#abel users
neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
according to the medical industry, i'm morbidly obese, also known as class III obesity - the second highest stage of obesity, apparently. meanwhile, in terms of the Fat Spectrum (which is based on literal body size relative to accessibility/ableism), i'm only in the cusp between small and mid fat. above me, there are those firmly in mid fat, and then there's large fat and infinifat/super fat; there's also death fat, which is for anyone who wants to reclaim the categorization of morbidity.
i point this out because the medical industry, and society at large, has such a skewed and dehumanizing view of fat bodies. even the smallest of us are too much, and that sense of existing in wrongness and excess only gets worse the more fat you are. and i feel like straight size people have this idea that body fat is an accessory - that it can be taken on and off at will, and that fat people are simply choosing to have too much - that we're greedy and gluttonous because of it.
but in reality, body fat is a part of the human body. it comes in varying amounts in everyone, and that amount changes throughout our lives, throughout health and ability. and being part of the human body, our fat is us. by asking us to lose weight, become smaller, more palatable, you are asking us to change who we are. to literally take on a new face, because our face - the very thing most attach to our identity as a unique sign of us - is too much. can you imagine how heartbreaking that might be?
this idea of excess is similar for those who use mobility aids, and all of this a reminder that fatphobia is ableism - neither of which are ever okay or good or helpful or righteous. health and size are not indicators of morality and worth, and they certainly don't decide whether we deserve autonomy, healthcare, or access to life.
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yrfemmehusband · 1 year
seeing people i haven’t talked to since i started using a cane is so hard, especially in public.
be they a regular at my store, or an acquaintance, it’s always “WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU” “WHAT DID YOU DO” “ARE YOU OKAY?”
and i don’t know how they expect me to- in public, usually while im working- explain every symptom that led to my need for a cane. if you must ask, ask quietly in private. but it’s genuinely none of your business why someone may use a mobility aid! just treat us as you would normally if it weren’t there!
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userstuf · 7 months
• thweenk
• afthousr
• abelbfs
• dawvnfm
• thewekdn
fav/reblog if u save or use ♥︎ dont repost it
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madorosenpai · 7 months
Dia dos Namorados
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Summary: Não obstante, todos estavam bastante animados com exceção de um certo albino marionetista. Ele não suportava aquela data.
Notes: Apenas uma ideia que surgiu enquanto eu olhava algumas fan arts. Era pra esta fanfic ter sido postada no dia 14 de fevereiro porque como o próprio título aponta, seria o Dia dos Namorados. Eu sei que atrasei um tantinho, mas para todos os efeitos, vamos fingir que essa história foi postada no dia 14/02, sim?
Bom, sem mais delongas, boa leitura!
O clima não podia ser mais romântico na Easton. Com a chegada do Dia dos Namorados, todos os jovens estudantes estavam com os hormônios à flor da pele. Enquanto alguns criavam a coragem dentro de si para se declararem, outros ficavam na expectativa de terem seus sentimentos correspondidos. Não obstante, todos estavam bastante animados, com exceção de um certo albino marionetista. Ele não suportava aquela data.
Todo ano era a mesma coisa: tornava a se recordar do final trágico que teve sua mãe, o dia em que teve sua vida covardemente tirada pelas mãos de um necessitado faminto.
- No fim das contas eu também sou um fraco, afinal não pude salvar você... – Suspirou o albino em desolação ao encarar a pequena boneca que segurava em seus braços. Tudo o que mais desejava no momento era que o fatídico dia terminasse tão rápido quanto sua chegada.
- Seria incômodo eu te acompanhar em meio à melancolia? – Ao ouvir a pergunta, teve seu fluxo de pensamentos interrompido e virou-se para encarar o dono da voz.
Abyss esbanjava um sorriso terno em seu rosto enquanto aguardava a resposta de Abel à sua indagação, que não tardou a vir. A partir de um leve aceno do albino, o azulado teve sua confirmação e foi se aproximando timidamente do marionetista. Suas mãos pareciam esconder algo em suas costas.
- Sei bem como é. Certos acontecimentos nos fazem questionar a razão de nossa existência e o nosso valor como humanos. Será que vale à pena continuar vivendo? Eu honestamente acreditava que não até ter conhecido você...
