#and about this friend who became the definition of devotion
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mia-can-yap-too · 3 days ago
No.1 Fan
Who?:- Megumi Fushiguro x Fem! Author! Reader
Warnings:- fluff, no curse!au, brief mentions of Yuji and Nobara, move aside Gege I made Satosugo canon.
♫:- poster boy — Lyn Lapid
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Megumi Fushiguro was a lot of things. Son, brother, friend, acquaintance, student. All these are no surprise, after all, everyone has these traits. But what one would not expect him to be, was a fan. 
Megumi was fifteen when he first heard of you. Back then, newspaper articles were filled with your face, your name, you. A literary prodigy. A girl who, at the ripe age of fifteen, won three awards for her debut book. Every which way he turned, there was always mention of you. Tired of all what he deemed was 'meaningless glazing', he bit the bullet and read your book. 
He was entranced, hanging onto every word. Simultaneously wanting to find out the outcome and dreading for it to end. He developed emotional connections with your characters, sympathized with their circumstances and teared up from their losses. He had never felt like this before. 
When he ultimately finished the book, he was left staring into the void. The epilogue was left to fate, no definite promises. He wanted to know more. He wanted more of your writing. He wanted to feel the way he did once more, even though no other book he read after provoked the same feelings, the same anticipation, sympathy and sorrow again. He wanted more. 
And so Megumi started waiting hopefully for the release of your next book. And the next one. And the one after that as well. Oh, and the rest too. He would be the first to get a hold of the latest book. Bought all the limited editions. Signed up to all your websites. Read any and every article which had even the tiniest mention of you. Defended your name on the Internet when anyone dared to insult you. Megumi became your biggest fan. 
So, imagine the excitement he felt when he found out you were coming to Tokyo to promote your latest book, were going to do a book signing event at his local bookstore. He immediately started planning his outfit, which books he would bring to be signed (he ended up bringing up all of them), which time he would arrive in order to be one of the first people you would meet (he did not end up being one of the first). 
And so, now Megumi waits in the never-ending line at your signing. You were right there. The same girl he admired so much. The author of the books he devoted so much time and money to. And you were so kind and polite too. Smiling at every single person, making small talk before adding a perfect autograph with a personalized message on the index page. 
A cough from behind him pushes him out of his thoughts. "Hey dude, get moving already," says an annoyed voice. He didn't even realize that it was his turn already. You send a polite smile his way, waiting for him to come up to you. Megumi's face flushes in embarrassment. Unconsciously, he fixes up his hair and clothes before walking towards you. 
"Hello! How are you?" You say, your voice so sweet, he could listen to it all day.  
"Uh, hi. I'm well," he should probably ask you too. "....and you?"
"I'm doing great, thank you for asking! What's your name?" 
"Megumi. Fushiguro. Yes, Megumi Fushiguro. And you?" He realizes his mistake too late. 
His eyes widen in panic but you brush it off with a laugh. "I'm Y/n L/n, not sure if you've heard it before," you joke. 
"Sorry...I uh didn't mean to. Of course, I know who you are, I came to your event after all." Great, now he's rambling. You probably think he's the most awkward guy you've ever met. 
"It's okay, don't worry about it. So what book have you brought for me to sign today?"
He pulls out all of them, even the limited editions. This may be the only time he ever sees you, no way was he gonna miss the opportunity. 
Your eyes widen slightly. "A-All of them? Oh wow, you must really like my books. Is that the limited edition of 'The Last Dragon'? I saw so many people say it was almost impossible to get!" 
"Uh...yes?" His face is faintly flushed from your praise. 
Your smile brightens. You begin signing the books, "well, Megumi, thank you for supporting me so much! I'm very grateful! I really hope we meet again sometime soon!" 
Huh? What do you mean by that? Don't you live in USA? 
You return the books, and your hands brush with his. You send one last bright smile his way, one that makes his heart stutter. How had he never realized how beautiful you were before? 
"Goodbye, Megumi Fushiguro!"
"Goodbye, Y/n L/n," he says so quietly that you almost didn't catch it. 
He find his personalized note in the limited edition of 'The Last Dragon'. He dreams of it when he sleeps. 
'Your passion and enthusiasm reminds me of why I write. Thank endlessly for your support. My world wouldn't be the same without readers like you, Megumi.
~ Y/n ;D' 
He hands the customer their iced americano. Phew, rush hour has just ended. It was quite a busy day this morning, but now his shift should go as usual, nice and quiet. It is these times when he writes his essays and completes his assignments, the environment of the cafe fueling his productivity. 
He is wiping the counters when the bell chimes. He turns around, ready to great the customer with his usual monotone greeting, though he stops in his tracks when he sees you at the door.  To be honest, he hadn't stopped thinking about you since the signing event. So much that his friends, Yuji and Nobara, started teasing him for having a crush.
And there you are, in all your glory, looking around the cafe, headphones around your neck and tote bag on your shoulder. Your eyes do a double take when they find his. 
"Hey! I know you!" 
"You....do?" He had expected you to forget all about him.
"Yeah, your'e Megumi Fushiguro, right? I hope I'm right, else this is really really embarrassing." 
He rubs at his nape as he looks away, eye contact being almost too much for him. 
"Yes, that's me."
You walk up to the counter with a skip in your step. "I hope you still remember me," you tease. 
"I... do remember. What would you like to order?" For some unknown reason, he really wants to know how you enjoy your coffee. Latte, espresso, americano, or plain black? Or would you just get tea instead? Would you like a pastry with it, or would you get a sandwich instead? What does it matter to him anyways? 
Your eyes skim the menu, blissfully unaware of his myriad of thoughts. It doesn't take long for your e/c eyes to find his. "I'll get a mocha frappé, please. Oh, and a chocolate croissant with that too." 
It takes him a moment to ask. "To go?" 
"No, I'll be staying, it seems like a nice place, calm and quiet," you remark. 
He nods. Should he say something back? If so, what? Or should he just keep quiet? You decide for him, sitting at a table nearest to the counter. You take out a laptop, one decorated with multiple stickers. It pulls a ghost of a smile on Megumi's lips. It seemed a lot like you to do that. 
He prepares your order, keeping one eye on you as you type away on your laptop. Are you writing your next book? If so, would he be able to get a peak when he delivers your order? Or are you just answering emails? He still needs to do his assignments, would he even be able to concentrate with you here? 
You smile at him when he sets your frappé and croissant on your table. Why is it so hot in here? Should he tell his boss to get the air conditioner fixed? 
He doesn't have the courage to smile back, not that that would be his usual reaction to something like this. He returns to counter and pulls out his own laptop. He would look like a creep, standing there, staring at you, doing nothing. So this was the best possible option, even if his mind kept drifting to the absolute wonder six feet away from him. 
Two hours, three to-go customers and a few assignments later, you stretch your arms in your chair. Of course, he notices, even though he keeps his eyes locked on his screen. 
You tilt your head at him. "I assume you're doing your assignments?" 
Your unexpected question gives him an excuse to look at you. "Huh? Yeah." 
You smile. "What major are you?"
"Creative Writing," he replies. 
"Need any help? I'm good at brainstorming, you know?" 
"You want to help? Don't you have your own work to do?"
"It's gotten a bit boring, right now. Anyways, anything for my biggest fan," you say with a sly smirk on your lips. He hopes you don't realize how much you fluster him. 
You take his silence as a yes. Hopping over to the counter, you gesture for him to turn the laptop towards you. You read the prompt and hold your chin as you think. 
When you finally do get an idea, you share it with Megumi, conversing with him the best possible ways to go about it, sharing various tips and tricks. And Megumi swears he has never felt happier. 
This becomes a regular occurrence between you and Megumi. You place the same order everyday (he prepares it before you come), write a couple of words for your next book, and then proceed to help Megumi (who has started to sit next to you instead of leaning on the counter all the time). 
He learns that you moved to Japan, permanently. You also tell him the idea for your next book. It makes him feel special, knowing he is your only fan who knows such confidential information. Months pass with the same routine, your bond strengthening everyday. He sees you as a friend now, too. He doesn't learn you considered him one from the start. 
A phone call disrupts the calm between you two, one winter day. The heater works overtime to keep you both warm, though he wouldn't mind lending you his jacket, if you asked so. 
He picks up the phone call. "Hello?" 
"Heya, Megumi! How's my favorite child doing?" asks an obnoxiously loud voice. It wouldn't be Gojo if he didn't.  
"What is it, Gojo?" 
A dramatic gasp is heard. "How mean, I don't remember raising you like this. Must've been Suguru." 
"Get to the point."
"Okay, okay, chill. Me and Suguru want you to come spend Christmas dinner with us! It has been quite lonely since Tsumiki moved to Australia. You'll come, right? You wouldn't want to make your dads sad, right?"
Megumi rubs his forehead. "Fine, I'll come."
"Oh and you'll bring a girl too, right? Or guy, you know we don't judge."
"If not, there's always the neighbor's girl, I've seen her eyeing you. Suguru wants to set you two up!"
"No!" You turn to look at him with concern. He lowers his voice, "No, I have someone..." 
Gojo's surprise can be felt through the phone. "Really?! OH MY GOD, my boy's finally grown up! Can you tell I'm tearing up right now? Well, I can't wait to meet the lucky person! Make sure to bring them over! I have to go now, adult responsibilities and all. See you on Christmas!"
Megumi groans as the call ends. What has he gotten himself into? How will he find someone now? 
"You good, Megumi?" You ask, worry etched on your face. 
"Yes, it's just... I have a problem."
You are too kind. You rush to help. "What is it? Is there anyway I can help?"
"I have to go to a Christmas dinner with my family, but I lied about having someone to bring," he answers. What did he even expect you to do? Turn back time? 
"I could go with you." 
Okay, he did not think of that. "What? Are you sure?"
"I mean, yeah. I don't have any plans on Christmas, anyways. Besides, it'll be just like in the books!" 
"My guardians, they might be a bit much..."
"Don't worry," you say confidently, "I'll wow them with my undeniable charisma!"
A small smile appears on his face, one almost unnoticeable if you hadn't learn't the meaning behind every small twitch of his face. He doesn't need to know that, though. 
And so, the two great minds formulate a plan that even the best strategists would be jealous of. 
You stand next to Megumi, infront of his front door, holding hands. This was all planned out perfectly. You even got to go to his dorm a couple weeks ago, where he gave you powerpoint presentations on both of his dads, even a little on his sister as well ("Why are your dads kindaaa..." "Please, don't.") . You had taken notes. The two men didn't know what was waiting for them. 
A man with long black hair tied into a bun opens the door. You know this man as Geto. He lets you both in.
His purple eyes land on your intertwined hands. A soft smile graces his lips. "So Satoru really was telling the truth then."
