#after making that picrew
erigold13261 · 4 months
I really need to get some new glasses. I got an updated prescription sometime last year (after like 10 years of not going to the eye doctor) and didn't get new glasses because I couldn't find any frames similar to what I own.
Like legit, the style of frames now are all big and round when I want narrow and square (well rectangular). The ones I did find for a while that were my style were wire frames instead of plastic and/or had the little plastic nubs instead of not having them.
I literally had to pay $20 for these pre-made prescription glasses JUST for the frames so I can send them in, then use them while I send my current frames in so I can keep using these frames that are like over 10 years old.
I also really need to make sure I don't get those progressive lenses or whatever they call when the bifocals merge together instead of being absolutely separate (my bifocals are a small little square at the bottom of my frames, not half, and not a gradient).
Actually, I think progressive frames are ones that turn into sunglasses and whatnot. I also don't want that either. Definitely need to find a new set of frames to get prescription sunglasses (those I will be less worried about shape-wise and probably actually get bigger lenses to protect my eyes from the sun when driving or whatever).
Anyway, just wanted to make a little glasses rant because why not? Oh yea, the whole reason I didn't send my frames in sooner is because I somehow lost the paper that had my prescription on it lol. I can't just buy some of those pre-made prescription glasses because mine are so strong.
I've literally never had someone else with glasses try my glasses on and be able to see out of them. Like I'm absolutely sure there are people with worse eyesight than me, but the people around me are all astonished I can see out of mine because of how magnified they are (especially to non-glasses wearers).
It was actually really funny how, whenever I give my sister my glasses, she asks "you see CLEARLY with these!?!?" like yea bitch, I do. Without them I can't see shit without straining my eyes (or well, my right eye, I can't see shit out of my left one unless I have my glasses on. To the point I need to sometimes cover my left eye when trying to see shit in the bathroom to read while showering).
Okay, little mini rant/story over lol!
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angiestown · 8 months
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I finished that dressup game I said I was working on !! would very appreciate people giving it a go because I spent literally a week on this. like 7 days off work doing nothing but drawing clothes lmao
in order to make the different body types work without ballooning up the file size way more than it already is, I had to make it so you choose your skin tone twice. in meiker you can't arrange the order elements appear in, but I recommend starting with these two options to pick out your body type and skin tone first, since some options look better on certain bodies imo
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also !! meiker !! I don't hear people talk about it much, but it's really cool I like it a lot! it's like picrew, but instead of uploading a bunch of pngs, you arrange and label your layers in folders and upload a single psd file. personally I liked the process a lot more than picrew because I'd rather work with one big file than a million tiny image files, but that's just me. plus you can make the images bigger than you can on picrew too
also posting this again since I can attach it to a post with the game, but I made a tutorial on how to create a bunch of colour options super fast if you want to make your own dressup game. there's no way I'd have nearly as many options if I didn't know how to do this. once you understand the actions feature you can do so much stuff so much more efficiently it's insane it's like my favourite photoshop feature
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nectarine-neuroticism · 2 months
having fun working on a commission for arturo. he wanted one of his ocs (angel, left) included in the commission, and another oc (paulina, right) that we brainstormed together for the sake of this fic.
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i decided to let my computer charge a bit after writing for a while, so i decided to make picrews of the ocs (couldn't resist with makowka, long time fave tbh) just to help make the visualizations of them "tangible."
then i decided to make the rest of the mcs as picrews lol. take this as you will.
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anyways,,, enjoy.
also, before you ask, yes. i did give benji a little gay boy earring. i asked simon if it was okay and he said all things are as they should be.
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jellyfishvibes · 4 months
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This doesnt mean anything i've just been watching kh theorys while grinding and was curious, could be good name origins for ocs?
the foretellers names being latin feels important for the apparent roman names in ml era of scala
actually now i think about it luxu being lust could be like his want for bodys, maybe their sins could be their roles? idk ive doing monotonous work for too long maybe i am losing it
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anas-tasiaa · 2 years
Though I'm supposed to escape as well..
I have nowhere else to go.
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hey guys so i’m going to a renfaire for the time travel day with my friend in october and we’re gonna cosplay tua!!!! they’re gonna b five (the scrumple!!!!) but im still deciding who i should be :3
heres a picrew i redid for reference of what i look like rn
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I know Im very late, but I loved this date sm and wanted to commemorate you two <3 good luck on the date w Utterson!
