#ace deer noises
shootinwebs · 6 months
imagine how satisfying it would be for alastor to reject vox by saying "it's not because i'm asexual or aromantic, it's because i don't like you" and that being the best thing he got out of coming out
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weebsinstash · 7 months
Yandere romantic Alastor Vs Yandere platonic Lucifer and Charlie??? 🥺
I just wanna say the first thing that popped into my head was, Charlie and Lucifer are having an emergency "oh my fucking gosh we can't let them date alastor" meeting
Charlie: ok... ok... I love all of my friends and, and I trust them, and they're good people!! But... I don't want ALASTOR OF ALL PEOPLE, D A T I N G MY-
Lucifer: I don't even want to THINK about what kind of, PERVERTED DEPRAVED SEXUAL ACTS that creepy black toothed hack will want to do!!
Alastor, poking his head through the doorway, ascending slide whistle noise: oh I don't believe you'd have to worry about anything like that *exits room, slide whistle descending*
*resounding 'oh yeah, that's right' from both Morningstars before they call after him that he's STILL not allowed to date you*
No but actually, I started thinking about platonic yandere Alastor vs romantic yandere Lucifer because... just picture it
I am absolutely convinced Lucifer could get a Sinner pregnant if he TRULY wanted to and just, I'm picturing Lucifer looking all around the Hotel for you, not being able to find you, and he calls Charlie who says that you're with her and Alastor in the Cannibal District and, Lucifer is walking up to join you guys and you're talking to a cannibal woman, holding her baby, "aww, yeah, I was kinda starting to think about kids and stuff when i was alive, but uh, guess it's too late for that now, huh?" and you're looking kind of sad and, looking down cooing at the chubby little hellborn baby you're holding and Alastor just *record scratch noise* as he realizes Lucifer is looking at you holding that baby with the most sappy, sentimental, LONGING look in his eyes, Alastor catches this man YEARNING, he is slipping up on main, and Alastor CAN'T STAND THIS SHIT
Like picture from Alastor's perspective, whether you're picturing him as ace or sex repulsed or otherwise, he's platonic for you and someone he considers an enemy not only wants you for themselves, not only wants to stick their gross dick in you, but he wants to IMPREGNATE YOU? Alastor will hide your ass away before he lets that kind of shit happen. Bull SHIT will he let Lucifer put some sort of blonde rosy cheeked hellspawn in your belly!
Charlie just wants everyone to get along but both of these men are ready to have angry straight up fucking musical numbers fighting over you, 🎵"wouldn't you rather have your deer-est friend?" "wouldn't you rather have the king of the end?"🎵 like for real everyone is so fucking overdramatic here, you're being twirled around and pulled between everyone and goddamn if this is how it's gonna be, maybe you'll run off to the Vees or even HEAVEN to get away from this. I'm sure ADAM would appreciate the chance to steal LUCIFER'S woman for once
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kittykatthatbitesback · 6 months
Hey! I love your beach head canons, and I would love to see your take on the Hazbin Hotel characters on a road trip/maybe a trip to a theme park? I feel like that would be cute lol.
Yes of course! This sounds so fun but I decided to make it a road trip to wherever the reader decides (Theme park, wherever)! This actually works perfectly as a prequel/sequel to my Beach Trip! Headcanons I've posted. Hope you enjoy!
Hazbin Hotel Road Trip! Headcanons
Characters: Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, Angeldust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Vox, Lucifer, Adam, and Cherri Bomb
Charlie 🐐🫶
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Originally wanted to be the one to drive, but Vaggie figured her inclination to be distracted by anything on the side of the road would cause everyone to crash, so Vaggie refused to let her drive at any point
Doesn’t even have her license so she wouldn’t be able to drive anyways so
“Ugh fine! Well, then, I call shotgun!!”
Went from Princess of Hell to passenger princess hehe
Was upset at not driving but got over it quickly as realizing she enjoys the view more than driving
“Oh my gosh look at those deer! Wait there’s more over there! Wait. Did we just drive past the rest area, I need to pee again!!”
Constantly nags the driver by chitchatting to them, regardless if they’re listening
A bad habit of hers is playfully hitting others when Charlie talks, but she forgets to not do this when driving
A couple of minor accidents nearly occur but she is unfazed
Is so pumped and asks to stop and look at any roadside attraction
It begins to become a bit annoying after a while
Vaggie ❌🥀
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Is the one who drives for the most part on this road trip
Is a bit grumbly because she was woken up so early by an eager Charlie to go on this trip and needs her beauty sleep
Is the only one who can handle Charlie’s constant nagging and pushing, and is also the only one with a license out of the whole group, so logically the ex-Angel is the one who drives
Only pays attention to the road and not Charlie unfortunately for maximum safety
Is sipping on a large Circle K cup that she filled with Monster Energy prior to the trip
This just barely wakes her enough to watch the road
Has a bit of road rage but these guys are from Hell, what can you expect
Refuses to waste gas so only stops for gas when the car is literally empty
Empty like everyone else had to get out of the car and push it to the nearest gas station that was three miles away, empty
“Come on guys, we’re almost there.” She’ll say smugly sipping her Monster from within the car in the AC
Alastor 🦌📻
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Was invited on this road trip, but ended up driving on his own to their destination
Yes, he doesn’t have a license, but he’s the Radio Demon he does what he pleases
Mainly decided to drive separately so that he could listen to his radio in peace without complaints or extra unnecessary noise
Is listening to jazz, and keeps on repeating the songs: “Fly Me to the Moon” and “Sing, Sing, Sing”
Also prefers to be alone, he vibes better that way and is more in his element
Drives the coolest, red, vintage pick up truck ever
All the girls and guys at the stop lights are just fawning over him but the Radio Demon can’t see anything past the road in his shades
Drives super fast and only stops for gas, which considering the age of his truck, ends up happening often
Angeldust 🕷️❤️‍🔥
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Wanted to get one of those party buses with the strip poles inside but now has to make do with the crew’s giant van
Enough space to do lines of coke so it’s okay
Obviously snuck in drugs and alcohol, this is a given, it’s Angeldust come on
“I call aux!!” and plays his playlist titled Cunty B*tch
It’s a bunch of Ayesha Erotica, Kesha, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, etc.
Screams all of the songs at the top of his lungs while hanging out of the window
Husk has to pull him inside but he’s just having the time of his life
Loud as Hell but provides the entertainment, and Vaggie appreciates his music taste
Has to get Vaggie to pull over and proceeds to violently throw up all the alcohol he chugged earlier on the side of the highway as Cherri films laughing from inside the van
Immediately falls asleep after this embarrassing moment as the aftermath of his “fun” takes a toll on him
Husk 🐈‍⬛🥃
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Was planning to catch up on missed hours of sleep by dozing through this entire trip, but Angeldust made this quite hard
Is wrapped up in a blanket, eye mask on, earplugs in, headphones on, neck pillow propped, and stuffed toy snuggled (HE SLEEPS WITH A STUFFED TOY OMG)
It’s a miniature Pegasus he named after his favorite drink: Whiskey
Angeldust, Cherri, and Adam won’t stop making fun of him the entire trip
This, plus Angeldust’s music, Charlie’s nonstop talking causes Husk to EXPLODE
But his geared-up sleep ware makes him look a bit goofy as he shouts this, so everyone instead bursts out laughing
The feline just grumbles to himself as he decides to just stare out the window depressingly for the rest of the ride
Gets bored and ends up practicing Poker and Solitaire with the cards he brought
Is also keeping an eye on Angeldust who at first was off the wall
Once Angeldust passes out, Husk covers him with his blanket so he’s not cold (aww)
Sir Pentious 🐍🥚
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Actually was the one who designed and crafted the van
The original van wasn’t big enough for the whole crew after Cherri decided to join in last minute, so of course the snake is going to build an ENTIRE new vehicle for his Cherri Bomb <3
Engineered the van for maximum comfort and refused Angeldust’s pleads for strip poles inside; “Thossse would be ssso uneccesssary!”
Instead, he included luxurious feet space, and AC and heater system throughout the whole van, seats with massaging for backs and feet, mini TVs on the back of each seat, and a fancy mini fridge for food
Also built miniature seats for his Egg Bois with built-in heating pads in case they get too cold in the AC
These Egg Bois have a really specific temperature range they can survive in, so those same heating pads were engineered by Sir Pentious to also work as cooling pads
“Anything for my babiesss”
Came extra prepared and was the only one to bring snacks and drinks to put in the cooler
Is constantly offering Cherri a water or coke whenever she is “looking a bit dehydrated”
Which happens to be every 2 minutes according to him
Is trying so hard to flex on her the fact that he built the van
“Ssssoo Cherri, how are you enjoying the back masssssage? I programmed it to perfectly meet the needsss of a beautiful lady like you”
Bro with 0 rizz somehow ends up charming her
Vox 🖥️⚡️
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This TV ignores the mini TVs Sir Pentious built arguing they’re “not of top Vox quality”
Tries to hijack them to prove his point, but Sir Pentious is smarter than that and even his mini TVs are Vox-resistant
Ego bruised, now tries to hijack the radio to turn off Angeldust’s loud ass music, but Sir Pentious ALSO came prepared for that
Sir Pentious even shaped his seat and headrest to fit Vox’s big ass TV head perfectly, so Vox isn’t able to complain about anything
Now an upset Vox is left to sit in silence for most of the trip
Will chime in occasionally to the conversations but you can tell his pride was hurt
Spends his hours of silence to brainstorm ways to defeat Alastor
Lucifer 🪽🐤
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Brought his rubber duckies to play house with them on the ride
To everyone’s surprise, knows all the lyrics to all of Angeldust’s songs
“What! I enjoy these too!” Proceeds to lip sync them in the most fruity way
Is Lucifer straight or gay? Bi? No one knows.
