. Not enough. Even though it was the last thing Jake told me – or the last thing I remembered him telling me – it was not enough. We had never been sincere with each other, always speaking in hints and riddles, and it resulted in creating a huge rift between us. I didn’t blame him, or me, or anyone. At least not anymore. It was nobody’s fault, just a fact. The three of us just found ourselves in an impossible situation and if anything, the current one convinced me that me ending it before the circumstances could inevitably force us to had indeed been the only right thing to do. I also immediately regretted answering the phone. The video call seemed not only hurtful, but also completely pointless.
Isn’t it strange how a one-syllable word can hold so many meanings? I realized it only after I said it, and watched the understanding appear on their faces. A no to their proposal, sure, but at the same time also a dismissal of Jake’s alleged reasons. He lowered his head again in defeat and once again squeezed his brother’s shoulder.
“Olalla, please, I beg you. Listen…” It was Joshua now, trying to persuade me with those puppy eyes again, but the ship had sailed.
“You two are crazy. Even if I wanted to, which I don’t, It’s almost impossible for you to help me in any way, so what are you playing at? And telling me that I don’t understand, to top it all…”
“Almost, but not entirely… Jake?”
And once again I watched them – completely flabbergasted – exchange looks. I dreaded to ask. I met Joshua’s eyes again and silently begged him to NOT say any more and just end the call mercifully, wishing me good luck or something. He just opened his mouth, but Jake exhaled impatiently and beat him to it.
“I want to marry you, Veela.”
“ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!?! You’re a fool, Jacob. FOOL!”
“It was actually my idea…” Joshua chimed in.
“And that makes it better!” I spat disdainfully and ended the call abruptly. They tried to reconnect, but I switched the laptop off. I didn’t answer the incoming phone call either. After all the time that had passed, when I thought I was just getting my sanity back, they did THAT.
Later that day, after I finally managed to eat a slice of bread with butter and thus give my body just enough energy to keep on living, I finally got back up to my room to compose myself and take a much needed shower. Reluctantly, I checked the phone as well. There were several missed calls, mostly from old friends living in Krakow.
There were, however, several text messages from Jake. The old me would have deleted them, just like I did back in August, but those two bastards broke and changed me since then. So, with a beating heart, I sat down on my bed and read the whole thread.
Kuba Starlight: I totally understand, Veela. It was blunt.
Kuba Starlight: But please believe me when I say that I mean it. I can’t bear the thought of something happening to you.
Kuba Starlight: You want me to say it again? Fine.
Kuba Starlight: I love you.
Kuba Starlight: Josh didn’t tell me to do it. He only said there was a chance you would say yes. I had to try.
Kuba Starlight: And I understand you might need some time. Even though we don’t really have it.
Kuba Starlight: Josh is flying back home with the rest, but I’m staying here. I’ll wait.
Kuba Starlight: Your kisses don’t lie, you know? You might have fooled me once, but not the second time. Not after he confirmed it was true. Just please, if you no longer feel that way, tell me now and you’ll never hear from me again.
The phone screen was covered with droplets of my tears by the time I stopped reading, distorting the last words just like my mind had been distorting the reality when he had kissed me again and I had felt those raw emotions running through my veins, poisoning my blood even more than all the vodka I had drunk.
I typed the text. I wanted to lie. I almost hit the send button… and then I deleted it. I couldn’t do it. For hours since the face call, I had been hearing those words, echoing at the back of my head: Come, my love. My conscious mind rejected it, but something deep inside my chest kept fighting back, making it hard to breathe.
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It's still on AO3, but who knows for how long...
I guess Lazarus was deleted 🥲
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I almost deleted the whole blog yesterday, because I felt just so downcast. I'm having these moments from time to time, but this time was different. I didn't, though. I slept on it and woke up with the urge to continue doing the things I enjoy doing. And even though Chapter Fourteen is far from finished, I wanted to share this short teaser with you. Also, the next chapter is almost like the first chapter of part two.
Olalla 14 sneak peek:
It was sleeting when she got behind the wheel and turned the key in the ignition. It seemed symbolic: freezing rain continuing to obscure her view just when the hot tears finally dried. The familiar warmth – even though sometimes bittersweet – behind her. Before her only cold strangeness and uncertainty, raining down on her.
For one last time, she checked the back seat of her old Nissan. Two duffle bags, containing a meagre fraction of her life. Mostly practical necessities, a few pictures, her favourite teacup decorated with tiny forget-me-nots and one framed, handwritten note with a pressed flower attached to it. He will be remembered…
Thirty three years, most of which she was now leaving behind.
Agnieszka didn’t want her parents to walk her out to the car, because she knew that she’d never be able to drive away if she saw them in the rear view.
Nothing else could be seen in this dreadful weather. The fickle Spring mists robbed her of one final glance at her beloved mountains. Maybe it was better this way, because she knew she wouldn’t be able to stop looking, standing at the gas station, unwilling to move.
She did – however – open the window as she drove along the thick woods. It was too early for nature to overwhelm her with intoxicating scents of budding life – not even the crocuses had emerged from under the snow yet – but the frosty, earthy smell was just as welcome. Taking deep breaths, Agnieszka kept inhaling it as if it was the potion of life… which it was.
They might destroy happiness for a while, but they will never destroy life. Even if they nuked it off the face of the Earth, new Spring would come eventually. The untamed power of this planet; it would never be subdued by human stupidity.
Tears pricked her eyes again. She closed them for a fleeting moment on the almost empty road and instantly saw both their faces behind her eyelids. Beautiful assholes. Shining like two celestial lights, they wanted to be the new family to her. An ex-lover turned to a brother she never had, and…
“Kurwa!” she roared, punching the steering wheel.
