#abused dog
saintsonnet · 11 months
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[plain text/
what if i'm just
a dog with a bite history.
what if i shouldnt be trusted.
what if your faith is misplaced?
what then?
what will you do?
will you hit me, throw me out again?
even if i've done nothing wrong?
will you kick me, bruising even deeper?
will you choke me on a leash,
that i'll end up chewing off anyways?
will you throw me to the side of the highway,
car door slamming
and engine growling in what feels like a mockery?
or will you wait.
will you sit twenty, ten, five feet away from me? gradually getting closer.
will you wait for me to be comfortable?
will you hold your hand out, letting me assess?
will you train me properly?
i know that i have a history
and i know i growl and bare my teeth when you're too kind to me
and i know there's no reason at all that you should trust me on this.
but i'm not asking you to trust me I'm only asking you to be kind. /end plain text]
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moonlight26posts-blog · 6 months
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In Baltimore City, MD: - URGENT: Rescue needed by 4pm on 3/16 -
Joya- 13 years, unaltered female, 45lbs
13-year-old senior girl, Joya, was brought to BARCS by our partnering Animal Control after being found living in deplorable conditions without proper care. Poor girl was so confused and fearful when she first arrived in our care, and was shaking profusely while lying in her kennel, overwhelmed by the other barking dogs.
Immediately after being processed, Joya was moved into a quiet staff office to help her feel more comfortable. She was definitely still uncertain of everything, sniffing the entire room thoroughly, and cautious of new people, but we've fortunately learned that she can be quickly won over with tasty snacks and slow, gentle pets to the head. She startles easily and is not quite comfortable with a ton of handling, but has been very cooperative and tolerant still.
Upon examination, our vets noted that Joya has grade 2/4 periodontal disease, cataracts and decreased vision, a low grade heart murmur, multiple mammary gland tumors, overgrown nails, dermatitis with scabs and raw skin, and seems to also have some arthritis or degenerative joint disease. She has been started on a few meds to begin to make her more comfortable and a full medical summary can be provided upon request.
No senior should spend their days in the shelter, and Joya here is of course no exception. We would love to see this sweet, shy girl in a comfortable, loving home for once, where she can finally spend her golden years in peace.
Due to Joya's age, multiple medical conditions, and our shelter's lack of space, Joya needs rescue placement by close of business (4pm) on 3/16.
Please let us know if your organization can help!
Thank you,
The BARCS Rescue Team
Baltimore Animal Rescue & Care Shelter (BARCS) ​New Address! 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225 [email protected]| (410) 396-4695
Rescue pick-up hours: Monday-Friday: 10:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m
Adoption hours: Monday-Friday: 2 p.m.-6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter, Inc. (BARCS) | 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225
**If you would like to foster Joya, we can contact local rescues to ask for help, please email [email protected] (we are only a volunteer group that tries to help rescues help the dogs/cats of MD)
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odinsblog · 1 year
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Istg, if I ever get rabies because some dumb ass antivaxxer refused to vaccinate their dog, I’ll probably be doing the rest of my blogging from prison because I promise you, Imma curbstomp the shit out of the owner
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tenderheartedtheodore · 4 months
you've all heard of the abuse cycle (mori → dazai → ryuu → kyouka) and the savior chain (natsume → oda → dazai → atsushi → kyouka) now get ready for the unsaved trio (club)
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watching people get saved and brought to the light while you're still in the dark and probably will always be there must be tough huh
(very honorable mention: kouyou! i added her in a reblog.) (she got very close to being saved, once. then it was taken from her.)
