#all human au
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raving-raven-writing · 2 months ago
I finally got around to posting another part to my Recom Series. This one has no smut in it, but still fits with the universe/world that I've written for an all human/modern setting AU. Go check it out!
Spider planned to stay the night at the Sully residence as his parents were having a party, which more often than not, were known to get hot and heavy pretty fast. However, he forgot a DVD that Kiri and Lo'ak have been dying to see and they persuade him to go back into his house to get it. He's expecting the worse, for his eyes to be scarred at whatever his parents and friends might be doing. Instead, he happens to see his father and company dancing to some TikTok trend. He wasn't even aware that his father knew what TikTok was!
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monster-cock69 · 1 year ago
All human au where Steve and Bucky are in an open relationship and Peter knew but didn’t realize they were each other’s husbands until he’s leaving the apartment after hooking up with one and sees the other
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I don’t care for Modern AUs or All Human AUs, like I’m here for the time period or supernatural/fantasy aspects…it’s especially frustrating when the summary is so enticing 😩 but I came for regency scandals, not modern shenanigans.
…the only time I tolerate it, is when I’m on a smut hunt. I tolerate a lot when I’m horny💀
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crashdevlin · 2 years ago
Forbidden Fruit 1- Just Helping Out
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Author’s Note: This is part one of Forbidden Fruit. It is a high-school set, adopted sister Wincest, non-Supernatural, a/b/o series. This is brand new, never been posted (not even to my patreon). There was an Omegaverse week over on @spnkinkevents and there was a prompt of Heat/Rut which I think this will fit pretty well.
Summary: When John and Mary Winchester adopted Y/n into their family, Dean never imagined he'd grow to think of her as anything other than a nuisance. Imagine his surprise when his sister becomes the single most important person in his life.
Pairing: Dean x Sister!Reader, Michael x Reader
Word count: 3342
Story Warnings: sister wincest, alpha!Dean, alpha!Michael, omega!reader, 18+! HERE BE SEX!! DON’T READ IF YOU’RE A YOUNG’UN!!!, masturbation, phone sex,
Dean Winchester stepped out of his car and slung his backpack over his shoulder, long bowed legs carrying him toward the last building in town he wanted to be in. His brother followed at a slower pace. His friend, Richie, approached him as soon as he entered the school, looking around pointedly.
"Where's your hot sister this morning?"
Dean rolled his eyes. He was more than tired of his friends trying to get with Y/n. Just like he was tired of reinforcing that she was adopted. "Fuck if I know, man. She was sick or something this morning. Mom told me and Sammy to head out without her."
"Sick, huh? She ain't pregnant, is she?" Richie asked. He always took it to a sexual place.
Dean scoffed. "Be real hard 'less it's the second coming of Christ, man. She's a virgin."
"You sure? 'Cause word around the locker room is-"
"You finish that sentence and I'm gonna rip your fuckin' lungs out. That's my sister and she is not a topic for your locker room bullshit," Dean growled. He knew there was no way the rumors might have substance but the very idea that Y/n let some guy touch her made his alpha show itself.
"No, no, man. Not me! I would never disrespect you and yours like that, but...I mean, Mike...Cas' big brother...he was sayin'..."
All anger flowed out of him. "They went to one movie and I escorted them. Nothing happened. He's a lying piece of shit."
"Maybe...but he's telling everybody that he nailed her so…"
"I'll deal with it."
Dean wasn’t sure how he'd deal with it, but he knew he would. There was no way he would let everyone think his sister was a ho.
"Well, don't hurt Mr. President too much. You don't want to get arrested."
"I'm not gonna hurt him," Dean argued. "Well, I might, but if I say that then it's premeditation and I don't have the 'crime of passion' thing to fall back on." He scoffed as the bell rang through the PA system. "See you in English, Richie."
"She wouldn't want you to fight with him. She likes him," Sam said, walking up to his brother as Richie rushed down the hall.
"She doesn't like liars and she doesn't deserve to have him spreading rumors like that about her."
"Then let her deal with it."
"She's not here today, is she?"
"And you gotta deal with it today?"
