#also give me will thinking he got rejected and becoming a villain
babypinkhearts · 3 days
moon river.
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pairing: geto suguru + fem!reader
summary: geto suguru’s heart is mellow. it beats rhythmically to match your perfect tune; disregarding your rejections, only drumming for the hope of your approval.
warnings: descriptions of a past toxic relationship, suguru is so patient and adoring, angst, lots of comfort, some cameos from satoru and shoko
word count: 5k
a/n: i fear i pick favorites, and geto is probably the character i enjoy writing for the most. some references here and there to my favorite movies/shows once again. got a little emotional from this, all you lovelies deserve the BEST kind of love <3
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moonlight is faint and shines through like ripples in dark water. it’s reflection can be seen on a small, rusted window.
the vinyl record moves smoothly, battling the tense ambience you’re forced to sit in. circling, circling, circling, and you’re sure the song has faded from your senses.
suguru’s hair is wet. it falls upon his delicately sculpted face, droplets resting on the white cotton shirt adorning his body. you’re nearly able to smell his cologne from the ten foot gap that separates the two of you. it’s strong, the essence stealing rationality for a mere moment. in retaliation, from both your heart and head, your arms cross. you want to walk away, but it’s your room that you’re in.
his smile is faint — something familiar, and plastered on gently like nothing is amiss. distraught, but looks anything but it.
“harsh, don’t you think?”
his eyes narrow a little, teasingly, almost. and you think, for a second, that you might apologize and say something else. rebuke your initial answer, and give in.
you swallow the regret before he’s able to conjure it any further.
“all i did was say no.”
a little huff of amusement leaves him.
“you could have said it a little nicer.”
and you falter, voice quiet this time. it’s hesitant. suguru is sickeningly patient as he watches. you give a futile attempt at sounding more stern.
“if i did that, you wouldn’t take me seriously.”
a mischievous sparkle lands on his irises. suguru leans a little forward — staring expectantly, and he’s visibly victorious when you subconsciously cower back. you think the music gets impossibly quieter.
he’s characteristically calm as he tuts softly, honeyed voice somewhat strained, and disapproving. you hold your breath.
“i still don’t.”
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love is an understatement.
suguru first confesses to you on a bleak winter night. it’s spontaneous, out of place, and, blatantly, horrific.
your ‘no’ rings through his ears, replaying in loops like the stupid record player on your bedside table — the song that had played now stuck in his head, affiliated with you. stupidly, you.
he loves you.
but ‘love’ needs a better name, suguru thinks. something more villainous. because it’s awful. it’s painful. it’s frightening. he’s embodied a world of fiction, too far in the woods to find his way back. he’s lost.
to the intensity that is devotion, and, ultimately, emotion, he’d like to ask — how? because is it really normal to find you like a sixth sense? everything else kinda disappears when you’re in view. you’re the priority, in front of anything. it renders him vulnerable, and god, was that an unfortunate revelation.
suguru can’t focus, and his vision is blurry when a hand waves itself in front of it. it’s frustratingly repetitive, nearly hitting him across the face from how abrupt the movement is.
“yo, stand up. we’re leaving.”
suguru has never been too fond of parties. he doesn’t like drinking either (the red solo cup in his hand is full of water, and he’s been absentmindedly swirling it around for half an hour). they’re also too loud, and he thoroughly believes his head might explode from how irritated he’s become with the dramatized characters around him. girls draping themselves over him, and having uncomfortable eye contact with others that prey on him from across the room.
a shadow blocks his sight, offering a bit of leisure from wandering gazes. the room turns darker as satoru looms over him.
“how come?” suguru hums, looking up in slight boredom. his head rests upon his other hand, and he leans a little further into the armrest of the couch. satoru looks impatient, a familiar look of annoyed desperation on his face.
satoru scoffs, equally as disinterested. he’s ditched the glasses for the day, more susceptible to the pure chaos that was utahime’s ‘birthday bash.’ in his nature, he had said the name was stupid when she first invited him (reluctantly, only pressured to do so because of shoko.)
“we already cut the cake, gave her a present, saw her throw up — you wanna stay longer?”
infamously, gojo satoru also strayed away from alcohol. the reasoning still remained a mystery to suguru; though, he’s never made an effort to ask, too content that there has always been at least one sober person beside him at gatherings.
suguru glances at his phone, the brightness of the screen momentarily straining his eyes. 12:19am.
“it’s early.”
early for a party that had started at sundown, he means to say. he and satoru had arrived much later; satoru had always argued that they needed to be ‘fashionably’ late to parties. when it was shoko’s birthday, the night hadn’t ended until three or four in the morning.
satoru pouts, childishly, and lets out an exasperated sigh.
“i’ve had the same girl ask me for my number like…” and satoru briefly turns around, feverishly searching in paranoia, before looking back at suguru. “eight times now. she’s wasted.”
“everyone is.” suguru quips back, raising a brow. there’s beer bottles and solo cups scattered on nearly every piece of furniture around, and the smell of stronger alcohol is far too pungent not to notice. suguru supposes people tend to forget manners when inebriated. “just sit down and relax.”
“you drunk too?” satoru glares, crossing his arms. “let’s goooo. please.”
maybe, if satoru had been a little more sympathetic towards the events that had transpired within the past few days, suguru would have nodded, and followed him out the door. but empathy had never been something that the man-child was too fond of, so suguru shakes his head, turning away to watch flickering disco lights instead.
suguru won’t say it out loud — frankly, because it’d be too embarrassing to, but he can’t leave.
you hadn’t arrived yet.
his body is stagnant, prolonging a distraction for as long as humanly possible, voluntarily ignoring satoru’s faint complaints. you had mentioned something about arriving late a while back, though the reasoning still remained a mystery; suguru and his burden of nonchalance, only replying with an ‘alright’ when you had initially told him.
that was before two nights ago, though. you hadn’t spoken much since then (or at all.)
“fine, fine. we’ll stay.” satoru grumbles, begrudgingly taking a seat beside suguru on the couch. he’s too close, suguru thinks. their shoulders are tightly pressed together, and they sit in silence for about thirty seconds. a bliss, expectantly interrupted too soon. suguru knows, he can read satoru better than he can himself, and almost immediately, his head turns to avoid him.
“stop it.”
a scrowl appears on suguru’s face, arm whacking satoru’s hand as he had begun to poke him repeatedly. a chesire grin adorns his face, and he lets up, his hands raised in surrender.
“you’re making us stay longer so you can see her. let me do whatever i want.”
suguru’s eyes widen, embarrassment clear as day. he’s always been awful at masking surprise.
“that’s not why-“
“sure.” satoru interrupts, smirking lightly. suguru nearly shoves him, but quickly reminds himself that they’re still in public. another halfhearted hit on his arm satisfies him for the moment.
satoru enjoys the ruckus, and instigating has always been his favorite thing to do. he looks towards suguru, a little less smug, and nudges his shoulder gently.
“i’m just glad she finally got rid of that guy.”
suguru glances at him, biting the inside of his cheek from the topic. admittedly, he feels a little ashamed for feeling as relieved as he does. he shouldn’t be this happy, but he is.
the boyfriend you’ve had for a while now — after meeting both satoru and suguru. had, as you had finally confessed to the two that you had broken up with him a few weeks ago.
it didn’t take a genius to figure out the state of your relationship.
there had been too many rain checks — times where you had lost some of your little spark that suguru relied on. you always refused to talk about him, even finding a way to ignore satoru’s persistent questions.
your late night visits remain a secret, too. and suguru will keep those memories of you crying on his couch to the grave. it’s too engrained in his mind, and he thinks that’s when the hate really had cemented itself.
recalling the past few months, where your relationship had really taken a dark turn, was bad. but it hurt more to see you shrink as a person.
satoru’s talking, and his lips are clearly moving, but suguru is too lost in his train of thought. and all other senses fail when he catches the sight of something new in front of him.
he has a clear view of the front door ahead of him. and the knob moves, just a little. he sits up straighter.
it’s hesitant, slowly being pushed on the other side. the gentleness just confirms suguru’s suspicions, and when you reveal yourself on the other side, his breath gets a little caught in his throat. everyone seems too preoccupied in their inebriated states. suguru’s not any better when you finally let yourself inside.
you may as well be a dream brought to life.
suguru thinks, wholeheartedly, that all the blinding colors of the room land on you at the same exact same time. you’re technicolor, and your pretty face is painted in marvelous array of different hues (somehow different than everyone else — brighter, clearer, breathtaking). suguru’s been so derived from your presence that it feels like he’s involuntarily fallen in love all over again. nothing seems to alleviate his hopelessness. he’s always and will forever be your permanent victim.
when your eyes meet, there’s a sparkle of surprise.
he watches you, carefully, as you step over to greet him and satoru. it’s almost enchanting, and there’s hearts in his gaze when you stand in front of the couch. you wave, shyly.
“hey! how’s the party been?”
you sound a little breathless, and suguru can’t help but notice your gaze remains mostly on him. like you weren’t expecting him, or that he’s just caught you off-guard. your smile is decently friendly, nonetheless. there’s a good distance between all of you. suguru nods in greeting.
his face feels hot. your eyes are addictive poison.
“utahime drank too much.” satoru replies, sighing and dramatically rolling his eyes. his voice is loud, like yours, struggling to be heard over the music. “she threw up a while ago. i think shoko’s taking care of her upstairs.”
“oh.” your eyes widen, an expression of both shock and amusement appearing on your face. it makes suguru want to laugh a little bit. he watches you nod, shrugging with a wider smile. “well, at least it sounds like she had fun.”
“yeah,” suguru responds, his voice cutting through like a sharp knife. your eyes trail back to him, and he’s watching you a little too intently for you to fully reciprocate the eye contact. he notices. “it’s too bad you missed most of it though.”
satoru looks over to him, unimpressed. ‘subtle’ he means to convey in the silent, sarcastic expression.
thankfully, you miss the interaction, a sheepish sigh leaving you as you shamefully shake your head.
