#also batjokes my beloved??
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phobos-exe · 11 days ago
batman: white knight making me tolerate the joker. huh.
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kailjoi · 2 years ago
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these idiots are gonna catch a cold
sketch & notes under cut
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this was kind of a rough one. i had the initial drawing of joker done but i HATED how his face looked. i redrew the whole thing, and then conceptualized this page, and then decided to give myself the most annoying lighting scenario for some reason [night, raining, cool-colored diffused light source, and warm-colored direct light source] what
but i managed it and my only regret is not putting this on a bigger canvas
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goetzeusismyotp · 5 months ago
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Batjokes in 2024, I'm winning.
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hugh-lauries-bald-spot · 2 years ago
Hii, what's your favourite rendition of the joker?
ok this is basic of me but heath ledger joker reigns supreme.
he's got just enough classic joker and everything cool and engaging about what modern jokers are trying (and failing) to accomplish wrapped up into one
hes got classic props like the playing cards and the purple suit to name a few, but hes also got the grime and grunge and overall edginess new jokers are trying for.
he brought something new and interesting without a total rewrite and reinvention of the character, in a way that kept his basic traits and general essence, motives, character (surprising to think we need to remind people about that)
he kept the important aspects and explored the new ones in a way that was compliant with his roots
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noritaro · 2 years ago
"This ship is my comfort pair"
and the pair is a fucked up mess of a relationship
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kailjoi · 11 months ago
ik it's not that serious, but: this poll simply goes to show that you can hate the ships [especially batjokes] all you want, but some of us are simply having a good time and smush characters together regardless of your opinion. so, go have fun in your hater corner where you assign morality to fictional characters :)
and rb for sample size & all that
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necrotic-nephilim · 5 months ago
for the choose violence ask game!
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
oooh, this is hard. generally any sort of "fans of this thing are annoying" for me comes with the caveat that i don't think it's *all* fans and i don't even think it's most fans, but rather a loud minority that has shaped the ship as a whole. for some reason JayRoy tends to come to mind the most, because i've been slowly dipping my toes into the Arrowfamily and i cannot *stand* any JayRoy opinions on Oliver's parenting. i think JayRoy can be blamed for a *lot* of the misunderstandings some fans have about Oliver and Roy's relationship, as well as the existence of the Arrowfam in the first place beyond just Oliver, Roy, Dinah, and inexplicably Artemis Crock, bc Young Justice (tv) will never stop leaving its mark.
any time someone gets shipped with a Batfam member, their entire fandom presence surrounds the Batfamily and headcanons are all about Bruce adopting them too and them just being another face in Wayne Manor. and for whatever reason, Roy is one of the worst victims of this. so much JayRoy content doesn't even care to acknowledge Roy's bonds with the Arrowfam, his *daughter*, his complex relationship with Chesire, his relationship with the Titans and the Outsiders, and so forth. he's just Jason's rescue boyfriend. if i have to see one more JayRoy fan act like Bruce needs to save Roy from Oliver and they badly cite Snowbirds Don't Fly, i might lose it.
i think this could also extend to TimKon as well, with a *lot* of TimKon fans not understanding Kon's relationship to the Superfamily and *grossly* demonizing Clark for the sake of Kon being Tim's rescue boyfriend. like the misunderstandings fanon has about Clark and Kon will never not infuriate me, and i *do* think TimKon carries a brunt of that blame bc it falls into the "Kon is another orphan that Bruce takes in" vibes.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
JayRose i think is a recent one! i used to dislike JayRose bc it felt underdeveloped and like slapping two characters with daddy issues together, but i've lately been more and more enticed by it bc of a beloved anon who has so many delightful JayTimRose thoughts. ironically i could also say JayRoyTim, bc initially it was not my speed but once again, some anons have begrudgingly convinced me, which is impressive bc i never thought i would come around to a ship involving JayRoy for all of the above reasons. i've also been coming around to BatJokes as of recent. i never hated BatJokes but it was certainly never For Me. lately though, that faith has been questioned and i've been interested in it.
the one i've been very unwilling to but have somehow gotten dragged into is JayTalia. i was always turned off by how that was handled in Lost Days and hated the pairing. but... i've been enticed by the dead dove potential of it. i'm being converted. to be fair i still think it was mishandled in Lost Days but... i'm sort of coming around to enjoying it for what it is. idk how i ended up here but i will take any excuse to whump Jason.
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j0kyde · 5 days ago
Ok so, hi! This is a post for my instagram since instagram is absolutely shit at the time of making a post. Follow me on Instagram as @j0kyde to see my art :)
So, this is a post of Mitski songs/lyrics that I think would match the Joker/Batjokes in some way!
