#ah yes this is much like being a barista
wraithdance · 1 month
The Five Year Plan | Gaz x Reader
Synopsis: When your fiancé breaks up with you, you start to question your timeline; who needs a man when you can have a baby yourself? Who better to ask for help on creating one than your arch-nemesis Kyle Garrick?
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Note: F!Reader, Fat/Plus sized Reader, Reader is implied to be Black but can be read as WoC, Readers nickname is 'Siggy', there will be no y/n use Content warning: none; besides a terrible grasp of british-isms
Chapter One: Piss off Kyle
It was while sitting beneath the awning of your favorite bistro that you’d come to a great realization. Hugo Montclair, your fiance of three years, was not just a bore but a bit of a jackass. 
Also, the lavender cake was no longer listed on Le Misa’s menu. So, technically two great realizations. As bad as it sounded, one concerned you more than the other.
Squinting you give the laminated sheet another thorough read to confirm your suspicions and… ah, yes. It’s not there. Where it should be between the ladies fingers and the lemon cake is an empty, discolored space. 
With a manicured finger you chip away at the corners to reveal the sloping letter ‘L’ beneath the meticulously placed correction tape. 
This was no good.
“Siggy, darling have you heard a word I said?”
You hum in reply, still deeply baffled with the current conundrum. Hugo calls your name again, not satisfied until you’ve given him your attention. 
He leans his head down to be in your line of sight. He’s a bit too blonde and polished for you not to focus your attention on. Like a shiny beacon. You try not to sigh deeply and instead plaster on a smile. 
“Yes, I heard you darling, you want to break up because you’re seeing Maddie from downstairs.”
Hugo extends his dainty manicured hands across the small table to cover yours above the menu. 
“I’m so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you this way.”
His eyes are carefully soft and his expression does that awkward stretch people do when attempting to project a facsimile of contriteness. In this case it just makes the skin around his mouth pucker oddly, displacing the filler he swears he gets for preventive measures.
You pat his hand politely with a smile “It’s fine, Hugo, really. Do you think I can borrow your menu? I think there's been a bit of a mistake.”
You are sliding the paper to your side of the table before you can finish the sentence. Hugo is a bit taken aback and blanches.
Another sweeping glance at Hugo’s menu reveals much of the same. 
There’s no lavender cake.
“Look, I know this is hard to take in but I want us to try to at least be amicable. We’ve been together for years and your parents and friends adore me.”
At this you snort but quickly cover it with a cough. Your parents tolerated him at best and your friends had made it well known they disapproved of Hugo. (Something about being a posh chihuahua enamored with its own self importance.)
You frown thinking of the dramatics his mother would put on inevitably, so sure you’d ruined the engagement to her son on purpose. 
But really what could you do? 
It wasn’t the most convenient thing to have your boss's beloved son kick you to the metaphorical curb, but technically you were the one who had been cheated on. Totally not your fault this time!
“I said I got it, you can’t help who you love and etcetera.” You give a cluck of your tongue before looking up once more hoping to catch the circling barista's eye. 
The mid afternoon lunch crowd at Le Misa’s is blessedly tame for a Thursday. The gloomy weather outside makes it easier to spot the jittery teen in a crimson red apron. The poor girl is glued to a corner, hunched over and clutching a notepad in white knuckle grip. 
She sees you shift in her periphery and snaps terrified eyes to your half raised arm. You do your best to smile sans teeth as you wave her over, coaxing her closer with small fluid movements. 
You hope you’re projecting calming vibes because she looks a bit green around the gills from the very thought of being needed by a customer. 
When she’s meters from your table you lean forward, your tits and belly squash a bit over the table causing your empty saucer to clatter before settling. Hugo, despite his offended chittering, stops long enough to stare at your chest. With a roll of your eyes you ignore his open panting. Typical.
“Hi darling,” you chirp in an octave higher than your usual. “I just had a quick question about the cakes? There used to be a lavender one here, I’ve been ordering it for years. Can you tell me what happened to it?”
“Um w-well.” The trembling girl blinks are twitchy and rapid, sputtering out um’s and oh’s.
‘Oh, no’ you think to yourself. 
You might have broken her. Still, you nod your head in support waiting for her to gather her wits. The poor thing was obviously a new employ with a bitch of a case of social anxiety.
Your efforts are for nothing in the end because a loud clearing throat causes you both to freeze, just as it’s seem she’d gotten up her courage.
Your cheek ticks as you watch the skittish girl clam up again. Hugo’s gaze has pried off your cleavage long enough to laser something disapproving and pointed at the side of your forehead. 
He’s even doing that thing with his face that you’ve always hated. His cheeks suck in like a goldfish and he does the eyebrow raise and head cock that screams ‘I am very displeased.’
“What? I just need to ask her something. I'll be just a sec.”
Hugo’s frown only deepens and he lets out the most dramatic sigh you’ve ever heard from a thirty two year old man.
It causes you to roll your eyes. Really, why couldn’t he just break up with you through text? This whole kerfuffle was starting to drag on and ruin your already limited lunch hour.
What happened to just saying ‘it’s not you, it’s me?’ or ghosting like a normal person? 
You give the hovering teenager a tight smile and lift a single manicured finger to signify the need for a moment. She scurries back into the safety of the French doors into the cafe's interior before your hand has a chance to lower.
“Hugo darling,” Your tone is careful, neutral like the one you use to disarm your irate clients. 
“I’m really not upset I promise, we’d barely begun planning the wedding and we never got around to moving in with each other. Really there’s no harm-”
“She's pregnant.” he blurts out suddenly. 
A record scratches in your brain because, “What?”
Hugo grimaces. “She’s about three months pregnant. I didn’t know how to tell you.”
One blink. Two… before you’re sure there wasn’t a punchline coming. 
“Are you taking the piss right now?”
“Sweetheart,” His hands raise in defense “don’t get upset-”
“Oh what the actual FUCK Hugo? You told me you wanted to wait until marriage before considering children!” Your hiss is low and dark. 
More than a small part of you is satisfied with his flinch back to avoid your venom. You're slightly aware of the scene you’re causing but really! The man had kept his sperm under lock and key like his swimmers were precious jewels!
It’s the one thing he’d put his foot down about, content to let you drive the relationship otherwise.
‘I have to be considerate of my legacy as a Montclair, Siggy.’
‘We can talk about it after the wedding, Siggy.’ 
You didn’t understand the hang up because the Montclair clan were as distant from the crown as you were to Beyoncé! Still he’d been adamant about not having a child out of wedlock. 
You’re not very kind about reminding him of the fact either.
“I did mean that, I swear,” he ruffles his coiffed blonde hair, the pomade holding firm but is no match for the havoc his slender fingers trail. “It just happened and Madelyn and I decided it was a good thing.”
He huffs “I mean let’s be realistic Siggy, she’s different from you. She’s a bit more equipped to take care of a child than you are.”
Oh ho! Now that was rich. You were chomping at the bit to hear how the barely legal heiress was better equipped to birth a baby than you were!
“How so!” Your tone is one translating the utmost disbelief and sarcasm. 
Hugo waves a hand in the air, it’s so dismissive and you consider punching him in the nose for it. “She’s just much more flexible.” 
Well ouch?
There’s a Rolodex of adjectives your litany of exes used to describe you before they dumped you. 
Uptight, strict, aloof, intense. ‘Heartless harpy who feeds on the souls of innocent men’. 
The last one came from a starving poet who’d been freeloading on your nice suede green couch before you'd kicked him and his lute out. How you managed to find the one man in London with dreams of being a modern day bard, who knows.
(You did admire his ways with words and his tongue was capable of art). It had admittedly stung a bit more than the others and you needed an extra hen session with the girls to unpack the resulting feels. 
Nonetheless, you’ve never been called inflexible. 
Matter of fact, you were pretty fucking flexible! Your Pilates teacher had crowed about it several times during class, thank you very much.  (Maybe he was just trying to get you to put out but still, a compliment was a compliment.)
Momentarily you consider if that was actually supposed to be a dig at your weight but Hugo frantically rambles on as if reading your mind. 
“I just mean that you work long hours at Mum’s firm and you’ve told me yourself you wouldn’t stop working even if you were pregnant.”
“So what!”
“So, that’s an awful way to raise a child Siggy! Madelyn works for herself and has the time to dedicate to a baby that you don’t.”
“Of course she has the time!” you cry out in exasperation, ignoring Hugo’s shushing. If he wanted you to react better he shouldn’t have dropped this bomb in public!
“She teaches yoga to the elderly in her perfect fucking apartment! I’ve been a barrister for all of 2 seconds and I can’t just give up my position!”
Hugo rolls his eyes with the dramatic flare only an aristocrat could pull off. “I’ve been trying to work on our relationship for months; you’ve blown me off every time saying you were working or there was a crisis with your friends.”
“I thought proposing would change things but…” The sad look does make some guilt well up into your veins. 
Hugo’s shoulder drop and his blue eyes are a bit misty. It makes your throat close with panic. Hugo was prone to sobbing and you really needed to intercept that train before it derailed.
“It doesn’t even feel like you like me sometimes!” He’s hiccuping and throwing his hands in the air in exasperation before you know it. 
Oh for fucks sake!
“It’s like you view me as more of a convenience than a partner. I’ve only ever seen you truly happy over coupons or work or cakes!”
Fat tears roll down his face and you’re handing him your linen napkin with a sigh. He thanks you and blows his nose loudly enough for other tables to glance your way. Wonderful.
When he composes himself you try to refute him.
“Hugo, that's not true, I like you,” His gives you a look of complete disbelief that sets you on the defense. “Really I do! I just…”
Your brows furrow as words evade you. You really wish he would have just broken up with you via text.
“I show it differently that’s all.” Your shoulders sag in defeat.
Hugo gives you a sad smile. It’s watery and his face is still a bit splotchy.
“But not like Madelyn does. Be honest, did you ever love me?”
You feel like an absolute bitch because you can’t answer him. After a while you both accept that it was about as much as you could say.
It’s only when you’re halfway to the office that you realize you never did get an answer about the cake.
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Kyle Garrick had a radar for when you were about to make a fool of yourself. The man had somehow been privy to every embarrassing moment you’ve had in your shared building. You couldn’t prove it, but he had to have some kind of sixth sense for your personal humiliation. 
There was no other explanation because the entire six years you’d lived across from him, he was always conveniently near when shit went awry.
Like that time you locked yourself out wearing only a ratty towel when reaching for a parcel. His stupidly pretty face only twitched in amusement seeing you hunched over and dripping wet. 
You’d been attempting to jimmy the cheap lock with a stray paper clip you found discarded nearby. It hadn’t gone well, as you’d been more focused on trying to keep your tits and thighs within the thin, cotton fabric.
(They really should make towels for bigger girls more accessible, honestly it was ridiculous!)
It hadn’t been your finest moment but he could have had the decency to look away. Instead, he leaned his broad shoulder against his doorway, content to watch you struggle. 
You’d snapped at him asking what his problem was and his only reply was ‘nippy in here, isn’t it?’ 
He did eventually help you break into your flat, but only after you’d called him as many names as you could think of. He’d waited out your tantrum without as much of a twitch. He’d simply taken the paper clip from you and sank to the floor in front of the doorknob.
His big hands were surprisingly much more dexterous than yours. You’d never admit to the lump in your throat or the shudder starting at your toes while staring at the long brown digits.
It didn’t help that his whiskey colored eyes bore into yours with an unspoken question when you made a panicked sound. The side of his head had grazed your breasts and the back of the hand holding your towel when he shifted on his knees. The light touch was clearly accidental, but still molten lava shot through you like a rocket on fire.
Intrusive thoughts of him kneeling before you in another context caused you to choke on your saliva. You tried so hard to clear your throat subtly but an embarrassing wheezing sound still managed to escape. Add insult to injury, the infuriating man had to pat your back when your body wracked with coughs.
You weren’t proud that you told him to fuck right off when he finally got the door open. You ignored his sarcastic ‘You’re welcome, luv” and slammed the door in his smug face. 
That was nearly two years ago and the start of your vendetta against the irritating neighbor.
Per usual, he finds you just outside your doorway causing a scene. This time, you’re being clung to by your now ex-fiancés mistress.
Madelyn’s wails are loud, keening things that are razor sharp against your eardrums. Her tearful pleading is loud enough for you to miss the ding of the elevator as it stops on your floor. 
Kyle strides from the lift like a living bronzed Adonis. 
With gritted teeth you curse every deity known to mankind.
Wonderful. Truly, amazing actually!
He’s clearly coming back from a run, His arms are comically large and gleaming with a thin layer of sweat on his brown skin. You’re able to make out the intricate tattooed shield containing the numbers ‘141’ on his bicep. It’s the first you’d seen of it (not that you were keeping an eye out for it before). 
His sleeveless jumper is damp and half zipped to show off a view of his firm pectorals and the first row of his 6-pack. You’re about to peak lower to his loose gym shorts when he catches your stray perusal and raises a singular brow.
“Everything alright, love?”
“Just peachy, Kyle, thank you.” you snipe in a clipped tone. “Please feel free to run along.”
Your snarky dismissal is prickly enough that most people would call you a cunt but would blessedly sod off. 
The disgustingly fit nuisance just removes his headphones from around the cartilage of his ears and continues to linger just outside his door with crossed arms. Behind Madelyn’s trembling back you make a harried shoo-ing gesture. It’s meant to somehow relay that you had everything under control. 
You did not of course, but the last thing you could stand right now is Kyle fucking Garrick in the mix of this shit-show. No matter how angelic the bastard looked in the dim lighting of the hallway, he had an uncanny ability to piss on all of your emotional reserves. 
“Siggy!” Madelyn’s blubbering cuts off Kyle's next words. “I’m so, SO sorry!” She immediately descends into another fit of sobs against your cleavage. 
There’s a bit of an awkward lull when Kyle snorts out a laugh.“You think she can breathe in there?”
With closed eyes you lean your head back to look at the ceiling, shooting a ‘fuck you very much’ to the universe. 
You’d come home 20 minutes prior with murderous miasma cloaking you like a second skin. After being publicly dumped (without even the comfort of sweets to soothe the humiliation) you’d gone straight back to work just to deal with piles upon piles of paperwork. 
Your only reprieve was Hugo’s mother canceling her standing appointment with you. You’d still been forced to work with the old woman’s assistant and to your disdain, he was just as persnickety as his employer.
By the time you’d made it home on aching feet and a splitting headache your thoughts were filled with the desire to stuff yourself with a big fat American cheeseburger. Specifically one from the shady shop around the corner that you suspect may be a mafia front. They made damn good cheeseburgers though. 
Your mind had then of course wondered to the possibility of being caught up in a police raid and if ‘wanting to support local business’ be a good enough excuse to get you off the hook.
It’s how you missed the pint sized ambush lying in wait for you.
Madelyn had been planted outside your door in electric pink spandex and light up sneakers. She’d spotted you coming out of the lift and attached herself onto you before you could make a proper run for it.
Since then you’d been stuck holding her instead of the greasy end of a heart attack masquerading as a sandwich. Fat tears continue to wet the collar of the fleece outer coat you’d nabbed at a bargain sale.
“How long has she been like this?” Kyle asks with a raised brow.
Ignoring him, you do your best to wrestle Madelyn’s stiff form back enough to meet her eyes. 