@thewritingbeforesunrise @fleet-of-fiction @writingcold @lvnterninthenight @its-interesting-van-kleep @takenbythemadness @edgingthedarkness @myownparadise96 @gvfstuddedmajesty @josh-iamyour-mama @jazzyfigz @tripthelightfantastix @sanguinebats @wetkleenex-gvf @peaceloveunitygvf @kiszkas-canvas @fleetingjake @lizzys-sunflower @hollyco @emojakekiszka @gvfmarge @Dayumclarizzel @lipstickitty @clownstarr @musicislove3389 @i-love-gvf @blankvz @psychedelectable @allof--mylove @joshylanefleet @thewaythatshebreathes @Ironlotus90 @justwantjosh
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GAME. SET. MATCH. - Chapter 10
Pairing: Jake x fem!reader
General Warnings: 18+ minors DNI / Intense Rivalry and Conflict / Sexual Tension / Emotional Manipulation / Pressure and Anxiety / Family Drama / Alcohol Use / Explicit Sexual Content
Series Summary: In the high-stakes world of professional tennis, Y/N and Jake are rivals forced into an uneasy partnership under the same coach. Their fiery animosity spills over both on and off the court, where biting sarcasm and tense encounters define their relationship. However, as they’re paired for doubles matches and begin climbing the tournament ladder, the line between hate and something far more complicated starts to blur. But the closer they get to their shared goal, the harder it becomes to deny the tension that threatens to upend their careers and personal lives. Will their undeniable chemistry lead to victory—or destroy everything they’ve worked for?
I could feel my heart still pounding in my chest as I sat by Y/N’s side, my hand lightly gripping hers. It felt like an eternity, waiting, hoping for some sign that she was okay. The medical staff had already checked her pulse and had her on oxygen, but all I could focus on was the steady rise and fall of her chest, praying that she’d come to soon.
Then, after what seemed like forever, her eyelids fluttered open.
“Y/N?” I said softly, my voice hoarse. I couldn’t help the wave of relief that washed over me when I saw her eyes slowly focusing on me.
She blinked a couple of times, clearly disoriented, before her hand reached up to her forehead. “What happened?” she asked, her voice weak but steady.
“You fainted,” I said, my voice tight with the worry I’d been holding in. “You’ve been pushing yourself too hard. It was the heat and exhaustion. You’re okay now, but you need to rest.”
She looked around at the medical staff, then back at me, shaking her head. “I’m fine. I just need a second… I can continue.”
“No,” I said, shaking my head firmly. “You need more than a second. You need time. You’ve been overexerting yourself.”
But she wasn’t having it. She tried to sit up, groaning slightly as she pushed herself upright. “Jake, I’m fine. Really. I just need some water. I can finish the match.”
I watched her closely, not sure whether to be proud of her determination or frustrated by her stubbornness. I could see the fight in her, though. It was one of the things I loved about her—the way she refused to back down, even when her body was telling her to stop.
“You’re not going back out there until you’re fully hydrated and have rested,” I insisted, my tone softening as I looked into her eyes. “You’re important, Y/N. The match doesn’t matter if you’re not okay.”
She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath, clearly considering her options. The last thing I wanted was for her to push herself past the point of no return. But after a few seconds of silence, she gave me a small nod, her voice steady again.
“Okay. Just… give me a few minutes. I’ll be fine. I’m not giving up now, Jake. Not when we’ve come this far.”
I took a deep breath and nodded, still unconvinced, but willing to give her the time she needed. “Alright, but we’re taking it slow. I’ll be right here.”
It was hard to ignore the roar of the crowd as they rallied behind her. The cheers grew louder as Y/N stood, slowly pushing herself up. The movement wasn’t graceful, but it was defiant. Every step she took toward our bench was met with cheers and shouts of support from the crowd. They were chanting her name, and it felt like the whole arena was pulling for her. It felt like the whole world was waiting for her to rise again.
She glanced at me, meeting my eyes as she made her way to the bench, her steps a little shaky but filled with purpose. I stayed close, offering a steady hand when she needed it, my heart swelling with pride.
I stayed close, watching her sip water and take steadying breaths, the tension in her body slowly starting to ease. It felt like the longest few minutes of my life, but finally, she set the water bottle down and gave me a determined look.
“I’m good,” she said, more forcefully this time. “I’m ready. Let’s finish this.”
I hesitated for a split second before offering her my hand. There was no way I was letting her down now. I helped her back up, keeping a watchful eye on her. The tension was thick as we prepared to pick up where we left off, but I knew one thing for sure—Y/N wasn’t going to let anything stop her.
“Alright,” I said with a grin. “Let’s go win this thing.”
And together, we walked back out to the center of the court, ready to face whatever came next.
- Y/N POV -
After I took a few moments to rest, the crowd’s cheers still ringing in my ears, I felt a rush of gratitude for the support. The water and the brief break did wonders, and I could feel the energy slowly returning to my limbs. Jake was still beside me, his gaze never leaving me, a mix of worry and determination in his eyes. The game was far from over, and despite the setback, there was still time to turn things around.
The set was just as brutal as the first. Our opponents didn’t show any signs of slowing down. They came at us hard, hitting with precision, pushing us to our limits. Every time Jake and I began to find a rhythm, they would throw us off balance, capitalizing on even the slightest mistake. Their serves were fast, and their returns were perfect. The pressure was mounting, and I could feel the heat crawling up my neck again, but I fought it off, trying to stay focused on every point.
Jake was giving it his all, but I could see the exhaustion in his eyes. It mirrored what I was feeling—my legs felt like lead, my shots were lacking that sharpness they had earlier. But we had to keep going. I wouldn’t let us lose just because we were tired. Not after everything we’d been through.
But it wasn’t enough. Every time we clawed our way back, they shut us down. There were a couple of points where I thought we were finally going to catch a break, but our opponents were too strong. They anticipated our moves, their communication flawless.
Finally, with a sickening thud in my chest, I saw the scoreboard flicker, showing their victory for the set.
“Shit,” Jake muttered under his breath, running a hand through his hair. He didn’t say anything else, but I could tell he was frustrated. I was too.
We had tried. We had given everything we had, but it hadn’t been enough. Our opponents had been relentless, and as we walked off the court to our bench, I couldn’t shake the feeling of defeat creeping in. The crowd had fallen silent, waiting for us to recover.
Jake was already speaking, his voice steady and calm, trying to lift me up. “It’s not over. We’ve still got one more set. We can do this. Just stay focused. We’ve been in worse spots.”
I nodded, trying to push past the weight of the last set. The energy was draining from me, but I couldn’t let it show. There was still one more shot at winning this. We had to push through.