“i know, i know. i was just caught up with some stuff.”
you fidget a little, smiling apologetically.
suguru feels stumped.
he doesn’t show it on his face, but your vagueness bothers him. heavily. but for the sake of being cordial (and to not bug you further in front of satoru) he relents, settling with a nod.
“i’m gonna-“ and you pause, startled by the phone in your hand. it’s suddenly on and bright, contrasting the dark ambiance of the entire house. someone’s calling you — suguru can briefly make out the screen before you’re sighing heavily, pressing what he assumes is the decline button.
it’s so quick, he hardly has the time to think.
“i’m gonna go check on utahime.” you announce, brushing off the last couple of seconds (ignoring them completely, really). you don’t seem phased. it’s unlike you, to be so dismissive.
when you briefly glance away, suguru and satoru share a similar look.
“i’ll see you guys in a bit.” you wave, and within the next second, you’ve turned and are walking towards the staircase leading to the bedrooms.
suguru feels another harsh poke on his side when you finally leave his sight.
“you have to go.”
when suguru turns to look, satoru’s eyes are wide, and his head is tilted in your direction, repeatedly motioning to the area. his wishes to leave are seemingly scrapped entirely, visibly both intrigued and mildly concerned. “that was weird! you can’t tell me that wasn’t weird.”
suguru sighs (partially because he’s relieved he wasn’t the only one finding your behavior strange), and nods in agreement, his lips briefly pursing.
“c’mon, this is your chance.” satoru pushes, beckoning him to stand up. “talk it out, see what’s up, maybe kiss or something-“
suguru glares, shrugging him off and shaking his head. he doesn’t have the energy to completely scold him, or hint at the not-so-humorous situation, so he ignores him.
he gets up shortly after, and promises his childish companion a quick return.
when he steps into the crowd, it’s almost immediately overwhelming. there’s a sense of feeling trapped, too connected with skin between every other person in suguru’s vicinity. in his peripheral vision, he sees those same stalking eyes, dressed with black eyeliner and sparkly tops. they watch him like predators. thankfully, he’s able to escape the girls, anxiously moving out of the way in record time.
suguru has to dodge a few people on his way up the stairs, and it’s grossly crowded still, but his coordination is miles better than everyone else around him. he easily pushes through, clearly superior to the drunk bodies in every space.
utahime’s bedrom is at the end of the hallway. she fought for the master bedroom, he briefly remembers. shoko had been a lot less adamant about it, and easily gave up. ‘as long as my room has a window’ is what she had said. the cigarette addiction was a bit too intense for anyone to intervene.
could shoko heal her lungs with her reverse cursed technique? it felt a little dumb to ask.
when suguru reaches the familiar door, the frame painted with flowers and a blue handprint (satoru’s doing — he was messing with the paint when utahime had asked him to help her with some remodeling), he knocks.
the faint ‘come in’ is nearly lost in the overwhelming noise, though suguru manages to catch it, creaking the door open and stepping inside. everything seems to drown out as soon as he’s in the comfortable confines of the room. he stills.
“you okay?”
shoko’s lying on the queen-sized bed, above the comforter, scrolling on her phone. it’s pleasantly quiet. suguru thinks he might wake up with a headache tomorrow from the turmoil his ears have had to face on the outside. shoko’s staring, brows raised expectantly.
utahime rests beside her, submerged in blankets. there’s a bucket next to her on the floor.
you’re no where to be seen.
“yeah, yeah.” suguru nods, and his eyes scan the room in confusion, once again only spotting the two of them. “i was just…”
it seems a bit pathetic to say out loud — he’s worried, and he knows shoko’s aware of how he feels about you. for someone so reserved was also irritatingly perceptive.
when he looks back to shoko, she seems almost amused, a smirk on her lips. the concern on suguru’s face is too apparent, and in her eyes, he resembles something close to a lost puppy. it’s strange to see him not composed. all strength falters, and he seems to shrivel into a ball.
“she went to my room.” shoko softly responds, shutting off her phone and leaning a little forward. “make sure she’s okay, yeah?”
she studies suguru’s face for a few seconds before she relents, shooing him away with her hand.
suguru blinks, a little dumbfounded by her lack of actual teasing, though nods, quietly stepping back out into the madness.
every bedroom of the house is beside each other. utahime had also tried making the place ‘homey,’ multiple different artworks hung upon the corridor. it adds a nice touch. suguru turns, eyeing his target.
shoko’s door has multiple stick figures of the entire gorup painted on the wood. anyone could easily tell each one apart — it was the gift of your artistry. red hearts and little flowers, similar to those on utahime’s door, fill the empty spaces around.
your figure in the middle of all of them. like some sort of symbolic glue, suguru thinks. the placement feels right.
he knocks. and you answer within the same second.
the ‘it’s open!’ comes out loud. like you were expecting it. but suguru decides not to waste another moment, opening the door as soon as you grant the permission.
while shoko’s room is not the biggest, it’s definitely decorated the best. it’s been a while since suguru had been in it, and he’s momentarily lost in gazing at the area.
you’re sitting on the edge of shoko’s bed, looking up at him with an expression suguru could only really describe as intense confusion. he doesn’t blame you. he clears his throat.
“hey,” he greets, before stepping inside and shutting the door behind him. he stays leant against it.
you blink, nodding slowly. “hi.”
the air is a little awkward. suguru knows he needs to get to the point, but he himself is lost on why you look so uncomfortable. his arms cross, and his eyes narrow.
“are you okay?”
you seem almost startled by the question, subconsciously adjusting your tense position. you don’t mean to come off as frigid.
“yeah, yeah. i’m just…” your eyes look to your phone, distaste and desperation all tied together to form one weak glare. you kinda look like you want to crush it in your hands, your emotions a little intense-looking from suguru’s view. it only fuels his suspicions, and he curiously waits, eyeing the way your hair slightly lifts from the gusts of wind outside. the only light welcomed comes from the open window beside you. it’s cold; suguru can feel the breeze despite being decently far from the opening.
your shoulders are slumped, and he’s watching you intensely. an unintentional furrow in his brows, trying his best to catch a glimpse of your eyes that you’ve retreated downwards.
it’s unfortunate, really. because suguru can already tell what’s wrong. he’s reading it all over your pained face, and it feels a little sickly familiar.
when you used to visit him, you’d come over to talk on his couch, defeated and lonely. never complaining. just simply sad. at first, you cried. that quickly turned into just sitting in silence. and then you stopped coming altogether.
you didn’t talk to everyone for a while. no texts to shoko, no giggly phone calls with satoru, and absolutely no heads-up given to suguru. you had vanished, essentially.
the whole ordeal had sparked a heavier conversation. it was daunting — a change in behavior, for suguru had rarely ever been forced to really be serious, or subject those around him to anything significant. you were scaring him, though.
he, satoru, and shoko had all been in his dorm when he had initially brought it up.
suguru had said it quietly. asking no one in particular, just needing to be relieved of the thought after keeping it trapped for so long. he received no answer, and maybe it was because it was just a communal question they all had relating to you. a topic that felt too accusing to bring up, because they all knew that you really weren’t to blame.
“why do nice people choose the wrong people to date?”
he’s reminded of that memory, looking at you now.
the relationship is gone — it’s over for good (he hopes, he begs), but something is still wrong. suguru’s a little restless when it comes to you. wants to help, just doesn’t know how.
he feels himself crack, and gently, he calls out. not assertive, just a soft coax. your name sounds pretty when he says it.
“why were you late?”
you look like a deer caught in headlights, and your face turns a little flushed. but, notably, it lacks any actual embarrassment. it’s more fear, if anything.
“you don’t have to tell me.” suguru quickly assures, noticing the conflict in your eyes. it pains him a little, to see you so visibly defensive, but that reactions grows mild almost immediately. you shake your head in response.
your tone attempts to be nonchalant, but it’s clear that you’re bothered by the topic. suguru waits.
“he came over. to talk about… everything.” you finally mutter, and you continue to refrain from looking at suguru, expecting the judgement because again, you’ve let the same man contact you — let inside your home once more. as if you’ve excused all his actions in the past, and you can both be cordial. (and, again, as if there hadn’t been times you’d come over to suguru’s home just to quietly cry.)
suguru thinks you’re too forgiving. that kindness is a curse, and that you’ve suffered too much from the consequences. but that trait is something so beautiful and innocent, he prays you’ll always keep it. or, learn to control it.
“oh.” suguru replies, breaking the silence. it lacks any strong, noticeable emotion. it’s his attempt at being open-minded. “what did he say?”
there’s no berating, no questions of ‘why?’ and you’re clearly surprised from it, despite knowing you shouldn’t be. it’s suguru, after all.
“he just…” you mutter, sighing with a small shake of your head. “he wanted me to take him back. said he loved me and everything.”
with the way you loosely cradle your phone in your hands, suguru speculates that the interaction hadn’t been finished yet. and that, in a rare instance, you had finally put your foot down and stopped something.
because while you look quite disheveled and destroyed, there are no visible tears. and your phone wasn’t on when he had first walked in. in fact, you’re just staring at it.
suguru fights the relieving smile for as long as he can. but that fails him, and a glimpse of it is apparent. his head tilts.
“and what did you say?”
your hands are in your lap, unmoving and hesitant. and your answer feels nice to let out. it’s like a weight off your shoulders, finally, finally, free. an acceptance of the one thing you’ve pushed away for far too long.
a little courage finds you in that moment, and you look up to suguru. the smile you reciprocate is hesitant and bittersweet, but still undoubtedly there.
