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radioisntdead · 2 months ago
I'm rewatching hazbin with a friend and why do I like THIS CREATURE, I need to bully him more
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radioriseblogs · 2 years ago
My bday happened last month! I am now 20 I am also obsessing over fangans more than ever gdsafuhgdsjfv
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humanradiojmp · 4 months ago
Master Post of Sorts
Hi. I’m HumanRadioJMP. You can call me Radio or Jay.
I’m a Christian writer and artist, with the blog being a smorgasbord of fan stuff, original works, writing tips, cool art, and whatever else I find interesting.
Uh… here’s a few lists of things relevant to me:
Media I'm into, in no particular order
*Blue is what I'm currently obsessed with*
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (specifically 2012 and Rise)
Murder Drones
The Amazing Digital Circus
The Trolls (DreamWorks)
Stardew Valley
To the Moon series
My Hero Academia
The Promised Neverland (the manga moreso than the anime)
Demon Slayer
Disney Fairies
(Fan)Fics I have written, in order of publication
Power is What You Make of It – A MHA AU of quirkless, vigilante Izuku showing a quirk alone doesn’t make a hero
How to Exit the Circus Online – A TADC fic where it’s an MMORPG, and things in reality are starting to look a lot like the video game
Name of the Game - A TADC FunnyBunny oneshot of Jax and Pomni doing a competition together
(Coming Eventually) Angst, Friendship, and a Whole Lotta Murder - A Murder Drones rewrite with my own take on the series
More TBA, because I have more ideas
A few art/animatic/AU things you might like or recognize
My Little Teenage Mutant Ninja Ponies AU Minipost - Abandoned
Kimberly and Co. side blog for my series concept
Murder Drones Animatic List
Consumed and Forgotten TADC AU - Being worked on (referred to as the post-apocalypse au)
Some relevant tags for navigating the blog
#on writing - anything on writing, including tips, advice, and resources
#humanradiojmp - anything original by me
#radiorambles - written posts by me; mostly about whatever
#consumed and forgotten #post apocalypse au - TADC au
Support me on Ko-fi
Commission acceptance status: OPEN!
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estefania-aa · 2 years ago
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||| Un poco de imágenes del tercer programa de @escoltemlesrambles ||| Gracias a la producción y coordinación de la #XRCB y de Cultura Viva por hacernos parte de esta gran comunidad radial y sonora.
Muy pronto publicaremos el podcast de esta primera sesión del año sobre la web de la Xarxa de Radios Comunitarias de Barcelona >> www.xrcb.cat/radiorambles << y en el Blog de Grupo de Exploraciones del Entorno Sonoro (G.E.E.S.)-[EE], que aparece reflejado en nuestro Instagram del programa también.
Gracias por Escuchar 👂
#XRCB #escoltemlesrambles #paisajessonorosdelasramblas #ecologiaacústica #escuchaprofunda #entornoindividuoysociedad #barcelonacultura #culturarambles #haciendocomunidad #radiopodcast #PedroMontesinos #EstefaniaAA
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radio-ghost · 4 years ago
like actually what am I supposed 2 do with all these emotions, I jst wanna play dnd and cry dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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radioisntdead · 11 months ago
I was debating on writing Alastor with Too sweet, and I'm taking this as a sign to write it
Someone pls make a oneshot of Alastor with the song “Too sweet” by Hozier
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radiodramatic · 6 years ago
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radiobugs · 3 years ago
i'm da joka baybey !!!
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lgbtqia-stim-and-icons · 5 years ago
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Quoiromantic stimboard with space themes for @radiorambles!
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chicagograss · 7 years ago
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Scary! #banjo #terror #aliens #banjoplayers #fear #banjoists @stevedilling @sidelinebluegrass @marteka__ @mar.teka @marteka_william @barrydcrabtree @noampikelny @radioramblers @banjoreserve @banjomuseum @thebanjonation @kyletuttlebanjo @belafleckbanjo @jkbanjo @krugerbrothers @henhouseprowlers @taurioksala
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radioisntdead · 10 months ago
alastor x sleepy Reader? Thank u ^_^
Good evening my dear! No idea what you wanted so I'm going with headcanons!
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Sleepy reader headcanons
Warnings: none other then The reader has wings because in my sleep deprived brain think being wrapped with wings is just so cozy and warm, also bat coded, I am writing this while sleep deprived because I got motivation for some reason, this is short also this is bordering on chaotic.
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Both you and Alastor have horrible sleeping habits, but whereas he stays up for multiple days in a row then crashes horribly you take power naps, like five minute "naps" throughout the day in random places
like in my other sleepy reader headcanons [I think??] Reader takes cat naps in weird spaces, I imagine you sleep upside down like a bat, [unrelated but hear me out on a bat reader, like is that NOT ADORABLE]
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Lil' adorable creature of the night. This is just me spreading bat propaganda, bat-ganda I swear if bat-ganda is an actual word that doesn't mean something with literal bats I'm biting someone chomp chomp bith
Anyways, Alastor often finds you sleeping hanging upside down on the chandelier, door frames, anything that dangles,
I imagine you've probably slipped a few times and he's had to catch you because high place and it'd be such a shame for his favorite you, to get injured!
