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cursedhaglette · 3 days ago
Solavellan recs you say? 👀👀👀👀👀
OHHHHH POOOKIIIIEEEEEEEEEE here's a lil bit of everything for you, go forth and feast
remorse is not an apology by deciblesque - you will find me gradually losing my shit in the comments of this one. we shouldn't be allowed to read it for free, it's so brilliant. i literally have no words, it's just so fucking good. post-DAV and an absolute must read. (also the author has some very delicious solavelassan smut if you need something to wash it down with)
the shrine of your lies by @swordbisexual - make that everything by ouiser by dear god, this one will have you needing solas so bad
the first six months of forever by lahtays - devastating, brilliant, sexy, post-solas doing his big stupid but written pre-DAV (as if we need DAV though) but they get to live in the world as they fix things and yeah. so so good.
scion by @widowling - we know martyr, we love (and love to hate) martyr, but honestly scion is gonna RUIN me in a big way and i can't wait. a good, like ACTUALLY GOOD, arlathan AU is hard to find but a sexy young solas is also the most important thing in the world to me, especially if he's also just a lil dumb. my beloved widowling nailed it. can't wait for more of this one.
love is not a victory march by @brunchatthebookstore - the inquisitor gets the call to go to minrathous in time for solas' ritual. this is an all-timer in the making, i just know it.
miles below the surface of the dawn by @thefirstaidkit - long form smut that literally made me cry i'm not kidding. this fandom really has everything. you know what's more fucked up? KIT HADN'T EVEN FINISHED DAI WHEN WRITING THIS MASTERPIECE.... shfdkjhjsdfkjshdf
verhas'alhan - to yearn for wilderness by rosemarybagels - centuries spent after the veil falls and this is painful but absolutely beautiful and feels so wonderfully true to both characters and ugh. UGH. how to be heartbroken and hate each other but love each other all at the same time. gorgeous.
her hand was invented before god was by @citrusai - gan'freya woman that she is. solas snoop that he is. this is absolutely delicious and perfect and i've read it twice and i know i will again because it's so them.
the immortal game by @psykergirl - the most solavellan smut of all time. trust me on this.
all new, faded for her by @scaryanneee - putting this toward the bottom only because i've recc'd it before multiple times but not because i love it any less. it's one of my current comfort fics and anna is so so brilliant and perfect at writing the classic romance tropes we know and love but making them soooo sollavellan it's sick. also morinne is there but who cares when ATHERA. QUEEN ATHERA. god.
these hands, if not gods by @gefionne - also at the bottom only because i've recc'd it before and i think the whole fandom is probably bouncing up and down waiting for every update. my other current comfort fic at the moment. imagining young solas whimpering with nipple rings gets me through the day and gef...god bless gef for that.
there's........so much more porn here than i expected. oops. but also it's all literally so good i'm not even sorry about it. also if you want to support moi, i write a lil fic called requited but feel weird promo-ing it more than that. i also have more fic recs for solavellan answered here, here and here!
anyways, have fun and enjoy!
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yj-polycule · 2 days ago
Welcome to my unpopular opinion but I am so, so tired of people and just the fandom as a whole vilifying the Drakes to an obscene amount. Like, were they the best parents in the world? No, but they weren't the abusive and neglectful monsters most of the fandom tries to write them as.
Jack and Janet were fully under the impression Tim was being taken care of when they were gone because he was in boarding schools, a responsible and logical place to put a child if you knew your work would have you traveling a lot. The only reason this wasn't true because Tim was the one to make it so. Tim was the one sneaking out of boarding schools and not telling his parents what he was doing.
Every time in the comics when the Drakes came back, Tim was excited and actually did spend time with them. We are given multiple accounts from Tim of him hanging out with both of his parents when they are back in town while Tim is being robin.
The Drakes also very much cared about Tim. The first thing Jack does when he finds out Tim was in a dangerous situation (being Robin) was get Tim out of it. Yeah, it sucks that Tim's opinions and thoughts were acknowledged, but Jack did what any loving and responsible parent would do the moment they find out their son was risking their life and doing something extremely dangerous and reckless and that's get him out of it! Jack moved Tim away from potential danger to keep his son safe. The moment Tim went missing Jack dropped fucking everything he had in terms of influence and fortune to get his son back. Is that the behavior of someone who couldn't give a shit about their son? Someone who clearly doesn't care about their safety and existence? No. It's not.
Besides, not even Tim himself vilifies his parents. Time and time again in the comics, Tim is shown missing his parents, talking fondly of them. Literally during the whole saga where Tim was traveling through time and the multiverse to find Bruce during failsafe, Tim embraces his mother and just enjoys being with her. Tim's ideal world and life is his parents being alive, it's Tim being with his Dad and Mom.
The Drakes are not evil monsters, and honestly, Tim's story and dynamic with Bruce is so much more interesting when the Drakes are loving and caring and Bruce isn't 'saving' him from his parents.
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mydogatemymotivation · 3 days ago
Ok I wanna talk about the Zeb of Kalluzeb cuz sometimes I feel like he gets a little overlooked, but I have thoughts. A lot of people, when they're talking about Kalluzeb, talk about how Zeb can see the light in Kallus that he can't really see in himself all the time, and that's true, of course. But the extent of the discourse around Zeb is about Lasan, and I'm not trying to dismiss that or anything, but there's more to it than that. I think Zeb, the people around him, and the fandom, honestly, have this idea of Zeb that boils down to "good for a laugh, good for a drink, good for a game of sabacc, and good in a fight" and that makes a lot of interpretations of Zeb a little one dimensional.
But think of him this way: he was the Captain of the High Honor Guard on Lasan and he's a Rebellion Captain, and part of an ancient Lasat prophecy. These are all very noble, very honorable things. So how bizarre was it for him, then, to resonate with Kallus. If Zeb can see the light in Kallus then I think it stands to reason that Kallus can see the darkness in Zeb. And I think it would be so much more interesting to see Zeb react to that, because that shakes the foundation of who he thought he was. He sees himself as the white knight character, proud and honorable. So why does he like the fight so much? Why does he find kinship with a man soaked in so much blood? To see this happy guy who's always down for drinks and cards be so enamored with someone from Imperial High Command, I think it would rattle a lot of people, including Zeb.
I think Zeb hides a lot underneath his jovial nature, even from himself, and to have Kallus hold up a mirror to all the parts of himself that Zeb tries to hide would make him feel so exposed. Idk how many of you have watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but I was thinking about Spike and Buffy (I have a point, I promise, stay with me) and this is very much their dynamic. Buffy, who tries to convince herself that she's 'just a girl' and that she doesn't like being the slayer, likes Spike because he holds up a mirror to all the darker parts of herself. She likes that he's dangerous, she likes that she can be herself, she likes how rough he is, she likes that Spike can see all of that and that he still loves her despite those things, or even because of those things. And I love that dynamic, and I see some of Kallus and Zeb in it. Zeb likes that Kallus is dangerous, he likes the thrill that comes with loving him, he likes that Kallus resonates with darker parts of himself, and that's scary for him.
Kallus gives Zeb an outlet for his anger that can go toe-to-toe with him, he likes that he understands the pain of wanting vengeance and the pain of what happened on Lasan. It feels like, sometimes, the rest of the Ghost crew doesn't quite know what to do with Zeb (and this is no hate to them, I love them, it just bothers me), no one knows how to help him through the anger he has, no one knows how to talk to him about Lasan and he ends ups so alone, even with his family, because how could they understand that kind of darkness. But Kallus does because he was there. (And I don’t mean any disrespect to what Kanan went through, but he had Ahsoka for a long time. And he has Ezra who he can pass the teaching of the Jedi onto. He still has Jedi temples he can go to; we never see Zeb go back to Lasan. He’s also surrounded by other humans, but Zeb’s species itself was under attack. No one else in the rebellion is even breathing air the same way Zeb is. It’s incredibly isolating.)
I keep imagining the two of them in a fight, on the same side finally, and Kallus, being basically a living weapon, is covered in someone's blood and Zeb's first thought is, wow, red really is his color, followed immediately by OH MY GOD WHO SAID THAT. WHO SAID IT. NOT ME. …then again… the way his manic smile reflects off his blood-soaked knife is really - mmmmmnope. Nope,nope,nope not doing that. Not doing it. No thank you. He sees exactly what Kallus is and is incredibly into it. And that would be so distressing for him because he sees himself as this kind, noble person, and he is, but he doesn't want to deal with what it means to love Kallus. And everyone around him sees him as a kind, noble person, so when he starts having feelings for Kallus, he gets pulled to the side by a few who say, "hey, are you okay?" not in a comedic way, but in a genuine, this isn't who you told us you were, what's going on? And Zeb doesn't have any answers because this isn't who he convinced himself he was, either. Everyone put Zeb on this pedestal, but Kallus grounded him, and it’s like everyone is finally seeing this guy at eye level instead of at a distance and Zeb just has to stand there and take it.
Even in Buffy, though, it takes her a long time to accept her feelings for Spike because of how scared she is of herself. When she finally admits to Tara that she and Spike are having an affair, she fully breaks down. Like, she's on her knees sobbing, begging Tara not to forgive her for what she's doing because she wants to be punished by someone, anyone for the way she is, but Tara does forgive her, and she just cries harder. And that kind of shell-shocked, I'm actually as dark as he is, and I don't like that he saw it before I did kind of angst is what I'm talking about.
It's not just Lasan that they have in common. Zeb doesn't just balance Kallus, Kallus has to balance Zeb, too. And that realization that the sunshine character is not the sun at high noon, bright and unobstructed, but rather, the sun at twilight, tinged with darkness and teetering on the edge of falling is so good and there's not nearly enough of it with these two. I mean. Listen. People talk about Kallus' poor mental health but that scene in the finale with the shield generator. That wasn't ~noble sacrifice~, that was an attempt and no one talks about it. I mean, he just lost another member of his family and immediately tried to sacrifice himself. He needs to address his own darkness and work through it because he's not doing any better than Kallus.
Zeb sees the light in Kallus and Kallus sees the darkness in Zeb. They need each other.
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skeren · 3 days ago
It wasn't for the AO3! I didn't even realize you had a version over there, actually. So many authors on tumblr only post on tumblr that it's hard to tell if someone never posts links with their works. Thank you very much for your response and for not being upset. I've seen a lot of promising people who did start from this level of typo mess as their only postings who eventually became magnificent writers, and I could easily see that in you. Unfortunately, I've also seen people who were wildly discouraged by naysayers, and I hoped that my tags might mitigate some of that by giving a constructive way to improve if that had happened.
You could say that I've been in fandom a while at this point.
I can tell on a quick skim that you caught the vast majority of the errors between here and there, and thank you for linking your fully posted story for those who want to continue from the point you left off here or just give it another go with it cleaned up! I know I intend to! I was honestly curious how you were going to steer the story from where this post left off.
I can understand why having a beta reader is hard, as I myself am terribly impatient and almost never use them, even if I've been them for others, but I still toss things at a friend now and again just to make sure I haven't lost my voice for things, even if it's not in a formal way. In a way, posting free like this without a read through is doing the same. I'm glad you have a system that works for you in place of something more formal, and wish you well on your future writing.
I'm the protagonist, bitch!
What if SY transmigrated as Luo Binghe and had to go through the main trials and abuse under the scum villain Shen Qingqiu?
And in typical SY fashion, ends up deluding himself and no longer cares what Sqq is doing? Since Luo Binghe knows he's going to go into literal hell everything sqq does seem tame in comparison? He starts thinking "If being whipped is making me cry...how will I be when I lose a limb in the abyss!?"
Then he starts seeing this as inpromptu training, he gives SQQ the peerless cucumber roast of a lifetime JUST to get more punishment! He has to get stronger!
And of course in true Scum villain fashion, SQQ backs off and starts treating LBH as a disciple and just ignores him.
This is grossley unfair!
Shen Yuan AS Luo Binghe.
 So SY transmigrates as Luo Binghe and already doesnt feel comfortable as a grown ass man taking wives who were mostly Binghes age with the occasional milf thrown in there. So he decides fuck it, he’ll get stronger deal with he abyss when he gets to it and at first wanted revenge on SQQ then decided it was too much hassle. He just wanted to be left alone. But the scum villain keeps bothering him, and actually seems to like him- why? What changed!? The hell!?
-SY transmigrates as Luo Binghe.
Has the horror that as the protagonist his lufe is a living hell, continous tortourous chores, being whipped and beaten for the tiniest offense how will a millenial survive!
[Welcome Host you can you up! As the protagonist you are the workds child and no lasting harm will befall you-]
“Yeah but I’ll still be harmed.”
[An over powered protagnosit at the start if his journey is too unrealistic.
 Tasks for hosts are;
Create a harem.
Fall into the endless abyss.
Take revenge on Shen Qingqiu.
Merge the realms!]
“I dont want to do any if that!”
[System has heard users complaints and sees that Host will only do one scenario!]
Oh thank god
[System has taken the liberty of choosing the task- endless abyss arc!]
You fuck!
-SY stole a manual. If he wanted to survive the abyss he had to be stronger. Having an unstable core will do him no favours…
So far he was able to keep his head down but realised something. When he first transmigrated the first thing that happened he was beaten. And it hurt.
Then he was whipped and it hurt but…
Luo Binghe was going into the abyss- even with his demon blood awakened he would face a ton of horrors and so much pain his own arm ripped of.
“A-lou? You look pale,” His shiejie spoke placing a hand over his head.
 If he wanted to survive he would have to build up his pain tolerence…
Steadying his rabid heartbeat Luo Binghe smiled.
“This one is fine.”
He purposfully acts out, and tried not to cry- it was just intimidating okay! That he was being whipped while his Shizun supervised-
Did Shen Qjngqiu really have to sit there and watch the sadistic fuck!
Even so, he built himself up stronger.
He accidently proposed to Ming fan that he had no intention of seeing Ning Yinying that way as she was like a sister.
But seeing a man bully someone they percoeved as their little brother how would you react? If Ming Fan acted kind to Binghe he could also hang oht with Ning Yingying.
 “You can have one on one time with Ning Yingying, she’ll be happy that we’re getting along.”
“You just want me to help with your chores-“
“Of course not. This one will do extra and Ning Yingying likes to talk or gets bored easily you can stop and play with her instead.”
And just like that he matchmaked the two, and had all the wood chopping to himself.
It was frustrating coming from a modern eorld you’d think he knew hie to get stronger.
But that was all er-ge. He knew the difference between working out and only looking like a model but was weak and unfit. Meanwhile people who gained weight and looked bigger were often stronger.
Even so, Luo Binghe used the kitchens to his advantage while eating he would study and in his own time would train even dyring the night.
 And if he felt tired he would purposfully sleep in during his Shizuns lessons.
Extra points for snowing loudly.
Of course he rejoiced in the day he no longer felt pain on his back. He even told Shen Qingqiu himself that what point was the punishment if he now felt nothing?
So now he had to sit on pins, hanging off the mountain and not fall to his death because his arms got tired.
 Even so it’d make him stronger.
“Ah binghe can you take this to Peak Lord Shen?”
He blinked then stared at the food. 
And he suddenly had a wicked idea.
He may not want revenge kn his scumbag shizun, even though he deserved it. Lucky for him he was so lazy!
 But this would be the most sweetest revenge.
He decided to take the food up for Shen Qingqiu passing it to Mong Fan.
 “What are you doing with Shizuns food?”
“I was already in the kitchen, while the cooks told me to bring it.”
Ming Fan looked suspicious and Luo Binghe held the urge to roll his eyes.
“You can taste test it if you eant although, Shizun wont be pleased by the delay.”
To be fair, Shizun never ate. He never slept either. The only time he oerked was when he went doen the mountain. He sure had an addiction.
Luo Binghe almost said nothing then remembered he needed to get in trouble and punished!
 “Visiting the brothel, again, Shizun?”
The other gaped at his audacity, to be fair, Shen Qingqiu could kick him of the mountain, but after reassuring with the system that would never happen.
 Shen Qingqiu paused and only glanced back, cold eyes sneering down at Luo Binghe.
 Luo Binghe shivered, he sure was the scum villain alright, so scary!
Such a waste of good looks too.
 “Luo Binghe to the wood shed.”
He bowed, “Yes, Shizun.”
Unknwowing that to others he was practically going whth a slring in his step.
“Why do you rebel against your master so? Are you a glutton for punishment?”
Luo Binghe was forced to kneel before Shen Qingqiu, his legs bloodied and skin torn.
 The original goods would’ve broken Shen Qingqius legs for that.
But kneoing he may lose a leg in the endless abyss he was fine with it.
 “This disciple has nothing but respect for Shen Qjngqiu.”
Hah as if! He wished for nothing but Shen Qingqius castration!
 “This disciple is aware how…behind he is compared to everybody else and only wishes to be stronger. After being whipped to the point of no linger feeling pain?”
He missed the wide eyes of Shen Qjngqiu as he kept speaking.
