#ada rambles
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adamoose-art · 2 months ago
Isat Doodle Dump #2!
I've been excited to share this page for so long!
Minor Act 3 and 4 spoilers, (accidental) Act 6 spoiler (below the cut)
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Click through for close ups of some of my favorites on this page! Doodles with text on them have alt text in case it's hard to read.
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(accidental) two hats spoiler under cut
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By the time I got to act 4 I had my theories, and this seemed so funny.
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trixytheunicorn · 3 days ago
Currently in a production of Into the Woods and the isat brainrot has wormed itself into the themes of this show for me
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merriclo · 4 months ago
something something, the fact that Dazai despises dogs and yet is so insistent on Chuuya being one.
he isn’t wrong: of all the animals out there, Chuuya has the traits so stereotypical of a mutt. he was always one, i think, from the moment he was experimented on. and if he wasn’t under Dr. N’s rancid hands, then he surely was once the Sheep got a hold of him. sure, he was called the King of the Sheep, but what is that other than their herding dog? a shepherd so loyal to his flock, that even when a blade got buried in his abdomen he still cared for them. in the manga, it’s implied that his choker is the Sheep’s signature bracelet repurposed. he moved it from one pulse point to another, changed it from the sign of belonging to a crowd to the sign of defending one with a bloody maw. it’s a collar now, strung tight.
it’s explicitly stated that Chuuya will forever care about others, no matter how much they have hurt him. in his heart, there will always be a place for those who have done nothing but mutilate his life. a kicked dog whose tail still wags.
and. Dazai hates dogs.
genuinely, he’s disgusted by them. he takes every chance to mock or insult them. yet, he immediately became so fixated on calling Chuuya his dog, framing him as this portrait of unending loyalty, littered with wounds and stained with viscera. Chuuya becomes the one Dazai trusts the most in his current world, so much so that four years apart doesn’t change a thing. they’re back at each other’s side, lives immediately in the other’s hands; one soul, two bodies. the ends of a dichotomy that hides an endless spectrum within.
within hours of meeting, Dazai had decided that Chuuya was a dog, a mutt. he has yet to be proven wrong, and he has yet to truly hate him. something something
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trixytheunicorn · 2 years ago
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muzetrigger · 3 months ago
In celebration of Nevermore S2, I feel the need to explain why I’m hoping for more Ada page time/development and why she’s my absolute favorite character, despite the series being absolutely stuffed with quality.
Oh and also why MorellAda is peak. I WILL TAKE NO ARGUMENTS ON THIS POINT.
Okay, so when we’re first introduced Ada, she’s a minor antagonist, not just in the sense that she’s not the main villain, but that literally, she’s just kind of an annoyance to both Lenore and Prospero. That being said, shortly after the Labyrinth arc, we see her genuinely impressed with Lenore and trying to make amends.
Now at that point, there’s no real reason for us to believe that Ada is telling the truth. Yeah, she seems like she’s being genuine, but so far, we also know that she’s been playing some social games to get ahead.
That’s where we get this first piece of insight into her character (not actually the first piece but whatever):
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Ada chooses caviar as her last meal, despite not liking it, or ever having had it before. She is the only student who doesn’t enjoy her final meal, and that tells us that one, Ada doesn’t know what’s good for her; two, that she probably comes from a lower class background that never would have had access to caviar; and three, that she aspires to that upper class position. She is exactly what Morella would call a “phony” but while her phoniness impacts her social behavior in the ways that Morella criticizes, she’s also lying to herself without even realizing it.
Okay, but that’s a bit of subtle character development, so Red and Flynn hit us with this:
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(In case you didn’t hate Montressor already)
This moment is so critical to understanding Ada because it shows that she has absolutely no limits when it comes to proving her worth to other people. Why? Because Ada has no sense of self-worth. She is completely dependent on other people’s thoughts to feel adequate. That’s why she clings so hard to Prospero and Annabel Lee, which makes this preceding exchange even more brutal.
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Ada reaches out to Annabel for support, and Annabel ignores her.
Annabel BETRAYS her, and this is going to become something of a running theme for Ada.
Now, of course, Annabel has problems, but this is COLD.
So cold even Prospero is surprised, and this sets up why Ada crumbles so easily, because the one person she thought was her friend at this school, literally her roommate (and we know what happens when you’re not on good terms with your roommate), the person who gave her (fake) love advice, just left her out in the rain.
No one is on her side, not Annabel who’s ignoring her, not Prospero (who is rightly) annoyed with her clinginess, not Will who is supporting Montresor, and certainly not Montresor who is verbally abusing her.
