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iced-american0 · 9 months ago
So few, so proud, so emotional. Hello, Clancy.
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lizardlink · 1 year ago
New Book!
My human. Wrote a book. About me! (Well, Bearded Dragons in general, but I'm the main character!) She put a lot of work into it over the past three years, so if you're interested in Beardies, please consider checking out 'A Link Between Us: Life With A Bearded Dragon,' available now!
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(Full summary and extra Link pictures from over the years below the cut.)
With a reputation as being sweet, mild-natured lizards, Bearded Dragons are a widespread exotic pet. However, the reality of living with and caring for one of these reptiles doesn't always match up with the ideal sold by pet stores. In 'A Link Between Us,' the author brings readers into the world of Beardie careship through a combination of scientific research and personal stories about her dragon, Link.
After all, all stories need a main character, and Link is the perfect Beardie for the job.
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todayinhiphophistory · 2 years ago
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Today in Hip Hop History:
Brother Ali released his second album Shadows On The Sun May 2, 2003
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hummiscellanea · 9 months ago
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new character ref for Artfight 2024! his name is Albu and I like to say he looks like mcdonalds
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twilightgravity · 11 months ago
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janet-artist · 1 year ago
Hello fans, Here's a new trending Spotify track music called Repo for all music lovers and listeners worldwide, produce by this great artist called Ron E Polo. Rock and roll with his song vibes. Kindly click the link below to listen to the vibes and enjoy your moment with his song through the link below https://open.spotify.com/track/3ANenkL1rbiRXJDlABtgY2?si=0834df0defa94770
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trappezoider · 5 months ago
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Thank you, professor.
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zoodiozerodi · 9 months ago
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"Feel the Beat: Music-Inspired Tees" T-Shirt
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karlrincon · 5 months ago
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Rest in peace to an absolute treasure, Dame Maggie Smith.
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They’ve been reunited 🤍
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hiancii · 4 months ago
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The Ace of Spades
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nastysnows-art · 4 months ago
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lizardlink · 1 year ago
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My human recently got the proof copy of the print-on-demand version of ALBU! If you prefer physical books like she does, it should now be an option on sites that offer PoD, such as Barnes & Nobles!
(I tried to get a picture with Link actually out with the book, but he wasn't exactly happy about it and turned all dark. So look under the cut for a grumpy Beardie.)
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talyris · 11 days ago
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Genderswap! Harry Potter
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hummiscellanea · 1 year ago
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lore post!!
infodumping under the cut
So Concorde (brooding one on the right) and Albu (left) live in this place called Hesti. (Or more specifically, they live in an outpost in the middle of nowhere on the farthest border of Hesti.) This post is about Hesti's economy. And I'm not talking about stock prices or gross domestic product; I mean economy in its most basic anthropological form: how food is acquired and distributed to a culture.
Hesti, climatically, geographically, in some ways socially, is a lot like Italy. But Hesti's shared dragon and human population makes things interesting. And by interesting I of course mean difficult.
How do you feed two hungry populations with limited land? Creatively. And with lots of olive oil.
Humans are omnivores, but I'm going to assume that you know what humans eat already. Hesti dragons are also omnivores, but, like dogs and cats, prefer meat. The problem is that meat is way too expensive to eat it exclusively. Not even the richest of noble families can afford to have a full portion of meat for every meal. The reason is that raising livestock requires a lot of land and a lot of feed. The math just doesn't work out; there's too much demand and not enough resources. Hesti has come up with many solutions to this problem.
First of all, they limit meat. Except for the most important religious festival days, they never eat a whole portion of meat cooked by itself. The meat is stretched out as far as it can go, lasting for multiple meals, thinned out with grain and starches. Stew is a very common way to do this. Sometimes the meat is "diluted" so much that it's more like a savory flavoring than anything. In Hesti, they never waste the meat. They'll use the good parts, obviously, but also the tripe/organs; they carefully preserve the leftover fat and grease (which they'll later use how we might use lard or butter); use the bones (to get at the marrow and also to make bone broth); they'll cook as much as they can along with the meat to transfer the meat flavor over; they will make broth. Sometimes, they will instead cook the meat, cut it into very thin slices/strips, and coat it liberally in salt, which acts as a preservative. The result resembles jerky and can be useful for journeys.
(If acquiring meat is this difficult an endeavor for dragons, it's nigh-impossible for humans. Beef is a lost cause, though humans can reliably manage to get chicken. The main thing they do is not to purchase meat at a market, but to hunt small game. Often, this requires the local noble's permission if she owns the forest.)
Second, they supplement. Grain is the main way: just as grain is a staple crop for humans, so it is for dragons in Hesti. They use flour for a wide variety of purposes, including as a thickening agent and to make bread. Both dragons and humans eat a lot of bread. The dragons don't really like bread very much, but they eat a lot of it. They make bread more palatable by dipping it in soup/broth, putting lard on it, or by drowning it in olive oil.
Those living near the coast (which is most of the Hesti population) will also eat fish, which they consider inferior to land-based meat. Fishing is a pretty big industry. Things like shellfish, oysters, freshwater fish, etc. are generally ignored by dragons, though humans eat them.
Eggs are an important part of their diet. Poultry is great, of course, but they found that they could get a lot more out of a hen by keeping it alive (and collecting its eggs) than by immediately slaughtering it. Chicken coops are everywhere in Hesti, from large egg-harvesting businesses to the backyards of peasant families. If there's a way to prepare and serve an egg, it's been done in Hesti. Most recipes involve at least one egg. They are inescapable.
Fruits and vegetables are also a part of their diet, and goes as you would expect. They do also ferment their fruits: their favorite is fermented grapes. They love their wine, and they make plenty of it. Hesti's countryside is well-endowed with vineyards.
One thing Hesti dragons won't consume is dairy. Since they're not mammals, they're lactose intolerant. While the human population loves their milk, cheese, and cream, the dragons find it all off-putting.
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digitkame · 2 months ago
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Merry X’mas and Happy New Year!❤️🌟🎄
Have plenty of chocolate frogs♪( ´▽`)
🎄Hi-res download🎄
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hogwartscastle · 5 months ago
Our Legend-Trio May you three rest in peace together now. You will truly be missed with heavy hearts.
Alan Rickman † January 14, 2016 Michael Gambon † September 27, 2023 Maggie Smith † September 27, 2024
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