Dean turned on his little brother and let out a growl. "The longer he's out here spreading this shit with no pushback and no one defending her, the longer it has to take hold and the more people are gonna believe it. I am not going to let that happen."
Sam sighed, his hair swinging as he shook his head. "When she gets upset and cries about you beating up her boyfriend, I'm not gonna hold back the 'I told you so'."
"He ain't her boyfriend!" Dean called before heading into his homeroom. He threw his body down into his desk and rested his head against his fist.
He never would have thought he would end up so protective of Y/n. He hated that girl when his parents decided to foster her. They put a seven-year-old boy who only ever had a little brother with a brand new six-year-old 'sister', they were naive to not expect some pushback. She was living with them for almost a year before he called her anything other than 'Foster' and he remembered making every single thing a fight even after they decided to adopt her and make her his sister. He was an unbelievable ass to her and that still showed up sometimes.
But despite the genetics, despite the rocky start, Y/n was his sister. Y/n was his little sister and he was not about to let the student council president get away with telling everyone that she gave her virginity up to a piece of shit like him. Fuck Michael Novak.
Four other people mentioned "the rumors" before lunch. By the time he saw the tall green-eyed teen across the cafeteria, Dean was seething. He was laughing with a group of other wealthy, popular seniors and Dean was itching to hit the smile right off his face. At least it wouldn't be an unfair fight. Michael was the same age, same height, same build, and both were alphas. In a lot of ways, Michael Novak was just like Dean Winchester, so much so that people sometimes mistook them for each other in the halls during hotter months when Dean only wore t-shirts instead of his many layers of plaid and leather.
"So tell me, how'd you manage to get some from my sister when I was with you the whole damn night?" Dean asked without preface and definitely without tact as he walked up to the group.
The group collectively blanched before turning to the gruff boy. Michael's blank green eyes found Dean's rage-filled ones. "What are you going on about, Dean?"
"You been tellin' everybody that you had sex with my sister and I'm just wondering exactly how that could have happened when I was with you the whole date. I picked your lame, Abercrombie and Fitch-wearing ass up. I drove you to the theater. I sat next to her in the movie. I drove your lame, Abercrombie and Fitch-wearing ass home. When did you put her ankles behind her ears and make her see God?"
Michael looked caught for a moment, obviously unsure what to say. "You weren't around the whole night," he responded, eventually. "She and I were alone while you went to the anime store in the mall."
Dean nodded, angrily. There was a short gap where he let them out of his sight but… "I was gone for ten minutes. I just needed to grab the new Twilight Princess manga. My baby didn't smell like sex when I got back in and you really think anyone's gonna believe you talked Y/n out of her virginity in the backseat of my car in ten minutes? Also, dude, if you're only giving girls ten minutes of time, you're doing sex wrong. Have you ever had sex?"
Michael obviously took offense to the question, eyes going wide. "More than you, I'm sure, you...white trash, thrift store-shopping, piece of-"
"Well, you're wrong there. I steal my clothes and if you think I'm trash, what do you really think about Y/n?"
"I think she's been trying to get me to knot her for months and she would have been easy if you hadn't been a constant presence during the date!"
"Did you just call my sister 'easy'?! And like hell, she's been tryin' to get your dinky little dick!" Dean's fist clenched and he moved to step closer, but his phone vibrating in his pocket stopped him. He growled as he pulled it out, softening a little at his mom's contact pic on the screen. "Yeah, Mom?"
"Hey, I need you to take Sam over to Bobby's after school. You boys and your father are going to be staying there for a few days."
"Wait, wha--Why? What's goin' on?"
"Because Y/n's becoming a woman and having two alphas in the house when an omega is going through her first heat would make everything harder and Sam is going to want to be with you wherever you are so...meet your dad at Bobby's, we'll see you in a few days, okay?"
"Y-yeah." Dean turned away from Michael and his friends, phone pressed to his ear. His cheeks went hot as he heard Y/n moan in the background. "Is she...she okay?"
"She'll be fine. First one's the worst one. You remember your first rut, how you wanted to fight everyone and went through half a bottle of lotion?"
"Com'on, Mom," he groaned.
Mary laughed. "I'll take care of her. We'll see you when she's on the other side."