The mentioned man springs out of seemingly nowhere and engulfs Megumi in a hug. "Megumi, my boy!" 
Gojo's eyes drift over to you, his own eyes widening a bit. "You must be Megumi's special person." 
You nod, as a blush creeps up your face. "Nice to meet you both, I'm Y/n." 
Gojo opens his mouth to perhaps bombard you with questions, but is stopped by Geto. "At least let them eat first." 
Gojo stares at you suspiciously as you smile politely at him. Megumi and Geto sit anxiously next to their respective partners. Blue eyes narrow at you. 
"His favorite color?"
"Black," you respond calmly. 
"Blood type?" 
"How does he like his chicken?"
You take a strategic bite of your food, this buys you more time to answer. 
"Breast meat in chicken Nanban and thigh meat in Oyakodon." 
Gojo gasps dramatically. Megumi says he does that a lot. 
"So you really are his girlfriend!"
You polite smile does not falter. But both your hearts beat faster at the thought. "I would hope so." 
Megumi finally intercepts. "No more questions, Gojo. This isn't an interrogation."
Geto finally gets a chance to speak up. "So how did you two meet up?", he asks, ignoring Megumi's glare. 
You smile fondly at the memory, but that is not the story you both decided to go with. "I frequent the cafe he works at. One thing led to another and well," you shrug humorously. 
Gojo opens his big mouth again. "I'm so happy Megumi finally found someone! He has always been so aloof and stoic, I can't believe he finally found someone he actually likes! You know, as a kid, he used to wet his bed every night," he smiled fondly, wiping a fake tear. 
Megumi glares at him. "I did not."
"You so did. I have pictures, I'll show her some later!"
"I will hit you."
The rest of the dinner goes by smoothly. Gojo and Geto give personal recounts of how they met, and then show you pictures of Megumi and his sister as children. Megumi can't stop his heart from racing. You fit in perfectly. Wouldn't it be wonderful if this was real? If you were actually his? 
It just so happens that a snowstorm blocks you all in. Going back home wouldn't be possible in this weather, and so you both must stay the night. Geto slyly suggests that you both share Megumi's room, as Tsumiki wouldn't like giving her room up to stranger while she was gone. 
This is why you and Megumi both stand in front of his bed, one that would not fit two 20 year olds if they wanted some distance. Sleeping on the floor is not an option, for it is too cold. You both are readers and are quite familiar with the one bed trope, which explains the furious blushes on your faces. 
You turn to him, wearing his clothes that he lent as pajamas. "So..."
He looks back at you. "Yeah..."
"I'm sorry, Y/n. I shouldn't have put you in such a situation."
"It's uh...cool." 
"Should we..."
Awkwardly, you both climb into his bed, lying on your sides facing each other. It makes you smile. "Hi."
He gives back a small smile. "Hello."
"You come here often?", you joke.
This emits a small chuckle from him. But it doesn't take long for guilt to flood his eyes. "Truly, though, I'm sorry for dragging you into this--"
"I came of my own free will, remember."
"--you must be quite uncomfortable--"
"Nah, you're actually really warm, might just snuggle up."
"--I...don't know what to say when you say stuff like that?"
"Oh really?", you raise a brow, "Like what? That I wanna cuddle you? Let a girl dream, Fushiguro."
"Like stuff you don't mean."
"I do mean it, though. I think you're very nice, and kind, and cool, and handsome, and pretty at the same time. I like how passionate you can be, even though you may not express your feelings much. It doesn't matter to me if you don't talk much, because I'll talk enough for the both of us. I like you, Megumi Fushiguro. Do you like me?" 
"I...," Megumi's eyes are wide, his heart beating too fast to be normal. "I do, of course. Thank you..."
"For what?", you smile.
He doesn't answer. He only stares at you in awe. This wasn't just the person whom he had admired for years. This was the girl who sat next to him everyday, who helped him with his assignments, even though he never told you he didn't need it, the girl who learned every detail about him in order to convince his family that they're dating. This was the girl he loved. 
His eyes drift to your lips. "Can I...?"
With your nod, he leans down to your face, his hands cupping your cheeks. His breath hits your lips, eyes fluttering shut. And when he kisses you, you both swear it is the happiest you have been. 
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jules-and-company · 1 year ago
one thing about me is that i’m an orestes-electra-pylades defender. if you don’t hear them being defended anymore that means i am deceased
#something something about them being linked forever#none of them being redeemable all of them being innocent#about this sister who was refused love all her life and who kept it all inside her to give it to her little brother#who loves him so much that the lines blur and we don't know if she's sister ; mother ; father ; or lover even#because who could love him more than she does ?#about this brother who grew up with nothing but rage#rage towards this man he was given to ; that man ready to sell him into slavery#rage towards his mother who got rid of him#rage even towards this father that he has to kill for despite never having known him#rage towards the gods who set up his own curse and let him suffer for a good long while#and apollo did not tell him that no holy ritual will ever truly wash all the blood from his hands#but despite all this rage has chosen to love#to love this sister that he only knew the name of#and who welcomed him with more warmth than three suns combined#who had more fight in her than him and who urged him to do them justice#that's why he did not really hesitate when he killed clytemnestra#because he had seen his sister - a princess - reduced to rags and is skin on bone#and about this friend who became the definition of devotion#who voluntarily chose to follow his friend whom he knew was damned#chose to share the burden of killing with him#and who followed him on every corner of the earth they went to#and i know those three took such gentle care of each other#i know that electra and pylades both refused to go to sleep while the other tends to orestes having his fits of delirium caused by erinyes#yes their hands are bloody#but it's the same blood that's running through their three hearts attached by a red string#and the red of blood looks a lot like the red of love#electre/oreste#classics
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chxrryhansen · 1 year ago
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Pairing; Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings; smut, dark themes, non con, breeding kink, oral- both receiving, degrading, size difference, unbalanced power dynamic, huge daddy kink, choking- to the point reader can’t breathe, dumbification, dacryphillia, spanking, steve is very dark in this, no aftercare!! i think thats it? Minors please DNI!!!!!
Summary; Steve Rogers, your boyfriend, the man everybody loved, his soul soft, standing against all evils. Until he got a taste of that sweet power. He became hungry. Now, you have no choice but to obey his rules. Can you bring him back to the light? Or is it too late? (it’s definitely too late)
here we have my first ever full fic! firstly i would like to give a huge thankyou to @dbnightingale24 for giving me the confidence and tips to write this! and another big thankyou to @evansbby and @hansensgirl for inspiring me in the first place for begin writing💘it’s around 3k words and i really put my all into this so please don’t forget to comment and reblog, i would love to hear all of your feedback!🫶🏻 much love, cherry.
₊♡₊˚ 🎀・₊✧
Steve Rogers, the man everyone respected, the man everyone believed in, looked up too. The man you used to cherish, his sweet boyish nature drawing you in from the moment you met. His pearly blues that used to soften as they fell on you, his gentle touch as he caressed your hair, the tender, loving kisses he used to leave all over your body.
Until Fury resigned that was.
Steve was officially the new director of shield, to which nobody opposed, i mean, who would right? He was Captain America, the man out of time. He was perfcet for the role. Strong willed, commanding yet understanding, he had respect for those beneath him and most of all he was compassionate, something that was hard to find in a good leader. This didn't last for long, of course.
Steve shortly became power hungry, his morals became more sick and twisted as his methods became more sadistic. He was violent, cruel…volatile. There was no bringing back Steve Rogers. The problem was he dragged everybody else down with him, nobody dared to stand up to Steve, too frightened of the consequences.
Tony couldn't talk Steve down, he tried for a while, attempted to reach out to him, guide him back to the light...but nothing worked. Tony couldn't do it, nor could you, not even his best friend of over a decade could sway his newfound mindset. You all figured it was best to keep your heads down from now on and follow Steves orders, no matter how out of line they seemed.
Not that you had a choice anyway.
Bucky was short to follow in his footsteps as his second in command. Both cruel and unforgiving. Your friendship with Bucky was practically non-exhistant, you no longer had movie nights together, giggling with big buckets of popcorn.
A simple nod of his head as he passed you down the hall was about as much as you would get. Steve wouldn't allow it now anyway.
Steve's display of affection changed alongside him, the love he made was no longer passionate, or gentle. In fact, he didn’t make love at all anymore… what he made was simply rough, hard, fucking.
The marks he left behind were no longer loving hickeys while he whispered in your ear, moaning sweet nothings as he gently thrusted his hips into your own. His eyes, gleaming with nothing but pure devotion.
They were bruises... bruises from how hard his hips slammed into your ass from behind, his grip tight on your hair, pulling and tugging as your skin became flustered at the impact of his thrusts. You missed the man he was. You often thought about that life while his cock was busy destroying your cunt. He didn’t care about your pleasure anymore, you were nothing but a hole for him to fuck.
From a distance you could hear Steves heavy boots storming down the coridoor. The sound was instantly unsettling. Your body recognising the noise as a trigger for an oncoming threat, sending you into alert mode.
You stood from your office chair on shaky legs, your posture rigid as he turned the corner to enter. His 6'4, stoic figure coming into view, casting a shadow that filled the room. His broad shoulders spread wide, his presence making your tummy tighten with unease.
He said nothing as he stared down at you, your fingers tugging at your short pink skirt- which he had chosen out for you this morning, the same way he customised your figure every morning. Claiming your dumb, baby brain was incapable of choosing an outfit that proved elegance and professionalism. In reality it was the complete opposite.
He liked to dress you in short skirts, ones that left little to the imagination, your asscheeks peeking out most days and revealing blouses, your tits practically spilling out of your shirts. You were highly sought after by the males at the compound before he came and scooped you up a few years ago.
They knew you were his, i mean he was your boyfriend for several years, you were what the female agents used to coo at, naming you as "couple goals". Where Steve went, you went, and vice versa. You were always seen smiling and giggling together, tag teaming on missons and holding hands as you explored the compound.
But, as steves power grew so did his insecurity. His possesive nature grew strong, wanting, no, needing to show other men you belonged to him, and only him. And you always would, whether you liked it or not.
"Get on your knees."
"Get on your knees. You know i don't like to repeat myself." he growls while pushing your office door closed with one arm from behind, not daring to take his eyes of you.
You gulped as he stepped forward, caging you inbetween his thick biceps as you lean against your desk. One thing he was always good at was making you feel small. Even before all of this. Of course it wasn't anywhere near as threatening as it was now. He used to joke about how tiny you were compared to him, how he could pick you up with one hand, it was cute how big and protective he was of you.
Now, he used it to his advantage. He knew you feared him. He knew that you knew, you would never be able to run from him. He would overpower you every damn time with his brute strength.
