
soundbee Looking for cassettes and Terrans
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Are we still doing the ProudDad!AU?
Yep! I was literally drawing a sketch for myself yesterday, and I've been thinking about this AU a lot lately

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He still regrets
#bodyguard!b127#I used my oc as a victim because I couldn't think of anything better lol#tf one#sentinel prime#bumblebee#transformers one#transformers
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Hi 👋
Small soundbee questions if okay with you
1)did Soundwave ever find bumblebee fav music or did he make a playlist for bee and him to share on occasions
2) did soundwave know about the two cassests that went to the robot fighting club ??
3)dose soundwave on occasions mess with bumblbee door wings 😏
Bumblebee doesn't have favorite songs, but Cassette and Sound do, so they all share music with B.
I guess Cassettes and B agreed they wouldn't talk about it.
YES, he does.
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Hey did twitter go down for you as well apparently there’s a blackout?!?!!
my twitter is okay!! only tik tok die. Are you having a breakdown today? PS: My tumblr also died Editx2: I had all my socals die lol
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I like to imagine that (in Transformers Earthspark) the Autobots are totally oblivious about Soundwave and Bumblebee's relationship, while the Decepticons try their hardest to ignore them and pretend they never saw them kissing in (the equivalent of) the broom closet (Starscream was the poor unfortunate one who witnessed it and immediately shut the door and turned away).
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So I'm sorry if this is an odd question but it's based of your soundbee comics and here it is
1) do they on occasion recharge together
2)when cuddling dose bee have a way of relaxing his door wingds so he doesn't accidentally hit soundwave with them
3)when soundwave wants just him and bee time what dose he do to ensure the cassests don’t interrupt them
(Only answer if you want since I’ve really wanted to ask but I’m very shy)

You're the first person who asked something about soundbee, so, thank you! <)
Yap, they are! I don't think the fenders get in the way much, they're not as big as the Seekers, so Soundwave is comfortable enough.
The cassettes stay with Malto
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Requests are now open and will be posted on a separate blog. I am open for communication!

BodyguardAU (and other AU's) now has a box of its own!
you can ask me absolutely any question, or just chat, I will be happy to answer all questions! main acc: @whalemleck
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вопрос по Гордому Отцу:
Би и Клиф имеют какие-то привычки что подхватили у Сентентила? (Они пытались ему подражать?)
не беспокойтесь о том что вопрос был продублирован, я понимаю!
Да. Опекун — первый в очереди объект для подражания. Конечно, дети не всегда что-то перенимают от родителей, но некоторые привычки все же могут быть.
В нашем случае Клиффджампер перенял больше поведение Сентинел, потому что, ну, в фильме о нем буквально ничего неизвестно, кроме того что чел так то учавствовал в гонке. Так что, мы можем приписать ему абсолютно рандомный характер и строить на этом всю его личность, лол
Би, в свою очередь, больше походит по манере речи. Он все еще гиперактивный болтун, но в угоду того что это АУ, его заносчивая разговорчивость имеет свои границы и Би следит за тем, чтобы он не перегружал свой вокодер. Ну и, он любопытный бот который любит изучать что-то новое, так что чувак нередко зависает с Опекуном. (Сентинел сделал что-то врод��: знаете, я всегда был любознательным. И вот, настал мой черед учить этих чадо любопытству)
Бонус: как помощник Зета Прайма на стажировке он, как и его опекун идеалист тщательно следит, чтобы все было идеально
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Hi, I'm the anonymous who is writing the fanfic of B-127/Bumblebee getting Cassettes during the war after losing his voice.
Sorry if I bother a lot but for some reason my head thinks it's good to ask you for advice and to know your opinion.
I should (later, much later) include the Beewave couple (Soundwave and Bumblebee) or better not? I'd love to include the couple in my stories since there isn't much of them and when there is it's mostly racy content, which by the way, yuck!
I would probably write very little about them since I want to develop Bumblebee's relationship with his Cassettes, but I don't know what do you recommend?
By the way, some time ago I sent you another question asking for your opinion about a part I wrote for the story..... Ignore it completely and pretend it never existed since I ended up changing it to something I liked even more and in my opinion was better.
I just realized this might be too long, I'm so sorry!
I think it's only your choice, But I'd be happy if you decided to add soundbee/beewave to the fanfiction!
Yap, I see your question, And I apologize for not responding. I have many requests in my inbox😅 glad you were able to change and make the text so that you like it!
The work was written admirably, Keep up the good work!
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Question for your GuardBee AU
If the 13 Primes could see everything Sentinel did to Bee and everything Bee did behind his back (like helping the miners) how would they react?
they was like:
"ahh, an another one. The new killer."

"Sentinel, what did you do to that yellow one.. "

"Wait, he has a sparkbrother, doesn't he do anything with him?"


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I don’t know if someone has asked this already, but I wanted to ask about Cliffjumper’s role in the movie in your Bodyguard B-127 AU. Does he join the crew on their mission to find the Matrix? Or is he just there? Kinda like he just has a scene with Bee is only reappears for the final fight?
And speaking of which, if B-127 isn’t in Sub level 50 in this AU, how DO they find the coordinates for the Matrix?
Hi!!! Sorry for the long reply, I didn't know how to answer your question (as well as the questions of several other anonymous people who are still in my inbox. I read all your queries! But I just can't find the right answer or the energy to answer, sorry).
Cliff is just there, but will probably show up more often. Besides being on the list of Iacon 5000 riders, B will also mention him whenever something happens. like
Bee, after the four of them fall off the train: Damn it, I'm going to have a very long time to explain myself to Cliffjumper Orion: who? Bee: never mind.
And later, when the Sentinel takes them prisoner, Bee will say that Cliff was the one who enlightened him and showed him that he's a rational being who doesn't have to submit to twisted purposes
And, Cliffjumper will appear at the end during the execution as a really caring older brother, who tries to stop his younger brother from committing suicide (namely trying to stop Megatron).
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Yoy know guys? i think im gonna change Bumblebees age, cuz its hard to imagine him being a teenager. He just young, but older whan than the miners.
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