 “This disciple knows many more trails are to come and this one has to be stronger to face them. So far the punishments have given this Binghe so much thatvhe can’t hope to ever repay. But as the years passed noticed less punishments…”
It was strange usually this was when Qjngqiu got worse.
“This Binghe never wanted to lose all that progress and so…to continue this disciple had to…escalate such things to get what I wanted.”
When he glanced up he blanched, he’d never seen Shen Qingqiu look so enraged!
Luo Binghe realised what he said then bowed, face red in shame.
“This disciple apologises! He should have spoken with Shizun first! And never went about his own training in such a way! This disciple was wrong!”
“Oh, so now you understand?”
Easy for you! Binghe was focused on survivng the abyss! Not your ego! 
 “It seems this Shizun was rewarding such behaviour. Are you truly a masochist?”
Shen Qingqiu used his foot to raise Luo Binghes chin from the floor!
Luo Binghe kept hos face impassive the only thing giving him away was a small twitch.
 He did not want that type of attention from his scumbag Shizun! God damn it!
“N-no Shizun this lowly one only wanted-“
The foot moved, and before Binghe could even relax, Shen Qingqiu rose as he stepped on his head pushing him intk the floor, Luo Binghe turned his nose just in time befkre it made contact.
He grunted, unable to move. Only riding it out until his scum Shizun got it out of his system. But this sucked.
 “What a degenrate beast, thinking he can take advantage of his Shizun. You don’t care aboht getting stronger only using that as an axcuse to get away with being disrespectful.”
Luo Binghe opened his mouth then closed it, to be fair…Luo Binghe did enjoy being able to clap back and roast Shen Qingqiu and even being beaten bloody and blue he thought-
Worth it!
Shen Qingqiu noticed then pushed his foot down harder.
Luo Binghe scowled.
 “With this type of punishment sometimes wonder werher you get off on this, Shizun.”
Shen Qingqiu paused, “What did you say?”
“Visiting all those brothels, and favouring Ning Yingying so, what if sineone where to walk in right now and see this, wouldn’t they jump to conclusions?”
Shen Qingqiu gripped his fan- ha a reaction! Even the original goods had never made him break his fan!
Luo Binghe wanted a record, lips twitching.
 “Whose the degenerate now? Pervert Shizun.” 
 Shen Qingqiu grabbed his hair yanking it back then slammed him into the floor.
 It was too quick to hurt.
All Luo Binghe knew was the blood pouring down his nose all over Shizuns lamenated flooring.
 “Clean yourself up. Then come back and clean this mess and if this stains this master will,”
Luo Binghe looked up at him tiredly, raisng an eyebrow.
 He’ll what? Beat him, burn him?
Kill him?
Ha! he can try he’s the motherfucking protagonist!
 Shen Qingqiu paused, eyes narrowing and Luo Binghe had to inwardly cackle.
Ha he did it! He broke Shen Qingqiu!
 Who knew his tried and true method of pissing of trolls online was apathy and not caring! Peerless cucumber for the win!
 Luo Binghe bowed, “if that’ll be all Shizun, this Binghe will return to clean his mess.”
That you made, he left unsaid.
After that things went…wrong.
Shen Qingqiu ignored him.
No one bullied him, no one hit him. Even when Luo Binghe poured tea all over Shen Qingqius head, it was scalding hot too!
He wasn’t punished.
No. No. No. no-
 The endless abyss was only a year away! 
And are you freaking kidding me! What wanting to get punished made Shen Qingqiu finally act like a decent Shizun!?
That asshole.
Whenever he saw him Luo Binghe couldn’t help but glare his scowl darkening and saw the smug bastards smirk.
 It was awful, Luo Binghe was so used to being on the attack and on guard.
So now he jumped at the slighest sound, thank god no one was there to see him flinch away from a bunny!
And his workload was depleted! He barely had any chores and suddenly realised he had so much free time!
Damn that scumbag!
 Its funny, the lriginal goods would give his left leg to be treated this way…as an actual disciple of Qing Jing Peak and yet…
 It felt wrong. Luo Binghe was completely thrown off it almost affected his appetite!
Luo Binghe paused, the endless abyss was a matter of survival.
He was going to have to get used to not drinking water or finding food as well as fighting.
 Luo Binghe, who was going through the motions as he sparred with the rest of the disciples, going through the qing jing peak forms-
He never did before, too busy doing chores to never realise his manual was fake.
…he could’ve went to Mu Qingfang but knew his meridians were healthy and could easily be called a liar.
So he instead left two manuals on Shen Qingqius desk and wrote in the best caligraphy to ever grace the earth;
“I know this is a fake asshole.”
Of course Luo Binghes writing was awful in lessons! But now that Shen Qingqiu was no longer punishing him. Luo Binghe didnt hold back or doodle anymore.
Instead writing as many pages as he could neatly and was done befkre the glass.
The only irritation when Shen Qingqiu realised was a slight eye twitch.
 As well as other lessons, easily able to create the object they were supposed to paint before Shen Qingqiu could even critisice him Luo Binghe beat him to it.
 “The perspective is off and the bounce light is coming from the wrong direction. This disciple apologises for wasting paint.” He spoke in a bored tone.
The other disciples whose work was way worse felt themselves drop in shame.
If Luo Binghes was bad how in the fuck where they going to compete!?
 With all this three time, he decided to spend every moment in the library and study demonic beasts.
His memory was good and he of course knew every single weakness how cluld he not? The monsters were the only redemable thing in PIDW.
Poor Binghe he deserved better!
 He could train with Liu Qingge? Maybe say hey my Shizun is better than you and I can prove it fight me!
 Huh thats a plan. 
But the fact that Liu Qingge was alive was weird, after asking around it turns out Shang Qinghua had something to do with that…
 It was strange- but he didnt have time for that he had to focus! And being hungry was really making it hard.
Even so better doing this now in an enviroment where the wkrst thing that can happen is him collapsing.
Other than the abyss where he might end up dying.
 His head was splitting, he could barely sleep because of the pain.
  There had to be good spots in the abyss for water but airplane skipped it!
Oh no the porn was more improtant than survival! Dumb fuck!
Even so, he had to be lerfect in class, as well as remain consistent in his spars and able to face off against disciples.
And he was doing great! He wasnt hungry as much he could still fight okay the headaches he had grown used to so its fine!
 If he couldn’t fight hand to hand with a freakin disciple then how the fuck was he going to last one day in the abyss!
What Luo Binghe didnt know was he was the world child and the abyss wouldn’t be so bad in the sense it was supposed to make him stronger.
In the original story, Luo Binghe only clawed his way out for his hatred for Shen Qingqiu.
The system was very aware that this Luo Binghe…had no ambition.
 With nothing to keep him motivated, Luo Binghe may give up and so the system had no choice but to make the abyss easier.
Although technically it wasn’t unlike the original goods who was tossed in unprepared, terrible base, and ignorant.
This Luo Binghe has been training so of course it was going to be easier.
 But seriously host was damaging himself!
Luo Binghe, was panting harshly, his hands weak.
 He had to pace himself.
He knew his stomach would shrink if he stopped eating, he couldnt over indulge or he might hurt hinself or his stkmach might explode.
He had to get used to smaller bites.
 And learn how to ration food.
It got to the point where even Shen Qingqius food which used to smell heavenly just smelled.
It was still good. But he didnt want to eat it.
He knew logically his food tasted good, he just didnt care for it.
 When he delivered placing it down before his Shizun.
 Remebering the time Shizun found out his meals were cooked by Binghe! Was pricless he looked like he could cough up blood! 
The truth cane out when Binghes hands were injured, and of course he couldn’t train so he bawled telling Shizun not his hands how will he cook for him!?
 Thats when Shen Qjngqiu found out, and he had the most darkest mood ever.
The disciples of course took it out on Binghe, then he remembered oh yeah, Luo Binghe lost a limb in the abyss! Ergo more training!
So he was able to dodge and fight his way out with just his legs!
The fact that he was in a tree when Shen Qingqiu found him, with a ton of disciples tormening him he almkst laughed at Shen Qingqius face!
 Oh if only he still had a cellphone.
Ah if only his hands could work and take one too!
Instead Luo Binghe decided to paint Shen Qingqiu and it had to be his best work yet!
He had to admit it was the only healthy way to get the aggresion out his system. 
Art was therapytic no matter what Qingqiu said!
 And his woodshed was…covered.
On one hand he wanted to hide them, on the other?
He wanted someone to see and get pissed and punish him for it.
Now, Luo Binghe thought bored, he never gets punished. He was starting to miss it.
 doodling another Shen Qingqiu, his fault for being so handsome!
He drew Ming fan occasionally as well as the other male disciples.
Ying shijie always pouted that he never drew her as his french girl.
But he couldn’t!
Knowing the relationship the two had, anything could trigger a romance he did t want to risk it!
Men were safer!
He just said drawing ugly people was better to learn, Ning Yingying is too lretty unfortunatly!
She flushed then decided to say nothing else.
 Even so, Ming Fan was growing into his looks, he wasnt as gokd looking as Binghe but he no longer looked like an awful mini Scum.
 Luo Binghe was so tired he found his limbs shaking.
 His clothes were too big and he kept tripping on them.
And his head was pounding.
 One foot then-
He blinked his eyes open to see a ceiling, what?
 He tried to get up until a hand grabbed his head and lushed him back down.
Luo Binghe yelped, looking up to see Shen Qingqius dark face.
What? Was he upset Binghe was still alive? Well sorry oh great and bountiful Shizun this Binghe will try harder next time!
Shen Qingqius lips twitched into a sneer.
“Luo Shizi. Please don’t try to kill yourself no matter how much you want praise from someone.”
 Luo Binghe blanched, did he say that outloud?
“Now, might want me to explain why Luo Shizi is neglecting hinself?”
Mu Qingfang asked sktging before Luo Binghe.
It was…weird seeing two peaklords staring him down…
“Um, This Binghe wanted to be prepared in case…at any point found himself somewhere with no food or water and had to survive.”
He spoke, it was a very valid fear! Anything can happen to a cultivator!
“Why would you think that would happen to you- to take such an extreme risk such as this, to prevent it?”
 Luo Binghe’s eyes flickered to Shen Qingqiu for a split second but it was enough to make Shen Qingqiu snap.
“You really believe this Lord will do that to you?”
Luo Binghe stared at him and Shen Qingqiu looked more annoyed.
“Stop looking at me like that!”
Like what? Was he pulling a face?
(He was, he always gave Shen Qingqiu that look when he thought the kfher was being fumb)
“Luo Shizu has Shen Qingqiu done something to make you act this way, has he hurt you?”
Both spoke at the same time, Shen Qingqiu looked surprised at Luo Binghe who stared straight ahead at Mu Qingfang.
 “This Binghe, has never been harmed by Shizun. In fact this one has been spoiled! This Binghe only wants to get stronger and prove that Shizun didnt make a mistake in making me his disciple!”
Mu Qingfang melted “Oh Shizi, you don't have to prove yourself. Afterall most of the peak knows that you are a gifted young student!”
Now Luo Binghe paused, sorry what? Since when!?
 “So theres no need to push yourself. You are a growing boy! And developing an eating disorder in this stage could damage your cultivation!”
Luo Binghe blinked, well…no it won't matter to a heavenly demon.
To a human sure, maybe but he was the protagonist he would be fine!
“Shen Qingqiu, you’ll have to watch him.”
Oh sweet! Shen Qingqiu wouldn’t give a shit! As long as Luo Binghe was careful and ate a little bit he wouldn’t collapse and be more careful he should be fine!
Both noticed Luo Binghe perk, Mu Qingfang felt something ease to know how much the disciples loved their Shizun.
Meanwhile Shen Qingqiu gave the other a narrowed eyed stare on why the thought of Shen Qingqiu watching him would being him delight?
As soon as they walked back to Qing Jing Peak, Luo Binghe turned in the direction of the wood shed to continue reading his books until he choked as the back of his collar was tugged yanking him back.
 “Where do you think you’re going?”
Shen Qingqiu asked, lightly fanning his face while holding Binghe by the scruff like a misbehaving dog.
Shen Qingqiu’s eyes twitched.
“You really believe this lord is going to leave you unsupervised?”
Luo Binghe gave him that look again.
 And Shen Qingqiu’s first impulse was to slap him.
 He held back, knowing his wayward disciple probably enjoyed that!
“Since this Shizun has been so neglectful of his poor student,” 
Luo Binghe twitched, tensing up waiting for the guillotine.
What was his Shizun up to?
 “This Lord will have to personally take care of you hinself.”
Luo Binghe blinked then froze.
He had no idea this could happen- but to be fair he thought his Shizun would bite off his own tongue rather than pretend to be caring for someone like Binghe!
 “From now on you will be living with me in the side room at the bamboo house.”
If Shen Qingqiu wasn’t holding him Luo Binghe would’ve fell on his ass.
“Come on, what meagee things did you need at your room that you were in a hurry to get?”
Luo Bknghe grit his teeth and had to turn stiffly as he walked towards the wood shed and entered.
Shen Qingqiu stayed at the doorway not entering, and instead watching Luo Binghe gather his books and manual.
 He checked the contents making sure it wasn't another fake one the shoved it in a quirken pouch.
 He wasn't stupid or had an eating disorder for christ's sake!
 He just could be reliant on constant fokd only to die of something silly like starvation or hunger day 3 in the abyss!
 And Shen Qingqiu did not even comment on the wood shed being his room other than the dorms.
The bastard.
 “I’m ready, Shizun.”
Instead Shen Qingqiu didn't move, baring his exit while he stood on the doorway.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
 His eyes flickered to the back wall.
…that was full of his paintings and charcoal sketches of Shen Qingqiu and…others.
Okay sure after fighting Liu Qingge he had to draw him too!
 Luo Binghe didn't move.
“The disciples can use it as tinder for the fire if needed. So why move them?”
 Luo Binghe tilted his head, “And Shizun does not expect this disciple to live in the side room for the next foreseeable future this Binghe will return back to the woodshed in no time so why move them?” He asked, tilting his head to the side.
Shen Qingqku snapped his fan shut and turned with a flourish of his robes.
How unfair, Binghe was still in his disciple era and can't do that yet.
 With each step he followed Shen Qingqiu to his new home, mulish expression on his face.
  The other disciples scowled darkly at him in envy.
Afterall its the first time any one other than the head disciple had been so close to the peak lord.
 Luo Binghe went straight to the side room and started tidying.
 He’ll have to sort out the linen sheets and wash them, dust, then wipe the floor, open the window for ventilation-
 He ended up washing the sheets outside and once they were dry with a tailsman he brought then back then paused to see his room was done.
Somebody had already cleaned and wiped down the floor.
The window was open allowing a nice cool breeze in the warn room.
“Ming Fan had finished your room. All you have to do is put your things away. You are under direct orders from Mu Qingfang not to over exert yourself.”
Luo Binghe scowled “Yes, Shizun.” 
It was a nightmare.
His Shizun would demand lunch and watch Luo Binghe eat then would make sure he didn't go to the bathroom to throw it up-
Like he would!
 Shen Qjngqiu even told him to stop eating when he seemed to realise it was too much for Binghes recovering stomach before even he knew.
 Even so he was monitored, made sure he slept and didn't read well into the night.
When Shen Qingqiu learned this he ended up tying Binghe in immortal binding cables and laying him in bed.
 Shen Qjngqiu was more aggrieved to learn that's why he was sleeping through his lessons.
 He couldn’t train as much, and usually Luo Binghe would act cool and aloof.
 But this was killing him.
Ming Fan was taking some sick delight out of this he knew it.
 And Luo Binghe’s temper was growing short, the immortal alliance was coming up soon and with the way this was going he was not going to survive.
 [Host! In order to complete the endless abyss arc- user has to prove he can enter the immortal alliance conference or he may be dropped from the list!]
“I- I can skil the abyss?”
[Luo Binghe must enter the abyss. Failure to do so Hkst will be ejected from his body and restored to the original one]
Luo Binghe blinked, placing a hand over his chest at the thought.
 He had to get better or he wont jump to his possible death?
What was the point?
 Luo Binghe clutched his arms, and made himself smaller in the room.
Okay. Okay he can deal with this.
The next morning, Luo Binghe felt as if he was run over by a truck.
 His emotions were all over the place… probably from his fucked up diet. 
 He glanced up at Shen Qingqiu who ate with poise.
Mu Qingfang told him it was better if Binghe ate with someone. And that someone had to be his scumbag shizun.
He really didn't understand him…you'd think he’d encourage this type of behaviour? 
 “Stop staring and eat your food, mongrel.”
What a dick.
Luo Binghe was pushing his food around and forced himself to take a bite.
Luo Binghe stared down at his food.
“If this disciple regulated his eating habits only to then fall back into the same habits later down in the future- what would happen?”
“You would die.”
“So this disciple should stop eating now instead-“
He was hot with a fan.
It was less painful that anything Shen Qingqiu has done to him before. It just surprised him.
