#a burden of blood
halloawhatisthis · 1 year
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Elementary playing the long game with Odker (part 3):
4x01 The Past Is Parent 4x02 Evidence Of Things Not Seen 4x03 Tag, You're Me 4x08 A Burden Of Blood 4x09 Murder Ex Machina 4x10 Alma Matters 4x12 A View With A Room
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asthedeathoflight · 3 months
I think an underrated angle on 2x05 is something that either Jacob or Assad said in some interview somewhere, which is that in that episode Louis is addicted to heroin. Thats why he has that whole stash of drugs that he gives to Daniel, that's why he gives Daniel the drugs even though he's already got him alone. He didn't just use those 128 boys for sex he was using them to get high. Bring them home, get them to shoot up, and then drain them to get that secondhand high.
It clarifies something that's always confused me about that scene, which is why Armand saves Daniel the first time. He wouldn't save Daniel as a person, he clearly knows Daniel needs to die, but he's not seeing Daniel as a person there. Daniel is just a substance. He rips him away from Louis to stop him from using.
And i think that adds a whole other layer to the fight he and Armand have to think that this is Louis on a bender, with Armand cleaning up after him because he's not stable enough to. Louis in the bed for a week isn't just healing from the burns, he's going through withdrawal. Him at the table with Daniel giving him the "bright young reporter" speech is probably the first time he's been sober in months.
It adds another layer to Armand's desperation, that Louis has been running from both Armand and himself in this way, and of course Armand wants to erase that memory. Of course he wants to pretend that that fight never happened. Not just to protect himself but in a way to protect Louis from having said those things. When he describes the fight to Louis afterwards, he says "you said the worst things you've ever said to me." And he doesn't really know how to forgive Louis for that so he just wants to bury this rock-bottom moment and move on like it never happened. After all, Louis was high, he didn't really mean it, but if he remembers then maybe he might think that he had a point. Better to wipe the whole experience away.
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pcgamer · 2 years
A Plague Tale Requiem - PART 3: A BURDEN OF BLOOD - PC HD Gameplay Walkt...
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batsplat · 4 months
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Casey Stoner, Pushing the Limits
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autisticaradiamegido · 2 months
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day 192
a break from artfight for some good news! i have finally scheduled a surgical consult to have my enemy (read: uterus) removed. this is a bit of a scarier prospect than my breast reduction was, but i think it will be an equally impactful quality of life improvement when all is said and done!!
anyway those of yall who have been here since the beginning may remember me posting through that whole process so i figure why stop now.
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ragnarokhound · 2 months
can vamp Tim give Jason a blood transfusion if needed? 🤔
in your vamp/wer verse I mean
Oh, that's an interesting question! In my vampire!Tim/werewolf!Jason verse and the accompanying fic, Tim drinks almost exclusively off of Jason because a) Jason loves it and b) Tim would near-starve himself otherwise :') (and he kind of does anyway, Jason has to bully him into feeding). So the only blood inside Tim at any given moment is usually Jason's original blood anyway. But can Tim give that blood back in an emergency?
tldr: yes, under certain conditions. lol
My reply was getting long because this kind of speculating is my favorite game to play, so if you're curious about what those conditions are and how I reached that conclusion, more details are under the cut:
In this verse, Jason is the kind of werewolf who doesn't have a lot of control/retained personality when he shifts, but he DOES have a lot of meta powers. (As a treat for becoming a mindless, violent monster lol ur welcome Jay)
One of those powers includes rapid healing ala deadpool/wolverine (unless the wound is inflicted by silver, ancestral or otherwise) so it would be remarkably difficult for Jason to reach the point where he even needs a blood transfusion. But let's consider that worst case scenario, in which Jason has suffered enough silver-inflicted wounds that his healing factor breaks and he needs blood, yesterday. Wuh oh.
Tim is the #1 candidate to consider for a Jason blood transfusion because that's his gamer fuel of choice - but for Tim to be a viable donor, it would depend on the length of time it's been since Tim drank from Jason, and how much. They're on a time limit because Tim's body doesn't replenish blood on its own, he has to steal it.
