27, Pixel artist with a heart fetish. Feel free to draw my characters and ideas, just give credit when you do!
Last active 4 hours ago
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Karlotte, a friend of yours from Denmark, has finished her training schedule. Given the fact she's alone in the gym's hall she decides to take advantage of the situation: she takes a digital stethoscope from her gym's bag, she plag in its jack into her headset and starts listening to her strained heart. One of the things that fascinate her the most is the fact that the whole heart structure (like the reported data) and so that its beating sound is defined genetically so no one else in the world has the same. The sound she's listening to is simply her own.
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The more corporeal ghost-type Pokemon probably still have physical organs and such. They don't need them and could easily rip them out, but they probably regenerate anyway.
A Hisuian Typhlosion occasionally snuggling with their trainer to warm them on cold nights. The trainer often falls asleep to the Typh's heartbeat, lulled by the ethereal echoing with each lubdub.
In a morbid display of affection befitting these ghosts, the Typh digs their paws into their chest and casually pulls their heart out for their trainer. Smiling so affectionately while their big, soft motor audibly squishes in their paws with a light purple glow.
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I figure it'd be handy to say, but I'm always open for asks and submissions and chats! You're always welcome to ask stuff, share cool ideas or fantasies you have, or even share anything inspired by all my writing about fae or pokemon, or even my medical OCs!
#cardiophile#cardiophilia#dark cardiophilia#dark cardiophile#cardiac fairy#dark heart fetish#heart fetish
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The massive beating heart of a titanosaurus.
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Suddenly in the mood for big, plump, soft hearts. Not out of healthplay, not necessarily strong or weak. Just someone having such a round squishy pump, and grabbing onto a handful of it doesn't hurt them at all. Like a big, hot water balloon!
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Elastic girl heart pounding out
Yeah she have a huge mother Heart inside this super hero body
Her chest are elastic so I guess that the most logical Fictionnal character can have that
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At a tea party with some "friends", Nicoletta had the courage to make a terrible joke about a piece of dress that she didn't noticed you were actually wearing... Under normal circumstances you would have ignored it but you're secretly a magician of hundreds of years of age and such a lack of respect can not pass unpunished. That's why you decided to cause her a minor (hopefully but who cares) heart decompensation casting on her: -GRASPHEART- The fingers of an astral hand appears in her mediastinum and wrap around her heart. Her rhythmic contractions, that you can clearly feel like the figers were your own, becomes faster and faster as the grip becomes closer reducing the available space for the organ to properly fill with new blood. An expression of great concern appeared on her face perfectly feeling that something very wrong was happening to her heart. To have a better experience of her punishement you used the third eye spell to see through her green sweater and her prosperous chest under which her heart was on the point of failing, overwhelmed by the supernatural grip. The astral hand was so thight around her poor heart that it started skipping and stumbling desperately trying to sustain the blood circulation Nicoletta's body needed so much to keep working. Finally the effort became too much for her little heart and its desperate rhythm precipitated into ventricular fibrillation. The silence in which the whole room fell as she started gasping for apparently no reasons turned into horror as she simply collapsed on the wooden bench where she was sitting. Quickly Charlotte, another guest at the party who is also a physician, took a stethoscope out of her bag and rapidly placed it on Nicoletta's chest trying to understand what was going on, suspecting a cardiovascular crysis. The moment she heard no sound at all she exclaimed in despair: "Oh my God, the heart completely ceased to beat!!" She started CPR on Nicoletta's body but it was all in vain. Captured by the pleasure of touching and grasping such a young and snappy heart you exagerated and simply crashed it, severely damaging its essential internal structures... Now that Nicoletta lies on the ground and everyone else is petrified in place, through the astral fingers that still wrap her heart you can feel no more than senseless spasms coming from it. Pushed by an incomprehensible sense of compassion you try to pump it manually a couple of time but when it doesn't work and her heart becomes literally immobile and her body lifeless, the same though as before arise: who cares.
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Happy valentine's day! A perfect day for li'l fairies to snuggle some lonely hearts.
For that matter, here's an open invitation: heart-related fairy fiction! Doesn't need to be cardiac fairies in specific, but fairies doing stuff to hearts or stuff done to theirs. I'd love to see more writers think up whatever they could do with fae, light or dark!
#cardiophile#cardiophilia#dark cardiophilia#dark cardiophile#cardiac fairy#dark heart fetish#heart fetish
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A Jynx is found collapsed near a town on a hot day. Of course, a local Nurse Joy is hurried over to the Pokemon. (A little fun musing about ice-type cardiology. Medical/surgery mention)
The nurse takes the Jynx's hand into one of hers, feeling that her skin isn't very cool to the touch. That wouldn't be worrying if the Jynx wasn't an ice-type... However, Joy's other hand held the bell of her stethoscope, and firmly placed it on the ice woman's chest. Slosh-bum, swoosh-thum...
"As I figured," the nurse simply stated, "She has a case of melted heart." In this situation, 'melted heart' is a term for when an ice-type pokemon has overheated to the point that they can't keep themselves cold. Their insides, normally kept their structure with natural internal frost, lose that structure. Namely, their heart will struggle to beat properly.
The nurse digs into her emergency pokeball kit and sends out a Glaceon, ordering it to walk with Joy and bathe the Jynx in ice breath as she's carried to the pokemon center.
The ice breath is enough to keep her stable, but re-freezing her will take a more involved procedure. The common way to heal a melted heart is to push a tube down into the Pokemon's stomach and partially fill it with ice, letting their heart directly above absorb that cold. If things are more dire, either a minimally invasive hose to deposit ice into their chest cavity or open heart surgery.
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A Jynx is found collapsed near a town on a hot day. Of course, a local Nurse Joy is hurried over to the Pokemon. (A little fun musing about ice-type cardiology. Medical/surgery mention)
The nurse takes the Jynx's hand into one of hers, feeling that her skin isn't very cool to the touch. That wouldn't be worrying if the Jynx wasn't an ice-type... However, Joy's other hand held the bell of her stethoscope, and firmly placed it on the ice woman's chest. Slosh-bum, swoosh-thum...
"As I figured," the nurse simply stated, "She has a case of melted heart." In this situation, 'melted heart' is a term for when an ice-type pokemon has overheated to the point that they can't keep themselves cold. Their insides, normally kept their structure with natural internal frost, lose that structure. Namely, their heart will struggle to beat properly.
The nurse digs into her emergency pokeball kit and sends out a Glaceon, ordering it to walk with Joy and bathe the Jynx in ice breath as she's carried to the pokemon center.
The ice breath is enough to keep her stable, but re-freezing her will take a more involved procedure. The common way to heal a melted heart is to push a tube down into the Pokemon's stomach and partially fill it with ice, letting their heart directly above absorb that cold. If things are more dire, either a minimally invasive hose to deposit ice into their chest cavity or open heart surgery.
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Sometimes I'll see someone in the community raise a stink over an ultimately harmless niche of the heart fetish, and then I look and see they have no room to talk.
Rule of thumb, posts like mortal kombat fatalities all over your page kinda diminishes said room to complain unless it's truly suspect stuff
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I imagine heart fanatics aren't really the focus on them (go figure), but it's kind of a bummer seeing there's a small asmr niche for heart surgery rp and they don't really focus on the heart. Like sure they talk about the surgery, but they kinda dance around getting to the heart itself. No describing the heart, or even much notice when the person does get to the heart. It kinda just happens
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