The only person by Ada’s side is Morella, partly because she’s being targeted too, but also because Morella is trying to protect Ada.
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(Look at that hug. That is a small puppy trying to cheer up her depressed friend.)
Chapter 39-40 firmly cemented Ada as my favorite character because we get a deconstruction of this preppy, pompous, phony personality into someone with crippling self-worth issues, and I don’t know about anyone else, but I relate HARD to those feelings of inadequacy and needing external validation. Will might be the doppelgänger, but Ada is the one with Imposter Syndrome.
Anyway, now we’re going to have to skip a few chapters, because while the haunted house arc is great, it doesn’t really do much with Ada’s character. We do learn that Ada was almost definitely a servant in her past life because she’s able to navigate the house’s secret passages, and we learn that yes, she’s a romantic who clearly doesn’t understand TPO (time, place, and occasion).
Those details are important to understanding Ada, because they help contextualize why her confidence is so abysmal (servants aren’t to be seen or heard) and why she clings so strongly to ideas of ladyhood and romance (the women she served would certainly have appeared to be more comfortable than her, though I’m sure Lenore and Annabel would disagree).
We also get this feast for the MorellAda shippers:
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At this point, it’s implied that Morella has stonewalled dozens of students into Prospero’s death trap, but she makes one exception that she will not stand for, and it’s Ada.
At first, I thought this was a little weird, because why wouldn’t Morella protect Lenore? I mean, she’s the protagonist and clearly treats Morella better, but looking back, it’s telling that Ada is the one who Morella chooses.
Morella’s whole deal is that she wants to protect people, and Lenore isn’t vulnerable, Ada is.
Red and Flynn do a lot of excellent foil work in Nevermore, most prominently with Lenore and Annabel, but the contrast between Ada’s dependence on what other people think of her and Morella’s dependence on what she can do for other people is just another reason why I think MorellAda is so good.
But the real interesting events happen post-house.
Prospero has had it.
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Now, was Ada being clingy? Yes.
Was she being totally oblivious to all of Prospero’s signals? Yes.
Did she deserve to be told directly that Prospero was just not that into her? Hell. Yes.
But did she deserve THAT much of a verbal beat down? Probably not, especially keeping in mind that Annabel told her this:
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So now that I’ve thrown Annabel under the bus for her hand in this disaster, I want to look at one line from Prospero in particular:
“Nothing you say will make you good enough.”
It’s not the final line of Prospero’s diatribe, but it’s definitely the one that hits the hardest for Ada. She is trying SO hard to play the part of a lady in order to be loved, and she is being told that at a fundamental level, she is inadequate.
And she takes that about as well as someone who’s had this happen to them could:
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A hatchet to the stomach’s going to ruin anyone’s day, but we can reasonably infer that the person who axe’d Ada was probably the young master she was serving and was having an affair with, and that he aimed for her stomach to abort any kind of child she might have carried.
Again, we see this theme of betrayal and rejection. Ada might not have been able to be a lady, but in an affair, she might been able to pretend that she genuinely had her master’s affection, even though she was just there at his convenience.
This was foreshadowed all the way back with Ada’s first confrontation with Montressor and it’s a great example of how thoroughly planned Red and Flynn’s writing is (Annabel Lee’s panic attack at Lenore’s death in the Labyrinth and the House Fire is another amazing example).
But, it’s also super traumatic which means we finally get Ada’s Spectre!
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First, let me gush about how AMAZING this design is. Just aesthetically, it’s great. But it’s also amazing because of how it showcases so much of Ada’s identity. If you look at the spectre’s skirt, you’ll notice it has two distinct parts, a larger back that mimics a lady’s hoop skirt, and a pleated miniskirt, which wouldn’t be out of place in a skimpy maid costume. In her spectre form, we can clearly see Ada attempting to match a lady’s silhouette but upon closer inspection, we can also see the part of Ada that might have sparked her fatal affair, this symbol of risqué servantile behavior.
It’s also worth mentioning what ISN’T in the Banshee’s design, her abdomen. Obviously, this might be a reference to the fact that she was killed by a hatchet to the gut, but if we get dark with it (and it’s Nevermore, we can’t not get dark with it), what men traditionally (and unfortunately still do if the 2024 US elections are anything to go by…) value in a woman, her reproductive ability, is absent.
Ada, who places so much importance on what others think of her, is literally is worthless to them. (I want to clarify, I DON’T personally believe that, but from a 19th-20th century male perspective, that tracks.)