Abel se sobressaltou com essa confissão. Sempre considerara o que fizera pelos integrantes do Magia Lupus o mínimo. Então, a sinceridade de Abyss aquecera seu coração. Era uma sensação aconchegante e acolhedora, que há muito não sentira e sequer cogitava fazer tanta falta a si. O azulado prosseguiu:
- Você não só me deu motivos para continuar existindo, como também me fez experimentar o que realmente significa estar vivo. Tudo pode ter começado como uma causa na nossa irmandade, mas é justamente ela que nos une como uma verdadeira família e por mais que tenhamos perdido a batalha, nada foi em vão. Quero que continuemos sendo uma família e que pudesse contar mais comigo nos momentos de vulnerabilidade... – Um rubor se instalou nas faces de ambos após proferir essas palavras.
- Somos humanos, Abel, temos nossos momentos de fragilidade e nada me dói mais do que não conseguir fazer nada a respeito. Não sou capaz de desfazer o ocorrido ou modificar suas memórias, mas ao menos, permita que eu seja seu esteio e a sua fonte de esperança inesgotável. – Após essa declaração, as mãos de Abyss deixaram suas costas revelando o que estivera escondendo até o presente momento: uma caixa de chocolates em formato de coração. Ao abri-la os inúmeros chocolates em formato de boneca contidos em seu interior foram revelados.
- Feliz Dia dos Namorados. – Disse enquanto levava uma boneca de chocolate até sua boca, deixando-a levemente presa aos seus lábios enquanto fechava seus olhos num convite discreto a um beijo.
Após captar a indireta lançada a si, os instintos mais primitivos de Abel pareceram despertar e não tardara a consumar aquele ato tão aguardado por ambos. No instante seguinte, seus lábios selaram-se levemente aos do azulado dando início a um beijo calmo, porém igualmente inebriante e repleto de significado. Todas as suas tristezas, medos, inseguranças e desabafos foram colocadas ali, abrindo espaço para que um novo e puro sentimento os preenchessem. 
Talvez o Dia dos Namorados não precisasse ser tão ruim assim. Enquanto tivessem um ao outro, não havia nada que não pudessem superar juntos.
Notes: Por mais que Abyss e Abel não sejam um casal canônico na obra original, a dinâmica existente entre os dois é tão maravilhosamente encantadora, que abre espaço para imaginarmos tantas possibilidades de cenários e interações entre eles.
Edit: @meinoart, sorry! I didn´t give the proper credits before! Dx
Found it on Pixiv quite sometime ago and didn´t remember the name of the artist, so I just put #credit to artist in the tags. I hope it´s not too late to give proper credits
Also, my other fanfics follow the same pattern. I´ll look again for the names of the artists and update the tags and the credits.
I´m really sorry :(
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usersmaker · 1 year
the weeknd users:
♡ LIKE or REBLOG if you save any user. 🇧🇷: ♡ CURTA ou REBLOGUE se salvar algum user.
[ don't repost ]
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creepiefarm · 2 years
CW ableism towards systems
I wanted to address this briefly, because lately I've seen far too many MH blogs spreading content that both demonizes and misrepresents OSDDID. I am a singlet, but this post was written with the help of and checked over by systems.
First and foremost please educate yourself, that is the first step and easiest way to avoid spreading blatant ableism. I will be linking some resources for that at the end of this post. Listen to systems when they tell you things are harmful or wrong.
When you see a post about OSDDID, how is it being talked about? Are they speaking positively about the disorder, or are they framing it to be "scary" or "edgy"? If the post does speak positivity about the disorders, how is it worded? How does it refer to system alters, or other parts of the disorder? Does it fall into common stereotypes, (i.e. the "evil alter") or treat it like a quirky character trait?
Now more specifically there is a post going around that made me feel there was a need to make this post. The post states you can't headcanon Tim or other characters in MH as being systems
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[Image ID: Screenshot of a tumblr post that says: “okay fellas, welcome, you’re here- and before you start spreading around false stuff, here’s a few good reminders! 1. None of the characters from Marble Hornets Youtube Series have DID. Masky and Hoodie are not evil leittle creatures that live inside Tim and Brian!” end ID]
This extremely poor wording implies that, if Tim or Brian have DID, that would make Masky and Hoody evil creatures that live in their brains. Basically stating that alters are "evil", and also dehumanizing them in the process. [There are of course nonhuman alters who should be respected just as much as human alters, but that is not what op is doing by calling them "creatures."] Masky or Hoody being alters would not make them evil, there is no such thing as an "evil alter". This is one of the most widespread ableist beliefs about systems, and something that is so easy to spot.
OP received many comments on why this is gross and harmful, but chose to leave it up. They responded with an "apology" that addressed none of the issues with their statement, was very condescending and basically showed they have no idea what they're talking about.
