258 posts
Sharing most of my art in one place! No minors allowed!🔞 All characters are aged up unless stated otherwise!!Twitter: mouth_crazyAo3: Trapezoider Poipiku: trappezoider
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trappezoider · 10 days ago
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Peaches for days. Thanks to certain someone's birthday gift I recently received :D Also I edited the crap out of this for what? Couldn't tell you. The unpeached version shall be awaiting on my Poipiku (trappezoider) 🍑
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trappezoider · 12 days ago
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A study turned into an oc whoopsie
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trappezoider · 20 days ago
I've been your follower for months now but I'm still in awe with all of your beautiful and jaw dropping artwork!
Little question: how can someone as handsome as Avaric Gaunt sire a man like Marvolo? Like, I get Marvolo still being "handsome" during his youth but he aged like a block of room temperature butter that's so close to its expiration date. In your last art of baby Ominis and Avaric, I'm sure he was around... in his thirties in that picture, correct me if I'm wrong.
So, what went wrong with Marvolo? 😭 And did Ominis inherit Avaric's "youthful" genes, at least?
Good friggin' question because honestly, no idea xD Thankfully we never got to see Marvolo or their father in canon - heck, we don't even know if Marvolo is Ominis' brother - so anyone can headcanon whatever they like, really, which is super neat! When it comes to Marvolo, I do like to think he probably aged like milk, perhaps because of dark magic, or drinking, or the pipe, or drugs, or genetics... Who knows really! He could've been equally handsome as Ominis when young, or maybe not. Genetics are kinda fun like that hahaha. And perhaps Ominis aged better than him (or died young so we never got to find out mwahahahha). It's really fun to speculate all these things. Love brainrotting this stuff! Now, the reason why we hc Avaric as this pretty boy is because we wanted to combine the aspect of someone being beautiful but also acting like the worst possible human being. It's a common trope for sure but we wanted to explore it from a standpoint of shipping him with Phineas, who we know to canonically be quite hung on appearance and "style" :D We wanted Avaric's looks to be sort of a lure when in actuality he's completely rotten inside. It's quite interesting to explore these characteristics, especially since most of us who were brainstorming this know approximately what abusers are like and how they operate, and some of us have been in pretty horrible relationships. It appears that sometimes, being charming and good looking is something that keeps the victim coming back for more. I suppose that was the reasoning for me at least behind his looks when I first drew him. Plus men with long hair, oh lord jesus save me, it is the best thing to draw. But yeah, his appearance is mostly for story reasons and poetics. No clue what he actually looks like or whether we will ever find out :D And hmm, I suppose Avaric in that art is about 30, more or less? Ominis would be maybe around 4-5. I'd say Marvolo is in his first year of Hogwarts at this point. Math is not my strongest suit so somebody who I brainrotted the ages with has got to check that for me xD I love to hc that Avaric started having kids when he was still young and married at 19 probably, out of pettiness that Phineas actually went through his engagement with Ursula. Maybe the secret to his youth was that he never took care of his children or went near them much :'DDD
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trappezoider · 21 days ago
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Aaaaah I forgot to post this. Made this ages ago but somehow it got lost
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trappezoider · 23 days ago
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Hurt/comfort my beloved
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trappezoider · 24 days ago
Hi! You were the first Hogwarts Legacy fan artist I came across and I wanted to say how much I love your works 🥰
I recently saw an ask about which program you use to create your pieces which got me wondering... 👀 do you have any tips to share with aspiring digital artists trying to learn how to properly add shading/lighting?? I'm happy with my pieces during the flat colour stage, but every time I attempt shading/lighting or other methods of adding texture/definition/perspective, it always looks "off" to me 🤔 so my WIP folder is huge rn.
Thank you in advance for any advice you're willing to share 🙏😊
Hiya there!! Thank you so much for this ask!! First of all, I gotta say how wonderful it is that you're excited about art and want to learn more about it. I just had a chat with a friend about this but I think art is such a fun, vast hobby, full of endless possibilities, and whenever people want to get into it and learn, it's just wahhhhh. Fills my heart with joy and makes me bounce :D Now, full disclaimer, I am not an art teacher so my say on the matter is not that of a professional. I struggle with these things myself as well but I'm really happy if any of my advice can help a fellow artist. Keep in mind that works for me might not work for you, and "good art" is highly subjective. But I understand that achieving that fine balance between knowing how to imitate life and then being able to recreate that imagine in your head on an empty canvas is something a lot of artists want. That's hard af though. But you can't have success without failure, that's why we have so many WIPS xD Lucky for us, our brains and hands are amazing at learning. Eventually those WIPS might become actual realised works. Crying, praying and manifesting for us both xDDD Now, if you're struggling with shading and lighting, I suggest doing value studies. Perhaps take black and white photos with a striking relationship between shadow and light, then try to replicate that without colour picking. Try to observe the whole picture, without paying too much attention to the details at first, Make your brush strokes large especially when sketching out the initial shapes. You can give yourself a time limit of say, 5-60 minutes, for each study, but I wouldn't go over a 1,5h hour limit. I recommend using fairly simple images, with less textures and where shapes are the main character so to speak. Then when you think you're ready, you can do the same thing but this time choose coloured images but still use only white/black. Excercises like these help me a ton when I feel like I wanna update my skills. Doing art is a never-ending learning curve but I feel like that's what makes it so stimulating hehe Below is an example of one value study I did recently. I don't do these often but I know I probably should xD I always just do colour studies nowdays cause that's something I'm most interested in observing at the moment :D But this is just an example of what you can do if you want to learn shading in particular. Now it doesn't need to be perfect, it's just practice that may help you get used to values and how they interact with each other on the canvas.