Is definitely that one person in a car ride to try to start a game of “100 bottles of beer on a wall” or the game of concentration
LIVES for these games
“20 questions” is his favorite
Tries to get everyone involved and yells at Husk once he sees he’s playing his own game of Poker
Husk suggests that Lucifer should play the silent game
Will try to convince the others to play by reciting them old dad jokes
This does not work
Adam 🎸🤘
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Will definitely pig out on all of those snack Sir Pentious brought
Forces Vaggie to stop at a gas station 5 minutes into the trip to buy 3 twelve packs of beer
Is absolutely in his happy place with the massage chair, vast feet space, TV playing “Too Hot to Handle”, chips, and beer
Is the only one who manages to trash his space with wrappers, spills, and crumbs
Does not give a fuck
Has his window down, sunglasses on, and wind blowing in his face while he just yells
Shouts and catcalls to every hot chick they pass by
Brought an air horn to do that more efficiently while on the highway
Is seated next to Vox so is taunting and teasing him about the whole incident earlier
“Hmm not so tough anymore huh? Even these mini TVs are doing a better job than you!”
Is a bit of a menace
Cherri Bomb 🍒💣
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Only joined last minute for the trip because she thought it would be lame at first
But Angeldust promised to bring along drugs and alcohol so she agreed
Made a certain snake sooo happy that she decided to come
Is constantly nagged by him throughout this whole trip but she has grown used to it
She even starts to think it’s cute how much he cares
Has to stop to go pee so often because of all the beverages Sir Pentious keeps offering her
Doesn’t wait for a rest area, will pop a squat on the side of the road
Sings along with Angeldust (and Lucifer??) to all the songs
Actually she’s the one who made the playlist and shared it with Angeldust ;)
“Ooh ooh skip this one, the next one’s even better!”
Brought an Erotica novel to read (she usually just skips to the good parts)
Is glad to be sitting next to Angeldust but still films him as he throws up so that they can joke about it later
Passes time with him playing, Fuck, Marry, Kill
She ends up answering Fuck to all the options
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ryuichirou · 6 days
with the characters who aren’t beastmen (or mermaids or fae) what sort of beastmen would you think they’d be? like deer silver, hare cater, bird of prey rook, etc. i wanna see y’all’s thoughts because there’s a lot of different possibilities that would fit each character :3c
The possibilities are endless…! Even if you decide to make someone a beastman, there are so many different options, so many kinds of animals. I am getting greedy even just thinking about it, but at the same time I am fighting the urge to say that everyone would be catboys and call it a day. I want to shove all of our bottoms in the cat café and spend all my money there…
I’ll try to keep it together, but also to keep things diverse 💪 But my first pick would be to make everyone catboys lol
I’m skipping beastmen/mermen/fae for now, but technically they could have their own list at some point.
Riddle – a meanie in me wants to say that he is a fae, but not the one that we are used to, but the small fussy one, similar to Tinker Bell lol Imagine this tiny thing being the loudest housewarden? It would be funny… But he would also be very cute as a goldfishie merman, sigh. Ironically, I actually don’t think he is either of these things; I think Riddle would be a beastman. Maybe a hedgehog beastman that people keep confusing with a mouse beastman because his spines aren’t very visible.
Ace – fox beastman, just like Fellow. I feel like this is pretty obvious, but still: he is cunning and sly, but also has his cute moments, just like a young fox making weird noises and acting like a playful puppy in one moment, and then biting your hand in the next moment. I think mentally Ace is stuck between being a cat and a dog, and I feel like a fox is a surprisingly good pick here lol He just feels like a ginger menace.
Deuce – of course, Ace’s counterpart would be a jackrabbit beastman; I feel like a fox and a rabbit are a classical combo, plus Deuce already has a rabbit motif related to him in a way. Deuce is specifically a jackrabbit because he is very fast, but also because while he isn’t naturally hostile or aggressive, he has his moments. And powerful legs for kicking.
Trey – definitely a beastman, but which one? Ironically I think a cat would be good pick for him, partially because of Che’nya, but he also feels like something more… bear-like, maybe? Or a badger? Something that could be confused for looking comfy and friendly when it’s just this nice man with cute ears, but actually quite ferocious when it’s needed. I feel like I’m missing something obvious here though.
Cater – I started thinking about hare Cater that you mentioned, immediately thought “well he’s good at multiplying” and had to punch myself for this joke. Now my face hurts so I’ll just day that Cater is a jabberwocky beastman. Alright, jokes aside, I still think he would be a beastman, but maybe some kind of cute and magicammable-looking carnivore. Like a weasel, for example.  
Kalim – a mongoose would be so good, wouldn’t it? But I feel like Kalim would be something fancier and flashier; maybe a bird bestman? I know some people confused him with an animeboyification of Iago at first. A colourful bird that loves to sing and dance and that is at the same time endearing and annoying to some (Jamil). But bird-based beastmen are a bit difficult to imagine… I’ll complain about it in a bit when I talk about Rook lol Kalim could also be some kind of fae that are distantly related to jinns, but don’t have the same amount of power for some reason.
Jamil – I really want to make him a naga, but we don’t know if those even exist in twst-universe lol plus, it would probably be very difficult for his family to be active servants if they had snake tails… I think he would be a black caracal; it’s a desert cat, and apparently they are very good at jumping high – he’s a basketball player after all. Caracals are also known for hissing a lot, so yeah, as close to a snake as one could get while still somehow managing to make Jamil into a catboy lol Just google those ears, it’s so cute!!
Vil – a fae. There is the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio lol It just works with him, both aesthetically and thematically somehow. Plus I am still thinking about him picking Diasomnia if  he was forced to choose any other dorm to join, which is of course not enough of a reason, but the idea of Diasomnia!Vil and fae!Vil still lives in my head. He would also be gorgeous as a betta merman, of course.
Rook – definitely a beastman, and I think it’s only fair to make him a bird of prey kind. I am not sure if that would make any changes to his appearance though; if Zazu’s equivalent is a beastman, then I guess Rook wouldn’t change much. But if he isn’t and we haven’t seen a bird beastman before, then maybe Rook would have some feathers… maybe even wings? But I also easily see him as a hunting dog.
Epel – another rabbit beastman!! He thinks Deuce is lucky because he is a jackrabbit with long ears and tall body, when Epel’s ears are smaller and way cuter because he is more of a bunny rabbit. His ma’s and meemaw’s ears are floppy, but his aren’t just yet, and he hopes it stays that way. When they’re floppy he looks even cuter… at least he still got those rabbit legs for kicking and angry stomping!
Idia – a merman. Yes, exactly, a firefly squid, who spends most of his life very deep underwater in isolation. I was hesitant to make him a merman at first because he is very tied to technology that is kind of incompatible with water (+ hehe Idia bald jokes), but hey, S.T.Y.X. is located underwater so the motif is there! Plus, the squid’s behaviour really fits Idia (Floyd is very good at nicknames). Plus, his hair being shiny also works with how dark it is in the deepest parts of the underwater world… But catboy Idia would be so cute ahhh…!!
Ortho – real!Ortho would also be a firefly squid merman, AI!Ortho would be a small clione-like creature that Idia crafted himself. Or maybe just a regular Ortho with the gear that is more suitable for swimming + hollow and sparkly. But also, alternatively, I think it would be super unfair not to mention that Ortho is a dogboy lol I don’t know how it works in relation to Idia, but Ortho is too much of a dogboy to ignore it.
Silver – fighting the urge to make him a fae because that would be missing the entire point AHHH, alright I love the idea of him being a deer beastboy! But also a rabbit because of the event… He is a jackalope lol Jokes aside, picturing Silver with beautiful deer horns is very easy. Birds would decorate them with flowers, or just sit on them… He is just like Bambi – the prince of the woods. But also also, Silver works well as a merman. Especially if he isn’t aware that he is one because Lilia made him drink potions ever since he was a baby.
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duskymrel · 1 year
TWST as actual incorrect quotes from my friend group
Anything that I said will have a '^' before it !! :>
Deuce: I don't have the brain capacity for this so I'm just gonna make a pretty rainbow thing
Cater: What are y'alls flags?
Epel: The American flag??
^Vil: Sweetie no
Sebek: *referring to teachers* Can you guys stop having babies?!!?!?!?!? I NEED TO LEARN. YOU'RE CONTRIBUTING TO OVERPOPULATION. *points aggressively*
^Ace: What if I fucked your mom?
Kalim: I don't think she'd like that very much :(
Leona: Fuck you, racists
^Ruggie: Well SOMEBODY did because they're still here
^Rook: You look like an innocent deer!
Epel: The deer that's seen the other deer get hit by a car
^Idia: Essential oils is just catnip for white people
Jamil: You're spewing a lot of shit, but surprisingly none of it's coming from your ass.
*^Jamil, to Azul*: Are you seriously offering to sell your organs to be my sugar mommy???
Idia: *singing* I, am gonna, jump off a cliff-
^Azul: Snatches his throat* I SAID N O-
Idia: *gurgling noises*
^Deuce: *Looking at bible names* Gegehoshuba???
Ace and Epel: *losing their minds*
Epel: Wait, show me- JEHOSHEBA!?!?!?
Jack: I won't be here tomorrow
Jack: ????
^Lilia: Don't worry if there's a school shooter I'll just seduce them
Idia: I don't think boobs could stop a bullet
^Leona: Mine could
*People are taking turns sitting in giant rolling trash cans while others push them at full speed down the hallway into walls. Floyd tries to get out of his and falls out* Riddle: OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY??!!? ^Floyd: *rizzfully* I'm okay because I fell for you ;)
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syn4k · 1 year
when it comes to ghosts and demons and hauntings on the mortal plane, i'm a skeptic by default. i grew up not really interacting with ghost stories- i was the sort of kid who read books about science for fun -and as a result the scare stories never really did more than scare me for a short amount of time.
however, despite that, i'm still enraptured by the intersection between folk tales like these and modern science, which often have a reasonable explanation for them.
your house is haunted and you feel on edge constantly? well, you just installed a new AC last week and it's been emanating these signals that you can't hear but your body can feel and it scares the shit out of you because back when humans were living in jungles hiding from large beasts we evolved to hear things that we couldnt really hear to keep ourselves safe. that sort of stuff. that's what gets me.
because these tiny subsonic noises that we evolved to hear? maybe the wind is blowing weird through a crack in the wall in the haunted house. maybe the foundation is a little shaky. maybe that cryptid in the woods you saw at 2am was just a deer that had chronic wasting disease and/or rabies (poor thing).
and it's so easy with the supernatural to immediately assume ill intent and get spooked, but those ghosts that wail in the night? maybe they needed their bones to be put to rest. i think most of them are nice but if i had to be stuck in the same place for 200 years with my fuckin skeleton in the wrong place i think i'd have a short temper too!
i hold that everything has a logical explanation even if we don't know what that explanation might be but i will listen to your campfire stories nonetheless because that's just what humans do. and i think that's so cool
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moonysfavoritetoast · 8 months
Introduction !!
im so sorry to the people who aren’t used to my antics
sorry if this is rude, but please stop sending the gofundme asks. they’re overwhelming me, and i put off answering them until i feel shitty about not answering.
last updated 9/8/24*
about me
hi i’m evan or cosmo :) i love love LOVE nicknames! as long as they aren’t sexual or directly calling me a girl, i don’t mind! *
i’m a MINOR in eighth grade, don’t be a creep. im a MINOR.
i use he/they/it pronouns
i’m transmasc, non-binary, bisexual & aceflux (i also use achillean and demi-boy as labels!)
