#a sunken house
blankrslate07 · 8 months
Lately, I've been indecisive on what I should make next for ASH. Which is why I'm letting you guys decide for me instead! Here are some regarding the choices:
Outsiders POV of The Lord's Family + Moodboard:
The moodboard will be different compared to the ones I've made before, smaller and containing 3 images instead of the usual 9. An experiment to try other styles.
Yuna's First Valentines:
Short story, I started to wonder on how the love lives of the Generals' would be like. Might make a roleplay plot inspired by this.
Alexis' & Esther's Christmas:
This was supposed to be for a Christmas event in Amino, but didn't get to finish it on time. My lightest and softest story so far for ASH.
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asunkenhouse · 9 months
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Content Warnings: Contains depictions of slavery, child endangerment, a character being forced to be tender with someone he hates in order to save a child, mentions of child abuse, and mentions of child death.
If there are any warnings I missed, please tell me!
"Sir, please! The Lord calls for your presence!"
With a groan, Ale- The Pet finally awoke from his 1-hour sleep after the insistent knocking of a terrified servant grew loud enough to penetrate his empty dreams. Of course that bastard would come back just when finally managed to get some sleep. He could just go back to sleep, it's not like the servant could go in and drag him out. Not when everyone and their mother knows that touching him would lead to their painful deaths by the very possessive Lord.
At the same time, The Pet can't. Not when he recognizes the voice of Amilia, a young woman who came to work in the Lord's Stronghold for the sake of her family despite the harassment she'll face by the hands of the Damneds here. She was kind, gentle and had her whole life ahead of her, she didn't deserve to suffer for The Pet's actions.
Too many already have suffered and bled because of him.
So with a resigned look on his face, The Pet got up and didn't bother to change his clothes when he opened the door, "I'm up, I'm up," he said with a tired tone but still tried to give the other a gentle smile to reassure her, "It's alright now, you are dismissed of your duties for today," with that, Anna sighed in utter relief of being able to rest after today.
"Thank you sir, and...good luck," she gave him a look of pity before running off back to the servants' rooms. He sighed before going back inside and grabbing a black & gold cat mask.The Pet didn't like going out without something covering his face (his shame), he felt naked, exposed without one. With it secured, he headed off to the path to where The Lord's obscenely extravagant throne room was held. 
He could already feel eyes looking, analyzing, judging him all around. The ever mysterious Pet of The Lord of the Wretched, a controversial figure in the Lord's empire known for his disobedience and penchant of slaughtering Wretcheds and Damneds that are unlucky enough to cross his path. He has been here for nearly about a century and still remains in his 30s, forced to remain as long as The Lord wants him.
The human servants of the Stronghold looked at him with either pity or apathy. Sometimes, he would get stares of hatred from those who believed that he was a 'spoiled' pet, he didn't blame them (especially when he is at fault for all of this). While the Damneds that worked here wisely chose not to get too close to him or even hid themselves away, not wanting to 'help' him relieve his stress as of now. 
No matter, he can just go after them later.
As a set of grand, pitch black doors came to view, The Pet readied himself for what will no doubt be another meeting that will end in bloodshed. His irritated face shifted into one with dull eyes.
Alone in this hallway, the sound of his fingers on his right hand suddenly cracking, breaking and remolding themselves were deafening. Yet he didn't show pain, didn't even acknowledge his fingers transforming themselves, blood steadily dripping onto the carpet before running dry as his fingers morphed and sharpened into serrated and sharp blades.
With a forceful shove, he opened the doors to reveal an area the size of a ballroom. The red of the ceilings, walls and furniture reminded him of an open and bleeding room, while the essence of the Void was scattered about and styled to resemble roses in bloom. The majority of these 'roses' grew on a grand throne with bones littered around it and plastered onto it, each skull a personal kill that was deemed worthy enough to be kept as a trophy.
Ever the dramatic bastard.
Speak of the devil and he will come.
The petals of the 'roses' were being swept into an every growing shadow that laid on top of the throne. The shadow growing, changing into the shape of a thin and long haired figure, the edges wobbling before growing still when it finally absorbed enough of the essence.
It stood ever so still, like a statue before moving like a viper and in front of The Pet.
"About time you came!" The Lord of the Wretched whined as he fully manifested, a figure absolutely covered in the essence of the Void and outlined by white, bright bright eyes like stars in the night sky and a blinding wicked grin to match, "I was this close to picking you up myself-"
He didn't even get to finish his sentence, not when The Pet tore through The Lord's throat with the knives and gripped it tight.