I wasn’t ready to let them walk away with this just yet. Not now. Not when we were so close.
The crowd’s anticipation was palpable as the final set began. There was no room for error now. It was do or die.
Jake and I took our positions across from each other, adrenaline starting to kick in again, though I could feel my body protesting. My legs were heavy, my arms sore from the intensity of the earlier sets, but we had no choice but to keep pushing.
The first few points felt like they were slipping through our fingers too easily. Our opponents were playing with the kind of intensity you only see in championship-level athletes. Every return was on point. Every serve seemed like it was coming faster than the last. They were in perfect sync, and it felt like we were always just a step behind.
But then, something shifted. I don’t know if it was the sound of the crowd or Jake’s presence across the court, but suddenly I found my rhythm. I blocked out the exhaustion and the doubts and started anticipating their moves better. My serves were faster. My returns sharper. We were holding our own again.
The energy in the arena was growing. Each rally, each point was louder, the crowd getting more invested in the game as we started to push back. Our opponents might have had the upper hand early, but we weren’t about to let them take this set without a fight.
Jake hit a powerful backhand that zipped across the court, forcing their player into a defensive stance. I moved in, meeting the ball with the perfect angle, sending it flying just past their player’s reach. We had the first point. The crowd erupted into cheers.
“We’ve got this,” Jake called out, his voice carrying across the court. I didn’t have to see his face to know the confidence in it was real. It gave me the boost I needed.
We continued to battle for every point, going back and forth. There were moments when it felt like we were in complete control, but then our opponents would retaliate, taking advantage of a missed shot or a slip-up.
I could feel my body beginning to wear down again. My breathing was heavy, my focus slipping just slightly as the exhaustion set in, but Jake was there, staying calm and encouraging me to push through.
The score was tight, too tight. With every point, I felt like we were on the edge of victory or defeat. We were neck and neck, but I could feel the pressure building.
And then came the game-changer. One of their serves was just too much—fast, angled just right, a perfect shot. I barely managed to get a racket on it, but it flew wide, hitting the edge of the court.
“Shit,” I muttered under my breath.
Jake gave me a quick look, but his eyes were still sharp with determination. “It’s okay. We can do this.”
We exchanged a quick high-five, trying to lift our spirits before the next point. But it wasn’t long before we were back in the grind of it again. Our opponents pushed ahead, winning a few quick points off of us, and before I knew it, they had us on the ropes.
I could feel the weight of the final moments pressing in on me as I prepared for the next point. The final set was still up in the air, but every move mattered. I had to dig deep.
“Focus, Y/N,” I whispered to myself, trying to shut out the noise around me.
I looked at Jake, catching his eye. The intensity in his gaze was enough to remind me why I was still out here, still fighting.
The score was getting closer and closer, but our opponents weren’t giving an inch. The next few points would decide everything. We had no room for mistakes. And I wasn’t about to let this slip away.
The match was a full-blown war. Every point felt like a battle for our careers, our pride, and everything we’d worked for. The final half of the set was relentless.
Our opponents, despite being tough, were starting to show cracks. They were feeling the pressure too, and every time they missed a shot, I could hear the frustrated grumbles from their side of the court. That was the moment we needed to capitalize on.
Jake served first, a hard, fast shot that seemed to rattle them. They managed to return it, but not well enough. I rushed in, lunging for the ball and sending a powerful backhand right down the sideline, catching them off guard. The ball landed in, and the crowd exploded. We were in the lead.
I could feel Jake’s gaze on me, a silent encouragement that made my heart race. We were in this together, and we were going to finish it.
The rally continued, both teams exchanging shots that seemed to get faster and more intense with every second. Sweat dripped down my forehead, but I couldn’t stop now. I moved as fast as I could, my muscles aching, my body pleading for a break, but I pushed through. Jake was right there with me, covering the court, anticipating every move I made and being where I needed him.
At 5-4, we had a slight lead, but the pressure was immense. We needed to hold on. Their next serve came, fast and sharp. I barely managed to get my racket on it, but I was off-balance, and I couldn’t get a solid return. They won the point, tying the set. I exhaled in frustration. It was back to square one.
But Jake wasn’t giving up. I saw him lock eyes with me, a silent promise to keep going. And that’s exactly what we did.
The rallies were longer now, the tension growing with each exchange. We fought for every inch of the court, every point that could make or break this match. I could feel my legs getting weaker, but I didn’t let up. Every time I thought I might crumble, Jake was there, covering my blind spots, making miraculous returns, keeping us in the game.
Finally, at 6-6, it came down to a tiebreaker. Every point now would be the difference between victory and defeat.
I served first, taking a deep breath. The ball left my hand, and it was a solid shot, straight down the middle. They returned it, but Jake was there, stepping in front of me with a perfectly timed forehand that sent the ball flying past them. We had the first point of the tiebreaker.
The crowd was going crazy, the energy crackling around us. I could hear Jake’s voice, sharp and focused, pushing me forward. “One more point, Y/N. Just one more.”
We fought for every point after that. Their serves were hard, precise, but we matched them with our own sharp returns. Every time they thought they had us, Jake would pull off an impossible shot, and every time we seemed off balance, I’d dig in and get that one extra step to keep the rally going.
At 9-8, the pressure was almost unbearable. It was our point to win.
I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand, my heart pounding in my chest. My body was sore, bruised from the battle, but I was so close.
Jake turned to me, his expression intense but full of encouragement. “This is it, Y/N. We win this point, we win it all.”
I nodded, adrenaline surging through me, and I positioned myself. Their player served. It was fast, sharp, and I barely managed to return it. But Jake was already there, moving, setting up. He hit it hard, straight into the corner, where they weren’t ready. The ball flew past them, and the sound of it hitting the floor felt like thunder.
“YES!” Jake shouted, pumping his fist into the air.
I stood there, stunned for a second, as the crowd erupted around us. The roar of the crowd was deafening, and all I could do was stare at the scoreboard, registering the win. The final set was ours.
We had done it.
My heart pounded in my chest, the realization that we had just won the National Championship hitting me all at once. The moment felt surreal, and before I could fully process it, Jake was there, his arms wrapping around me in a tight embrace.