* i especially love the nickname ‘ev’, as my sister had it first and my family will not call me that. i don’t want to be sexualized, it makes me uncomfortable. i am a boy, and i don’t want to be called a girl. eg; ‘good girl’ ‘my girl’ ‘girlfriend’. as for sexual stuff, i mean LITERALLY any nickname said with sexual undertones. i don’t mind being called a good boy, but the moment it’s said with anything sexual you might be blocked. for that reason, please use tone tags, as i am pretty bad at figuring out what some things mean at times.
currently matching pfps with @amg2 / @muthafuckinaro and @meerealsssss
first post limit 3/12/24
expect vent posts from time to time
also also currently going batshit crazy over fallout (honorable mentions are gravity falls, ghost, and sally face !)
i complain a lot, sorry
will x isaac
deer :3 and and german shepherds :3
jizz pants (will anf dom know what this means)
watch just add magic, do it please /nf
i love love love minecraft diaries (aphmau) gagagag lawrence and aaron are my fave characters (please talk to me about aphmau i swear i’m not cringe)
nico <3
starr <3
alex <3
ace <3
mee <3
my wife is @meerealsssss
my wife is @homoashell
my wife is @catinasink
my wife is dominic
my wife is also undyne
my wife is also mrs claus
my wife is trashcan carla
my husband is @amg2 / @muthafuckinaro
my husband is @homoashell
my husband is @catinasink
my husband is @the-rizzly-bear
my husband is the man in the yellow hat
my husband is terzo. i will not be taking criticism at this time.
my husband is also rick sanchez
my husband is also jazon broadly
my husband is also izerah (fuck you what is his last name, mee?)
pac-man is also my husband
my husband is alastor (hazbin hotel)
lucifer is my husband (hazbin hotel)
my husband is rj maccready:3
my husband is john hancock (the gay one)
my husband is the ghoul (on my knees for that cowboy ass mf)
my husband is ford pines
lord farquaad is my husband
my husband is jeremy fragrance
my husband is prae jack ;3
my partner is @alex-the-bard <3 <3 <3
my partner is @homoashell <3
my partner is @catinasink <3
like: music, tv, friends, my cat, cool socks, writing, rick sanchez, genloss, tadc, musicals/theatre, undertale/deltarune, ducks, omori
dislike: loud noises, silence, school
i’m currently obsessed with: ghost, dreamscape nexus, rick and morty, gravity falls, etc
i post about:
• marauders
• (mostly) random thoughts
• dreamscape nexus
• other random things
• rick and morty
• gravity falls
• percy jackson
• undertale/deltarune
• hazbin hotel
• helluva boss
• fallout
• omori
• sally face
• ghost
• mad max
i have a younger sister, evie
i have a cat named daniel tiger
i have two dogs, gunner and roxie
if you’re interacting with me past midnight, i’ll probably be a bit sillier than normal
maps/pedophiles, z00philes, bigots, ED and porn blogs
if you have ‘mdni’ in ur bio
simon cowell
donald trump
if you don’t like furries and therians please get the fuck away from my blog
and if you shit on other’s religions, get away
what can you call me?
no: feminine related terms (unless you’re using them in a gender neutral way or as a joke) like girl, sister, wife, etc (bbg is always ok)
yes: boy, guy, partner, husband, dude, man (basically anything masculine/gender neutral)
@ricksanchezsboyfriend is my rick and morty sideblog
@mountainsmissingshoes is my ghost sideblog
@alastorsbigdick is my hazbin hotel rp sideblog (matching ace)
@giddingstexasenthusiast is my southern mom rp blog
@cryingunderstars is my writing sideblog
i am also @hadesfavoritechild
i run @rosie-rosier as well (marauders rp blog)
@scandalous-triangle and @myst3rytw1n are my gravity falls rp blogs (dm to join?)
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extra info
birthday is august 7 :3
tone tags appreciated
i’m some flavor of neurodivergent (except i’m not diagnosed (parents r more worried about my sister) soz)
i play trumpet + i want to learn electric guitar or drums
i’m a gryffindor
child of hades
my favorite band is ghost
i speak english and i am currently learning french (might learn swedish)
theatre kid (crew) currently doing little shop of horrors
my fav number is 173
i write
i live in my own head. sorry.
i live in michigan and i guess this is shameful (shrimp bullies me for it)
i kin dipper pines
i have another sideblog. if you find it, idk i’ll give you chocolate or something (it’s embarrassing)
fuck wilbur soot. if i post about lovejoy, please know that i do not support him.
ask me about ghost (band) i have an oc and want to talk about them
send anon asks
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• screenshots of dm’s/discord/texts: #evan leaks their texts
• lyrics: #evan screams lyrics at you
• my asks: #evan gets an ask *gasp*
• anything related to my book w/ @meerealsssss: #brokenly beloved
• anything related to moonlex (@alexthescaredenby and i’s ship name): #moonlex tag
• dreamscape nexus: #dreamscape nexus / #dn
• bracelets i make: #evan’s bracelets
• ace’s shit quotes: #ace needs to shit
• me talking about the man in the yellow hat: #tevan tag
• pictures of me: #literally evan
• me screaming about something: #on todays episode of evan is slowly going insane
• certain anon who signs off with a ☀️: #☀️ anon
• shit about omori: #evan plays omori
• shit about sally face: #evan plays sally face
• reblogging mutual’s art: #REBLOG (mutuals art)
• stuff that i post at theatre: #theatre shenanigans
• everything else: #evan's rambles
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people i talk about
my teachers :3
• mr sharpie/mr shark is my band teacher (he/him)
• madam eddinger is my french teacher
• mr crowner is my science teacher
• mrs bryant is my math teacher
• mr stowe is my social studies teacher
• mrs erskine is my ela teacher
• mrs seals is the old ass transphobic building substitute
• mr jacobs is our theatre director
• ms carmen is from theatre
——— previous teachers
• mama is a teacher from sixth grade (she/her)
• mrs kopykat - seventh, ela (she/her)
• ms k - seventh, ela student teacher (she/her)
• mr bones/skeleton - seventh, science (he/him)
• mr margarita/montague - seventh, social studies (he/him)
• mrs doty/dodds - seventh, math (she/her)
my irl friends :3
• crotch demon is my sister (she/her)
• my sweet little expired english muffin is @meerealsssss (she/her)
• ace @amg2 / @muthafuckinaro (they/them, mal/they)
• wife part two is my wife, they asked me to not name her here (she/they)
• al/allie is from school :3 (she/her)
• smurf is from school (blue hair, hence the nickname) (he/him)
• tomato is from school (silly :3) (he/him)
• boom boy/isaac is from school (he made me a netherite pickaxe after someone else burned mine // the pick had unbreaking // boom boy likes tnt) (he/him)
• boomerang/matt is from school (he/him)
• (irl) alex is from school :3 (he/they)
• khris is from school
• colten is from school (father) (he/him)
• will @skibitygamer is from school (he/him)
• dom is from school (he/him)
• luca was from theatre (mf graduated)
• maryn is from theatre
• alex (n) was from theatre (also graduated)
• chris is from theatre
parents are now getting their own nicknames
• hades is my dad (he/him)
• will come up with one for my mom (she/her)
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where else can you find me?
pinterest (moonysfavoritetoast)
pinterest (cryingunderstars)
wattpad (please don’t take this seriously)
tiktok (moonysfavoritetoast)
tiktok (cryingunderstars)
facebook mom account
my nintendo switch friend code is SW-4260-6971-6714
roblox is /@moonysfavorite_toast
and discord (@moonysfavoritetoast)
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I made my promise I would make a request of this so here it is. May I please request y/n and Shinobu from different fics all meeting each other? Like for an example, painter reader and demon Shinobu meeting y/n from another fic and human Shinobu. Or maybe cat demon y/n meeting y/n that could mimic everyones voices. Maybe one modern y/n and Shinobu meeting the demon slayer timeline Shinobu and y/n.
Sorry the list got so long, you don’t have to do all of them, these were just examples :D
Anyways thank you for your time and I hope you have a great day/night! Take care and stay safe! <333
Into the Shinobu-Verse
Shinobu Kochou Variants x She/ Her and They/ Them Reader Variants
A/N: You know what? I think this turned out pretty good! It’s goofy, but I think that helped me work faster. Here are the links to the fics that got their own little spot light in order of appearance Fic1 Fic2 Fic3 Fic4 Fic5 Fic6 Fic7 Fic8 Fic9 Thanks for reading, hope you like it! Word Count: 3,901
“Okay, okay, everyone stand still, stay calm, and remain quiet so we can establish assigned seats and then we can sort all of this out in a timely manner.” Shinobu called out over the crowded tea room, it was the largest space they had that could fit all these… uncomfortably familiar faces.
“(Y/n) can you make sure everyone stays connected to who they came with?”
“I’ll try my best.” (Y/n) sighed, as tired as they were anxious to see all these alternate versions of themself that had suddenly popped into existence one by one, or two by two if you counted the Shinobus they came in with. “Okay, can everyone stop talking please? Hey, be quiet everyone! Hello?! Please?! Oh, come on—!”