There was no running from Steve Rogers. His thick beard scraped against your sensitive skin sending shivers down your spine as he groaned into your neck, your scent driving him wild.
He whispered darkly in your ear "Final chance. Get on your knees. Now, or you won't like what'll happen if you refuse me again."
You inhaled sharply, goosebumps spreading across your body in pure fear, or ecstacy. It was hard to tell these days. Steve had conditioned you so well to his own liking that even your body reacted to him in ways you would never fully understand. Or so he says.
Slowly you inched down towards the floor with your knees bent. The cold, rough flooring instantly proving to be uncomfortable as you figited. But Steve didn't care about that, why would he? His thick hand gripped your chin, forcing you to look up at him through hooded eyelids.
His thumb swipes across your bottom lip, he then pushes further, massaging your tongue as saliva begins to pool in your mouth. Removing his thumb slowly, he tugged on your bottom lip with pinched fingers. Before you even realised what was happening he shoves two fingers down your throat.
You sputter and gag around his thick digits, drool leaking out of the corners of your mouth, dripping onto the hard floor. Your eyes squeezed shut in pain as tears began rolling down your flustered cheeks.
His other hand is quick to grip your hair, tugging harshly. "You fuckin' look at me while daddy gags you with his fingers. Actin' like you don't get off on this shit. You love it. Say 'thankyou daddy'." he mocks with a high pitched tone.
Desperately trying to get the words out, you mumble around his fingers, seeming incoherent. He laughs darkly at your poor attempt, shoving his fingers deeper down your throat, gagging you one last time before pulling out.
"You gonna' be a good whore n' suck my dick? Huh? You fuckin' slut." His hand reaches down, pulling your shirt to the side, making your tits spill out. You hear him let out a loud groan, his pants tightening at the sight of your bare chest. He pinches your hard nipple roughly, rolling it roughly inbetween his index finger and thumb as you cry out, tears continuing to stream down your cheeks.
He shushes your cries gently as he begins to massage the same spot he previously assaulted making you keen with pleasure.
He had a thing for associating pain with pleasure, confusing your silly little brain into thinking the hurt he put you through was a good thing since pleasure soon followed. That he was rewarding you.
"Unzip me. Cmon' you dumb baby, take daddys fat cock out."
Listening to your own heartbeat in your ears, your head pounding with adrenaline, your fingers itch towards his pants. Which was apparently too slow for his liking as his grip on your hair tightens, making you sqeeze your eyes shut briefly before opening them, not wanting to anger him further.
You hurridly unzip his pants, reaching into his boxers and pulling out his cock. It's angry head pointing towards you as he grips the base with his other hand, slowing pumping his shaft over your face.
He pushes his bulbous tip into your closed lips, smearing his hot precum all over them. When you refuse to open your mouth he growls, pinching your nostrils closed. Feeling the air begin to leave your lungs, you gasp for breath and he's quick to shove his dick down your throat.
Gagging at the intrusion you cry harder, your lips stretching to fit around his thick length. his hips thrusting into your face as he fucks your throat harshly.
"That's it, you whore. Take daddys dick all the way down your throat. You fuckin' remember this the next time you try to refuse me."
His hand which was previously tugging at your hair moves towards your throat, holding you in a tight grip.
"Fuck... i can feel my fuckin' cock in that tiny throat of yours. Love it when you cry f' me, just makes me want to fuck you even harder, sweet girl." he grunts loudly over the sound of your gagging. Steve swiftly pulls his dick out as you keel over, coughing and sputtering, your throat sore from his brutal assault.
Before you even have a chance to gain your breath, his thick hands grip your shoulders, pulling you upright, bending you over your desk. Your legs shaking as he positions you so your ass is sticking out.
Lowering himself to the ground, he grips the flesh of your ass, squeezing roughly as he lifts up your skirt, briskly pulling your panties to the side. He shoves his nose into your pussy, groaning in delight at your sweet scent.
"Fuck i could live inbetween these slutty legs, your cunt's always ready for daddy, huh? Trained you so well." Your sticky juices smeared across your legs, dripping with desire, his facial hair bristling against your thighs making you squirm.
He mercilessly pushes his tongue as deep as it can go into your hole. You whimper as he laps up your wetness, his tongue prodding at your insides. Your arousal soaking his beard while your pussy clenched around his tongue. He pulls away for a moment, “God, how do you taste so fuckin’ good.” he groans.
Reaching back to grip his hair in your small fists, you go to push his face back into your cunt, completely overwhelmed with pleasure. His hand grips your wrist tightly, pining your arm to the desk, a sure reminder of who's in charge, seeming as you had forgotten your place. “Stay fuckin’ still or i’ll stop. Don’t you ever pull that shit again.”
You moan lewdly as he moves to latch onto your clit, sucking and swirling his tongue around your sensitive bundle of nerves. Groaning into your pussy as he fists his cock.
Your eyes begin to roll back as your orgasm itches closer. Steve, realising this, pulls away once again. Your juices stringing from your clit to his lips as you cry out, your orgasm beginning to fade.
"Stop with the fuckin' whining. Daddy's gonna' fuck you now. Tell daddy how much you want his cock...Cmon. No need to act all innocent now." he pressures at your hesitation.
"P-Please daddy wan' you to fuck me."
"You can do better than that." Steve husks, giving your ass a harsh smack from behind, knowing your skin will blister from his force.
Your lips quiver as you cry, "Please! N-Need your cock inside me so badly, wan' you to destroy me for anybody else. Wanna' feel you in my cervix daddy, Jus' wanna make you feel good. Love how full you make me feel. Please...I-I'll die if you don't fuck me. Pretty pretty ple-."
and before you can finish your sentence your cut off by your own scream, his cock dissapearing inbetween your folds as he bottoms out with a singular thrust. Your legs become slack as your body spasms at the intrustion, his hands grip your hips, keeping you in place as you squirm, instinctively trying to escape his hold.
"F-Fuck, Y-Your so big daddy. It hurts so bad, p-pull out!"
"Shut up." he groans as his thick hand covers your mouth from behind. “Gonna fuckin’ dog fuck you til you can’t think of anything but this fat fuckin’ cock you dirty little slut, you hear me?” he practically growls as he begins to fuck you.
The sound of clapping skin begins to fill the room, agents around the compound sure to hear the way his dick bruitalises your cunt.
"Such a filthy girl i have, always so desperate for daddy to fuck you, even when you try and deny it, i know this sweet pussy would never lie to me." He coos in your ear as you sob, your face wet with tears and saliva.
"My messy whore, see what happens when you don't listen to me? You see what a mess you become? Fuck. You look so pretty like this, this is how you should always be, filled to the brim with my fat dick.”
Steve had always loved fucking you braindead, watching as your eyes glaze over and your tongue begins to hang out of your mouth, drooling all over yourself. It made him feel powerful, like you were dependent on him. Which you were in a sense, always so needy and desperate for him to fuck you.
The impact of his animalistic thrusts turn your skin raw as he speeds up. His arm wrapping around your waist, pressing you close to him as he spreads his legs further apart, hitting a new angle inside your pussy. You let out a loud wanton moan as his balls slap against your clit.
“F-Fuck yes! H-Harder daddy.”
“Yeah? You like that? I know you do, it’s okay. Is my little girls brain goin’ fuzzy? Huh? Poor girl.” Steve mocked, amusement clear in his tone. "M' gonna' cum. Daddy please can i cum?" you whine, the knot in your stomach tightening, a warning that your orgasm was near.
"Yeah baby? You gonna' cum for me you dirty whore? Go ahead, cum all over my dick. Can feel you clenching around me, grippin' me like a fuckin' vice."
Your cream coats his length as you let out a muffled cry, biting your lip harshly as you cum.
"T-Thankyou daddy. Feels s-so good..." you babble, your thick cream creating a ring around the base of his cock. Your weight giving out once again as Steve holds you, smirking as he watches you come undone, giving you no escape from his relentless thrusts.
His thick shaft pummeling your insides as you scream with ecstacy, your pussy throbbing as he fucks you through your high.
"F-Fuck look at that... love watching your cream leak around my cock, taking this dick so good for me. Gonna' cum inside you...yeah? You want daddy to fill you up?" he groans as his own orgasm nears, talking himself through it.
"God, this cunt treats me like a fuckin' king. It's coming baby, daddys gonna cum, Oh fuck fuckkk." his hips twitch and his balls throb as his load begins to fill you, shooting out thick ropes of hot cum into your pussy. Moaning at the sensation of his warmth inside you.
“Take my fuckin’ cum. That’s it, good girl. Love watchin’ your pussy swallow my hot fuckin load, bet you love it too, hm? You slut.” he pants, exhausted from the brutal fucking he just gave you.
He snaps out of it almost instantly, pulling out without warning and tucking his softening cock back into his pants.
Giving your ass a harsh smack, he steps back. You turn to look at him, your eyes glazed over. He stares at the ground with no emotion as he combs his locks with his fingers, making himself seem presentable.
Hope fills you, your heart races as you lick your lips in anticipation, wondering if he will stay to comfort you and hold you the way he used to many months ago.
But he doesn't. You get nothing but a short glance as he turns to exit your office, slamming the door shut on his way out. You slump down against the floor, a complete mess.
Your soft cries turn to sobs, breathing rapidly, your hands gripping your hair as you raise your knees to your chest. It was almost as if he had you in a trance when he was burried inside your cunt, as soon as he was done it was like the fog in your brain had cleared.
People told you there was no bringing the old Steve back, that your sweet, caring boyfriend was gone. Replaced by a monster.
You didn't want to believe them... but maybe you should've.
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youleftmenochoicebut · 2 months ago
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SUMMARY. — remus can’t help himself, he has to take it off of you.
PAIRING. — remus lupin x halfblood!fem!reader
WARNINGS. — smut; unprotected sex (wrap it up pls!); not much plot but still some;
A/N. — i need some requests! send me some requests!🙏🏻
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it’s the first party Lily and James are hosting at their new house, and it oh so happens to be a halloween one. after hours of fighting, your friend group settled on making it costume themed, which has made it tough for you to figure something out.
good for you, your fiancé is a very creative man. not so keen on playing dress-up, but creative nonetheless. you spent a few hours deciding what to wear, and in the end you settle on going as Sandy and Danny from Grease, a musical that over the last few months became your and Remus’ favorite movie.
you can hear Remus grumbling out in the living room, and you giggle to yourself as you finish putting on the bold red lipstick. your eyes focus on your reflection in the mirror, up and down your body in that tight costume, your maroon heels clicking against the floor when you step away from the counter. you ruffle up the curls you made with a muggle curling iron Lily had borrowed you for the occasion, and you leave the bathroom in a jumpy stroll.