Before I even start, I just want to clarify I did this for fun! You can not agree with my interpretation of the character or the song, and that's totally fine. But please, be respectful and don't leave mean comments. I'm really sensitive and I just don't wanna feel bad for a stupid post.
Hiii I decided to start posting Joker/Batjokes content too to not leave my account to die, I don't post a lot because I honestly ran out of ideas even though I have to finish like two drawings😭 but anyways please tell me about stuff I should post about Joker/Batjokes!!! Just be respectful! I'll always try my best to do my research :)
(Btw if you have anything you'd like to discuss, like I said, please talk to me in my DM's! I don't really feel comfortable arguing on a public comments section.)
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For this one, I obviously instantly thought about Batjokes and Joker's desperation for wanting Batman's attention finally, but Batman keeps pushing him away despite their relationship because of his own inner conflicts.
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For this specific part of the song, It made me think of Jeannie and Joker/Harley and Joker. I kinda could see it of Joker first started to seem interested in Harleen because he found her similar to Jeannie. (This is kinda more of one of those headcanons that I wish could be canon lol) And for the last line, I can think both of Harley wanting to be Jeannie and be loved by Joker like he loved Jeannie, or also Joker wanting to be Selina.
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Well, OBVIOUSLY this one is about Batjokes and how Joker seeks Batman's attention and approval, wanting to be the only thing he sees and cares about, Joker hating whenever Batman ignored him or, like the song says, 'where he doesn't see him'.
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Also could be Batjokes. I interpret the 'war' as the unhealthy obsession Joker has for Batman (and also that Batman has for Joker, but this post it's not about that) but it could also be his homicidal urges or the constant seeking for chaos and destruction, something that not only destroys Gotham, but in the end it also destroys him, slowly making the humanity inside of him fade.
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Batjokes too (wow surprise) and specifically the line on the top reminds me of his hatred and jealousy for the Robin's. He hated them because he wants to fight with Batman. He wants him all for himself. He wants Batman, not some stupid Robin to fight with. He wants the Bat, HIS Bat. Just the two of them and no one else to get on their way.
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I think this one is pretty much obvious too, how he is nothing without Batman. Batman is his everything and lives for him. Whenever Batman joins at anything the Joker is in, it just makes it so much better for him. Without Batman he's just a clown with no purpose. Batman gives him a purpose, to commit his crimes and to live.
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I feel that this could describe the unhealthy part of his addiction to Batman. It's an addiction after all, an obsession he can't get off his mind and also doesn't want to. He knows it could never truly work, Joker perfectly knows how this is probably going to end, they both know it. And yet he still goes for it, he still goes for that dance with his precious and beloved bat, even though he knows it's not gonna work. He keeps betting on losing dogs.
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This specific song reminded me of Arkham Joker, for wanting to be remembered even if it's only by Batman. A reminder that he wants to leave a mark both in Gotham and in Batman's heart and mind, he wants to leave a scar, more than the one's he already left in his body. He wants to be remembered by him forever and ever, not wanting to die in his memory and in the memory of everyone else in Gotham. Something I like of Joker's past (when he has one) is that most of the times he's a nobody, no one important who wants to become someone who can be appreciated by the rest of the people, admired, loved. An example of this is Arthur Fleck; “For my whole life, I didn't know if I even existed” (maybe it wasn't the exact quote, but it was similar). He was a nobody who has now become a somebody in everyone's life in Gotham, even if it's in a bad way. He has left a mark, that's the important thing. Because he knows he exists, that people know he exists.
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Now, this is a more specific one. The Joker is sometimes seen as someone childish. He behaves like a child sometimes. And this exact part reminded me of Streets Of Gotham. (I really recommend it because it has one of my favorite Joker backstories and name for him). I honestly don't have much to say about this, because it only makes sense if someone has read the comic (or at least search for screenshots of it) you can find it on Google I think. Since it's a story that explores the childhood of the Joker, in one specific part one of the character's talks about how Joker seemed like a kid. An adult who has never grown up, like someone who never had the chance to grow up, and it's an aspect I like a lot from this one backstory. SPOILERS! tw; CSA
it's not only a backstory that had only included CSA (child s*xual ass*ult) as shock value, but it matters to the Joker in that context. How he never had a childhood, how he never had experienced what a real childhood felt like because he was being abused for God knows how many years just to be later probably living on the streets for a long time.