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howlsnteeth · 6 months
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savasavva · 2 months
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toxic yuri
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spyroz · 1 month
if anyone needs help identifying things that can become moral scrupulosity OCD obsessions/compulsions, heres a list of some i've experienced:
rereading your posts/texts over and over
checking your notes and/or followers list frequently to "make sure" bad actors aren't interacting with you
checking OP's blog before interacting with posts
compulsively opening a social media tab to look at your notifs and then closing it, over and over
fearing ways that things you say/do (or don't do) could be taken in bad faith. being anxious that your words/actions will be misconstrued as morally wrong, bigoted, rude, or aggressive
feeling guilty or obsessing over whether you should or shouldn't have reblogged a post
feeling like you aren't "allowed" to disengage from online discourse or unfollow people who post it
fearing you're being stalked, talked about, or called out behind your back. fearing you'll never be forgiven and that people might even celebrate your disappearance or death, even though you havent done anything wrong
searching your own name/username to see if anyone is actually talking about you
imagining defenses you would make against nonexistent heinous accusations or arguments against you, to prove that you didnt do it
feeling like you have to roll over and become a doormat when others are cruel to you, because it could cause strife if you do anything other than grovel or apologize
having trouble enforcing your own boundaries out of fear that they are somehow "wrong" or unethical
ending up surrounded by people who have all the "right opinions" but are super mean and unpleasant, and make you feel like you have to walk on eggshells
fearing that just HAVING moral ocd makes you a bad person somehow (for example, i often fear that having moral ocd is somehow pushing a 'stranger danger' or misanthropist agenda, even though i actually have a lot of faith in my fellow humans)
some of these bullet points are not inherently bad on their own, but if you find yourself having this kind of anxiety very often, that's not normal, and it's time to get offline or even seek professional help if it's impacting your life
this list is catered to how online culture influences moral scrupulosity, it is not indicative of how everybody's moral scrupulosity functions, and it is not exhaustive
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heartless-curr · 2 months
i want to talk about the moment that both made me fall in love with atsushi nakajima as a character, and which made me realize that I was probably going to get obsessed with BSD.
specifically, it was this moment.
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words can not describe how important this moment was to me, and how vital this is to both atsushi as a character and his relationship with dazai as a whole.
as someone who is currently living with my abusive parents, this was something that resonated with me a lot — oftentimes, media when attempting to portray abuse (specifically parental abuse) and victims of abuse, does 1 out of 2 things:
1. Tries to justify the abuse and protect the parents — having the kids be okay with the treatment they recieved.
2. Has the kids utterly despise their parents with no shred of good feelings.
And whilst, sure, both of these can happen — and I'm sure there are victims who actually feel like this — it's not the most common response.
Speaking from my own experience — I don't know how to feel about my parents. If they died, I wouldn't know what face to make. I hate them more than anyone else, but at the same time, I grew up with them. I hate them, but I also love them. If they died, I don't know how I'd feel about it. And we get to see Atsushi having that exact breakdown — the elation over the person you hate dying, versus the grief and frustration and confusion. Abuse isn't simple, and feelings aren't simply — your abuser dying isn't something that's clean cut, it comes with a million different conflicting confusing emotions.
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And the fact that Atsushi is allowed to have these feelings, is allowed to hate the headmaster, is allowed to grieve without forgiveness, is so important. BSD doesn't try to justify his abuse — it's okay to mourn someone that hurt you even if you don't like them. Their death — or their intentions — don't make forgiveness a necessity.
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And even moreso, the fact that he gets explicitly told that regardless of the fact that that abuse was what molded him into the person he is today and has helped him survive, and the fact that the headmaster had good intentions, it was bad and unforgivable, is extremely important.
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dazai not forcing atsushi to feel a certain way about his abuser, and encouraging him to mourn without forgiveness and to actually feel, is an incredibly important moment — i doubt that i'm only speaking for myself here when i say that when dealing with these subject matters, these are the types of things we'd like to hear.
the fact that dazai is the character telling atsushi this isn't lost on me, either — considering that earlier on this chapter, he sent ryuunosuke to tell atsushi about the headmaster, and they had this interaction:
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everything about this is so fascinating and well written — from atsushi having an extremely realistic breakdown over the death of his abuser, to dazai telling him that he has zero obligation for forgiveness — and the implications that he's aware that what he's done to ryuunosuke is wrong regardless of intentions, is fascinating.
to me, atsushi nakajima has always felt human in a way most protagonists don't — his trauma impacts him, he has complex messy feelings that can't be easily resolved. it's his choice what to do with his emotions, and all others can do is give advice, and let him figure out how to deal with them.
atsushi nakajima crying over the man who simultaneously raised him and made his life a living hell is accurate in a way that almost hurts.