@therealedwardhyde @dorian-gray
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brutal-nemesis · 1 year
An All Organ-ic Buffet
Okay well. This is in one of @galaxywhump and I’s 120 AUs I gutted (hehe) the context you don’t need it besides the fact that this Castys hasn’t ever really been tortured before so he’s not as used to all of this as he would be in canon <3 sucks to suck, dumbass
Castys Masterlist
Ingredients: gore. so much gore. also Castys gets eaten (but it’s a monster so not really cannibalism), a little noncon touching, there is a snake, the rib crowbar shit that i was born to write (❁´◡`❁)
This was going to suck absolute balls, wasn’t it? It was going to be worth it, it was, but it was still going to suck balls. 
The phaitenri lived pretty far from, well, anything, which was probably for the best given its…unique diet. Which was really the only thing that made Castys certain he could strike a good deal with it at all, honestly. 
Having arrived at the caves where the phaitenri made its home, Castys ran through the list of things to say and not say in his head before steeling himself and knocking on the door. A few tense moments passed before it opened, and Castys did his best not to flinch at the sight of the phaitenri. They were annoyingly tall, towering over Castys, bleached-white skin webbed with black cracks, their red eyes boring into him. Most notable, though, were the golden antlers sprouting from their head. What Castys had come for.
“I’ve come here to make a contract with you,” Castys blurted, the promise of a contract protecting him from being outright attacked. The phaitenri’s eyes narrowed, slitted pupils contracting in their different-colored irises.
“Fine,” they growled, their clawed hand curling around the doorframe, “which organs are you willing to part with?”
“Uh…all of them? As many as you want for six inches of antler.” 
They cocked their head. “All…you can’t form a contract for anyone but yourself, human. Do you intend to die for this?”
“Well, see, that’s the thing, I am, uh, what the kids call…immortal. So if you kill me everything’ll just grow back. Seriously, you can have as many organs as you want from me.” The trade was starting to sound more and more horrific as Castys talked, actually saying it out loud, but what could he do? This was the only way to save Berkeley. He had to do this.
The phaitenri crossed their arms, tapping their fingers as they leaned against the doorframe. “How do I know you’re not lying? Give me a demonstration.”
“I will not. At least, not until the contract’s formed.” The phaitenri glared at him. “What? Dying leaves me basically defenseless, I’m not just gonna let you kill me and then take me prisoner, ya know? Look,” he sighed, “if I’m lying, and I enter the contract with you, I’d just die, yeah? The contract would be dissolved, and you wouldn’t be out anything. There’s no reason to refuse.”
After considering it for a moment, the phaitenri straightened, gesturing for him to enter. “Alright, human, I’ll form a contract with you, so let’s negotiate.” Castys followed them inside, slightly relieved that they weren’t just going to dismiss him outright. “I’m Aleph, by the way.” That was a good sign, too, that they told him their name, since it meant that they were very interested in forming a contract with him.
“Castys,” he replied, showing his interest right back. They smiled at him, displaying their wicked-sharp teeth, teeth that would soon be…mmphf, don’t think about that right now. Think about Berkeley. He was doing this for Berkeley.
Aleph sat down at a mostly-empty desk, gesturing for Castys to sit across from them. He did, and it felt…weird, like he was getting ready to discuss a bank loan or something stupid and not, like, having his organs eaten by a monster so he could get a potion ingredient to save his best friend’s life. After thinking a bit, Aleph spoke up, “For six inches of antler, I’ll have you for…two weeks. I can eat as much as I want during that time.”
“Two wee-I don’t have that kind of time! I need to-” Castys stopped, sighing. “One week. That’s the longest I’ll give you.”
Aleph hummed, rocking their head back and forth. “How about…one week, and I can eat as much as I want as well as taking extras and storing them.”
That hardly seemed fair, but…Castys didn’t want to negotiate much more. Typically, the longer talks went on, the greedier phaitenris got. It was usually best to take the second option offered, so… “Alright. One week of unlimited access for six inches of antler.”
“Deal!” Aleph clapped their hands together, grabbing a sheet of parchment and writing down the terms. They signed their name before pricking their thumb and stamping on a thumbprint of their black blood, handing it to Castys when they were done. He took it, reading it over thoroughly, making sure they didn’t sneak in any fine print, before preparing to do the same. “Wait!” Aleph stopped him just as he was about to sign. “Take off your shirt.��
“Huh? Why-”
“The moment you sign that, magic chains are going to appear on your wrists until you’ve served your part of the contract, and even I won’t be able to get them off without dissolving it entirely. And since I’m going to need access to your torso…either take it off now or I’ll have to cut it off later.”