An aspect I like from lots of Joker's backstories, as edgy or whatever could it sound, is trauma. Doesn't mean what kind of trauma, it doesn't have something as brutal as Streets of Gotham, but it can be something of the level of The Killing Joke where he was poor and lost his wife. But I think what makes him interesting is his persona before becoming the Joker was totally the opposite from him. Most of the times an anxious, scared, and vulnerable man who wants the best for others and tries his best for the people he cares about. It's a big contrast that I think matters a lot in comparison with Joker's persona after the chemicals. But anyways, that could go for a new post.
Well, I'll end the post here because it's 2 am and I have to wake up at 6 am tomorrow and I want to sleep. I hope y'all liked it! It's my first time writing one of these big posts and actually expressing myself in english. Sorry if I made any grammar mistakes (please let me know if I did), like I said it's pretty late rn and I'm really tired. Besides English isn't my first language, so yeah. Anyways! have a great day and let me guys know if y'all want me to talk about something else about Batjokes or Joker! ^_^
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treetownconfessions · 8 months ago
fliqdid is htf batjokes
it took me a bit to realize this was probably in reference to batman and the joker. to be fair my favorite superheroes are anime girls (and a boy cure wing my beloved) and also the afformentioned. very tired but i have 2 go to therapy in a couple hours so i cannot nap
- nemmy
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headcanonasks · 10 months ago
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Hi!!! I'm Noah (she/they) and after a long hiatus, I'm coming back to this blog! My main blog is @fantastictrashpolice but this blog is going to be for me to dump writing prompts and headcanons.
My requests for fandom-less writing prompts are currently open, my requests for fandom-specific writing prompts are currently open, Headcanon requests are open, and requests for both fanfiction and original fiction are closed.
My current hyperfixations fandoms are:
Transformers (MegOp my beloved)
FNAF (not just Security Breach!)
MCU (there are some newer tv shows and movies I won't write for)
Marvel's What If...? (only season 1 of the tv show, I need to make time for season 2...)
Welcome Home
Undertale (Occasionally)
Legend of Zelda BOTW (Occasionally)
Also I ship SuperBat, despite not watching anything from DC since Batman the Animated Series. (Unless the continuity is the Lego Batman Movie, at which point I ship BatJokes)
If you've stuck around this long, congrats- have a turtle :}
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bruciemilf · 2 years ago
how about C L A R K for this fandom questions thingyy
hope ur doin fine :D
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
I'm not a batjokes girlie, yall stay safe tho
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
2022! Riddler was funny af for his ID pics jjs
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
Bruharvey <33 and also jaykori bc Gotham knights Jason,,,,, my beloved,,,
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
I'm gonna go with Jaime Reyes + Jason too, actually!! On the fence abt it being platonic or romantic, but the dynamic would be cute sjsj
K -Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms
Like, mutuals? @coffinbirds understanding of character and their behavioural mechanisms never fails to astound me. They have amazing meta and should be listened to always (do I do that 100% of the time, no, I'm a fluffy bitch, but they're fucking smart okay)
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ultra-raging-ghost · 11 months ago
Last song: Spiral of Ant by Lemon Demon
Favorite color: Sage green and Dreamsicle orange
Last movie/tv show: Last MOVIE was uhhhh the Labyrinth, with David Bowie
Sweet, Spicy, or Savory: Definitely savory but im a huge sucker for sweets
Relationship status: TAKEN!!!! By my beloved bf of almost 2 years <3
Last thing you googled: "Yoichi mha" i was reading a fic and lowkey forgot who he was lmfao
Current obsession: QSMP, but im getting back into old MCRP's from like 9 years ago and im rereading homestuck :3 also have been getting more into batman for some reason.... batjokes supremacy
@gahd-its-ron @miscellaneoussmp @disfrutalakia if yall wanna >:D
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
WOOPS I did not have time to do this for the past like, week but I've been wanting to bc I love silly little memes like this. Tytyty @ithillia for the tag :3
Last song: All Our Bruised Bodies And The Whole Heart Shrinks by La Dispute (It makes me think about Fives and it hurts so fucking much) 
Favorite colour: GREEN!! and also blue 
Last movie/TV Show: TCW of course, I had a Bad Autism Time™️ and my gf put on the fucking Umbara Arc to calm me down. It worked like a charm what the fuck is wrong w me lmfaooo. 
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: All of the above but spice hurts me. I do it anyway tho, mama raised a little bitch but she didn't raise a quitter lmfaoo. 
Relationship status: So fuckin down bad for my girlfriend hhh 
Last thing you googled: fuckjgn AO3 LMAOOO 
Current obsession: clonesclonesclonesclones forever. I haven't had a special interest/hyperfixation this deep since I was like 12-14 so like this is one of the most important things in my life tbh. Specifically like thinking about how their culture would work, and their solidarity, internal conflicts, shared trauma and how that would relate to those things. Their ideas about personal and cultural identity and how that would vary individually. Things like how their upbringing must have felt, how that affected them and who they became later in life, the things they're taught vs what they truly come to believe once they're out on the field, the psychological effects of O66 on the clones who survived and the devastating impact it must have had- Bro stop me or I'll keep going forever like. I'm in deep and tbh? I wouldn't change it for the world. 