„m’ready, Remy!” you hum softly, making your way over to where you’re sure he’s waiting for you, having the biggest smile on your face when you see him.
even though you knew who you were going as, you two decided to keep the exact look of your costumes a secret up until this moment. you think he looks amazing, he always does to you. he’s a bit down spiritually, considering the full moon is in about a week, but he definitely put his best into this. for you.
„you look handsome!” you put your hands on his chest, eyes grazing over his tall figure, and you hear him sigh. his dark caramel hair is brushed back with a lot of gel and styled to mimic Danny’s, the scars on his face faint and whitened from the time that’s passed since he got them. he’s wearing the costume well, simple black t-shirt that clings to his lanky body, black jeans that are taut on him, and of course, a leather jacket.
„thanks, dovey. you look fabulous.” he murmurs, resting his hands on the swell of your hips, thumbs brushing over your hipdips affectionately. he was leaning against the arm of the sofa, and now he stands up, raising his eyebrows.
you nod, and his arm wraps around your middle, hand on your lower back, and he smoothly apparates you both outside the Potter’s house in Godrick’s Hollow. your fingers intertwine as you make your way inside, the party already in full swing. Lily greets you, dressed as Sally Hardesty, and you compliment her outfit while hugging her. she moves on quickly though, going to greet new guests.
as you walk through the house with Remus practically attached at your hip, you see James and Sirius already dancing on the coffee table in the living room. Black dressed as David Bowie, and James… well, you assume is Leatherface (deducting from Lily’s costume), but honestly it’s hard to tell.
you split with Remus when Mary, Dorcas and Marlene drag you away from him, making you take some shots with them and dance.
and oh, you dance a lot. you’ve always loved dancing, your muggle mom being a dance teacher at a prestige academy. when you were little, before you went to Hogwarts, you used to always follow your mom to her private lessons. even now, despite not living in the muggle part of London, you love to wander to those parts of town, looking in windows at dancing studios.
somehow you end up upstairs (smoking some pot with Peter probably hasn’t been the best idea), walking through the hallway with your head turning left and right, watching the walls as if they are the most interesting thing you’ve seen tonight. suddenly you feel a harsh tug, someone pulling you into a bathroom, and you’re ready to scream before Remus’ scent envelopes your senses.
„Merlin, you scared me!” you hit his shoulder, frowning confused as you feel his hands glide all over your body, touching and kneading your flesh.
„sorry. need you.” his mumble against the column of your throat is barely audible, and you pull him away for a moment by tugging at the ends of his hair.
you know he gets like that, soon before the full moon. needy. possessive. heated. sometimes it’s almost like the wolf in him takes over, trying to keep you as close to him as possible, trying to mark you up. you can tell he’s drunk too, his pupils dilated, his breathing rapid.
you only smile, waving your to cast muffliato over the room, so that you won’t be overheard. you also cast colloportus to keep the door locked for anyone who could accidentally walk in on you two.
before you can turn your head back to him, he’s already tugging your shirt off, unclasping your bra, letting both things fall to the cold floor. he stares at your tits, just for a while, quickly leaning in and wrapping his lips around one of your nipples. while his mouth works on your left boob, his hand squeezes and plays with the right one, and you throw your head back in quiet pleasure. he’s got you pinned against the door, the handle digging into your side, but you don’t mind it.
aware of the fact you can’t stay in here for much time, you gently push him off you, dropping to your knees. you grit your teeth when they hit the tiles, your hands reaching out to unbuckle his belt, fighting with it for a few seconds before Remus helps you. he throws the belt away, unzipping his pants and pulling them down along with his boxers. his cock springs out, painfully hard, slapping over his lower torso.
your mouth always waters at the sight of it, the throbbing ache between your thighs always doubling. it’s not very impressive in girth, but it’s long. like nine inches long. uncut, of course. your hand wraps around his base, giving it a gentle stroke, and Remus lets you just have your fun with it for a bit. not for too long though, because he soon gets impatient, and pats your hands away.
his own hand grabs his dick, and he steps closer, slapping his shaft against your cheek.
„open up, dovey.” he rasps out, and once you open your mouth, he puts the tip of his cock on your stuck out tongue, making a tsch sound. with a snap of his hips, he wastes no time pushing his junk further down your throat, making you gag and spit up. he’s mean tonight, set on what he wants, so he doesn’t pull out. he starts to thrust in and out, shallow at first, then grabs a handful of your hair to tug your head in closer. “you like that, huh? i sure as hell do. looking so fucking perfect for me on your knees like that.”
the way he talks, the way his thrusts grow faster and sharper, the way he pulls your hair to control your head movement. it all leads to you clutching your hands at his thighs, tears prickling at the corners of your eyes, and your legs squeezing closed. you reach out, taking hold of his balls and kneading them between your fingers, happy as you hear the grunts escaping his mouth. finally he lets go of you, allowing you to breathe (or more like heave) for not even a minute before he grabs your arm and yanks you up. you grasp the edge of the bathtub, leaning down slightly, your ass on his crotch level.
you tilt your head back, wanting to watch him, and he hooks his fingers into the waistband of your tight leather pants, harshly pulling them down to your ankles. he rips your thongs off, and when you yelp in a form of protest, he slaps your asscheek hard.
“wanted to take those damn pants off the moment you left our bathroom.” Remus whispers, leaning over to nip at your earlobe, his slender digits grazing over your soaked cunt. “fuck, dove, you’re so wet. guess you wanted that as much as i did.”
“Remy, shit…” you whimper as he pushes two fingers in right away, and honestly they go in so smoothly, you’re surprised. he seems surprised too, letting out a low chuckle and pressing a kiss behind your ear, then straightens up.
he stretches your hole for a few minutes, adding a third finger, pumping in and out, curling his fingers inside you to hit the spot he knows makes you see stars. he even lets you come undone on his fingers, your orgasm crushing over you rather suddenly, and you can feel your pulse quicken rapidly.
he doesn’t let you ride out your orgasm though, removing his fingers to replace them with his cock. he’s not gentle about it either, immediately taking up a rough pace, hips slamming into yours in reckless abandon.
you arch your back, moans and whines you let out getting more obscure with each thrust, and you reach back, trying to wrap your arms around his neck while not facing him. he helps you, hands moving from your hips to your waist and pulling you closer, resting his chin on your shoulder as he fucks into you.
“that’s it. so good to me, dovey. taking my cock like a pro.” he coos in your ear affectionately, fingers tracing mindless patterns over your stomach and his pace slows down. “gonna take my load too? or should i cum all over this gorgeous ass of yours?
you know he’s close, he practically always slows down when he’s close to cumming, and you can’t do much more than just nodding your head, feeling like mush in his embrace.
he clicks his tongue, slapping your tit lightly, and whispers. “use your words. can’t take a fucking nod as an answer.”
“inside, Remy. y’can cum inside.” you breathe out, the shakiness in your voice a clear indicator that you’re chasing your next release too. his hands rest on your chest at last, and he’s panting in your ear, while you let out a moan so high-pitched you would’ve cringed at it, if it wasn’t for the fact you’re getting fucked senseless right now.
his hips snap against yours a couple more times before he buries himself inside you completely, moaning and grunting as he stills, cumming deep into your cunt that’s squeezing him and clenching around him so deliciously. you climax at the same time, your legs giving up on you so you lean on Remus mostly, heaving and rasping for air.
it takes you both a while to come back to your senses, but when you do, Remus is peppering kisses over the side of your neck and shoulder, mumbling quiet praises.
“d’ya wanna go home, dovey?” he asks you as your pulse and breathing go back to normal, and you turn in his arms, letting his dick slide out of you.
“yeah. let’s go home.”
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vintagetvstars · 4 months ago
Alexander Siddig Vs. Jeremy Brett
Last Poll of the Quarter Finals!
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Alexander Siddig - (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) - The very first actor I ever had a crush on.
Jeremy Brett - (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Three Musketeers, BBC Play of the Month) - "Listen, I fell in love with One Man when I was 16 and have never regretted it. Jeremy Brett is Everything. Handsome, charming, sweet, amazing voice, delightfully eccentric. Shakespearean actor best known for playing Sherlock Holmes in the 80s, he is widely considered the definitive Holmes and for good reason. Bisexual and bipolar, devoted husband, he was known to serenade friends at restraunts and hold scavenger hunts in his home, where he hid the plunger in a chandelier. Often pigeonholed into period pieces, he owned them. He was a pretty young man who became not just handsome but arresting. He was one of those people who walked into a room and instantly commanded attention, and I for one have never regretted giving him my attention." Full text propaganda included below the cut
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Additional propaganda below the cut
Alexander Siddig:
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“At my first meeting with Garak I became visibly flustered. That was entirely my choice. It wasn’t written into the script. So I set off in that direction right from the get-go. And Andy (Andrew Robinson) obviously loved it, and that character became a series-long character because of that first scene. It’s an innocuous little scene on one of the little replimats on the station, and it only lasted like five seconds but it packed a punch because of the visible, kind of a charged, discomfort. That really made it. [...] I subconsciously keep that door open with just about every character that I play, and I always keep it as ambiguous as possible. One of my first roles was in [the TV movie] A Dangerous Man: Lawrence After Arabia with Ralph Fiennes and I played Feisal and again, not in the script, but that was charged with homoerotica and implied homosexuality. I’d just come fresh off that project. And I’ve done it numerous times since, characters that are written straight I just make sure are not quite straight. That’s just one of my things, probably because I’m not quite straight myself and that’s probably perfect." - Alexander Siddig in a recent interview with comicsbeat.com
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Jeremy Brett:
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“The superbly handsome Jeremy Brett, the regularity of his features made dramatic by a broken nose, the mellifluousness of his voice made arresting by a slight vocal impediment, presented a ravaged and romantic Holmes, a man who had suffered deeply and whose recourse to the syringe was the compulsion of a self-destroying temperament. His relationship with Edward Hardwicke’s transparently decent Watson was that of a drowning man clinging to a raft. The authenticity of the performance was unmistakable.” — “The man who created a monster; Conan Doyle hated the fame of his suave hero, but he couldn’t kill him”, Simon Callow, The Times, 18 December 2009.