A loud, very convincing siren noise screeched from within the crowd and everyone clammed up, swiveling their heads to find the source of the noise. It was one of the (Y/n)s, her Shinobu had been the only one to cover her ears in preparation and rolled her eyes playfully at the disruptive mimic.
“Uh, thank you for that.” (Y/n) cleared her throat.
“No problem, me!” The mimic flashed a thumbs up over the crowd.
“Okay, um, mimic me and your accompanying Shinobu, you can sit right here.” (Y/n) motioned them over to a spot on the tatami floor and gave them each a paper with the number one on it. “These will help us keep track of who is who and who comes from where kinda I guess.”
“Excuse us, can we please just skip this and figure out how to go home now?” Another (Y/n), quite noticeably older than most spoke up, “We have children we need to pick up from school in a few hours.”
“Really, kids?”
There was a mix of curiousness, confusion and envy that came over the space.
“Can you turn on the AC or something, it’s insanely hot in here.” The accompanying Shinobu groaned, wiping sweat from her forehead. “Or is this a completely historically accurate mansion from the Taisho era or something?”
“What is… AC?”
“How do you not know what AC is?”
“It’s a completely modern mansion!”
“I can’t even get any cell service here…”
“What era are you from?”
“The Reiwa era, obviously.” The older Shinobu spoke matter-of-factly.
“What’s that?!”
More confused murmurs began but (Y/n) yelled over them, asking everyone to settle down once more.
“Listen, we will work as quickly as we can to get everyone back to where they belong, just bear with us, go sit next to group one please.” She handed two scraps of paper with the number two on them to the older couple.
“Okay, uh, how about you?” (Y/n) pointed to another version of themself who was dressed in much the same odd clothes as the one they had just checked in, but this (Y/n) just looked at them like a startled deer. “Um,” she pointed more obviously, “I’m talking to you, come forward with the Shinobu you came with please.”
“Oh geez,” the Shinobu beside the other (Y/n) stepped forward, “She doesn’t speak Japanese, and mine isn’t that great either. We’re from America.”
“Oh, okay!” (Y/n) spoke up before the crowd could grow in volume again, “come take these papers and sit beside group two, please.”
“Sure,” this Shinobu came forward and perched her strange, blacked out glasses on top on her head, and scrutinized (Y/n) as she took the papers, “So Taisho, for real?”
“Damn it! I really wish I had my gear with me! This has ghost shit written all over it!” She said to her accompanying (Y/n) in their native tongue.
“Okay, I don’t know what you are saying, but please move along, much more to get through!”
A commotion in the back of the room drew (Y/n)’s attention and then could see swords had been drawn.
“Hey! Hey! Put those swords away! What are you doing?!”
“These two are demons!” A few of the Shinobus responded tightly, “And these traitors are protecting them!”
“She has never hurt anyone! You leave her alone, or I will not hesitate to cut you down as well!” The Shinobu protecting the cowering feline demon threatened.
“You know how much I love to feed off negative emotions, but I’m feeling a little too full right now.” The other demon (Y/n) murmured in a strained joking tone to their own Shinobu variant who was in a similar protective stance in front of them.
“Enough!” Shinobu called out, her voice carrying more weight than (Y/n)’s at the moment, “(Y/n)’s right, swords away! We don’t know what the situation is like in everyone else’s plane of existence. Unless you are on the verge of being attacked, you must leave those demon variants alone!”
“Thank you”, the four called, relieved. They carefully made their way to the front and took the four and five group numbers and sat closely together, finding comfort in their solidarity.
“Okay, how about you two next?” (Y/n) quickly got back to work. The sooner they got this taken care of, the sooner they could go to bed and sleep off the headache they felt coming on.
Without a fuss they came forward and that was when (Y/n) noticed that they were both splattered with blood. No wonder the couples around them seemed concerned.
“Oh my! Are you two okay?”
“Oh yes, just fine,” the Shinobu in the backless, black dress smiled, (Y/n) caught sight of the sprawling, flowery back tattoo she had as this Shinobu twisted around to observe herself, “we’re actually glad to be here. We were in a bit of a pinch.”
“I almost had them.” The (Y/n) with her groaned. “Now that we’re here, who knows what those bastards are up to? You know how much I hate loose ends.”
“One thing at a time dear, once we figure out how to get back, we’ll do a complete overhaul.”
“That’s some back tattoo,” a (Y/n) from the crowd spoke up, “Are you part of the Yakuza or something?”
“Or something.” The Shinobu smirked and gave a wink as she took the group six papers.
That (Y/n)’s accompanying Shinobu shot the other a warning look, pulling her partner possessively into her body.
“Okay— wait, Mitsuri? What are you doing here?” (Y/n) had looked out upon the crowd again to see a bright pink and green shock of hair that stuck out from the room.
“Um, I’m with these two actually?” Mitsuri sounded almost unsure, but held the (Y/n) and Shinobu she came with an assured tightness as if she was afraid of being separated.
“That’s weird… why would you be here from another plane if no other Mitsuris are?” Shinobu pondered alongside (Y/n)
“Ummm… oh!” Mitsuri snapped, “Maybe it’s because all three of us are dating each other like all you couples seem to be?”
There was a smattering of noise, probably from (Y/n)s and Shinobus who were thinking they just might have to shoot their shots with their Mitsuris when they made it back home.
“That makes just about as much sense as anyone being here in the first place I guess.” (Y/n) handed the group of three, three pieces of paper with the number seven scribbled on them.
“Okay, you next!” (Y/n) pointed at another (Y/n), then made them stop when two Shinobus followed along with them. “Oh, wait a second, do we have our first mix up? Is there a (Y/n) out there who lost their Shinobu?”
“Nope. This is normal for us actually.” The (Y/n) spoke up. They took note of the bewildered looks they were receiving and shrugged, “Cloning mishap.” As if that made it sound any less insane. The trio stepped up and took their group eight papers, smirking when they heard a couple mutterings of ‘lucky bastard’ from the crowd.
Finally, after nearly a half hour of sorting, the last group was seated and (Y/n) sunk to their knees, exhausted. At least now this was Shinobu’s show to run, hopefully she and the other Shinobus would figure out how to get everyone back where they belonged soon.
“Alright everyone, let’s go through each group and see if there is a connection between what everyone was doing before you were sent here. Group one—“
There was a sudden snapping and popping crackle noise and a flash of purple light. Everyone flinched, but not because of the sound or light itself, they had all arrived in much the same manner, but what did disturb them has the immense demonic presence that had suddenly enveloped the room.
“Ah,” the demon Shinobu that had appeared at the front of the room stretched one set of arms over her head and her secondary arms out in front of her, four piercing eyes scanned the room appraisingly and a fanged grin spread across her face, “Not quite what I had in mind, but I can work with this.”
The room was filled with a twang of swords being drawn by all who had them. The energy this demon emitted left no doubt that she was sinister.
The (Y/n) who had appeared with the demon, anxiously clung to her deep purple kimono with paint stained hands.
“Such protective little ants.” The demon Shinobu’s eyes darkened and her grin curled into a sneer, “I’m only collecting what is rightfully mine. Afterwards, you all can be in your merry ways.”
“And what could we possibly have that belongs to you?” Was the sentiment that was heard from the crowd.
“As if it isn’t obvious, a pity I’m not as intelligent in ever universe. I will be taking all the variants of my beloved artist back home. Worry not, trust that I will take care of them better than any of you could ever dream of.”
The room erupted in a chorus of angry and nervous voices.
“Silence!” The demon’s butterfly wings fanned out, sharp and black as midnight with large, iridescent toxic purple rings.
“Shinobu-sama, please,” the Artist carefully maneuvered around a wing to clasp her arms around two of Shinobu’s, “maybe this was a mistake.”
“Wanting you is not a mistake.” Demon Shinobu assured grouchily.
“Well, no… but maybe wanting more than one of me is?” The Artist murmured quietly, looking down at her feet.
“Nonsense, if one is good then adding more could only make things even better. Now,” she spread her free arms out to sweep over the crowd, “come forward my little pets.”
No one moved an inch, making the demon roll her eyes and huff in frustration. She just couldn’t fathom what was making the (Y/n)s stay put. Couldn’t they see she was superior to all the other Shinobus by leaps and bounds? Better than them all combined, even?
“Then I’ll just have to be a little more persuasive.”
The demon brushed her (Y/n) off of her arms and spread all four limbs out into an ‘x’ shape. Then with a couple beats of her wings, she emitted a purple dust that soon spread throughout the room.
Then chaos.
One by one, (Y/n)s began fading away, slipping right through the desperate fingers that were grabbing at them. Those with swords leapt forward at the demon, but she and her own (Y/n) were fading as well, the echo of an evil cackle was all that was left behind before a heavy silence filled the room.
But then one shuddering breath from somewhere within the crowd and everyone began breaking down in their own ways. The Mitsuri variant hand her hands full trying to bring comfort to every other Shinobu she could find along with her own, trying to stem the flow of her own tears.
“Everyone stop.” Shinobu, the one of this universe, called over the crowd, “Sitting here feeling sorry for ourselves won’t get us any closer to getting our (Y/n)s back!” She seethed, eyes blazing. “We have work to do. If anyone can figure out how to find them, it’s us.”
Everyone in the room began to steel themselves, nodding and agreeing and rallying around each other. They were the biggest scientific minds in most of their universes, if they put their minds together, they could figure this out.
“We will get them back!”
Demon Shinobu was getting impatient. Her new playthings were very, very slow to warm up to her and a few had attempted to behead her more times than she’d like to think about. She was a gracious host, gave them everything they could ever need. Why couldn’t they behave?
“How is the art going, lovelies?” She asked a group.
“Oh just great. I think I got you just right.” One of them slid the paper over to her with a smirk.
It was an unrefined, scribbled illustration. Not the least bit dignified. Her four eyes were looking in completely different directions, tongue sticking out, among other things.
“What are those lines signifying?” She asked pointing to the wavy lines that her form seemed to be emitting.
“How much you stink.” The (Y/n) shrugged with a roguish smile, accepting the high-five another (Y/n) offered them.
Shinobu blinked all four eyes simultaneously, looking thoroughly unamused.