“i don’t love him.”
and a part of you thinks you’ve known that for a while. that all that adoration you once felt withered away like the respect you received, and that your self-value had gone with it.
there’s still hope in you, you think.
you look somewhat brighter, and, frankly, you seem elated. but that emotion hinders for a second, because reality, as all know, is rather bleak.
and suguru knows you’re a little worn out.
he pauses his staring, pushing himself off the wall. you don’t say a word as he sits beside you. there’s not much to say. he’s more close than he’s been in so long, and his cologne is blinding all your senses. and when you really stop to think about him, he’s burned in your mind so heavily. stars explode into supernovas.
sometimes a person doesn’t need a shoulder. it’s arms. and you welcome his touch, leaning into his warmth when he wraps his around you. it’s like a hug from a prince, a savior. suguru squeezes, gently.
it’s everything and selfless. because you know something he doesn’t, and yet he’s still treating you the exact same. despite your rejection, and your brief absence. it’s what makes your hope stand strong.
you know that love is real because you exist, and you are full of it.
your head is limp, resting entirely on him as your eyes close. you feel the little vibrations of his voice against you as he hums, and you lean a little more into him.
saying ‘i don’t love you’ broke a curse, you think. blocking his number was your final acknowledgment.
but a grueling realization is that you really have no idea what it feels like to be wanted. to experience something innocent and mutual. to have someone miss you dearly. to be known so well. you bury yourself a little deeper, voice quiet.
suguru is lovely. and you believe you’re able to admit anything around him.
“i want to be loved. like the good type of love.”
it’s a pathetic confession, and you feel exceptionally devastated as you speak it into existence. almost to the point where you want to laugh.
it brings upon a sense of dull aching, seeping through suguru’s skin and matching your glossy eyes.
you’re tense, and you pull away before the words leave your lips. it’s a bit of guilt, you think. because you know, from many trials and errors, that people really do accept the love they think they deserve.
and yet, you’re sure suguru wants you to have something different. something full of sun and pretty skies, because he’s all and generous.
so, finally, you admit it. because you’ve thought too much about it since that night, and it might break you if you don’t say it sooner.
“i think i like you, too.”
you’re stand-offish, similar to your body language that reminds suguru of record players and repetitive music. those memories should taste bitter on his cursed tongue. but, in truth, everything about you is almost infuriatingly sweet. even more so, now.
your eyes sparkle under serene moonlight. rivers of emotion, basking in trapped stars. there’s too many to count, and suguru can tell that you’re halfheartedly trying to escape his gaze, your body leaning slightly away from him with wandering vision. your consideration is cute, he thinks.
suguru’s lips curve into a smile. no sign of teasing. just plain adoration.
you’re fidgeting a little. you can feel his watchful eyes studying you, silently pulling apart each intricate detail and trying to figure out how to approach something so complex. to speak without hurting the both of you, because that almost feels like an impossible task.
“i won’t push you.”
suguru’s voice is very soft whenever he speaks to you, and it’s always earnest. you’ve noticed it lingers of fondness, sweet and melodic. soothing.
geto suguru is a wallflower. he sees things. he keeps quiet about them. and he understands. but, sometimes, he also thinks it’s much easier not to know things. to be too aware is to live in reality. and reality, again, is simply punishment enough.
suguru is aware that you love him. it’s not a conceited thought because, truthfully, he’s anything but naive.
but you’re fragile sometimes. and he knows he’ll always help mend the pieces. he respects time. and he wants you to get heal, unbearably so. he’ll wait for you. because the love he has for you is simply too stubborn to distinguish.
and he won’t tell you it’s been years since he realized it.
“just know, i meant it.”
suguru closes his eyes, gently, and leans back on his hands. the words are on the tip of his tongue, and they feel stupidly natural. you exhibit that urge — the need for declaration, to let you know that everything that leaves his lips in your presence is beautifully truthful.
you know what he’s referring to the second he says it, and it makes your face feel warm. even more so when he repeats it, and it really feels real.
“i do love you. and i can wait for a million years. you don’t have to give me a time or a date. i’ll say yes to anything.”
the devotion is enough to make your insides feel all strange, and all that emotion feels odd in your stomach, so you finally laugh, not knowing what to do with all of it. you feel like your limbs are on fire for a moment, and you’re smiling a genuine smile. it’s strange.
suguru’s eyes turn narrow and playful, and he nudges you gently. his voice is teasing. “what? don’t believe me?”
you have the urge to squeeze and hold him and never let him go. you’re in disbelief that he’s real, and he’s in front of you.
“no, no.” you lightly giggle, shaking your head in assurance. “i believe you. so much. that’s why i’m laughing.”
surely, the human heart is not meant to feel things so intensely. it’ll combust within the next minute.
suguru laughs, too. a chuckle, really, but he hopes that the moonlight is kind to his ego, and that you can’t see the pink on his face.
then, your phone dings. the volume is low, so you barely notice, but suguru’s eyes are still looking at it.
“oh,” you hum, and follow his gaze, picking it up. “it’s from satoru.”
you turn the screen so suguru could see too. satoru’s contact picture is the two of you smiling so big it kinda looks like it hurts. it’s a cute photo.
but when you open the message, suguru thinks about strangling him.
did he kiss you yet?
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no because for me the BIGGEST like MASSIVE byler proof is the fact that they've building that up for 4 whole ass seasons so clearly the story will develop more in s5.
and if it's supposed to be a slowburn why the hell should it end up with will being rejected?
the only outcome would be that he becomes a villain, but then the ending could not be considered beautiful.
so yeah, no fucking way byler is not canon.
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animentality · 7 months
Listen, I know I said I wasn't pro redeemed Gortash before, but.
I could bend on that idea, if Gortash died and went to the House of Hope.
If he was humiliated by Raphael, asking him if he truly thought that he was more than that scared little boy he bought all those years ago, the boy his servants used to beat black and blue, who used to cry at night for his parents. A boy who was terrified of him, and hated being powerless, who spent his life trying to obtain power, so he wouldn't be afraid again.
Gortash dying and being forced back there...and having to face the fact that this is what he's done to other people...and for what reason?
In the end, he was still that helpless child.
Because here's the thing right. The dark urge is only redeemable because they lost their memories and their old self truly died when they got their head split open.
They only became redeemable when they had a second chance, and took it. When they chose to make themselves better and to fix the damage they caused.
Just imagine Gortash having to be back in the House of Hope, and imagining himself spending a fucking eternity in there...
That's divine, karmic punishment enough for a villain.
Not to mention that Raphael would laugh at him and torture him and force him to wear those hideous prison robes, completely stripping him of the pomp that he used to defend himself for his entire life.
Forcing him to dress like a slave again.
But imagine the dark urge waltzed in and slaughtered Raphael for him.
And saved hope.
The parallels!!!
Gortash couldn't break the cycle of abuse, but the dark urge could do it for him, and give him a second chance!!!
Gortash was abandoned as a child, and he used and abandoned everyone he ever met, so that none of them could hurt him first!!! But the dark urge didn't abandon him.
They came back for him.
He hated them in his final moments, because they had become a hero, something they both used to despise. The ultimate betrayal...but then.
This is also what heroes do. They kill villains...and they save people.
Gortash would ask, why did you help me, what's in it for you?
And they'd just say, it was the right thing to do, fool.
Raphael was a bastard.
So I killed him.
Same as I killed you. For being a bastard.
But then they'd throw his contract at him and be like here. You're free now.
Be a piece of shit again, and I'll kill you again.
But maybe his first act of contrition is making the steel watch help you in the final battle.
I think there's a data mined line where Jaheira says you were made to save the city, right? to the steel watch, when you summon them?
That's really good.
Like Gortash...ruining the city with his stupid absolute plan and his tyrannical steel watch bullshit...
And the arc words, of actually doing what he said he was doing, and saving the city he was was ruining...from the mess he made.
Also dark urge specifically...
I still think about the dev notes, about Gortash seeing the dark urge as something more than a monster.
Or even, seeing them as a person, and not a monster at all.
He gave them a chance before they were even good. He saw them as something more than a bhaalspawn. He doesn't care if they reject Bhaal or accept him, he doesn't care if they have their memories or not. He wanted them on his side.
It would've upset him, no doubt, when they refused him.
But saving him by killing Raphael...yeah.
Maybe he'd wonder if there isn't still some of the old dark urge in there.
The only person in the world who might've really cared about him, even if they don't remember it...but it'd be a glimmer.
It'd be a little spark, a tiny connection, that would make him think they were paying him back for his faith in them.
And then maybe he'd realize what a real hero looks like, and how they act, and if someone as cruel as the dark urge could be reformed...maybe he could be too.
Still fucking better than the current endings, where he either dies or dies.
I'm talking out my ass, as per usual.
He still can't quite make up for his sins.
But...but I....I don't know. Dont talk to me.
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bonefall · 3 months
I personally like Thunder's prosthetic. Explained it to my friend (who does use a mobility device, a cane and wheelchair, and listens to me rant and infodump about BB) and they agreed, it's important to know that not every person needs what someone wants to give them. It's another example of "bad ableist person does a thing that hurts a disabled person because they are bad and ableist".
Clear Sky got Jagged Peak killed and would have killed Sunlit Frost! He would absolutely force his disabled son to be "normal" and present it like a privilege. "I wouldn't do this for anyone else, it's special, why don't you want to be helped?"
Thunder Storm should toss it in Clear Sky's face. (I would say toss it into the river but we do not pollute waterways in this house)
Thank you for telling me this, and tell your friend I'm thanking them too! If they have anything else to add please forward what they have to say
Since BB!DOTC tackles some of the heaviest topics in the entire series because its canon equivalent is so dark, I think very carefully about what I do here and how I show it. I take feedback on its sensitive aspects very seriously. If I'm understanding the criticism properly, it's that I should avoid stigmatizing prosthetics by making sure Thunder Storm's not the only one with it-- which he's not! And I'll add even more.
I don't want to avoid something only because it's uncomfortable if the topic is important, and my portrayal is respectful. Ableism IS uncomfortable! There are some situations where a prosthetic is not wanted! I think the rejection of this particular one is both a good opportunity to show a type of ableism and ALSO is very fitting for the characters.