Without saying a word, he picked me up, spinning me around in an ecstatic celebration. I gasped, laughing in surprise as the world around us blurred. His grip was strong, his joy infectious. The cheers from the crowd faded into the background as I let myself get lost in the moment, my heart soaring with him.
“We did it!” Jake shouted, his voice full of exhilaration.
I clung to him, my laughter mixing with his. “We actually did it!” I said, still trying to catch my breath from the thrill of it all.
Jake finally set me down, but his hands lingered on my shoulders as we looked at each other, grinning like we had just pulled off the impossible. We were both breathing hard, our bodies still vibrating with the intensity of the match, but the overwhelming feeling of victory made it all worth it.
“We won,” I whispered, still in disbelief.
Jake nodded, his grin wide and proud. “Hell yeah, we did.”
We turned toward our opponents, and with respect, we walked over to shake hands. The other team looked equally exhausted but gracious in their defeat. We exchanged a few words, and I could see the mutual respect in their eyes, knowing they had given us one hell of a fight.
As we walked off the court, the weight of the win settled in, and I couldn’t help but feel a rush of pride. We had done it. Together.
We barely had time to freshen up and hydrate before we were whisked off to the medal ceremony. My heart was still pounding from the win, the adrenaline coursing through me as we made our way to the top of the podium. I could hardly believe it was real—everything felt like a dream.
When we reached the top, the crowd’s cheers were deafening, so loud I could feel it in my chest. Jake and I stood side by side, our gold medals hanging heavy around our necks, and I couldn’t help but glance over at him. His smile matched mine, both of us trying to take in the magnitude of the moment. We waved to the crowd, our arms around each other’s backs, holding one another steady.
Then the crowd started chanting. “JY/N! JY/N! JY/N!” It was the hashtag that had been following us since the beginning, and hearing it in person, with the entire stadium echoing it back to us, was overwhelming.
I turned to Jake, my heart fluttering. He caught my eye, a mischievous glint in his gaze, and my breath hitched in my chest. He winked at me, that playful smirk of his tugging at his lips.
I raised my eyebrows, silently asking, Should we?
Jake raised his own in response, that grin widening. Without a word, we both leaned in, and the world around us seemed to pause as our lips met. The kiss was electric—everything we’d been holding back, every unspoken feeling finally spilling out into that one moment.
The crowd went wild, the sound of their cheers surrounding us, but it was just us, the two of us in that kiss. I felt Jake chuckle softly against my lips, and before I could react, he dipped me backward, pulling me close as the kiss deepened. The stadium exploded with noise, but in that moment, it felt like we were the only two people in the world.
I laughed softly into the kiss, feeling the warmth of his touch, knowing that we had just given them exactly what they wanted. The world felt like it had shifted, and everything felt perfect.
The cheering from the crowd still echoed in my chest as Y/N and I stepped off the podium, the weight of the gold medals around our necks feeling surreal. We had done it—National Champions. But the media was already closing in, eager for their chance to ask us questions, to dissect every detail of the match, and to get a glimpse into what was next for us.
I stood next to Y/N, our shoulders brushing as the cameras flashed. She was still catching her breath, her eyes bright with a mix of triumph and exhaustion. But I could tell she was ready for the next challenge, as always.
A reporter stepped forward, microphone in hand. “Jake, Y/N,” they said, smiling. “You’ve just won the biggest match of your careers. So, what’s next for you two? What’s on the horizon?”
I glanced at Y/N, our eyes meeting for just a second. I didn’t need to ask her; I already knew the answer. We’d been through so much together, and the thought of more time together, just us, felt like a breath of fresh air.
I grinned, turning to the reporter. “Well,” I began, keeping it light but with a hint of mischief, “we’ve both been on the grind for a while now. I’d say we’ve earned at least two weeks off.”
Y/N chuckled beside me, nodding along. “Definitely need some time to rest,” she agreed, her voice warm with amusement. “And maybe… a vacation.”
The crowd murmured a little, and the reporter smiled, clearly satisfied with our response. They nodded, writing down notes. “A vacation?” the reporter asked, as if confirming the possibility.
I looked at Y/N again, my heart light. “Yeah, maybe somewhere we can just… relax. No tennis, no pressure.”
Y/N’s smile was genuine, her eyes sparkling as she agreed. “That sounds perfect. Just the two of us.”
The audience erupted into catcalls and whistles, causing a fiery heat to spread through my body. I couldn't help but grin as I looked down at Y/N, her cheeks tinted with a rosy blush. In that moment, it was just the two of us, lost in the electrifying chemistry between us.
- Y/N’s POV -
One month later, Jake and I found ourselves at a villa on a secluded beach, far away from the world of tennis and the constant pressure of expectations. It was a much-needed escape. The sand was warm beneath my feet, the air fragrant with salt and the sound of the waves crashing gently along the shore. We had no agenda here—just time for us, with no distractions, no rush… no clothes.
I glanced over at Jake, who was already floating lazily in the crystal-clear water of our swim-up pool, his body relaxed, eyes closed in contentment. There was something magical about how free we felt, like we could just exist in this perfect moment, away from everything.
I waded into the water, the coolness enveloping me as I swam toward him. He greeted me with a smile and reached out a hand to guide me closer. Turning to face the endless ocean, I leaned my elbows on the edge of the pool. Jake came up behind me, his arms encircling my waist.
“Couldn’t have picked a better place,” I said, my voice a little breathless as I let the ripple of the water rock us gently.
Jake nodded, reaching out to adjust his sunglasses. “Exactly what we needed. No tennis, no reporters, just us.”
I smiled and rested my head against the side of his face, the weight of the last few months slipping away.
“I can’t believe we’re here,” I murmured, more to myself than to him.
Jake chuckled softly, his fingers trailing lazily along my skin. “It feels perfect. Just being able to focus on the simple stuff. Like this.” He paused for a moment, then added, “And you know, I think it’s the first time I’ve actually slowed down in… forever.”
I smiled, glancing at the horizon. The sky was a blend of orange and pink as the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over everything. I couldn’t help but feel incredibly lucky. After everything—after all the highs and lows of our careers, the intense competition, and the stress—this was the kind of peace I’d been craving.