"I told you...To never call me that name again."
His dull expression shifted to one of fury in an instant as he slammed The Lord into the ground, growling like a beast as he strangled him and fantasizing of breaking the bastard that ruined his life. He poured all his hate, anger and kept repeatedly slamming the other onto the ground like a ragdoll.
All The Lord did was laugh and laugh and laugh, "My! I get you're excited to play, but not right now!" He had no bones, no blood vessels, no veins to feel pain and break like a human, as such he easily turned into liquid under The Pet's grasp and right behind up, commanding the essence of the Void to wrap and tie the brown haired man up like a birthday present.
"I have a gift for you, my dearest Pet~" The Lord said as he placed the struggling man onto the throne, tossing away the mask to reveal the heated gaze that greeted him. He smiled even more at the sight of it, caressing The Pet's face and merely giggled as his fingers were bitten, "I think you'll really enjoy-"
He paused when The Pet spat on his face, "I'll goddamn burn anything you give me," and he has. Each and every gift, broken and burnt at his feet. It didn't matter how beautiful, how priceless they were, they came from The Lord's filthy hands all the same.
The caress turned into jagged claws that bit and bled his skin, clicking his tongue as a displeased expression came to his face, "You haven't even seen it yet," with a snap of his fingers, the dark tendrils of the Void snatched something within a far-off closest.
Sobbing, the sound of heavy sobbing and gasping was heard and rang in The Pet's ears.
What was dragged into the light in front of them, was a young boy no older than ten, covered in blood soaked rags, dirt and scratches. Black hair matted in grime as tear-stained brown eyes looked at both him and The Lord with utter fear. Shaking so badly that the boy would've fallen by now were it not for the tendrils that held onto him tight, presenting him like a caught animal ready for slaughter.
"Castor...That is-"
"A child!" The Lord yelled with delight, presenting the boy infront of them like a prize, "And I got him just for you! Hope you don't mind a stray, but I assure you that he's very well behaved~," he speaks of the boy like he was some sort of dog, not as a breathing, living human being. The Lord seated himself onto The Pet's lap, caressing his long hair.
All the fight that was in him earlier had slipped away, leaving behind a cold and crawling feeling of fear as he stared at the child. Brown eyes mirroring each other in fright of what The Lord was planning, "...Why? Why drag a child into this?" Was all The Pet whispered, eyes never leaving the boy for even a second.
The Lord hummed, petting the other's hair as he looked at him with a mocking expression, "Because you seemed rather lonely these days. I do apologize for not being a proper owner to you, so consider this my apology gift!" He held The Pet's face with both hands, claws digging in as he gazed upon the other with bright, bright all too knowing eyes-
"After all, didn't you once tell me that you always wanted to be a father?"
He had, when they had still been in one body.
But not like this, never like this.
"Alas, since it seems you don't want my gift," The Lord pouted like a child before snapping his fingers once more, the tendrils of the Void sharpening into deadly blades, all of them pointing directly towards the young boy.
The blades drew closer and closer-
"An Absolute-”
The crying grew louder and louder-
Bright red blood spilt-
"STOP!" The Pet yelled out, the blades held still but already managed to break into the skin of the boy, only enough to leave shallow wounds. He can't, he can't take another sight of someone, especially one that was so young, to die because of his mistakes, there's already been too many, "Please, please. I'm begging you, don't hurt him," it didn't matter if he had to lick the floor, he can't let that boy die in such a gruesome way.
The Lord laughed like a hyena, mouth bared in a hungry grin, "Oh! So now you want your gift? After treating me so rudely earlier?" His hands slid down to The Pet's throat, squeezing it softly, "I should just throw it away and be done with it, it would serve as a perfect lesson about disobedience, Alexis," he purred that name The Pet threw away so gleefully, knowing full well that the other cannot retaliate as violently as he did previously, not with the boy's life on the line.
"But!" The restraints on The Pet were lifted, yet still lingering and ready to pull him back, "I'm willing to look past this bad behavior...If you apologize and thank me."
The Lord wrapped his arms around The Pet's shoulder, the weight of them, the position they were in, so disgustingly familiar, "Thank me, and I might let this child live," he said so softly, as if he wasn't threatening to kill someone.
He didn't want to, Castor didn't deserve it. Not anymore, not after everything.
At the same time, the young boy didn't deserve to die all because of his selfishness.
So, he sucked it up and played pretend.