We could also read her abdomen’s absence as another attempt for Ada to play into feminine expectations. Because she’s missing her stomach, she has a tight hourglass figure. I don’t personally believe Ada has an eating disorder, but as the last dinner scene clearly indicates, she has a complicated relationship with food and what stigmas are attached to specific cuisines, and unfortunately many people do metaphorically throw away their stomachs to pursue beauty goals like Ada’s spectre does literally.
Stepping away from design, I also love how Ada acts immediately after getting the slightest bit of power.
She is PETTY.
She taunts Prospero (and let’s face it, you cheered. Don’t lie to me!), which I find so interesting because suddenly, Ada is the one giving opinions.
Ada is finally allowed to express herself.
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Here, she takes it out on Annabel, which makes total sense. Annabel abandoned her and is the embodiment of what Ada craves outwardly. But Ada also recognizes that she herself is a servant who was forced to serve people like Annabel and denied their comforts because of her status. If Ada hadn’t been a maid, if maybe she had been a noble or a “true lady”, maybe should would have been allowed a romance or allowed to keep her child or at least allowed to live.
The Banshee is such a perfect moment, because until this scene, Ada has bottled up her insecurities and played the part of a loyal lackey and been this “phony”. As a servant, her entire livelihood would have revolved around keeping up appearances (or disappearances) around her masters, but as a ghost, Ada is more genuine than she has ever been.
And that’s so wonderfully displayed by how Annabel defuses the situation:
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To the very end, we see Ada being vulnerable. Annabel takes advantage of her insecurities, and as the Banshee, Ada doesn’t try to hide the fact that it devastates her.
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If the Montressor moment didn’t guarantee a place in my heart for Ada, Episode 71 definitely did. I’m not going to argue that characters in Nevermore haven’t experienced worse, but I will argue that no character in season one ever gets close to how pathetic and distraught Ada is here.
And what’s so heart-wrenching about this for me is that Ada is aware of how pathetic she is. She knows she’s been acting like an idiot and throwing a tantrum like a child, which is a surprising amount of insight and maturity for someone we have been led to believe is quite frankly an idiot. And yeah, I relate to those feelings of self-loathing and not knowing what to do or even where to start triaging a disaster I made myself.
Now, Montressor takes advantage of this like the abuser he is by swooping in and wooing Ada, but before that, I’m going to rewind like the shipper I am to replay this:
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Again, we see Morella trying to help Ada! And obviously, that’s not what Ada needs at that moment, but it’s worth keeping in mind that out of everyone in the lecture hall then, Morella is the first and really only one to reach out to Ada. (Montressor is a manipulator. He doesn’t count.)
Last time skip, I promise!
The end of the Wall arc doesn’t quite reach the highs (or is it lows?) of Ada’s character development, but I’m so excited for what it sets up in season two.
So, Lenore and the gang find where Montressor has Cask of Amantillado’d Duke and they dig their favorite French man out while beating the shit out of our cowboy(?). There’s a ton of great moments (hell yeah, Pluto! Get him!) but the battle really swings in the misfits’ favor when Duke hypnotizes Ada to traumatize Montresor.
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One, this is just an amazing display of Duke’s spectre, two, it shows that Montressor has reasons (maybe not great reasons but at least they’re reasons) for being such an asshole, and three, it shows us that mental spectre powers are straight up busted.
We already knew from Prospero that Ada’s fear factor could trap a person inside a vision of their own trauma so realistic they can feel the physical effects of it, but she can also send a man with a broken Fibula into a full blown frenzy, AND Duke’s hypnosis is something even he can’t dispel.
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(Does this look like the face of a man who has things under control?)
It also sets up this exchange:
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Morella is able to break through Duke’s hypnosis, and she does it without attacking Ada’s insecurities like Annabel did. Now, I’m a hopeless MorellAda shipper, so of course I reading into this, but even then, it showcases how important Morella is to Ada. After all, Morella is basically the only person who has stuck by Ada’s side this whole time.
…At least until this happens:
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Morella has had enough of Ada’s excuses, and just like Prospero basically tells her to shove off.
But the painfully ironic part about this is, Ada is telling the truth. This ONE time, it really isn’t her fault. It’s Duke’s.
But Morella won’t let her get a word in and I love how Flynn drew Ada’s face. It’s a different kind of fear than when Ada was groveling in front of Montresor or reeling from Prospero’s rejection. Here, she isn’t afraid of being abandoned by Morella; she’s afraid of losing Morella.