The younger girl’s face is red and splotchy, snot and mascara darkened tears stain her usually fair skin. Her mousy brown hair could use a wash as well but you aren’t unkind enough to point it out. Even though she did shag your husband to be, it was clear the girl was torturing herself with guilt.
It is a bit unfair that the smudged makeup does nothing to detract from her beauty, much to your petty disdain. 
She’d make gorgeous babies with Hugo…
The thought makes you scowl. It was time to make a retreat.
“Madelyn, I’d really like to get into my flat. I don’t want to speak to you to be honest and I need you to let me go.”
More helpless wailing comes out of the younger woman.
“P-Please Siggy, I just need you to know I never meant for this to happen! Hugo and I tried to keep away from each other and I don't want you to hate me or the b-baby!” By the end she’s blubbering herself into hyperventilation. 
From the corner of your eyes you can make out the door of your neighbor adjacent to you crack open. Whipping your neck to get a look at the nosy pissant gets the older woman to slam the door closed with a fearful squeak. 
This had gone on too long.
Forcibly you use your hip and extra weight to maneuver the hysterical woman from your person. You hold her flailing arms to prevent her from launching herself back to your front. When she whines you’ve finally reached your breaking point.
“For fucks sake, you’re making a bloody scene!” You bark out, “I don’t care about Hugo!”
Madelyn flinches.
“But you care that we’re having a baby, right?”
It’s only when Madelyn lets out a whine of pain that you notice you’d been holding her thin wrists in a vice-like grip.
A forgotten Kyle chooses that moment to slink closer, his hands cup Madelyn’s shoulder carefully, despite your death glare.
“Maddy, darling, why don’t you let go for me.”
The brunette woman startles having finally noticed his presence in the vicinity. 
“Oh, Kyle! I didn’t know you were here!” It’s insulting how quickly she wriggles from your hold to catapult herself into Kyle’s waiting arms. 
With disgust you watch Kyle pat the shorter woman’s hair much like one would do a pet. Something about watching him with her makes your hackles rise farther.
“Why don’t you come in and calm down, hm? I’ll make you that tea you like and we can watch something.” Kyle makes a humming noise meant to soothe. It pisses you off but seems to work like a charm.
Madelyn’s sniffles subside dramatically and she rubs her hand across her button nose.
“Yes, that does sound lovely, but I need to talk to Siggy...”
You flinch as the two turn towards you once more. Kyle must see the cornered look in your eyes because he rubs his hands along Madelyn’s shoulders and whispers something in her ear. 
Madelyn nods and enters Kyle’s flat without any further hesitation.
It’s like the nearly thirty minutes of being held hostage outside your own home means nothing against his soft words.
God, you hate this man with every fiber of your being.
With a scowl you rummage through your bag for your house keys. Why did you have so many gum wrappers inside? You really need to clean your bag out. 
It’s not until you hear a throat clear that you realize Kyle still watches you from the threshold of his home.
“What?” Your tone makes a muscle in his cheek twitch. You hate to say it but it satisfies you to know at least you have some effect on him.
“Are you alright, love?” 
That causes you to abandon your search. You squint at his open expression and the genuine concern you see there. It’s unexpected and makes you a bit uncomfortable. How pathetic did you look that even your enemies pity you?
“I’m fine. Not like you actually care anyways.”
The last part was said in a mumble but Kyle’s sharp ears catch it. 
“Oy, what is that supposed to mean?” He steps closer to you crowding your space. 
Your senses are bombarded by the heady scent of the bergamot and cedar wood notes in his cologne. Coupled with the tangy smell of his natural musk, your brain does that thing where it shuts off and reboots itself.
“Siggy.” Kyle reaches out to touch your arm sending an electric current between you two that causes you to jolt back. He frowns, stepping closer, crowding you before you wield your bag in front of you like a shield and sword. 
“Garrick, I really, really don’t want to talk right now.” 
“No, no, no! I don’t want to hear it! I’ve had a shite day and the cause of it is currently waiting for tea and cakes in your flat! I’m the one that deserves bloody tea and cakes for fucks sake!”
Enraged, you shove your hand through your bag and come in contact with the puff ball attached to your keys. 
You’re frantically unlocking your door and shoving inside your home, refusing to give the universe another moment to make a mess of your ruined day.
You look at Kyle as he stands in utter confusion and give him the dirtiest look in your arsenal. 
“Cheers, I hope you enjoy your sweets with Madelyn but you can piss right off, Kyle!” 
You slam the door with finality.
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romanoffsdarling · 11 months
Later Never Comes
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Pairing: CEO!Silver-Fox!Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your love for her knew no bounds, but there’s only so long you can hold on— only so many empty promises you can stand— before you finally have to let go. Before you finally realize that later may never become real.
Word Count: 4,779
Warnings: G!P Wanda, legal age gap, brief oral (R receiving), dirty (and slightly possessive) talk, mommy kink, slightly rough sex, neglect, and angst (with a bittersweet ending). 18+, Minors DNI.
Author’s Note: I know I promised a second part to Summertime Sadness and Time To Say (Goodbye), but I couldn’t get this idea out of my head. I hope you can forgive me!
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Great love always ends in tragedy.
That’s the saying, right? A stupid one if you had anything to say about it. What’s so great about love if it only ends in heartbreak? If you don’t end up with the person that makes your entire being thrum? If everything that had once been so colorful is suddenly black-and-white due to their absence?
Is the love great due to the story? To the emotions, the events, that occur throughout its long winded saga? Or is it great because it was doomed from the start? Because, even though it’d end one way, two people were still willing to fight the odds, to fight fate, even if they’d never end up winning.
You’re not sure, nor do you care, because there’s no way a love of that kind could be anything except terrible— except bone-chillingly agonizing in the way you’d have to figure out how to move on without it. Figure out how to be without the person that made everything make sense, that made you feel like the person you were always meant to be.
Even if it’s been years since you’ve seen her, years since you’ve felt her lips against yours, an elegantly lithe body pressed to your own, and the sweet scent of sandalwood and lavender mixed perfectly in your nose, you haven’t been able to figure that out. Haven’t been able to get her out of your system, no matter how much you may try.
How could you? When you’ve loved, and been loved by, Wanda Maximoff?
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“I’m just saying she’s been interested to meet you since she saw our group picture from Fiji.” Your best friend, Agatha, relayed, jovially leading you towards the small, yet upscale, café that Wanda Maximoff— CEO of Scarlet Entertainment— agreed to meet you. “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, sweetie. Especially one that came about due to my own propensity to lose bets with that witch.”
Your brow furrows. “I’m just not sure what exactly this meeting is supposed to be about. I just graduated college, I barely have any experience under my belt.”
“But you have me as a mentor,” she rebukes, a small smirk on her lips. “And that’s all that you need to get into Wanda’s head.”
“Ah, yes.” You roll your eyes, amusement welling within your chest. “How could I forget about your age-old rivalry?”
“Don’t phrase it like that. Makes me sound old.” Agatha bumps her shoulder against yours, eyes narrowed.
“And mentor doesn’t?”
“Nope.” She pops the ‘p’. “That makes me sound wise.”
“And what does wisdom come from again?”
You’re just able to dodge the swat directed at your arm, a bright smile tugging your lips upward, as you finally enter the quaint café— the aromatic smell of coffee, a hint of cinnamon, and something slightly citrusy, hits you all at once. A combination that shouldn’t have worked as well it did.
Once you placed your order— a simple coffee with your usual additions— you turned back to Agatha with an expectant expression. “Anything I should know about this meetings, Ags?”
She shakes her head, tendrils of brown hair escaping the haphazard bun she had thrown them in. “You’re here.” Agatha hands you the drink the barista had just put beside you, a wane smile on her lips. “That’s the important part to achieve for any date.”
Your steps stutter, nearly causing you to trip into a nearby table. “W-What?” Widened eyes meet Agatha’s unaffected one, a certain level of calmness that you found irritating. “What do you mean date? I thought this was a meeting?”
Agatha waves her hand. “Lunch meeting, lunch date. Means the same thing in the end.” She shoulders her purse, clearly not planning on staying any longer than she has to. “You’ll be fine, Y/N. You’re a catch. Maximoff would have to be a bigger idiot than I think she already is if she lets you go.”
Before you’re able to respond, Agatha places a chaste kiss to your cheek, offers one last cheeky wink, and saunters her way out of the café, leaving you completely alone. You’re honestly tempted to just abandon ship and get out of dodge— you weren’t good on dates, let alone blind dates. Something your best friend is well aware of, and would definitely be getting in an earful about this later.
However, before you’re able to make a concrete decision on your exit strategy, a husky voice speaks up from behind you.
“Are you Y/N?”
The most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen stood in front of you when you turned around: long auburn hair, speckled with the beginning signs of gray, paired perfectly with the sharp emerald green of her gaze. An elegantly lithe body, encased in a form-fitting suit, tailored made to enhance every perfect curve, relaxed in a way that almost seemed arrogant— if it was for the confidence that exudes from her very being.
“Yes.” Your brain finally catches up with you, remembering the question she had asked. “Y/N.” You hold out your hand for her to shake. “Y/N L/N, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
A small smile catches full lips, a slender hand grasping your own in a firm shake. “Wanda Maximoff.” Green eyes trail down your body. “And, trust me, the pleasure is all mine.”
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The months that followed the blind date went by in a blur. You could honestly say that you’ve never met anyone else like Wanda Maximoff— a woman that personified ice and fire. Watching her work— whether it be as you’re lounged on her large leather sectional, laptop balanced on her lap as slender fingers gently stroke your back, or she’s pacing back and forth with her phone pressed to her ear; voice dripping with barely concealed annoyance, underlined by a calm collectiveness that never failed to make you swoon— was an art form in itself, but being able to see the woman that appeared at the end of the day?
Where an icy facade of professionalism melts into warm smile and gentle eyes. Sharp words being replaced by sweet nothings and gentle humming.
In Wanda’s arms you’ve found a place you never even knew you were missing— home. You had a couple relationships in the past, but none of them made you feel the way Wanda does; all paling in comparison to the beautiful Sokovian.
The one thing you hadn’t expected upon beginning to date the older woman was how insatiable she was— not that you were complaining— but Wanda needed to have you as often as she could. Taking you the bedroom of your apartment, the various rooms in her penthouse, in her office within Scarlet Entertainment, hell even in the back of a limo on the way to an event. Wanda needed to have you and you needed to have her right back.
Another little thing you’ve learned about her? Or, you should say, not so little? The Sokovian sported an extra appendage that had quickly become your new best friend— not that you were going to tell Agatha that— who seemed to want you as much as Wanda did.
Which is how you found yourself where you are now— on your back, thighs clamped around Wanda’s head, as she thoroughly ate you out on the couch of her office.
“Yes.” You arch sharply, a sob being torn from your throat as Wanda’s tongue plunges even deeper into you. Your girlfriend hums happily at the sound, the vibrations sending a shockwave across your clit, and another wave of wetness gushes out of you— something that Wanda is all too happy to lap up. She had told you on more than one occasion, after she spent hours upon hours between your thighs, that you beat out even the finest of wines to her. “Please. I need you.”
With clear reluctance to leave, Wanda pulls back and easily settles on top of you. Lips and chin shining lewdly in the dim lighting of her office, darkened emerald eyes sparkling even brighter.
“You taste great, detka.” She lowers her head, offering her tongue for you to suck on. Giving you a taste of yourself, mixed intoxicatingly with her own natural one. “Could spend hours eating up your perfect pussy, but that’s not what you want, huh?” She jerks her hips, rubbing her cock against your wetness. “You want mommy to be inside you, right? Want her to stretch you out and make you scream?” Another roll of her hips causes you to arch, a breathless gasp leaving you, but Wanda doesn’t relent. “Answer me, detka. Be my good girl and I’ll give you what you crave. What do you want mommy to do?”
“Fuck me.” The cry is practically wrenched from your chest, a deep felt plea for her to just plunge into you and ruin you for anyone else. Not that she hasn’t been able to accomplish that already. “I want you to slam your cock into my pussy and make me yours, mommy. I want your cock to make my pussy its own, to shape me in its image.”
A deep, almost rumbling, snarl erupts from Wanda in response, her hips snapping forward and you’re finally filled; stretched out so fucking perfectly, an obscene slurp echoed across the room the moment Wanda’s hips met your own. She hadn’t made you cum with her mouth, but you had been so close, she had given you a mini orgasm just by entering— a feat that brings a smug smile to Wanda’s lips.
“You feel that, detka.” She takes your hand and brings it down to the slight bulge in your lower abdomen. “That’s my cock ruining you for anyone else. No one will ever be able to fill you the way I do, make you scream yourself hoarse.” Wanda snaps her hips forward after a shallow pull-back, giving out a satisfied hum at the feeling of your slick walls pressed around her. “Your pussy belongs to me, your pleasure belongs to me, and you belong to me.”
Wanda lowers her head, lips pressed firmly to your own, giving you even more of a taste of yourself than before, as her tongue practically fucks your mouth while her cock fucks your pussy. When she detaches her lips from yours, only a thin trail of saliva is left, before she’s far enough away for it to snap.
The sound of flesh slapping against flesh permeates the air, an occasional grunt or moan intercepting it, and you’d be concerned about the noise level if Wanda hadn’t sent Peter, her assistant, home early— having planned to have you like this from the very moment she had invited you over.
“Just like that, mommy. Keep fucking me like that,” you babble, drunk on pleasure as Wanda kept driving her hips forward, one slender finger roughly rubbing your clit in time with each thrust. It’s of no surprise that you find your release quickly after, gushing over Wanda’s cock.
The tight contractions around her cock— as your second orgasm was much more powerful than your first— causes Wanda to groan, hips stuttering in their brutal pace. It’s clear that she was close, sweat slicked brow, causing strands of silver hair to cling to fair skin, but she obviously wanted you to come one last time— to be tossed over the edge with her.
With a shake breath, Wanda roughly brings you to the brink of your third orgasm, not even giving you time to fully get through the second. “One more, detka. You’ve got one more in you for mommy.” She dips her head, lips tenderly brushing across your forehead. “And when you come around mommy’s cock, I’m gonna fill you up like the good girl you are. Would you like that?”
You nod, practically whining. “Yes. Please.”
The older woman snarls once more, clearly affected by the look on your face, and, before you’re even aware of it, you’re crashing over the edge again— a cry of Wanda’s name passing over your lips as you spasm around her. Barely being able to catch Wanda’s own groan in response: “Yes.”
Jets of her cum paint your inner walls white, warming you up. It’s a feeling you don’t think you’ll ever get used to— or want to get used to, if you’re being honest.
Once she’s spent, Wanda gently lowers herself onto your still slightly spasming body, lips pressed softly against your cheek. “You did so good. So perfect for me. My beautiful girl.”
You happily nuzzle into Wanda’s neck, eyes drooping out of contented exhaustion. “I love you.”
You’re too out of it to feel Wanda stiffen in surprise, or to really understand what you had just whispered, but you are aware of Wanda’s arms tightening around you, her lips pressing more firmly against your skin, as she cuddles you closer to her.
And, as you begin to drift off completely, happy in Wanda’s arms, you faintly feel Wanda exhale across the shell of your ear, a shaky breath, uncharacteristic for the older woman, before her soft voice breaks through the silence: “I love you too. More than I ever thought I’d love anyone.”
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[A Few Months Later…]
“How many do you want?”
It’s asked softly, one of Wanda’s hand gently running up-and-down your back in a soothing motion. Her lips pressed against the crown of your head, your face nuzzled against the crook of her neck, a place you don’t feel like leaving anytime soon.