"Yes, ma'am. See ya then." He sighed before pushing his phone back into his pocket. "Stop lying about my sister, you dickbag...and lose her number because no way is she going out with you again," Dean called over his shoulder as he walked away. Y/n was under enough stress. She didn't need to come back to school to find out that Dean got in a fist fight with Michael over her.
"You didn't hurt him?" Richie couldn't believe he just witnessed Dean walk away from an opportunity to defend Y/n's honor. "Who was on that call, man?"
"My mom. I'm not gonna…not gonna hurt him. I called him out, his friends know he lied, and I'm never gonna let Y/n go out with him again so…" He shrugged and sat on the table, boots resting on the seat. "He really said she'd'a been easy if I hadn’t been on the date, blockin' him. He obviously doesn't know anything about her."
"You let that slide?! 'Cause your mommy called you?"
"Richie," Dean started, licking his lips. He had a hundred things he wanted to say to his friend, but his mind kept replaying the moan he heard in the background of his conversation with his mother. He adjusted how he was sitting as he started to get hard. "Shut up."
"So, we gotta sleep at Bobby's until Y/n's feeling better?" Sam asked from the passenger seat of Dean's Impala.
"Yeah. Dad brought clothes over for us and we're gonna be sleeping on the couches. Dad gets the guest bed, of course."
"How long does an omega stay in heat?"
Dean looked over at Sam for a second before looking back to the road. "Aren't you takin' sex ed? Isn't there a whole section in that book about gender presentation?"
"It's all vague. 'One to five days'. That's not helpful. Come on. You know stuff. Cassie was an omega, right?"
Dean rolled his eyes at the mention of his ex. "Yeah, Cassie was an omega...and her heats lasted three. Mom's last two. So...we'll probably have to stay at Bobby's 'til Saturday."
"Thank you. Was that so hard, jerk?"
"Harder than you think," Dean said, shifting on the bench seat. Just thinking about Y/n in heat gave him a hard on...which was wrong. So wrong. That's his sister.
Bobby's front door opened and Ellen stepped out. "Hey, boys. Jo Beth and I put pillows an' blankets out on the couch and loveseat and y'all can do your homework in the library. Bobby and yer dad'll be back from the body shop at 6 so you got plenty'a time to get that stuff finished before dinner. Fried chicken. Come on in." The Winchesters followed the brunette woman inside. "As always-" she started as soon as Dean walked in.
"'Hands off Jo'. Yes, ma'am," Dean finished for her.
"Good," she said before disappearing into the kitchen.
"Get caught playing doctor once, ten years ago...never let us live it down," Dean grumbled under his breath as he tossed his backpack through the open doorway into the library.
"She'll get over it one day," Jo said, walking up to pick Dean's bag up.
"Not fucking likely. But it doesn't matter, does it?" Dean chuckled as he slid the door closed and sat at Bobby's desk. "Her threats didn't actually stop us."
"Hush yer mouth," Jo whispered, furiously. "Momma would kill us!"
"She'd kill Dean." Sam flopped down on the loveseat and dropped his backpack to his feet. "No big loss."
"Yeah, shut up, you little bitch."
"Are you going to do your work or just-" Sam cut himself off when Dean put his feet up on Bobby's desk and pulled out a comic book from his bag. "Right." Sam rolled his eyes.
"I don't need to do the homework to pass the tests and all my teachers know that shit, man. They don't fuck with me about it."
Sam just rolled his eyes again.
Dean's phone ringing on the floor beside the couch woke him at a little after midnight. He was barely awake enough to recognize Y/n's contact picture before he had answered and put the phone to his ear.
"Dean?" Her whisper through the phone made him sit up, more awake.
"Yeah? You okay?" he whispered back to keep Sam from waking.
"Mom told you?"
"I don't like this," she whined and Dean was struck with the desire to go home and comfort her. "I've never been so…"
"Horny?" Dean guessed.
"I was going for 'uncomfortable' but...yeah," she admitted. Dean swallowed thickly and licked his lips as blood rushed southward. He felt a little bad about getting hard over his little sister's first heat, but it wasn’t something he could control. "I don't know what to do. I just wanna...make it go away."
