The Gay Poet
60 posts
I'm a depressed gay writer with abandonment issues
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that-neurodivergent-gay · 2 months ago
may 2025 see a free palestine and universal healthcare
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that-neurodivergent-gay · 3 months ago
As someone with a chronic illness, I have a complicated relationship with the phrase "get well soon". On one hand, I appreciate the intention. It is usually said by people with very little experience with chronic illness, and I know that they are likely doing their best. In a flare it is nice, but if I'm just telling someone about my reality, it hurts. It feels like a slap in the face. I'm not getting better, and especially not soon. My illness is coded so deep into my body that if you looked close enough at my bones, etched on every single one would be pain, suffering, and heartache. I won't get well soon. I may see improvement, but chronic illness is a cycle of feeling a little bit better and then a lot worse. To tell me to "get well soon" feels like a denial of my reality. It feels like a bandage solution that makes them feel better, but not me. For me to "get well soon" I would need both time travel, and the tools to change my very DNA. I'm not going to get well soon. I may have good days—days where I'm up and laughing. Days where I can walk just fine without a cane. Days where I can run and play. But then there is the other side, the one that gets ignored when you tell me to "get well soon". The days where I can barely walk. The days when I feel like I can't go on. The days when I crumple to the ground in pain. All I can hope for is to have fewer of those, but they're likely never going to go away. As much as I would love to get well soon, it isn't my reality. My reality is this, and as hard as it is, it deserves to be acknowledged. The only proper response is something along the lines of "thank you, that means a lot", even when what I want to say is "thanks, but I won't." I'm not getting well soon. It is helpful when I am in a flare, and the person is offering support. In that case, it means "I hope this wave will pass soon. I know that you are struggling, and I hope it gets better". But when I simply tell someone about my baseline pain level, and they tell me to "get well soon", what they really are doing is denying my reality in favor of their unrealistic, dismissive reality.
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that-neurodivergent-gay · 3 months ago
“You can do anything you set your mind to!”
Well thanks Susan, but I’m actually disabled which literally means I can’t do certain things.
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that-neurodivergent-gay · 3 months ago
With all the demonization of trans people using the correct bathroom for how they identify, I thought I'd say something. I am small. Everywhere I go, people perceive me as a woman. I am disabled, which tanks my ability to run or fight back. If someone attacked me, I would be screwed. Because of this, I have to be very aware of who is and isn't a threat to me. Here's a friendly list of people who I feel threatened by on a regular basis:
Conservative lawmakers who want to restrict my rights
Creepy/entitled men (all of my experiences have been with cis men)
Police officers
Notice how trans people are not on that list. In every experience I have had with meeting a trans person in passing, I have never felt threatened or harassed. "bUt WhAt If ThEy'Re JuSt In ThE bAtHrOoM tO cReEp--" get a life. Worry about something that's actually a problem. As someone who wouldn't be able to fight back in an attack, I have never seen trans people as a threat to my safety. But the people losing their minds over trans people wanting basic rights? They're a threat to my safety
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that-neurodivergent-gay · 4 months ago
joe biden, you stupid fuck. listen to me. Crimes are legal for sitting presidents as long as they’re official actions. Listen: Joe. You have one chance
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that-neurodivergent-gay · 4 months ago
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You have to keep fighting, even if you have to fight scared
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that-neurodivergent-gay · 4 months ago
Dont skip please we need you
I am Nour from the Gaza Strip, I am 25 years old. I have a 4-year-old child (Eissa). Since October 7, we have been exposed to all kinds of torture and genocide. We have lost the simplest requirements of normal life. I feel helpless when I see my child exposed to fear, hunger and disease. In this life, my child has the right to live in safety and peace. I lost my home, my job and my husband’s job. I have no means of livelihood. Life has turned into hell in the blink of an eye. I hope that you will be a reason to help this child to provide the minimum requirements of daily life. We need a better future for my child. He deserves a decent life. Please donate what you can. Every donation is equal to saving a life. 🥹💔🍉
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that-neurodivergent-gay · 4 months ago
Halloween PSA: if you see someone using a mobility aid this Halloween, and you don't know them, don't joke about it or assume it's just their costume. I just had a complete stranger jokingly tell me I should be more hunched over to walk with a cane (I'm dressed as a witch). It's. Not. My. Costume. My body just doesn't work. I can't take my disability off at the end of the night. And please, if you're not sick/disabled, don't use mobility aids as costume props. Have a safe night, and be respectful.
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that-neurodivergent-gay · 4 months ago
Need Help
Hi everyone I’m a college student struggling with rent and bills. I have 2 months rent due and I also need some money for groceries. My situation is getting really bad. I’m in urgent need of some help right now. Please help in any way possible. Any amount would be very helpful. Please consider helping.
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that-neurodivergent-gay · 5 months ago
That one eagle: ✨hey besties!✨ Welcome to my 'what I eat in a day' vlog
Prometheus in the background: *visibly shaking*
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that-neurodivergent-gay · 5 months ago
Update: it only ripped open my skin in 2 places! And I don't have a rash (mostly), it's just really red!
Guys wish me luck, I'm allergic to pretty much every adhesive, and I just had to put on some kt tape
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that-neurodivergent-gay · 5 months ago
Guys wish me luck, I'm allergic to pretty much every adhesive, and I just had to put on some kt tape
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that-neurodivergent-gay · 6 months ago
Please help them if you can!
Need Help
Hi everyone I’m a college student struggling with rent and bills. I have 2 months rent due and I also need some money for groceries. My situation is getting really bad. I’m in urgent need of some help right now. Please help in any way possible. Any amount would be very helpful. Please consider helping.
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that-neurodivergent-gay · 10 months ago
"Hozier" implies the existence of a "hoziest"
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that-neurodivergent-gay · 1 year ago
despite Israel and the west trying to eradicate the Palestinian people. they will prevail. palestine will be free.
they are a strong group of people that will survive this and they will get their country back from this facist, nazi-like regime Israel has built.
Its just so devastatingly heartbreaking how much pain and suffering they have went through - but the palestinians will win this.
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that-neurodivergent-gay · 1 year ago
Me (cheerfully): also take it from someone who gets stabbed regularly!
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that-neurodivergent-gay · 1 year ago
“Israel is committing genocide.” Yes. They are. But so is the US. The US is 100% complicit in this, and Israel would not have been able to do as much without the help of the US. I’m disgusted to be living in a country that is complicit in the literal MURDER of civilians. Men, women, children, elderly, families. All dead because of Israel AND the US. This needs to STOP.
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