 “Why prepare for something that may never happen? Why not just build your own grave then lie in it and be done with it? Theres no point wasting this masters time by making you a disciple just to watch you throw it away. You can’t be trusted, that is no longer your body. It’s mine, not one scratch, not one bruise and not one bone protruding without my say so.”
Luo Binghe scowled down at his food.
So now he cares? 
 “This one can still function as a disciple discreetly if you're worried about what others think. Contrary to popular belief I don't want to die.”
Shen Qingqiu looked unimpressed,
“Then what do you call this? Do you miss those punishments so much you would reduce yourself to self harm?”
Luo Binghe blinked, “Self harm? This is only to get stronger, now this Binghe can function without headaches after skipping meals compared to before-“
“Stop.” Shen Qingqiu really looked irritated.
“You are a cultivator, if you don't want to eat work on your core instead, so you have inedia.”
He would but Meng Mo told him if he pushes his core anymore his demonic cultivation will throw it out of balance. So far he’s been working on building that up. 
 By the systems calculations he wouldn’t be able to unlock that ability for the abyss.
To make it more angsty for the readers.
For fucks sake.
So now he was back at square one. Couldn’t train like before and had to go back to the same amount of chores as the others. Finishing quicker but befkre he could even help Shen Qingqiu would aopear like his fucking shadow and punish the ones Luo Binghe helped.
Shen Qingqiu realised he was fine with punishments but when others got hurt on his account Luo Binghe would back off!
The original Luo Binghe would be ecstatjc to have such a kind and caring Shizun! But he had to wonder what the fuck changed!?
 Luo Binghe in PIDW did everything to get Shizuns approval but was kicked into the abyss for it! He was punished for breathing!
Now Luo Binghe would give anything to chop wood till his fingers bled or feel the burn of the whip on his back!
And it wasn’t weird he was just under stimulated! 
 He needed to do something!
So he ended up in the kitchen aggressively cooking deserts.
 And it smelled nice.
He already over cooked a ton to feed the entire peak!
He sighed after pulling out his last batch.
 May as well give them out, wouldn’t want to waste food.
“Strange how you can cook such delicious foods yet treat them so callously.”
Luo Binghe flinched, fuck me!
He didn't even hear the devil come in!
Luo Binghe glared, another thing he would’ve been punished for, and yet Shen Qingqiu only seemed amused by it.
…was his Shizun bipolar or what!?
 Luo Binghe glanced away.
“This disciple was only stress baking, I bought the ingredients myself so it's not wasting Qing Jing Peaks resources.”
 Shen Qingqiu picked up one of the steam pead flour cakes he just baked and tasted it.
 Luo Binghe waited for the verdict.
 He hoped Shen Qingqiu wasn’t going to make him eat all this food he may actually develop an ED if he did.
“Eat this.”
Luo Binghe fucking called it.
Before he could even reach for one, Shen Qingqiu pushed the food towards his mouth, Luo Binghe had to eat otherwise it would make a mess.
 Suddenly flavour exploded on his tongue.
It tasted so good, of course it was the protagonist cooking!
 He slowly chewed  then swallowed it.
 “How did it taste?”
What was Shen Qingqiu getting at?
“So what is the problem,”
Luo Binghe tilted his head. Was it bothering him that much that Binghe refused food?
 “Its not the taste of the food. Its the fear that I’ll grow so dependent on it and find that I suddenly cant have it.”
“But getting stronger and studying beasts, what's the point in that if you run your body into the ground.”
Luo Binghe had enough, throwing the tray of food to the side.
“Why do you suddenly care!? You whipped me because I talked back but you dont do that now- I starved in that wood shed you never cared, my back was bloody my hands mangled you did not care. So why start now? You may be fine with acting like the kind Shizun. The great Xiu ya Peak Lord Shen, but excuse me for not buying it. For waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
 So what will it be next? After this would it be sleeping? Is that going to be our new thing once this is done? How many mkre ways do you need to torture me.”
“You torture yourself. I did nothing.”
But he will throw Luo Binghe of a cliff into the abyss to kill him.
 “You hurt yourself then blame me. You enjoyed those punishments as training, so I stopped realising it was teaching you the wrong lesson. You’re different from other disciples, stupid. To think this is how any respectable cultivator would train-“
“I’m not a cultivator.” Luo Binghe spoke tiredly, looking at Shen Qingqiu with a bored expression on his face.
 It riled Shen Qingqiu up.
“This one was an unwanted disciple, a waste. All because Ning Shiejie wanted a shidi and you wanted to win one over Liu Qingge. Because he wanted me first.”
 Shen Qingqius eyes widened and Luo Binghe looked down.
“You never wanted this disciple, and this Binghe is fine with that. But after giving me a fake cultivation manual, making me fight elder hammer with posion that could kill me. How can you blame this one for flinching waiting for a third blow?”
Shen Qingqiu looked shocked that Luo Binghe even knew that much.
He walked past, ignoring the food plans of distributing it around the peak forgotten.
 Luo Binghe sat before Shen Qingqiu. Forgetting that he had to eat with the devil.
The only thing that gets Luo Binghe through the day is karma.
Everytime something unfortunate happens to Shen Qingqiu (who had such unfortunate luck) 
 He would bare witness to it.
Being bested in a duel by Qi Qingqi. He ended up cheering her on the loudest.
 Seeing Shen Qingqiu try to practise sword fighting and making a huge hole in qing jing peak.
He acted like he did it on purpose but Luk Bknghe was fascinated by his tells and knew the man was embarrassed.
Dropping a tea kettle on his foot he even hopped up and down with a yelp.
That was the best one!
Thoughts like that got him through.
He ate mindlessly not tasting anything. And had to stop when his stomach ached. 
“Keep eating.”
Luo Binghe paused, “What?”
“Keep eating. After all this Shizun is cruel and would force poor Binghe to starve so keep eating.”
What a petty bitch.
 Luo Binghe did staring right at Shen Qingqiu and kept eating. Until his bowl was finished.
His stomach was killing him.
But he ignored it.
 Then he began to swallow more, saliva pooling in his mouth, and-
Luo Binghes eyes widened, he dropped his bowl into the floor and lunged for the bathroom, even Shen Qingqiu flinched at the breakneck speed then grimaced when he heard Luo Binghe throw up.
 Luo Binghe didnt eat the next day.
And Shen Qingqiu was begging to lose his temper.
“If you don’t eat properlly you’re not going to the immortal alliance conference!”
God dammit!
 Luo Binghe had to admit defeat.
He had half a year left, it would make it more difficult but he had no choice.
 He started slow, eating fruits out in the open after training where everyone would see.
Starting off small.
 Sharing snacks and eating them himself, and when it came to big meals, would still leave food left but not as much as before.
Its fine, when he’s in the abyss he knows what to expect.
 He faces monsters in the beginning, has to keep moving into the centre where he finally finds some springs for water, but no food. Maybe he can prepare a quirken pouch to take supplies.
After all what if water is stored in things, like plants, or trees or even rocks!
It can happen!
 If he has tools to store water, and food and make it last then thats eight out of ten problems.
 Then theres madam meiyans adventures with the succubus clan…hmm, he really wants to skip it.
Losing his first time in an abyss is not the best place, but he would need new clothes…
He had no idea while he was recovering eating, passing Mu Qingfangs bill of health.
 Everyone even peaklords praised Shen Qingqiu for being there for his disciple and helping him through somethimg so trying.
It pissed him off.
No one gave a shut ablut his eating habits, he sweats mu Qingfangs care for his own disciple than his fellow maritial sibling.
 And Shen Qingqiu knew Luo Binghe.
That look in his face when he was alone, the anxiety, and panic before settling down.
 It was refreshing. Before Luo Binghe would always show that fake smile and act friendly but underneath Shen Qjngqku knew something was wrong with the kid.
The relief when he finally showed his true colours and stopped pretending.
If its one thing, Shen Qingqiu hates its liars.
 But no, Luo Binghe may be showing signs he was okay maybe he really is over this bad habit.
 But now its when a new habit appears.
He mentioned sleeping so now Shen Qingqiu is more vigilant making sure he goes to bed on time and stops studying those demon books.
Why is Binghe even writing notes on how to defeat a monty python rhino? 
 He’s too young to be fighting that- he was given a list on what to fight in the alliance why was he studying something else!?
“Maybe he’s trying to copy you?”
Shen Qingqiu paused, lowering the tea cup from his lips.
“Excuse me?”
Mu Qingfang only looked at him cooly.
 “Its not a secret that Shen Qingqiu doesnt sleep, is a bright young man but is weak in his cultivation, and is too skinny.”
Shen Qingqiu scowled. “Thats ludicrous and untrue. He’s never went to a brothel.”
So there!
“Not yet, maybe it’ll happen in time.”
“Why would Binghe copy me?”
“Most do, to someone they respect, or idolise. Maybe wanted to understand you better.”
No. Mu Qingfang is definitely wrong at this.
“Binghe is making his own mistakes. He’s not following mine.”
Mu Qingfang hummed, “Its only a theory, unless he starts showing…signs. Maybe you might have to have the talk.”
Shen Qingqku stared then his eyes narrowed “Certainly not. That's the hallmasters job!” 
“Maybe there's a lot of things he doesn't know-“
“He had a mother. She would’ve told him.”
As Luo Binghe came back ho- the bamboo house he wanted to collapse onto his bed.
 He wanted to skip dinner so bad but he had to eat now.
Like a respectful adult ugh! 
“I have moon cakes! I’m eating moon cakes from Ning Yingying!”
He snapped back, he just got into bed! Now he had to stomp because Shizun would want him face to face.
The typical parent yelling for their kid then not answering when they respond.
 “Not that, impertinent brat. Sit.”
Luo Binghe sat. What? What could his bipolar Shizun want now?
 “If you visit brothels or make nong yingying pregnant I will castrate you,”
Whoa- what!?
Luo Binghe blinked “Shizun, this disciple must have hit his head at sparring today and didnt hear you right. Can you please repeat that?”
What the fuck?
Shen QingQiu sneered down at him.
 “Someone brought to my attention that you like to copy me.”
Luo Binghe started looking around and Shen Qingqiu scowled.
“What are you doing.”
“Looking for my fan. But I can’t seem to find it.”
As well as tge stick up my ass but thats not there either so clearly he’s not copying!
“Being a recluse, hiding away from others and assuming the worst of others and your strange relationship with food then you mentioned sleeping habits….”
Luo Binghe glanced back up, surprised.
 Even Shen Qingqiu…?
Luo Binghe glanced back down then realised where Shen Qingqiu was going with this-
“I don't need the talk!” He yelped face red. He did not-
He stood up walking away.
 “I’m not copying you- I’m not going to end up in a brothel with tons of women-!”
Although original Binghe would’ve-
That wasnt him!
He wasnt interested in a harem! Maybe find some girl settle down study beasts get a bet one.
Oh how cool would that be?
The protagonist with a giant fucking wolf as his companion?
Yeah a big heckin chihuahua. 
 Luo Binghe had to start cooking something or he was going to go nuts.
 …Shen Qingqiubeas seriously starting ti scare him.
When his diet was back to normal, his workout began again. And now he was studying arrays.
 Fucking stupid, he was.
Why didn't he think of this before? Keeping food hot or frozen to last longer.
And even have inside pockets so he wint lose his shit willy nilly!
He soent all his tike studying, and sewing and-
Most of it exploded in his face.
“Don’t tell Shizun!”
It was an accident! It wasn’t on purpose!
But Nong Yingying snitched and now he had to go over sewing techniques and arrary work with the hallmaster again.
 And when they saw what he was trying to make they laughed. Claiming it was impossible.
Luo Binghe gree mullish, fuck you he’s the protagonist he can fucking do it!
 After hiding away from prying eyed and working on smaller fabrics was able to make a heating AND freezing charm.
He experimented with cold foods first to see if they stayed frozen in the pouch then crowed with delight that it worked!
Now to make it bigger!
 And just like that he was able to store large amounts of food in his pouch oldest at the friend newest at the back sk nothing got too spoiled.
 He was so giddy.
After making tons of pouches and even showing them off and how they worked and why they existed.
Shen Qingqiu cleared his throat.
 “Write your progress into a report. We’ll place your findings in the library with the rest.”
“And Binghe.”
Luo Binghe stood at attention as Shen Qingqiu gazed down at him.
“You are approved to go to the immortal alliance. Do not disappoint me.”
 What oh- oh fuck YES!
-he wanted to ditch these disciples why join kf they’re going to struggle!?
Then the demons arrive! About time! Ah these were mich better to fight than the easy ones!
Even the spiders were easy!
 “Everyone! There is a snow flower that is a deterent to demons! Up this way!”
Once they were safe did Luo Binghe sigh with relief.
 At least now, its all on him.
“I’ll go find help!”
He left the disciples before they could utter a word.
Now alone all he had to do was wander aimlessly until the abyss opened.
 He was nervous, like exams, dentist, and blood tests all into one.
 He just wanted it over with. As soon as he was in the abyss the better.
“Fu- Shizun!?” He nearly died- what the hell? 
Oh yeah, Shizun was supposed to toss him in.
 “What is Shizun doing here?”
Shen Qingqiu scowled, “Rescuing disciples such as yourself. Come on.”
Mobei-jun comes in, and Luo Binghe feels his hands shaking as he watched as Shang Qinghua was hit into a tree.
 This was wrong.
Shen Qingqiu was actually fighting a demon and telling Binghe to run?
“Hmm, what a weak cultivator.”
Shen Qingqiu growled, “You demonic spawn- this Peak Lord is the Xiu ya sword! And you will fall by my blade!”
Shizun was hurt.
Shen Qingqiu evaded the most of the ice crystals, but was pinned to a tree by a viscious one.
Shen Qingqiu may die.
Luo Binghe moved, not even aware just lunging for the ice demon with a yell, swiping his sword down.
 He’d forgotten all of his training, only using his bare hands as Mobei-jun looked at him with interest.
“Binghe- run stupid boy!”
Luo Binghe wasn’t paying attention, instead he evaded even getting slammed into the ground, almost breaking his arm he ignored it, until Mobei-jun grabbed his head.
“Hmm, human but not.”
Wait- the monty python…
Luo Binghes eyes widened as a clawed hand reached towards his face, he screamed at the pure agony in his forehead as he was dropped to the floor. 
 He clutched his skull feeling the mark of sin burn into his forehead his whole body becoming liquid fire when his demonic core burned through his meridians along side his spirtual veins.
 Luo Binghe panted, fuck he felt awful.
Mobei-jun replaced the rhino… why was it different?
Luo Binghe looked up, eyes drooped and out of it. Until a sword touched his neck.
Luo Binghe stiffened, remembering where he was and what he was supposed to do.
“Shizun? Want to tell me what your doing?”
“Who are you calling Shizun, demon mutt?”
Ah back to pet names huh? Luo Binghe hummed, “This disciple is just as surprised as you.”
He glanced to the side and saw Zheng Lang destroyed.
 “Shizun, can you do this one a favour?”
Luo Binghe shifted back, and stood up, Shen Qingqiu held his sword high, green eyes almost black with the dark scowl on his face.
 Luo Binghe took another step back, then another.
  His eyes remained on his sword, he really…wanted to take the sword with him…having a sword would be easier in the abyss now he can’t.
He missed the wide eyes look of his Shizun, missed the panic as Binghe took another step back.
 “Shizun, can you fix my sword? Say…Luo Binghe died…a human.”
Shen Qingqkus eyes widened, his sword faltering, as Luo Binghe took another step back.
 Then felt the ledge under his foot and paused.
 “This one has always trained for this…You were never a good Shizun, but this past year…” Luo Binghe turned to look down at the abyss, his chest suddenly tightening, it was terrifying, he was scared. Who wouldn’t be?
 He was procrastinating at this point, the timer ticking down.
 “I think I might miss you. Shen Qingqiu.” Luo Binghe smiled, showing all his teeth no different to how he looked before he did something to piss Shen Qingqiu off.
Then he fell, falling back into the abyss, eyes squeezed tight breathing heavily to hold in his scream.
 The rift shut with a snap.
Leaving Shen Qingqiu with his hand held out, eyes wide in shock.
 He fell to his knees, wounded, in pain…and numb.
All this time he wanted to do away with that brat, he dreamed off it-
“Shen Qingqiu!”
His eyes slid over to the broken sword…he moved and began to pick up the pieces.
 He may as well honour that brat. And do this one thing for him.
Luo Binghe almost collapsed against the broken stairway, almost there.
 He lost track of time of how long he was in the abyss. He barely had time to think or feel, just respond to each attack and survive.
The only reprieve was when he found a little oasis when the system would pipe up.
 And tell him hints with b-points that he earned in the development arc Disciple days.
Luo Binghe almost slumped with relief, food and water was scarce, it was worse than Qing Jing Peak, he knew if he woke up he would be halfway down a beasts mouth.
 -gets a dog
-loses a dog
System makes him go to madam meiyan.
“You upled the difficulty on purpose!?”
[stop doing side quests and go to madam meiyan! You need new clothes and then you can get Xin Mo!]
