#alcohol tw//
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braveburned · 1 year ago
ohh we are so drukk no
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professorcalculusstanaccount · 10 months ago
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as newspapers today dont tend to hire children, a modern day Tintin would run a clickbait YouTube channel, except the clickbait is 100% real every single time
he starts off as an irritating conservative pundit at 14, meets Chang then leaves the think tank paying him and launches his own independent channel and blows up shortly after. Chang helps with video editing and managing his socials and they often chat on video calls between adventures. Haddock, his foster dad, has absolutely no knowledge of his earlier videos.
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yamujiburo · 1 year ago
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[All comics in order here]
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tiktoksthataregood-ish · 1 year ago
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lambment · 1 year ago
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request: "What do your bishops look like and how does the lamb think of them?"
I haven’t decided (or started) on designs yet. As for my lambs opinion, they process everything through humour, I would say this is their surface level opinion on the bishops. There’s obviously the deeper-seated issues they have w them tho.
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anonpolls · 5 months ago
Bonus! Please put in the tags where you are from and if your situation was common where you are from!
Thanks, Anon!
-submit your poll!-
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diavalkitty · 6 months ago
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incorrectbatfam · 2 months ago
Bruce: What is in this bottle?
Jason: It's water.
Bruce: No, it's wine.
Jason: Listen here, Jesus, this is water.
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mari-lair · 4 months ago
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cook acquired!
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fenteii · 2 months ago
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similarities you don't want to acknowledge
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The final part for The House of Glass! Everyone has a lot to figure out, but progress takes time. Follows from this. This was my first ever complete comic from start to finish, I hope you guys enjoyed the journey!
If you've enjoyed this comic, please consider donating to Aya Yasser, a 19 year old university student from the University of Palestine. She had to pause her studies due to attacks on Gaza. Her 55 year old father is ill and she is trying to evacuate him and her brothers.
You can find her blog @samaagaza
It's like two in the morning right now so I might be a bit incoherent, cw for discussions of racism, homophobia, biphobia, sinophobia and classism
I've really wanted to write Chang as someone who's made to be a perpetual outsider. As a Chinese person born in the UK I've always been made to feel like a foreigner no matter where I go - obviously I am a foreigner abroad but I'm also treated as such in the very country I was born and raised in. I think a lot of east Asian people can relate to being treated as a strange exotic foreigner first and a person second.
As a working class orphan he would probably have been treated as disposable by society at large too. As soon as he's rescued by Tintin in the Blue Lotus he immediately asks why Tintin bothered saving him, and in his letter to Tintin in Tintin in Tibet he writes that he's unworthy of his uncle's hopsitality. We don't get much from Chang as he doesn't make many appearances but it seems he's internalised strong feelings of a lack of self worth. Tintin may have been the first person to recognise his humanity since Chang's birth family passed.
Being queer is also very isolating at first. You're not born into a culture you can reference or make sense of your experiences initially, it's something you have to seek out. I wanted to explore learning to love yourself through others. We're all weird to some degree, we're all in this together!
I genuinely have no clue how I'd follow this up, I have ideas for future stories but I'm not sure what would follow directly from here!
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fox-guardian · 2 months ago
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[ID: A five page black and white comic featuring Anya, Jimmy, and Curly from Mouthwashing. The only colors are in their speech bubbles and Curly's blue eyes. The comic opens with a shot of a space rest stop with billboards and advertisements of food, drinks, fuel, etc.
Anya steps out of a "Polle-Mart" carrying a pack of cigarettes, and walks past Jimmy leaning against the side of the building, half in shadow.
Jimmy, smirking: A nurse with a smoking habit, huh? What has the world come to? They stare at each other for a moment. Anya: Just means I can make a more informed choice.
She goes to light a cigarette as Jimmy flicks his hand at her, asking for one. Curly jogs up behind her.
Anya, grabbing another cigarette: Ugh. Curly: Hey, guys! Mind if I bum one? I'll buy you some snacks?
He gives her big shiny puppy eyes. Anya glances in Jimmy's direction as he stares at her before she smiles at Curly, a halo over her head.
Anya: Sure, Captain! That's so sweet of you to offer. Jimmy glares at Curly. He looks at him before turning to Anya again. Curly: Er, can I make that two for two? Anya: Deal.
She passes him the pack as she lights her cigarette before lighting his for him. Curly goes over to Jimmy, handing him one as Anya stands around the corner to smoke hers.
Jimmy: You hit my fucking cig. Curly, smiling: I started it for you!
The last panel shows all three of them smoking calmly, Jimmy and Curly both shadowing by the building.
end ID]
a cigarette break between coworkers off the clock
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mostly-funnytwittertweets · 10 months ago
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sm-baby · 9 months ago
TOON AU by @the-amazing-animated-circus
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my heart likes to think he cares, my brain knows that he'd snitch-
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feligayzed · 4 months ago
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why worry about your problems when you can just as easily drink 'em into oblivion??
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