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Listen, I fell in love with One Man when I was 16 and have never regretted it. Jeremy Brett is Everything. Handsome, charming, sweet, amazing voice, delightfully eccentric. Shakespearean actor best known for playing Sherlock Holmes in the 80s, he is widely considered the definitive Holmes and for good reason. Bisexual and bipolar, devoted husband, he was known to serenade friends at restraunts and hold scavenger hunts in his home, where he hid the plunger in a chandelier. He also practiced archery in the middle of London. He could sing, he acted alongside Audrey Hepburn twice. He wanted to be a jockey when he was young but then grew a foot too tall. He had rheumatic fever as a child and was told he would never climb stairs. Dear Reader, he jumped over couches on film. In War and Peace he is very clearly the only actor riding a real horse, and is one of few actors who played both Sherlock Holmes and Watson. Often pigeonholed into period pieces, he owned them. He was a pretty young man who became not just handsome but arresting. He was one of those people who walked into a room and instantly commanded attention, and I for one have never regretted giving him my attention.
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yanderefarm · 4 months ago
yandere fanboy introduction
cw;; murder, cannibalism, gore, violence
here's noemie the 2nd goth boyfriend of my dreams. this one is shorter bc I decided to omit the nsfw segment this time. the drawing is the face he made when he asked you to eat him.
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noemie is a gay goth boy who became obsessed with the local legend after finding out his father secretly deals with him.
his family is well off and shady as all hell. they're the kind of rich people who hunt other humans for sport.
after finding out about his family's dealings he immediately became obsessed with your legend doing all kinds of research on you. eventually he decided he wanted to see what you were actually like in person so he suggested his friends do the test of courage.
you did not disappoint! he was just a fan before but as soon as he met you he knew he loved you and would do anything for you.
his friends were about to light the building on fire when he found them and killed them both. he wasn't strong enough to drag them along with him so unfortunately their meat couldn't be used.
he made his own mask so he wouldn't be recognized by anyone while he helps you out. and he loves to help you out. anything you need he'll do it.
he's considered premium meats because he's got a nice distribution of fat and muscle. that's why his nickname is piggy!
he's an obsessed fanboy through and through. he collects your belongings, takes pictures of you when you're not paying attention, built a shrine to you.
he makes fancams out of grainy dark footage that's speculated to be you. like a true stan.
he gets jealous everytime he watches you put someone on a meat hook. he gets REALLY jealous if you keep someone in your pig pens as livestock.
he gets upset when you call other people premium meat but he's trying to get over that. they might be good meat but he's the only one that belongs solely to you.
his dad knows about your arrangement but he's too scared to confront you and tell you to leave his son alone. he will not let noemie live in the slaughter house that's off limits.
noemie is actually a big fan of ajax's onlyfans videos. he just tends to imagine it's you.
definitely a panty thief. will steal your underwear and any other clothes and keep them as part of his shrine.
he's a more typical yandere. his sickness comes from his obsession and devotion to you. he'll kill anyone to make you love him. if his own father got in his way he'd kill him with remorse.
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soullessdianthus · 1 year ago
have you written anything for a perv!gromsko? he is my favorite and i would love to see you write for him!
A/N: I decided to write him in the most stereotypical way which is misogynistic (men in Poland are like this fr *COUGHS*). Just because I gave myself a pass to do that bc I'm Polish, okay? *Muah* to this anon for Polish reference! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Warnings: misogyny, sabotage in workplace, nsfw (overstimulation, darcyphilia, cockwarming, throat training, dumbification maybe?)
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✧°. Gromsko is a misogynistic kind of pervert. Born and raised in a traditional Polish family he grew unaware of his deepest, darkest desires. Until.
✧°. When you enrolled into the SpecGru forces, he couldn’t believe something as delicate as a girl found herself here, within the private military company. Of course Sobiesław knew women were stronger than it seemed, but not in a fucking battlefield. In his opinion they should worry about hearth and home not a bloodshed. 
✧°. Obviously he had been working with some scary women before, but never with someone like you – still young, perhaps naive even. Your pretty body untouched with little to no scars. You were definitely a description of a delicate flower in his eyes.
✧°. His mother and grandmother raised him well – he would never risk the life of a devoted woman in a place like this. So since the first day Kościuszko saw you enter the gym hall, he couldn’t stop thinking about you.
✧°. Perv!Gromsko would stare from his spot, surrounded by his friends, yet it was you who got his full attention. How your body flexes and muscles stretch while working out or how your breasts bounce as you run on the treadmill. Dear God, don’t give him ideas.
✧°. He was already dreaming of you riding his cock into oblivion, naked while he was in full uniform. Sobiesław’s coarse hands pressing down onto your hips, making you sink further against him and his girl mewling from pleasure.
✧°. Sneaking behind everyone’s back Perv!Gromsko would do everything to be assigned with you while on a mission. Sobiesław very carefully sabotaged your work just for the superiors to punish you. 
✧°. Why? Because he would defend you in front of them, telling them you need another chance, that he would guide you. And since he was an honored soldier within the company, they made him your temporary superior as he had a higher rank than you. From now on, he was responsible for you and your doings. 
✧°. Gromsko had you where he wanted to since the very beginning – vulnerable and dependent. 
✧°. Perv!Sobiesław believed it was meant that way, because women should listen to their husbands, right? First thing he wanted to change in your training routine was cardio. 
✧°. Your comrade told you to show up at his dorm’s door in the evening. Without much thinking of it, you came straight to him, thinking he would take you to gym – how foolish.
✧°. A loud gasp escaped your mouth, when the man that was supposed to help you with your training session was pressing your face into the bedroom’s wall as his huge hands were groping your breasts! Perv!Gromsko would correct your stamina by relentlessly thrusting into your tight cunt, causing you to beg for a break with tears streaming down your eyes. 
✧°. Evening sessions with Sobiesław became an almost daily occurrence. The man would bend you in different positions on his bed, thrusting deep into your pretty pussy until you couldn’t cum anymore. Perv!Gromsko would mock your lack of stamina and threaten he would not allow you to go on a mission if you hadn’t tried harder.
✧°. So he began training your throat breath by telling you to keep his cock in your wet mouth for a good while, sucking gently from time to time. Of course your tears and sobs were causing him to feel pity for you, but Sobiesław was doing this to help you become better! :( 
✧°. He was reading a book, the one from his grandma, while you were laying between his toned legs, keeping his throbbing member warm. You would whine from time to time from the lack of enough oxygen. But then Gromsko would simply caress your pretty, silly head and tell you how good job you’re doing. <3
✧°. “Such a good girl f’me.”
✧°. “No dalej, dasz radę, Mała [pol.: Come on, you can do this, little one].”
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osmanthus-wine-addiction · 5 months ago
02 Jealousy
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Zhongli x Reader / SFW but suggestive at the end / Mentions of Childe / Set at the beginning of the Liyue archon quest / Reader is unaware that Zhongli is the Geo Archon
"My dear, is something on your mind?"
Perceptive as he was, Zhongli couldn't figure out what it was that was upsetting you. That pout on your lips had been plastered there for a while now and as many times as he had questioned you if anything was bothering you, you simply brushed it off.
"I'm fine." You were, or so you thought you should be.
Zhongli was a bit of an attention magnet, which was not surprising with the meticulous way he dressed, his exceptional knowledge, and the way he carried himself. He delighted in it, smiling and going about his day as if he were simply soaking in sunlight. You often found the consultant lost in long-winded conversations with random people on the streets. While you found the person's advances a bit pushy, Zhongli didn't seem to think much of it.
Suspicions prickled underneath your skin when Zhongli mentioned that the individual had paid him yet another visit at the funeral parlor, this time insisting on taking him out to dinner. Zhongli was certainly not giving the eyesore any reason to stop encroaching by entertaining their whims. There was definitely something going on between them, outside of whatever business dealings the funeral parlor had with the Fatui. The more you thought about it, the surer you became.
Zhongli could tell something was amiss with you. Perhaps you were worried for him, maybe even a little bit possessive of him. It was a silly sentiment to have when he was so devoted to you.
"Darling, please tell me what is bothering you. It worries me that it may be my doing." He asks yet again one afternoon.
The way he tenderly gazes at you should assure you enough that there was no space in his heart for another person. Every time he calls you his dear, his sweetheart, or darling, you can hear the sincerity spilling over in his voice. It'd be cruel of you to keep him guessing, wouldn't it?
"You know that pair of chopsticks you got Childe when he arrived in Liyue? The dragon and phoenix one..." You brought up something that seemed irrelevant save for the person mentioned.
"Oh, yes. I remember them well. Their craftsmanship was quite exceptional." His eyes lit up the way they always did when he speaks about a particularly striking find he happens upon during his strolls through the city. "I gifted them to him as a gesture of welcome since he was learning to use them."
"I think he misunderstood your intentions."
Being the most learned person in Liyue regarding its traditions and customs, Zhongli didn't need to be reminded exactly what kind of intentions you were alluding to. The consultant's brows immediately furrowed in contemplation.
"While I do see how such a gift could be interpreted in other ways, I am certain that they don't apply to our particular circumstances."
"You gave him something that lovers give each other to pledge their love! Aren't you going to explain yourself?" You pouted, crossing your arms.
The consultant gave you an aggrieved yet amused look. "Traditionally, the dragon and phoenix symbolizes harmony and prosperity, something both Liyue and Snezhnaya hopes to achieve through steady trade. While it's most commonly given between couples, it may also be given to a friend or business partner to convey longevity."
Zhongli's reasoning was sound, however you refused to be convinced. You shook your head in frustration. "Don't you see? He's coming onto you too strongly for someone who just wants a diplomatic relationship!"
You couldn't just outright tell him to keep his distance from the Fatui harbinger since they were business acquaintances. Liyue harbor has its fair share of flirtatious people, the shopkeeper at Scent of Spring for one, but there was just something about the redhead in particular that unsettled you. The way Zhongli unabashedly spends his money also left much for you to think about. It wasn't all that different from the way Director Hu allowed him to leave tabs under the funeral parlor's name, but he wasn't as close to the Fatui harbinger as he was with Hutao. There was just something off about the dynamic between Childe and Zhongli. It didn't sit well with you at all.
"Either he has a thing for you or he's up to something. I'm sure of it."
The consultant stifled a chuckle. He was beginning to piece together the reason for your strange behavior lately. "Dear, I assure you that he is not interested in me in that way. Even if he were, I only have eyes for you."
"So you're just going to let him keep chasing you?" You frowned. "You know, I can spoil you too."
"Hm.... Where is this competitiveness of yours coming from?" Zhongli mused.
"Isn't that why you're giving him so much of your time? Because he's opening his wallet for you?" You pointed out. That redhead was hogging too much of your lover's time. You wanted it back.
"The Fatui have agreed to pay for Rex Lapis's Rite of Parting. I've been given a considerable sum to purchase all the necessities for the rites and to cover any expenses arising from the preparations, with the remaining funds to keep. So yes, if you must put it that way, he is indeed giving me his wallet to spend as I please."
"I might not be the Northland Bank, but I can buy you nice things too."
