#allow me to post this and then Look Away
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vigilskeep · 2 years ago
hi hello @demandthedoodles was kind enough to tag me in wip fridnesday, that well-known day of the week, so i dug up a little keir and anders snippet. it’s not that deep it’s essentially just 1k of anders being embarrassing
(context: this is set at the end of the Act Break Breakdown™️, so basically keir hasn’t been in town for nearly a year in the time between act 1 and act 2. this also makes it set before any kind of relationship)
As soon as light bloomed inside the lantern, Anders nearly jumped out of his skin. There was a figure, waiting, in the dim light.
Hawke was in the doorway.
Hawke, of all people, was in the doorway.
As a mage, Anders was in the business of altering reality. Somehow no spell he had ever cast had seemed quite as improbable as the mundane fact of Hawke’s broad shape filling out the doorway of the clinic. He was a little hunched over, lending an awkward slant to the thick fur pelt worn over his shoulders, and letting his ragged dark hair fall loose to one side. It was longer than ever, almost to his waist. That was what startled Anders, more than anything: the reminder that it had been almost a year since the last he had seen of the man.
Frankly, he had not expected to see him again at all. “Hawke?” said Anders, baffled.
Hawke blinked, slow and cat-like. There was something strange to those yellow-gold eyes that had not been there before. Before Anders could place it, a motion of Hawke’s right arm, cradled to his chest, drew his attention. Anders only realised it was, in fact, an arm, when his sleep-deprived vision had cleared enough to see past the blood.
The blood. In an entirely different voice—an uncharitable listener might have called it a yelp—Anders said, “Hawke!”
“Healer,” answered Hawke, with a grimace. He was only wearing light armour under the fur, nothing more than a chest-plate, pauldrons, and bracers, no doubt a born and raised Fereldan’s concession to Kirkwall’s latest bout of sweltering summer heat. It left the injured arm mostly bare. It was drenched in red, which had poured down from a thick, ugly gash across the meat of his bicep.
“Maker’s breath,” said Anders, rushing over and immediately taking his other arm by the shoulder to pull him into the clinic. He was mildly aware it was a liberty to take, after almost a year, but there was no standing on ceremony in the clinic, and Hawke had never minded before. “What happened?”
Allowing himself to be moved, and Maker knew Anders could never have moved him otherwise, Hawke said, “Carta.” Right. Never one to waste words, this one.
Anders headed for one of the cots, manoeuvring Hawke approximately in its direction so he’d take the hint and sit down. How long had he been standing out there? “Why didn’t you just come in?”
Hawke did take the hint and sit down. With his free arm—his left hand, and Anders idly noted the dexterity he had with it—he loosened the distinctly Fereldan brooch that pinned the fur pelt around his shoulders, letting it slide free, and raked his long hair to one side, out of the injured arm’s way. “The lantern wasn’t up yet,” he said, like this explained everything.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” said Anders. “You must have heard me moving around.”
Despite the pain the movement must have cost him, Hawke shrugged. “Lantern wasn’t up.”
There was no use standing over him, at Anders’ height. He sat next to Hawke on the cot so he could face the wound. He was dismayed, almost immediately, by how distracted he was by Hawke’s closeness.
Nearly a year, and he wasn’t over this? A little mortifying, he had to admit. Maybe it was just the surprise. The sudden immediacy of him, after such an absence without any thought of his return. The familiar smell of blood and sweat and kaddis, and an excuse to zero in on the muscular thickness of his arm. That was all. Anders reminded himself he had a job to do, and focused on examining the wound.
The first thing he noticed was that the cut had sliced a tattoo raggedly in half. It took Anders a moment to piece it together as the sword and anvil of the Red Iron’s sigil, a souvenir of Hawke’s indentured year with the mercenary band. Justice flashed like a throbbing headache behind Anders’ eyes, remembering the onslaught of refugees that they had both poured in with. So many forced to lower themselves to such depths, all for the questionable privilege of feeding into this meat grinder of a city. “Glad to be rid of this, are you?” he said lightly.
Hawke frowned down at it. Too late, Anders remembered who had done that year of service with him, who also wore that mark on her arm, and he cursed himself for ever forgetting. As long as Bethany was in the Gallows, he couldn’t let himself forget. “I can live without it,” he said.
Not on Anders’ watch.
He lifted his hands and began using his magic to feel out the shape of the injury, to understand the cut that had made it and the stitch that might weave it back together. In the heat of battle and desperation, he might have done quicker, clumsier work, but Hawke wasn’t in danger. (Though Anders dreaded to think what might have become of the arm if Hawke had waited for the bloody lantern an hour or two longer.) He could afford the luxury of taking his time. With any luck, he could save the tattoo with almost no scarring at all.