Brace yourself for the suspect use of rough science facts in the middle of supernatural fantasy speculation about vampire/werewolf AUs, lmao
So supposing Jason has about 12 pints/5.7 L of blood in total, he could lose maybe 5 pints/2.4 L of blood at a time without dying (and that's a high estimate, he'd start going into shock way before that lmao), AND it would take him weeks to restore that blood - if he were human.
Luckily for Tim, he can steal quite a bit from Jason without killing him because of the handy dandy werewolf healing factor that restores Jason's blood almost as fast as Tim's dusty ass can absorb it. (Tim's veins @ Jason's blood: 𝔪𝔬𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔦𝔷𝔢 𝔪𝔢). Unluckily for Tim (and Jason), Tim has about a zillion hangups over drinking that much all at once. Aw.
A brief google search tells me that in an average human body, red blood cells live about 120 days. For simplicity, we'll say that Tim being a vampire and having weird vampire powers counteracts Jason being a werewolf and his blood having weird werewolf properties - so when Tim is full (and I mean full) of Jason's blood, he's good for somewhere just under that 120 days.
The blood isn't immediately starving in Tim's stupid vampire body because it's strong, sexy werewolf blood; it stays hydrated for a million years and could thrive like a dandelion in a crack in the sidewalk, let alone a perfectly good, albeit abandoned, vascular system. (Jason's blood @ Tim's veins: 𝒾𝓉'𝓈 𝒻𝓇𝑒𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁 𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓉𝑒)
That being said, Tim starts getting very hungry near the end of that time frame as the blood is used/dies, and that time frame shrinks every time he bleeds (which is often, RIP Tim). But he'd still have a solid month or so of healthy, viable Jason blood pumping through his undead ticker. (unless Tim gets REALLY beat up lol, which is not unlikely OTL)
SO all this to say: can Tim give it back?
I would say yes, IF Tim has fed recently, and he's fed A LOT. Otherwise, he just straight up might not have the blood to give anymore because his stupid husk of a body already used it all.
If he tried to give Jason blood around the time he's getting hungry again, when Jason's blood is on it's last legs after sustaining an active vampire without reinforcements for weeks to months, it wouldn't be as effective as a blood transfusion from someone who can make their own blood and therefore has a fresher supply.
tldr (again lol); Tim could become a blood donor for Jason, but only once he's regularly letting himself drink from Jason, and drinking until he's full.
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zenpai-senpai · 1 month
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The glue that held them together ...
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cutter-kirby · 2 months
one of my favorite things to come out of the book of bill is all of the bill possessing ford content. like both in canon and in fanworks. bipper did something irrevocable to me back in 2014 but ciphord/bord is such a unique clusterfuck of possession horror and it haunts me.
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jianghushenanigans · 7 months
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"It's not going to work, Tang Lian. First lampost they'll get to, XS and SQ will go either side of it, and LWJ will try to jump over it." - @luzzeagain
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i think the reason i’ve had to give up on watching hotd is because i can’t separate it from fire and blood.
i enjoyed fire and blood, fell in love with those characters, and was so excited to seem them brought to the big screen and yet it’s too different. and yet it’s still based on fire and blood so i should technically love it but it’s different and therefore i’m always disappointed because hotd could’ve been and should’ve been something amazing to me, and yet it’s not because it’s not fire and blood and therefore i can’t enjoy it in its own right because it’s not fire and blood and it’s not those characters stories it’s something different using those characters names so i end up feeling disturbed and disgusted by hotd…
does anyone understand?
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chrispy3 · 10 months
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🌹the rose bride and her prince🗡
[Image Description: A drawing featuring Anthy and Utena from Rebolutionary Girl Utena. They are both on the floor, Utena kneels while Anthy sits. Utena’s back is to the viewer, and She holds one of Anthy’s hands with her arm outstretched. The sword of Dios is stabbed through the both of them, and is covered in blood. More blood is pooled around them, and flows towards the bottom right of the screen. Anthy is holding the sword of Dios with her free hand, gripping it by the blade. She is slumped over Utena’s shoulder, her face covered in hair, only one eye visible that looks up at Utena. At the top corners of the screen there are thorny vines, and the bottom corners have piles of roses. The two of them are lit by a spotlight that casts a shadow on the wall behind them. End Description.]