"I'm sure you can, my sweet." Zhongli stroked your cheek, distracting you momentarily. "I may only be a mere funeral consultant, but I too find it rewarding to spoil the one I treasure in pleasantries. If the Northland Bank wishes to further subsidize my spending, I shall not decline if it will allow me to do so."
"I don't know if I like the idea of my lover having a sugar daddy." You tried to keep a straight face as you said this.
"A sugar... daddy?" Zhongli's brow went up again. He understood the two words but put together, they obviously meant something he was not yet exposed to.
"A sponsor, but you have to entertain them romantically."
"I have no intentions of entertaining anyone but you in that sense." Zhongli chuckled as leaned in close, breath tickling your skin.
You begrudgingly accepted his kiss and his carefully placed touches.
"I want a pair too." You panted when his lips finally parted from yours.
"Very well. I will pay the shop a visit tomorrow morning to ensure a new pair of chopsticks will be made ready in time for your birthday. I will make a reservation at the Liuli Pavillion as well. If there is anything else I need to do to put your frustrations behind you, pray tell. I cannot stand that constant pout on your face." Zhongli grumbled, but it only made you giggle uncontrollably with the way he was nuzzling your neck while he spoke.
"Spoil me good tonight and maybe I'll consider letting you off the hook." You challenged.
"You test me."
Zhongli hummed in satisfaction, wasting no time in scooping you up in his arms and whisking you away to your bedroom amidst your feigned protests. If anything good came out of your pouting, it was his willingness to please. The consultant was on his knees, doing everything in his power to get back in your good graces.
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futuremrscameron · 3 months ago
meet bunny!reader
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bunny!reader moved to the outer banks six months before the events of season 1. she catches the eye of pogues and kooks alike with her doe eyes, sweet smile, and pink wardrobe. she’s the life of the party, the belle of the ball, the IT girl
loves using kaomojis in her texts, signs off her texts with her signature, aka some variation of a bunny
a total daddy’s girl, it’s been just the two of them since her mom died when she was four so he devoted all of his free time into giving her everything she wanted (it’s probably why she’s so spoiled) he also taught her how to use a gun and put her in muay thai classes because no one was gonna fuck with his baby girl and live to tell the tale
everyone calls her bunny because of her bouncy walk, rapid blinking, nose twitches, and high energy. jj’s convinced she’s a literal bunny that turns into a human at will. her frequent trips to the mainland every full moon solidifies this theory in his mind
you can catch her shopping with her friends jade and stacy or golfing with figure eight’s infamous rafe cameron at kildare’s country club
unlike most kooks she has no problem with the pogues and if she’s not with her girlfriends or rafe she’s probably with the pogues. laughing at jj’s antics, giving sarah the latest tea, or asking pope about his thoughts on fast fashion
bunny!reader knows brains only gets a girl so far, especially in a small town like kildare so of course she plays up her ditziness sometimes. men already assume she’s stupid and has more tits than brain so if she lets them believe it to get something she wants and fuck them over in the process who cares?
no one suspects the pretty girl who isn’t the brightest of thievery and she definitely wouldn’t lie to cops about the last time she spoke to her boyfriend with a sketchy record
unintentionally became an influencer. she’s just so pretty and charming and people love hearing her talk about the drama in her small town while she plans outfits for the upcoming week
in an on and off relationship with rafe since s1. sometimes she dumps him, other times he dumps her but they’re friends always bet on when they’re gonna get back together/break up.
her dad thinks rafe’s a piece of shit that’s not good enough for his sweet babygirl (he’s right but the heart wants what it wants)
gets along well with everyone, even the pogues once they get to know her and realize she isn’t a spawn of satan like rafe. they sort of become protective of her once they find out that she doesn’t know about him making their life hell which becomes the source of many rafe crash outs
bunny!reader loves parties. she loves planning them, attending them, thinking of them, loves everything about them. she’s the life of the party even when she’s not the host, you can find her dancing on counters and tabletops as rafe yells for her to get down, sitting by his side while he “works the party” occasionally rubbing her thigh to satiate her whines for him to dance with her, or doing shots with her friends.
rafe loves doing coke with her cause it gives her more energy which no one that was possible and it makes her horny. if he’s got coke dick he doesn’t even have to do anything just let her tire herself out and he gets to watch so really it’s a win-win
easily frightened, it’s why she doesn’t watch scary movies. rafe loves scaring her in the stupidest ways, jumping out from behind the couch, tapping her shoulder in the dark, waking her up with the ghostface mask. he usually apologizes if she cries and she usually forgives him (unless she was really scared then he sleeps on the couch)
people underestimating her gives her an advantage over them. they think she’s just a pretty girl that’s more tits than brains and don’t realize how wrong they are til they’re getting robbed by rafe, watching her speed away after talking her way out of a ticket, or convinced shoupe that she hasn’t seen rafe in days
during their breakups she uses the burner phone rafe got her to calls girls he’s hooking up with and tells them he’s seeing other girls. rafe can’t stay pissed because it does that she misses him as much as he misses her
gets along well with wheezie but not sarah. wheezie thinks she’s like an actual doll that came to life and likes that she actually listens to her. sarah is worried for her safety and constantly trying to warn her about rafe. bunny is an only child and believes that siblings should always stick together so whenever they talks she’s trying to get her to reconcile with rafe. both girls are too stubborn to listen
actively planning their wedding in her head and imagining how their kids are gonna look (they’re currently broken up)
bunny!reader is rafe’s #1 ride or die. she’ll always bail him out of a tight spot, jail, pogues rocking his shit, ward on his back, owes barry money. her biggest flaw is that she loves that man
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bippot · 1 month ago
Adrian Chase - Peacemaker Masterlist
+ Jake Martin - The Crew and Jeffrey Steinberg - Hidden Signal: Evergreen
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Wanna be added to a taglist? Either comment on this post or send me a message!
Taglist: @kpopgirlbtssvt, @adriansboyfriend, @10ava01, @n1ghtw1ngslvr
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1) Savage I Tumblr I AO3 I
Adrian makes a fool of himself in front of a pretty girl, but hey, when doesn’t he? She’s weird, funny, and treats him gently, which obviously makes him obsessed with her, and much to his surprise, she seems to like having him around too. Together, they try to carve out a peaceful life together, yet her less than perfect family messes up their harmony.
2) Cowboy & Piggy I Tumblr I AO3 I
No, Adrian had not been crushing on his colleague. That’s just, like, not true in the slightest. It’s not as if the moment she became available, he said something he could never take back.
3) Calendar Girl I Tumblr 1 I 2 I 3 I AO3 I
When his buddy goes missing, Adrian spends all of his time and energy trying to get her back to him. Because they’re friends, obviously.
4) Hercules and Megara I Tumblr I AO3 I
Childhood friends have a habit of drifting apart. Usually, it’s a natural thing. Adrian never wanted to separate from his best friend, but he thought he had to.
5.a) Squirtle Pyjamas I Tumblr I AO3 I
She knows how to calm Adrian down. And wears his clothes. And teases him relentlessly. And knows exactly what to do to rile him up. And knows his deepest secret. But, no, nothing can happen between them. He must resist the temptation to do something about it.
5.b) A Kid? I Tumblr I AO3 I
In preparation for Allison’s wedding, Adrian becomes the babysitter of her kid for a day and his girlfriend realises how good at the whole thing he is. The idea of marriage and kids suddenly seeps into Adrian’s brain and he can’t seem to shake them away.
6) Spot Over By The Fire Station I Tumblr I AO3 I
After his manager forces him to go to the emergency room for a concussion, Adrian meets an old friend, and she looks worse for wear. He knows he can help with that.
7) Hopelessly Devoted I Tumblr I AO3 I
They broke up a while ago, and Adrian still isn’t over it. Chris takes him on a night out, and they get trashed. Adrian never imagined that he’d get up in front of people and serenade his ex, but he did.
8) My Favourite Girl I Tumblr I AO3 I
Telekinetic powers can be beneficial sometimes. Other times? Yeah, not so much. After a mission gone wrong, it might be that her gifts are godsent. Adrian, however, knows she is godsent, especially with boobs like that.
9) Sweltering I Tumblr I AO3 I
It’s way too hot in Evergreen for Adrian to even hide his attraction to Y/N. He tries. And fails miserably. Especially when the guy who delivers her hot tub is so swoon-worthy.
10) Wednesdays I Tumblr I AO3 I
While Peacemaker was in prison, Vigilante made another friend, and she had a much lovelier voice than Chris did, and after a takedown, Adrian can’t quite get his thoughts off her.
11) What You Deserve I Tumblr I AO3 I
Vigilante has had a long night and just wants to see his favourite girl then go to sleep. Is that too much to ask for?
12) Big Strong Guy I Tumblr I AO3 I
No. Adrian is fine with scary movies. He’s fine, okay? That’s impossible; he doesn’t have goosebumps. You’re seeing things. Must be, because a big, strong guy who doesn’t get scared of shit like that.
13) Lucky Number 14 I Tumblr I AO3 I
A work outing let’s some things come to light, yet Adrian isn’t there to hear it.
14) Last In Line I Tumblr I AO3 I
Getting kidnapped is becoming more of a regular thing for Adrian. Yet he knows this one. And she definitely knows him.
15) The Things You Do For Pussy I Tumblr I AO3 I
Living together means that Adrian’s secret identity isn’t really a secret to her, so she loves to make thirsty comments about Vigilante whenever she can, and it’s not as if Adrian feels something more than friendship for his roommate, right?
16) Waller’s Way I Tumblr I AO3 I
When the new government-issued 11th Street Kid arrives, the team soon finds out why Waller picked her. They don’t really know how Adrian pissed off their boss so much, but he sure isn’t happy with their new colleague.
17) Clingy I Tumblr I AO3 I
The Vigilante mobile breaks down, and Adrian needs a hand, transport-wise and socially, it seems. Once his coworker gives him a hand, it sets him off, and there is no going back to the platonic relationship they had before. A relationship that needs to have clear boundaries because Adrian is known to get far too excited to interact with her at any chance he gets.
18) Beautiful Things I Tumblr I AO3 I
Since Vigilante no longer has to work his shitty busboy job and that leaves his schedule wide open for the rest of the day, he soon finds himself frequenting a quaint coffee shop, not only because the drinks there are good, but because he’s grown fond of the woman working there.
19) The Distraction I Tumblr I AO3 I
Every now and then, Peacemaker has a solo mission. Whenever these happen, Vigilante has to be distracted so he doesn’t make the solo into a duo. The only person that is capable of that is the girl that Adrian hates… No, that can’t be right. He doesn’t hate her, not really. Quite the opposite, actually.
