#al the duke
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crumplstiltskin · 9 months ago
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medifan dump p1
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strange-birb · 9 months ago
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Some Wayne gala fits for the boys! I saw something similar by @fallen-jpg and wanted to do some of my own lol
Ps… I’m not good with backgrounds lol and I made Damian much older cause I didn’t want to draw a kid …
Part 2 !!!
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spicy-apple-pie · 6 months ago
Duke, filming a TikTok walking through the halls of Wayne Manor: “I’ve never understood why people want to know what it’s like living with the Wayne’s.”
He walks past a dark, candle lit room. Dick, Tim, Steph, Cass, and Damian all stand in a circle around Jason. They hold hands and rhythmically chant out the words to Smashmouth’s “All Stars.”
Duke: “Like, they’re just regular people doing regular people things. They aren’t aliens, you know?”
Duke cracks at the last second, laughing at their skit.
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heylosers06 · 7 months ago
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Baby Damian! And with this loved one’s!
Honestly when I was first drawing it I didn’t realize how much he looked like SpongeBob until later 😭
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we-r-robin · 7 months ago
Vicki Vale: Mr. Wayne are you Batman?
Bruce Wayne: What is a “Bat man?”
Vicki Vale: Mr. Drake are you Red Robin?
Tim Drake: Like the restaurant?
Vicki Vale: So Cassandra, are you Orphan?
Cassandra Cain: No I’m not an orphan. I have a dad.
Vicki Vale: Mr. Thomas are you Signal?
Duke Thomas: Am I what?
Vicki Vale: Are you the Bat Signal?
Duke Thomas: That is the stupidest question I’ve ever been asked.
Vicki Vale: Damian, are you Robin?
Damian Wayne: Tt, I am not a bird. Are you well, Ms. Vale? I’m concerned for your mental state.
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sometimes i think about how funny it would be if bruce had a slight english accent as a result of alfred being the only adult in his life for most of his formative years. that or he just says british slang instead of english.
this either drives his children insane, or they think it’s the most hilarious thing ever.
Bruce: Can you pass the chips?
Dick: Sure, B. *passes over the potato chips*
Bruce: No, the chips.
Dick: ???? … yeah? here?
Bruce: NO! THE CHIPS! *gesturing wildly for the french fries*
Damian: Father, are you having a stroke?
Batman: Alright, this mission is very important. It is imperative that everything goes to schedule. (shh-edule)
*red robin and red hood snicker*
Batman: *glare* As I was saying, it all must go to shh-edule…
RR & RH : *uproariously laughter *
Batman: *harsher glare* Is something funny?
RR: Oh nothing, B, don’t worry.
RH: Absolutely nothing wrong, “left-tenant”
RR & RH: *dying of laughter *
Bruce: *reaching the end of a long rant about responsibility and making sure you are keeping yourself and others safe* And what do you have to say for yourself??
Duke: … You sound like Alfred…
Bruce: *horrified look over coming him* … what
Cass: *furious nodding*
*Some time later, after B has been fished out of Gotham Harbor, which he jumped into after declaring that he “couldn’t turn into his father”*
Alfred: *reaching the end of a long rant about responsibility and making sure you are keeping yourself and others safe* And what do you have to say for yourself??
Bruce: *white as a sheet* … Sorry Alfie…
*Steph is heard furiously cackling in the background*
anyways i just thought this was fun
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lilsoupboiii · 8 months ago
Even more of my personal favorite panels from s2 of Batman: Wayne Family Adventures
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pacificwaternymph · 7 months ago
Batfamily Beauty and the Beast AU where Bruce is the beast and with every child he adopts he becomes slightly more and more human.
He finds Dick in the woods, sobbing over the loss of his parents. A year later, he looks in the mirror and wonders if he's only imagining that he's gotten shorter.
Jason sneaks into the castle and steals a loaf of bread, hungry and desperate. Bruce takes him in and offers him a proper meal. As he's putting his new son to bed one night, he notices that his claws have shrunk.
Tim marches into the castle and demands Bruce take him, knowing the stories of the monster who kidnaps children. Bruce's snout feels flatter than it used to when he presses a kiss to his forehead.
Cassandra lasts a full two weeks before anyone even notices she's there. The fur on Bruce's arms begins to thin as he holds her close, and she smiles up at him.