After several long minutes of near-silent work, Hawke said, “I missed this.”
Anders blinked, and looked up from the wound, outside of which he had almost forgotten that Hawke was there. Hawke was looking back at him, steady and contemplative. Anders kept noticing details he’d almost forgotten. Hawke had longer eyelashes than you’d somehow expect of a man of his roughness, hidden a little away into the fold of his eyes, only visible at this angle.
“What?” said Anders, backtracking from all thoughts of eyelashes to parse out what Hawke had said. “You’ve missed getting cut up? Tell me you’ve found a line of work that doesn’t involve that and you’ll really give me a fright.”
“Not that.” The corner of Hawke’s mouth had turned up slightly.
Well, that was worth pursuing. “Having your own private healer, then?” he said, and he added his best suggestive raised eyebrow, just for masochism’s sake. “It must have been a trial to do without me.”
“It was,” said Hawke, entirely seriously, as ever, which flummoxed Anders so thoroughly he looked back down at what he was doing, which was probably a good idea. “But I meant magic. I missed it.”
That stunned Anders even further into silence. He flexed his fingers as he pulled the seams of Hawke’s wound together, binding flesh to flesh, and tried to remember if he had ever heard anyone else say the word magic the way Hawke said it. It was not unlike the way the Warden-Commander had spoken the words: In war, victory. In peace, vigilance. In death, sacrifice. It was not unlike the way Justice had said justice, when he’d had a voice of his own to say it. It was not even particularly unlike the way Anders had heard Chantry sisters utter the Maker’s name. Reverence. For magic. He had not thought to hear it again.
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nonebinary-leftbeef · 2 years ago
DEVASTATING the lyric you've been mishearing is better than the real one
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egophiliac · 2 years ago
Have you heard of the "Crowley is Malleus' dad" theory going around? Where Prince Levan (or whatever his name is) didn't actually die and just went out to get some milk and is now known as Dire Crowley, the silly man? The implications of that theory is absolutely hilarious when you think about it
hold on, we can figure this out, we just need LISTS
unspecified fae of some kind, with similar coloring to Mal
the animal masks are apparently a Briar Valley thing
has some kind of big blackmailable secret that was alluded to in episode 4, and then as far as I know never brought up again
(unless this was just Azul bullshitting, which is extremely possible)
based on Diablo, which...maybe means something?
has canonically worn Dad Shorts
(gestures to Crowley's entire personality)
NO LISTEN Revaan was the guy they sent off on diplomatic missions and to take care of delicate political situations, and...look, I love this dweeb, but would you trust Crowley to be in charge of negotiating your war treaties
despite my brain insisting on reading his name as "Raven", Revaan's title does imply that he was also a dragon (or super into longan berries, I'm not ruling that out)
currently unclear why Lilia "my closest friend Revaan...he is no longer with us...I used to make fun of him for being kind of a priss about eating jerky..." Vanrouge has somehow not noticed or said anything
Malleus' Aloof Anime ~Aristocrat~ vibe had to come from somewhere, and by all accounts it was NOT his mom's side of the family
turns into a bird in the opening, I don't know if that means anything but it's kinda cool, I guess
all that aside, if Malleus and Yuu are any indication, then the Draconias have...questionable taste in their social choices. so anything is possible!
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fiona-fififi · 5 months ago
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shayberri789 · 2 years ago
Something about how in chapter 4 of trc Adam is insecure about the fray on his second hand sweater, and how it's a symbol of his background and insecurities, and how most people don't notice it, and if they did, they didnt think better of him for it
And how Blue saw it immediately and it was something she liked about him, a girl too good at seeing the vulnerabilities of other people, but Adam didnt want someone to see his insecurities, didn't want someone to acknowledge that life
But Gansey did. Gansey needed someone to see him at his worst and love him for it, and blue did that
And how Adam needed someone to see him at his most unruly, and encouraged that
And Ronan makes Adam loud
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cowchickenbeefpork · 2 months ago
You know, I was thinking about a more comic accurate appearance to Sofia falcone and how it would relate back to Jim since jim is how she is introduced in the story really and he also has sexual ties with her in this verison of the Batman mythos and uh.