In BB!Clear Sky's mind, the villain, he's fixing an old mistake. He can't admit that he got Jagged Peak killed or take REAL accountability for it (though he will, occasionally, apologize insincerely), but deep in his bones, he knows what he did was cruel. He'll never tell anyone this because he doesn't really cognate it himself, but Thunder Storm NEEDS to take his gift.
If Thunder doesn't take it, it blows a hole in his newest story. You see, throwing Jagged Peak out was All That Could Have Been Done back then. It was a Tragedy and he simply Made A Hard Choice. He regrets it very much, But You Have To Understand.
But now? Now? Well, behold. Look at what he's accomplished since the tragic death of his little brother. His cats are well-fed, cared for, and stable enough to make such incredible advancements. If only Jagged Peak had been able to hold on longer, if only he could be here now, I could fix him.
Just like I can (MAKE YOU JUST LIKE ME) fix you.
"Everything I've ever done is for Jagged Peak. For Fluttering Wing. For you." Thunder Sky is SPECIAL, but if he rejects any gift, tries to turn down the "privileges" offered to him, in an instant that becomes ungratefulness and arrogance. He both forces him to be special, and then leverages it against him if it's rejected. "Spoiled brat, doesn't appreciate what I've worked so hard to give him."
It all goes back to him and his own guilt. He can NEVER be wrong. He can't accept his family doesn't have to be "normal" or reflect his own ability. He won't see himself as a bully, let alone a murderer. It was never about his son's comfort or finding out what Thunder Storm wants or needs, it was about his own ego.
...All that said I'm still taking feedback if there's anything else I should keep in mind, or if anyone has a counter point, especially if you also have experience here.
(In the interest of having a link trail for posterity, here's the critique/call for feedback this is in response to)
#ALSO also I will take suggestions on other characters who should have prosthetics#Sunlit makes sense and it will make a really nice character moment later for him to have one built#There's also an amputee in RiverClan few people talk about called Stonestream#I can give him one and bump him up into a bigger character. In BB he is the sibling of Willowshine#BB!DOTC#better bones au#Also just as a side note... I love writing BB!Skystar. My ire for the character comes from his redemption arc so I feel like I get to--#--write the character I WANTED to see#Same with Bramble in other BB arcs#cw ableism#tw ableism#ableism#They're fascinating in that they always have to see themselves as the victim or the hero#They believe every lie they tell.#If you ever catch them in a contradiction they will still try to find some way to turn it on you and YOUR lack of understanding.#Interestingly both of them are ableist. Sky's is just more obvious because he's LOUDLY bigoted.#But BB!Bramble is *notably* less close to Jay for a very sad and very subtle reason.#Jay just doesn't serve his ego like the others do until much later in his life.#unfortunately most bigotry is like that.#the type you have a hard time calling out because it's a deniable bias. the constant gaslighting of being part of a marginalized group#Maybe I need to address the criticism by adding a character with a prosthetic to THIS arc even earlier#Problem is that like... Thunder's small merc group is already full of disabled characters and their THING is forming in response to ableism#OH maybe I'll put someone in the Forest Cat group which is lead by Slash?#I need to finish that last book and then gather up all the cats for sorting into allegiances
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sea-owl · 3 months
You know, I think there's some conversations to be had with Ogerpon's decision to go with the main character and the reactions to it.
Looking at the backstory for Ogerpon, she has been living very isolated on Kitikami ever since her original trainer died and the battle with loyal/mischevious three. Her story has been mistold to where she's the villain and the people born to Kitikami dislike her basically on principle. She hasn't felt safe to reveal herself to others outside of the masks festival where everyone is wearing a mask. Though based on some of the dialogue, it makes me think this is a one-off thing, and I think she finally felt brave enough because she saw the MC beforehand.
Ogerpon is shown to be very intelligent pokemon, she knows who is from the village and who isn't. She's also a curious pokemon because instead of fleeing when she sees MC and Kieran battling in front of her cave, she stays and watches. MC is probably the first outsider, like herself, that Ogerpon has come across. Kitikami kinda gives off the vibe that while they are currently trying to become more open to outsiders its a work in progress. But seeing someone different may have made Ogerpon curious enough or brave enough to go to the festival. At the festival she has a positive experience with the MC, the first positive experience she's had with a human since her original trainer. Now her past experience did make her nervous enough to flee when Carmine, one of the villagers, showed up, but I don't hold that against her.
After that, Ogerpon has positive after positive experience with the MC. They bond, MC shows a gentleness and care that Ogerpon hasn't received from humans in generations. The MC runs around Kitikami looking to take back the masks Ogerpon cherishes with Ogerpon. Looking into all of that I'm not surprised by Ogerpon's choice of traveling with the MC to put her hurt behind and make new memories.
Now, looking into Kieran. Before I go further, let me say I love Kieran. I love the arc his character goes through, but he kinda gives off nice guy energy who got rejected by his crush when it comes to Ogerpon. We learn early on that Kieran idolized Ogerpon's or the Oger's, strength. While talking with Carmine at the festival after seeing Ogerpon, she hints at, as much as can be hinted for a kids game, that his idolization may be a bit more of an obsession. Which, I am inclined to believe because we actively see him doing the same thing to MC and their strength.
Off the bat, Ogerpon isn't going to trust Kieran because he's from Kitikami. That isn't against him. That more just has to do with Ogerpon's experiences. Kieran also actively goes into Ogerpon's territory, sometimes at night, we're told, which is dangerous. That can't be a good feeling of someone rocking up to your home in the night, possibly waking you up. Especially when you don't trust the villagers as is and try to avoid them. Now we don't know if Kieran ever said anything while at Ogerpon's den, hoping she would hear or what he does when he gets to the den. But we do know she never felt safe or comfortable enough to reveal herself. Kieran mentioned to the MC that he would have Ogerpon live in his house in the village, a place Ogerpon actively avoids. So I wonder if he made that offer to her too by speaking it aloud or she overheard that at an earlier point, and it came off as a threat to her.
Back into the story Ogerpon doesn't bond with Kieran at all. He has the chance to, MC and Carmine both actively say hey let's go help Ogerpon get the masks back but he declines. Now he does go and spread the true story of Ogerpon to the other villagers but Ogerpon never asked for that, she didn't even want to step foot into that village. What she wanted was her masks back. That honestly should have been our first hint that Kieran didn't respect Ogerpon's choice.
Then came the battle for Ogerpon. At this point Ogerpon has actively chosen MC to be her new trainer and we see the negative affects of Kieran's obsession. He claims we "stole the Oger" from him, who he liked first. Carmine even jumps into this argument, saying that hey Ogerpon made her decision and they should respect that, but Kieran still wants to battle MC for her. He runs off after MC catches Ogerpon and the end scene to the Teal Mask DLC we see his obsession full on switch from Ogerpon to MC.
Indigo Disk also brings up some intresting things as well when it comes to Kieran's unhealthy obsession to Ogerpon. During your battle, he still calls her the Oger instead of her actual name, and if you bring her into battle, all his attacks focus on her. He's not over her rejection.
I also think there might be a conversation to be had about real world commentary on women's choices via Ogerpon as well. Whether the Pokemon company meant to do it or not they set it out there when they decided to make Ogerpon a girl. They reinforced it too by making players respect her decision and making her untradeable when Kieran trades with you after Indigo Disk.
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livehorses · 1 year
The Spot and Disability
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It's very interesting to me how ATSV told Spot's story. At a start he's handled as a joke in the movie. Even Miles and the audience with him laughed at the new villain in his introduction. I was personally disgusted when the bread goes across him. Also, the guy isn't good at being bad and stealing an ATM, so he can be considered as a joke.
But it's hard to admit that we as an audience, and Miles did wrong laughing at his face about his new condition. We often mock him when it comes to the bagel joke, but he clearly suffered a lot, and lost it all after the accident. He was being mocked, rejected by everyone, even by his own friends and relatives. He evidently couldn't do anything without any of his holes getting in the way (which is the thing that makes him disabled), he lost his job and was forced to do illegal stuff in order to survive. That left an irreparable emotional damage that shaped him permanently. These are actual motivations for a person to take the wrong path, and even more when you discover you have a power that could give you some advantage over the others.
All of his story is clearly similar to what many disabled people live on a daily basis. "Unfortunately for me and you, this is skin." Sounds familiar? Reminds me of people that have vitiligo, which isn't exactly an illness and it isn't contagious, but common people think it is, and they fear, avoid and reject anyone who has it. Even in these modern days, where society supposedly is for everyone and everyone matters, disabled people are still rejected and disrespected, victims of bullying, mockery and exclusion. They don't get a chance to adapt to this world, not meant for them, and they miss so many opportunities of having a job, to form a family and go places adapted to their unique conditions. This world still needs to educate its people on respecting the disabled. That doesn't mean that disabled people are doomed to become villains, no! That would expand more the prejudices towards them. But what most of Marvel villains, and more, Spider-Man villains, have in common is having an accident that left them disabled: Flint falling on a sand dispenser, Max on a pool of eels, affecting their entire lives. (Not to mention that Doctor Connors was already disabled when he recurred to a not so ethic way to recover his arm, turning him into a lizard-like humanoid)
And yeah, every Spider-Man has a similar (canon) event, they're bitten by a radioactive spider. But rather to turn them onto something horrible, they hit the jackpot instead isn't it? They get attractively buffed, they get cool super powers, they become popular and loved by most people. But the others are treated as villains, and it's true, Spider-Man has to combat crime, and in the end, he shows mercy towards them. But in the end, most of the time their condition is treated as menacing and villanious. That's why No Way Home, brings a fresh vision on helping the villains to get cured or at least treated. (Although, that's not always realistically possible for disabled people, and most of them don't need to be cured or treated like their condition is bad for them)
But the movie leaves it clear it was a mistake to not take Spot's situation seriously. The man might've taken it chill at a start, but the more he was mistreated, the more he got resentful especially with Miles, wrongly considering him the source of all his disgraces, and more when the Super-Hero laughed at him. His power grew at the same time as his anger, and by the end of the movie, Miles admits it, he's his nemesis, they're mutual enemies now, and he's dangerous. If Spot was treated better from the start, with dignity and if he was given a second opportunity, support and optimum laboral conditions, maybe Spot would be now an ally.