Tim brings home Stephanie, who loudly insists that she does not need nor want a new father. His skin grows less leathery, and the beginnings of crows feet appear on the corners of his eyes.
Damian is brought to them by Talia, rigid and wary of everything, convinced of his birthright as the Bat's heir. The fangs in Bruce's mouth seem to smooth over as he learns to gentle his speech.
The day Duke joins the family, still reeling from the plague that claimed his parents, something clicks. Bruce steps out, and before them stands a perfectly human man, finally made whole by his love for his children.
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anonyunknownonearth · 1 month ago
Tim: Have you ever cheated on a test or exam?
Jason: No? You just study you know?
Stephanie: You know I have
Damian: Tt, of course you have, and it is not hard to understand why Timothy is asking.
Tim: *raised eyebrow*
Damian: No, I have not cheated on an exam. Why would I need to?
Tim: I’m just asking, brat
Tim & Damian: *devolve into bickering*
[In the background]
Duke: Y’know I once cheated on an eye test.
Stephanie: Don’t you have powers?
Duke: Yeah, but this was before I discovered them.
Jason: How do you cheat on an eye sight exam??
Jason:*whispering* Why do you cheat on an eye exam??? Why can’t we just be normal people????
Bruce in the corner originally trying to mind his own business, ends up trying to process what he’s hearing:
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parker-artio · 1 month ago
Damian is an animal person, and I like to think that he has pets of all kinds. Including illegal ones and legal ones.
He probably has gone to his father more than once to get him to get a permit for a pet.
Damian, walking over to Bruce at that point in the day when he agrees with anything: Father?
Bruce, exhausted™: Yes Damian?
Damian holding up a paper: May you sign this?
Bruce not even reading the paper: yeah sure
Damian two weeks later walking into the manor with a pet ferret in hand: Father, I’ve named him Jason. Do you like him?
Bruce remembering that ferrets are illegal to own in New Jersey without a permit: He’s lovely… how did you.. get him?
Damian: You signed the paper two weeks ago
Bruce who doesn’t remember that but knows he definitely signed something: oh… okay
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shortnsweetsposts · 4 months ago
Child!Damian: *Trying to hug Bat!reader*
Bat!reader: Leave alone, baby.
Child!Damian: *Looked up at Bat!reader with them big ol'eyes*
Bat!reader: ...
Bat!reader, starts ugly sobbing and hugged child!Damian back: YOU'RE MY BABY. YOU'RE MY BABY AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.
Batfam: Oh wow
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imaginaryskeleton · 6 months ago
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I can finally format replies properly :D
More batfam twitter shennanigans here
Taglist under the cut
@scarlettauthor @searchingforthelamps @aceisferal @lady-bizarre @nana-mizu-shiki @reality-itself-but-magic @humanoidluv @shortstorylover @luckybyrdrobyn @ginevraxrogers @universal-travel-er @timpendragon @limeskittlesaredecent @illburnyouontheceiling @half-emptyjuicebox @genderlessblomber @i-suc-at-art @somniphobicfox @ultra-stormsaga @procrastinators-folly @folk-ever-lore @marinafanning @tzuyu132132 @sackofsadstuff @notarobot-lastichecked @blankliferain @kking13 @blackholegladiator @formulaonebuff @blackstar-gazer @wrongwaykelly @smiling-through-sadness @cygnusdoesthings @lyninabin @justabilingualchileangirl @atlasaurelius @xxrougefangxx @fictional-love21 @kittyplayz1 @bae-graphomaniac @rusty-lake-resident @spawn0fsatan @savetheupholstery @lostsomewhereinthegarden @dead-potato-monster @its-a-dam-blue-brick @elamimax @ja50nt0ddwa5h3r3 (continued in replies due to tag limit)
If you want to be added to or removed from the taglist let me know in the replies (easier to sort through than reblogs). I won't respond to each request but you will be added
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thecatnamedorangeblossom · 1 month ago
Bruce Wayne humbly learning from Dolly Parton. The Wayne Education Foundation which is slowly broken down and honors his children.
-The Grayson Project- an athletic scholarship program
-Jason's Library- a free books program that sends an age appropriate book monthly
-Tim's Friends- if two buddies both graduate they each receive a cash amount
-Successful Beginnings- a free daycare program for teen parents
-Cassandra's Choice- a scholarship for extra curricular activities
-Daylight Society- a fund to support youth political movements
-The Wayne Fine Arts Program- a free art class that runs during breaks from school
-The Juvenile Defense Fund- exactly what it sounds like
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dc-gotham-instincts-wild · 10 days ago
Headcanon that Jason just kidnaps his siblings instead of asking them to hang out sometimes.