"O-only thing that would m-make it stop for a few hours would be...an alpha, but, um...you can...you know...and that'll...take some of the edge off."
"I can't," she squeaked.
"Can't...what, masturbate? It's totally natural and okay to-"
"No, I just...maybe I'm too stupid or I'm doing it wrong but it...I've tried before and it d-doesn't work."
Dean's face went hot as his dick twitched. "Um...you could--you aren't stupid, you just don't--um, I could send you a few videos from Pornhub and-"
"I can't watch those kinds of things!"
"Don't be such a prude," he snapped before sighing. "Sorry. That was rude. I'm an ass."
"It's okay. I'm sorry, too. I'm just...I'm not eighteen yet. I really shouldn't look at those videos."
"Right, well…" An idea came to his head and it left his mouth before he could realize how wrong the idea was. "I've seen a lot of those videos. Maybe I could help you."
There was silence on her side for a minute and Dean almost laughed it off and pretended it was a joke until he heard, "You could do that?" Her voice was so small and hopeful that he couldn't call it a joke.
"Y-yeah. I could do that...for you."
"And that’s...okay? It's not-"
"I'm your big brother. If I can help make this a little more bearable for you...I should. So, uh." Dean shot a look at Sam's sleeping form and got up to tip-toe into the bathroom at the foot of the stairs. "You in bed?"
"Yeah," she said on a breath.
"Okay, so...I guess, just get comfortable and, um, close your eyes."
"And just get a clear picture in your head of somebody that you'd wanna touch you. It's better if you can imagine someone...when you can think about their voice and how they might look when they're hovering over you...looking down at you...runnin' their hands down your body like you're about to be doing."
"So, I should run my hands down my body?"
"Did you come up with someone to imagine?"
"Okay, now, imagine that guy and let your hands drift until you find a place that feels good. Imagine him kissing your neck and telling you how fucking pretty you are." A sharp gasp from Y/n made Dean's dick twitch and he reached down to run his hand across the front of his pajama pants. "Some girls really like their nipples being played with. Some like tugging and pinching real hard, but others like it to be all light like a feather touch. So you should-"
"Oh my god!" she whispered through a moan and Dean had to bite his lip to keep from moaning himself...and to keep from asking how she likes her nipples played with.
"Now, um, put your hand in your underwear, whichever hand feels better...usually dominant hand, but sometimes that left hand is just a bit different and that can be fun." He wrapped his fingers around his erection through his pants and tried to control himself. "Keep your other hand playing with your nipples and don't just go straight for it. Tease yourself before you get the fingers going."
"T-tease what? My…"
"You need to play with your clit, baby," he said, cursing himself for calling her that before squeezing his erection and moving on. "Gentle pressure, circular motions...when you-"
"Oh! Oh, fuck!" Hearing her curse was too much. His goody-two-shoes, Student Council Vice President, church choir soloist little sister was playing with her clit and moaning for him. It was so wrong...and a-fucking-mazing. He reached into his pants and boxers and pulled out his cock, sweeping his thumb over the head. "It feels so good."
"If you're...if you think you're wet enough, you can slip your middle finger in-inside you and...just kinda feel around. Don't thrust, just press your fingertip into your pussy." His hand started moving slowly down his erection and back to the tip. "Gotta find the spots you're gonna be aimin' for when you start thrusting."
"How do you know-"
"Dirty movies, nasty mangas, and some hands-on experience. Now...fuck...um, take as long as you want with the teasing, ya know. There's no such thing as too much foreplay, even when you're playing with yourself."
He started tugging at his cock as he listened to her breathing heavily. Something in the rhythm of her breaths told him she had found her pace and started fingering herself. "How's that workin' for you, baby sis?" He needed to hear her voice. He needed to know what she sounded like all wrecked with bliss.
"It's workin'," she whimpered.
"Yeah? You think you can make yourself cum like that?"
"Yeah. Oh, I'm so close."
"I bet you are. Bet you're about to gush all over those pretty little fingers, aren't you?"
"Fuck, so close. Alpha, I'm so close."