Luo Binghe paused, Xin Mo?
“Why didn’t you say so?”
Like an autistic stuck in a closet and forgotten about, Luo Binghe was actually getting used to the abyss.
 But after the loss of Pear…
Yeah, he wanted to call him mini peerless cucumber but that was a mouthful in the abyss. But he wanted it affiliated wkth fruit and thought Pear was a good name.
 When Pear was ripped to shreds in front of him, Binghe drove off any cute baby animal that got too close.
He thought that as the protagonist- he really wanted to go home with lear, watch him get bigger and be an intimadating badass!
 The system knew he was dodging basic Luo Binghe plots and waa dojng his own thing so to give him angst it decided to make him break down.
Losing his pet, his one stability, his confirt in this wasteland. Shen Qingqiu never betrayed him, so he had to accept loss in one way or another.
It just sucked!
And so after finally trudging up to Madam Meiyan, reluctently, then felt bad because she was nice.
He told her he didnt want anything to happen in the abyss, not until he was safe.
 She patged his hand yet still helped him get new clothes.
She didnt act like the femme fatale side fling of Luo Binghe. She acted like a caring older sister.
He slumped in gratitude, and finally adorned the black and red robes.
He checked himsekf oht in the mirror lerking up. 
Now that is a protagonist!
 Complete lady killer! But not in this world!
Luo Binghe, as a reader, always thought if at any point he would have to marry?
It’d be Liu mingyan.
She was smart, strong and cool. Best girl.
 Even so Madam Meiyan was so kind, it almost made Luo Binghe cry.
 Even so, he couldn’t stay in the den long, thats just inviting disaster.
 He began his journey again, rationing his food and thankful that other than the beggining, at least food was no loner scarce and he could eat and not have to worry.
 [That could also be inedia]
Or that too!
Even so, the monsters had to get stronger thats how you level up!
And Luo Binghe wasted no time grinding he wasnt a newb!
He was going to keep fighti bf every single demon he could lay his on to get stronger.
 [Host is procastinating to avoid Xin Mo]
He was not!
…maybe- even so he needed duel cultivation to deal with it.
And he didnt want to deal with it.
So when he finally made it up the stairwell, leaning heavily on the wall and leaving blood and ichor on the pale stone,
He saw Xin Mo in tge centre of the room.
 Before he was scared, now he had to get over it.
 He beat his training, he was literally having a vacation in the abyss, after Xin Mo magbe that will no linger be a problem.
He approached extending his hand and grasped the handle.
Then a sudden flood of screams, intense rage and anger swarmed into him.
He grimaced falling to his knees, breathing his throat aching when he realised he was screaming too.
[Host! Soend b-points to temper Xin Mo?]
Yes yes a hundred times yes!
The screams didnt stop, but dulled down to a feint baackgfound noise.
God how did Luo Binghe deal with this.
He raised his arm and sliced downwards into an arc and a portal opened up.
Luo Binghe gazed at it like the first sunset honest delight on his face.
He didnt think it would work the first time!
 As he stepped through the portal still open he glanced at the sword and three it back into the portal.
Instead it slung back missing his neck to slam into the tree behind him.
The portal closed.
[Host and Xin Mo are bonded for life. Only destrkying Xin Mo can release its hold.]
Luo Binghe brushed a hand over his face, really?
At least that was his new goal. Destroy Xin Mo.
The system even had the nerve to make that as a bullet point on his list lf tasks.
[What else will host do now that he’s free?]
Well other than the abyss, he didnt have to do the other plot points.
 He didnt have to return to cang Qiong. Or even go to Huan Hua.
 He coukd just wander PIDW to his hearts content and fight monsters, rescue damsels, without marrying them.
It sounds like a dream-
[Warning! Character arrival! Task: defeat important character!]
Mobei-jun appeared even seeming surprised to see Luo Binghe.
What? Why? Why!?
[To fix plot holes ;)]
You tricked me!
Luo Binghe leaped back, evading Mobei-Jun attack- it was weird.
How weaker Mobei-Jun was.
He could kill him, just use Xin Mo and sate it for now…but Mobei-Jun was a loyal fighter…
And he wont be able to spar with Liu-Shishu again. As Luo Binghe kept dodging, considering expression on his face, he was unaware it kept pissing off Mobei-Jun.
“Take this seriously!”
Oh? Ah he was being rude. Compared to when he was a child, he was easily slammed into the ground.
Luo Binghes claws extended as he grabbed Mobei-Jun by the throat and slammed him into the ground.
Mobei-Jun grunted eyes wide to see Luo Binghe straddling on top of him heavenly sigil glowing with red demonic eyes looking down at Mobei-Jun like he was an interesting bug he decided to play with knstead of squish into the dirt beneith his biot.
“Do you lield and swear your loyalty to me, or should this one kill you know and save myself ghe trouble?”
Mobei-Jun swallowed eyes bright.
“This one will follow you, Junshang.”
[Congragulations! Luo Binghe is now a lord! Next task- defeat the saintess Sha Hualing to claim title as demon emporoer!]
Luo Binghe stood up leaving Mobei-Jun on the ground, onlivious to the ice kings new sexual awakening-  
And stared at the system.
“Are you telling me that I HAVE to do those plots?”
[Yes! Become a demon emporer! And also be adopted into Huan Hua! Investigate plot points! Revenge on Shen Qingqiu is optional!]
[Merging the realms is also optional!]
Even so, the reason Luo Binghe merged the realms was because of paper work.
 He’ll need people, unlike the og Binghe who couldn’t trust anyone and had to hold his empire himself but also going on adventures and picking up flowers every five minutes? Garunteed his rule wouldn’t be great especially since Mobei-Jun kills his spy who also HAPPENED to be tge advisor.
 “Mobei-Jun.” He glanced over, time to start planning.
 “Not to be a pain, but this Binghe is tired. Can you be accomidating and give me a room? Prefferbly in your northern palace of course.”
Mobei-Jun looked stiff then nodded with a small bow.
“Of course Junshang.”
He opened up a portal and and was soon making his way to his new home.
Luo Binghe never liked the cold, in his former life or this one.
 But he’ll have to deal.
First order of buisness after dealing wkth Mobei-Juns unruly court.
 Linguang-Jun had to go.
Any infatuation Mobei-Jun had fizzled. Luo Binghe only sneered down at the blood smear of what was left of his uncle and said.
“Just some cannon fodder who didnt add to the plot, bound to backstab for further gain when given the chance.”
He had a point but still.
Then he demaded to see Shang Qinghua.
“Relax, Mobei. This lord only wants to reunite with his precious Shang-Shishu.”
Mobei-Jun kelt giving excuses, making Shamg Qinghua overworked on purpose so he would never meet their ecentric demon Lord.
Luo Binghe must have grown tired breaking Mobei-Juns hand and warning him that he was being polite but now enough was enough.
The three kf them sat at a table together, Luo Binghe spread like king, relaxed. A contrast to both Qinghua and Mobei-Jun who sat stiffly.
“So your the spy who ruined the immortal alliance and backstabbed Cang Qiong to align with demons! Never knew you had it in you Shishu!”
Shang Qinghua looked like he was going to vomit.
 Hmm, the man was always…different.
More cold. And evil.
This guy was a gerbil.
“Hmm, first order of buisness. Mobei-Jun.” Luo Binghe looked up glaring at him.
“No killing Shang Qinghua. No matter what, even if he betrays yourself or this Lord being him to me to punish, understood?”
That seemed to surprise both.
“J-Junshang? Thank you for the order on my behalf, but ks there any reaoson…to…”
Shang Qinghua lost his vouce the more Luo Binghe stared at him.
What? Whys he so scared for- he doesnt know me yet or how string I am-
[Host has a resting scary face]
That was just cruel.
“This lord…likes paperwork.” Luo Binghe spoke aving his sleeves and moving forward to pour tea.
 “Its calming, helps keep my thoughts organised. Excessive paper work, redundent paper work, incompetant paperwork is something I’d rather not do. If this lord plans on conquering the south or even plans on dessimating Huan Hua-“
Here Shang Qinghua twitched.
Other times he would’ve missed it.
But in the abyss any movement reflects so much.
“Havkng a base in the human realm and demon realm garuntess my hands will be full. Shang Qinghua is managing the northern realm as well as Cang qiong. Someone that competant will lighten the load.”
After making the tea he sliced his hand calmly watching the blood pour into the cup.
 He saw from the corner of his eye, Shang Qinghua breath hitched, his face pale.
“Here Shishu, drink. Swear your loyalty to this demon lord.”
He wondered why Luo Binghe never did this to his close subordinates in the first place.
Make sure he’d never get betrayed and reward people under his emply with healing beneifts.
Join Luo Binghe we have health care!
“Hmm, why so hesitent Shang-Shishu. You wont bettay this lord so what worry is there?”
Shang Qimghua gulped then grabbed the cup chugging it down.
Luo Binghe laced his fingers together as he gazed at Qinghua.
“Hmm? Does Shang Qinghua know something?”
Shang Qinghua was back to his pale trembling self.
 “N-no Junshang. This Qinghua knows nothing.”
…he’s lying.
Luo Binghe dropped the playful act and tilted his head.
Shang Qinghua immedietly started sweating buckets.
“Do you like reading Shang Qinghua?”
The other nodded “Y-yeah?”
“Theres a book this lord can’t stand, the worst literay piece ever known to man. I regret laying my eyes on such drivel. Its called Proud Immortal Demon way, has Shang Qinghua heard of it?”
It was instant, Shamg Qinghua almlst stopped breathing.
Luo Binghe felt himself relax, and in turn Shang Qinghua looked like his strings were snapped.
Luo Binghe almost felt nad for him.
“Yes I didnt like that story, so I decided to change a few things in it.”
Shang Qinghua began to oerk.
And in turn Mobei-Jun began to glower-
Itvwas strange woth how a fee words he had Qinghua relaxing and leaning in closer.
 Mobei-Jun would’ve guessed it was the blood but he felt no different.
…or maybe…
No. He felt no different.
Of course when Shang Qinghua came running to him screaming he of course hid him out the way until it was junshang trucking towards them.
“Ah dont kill me!”
Mobei-Jun stood stiff “Mobei-Jun get out kf my way.”
“No killing Qinghua. Your order.”
Luo Binghe blinked then scowled at Qinghua who stuck his tongue out at him.
The killing intent was string even Mobei-Jun almlst buckled from it.
Luo Binghe scowled “Fine!”
“If I wanted to kill you, I would’ve used my blood parasites dipshkt.”
“Oh yeah.”
“Hmm hmm.”
“Your inside me-“
“What? Ew why are you like this!?”
Shen Yuan: Luo Binghe was influenced by Xin Mo it wasnt his fault.
Shen Yuan as Luo Binghe with Xin Mo: does nothing inappropriote and is a distinguished gentlemen.
-Shen Qingqiu trial
Luo Binghe wanted nothing to do with the scumbag and just let the consequences of his actions continue their course.
 As Luo Binghe was investigating the origins if his parents (since the system was adament ablut it for some reason) he didnt think his inlut mattered.
 But then  it was his reputation that came into it.
 He realised he should have….maybe…thought this through.
 “Is it true that Shen Qingqiu abused his disciples?”
 If it was one thing, Luo Binghe wanted to be fair. Shen Qingqiu never abused him, but he may have murdered Qui Haitangs brother.
But if Luo Binghe expressed nothing was wrong then the whole cultivation world will see him as a backstabbing disciple!
 Luo Binghe was also…curious, why the original goods never invaded both dreams to see what really happened. Verify the evidence so to say.
 “This Binghe has his own personal reasons to remain here at Huan Hua.”
Not to mention, Shen Qingqiu could blackmail him as being a heavenly demon.
 Luo Binghe already felt like he could t relax and retire not with this threat looming at him.
“And Shen Qingqiu has never abused me.”
Here he saw Shen Qingqius twitch, and ignored it.
 “But his past with Qui Haitang is something I am unfamiliar with.” He could tell the tide was changing against him.
 To stand aside while his Shizun was being condemned? How unfilial.
“And so this Binghe has decided to personally investigate this case as a neutral party.”
Qui Haitang looked his way-
“What!? So you can hide evidence and help your scumbag Shizun!?” She yelled and Luo Binghe spoke.
“On the contrary, a rogue cultivator claiming a Peak Lord had murdered her entire family with only servants to survive? Where are such servants why is there not more witnessed to confirm this case? This could just as easily paint you Miss Haitang in a poor light with just the right defense.”
Luo Binghe gave her his best charming look, hoping to give off friendly big brother vibes to aplease her.
“Dont worry Miss Haitang. This Binghe will only uncover the truth on what happened that night and help you find peace.”
[Congragulations! +50 Charisma points for Miss Haitang! Possible love arc begin-]
No no no- it wasnt- no! Cancel love arc CANCEL!
-uses his dreams and finds out the truth from both.
Speaks to Shen Qingqiu in the water prison.
Hunts down servants. Who are scarred and reveal the abuse of Qui Jianlou and his crimes. How they speak kindly lf Shen Qingqiu who got them out.
 How Luo Binghe accidently saved Shen Qinqqiu-
“Why help this Master? It can’t be because you want to play the part pf a loving disciple? After all,”
Shen Qinqgiu leaned close, speaking softly so others wouldn’t hear.
“This master tried to kill you three times after all.”
Luo Binghe smiled, “This Binghe knew he had bigger threats to face, after knowing the trials I had to overcome…you didn’t seem that scary all of a sudden. And this Binghe knows of worse things to come that taking revenge on my scum Shizun seems like a waste of time to me.”
After Luo Binghe removed the red immortal binding cables, tenderly holding Shen Qingqius hand and unwrapping each rope, his eyes furrowed at how thin Shen Qingqius wrists had become. Shen Qinqqiu had lost weight-
“Luo-Shizi.” Luo Binghe straightened, “ah Sect Leader Yue!” He bowed hastily.
“Apologies, this unfilial disciple never meant to disrespect Cang Qiong mountain-“
Instead the sect leader took his hands and made Luo Binghe look up, the look on his face was stra ge and made Luo Binghe uncomfortable.
And the worst thing happened.
The sect leader bowed to him!
“It was Cang Qiong who has done a great disservice to Luo Binghe.” Everyone in the room heard such a thing, Huan Hua bristled but all the lthers practically hungered for the drama.
 “That we had failed in such a way that you felt that you couldn’t return and felt undeserving. Cang Qiong doors will always be open to Luo Binghe, he doesnt have to prove his worth or fear rejection to come home.”
Oh- oh!
 He had to admit, Yue Qingyuan was similar to him, killing them with kindness. Making it seem as if they were the perfect sect family outside, and creating this humble narrative that Luo Binghe didnt deviate and spit on Cang Qiong but it was in fact a simple miscommunication!
 Then Shen Qingqiu spoke as well, “Yes. Qing Jing Peak is your home, unless Luo Binghe doesn’t want to return to the mountain that took him in?”
Oh, now everyone was watching Luo Binghe.
 But…they both could accuse him of being a demon, so why not use that instead?
Even so, both of them were looking at him expectantly, they all were.
“This Luo Binghe is grateful, and relieved to know that his worries were unnescary and that Cang Qiong still accepts me.”
Shen Qingqiu smirked, looking like he was about to win- until…
“But this Binghe is ungrateful. Huan Hua took me in after I was injured and this one wanted to repay that debt, maybe even foster good relations to both sects. And further more…This Binghe wanted to learn more about his past, the Luo River is closer to Huan Hua where I was born and wanted to learn about my past.”
 Luo Binghe gave them both beseaching looks.
“Can this one still stay at Huan Hua until I find the answers I am looking for?”
Shen Qingqiu looked annoyed, the Palace Master even inturupted.
“Yes! Why Luo Binghe was forced to find sanctuary here and never returned to Cang Qiong is a mystery! And Shen Qinqgiu! You claimed he had died at the immortal alliance!”
Shen Qinqqiu gritted his teeth, and the others became more rowdy.
 “Luo Binghe will remain here, until he feels comfortable speaking the truth and has no fear of the power and influence both of you have.”
Luo Binghe was touched this father figure was coming to his aid, but he couldn’t be more wrong, he was a demon emporer. He had a lot of power and influence.
“Afterall I’m the scum Shizun! And you are the victim! Always blaming me when in reality you hurt yourself,” luo Binghe paused huh?
 “What? No- never ind that.” Why was Shen Qingqiu upset anyway? “Look I’m at Huan Hua now, far away from you. And we can both pretend the other doesn't exist!” Then Luo Binghe paused.
“What are you doing taking missions so close to Huan Hua in the first place?”
Shen Qinqgiu ignored him.
 “What this master does with his own time is his own buisness.”
Even so, Luo Binghe figured Madam Meiyan may help with Xin Mo, he can only spend so many b-points on suppressing it, but if it acted up in Huan Hua he may accidently trigger a papapa scene with one of the women and he didnt need that!