“Oh. Good call.” Castys was glad Aleph had spoken up since he was wearing one of Berkeley’s shirts, and he’d feel bad if it got destroyed. He pulled it off, Aleph’s hungry gaze sending a slight chill up his spine. “Thanks.” Taking a deep breath, Castys picked up the contract again, signing his name and pricking his thumb. The moment his thumb stamped on the parchment, iron manacles appeared on his wrists, just as Aleph had said. The chain between them was long enough that it wouldn’t be a huge inconvenience, but he was still chained, the inescapable reality of the contract heavy around his wrists.
“Well, let’s get started!” Aleph said, giddy as they took the contract from Castys and put it away. Once that was done, they reached out and hooked their finger around the chain between his wrists, dragging him along behind them. They pulled him into a room that was, well…it was pretty clear what kind of things happened here.
The walls were dark, definitely covered with bloodstains, because of course, and the floor was too, even though there was a drain in the middle of it, so clearly things could be cleaned up if Aleph wanted to. There was a table to one side, also bloodstained, with restraints, which wasn’t surprising in the slightest, but the sight of it still made Castys’s stomach turn. Aleph half-pulled him towards it, but then stopped and half-pulled him towards a comfortable-looking and somehow not bloodstained armchair, but then stopped again, rocking back and forth on their heels.
“Oh mannn, I just don’t know,” they whined, looking down at Castys. After a few more seconds, they bent and scooped him off of his feet faster than he could react, holding him in a bridal carry. “I just don’t know where I want to start with you, you know? There’s so many options…” They were looking him up and down, hugging him close to their chest, their bare skin freezing against his. Castys was tempted to make a suggestion so they’d put him down, but he didn’t really know if there was anywhere he wanted them to, ah, start more than somewhere else.
“Oh, I think I’ll start with your tummy. It’s been a while since I’ve had intestines!” Aleph carried him over to the armchair, settling into it comfortably, shifting their hold on Castys so he was sitting on their lap with his back against their chest, and he couldn’t help but shiver despite his efforts to stay still. Sure, he absolutely didn’t want to be sitting on their lap like this, but he was under a contract now, and he was going to serve his side of it as well as he could so this whole nightmare could proceed as smoothly as something like this ever could.
They twisted the chain attached to his wrists in one hand, pulling up and holding his arms off to the side and out of the way, their other hand teasing the surface of his bare stomach, claws scraping his skin lightly. Just as he was about to yell at them to just do it already, to stop driving up the anticipation, their claws turned inward, plunging into his flesh. Castys screamed at the sudden pain, head arching back against Aleph’s shoulder, eyes wide. They grabbed ahold of something and pulled, tearing the gash in his stomach open wider, and, no, no, he couldn’t look, didn’t want to look, he was already stuck feeling the awful pull at his insides, something sliding out of him through the hole in his abdomen, and the noises, the wet slipping, tearing, sucking, biting, swallowing, Aleph’s hums of pleasure, and their hand just kept going back in, pulling out more and more and more, and he didn’t know how much was left, how much he’d had at the start, but his ears were ringing now, vision fading, t-there was so much blood, it was so hot on his stomach and got colder as it dripped down, leaving him shivering and shuddering against Aleph, their tight grip on him never relaxing, pressing him into their chest, feeling his every twitch, and he couldn’t take it, he wanted to worm out of their grasp and run away, escape this awful, awful moment, but he had to be still, he had to let this happen, had to endure this for Berkeley’s sake, he couldn’t give up now, not when they’d just started, he had to do this, even as something squirted out and landed on his face, even as the ringing got so loud it drowned out the sounds of Aleph eating, even as he got so dizzy he wasn’t sure if they were even holding him anymore, e-even as-as…he was empty inside now, wasn’t he? So that was it then. It was. 
It was.
When Castys came to, he was still on Aleph’s lap, still covered in blood, but his stomach was…no, something felt…wrong. Aleph was giving him a look that he could only call concerningly fascinated. Henceforth, he was very concerned as he looked down to see…ah. Well that was. That was new. That sure was new.
His whole torso was all bloody, and that was expected. Aleph’s hand was resting on his chest, arm drenched in red, little strings of ripped flesh clinging to the surface of their skin, and that was expected. What wasn’t expected were the twisted ropes of intestine erupting from the unbroken skin of his stomach. There wasn’t any pain, everything healed up after he’d died, just the strange, disturbing sensation of…this. 