Sometimes he does the normal abduction thing and other times he has his methods.
Dick: Jason sneaks into Dick’s apartment in Blüdhaven at 3 AM, throws him over his shoulder, and drags him to his motorcycle. Dick wakes up mid-ride, half-conscious, groggily mumbling, "Jay, what the hell—?"
- Jason just shushes him and tosses a burger into his lap. "Shut up and eat, Goldie. We're bonding." (Jason, allowing his big brother to ruffle his hair? Nooooo, absolutely not...)
Tim: Jason straight-up drugs him asleep him when Tim refuses to take a break. He wakes up in Jason’s apartment with a cup of coffee and a sandwich waiting for him, while Jason sits on the couch reading a book.
- “You looked dead on your feet, Replacement. Either you napped willingly or I made you. Guess which one you picked.” (Jason totally doesn't rake a hand over his lil bro's hair during this time)
Steph: Jason knows Steph is a wild card when it comes to hanging out, so he has to be a little sneakier with her. He'd show up at her place unannounced, pretending to just be casually passing by, and in one smooth motion, he'd grab her and yank his little sister into his car or bike before she even realizes what's happening. (He totally doesn't do this in time with hard school, noooo)
Damian: Jason scoops him up mid-battle and just walks away with him. Damian kicks, bites, and yells, "UNHAND ME, TODD!" but Jason holds him like an angry kitten.
- They end up at a rooftop picnic with Alfred’s homemade food. Damian eventually eats while grumbling about Jason's “barbaric methods” but secretly enjoys the attention. (Jason maaayybe ruffles his hair a lot.)
Cass: She just lets it happen. Jason shows up, gestures toward his bike, and Cass just hops on without a word. They go on long road trips in comfortable silence, getting ice cream at 2 AM and scaring off criminals for fun. (Jason totally doesn't take the time to help her with her speech-)
Duke: Duke gets fake-napped. Jason tells him, "Be outside in five minutes," and when Duke says no, Jason still shows up, grabs him, and hauls him into a car.
- Duke just sighs and texts Bruce: "Jason's 'kidnapping' me again. Back later." (Jason totally doesn't get the names of school bullies from him and uses them, noooooooo)
Bruce knows this happens. He just sighs and lets it happen because, honestly? It’s Jason’s way of showing love. And at least the kids are getting along.
Jason kidnaps his siblings because it's his way of saying, "You're important to me, and I'm gonna drag you into ridiculous situations whether you like it or not."
He also, however, does it to Bruce.
In fact, it might be one of his favorite things to do, just because Bruce is always so serious and “responsible.”
Jason thinks it’s hilarious to force Bruce to take a break. He just shows up at the Batcave, probably with some kind of overly complicated plan to "kidnap" Bruce without him realizing.
Step 1: Jason would distract Alfred with a "Oh, just a quick check-in, you know, 'cause it’s been a while.’"
Step 2: He would wait for Bruce to get fully immersed in some case files and then sneak up behind him, tap him on the shoulder, and when Bruce turns around, Jason’s already got him in a headlock, pulling him out of the chair like, "Get up, old man. We're going to a diner. No arguments."
Bruce would protest, of course. He'd probably try to get out of it with his usual grumpy “I’m too busy” routine. Jason might fake-sigh and act like he's just trying to help Bruce loosen up, reminding him, "I know you think you’re invincible, but you still need to eat, Batman."
And if Bruce insists on not going, Jason would just drag him anyway. He might even grab the Batmobile for a joyride (he's always wanted to), making Bruce sit shotgun while Jason drives like an absolute maniac (Jokes on both because Bruce taught him to drive-)
Bruce would probably be scowling the whole time, but Jason would know his dad is secretly enjoying it, even if he won't admit it.
Eventually, Bruce would probably give in and get his grumpy little “dad” lecture—“You’re so reckless, Jason—” but Jason would just smile and be like, "Whatever. You’re welcome.”
Jason totally doesn't like it when his dad just ruffles his hair at some point.
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prlssprfctn · 13 days ago
Jason, who starts gaslighting his family members by saying that All Blades were always a thing and that they just didn't take him seriously, once they found out about it.