He changed back his fingers to their original form and gently,  oh so gently, wrapped his arms around Castor's waist. Holding him so tenderly, as if he was something fragile before pulling him closer, and giving a peck on his forehead, "I’m…,” he took a deep breath, before continuing with gritted teeth, “I am sorry for my earlier behavior. Thank you, Castor...For the wonderful gift, you've given me," The Pet's voice grew soft, could even be described as affectionate-
He felt warm.
He wanted to throw up. [1]
The Lord sighed, content with the false display of tenderness, "You're welcome, Alexis," his grip on The Pet's shoulders tightened. Tight with possessiveness as his eyes glimmered with an obsessive zeal, "Anything for you~"
They stayed like that, embraced like they were lovers. The Pet wanted nothing more than to sink knives into The Lord's back. Tear him apart, again, and again, and again. To leave nothing behind-
But he held himself still, letting The Lord indulge in the illusion of the past. Until finally, the moment The Lord let go of him, The Pet immediately pulled himself away, his arms shaking as anger and hatred were desperately waiting to be unleashed. The Lord merely chuckled, "Hmm, well I suppose that is good enough."
With a wave of his hand, the Void's essence finally let the boy go, who immediately fell to the floor, unable to pick himself up due to the massive amounts of fear weighing him down. The Pet rushed to the boy's side, picking him up slowly and carefully as the boy clutched The Pet's shirt with a death grip.
"You may want to put the kid to bed, my dear," The Lord said teasingly.
The Pet glared, but there were other things to worry about for right now, such as getting this child proper medical care. He rushed out of the room, yelling to the closest servant to fetch him medical supplies to his room immediately. The boy remained silent through it all, exhaustion finally taking over him. By the time they reached the room, he had finally fallen asleep, The Pet gently caressing the boy's hair as he laid him down on the bed before beginning to wrap to take care of the boy.
Once it was all over, the boy laid on his bed with a peaceful expression on his face. He had been carefully washed clean with a cloth, while his injuries had been tended to with the appropriate bandages needed and completely swaddled in one of The Pet's shirts that looked like a dress on the boy.
He doesn't know if he'll be able to do this, if he'll be able to become the father the boy desperately needs. He has had some experience in taking care of children before, back when he still lived in the orphanage (back when he was still-), but this is different. So very, very different. He'll have to protect this boy not only from The Lord, but from those who want a chance to strike back at The Lord, the enemies that are willing to sink down low enough to involve the innocents, and that includes the boy that is currently sleeping on his bed.
His life will be filled with strife, with constant chances of him being killed by someone who resents The Lord or The Pet or by someone who is just twisted enough to hurt a child for the pleasure of hurting someone. The Lord will constantly be on the boy's shoulders, hurting him to hurt the Pet or to amuse him. 
It isn't a life worth living.
And yet, what can they do? 
The Pet's thoughts swirled in a storm of what-ifs, of plans to possibly get the boy out, of them ending up suffering and dead.
What should I do?
What should I do?
He can't-
He can't do anything-
The sounds of the boy's whimpers broke him out of his daze, the boy's face scrunched up like he was having a bad dream. Slowly and carefully, The Pet placed his hand on the boy's head and began to hum a lullaby. It was a simple one, he had learned it in the orphanage as well and often used it to put the younger children to bed.
He's surprised he still remembers it.
Eventually, the boy's face began to relax. The Pet's slid down from the forehead to the boy's cheek, softly caressing it. His heart stopped when the boy snuggled into the hand, the beginnings of a small smile forming on his lips. The Pet stood still, no longer humming, his mouth agape of what he had seen and felt.
He then moved his head down, and gave the boy a small peck on the forehead. Unlike with The Lord, this action held genuine affection and tenderness.
"I promise you, that I'll make sure you'll have a happy life. A happy and fulfilling life until the end."
"I'll be your light, your shield, and your blade," he whispered this oath to the boy, he'll make sure of it. Even if he has to suffer every indignity, he'll make sure that this boy will survive.
Timeskip: 1,279 years
A humming was heard in one of the Stronghold's kitchens. The lullaby that was being hummed was very, very dear to him.
It was the lullaby The Pet often hummed to Yuna when he was brought into this hell, when he still had been innocent and human. Even now, the lullaby warmed his heart and made him feel light, as if all the troubles of the world melted away.
Gripping his gift tight, he entered the kitchen with a soft smile that most would never see on his face these days, "Dad," he called out, they were in private so he was free to call The Pet 'Dad' instead of 'Mother', "I'm back."
"Yuna!" The Pet turned his attention to his eldest son, eyes lighting up with life as he rushed towards the pale white and black haired man, hugging him tightly, "It's been so long since you've last visited," too long, over two years now.