“This is perfection,” I purred, pressing my body against his. My mind went to all the naughty things we could be doing in this moment.
"Oh really? I can think of something even more perfect," Jake whispered, trailing kisses down my neck.
"Jake!" I squealed with delight.
"Mmm?" Jake murmured, now focused on exploring my shoulder with his lips.
"I mean, we've spent the majority of our time naked and at least half of it fucking," I giggled.
"Only half? We'll have to change that," Jake said with a devilish grin.
I laughed, feeling a surge of desire coursing through me as I turned in his arms, pressing my lips hungrily against his. The world around us faded away, replaced by the sensation of his touch, the taste of his kiss. Our bodies moved together effortlessly, the connection between us deepening with every moment.
As the sun descended behind the horizon, it enveloped us in a soft warm light. I was gently lifted out of the pool by Jake and carried to the spacious outdoor daybed.
Our bodies were still intertwined as we collapsed onto the plush cushions, the gentle breeze caressing our heated skin. Jake's eyes bore into mine, a mixture of desire and adoration swirling in their depths. Without a word, he leaned in to capture my lips in a searing kiss, igniting a fire within me that burned hotter with each passing second.
As he pressed against me, I arched my back in response, my fingers gripping onto his damp hair. His touch ignited a fire within me, and I couldn't get enough. Jake's lips moved from my neck to trace along my collarbone. Feeling emboldened, I rolled us over so that I was on top.
I trailed kisses down his chest, savoring the feel of his muscles beneath my lips. His breath hitched as I teased him with soft nibbles, relishing the sight of the flush that spread across his skin.
Our gazes locked and I could see the burning desire in his eyes. Without hesitation, I lowered myself onto him, feeling him fill me completely. Our bodies moved as one, our rhythm perfect and unrelenting. Each thrust sent waves of pleasure coursing through me, my hips meeting his with a fiery intensity that left us both breathless.
Jake's hands grasped my waist tightly, urging me to ride him harder and faster. The feeling of him deep inside me was like an electric shock, igniting every nerve ending in my body.
Jake couldn't take his eyes off of my bouncing tits as I rode him. I could feel the familiar tingling building inside me, letting me know that it wouldn't be long until I came.
Jake's hands became more insistent, his grip tightening on my hips as he urged me closer. I leaned down, my lips brushing against his ear. "I love you," I whispered, the words thick with emotion.
"I love you too," Jake replied, his voice hoarse with passion and devotion.
Jake's strong arms enveloped my waist, pulling me closer to him. His powerful thrusts upward sent shivers of pleasure through my body as his feet pushed against the cushions below us.
My body tensed, the feel of his touch against me sending waves of euphoria coursing through my veins. The air around us crackled with anticipation as my climax approached, the world around us fading into insignificance.
"Jake," I gasped, feeling the wave of ecstasy begin to build within me. His name was all I could think of at that moment, his touch all I felt. And as the climax neared its peak, I let out a guttural cry, the pleasure overwhelming me as I succumbed to it.
Jake's eyes widened with desire as he watched me. He thrust up into me with renewed vigor, his expression a mix of love and desire, as he too was nearing his climax.
A moment later, he let out a loud groan before collapsing beneath
me, his body shuddering as he found his release. Our panting breaths filled the warm, tropical air as we lay there in each other's arms, our hearts still racing from the intensity of our passion.
As I rested my head on his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath my cheek, I knew that this moment was perfect. We had escaped the pressure of the world and found peace in each other. The words "I love you" echoed in my mind, and I couldn't help but smile as I hugged him tightly.
The sun continued to set, casting a golden glow over everything. The gentle waves crashed against the shore, a soothing soundtrack to our lovemaking. As we lay there in each other's arms, I knew that this wasn't just about relaxation or escaping reality—it was about connecting with the one person who understood me better than anyone else in the world.
Taglist: @edgingthedarkness @writingcold @katuschka @its-interesting-van-kleep @thewritingbeforesunrise
@lvnterninthenight @fleet-of-fiction @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @seenoversundown @vanfleeter
@badcaseofthemondayys @fleetingjake @dharma-divine33 @shes4twnksinatrnchct @sweetiesongbird
#greta van fleet#gvf#jake kiszka#greta van fleet fan fiction#greta van fleet fanfic#greta van fleet fic#greta van fleet fan fic#greta van fleet fanfiction#jake kiszka fanfiction#jake kiszka fan fic#jake kiszka fan fiction#jake kiszka fanfic#jake kiszka fic#jake kiszka smut#jake gvf
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Time to reblog this, I think. Also... Fuck you, you orange piece of shit!
The Visions of Burning Skies...

...the name of this painting is actually "La Primavera". Inspired by Botticelli, I painted this one two years ago, in Spring 2021, after Russian Federation invaded Ukraine. I wanted to portray destruction, resilience and hope, all in one. Not sure if I succeded, but that was the idea. So, why am I posting it now?
This is a serious rant. Ignore it if you want. Or don't.
I usually try to avoid these topics here. I don't avoid them in real life, but this is a place I go to have fun. But sometimes I just can't keep silent. For example, when murderers are being interviewed, telling their LIES without being challenged, and being watched and heard by milions. Milions of people left their homes, dear ones lost forever, families torn apart... It's been going on for two years and more and more people question their suffering, while the man who caused it is being gived the spotlight. I've helped some of those people, seen their tears...and now they are just bricks in the wall... There's destruction, there's still resilience, but almost no hope. This is not OK.
Anyway: oil and acrylic on canvas
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No matter how much you dislike your own writing, I promise you it’s better than AI
8K notes
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“why isn’t there any fic about (x)?” there can be a fic that is precisely about what you want to read. just start writing that fic for yourself.
“but I’m not a writer” every writer has had their first time writing. most writers start with writing something they want to read. your work doesn’t have to be perfect, because having 1 fic that is precisely about what you want to read, even if it’s not perfect, is still better than having 0 fics about what you want to read.
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Fun fact about Europeans:
We eat burgers with cutlery and we don't think it's weird.
Why am I posting this? Because I'm doing it right now.
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I'm trying to find a Jake and Josh fic about reader working for them at their record store. Can you help me?!
Oh, sure. That's @devilat-thedoor and her What Is And What Should Never Be.