“Children.” She muttered.
“I’m thirty-three.” The one who provided the high-five retorted.
“Well I’m over two hundred years old so that means nothing to me.”
At another table further away, the Artist sulked, half heartedly painting along side a few of her variants as she had been for the last few weeks, hardly saying a word most days.
“You aren’t trapped here like us, are you?” One (Y/n) whispered. “You like, actually love her.”
The Artist signed and nodded solemnly.
“So you probably like us being here as much as we like being here.” Another (Y/n) spoke up, “You should tell her that! Your word probably carries way more weight than ours. If you told her to send us all back to where we belong, I bet she’d listen.”
“Shinobu-sama does as she pleases, it won’t matter what I say…” the Artist said, continuing on with painting her depressing scene.
“Sure it will, you got a better chance than any of us do at least, really. Don’t you want her all to yourself again?”
“Of course I do!” The Artist didn’t yell, but it was the loudest the rest had heard her speak since they knew her. “I just don’t think it’ll matter…”
“Sure it will. Just try once, please, for all our sakes. We have Shinobus of our own that we long to get back to and I don’t know about you guys, but mine is definitely not coping healthily about this whole situation.”
“Neither is mine.”
“Definitely not.”
“She probably hasn’t slept at all!”
“Our Shinobus all have one thing in common. She loves us unconditionally. It’s the same for you, it has to be.”
The Artist looked around the table, then across the art studio at all the gloomy and depressed variants of herself. They all looked as miserable as she felt. She owed it to them to at least try to talk to her muse.
“Okay… I’ll talk to her.”
“Thank you!”
“You’ve got this!”
“Demon or not, she’s a Shinobu at her core. She’ll listen to you!”
The Artist stood from her table and allowed the reassuring hands of her variants push her forward on wobbly legs. She had never gone against Shinobu like this before, or even in general honestly. She was always far too eager to please her and far too meek to voice any disagreement. That was how they ended up like this in the first place. Perhaps if she had spoken out against her muse’s plan, everyone would still be in their own universes none the wiser.
She swallowed thickly and approached the demon who turned to her as soon as she felt her coming.
“Shinobu-sama, I would like to, oh, um, I’m the (Y/n) who—“
“I know you are my first pet. Just say what you want to say.” Shinobu’s words sounded abrupt, but the Artist knew that was just how she spoke sometimes. She could be just a little impatient. The Artist thought it was cute.
“How can you tell it is me?”
“You think I couldn’t tell the original masterpiece from all these flimsy copies? Don’t make me laugh. Now tell me what you have to say, I’m in the midst of trying to convince these foolish demon variants to eat a human or two so they can get stronger and reach their full potentials.”
“Well, um,”
“Hahh, we will talk in the hall then,” Shinobu lifted her head up to address the room, in a semi-sweet voice “remember, try to escape into my woods and you’ll be as good as dead!”
She then pulled the Artist out of the large studio space and a ways down the hall of her sprawling mansion. The Artist’s mind was still spinning from the compliment the demon had tossed her way. She thought she was a masterpiece!
“Now talk, don’t think I haven’t noticed you acting cold… have the variants been giving you a hard time?” She added as an afterthought, showing a flash of fang at her displeasure at the thought.
“No! Not at all!” The Artist answered hurriedly, “It’s just… don’t you think that maybe… you should take them back to where they came from?”
“They’ll get over it soon enough I’m sure. Can’t be rebellious forever. I can handle whatever pettiness they throw at me. I’m not afraid of a little hard work. You don’t have to worry about me, pet.”
“It’s not about that it’s… well…”
“Yes? Spit it out.”
“Never mind. I’m sorry.” The Artist backed out. She was a fool for ever thinking she could do this. She began mentally apologing to all the people she left in the studio as she turned around to walk back, but the demon stopped her in her tracks and spun her back around with a flurry of arms.
“No, no. No never minding. You disrupt me like this, I expect to hear the reason. Speak, pet.”
“It’s nothing…”
“It is something and you will tell me now.” Shinobu murmured darkly. “Don’t test me further.”
The Artist swiftly shook her head and tried to turn again, but it hard when there were four insistent arms pinning her in place.
“Don’t. Be. Difficult.” She hissed. “You’re usually so good—“
“I want you to send the variants home!” The Artist suddenly snapped. “I want all of your attention on just myself again!”
She breathed heavily for several seconds and Shinobu stared at her dumbfounded. When the Artist had time to process what she said, she quickly ducked her head down and shrunk into herself as best she could with Shinobu’s arms around her. Not much longer after that, she heard the demon chuckle and renew her grip, pulling her close.
“Is that so, pet? You want my attention?” She cooed, “My, I’ve never seen you speak your mind like this and you look so expressive too. It’s very cute.”
Shinobu’s wings unfurled and wrapped around the Artist in a comforting manner that she rarely shared, save for a few occasions when she was feeling possessive or even rarer occasions when she felt particularly cuddly.
“Do you really want me to send them all away? Would that make you happy? Don’t think I haven’t noticed how drab your scenes have been lately.”
“Yes. It would make me happy for it to just be us again.”
“So selfish, pet,” before the Artist could tilt her head away in shame, Shinobu brought it back with a finger, “I like it.”
The Artist gave her a shy smile and Shinobu gave a delightfully evil-looking grin in return.
“But may I just keep a few to devour at my leisure?”
“Please don’t.”
“Very well. You are lucky I am so accommodating to your silly little whims.”
“Check the math again.”
“Who has seen Variant 27? She was supposed to be back from the bookstore an hour ago!”
“En went looking for her, apparently that bookstore is on the other end of town in her universe. She will be back any minute!”
The Shinobus (plus one Mitsuri) had been toiling nonstop, researching all they could about travel through dimensions, time, space, whatever they could get their hands on. So far they had yielded little results. They were starting think this was part of the demon variant’s blood art. No one would say it out loud, but they were all beginning to think that they had no hope in getting their loved ones back.
That is, until they heard that snapping crackle that had haunted what little sleep they had allowed themselves. They were all up in arms until their (Y/n)s began fading back into existence then they were rushing in for bone crushing hugs.
Among the last of the arrivals was the demon Shinobu and her (Y/n), both looking extra close to each other.
“Hurry along, chop-chop. Everyone found who they belong to? Good.” The demon sounded completely disinterested in even her own words, ready to go back to her normal routine.
“You’re setting them free just like that?” A few Shinobus asked skeptically.
“Yes. They’re obnoxious and grating. I can’t stand them for even a moment more.”
A couple more Shinobus felt comfortable enough to joke that they felt the same, even suggesting that the demon take theirs back despite how frantically they had been searching over the last few weeks.
“Too bad, your problem now.” The demon snapped her fingers and flicked her wings, this time, (Y/n)s and their Shinobus had begun to fade. “I’m sending you back to your original dimensions. When you arrive, it will be the same day it was when you left. Wish I could say it was a pleasure, but it wasn’t.”
The crowded room was filled with goodbyes, variants which had become friends waved and thanked each other for keeping themselves sane and soon only two pairs remained, the original duo from this dimension, and the demon and her artist.
“See, it wasn’t that bad, right?” (Y/n) smiled at the Artist.
“It wasn’t. Thank you for giving me that push I needed.”
“And thank you for getting me back home.”
“I did that.” The demon scoffed. “Anyway, enough of this. I don’t know what it is, but seeing myself in this sorry human form in making my head ache.”
“I could say similar things about your sorry state.” The human Shinobu quipped.
“I’m ready to go as well.” The Artist hugged the demon’s left arms, dissuading her from turning their little quips into a full out brawl.
(Y/n) and Shinobu waved goodbye to the variants as they faded from sight. When they were gone, Shinobu all but collapsed in (Y/n)’s arms.
“I’m so glad you’re back.” She whispered against their neck.
“Glad to be back, I missed you so much.” (Y/n) hugged her tight. “If I’m tired, you must be down right exhausted. Have you been eating enough?”
“Yes, Aoi had everyone working overtime in the kitchen to keep us fed. If we didn’t eat, she’d have force fed us. She was already mad enough about us overworking ourselves as it stood.”
“Good ol’ Aoi.” (Y/n) smiled. “Let’s get you into bed.”
“Only if you’re coming with me. I don’t feel like you’re really here just yet.” Her grip on their clothes tightened a little for emphasis.
“Of course. Nothing would make me happier.”
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dungeonmalcontent · 9 months
Low key obsessed with monk/druid multiclass shenanigans right now.
It doesn't take much on the druid side. Two levels of druid to get wild shape and circle of the moon.
And then a couple levels of monk.
... Read below for silly examples.
2 moon druid / 6 shadow monk: you transform into an elk. Next turn you walk behind a tree and appear in the shadow behind your opponent and deliver a thunderous hooved karate chop. You bray in triumph but it makes no noise. The town tells ghoa stories of the night elk for decades.
2 moon druid / 3 open hand monk: you transform into a brown bear. You bite once, shove once with your claws. Flurry of blows, shove once and claw once. You potentially deal a max of 12 piercing damage + 16 slashing damage and you push your opponent up to 25 feet backwards as you harass them with blows. You look like this:
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And, no matter what, you don't really have to dip into a dex heavy build. You take the dex from the wild shape. You can put all your stat effort into wis. And when you wild shape, you still benefit from unarmored defense. So you take your wis mod + 10 + your animal shape's dex mod to make your AC. So if you max your wis to +5 and transform into a deer you get an 18 ac deer that can move 50 feet normally in a round (not counting dashes or unarmored movement).
At 9 levels of monk and 2 druid, you can be a deer that can run 180 feet up a vertical surface in 6 seconds (or a warhorse that can sprint 210 feet up a vertical surface, including a waterfall, in 6 seconds) using full movement dash action and bonus action step of the wind. Weirdly, that translate to being able to dead sprint up Niagra falls in like... 30 seconds? If someone casts haste on you you can double that speed. On top of haste, if you cast longstrider on yourself (because you're a druid, you can do that), you can go 540 feet in 1 round--that's roughly 61 mph (for 1 minute)--which you can do not up a vertical surface by total level 4. Try going limp after 1 round of that speed and knocking into a humanoid creature. See what happens.