“How many what?” You snuggle closer, delighted in the way her arms tighten instinctively. “I want a lot of things, Wands.”
Wanda huffs out a light chuckle. “Children, Y/N. How many children do you want?”
You stiffen in surprise at the question— Wanda hadn’t made it a secret that she didn’t plan on having kids. That she didn’t think she’d make a good mother due to her childhood and her busy lifestyle, but you also know that your girlfriend wouldn’t ask something unless she’s serious about the answer. Something you’ve figured out after all these months together. Regrettably, you pull your face away from the warm nest it had made so you’re able to look at her, and Wanda met your eyes calmly, sharp green softened in a way that’s only ever meant for you.
“What’s this about, Wanda?” You roll your lips, trying to process your next words carefully. “I thought you didn’t want kids?”
Emerald eyes flash warmly. “I didn’t want a lot of things, Y/N.” She easily tugs you back into her arms, lips pressed to your forehead. “But that was all before I met you.”
Touched by her words— and the clear sincerity within them— you decide to just bite the bullet, there wasn’t a point in delaying your answer. Especially if Wanda expected it.
“Two.” A gentle kiss is placed to her collarbone. “I want two boys. Twins.”
She breathes out another chuckle. “Twins, huh?” Maneuvering you both, you’re suddenly pressed against the mattress, Wanda hovering over you, smile still in place, with a familiar hardness nestled between your thighs. “That seems like something we’d have to get just right, correct?”
Even though it’s posed as question, you can tell that Wanda meant it rhetorically. That she already knew the answered you’d both settle on— an answer you always agreed upon.
Wiggling your hips, grinning mischievously at the sharp gasp that leaves Wanda’s lips at the added pressure, you throw your arms loosely around her neck.
“Yes.” You pull her closer, lips millimeters from her own. “I think it’s something we’re going to have practice quite a bit.”
Not needing any more prompting Wanda descends onto you with a ravenous hunger. One that you’re all too happy to match.
You can’t wait to experience your future if this is what’ll be waiting for you there.
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The phone is cold against your overheated flesh— a concoction of anger and disappointment courses through you like lava.
“Wanda—” You pinch the bridge of your nose to stem the tide of anger. “This is the eighth time this week alone. What the hell am I supposed to tell the caterers? Again.”
A soft sigh resounds through the speaker. “Just tell them that I won’t be able to make it, Y/N.” The response, in a clearly distracted tone, does little to ease your growing ire. “I know you’ll be able to handle it.”
“I don’t want to handle it, Wanda. This is our wedding, I’d like for you to also have a say in it.” From the time on the clock, you didn’t have much time left to leave the penthouse. Not if you wanted to get to the appointment on time. “I’ve been planning this entire thing by myself, I want your help. I want to hear your opinions. I want you.”
To care goes without words, but you’re certain it rings out just the same. You had been so happy when Wanda had suddenly proposed, seemingly out of the blue. Though wasn’t that the point? Taking you to a rooftop restaurant, which she had rented out, and offered you the rare chance of getting to taste her impeccable cooking; all dishes she had learned from her mother back in Sokovia. It had been a night you’d forever cherish, memories forever ingrained in your heart: the way the stars made the green in Wanda’s eyes sparkle more, the subtle wind allowing you to be surrounded by her comforting scent, the bright smile she had given you when she dropped down to one knee, and the happy laugh that had escaped her when you said yes. It had been a fairytale, everything you had ever wanted.
Until you realized your Disney fairytale was beginning to turn into Brothers Grimm.
“You have me, Y/N.” Wanda lets out another sigh. “Look, I can’t keep talking the investors for the meeting just arrived and I need to get prepared. I promise that I’ll go over everything you discuss later, okay? I love you.”
You’re only met with the sound of the dial tone, barely getting the chance to reply before being hung up on, and the familiar aching sense of silence that follows— a hollow sound that distantly reminded you of what your heart has become.
It hadn’t always been like this. The penthouse, upon your first visit, had been cold, lifeless in a way that seemed almost inhuman, but slowly it had livened up— been filled with a sense of warmth and peace. Of love. It had been a place you could go to when you just needed an escape from the rest of the world, when you needed to be surrounded by things that remind you of the woman you love.
Now it’s suffocating in a way that you never wished for it to be.
You’re aware that Wanda is a busy woman— had been aware of it before your first date occurred— but she had always at least tried to be there. Always left you feeling like you were at least on the list of things that mattered, you didn’t necessarily need to be at the direct top; not when she had so many things to content with already. But, you’ve felt like nothing more than an afterthought lately.
Gentle kisses in the morning turned to brief parting words as she made her way quickly out the door.
Soft smiles, and inside jokes, turned to barely there quirks of full lips, and stretched out silences.
The warmth of her hold, the safety you felt from her touch, turned to an icy chill as she left you to the cold air— you don’t even remember when the last time was that you had been together properly. Since you had woken up in her arms.
You didn’t need a lot, you didn’t need all of her time, but you wanted to feel like you still mattered— that everything you have isn’t just another thing Wanda had marked off on her checklist of things to do before she turns 55.
Checking the time, a small curse leaves your lips once you realize that you’re going to be late, and, with one final glance towards the empty penthouse, you make your way out the door— hoping that the growing chill you feel isn’t indicative of a love grown cold.
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Silence had become your greatest friend in the weeks that followed. The one thing that you’ve grown to count on as Wanda’s schedule only seemed to get busier and busier— hell, your relationship with her personal assistant had grown to the point that he’s been calling you by your first name now. Instead of the usually nervous ma’am or Ms. L/N.
Wedding appointments had come and gone, all of them spent alone, with Wanda barely perusing the choices that had been made before crashing out of sheer exhaustion. Conversation had grown stilted due to her own growing ire at you consistent worry— although she labeled it as nagging. That she’s been running her business for over thirty years, and she’s been doing fine.
Even now, on New Years Eve, as the clock moved ever closer to midnight, you were completely alone— expansive shadows, that seemed darker somehow, stretched out towards you like ghastly fingers, trying to tear whatever semblance of comfort you’ve found away. You’re not sure what you had been expecting, not even sure if you’d truly believed that Wanda would show herself, but you can’t lie and say that you hadn’t hoped.
Hoped that today, of all days, would be different. That you wouldn’t feel like a stranger, an intruder, within your own life, within your own home.
Fanciful musings and hopes of a lovestruck fool.
The small chirp of an incoming message pulls you from your reverie, a bright smile appearing instantly at the sight of who it’s from, before withering away once you read it: Sorry, I won’t be able to make it home tonight. Going to the Hamptons to meet some new business partners. I promise I’ll make it up to you later. I love you.
You don’t bother to send a message back— what could you possibly say? Yet another promise had been thrown to the wayside by the older woman. Even if it was just a cursory, and unspoken, one being as simple as not leaving your fiancé alone on New Years. Or waiting until the last minute to actually say anything about it.
A soft sigh escapes your lips, an acidic twang settling over your tongue, as bitterness seeps into your bloodstream, poisoning your heart and soul. You knew what you needed to do, have known since this had become your new normal, but hadn’t had the strength, or the courage, to make it a reality. Until now.
Until the heartbreak, the suffering, has become as close of a friend to you as the oppressive silence.
And, as the door to the penthouse gently closed behind you, never to be opened by your hand again, you feel a sense of bone-deep sorrow settle over you. For everything that could have been, for what you had hoped for, and all that you now had to live without. You could just step back inside, hide or destroy the letter, and Wanda would never know. She’d never find out how close you had been to giving up, but you couldn’t find the strength to do so. Could no longer gather up the power to keep fighting for something that’s been lost long ago— no matter how much your heart screams at it not being true.
Tears gather in your eyes as you take another step away from the door, away from the place you’ve lived in for the last two years, and your heart breaks with every step. But, it breaks even more at the knowledge that you were leaving your true home behind too— that doing this would destroy everything you have with Wanda, never to be salvaged. The penthouse may be expensive, and it may be beautiful, but it’d never be home to you like Wanda; it’d never offer you the same feeling of protection like her arms did.
You’ve been shut out of your home for months now, and being left out in the cold has finally frozen your heart enough for you to be able to do this. No matter how much more it was going to hurt once it thaws once more.
Shouldering your duffel bag, the only thing you’ve allowed yourself to bring, you step into the private elevator and press the button for the lobby. Hands tightening around the strap of the bag, trying to ignore the way your ring finger no longer felt the familiar press of metal against it as you do so.
It was time to look forward, to finally make your own laters, the things you had been pushing off, become an actuality.
Even if you wanted nothing more than to have never needed to say goodbye to Wanda Maximoff in the first place.
Losing the ring was one thing, but losing the love of your life?
It’s a wound you’re not sure if you’ll ever be able to recover from.
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“Mom?” The small voice catches your attention, your eyes focused back in to see bright eyes, twin grins being sported between the pair. “Can we still get hot chocolate?”
Billy and Tommy had come into your life when you needed them to most— a blessing that you’d definitely been searching for after everything imploded with Wanda. And, even if how they were conceived didn’t lend itself to a happy tale, you’d never change a thing. They were your twin miracles. Your beautiful baby boys— even if they were eight years old now.
“I thought you decided to get caramel popcorn instead?” You poke Billy’s side gently, delighted in the giggle the actions caused. “That’s what you both told me at the theater.”
Tommy’s eyes widened dramatically, in full puppy-dog mode. “But that was before you took us past our favorite store.” He points to the small café only a few feet away— one that you frequented with the twins when you could find the time. A place that you hadn’t even realized you’d be leading them towards. “Can we please get hot chocolate.”
The twins chime in unison: “Please.”
You chance a glance towards the café— deliberating your options— but you know that you’re going to cave. After all, the reason you had gone to the movies was to celebrate their stellar report cards. What harm could some extra hot chocolate do?
So, with a faux long-suffering sigh, you relent. “I suppose.”
“Yes!” Twin cheers are your immediate response, brightening the smile on your lips, and you soon find yourself in the quaint café— one that held so many memories for you. Phantoms of your past the whispered in your ear as you placed your order and directed your boys to their usual spot.
Only half-listening to their chatter about the movie you had just seen— some superhero film— you simply bask in the simplicity their joy brought you. Observing their small faces light up, little hands waving around as they discussed various points, and your heart swells with more love than you ever thought you could feel.
“—What did you think, mom?”
Billy’s sudden question tears you from your musings, his widened eyes, alight with excitement, giving you the impression that he really wanted to hear what you thought.
“About the movie?” They both nod. “I thought it was good, bug.”
Tommy pouts. “Yeah, but what did you like most about it? Did you have a favorite scene?”
“Order for Y/N.”
Saved by the bell, you think. A wave of relief crashing over you. “You two stay put.” Standing, you ruffle their hair. “I’ll be right back with our drinks.”
At the prospect of their hot chocolate they don’t seem to mind that you didn’t answer their question— though you’d certain Tommy would ask you again. Though you’d have more than enough time to google some things about the movie before then. Small miracles.
Stopping at the counter, you take the tray with the drinks with a smile and a nod in greeting to the server you’ve grown quite fond of.
Breath catching in your throat at the husky voice sounding out behind you, the cadence and tone so familiar that your heart still burns from it. Hesitating only slightly, you turn and meet the shimmering emerald eyes you haven’t seen in a little over eight years. Her face still as beautiful as you’d last seen it, if a bit older now.
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COD Sex Bot Au - General and Character Specific Facts
Requested: Yes. By uh…..pretty much everyone. SO many people begged for something and while this isn’t exactly a part 2, I hope it will help tide you all over til I can get that completed.
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Child Abuse, Adult Abuse as well, Mention of Murder, Mention of Self-Destruction (Robot Suicide), Mentions of Knives, Mention of Blood, Spice, Probably very incorrect Spanish
A/N: So! A lot of people, along with requesting a part 2, have also been begging me for Price as well. I know I’ve only done the 4 characters for all of my Cod works so far but I do want to expand the character list! That being said, I’m just not entirely comfortable with writing them yet. I am looking more into Gaz, Price, and Roach specifically and I promise to let you guys know when I feel comfortable enough to write for them! But until then, please enjoy!
Their eyes get this kind of colored sheen to them sometimes. Different colors for different things.
Yellow is absorbing new information
Pink is the color during sexy times
Red is malfunctioning/in need of repairs (but can also be a sign of embarrassment or shyness)
Light blue is curiosity
White (still) is powered down
White (pulsing) is powering down
White (flickering) is low power
Grey is rebooting/charging
Black is enraged
Lilac is contentment
Plum is upset/hurt
All the boys come with their uniforms on but what’s underneath depends
For Ghost’s model, simple black briefs
For Soap’s model, silly patterned boxers (think hearts or something)
For König’s model, usually some fancy lace panties since he’s very popular amongst Doms who like that sort of thing
Alejandro’s model? Absolutely nothing
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Ghost’s model was MEANT to be a scary bad guy kind of deal, to be marketed towards fans of slashers and the like. But he…..didn’t end up being that way.
At least, not your Ghost. Many of the other Ghost models are that way, but not yours. For some reason.
Granted, that programming is definitely still in him, though not exactly in the way it was meant to be.
Instead of it being just for fun rough sexy times, it’s more…….actually will kill for you. And has, in fact, killed for you.
Something that he’s NOT supposed to be able to do.
“Gee, I wonder what happened to that Barista that insulted me the other day.”
“Gee, I wonder.” *cleaning a bloody combat knife in your sink*
Speaking of knives!!! Ghost’s model does come with a lot of fun knives! Granted, they’re dulled into being just (mostly) harmless kink knives but he made quick work of making them a lot more harmless by ordering a knife sharpener.
So uh, yeah. You have received not just a sex robot, but one that borders on Yandere and will probably self-destruct if you reject him.
Have fun with that!
Fun fact: YOUR Ghost actually used to be a child bot MANY years ago, bought by a man who only wanted to be able to legally abuse a child. So he was broke down and put back together so very many times. And when they recycled and reprogrammed his AI chip, the scarring from that was still imprinted into him.
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While Soap’s model is marketed more towards romantic oriented people, he’s generally seen as a Jack of all trades.
Doms, subs, romantics, first timers, just about any kind of person. He’s good with all of them, though he thrives with Romantics since that is his programming.
And also just because your Soap is so very lonely. He yearns to be loved by you, to melt under your affection.
And also just because your Soap is so very lonely. He yearns to be loved by you, to melt under your affection.
He doesn’t want to be seen as just a sexual object, he wants to be yours. And you to be his.
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Ah yes, the gentle giant that was supposed to be marketed more towards Subs but ended up being a bit….Soft.
None of the programmers can explain it but every model of him is just inexplicably shy and quiet, thriving in an environment where he has no control.
So now he’s more marketed towards doms. Usually soft doms.
They once tried to change his model to be smaller and more petite and people started BOYCOTTING.
It affected their sales so much that they very quickly changed him back.
People still seethe when they think about it.
Probably equal parts the most loved and most abused of the different models.
Probably equal parts the most loved and most abused of the different models.
Just because of how quiet and meek his model is, how they almost never fight back when hurt.
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Alejandro’s model is VERY popular among submissives so he’s programmed to be pretty dominant and also to have a caring nature.
Due to said caring nature, many mistake his model as good for beginners.
I can assure you, he is NOT.
So SO many of his models have been returned cause he’s brought them to tears from so much pleasure, absolutely overwhelming for any beginner.