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My dear @edgingthedarkness, thank you for letting post this marvelous segment of your photo, because...

Just because.
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Your portrayal of Josh is so believable. I just love it. But girl... that one paragraph where you describe their post-coital intimacy... I read it maybe three times and I still can't get enough of it. SO good!
Right on Time // Ch. 6
word count: 3900+
WARNINGS: language; a little bit of toxic ex; physical injury; blood; stitches; hospitals; someone in excited delirium; and idk, adventures in babysitting a chaotic child
Four months passed without so much as a peep from Josh’s ex-boyfriend. Josh said it was normal for the guy to occasionally disappear, just to resurface when he got tired of being alone. But I started to feel optimistic, hoping that maybe he would stay gone and would no longer be a thorn in my side, but it was just wishful thinking.
The incessant buzzing of Josh’s phone woke me up first. I nudged him awake. He grumbled, not happy with his sleep being disturbed, and reached for his phone on the nightstand. He squinted at the sudden light while his eyes adjusted. I watched silently, wondering if it was one of his brothers, but he sighed and pressed ‘Decline.’
“Josh? Is that him?” I sat up and stretched to ease the stiffness in my neck and his phone started ringing again. “Do you want me to answer it?” Oh, the things I’d like to say to this guy.
Josh shook his head and declined the call again. “No, that’ll just piss him off.” On the third attempt, Josh groaned and answered, “What do you want?”
I wondered if part of the reason this guy kept at it was because he knew Josh would eventually cave and take the call, but then I remembered the five different blocked numbers. It really wasn’t for lack of trying on my boyfriend’s part, I guess, his ex just happened to be annoyingly and disgustingly persistent. I couldn’t really hear what Finn was saying, but Josh bowed his head, his hand covering his eyes, as he listened to what was most likely the drunken rambling of the man on the other end of the line.
“Where are you?” I gritted my teeth and rolled my eyes. Was he seriously going to get out of bed in the middle of the night and drive to wherever this guy was, to get him out of whatever trouble he’d gotten himself into, with me sitting right next to him? I mean, he wasn’t hiding anything, at least, and maybe I could talk him into letting me tag along. But I let out of a sigh of relief when he said, “The best I can do right now is get you an Uber.” I heard the volume of Finn’s voice rise, presumably in argument. “Finn, I’m not driving two hours to Hartford at three in the fucking morning! I can get you an Uber to take you home, or you… you can figure it out on your own.”
I was so proud of him for having the guts to say no, but I could tell by just the sound of his voice that it hurt him to make that choice. He wanted to go to him, I’m sure, but the desire (or maybe unspoken pressure from me) to stay was stronger. He stayed steady, unmoving in his decision and refusing to give into Finn’s protests.
He hung up the phone and opened the rideshare app. I waited until he’d ordered the ride and texted the information to Finn, then placed a hand on his thigh. “You alright?”
He sighed, tossed his phone back on the nightstand, and rubbed his eyes. “Yeah. I’m sorry. I can only ignore the calls for so long. I can’t—”
“It’s okay. And thank you. Thank you for staying, and telling him no.”
He gave me a tiny half-smile, one that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “It’s hard. It’s hard not to worry about him still. I can’t help but think something’s gonna happen to him. Or he’ll get back in the car and get someone else killed.”
“Don’t do that to yourself. You’ve done what you can for him. The rest is on him.”
He wasn’t really comforted but he didn’t say anything else on the matter. He laid back down and I followed, draping my arm overtop of him and rubbing circles with my thumb into the soft skin of his stomach. I just listened to his breaths and focused on the feeling of him next to me until I eventually fell back asleep. I’m not sure he ever did that night.
And short of the confirmation from Uber that they’d picked up and dropped off their passenger, we didn’t hear back from him for a while. I started to get complacent again.
As much as I tell people that my job really isn’t all that exciting, that we mostly just handle elderly people that have fallen and complaints of chest pain, it does occasionally get a little crazier than that. We sometimes respond out to the less common calls, or ones that are great conversation pieces (seriously, no one believes you when you say you ‘fell’ and ‘accidentally’ got a shampoo bottle stuck up your ass), but every once in a while, things take a different turn. It even runs the risk of things getting violent, to the point where law enforcement is forced to get involved. A few years ago, while transporting a kid with a severe head injury from a fall, the father decided the best course of action was to start fighting with us. We had to pull over, thus delaying getting the kid to the hospital, to let the cops haul the guy away. I took a pretty good right hook to the face that day.
So, needless to say, getting hurt on the job, unfortunately, comes with the territory.
We were dispatched to a patient with an ‘altered mental status,’ which, by itself, is a vague medical complaint that doesn’t tell us much. Turns out, the guy was in a state of excited delirium. It can be caused by any number of things, such as mental illness, drug use, or head trauma. It typically makes them extremely agitated, aggressive, and sometimes inhumanly strong. People suffering from excited delirium also tend to sweat profusely, which makes wrestling with them about as easy as trying to grab hold of a greased-up pig. Someone in that state wouldn’t have much control over their actions, and they certainly aren’t worried about any potential consequences, which makes them especially dangerous.
We were under the impression that our patient was finally starting to calm down, and we were able to get him in the back of the ambulance. But as I was working on checking his vitals, his eyes grew wide, his pupils blown, and with no warning, he lurched forward and clamped his teeth into my hand.
I tried to yank my hand away, but his jaw was locked into place. I’m not sure how I didn’t rip his teeth out as hard as I tried to get free. It took four cops and Lucy armed with a decent dose of sedatives to finally get him off me and restrained, but my hand was fucked. The skin and muscle below the thumb on my right hand was torn, and I could’ve sworn I could see some of the exposed tendon under all the blood. How in the hell is the human jaw strong enough to do that much damage?
I cursed up a storm as I packed the wound to staunch the bleeding, and Lucy hopped behind the wheel and booked it to the hospital. One of the cops rode with us, in case our patient decided he was ready for round two, but we thankfully made it with no further incidents. He got admitted to the hospital’s behavioral unit and I was sent back to see a doctor and assess the damage.