Better yet. Do the high speed warhorse, but with 6 levels of druid and 2 levels of monk so you can be a giant elk instead. Same speed. Basically double the mass. You are a massive bro truck traveling at interstate speeds and you want to kill a man.
Another fun combo. 2 levels moon druid. 2 levels monk. Cast jump. Wild shape lion. Bonus action step of the wind. You jump (if your GM isn't a coward) 150 feet with a 10-foot run up. (It would be very silly if this could be a vertical jump, but sadly it is only a long jump.)
Last one, last one. 2 levels moon druid. 3 levels ascendant dragon monk. Setup jump spell and/or longstrider. Wildshape space hamster (non-giant). Bonus action step of the wind, long jump around the room at crazy speeds. Action, breath of the dragon, 20 foot cone of fire. Make Boo proud of the havoc you cause.
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dairy-farmer · 4 months
Thoughts on the public school fag Tim au from not too long ago.
Tim being invited to the Wayne’s estate during the summer holiday, he goes shooting — he doesn’t know how to himself, but when they go out and shoot pigeons he sticks with Dick… who plies bim with regular shots of Hennessy from the silver flask he has hidden in his jacket pocket. By the end Tim’s barely able to stand, Dick’s loading man had to carry him back to the house early. When they returned back after lunch and a day’s shoot dick went up to change before dinner — to find Tim, still drunk, naked, and desperate for dick to fuck him.
It’s been a while, dick graduated that year and Tim’s been desperate for him since. Jason’s good, and Bruce has started fucking him too, but he wants Dick back.
(Also bonus for Tim becoming a fuck toy for the entire party staying at the estate for the shooting, by the end of dinner they’ve slowly peeled all his clothes off and he’s sat in the middle of the floor on his knees, naked, surrounded by drunk men in tuxes desperate to get their turn with the pretty boy begging for someone to use him)
😍😍😍😍!!!! tim accompanying dick while he goes shooting!!!
tim's in soft britches and riding boots with a nice tweed coat that dick had bought him because tim's family didn't much care for the sport of shooting or game hunting like the waynes did. normally dick would be accompanied by one of the dogs to go with him but ace was at the vet, titus was still a puppy that damian wouldn't let out of his sight, and dick didn't like any of the other dogs bred on the estate
dick's first year at university is over and he's finally home with his family and brothers and their sweet little pet that they've convinced his parents to part with for the summer. dick is the last to arrive at the estate and so everyone else has had plenty of time to unwind and relax with sweet timmy. but not dick. no, dick is still wound up with tension about life in university where he was on his own and didn't have anyone to bail him out in case his mouth got him into trouble (something he sorely unappreciated while in boarding school). and so maybe dick has a bit of a cruel streak coming back from university and seeing little timmy with his red. chubby cheeks and bright eyes. being away meant that dick had missed pheasant and partridge season but the gamekeeper had said some deer had been spotted on the east edges of the manor grounds. and with the ponds on the ground there was no shortage of ducks or geese.
taking tim with him was a natural move both because dick needed to be welcomed home and because he needed a picker-up for his ducks. sweet timmy is nervous around all the weaponry, so unsure and shifting from foot to foot in his new boots. while waiting for the game dick takes covert drinks from his flask, he'd nicked it off of bruce because his had been confiscated years ago with bruce having a strict policy against drinking and shooting. tim is so unsure and out of his depth that dick decides to take pity on the kid and offer the flash to his lips, tipping it back and watching tim's nose and eye scrunch up at the taste. it's cute and gets a laugh of amusement out of dick who keeps doing it to see that look again.
tim is as drunk as a skunk within the hour. he's small and his tolerance is basically zero. dick gets a few hearty laughs out of seeing tim stumble and fall all over. he ends up getting thrown over the loading man's shoulders like a sack of potatoes and carried home while dick keeps offering him the flask by pressing it to his fat, baby cheek.
dick gets washed up and tracks tim down to his room where he's supposed to be sleeping the drink off, only he finds him half naked on the bed, squirming and whining for dick. his babycunt is shiny with tim's wetness and his little fingers are rubbing against it, whining and rutting against them.
well dick knows an invitation when he sees one.
tim makes the exact same gasp and gutted noise as he always does when dick presses his cock in and sinks until he's fully sheathed. tim is looser when he's drunk, his body less resistant to penetration or the force of dick's thrusts when he immediately starts fucking tim fast and hard. tim just whines under him, making soft noises, and grinding his hips back against dick's. normally tim lies there and makes soft noises, his tight cunt twitching and tightening occasionally. but a drunk tim is a fun tim and a surprisingly horny one too.
it's a wonderful homecoming gift for dick.
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just-wrting · 1 year
Best Friend?
Title: Best Friend?
Pairing: Real-life AU! Portgas D Ace x Reader
Summary: After finding out how horrible your brother is, you vent to your best friend. Turns out, he's been hiding something from you.
Word Count: 1657
Master List
A/N: Alright. I've done it. I've admitted that I'm into 2D men. This prompt is today's actual prompt due to this coming easier than yesterday's prompt. Still expect 2 fics in one day later this week.
The line between the two of you has been blurred for at least a few months. You’ve done things with Ace that you haven’t done with your other friends. Given that he lives next door, that was understandable. He’d stay for hours talking to you through the window. Other times, he’d sneak in and you’d watch movies together. The number of times you’d fall asleep leaning on him was uncountable.
Neither of you acknowledge this. You’re worried that if you say something, he’ll get grossed out. You don’t think you could stand losing such an important friend.
The sound of bickering drifts through your open window, and you know everyone is home. You wish you had their sort of bond. Your brother is your biggest problem, and you did your best to avoid him. Nothing would make you happier than him moving out.
Ace sometimes jokes about the two of you moving away from your siblings to a quiet place. While the idea is tempting, you both know that for now it’s just an idea. College is a struggle even without rent.
After the noise goes down, you watch Ace nearly slam his door shut. You can practically see steam rolling off him, and you know that the argument didn’t go in his favor. In an effort to cheer him up, you chuck a pebble at his window.
As soon as he sees you, he lights up. He throws his window open and gives you a big grin.
“(Y/N)! Don’t tell me you heard everything?”
The way the sun shines on his face makes him look radiant. He’s definitely a charmer.
“Nope. What was it about?”
He sheepishly looks away. “I don’t know what I’m going to eat. No one’s gonna cook anything since most of them are going out tonight.”
“Of course you were fighting over food. You three boys eat more than my whole family combined,” you say with a chuckle. “I’d offer for you to come over, but I’m sure that my brother would throw a fit.”
“Well let me know if you change your mind on that. You and I can go get something.”
Now you’re sporting an equally wide grin. “Tempting offer, Ace.”
“Just you, me, and some of the most unhealthy food you’ll ever see. I haven’t even taken Luffy or Sabo there.”
“Don’t tell them that. But as much as I want to, I shouldn’t. Maybe next time.”
Now, he’s pouting. Despite being an adult, he’s decently childish. In fact, he’s adorable when he’s like this and you can feel yourself caving. What would be so wrong to say yes? Why couldn’t you get the same privileges as your brother?
“You promise?”
“Of course. You know how difficult it is to say no to you,” you tease.
Your mom calls you downstairs, and you wave goodbye. Ace leans out his window, pouting the whole time. The guilt will bother you for a bit, but he’s never made you feel bad about not accepting plans.
You frown at the table spread. Dinner plans have changed, with food you don’t enjoy sitting on trivets. A smirk is plastered unpleasantly across your brother's face.
“How long have you been dating the neighbor boy? What’s his name?” your dad asks, setting the newspaper down. “Portgas Ace or something, right?”
You rest your hands on the back of your seat. “Ace and I are just friends.”
“Well, honey, it might be good for you to start dating. After all college is almost over,” your mom chimes in. “You’re only this young once.”
Your brother snorts. “Dating isn’t possible for that one I’m afraid. (Y/N) should’ve just said yes when Jeffery asked.”
Your blood turns to ice. “How did you know about that? He asked me not to tell anyone. I never even told my friends about it.”
He now looks like a deer in headlights. “Of course he told me. He’s gotta ask me first.”
“Yeah right. That was supposed to be some sort of prank, wasn’t it?” you hiss.
“You know what? Yeah! It was a prank. I figured that at the very least maybe you wouldn’t end up being single and pathetic.”
You don’t reply and just storm out the door. You make sure to slam it on your way out, and you’re tempted to swear at them. If your parents knew about it, they’re amazing actors. Their shock seemed almost genuine.
Not knowing where to go, you just start walking down the sidewalk. It doesn’t take long for footsteps to race after you. You ignore whoever it is, and keep going. It’s not until you’re spun around that you stop.
“Something wrong?”
You’ve never seen Ace look so worried. Part of you wants to have him hold you. Another part wishes he wouldn’t ask. Apparently the look on your face says enough.
“I’m still hungry. Wanna go get dinner now?”
You don’t say anything, instead just nodding. His hand is gentle as he gets you to the car. It’s an old car, but it’s comfortable and smells like him. The leather is surprisingly soft and you let yourself relax.
You watch Ace while he drives. There’s something about the wind in his hair and the sun on his skin that makes you realize just how attractive he is. The dusting of freckles across his face really highlights just how cute he is.
“Do you always watch people when they drive?” He gives you a cheeky smile and a wink. “Or am I just special?”
“You’re just special. Besides those brothers of yours, I don’t know a single person who can eat as much as you do and still look good.”
“Oh so I look good. That’s why you’re watching me.”
Rolling your eyes, you swat away his hand. “If you wanna believe that.”
Ace pulls into a little parking lot, swerving to avoid a hole. His parking is terrible, but it works. Ever the gentleman, he rushes to open the car door for you.
“I’d like to think that it's true. After all, you don’t usually give me compliments.”
The food is made fast, and the servings are surprisingly large. Despite how hot it is, Ace starts to pick at his food. He makes a face, yet continues to eat.
“If you’re gonna wait to eat, you wanna talk about it?” he asks, nearly choking on a French fry. “I’ll listen.”
“A couple of weeks ago, one of my brother’s friends asked me out.”