“Cry for me, Amor. That’s it, just like that.”
His model is one of the only ones that isn’t returnable unless something is malfunctioning and even then, they’ll try just about anything to fix the model instead of just taking them back.
If you’re the type to forget meals and such (I’m not projecting, shut up) then he will literally drag you away from whatever you’re doing and make you eat.
Will set up a rewards system if you have trouble with personal upkeep as well, like household chores and stuff (again, not projecting).
How much pleasure you get throughout the day is all dependent on how well you follow the schedule he makes based on your personal life.
He can and will have you call him Papi, in and out of bed.
“Be a Good Little Cachorro and get on your knees for Papi.”
You only get called Amor when you’re good or when you’re upset. Anything else and it’s Cachorro (Puppy).
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niqhtlord01 · 5 months
Humans are weird: Hate Part 2
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
Nomar: Excuse me?
Mackavich: The species humans hate the most in the universe are other humans.
Nomar: Well…..that was…ah…that was not what I was expecting.
Audience murmurs more
Mackavich: Were you expecting something else?
Nomar: Yes.
Nomar: What kind of species hates itself more than anyone else?
Nomar: And if that is the case how the hell have you functioned as a society to reach the stars?
Mackavich: We invented space travel to escape from other humans.
Audience laughs
Mackavich: I wish it was that humorous of an answer but it’s partly true.
Nomar: Can you expand on that?
Mackavich: Have you ever been to a human grocery store?
Nomar: A what?
Mackavich: A food dispensary. Stores different types of food from around the worlds, or worlds, and sells them to people.
Nomar: Oh I know what it is but I wanted to watch you struggle to explain it.
Audience laughs
Mackavich: Chuckles
Mackavich: Well there are people who work inside grocery stores and we call them grocery workers.
Mackavich: They take in the food, handle it in storage, bring it out to the floor and set it up in displays, etc.
Nomar: Forgive me if I doze off from this riveting explanation.
Mackavich: Have you ever seen how customers treat the workers?
Nomar: I have not.
Mackavich: The majority don’t even treat them as human beings.
Mackavich: They see them as tools, servants, objects to make their lives easier.
Mackavich: And because they don’t see them as human beings they feel it is perfectly acceptable to treat them as shitty as they want.
Nomar: Oh come now.
Mackavich: I once worked in a grocery store produce department when I needed cash, and there was this old woman that came up to me and demanded I cut open an orange for her so she can take a bite of it to see if it was sweet enough for her to buy.
Mackavich: I told her I can’t do that because we don’t offer free samples; but she continued demanding and raising her voice louder and louder each time I said no.
Mackavich: Eventually my supervisor who had been circling came over and asked what was going on.
Nomar: And he threw the old human out on to the street I take it?
Mackavich: No.
Mackavich: He told her that he was sorry for the interaction and that I was new and did not know what I was doing before taking a knife and cutting open an orange for her.
Mackavich: She took one bite and spit it out, then walked away before he handed me the orange remains back to me to throw out.
Nomar: And this makes you hate customers?
Mackavich: And my boss.
Mackavich: I was following company policy that had been drilled into me, but because my boss did not want to cause a scene he threw me under the bus.
Mackavich: And the old woman knew she could get her way if she made a big enough scene.
Nomar: Forgive me but this seems more like an isolated incident than a species wide norm.
Mackavich: The problem is it’s not isolated.  
Mackavich: In a coffee shop I once saw a woman throw her hot beverage at a baristas face because she had added too much creamer in it. The drink gave the barista a 2nd degree burn on half her face.
Audience: (Murmurs of shock) Nomar: Over a beverage? Really?
Mackavich: Don’t even get me started on when some humans get slightly inconvenienced time wise and decide to unleash unholy hell over a phone call.
Nomar: The more I hear about your people I can understand why you hate yourselves so much.
Mackavich: Right?!
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sassypossumm · 6 months
Daggers and Coffee
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You just wanted to be left alone to finish some work, when into you life walked a creep and two gorgeous Asgardians. Who'd have thought that your local coffee shop would just be having ALL of the drama today?
“Really, brother, I don’t see why you dragged me all the way to this dismal establishment.” Loki sniffed, folding his arms and throwing his brother a look of disdain. Thor merely chuckled and clapped Loki soundly on the back.
“You must learn to live for a different kind of adventure, Loki.” Thor clapped him on the back again, causing the slimmer man to stumble forward a step.
“None of our adventures ever included dreary coffee shops inhabited by a lower class of life form.” Loki hissed, brushing Thor’s hand off his shoulder and taking a step back. With another chuckle, Thor moved to stand at the back of the growing line to place his order. Clasping his hands behind his back, Loki moved to stand next to his brother, studying him out of the corner of his eye. “You have a motive for bringing me here, don’t you?” Thor’s eyes flickered to Loki before flitting back to the menu options. Loki narrowed his eyes. “Thor?” The taller man shifted nervously, clearly fighting the urge to meet his brothers heated stare.
“Sir, are you ready to order?” The bright voice of the barista at the register broke the tension of the moment, and Thor rushed towards the employee with a relieved smile.
“Ah, yes! What would you recommend,” Leaning forward he planted his hands on the counter and squinted to read her name tag. “Tessa?” The barista in question flushed at his attention.
“Well, sir,” Loki rolled his eyes and let his attention wander away from the barista that was now fawning over his brother. Turning his head, he regarded the patrons with an impassive expression. A pudgy balding businessman chewing some poor soul out on his phone, another man at a window table reading a book, and two other people sitting at the counter on the taller bar stools. Nothing of note caught his attention.
“Loki?” He turned his head to see a non-descript brown cup being shoved into his face. Loki looked from the cup to Thor’s expectant face.
“Thank you.” He said dryly, gingerly taking the beverage from his brother’s extended hand. Catching an unfamiliar pungent scent wafting from the partially opened lid, Loki eyed Thor suspiciously. “What is this?” Thor rolled his eyes.
“If I’d wanted to poison you, Loki, I would have chosen a more discreet method.”
“Could you have managed to think of something more discreet, brother?” Loki gave his brother a wry smirk. Thor chuckled again and shook his head.
“It’s simply a black coffee, Loki, nothing more.” With a shrug of his shoulders, Loki took a small sip of the ‘coffee’. Pungent, slightly bitter, stronger than some of the Midgardian beverages he’d sampled. He liked ‘coffee’, and he was just about to say as much to Thor when the movement at the counter caught his attention. The two people who had passed under his notice before were quickly becoming more interesting. “Are you ready to go, Loki?” Thor boomed into his attention. Loki held up a finger and motioned for Thor to be quiet.
“Just watch.” He said quietly, glancing over his shoulder at Thor. Turning back, he focused first on the woman, unassuming to his eye as Midgardian women went, busy typing away on her laptop minding her own business. It was the man’s action that really had caught his attention. He was steadily shifting and sliding so that his stool was slowly inching towards the unsuspecting woman. He had now positioned himself directly next to the woman.
“Hey.” The man tried. No response. Loki saw why, she had those little ear plugs in her ears he’d seen so many of the other Midgardian’s wearing. If he wasn’t mistaken, Thor called them ‘ear buds’. “Hello!” The man tapped her shoulder this time. She flinched. He pulled back slightly and chuckled as she pulled one of the buds from her ear.
“Can I help you?” She shifted away from the man’s hand that sat precariously near her arm.
“Hi.” The man leaned forward and gave her what Loki guessed he thought was an appealing smile.
“He knows nothing about wooing a woman.” Loki commented dryly taking another sip of the ‘coffee’.
“Can I help you.” She reiterated. The man ran a hand through his hair and, in a rather vulgar manner, let his gaze rake over her physique from head to toe, coming back to rest on her chest before letting his eyes meet her face again.
“My names Luke, and I’d like to buy you a cup of coffee.” The woman rolled her eyes.
“That’s very nice of you, Luke, but no thank you, and if you don’t mind, I’m kind of busy.” Motioning towards her laptop, she gave him a tight smile and moved to put the bud back in her ear. The man reached out and stopped her hand with his. Loki wrapped his fingers more tightly around the cup.
“Actually, honey, I do mind, I’ve given you my name now it’s your turn to give me yours.” The woman raised a brow at the way the man, ‘Luke’, had arrested her hand and had it pinned against the counter.
“I want you to release my hand, now, sir.” She said in a low voice, looking at ‘Luke’ with darkening eyes. Loki could sense Thor tensing behind him and reached out a hand to stop him from stepping in with his hero theatrics.
“Not here, brother.” He whispered. In truth he was intrigued to see how she planned to get out of this predicament. Would she call for help? Perhaps sense the presence of the ‘all powerful’ Thor and seek assistance?
“Now, honey-“
“My name isn’t ‘honey’, and I told you to get your hand off me.” She fairly hissed at the man. It didn’t take an observant eye to see the way ‘Luke’s’ fingers were biting into the skin of the woman’s hand.
“Loki, enough is enough.” Thor grumbled, moving to round his brother to confront the offender.
“Just another moment, Thor.” Loki had turned to stall his brother when a cry pierced the air. He whirled around just in time to see the woman calmly place the ‘bud’ back in her ear.
“You stabbed me!” ‘Luke’ shouted, clutching his hand.
“You can keep the pen.” The woman glanced at him blandly before turning back to her laptop. Loki chuckled. His eyes flickered to ‘Luke’, and he narrowed them when the worm took a step back into her space. Loki snapped his fingers, disappearing.
“You’re a-“
“That’s enough.” Loki reappeared in front of ‘Luke’ and grasped his shoulder. Leaning towards his ear he lowered his voice. “And I wouldn’t attempt to involve the authorities if I were you.” Pulling back, he brushed the mans shoulders off and gave his cheek a pat before Thor firmly grabbed the back of his jacket and steered him towards the doors. Turning, Loki looked down at the woman who was now staring at the pen.
“He forgot his pen.” She sighed, pushing the offending instrument away with a notebook. Loki bit back a chuckle and motioned towards the stool.
“Might I sit, warrior maiden?”
“Gopher it.” She shrugged and began reaching for her laptop, when she paused. “Did you seriously just call me ‘warrior maiden’?” Turning, she looked at Loki with a bemused expression. He smirked and folded his arms on the counter.
“Since I don’t yet know your name, it seems more fitting than what that worm attempted to call you.”
“Oh, that’s nothing, I’ve been called worse.” She chuckled, waiving off his comment.
“Midgardians.” He grumbled, reaching for his long-forgotten coffee. Taking a sip he hissed at the lukewarm liquid.
“Let me order you a new one.” She smiled, reaching for her purse.
“That’s not necessary.” He said, wincing internally at how sharp it had come out.
“I insist.” She narrowed her eyes at him and then paled a little at how harshly that had come out. “As a thank you.” Her features softened and she gave Loki a sheepish smile. “Don’t think I didn’t notice your whole knight of valor routine, you and your friend I mean.” She motioned towards Thor who had taken up residence on the other side of Loki at the counter. Loki glanced at his brother who was beaming at her. Catching his brother’s intense glare, Thor quickly became interested in an invisible bit of lint on his jacket. Pulling out her wallet and giving it a small shake, she gave him a playful grin.
“If you insist, a plain coffee for me, but nothing for my brother, he’s on caffeine restrictions.”
“You got it!” As she headed towards the register, Loki ignored Thor’s scowling face.
“Not a word, Thor.” He muttered, keeping his eyes glued to the back wall until she returned.
“Here you go, plain coffee.” Setting down the coffee, she also slipped Thor a bear claw. “Sugars not caffeine, right?” She gave him a wink and rounded back to her own stool.
“Thank you, lady,” Thor paused for her to fill in her name.
“Y/N.” She returned his smile with a genuine one of her own. Loki couldn’t help but feel a sting of some unnamable emotion.
“Lady Y/N.” Thor dipped his head before tucking into the bear claw, leaving the two acquaintances to their own devices.
“I am hailed as Loki, god of mischief, and the oaf stuffing his face is my brother, Thor.” Loki remarked dryly taking a sip of the fresh coffee. Y/N stifled a grin at the satisfied sound Loki made when the coffee hit his taste buds. Opening her mouth to respond, Y/N paused when her eyes flickered towards the clock on the back wall.
“And I am hailed as Y/N, fired from my job if I don’t get back to the office.” Rolling her eyes, Y/N gave Loki a warm smile as she quickly gathered her belongings. “It was nice of meet you, Thor.” Nodding at Thor, she turned towards Loki and her grin widened. He wasn’t even going to think about what that did to his insides. “And it was fascinating to meet you, Loki.” Slinging her bag over her shoulder she turned to go.
“Wait, Lady Y/N.” Loki turned around on the stool and beckoned her to come closer. Tugging on the bag again, she shuffled closer to him and glanced at the clock quickly before catching his eye. “What shall you do if another individual attempts to molest you?”
“Well, I’m fresh out of pens, so I guess I’ll scream bloody murder.” Y/N chuckled, shifting the bag again.
“I have a better idea.” Loki shot her a mischievous grin, and with a flash of green and ornate dagger appeared in his hand. Flipping the blade in his fingers, he held it with the handle facing her, and he didn’t fail to notice the flicker of excitement in her eyes.
“Oh, I couldn’t.” She murmured, all the while slowly reaching for the dagger. Loki chuckled and placed the handle firmly in her hand.
“Yes, you can, I insist. Consider it payment for the coffee.” Gripping the dagger, she turned the blade back and forth slowly to examine it before meeting his eye.
“I’ll take good care of it.” Blinking once, she swallowed.
“I’m counting on that.” He gave her a lopsided smile and nodded. Thor coughed and began reaching for Loki’s coffee. “Thor, don’t you dare.” He hissed, turning to smack Thor’s hand away.
“Thanks again, maybe I’ll catch you around!” He turned in time to see the door swing shut and sat in stunned silence as she made her way towards the subway.
“I’m counting on that.”
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lichenes · 6 months
Fuck the police
I've just watched "Perdrix" and I'm in love with that fucking loser of a man. Go crazy, go stupid Pierre, good for you. Oh yes the fanfic- If you guys want more works with him lmk!! Pierre Perdrix x gn!reader CW: Pierre being in love with youuu, love at first sight, not much happens tbh, SFW wc: 509
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Pierre lived a quiet life. He felt as though he was nothing special, sure, he was the captain of his precinct and he gained that title purely by hard work and dedication but something seemed to be missing from his idyllic existence. Someone to share it with, aside from his family.
To say he was suprised when he saw a fresh face would be an understatement. During his daily patrol of the streets he spotted a person looking to be his junior, appearing lost. As any good policeman would, he approached you. "Hello ma'am, Captain Perdrix, is everything okay?"
Pierre didn't even have to attempt to look harmless as his demeanor gave away his peacefulness. "Yes yes I'm perfectly fine. I just moved here so I'm still finding my bearings." He smiled at your statement.
"Okay, if you need anything you can find me at the uh..." he looked deeply into your eyes, nervous. "...you know, the- the police station." He gulped, suddenly aware of his own sweating hands. You looked puzzled at his anxiety ridden demeanor. "I'm gonna... go back to work." You chuckled. "You do that officer!" You waved at him as you were walking away.
Pierre's cheeks suddenly got warmer and his hands went into his pockets. God damnit.
After a while of consideration Pierre decided that the best course of action would be to start accidentally running into you. What would soon turn out, in his mind, to be the greatest fiasco of his life started innocently.