"Just, busy with work...," Yuna would rather not ruin this reunion by mentioning 'Him', so he switched topics, "By the way, I got you something," he gave the wrapped box he had been holding ever since he got here. It was wrapped in pink paper and tied with a blue ribbon.
The Pet took the gift with gentle hands, "Oh thank you Yuna, you shouldn't have," for he doesn't deserve it. He doesn't deserve this kindness, this sweetness, not when he broke his oath of protecting Yuna when he was a child and continues to break with each and every child that is 'adopted' into this wreck of a family.
He swore to be their shield, and yet they all still bled.
He swore to be their blade, and yet they still died.
He swore to be their light, and still, his living children were swallowed by the darkness.
The Pet knew what Yuna's work entailed, of being an attack dog for The Lord to use in order to get rid of his enemies. He can see the bags under his son's four eyes of how much this tires him.
He is a failure of a father.
Yet, he can still give them comfort. Be their light in the darkness, even when the whole world is against them. He knows they are monsters now, monsters that have bled and killed many for their own survival. Most parents would be horrified of their children if they became like that, disowning them on the spot.
But he won't, he'll be by their side despite the blood they have shed.
The Pet tore open the gift, to reveal a recently published book of a series he has been reading for some time now.
"Oh Yuna, thank you," he gently pulled Yuna to tilt down in order to kiss his forehead with gratitude, "I've been waiting to read this for sometime now."
He won't lose his children, even if the whole world has to burn.
[1] I had originally planned to have The Lord make The Pet just beg even more. But decided to change it as I wanted to give small hints of what their relationship before was sort of like.
And done! This has been in my head for months now and I am so glad that I finally finished it! I had wanted to explore more on what Yuna's and The Pet's lives were like during the first years, but I couldn't really get the creative juices flowing to think it through so I decided to do a timeskip instead hahaha. 
Hope you enjoyed reading this (Despite the bitter bittersweet ending)! Might make more in the future ^^
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grimxark · 1 year
the lost light as a sentient being but not in the literal sense, sentient in the way an old forest is sentient, beaming with life and gossip and laughter and cries, sentient in the way that the people within it make it sentient. It hears prayers whispered within rooms and it mourns loss because its residents mourn. The Lost Light is only alive because those within are joyous to be, and once the journey ends and it stops being home, it’s conscience and sentience is carried by the former residents and its husk becomes lifeless once more. The lost light is sentient in the same way your childhood home might be. She is only alive because you want her to. Because you love her
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angryducktimemachine · 6 months
If one of my mice ever tells you they have an architectural degree, don't believe them, their cage rearrangements are NOT structurally sound.
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chaoticdesertdweller · 11 months
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Lynchburg, VA c.1884
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carcarrot · 4 months
i need 2 million dollars
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life-spire · 1 year
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calystarose · 9 months
Pit homes, or 地坑院 dìkēngyuan "sunken courtyard houses" are the coolest things!! I would so love to live in one :D I'd think it would be great for the Southwest in the US.
More info here: https://architectureontheroad.com/dikengyuan-courtyard-cave-houses-china/
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god I love how my mom looks. she's got fantastic character design tbh. like she has a handful of features to her than are so fantastic and I would adore in a fictional character
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vanishingsydney · 2 years
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Unusual long row of identical late Victorian era terrace houses, with the lower floor sunk below street level. Most likely built as rental housing in the mid-1880's. Nothing much has changed. Chippendale.
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Instagram: iliketoseeeverythinginneon
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blankrslate07 · 10 months
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My new markers finally came! Decided to test them out by making a drawing of the pet and I'm really happy with them! Tho the face ended up looking a little wonky, still pretty glad how it turned out overall ^^
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asunkenhouse · 8 months
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Some playlist edits I made recently for The Pet and The Lord! They were frustrating to figure out how to make, but also pretty fun! Might make more of these edits in the future haha
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ripvanwankle · 6 months
21 hours full. My bladder is so hard and swollen and full holding back so much piss. I can hold it! It's only a couple of hours until I've been holding in my pee an entire day. The bladder bulge is insane. Oh god it's cramping I can't stop squirming
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ramshitposts · 8 months
listened to Bride and groom hot air balloon by Hop Along while scrolling the hilson tag shoot me dead please
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hapalopus · 8 months
I dreamed that Spirit (the horse) was an orphan raised by buffalo until he found a few horses as a young adult - horses being led away by horse wranglers. The rest of his story followed the movie's plot, except he ended up having a very painful goodbye with his buffalo dad.
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