This time, he starts to cough. The man behind the counter eyes him for a second, but thankfully Ace is fine. You didn’t think he’d react like that, so you hesitantly start to eat as you wait.
“I told him I wasn’t interested. He asked me not to tell anyone, so I didn’t. Turns out the whole thing was a set up. After all, who’d wanna date me?”
Ace is silent. He occasionally looks like he wants to say something, but he doesn’t. Instead, he polishes off his food and starts to grab at yours.
“I can’t believe my brother would go that far. Like sure it can suck to have a sibling, but you and your brothers care so much about each other. Maybe it’s because you chose to be brothers.”
“To be fair, I still think Luffy is a crybaby. He’ll never live that one down no matter what he does.”
“Is there something terrible about me?” you ask. “Maybe that’s why no one wants to date me.”
Ace is quick to shake his head and respond, “There’s nothing bad about you! Anyone would be lucky to date someone like you, (Y/N).”
Before you can stop it, you blurt out the question you’ve been avoiding for weeks. “Would you date me, Ace?”
You can’t even look at him as silence settles between you. His finger taps against the table, and you feel awful. The way you said it was harsher than you meant. Not to mention the fact that your friendship could be over.
“Yes. I thought we already were dating though. I was just waiting for you to be ready to kiss me.”
Looking up at him, you can see a flush spread across his cheeks and down his neck. Ace isn’t even looking at you, his head resting on his hand, turning his face away. He’s covering his mouth like he’s worried he’ll say something you won’t like. What little resolve he might have, crumbled the moment you make eye contact.
“I don’t let just anyone take my stuff or hug me or say weird things to me. I thought you’ve just been nervous this whole time.”
You think back to all of those slightly awkward moments. The times that he’d look up at you from the windowsill right before he sneaks back out, almost like he’s expecting a goodbye kiss. The moments that you’d pull him in for a hug and his hands linger even after you pull back. All of the pauses before he said your name, almost like he meant to say something else.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” you prod. “If you thought we were dating, shouldn’t you have made it super obvious?”
“I thought you were taking it slow because you were scared of your family. I figured if I said something you’d break up with me.”
“So what do we do now? Even if you were wrong, do you actually want to date me? Officially?”
Ace looks more excited than you’ve ever seen him. His hand is quick to grab yours, and you’re sure if it wasn’t for the table he’d be kissing you, not that he doesn’t try.
“Now that it’s official, I’m gonna be the best boyfriend ever.”
For the rest of the night, his hand never leaves yours. Every opportunity to show you affection is taken, which leaves you flustered. Nothing makes you more nervous than having a cute guy kiss you.
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shootinwebs · 7 months
vox: (plops down a slice of purple and grey cake in alastor's lap) ally.
alastor: ...why is there grey in it?
vox: it's the ace flag colors. i'm an ally.
alastor: ..........
alastor: (smashes the cake in vox's face/screen)
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onepiece-asl-lover · 4 months
READER my au x ASL trio
Part 3 "Feeling safe?"
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When everyone woke up, all the Mountain Bandits fell to the ground in amazement and relief. Since then, you became Dadan's favorite because you cleaned the place. You saw Luffy go after Ace, and you heard that Luffy had been chasing after Ace for two and a half months now.
"Get back here!" Dadan shouted.
"It's no use, Boss."
"Go get them!"
"Yes, Boss."
You wondered where Luffy was going. Always coming back with more injuries, to be completely honest, you were worried if everything was going to be alright with him.
You helped around the place, still being careful not to aggravate any wounds. You cleaned up your wounds, bandaged them, and made your bed.
When Ace came back, he brought in a deer which the Mountain Bandits started cooking. You saw Ace go into his room to clean up real quick, and you went to follow him, but before you did, you knocked on the door.
"May I come in?" You said in a quiet tone.
You entered the room and sat down on the bed.
"Where's Luffy?" You questioned.
".....What did you say last night when I was asleep?"
"...That you're not a devil's child to me, you're.. misunderstood."
"..Why do you say im not a devil's child, everyone calls me that."
He says looking for an answer
".....people should not be judged because of their past or somthing that is completely out of your hand."
You fidget with your chains on your ankels as they make a clinking noise when they hit the floor you can already see some damaged skin under the chains and it makes you wince when you touch it. You see the key hole and wished you had somthing to pry it opened and it looks like Ace was reading your mind, as he gave you a needle.
You nodded when he gave you it and you started by putting the needle in the key hole and trying to unlock it. Your started sweating as you kept trying to unlock it.
"Let me do it"
Ace said as you looked at him and nodded and gave him the needle. He put the needle into the key hole wiggling the needle. After a couple of minutes it unlocks and it the chain falls on either sides. You rub your ankels, happy that it finally unlocks but you still have 3 more chains to unlock and a collar. You turn to look at Ace who is looking at the bruises on your ankels.
"Thank you" you say.
He turns away with a flushed face and a stotic tone. You hear Dadan shout that dinner is ready. You slolwly stand up and before you can open the door you see Luffy there with some scrathes, and small bruises.
"Hey, Ace I've been looking for you! Let's be friends!"
Ace pushed past by him and went to go eat as Luffy followed still saying "Lets be friends!"
You followed behind them walking slowly and sat down far away from the rest as you look as everyone ate. Your stomach rumbled but you kept quiet, scared what happned if you asked for food. Your breath hictched as you saw more and more food being eaten and eaten. You looked into space until you saw somthing infront of you. It was a meat on a bone and when you saw who it was you saw it was Ace. He didn't look your way just handing you the meat without looking your way.
"Here." he said
You grabbed the meat and looked at it and looked at him to make sure if it was okay. He nodded and you look back at the meat sniffing it first. You took a small bite, chewing on it slolwy. Tears started forming in your eyes as you took a bigger bite. You have never ate so much food and when you did it will be a handful of rice that was probally the most you ate. You were just skin and bones right now.
You took bite after bite, tears streaming down your face. You were so focused on eating the piece of meat that you didn't see the room go quite as some of the Mountain Bandits expressions some happy, sympathy, or whatever. Ace had a small smile on his face as he kept eating his food. Luffy was just Luffy, eating everything in sight.
After everyone finished eating and you rubbed your eyes. You were confused almost paranoid even..no good paranoid? Why didn't they get mad when you ate the food, when you cried? They didn't shout at you, hit you or even looked at you disgusted. You felt what's the word...safe? You thought a place like this was fairytale not real well it looks like they are real.
You smiled on the inside not able to express lots of emtions yet. You stood up still being careful of your injuries. When you stood up Dadan told you to go take a shower and she threw some clothes at you. She shouted at Ace to show you where the showering place was.
Ace rolled his eyes and stood up and lead you outside. He didn't speak a lot while walking you to your destination. He finally brought you to this shack and when you opened the door you saw warm water in a huge tub and a bench.
You nodded at him thanking him quietly. He closed the door to leave, as you looked at the bath area. You didn't remember well how to clean up so you took your best guest from the books you read before and places you've seen. You took off your clothes and bandages and sat in the tub filled with warm water.
You rubbed your arms looking at the scars you had covered around your body. Small scratches to stab marks covered your body. You didn't like the scars they reminded you of them. You looked into your reflection in the water and just stared. Your body slightly drained a little due to your secret devil fruit powers, you haven't told anyone yet well at least not the Bandits. You kept looking in your reflections.
You got some flashing imagines in your mind you couldn't grasp. You shut your eyes to take a quick breath. When you opened your eyes, your reflection..
It was that side of you. The one that that scared people away. It had one eye that was black and a white pupil. Fangs sharpen. and claws covered in dripping blood. Black Mark's covered the body. You hated this side of you, you wanted to kill it and bury it far away. It ruined you, nobody likes you because of this side and it was the first reason to your promblems..right?
You splash at the water ruining the reflection and the normal reflection came back. You quickly washed your hair and scrubbed it.
After cleaning and drying yourself up you start to put your clothes on. Dadan gave you a yellow tshirt and black shorts. You put them on happy that you got nice clothes finally. You dry your hair and to say it was pretty long so you kept on drying it.
When you finished you put the towel around your neck and left the shack. You walked back to Dadans house and went inside. You saw Dadan and the mountain bandits were cleaning so you went over the your shared room.
You laid down the thin mattress putting the towel in a nice folded position in the corner. You laid on the thin mattress as luffy leg was in your face. You put a blanket over you as you begin to doze off. You turned your head to see Luffy and Ace sleeping, Luffy almost kicking you in the face.
You finally started dozing off and fell asleep.
You walked onto the metal floors of your trapped chambers as "doctors" lead you to a experiment research lab. They sat you down and started to do their jobs. They used blood samples and tearng parts of your skin for samples. It hurt so much to even move your arm the doctors held you in place not letting you move. You wanted to scream and shout but they would hit you if you did.
The doctors put a serum inside your veins, that will help your devil fruit abilities. It hurt like hell the serum burning you from the inside. One of your eyes slowly turning a black shade your fangs grew and claws. You screamed as you you felt pain course through your body tears going down your face. You scratched at a doctors arm making a big claw scratch at the doctor arm.
The doctors knock you out by hitting harshly on the neck as you pass out. When you woke up you were in a metal cage and a collar around your neck. Guards of the Celestial dragons were around you and you saw the Celestial Dragon himself as he calls you a dangerous monster and freak as he commands the guards to start the beating. You see a guard raise a bat that comes crashing down at you.
You jolt up in a cold sweat, your breath heaving harshly. You feel as if the room around you is closing in on you as you grab your chest. You try to catch your breath and calm yourself down. Buts it is not working, you keep seeing the faces of the people who have hurt you and mocking voices of people who have discriminated you. You feel something grab your hand and when you turn to who it is.
Its Ace, he is asleep, he holds your hand gently but tightly. Your breath slows down as you look at your hands that holds Ace hands. ..again a nightmare..you take a deep breath and focus on your surroundings. He might be asleep or not but whatever it was you needed that comfort.
"...thanks" you say as you lie down.
You never were too comfortable with touching but this was..nice. You close your eyes, the sudden rush of adrenaline makes you tired as your body feels exhausted. You slowly doze off still holding onto Ace hand. Nobody here got mad when you cried, or hit you. They only comforted you.....