Why was it that no matter what mission and what he wanted to do, Shen Qingqiu was there!?
Always in trouble, always causing trouble, really playing the petty scum villain and being an overall pain in the neck!
Xin Mo kept telling Luo Binghe to just kill him and one of these days he may just listen to it!
 -wife plot with SQQ
 He had no idea why, Luo Binghe was on his way to another peak to investigate his mothers origins Meng Mo found a lead of a familair disciple who knew Binghes ‘mother’
Also the imposter syndrome he figured Origianal goods would lose face but this Luo Binghe was only looking into the plot, if his parents were alive he doubted they would be close, 
And this is where I lost steam and had no idea what to write next, that LBH/sy is ignoring sqq and focusing on himself but when the others in trouble he goes "Ah well its the scum villain who cares...but I have to ask questions I'm the protagonist, and I want to ask questions about this plothole and such-" accidently uncovers Sqq past and reveals it was self-defense.
Now SQQ wants Luo Binghe back at Cang Qiong NOT because he cares about the little beast- it looks bad on HIM as a Peak Lord that he has some unruly disciple avoiding his peak like he's some abused little maiden running away from her husband.
Shen Qingqiu would break his fan at the thought, that little brat loved it! Shen Qingqiu has never raised a hand to the beast in years!
Luo Binghe even claims he hates him, that he's a scum Shizun and never cared so why does Binghe go out of his way to save Shen Qingqiu? instead of washing his hands of him, it doesn't make sense....
Yeah I do want SQQ and Binghe to be end game, like SY is fascinated by SQQ as a character and has more interest in him than the women of the harem.
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toriaaniin · 15 hours ago
No I'm not writing about the 1983 Al Pachino movie of the same name... I'm writing about our handsome Luke Newton's new scar on his forehead.
In preparation for my upcoming livestream tomorrow, I asked my followers "What should we talk about?". One of the responses was this:
If you're not too overwhelmed with asks. Luke's scar at SAG. How did he get it?
If you look closely... I mean, if you can get past the huge sigh of pleasure + butterfly flutters you experience simply by looking at this gorgeous man, posed on a bed, compelling us to...
Oops. I lost my train of thought 🥵🥵🥵
If you look closely at his forehead, just our-right of centre between his (perfect + expressive) eyebrows (that, you know, sit over his remarkable shade of blue eyes), you can see that Luke has acquired a vertical 4cm-ish scar.
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The ask that's been asked of me: "How did he get it?"
Now you all know that I have Luke's phone number programmed on quick-dial. HA! 😂 I wish! All my questions would be answered, and oh how I would appreciate a day without wondering all things. Not so lucky. Naturally - like you - I have no idea.
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What I do know is that Luke didn't have a cut or the scar back on October 21st when he and Nicola posted - simultaneously - their season 4 Polin (but I say Lukola) photo.
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And Luke didn't have a cut or scar in late November while in Rome, filming White Mars. The second of these two photos was taken on November 29th, US Thanksgiving evening.
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These are the last photos we have of Luke before we started seeing the scar.
The photos below show Luke at both the BOSS/David Beckham event on January 30th and then again February 14th when he attended the British GQ "Excellence in Film" event in London.
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Introducing: the scar!
To the best of my knowledge, no one noticed the scar at that time. Granted, during the BOSS event we had other (ahem) things on our mind, and on February 14th, we were focused on Nicola in Ireland as well as Luke's solo evening out and his fun encounters with fans. We were simply happy to have new photos of the both of them!
So... while I can't tell you HOW Luke got the scar, I can tell you that it happened either in December or early January.
It's possible that he was injured in the last December days of filming White Mars. It's very possible. After all, he and Lucy Hale were battling a malevolent entity that infiltrated their Antarctic research facility 😲
It's also possible that while on his sunshine filled New Years trip abroad with Nicola, he encountered something to hit his head on.
Here they are, photographed on January 8th (Nicola at the William Tell premiere - Luke around the same date at a family gathering), both a touch red from too much sun. Sun kissed one could say 💛💛
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But wait... hold up Tori! Luke isn't sporting a scar here either!!
Actually, my theory is that Luke had a cut (possibly with stitches) on his forehead in this photo. Why? Because it was originally posted with this "ouch" emoji plastered on it! At the time we all wondered: "WTF? Why put an emoji on his forehead?! How rude!" (note that the emoji was put on Luke's forehead by his cousin)
Someone in the fandom did us a favour and removed the emoji, then did a touch-up job to recreate an emoji-less forehead. With the doctored photo (above) as our breadcrumb that a joint sunshine trip was taken, many of us forgot about the original photo. I remembered it today though, hence this post! Friends; Lukey had a boo boo and it was covered up! 🤍🤍🤍
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In conclusion I have no choice but to say again: I have no idea how Luke got his scar. I have, however provided you with a timeframe for when the injury occurred, and I've offered two scenarios where his head could have been bonked.
Personally I like my suggestion that it happened while on a sunny holiday with his lover, Nicola!! What do you think?
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Do we really care though? The man is more handsome then ever before - truly! - and we got to see he and Nicola at SAGs shine with the energy and light of their love. I'm happy!
For now 😜
Aaniin Xxx
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ptej1980 · 2 days ago
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Any thoughts on this? On Saturday, Nic liked the Netflix post, “Can Colin fight?” And JVNs quote following the London trip a day later that included The lyrics to the Lily Allen song 😭. That essentially said name her, asking us to look up those lyrics. Do you think it’s a subtle way of saying… Luke made a choice with A, it hurt Nicola, she turned to her friends over the summer, and now he’s coming back to her with regrets?
Just thoughts, though I do like to believe Luke and Nic are together. The SAG awards showed him being so enamored with her especially.. it’s just hard to believe if they are together they wouldn’t just come out and be done with it..
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Hmmm….Firstly after everything we have seen and know I don’t think we need to look into the above IG activity too hard and over analyse.
I can understand why you may think 🤔 and wonder if it has some greater meaning and honestly if that is your thoughts then I don’t hold it against you as you have been incredibly polite and questions are always welcome.
Nic has put some very obvious signs out there, chaos week in August and then again in October with coordinated posts. IMO, liking a post of herself where she looks smoking hot. 🔥 yes it refers to Colin, however if you go through the IG post it also refers to real life couples. So I think it was just a like from our loveable chronically online Nic
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JVN is always a little cryptic we know he likes to serve the tea and he has in the past actually been quite obvious in his posts and suggestions. This song I feel could be in reference to any number of people or situations and because I am confident in my ship this does not bother me.
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I like to remind myself of every morsel and crumb that we have been given. And 3 things
1. Polaroid 2 rings 3 proximity, heart eyes soulmate energy.
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Polaroid is a grid post, she is also wearing her rings in a Grid Post.
Your main question was “If they are together why do they not come out and just say do”.
Ok so I will first pose the question for the other side of the coin, if Nic or Luke with there adjacent (especially Luke). Why would his PR team work so hard to remove traces of her off his SM, ask her to remove her tags of him, and shut down and remove editable feature on wikerpedia delete all that says he was in a relationship with her? Why is she nowhere on his SM not a story, or a tag for either event he took her to. Why did look miserable at those events and we heard him say “let’s get this done”. If he was in a relationship with her why would he interact with his costar like he does. You know who is in his IG grid a lot ….Nic. Vice versa Luke is the main feature in hers.
There are many theories as to why they may not have gone public. I am a firm ring Truther hard core Lukola shipper who has never jumped so many things have puzzled me.
1. NDA/PR is the most common reason that fandom has speculated. I feel that this plays a big part in why they may not have launched. They are following the stipulations of a contract and keeping the personal lives private.
2. Professional credibility. There love is literally art imitating life. Luke and Nic built a solid friendship both admitting they are best friends that have a great love for each other. The delay in launch may be simply because they want to be taken seriously as actors.
I think it may be a combination of the two. They both have worked so hard and to have it judged as just besties falling in love would be hard, they also seem to have to overcome some hurdles and navigate this new chapter of their life with their family. The hurdle might be annoying but it is providing privacy.
I hope this helps alleviate any concerns or confusion. Thanks 🙏 for the ask 💛🐝
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peachesnpears95 · 11 hours ago
I am just done with this; I try to be as chill and as agreeable with people as possible and try to see other people's viewpoints, and try to get behind their thoughts and opinions as best I can- but no more. I'm sick of this Macaque slander and defamation.
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Alright so, that's it! Dishonor! Dishonor on the whole fandom! I'm taking Wukong AND Macaque away from y'all until you can play nice and stop bashing on both of them and misunderstanding their characters and saying foul things that are untrue and is utter character- assassination.
Neither of them deserves it!
But right now, we're talking about Macaque, I'll probably talk about Wukong at a later date- but for now we focus on Macaque.
So, let's get into it.
I have to disagree with this person for several reasons.
Forgive me if this seems hostile, I am just very passionate and I am in no way trying to start a fandom war. I just can't sit back and watch Macaque get slandered, misunderstood and treated like he's the worse of the worst by the fandom anymore.
I'm sorry but I have to step in and say something, because I would be remise if I didn't and I can't STAND to see something like this floating around, perpetuating that Macaque is some type of fucking abusive, vindictive, and evil character that hasn't tried to be better or make amends in any way shape or form- because it's not true at all.
"Macaque, who has put in ZERO on-screen effort to become a better person or make amends to his victims"
my fucking whole ass, no.
I am sorry op but this is a fucking shit take and completely and utterly false and wrong.
All Macaque has done SINCE being freed from the LBD's control is work to be BETTER and make amends through his actions- and y'all and many other ppl of the fandom are really gonna go and ignore all of it?
NAHHHH! NAHHHHH NAHHHHHHH! Macaque has risked his life for the others multiple times, and put himself in danger over and over again for not only MK, and Wukong but also for the others too. Just because we don't see him VERBALLY apologize on screen, doesn't mean his actions don't speak. There are so many instances where Macaque's actions speak LOUDER than words ever could or will. You can SAY things, but unless you actually DO something to back those words up- they will mean nothing.
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If Macaque hadn't finally broken free from the LBD and went up against Wukong and put his life on the line to keep him distracted, then MK and the others would have been fucked.
Also, you all realize that Macaque's HEART was never in playing the big bad villain, even MK said as much. Macaque only did those things to survive. The LBD held his life over his head and told him to fucking DANCE with death. Macaque was backed into a corner, with nowhere to go, and no allies on his side to help him.
He was literally all alone, trying to keep himself alive. Macaque bringing the mayor to the LMK gang should speak volumes on Macaque's TRUE character. Macaque is a complex, morally gray character, and it sucks to see posts like this paining him in such a black/white way.
Macaque was an unwilling shadow puppet for the LBD, and he only did what he thought he had to, in order to survive. Because who was he going to turn to for help? It's like when you back a caged animal into a corner, they're going to bite. Don't you lie to me and say you wouldn't do about anything to survive, even if it meant having to do things that weren't 100% morally correct. Like if you were pushed far enough, if your life was on the razor's edge, wouldn't you fight for it?
Like yes he hurt people, yes he threatened Mei, yes he did a lot of fucked up things- were they right? NO. But it's understandable why he did what he did, he WANTED to live.
Like should he have just given the fuck up and died, again? Is that what you wanted from him? Cause that's fucked up. He's literally a victim (just like everyone else) and was being used and abused by the Lady Bone Demon. He had his freedom and agency taken away from him unwillingly and forced to fight to survive.
But the SECOND he gets free from the LBD's grasp. What does he do? He HELPS MK and the others. He chooses to stay and fight with them. Chooses to BE BETTER and help RIGHT the wrongs he (unwillingly) played a part in. And he does this knowing Wukong is waiting for him. The very person who killed him. He fights Wukong even though he's terrified, and this time he's willing to risk his life, because he actually CARES about Wukong and MK both. They're probably the two people he cares for the most at this point and he's willing to die freely just to save them.
He doesn't really have much of a relationship with the others at the time, but he knows they're important to Wukong and MK, so he also risks everything to help them too.
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Then he helped MK go into the scroll -reliving memories that were probably as painful for him to relive (as they were for Wukong) but he did it anyways, to help find Wukong and bring him back. Which I might add was the final push Wukong NEEDED to get out of the scroll.
And then he helped Mei fight Peng to give everyone else a chance to do what THEY needed to do in the plan, so Wukong and MK could get to Azure.
Making sure it went off without a hitch, risking HIMSELF like how everyone else was risking themselves.
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Peng wasn't fucking playing, that bird was aiming to kill with those strikes. Peng even called Macaque out.
Asking him if there was nothing Wukong could do that could break his hold over him. And the answer is NO. Not even DEATH broke that hold.
Macaque is ride or die for Wukong still, and would risk his life for Wukong's sake -even though Wukong is an immortal being who can't die- I'll BET MY GRAVE AND ANYTHING ELSE, THIS! Macaque would throw himself in front of Wukong to shield him just because he cares so much about him. He would also probably do it for MK too, in fact he DOES put himself at risk for MK later on to try and save him from himself, and we will get into that soon!
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And then later down the line he let the others escape Ling Ji's prison by literally putting himself in the line of fire and letting himself get captured instead! He SHADOW TELEPORTS THEM OUT BECAUSE HE KNOWS THEY WON'T GO IF HE DIDN'T.
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And then when Wukong is being tormented by the 100 eyed demon? Macaque doesn't even HESITATE to help him from the 100 eyed demon's control. HE IMMEDIATELY comes to Wukong's side to free him so they can go find MK.
He was also the one to strike out at the 100 eyed demon when they DID find MK. Mei might have threatened the demon first, but Macaque was the one that just went STRAIGHT to strikes.
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AND THEN- Tell me who is it that uses his shadow powers over and over against the 9 Headed Demon, trying to protect MK the only way he can while he's literally tied up and was the ONLY one who could ACTUALLY do anything about it?
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And who was the one that BROKE out of the chaos powers to KEEP MK from throwing himself into the pillar initially- oh that's right, Macaque!
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Look at him, Macaque is GENUINELY fucking terrified.
Because he's seen this happen before, with himself. Macaque has been in MK's position before. An emotional spiral of self-destruction that ended up with him dead.
Macaque KNOWS from experience because HE LITERALLY went through the same thing before. And didn't have anyone to let him know that not EVERYTHING was on him. That he didn't have to be alone and do things by himself. That he could have found a better way, a different way. A path that wouldn't have led him attacking the Pilgrims and Wukong- and then right into the grave.
Macaque knows what's happening, he has since the start of S5.
Macaque let himself spiral in the past due to feeling neglected emotionally, and he went down a path of self-destruction that ended up with him dead (he even says as such in the show during s4) when he was talking about Wukong meeting Tang Sanzang.
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Macaque has had to WATCH MK go through the same fucking thing here as he did.
He KNEW at the start nothing good would come of MK's spiral.
That's WHY he told Wukong to be better, because he was speaking from past experience. (Not to be spiteful or vindictive or whatever.)
Macque was truly concerned for MK and he doesn't want what happened between him and Wukong to happen between MK and Wukong- because he cares about the Kid so much even if he doesn't say it.
Wukong has been shown time and time again he's not the best at reading people, and that sometimes he prefers to cheekily brush things off without really listening to anyone else, only getting tunnel-focused on the task and hand.
And forgetting to really listen to the concerns of his friends/family, because he is just focusing on protecting them instead of actually taking their thoughts/feelings/emotions into consideration. ((We can also see this during the Samadhi fire arc, where he keeps the fourth ring a secret- MEI EVEN CALLS HIM OUT FOR IT))
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I am not saying that Wukong doesn't care, he in fact cares a lot, but he just forgets to actually let the people he cares for ACTUALLY know.
This is what happened to Macaque.
Wukong brushed off his feelings every time he tried to voice his concerns, or ignored him, instead of actually listening to him. He unintentionally neglected Macaque's feelings as he sought out immortality and to take down the Jade Emperor.
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Macaque isn't just pulling this from nowhere. This is a fucking pattern form Wukong, we see it on screen, we see him do this. Unintentional or not, Wukong neglected Macaque's emotions and made him feel like he meant NOTHING to Wukong. This is what Macaque has been afraid of since getting to know MK, that MK would end up being neglected just like him. Remember his shadow play? "The Hero and the Warrior were like the Sun and the Moon. Their light, a protective glow, shining upon the world. Together, there was nothing that could stop the two of them. Either in the Celestial Realms or on Earth. As time went on, the Hero attained power beyond comprehension. As the Hero's light grew, so too did his shadow. And soon, the Warrior was cast in that shadow. In the darkness, the Warrior was forgotten by the Hero." "Well, with ol' Monkey King not around, I thought someone should teach you a lesson. Ah, MK, you really are dense, aren't you? You saw a story about a hero who got handed everything, who didn't have to work for anything, and you thought you were the other guy? The second the Hero got real power; he couldn't care less about his friends. That's you, bud."
"Oh, did you just realize they were missing? Classic hero maneuver. Maybe it's just me but these guys don't look too happy about being left in the shadow of the great Monkie Kid."