How wrong we were, by taking him for granted...
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cardentist · 10 months
regarding kyle from the evillious chronicles/daughter of evil series:
I don't think people ever put this in blunt enough terms, but kyle was a Victim in the situation.
"kyle had a crush on a lesbian and that's why he's a bad irredeemable character" is a take that I Still see used completely unironically to this day, and it's so baffling to me.
prim marlon, kyle's mother, is in possession of the sword of venomania, the vessel for the demon of lust. she used that sword to possess king arth, someone who was not interested in her romantically and had a wife, and forced him to have a baby with her (something that she made him forget after the fact).
to put it bluntly, as the fandom often doesn't, this was rape. she used magic to coerce him into having sex with her against his will. this is a consent issue, the power of the venomania sword is Inherently a consent issue.
and then what she did see, is she intentionally put kyle in an arranged marriage with the purpose of one day coercing him to break it.
for those who aren't aware. prim was in love with arth, arth was in love with anne. arth and anne got married and had children (riliane and allen), prim plotted to get revenge and had intended to burn the entire world if necessary to get it.
in that process she intentionally arranged a situation where riliane would be possessed by the demon of pride without her own knowledge, affecting her behavior.
riliane would become more volatile as she grew up, and in that time she'd Also grow up knowing that kyle was intended to one day marry her. having kyle Reject that marriage was Intended to send her into a blind rage, that was what prim wanted to happen.
so what she did was give kyle the venomania sword as a "gift" and Didn't Tell Him What It Did.
it was the Sword that influenced him to develop a crush, it didn't matter to prim who that crush was on only that it happened. and this, as I need to make perfectly clear. Was Prim Violating Kyle's Consent.
prim, kyle's own mother, used demonic sex magic to Force him to develop feelings that he might not have otherwise.
this isn't the only way that she hurt him, she abused him throughout his life, but I Need the fandom to internalize this.
kyle's crush was not his fault, kyle's crush was him having His Own Consent violated without his knowledge. He was the victim in this situation.
and notably ! when venomania (as the sword is named after) made a contract with the demon of lust he kidnapped women to his sex dungeon basement. when Kyle was unknowingly possessed by the demon of lust he gave a girl he had a crush on a hug.
kyle Never forced himself on michaela, he never made her do anything she didn't want to do, he just Liked her and wanted to get to know her. the fact that she was actively falling in love with someone else at the time Wasn't His Fault.
and moreover, Kyle Did The Right Thing By Ending His Arranged Marriage With Riliane.
kyle was in his early 20s, riiliane was Fourteen Years Old. the marriage was arranged without his consent when he was a child, it's not his fault that he was in that arrangement in the first place. but it's Objectively A Good And Moral Thing that he broke that arrangement, despite what ended up occurring in response.
nobody has to Like kyle, but you Cannot criticize him without acknowledging that he was intentionally manipulated, abused, and Possessed by his mother into making the mistakes that he did. kyle is not the villain of the daughter of evil series, prim is.
kyle's only crime was being straight and not wanting to be married to a minor, and in that I think he can be forgiven
The daughter of evil series: [Link] The entirety of the evillious chronicles: [Link] A guide to the series: [Link]
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neonscandal · 6 months
Happy New Year, Neon...I felt stupid cause I just found out in 2024 that BNHA ending 3 (Datte Atashi no Hiro) is a song that was written about Midoriya and Bakugou's relationship, like really? And it was in 2017, does the ship already sailed since then? (I'm started shipping BkDk since 2020)....Now we have BakuDeku and SatoSugu ofiicial songs.....
Happy New Year, anon! 🎉
OMG STOP. WHY DID YOU TELL ME THIS? I've never looked up the lyrical translation to any of the MHA songs!? I looked at a rougher translation first that said:
Touching, not touching, but I get that kind of power.  The wall in front of our eyes - let's laugh when we're beyond it!
Which reminded me of these panels during the BKDK vs All Might Exam fight (chapter 65 titled "Wall", of course):
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👆🏾Bakugo coming to terms with All Might as a foe
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👆🏾 All Might assessing Midoriya's growth and how it stemmed from saving Bakugo from the Sludge villain.
Mind you, the panel above has preceding panels that say, "It's when you're scared... when you're nervous especially... that you gotta stand up and smile!!" right before Midoriya hits All Might with everything he's got.
During the exam, we see Midoriya galvanize Bakugo and bring him back to the kind of hero he's always been. The kind who never gives up, the kind who wins to save which is later more explicitly called out by All Might as being one half of what makes him, as their idol, a good hero (the other half being his commitment to save to win which is embodied by Midoriya).
These lyrics are easier to understand and contextualize but I truly believe the ship sailed in chapter 1.
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👆🏾 These are the eyes of a damsel of distress and this is the face that spurred Midoriya into action, starting him on his path to becoming a hero in the first place. It was always Bakugo.
Loftily, I didn't get back on my anime bullshit until 2020 and, I think I didn't start this blog until 2022? so you can argue I have the gift of retrospect. But I think in the multiple instances of Bakugo being the impetus for Deku to fly off the handle and into action, self-sacrificingly (which we later realize Bakugo does the same thing without as much fanfare during this exam and both Shigaraki fights), it makes sense for this to be a love story. It may be distilled down to admiration when all is said and done but.. the proof is right there. Also, rewatch this exam arc where All Might talks about them dealing with envy, disgust, inferiority, awe, conceit and rejection. 👀
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All Might's like... "yea, I know what you are."
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
Do you ever look at a rwby character that's training to be or already is a badge carrying law enforcement officer in canon and think to yourself "damn, I wouldn't trust this person to be a waterpark attendant, I wouldn't trust this person to hold my place in a line so I could use the bathroom, if this person offered me a car ride home so I didn't have to walk I would turn them down because I don't trust them to do that."
Because I do. And somehow the fact that they might not make the best hunters is something that's not ever even really talked about in the show, at all.
Yang? Joined the Hunter academies for the thrills, had a wildly out of control temper and tbh still does, showed some anti-faunus discrimination leading Blake around with a laser pointer, and these days responds to conflicts by launching into fight mode and wanting to solve things through violence, plus doesn't seem interested in working if it's boring if her reaction to Jaune's to-do list and her exasperation through V9 is anything to go by. And she's completely rejecting any and all opportunity to recognize flaws and grow as a person atm, and seems to think admitting flaws or rethinking your past choices is villainous behavior based on her 'that's what Ironwood thought' shut down when Ruby started questioning herself and her treatment of Ren.
Weiss? Starts out as a raging anti-faunus bigot suggesting they call the police on Blake and comparing Faunus to trash cans, idolizes her 'hero' grandfather despite the fact that he was a capitalistic billionare who (iirc) tried to strip Vacuo of its resources and built the SDC into the fabric of society. Recently, she pointed what was essentially a loaded gun in the face of an underage auraless civilian because he didn't immediately spring out of the way and let her enter his house - and no, him being her brother doesn't mean that was okay. She also doesn't actually seem concerned with doing actual work if it isn't super big and important and flashy.
Jaune? He wasn't even sort of ready to enter Beacon when he did. He cheated his way in when he didn't even know what aura was, and the only reason he didn't die was because of Pyrrha saving his ass and trying to train him, and even then, he was leagues behind the others and the only reason Cinder didn't murder him at Haven was author-plot armor. But now that he's got twenty some years of work under his belt (which I still really resent) he's also doing things like calling clearly sentient people stupid and treating them like five year olds, and yelling in the face of a seventeen year old that she's responsible for plans he had just as much of a hand in as she did and victim blaming her for being attacked by an evil villain who was trying to murder her.
(To be clear, for the above three characters, I'm not saying 'they point blank should not ever have been hunters because of their traits and/or flaws and/or flawed motivations, I'm just saying that I would've wanted there to be more of themselves and others questioning it and them working on their flaws specifically and squaring away some of their more selfish motivations before becoming law enforcement officers with badges.)
COCO? She likes being feared, her friends lovingly describe her as sadistic, she thinks letting teammates have a say is a sign of a weak leader, she's judgmental towards people from Vacuo, she gives strong anti-Faunus vibes and it's treated like it's okay because she's friends with Velvet, she tells Velvet NOT to fight when Grimm are bursting into Vale in V2 and then leisurely takes her time fighting one Grimm because she apparently can't be bothered to care when civilian's lives are on the line, she makes snap judgements about people for no reason, and also she's a big old hypocrite, and defies authority carelessly.
CARDIN?!?! You would think they would've at least addressed CARDIN properly, as a real actual significant problem, since he was a future badge carrying law enforcement officer who also targeted minorities, and tried to blackmail people, and gave off strong misogynist vibes, and liked knocking around his own teammates when they got in his way. Like???? The only thing we know changed in Cardin's behavior was that he was leaving Jaune and Jaune's friends alone because Jaune had 'stood up to him.' The writers didn't think that it was important that we as an audience got to see him either get hardcore checked and start being not that way, or get expelled and restricted from continuing on as a Hunter due to his behavior? We're just supposed to be like 'oh well, there's Cardin the anti-faunus power play loving blackmailer training to be a hunter, but that doesn't matter because the writers only cared about him to bully Jaune so who cares about him now?'
I'd like to actually engage with this story! I'd like to actually have the story of rwby discuss what being a hunter means and how some of these characters aren't well suited currently to be hunters. The writers have no interest in actually making their characters good Hunters or figuring out what being a 'good hunter' even means (case in point, V9,) and instead just expect everyone to be on board with absolutely no reflection. Why should I think Weiss deserves her hunter badge again? Why should I think Jaune deserves his hunter badge? I don't currently think they should be hunters because I feel like they haven't even thought about if they really want it or would be good at it. Because ever since V2, it's just been a foregone conclusion to the writers that the mains (all dropouts in their first year) are Hunters and deserve it and will be great at it, but they've never actually bothered to convince me of it with some of these characters. They expected their audience to just think it too, and shrug and accept it, and they now refuse to engage with the flaws their characters have either or whether or not their traits are well suited to the task of being a badge carrying law enforcement officer, so... Yeah. I wish that the show challenged the 'of course they're all destined to be hunters' thing.