Dean dropped his phone in the sink as his whole body jerked and his toes curled, a powerful, unexpected orgasm taking his breath as he shot cum all over the counter. "Shit!" he hissed, grabbing his phone as he continued fucking his fist. He got the phone to his ear just in time to hear Y/n let out a shuddering breath and a relieved moan. "You...you feel better, Y/n?"
"Uh-huh. I...I'm sorry I called you that. It just came out."
Dean chuckled, grabbing some toilet paper to clean up the evidence of what her calling him that did to him. "It's okay. It's natural. You're an omega in heat. I'm an alpha you trust...you were doing that. It's not a big deal. As long as you're feeling better, that's the important thing."
"I'm feeling a lot better. Thank you. I knew it was the right choice to call you."
Dean tossed the toilet paper in the bowl and flushed before securing his boxers and pants. "Why did you call me?"
"Something in me said you'd be able to help."
Dean licked his lips and swallowed. "I'm glad I could help. Um...but we should probably not tell anybody that I did, ya know?"
"Yeah. People probably would think-"
"Thank you for helping, Dean. This won't be so miserable now."
"Try to get some sleep, Y/n."
"You too. Sorry I woke you up for this."
Dean smiled. "Don't be sorry. I'm glad I could help."
"Oh, um...can you collect my schoolwork for the week? It's gonna be in the front office tomorrow."
"Yeah. I'll, uh, grab it and drop it off for you tomorrow."
"Okay. Thank you. Love you, Dean. Night."
"Night." Dean disconnected the call and stared at himself in the mirror over the sink. "That’s your little sister, man. What's wrong with you?"
He shook his head and sighed, checking the time on his phone and wiping at his tired eyes. "Nobody has to know. Doesn't have to be a thing. I was just helpin' her out like any good big brother would." He flicked the light off and headed back to the couch in the library.
The Kitchen Sink Tags- @flamencodiva @sacriceria @lyarr24 @440mxs-wife @nancymcl @mariekoukie6661 @alwayskeepfightingsweetheart @cosicas-cuquis @queenoftheunderdark @myheartbelongsintz @squirrelnotsam @akshi8278 @muhahaha303 @agirlwithdemonblood @this-is-me19 @mrswhozeewhatsis  
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writing-for-twilight · 1 year ago
For Anonymous who asked:
AH AU where Rosalie and Leah are unwilling queens of rival kingdoms and one day a war starts but it's a whole lie and they're lovers who plan to run away together?
POV: Third Person
Characters: Leah Clearwater, Rosalie Hale
Genre: Alternate Universe: All Human, Royalty AU
Relationship: Leah x Rosalie
“We did it.”
“Yes, we did.”
This plan of using war as disguise to ultimately run away together, had been a risky one but ultimately worth it in the end.
Neither of them had wanted to be royalty, to rule over kingdoms, to have every second of their lives decided for them. But it was a burden they had to carry since no one else would ever understand. They thought they would never meet anyone who would be able to understand what they had to go through.
Until the day they had met each other.
From there, they both found a confidant, a companion, what had began as idle conversations soon transformed into letters which eventually became a confession underneath the starry night sky in Leah’s kingdom.
And soon a life together, a normal life, was all either of them could think about.
And now, finally, they could just be Leah and Rosalie.