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pandemic-info · 5 days
Many of Covid’s earliest and most alarming effects involve the brain, including a lost sense of smell, sluggish thinking, headaches, delirium and strokes. More than four years after the pandemic began, researchers are recognizing the profound impacts Covid can have on brain health, as millions of survivors suffer from persistent issues such as brain fog, depression and cognitive slowing, all of which hinder their ability to work and otherwise function. Scientists now worry that these symptoms may be early indicators of a coming surge in dementia and other mental conditions, prolonging the pandemic’s societal, economic and health burden.
Even previously healthy older adults face an increased risk of cognitive impairment and new-onset dementia after infection. Mild Covid cases in younger adults have also been linked to brain issues affecting memory and thinking. These symptoms may be permanent but typically fluctuate and tend to worsen after physical or mental exertion, often impairing the ability of individuals to work and socialize.
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How Covid Harms the Brain 
... Studies suggest that during acute infection, the virus may damage nerves, particularly in the olfactory bulb — which houses the nerves that transmit smell impulses to the brain — leading to problems that can persist for years. In some cases, the virus may infect the brain through this pathway, altering the organ’s structure and resulting in impaired cognition and fatigue.
Persistent viral remnants or the initial infection itself may trigger neuroinflammation and disrupt the immune system, causing antibodies and T cells to mistakenly attack healthy brain cells, damage blood vessels, and harm the blood-brain barrier. Additional research points to blood clots that may drive immune activation, restricting the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain, and altered levels of key hormones cortisol and dopamine that may be linked to changes in gut health.
Read the whole article:
See also: https://www.thegauntlet.news/p/people-cant-make-risk-assessments
The "you do you" era of COVID mitigation invites the public to make their own risk assessments- while hiding the risks of infection from view
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nirogryphon · 5 months
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Autophobia - A fear of the self
(no shatter alt below cut)
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kaxtwenty · 3 months
Mikazuki loves Atra and Kudelia so much and so purely, but his life as a child soldier has left him so traumatized and emotionally stunted that he doesn’t know what to do with that love most of the time. So he’s just confused by them. Confused by what they see in him, cause he views himself as a weapon first and foremost. Everything else is just a dream he gave up on.
But that moment at the end of episode 44, I think he finally stopped trying to understand it. When confronted with a crying Atra, confessing her unconditional love for Mika and her fear of losing him, he just hugged her. He can’t understand her or Kudelia’s love for him, but he doesn’t want them to cry, so he’ll stop trying to understand and instead try to return that love.
Mika doesn’t know what he can be in a world without fighting, but he knows that they’ll accept him into their lives regardless.
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malaierba · 6 months
I need Adam and Eve and Abel and Cain (and Lucifer) emotionally traumatising art in the Hazbin-verse
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jules-and-company · 6 months
one thing about me is that i’m an orestes-electra-pylades defender. if you don’t hear them being defended anymore that means i am deceased
#something something about them being linked forever#none of them being redeemable all of them being innocent#about this sister who was refused love all her life and who kept it all inside her to give it to her little brother#who loves him so much that the lines blur and we don't know if she's sister ; mother ; father ; or lover even#because who could love him more than she does ?#about this brother who grew up with nothing but rage#rage towards this man he was given to ; that man ready to sell him into slavery#rage towards his mother who got rid of him#rage even towards this father that he has to kill for despite never having known him#rage towards the gods who set up his own curse and let him suffer for a good long while#and apollo did not tell him that no holy ritual will ever truly wash all the blood from his hands#but despite all this rage has chosen to love#to love this sister that he only knew the name of#and who welcomed him with more warmth than three suns combined#who had more fight in her than him and who urged him to do them justice#that's why he did not really hesitate when he killed clytemnestra#because he had seen his sister - a princess - reduced to rags and is skin on bone#and about this friend who became the definition of devotion#who voluntarily chose to follow his friend whom he knew was damned#chose to share the burden of killing with him#and who followed him on every corner of the earth they went to#and i know those three took such gentle care of each other#i know that electra and pylades both refused to go to sleep while the other tends to orestes having his fits of delirium caused by erinyes#yes their hands are bloody#but it's the same blood that's running through their three hearts attached by a red string#and the red of blood looks a lot like the red of love#electre/oreste#classics
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