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kelocitta · 1 year
What if I want to hear your thoughts on the void worms and saint and how people see them? What then? Because now I'm curious ngl (no pressure tho)
Ah I certainly could try to get my thoughts in a row, and was sorta planning on it once I got a sideblog set up (I have it but its WIP at the moment) I can sorta cover what I primarily think though, a bit less properly thought out and in order. Warning for Downpour endings.
New addition made after I typed everything: I did not hold back this is so long. I went insane okay
*Small Note, I know Rain World is themed heavily around concepts of Buddhism and it's teachings, but for the most part I'm not really gonna invest much in that for my own thoughts on the things in it.
I'll start by saying I have a lot of complex thoughts on Saint, I don't dislike their campaign (It's neat!) but I do have hm… certain feelings on the what it communicates and how it communicates it, but I'll also say I think I interpret Rain World in a very different way than a lot of people do, or at least have a "second half" to the thoughts people tend to express, and the way Saint plays out gives me conflicted emotions from those feelings. That and with RW's inspirations its just… easy to be conflicted emotionally. Without going to far into things I guess you could say that in many ways I see Saint as a bad thing. Not really a villain but a… negative. It's complicated and I don't really have the words for it right now, other than I think RW does a lot with its themes of life and death and Saint complicates it as an outside force imposing a solution. And perhaps that statement there makes the caption on the art a little more clear- "Do you think yourself above it all?" as something that could be the statement of either Saint or the Worm.
Jumping from that to the "how people see them" I often see a sort of expression of surprise, mostly playfully, about how the solution turned out to be a slugcat (Saint). The idea there is a sort of novel "Ha! Its this silly little forgettable creature" but in what way is Saint any different from the worms? Are the worms not also creatures, just ones that live in an environment most cannot? They are massive and incomprehensible from our perspective, but thats hardly a new thing- there are some things just above peoples ability to understand, and that really doesn't make them abnormal or unnatural. I suppose I find the whole placement of the worms as some sort of divine creature or gods to be misplaced because even within RW the concept of a god is recontextualized- Five Pebbles gloats to the player that they are "Godlike in comparison" while rotting away from the inside and crumbling to pieces, because at the end of it all his position doesn't save him from the mechanisms of the world, even if he stands high above many of the creatures of the world and would be "incomprehensible" to a lizard or slugcat in the same way a giant space worm would be to us. Are the echos, ghosts as they are, gods? So what does it even mean to be a god, in the context of rain world?
There's another aspect, which is that ultimately the worms still lie at the heart of the solution, the final step when the survivor leaps into the void is to have themselves plucked by the worms and ascended. When artificer dives into the sea, the worms reject them for their incomplete karma (They observe them, and then leave, forcing artificer to just continue swimming), and they dissolve. They don't become an echo, they just fade away in the waves the void. Its not so much the just void sea that does the ascension- its the worms within it too. In this aspect Saint is very similar to them- but forgoes the void. To make a bit of a joke, a worm off the string.
So going back to my first statement on Saint being a bad thing… I said I wasn't going into it but damn, I am, a lot of people seem to view the void ends as some sort of "Life sucks, and then you die" kinda thing. Life sucks, you fail over and over, its unfair and horrible and then you die. And in the context of Rain World you die, and then you wake back up in a new life and start it all over again. But people tend to interpret this so… pessimistically. When actually Rain World, even the base game, actually holds a lot of love for that cycle as something worth it. Survivor wakes up after a traumatic event and they fail over and over, they exist in a frustrating environment they have no control over and no real help for- but its through those failures that they (you) get better. You fail less, you learn, you understand. And even if things stay unfair eventually you get your bearings and you can face that uncertainty with more confidence, you grow and establish yourself- you can even start going outside your safety nets and still succeed. To quote the actual achievement for survivor- "This land has become your home". The fun of Rain World, the part that sticks with people- is when it finally clicks and they start to get it, when they get just a little bit better at understanding the world they live in, the creature they are, and can find the fun in a world that is scary and unfair but something you can overcome if you just keep trying.
And that's the beauty of a life- that despite that suffering you can still get back up again and do better. You can do worse. But you still get back up. In the wide scope of Rain World's reincarnation, you can fail so badly its lethal but still, ultimately, try again. The world around you is cruel and unfair but not impossible. There can be rain and blizzards so awful that most things can't survive them but some things can, and will. Life finds a way. Even ascension, the escape- is something you can only get after you've gotten good enough to make it there. You learn how the world works, make peace with it. And at the end, if you so choose, you can take this and complete your cycle via ascension.
Downpour spins this all very differently with its endings- instead opting to give the slugcats ways to indulge in their lives- to find their homes, their families, find friends… It very much indulges in the exact opposite of ascension- a reverence for life, overcoming the suffering in return for the good. Attachment to the world. In Artificers case, they can indulge in such simpleminded lust for revenge and violence that they can lock themselves at karma one. It begs the question- is giving this up something to be desired? Is an attachment to life good or bad? If you know there is a solution to simply cease existence, what does it mean to take that choice? The Echos says as much- The Ancients understood how the aspects of how their world works. They sought such, and some failed, others didn't. Some resent their failure. Others made peace with it. Some don't understand why it was ever something anyone wanted. The rest ceased to be.
And I guess that's where Saint comes in as something I have conflict over. With the void worms there's an aspect of choice to choosing to cross yourself out. Saint acts as a solution to the fact some creatures cant possibly even know there is a way out of life to seek. The struggle for survival is, of course, a struggle after all. Death is something creatures want to escape, but failing to do so just means returning to the escape again. But what does it mean to take that choice from something that doesn't even know it has it? Will Saint take that choice from things that know it, and wouldn't want it? The iterators want it, sought it, direct those who ask to it, but that was the purpose of their whole creation. They are satisfied with Saint's choice to do so, but if the Ancient in undergrowth were still around, what of them? They seemed to not want to seek such a thing at all, moved by some unknown pressure. The world teems with life still- a harsh blizzard, a burning desert, these are not lesser ecosystems than a forest or a city. The world is not barren, not empty, and when the Ancients' towers finally crumble away into unrecognizable scrap and dirt made of rust, life will continue to pull themselves from the dust.
Its sad, its solemn to think that one day everything here and everything there will become nothing recognizable. That any link between past and future may vanish so thoroughly that no lines can be drawn between them… but it is also kinda beautiful in a way. The stubbornness of it all.
Perhaps this is just a very long way of saying I would become an echo.
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unforgivablego · 10 months
I hate it when people discount Aziraphale without understanding him as a character. Partly, it's more because people like to see bad guys doing good things. And if a demon saves children from death, it means more to them than if an angel did it, even if he lied to heaven and put himself in danger. Essentially: “he’s an angel, it’s in his nature to be kind, so what’s surprising?”
I'm not against Crowley. I like both characters, but I don't like how there are too many defenders of Crowley, while Aziraphale is constantly made into a villain. After the second season, they were generally credited with clear, disgusting images - a poor puppy suffering from unrequited love and a stupid angel who broke his heart. This superficiality is so annoying. As if only Crowley is feeling bad and only he is suffering, which means only he should be pitied.
My friend and I are currently watching a show where the bad guy who starts out doing terrible things becomes a sweetheart in the middle of the season 2. And I watch how she sheds tears from every good deed he does, as if she had completely forgotten what he did a couple of episodes ago. And I have to endure this with a mixture of misunderstanding and rejection: “Are you really serious?” There was literally a scene where a character consciously kills the main character's brother on purpose and then a couple minutes later says he's sorry. “See? He repents,” says a friend. As if that would change the fact that he killed a person (don't worry, the brother survived thanks to a lucky accident (killer doesn’t know it) but imagine if he actually killed him and then came to apologize). One good deed by a bad person always overshadows all other bad deeds, making him appear good.
Also, I think it's all about Tennant's popularity and his image as a demon. I have nothing against both, but often, if a bad character is played by a handsome sexy actor, the idol of millions and the owner of hearts, then he is loved more according to the standard. Just like in the series that my friend and I are watching now.
It’s annoying too how many people sometimes turn a blind eye to how “unkind” Crowley can be. Like, “you can forgive him everything because he once did a good deed.” I'm not saying Crowley is bad. No need to attack me with slippers. I'm talking about the tearful art that makes Crowley look broken and Aziraphale cold and cruel. I'm talking about hurt fanfiction, in which Crowley suffers more than me in the deepest depression (calm down already, seriously, I have enough suffering, give me a rainbow, fluff, romance and love). All these jokes about Aziraphale having to do an apology dance in the third season (despite this, I’m also looking forward to such a scene). Analysis on TikTok, where the angel is often called stupid and naive (the coffee theory just kills me, I fucking hate it).
Yes, I love memes. That's funny. Keep making jokes about the ineffable bureaucracy speed running their relationship in a year, while these idiots have gotten nowhere in 6,000 years. And about Nina and Maggie, the heads of the “Geordie Shore” program. About Metatwat, who got into the hands the Book of Life and he decided to shit us a disgusting fanfic. Carry on, I like it. But as long as these are jokes and not a hostile imposition.
There have already been so many quarrels about this. And all because people like one character more than another. And here we again return to the fact that we ourselves constantly separate them. We devalue one thing or another, and then hope for a happy ending.
This established clichéd system in the fandom is simply killing me. Therefore, I am grateful to every person who digs deeper than the sand sprinkled on top.
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ladysomething · 2 months
Hi! First time anon here again to share my thoughts.
I have to do it before the new chapter because I imagine your inbox will fill up pretty quick tomorrow (absolutely can't wait for tomorrow btw).