You were feeling safe, with your new family.
AN: I'm going to make a part 4 soon probably on Tuesday.
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monstersdownthepath · 8 months
Herald of Erastil: The Grim White Stag
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CR 15
Lawful Good Colossal Outsider
Inner Sea Gods, pg. 286
The second largest of all the Heralds, the Grim White Stag lives up to its name in every respect it can. Despite serving the god of community and family, the Grim White Stag (which I will be referring to as the Stag from now on) is almost always alone, preferring the company of animals and non-sapient beasts to anything else. Despite the fact it can speak and understand multiple languages, even those of the Druids, the Stag has never said a single word to any being that could possibly understand it, leading many to believe it simply can't speak. It is said that the Stag is only ever seen by human life every 20 to 30 years, as it spends all other times withdrawn from civilization walking a relatively lonely path through the forests of Golarion, instinctively avoiding stomping over innocent creatures and valuable plants as wildlife follows in its wake.
Despite its isolationist behavior, the Stag will leap into the fray to defend whatever tiny settlement Erastil commands it to protect with a show of force that may simply scatter the invading force immediately. What fool would stand in the path of a stone and wood deer 60ft tall? Worse still, when the Stag arrives, it often does so with an army; its echoing Bugle can be heard for miles around, with all wildlife and followers of Erastil instinctively recognizing it and instantly knowing the distance and direction of its source. Like something out of a Disney movie (or perhaps a Lord of the Rings film), invading soldiers may hear a low, mournful noise that echoes throughout a nearby forest and hear the footsteps of a titan growing slowly, inexorably closer. Then a 60ft tall incarnate of the wilds breaks the treeline in plodding steps so calm it practically radiates the idea that you couldn't harm it with any weapon you own, glowing white eyes fixed on you and your wicked allies with what is unquestionably a look of judgment, and before your commander can even give the order to fire upon this creature, the forest is alive with the sounds of every beast, bug, and blade of grass turning to take up arms against you.
The first arrow that flies isn't from your side, it's from the men and women in camouflage and animal skins that you didn't even realize had surrounded you until you were already routed, and it's embedded itself in your commander. The battle breaks out, and the titan of nature lowers its head and charges into the fray.
Unlike many of the Heralds we've seen thus far, the Stag is almost entirely built for battle. It's got some minor curative magic, able to use Neutralize Poison and Cure Disease 3/day each, and it's able to use Lay on Hooves 10/day to restore 9d6 HP to any creature in its reach, or to itself as a swift action, but all of this is window dressing. Like the Grand Defender, the Stag exists hit things really hard a lot of times in a row, and in turn be really hard to harm.
To begin with its defenses: A lot of the time, I outright don't talk about any DR or Regeneration Heralds have, because it's often shut down by exposure to Evil weapons and spells, meaning the very creatures they're destined to fight have the easiest time harming them. The Stag, however, has a novel DR that makes it that much harder for most creatures to hurt it: Its DR 10 can only be bypassed by a weapon that's both Evil and silver. Silver weapons are anathema to many fiends and creatures that would otherwise hunt the Stag, so they aren't likely to be carrying them around, and any creature which relies on Evil-charged natural attacks simply can't pierce its DR unless their natural attack somehow counts as silver.
Like many angelic beings, the Stag sheds a 20ft Protective Aura around itself, but sadly it's much weaker than the auras of most true Angels, only granting +4 to AC and +4 to saving throws to every being inside it against the attacks and effects of Evil creatures, rather than just all the time. It also doesn't hedge out hostile spells like the usual Aura, but in all honesty I can see why: it's got a 30ft space. A 20 radius sphere surrounding a 30ft space is a ludicrous area of protection, and since it's Colossal, the Stag can share its space with any number of its smaller allies. Were it afforded the full Protective Aura of the angels, it'd cover a fourth or even half of a typical battlefield with it... but of course, a DM can always modify that if they really feel like giving the Stag some extra juice.
This isn't all the Stag has to offer its allies, though. Defense is well and good, but the Stag can also give some offense with its Cascade of Spears, an intimidating-sounding ability that's actually harmless for approximately 6 seconds. This cascade sees the Stag shaking its head, its antlers shedding massive fragments to the ground below--18 fragments, to be exact, each of which can take the shape of a +1 shortspear, spear, longspear, or bundle of five +1 arrows or +1 crossbow bolts, individually chosen by the Stag as they fall from its head. These weapons retain their magic for only 18 minutes before losing their charge, but that's often enough for them to make a difference in the fight the Stag has joined.
When the Stag itself finally starts swinging, it hurts. It has a pair of hooves which deal 2d8+7 damage each, but its primary attack is a gore, dealing 4d6+14 damage and throwing whoever is hit 10ft away from it... but because it's got a 30ft space and a 20ft reach, its target is likely not knocked out of its melee range, but their own melee range, forcing them to waste time walking back up to it to try again and essentially making it a pseudo-stagger. This also has the side effect of pushing a target out of melee with the Stag's squishier allies while allowing them to still attack with the superior range of their fancy new spears.
Against a whole army of foes, the Stag can simply rush in and Trample over the lot of them, dealing 2d8+21 damage to any creature that doesn't move or doesn't succeed a DC 33 Reflex save. With the majority of its foes likely unable to meaningfully harm it, the colossal cervid can elect to just Trample them over and over each round until the majority are dealt with and its allies move in to mop up. Simple, direct, and effective.
To close out, the Stag has one more unusual act it can perform in order to either bolster an army before a battle or restore them after a pitched fight: Heroes Feast. This isn't like a normal casting of the power, though; the Stag can only perform this act once a month, and it does so by laying down and dying, its wood and stone body splitting open to reveal a banquet for up to 18 creatures. Anyone who partakes gains the benefits of the spell, restoring their bodies and minds and bolstering them against foul elements, whether that be what has passed or what is to come. Thankfully this does not put a permanent end to the Stag, as it returns to full life and health the very next sunrise... so if it performs this feasting ritual at sunset, by the next morning it will be back at full power, just in time for whatever mission Old Deadeye has for it.
You can read more about it here.
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steampunkagumon · 2 days
More Ghost of Me AU snippets! (The new one, not the parallel to Sly’s “Who We Were” because I don’t like thinking about it. If you want to differentiate them, you could call this the Hologram Ghost AU, but I’m planning on the full story title being “You’re Looking At the Ghost of Me” so :P)
Riot unlocking Spirit Evolution and becoming BurningGreymon during the fight with BanchoLeomon
Riot with a bloodstain on his shirt where HiAndromon stabbed him. He’d get an upgrade like the rest of the group if he could, but he wants to keep it as a power move
Reuniting with Flamemon in the Vaccine Plains, and Flamemon Warp Digivolves to Aldamon because Riot asked to see it. It’s the first time he’s felt happy in his Ultimate-level form
BurningGreymon Dark Digivolving to ShineGreymon Ruin Mode and going absolutely ballistic on HiAndromon Burst Mode. “You’re the reason they laughed at me! You’re the reason I can’t move on!”
ShineGreymon Ruin using HiAndromon’s own words against him as he deals the final blow. “I don’t care how much noise you make. Just be deleted…”
Gary putting a ring of salt around the van so Riot can’t get out and leaving a note on the window that says “DO NOT TOUCH THE SALT! The AC is on and he’s listening to his favorite music” but Riot looks like this:
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Riot getting visions or recurring nightmares of being killed for the amusement of others. “I think I’m startin’ to get why I’m hauntin’ you guys…”
ER, not knowing if everyone will make it out of the final battle alive or if some of them will be joining him, confesses his love for Riot and hugs him. As Riot is supposed to be in an incorporeal state, that’s the part that surprises him the most. “ER, you… You touched me…”
“Guess I did, huh? Then…” ER leans up, cups Riot’s face and kisses him on the lips. Riot does not “melt into it” or anything like that, doesn’t even blush, just stares like a deer in headlights even as ER pulls away
A Digimon called EmperorGreymon swoops in to save ER. “You didn’t give up on me, no way in hell I’m giving up on you…”
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radioisntdead · 4 months
Good evening folks! I wasn't feeling the best today so I decided to treat myself and I made a sheet + some details for my sona [with a very mild redesign]
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She's supposed to be a little more chubby [because I am] but apparently that vanished during my lineart and I did not have the energy to fix it.
She's a lil' deer lady who writes fanfiction and does other things in the hotel, she got taken out around the early 1930's after discovering something she wasn't supposed too.
She wrote a few books that never got published during her lifetime.
Ranging from wholesome romance, horror to children's books.
She has two sets of ears because I have a thing for elf ears, she can hear out of both pairs, the elf ears are pierced, She's more sensitive towards loud noises.
Her pupils are ink splotches, and the marks on her body resemble ink splotches.
She dyes parts of her hair brown, just to somewhat stay in touch with what she looked like before, without the brown it's fully pink [?]
Honestly has no idea WHAT she did to end up down there, has a couple of theories though.
She has a notebook with all the details about loved ones, along with doodles, just in case she forgets what they looked like, She wonders if her loved ones still remember her or if she's buried deep in their memories, forever forgotten.
She has a whole thing with being forgotten or forgetting.
She absolutely HATED some of the deer aspects she got stuck with at first, particularly her deer ears at first, definitely tried to tear them off when she got oversimulated.
She learned to adore her deer parts within time especially her hooves because hooves, they make click-clack noises, she still wants to tear her deer ears off when she gets oversimulated though.
Ended up getting involved with Alastor and temporarily [and without permission] took over his radio tower when he was away for seven years, forcing sinners to hear her sleep deprived rambles and whatever songs she felt like listening to.
Moved into the hazbin hotel because she had nothing better to do plus it gave her more time to indulge in her hobbies without worry of getting murked or something.
Wonders if she truly gets redeemed would her loved ones accept her when they're reunited again?
Her choker has a spades charm on it [Ace of spades]
Occasionally keeps cursed cat Alastor hostage, also kidnaps the egg bois to change their outfits or draw on them.
Crochets little plushies and gives them to everyone in the hotel.
Old versions
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Alrighty I'm done being cringe for now, I'm writing the part two for that Velvette fic, so Tune on in later today or tomorrow for it!
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