I know that difference might sound REALLY contrived to some people, but in this case, Ada has a way to keep Morella in her life that doesn’t involve debasing herself and believes that Morella will listen to her. For the first time ever, Ada thinks she has a little control over the situation together with a friend, not an enemy. They can talk things out, and that really shows how close her connection with Morella is and how that connection can be the catalyst for Ada to start developing some self-respect.
Except Morella totally shuts her down.
Of course, I’m disappointed that there’s this “divorce arc” but it makes sense in context and it’s healthier for Morella to make a clean break from the posh crew (even though Ada clearly needs her wife more than ever, like come on, don’t leave her in Monstresor’s clutches!)
Speaking of which, I’m much more disappointed with how Ada immediately crawls back to Montresor and Annabel after being chastised. If there’s one thing I have on my season two checklist, it’s Ada learning to have some confidence in herself (and maybe tossing Montresor to the Hunt).
And I really want an apology from Morella and Duke to Ada. Now THAT’S delusional, and I might be the only one who thinks Ada deserves those apologies, because let’s face it, Ada is a wreck, but it would be nice, especially if she gives out the several dozen apologies she owes the misfit crew too, so that she can hang with them and spend more time with her wife Morella.
Anyway, yeah.
I really like Nevermore.
And I really like Ada. I think she’s severely underrated.
Of course I love Lenore and Annabel, and Morella is a precious and badass cinnamon roll, and Duke is so SO cool, and Pluto is cute as hell, and Eulalie is basically manga-Orihime (which is amazing), but there’s something so HUMAN about Ada.
I empathize with her in ways that I just can’t with the rest of the cast because… they’re just too awesome. I have difficulty believing Lenore or Annabel will ever feel something as fundamentally devastating as Ada has. At their core, they’re just stronger people. Ada is someone who needs more support and it’s nice to see those weaker characters treated with the same amount of care as a protagonist who we typically see stumble a lot but ultimately succeed. With side characters, there’s a genuine chance that they fail permanently and that adds so much to Ada’s stakes.
And honestly? I’ll say it. I think a lot of the students had alright lives or even good lives, they just happened to be cut short traumatically. Exceptions for Lenore (obviously) and Pluto (baby, you deserved so much better than your deadbeat dad), possibly Eulalie for having to live through WWII, but you’re not going to tell me that Montresor didn’t have a good run being awful, Duke didn’t have a successful performance career, and Prospero wasn’t a wealthy bastard. But who knows? We haven’t delved too much into the others’ backstories, so I could be very wrong.
Anyway, I guess this was just a very long-winded way of me saying I love Ada because I’m a total girl-failure and also I’m super excited for season two.
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lazyflower48 · 1 year ago
Dazai and Ranpo: The Two Geniuses of the ADA
The thought about making a post about Dazai and Ranpo's teamwork has been plaguing my mind for a while now, and so I finally found some time and decided to go through with it.
So let's talk about one of my favourite underrated duos for a moment. The two geniuses of the ADA- Dazai and Ranpo. Two people who make a wonderful team and are actually, in my opinion, the backbone of the agency.
What I find interesting is that (though I believe that Dazai respects and admires all members of the ADA) Dazai openly admires Ranpo A LOT. He's always quick to praise Ranpo (basically fanboying over him and it's quite adorable to see Dazai gush over someone like that other than Oda) and in 'Dazai's Entrance Exam' we see him being surprised over the fact that Ranpo's ability is not actually an ability and we see him further praise Ranpo's intellect after finding that out.
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Despite the fact that Dazai is a huge mystery, even to the people around him, Ranpo figured out that there was something up with Dazai in just a single glance (in 'Dazai's entrance exam'). And despite knowing that Dazai was probably hiding a sinister past, he didn't press him any further for details (probably in order to respect his privacy or his wish to not disclose his past OR maybe due to the the fact that knowing Dazai, he most likely wouldn't answer truthfully even if questioned about it)
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What I also love is that even though both of them are extremely intelligent, their intellect differs in such a way that Ranpo is a master of deduction and Dazai is a master of manipulation (as stated by Kunikida in 'The Daily Routine of the Detective Agency'). However, one thing both of them share in common is that they both felt isolated due to their nature.
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They may have limited interactions but their interactions are always my favourite, for instance-
1. Dazai's entrance exam - Dazai's admiration and respect towards Ranpo
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2. Season 1 - Murder on D-Street - Dazai showing a good understanding of Ranpo's deduction process and acknowledging that Ranpo caught onto more details than him
3. Season 2 - "Mountains or sea?" " Sea. "
Showing their unspoken communication. They can read each other's minds at this point lol.