You adored the local coffee shop which Pierre frequented himself. The blissful energy eminating from the place reminded you of your own home. Fate itself gave him the opportunity to start a conversation with you and he would absolutely take it.
You were sitting at the small table, barely being able to keep the glass with you favourite beverage on in due to its size. Pierre entered the coffee shop and made a beeline for you disregarding the barista's greeting. "Hey, I uh..." he paused for a second. "Is this seat taken?"
You smiled politely and shook your head no. Relieved he sat down not sure where to put his hands. "So... why did you move into our little corner of heaven?" He visibly cringed at his attempt at erudition. You giggled. "Ah Mr. Perdrix you're so easy to read." He slouched in his seat afraid he might've cause you any offence.
"I'd invite you to coffee but it seems like we're already here." You said confidently, picking up his straightening posture, visibly beaming at your words. Pierre was grateful for your straightforwardness. His relationships didn't last long so he didn't expect anything out of this one but he was hoping it would turn out otherwise.
Getting to know eachother, he started noticing your little quirks which made him fall in love with you even more. No, he didn't want to call it love yet. He preferred crush, infatuation everything but love. Pierre made himself believe that he wasn't destined for long term relationships. But... maybe you'd change his mind?
_____✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿____
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speedycoffeedelight · 5 months
An Animalistic Disaster
Summery : Where they go through the interview and you get a bit drunk
CH-16: Job hunting (part two)
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After parking, you three headed towards the cafe you all talked about. The owner of the cafe was a pair of old couple and their son. Their son was a barista who wanted to make his dreams of a successful cafe come true.
Unfortunately, he wasn't great with communication and they couldn't afford to hire a waiter with a nice amount of money. So it was their last attempt at saving the cafe. How do you know all that? Well being in the news industry has its perks when it comes to information collecting.
The horns on Charlie's head and the antenna's on Vaggie's is kind of a big problem. You prayed that they would look past them. It was a small cafe in middle of the bustling road. It looked like it badly needed some renovations. Still it looked cozy enough. You four finally entered. A small ring sounded out from the bell above the entrance door, alerting the boy that was cleaning the tables of the empty cafe.
"Ah,new customers! Welcome!" A freckled, orange haired boy wearing an apron quickly rushed towards you all. His blue eyes were glittering with excitement."Please come this wa-" You cut him off quickly. "Oh no, you misunderstand. We're here for the post of the waiter."
The boy stopped in his tracks and scanned the lot of you. "Are you all here for the interview? " "Oh no only these two" you said pointing at Charlie and Vaggie.
"Gotcha, please take a seat. I'll inform inside."
You nodded and sat down nearby on a table. "Alright, we need to go through something first. Charlie, Vaggie."
"Yes (Y/n)?"
"Try to act casual, okay. Try to give your best shot during the interview. If they ask you where you came from, just say overseas. It should help skip a lot of questions."
"Will do! But which country should we say if they ask?" Charlie said nervously scratching her neck. "We don't really know much about earth."
"Hm, Charlie could be from America and Vaggie from Spain I guess. I think that checks out."
"Alright then we'll say that!"
"Also about your age...."
"I'll turn about 271 this year I think -" Charlie replied.
"Great, you'll say you're 27. As for Vaggie"
You turned to the black haired girl "You can say 26 or something close to Charlie, got it?"
"Got it ."
While talking with the two and preparing them about various questions. The freckled boy came back. "I hope you're ready for the interview. Come this way please."
"Best of luck you guys!" You pulled Vaggie close before she could follow the other two. "Make sure Charlie doesn't say anything stupid. I'm trusting in you." Vaggie nodded and they followed him to another corner of the cafe where an elderly looking couple was sitting.
"Please take a seat girls."
They nodded and took the seat in front them. "I apologize we couldn't do this in more formal way...things have been a little hard." The old man said. "No, no it's fine, it's fine! We don't mind." Charlie replied laughing nervously.
"Did you two both come for this job? You know there's only one post right?"
"Yes, we know that. Well we wouldn't mind if any of us gets picked really."
"I see, are you two close friends?"
"Girlfriends, actually.." Vaggie replied.
"Oh my, that's great sweetie" the old woman said with a smile. During the whole interview, the orange haired boy stood close, listening to the whole process. (Y/n) was right, they didn't push them too much. The interview was going smoothly.
"Do have any other experiences in working somewhere?"
"Why yes, I run a hote-"
"What she means to say is, we used to work at a hotel, mam." Vaggie quickly chipped in.
Mostly smoothly, with Vaggie coming in clutchs to save Charlie's ass a couple of times.
"We probably wouldn't be able to provide you with much money yet...as you could probably see the cafe's not in its best shape right now. I hope this won't be a problem." The old man sighed.
" Oh no please, don't worry. We'll take what we can get."
"Thank you girls. Our son Adrian is intent on running this cafe. I told him he could do so much better but he insisted on staying with us."
The couple whispered at each other for a moment and then turned to Charlie and Vaggie. "Could you please go back for a bit dear? We'll come with answers soon."
Their son Adrian quickly came forward to guide them back to you.
"So you both are.... girlfriends...? Part of the LGBTQ?"
"Yes, we are. Why?" Vaggie replied.
"Nothing, it's nothing. Don't worry about it."
He turned his head away before both of them could say something and returned to you. Both you and Pentious were sitting anxiously. You let out a sigh of relief as they came back.
"So how did the interview go??" You asked pulling Vaggie close.
"I think it was fine. The owners were nice people."
"And did you pass?"
"They should announce it any time now"
After a few minutes, the couple came back alongside Adrian. You all looked at them nervously for the answer.
"Charlie's hired! I think we could use a nice cherry girl like you around here." The old man laughed. "Thank you! I'll do my best to help!" Charlie jumped off the seat in excitement.
"Just call me Mr.ronald." He shook Charlie's hand. "Could I expect you to work form tomorrow if possible? We need all the help we can get..."
"Yes of course. I'll be right here." Charlie said smiling. "Thank you Mr and Mrs.ronald."
After saying goodbyes and going outside, you let out a cheer. "You did it Charlie! I'm so proud of you." You hugged her in joy and she returned it just as happily.
For the next stop, you went around the market for cheap and broken things. You also bought some tools and equipment that Pentious said he needed. They weren't cheap, but you hoped it would be worth the money.
On your way home, you bought a bottle of wine to celebrate the victory. The others were happy to hear the news as well. Both you and Pentious jumped to work first as soon as you came. In the night, you popped open the wine bottle and poured it for the ones that transformed. You set aside some wine for Pentious since he still insisted on working outside.
Husk got caught trying to drink from Pentious's cup and you quickly moved him away. "Husk that's bad for you!" Husk just grumbled unhappily. He hadn't had booze in such a long time that it was making him go crazy.
You kept Husk on your lap and kept petting him while talking with others. Alcohol was clouding your sense a little bit so you forgot about the fact that you were fondly petting a grown man, or well a demon. Husk tired to leave couple of times but you kept a firm grip on him. And as much as he would hate to admit it, he kind of liked it. He began making purring noises unknowningly as he gave up on getting away.
Alastor and Angel were snickering looking at him from across the room. 'You finally got used to being a pet huh?' Alastor said teasingly making Husk hiss at him. You noticed this and picked up Husk and smothered him against your chest.
"Bad deer! Don't annoy my precious kitty!" You scolded Alastor and looked at Husk who was blushing madly and trying to get away again by pawing at you. "Are you alright kitty?" You held him in front of your face and he mewed in annoyance.
Charlie chuckled looking at you two. "I think you had quite enough drink (Y/n). You should rest." You wanted to say no but your head was pounding quite a bit. "Okaaay, but I want to pat the bad deer first! He still didn't let me touch him!"
Alastor's ears perked up at this statement as he quickly moved towards the door to make a run for it. But you were faster in your wobbly legs. You quickly attached yourself to his neck and nuzzled closer. Alastor briefly considered pushing you away with a violent shake. Briefly since Vaggie sensed it as well and decided to speak fast.
"Don't you try to shake her off Alastor. You'll hurt her." Vaggie replied from the chair she's was currently sitting on. She tried to gently peel you away from Alastor but you wouldn't budge making him groan. This time it was Husk's turn to laugh.
"Just indulge her a bit will you? She'll be normal once she wakes up." Charlie requested Alastor. 'Do I look like- gah, fine...'
He sighed giving in after seeing the girls glare at him. You smiled in happiness when you sensed no resistance from him anymore and dragged one of your hands to his ears. All the other demons in the room watched this eagerly.
'Shit, I really wish I had a camera right now...' Angel whispered.
'Same..' Said Cherri and Husk in unison. They both knew they won't get to see this type of thing so soon again. Cherri thought about how much money she could sell the picture for if she got it and Husk thought about how he'd have something to blackmail against him.
The fur on his ears was soft, terribly so. You carefully moved your hands from the base to the tip of his ears. You were drunk, but you were still gentle. Alastor could feel all the eyes burning at him. He couldn't remember the last time he felt so embarrassed. Unknown to him, his tail was swaying behind him making others have the time of their life seeing it.
"Soo... fluffy...." You whispered softly. Alastor's ears perked up again as he caught that. 'Okay I think that's enough. Charlie please move her before I shove her off.'
Charlie, who was having a hard time holding in laughter, immediately jumped into action. Prying you away from Alastor was no easy task. You still had a lot of strength in yourself. While you were getting dragged to your room, you got a hold of Husk who let out a meow of help. But this time, no one came to help.
Charlie tucked you inside your bed with you still holding onto Husk who just accepted his fate at this point.
"Now just rest up okay?"
"Mmhmm, I will!!"
You replied with a childlike glee making Charlie's heart swoon. She couldn't resist planting a small kiss on your forehead before exiting the room. Husk raised a eye brow at that but decided not to question it. After all, Charlie is normally known to be pretty affectionate.
Resting Husk on your chest, you began to softly pat his fur, making him purr again. He hated how much power you had over him. He was grateful no one was there to witness it this time. Charlie probably told others to keep out of your room for now.
Then suddenly you started crying. Husk was stunned. He mewoed at you to ask what's wrong.
" *Sniff* I miss you... cotton..tails..." You whispered softly. 'Who the fuck is cottontails? That can't be a person.' Husk looked at your crying face once again. He sighed and then nuzzled his head to your cheek trying to comfort you.
"Thank you kitty...." You held Husk close and rubbed your face together. 'Ugh..gross...' Husk mumbled. Then you settled him on your chest again and finally passed out.
'Finally you sleep..god I can't handle these shit being sober. I was so damn close to that wine.." Then he looked at you and found you crying softly again. 'Oh for the love of-' Although he was mentally cursing up a storm in his head, it still sucked seeing you like this. He leaned his head over and softly licked your cheeks while purring.
'What the fuck am I even doing? This shit ain't normal...' But seeing you finally stop crying and then pop up a small smile, if his eyes weren't mistaken, it felt like it was worth it.
'Sleep well kid. I'll be here when you wake up.'
He looked at you with an amount of softness he hasn't looked at anyone in a long time. He rested his head down and closed his eyes.
'Maybe feeling like this ain't bad sometimes..'
Soft yellow light engulfed the room. This time it wasn't as intensely as the ones before. It still bothered you so you turned around while holding the cat. Well the cat who just got turned into a human without either of you knowing. The light was so soft this time, others didn't notice it either till next morning.
Several half-humans and animals surrounded your bed, mouth agape in shock and astonishment. Vaggie and Charlie were the first to find you like this. Charlie then called everyone to ask what to do. There you were, cuddling a grown ass man who they recognised as Husk, sleeping away peacefully like there's no tomorrow. And the other thing they all noticed was that Husk was shirtless. Charlie refused to believe he was naked with you since you were both still under a blanket and they couldn't see downwards.
'I'm going to wake them up. I can't stand this cheesy show in front of me.' Cherri said suddenly.
"No no you definitely should let her sleep a bit. Maybe we could get Husk to get up.." Charlie said.
'Do ya think they fucked before sleeping like this? Cause it feels like it.'
"Angel you're not helping!"
'I'm just sayin what I think.'
While they were busy chatting, Cherri took the liberty of jumping on your face,promptly waking you up. She used her tail to swat Husks face as well.
Needless to say, you never expected to wake up cuddling a half naked guy in the morning. So nobody could really blame you for the scream you let out.
A.N: (Please read) There's one thing I wanted to make clear early on is that this book may contain some spicy stuff in future. Not full smut though. I don't believe I have the capability to write those stuffs. Mostly it'll be chill and normal with some shenanigans.
Also let me apologize for writing the two things shit with Pentious 😭. I thought it would be funny to add since it's already canon. But then later I wanted nothing more than to go hide in a hole and decompose from embarrassment reading some of the comments.
That being said, although it would be bit of a spoiler but lemme just say Husk is not naked. I don't want a return of those comments :') they all wear the outfit of season 1 when they transform.
Also Charlie's age thing is reference to an annoyomus ask on Tumblr. I quite enjoyed the scenarios so I decided to throw a bit here.
Tag list: @legostars @glowinthedarkbones1150 @darifes @aria-tempest @rainbowcake1212 @luxylucylou
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lilimalia · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS... to remember the friends you had once loved so dearly, and to cry away the feelings you had wished you had left behind.
CHARACTERS... traveller/aether,, zhongli/morax,, streetward rambler,, madame ping,, cloud retainer
DISCLAIMERS... angst, no comfort, fem reader, short series, Part II
BARISTA'S INTEL... If you had signed up for Taglist, please make sure you put the right tag/handle in! And if you’ve changed your handle/tag resubmit an answer! Thank you 🍓
TAG LIST... @neverlandlostchild , @yae-raidenmyloves , @inky-oni , @milkiemei , @seyboo , @shaneelyn , @lumpywolf , @i-heart-dainsleif , @dartheldur , @simpcreator , @rjreins , @chuusposts , @thelonelyarchon , @i-loveyou013 , @iiyumii , @gellitu , @patchi-chi , @almighty-raiden-shogunate
CAFE TUNE... Space Song // Beach House !
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The sound of Liyue fireworks resonates within your heart, watching as the young children of this new age dance like lotuses to water.
Breathing in the scent of the festivities, you gaze upon the flickering yellow lights that adorn the new Liyue. Listening to the blissful beauty of mortal exchange as the smell of tea brews beside you.
"And so you go by Madame Ping now Streetward Rambler?..."
The women, eyes solemnly gazing at you, nods to your remark. Her fragile body bending forward to hand you the warm stone cup. Rim glistening with pools of reflection as the scent dances up towards your nose.
"Is this... Silk Flower tea?..."
"Only the finest batch Duànzào." Madame Ping smiles, bent posture leaning towards the railings of the pavilion as you both gaze outward.
"You have much on your mind Streetward... Please, do speak." you murmur, hands clasping around the smooth stone cup as you breathed down the aromatic clouds.
"... Why is it that you have decided to return now?"
Her words stung like glaciers. Your heart chilling as you glanced away from her watchful gaze. Instead finding interest in the stone steps below.
"It was... A change out of my control..."
You can feel her hand soothe your back, taking it's place as it rubs up and down in a comforting manner.
"Cloud Retainer has missed you... I am sure they will welcome your return..."
No one was suppose to know
"One has heard their name being spouted. Who dares to gossip about one without one's presence?!"