20) The Monarch Hotel I Tumblr I AO3 I
How many times does Vigilante need to get injured before Harcourt finally gives in and hires a medic to help out with the squad’s injuries? Far too many times, that’s how many. When it’s uncovered that a fancy hotel is linked to not only what’s left of the legion of butterflies but also a string of weird deaths and missing persons reports, the only two for the job are lovesick Adrian and the newbie. Will they both make it out of paradise alive?
21) Peacemaker Jr I Tumblr I AO3 I
Peacemaker scrubbed all mention of his kid from his file. But when the butterflies find out about her, he must admit to his team that he needs their skills to find her. Then, Chris really needs Adrian’s help to keep her safe, but he’s concerned that his buddy is going to get far too familiar with his daughter. And maybe those fears are warranted.
22) On The Road I Tumblr I AO3 I
Peacemaker’s mother fled with her unborn child when Chris was a teenager, and he’d always wanted to find his family again. After annoying Waller, he must send his friends out to help save his family, and Adrian finds out that he is more than willing to throw himself into danger to ensure that Peace’s sister is unharmed.
23) Slumber Party I Tumblr I AO3 I
Had Vigilante intended to find the missing mayor’s daughter? No, but he wasn’t going to admit that. He’d completed the 11th Street Kids’ mission entirely by himself and found himself caring for the kidnapped girl.
24) Damsel I Tumblr I AO3 I
Vigilante notices a girl and her not-so-nice boyfriend arguing, and just as the hero is about to reprimand the bad boyfriend, she does something unexpected. When she finds him a week later, they come to learn that they mesh together quite well. Will that chemistry remain when she knows who’s under the visor?
25) Bacon and Bloodshed I Tumblr I AO3 I
When Vigilante came across a crying girl covered in blood, he didn’t expect to have breakfast with her the next morning.
26) Reunited and it Feels So Good I Tumblr I AO3 I
After months apart under witness protection, Y/N and Adrian reunite following the defeat of the Butterflies. Both have changed—Adrian’s lost his curls, Y/N’s sporting new tattoos and a mullet—but their connection is stronger than ever.
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1) Joyride I Tumblr I AO3 I
There are three things Jake loves to do at work. None of which are work. One: eating. Two: flirting with his girlfriend. Three: annoying Kevin. At first, he only thought he’d only get to do two of those three options.
2) Part Of The Crew I Tumblr I AO3 I
Kevin’s niece shakes up Jake’s little peanut head in the best way possible. For the first time in his life, he’s nervous to even flirt with a girl because, like, what if he fucks up? That would suck.
3) 95 I Tumblr I AO3 I
A wardrobe mix-up causes Jake’s secret relationship to come to light. Then, when they happen to match one part of their outfit one day, a formal complaint is filed against them.
4) Subconsciously I Tumblr I AO3 I
Jake has never watched the Fast and Furious films, so why can he quote them?
5) On the Same Paige I Tumblr I AO3 I
Jake is preppy and charismatic and dumb and talkative, which is the complete opposite of Beth’s niece. Why do they work so well together then?
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1) A Dog On A Leash I Tumblr I AO3 I
Thanks to his attempt at total domination over the population of Evergreen spectacularly failing, Jeffrey was forced to be confined in his room. The only interaction he gets is annoying David whenever he brings his meals in. That is, until another face appears. A familiar face. A face of someone he presumed had perished in the apocalypse.
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aphrothiti · 14 days ago
Saturn nakshatras, especially anuradha, have a tendency to be codependent and form close one-on-one relationships.
They value consistency and stability so this is usually a platonic best friend for two main reasons
a) It’s more likely to be an older connection that they established as children. They aren’t as attracted to the “excitement” of a new romantic relationship and would rather stay with what they know
b) They’re naturally closed off and reserved so they may be uncomfortable with the physical and/or emotional expectations a romantic partner might have for them (sun nakshatras feel similarly about relationships but for different reasons). They can sometimes outgrow this as adults though
Anuradha’s god Mitra is also associated closely with friendship.
Both Pushya and Anuradha can be very giving and devotional in nature- Pushya being “nourishing” and Anuradha being associated with Radha, a goddess of loving devotion who became so close with the god Krishna that they are basically considered one (Radha-Krishna)
However by completing devoting themselves to others/society, they can often personally stagnate.
(What specifically they might devote themselves to by nakshatra:
Pushya -> spirituality, charity work,
Anuradha -> companionship,
UBP-> controlling or strongly influencing their interpersonal relationships through leadership positions, eg. as a boss described in Claire Nakti’s UBP video, or as a cult authority like Crowley (UBP native)
Please note that the themes I’ve associated with the 3 Saturn nakshatras are a generalisation based on their themes and not to be taken as definitive. Someone’s personal priorities will likely be visible in their whole chart.
For example Claire Nakti uses Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep, a Pushya native) as an example of a tyrant Saturnian boss character, but she also has moon in the 10th house, making her career a major area of life for her.)
It’s common for Saturn nakshatras to go to extremes and give up everything for a certain ideal, but in order to grow into the Mercury nakshatra stage, they have to move on.
(Ashlesha -> shedding of unwanted personal attachments
Jyestha -> the eldest, ruled by Indra King of the Gods
Revati -> I’m not entire sure how to articulate this yet actually. UBP nakshatra is a rather intense energy being associated with black magic and such, so I like to think of Revati as a development into a more carefree state of being. If you can word it better please share)
I think the transition from Anuradha to Jyestha specifically makes me think of this song by the Buttress
For those who don’t feel like listening, its basically reimagining the story of Julius Caesar’s assassination as a woman (Brutus) who resents a man close to her (Caesar) for being successful whilst she is just the “muse” who provides him companionship. This eventually leads to Brutus betraying Caesar and choosing themselves
“Or am I just wishing I could be like you?
that the people would see me too as a poet
And not just the muse”
This is just one lyric that demonstrates this but I recommend listening to the full song to fully understand the vibe.
Jyestha is also Anuradha’s yoni consort.
I don’t have any birth info at all for the Buttress but this song is sooo Anuradha-Jyestha coded to me.
The most mainstream example of this dynamic I can think of is Maddy (Jyestha sun) and Cassie (Anuradha ascendant) from Euphoria.
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“Maddy knew who she was from a very early age. For as long as Maddy could remember, everybody loved her. She never knew exactly what it was. She just knew that she had something special. Something intangible. Something immeasurable. And she had that fucking confidence”
-quote from the show that I copy and pasted off of the wiki
Cassie resents her best friend for exhibiting these qualities and wants them for herself. She too wants to be powerful and charismatic (Jyestha stage) instead of just sitting on the sidelines as Maddy’s best friend (Anuradha stage). She betrays Maddy in the process but does not earn respect from anyone due to her codependent nature.
I don’t really care for Euphoria and there are a lot of in depth existing astrology analysis on these two so I won’t elaborate further. Just a popular example
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meinkatzchen · 1 month ago
ur oc It just cute, really caught my attention and I'm curious now
How is kitty and strade friendship?
Friendship? Seriously, anon?- friends are not tied or kidnepped! Okay, these are all jokes, I understand that you mean their relationship :)
And in her story, In short: for her (and for Ren, actually) he became the one who took away a piece of humanity, giving something in return.
Mist is quite mediocre in many skills, if you take creative and household chores, she's just a law student who always wanted to be a lawyer for a good cause - to defend the innocent who were convicted without evidence. I think if she had said something like that in front of Strade, he would have burst out laughing and would have teased her for a long time for this thought, gradually convincing her that there is no justice in the world at all and that even he could be released from custody if he hid the evidence and paid a lot of money. It's cruel, but at least he knocked the rose-colored glasses out of her head.
But he may be curious about her, seeing that she is learning quickly, but especially trying to do everything to reduce the pain that she is having a hard time enduring, and to avoid torture: to resort to trickery; to offer to torture someone else with her own hands; if Ren decides to stand up for her someday, she will not stop him and etc - for Strade, all this may even be funny. Actually, he became the person who will gradually put the seed of a charismatic manipulator in her and allow it to develop, which will sprout in the future.
It always seemed to me that the first few months, Mist watched Strade very carefully and closely to understand his behavior pattern, to understand what makes him happy, what angers him, what leads to punishment, and what leads to gifts. In the future, such a pattern will be fixed in her everyday life, thanks to which she will gradually-gradually reach her heights and surround herself with devoted people.
If, as Gato wrote, Ren subconsciously competes with Strade in cruelty, which would really be typical for a male, then Mist does not compete, but draws on the skills of manipulation, charismatic speeches, in general knowledge from the category of "what to do to get this and that".
…But if we throw away all seriousness and return to moments of calm in the house, then he would definitely like to tease her. For example, he would take her favorite cute plush animals, which she kept at night to calm down, and do various inappropriate things with them, or knowing how much she monitors hygiene and the level of hair on her body, he would hide her razor and various soaps and shower gels. What a hog!
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vintagetvstars · 5 months ago
Jeremy Brett Vs. Jonathan Frid
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Jeremy Brett - (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Three Musketeers, BBC Play of the Month) - "Listen, I fell in love with One Man when I was 16 and have never regretted it. Jeremy Brett is Everything. Handsome, charming, sweet, amazing voice, delightfully eccentric. Shakespearean actor best known for playing Sherlock Holmes in the 80s, he is widely considered the definitive Holmes and for good reason. Bisexual and bipolar, devoted husband, he was known to serenade friends at restraunts and hold scavenger hunts in his home, where he hid the plunger in a chandelier. Often pigeonholed into period pieces, he owned them. He was a pretty young man who became not just handsome but arresting. He was one of those people who walked into a room and instantly commanded attention, and I for one have never regretted giving him my attention." Full text propaganda included below the cut
Jonathan Frid - (Dark Shadows) - the man who brought the first sympathetic vampire in pop culture to life! he was so hot that they sent him on a ten-city tour. he was so hot that teen magazines auctioned off dates with him. he was so hot that allegedly women would mail him love letters and/or nude pictures of themselves! he gave what should have been a quickly-killed-off soap opera villain/dracula knockoff a sense of gravitas, intrigue, and humanity that ultimately made him the star of the show. watching him act is always a treat. I've also met several people who knew him, and overall he just seems like a great guy. there's a documentary about him free on tubi, i recommend checking it out! (fun fact, he was also gay. who on tumblr doesn't love gay vampires).
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Additional propaganda below the cut
Jeremy Brett:
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“The superbly handsome Jeremy Brett, the regularity of his features made dramatic by a broken nose, the mellifluousness of his voice made arresting by a slight vocal impediment, presented a ravaged and romantic Holmes, a man who had suffered deeply and whose recourse to the syringe was the compulsion of a self-destroying temperament. His relationship with Edward Hardwicke’s transparently decent Watson was that of a drowning man clinging to a raft. The authenticity of the performance was unmistakable.” — “The man who created a monster; Conan Doyle hated the fame of his suave hero, but he couldn’t kill him”, Simon Callow, The Times, 18 December 2009.