Bruce, frustrated: If you yielded a magical sword in the past, I would know, Jaylad.
Jason: Jesus fucking Christ, I told you, I don't use it often, since it uses my soul. But I did mention that I have it!
Dick: You did not!
Jason: I said that Robin gives me magic! I said I *am* magic!
Bruce: That's—
Dick: But—
Bruce and Dick, turning to Damian helplessly: Your verdict?
Damian, who got already paid by Jason (price was two sneaked in rabbits): That's true. Mother said Todd had always had them. He only ever was sent to All Caste because he needed to be taught how to use it correctly. Didn't Dulcra say that you were the chosen one, Todd?
Jason, intentionally irritated: Exactly! Thank you.
The rest of the family: ●○●
Bruce, sitting in the Cave, in the middle of his 300th existential crisis: I— If Jason is the chosen one, was I technically wrong in our argument?
Dick: ...I can't believe that this is what takes you to accept that you were wrong, and not the fact that— Dunno, he is your son— And you kinda failed him—
Tim: On the more important note, should we call Jason Harry Potter now or something?
Stephanie, snickering: Jason... You are a wizard!
Bruce, sniffling: He did like these books as a child. Perhaps it was his way to try to tell us the truth.
Dick: Damn... Once we were arguing, and I told him that he had no magic... How foolish I was.
Jason, pressing phone to the shoulder, while cooking: ...And now they are staring at me, like I am about to do the whole Enchantix transformation, lol
Talia: I admit, that's amusing. Damian did a great job at supporting this circus.
Ra's voice on the background: Enchantix? What is it? Had that boy found ANOTHER magical device plot?!
Talia: ...Do you think I am too old to pull the same move you did on my father?
Jason: Nah, it is never too late to trick your dad. Get his ass.
Talia: You are absolutely correct.
Talia, screaming to Ra's: He did, father. It is related to the constant cycle of being brought back alive.
Jason, turning around to Damian, who is playing with rabbits on his couch: Prepare, little gremlin. You are about to testify falsely again, this time to your grandfather.
Damian, snorting: Two golden fish and one parrot.
Jason: I will warn your mother.
Tim, with Excel Chart open: Okay, so we figured out that he has All Blades, strange version of immortality, quick recovery thanks to Pit... What other magic Jason can have we don't know about it yet?
Cassandra: Cooking?
Stephanie: ...I think he is just a normal person, Cass.
Dick: NO, no, listen, it is one thing to cook normally, another to be trusted by Alfred.
Duke: ...You are reaching, guys. I think he is just a good chief.
Bruce: He always makes me laugh.
Tim: That's not— B, no one laughs, but you, so what kind of magic power is that?!
Duke: Listen, y'all, what if he sees ghosts?
Everyone: (pauses)
Stephanie, hitting Tim on the shoulder: WRITE IT DOWN, WRITE IT DOWN—
Tim: I am putting it in the "unclear" column, but good idea, dude.
Alfred, glancing at all of this sceptically: Dear Lord, this family is not your brightest soldiers...
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iamliquid · 2 months ago
Damian and Jason yelling at each other. Arguing about something again.
The yelling continues.
"..You met baby Damian?"Bruce says with a little sadness. He also wanted to see his little boy as a baby :(
Jason gasps dramatically, tears welling up in his eyes (He cries on command) "HOW DARE YOU, FINE YOU DON'T CARE THATS FINE BUT YOU WILL CARE AFTER I FUCK YOUR MOM AGAIN"
Damian stops in his tracks, and so does Dick.
"..You fucked Talia?" Dick says with a worry in his voice "I knew you liked older women but-"
Then Damian starts yelling again in retaliation.
"Steph no." Tim says but it was too late
"Like father like son."Stephanie says before bursting out in laughter doubling down on the floor.
"SO WHAT I FUCKED YOUR MOM!? AND I HEARD THAT" Jason yells from the living room
"So how did this start?" Duke asks while drinking from his cup.
"Jason found out Damian dog tagged his copy of the great Gatsby." Tim says while being dragged down by a dying Stephanie.
Alfred in the meanwhile is mixing sedatives into the batch of cookies he's making, and the coffee, and the whiskey because he knows that Jason will down that entire thing after the argument.
Yes Bruce is still on the baby Damian thing.
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