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[Image ID: screenshot of a tumblr post that says: “okay, lads. fellas. regarding my previous post, since a few people found it offensive (?) that I said none of the characters in MH have specifically DID disorder. I understand that people have their own headcanons and this is totally fine! I will not bash someone for healthily using such a hc to create a sense of comfort!
On that note, there are a select few people that I've seen in the past that romanticizes such a disorder- or make it very black n' white (aka Masky is this awful alter). Along with this, Tim canonically has psychosis, or something along the lines of this. In simple terms, romanticizing DID disorder (or any disorder)? not the best! Using such a headcanon as a sense of comfort/in a healthy fashion? totally fine! thank yew and have a good day” end ID]
If you are not well educated on a topic you do not have to speak on it. In cases like this, where I think op probably intended to help, they have instead spread gross ableism to hundreds of people. If someone is creating content that is gross and fetishizes the disorder, call them out on it. But if you have spent any good amount of time in this fandom you know most system headcanons are made by systems. It's a very weird thing to start a post for "new fans" with an ableist point about an issue you have only seen "a select few people do in the past." 
[As a side note, psychosis is not a disorder, it is a symptom. And if we are going with “in canon” Tim was diagnosed with Schizophrenia.]
There is nothing inherently "romanticizing" or "unhealthy" about headcanoning any character as a system. This would not be said about headcanoning a character with depression or anxiety, and I really need you guys to sit and think about why that is. OSDDID and psychotic disorders (also mentioned by op) are notoriously demonized. And spreading posts like this without thinking absolutely adds to that.
It's so important to be able to recognize things like this for how harmful they are. It does not matter if op had other points you agreed with, or if they had good intentions. This is ableism, it's wrong, and it's hurting people.
System headcanons are good, and it's wonderful that so many systems see healthy rep in MH for their disorder. This is not and has never been the issue. Here are some links a system friend gave me that you can educate yourself with. Systems are of course, welcome to add any additional thoughts, thank you for reading.
Common myths and perceptions | Alters | C-PTSD & DID | DID vs OSDD | How to help a friend with OSDDID | youtube channel
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dreamdropsystem · 3 months
mom has been more open to us using our AACs (we usually say apps) and she doesn't know any other AAC users or autistic people other than us and our cousin and she doesn't do research. wonder if she'd be annoyed if we sent articles or instagram posts?? (she doesn't use social media besides scroll on YouTube) she acts like we're not really disabled til is point blank in her face. she wants us to get a job cause “immigrants are taking all of the resources” and we know we can't work a job atm and she keeps telling us about JW end of the world stuff and we're trans and we're scared but we don't care if die, we just are sad at the idea of god not loving us cause we're LGBT. didn't me make us this way? are we we mistake. sigh..
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emblazons · 2 years
Just finished the latest TLOU episode while running an ST blog so I’m bawling my eyes out right now, hbu
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menasorsrightleg · 3 months
more artfight refs !! i’m joining team stardust💫
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absoluteabsolem · 2 years
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this fixed me
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autisticdreamdrop · 2 years
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Disbaled Things pt 1! 1-10. If you can relate on any of these let us know. Just a disbaled system trying to make relatable content for folks like us + spread awareness.
🩺 - The Dreamdrop System
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scungledfiles · 1 year
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chloeworships · 4 months
Some of these individuals treated you like a nobody and could have ghosted you in hopes you would run after them but what they didn’t know was their actions set you free.
Know who you’re dealing with and act accordingly because these individuals are simply jealous of you.
Some of you are going to be so WILDLY successful because of your character not because you had to lie, steal and manipulate your way to the top.
God has BIG things in store for some of you. Let him avenge you.
The song:
What’s also crazy is remember how I told you Beezlebub sometimes comes as an insect and how Sin-war had dark hair instead of his signature grey. Watch the video and it will make sense especially the garden of the Eden. Recall Cain and Abel were Eve’s sons which shows the DECEPTION some people tried to do in your lives or get you involved with 🐍
Also the deadmaus5 commentary is so significant
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As I opened up X I saw this….
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Some others are simply acting out and going mad because you are no longer interested in them anymore and they cannot handle rejection.
You will have your Victory. God will not rest until these people are no more and CONQUERED as they once tried to conquer YOU.
PS. The attention that they so desperately seek will come to them for sure….but it will not be for the reasons they secretly hope for. Since they tried to make a mockery out of you, a mockery will be made out of them. In the dream they tried to suffocate me but then God sent his angels to suffocate them ♻️
Some of these people are already dying ⚰️
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God said “ignore them”.
Just like this person who liked and followed me here ⤵️
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The LORD has been saying to me over and over….