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Listen, I fell in love with One Man when I was 16 and have never regretted it. Jeremy Brett is Everything. Handsome, charming, sweet, amazing voice, delightfully eccentric. Shakespearean actor best known for playing Sherlock Holmes in the 80s, he is widely considered the definitive Holmes and for good reason. Bisexual and bipolar, devoted husband, he was known to serenade friends at restraunts and hold scavenger hunts in his home, where he hid the plunger in a chandelier. He also practiced archery in the middle of London. He could sing, he acted alongside Audrey Hepburn twice. He wanted to be a jockey when he was young but then grew a foot too tall. He had rheumatic fever as a child and was told he would never climb stairs. Dear Reader, he jumped over couches on film. In War and Peace he is very clearly the only actor riding a real horse, and is one of few actors who played both Sherlock Holmes and Watson. Often pigeonholed into period pieces, he owned them. He was a pretty young man who became not just handsome but arresting. He was one of those people who walked into a room and instantly commanded attention, and I for one have never regretted giving him my attention.
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Jonathan Frid:
"HES SO CUNTY" - mutual's reaction to me sharing this photo:
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yanderes-galore · 10 months ago
Light yagimi (Death Note) Platonic Hcs maybe with a classmate darling 🪲 [Shiny Bug Anon]
Sure, it's been a long time since I wrote anything for Death Note. Here's what I got after watching a summary of the anime events :)
Yandere! Platonic! Light Yagami with Classmate! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, God complex/Egotistical behavior, Manipulation, Murder, Jealousy, Stalking, Possessive behavior, Blackmail mantioned, Forced companionship.
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Having Light as an obsessive friend is a... Scary thought.
He's popular among classmates and adored by his family.
He's a genius and before the whole Death Note issue... He seemed like a normal classmate to you.
With the ideal Light has once he gets the Death Note, he's definitely use them to his advantage when it comes to you.
Imagine if during High School you two became friends due to sharing classes together.
Light's charismatic so you may never notice the egotistical messiah complex he gains.
Any dark thing he does is hidden away from your eyes.
He acts as your caring best friend, always giving you smiles and sticking around you.
He seems perfect... There's nothing wrong, is there.
Light seems like he'd be very devoted to his obsession's safety.
He has the power of a God in his hands, he'd definitely abuse it for his darling.
For example, maybe you come crying to him one day about something.
He's confused only for you to admit you've been robbed, assaulted, or some other crime.
Light would definitely make sure whoever did that died immediately.
He's unnerving as any yandere due to the fact he can manipulate so well.
With the Death Note he's even proven to be ruthless.
You and him are close friends and classmates, of course he's extremely attentive to you.
Light no doubt keeps track of your every move.
Even before you became official friends he seemed drawn to you.
Somehow Light's always where you need him to be.
He's often always around and almost seems possessive of you as his friend.
You're purely platonic yet he seems too... close.
Light originally only kills criminals who harm you/are active around you.
Although, as time goes on, he just seems to kill whoever he deems as a danger to you.
I imagine he tries to hide his true nature from you, yet if you find out too much he blackmails you into staying quiet beside him.
Sure, he may be Kira... But he's done nothing but protect you, hasn't he?
However, he's manipulative enough you might not find out.
After all, at school he's compassionate and helpful to you.
Ryuk no doubt finds Light's concern over you amusing.
Even when he's "dating Misa" he's overly caring about his classmate and best friend.
There's times he just seem to act as a caring older brother to you, always seeming to get along well with family.
He's always judging if you have partners or not, trying to deem them trustworthy.
He's another strong yandere when he has the Death Note.
He could easily get rid of rivals, all while tending and caring to you with a compassionate attitude.
There's no need for him to kidnap as he likes to keep appearances.
He has other ways of keeping you locked into supporting him.
If someone tried to use you against him, Light would be pissed.
Yet he'd never harm you.
Normally he kills those who could expose him.
But he just knows you won't talk.
You trust him too much.
Even when you've graduated and aren't classmates anymore, Light still keeps you close and in contact.
He often calls you, asks you about your day, and could listen to you talk for hours.
He wants you to be close with his family so they can support his obsession.
Overall, Light would put on acts around his classmate darling.
You easily trust everything he says as he's not only popular but your friend.
You're mostly oblivious to his killings and his stalking.
A trait he pities yet exploits.
But hey, that's okay!
He'll be sure to protect and preserve such an innocence... You two are close!
With his help... You'll be happy and safe in the new world he plans to create.
"What did you say happened to you? Tell me... I'll make it all better. It's what friends are for, right? Now give me a name...."
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xjulixred45x · 8 months ago
Theseus(+ Asterius obvi) with Son! Reader
It is no mystery that I am a geek, that I am a Greek mythology nerd, and that precisely led me to fall HARD for Hades, and I take advantage of every aspect of the myths for my writing.
how, for example, that in the myths, Theseus had a son with an Amazon (which could be Hippolita or Antiope depending on the version), who died, and his son, Hippolytus, became one of the hero's tragedies.
Basically he was a believer of Artemis who took a vow of chastity, his stepmother fell in love with him, he rejected her, she defamed him and killed herself, Theseus found out and despised his son, even when he had an accident in his cart ( which in most versions HE CAUSED by asking Poseidon to punish his son), but when the truth is revealed Theseus goes directly to his son in his last moments to apologize (and not leave him alone in his last moments).
Although his son forgave him in the myth, I like to think that, in perspective and using the logic that they are in the Hades universe, his son did not really think he would see his father again, so although in the moment he FORGIVE HIM definitely left things tense, since Hippolytus/reader ended up in Elysium because of his devotion to Artemis (in some versions he even becomes her sidekick).
and I like to think that while Theseus IS insufferable and pompous, he definitely has a soft spot for his son, seeing him as proud to have a close relationship with the gods and wanting to dedicate his life to them. probably also when they were alive encouraged several of Hipolito/reader's more violent hobbies, even if it was a little worrying at times😅
and now that he is back in the prime of his youth in Elysium and his son is with him, let's say that Theseus "discreetly" wants to compensate for his faults in life (especially the end of his son's life), it will be a bit of a head. tough but he's not stupid to realize that he screwed up big time with his son.
They probably do bonding by sparring and sparring with each other, they fight while talking and catching up on each other's lives (or, well, "life") and when Asterius joins, he also quickly blends in as a mediator between the two if they argue (especially about a certain _incident_)
Although Theseus is proud of his son and loves him, he never shuts up. Asterius on the other hand lets the boy talk and talk and generally gives more room for his opinion, he is someone Hippolytus/reader can go to to make sure those secrets don't get out between the two of them.
Asterius would refer to Hippolytus/reader as "little one" or "little prince", CHANGE MY MIND.
IMAGINE IF HIPPOLYTUS/READER WAS A KIND OF THIRD CHAMPION OF THE ELYSIUM! Theseus would be so PROUD of his son, crying and all "they grow up so fast."
Asterius would be a little more serious, but it would probably be because he himself is holding back the urge to cry while congratulating Hippolytus/reader on his first victory in Elysium and earning his champion title.
Theseus and Asterius would take the issue of Hippolytus/reader's chastity VERY SERIOUSLY not only out of respect for Artemis, but because 1- he already had a terrible experience with women and 2- it is something very important FOR HIM, so good luck trying to approach him or, gods forbid, flirt.
although I think that if Hippolytus/reader were interested in any relationship, it would probably be one similar to that of Asterius and Theseus themselves, a "brotherly" (homoerotic) bond, someone he could consider a rival, an enemy who became into a friend, an ally, a brother, something for him.
and that's why I like the idea of pairing him with Zagreus.
1- a love interest who is not a Tsundere (Hippolytus/reader is more virgin than Olive oil, so he is quite shy).
2- it would be an interesting dynamic (How Zagreus is going to fight with this boy, son of the man he hates the most, only to realize that they have a lot in common, earning each other's respect and even their help)
Theseus would be SO CONVINCED that this DAEMON manipulated his chaste son so that he would go easy on him and lose his title. HOW DARE HE THINK HE COULD EVEN BREATHE THE SAME AIR AS HIS SON?! MUCH LESS COURT HIM!? OVER HIS DOUBLE DEAD BODY!
The only way for Theseus to understand WHY Hippolytus/reader likes Zagreus of all beings, is to use him and Asterius as an example. There he understands it, but he doesn't accept it.
Asterius, on the other hand, is much more chill about it and even approves of it, although he will definitely give Zagreus the shovel talk and assure him that if he does anything to the little prince, there will be no place in Elysium that is safe for him.
Like, Zagreus would be upset to have to go through Theseus to talk to his boyfriend, but he definitely takes advantage of the situation to make jokes about how Theseus is now his "father-in-law", making the Athenian king even more angry.
(Zagreus would definitely make the "your son calls me daddy too" joke.)
At the same time, Zag would be surprised at how good a father Theseus is when he is dead (and what he was like when he was alive, excluding the accident of course). Likewise, he would be happy to see that although Theseus is an idiot, he is not such a bad guy.
Zagreus definitely helps a little with the Hipolito/reader relationship when tensions are high, going into therapist mode again. and thanks to this I can see Theseus and Hippolytus/reader in the prologue making a good process towards healing.
I don't think there's any WAY IN HELL that Theseus will accept Zagreus as his son's mate, but with Asterius and Hippolytus/reader present, at least he's more...domesticated.
Hippolytus/reader: father! TELL HIM
Asterius: Do you want to stay forever?
Overall, it's a dysfunctional family, I'm not going to lie, but a happy one.
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estcaligo · 5 months ago
Spoilers for Book 7
Thanks to @/prince-kallisto for info and lore posts, very helpful :D
This thought just came to me:
Malleus, Silver, and Sebek in the future will be just like Meleanor, Raverne, and Lilia.
Sebek, being the strongest and most devoted warrior, becomes the Right General of Briar Valley. And Silver becomes a diplomat and possibly the Left General, like Raverne.
I definitely see Silver as a diplomat (especially in international relations) from Briar Valley.
He's a nobleman too, basically.
Also, Sebek will be following in Baul's footsteps, who became General after Lilia.
I can't see Sebek as a diplomat, though lol.
"Dragon's eyes" - Silver. "Dragon's hand" - Sebek :)
And who knows - maybe after Silver is gone, and some danger arises, Sebek will protect Malleus's egg just like Lilia did for Meleanor...
Remember Lilia saying "old friend who is no longer with us" about Raverne?
Now imagine Sebek saying this about Silver... :')
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