NPT: LMFAO bold of this title to assume that I know 9 people on this site, or am brave enough to tag ppl I haven't talked to often fhsjdmksmf SO if you see this consider yourself tagged. Yes, You. idc if we've never talked It's probably bc I'm too baby, so (unless u don't feel like it) do it 👀 also @mamuzzy and @whatislifewithoutangst if y'all haven't already and wanna do this here u go! 
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chesspens · 2 years ago
do u have a fic rec? if so, pls share >:3
I have not been reading fanfiction lately but I will list out fanfics I read on my free time.
Dracze on AO3 : Very amazing writer, just read any fic of theirs really, love their characterizations for both batman and joker.
Honestly this fic feels like the fic that all Batjokes shippers should all read. It's like the initiation fic for entering this community. The plot revolves around the rehabilitation of joker, and a lot more things actually. it's just a very good fic overall, though I wanna give you a word of warning it is unfinished but read it anyways it's too good too pass really.
This fic I read every Christmas from now on, very lovely, very dearly beloved, first amnesiac Batjokes fic I ever read. You should read it. It's so good!
This had me sobbing in the middle of the night, literally out right crying into my pillow like a wee lad, incredibly bittersweet. If you want retirement batjokes this is brilliant, no spoiler for the ending just read it.
Very, very sweet fic. a must read as well, honestly don't wanna spoil any of the plots of any of these fics.
Distort-opia on AO3 : Honestly I feel as though I have read every batjokes fic of theirs, I love their flavor of batjokes, such dark obsessive longing but also I very sweet.
HAHA I was so normal about this fic, I totally wasn't absolutely screaming and dying over this fic. I listened to romantic homicide after this on repeat like a broken record. My therapist will hear about you distort-opia.
Unfinished but I am incredibly in love with the plot of this fic.
Would be criminal if I didn't add this in, such a good fic I very literally devoured this fic in one day. I was just in awe of it really. I was very insane about this fic really, read it now.
Warning for non-con, but I promise you it is so good. I read this so often because I really wanna draw that scene so badly. If you read it you know which scene I am talking about.
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gothamsfinestdummy · 3 years ago
found your blog while i was first getting into the batjokes fandom and its just been a joy to follow ♡ i wanted to ask what’s your favorite official batman and joker designs currently? hope u have a nice day!
Heya!! Very sorry for getting to this one so late. I'm so so so glad that you love my blog, that means the world to me. Hope it continues to be a joyful follow to you <3
Regarding your ask, I have a few favorites! Starting with Jonker, I've always been deranged about Joker's design in detective comics #569-570. He. Is so. Hhhhhhh.
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Look at him. I literally made a whole post foaming at the mouth and rabidly screaming about how much I adore him. He's my favorite, your honor. Also he and his henchman here have so much chemistry.
Another Joker design that I also want to eat up like a delicious meal is his Death of the Family design. I know that a lot of people aren't really a fan because of the body horror, but I am a slut for that stuff, so I dig it tremendously. I remember he was all I ever drew for a good two weeks. Greg Capullo, I applaud you yet again for your awesome work (and Scott Snyder for the idea in the first place, of course).
Enrico Marini's Joker designs are also very lovely and I adore that he goes outside of the box regarding his makeup and outfits. Soooo awesome. Very big fan of the playboy bunny fit, lol.
He's just a head, but I am ADDICTED to Joker in LKOE, I cannot express it enough. I want to shake him around in his jar so BAD. (And the fact that his pupils aren't fixed points of hatred?? Deranged about that)
LONG HAIRED JOKER MY BELOVED. Specifically Greg Capullo's DNDM design. sighhhh.
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He needs to grow his hair out more often. Mr Capullo, if you're taking commissions, sir...
Okay. Anyways.
Here are some other designs that I'm also obsessed with:
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With our lovely Jonker out of the way, let's move onto Bruce!! I'll be honest, I don't have as many favorites with him as I do with Joker (because honestly there isn't too much of a variety from what i've seen), but I do have some!! For example...
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This HAS to be my all time favorite design. I'm just so in love with the purple. I find it hilarious that even his rogues commented on the purple. Mr Capullo back at it again. Just love how he draws him in general.
I also really love Bruce's DNDM design!! (yowzah, more than one DNDM favorite??) Addicted to the spikes. He just looks even more badass than usual.