I realized that if she was more buff and “ugly” like her comic appearance then their relationship would be similar to Jim and Oswald’s in a way because Jim is getting bossed around by someone he doesn’t not agree with and does not fit neatly into traditional genders but he has to work with because they’re a necessary evil. If we’re going to make her act like Oswald in a way, why not go futher? Why not keep the detail that she’s feminine a wrong way? It would connect her further with Oswald in the narrative and would bring a whole criminals being non conformist in gender thing that Gotham and Batman media in general loves to use.
Also, her being less traditionally feminine in appearance like she is in the comics could also be a tactic used for manipulation for Oswald since she could use how she looks and how it has affected her in her life in order to make Oswald think maybe he can trust her since she has experienced things similar to what he has gone through. She’s trying to replace the hole Edward left in order to destroy Oswald, so wouldn’t making her be non conformist in a way similar to Oswald is in one area make it easier for her to get closer to him since Edward fulfilled that role before? She knows he’s craving for connection from someone like him, so wouldn’t making her look more like her comic form make manipulating him into thinking she actually cares for him slightly more easy?
Nevertheless, Gotham is too sexist to not cast a conventionally attractive women for every major female role so we’ll never see this kind of shit….sigh…….HER BEING LESS TRADITIONALLY FEMININE LIKE SHE IS IN THE COMICS WOULD'VE BEEN SO INTERESTING FOR THIS SHOW!!! IMAGINE HER OWNING THE FACT SHES DIFFERENT DESPITE HOW IT MAKES OTHERS AROUND HER UNCOMFORTABLE!!!! AUGHHHH!!!!
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silver-dragonborn · 8 months ago
About Rhaena's storyline
I've heard rumors about Rhaena's story arc, and I swear to all that is holy if she gets blamed for the little ones being kidnapped or worse, I will lose my shit. I'm scared because the same woman who should have saved that vitriol for Alicent, who made her life hell, will unleash it on the girl she practically raised and show her little to no grace. Also, if the writers are going down the Rhaena/Nettles storyline, I'll doubly lose my shit if she calls for Rhaena's death to "avenge" her boys.
This will set off a domino effect where Rhaena will be written in fanfiction as incompetent or a secret agent of the Greens and the newest punching bag for hardcore Daemyra fans who hate anything or anyone related to Laena. Even worse, Rhaena's character will be completely ran through the mud by show watchers who have never read the book. Also, it wouldn't make sense for Rhaenyra to lay blame at Rhaena's feet because she gave her specific instructions to write to the Prince of Pentos for sanctuary. I don't know maybe I'm worrying over nothing but I pray that this doesn't happen.
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 6 months ago
Okay so I am back to reading Star Wars books, and I have JUST started Shatterpoint and I already know this books is gonna be great because..
No more than a couple pages in (it’s an e-book idk how many pages in the physical copy it is..it might be the first page idk 🤷🏻‍♀️) Mace Windu expresses regret over not killing Dooku on Geonosis
He’s overthinking and stressing over that decision and why he made it
And what is one of the reasons he couldn’t bring himself to kill Dooku?
Because they were friends
Because he LOVED HIM
Yeah. You read that correctly. Mace Windu loved Count Dooku. His words. Not mine. He used the word love. They were friends before Dooku left the order and Windu admits it to himself that he could not let him go, could not separate the jedi he knew with the man in front of him.
That’s right. Mace Windu. The man whom so many fans believe is a cold and unfeeling asshole.
That man, believes that he potentially allowed his love for the Dooku that was his friend stop him from killing him.
He thinks he might’ve
allowed his emotions to cloud his judgement
and cannot get over that feeling of regret.
And that is so goddamn important to me.
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coridallasmultipass · 3 months ago
#hhhhh it always feels weird going into the notes on an old post and seeing a person i knew who passed away#like just a random old fandom post#we werent close but like. it was nice always seeing that person at meetups and feeling welcomed by them#(since i was the newcomer there for college)#i was miserable but i still really miss that time in my life and think about all the ppl i met there all the time#fuck im crying lol i wish id been better friends with literally anyone there but especially that person too#fucking social anxiety and people dying young and moving back and forth from college ugh#i wish i did a ton of things differently#i hate not being an outgoing social person#but thats how my family raised me - to be introverted and quiet bc im the weird one in this stupid rural town back at home#i had a taste at freedom and all i did was take a sip rather than the whole drink#its really hard looking back and judging myself tho bc i know i was really going through a lot w mental and physical health#but if i knew it was only going to get worse i wouldve pushed myself harder#i miss that person and everyone else i met there and its hard feeling like im not allowed to grieve for a person i hardly knew#i always feel like an outsider no matter where i am or the people im around#i dont have history with anyone so its like. how tf do u start over new when everyone else already knows each other#all the small moments of momentarily feeling like a part of a group meant so much to me#anyway im ugly crying now i gotta try to do something else#vent#personal#delete later / /#ShitPost.exe
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pardonmystardust · 2 months ago
Starting to become. Honestly a bit miffed at UPS.