"Ah... Haha! Cloud Retainer, what a joy to see you here"
"One has been advised to come and visit the New Liyue... So one has decided to ask how you fare Streetward Rambler". The crane bellows, magnificent wings retracting as she lands.
And yet you refuse to turn around. To gaze at your greatest councilor.
"Who is it that you speak with Streetward Rambler? They seem quite rude! It is an Adepti that is present mortal! Turn your head, although we do not withhold the same business with Liyue as before, you are to still treat us with respect!"
"Haha... Now, now, Cloud Retainer. That is no way to speak to an old friend now is it?"
Turning, your grey pupils lay eyes upon her own. Black beauties that glisten in the moonlight.
"It is good to see you again... Old friend"
Upon the Liyue night. Lanterns blazing, festivities murmuring joy into the air.
A god and her advisor meet once more.
If only it had been on more joyful terms.
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"And so you had returned on account of the Adeptal Sealing breaking away at your power?"
"Yes... Unfortunately, it seems... that no Adepti creation will be able to handle a god's strength..."
"One believes it is a fortune that no such thing can! How dare you leave one all those years ago?!" Cloud Retainer chides, her voice raising in mocking irritation.
It raises a smile out of you, to see your old friend still the same as ever.
How long had it been since the three of you had stood on that balcony? An hour perhaps?... Or two? To think you had missed so much.
"One had begun to believe Duànzào had forgotten about ones self!"
"Oh really? Is that so? Hmph! Perhaps I should have! You always did spend your time going on and on about your sucesses instead of drinking Streetward- I mean Madame Pings tea! What a waste..." you smile, giggling as you held up the steaming tea to your lips.
Watching as your old friends gossip about good times, your heart stings.
It could have been three... had you been there faster.
Had you not have been stricken with jealousy.
Several hours pass, and with each, you are introduced with the new representatives of Liyue... A child, and two remarkable Adepti that seem glowing with youthful energy. And a traveler... One who's hair shines as bright as midnight stars. He seems to study you from afar.
Ever so often, he glances at his smaller companion, murmuring secrets you fail to understand.
But his eyes are ever so watchful, kept on you like a hawk, as you try your best to remain poise.
Alas, the night must end, always. And to that, you give your goodbyes and good thanks, strolling away in deep thought.
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Your steps echo from the stone stairs, descending down from the patio. The sound of fireworks resounding across the midnight skies.
You aren't alone. You can feel.
"Is there something you would like to ask me Traveller?... It's quite rude to follow a lady without her acknowledgment you know..." You chuckle, turning your head around.
"One is offended that you Duànzào have mistaken one for a mortal! Hmph!"
"Ah.... Cloud Retainer... My apologies, I did not mean to offend you" you smirk, watching as the regal human walks towards you; arms folded.
"I suppose you have many questions...."
"Indeed, one does. One will not let this opportunity pass one. So, speak." It feels as though her voice is laced with venom.
Was it directed towards you?...
"I am sorry Cloud Retainer. It wasn't my intent to have to leave you that way." Your hands are rubbing up against each other uncomfortably. Yet that deceitful smile adorns your complexion.
"You know just as well as one does that this has nothing to do with your encaging years ago. One may appear to be noble and arrogant to some, but one is also watchful." Her words sting like a scorpion's tail, piercing your chest.
Like a dull punch. One you can't seem to cover up and hide away...
Maybe it's the falter in your act that gives her the hint. The way your turning your head away from her, refusing to face her directly.
" Duànzào, please. It was never your fault."
She's begging now. What for... You can't seem to determine. For you to face her directly? Or to break through your mental fortress...
She's stepping closer, her heels echoing. Blue eyes, solid and cold. Her hands suddenly clasp around yours. Enveloping them in warmth. A silent reassurance.
"One knows, it was never your fault, Duànzào."
You won't cry. You won't let it happen, not in front of her, and not infront of anyone.
Your efforts to run away, were pathetic, undeserving of forgiveness. You didn't deserve her remorse nor forgiveness...
But, the way that her arms wrap around your body, caressing you.
It's too tempting.
"One has decided."
"One will never let Duànzào fear the emotions that plague Duànzào's mind..."
"Your safe little one, safe by ones side."
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Zhongli feels as though he's forgotten to breath.
It feels sinful listening in on them.
Why does his chest hurt so much? Why is it that, of the two women in front of him, one is his advisor.
His greatest weapon, weakness, and friend.
"Duànzào....? Your alive?"
Never before, has Zhongli been so grateful for his years of honing his voice. The confidence that it emitted, was far different from the feelings that come from his chest.
She hasn't turned around. And Cloud Retainers arms have wrapped around her harder.
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SPECIAL BREWS... none available, sorry customer!
BARISTA'S INQUIREMENT... This was really hard for me to write... I feel like I didn't do as well this time around. I'd love your feedback!
word count. 1195
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©-FUTURIST... Please do not plagiarize, themes are edited by me, reblogs allowed, do not repost on any other platform!!
banner credits: @IllaOhara
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daemour · 1 year
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Pairing: biker Wooyoung x barista gn!Reader
Genre: Fluff, light angst barely there
Warnings: Cursing, mean customer who throws hot coffee
WC: 1809
Summary: Customer service sucks, and today even more so. But a certain regular makes it better.
Yes, yet another wooyo fic LOL im sorry but i love this man and biker wooyo makes my knees weak
“(Y/N), your favourite customer is here,” Keonhee peeks his head around the back, wriggling his eyebrows at you as you make a face at him. “He’s looking especially fine today, you know.”
As you walk past him, you try to shove at his shoulder but Keonhee dodges and giggles. “What a butt,” you roll your eyes at him with no maliciousness. He isn’t wrong anyway. Every Friday, a group of bikers would come in and order a bunch of coffee. When you first started working here, they terrified you, but as time went on, you slowly got used to them and even came to enjoy their company.
And yes, one of them has caught your eye. Not that it was any of Keonhee’s business. But god damn was he fine. The gang itself was filled to the brim with young, handsome guys who would send even the most stoic person into a blushing mess. But there was something about this guy—Wooyoung, you learned his name was after overhearing their conversation—that just sparked something in your gut.
Maybe it was the way he smiled or his loud laugh that you could hear even in the back storage room. Or maybe it was the way he always included a lollipop along with his (very generous) cash tip. And the way he was nice to look at helped as well.
To your surprise, the rest of his friends were nowhere to be seen. It’s weird enough to see him on a Tuesday. “Hi, fancy seeing you here today,” you greet him, wiping your hands on your apron. “Your usual today?”
“Hey, it’s my favourite employee!” Wooyoung beams as soon as you come into view and you can’t help but smile back. “What’s popping, dude?”
Wooyoung leans forward, elbows propped on the counter, and it takes all your willpower not to stare at the sliver of chest showing. “Nah,” Wooyoung drawls. “I’ll try something else. What do you reccommend, doll?”
You try your hardest to keep your face still but even if you succeed you’re sure your burning face gives you away. “Trying something new?” you ask, attempting to cover up your awkwardness.
Wooyoung’s smile widens. “Yeah, I think I will. What’s your favourite drink?”
Is he flirting? You’re not quite sure. It sounds like he is but you’re also a pessimist and would much rather go for the safer option. “Ah, I know you like your coffee strong, but I actually don’t drink it. I prefer a matcha latte, but if you prefer coffee I can ask my coworker?”
Wooyoung shakes his head, his smile unwavering. “That’s okay, I’ll try your favourite drink. You can make it just how you like it.” He punctuates his sentence with a wink and you immediately busy yourself with the register, avoiding his eye contact so that you can calm your heart rate down. Surely he’s got to be flirting now? Sometimes you hate your obliviousness.
You know Keonhee is absolutely listening in on your exchange and you accept your fate of getting teased for the next four shifts until Friday rolls around and he finds new blackmail material. “This one is on the house,” you attempt to regain some dignity by keeping your voice steady “as thanks for being such loyal customers.”
Before Wooyoung can protest or even say anything, you quickly process the order and turn to make the drink, willing your face to cool down in the process. As you mentioned, you don’t know what it is about Wooyoung that makes you flustered and become so socially inept.
As you are pouring the finished drink into the cup the door opens and the bell tinkles. “I’ll be with you in a moment,” you call out, slightly thankful for the distraction but also mildly annoyed you can’t spend more time with Wooyoung on your own.
“Here’s your drink,” you hand it to Wooyoung over the counter, “enjoy!”
He smiles at you and you return it before heading back to take the next customer’s order. “Hello! Sorry for the wait, what can I do for you?” Before you can even say anything, the middle-aged lady gives you a once-over and you already know what kind of customer she will be.
“That’s fine, I guess,” she sniffs and waves her hand dismissively. “Can I get two hot chai lattes with oat milk and four pumps of syrup?”
“What type of syrup? All our flavours are listed here.” You motion towards the plastic taped to the counter. Apparently, this was the wrong move because the lady rolled her eyes.
“You don’t have to give me such attitude! I can read perfectly fine! I’ll take the vanilla.”
Your eye twitches and you bite back a snarky reply, instead opting for a polite, “I apologise. I’ll get this done ASAP.” As you input her order, you can feel Wooyoung’s eyes on you. It’s not quite how you wanted him to see you, but that’s just how customer service is, you suppose.
As you finish up, you can hear the lady grumbling under her breath about the disappointing service and you have to take a few deep breaths to avoid letting your temper get the better of you. “Here’s your drinks, ma’am.”
“Finally! You know, I am in a rush, you should hurry up next time,” the lady snaps, snatching the cups from you and taking a sip from one.
“Ma’am, that’s a hot–” you try to warn her but to no avail. The lady chokes, and in her surprise slams the cup down onto the table, creating a mess that you inevitably will have to clean up.
“How dare you!” the lady screams at you as you stare in disbelief. “I am a paying customer!”
“Sorry ma’am,” you grit out. “It does say on the cup that it is a hot beverage, but I can make you a new one if you’d like?”
Your offer was not enough to appease the angry customer and she grabbed the other drink, attempting to throw it at your face. Thankfully, you take a step back and her aim is just as bad as her manners, but it still catches on your shoulder.
Keonhee gasps behind you but before he even has a chance to kick her out, Wooyoung steps forward.
“Get out.” The lady snaps her head towards him, incredulous, and opens her mouth to speak but Wooyoung slams his fist on the counter. “Get out of my sight, and get out of the store. I never want to see you here, or even hear of you here again. Am I clear?”
Without another word, the customer scurries away and Wooyoung turns to look at you. “Uh…I’ll go get the med kit,” Keonhee says, turning tail and leaving you in the front with Wooyoung, but with a completely different vibe surrounding the two of you.
“I’m sorry you had to witness that,” you apologise to Wooyoung, bowling low, but he waves away your apologies.
“Don’t worry about it, that lady was such a bitch,” he scoffs, glancing out the door as if she’d come back. “Tell me if she comes to bother you again. Are you okay though?”
You glance down at the soiled fabric and it’s only then the pain hits you and you wince as you try and shift your shoulder. “It’ll heal. Thankfully it wasn’t too bad and it wasn’t my face.” You peel back the sleeve and both you and Wooyoung wince at the sight of the red flesh.
“(Y/N), I got the med kit,” Keeho calls out as he returns with the white box in one hand and a damp cloth in the other. “Do you need to take the day off? I can have Minho come in to cover for you.”
You start to decline but Wooyoung interrupts. “Yeah, call him in,” Wooyoung stares you down when you try to argue and you’re much too tired to fight him on this. “You’re in no condition to work. I’ll take you to the bus stop and you will rest.”
You look at him for a long moment and Keeho looks unsure about his offer, but you’re not in the mood to argue about this either. “Okay, you win, Wooyoung,” you concede with a sigh. “I’ll take the day off.”
Wooyoung hums, happy with your choice and Keonhee dares to wink at you in full view of Wooyoung, who just laughs smugly. “Come on, then. Do you have everything?”
You nod, and as you walk around the counter towards Wooyoung, he ushers you out with a hand on your lower back and you fight to keep your smile off your face. Maybe that customer was worth it—you get a day off and kinda of get to “hang out” with Wooyoung.
As the two of you walk down the sidewalk, you’re not sure of what to say, or how to even start a conversation. Usually, there’s a counter between you and Wooyoung, but with his hand on you, you apparently can’t think straight. “So, what is your name?” Wooyoung breaks the silence. “I never got it yet.”
“Ah, I’m (Y/N). I’m surprised you didn’t hear my coworker yell it from the backrooms.” Wooyoung laughs.
“I don’t really take to eavesdropping, unlike how you learnt my name,” Wooyoung bumps your good shoulder, a laugh in his voice and you squawk. “I don’t mind, really. We’re a loud bunch, which I’m sure you’ve known by now.”
You laugh a little at that. Your boss is always annoyed at the noise they make but they are regulars and tip well so he can’t do much about that. “So I have. Speaking of which, are they not with you today?”
Wooyoung shakes his head, his bangs falling into his face. “Nah, I wanted to steal you all to myself. And I definitely got more than I bargained for.”
“Oh, my God,” you whisper, ducking your head down to hide your burning face. “How are you so smooth?”
Wooyoung snorts. “I can’t help myself around you,” he teases, poking at your face.
“Oh, hey look, the bus stop! And how lucky, the bus is coming too.” You keep your eyes firmly ahead and Wooyoung laughs as you approach the stop. “Thank you for walking me back, Wooyoung.”
“Hey, of course. I’ll see you Friday?” You nod, turning to board the bus when he grabs your wrist. “Wait, hold on! You need your lollipop!”
Wooyoung fumbles in his pocket before pulling out a lollipop and you laugh, taking it. “Blue raspberry? You’re so basic.”
Wooyoung rolls his eyes. “I’m so nice to you and this is all I get in return? You don’t deserve to see me Friday, me nor my lollipop stash.”
You laugh at his antics and Wooyoung smiles, proud of your laughter. “I’ll see you Friday, Wooyoung. Thank you.”
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blueishspace · 8 days
Looped Sun 8
Loop #282
Scott knew that he was lucky, he had so many bits and storylines that the world tree wouldn't typecast him like he did loopers from other loops... Still, sometimes he could forget how repetitive could be. He definitely wasn't forgetting it any time soon, not after 4 loops of straight up just being a skeleton.
Loop #285
This version of Double Life was going to give Grian a migraine... Or Grain he guesses since everyone's names were just wrong... Jimmy was Timmy, Ren was Ron, Etho was Efo and the worst offender... Martin. Grian was tempted to just die and go to Hermitcraft but was deathly afraid of what the rest of Hermitcraft will be called in this loop.
Loop #287
Pearl loved this loop... at first, she got to be a coffe shop barista without the annoying customers that usually come with the job, she didn't mind the coffe shop au fanfic-ness of it as long as she got to have fun. Then a genocidal villain crashed into the windows and she realized exactly what kind of loop this was. Listen, that villain wasn't even a good one (she was one a few lopps ago and she was way better at it) so ahe didn't really care about them. The most entertaining part of the loop was ignoring the plot every time it appeared, even when the story actively twisted to bring her towards it.
Loop #289
Scar ... Well he was a bit offended? He didn't usually get offended easily but being treated like he wasn't capable of stuff wasn't really nice... So of course he woke up in a loop were he truly was unable to do most thing he normally could do. He was used to being unable to use his legs, it was like 30% of the loops, but guess he upgraded to just not being able to do anything... He didn't even get a motorized wheelchair this time around.
... Unlucky for the loop he always carried one of those in his pocket but still.