So, what I cant stop thinking about in regards to wygig is how much it reminds me of pride and prejudice. Well, mostly the dynamics between Max and Charles are to me very similar to Darcy and Elizabeth (in a non sexual way). Max is obviously Darcy while Charles is Lizzy. Max is a proud but emotionally troubled man who actually has a lot of trauma in his past who has overcome all of it to become the man that he is when we begin our story. He is doing everything in his power to protect Charles from the evil ( the evil is the same evil who has hit him - Wickham hurting Darcys sister and trying to do the same to Elizabeth vs An Alpha hurting Max's mom and Charles being in danger from Alphas). He is protecting the person he loves (whether he knows he is in love is unclear but I have a feeling he does from some of the things he said during his first POV) but this person considers him to be the villain (here comes the prejudice) and does everything to get rid of him. On the surface, he despises Max (deep down that is not true obviosuly). But Charles is so much like Elizatbeth in ... everything. He was the "special one" of the family he was his dad's "favorite" they had a special bond bc of their second gender and Lizzy had a special bond with her father also. They are both stubborn as hell, they both will not accept to be saved instead will do everything in their power to push away Max/Darcy because they falsely think the other is the worst person in the world, utterly blind to the truth that is literally staring them in the face. And Max/Darcy just step away when they get rejected time and time again because they are perfect little cinnamon rolls like that.
It seems I got a little carried away but in my head this fits perfectly! I realize I'm stepping really far away from the discussions usually going around on here lol but I hope you like my thoughts.
Also I sincerely hope you know about the story because this would just be gibberish if you dont and I'd be so embarrassed 😅. On the other hand if you do not know about Pride and Prejudice (unlikely) to me it just means you've accidentally rewritten the trope and character dynamic of the literal best love story of all time if you ask me and if thats not impressive idk what is. If you have done it on purpose I'm applauding you bc this is perfect and I will now go and try to figure out what that means for the future of this story. If someone else has figured this out before me sorry for repeating myself.
This was extremely long and im sorry. 😪
hello first-now-second-time anon!!!
so. love this whole thing. I obviously don't want to give away any spoilers, so what I will say about your ask is this: when originally plotted out, I hadn't really about the parallels to pride and prejudice. however, I have also noticed some similarities, and p&p has even directly inspired an upcoming scene.
so here is this:
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love love love everything you wrote!!!!
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tokky231 · 2 years
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I can’t take this out of my mind, this is the third time I am reading this and I cannot just keep it to myself, I need to share it!!
Deku tells Kirishima he is the key to save Bakugo successfully after he remembered Ochaco say that Bakugo wouldn’t like for someone to save him. Deku thought that if he tried to safe Bakugo, he was going to reject him. What is more funny to me about all this, it’s that Deku knows Kirishima became somewhat friends with Bakugo, he has been observant of people around Bakugo. Makes me think he is always looking at him no matter what he does, and thus he thinks that he would be a better fit to save Bakugo. If Ochaco hadn’t say anything, Deku would’ve safe Bakugo himself.
I feel like Deku when he said this to himself, was sad and at the same time desperate to safe him because he is trying other options in his plan. He really thinks and feels Bakugo wouldn’t want him to be the one saving him as he told him to stay back. He remembers it at the same time he remembers uraraka saying Bakugo wouldn’t want anyone to safe him. But what he doesn’t know is that Bakugo said that to safe Deku from more harm.
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If that were the case, wouldn’t Bakugo yelled at him instead of being soft and full of worry? After seeing how Deku was pummeled and hurt, he didn’t want Deku to risk his life just to safe him. And when he went to safe him, Bakugo yelled at him and told him the same thing. It’s not because he didn’t want to be safe, he didn’t want Deku to get more injured and lose his life in the process. He cares about Deku even when no one else realizes it not even Deku himself.
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Isn’t curious that Midoriya remembers every moment this two have been together? Because we are seeing Midoriya’s memories and narration since the beginning of the story. I feel that Midoriya feels somewhat jealous and envious that Kirishima could become Bakugo’s friend when Deku has been there since they were kids. I don’t know if someone already talked about this before but I wanted to address how Midoriya in this scene was sad that he wasn’t going to be the one to safe his childhood friend, so he requested the help of kirishima for the plan to go smoothly. In this panel, Midoriya is saying that no one else, not even him, can be able to talk to Bakugo without opposing them and make the plan go to shit.
Even when he says “then…it’s up to you kirishima”, why did he make a pause? Did he hesitated for a second to complete the sentence? I don’t know, for me it feels like Deku wanted to be the one to safe Bakugo, to be the one to grab his hand and called out his name. He even became sad when he thought that he shouldn’t be the one while looking at his hand. I just know that, Bakugo either way, would’ve grab anyone’s hand to be saved and give All Might the floor but also I know that if Deku was the one to called his name and grab his hand, Bakugo would’ve grab it either way, I mean, at the end Deku got an earful from Bakugo anyways hahahaha.
But let’s put this here now that I am talking about this, I have never seen Midoriya in this state. Never in my life I would’ve thought that this cutie pie, shy guy, fanboy of All Might, Bakugo’s admirer, and selfless could say that it was a total loss! Ma guy, you saved a little kid from another dude, and did a lot of things, how can you say that it was a total loss? Plus he screaming on the floor, devastated that Bakugo was kidnapped by villains is something that got my curiosity and liked very much. This make me also think about all those times where Deku would lose it when he sees Bakugo being harmed by others.
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In conclusion, Midoriya is obsessed, possessive, and selfish when it comes to his childhood friend.
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kellterntempest · 10 months
OKAY *breaks down door* Time for my sad Boom!Stobotnik au thoughts!!!!!!
@inkbats-writing 's tag killed me in best way and inspired me
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Stone is the one who filed the divorce.  
He believed everything they built together was broken, that he felt broken. (Hello internalized ableism) He thought he'd become just like another of Eggman's malfunctioning projects that the Doctor needed to fix. Stone tried to carry on like nothing happened, but Eggman refused to let it go.
"We can't just go back to normal villainy again! You almost died, just look at what's happened to you! You're acting like nothing happened!"
Nearly losing the love of his life had changed something in Eggman and he reacted in extremes. 
Out of guilt, and fear, Eggman forced Stone out a huge part of his life - swearing up and down it was because he was protecting him and also, that he was the supervillain husband and he always knew best. but the trust in each other was crumbling.
Stone kept refusing Eggman's helicopter caretaking, feeling lower than he'd ever felt in his life. Feeling rejected, useless and distrusted. He couldn't sleep, barely eating, and his recovery was hell. 
Pain, jealousy, bitterness, and resentment all winding up in both of them. 
Eventually at one point, Eggman's feelings of self righteous resentment finally slip through. "It wouldn't BE so difficult if you weren't dragging me down so much! After all I'm trying to do for you, you just don't seem to appreciate any of it! It's just mope 24/7 with you!!"
"Me? I don't appreciate you? You've got it the wrong way around!"
Throwing words that cut, out of pain and frustration. Needing to feel seen and heard, without either really thinking about the damage hurled.
"What was I thinking – I should never have given you a part in my plans. You should have stayed where you were, as my accountant!"
"Do you really think you can win anything without me? Without my designs? My ideas? Where would you be without me?"
"You arrogant prick! You think that lowly of me, all this time? I'm the brains, I'm the brawn, I don't need you to be a big bad supervillain!"
Silence. Then, "Sometimes I wish I never met you."
After days upon days of this spiraling and endless fighting, Stone called his lawyer. He decided to leave. They'd be better off apart, he didn't want to hear any more of what Eggman had to say, didn't want to hear apologies, or promises to fix things. He'd take his chances alone. He thought he would finish recovering on his own and be rid of it all. No more powerlessness, no more pain, no more feeling small and smothered. He thought for sure that Eggman didn't want him anymore, not in this state. 
And after the long, arduous and stressful divorce proceedings happening over months and months time, they finally both signed the documents….
And Stone regretted it instantly. Every day, he wished his old life back – he wanted his body back and their relationship back too.
But there was no going back. He had to learn to live with and accept his present life, what he lost, and his injury that would never heal.
And it was a brutal riot. Stone, a usually quiet, polite and composed man, went off the rails like a complete wrecking ball to cope. One can only bury feelings underneath for so long before they explode.
Meaningless destruction, senseless arson, sabotage, all sorts of skullduggery to get back at Eggman.
It's just what supervillains do. 
Stone dove back into the world of villainy headfirst, back into his circle of mafia friends on the mainland and started his own villainous campaign. He'd prove that he would be just as powerful and unstoppable. Chasing his dream for reasons that he told himself were right and justified.
But deep down Stone missed Eggman so, so much. Cried so many tears, angry and heartbroken. He kept his wedding ring on his person, in a locket attached to a silver cord. Half in spite, half in heartbreak, to remind himself what he needed to do. That he couldn't give up, and fail Eggman, again, like Eggman had said he would (at the end of one of their heated fights)
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dorizardthewizard · 6 months
Galactik Football season 3 rewatch, eps 10 - 12
Episode 10:
So we open up with Yuki getting mad at Micro-Ice and thinking Zoleen is his girlfriend, and Mice is dumb enough to not reject that claim when she asks him directly if they're going out. He also barely acknowledges Yuki's birthday despite previously rehearsing this dramatic confession of love to her. Thran and Ahito are literally, and I mean literally the only Snow Kids that don't have any love drama going on (I know Mark's got something coming) and every single one has revolved around love triangles, whether misunderstood or not. I can't take this anymore, I'm at my limit.
Anyway, *hits play again*
Since when did this Cyclops dude have a wholeass funded show, when he wasn't even a proper journalist before?
Oh christ this is the start of the Sinedd parents arc isn't it. Holy shit they try to stuff so much into this season. But happy we finally got the backstory on Sinedd with him not being born on Akillian!