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sassyandclassy94 · 5 months ago
I just love how people put so many f-words in their 1930s boys in the boat fics🙄 and that it’s said so much in the HBO War series. Guess what guys? My great grandfather LIVED in that time AND he spent time in the Army Air Corps and he said (as told by my MOM who actually ASKED him this when he was still alive) that people did NOT throw the f-word around back then. In fact it was scarce even in the military, let alone society.
So there, Tom Hanks and all you lil fic writers. Your use of vulgarity in fics/series, is NOT cute nor makes you sound intelligent, but instead it makes your stories painfully inaccurate.
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100 days since a brand crossed Markiplier
(Be careful when reading the tags if you're sensitive to, albeit glancing, references to sexual assault/grooming)
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marsbotz · 23 days ago
i ship inhun in a way that differwnt and more swagful than anyone else btw.
#TBFHHHHH i know i know i knowwww i say a lot. but i dont even ship in in the traditional sense#i dont think it will b canon and i dont rlly WANT it to b canon. its just insane like ZAMNNNNN why r u looking at each other like thatatttt#i dont think that if (IF) inho reveals his identity gihun is gonna magically b like Oh my god… okay well i like u now. more the opposite#and i dont think inho genuinely likes gihun all that much. i think hes obsessed w him in a way that borders on it but. u know#to inho gihun mostly just represents the parts of himself hes locked away. hes like the person inho used to be or cld have been#i think he DOES want whats best for gihun but like. just in his own opinion#to him whats best is to just.. pretend these issues dont exist and move on.#i think being wrapped up in the games is sickening no mattter what side ur on and he knows this. and just wants gihun to forget#i also do think he sees Something special in gihun. but its not like Ahhhh come and rule by my side 😈 LOL#yeah like i said. the recognition of the self. DONT GO DOWN THIS PATH MAN FUCK OFFFFFF#um. also yeah gihun i dont think wld have such a thrn around to like date himmmm oh my god lol#i think its likely hell end up Not killing inho for various reasons and possibly even leaving room for redemption#but yeah i dont think he wld ever trust him even. i dont think he wld let all that slide 😭😭😭#gihun x youngil is bantssss. but not real at all sadly#rhe best fic i read of them was a pre series fic where inho wasnt the front man yet. and he met gihun by chance#and kinda used him to convince himself that what he was doing was right. For The Greater Good etc#i cant remember what it was called but it was sooo good i need to find it sometime#sniff….. living in a sad world where every body mischaracterises them sooooo bad and evil.#THE BEST INHUN CONTENT was the animation of them over the megamind breakup scene. MY GOD#ill be honest. igaf abt their dynamic soooo hard but htemain reaosn i ‘ship’ them is bc theyre both INSANELY FINE. AND I NEED THEM BADLY#and. im obsessed w them separately. so of course they are making out sloppy style in my mind#ill b honest as well i dont think gihun is in the right state of mind for aany of That AT ALLLL rn either.#and as well w inho not being intersted in that way. and also he shot his brother bc it was aconflict of interests. btw.#whatever tho lol the memes and shit r funny as fuckkkkk so idc. keep fucking#anyways sangihun 🔛🔝 for fucking everrrrrer in terms of an actual ship#tho i dont think they wld ever be canon either. well i mean. for obvious reasons#but also bc i dont PERSONALLY think sangwoo wld ever allow himself that. BYE#idk idk idk maybe i am wrong and i know nothing.#SORRY. ik i am fighting invsisible demons again i just saw a post abt Sickos who know Nothing abt the Themes…. NO GUYS.. PROMMY THATS NOT ME
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rabbitcrimes · 1 year ago
thinking about how the dyke lan zhan in my life was asking me if I wanted to be topped by Lan Wangji and i was like um . no. stupid question. i would only want to be topped by Lan Wangji if I was that Lan Wangji's Wei Ying. anyway do you ever hear yourself sometimes
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midnanoire · 10 months ago
all non participating countries have their flags banned at eurovision
I'm well aware. I wrote that in the translation.
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andariyadoesart · 11 months ago
I applied as a page artist for a fanzine about a month ago. I've never done something like that and also did not expect to be accepted, tbf.
BUT somehow I did!
I'm so happy. I'm going to contribute to a zine as a page artist waaaah ❤️🥺
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