Loop #292
Mumbo was a bit miffed by this loop... a bit unchuffed even. He knew that spoons were a bit of his thing... everyone knew that. But looping in a room full of spoons...and only spoons seemed a bit unoriginal to him? It wasn't just him that saw the problem, right? ... Hopefully someone was going to come soon.
Loop #295
Grian: Mr. Strange Sir?
Doctor Strange: It's doctor Strange.
Grian: Right... you have the time stone here...right?
Doctor Strange: I do. Why?
Grian: Right, uh in my loop as long as the loop starts before a certain point I get access to an infinity gauntlet... Back in baseline it was just a game but in some variants they are actual infinity stones. Could you teach me how to use the time stone?
Doctor Strange: Perhaps, the time tone is very dangerous you must understand. You will need be patient if you don't want to destroy the pillars of reality.
Grian: ... ...Understood.
Loop #297
Scott: Be not afraid.
Pearl: Scott?!? Why are you glowing.
Scott: Last Loop I was in Marvel and accidentally fused with the Tesseract last loop.
Pearl: ... Mate...
Scott: Yes?
Scott: ... I wish I could tell you but I don't know either.
Loop #299
Mumbo liked spiders well enough, he understood why people didn't like them but he found they weren't too bad.
*knock knock, who is it mr.spider? It's ms. fruit and she brought you some flowers. Mr spider doesn't eat flowers*
Mumbo feels he's going to be forced to change his mind soon.
*knock knock, who is it mr.spider? It's mr. Horse and he brought you his son. Mr spider wants more*
Call it a gut feeling.
Scar was alone... He had been alone for a while. A long while. He didn't know loops could last this long...or maybe he was just stuck there. He had started crying at some point a while ago, his tears turned into mist which was kinda weird. He felt like he should like this for some reason, like somone was whispering to him that this place was good...but...he hated this so much. He wanted Grian and Mumbo and Pearl and Scott. He didn't want to be alone. He never wanted to be alone. And maybe it was this realization but the mist slowly settled away.
Pearl had looked at the incoming mist and she became angry, truly angry, she wasn't going to be alone again. If this loop really wanted a Double Life Pearl then it will get what it wants. Running in the woods with her pack of hunting wolves, creeping and stalking behind her pray is the most fun she had in a long while.
Scott was in space? Scott liked space despite all the times he saw it. It was giant, ever changing, immense, vast. He was just a point floating in a black void filled with stars and comets and so much there is still to discover. It is truly beautiful. He doesn't mind staying in space a bit more... But he should bring other to view this beauty with him.
Grian... well... Grian didn't know how to feel he imagined he would loop in this world eventually considering his status as a watcher... But he expected to loop into the world not... He didn't expect to loop as "The Ceaseless Watcher". It was weird, it was like being a sea connected to other seas, he could feel the other dread.gods melding and mixing in points of his being... He couldn't wait for this to end.
Loop #302
A band? And Pearl got synth? Oh this was going to be fun!
Mumbo: I don't know about this...
Mumbo was at the drums, he had taken a few lessons with Impulse a while back but he didn't... he was worried about performing.
Scott: Come on Mumbo you are going to do great!
Mumbo: I just-
Scott: Scar and Grian agree with me.
Mumbo: They do?
Grian: Of course! You got this Mumbo!
Scar: Yeah!
Mumbo: A-alright!
Loop #305
Grian had already stated what he tought about all the dsmp loops lots of time... Still, getting to rescue Tommy from Dream had been nice, it just took going sun titan mode with a hints of dread god and the green hooded man ran away. Now come the issue, he couldn't exactly adopt Tommy.
That's exactly what he ended up doing, to be fair it was hard to say no to him considering the context. Still, it wasn't like bad, despite the swearing Tommy was a good kid.
Grian might have gone full sun titan again and got Tommy's disk back... it was his birthday and Grian knew that the loop was close to ending.
Loop #307
The newest vote had made everyone's head giant, they looked like enormous babies... It was really unsettling the longer they looked at it.
Grian: Mumbo! Your head is so big!
Mumbo: Wha-
Scar: ... That's what she said.
Grian: SCAR!
Mumbo: Oh-
Scar: Wait no I'm sorry!
Loop #310
Grian: Are we siblings Pearl?
Pearl: ... What do you mean mate?
Grian: Sometimes we are twins, sometimes we are siblings, sometimes we are cousins, in this loop we aren't related at all...
Pearl: Yeah?
Grian: So do you see us as siblings?
Pearl: I mean, I never tought of it really... do you?
Grian: Yes? No? Maybe? It's complicated, that's why I was asking what you tought.
Pearl: Do you want to try?
Grian: Try?
Pearl: Try being siblings, see if it works?
Grian: I... alright. Siblings it is.
Pearl: Siblings.
Grian: Akward sibling hug time?
Pearl: Yeah, watched Gravity Falls recently mate?
Grian: It has a lot of eye imaginery, just preparing for the inevitable.
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manjiroia · 2 years
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ♡ hanma shuji, sano manjiro, ryuguji ken, haitani ran/rindou + haruchiyo sanzu
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ♡ timeskip!characters , fluff , petnames , crack , a little suggestive in hanma's , completely bullshited the coffee names (if they exist already, no they don't ^^)
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 ♡ I AM BACK!!! I'm so sorry for going MIA - this past year has been incredibly rough for me, COVID, dropping out of school, fighting depression suicide and whatnot- but I'm making my return and coming back to tumblr. now, please enjoy ♡
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半間 修二 → ᕼᗩᑎᙏᗩ was honestly just chilling, your legs thrown over his lap, one of his giant hands lightly massaging your skin as the other scrolled through his phone. it was at this moment, you decided to ruin the peace ♡
"shuji, do you think you can get me a cinnamon pumpkin treat?"
"..... a fucking what?-"
"it's a coffee! and it's a new menu item at that one café I like... can you get it for me please?"
".. now? but I just got comfortable-" cue your infamous pouting face with puppy eyes
"fine fine- I'm going..."
it was fine, for about 30 minutes- until you got a phone call. "aww baby... you sent me out for a coffee that doesn't exist to play a game? how about we play my favourite game when I get back, hm?"
佐野 万次郎 → ᙏIKᙓY loved cuddling with you when he wasn't busy being the head of a criminal organization. you were his peace throughout everything happening around him- and you never asked for anything. which is why he gives you everything.
"mikey... I'm sorry, but can I get up? I'm thirsty-"
"no. tell me what you want, I'll have someone get it for you. you need to stay here with me."
"but- .... alright.. could I have a spicy apple with a double shot of vanilla? ... it's a coffee-"
"yes. you stay right there- don't move, alright? I'll be right back with it."
needless to say, it was a while till you got that coffee. what didn't take long though was mikey's voice to echo around the place- yelling at the other bonten exec's to 'find the recipe! y/n is thirsty!!'
龍宮寺 堅 → ᗪᖇᗩKᙓᑎ was in the shop, fixing up a bike while you sat pretty on a stool watching him work. it wasn't all bad, you both were spending quality time with each other (and you got to see him flex those nice pair of arms)
"ken.... do you want to take a break? I can go cook something for you?"
"hah? your not going to eat?"
"ah, no- but I am craving something. it's called a Russian twist, apparently it's a coffee-"
"no. your drinking something healthy, lets go eat lunch with water. too much coffee isn't good for you-"
... safe to say, the plan failed- but hey, now your being healthy :]
灰谷 蘭 → ᖇᗩᑎ was happily walking down the halls of the office, another day done- another happy drive home to meet the love-of-his-life and surround them with so much affection. walking out the doors to his car before he's hearing a familiar ringtone, rushedly pulling out his phone from his pockets to pick up your call.
"angel ♡ I'm just outside my car, on my way home now-"
"ran- I'm so sorry, but before you come home- can you get something for me?"
"of course doll, what is it?"
"it's called a surprise sunrise, it's a new coffee at that one place we go to for dates."
"ah, alright. I'll get it for you, I do need payment when I get home though~"
"yeah yeah... I'll see you when you get back then."
motherf*cker actually returns home with a coffee in hand, smiling brightly as he places it right in your hands. also has the gradient of a sunrise in it, 'so, about my payment-' , 'you charmed the baristas, didn't you?'
灰谷 竜胆 → ᖇIᑎᗪOᙀ was bored. insanely bored. the meeting being held had no context, he sat there with nothing to do. sanzu was popping a new pill in his mouth, his brother was talking his ear off- he just wanted an out, and thankfully- as if the heavens had heard him, your name was lighting up as a notif on his screen.
"rindou, baby ^^ are you doing anything right now?"
"no. everyone here is off the rails, please- get me out-"
"well, I do need something... but will mikey allow it? you leaving?"
"obviously yes, he's fine with it" (it wasn't a lie really, he was just sitting at the head of the oval table eating his dorayaki)
"ah, alright- well, I'm busy right now at home with unloading groceries. I completely forgot to get the new coffee I was telling you about, the hazelnut and almond crème? do you think you can go and get it for me?"
"yeah, I can do that. see you soon then" (an out!! yes!! he can get out of the unnecessary meeting and away from his brother!!)
the poor younger haitani... he spent a good 2 hours driving around Tokyo for your coffee, eventually he turned up at the house with a bouquet instead when you opened the door for him 'sorry baby... I couldn't find it.. think you might be able to accept these instead?'
明司 春千夜 → Sᗩᑎᘔᙀ was ecstatic, a day off from mikey to spend with his baby? the man couldn't be happier, he had the whole day planned out- solely and all prepared for you.
"ah, wait- can we stop at that café up ahead?"
"no no-! I just saw online somewhere that they're serving a new coffee, called the.. golden pineapple... I think? I wanted to try it-"
"why? do your feet hurt? I can carry you-"
"of course baby, anything for you-"
.... neither of you are allowed back into that café again, apparently sanzu holding the barista at gunpoint was a no-no. man was aggressively pouting for the rest of the day cause he couldn't get you that coffee you wanted :((
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𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 ♡
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the-likesofus · 1 year
ring the bells
9-1-1 on Fox | Buddie | 5k words | Coffee Shop AU | alternative first meeting, fluff, getting together, first kiss, meet-cute
Written for @ronordmann's Reverse Prompt Challenge. Thank you so much Ro for inspiring me to try writing something out of my comfort zone with this fic &lt;3
"Order for Evan!" 
If ever Buck was to die of happiness it would be in this moment. For hours he has been craving, yearning for some sort of hot, sugary drink. It started with a call to a chocolate factory and ended with an empty milk carton in the firehouse refrigerator and an apologetic look on Chimney's face. 
As soon as Buck got off his forty-eight-hour shift he had made a beeline for the nearest cafe. It was not his usual, he would typically stop at the coffee shop closer to his apartment on his way to work, but this place wasn't busy and Buck is desperate for a sugar hit.
It's because he's so desperate that Buck is taking the first mouthful as he's walking out of the store. 
He anticipates the smooth cream and sweet syrup, the spice of cinnamon to balance it all out but the mouthful slides over his tongue like hot, bitter tar and lands in the bottom of his stomach like a rock. 
"God–what the?" He sticks his tongue out and tries to rid his mouth of the taste. That is definitely not the coffee that he ordered. 
For a brief moment, Buck considers that maybe the universe just knew that he actually wanted black coffee but then decides that that's stupid and the universe is wrong this time because he definitely really wanted the drink he thought he ordered. 
So, against every ex-hospitality worker fiber of his being, he turns back to the counter and gets the attention of the barista that served him 'his' drink. 
"Hi there," he starts as brightly as he can for seven o’clock in the morning. "I'm so sorry to do this but I think you've given me the wrong drink. I ordered a caramel latte with cinnamon but this is, well, black."
"Oh!" The barista looks shocked for a second as he checks the order dockets on the counter in front of her. "I'm so sorry, I must have–."
"Given him mine." An unfamiliar voice sounds from next to Buck and when he turns he finds what is potentially the most beautiful man in all of the greater Los Angeles area. 
The barista nods. "Yes, I'm so sorry. I will remake them both right away."
The man eyes Buck's outstretched hand oddly before saying, "No need." He looks at Buck and Buck's sleep-deprived brain almost gets lost in the chocolate of his eyes. "Do you have any diseases I should know about?"
Buck stops short. "I'm–. What?" 
"Diseases." The man says—like that it is a normal thing to ask a stranger. "Are you contagious or anything? I'm in a rush."
"Ah, no. I don't think so."
"Good. I'll just take this one then." And then he reaches for the coffee that is not Buck's coffee but is in Buck's hand and Buck is too baffled to do anything but let him take it. The man disappears from the cafe and Buck is left standing at the counter with his arm still outstretched towards the barista who looks just as confused but shakes herself out of it faster than Buck does.
"I'll remake yours now." He says briskly. "Won't be a minute."
"Ah, yeah. Thanks." Buck mumbles dumbly and turns to see the man's retreating back disappear around the corner. 
The barista hands him a new cup a few moments later along with a five-dollar bill, obviously intending to refund him for the mistake, but he tucks it straight into her tip jar, thank you kindly, and then leaves, the bell ringing behind him as he goes.
Continue on AO3
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totheseok · 3 months
uh oh?
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synopsis: what happens when the daughter of the CEO of a major film company and the son of the president of a successful food company move in next door?
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episode 2: cats holding banners
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word count: 924
(italic writing is yn's thoughts)
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Taboba had been y/n's absolute favourite boba shop in Seoul, she first discovered it while she was studying abroad. Upon returning home she found out there was ONE outlet in Seoul, which was conveniently just a 10 minute drive from her parents house. But, they were closing down and she was moving to a different part of Seoul, half an hour away from the shop.
Growing up as the daughter of a big-shot movie producer, she was privileged enough to live in one of the expensive neighbourhoods of Seoul, in a big house over-looking the Han river. And though it was true that she was to eventually take over the company her parents wanted her to pave her own way and make her own name in the industry. Granted her heritage would certainly give her a boost in popularity.
She decided one of the first steps to make her own way would be to move into her own space and live by herself. So with the help of friends and family she chose a penthouse apartment for herself in Gangam and bought it (cus wth is rent when ur rich). But thats all irrelevant right now because she's not moving there for another week. Right now what's important is that she just parked her car outside the new boba shop that opened near her new apartment.
It's a cute name even she cant deny that. She hopes with every atom of her body that the boba is good too. It was also owned by SeoulFoods, a company that sponsored most of SilverWoods' shows and movies, and also catered for their events.
The issue isn't bad boba, the issue is being as good as or topping taboba boba.
Stepping inside, the cafe looked like any other, it was simple, with mood lighting, wooden floors and comfy looking leather seats. But there was one recurring theme. Cats. It wasn't a cat cafe, yet, cute pictures of cats doing stupid things were hung up on the walls, the bookshelf was shaped like a cat, the little plant pots on the table were cats that looked like they had leaves growing out of their heads. Overall, a-lot of cats.
Y/N made her way to the counter and luckily didn't have to wait too long considering it was 11 AM and everyone was either at work or at school, no long lines. She greeted the barista and placed her order, payed for her drink and then chose a table by the window. Good for working and people watching.
Y/n's first mistake today was forgetting her laptop charger at home, but she was already on the highway when she realised and couldn't turn back even if she wanted. Now the question was if her laptop was already charged or if she would open it and it would die in the middle of her editing a scene.
79%. Not bad, good enough to edit at least one scene. She started opening the softwares she needed to work and got started.