Eighteen stitches later, they cut me loose with prescriptions for antibiotics and painkillers. Lucy was still in the waiting room, along with our captain. He greeted me with a nod and asked me how bad it was.
I gave him the rundown and shrugged. “I’ll survive.”
“They’re doing bloodwork on your guy, checking him for anything he could have transmitted. And you’ll have to get tested, too, just to be safe.”
“Yeah, I figured,” I sighed. That was always the scary part, being exposed to a virus or some other incurable disease. But as it turned out, I didn’t have anything to worry about on that front.
“The police want to know if we’re pressing charges,” he said.
I shook my head. “No, there’d be no point. He’s in a state of excited delirium. He most likely had no idea what he was doing.”
My captain nodded. “Alright, I’ll pass it along. Anyways, I want you to take three weeks, and we’ll touch base then, once you get your medical clearance.”
I groaned in annoyance. Three weeks was a long time to not be able to work, but I supposed I should be grateful it wasn’t worse.
I had texted Josh just to let him know I was heading home, with a vague explanation that I’d gotten hurt, but I assured him it was a minor injury and he didn’t need to worry. I should have known better.
He showed up at my door later with some take-out. Concern painted his features when he got a look at my hand, wrapped up in bandages. “Okay, so what happened?”
“Uh, I got bit.”
He grimaced. He seemed to already have an idea of where this was going. “Please tell me it was by a dog.”
“I would have preferred that,” I admitted, flexing my hand and wincing at the pain. “But it could have been worse. I have stitches but it’s not bad enough for me to need surgery or anything. I’m honestly more irritated that I have to take three weeks off work. At least.”
He snickered. “Of course you are.” He leaned in to kiss me, his hand coming to the back of my head. I loved how he had to lift himself slightly onto his tiptoes to reach. “Take your time off, and let me take care of you for a bit, ‘kay?”
How could I say no to that? I kissed him again, deeper this time, savoring his sweetness. “Okay,” I said as I pulled away. “I’m all yours.”
I thought I would be going stir-crazy at home, but the extra uninterrupted time with Josh made it feel more like a vacation. He insisted on making sure I was taking it easy, and I had no complaints. My favorite place to be was tangled up with him, skin to skin, planting my lips along his heated flesh as we came down from our highs. He’d smile blissfully, his eyes closed, and run his hands along my shoulders and down my back, exploring anywhere he could reach. His little sighs of lingering pleasure would be the only sounds I could hear, the feel of him wrapped around me the only thing that really mattered.
My lovely sister had every intention of taking advantage of my injury and time off work to utilize me for babysitting. She and her husband had planned a two-day getaway and decided I was babysitting Maddie. Alex didn’t give me much of a chance to say no, but I doubt I would have declined the chance to spend time with my niece anyways. And Josh was more than happy to act as my backup.
Maddie squealed when she learned she’d get to antagonize my boyfriend for two whole days. She’d immediately grabbed his hand and started dragging him through the living room, rattling off all the things she wanted to do this weekend. She told him about all the fun things she’d done at school, including raving about the new class pet turtle.
“Call me if you have any problems.”
“We’ll be fine, I promise,” I assured Alex. “I won’t let them get into too much trouble.” I glanced over at Josh, and Maddie was already pulling out arts and crafts supplies from her backpack.
“Don’t let her fool you,” Alex told Josh. “She’s a menace and will swap your coffee creamer for shampoo the second you turn your back.”
“Maybe that’s why they get along so well,” I joked. “But if we’re being honest, she gets it from her mother.”
“I resent that,” she replied.
“Love you, too, big sister. Now go. You probably want to get on the road before traffic gets too bad.”
“We won’t be that far away, so if you need us to—”
“Go. Have fun, let loose, get plastered, whatever you need to do to stop stressing and enjoy your vacation.”
“Okay, yeah,” she sighed in agreement. She expressed one last ‘I love you’ to Maddie, who wasn’t paying much attention to her at this point, and left, leaving me to fend for myself against Maddie and Josh, who she was definitely already conspiring to commit crimes with.
The first day wasn’t too eventful, but Maddie made sure Josh’s fingernails were as sparkly and purple as she could make them. He didn’t seem to mind. And later on, she managed to get a leopard print headband on him to hold his hair back so she could “teach” him the ways of a proper skincare routine. He didn’t need the pointers, but he let her have her moment. When Josh decided he needed a break (he held out as long as he could), we let Maddie pick a movie and added some extra distraction with a coloring book and colored pencils. But not even 20 minutes later, she was pulling some colored Sharpies from her bag – who the hell gives a 6-year-old access to permanent markers? She decided that the coloring book was boring and she threw herself on the couch next to me, opting instead to color in the spots of my tattoo sleeve that were black and white. It was something she’d done before, and I had no qualms with it, but we did have to have another important conversation about consent, and making sure to ask permission before drawing on someone’s skin.
Josh had just snickered. “Your turn to be the guinea pig.”
On Sunday, we agreed to take her to Nashville Zoo. We had an alarm set to get up early, but we were woken up before it went off to the sound of something falling and hitting the floor from the kitchen. “What the fuck,” I swore as I jumped out of bed and rushed to find out what was happening, Josh right behind me.
Probably every single bowl, spoon, and mixing utensil I owned was scattered around the kitchen. All of the cabinets were open, and there was what I assumed was pancake batter everywhere. It was all over the counters, the sink, the floor (along with the bowl that had been dropped), and even on the fridge. Maddie was standing on the counter in her socks, digging through the spice cabinet. I was having waking nightmares about her falling and busting her head open, so the first step was to get her back on the ground. I grabbed her, ignoring the pain in my hand, and carefully put her down until her feet were safely back on the floor, and she was no longer at risk of falling far enough to possibly kill her.
“What the fuck,” I repeated as I examined the chaos.
“Woah, how the hell’d ya get it on the ceiling?” Josh asked.
“Maddie, what did you do? Where were you thinking?!”
“Pancakes,” she said matter-of-factly.
“You could have gotten hurt.”
“Mama said I can’t use the oven or the stove or the ‘knifes’ and I didn’t use the oven or the stove or the ‘knifes.’
She had a point, but the issue still stood. “You still have to ask before you do stuff like this! And I know you know better than to climb up on the counter!”