“This is so fun, look at you!” They grabbed the coils of his intestines, tugging at them gently as they examined them, causing him to wince. “You came back to life just like you said you would, and this makes it so much more interesting. I wasn’t planning on eating any more quite yet, but I feel like just leaving this out here would be a waste…If I kill you again, will that fix it?”
Castys gulped. “I, uh, I think so? This has never happened before, so I think as long as everything’s, um, inside when I die, it should be okay.” 
“Alright. I’ll try to be more careful in the future.” Aleph ruffled his hair with their bloody, gore streaked hand, much to Castys’s dismay. He didn’t mind getting dirty, but having his own blood and guts in his hair was a bit much, even for him. “Sorry, I sorta did that without thinking. I’ll let you get cleaned up after I finish here.” They grabbed the intestines hanging out of his stomach, and Castys winced, looking away as they began eating once more, thankfully not with as much voracity as before, but them going slower was almost…worse, in a way. He wasn’t as distracted by the chaos and the pain and the blood, and he could tell just how much Aleph was…enjoying this. 
But it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter how he felt, what he was going through. It only mattered that he was going to save Berkeley. That made all of this worth it. It was just one week. He could handle it. For Berkeley.
He grew used to it soon enough, or at least as used to having your organs ripped out and eaten as a guy could get. Aleph had two large meals a day, one midmorning and one early evening, but they took plenty in between to save for later, so he spent most of the day sliced open and bleeding. Really, it took so much scrubbing to get the layers of dried blood caked onto his skin off each night, but Aleph insisted he wash off, and, honestly, he felt gross enough that he actually wanted to, which was saying something. Wearing his red swim trunks here had been the best decision he’d ever made, since they cleaned off pretty well. He probably wouldn’t be too traumatized by all this to wear them again. Probably.
He was lying on the table this time, the chain on his wrists secured to some hook or something above his head. His ankles and hips were strapped down, too, but the worst was the one around his fucking neck.
“Sorry, it’s just that I can’t exactly strap down your chest, so this is the best way to keep you still. Try not to choke?” 
“I’ll do my best,” Castys sighed, wincing slightly as he swallowed under the tight leather strap. 
Aleph giggled. “Before we get started, I think we’re going to need my friend’s help with this one.” They stepped away for a moment, and when they returned they were holding…a snake? A big, shiny, purple snake. They held it up proudly. “This is my familiar, Ileum! She’s a real sweetheart, but her venom makes blood clot more quickly, so she’s going to give you a little bite so you don’t die before I’m done with this, okay?”
Castys swallowed, glad this was happening to him, who liked snakes, and not Berkeley. “Uh, okay.” He really didn’t like where this was going if whatever bullshit they were gonna do required him to stay alive longer than a person should, but what could he do? 
Aleph lowered Ileum until she was next to his upper arm, which was also very close to his face. They tapped his bicep. “Right here, girl!” Ileum stared at him for a moment, unblinking, before striking, fangs sinking in and out of his arm so fast it might as well have been an injection. He still flinched, his arm throbbing like he’d been stabbed with a nail. “Good girl,” Aleph cooed, stroking their snake’s head before setting her down on the ground. Shit, had Ileum just been wandering around the whole time he’d been here? He was surprised he’d never seen her. But whatever, he had more important things to focus on right now. Like the fact that he was probably about to get ripped open and gutted like a fish.
Aleph placed a hand on his chest, taking a moment to feel his heartbeat. While Castys didn’t exactly enjoy the feeling of them touching him, he savored his last few moments of not really being in pain before-ah, uh huh, there it was, claws digging into his flesh, tearing away the layer of skin and muscle over the left half of his rib cage. Castys had seen his ribs a lot in the past few days. They looked how you would expect them to look. Rib-y. Aleph wormed a motherfucking crowbar under one of them, and at that moment Castys decided to stare at the bloodstains on the ceiling. Given where he was lying, it was pretty easy to imagine how those got there, all humans ever did in this room was bleed and scream and-
The sound was short, loud, sharp, piercing, nestled in his ears, stabbing through his skull, the nonexistent echoes nearly drowning out the sound of the cries humming in his throat, the leather tight over his neck making him all-too aware of them.