I imagine you have a tendency to fall asleep on him.
Dude has definitely moved out of the way as you toppled over asleep causing you to fall on the floor.
He finds it hilarious.
Sometimes he'll let you snooze on his shoulder or lap especially during broadcasts.
I imagine when Alastor inevitably crashes from sleep exhaustion you take the chance to get proper sleep,
You have a built-in blanket, it's the wings.
Either you wrap both you and Alastor in your wings like a joint cocoon, or he just straight up has one of your wings over him like a blanket as y'all nap.
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I can't draw Alastor, stupid haircut deer man
I imagine since Alastor hates being touched by the majority of people, you're in the very short list of people that are allowed to touch him, that bring said I hope you wake up before him in the wing cocoon because if not broski is just trapped there, as snug as a bug in a rug, or as snug as a deer in a wing cocoon.
I imagine the wing cocoon is warm but not melty warm like hot chocolate warm.
Very nice place to nap, wings comfy.
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Good evening folks! Hope you enjoyed, someone KNOCK ME OUT WITH A BAGUETTE PLEASE, as per usual thank you for tuning on in!
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radioriseblogs · 2 years ago
If the octoling IS agent 8
I will draw eight agent 8 designs that are from tumblr users who's designs I think are neat
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scotthuckphoto · 8 years ago
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Another month down! #project365 #photooftheday #photoaday #PAD #monochrome #photomechanic #nikond5 #justpassingby #radioramblers #bishnbows http://ift.tt/2jDp1ip
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radioisntdead · 11 months ago
can request a g/n reader and Rosie where we are the same size as nifty but somehow fit under Rosie’s hat no one knows how not even us
Good evening my dear! I am going with headcanons for this! This is really short my apologies, I didn't know what to do with this other then hat turtle.
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You are a chaotic little thing, no one knows where you came from or when exactly you showed up but you stuck with Rosie,
Where Rosie is you are usually near by, typically in her hat, the first time you got into her hat you were running away from Susan, and decided to climb up Rosie's back and put her hat on your head, you didn't expect to just sink into her hat like a turtle going into it's shell.
Rosie routinely has to check her hats before putting them away in case you were taking a nap in there.
Rosie has to shake her hats before going into an overlord meeting because you're not allowed in there, you accidentally got taken in once while taking a nap, you rose up from Rosie's head in a panic and booked it running away like a hat turtle, breaking through a wall in your escape.
"Rosie, Did your hat just grow legs and run???"
"Indeed it did, now you were sayin'?"
Alastor finds you hiding in Rosie's hat hilarious, and solely because of your shared height with Niffty whenever he visits he brings Niffty so the two of you can "play" while he talks with Rosie,
The two of you either stare at each other unblinkingly from the top of your respective cannibal's heads, attack bugs together, maybe terrorize the local cannibals.
Whenever you get tired you go into Rosie's hat, she doesn't even feel the extra weight from you snoozing in her hat,
She's going on a walk? Grab your headphones sneak in her hat and it's the best nap ever.
Literally y'all are like
"Rosie what's under your hat?"
"Oh! [name]'s in there! Say hi [name]!" causally lifts hat
Sometimes she'll take her hat off and place it on the ground to confuse people, freaking them out when her seemingly normal hat grow legs and starts running after them.
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radioisntdead · 3 months ago
Alright I've been getting some REALLY really weird requests lately, [Someone requested that a character grooms a reader from childhood, borderline weird romanized abuse stuff ect etc] and I've been deleting them when I get them because I don't write that for hopefully obvious reasons, but it's reached a point where I have to make a whole post about this, please read my "What I don't write" list in my pinned post before requesting, do not overstep my set boundaries, and please remember, an actual person is seeing your requests.
I do not write those types of fics and I am uncomfortable with that type, I mostly write [usually wholesome or tragic] romance, found family, murdery fics, or the weird chaotic fic, none of them include things like that. Thank you for reading.
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radioisntdead · 9 months ago
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Cursed cat Alastor doing things my dog, Barnaby does, did or has, I am sleeping deprived help me, it's 6:53 I haven't slept this is short and has been in my drafts for a month and I'm just now editing and adding more
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Bites and nibbles as signs of affection, now while my Barnaby does this lightly and DOESN'T injure, Cursed cat Alastor tends to draw blood.
Notoriously steals unattended food off the table.
Will lay on your face and may suffocate you
Stares into your soul.
You can see his eyes in the dark.
Has a vendetta against glasses, will literally KNOCK them off your face!
Drinks out of the toilet, Cursed cat Alastor has fallen into the toilet.
Big ol' goofy eyes
Will guilt you into giving him food
Whines at you if you call him a fat boy
has amassed a fanclub
If you can get it on him he wears bowties like a little fancy man, fancy fancy cat man
Tackled someone
Doesn't like blankets covering his eyes, will chew on the blankets.
Runs fast like a blue hedgehog
Vendetta against ducks, WILL GO FOR THE NECK.
Has tripped people before. [While barnaby felt bad, cursed cat Alastor doesn't he will cat laugh at your misery]
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Good evening folks I sleep now here have a barnaby thank you for tuning in!
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