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Everyone thinks Macaque is lying or embellishing, but he's not.
Not really, he's just showing it from his perspective, which is the only one he's got- speaking from his past experiences about how he was unintentionally left feeling neglected.
Macaque was quite literally projecting his own emotional neglect onto MK. To Macaque, Wukong forgot who/why he was doing all of that for. He felt abandoned and cast aside by Wukong. Because Wukong never listened, he brushed off his feelings, and it obviously left Macaque with emotional scars, due to his best friend's neglect.
Wukong did WRONG by Macaque, by accidentally neglecting him.
This is what Macaque has started fearing for MK, why he's so tough on Wukong to be better, because he can SEE it. He can see what happened to himself, happening to MK. The Kid is on a path of self-destruction, and if he doesn't say or do anything, then the past will happen ALL OVER again. This is why Macaque was rightfully fucking angry and pissed off when he asked Wukong if he ever once questioned why MK had all his powers and could lift his staff, and where he even came from. All because Macaque doesn't want a repeat of the past. He doesn't want MK's emotions to spiral out of control and lead him down a dark path that might end up in his death.
Macaque has come to genuinely love and care for MK and doesn't want him to THROW his life away. HE EVEN BEGS - and LOOKS and SOUNDS like he's going to CRY when he's trying to stop MK. He's so desperate to save MK from himself, because no one TRIED saving him- no one CARED enough to. But MK has so many people who care, and he needs to know that! MK NEEDS TO KNOW IT'S NOT ALL ON HIM!
Macaque has BEEN HERE before. He has LIVED this. He KNOWS how it will END.
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He's trying so hard because he cares about MK. and he knows Wukong does too, and the others. And he can't just like MK do this- Macaque CAN'T let MK do what he did and destroy himself.
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Then who is it that uses his shadow powers AGAIN to free EVERYONE! So Wukong can go after MK- AH RIGHT MACAQUE! Macaque isn't even concerned about himself in the moment, he doesn't care how he's feeling, doesn't give himself a second thought. All he needs is for someone to go after MK - because he can't fucking do it in his current condition.
Selflessly, Macaque rejects Wukong's concern (what he's wanted for centuries, the thing he's truly wanted most- for Wukong to actually show genuine concern over his wellbeing, without trying to play it off and be cheeky/brush it off- to actually be serious) all in favor of telling Wukong to LEAVE and stop MK.
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Macaque WAS right all along what would happen if things continued like they were.
He truly saw the real and deep extent of MK's self-destruction before ANYONE else- before Wukong, or his other family/friends. The others were concerned, sure, but they didn't understand the true severity of it, not until MK is about to sacrifice himself.
But Macaque, deep down, understood where this might lead MK. That MK might fall from the edge, with no one to catch him. Which is why he was so desperate to catch MK as he fell, because no one caught him when he did!
Macaque's spiral destroyed him, he knows what it's like. He lived through what MK did. He lived the path of self-destruction centuries ago. Macaque saw himself in MK, and feared where it would lead MK. Feared he would do something that got himself killed.
MK DID jump into the pillar, because he still believed he had to do it alone, that it was all on him. MK went down the path that Macaque did, and he almost DIED for it. (in fact, technically he WAS dead, if you think about it)
Macaque never wanted this for MK, because he knows what it's like to die, then come back to life. The physical wounds might have healed, but mentally and emotionally?
MK might have come back physically fine, but his mental and emotional state will NEVER be the same again. He and Macaque have both DIED and come back to life- changed forever. Physically they are fine, but mentally and emotionally?
They will BOTH be scarred with that for the rest of their lives.
Macaque HAS changed and HAS become a better person- and it sucks that his efforts have been downplayed by the fandom, all because he doesn't just say a stupid fucking word?
Macaque has done nothing but selflessly risk himself, time and time again, since he worked for the LBD. He has worked to make amends through his actions.
He's made it CLEAR that he cares about Wukong, MK and the others, and he will fight alongside them, and hell if he has to- he would DIE alongside them. He hasn't run from a fight once since he's started fighting alongside them. He's THERE, through thick and thin, and he would push himself beyond the breaking point to protect them.
What better way is there for him to make amends/show his remorse than show he's willing to do whatever it takes to protect the LMK gang?
To Macaque, words are NOT enough. There's nothing he can say that would make things better. So, like a warrior, he takes action instead and shows -instead of tells- the others that he's sorry, and he is willing to stand by them and fight.
It wouldn't hurt for him to say sorry verbally, no.
But what the fuck is he even supposed to say: Hey, sorry for almost fucking killing all of you back then?
It would be so awkward of him to say, and it probably wouldn't even SOUND sincere, even if it actually was. I understand people wanting a verbal apology, but being SORRY doesn't always mean JUST saying sorry.
You can BE and SAY sorry all you damn well want to, but it means FUCK all if you don't show you are with actions and with change, and Macaque has done BOTH in leaps and bounds.
Being sorry means you back it up with actions, and with change.
You do better.
And Macaque HAS been!
Macaque understands full well he fucked up, he's not stupid, and he faces the consequences of that by having to work every day to show the others he's changed.
Macaque will ALWAYS have to live with the guilt of what he's done in the past. Is that not fucking punishment enough? Do some of y'all in the fandom have to fucking bash him at every fucking turn possible? Frankly, I'm done sitting by and watching Macaque be misunderstood, misjudged and hated on, because some of you people are as blind as the fucking brotherhood when they wrongfully blamed Wukong for everything going wrong and not holding themselves accountable for their actions.
Macaque does in fact, hold himself accountable, by doing everything he possibly can to protect and fight alongside the LMK Gang. Macaque is trying, and his story isn't over yet.
The fandom is judging him unfairly (as they do with Wukong as well) and failing to consider the nuance, the subtext, and the complexity of Macaque and his character- and just painting him as this one dimensional, obsessive, abusive, and loathsome character.
WHAT THE FUCK YOU GUYS?! Also like, the characters in the show seem to have already forgiven Macaque (or ARE on the verge of)- so like, why can't we all fucking do the same?!
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Has Macaque not suffered enough from dying, being revived, used and abused, and then risking himself and his life over and over for the LMK Gang (Showing he's changed from selfishly seeking self-preservation.)
Seriously Macaque went from an I only want to survive mindset, to a mindset of- I will die for Wukong, MK and their family/friends if I must.
Macaque really sells himself short, saying he isn't a Hero. But is that not what heroes do? Do they not forgo themselves and the threat to their life- to save others. Which is what Macaque has been doing ever since the LBD Arc.
Just how many more times must Macaque risk his life to prove he's changed to the fandom? To prove he has regrets/remorse for what he's done? What does Macaque have to do for some of the fandom to stop treating him like the spawn of fucking evil? Does he have to DIE again for you lot to be satisfied?
I cannot take this Macaque slander and hatred anymore. I am sick to death of it. I'm usually not this fucking mad, but this post ENRAGED me.
Op I promise I do not hate you.
I just HATE what you wrote and put out there, because it's simply not at all true or correct, and Macaque already gets enough misplaced hatred.
(if you want to block me, I don't blame you. I just needed to get this off my chest and your post just made it all come to a head.)
I am not defending Macaque simply because I think he's hot/can do no wrong/is perfect uwu baby victim. No, I understand Macaque for his faults. I know he's done wrong, I know he's not a perfect victim.
But he's NOT who you're making him out to be either. He has changed, and has done better.
Can't we just PLEASE acknowledge this?!
Seriously, I'm at my limit, I cannot fucking take it anymore. GET ME THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!
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If I pissed some of you people in the fandom off, then just fucking block me. I don't care. Just don't engage with me. I don't want to interact with people who can't even see that y'all are wrong about Macaque and he doesn't deserve half the fucking hatred he gets! Just because he isn't what you want him to be, or act how you want him to act, or say what you want him to say- doesn't make him a poorly written character. He's just flawed, messy, complex, and makes mistakes in LMK like everyone else, and I'm sick of people demonizing him.
I am revoking the fandom's right to play with Wukong and Macaque for the time being, until the fandom can learn some media fucking literacy, look beyond the surface level, and learn to be SHOWN THINGS AND PAY ATTENTION and not just be handheld and told things and to think for your god damn selves and actually use your noodles!
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“You need to do better.”
(This gets vitriolic, and is a full-blown criticism of Macaque’s portrayal in Season Four and Five. If criticism of a character/franchise you like upsets you, I do not recommend reading.)
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Wow. I had no faith in his character writing, and I’m STILL disappointed.
And it only took one episode! How impressive!
Macaque, who has put in ZERO on-screen effort to become a better person or make amends to his victims, is criticizing Wukong for being a bad mentor! And does Wukong criticize him back? NOPE!
After getting screamed at and berated, does Wukong defend himself? NOPE!
Ooh, but there was a second long reference in a dual yelling match that mentioned that Macaque was a genuinely bad person who took glee in hurting innocent people! Oh, fucking delightful! Ooh, Wukong even points out in one episode that Macaque goes without consequences!
Pointing out a flaw in your writing does not make it less of a flaw.
Macaque will always be allowed to do whatever he wants to anyone he wants- power theft, attempted murder, insults, deceit, assault-
And the narrative and characters will never hold him accountable or force Macaque to look inwards or become a better person.
Macaque will always fall upwards into redemption without any obstacles or pushback.
There will never be a struggle to goodness with a satisfying conclusion. There will never be a moment where falters in his newfound goodness and questions going back to his old ways. There will never be explicit remorse or regret. He will never have deep introspections on his crimes and atrocities that provide a reason for him to want to change.
The sum of his “arc” will always be “you were a good guy all along”, and that lack of depth is where it will stay.
RIP Seasons 1-3 Macaque. You were fun and interesting and cool and lovable.
But the man they replaced you with was destined to be a boring and brooding “anti-hero” who has no real connection to the actions you selfishly and violently performed with your own two hands-
And you will always be a less interesting character for it.
The execution of the actual arc boils down to a single heroic (but ultimately self-serving) moment and then Macaque is immediately forgiven for all the crimes he’s committed and is a magically better person without any effort and nothing he’s done is ever brought up again.
It severely weakens any character’s arc to cut them off from their past actions. If MK forgot his traumas every season instead of carrying them forward- we’d all agree that doing so was a case of poor writing.
It was the reason that people disliked Mei’s portrayal in Season Four- she immediately moved on from the Samadhi Fire arc and “no longer wielded it” after spending a whole season gathering and learning to use it.
Why can’t we agree that it’s bad for Macaque, too?
You can’t “develop” a character by dropping an entire plotline and writing it off with one line.
You can’t “redeem” a character by pretending that they were a good person right from the start.
Sorry, bud.
I really did like you. I just wish I could like your writing.
And, what is more clear to me now than ever?
People only defended Macaque’s shitty writing because they think he’s hot.
I know this now, because I’ve seen white-hot Li Jing arc hatred from fervent Macaque arc defenders.
So we all agree that an “I didn’t really mean it!” isn’t an excuse to abuse the people around you? That you don’t get to mistreat innocent people just because you’re stressed and upset?
I wonder why people despise Jing for his dogshit “one nice thing redeems all your bad actions” arc but love Macaque for his??
(Because they think the monkey is hot.)
The funny thing, though?
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Li Jing apologizes to at least one of the victims of his actions. He expresses regret and remorse.
Macaque doesn’t even have that.
Anyways here’s a line that I hate because Macaque has in no way developed enough to have the right to deliver it-
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“You need to do better.”
Really, Macaque? Maybe you should take your own damn advice- try apologizing to one of the people you tried to hurt and tried to murder in cold blood!
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Like when you trapped MK under his staff after stealing his powers and tried to murder him when he was helpless?
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Or when you kidnapped MK’s friends and tortured the kid by forcing him to fight them?
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Or you led a violent assault against a palace full of innocent people?
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Or violently beat his dear friends until they were screaming in pain?
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Or assaulted Tang, who posed no threat to you?
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Or threatened to murder an innocent girl if you didn’t get your way, then ran away (and encouraged MK to abandon her) first thing when it put her into a life-threatening meltdown of raw power?
(Isn’t it cool how NONE of these people have interesting or varied reactions to him doing this and ALL immediately are cool with him like a gelatinous hivemind.)
(Oooh ONE mildly questioning line from Pigsy but no anger over his adoptive son nearly being killed multiple times over)
(Isn’t it cool that no one has complex or interesting thoughts on this.)
(Isn’t it cool that by robbing them of unique feelings on the matter they robbed Macaque and the Monkie Kids of compelling and interesting interactions that could’ve helped flesh out their personalities and strengthen their characterization.)
(Isn’t it cool that Macaque and the Monkie Kids are actively denied intriguing character dynamics so Macaque’s shitty “redemption arc” can happen faster.)
(Isn’t that cool.)
Why don’t YOU do better, Macaque?
(In a way that is more satisfying than “one kind-hearted speech from a kid that I tried to murder changed my mind and now I am a better person but all my character development happened offscreen and without personal introspection”, at least.)
Also what the fuck do you mean by “do better”?
Be heroic and put your life in danger? He already does that! He’s done it more than you have!
Just tell MK that he’s not alone? YOU COULD DO THAT YOURSELF, MACAQUE!
Help MK with his traumas and fears? MK doesn’t tell anyone about those! He keeps them bottled up, lock and key, and actively refuses attempts to help!
Wukong TRIED to reach out to him, and MK PUSHED HIM AWAY! Was he supposed to tie the fucking kid down and torture the information out of him?
He respected MK’s boundaries by not pushing any further and letting him leave!!
What the fuck, man
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inchidentally · 2 days ago
This might be a good time for one of your "rpf is not reality" posts, just sayin 👀
askfgsaf you're probably right (referencing this) and for those who are wondering, I basically feel semi responsible for keeping landoscar rpf from crossing boundaries bc I've written so much abt them for so long - so once in a while I'll post reminders that the fandom doesn't welcome delusional ppl and we don't allow girlfriend hate etc pls just ignore if you're like wtf is this bitch talking about
bc the problem is not that people outside fandom use ship names publicly like Oscar very tentatively did yesterday - one of Daniel’s first orders of business on camera with Lando was to (jokingly) declare landan would be superior to carlando. Carlos, Lando, Adam (Lando's dad), McLaren, Netflix, every sponsor for F1 and F1’s official accounts themselves use carlando's ship name and content for engagement. (in fact McLaren almost never use the term 'landoscar' at all but still 'carlando' many times up to the current day) tbh it's actually more common for drivers to big up their bromances than to be like Lando and Oscar who have never gone that route outside of McLaren's usual PR stuff (which has also been wayyyy below the amount they did for Carlos and Daniel). it's actually been kind of nice that they drew that boundary of not sharing their time together outside of work beyond a passing mention and they don't do any gay chicken or overly PDA for fans that yes I personally love but that can lead certain ppl into thinking it's legit romantic/sexual. and that Lily (and Lando's dating/romantic/night life asflgsafja) are so visible and present bc we haven't had to deal with the whole pipeline of rpf delulu invading the ship. we got ahead of all that crazy.
and the problem is not even just when fans use the ship names outside fandom bc often the drivers themselves or people around them bait for it. the vast majority of people (including the drivers) think ship names/bromances are all a fun joke or at it's most serious it's just reflective of their real life platonic friendship/brotherliness etc. most of the popular usage has no sexual/romantic intent at all.
The Problem !! is fans crossing very clear boundaries !! and those are
being overly, grossly sexual (read the room type thing) or being pushy about the ship to the drivers involved (or their friends, families, teams) pushy meaning things like "admit it, driver name is closer to driver x than driver y" "we want pics/content of ship name" "we all know ship x is superior to ship y" "driver x prefers driver y over his own girlfriend" or top voting comments about a ship that has nothing to do with the post at all
deciding the ship is "real" (or “if it weren't for homophobia they would be together right now”) and becoming obsessive/pushing an agenda that always includes pretending that girlfriends and wives are fake or PR or beards or horrible witches controlling the poor weak white male millionaire athlete. sometimes with a side of thinking that teams are involved in the big gay cover up by "hiring/arranging" girlfriends for the drivers (when the teams can't even keep scandals about their own staff locked down alfhgsalfj trust me if a driver was closeted, he and his management alone would be taking care of that cover up and they'd NEVER risk telling teams who have rotating staff and who the driver will probably leave at some point anyway)
and the consequences of fans crossing those boundaries are
if you actively try to push a celebrity to come out then either way it will absolutely not happen, regardless of what their real sexuality is - and if you insinuate too heavily then they will probably double down on their heterosexuality to shut you up (again, regardless of their real sexuality so it doesn't matter either way!)
if you push a bromance ship too hard or publicly present it too seriously then it WILL backfire and at best your fandom is fucked until things calm down - at worst those two people might very possibly want to avoid each other because of the unwelcome insinuations and invasiveness. and if you abuse girlfriends/wives as part of it then you'll get an even angrier reaction (yes this is partly included in Lando's story about the breakup with Lu and the hate she got)
even drivers who play gay for jokes have certain limits - Daniel was at least partly genuinely concerned that people thought he was actually dating Max at one point. Carlos was openly disturbed by fans in a 2019/20? livestream who told him to kiss Lando and he pointedly told them they were very very weird in a not at all amused voice. and three of these men were in serious relationships with women at the time those things happened.
and the thing is with landoscar, Lando and Oscar don't do gay stuff as a joke at ALL and they genuinely take a gender neutral line in discussing theoretical dating and romance questions. that could easily be them just being progressive! it doesn’t mean anything that we as strangers can publicly claim about them and definitely not TO them! and specifically with Oscar, we really don’t know his feelings in terms of fans saying even jokey sexual stuff to him but I would personally say err on not doing it too hard. he's not a prude at all but he's absolutely not publicly raunchy or suggestive to a degree a lot of the drivers are. (I'd also like to say mayyyybe even back off of the Lily stuff directly to him, or at least don't get too comfy about it? idk it's been getting a bit much and he's clear about not wanting that part of his life discussed openly. getting weird how ppl keep demanding photos of her under his posts likeeee she's not a commodity ok!)