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I can barely watch this segment holy shit it's just so awful (in universe, I mean, not the writing). Not just because I know they're con artists but it's so sudden, Hush Sharky making a whole spectacle of this on live TV in front of an audience and Sinedd had NO IDEA that he was going to meet his freaking PARENTS. WHO HE THOUGHT WERE DEAD ALL HIS LIFE. This emotional and insanely personal moment being used for entertainment fits with the corporate hellscape that the show takes place in, but what the hell. He has the full right to be pissed at Sharky.
Not the con artist parents running off immediately when the ground starts shaking 😭 Parents my ass
lol of course Micro-Ice has to fall in the cake. I think they use him for slapstick too much in this season
Tbf I quite like the villains in this season, it's an interesting dynamic with Lord Phoenix having his own motives but losing control of Vega
Sinedd's reunion with his parents is a pretty sweet moment if it weren't for the fact that IT'S A LIEEEE ToT.
Aarch yelling at Artegor about Adim... all this drama...
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This is how I picture it
Is that the fucking Netherball music
The little TV spots with Yuki and Mei talking about each other before the match are cute! Makes the world feel more lived in and gives us some more interactions between the girls, even if not directly face to face here
I like Mei berating Sinedd for taunting Yuki when she's injured but... girl. He was always like this. You knew this. Why are you surprised?? They never actually showed him becoming a better person, just that he suddenly liked Mei and convinced her to join the Shadows. And Mei does not strike me as a poor judge of character so why would she date him....?
Wow Elektras not letting Mei through to help her friend? Why? They were literally celebrating her birthday together tf??
Poor Yuki, what a shitshow of a match for her although she did score a goal (I'm guessing the Breath is more powerful than the Elektra's flux since she's running in to attack). Loved her lil' chat with Mei though, I will say this season gave us more of the girls in the team being friends which I really do appreciate.
Here for the other Shadows players cooing and awing at Sinedd with his parents, I want to see more of what the team dynamic is like since they seemed to welcome him quickly back in season 1
Thran coming through with his tech knowledge!
Episode 11:
Does Bennett just carry a harmonica on him all the time haha
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Harvey fought in the flux war?? ok cool lore I guess?????
Corso wondering whether to trust Sonny just because he didn't bring up Magnus straight away is a bit weird? I just feel that with all they've been through, it would take more for Corso to start questioning his faith in Sonny. This is also like, a 5 minute plot point that goes nowhere so why???
Tia talking with her parents about her concerns is an improvement from what their relationship used to be like in season 1, it's good to see!
Oh so Mei is a striker now. Is this implying that Mei's decision was influenced by her mother? Weren't we over that?? Still kind of sad to see her mum dismiss the SK and seem like she's still the same. Mei probably feels she'll never be good enough for her.
Not Sinedd complimenting D'jok just to be polite to Maya 😂 But what do you mean they haven't met yet? It's literally this season (I think?) that shows Sinedd was friends with D'jok when they were young kids! Maya hangs out with Mama Ice at the cafeteria as well, there's no way they've never interacted before!
Yeah Tia, it WAS stupid of you to be jealous of Lun-Zia. Weird though bc the show previously implied Lun-Zia liked Rocket but turns out she had a boyfriend all along?
Aarch: Artegor? Aarch: I'm sorry we started a bit earlier today, I forgot to mention it
Aarch you're such a petty bitch 😭
Oooo Micro-Ice is up for kick-off. Seeing them antagonistic towards each other is so sad :( Although season 1 Micro-Ice would have found a way to roast D'jok lol
I just realised team Paradisia and the Elektras probably have visors so they can have more diverse character designs in the 2D animation, while still copy-pasting models in the 3D scenes lol
Go Mark! Why did the goalkeeper run out from the goal I don't know anything about football
Nice to see Mark and Micro-Ice working together and having fun
D'jok's plan being to pass to Nikki-4 because the SK will think he's too selfish to let someone else score is so fucking funny
Oooo you don't get penalty shootouts that often in GF
I do love and miss sassy D'jok
Nikki-4: I guess you'll always be a Snow Kid at heart D'jok: At least I've got one
Bold claim with the way you've been acting, D'jok
Niki-4 threatening physical violence on D'jok lmaoo I guess she is a cyborg but it's weird D'jok actually held out until now with the way he's been acting towards the SK. Why does he suddenly now have a moral dilemma?
Episode 12:
Now to rant about the Ahito betrayal plot <3
Ok this how to beat Ahito thing is dumb from the get go. It's treated like some big secret and it would be a big betrayal to reveal it, but that's not how sports work. They could easily have figured out his weak points by just watching a load of videos of his saves, in fact they SHOULD have been doing this anyway – the best teams don't win just by playing their best, but by knowing their opponent's strengths and weaknesses and being able to exploit that! It's not dishonest it's just... how it works! Rocket was doing this back in season 1 when he was suggesting tactics!
So to treat it like a big betrayal to reveal something that's easily obtainable public knowledge is dumb. And also, they're treating this as if knowing a player's weakness is some magic key that means they can definitely beat him if they exploit it, which is... also not how sports work!! It's not like he'll definitely fail to save your shot if you hit in a certain way, and it's not like he can't adjust his play after you score a goal. It just.... it makes no sense!!
It was also kind of weird to hear D'jok talk about wanting to win honestly when he was fouling Warren last match and got scolded for disrespecting the game, they made it look like D'jok fully only cared about winning now, whatever the cost, but now suddenly he's having second thoughts and doesn't want to betray a team he's been shit-talking all this time?
I also don't like that what made him cave in the end was mind control, it takes away a lot of accountability. It also would have fit more for D'jok to continue doing anything it takes to win, so he can realise he's wrong later and that he's just been using that to run away from his feelings. As stupid as this “betrayal” is, it should have been his low point showing how far gone he is, his big mistake, that he can then work up from.
Rant over <3
Nork, commenting on a player's health problems is just rude
Of course Rocket starts feeling ill the second he has to go up
THRAN SCORES!!! Nice to see him do some shots
Goooo Lun-Zia! She's been a good addition
Last season I got sad that Micro-Ice was the first to flunk his shot, please don't let me down this time
D'jok: Ahito always jumps in place, a little more to the side he's gonna leap to. He can't control it, it's stronger than he is!
And THAT's the way to beat him? Totally foolproof? Bruh. If all the SK knew this and it's sooooo easy to score against him once you figure it out, surely Aarch should have.... I don't know, helped him train so that he doesn't reveal which way he's jumping as easily?? THIS IS EASILY DISCOVERABLE INFORMATION GUYS THE POINT OF TRAINING IS TO IMPROVE ON YOUR WEAKNESSES
NOOOOO TIA OF ALL PEOPLE???!!! I HAD TO TRADE A MICRO-ICE GOAL WITH THIS? 😭😭😭 It happens though. Also weird she's the first to use her flux so far for this like, it's penalties. You don't have to conserve your energy, just use the goddamn Breath!
TT^TT Nooooo they look so devastated :( On the other hand, kind of crazy it took three seasons for them to actually lose an important match lol it's been win win win the whole time so far, so kind of refreshing.
She thought he only hated D'jok and now she's realising he's just nasty to everyone? Girl where were you when he was bullying Micro-Ice on your team lol. I mean she didn't care back then but she does now! Mei is not dumb, writers
That was a pretty good pick me up speech, Aarch
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The animation makes this kind of funny out of context but, Artegor hesitantly reaching out to Aarch but then thinking better of it... aarrrrgh </3
Quick shoutout to the background designs in this show, they look really cool and I love how it's futuristic while still being colourful and bright. There's some beautiful art of the natural scenery too
What's up with reporters immediately wondering if a team is done for, or the coach might be resigning, after ONE loss? They're still GF champions, losing once doesn't mean it's all downhill from there
Adim standing up for her man <3
In this dub he calls her Mum-Ice lmao. So I guess it is just Mama-Ice? I do prefer the novelisation with her actual name, she's not mum to everyone, although I wouldn't mind having -Ice at the end of a name being some family tradition or cultural thing. Also love seeing her hanging out with Maya!
Poor Kernor just can't eat her ice cream in peace huh 😭
Aww Mama-Ice's speech is so sweet
Aarch needs a new start now more than ever? Why exactly?
Norata dancing in the back <3
Holy shit, Brim Simbra actually intervening?
Oooooo secret supplier guy was Harris all along, who would have guessed?
Huh looking at the ending screen of this youtube upload, I didn't know Robotboy was Gaumont animation too! Well probably Alphanim back then
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sammywolfgirl · 5 months
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Oookay so I’ve kinda been fleshing out that Shadow Milk’s muse idea and uh boy do I got thoughts.
What I’ll do with my main au I’m writing into a oneshot, in short she is very very dead, but wouldn’t you know it I got some spin-off ideas because I am a sucker for villainous power couples
So, here’s the spin-off pitch. Instead of amuse rejecting shadow milks offer to join in on you know, destroying the world, she decides to stay with him. Somehow he ends up sharing his power with her and muse becomes a sort of beast cookie, I’d say half beast since she doesn’t get a soul jam but her power is a reflection of shadow milk’s. The working name I’m calling this au is Melody Extract Cookie.
Basically everything is the same in cannon but when the clown is free there’s two of them. Evil power couple they’re adorable and will kill you dead!
Other things of note here! My own take on what pre corruption shadow milk looks like, with two different hats because I didn’t realize until later that I gave him the wrong hat, also he might have a staff idk I’m going off of a silhouette.
Also the cannon au. Basically shadow milk won’t change from what canon does too much, he just on occasion has a ‘I miss my wife’ moment. Because idk I think it’s neat to give the clown some depth.
Doesn’t change the fact he is very evil and will destroy the world with no hesitation but he can miss his muse about it as a treat
Last thing of note: I think it’s better if I don’t give muse an actual name. Shadow milk only refers to her as his muse, and idk I think it hits harder if nobody knows her real name. Only shadow milk, but debatably, maybe on some level he’s forgotten, and that’s why he only calls her his muse… (or this is an excuse for me not to name her because god I’m bad at names)
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