4. Season 3 - Ranpo basically acknowledging that Dazai would be a tough opponent to go up against by comparing Fyodor to him (sort of praising his intellect in a way)
5. Season 5 - The Strongest Man in the Agency- Ranpo
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Dazai keeping an eye on Fyodor while leaving the rest to Ranpo
Dazai relying on his allies- trusting Ranpo to negotiate with Bram in order to undo the vampire curse.
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6. Dead Apple - Ranpo seeing through Dazai's plan beforehand.
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7. 55 minutes - Seeing through upcoming events beforehand, one thing Dazai made sure was to inform Ranpo about the whole fiasco on Standard Island in order to save the Agency in the end.
Also, sidenote: I found out that the Dazai and Ranpo duo is named Souheki, which translates to double jade. Now, I'm not sure if this information is fanon or canon (feels more like fanon tbh but I really like it because it's a pretty name)
Anyway, one thing we can say for sure is that as long as the two geniuses of the Agency- Souheki work together, the ADA will most likely remain undefeated cause no one really does it like them
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Lastly, just some food for thought. I've always wondered how Dazai would react if he found out that Ranpo met Oda TWICE and the second time he met him was right before Oda went on to his certain death.
Honestly, I would LOVE to see more fleshed out and direct interactions between these two.
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akuma-tenshi · 1 year ago
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coa fans how're we feeling
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synnthamonsugar · 1 month ago
if you're drawing ada-1 or mara sov with anything more than an a cup you're wrong
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66stitches · 26 days ago
I only started playing resident evil for the hot women
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cookiescr · 1 month ago
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Never experienced the era of crack shipping and manips back in the early 2010s so I'm trying it now
Adyor 🥰💕💕
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adamoose-art · 2 months ago
Someone reblogged my change god statue sketch with "#digital", and it makes me laugh whenever I think of it because I didn't realize it could even be perceived as digital. It's a photo of a wee sketch and I dunno I feel like I've successfully tricked somebody lol
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trixytheunicorn · 2 months ago
Ordered samosas at a restaurant tonight because of isat! Was not disappointed. They were So Soft.
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starsonablackboard · 2 months ago
i met up with my friends today to (amongst other things) exchange new year's gifts and my best friend MADE ME A LAMB FIGURINE. HERSELF. WITH HER BEAUTIFUL SKILLED HANDS
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the face sculpt, the wool, the cleanest fucking ever edges of the fleece, the bell, im not joking when im saying i screamed when I caught a glimpse of it inside the gift bag. and then continued screaming
it's so fucking pretty thank you @sriibble for validating my hyperfixations <3333 love you to death
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breadbartz · 20 days ago
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some expressions!! ^_^...
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edelgardism · 17 days ago
hyperfixating on a piece of media from five years ago with a dead fandom someone save me
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portraitsofguilt · 10 months ago
little nothing about lawyer!ada wong buying lingerie for her darling, assistant! reader
cw ; 18+ minors dni, suggestive content, female-bodied reader, age-gap, lingerie, workplace relationship, touching
the prettiest sets, each day a new and different one for her most beautiful darling. always placed on your desk or chair outside her office, they were carefully wrapped to avoid raising suspicions about what she constantly surprised you with. not that she minded that her clients would stare a second too long at the package, just fed her need to let everyone subtle know that you were someone's, that you were taken.
she loved watching you open them later that day when the two of you got home, watch you strip and put it on, spin around in it, and hear you say how beautiful you felt.
and you always looked so pretty for her.
ada has you wear the new sets the next day, the whole day, so when she calls you into her office and asks you to sit on her lap, she can admire your gorgeous chest in her present by tugging some of the buttons open on your shirt. the pad of her index finger slowly running down on your sternum, her finger slowly turning until her nail was digging into your skin and caught in your bra.
"have i told you how pretty you look for me today, hm?"
oh and when it's finally the end of the day, when papers are not delivered and the office is quiet, her hand would slip up your thigh, up under your skirt, or dig past the hem of your pants, to hook the panties onto her fingers and playfully snap them back on your skin a few times.
"what if i take you right here, yeah? bend you over the desk, ruin these pretty panties..." ada's nose rubs against your neck, taking in the scent of your perfume, wetting her lips and placing sloppy kisses over your soft spot.
it always happens, her indulging in looking and touching but not doing anything, not until you ask for it which she knows you wouldn't- all too worried about being professional and keeping a good image. it's the sweetest time she has in a day, watching you struggle with the whispers, and her eyes watching you, both of you knowing that she is thinking about the lingerie under your clothes.
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