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fluffyspuffy · 1 year ago
So glad I’ve slowly started getting over all of my fanfic hang ups. So many great fics I would have missed out on
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laulo821 · 1 year ago
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keferon · 3 months ago
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Don’t mind me I just like to see him go bananas about cartoonish Autobot rules
Maaan…..if Prowl was in tfp he would spontaneously combust at least once a day
#maccadam#transformers#prowl#tf prowl#there is no Prowl in Tfp so Optimus can pull all kinds of heroic cartoonish bullshit#and only Ratchet actually calls him out on it#but Ratchet also kinda has soft spot for Optimus#Op does sad eyes and Ratchet is like okay okay sorry I understand#Prowl would see the whole situation and lose his marbles immediately ahahahah#lol hey hey you. two people who read tags. imagine little au realquick#Autobots find the escape pod with Smokescreen right#but there’s two bots instead of one#back on the base humans look at the new guys and like#Smokey is fun and energetic and eager for heroism and adventure#and then there’s Prowl. The final boss. The ultimate MOM.#He makes one step into base and immediately starts scolding Optimus and everyone except for Ratchet#agent Fowler listens to him talking and decides that Prowl is his favorite autobot#damn. Prowl would SO not approve keeping humans around. Kids would hate him#but also he would be completely right. Because by keeping humans that close Autobots basically show that the humans can be used as leverage#against them you know.#He would immediately suggest getting rid of kids and hiring actual competent adults instead. So all hacking can be done by professionals#and all infiltrating can be done by people who are at least old enough to drink you know#yea kids would haaaate him so much#he would also build make all kinds of little annoying gadgets bc I have read Covenant of Primus and tfp Prowl is smart like that#he would be going around sticking trackers on every enemy he fights#and then triangulating Cons positions by the coordinates where their signals stop tracking#bc Nemesis blocks them#He would also keep sending Smokey to ghost through walls and steal all kinds of valuable shit from Megsy#they would be such a menace together#man this is getting kinda long I should probably stop
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soupdwelling · 9 months ago
ok au where after becoming archivist jon starts getting into the habit of making vent tiktoks in his car after work because tim showed him how and at first he was like “this is stupid” but then it genuinely started helping him decompress so he just kept doing it in secret. and he eventually he gains a minor following who are becoming increasingly concerned because it goes from “the most INSUFFERABLE statement giver came in today” to “i got fucking KIDNAPPED AGAIN!!!”
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macaulaytwins · 1 year ago
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they would’ve run the PTA like the navy
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parasolladyansy · 3 months ago
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Hero of Bombs AU (original concept by @mipmoth)
The crossover I didn’t know I desperately needed but do indeed desperately need, & thanks to Tears of the Kingdom, we do have Bomb Flowers & all manner of projectiles for Ingo to throw at baddies, or to Link in a pinch! 💣
I’d go back to their original comic now & again (partially because Legends Arceus really reminds me of BotW), where Moth imagines Ingo in BotW Hyrule with the popularly feral Link. In this AU of their AU it’s more or less the same, except Link is cured of his amnesia, & wants to help Ingo with his, as well as help him go home.
First / Sage of Spirit Arc / Koroks? / Screenshot Edit 1 / Screenshot Edit 2 / Link’s Abilities / Round Ears & Lore / Reunion /
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monster-cock69 · 1 year ago
All human au with Tony needing to take a public flight home because his jet broke down and Peter needing to fly home for an important job interview but all the flights are canceled for the foreseeable future so they rent a car and drive from like Florida or California together
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dailymothanon · 11 days ago
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A human TFA Shockwave concept 🤨 in this economy?? I always imagined a human Shockwave to be Yknow. At least part machine, cyborg… makes sense to me. I also gave him a bit of a detective look just cuz it fit his role I suppose.. in my Hc I like to imagine he’s actually blind in his two normal eyes, and sees thru his robo eye instead 😌 to keep the Shockwaveness. But he does move his blind eyes around when doing disguised stuff so he seems not-blind in them (tho he’s not uncommonly off the mark with them)
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And in every thing I’ve seen with TFA Shockwave is that he lowkey sucks at being a spy and lying 💔 but I have seen some works of him and TFP Soundwave together and I think that goes hard 😌 two tall lanky spies that are kinda unsettling (one more so than the other,) and creature-y… I also just like how Shockwave looks like a deer in Animated
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shepscapades · 5 months ago
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[Part 1] [Part 2] [PART 3]
Xbralis as the first canon dbhc pairing with the steel chair!
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lilybug-02 · 4 months ago
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Bug Fact: American Burying Beetles are unusual in that both the male and female take part in raising the young. Both parents feed and tend to their larvae.
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Volume 2 Masterpost
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laulo821 · 1 year ago
a few days ago i presented to y'all my all human au so since i stumbled upon this art i'll show you Soa in All Human AU!! im very gae for her. and also! human harley!! two birds with one stone heh
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in the all human AU Soa'd be the typical naive clumsy but hella cute girl with a big heart, oblivious to the fact that everybody on campus wants to bang her
and Harley would be actually very close to his real job as he'd be a millionaire (duh) and the CEO of a high-fashion clothing line (thats why he's so properly dressed)
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