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You can also do colour studies if that is something you're interested in. Those might be a bit more challenging but as long as you keep each study short and use simple images (like literally just an image of an egg on a table or something xD), it shouldn't be too intimidating. Sorry for such a long reply xD I hope you have lots of fun and get all the possible enjoyment from making art! So happy for you!!! Wishing you all the motivation, success and inspiration in the world!!!
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trappezoider · 24 days ago
I did not mean to confuse you 😭 I know it is probably strange I have not actually met you (I wish I did) but you are genuinely so amazing. I can’t help but get the butterflies🦋whenever I see your url. You are so funny and witty, and the way you talk to others is so cute. I can’t even describe it properly. I love the way you constantly encourage other people; that is so beautiful to me. I think you are a beautiful soul 🫶
Oh wow, genuinely so taken aback by your words, anon. This is such a wonderful thing to say and what a high praise, you're the one with a beautiful soul for finding all these positive things in someone like me. I really don't deserve someone perceiving me in such a way, it's hard for me to wrap my head around that because I struggle with self doubt and insecurities a lot when it comes to my behaviour, temperament and personality. Yet it's hard to change these things about oneself, despite knowing they're destructive, so I'm endlessly drifting from one mistake to another. Welp, went into the deep end there, hope it wasn't too depressive xD This really cheered up the lil goblin in me. Thank you so much😭I hope you have a wonderful day filled with rainbows and sunshine and kittens (unless you're allergic, I hope you're not cause kittens smell really good), anon! MWAH!!!
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trappezoider · 24 days ago
Excuse me, don’t you know it is illegal to be this beautiful? You are under arrest for stealing my heart 😭
I was so confused about this and interrogated everyone who knows me in person xD Unfortunately, I am not very beautiful, outside or inside. I am quite nasty actually lol But nevertheless, hope I can hold onto your heart for just a little bit longer, anon!
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trappezoider · 24 days ago
I’m sorry if this is a frequently asked question, but what program do you use, and brushes?
I’ve recently gotten into digital art and would like to make fan art for Hogwarts legacy but I’m struggling to transition from traditional to digital
Love your art by the way❤️
Oh it's not a frequently asked question at all! xD Thank you for asking! I use Clip Studio Paint. I used to prefer Paint Tool SAI which is also great but it didn't quite have everything I needed. And for brushes, I think my favourite ones are the Artemus pencil by artemus and these Flat Brushes by Junkochi. I also blend the shite out of everything lol If you're struggling with digital art I do recommend a tablet with a display. I have one as well but I am so used to my Wacom tablet pad that I feel like such a clutz using my Samsung one :D It's great on roadtrips though! But if you already have a screenless tablet pad I guess drawing what you truly want as much as you can is necessary to get used to it. Because that is more important than any skill in my opinion. For me, enjoyment and fun comes first! If I'm not into it, I usually just drop it (normalise a huge WIP folder xD). Sorry for such a long reply, I'm not good at summarising and it's probably unsolicited advice anyway haha I wish you all the best and all the luck in your digital art journey! It might get a bit tough on the way but you are capable and I believe in you!
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trappezoider · 25 days ago
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A study of a photo from pinterest🕯️
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trappezoider · 28 days ago
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Yeah someone help me get out of this brainrot
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trappezoider · 29 days ago
Do u or will u have a bluesky? I love your stuff but I refuse to lick Elon Musk's stinky butt just to appreciate the masterpiece that is your art.
I do have BlueSky!! Unfortunately it's sometimes a lil hard to post on three different platforms so I've been neglecting it D: I do however post most of my stuff on tumblr unless it's a meme of some sort that might be relevant to a specific post. If you are still interested in following me on BlueSky, my handle is🙌
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trappezoider · 29 days ago
I just want to tell you that you are my Tumblr crush and you draw such beautiful people. I hope you have a nice day/evening
Hihihih, oh youuuu
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I also wish you a wonderful day, anon!!
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trappezoider · 29 days ago
Hey! I was wondering how much a full colored commission would cost? I love your art!
Hi!! Thank you!!!!😭😭 Right now my commissions are closed unfortunately :( But thank you endlessly for your interest!!
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trappezoider · 29 days ago
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trappezoider · 1 month ago
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Hello all! :D I'm back! I'm gonna try and reply to all the wellwishes and dms that I've received in the next few days so please have a summertime Ominis in the meanwhile!<3
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trappezoider · 3 months ago
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A lil study from a photoooo
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