Her eyes started to well up with tears. “I’m in trouble?”
“Yes!” I answered without hesitation.
“Are we still going to the zoo?”
I was never good at the ‘discipline’ part of childcare, and I hated to tell Maddie ‘no,’ but I was sure it was going to take all day to clean up the mess she made. “Right now, probably not.”
Her tears morphed into full blown wailing, snot running from her nose as she cried. “I just – wanted – to cook – you – ‘brefass,’” she sputtered between sobs.
And suddenly, I felt like the biggest piece of shit in the world. “Fu—” I scrubbed my hands over my face and groaned. “Just… go sit in the living room for a little bit. We’ll talk about it in a minute.” I was well aware that she had the batter on her, too, and would likely get some on the couch, but we could clean that up later. She followed my direction, and her cries could still be heard from the living room.
Josh sidled up next to me. I grabbed the metal mixing bowl off the floor and one from the counter, both with almost no batter in them, and tossed them into the sink to get them out of the way. The sudden loud noise made Josh flinch.
“Shit. I’m sorry.”
“S’ okay,” he replied, offering me a soft smile.
“I feel like an asshole.”
“You’re frustrated. I get it. But you’re not an asshole.” My hand ached and he noticed how I held it close to me. “You hurt your hand when you picked her up, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, I think so. It’s fine, though,” I shrugged. There was no sign of blood seeping through the bandages, so it was safe to say I hadn’t torn any stitches.
“Way I see it,” he started, speaking quietly so Maddie couldn’t hear, “her heart’s in the right place. She was trying to do something nice, she just happened to… completely obliterate the kitchen in the process.”
I looked up just in time to see a glob of batter fall onto the floor. “I still don’t understand how she got it on the ceiling.”
“Yeah, beats me,” Josh laughed. “Point is, she feels bad. And she was really looking forward to the zoo.”
“I know, but—”
“Between the three of us, I think we can get it cleaned up in here and still have time to hit the zoo. And she doesn’t get off scot-free if she has to help us clean.”
I studied him and thought about his words, while he watched me with those big, pretty, brown eyes, and I know he’s right. “Okay,” I sighed. “Guess we’d better get started, then.”
His hand came up to my shoulder and he kissed my cheek. “We got this. May I?” He gestured toward the living room. I gave him the ‘go ahead’ and he called Maddie into the kitchen, still sniffling and wiping tears from her face. “Alright, punk, here’s what’s gonna happen.” He handed her a roll of paper towels and gave her the rundown of the plan, and with renewed vigor, she set to wiping off the fridge and lower cabinets.
Josh was right, because of course he was, and we were able to get the mess under control before too late. “Okay, Maddie, go get dressed. We’ll leave in a bit.”
“And put on your sneakers! I’ll help you tie them, but I am not carrying you around if your feet start hurting ‘cause you wore the wrong shoes!”
“You totally would, though,” Josh smirked. “You’re wrapped around that girl’s finger.”
I snorted a laugh. “Says you. You’d rob a bank if she asked you to.”
“Pft. I’d rob a bank for fun.”
“Of course you would.” I rolled my eyes as he grinned and sauntered away to get changed.
“My takeaway is that she has an unlimited supply of energy.”
“I think it must be all the espresso my sister drank when she was pregnant,” I told Josh. “Maddie’s bloodstream is just straight caffeine.”
We’d been at the zoo for a few hours, and Maddie was still running and bouncing like she’d taken a dose of speed. We made sure she had a chance to do all the interactive stuff, such as feeding the giraffes and stingrays, and we were on our way to a ‘Meet the Penguins’ experience. Maddie was starstruck by every animal she saw, even random crows and ducks scattered throughout the park.
“Has she never been to the zoo before?” Josh asked me curiously.
“Only once, a long time ago, so she probably doesn’t even remember it. Alex doesn’t really… do animals. Even behind glass they freak her out, and she’s terrified of monkeys. So, she tends to avoid places like this.”
“Monkeys? Really? That’s such a weird thing to be afraid of.”
“Uh, I disagree. Monkeys rip people’s faces off, so I think it’s a pretty valid fear. I worked a call once for a monkey attack. You’d be surprised how much damage even the small ones can do.”
Josh stared at me for a second before shaking his head. “Okay, mister ‘my job really isn’t all that exciting.’”
“I…” Okay, he had a point. “Touchè.” I grabbed his hand with my uninjured one as we walked, keeping a close eye on Maddie in front of us, of course.
After a beat, he spoke again, but the tone of his voice had changed. “Can I ask… do you… want kids? Of your own, I mean.”
I squeezed his hand. “Yeah, someday. When the time’s right.”
He smiled. “Just curious.” It was no secret whatsoever that Josh definitely wanted children one day, and I just knew he would make an amazing father. And while we obviously weren’t anywhere close to being there yet, when I thought about starting a family with him, it just felt… right.
It wasn’t until we got back home and well after dark that Maddie finally started to wind down. I tried to talk her into going to bed, but we both knew her mom would be by to pick her up soon, so I didn’t push it. I put on a movie for her and she curled up under a blanket right next to Josh, gripped onto his arm like a koala bear. She was asleep within ten minutes.
“Are you telling Alex about the kitchen adventure this morning?” He whispered, careful not to wake her up.
“I should,” I said, sighing. “But I probably won’t.”
Josh grinned. “Wrapped. Around. Her. Finger.”
I let out a quiet laugh and shook my head. “Oh, shut up.”
When Alex eventually showed up, she sent me a text to let me know she’d arrived, and I met her at the door. I put a finger to my lips to tell her to be quiet and led her into the living room. There’d been some movement, and Josh was now lying down precariously on the edge of the couch, his legs and one arm hanging off. Maddie had scooted up so she was tucked between him and the back of the couch, her head on his shoulder. I can’t imagine it was comfortable for either one of them, but they were both fast asleep.
Alex observed them for a moment, a sweet smile on her face. “She likes him a lot,” she whispered, then, “Cairo?”
“You better marry that boy.”
I just stared at her as she walked over to start the daunting task of waking up her daughter. And it was the second time that day that the thought of marrying Josh crossed my mind. It certainly wouldn’t be the last, either.
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