I usually say how we in landoscar fandom adore Lily - which we do! - but fuck it, even if Oscar or Lando were dating/seeing someone problematic or that we didn’t adore (!!hint!!) it is STILL not justification for pretending Lando and Oscar are in a secret gay relationship and that the woman they're with is just a cover-up/fake. like yes we all happen to love Lily but our respect for her as a human being and the boundaries between ourselves and her isn’t contingent on affection !! it's basic human respect and healthy boundaries !!
it's why I stick to tumblr and discord for really going off w rpf. even if someone tried to share any of it we know damn well none of the drivers will follow an unsolicited tumblr link (idk maybe Fernando might not know but I doubt he goes anywhere near social media DMs aslfgsalj)
but yea I think fandom overall can keep those people who cross boundaries mostly under control without getting into any fandom police bs. we can all go stupid in explicitly fandom spaces like tumblr ao3 etc but anywhere a driver or someone close to them could stumble upon easily it's worth a quick polite word of advice to ppl who are definitely going too far <3
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bronx-bomber87 · 3 days ago
Good evening my incredible readers and wonderful fandom :) First off wanna thank everyone for the love I got for 7x08. Holy cow. That was the best reception. You are all the best. I am so happy to be back and that our beloved show is back after a short hiatus. Although the decompression was good I missed our ship and show.
This was a fantastic episode through and though. Keep saying writers are killing the game. It's because they are. We got a couple sweet moments in this one despite it being Harper driven. (Which I loved) Just wasn't expecting to get anything for them to make me squee. But the giving season keeps giving. Let us start.
7x09 The Kiss
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We start out with our lovely ship being discharged officially. Getting some homework to help heal their smokey lungs. I've had to do that yellow ball thing. it is HARD LOL Let us note the very little gap between them as they walk together. After 6x07 I crave that little to no space between them. It's the little things as always that make me happy. I adore Lucy picking Tim's brain about it. Although he has zero clue if it'll help them or not ha It still leaves me feeling content.
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Can I say how much I love Lucy bringing up their dance? The smile on that man's face. Oh my lord. It’s reminiscent of his smile in 5x10 when he was thinking of her in the green dress. That dance memory in particular making him beam with happiness. Just look at him when she brings it up. His joyful smile has me reeling. Even though they were fighting their feelings at the time, tooth and nail, Tim can look back at what a good moment that was for them. It's one of my fav episodes of that season for a reason.
Gah. Tim remembering her dress in detail. My damn heart. She really can bring this man to his knee's with just her outfits. I mean she did it in 3x14, 4x18, and we know how much he enjoyed her dress in 5x10. I just adore him remembering stuff like this. Sure he actually wanted to say 'That sexy dress you wore.' But instead settles for 'The shiny stuff.' I love you Tim Bradford. I just do.
The heart eyes galore too. My goodness sir. You are at work and don't even care. On their dash cam as well. Tim is just full of them this entire scene. Hell this entire season really. He's so cute stumbling around for the right words and lands on shiny stuff. This goober. I adore him so much. Lucy is enjoying his stumbling as well you can see it in her expression. She loves this idiot sitting next to her so very much.
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Then he tells her she looked amazing and my heart stops. Serves that lovely line up with a heaping side of heart eyes. Just look at him before he delivers that line. That man is such a soft puppy for her it blows my mind. He loves her so much and isn't afraid to keep letting her know this fact. 'Not holding back' Tim is rapidly becoming a favorite of mine. This man has changed so much and I couldn't be prouder of him. So open and forthcoming about how he feels about her. Lucy is smitten af with his compliment. I mean she is all red. I would be too. Goodness. Just a touch of hesitancy still but she is cracking.
We all knew Tim had feelings back then. Found her beautiful. But to hear him verbalize it is everything. Holy cow. She is slowly thawing everyone. Take a gander at the slow melting above. I love that it’s now Tim cracking her wall. The full circle of it all makes me delirious with glee. Also there is a wonderful beauty to Tim continuously doing this. Of him showing up for her time and time again. Letting her know exactly where he stands. It's reminding Lucy he’s still madly in love with her. Which in turn is prepping her IMO. Why and how you ask?
Because at some point it’s going to drive her ‘why’ insane. Thinking if Tim is still this in love with me, seemingly even more so now than before, then why did he break up with me in the first place? The more Tim continues to show her he’s here to stay. That this new open Tim is here for the long haul. The more she’s going to need to know the why of it all. To hash it out. To finally be ready for that adult convo that Tim is so very willing to have now. We are inching our way there fandom I promise. It's going to be so extremely satisfying when we arrive at our destination.
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Their lovely moment is interrupted by dispatch. We get some field crack. Least it's that way for me lol They are flawless in action and I never get over it. It’s a chemistry no one else has and I can’t get enough of it. Eric and Melissa are a treasure. They are effortless through out this chase. Not once hesitating or panicking when they lose their guy. They are crazy calm and it is fascinating to watch. Said this many times before and it still holds. They are poetry in motion.
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I love Tim's response to Lucy's worry about Grey being mad at them. Trying to lighten the moment the best he can for her. I mean he's not wrong. Yes they lost Connor BUT they did save a senior citizen from a gruesome death in a crosswalk. Lucy isn't fully satisfied because they are still working on her.... Her worry and empathy just coming off her in waves.
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We catch up with who we think is this woman's daughter. I mean to know those kind of details about her... Why would they question her any further? It's so sad she won't make it. Breaks my damn heart actually. Legit innocent bystander in the way. You can see it’s shaking Lucy.. It was shaking me ugh. That slight hesitation she does as they walk away. You can see the hitch in her gait as they do so. Killing me softly with that stuff Melissa.
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I adore Tim checking in on Lucy. Clocking her stress and heartbreak over this. Her empathy sapping it out of her right now. So he makes sure to check her temperature. I knew this would wreck her. I do love her confiding in him about her frustrations. Tim doing his best to apply some logic at first. Side note I love when he uses words like 'Ascribe.' *fans self* Don't why but it just does it for me...*ahem* Anyways Tim is hoping his logic will be the salve she needs.
It does help in terms of her opening up to him more. Lucy continuing on about how this job sometimes makes her feel like they solve one thing at the expense of another. That it's almost like a judicial debt they'll never be able to balance. I can't say that I wouldn't be just as aggravated as her. Tim's empathy kicking in shortly after this comment. Even finishes her sentence for her. (Love this)
Replying with something I know is dear to him. Protecting those he loves. Lucy being one of those people. His top priority as he stated in the last ep. The eye contact they make when he says this. *happy sigh* The way she looks up at him asking if they should check on Harper? Just leaning on him for answers and guidance when she can. It makes me smile.
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What a turn in this case. Good lord. I wasn't expecting it in the least I'll say. Pretty gross of both of these women. More so of the daughter really when we find out about the will. I do love the shared looks through out this scene. If you watch their eye line it's mainly at each other. They’re always crushing it with the silent communication.
Friggin love Lucy just taking charge and Tim stepping aside to let her do so. Putting that woman in her place about her mother's belongings. Then we top it off with sharing a look with Tim after. That field goodness shinning through. Makes me happy to witness.
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This scene made me laugh so much. Tim embodying Aaron's line from 5x06 about how he is like the old dude from UP. lmao 'Don’t know. Don’t care.' Oh Timothy, my grumpy old man. I do enjoy you so very much. He most definitely does not care about what show it is. Unless it's Top Chef heh
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Always fan myself with a good Tim takedown. *phew lord* gimme gimme. Something so god damn attractive about it when he pulls it off so easily. Mmm. I will take that all damn day and not complain.
Of course Nolan knows the name of the show LOL This made me chuckle quite a bit. Little levity in this intense episode. Also that’s a terrible name for a show haha Chenford's initial reaction to John's show reply had me laughing so much. They couldn't be more confused. Tim especially. Wondering if he hit his head or something. Lucy is kind in her reply even though it was unnecessary info haha
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Once again must point out the lack of space between them. Damn near touching in that hallway. Which makes me happy considering that brutal convo in 6x07 took place in there. Slowly healing that shipper wound. I love Tim's smile when he hears she's going back to the hospital. That changes when she tells him it's actually for Kylie....
Honestly it's the most Lucy Chen thing ever to go sit with Kylie. She’s only one who’s thought of her for most of this episode besides Celina. This is why Tim is so damn gone for her. That endless compassion she has for others. Thinking of people that no one else has. He may be giving her shit in the moment but internally we all know how much he adores her empathy.
Admires that sunshine heart of hers. Wouldn't be Tim if he didn't give her a little crap for it though. Toss in some light flirting while he does so. Lucy doing a little flirting back herself with her competition line. Damn they cute. I love them sfm. Solid way to end the episode for them.
Thank you forever and always to those that like, comment (they make my heart so happy. Come talk to me haha), and reblog these. It brings me joy like no other. You're all amazing and I adore every single one of you. Shall see you all in 7x10 :)
Sides notes-Non Chenford
I loved Lucy and Harper holding hands and hugging. I need more of these two together.
Celina getting a nice little drug bust as a P2. Well done madam.
Mekia killed it good lord. I knew she would. Love seeing her get this time to shine. Shawn too that scene was so good and very sad. I love them giving more to Shawn this year he's crushing it.
Such a sweet moment in the hospital for James and Nyla. So raw and real my goodness. I love them getting some real problems as well. This SL this was so good for them I enjoyed it quite a bit.
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I don't usually do gifs in my side notes. Or make ones that aren't Chenford related. But I had to with this scene. It. was fantastic. Nolan making me feeling things again. They’re writing him so much better this year. They really are tapping back into why I enjoyed him in the very beginning. Also Nathan reminding us he can bring it emotionally. He had me tearing up with his speech. Way his voice hitched and broke.
Another reason I wanted to do a gif of this was because of the amazing character that is Nyla Harper. Other than Lucy she is my absolute favorite female character. Hands down. I love me some Angela Lopez don't get me wrong. I just friggin love Harper so damn much. Maybe it's because she is the female version of Tim hahah But Mekia could not have been a better addition to this show. She came in s2 and has knocked it out of the park since. I legit forget about Talia every time until I rewatch s1. Because feels like Harper has always been here.
No offense to Talia but she had no where near the depth and grit Nyla Harper does. Just wanted to gif this because Nolan's speech is so fantastic and accurate. We all love this BAMF of a woman. She had Nolan as her rookie and turned him into a good cop. So we know she's a resilient bad ass. I loved him paying homage not only to what she did for him as his T.O. but just her as a person. This was really well written and acted. I loved it.
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I missed their dynamic honestly. Was part of why s2 as a whole was so good for me. How far they've come to get to this moment. This hug was so nice. Made me teary. Nice to see her finally lean on someone in this episode. I think Nolan was the right choice especially with him having been the one to witness that kiss. The writers have really come to play this season. It makes me very happy. Because I do love this show as a whole. They're bringing it back to it's roots and this day one Rookie girl is quite pleased with it.
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 19 hours ago
Translation question. I read Japanese Jade x Prefect comics using a translator and sometimes it will translate "mate" into something like "my turn". Like Jade will refer to the Prefect as his "turn" and his "mate" interchangeably. This has happened a few times with different artists. Do you have any idea if this is a misinterpretation of words or does the Japanese fandom have something going on with mer culture or...?
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I assume this happened because “mate” and “my turn” are written with the same kanji (Chinese characters used as one of the Japanese systems of writing), 番 (fān in Chinese; generally refers to something foreign). It can be read multiple different ways depending on the context. 番 is read as つがい (tsugai) if you mean mate/pair. It can also be read as 番 (ban), meaning number. For example, 一番 or 1番 (ichiban) is “number one”/“best”/"first" (ie in terms of ranking). Sometimes it also refers to "guard", like 番犬 is "watchdog". I believe 番 can refer to "turns" too, but only in the context of "being the first to take their turn" in an order.
Most likely what is happening is whatever automatic translation tool you’re using is considering the surrounding text to guesstimate how to best translate the kanji (which, again, can be read multiple different ways). However, these tools are not the best at judging context. This results in sometimes going with the “my mate”/"watashi no tsugai") interpretation (which is likely the intention of the original artists) and sometimes going with the (likely incorrect) “my turn” ("watashi no ban"/"it's my turn") interpretation when the kanji or written version is the same for both phrases.
I think “mate” is the correct reading; it’s pretty common to see that term being used in cases of ships involving at least one part animal character like Jade. This is the case even when one partner (in this case, Yuu or the self-insert player) is a regular human.
And um, just a friendly reminder for everyone in case you see this post and get excited about sending things in 💦 I DON'T do translations. This is stated very expressly in my blog ask rules. Asks about little things like JP vs EN differences or terminology are okay, but do NOT ask for entire story sections, vignettes, events, fan comics/doujins, etc.
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carosbee · 1 day ago
I never said you couldn't be sad about this. In fact, I am really sad about all this stuff: I've mourned the loss of a fandom that's mostly gone, and the community that's been lost with it. I've cried many times about it. I still participate in this fandom because despite everything it's the thing I care about the most. It's also inspired me to create more: nobody else is going to make a drawing exactly how I want so I'll learn how to draw; nobody else will write a fic I'd love to exist more than anything so I will.
I promise you I'm very upset about all this but instead of mourning what isn't here, try to make it again: you can build a community, you can do all these things and it's going to be harder but you can at least try.
I miss citizen memes I miss analysis posts I miss no distinction between character and creator I miss dsmpblr talking about history books I miss colon emoji name colon I miss lighthearted traitor jokes I miss bad animatics I miss gaslight posts I miss crazy wacky dsmpblr events I miss live polls I miss Twitter thinks we're love interests I miss irrational-rational dsmptwt hate I miss crazy kooky blog names I miss streams not being called lore I miss no 3-death system I miss 'dsmp fandom wiki writers r insane' quotes I miss dsmp tailor posts I miss unhinged sootbur copypasta I miss awful cursed canon discussions I miss prime bell I miss youtube membership I miss badboyhalo skeppy mansion I miss georgenotfound onlyfans I miss community welcome blog discussions I miss imposter blogs
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with-my-murder-flute · 2 days ago
Re: The Tomb of Dragons ship situation/ending, spoilers for A Companion to Wolves and Angel of the Crows
Like I respect Addison's right to write the stories that feel meaningful to her, she doesn't have to just feed us fanbait, not every author has to do that
but I was white-knuckling up to the very last sentence of the book
I have trust issues ever since A Companion to Wolves, where the first book ends and you're like. I guess they have somehow found a way to survive and be happy in their unusual approach to society's sexual mores! And then the next book begins and it's like "Oh actually the main character is just resigned to permanent unhappiness with this, maybe he will dredge up a thin trickle of joy in life focusing on something totally different." And I'll be honest, I put that book down and never picked it up again, because I did the good girl Catholic thing and thought "Oh well I'll never experience sexual joy or deep enduring love but maybe I'll have like idk a career or some shit" long enough for one lifetime. NO MORE. I just gave up and went back to Every Marine a Wolfbrother.
And then Angel of the Crows was like, "I got shot down every single time I reached for queer joy or relationships and the one relationship that does remain is not really what I want or need and maybe I am a bit fundamentally unlovable, but I'll survive, we get by," and I was, again... I recognize this is not a story for me. It's not what I want from a story. But also, I am so disappointed and tired here.
So with this series I was just so much like... she does not owe us fanbait, I have trained myself to think it's tacky and bad to get upset that an author has not provided the exact kind of representation we want exactly how we want it. I watched the Good Omens fandom explosions and don't want to do that.
But at the same time. We have been hearing about the extreme gay agony of this beautiful muppet for FOUR BOOKS STRAIGHT. He is the world's most sopping wet little meow meow, and quite respectfully, if you do not want your fans to form a frenzy and start burning down uninhabited buildings due to an overload of unrequited textual sexual tension, MAYBE DON'T FOCUS ON IT QUITE SO MUCH.