There was pain, too, of course there was pain, sharp and bright and suffocating, and now there was pressure again, the next rib being strained until it snapped, causing him to jerk against the straps, and it was all he could do to keep breathing as his vision started to darken, but unconsciousness wasn’t coming for him, no, just a haze of dizziness punctuated by the loud snap of his bones breaking, all the pain blending together until it was all unrecognizable and painful and awful and very very painful-
“Aw, come on, Castys, look at this!” Aleph’s hand curled in his hair, jerking his head up, pressing his throat into the strap over it so hard he could barely breathe. They tore through a thin film over his organs with a claw like they were unwrapping a Christmas present before carefully pawing his lung aside, better exposing his beating heart. Castys had never seen his heart before, or planned on seeing it, or wanted to see it, but there it was, stupidly still beating even after all of this. “It’s so cool to see it going like that, huh?” Castys let out a choked gasp in response, and that seemed to be enough for Aleph, who let go of his hair, his head thunking back against the table. “I’m gonna drink from it!”
Castys didn’t really register what that meant until they were on top of him, straddling his waist, tossing away the last few pieces of splintered bone before lowering their mouth to his heart, giggling as its frantic beats brushed against their lips.
And then gently, tenderly, they bit down.
Thump thump
Their teeth only went in a little, not enough to kill, as much as Castys wished they would.
Thump thump thump thump
They sat like that for a moment, the throbbing muscle massaging their tongue, fresh, hot blood gushing directly into their mouth.
Thump thump thumpthump
Castys only now started screaming, but not because he could feel anything.
He didn’t notice the pain anymore, really.
There was only the figure crouched on top of him, their face in his chest cavity.
He was so, so grateful when they bit down harder and everything cut to black.
Somehow, he woke up without any noticeable fuckery going on with his ribs, which was cool. Aleph was sitting up now, a mass of…oh, it was the remnants of his heart still in their hand. They must have torn it out before his chest closed up, meaning the one beating inside him now was…not the one he’d been born with. A drop of fresh blood fell from the ceiling and landed on his face, and he switched to gazing at the new constellations he’d added up there while Aleph finished eating. 
That had definitely been one of the worst Anythings of his life, but if he had to do it again for Berkeley’s sake, he would.
 In a heartbeat.
Castys Cult: @as-a-matter-of-whump​ @blackrosesandwhump​ @fanmanga1357-blog​​ @thehopelessopus​ @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi​ @hearse-song​ @muddy-swamp-bitch @whumpasaurus101 @yet-another-heathen​​ @galaxywhump​ @starnight-whump​ @his-unspoken-words​ @misspelledwitch​ @suspicious-whumping-egg​ @pumpkin-spice-whump​ @painsandconfusion​ @i-can-even-burn-salad​​ @befuddled-calico-whump​ @whumpinggrounds​ @whump-queen​
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Hey THG fans thanks to somone else on here (I'm so sorry but I can't remember the name of your blog) I've kind of become obsessed with making book accurate (or as close as I can get) picrews of Hunger Games characters & now that I'm done with Katniss & Peeta I wanted to show you all some other characters I've been working on. This is my interpretation of Delly Cartwright.
At school
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In regular clothes
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On Reaping Day
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In District 13
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#the hunger games#thg#mockingjay#mj#delly cartwright#picrew#the hunger games picrew#thg picrew#mockingjay picrew#mj picrew#delly cartwright picrew#i know most people draw her with blue eyes because she dosn't come from the seam but tbh i think it's pretty unrealistic that every single#person in town would have blue eyes#like yeah they're white but the dna for blue eyes is still rare#also i personal find it makes the towns people kind of visually boring after a while as they start to look a bit clone like#i added freckles because for some reason she just gave me a freckled girl vibe#i originally created her with short hair & i actually think she looked even better like that but looking at the wiki it seems that#canonically her hair is long#and i know me giving her brown eyes & freckles was already pushing it wether people would recognise who she was supposed to be#i also made sure to make her bigger then madge because katniss dose describe her as “having weight to spare”#though in the context of the story she probably wouldn't actually seem all that big to us#i gave her curls because thats how katniss describes her usual hairstyle in mj#and as another way to differentiate between her & madge#which is also why i made sure that while both blonde their hair are different shades#i think she came out really cute#& i hope you like her#as much as i do#also i changed the shape of her face when she's in the d13 because katniss mentions how being orphand made her loose some weight#lastly i made sure she was smiling in almost every image because katniss describes that as one of her most defining traits
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the-starry-seas · 4 months
okay so I realised that Kit didn't just spawn out of thin air, Minecraft style, so... he has a squad, now
Lucky, CT-7773, is horrendously afraid of droids 😔 Kit said they should call him Lucky due to this fear, because droids couldn't kill a guy named Lucky, that just wouldn't be fair. (It didn't help quite as much as Kit thought it would, but Lucky knew that Kit was trying and is very fond of him for it.) He was supposed to be decommissioned because of his autoimmune issues, but ended up being added to the support staff on Kamino. It's hard on him, physically, but he much prefers that over having to be a soldier and deal with droids. In addition to rheumatoid arthritis and hearing loss, he's semi-verbal and has social anxiety and rejection sensitivity. He got the scar on his face on his very first day of training against droids because he froze up and it stabbed him. Secretly, he wants to be a novelist, but he's never tried to write anything because he's convinced he wouldn't be any good at it, so he shouldn't even try. He fidgets with things when he's nervous and has a tangle toy that helps soothe him sometimes.