Soon enough her drink arrived, paired with a slice of cheesecake. Wait... Cheesecake? YN hadn't ordered any. Her original plan had been to have her drink and order a sandwich if she got hungry a while into working.
Maybe I should ask the server. Luckily for her he was walking by after serving another order.
"Um, excuse me?" She called out.
"Yes, ma'am"
"Uh, I only ordered a drink, i was served cheesecake as well are you sure it isn't someone else's?"
"Ah, yes, it's on the house, our manager said there's a newcomer gift for today, and since it's your first time visiting Bobobble, you qualify for it!"
"Ohh, I see, well um thank you so much!"
"No, problem ma'am, enjoy your meal!"
Newcomer gifts huh? Lets hope this boba is also good because so far I'm liking this place.
YN reached for her cup of bubble tea and immediately noticed logo. A cat holding a banner that said bobobble. Omg cute pls be good i want to come back here.
Bringing the straw to her lips, she took and sip and...
"Holy shit" She whispered to herself.
Looks like bobobble just gained a new and very loyal customer.
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In the break room, a barista sat with their phone in front of them, voice recording app open.
"Dear diary, today the owners son Taesan came to overlook the store. He's a chill guy around my age but he's generally pretty quiet. Anyways, around 11 AM a girl walked in with her laptop bag and stuff, she ordered her drink and sat down then started working on whatever it was that she was working on, she was pretty nice but thats not the point
"the issue here is that when i was going to serve her drink, Taesan told me to take some cheesecake for her and tell her it was on the house as a welcome gift for her first time here. I didnt know we were doing one of those so it was news to me but i didn't question it.
"HOWEVER, later another girl came in and i had never seen her before so as i was taking a slice of free cheesecake out for her Taesan stopped me and said he changed his mind? so no more free cheesecake for new people? idk man. my guess is that he thought the other girl was cute. ig we'll just have to wait and see, anyways my break is ending so ill finish this at night when im home"
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a/n: pls tell me yall got the chenle reference w the "whats rent when ur rich"
and special thank you to @taesancore for reading it for me before i posted to help me figure stuff out.
taglist (open): @seungzzzz @thvvcut @ywnzn @livelaughlovetaesan @lovelyannoyingcher @blurryriki @xyxlyn @lovandr @lcvehee @sobun1est @roxasrana @loyalsunwoo @luv-y0urself @rosesfortaro @nujeskz @ryunjin0 @milkmilkmalk
bold couldn't be tagged 😔
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missingkittyfan · 2 years
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warnings: yandere themes, mention of death (the loss of a family member), mentions of depressive episodes, obsessive thoughts, unhealthy mindset
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Aaron let out a quiet sigh as he prepared the coffee for the customer, tiredly looking at the glass window - it's been a stressful day so far since he's been dealing with grouchy, unreasonable customers. Getting complaints about their drink not being done right even though he does it by order, making sure the ingredients are correct. He wished this shift could be over already, not really wanting to do anything else for the entire day. A lot of things were on his mind and he didn't know how to deal with this crippling loneliness ever since his mother had unfortunately passed away. Her death being for some reason unknown, no one really know what had happened to her exactly.
He walked over to the counter before setting down the warm cup of coffee down, glancing at the person and giving them a polite yet slightly strained smile. "Here you go, that will be $3.65." He stated, awaiting for their payment although the customer seemed to be- hesitant..? Aaron looked away for a moment as the two stood in silence. Finally, the male let out a nervous laugh as he scratches the side of his cheek. "Oh- err.. well, I- only have two bucks so.. maybe I can just give it to you now and next time give you the rest?" He replied, smiling awkwardly.
Aaron however wasn't amused, his smile twitching a bit but still tried to kept his composure.
"Ah- I'm sorry sir but that isn't.. allowed. You're supposed to pay full price now." he said, "I can just discard of the coffee and you can come back later and-" The man cuts him off by abruptly grabbing the cup, spilling some drops of coffee onto the counter. "Great! I'll see you tomorrow then. I promise to pay you later." With that the man exited the building leaving aaron with a baffled expression. He gritted his teeth, clenching his fist as he watched him leave. He was so close from just busting out of here and strangle him - dealing with parasitic people like him infuriates him. He hated his time being wasted.
He sighed, he shouldn't feel like this. Just one more hour and he'll be free to go! It's not like everyday this doesn't happen.
Aaron rested his arm onto the counter, almost hoping one person doesn't walk into here.
That was until his eyes lingered towards someone.
And that someone in question was you.
Of course usually he wouldn't focus on someone's appearance especially since he didn't quite have the luxury to focus on pursuing a relationship. He didn't really bother trying to. he thought himself as a unlovable person, likely to die alone and never having to live the life that he truly wanted. Not really having a goal and rather went with the ride.
It was sad, really - but he tried not fuss himself too much about it.
He continued thinking about what should he do besides laying onto the bed, feeling hopeless and miserable most of the time. The brown haired male watched you entering inside the café before giving him a warm.. smile.
A smile that he swore he felt his cheeks reddening up but brushed it aside and kept it professional as he greets you. "Hey, welcome! Is there anything I can get you on this fine afternoon?" He asked as you walked towards his direction, "Thank you and yes! I'm on my break so I would just like a iced latte, not really looking forward into eating something at the moment. Caffeine is all I need," you answered, laughing. "It's a slow tiring day don't you think? My dear co-worker has been kind of salty, giving me the cold shoulder. Some days aren't your day I guess!" You realized you were rambling, quickly becoming silent for a second. "Sorry- I've came here for a iced coffee not small talk .. I shouldn't put my problems on a hardworking barista like yourself, you seem tired and stressed even. Are you- okay?" You frowned, noticing the dark circles underneath his eyes. He looked like he hasn't been getting enough proper rest.
His eyes widen a bit, snapped out of his thoughts to realize your concern for him before shooting you a smile. "Ah- no no! it's fine, i'm fine.. I appreciate your concern. It's not often we get people like you so it's really.. refreshing. Thank you." he said, "I'll be on it now, don't wanna waste your time." He grabbed a plastic cup - preparing your drink as you patiently wait. You stared at the busy traffic in silence, watching few people on the sidewalk having a phone conversation.
He glanced at you for a moment, admiring your features. His lips curled into a slight smile, you were so sweet and graceful with your words and actions. Your charm beginning to draw him in, and yet- he didn't want to admit it nor deny.. but he knew for certain he was intrigued and wanted to know more about you. Wanted to know what's your name, your interests and dislikes.. and maybe more. "So, uh.. feel free to not answer but how come I've never seen you before? You look like a new face in town," he chuckled before muttering to himself. "A pretty one at that.."
You looked at him before a smile formed onto your lips once again, "Oh! Yeah- I've actually moved here a week ago believe it or not. It wasn't long before they had recommended this place that serves good coffee. The atmospheres looks so nice! I really love the aesthetic so I'm assuming they must be right after all." You replied, almost going on a tangent.
God your voice was soothingly pleasing to listen to, he could just hear you talk endlessly without getting tired of hearing it. You had such a way with words, he tried not to urge himself into trying to hear more from you after all you were just a customer. It would seemed weird if he had try getting more information as possible.. right? He wasn't that kind of person, if he wanted so bad to get to know you better he could actually just.. ask you if he can spend some time with you and not be creepy about it.. He didn't want to come off too strong already but.. this feeling, it was overwhelming and he couldn't get enough. He wanted more.
He wanted you. It was complicated and too much for him to take in.. is this what love actually feels like? The feeling of wanting to feel your embrace, your scent, and hearing his name flow off your tongue. If so, this felt amazing to him.
Aaron had finished making the iced latte, setting the cold drink down onto the counter. "That will be $4.65." He said before you nodded in response, taking out your wallet and placing the exact amount. He grabbed it from you and puts the cash into the cash register. "Thank you, I hope you enjoy your drink and have a wonderful day!" He smiled.
"You too!" You practically yelled, leaving the place as you took a sip of your coffee.
He placed his hand onto his cheek, watching you walk away out of view before coming into a realization. His smile slowly turned into a melancholic frown. "Ah- I haven't.. asked for their name." He sighed, "shit- why do I have to mess things up? I loss my chance.. what if they never come back again?" He looked down at the counter, staring into the reflection of himself. "I hope that's not the case.. I want to get to know them. I need to learn much more about them.." He said to himself. Aaron had himself found a new fixation, a goal.
And that goal was to make you fall over heels for him as much as he did for you - to make you his and him yours.
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msfcatlover · 11 months
(Red Hood!Steph, out in civilian clothes stopping into a local cafe or coffee shop or something, getting to the front of the line, and starting to place her order...)
Duke, somewhere behind her: "Steph?"
Steph, freezing up: Please be wrong, please be wrong, please be wrong—
Duke: "For fuck's sake... I know it's you, Stephanie. I can see right through you."
Steph, under her breath: "Shiiiiiiiiiiit..."
Steph, turning around: "What do you want, Duke?"
Duke, pointing at the menu over the counter: "Sugar & caffeine. What are you doing here?"
Steph: "Sugar & caffeine."
Steph: "I mean, I'm getting—"
Steph, throwing up her hands: "Can't a gal order brunch in peace?"
Barista, clearing their throat: "Um, are you going to finish or...?"
Steph: "Yes! Sorry about my friend, he's so rude sometimes."
Duke, immediately: "You know, you're right. Here, let me pay for your order to make up for it."
Steph: "You're not buying your way into this conversation, Duke."
Duke, pulling out his wallet: "I'm not trying to. Can't a guy do a nice thing for an old friend?"
Steph, hissing: "I hate you so much."
Duke, grinning: "I know, sister. Believe me, I know."
(Duke steps out of line, and stands next to Steph while she waits for her order.)
Steph: Don't talk, don't talk, don't talk—
Duke: *opens his mouth*
Steph: "Don't."
Duke: *closes his mouth, looking offended*
Duke: "I was just going to say it was good to see you, damn."
Steph, snorting: "Sure, and I'm secretly a redhead. Pull the other one, asshole."
Duke: "No, really. I mean, shit Steph, you... it's been fucking years—"
Steph: "It's been three weeks."
Duke, undeterred: "—since I've seen you like this. You know, out and about? You... you look good."
Steph, rolling her eyes: "Yeah, beats rotting in a fucking coffin, that's for sure!"
Duke: "Seriously?"
Steph: "What?"
Duke: "Can we have one normal conversation?"
Steph: "What would that even look like, Duke? 'How are your charities going?' 'Great, how's being a crime lord?' 'Oh, you know, same old same old. Got stabbed last week, but it's healing nicely.'"
Duke: "How about, 'Hey, it's good to see you! Wow, it's been so long! How are you? Did you do something new with your hair?'"
Steph: "We've covered all of that."
Duke: "Not all of it."
Steph: "Huh?"
Duke: "Did you do something new with your hair?"
Steph: "Oh yeah. I've been soaking it in the blood of my enemies."
Duke: "Ah, the Bathory treatment. Classic."
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ughgoaway · 10 months
Playing on my mind blurb where the band is out walking or getting coffee and they run into y/n. She’s in her regular clothes (maybe even just sweats?), no makeup and super chill. After you and Matty are done catching up (he introduces you to everyone) and she leaves, the boys all sit down and just listen to Matty talk about you for the rest of the time:
“She seems very cool, matty”
“And pretty too right? Just absolutely gorgeous…”
“Sigh… yes matty she is very pretty”
(I'm so sorry this took me so long. I promise I'm trying to work through my asks <33)
Oh, this is a sweet concept… you would be so mortified this is how you're meeting his friends but also so fucking excited to meet his friends. I'm gonna alter this slightly and just have you meet George, i have different ideas for the other two boys…
I think it's probably early on a Sunday, and George and Matty crashed at the studio last night, falling asleep at the mixing desk before trudging to the sofas at 3 am. So once it hits 8 a.m., and they wake up, they are in desperate need of a coffee.
You had a slightly less fun or productive night, just staying up late catching up on the newest episodes of the great British bake-off (yes this is me projecting <3). You don't think you'll run into anyone so you're dressed pretty comfy, in jogging bottoms and an oversized jumper.
You nearly wore your newly purchased 1975 hoodie, but it was in the wash after you spilt tea on it last night. Thank GOD. yes, you were embarrassed about buying it, but your yearning for Matty had reached new heights. This was a way to cope with those feelings that wouldn't get you fired…
You order your coffee and are waiting to hear your name be called, and it is - but not by a barista. 
“y/n! Ohmygod, hi!” Matty says insinctively coming to hug you but catching himself at the last second and just waving awkwardly, with George standing behind him equally as awkward. 
“MATTY! Oh wow - hi!!” You say moving your hands to fix your hair and pull at your clothes self-consciously.
Holy fuck WHY was he here??? When you looked like this?? Sometimes you show up looking very cute, prepared to work in the coffee shop and live your fantasy of being that cool girl in a cafe.
But OF COURSE, the one time he shows up, you look like this. In a snoopy hoodie, no makeup and your massive glasses on. 
Matty is immediately enamoured by you, his brain going straight to domestic delusions. Seeing you dressed like that in his house whilst you're making tea, or when you are getting ready for a movie night.
He focuses on your freckles and your glasses, feeling his heart stutter at how beautiful you look when you're not even trying.
Matty thanked god George told him to fix his hair before he left. 
Speaking of George, he was still there, but he might as well not have been. You two were standing in silence, grinning and drooling over each other, and it's then when it clicks to George exactly who you are.
Matty had been talking about you for MONTHS.
“y/n wore a red dress today” 
“She waved goodbye to me this morning”
“I saw her at the Christmas disco and nearly gave her a drink”
“No, I don't like her!! Shut up, George. I'm not 15, I don't have crushes anymore”
Despite Matty's denial, he had heard all about you from Matty and from Adam, who watched you two interact recently and reported it back to George and Ross.
“he was basically drooling. Do you remember how he was with Julie Smith in year 10? Like that, but WORSE!”
“oh god, he's down bad huh”
George coughed lightly behind Matty, and suddenly he came back to life and introduced him, “Right! Yes! Sorry, y/n, this is George, my best friend and bandmate. George, this is Annie's teacher, y/n!”
You wave politely at George, and he waves back, cheekily saying, “Ah yes, y/n! I've heard SO MUCH about you” which earns him an elbow in the stomach from Matty.
You obsess over him saying this FOR MONTHSSSS. “But what did he mean??? So much?? From Matty or Annie??? Or adam?? Probably not from Matty… BUT WHAT IF IT WAS??" (your cat does not respond to this rant sadly)
Soon after, your name is called, and you couldn't run away quicker, internally dying at Matty seeing you like this. Matty and George sit down, and Matty is staring out the window, looking in the direction you walked off in wistfully and sighing. 
George taps his nails against the cup to bring Matty back and is just about to start talking about the track they were working on but Matty starts talking before he can. 
“So…?” Matty says with a lovesick look in his eyes.
George briefly considers not humouring Matty and ignoring what he said, but he plays along anyway, “Yeah she seems really cool Matty, just like you described.” 
“I don't talk about her that much! … but yeah, she is really cool. And pretty too, right? Just absolutely gorgeous. But not in a weird way or an ‘I like her’ way just… objectively” he says unsurely, as if he is trying to convince himself as well as George.
With a heavy sigh, knowing no work will get done today, George agrees with Matty “Yes Matty she is very pretty.”
A few seconds of silence pass, and George can't help himself,
“You totally like her though”
blurb masterlist
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