So I'm here at the end of Tomb of Dragons going, "I guess I'm okay with this? I guess I can live? It's not exactly what I wanted and it's not delivered to the degree I wanted, but I guess we can get by here."
Is this what Stockholm Syndrome feels like? I literally don't believe Stockholm Syndrome is a real thing, I think it's been bunk since the day it was created, but also, this feels like what Stockholm Syndrome would feel like.
I will probably be able to like the new love interest! I can see myself in the future being happy with the way the story ended up going in, once I get over the fact that it went there! This makes sense and I can see it and reconciling all those feelings is what fanfiction's for!
I just also... am not so excited to see what else Addison's working on now. Because this overarching theme or emotional focus on the yearning for warmth and closeness and empathy and touch and desire, and the realization that you will just have to make do with slightly unsatisfying substitutes instead, is just way too similar to the defeatist ways I learned to approach life with when I was a child. It's exactly the mindset I wanted to get away from then and am still learning to let go of now.
I don't want to squash the fandom with my disappointment and negativity, and if fandom does just turn into everyone being angry and bitter that the author personally flipped them the bird and actually everything about these books is proof that they've always been shit, no thanks, not hanging out with that again. If I stick around, it's for Thara getting railed in exactly the way he wants in some happier future, and figuring out what that would look like.
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lemotmo · 1 day ago
99.9% sure T is coming back and people are dooming because lfjr was filming on the same block and there’s a helipad on the rooftop he posted BUT I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing… I know nobody wants to deal with that insufferable part of the fandom but I could see them bringing him back for closure and Buck (once again) trying to misplace his feelings for Eddie onto T until T finally makes him realize it was never about him at all. It’s ALWAYS been Eddie. As much as I don’t want to see that man again I think it would make for dramatic TV lol and it would put the nail into the coffin for BT forever! Also I remember Tim saying in an interview after 8x07 I think that T is in Buck’s romantic past for sure but he may intersect with T in this universe again… so I’m almost positive this lfjr appearance is not a reconciliation and rather just another way for a plot device to do what they do best and move the plot :)
Okay, my inbox is flooding with L and T messages right now, so I want to address this now, before it explodes completely.
I'm addressing this using this ask by a very clever anon. Why? Well Nonny?! I think you make an excellent point!
Let's look at this logically, without any emotions involved. The problem with T right now is that all of our experiences with this character and actor are clouded with negative emotions.
Why? Well... you all know why right?
So let's get rid of all of these emotions for a moment. And let's look at this from a pure narrative point of view.
Say T does come back. So what?
Can he stop Buddie at this point? No. That ship has loooong sailed and to be honest... there was never a contest to begin with. Eddie has always been more important to Buck than T ever was. It's obvious from the last episodes that Buck is very close to figuring out his feelings for Eddie. So T is no threat whatsoever.
So why would he be there? Well, logically speaking it would be an interesting choice for T to run into Buck and mention something about Eddie, cue Buck starting to question what exactly it is he feels for Eddie.
Way back when, right after 7x04, L did an interview where he talked about T being some kind of a stepping stone for Buck to realise he really wanted Eddie. Around that time Oliver did an interview saying that he really wanted T and Buck to stay in contact and that T could be some kind of wise queer person who kind of helps him figure things out.
What if this is what we are seeing right now?
If T is back-- and I'm using a big IF here, because I'm still not so sure whether or not he will be-- he could be there to be a catalyst into both Buck and Eddie figuring out what they feel for each other.
He could be a 'stepping stone' aka a 'plot device' to get the main ship together.
I'm just saying--
If he is back it is not for a round 2 of BT. That obviously didn't work out very well for either of them. So the only logical explanation is that he is there to push the Buddie narrative along like a good plot device does.
Honestly, I'd rather not see the man back either, but the reason for that isn't that he could threaten Buddie. It never was about that. There was no competition there to begin with.
I don't want to see him back because I really dislike the way some of his more ardent stans have treated me and the rest of this fandom from the moment he kissed Buck. I'm simply tired of dealing with these people.
So let's stop spiraling over this please. If (big IF here) T is back, he is there for a purpose. I can guarantee you that that purpose? It's Buddie-related.
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khaoala · 24 hours ago
Lore request number 1847389291 (sorry I've been asking so much lmao new som som trying my best to catch up) what happened at firsts graduation I saw that hug and that kt almost didn't go but no details help? Pls?
anon, first of all, feel free to send fk lore questions whenever you like. i'll try to give as much context as i can, and people also add things in, and it's a blast, i love when these come in.
second of all, i'm so very glad you're making me talk about first's graduation. it's probably one of my favorite firstkhao moments.
first's graduation (he has a bachelor's degree in cyber business management and graduated with honors, he's that guy) happened on december 15, 2021, so two weeks after the announcement of the eclipse during gmmtv 2022. this event is what we (or at least i do) like to call "the event that inspired the plot of our skyy 2 x the eclipse" because it's basically what happened 😏😏
as you can imagine, graduating is a very important moment and in thailand they do this thing a lot of holding fan gatherings when an artist graduates and many of their friends come to congratulate them too (like when earth, firstkhao and arm went to mix's graduation last year).
first had a lot people over to see him. besides his family members, ofc, first's favorite bruda (tay tawan) attended, gawin, ciize, louis, love, nanon and many many others.
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but khaotung, being the rascal that he is, told first that something came up and that he wouldn't be able to attend first's graduation which made first properly sulky. i'm not even kidding. they were all using masks ofc because 2021, covid, all that shit, but we know mr. kanaphan to have amazingly expressive eyes and baby boy looked so sad and pouty because his best friend said he wouldn't attend (tumblr doesn't let me post more than one video, but i'll link you to the videos and the graduation tag so you can check out his contained tantrum in the end of this post).
at some point when ciize (who is the founder of this fandom, may i add, since when they were just a ghostship, she was already in the trenches) approached first, and he was talking in the phone with khaotung and first offered her the phone and she asked "what did you do to make him so angry, khaotung?!"
ofc khaotung was just joking and ofc he wouldn't miss his best friend's graduation. he showed up and i kid you not, it was like first's sunny disposition came back to him in a blink. ofc, he was still annoyed bc khaotung fooled him and there were many instances where it looked like he was going to hit khaotung, but khaotung knows his baby bestie and stayed by his side all the time. there were a few moments when first would be talking to other people but his hand would stay around khaotung (there's one particular video of them talking to what i believe is one of the staff, and while first's eyes are on them, he keeps caressing khaotung's back absentmindedly because the next thing we assume happens is that first scolded khaotung - again - for pranking him).
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khaotung was having a blast that day playing around with first. and first was also trying to look nonchalant at some point which was so adorable. you know how in the end of our skyy 2, after ayan's surprise to akk and how he says, "i told you i loved seeing you get pranked. when you make an angry face, you look so… (cute)". that is firstkhaotung during first's graduation.
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you can search the tag #FirstkpGraduation on twitter where you'll find many more videos and pictures and here's the links to some of my favorite videos since i can't post them here:
[ link one ] [ link two ] [ link three ] [ link four ] [ link five ] [ link six ]
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genericpuff · 3 days ago
(I am the anon who recommended Ulysses Dies at Dawn) I hope you like it!!!! Udad is one of my favourite albums especially because of the world building around The City, so I hope you enjoyed it too!!
I did finish it, I quite liked it! Recommended it to my husband as well as he's a huuuge Epic fan (he's more of a musical theater person than me overall tbh) and probably would also love The Magnus Archives if he ever gave it a shot haha (I haven't touched TMA but I'm aware of its fandom presence on this hellsite LOL)
Overall it was a really cool concept album! Turning the setting of The Odyssey into a sort of post-modern steampunk epic was pretty unique and cool, especially with how they adapted some of the stories into said setting. Turning the riddle of the Sphinx into a literal disease that ages infants from birth to death within a matter of hours? Genius. And while it does take some massive creative liberties by incorporating other mythological characters like Herakles and Ariadne directly into the cast, it still did a pretty good job at creating a unique, thought-provoking, well-rounded plot with overarching themes and motifs in only an hour! I especially appreciate the little lore details they hid in the video descriptions and thumbnail art, I always love hunting for secrets like that haha
My favorite songs were probably My Name is No One, Riddle of the Sphinx, Sirens, and Favoured Son, the vocals are all wonderfully delivered (especially in Sirens, it gave me chills in the best way) and the narrative progression within the lyrics was very compelling especially in relation to the world-building.
I had a couple of least favorites too though, and unfortunately they were Orpheus' and Ariadne's songs which I wish I could love on that basis alone but alas, they just didn't hit the mark for me.
My issue with Trial by Song is largely personal, I can get what the vocalist was going for but that constant high-note vocal waving / shaking just doesn't do it for me, I've never been a fan of that delivery style so even if it was intentional and driven with purpose, it's just not something I can force myself to enjoy. But again, that's largely personal taste, not something I'm gonna hold against the vocalist because aside from that one personal ick they're doing a great job at hitting and maintaining those notes, if it weren't for that one thing I'd probably be way more into it haha
As for Ties That Bind, that one actually isn't a personal issue, at least as far as I can argue LOL On a technical level, the mixing felt very off, the instrumentals were often just way too loud compared to the vocalist which made it difficult to focus on what was being sung (and the mic quality itself didn't seem all that great either). And that problem was compounded by the vocalist's own stylization which threw me off because of how deep her voice suddenly sounded compared to how she had been speaking up until that point; it felt very forced and strained, especially when she tried to switch from those deep chest notes to those higher throat notes. This stylization clashed with the lyrics too, the line deliveries often felt "cramped" where the vocalist almost seemed to be slurring / rushing the words (sometimes they even felt completely off-tempo) which made it hard to make out what she was saying even when I could hear past the instrumentals. And that's not exactly ideal for a musical where the plot is literally being delivered through song LMAO It just felt like it could have used a bit more time in the oven IMO. I don't doubt that the vocalist is skilled, it just felt like the song was often working against her skills rather than with them.
All that said, in spite of those two criticisms I have of it after my first couple listens, I do think this is a great concept album and I was shocked to see it doesn't seem to have much attention on it judging by the view counts, it really deserves more attention and love because the amount of thought and detail that went into creating this world and its narrative and its characters is incredibly impressive.
So if you're like me and also had no clue this album existed until now, I highly suggest checking it out! It's not as big a time commitment as Epic or Hadestown, it only takes an hour to get through. And if you're into gritty steampunk film-noir stuff with lots of mystery and intrigue and twists, it'll probably be right up your alley!
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Thanks sm for this! I totally agree! Hazel was very feminine but Rick presented it in such a racially stereotypical way similar to Drew and Piper, which I think is because when Black women aren’t masculinized and are seen as feminine they are often cast in the motherly/caretaking role or the sexualized Jezebel role(which Hazel wasn’t but still) or the creepy mystical witch role which, either way, all cast us in a role of deviance/existing to service other characters. I also think that Hazel being motherly also ties into something called the adultification bias, which is when Black girls are seen as less innocent/childlike, less in need of comfort and care, and more knowledgeable about things like sex than their non-Black counterparts.
This often leads to Black girls being sexually abused and sexualized and not being given the help they need because they’re seen as “asking for it” or being expected to carry the burden of everyone’s problems because people see Black women as workhorses who exist to supply others’ needs but don’t have any of their own, and when we are vulnerable and in need of help we get told to suck it up and just be strong(which again ties into the mammy trope/strong Black woman stereotype and masculinization of Black women). And I think this ties into Hazel in a way, because she was paired with Frank who is way too old for her, which directly stems from this harmful view that Black girls are more mature/can’t be vulnerable to abuse or manipulation/don’t need to be protected because we are less innocent and more sexual.
A similar thing happened to Piper with how she was sexualized for being an indigenous woman, and if were talking about racial stereotypes regarding femininity then I’d even argue that it affects Drew as well because she is East Asian and her being seen as vapid, shallow, petty, and mean contributes to the view of East Asian women as hyperfeminine and vindictive, as well as the Asian Airhead and Mean Asian Girl tropes.
That being said I still think Hazel got off better than those two. She is shown as strong and powerful while also being sweet and feminine. She learns to embrace her power. She has friends who care about her. She is described as being very pretty(I think Aphrodite described her as cute once but I might be wrong). But there are still problems with her character that need to be addressed. So I’m glad we had this discussion!
And not about any particular character but as a side note I’ve always thought it would be cool if there had been a Black Aphrodite girl who was pink and girly just like Drew and Silena…but then I remember how Aphrodite kids were written and how Rick’s girls of color are written and I realize that it’s really for the better that there aren’t any. He would 100% make her shallow and weak or mean like her siblings, and probably also give her more “white” traits to make her more desirable, the same way he did to plenty of his attractive woc characters like Piper and Hazel. And she probably wouldn’t be an important character in the plot in any event. It’s disappointing, but it’s a blessing in disguise ig. There are better works besides PJO to look to for Black femininity representation, lmtu that. 🤣 Or femininity at all really. These books were truly a product of their time(which is not an excuse, but still). But oh well, it’s still interesting to think about. I’m just glad that the fandom gives the Aphrodite cabin the complexity, depth, and respect that they deserve, because they DO deserve it, just as much as anyone else!
So i was scrolling through the drew tanaka tag as one does and found this post by @curseofdelos that i was like !!!!! about, and i read through it and I was like. Yes, but also… 
So this is my also. I suggest reading the post first as it does very well in explaining the issues with Piper and Drew’s writing and why that’s harmful. 
But I’d like to take it a step further and extrapolate to the bigger picture of cabin 10. 
What about the boys? 
TL;DR: There are a lot of in-text and meta negotiations of masculinity versus femininity that occur in /influence PJO/HOO, and that leaves boys in the Aphrodite Cabin in an awkward limbo. 
Before we get into the nitty gritty, I first want to establish that masculinity is not femininity. Which like, duh, but that means that anything that is not masculine can and will be considered feminine. Point blank, no nuance (There is a literature backing, but I think its a bit too much, so I’ll just put it at the end if you wanna find the article I’m referring to). 
And that’s what Rick is operating on, while you can’t deny it is a spectrum, at the time of writing TLH and such, there was a general societal understanding of masculinity as being macho and strong and rejecting softness for hardcore or whatever. And this positioning is where femininity comes in, and where we can begin to talk about Cabin 10. 
Rick writes Cabin 10 as inherently feminine, thus attaching “beauty” to this narrow idea; best shown through describing the cabin as a Barbie house and Piper's claiming ordeal. It is a place where there is nothing “masculine,” leading to the stereotype of Aphrodite kids not being able to fight, since war is masculine and thus out of their purview. 
This does deconstruct with Silena and then Piper, but the existence of Drew proves that it is still upheld and important enough to the story. 
I do believe that Rick tried to have his “oh you can still be feminine without being hyper feminine!” moment with Piper & Drew’s conflict, however, he failed to give Drew enough agency to make it seem like there was a genuine conflict rather than just “mean girl v girl-next-door.” (again, @curseofdelos explained it very well, go read!). 
Now with the girls out of the way, the boys are kinda… lost in the sauce? The only Aphrodite boy we get is Mitchell and it is very telling that a lot of people hc him as gay… which again is the posturing of masculinity vs femininity and whatever is not masculine is therefore feminine. And being gay is being attracted to masculinity and this feminine etc etc (according to societal norms). The fact that he is the only male Aphrodite kid rep is again, telling and really affirms the inherent femininity of Cabin 10. 
“Hey! He’s not the only ‘Aphrodite’ Kid! What about Michael!” And Michael just further proves my point! He’s the son of Venus, and Roman counterparts are considered as more “warlike” than their Greek ones. War being considered masculine and a rejection of femininity, as established earlier w/ Cabin 10 kids not being warriors. Now, Micheal exists as a (hyper) masculine counterpoint to Drew’s (hyper) feminine, making the Roman Venus a direct opposite as the Greek Aphrodite. 
This is actually, kinda commendable in terms of plot, since it helps reinforce the differences between Greek and Roman and how extreme they were. Great storytelling device, bad everything else. 
One more thing I want to touch on is the vilification of femininity, and why it must be rejected in the pjo/hoo. You can only fight if you adopt masculine traits, and therefore not fighting and still surviving means that you are doing something dishonorable like, abusing charmspeak (Drew) or using magic (Circe, Medea, etc) or even spying (Silena). Which is a very masculine idea, of how things should be solved by violence ( i mean, look at violence perpetrated by men compared to women in our society…) I think I’ve said this before, but in Piper’s arc, there needs to be an antagonist to prove how she doesn’t “fit in” at CHB, and create that tension of her either choosing to save her father and betray or continue the quest as is; and that antagonist ended up being Drew, and that makes sense bc Cabin 10 is against what Piper is characterized as, and she just is a rejection of that femininity. 
Anyways, let me not get away from myself. Basically, within the story, there is no real opportunity for the characters to reject gender stereotypes without falling into others. And Rick wrote himself into that hole. 
Literature Referenced: Shippers, Mimi. “Masculinity and Femininity, Theories of.” The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, 2016. Edited by Nancy A. Naples. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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