I also like it when his cowl has absurdly long ears, it's super funny to me. The all black and yellow with glowing eyes look for lego batman (the one everybody is familiar with, lol) is really cool.
There are likely more designs out there that my brain isn't registering at the moment, but if I come across more or think of some others, I'll update via reblog.
Thank you so much for the ask, anon!! It means a lot to me. And again, very sorry that I got back to this so late. I hope that you're doing well, too. Stay safe out there!! <3
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ziracona · 2 years ago
Harvey Dent or John Doe for the character bingo? (Maybe the latter cause I remember when you first started blogging about it and I had So Many Concerns until I realized the timeline lol)
Yeah :’-) you have no idea the crippling pain of wanting to weblog The Enemy Within knowing technically it’s tagged as ‘Batjokes’ but that it will mean everyone on your dash who hasn’t played telltale batman and knows John Doe is a thoroughly different character will think you actually ship Batjokes batjokes and in what look to them like the most romanticized woobified way 😭😭😭😭 the love of BruceJohn & desire to reblog art vs the horror and fear of people thinking you romanticize normal Batjokes : fight
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Here’s for John! He’s SO good. Even people who never got into any version of Batman I think would enjoy the Telltale series. It’s like a bomb ass Batman fic you wish got an adaption getting an adaption that’s canon. You can avoid canon fates sometimes if you love and try hard enough. Bisexual Bruce Wayne in love with 3-4 people. John Doe exists. Anyway! They totally reimagined Joker in Telltale as just this little creechur of a guy who’s crazy (neutral descriptor) and doesn’t fit in with society, has been in an asylum for years, but he’s not Joker at all. He’s a tripple threat. Gets nothing, is trying though to learn who he is and what the world is. Tries SO hard but just doesn’t get things easily. A true poor little meow meow. Baby. He’s never done anything (very) wrong in his life. He does so good and the world does him so dirty. I’d trust him with my life. They flipped the abusive brainwashing Joker-Harley dynamic the other way for the game too and fascinating. Anyway, he’s a 10/10 and I adore him.
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And there is Harvey. Harvey literally never did anything wrong and The Long Halloween Big Bad Harv my beloved ALSO did nothing (very) wrong. Love when they adapt the DID well. Telltale Harvey is maybe my favorite Harvey ever? And The Long Halloween my favorite BBH. I know you asked about Harvey specifically and this is his answer but also I want to mention BBH my beloved. Uhhh anyway. Telltale Harvey is a sweetheart and a good man and he’s SO good? Like even drugged out of his mind in ep2 he’s still putting his life on the line to save people who don’t deserve it and so full of love. And he’s so scared? They do a great job with the psychology for him, and the “I don’t want to be alone,” kitchen scene breaks my fucking heart. Die for interesting and remotely well done DID characters. Love being able to try and support and save him first hand. So much of his dialogue I cry about. His Ep5 opener makes you sick physically with anxiety if you get it. TLH Harvey also my beloved. He’s trying so hard. He didn’t deserve what happened to him. Love BtAS Harvey, love comic Harvey. All Harvey, all the time, that’s my boy, I’d literally die for him. I want to marry that man, or bodyguard him and fight people off like a loyal guard dog.
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noritaro · 3 years ago
Tagged by @katekanemybeloved havent done these in awhile les gooo
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better! Of course, no pressure to play if you don’t wanna :)
Three ships: batjokes, gotham city sirens ot3 and symbrock (shout out to the gays and monster fuckers <33)
First ever ship: I dont remember I THINK--- it might be Blaze the Cat x Silver the Hedgehog I remember watching so many amvs of them when I was a lot younger
Last song: this is embarrassing it's the Misery x CPR x Reese's Puffs remix 🤡🤡
Currently reading: Dandadan by Yukinobu Tatsu its pretty much a shounen battle manga on drugs kinda like Chainsaw Man, in fact the mangaka used to be an assistant for Fujimoto-
The next book I’m planning to read: There's a lot of comics/manga I wanna read but uh there's My Adrogynou Boyfriend by Tamekou, looks very wholesome and cute also I took one good look at the cover and decided to gender envy. On the complete opposite side of the spectrum there's Infidel by Pornsak Pichetshote, it's a horror comic about xenophobia that's all I know tbh, didnt exactly look into it very much cause I just jump into horror since its my favourite genre lmao.
Currently watching: Kamen Rider Revice, show made for 7 year olds make brain go brr
Currently consuming: ice cream my beloved
TAGGING: I'm an idiot who is terrible at making friends lmao so I dont know who to tag so if youre reading this and wanna do this go ahead!!
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