(slightly unrelated, but i sure was accurate with this prediction from a month ago, huh!)
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lotus-pear · 11 months
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double black
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traumatizeddfox · 2 years
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cold--carnage · 1 month
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softness is a privilege that some take for granted.
kink/porn/sexually centered blogs please stop interacting with this post. your content is triggering and I don't want my art posted alongside it
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moonlight26posts-blog · 6 months
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**If you would like to foster Joya, we can contact local rescues to ask for help, please email [email protected] (we are only a volunteer group that tries to help rescues help the dogs/cats of MD)
In Baltimore City, MD: - URGENT: Rescue needed by 4pm on 3/16 - Joya- 13 years, unaltered female, 45lbs
13-year-old senior girl, Joya, was brought to BARCS by our partnering Animal Control after being found living in deplorable conditions without proper care. Poor girl was so confused and fearful when she first arrived in our care, and was shaking profusely while lying in her kennel, overwhelmed by the other barking dogs. Immediately after being processed, Joya was moved into a quiet staff office to help her feel more comfortable. She was definitely still uncertain of everything, sniffing the entire room thoroughly, and cautious of new people, but we've fortunately learned that she can be quickly won over with tasty snacks and slow, gentle pets to the head. She startles easily and is not quite comfortable with a ton of handling, but has been very cooperative and tolerant still.
Upon examination, our vets noted that Joya has grade 2/4 periodontal disease, cataracts and decreased vision, a low grade heart murmur, multiple mammary gland tumors, overgrown nails, dermatitis with scabs and raw skin, and seems to also have some arthritis or degenerative joint disease. She has been started on a few meds to begin to make her more comfortable and a full medical summary can be provided upon request.
No senior should spend their days in the shelter, and Joya here is of course no exception. We would love to see this sweet, shy girl in a comfortable, loving home for once, where she can finally spend her golden years in peace.
Due to Joya's age, multiple medical conditions, and our shelter's lack of space, Joya needs rescue placement by close of business (4pm) on 3/16.
Please let us know if your organization can help!
Thank you, The BARCS Rescue Team Baltimore Animal Rescue & Care Shelter (BARCS) ​New Address! 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225 [email protected]| (410) 396-4695
Rescue pick-up hours: Monday-Friday: 10:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m
**If you would like to foster Joya, we can contact local rescues to ask for help, please email [email protected] (we are only a volunteer group that tries to help rescues help the dogs/cats of MD)
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froody · 3 months
idk if you’ve heard the news story about the 4 month old baby that died of heat related illness after being left on a boat on a 121° Arizona day but anyway the news was treating it like a tragic unpredictable accident instead of the serious heinous case of child endangerment it was. why? probably because her fucking daddy was a cop. I think about the coverage in contrast to that of Shanesha Taylor, the Black single mother who briefly left her children in the car to attend a job interview after her child care fell through and was immediately arrested and eventually given 18 years of probation. this family essentially cooked and killed their infant and posted a GoFundMe and a week later the police are finally like “okay, we’re looking into it we guess”. rest in peace Tanna Rae Wroblewski. her death was entirely preventable at every turn.
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ryartchus · 11 months
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shittyutmv · 11 months
missed u sm can we see a shitty umtv screenshot redraw for the special occasion
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i SWEAR i didnt know you also redrew this Exact frame too. Objectively the funniest screencap
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Sorry to hear about the divorce. Again ink belongs to comyet cross belongs to jakei geno and after belong to loverofpiggies
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alchemyfarie · 28 days
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as much as i love book daniel just vibing during all the qotd drama, i would very much like for old daniel to fight marius
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