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Shrike, CT-9382 is a medic, and a pretty good one. He's also very open about what his name means, and people tend to be a little unnerved about that. People also tend to mistake him for being callous because he doesn't beat himself up when he can't save a brother - they were made to be killed, so why freak out when one dies a little earlier than the rest? He does care, and he'll put himself in harm's way to save a brother he thinks actually has a shot at living, but he prefers to save expressions of care for when they'll actually do some good. He's an excellent shot with a sniper rifle and sometimes deployed to get a few shots off before the battle turns serious enough for a medic to be needed. He likes video games and enables a billion cheats and mods to be able to do whatever he wants. He's also an unexpectedly good fighter with a sword, not that that's generally a useful skill. He got his ears pierced at the same time as Carno but decided to keep his hair short for easy maintenance instead of going through the trouble of growing it out. He gets jaig eyes for cold-cocking a BX droid to protect an injured brother, and also breaks two fingers doing it.
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Carno, CT-5042, is here for the thrill of the kill. He's highly armed, highly dangerous, and enjoying every minute of it. His preferred type of combat is sneaking around a battlefield to quietly take out most of his enemies before mauling the rest in a brute force assault. He was hand-picked for ARC training before he finished the basic courses but was reluctant to leave his batchmates out of concern that Lucky would be decommissioned. He was the first to leave their squad to be deployed elsewhere, with a squad of other ARCs. Loyal to his new squad, of course, but if his batchmates needed him, whether Lucky was in danger or not, he'd be back on Kamino before anyone realised he was gone. He promised that to them before he left, and he meant it. Being the star of his squad by far, he's a bit cocky, and is under the impression that nothing can pose a threat to him - and also that he doesn't have anything else to learn from the older clones in his squad because he's won every one of the many fights he's started. Outside of combat, he has a confident, casual, laid-back Han Solo sort of attitude that makes him a rather polarising figure. People either admire him, or really want to knock his block off. He's half an inch shorter than the others and braids his hair when wearing his helmet. His scar is from the only time an enemy got the drop on him. Medics were with him immediately, but he insisted on keeping it instead of letting them completely heal the injury.
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eye-of-yelough · 5 months
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his ass is NOT having a good day. -> picrew
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butnobodyhome · 8 months
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He’s the best there is at what he does and what he does is pretend the joint is a cigar
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straydogged · 6 months
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look at my picrew boy
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smile-files · 1 year
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(click image for better quality!!) golly i love thinking about clover's hair... i imagine she has really voluminous wavy strawberry blonde hair that she dyes green and wears in many cute hairstyles!! :D
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jellyfishvibes · 4 months
Update, I've fallen far enough into insanity that i've begun watching kh cutscene movies while doing this, my brain is boiling down into a concentrated kh sludge
Bad news i found while procrastinating taking a break, i don't think there is a full collection of ripped pieces of the spirit pets from the pet customizer, the most i have found is the ye olde update posts from @luxenvulpies that have high res promo/banner art of the new pet part reward pulls as they came out, i don't know exactly how much of the total pet part pieces art there but ill jerry rig what i can
The most annoying part is using roboloids site has spoiled me by giving me each part isolated and in order, these are flattened images of a pet wearing the full outfit so ill have to manually edit them to separate out all the pieces again
Grumble grumble grumble
If anyone knows someone who has the isolated pet part assets please send me their way
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kk7-rbs · 9 months
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Tagged in a picrew chain game by @void-botanist !! The intention was for people to make themselves but I cheated and made 2 of my ocs instead because uh. Brainworms. So yeah here's Flipside Croix and Ricardo.. for the second time today LMAO. Tbh this is more accurate than the bg3 versions
Tagging uhhh @multi-lefaiye @athenswrites @bluberimufim but also it's an open tag
Picrew link
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