“There is no rest for the wicked”
Day in and day out they tried to torture you but they are the ones being tortured with dreams and visions of your success that they will never have or be apart of and this HAUNTS them
Boo! 😅
Thank you Jesus for preserving our lives and sending your angels to protect us
PS. There is something to do with socks. 🧦 These are also a group of people who have your back 💯 and who God is sending to you. This is unknown to you. You have support babes.
PPS: ⤵️
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The “R” looks like a wing 🪽 on the image with the clear body bag.
Whoever you are (a small few), an assassination may be planned for you but the assailant is going to be neutralized.
You could be in government and so could the other person based on how he was dressed. You will be rescued.
Yeah, it’s really like.
I heard the word “hospice”.
This vision could have something to do with drugs or food based on the ziplock bag.
SN: I also wanted to say that I agree and support Biden’s decision about the border considering what the LORD was revealing to us. It is definitely in line with what God requested which was to “close the border” not because he doesn’t want to help others but because he knows there is an intentional effort to using asylum seekers as an easy method to get into the country.
I also saw something similar about Canada, Toronto and the Mexican border.
I have another dream to share.
I forgot to mention the eyes in the socks on their heads/masks were made with PERMANENT marker. Whatever God plans to do by sending these angels or people, will be PERMANENT. There is no coming back after this babes. Death is final.
This makes me also think of a PERMANENT cease-fire that Hamas and Co constantly reject with their unreasonable demands. Babes, it's impossible to negotiate those who don't want you to exist when their goal is to see you and your people in body bags.
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Hey when I think “White Socks” I think the Chicago White Sox 👀
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SN. My lost kitten was nicknamed Sox but he was all black and I miss him so much!! Every single day!! 😭 Whatever you lost will be restored to you babes.
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lauraneedstochill · 2 months
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Boy meets world, S7EP19 // post by @bookwyrminspiration // Michael Dickman, Killing flies // Margaret Atwood, Shapechangers in Winter // Benjamin Alire Sáenz, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe // Better Call Saul, S1EP9 // unknown (x) // Glee, S4EP4 // Little Women (2019) // Dante Émile, After Abel // George R. R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons // Pietro Novelli, Cain Killing Abel // unknown (x) // Genesis 4:9 // Joan Didion, South and West // Sherlock, S1EP1 // 520 Studios, I Wanted To Feel Loved Without Feeling Like I Was Begging For It // by twitter user @/thehauntedqueen.
web weaving on: Jaehaerys Targaryen & the grief of losing a child // Sunfyre & his eternal devotion // Alicent & Gwayne (coming soon)
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damnelves · 3 months
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"The King James Bible, Genesis 4 / "Black Leopard, Red Wolf" by Marlon James / "Car Crash" by Jenna Andersen / "Stratis Thalassinos Among the Agapanthi" by George Seferis (tr. by Edmund Keeley) / "You are Jeff" by Richard Siken (1) / "Brother" by The Rural Alberta Advantage / "A Brother named Gethsemane" by Natalie Diaz / "Succession" Script (1) / "You are Jeff" by Richard Siken (2) / "Cain Killing Abel" by Pietro Novelli / "The Death of Abel" by Gustave Doré (1866), recolored / "Lupa" by Matthew Nienow / Succession, S04 EP 10, "With Open Eyes" / "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult / “Mirror Traps” by Hera Lindsay Bird / post by tumblr user vampowers / "Antigone", tr. by Anne Carson / "6 ways to draw a circle" by tumblr user filmnoirsbian / "Succession" Script (2) / "Courage, Anxiety and Despair Watching The Battle" by James Sant (detail) / "The Plagues", Prince of Egypt, dir. by Brenda Chapman / untitled poem by tumblr user nathanielorion (1) / "After Abel" by Dante Émile / comment from tiktok / "Famous Blue Raincoat" by Leonard Cohen / "For my unnamed brother" by Toi Derricotte / Succession screenshot / untitled, Sue Zhao / untitled poem by tumblr user nathanielorion (2)
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constelationprize · 5 months
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The brothers Johnson: A webweave
The Hellbound Heart, Clive Barker | The Sunshine Court, chapter six | Cain and Abel, Orazio Riminaldi | The Sunshine Court, chapter ten | The Plagues, The Prince of Egypt | The Sunshine Court, chapter sixteen | "whispers of your brother's blood", by tiktok user @user68519586 | Big Brother I'm Just Like You, Madds Buckley | The Sunshine Court, chapter sixteen | Way to You, Blixemi | The Sunshine Court, chapter fifteen | Antigone, Jean Anouilh | The Sunshine Court, chapter sixteen
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