aphrothiti · 2 days
Being entitled can be good, only if you have the work and dedication to show up for whatever it is you think you deserve. Otherwise you're just living in duality, where you're entitled to something that you're too cowardly to even get through working on yourself. Action and change is the only way. You can't fail at trying.
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aphrothiti · 2 days
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messages de fleurs 1
These chanelled messages are mainly for the people who follow me , like , reblog ,share my work as a gift for their support , your engagement increases the chances of accuracy 🫶
Go for it start learning japanese , there are chances of you going there for higher education
If you're wondering if you should get that brat green top or lampshade , go for it .
People don't understand your art because your art is surrealistic and only a certain demographic of people get that sort of creativity
Listen to an album : Among my swan by mazzy star
The word "sparkle"
Read books on consciousness and expansion.
Read mastery by Robert Greene
Start experimenting with aquafaba in baking brownies
Learn the correlation between saturn and the flower of lotus
Bastet is coming through for you
Pray before going out , and wear white on a Tuesday you're prone to an accident protect yourself
Learn the art of perfumery
Black thread around your cord cutting will help more
Pink baby doll dress, that's what you should gift
Pearl , citrine and carnelian crystals are the one you should go for ( initial confirmation : S , K , P , D, T )
Your mom hid your lost item in the garage ( most probably phone )
You're entering a new era , break free of old patterns , write your bad habits , burn and offer the ash to kali or hekate and ask for their help in transformation
Stop sleeping on left side your face is swelling, start sleeping on your back
Throw the broken mirror pieces from your home it brings bad luck
If you're thinking of worshipping krishna there are positive signs , start with waking up at sunrise about 5 and watch The birds for a while , idk why just do you will notice something .
If you're facing menstrual issues , with your menses being dated at the middle of the month , start taking walnuts and tamarind , avoid potato and brinjal , they're causing acid issues or allergies for you
I hope this helps XOXO 🥰
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aphrothiti · 3 days
This is rather anecdotal, but even though people say your moon + ascendant are the most important, I feel like your moon’s dispositor’s nak is a really underrated placement
E.g. if you are an Aquarius moon with a Saturn in swati, you may really relate to rahu themes even if you have no other rahu influence in your d1
I’ve seen this affect appearance in various instances. Also dashas can play a factor as well
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aphrothiti · 6 days
When the show has a morally dubious perfectionist character played by an actor with Venus and Saturn nakshatras 😩>>>>
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(I have no factual evidence that mads is a purvaashada ascendant but I will die on this hill anyway)
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aphrothiti · 6 days
The way D9 changes with different ayanamsa is making my brain hurt. Also similarities between neighbouring naks
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aphrothiti · 15 days
Why Saturn Makes you Bad at Doing Things
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Saturn in our chart is about things we don't have an instinctive understanding of. These are things we have to work hard (as in tediously, long term) to improve. Over time, we can become meticulous and more decent at this area of our lives, but it takes time for us to get there.
Example, I have Saturn in Aquarius and it took me over 10 years to get the hang of social media, and I'm still learning. Since according to Vedic classics, Saturn is "lame" by nature, these are the areas where we end up with what we feel are initially inadequate results.
What is the reason for such a situation with Saturn?
1. Karmic delay manifesting as lack of financial physical support in your Saturn area. You simply receive the necessary basic tools to be able to accomplish anything worthwhile in this given area with a delay. Example - I have Saturn in Aquarius in the 4th, and I really care about memories and pictures and organising them on socials as a sort of virtual diary. I have been a content creator for 5 years now. I endlessly struggled with inadequate technology, poor quality gear or no gear, and lower quality content as a result. Editing only takes you so far. Tools of the trade are important.
2. Lack of external support and education, delayed access to basic support and education. Noone is going to help you in the area of your Saturn, unless you have excellent synastry with somebody. You need to learn everything by yourself from the ground up, starting from nothing, feeling like you're behind your peers. You don't know yourself in that area, so you don't know what suits you and as a result you have a delayed awareness of what is good for you.
3. Which brings me to my next point, perfectionism. Saturn is what our soul wants to perfect and master, and then release once our legacy is perfected. You will not be satisfied with mediocrity there. I have heard it countless times from people "why do you care about random pictures" well because my Saturn in the 4th wants a perfect photo diary and I want it to be organized and look good. Memories matter to me so I take them very seriously. As a result, we end up being harder on ourselves there than the average person, because we want more, and we want better. If used well, as a result of this attitude, Saturn has the potential to deliver high quality results.
4. Not fitting into trends, first because of the delayed learning process, then because you skipped on major social moments. You just don't know how to be "cool" where your Saturn is placed, because it takes time to build up that ease, and it's always with a lot of practice. As a result, you feel inadequate and lonely in that area, because your difficult experience makes it impossible to connect with your peers, who may mock you over traits of your Saturn. Over time, if Saturn is strong you can become an inspiration and a trendsetter yourself.
5. And finally, and most surprisingly so, lack of interest. The mix of karma and external circumstances and understanding of futility makes us subconsciously reject deeper involvement in the karmas of our Saturn and its Nakshatras. Example, I have Saturn in Dhanishta and I simply refuse to do anything for the sake of popularity, to impress any group, or even join a group for status. I am ready to die alone in my isolated cute house (probably because Saturn in the 4th) just to be myself. Growing up, I denied all social adherence within my family, because I believed they do everything wrong. I also denied all social adherence to the most popular people in school, finding them shallow and disgusting, and throwing their life away while I put my head to my studies and focused on my goals. As a result, my personal journey is unrelatable to most people, because few have the gumption to resist their environments so completely, few are so critical of these environments, few people choose strife, loneliness and lack, because it's the right thing to do. So you can see how our Saturn makes us subversive, denying granting people any expectation in that area and doing everything "their own way".
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aphrothiti · 15 days
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Annie Monroe from The Like. Unknown source
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aphrothiti · 18 days
Everytime i open reddit i feel like i take psychic damage
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aphrothiti · 18 days
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Cristina Gaioni as Jeanine in A Hyena in the Safe, 1968. Directed by Cesare Canevari
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aphrothiti · 18 days
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Sharon Tate
Valley of the Dolls (1967)
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aphrothiti · 18 days
This song feels like the epitome of Saturn to me
Kurt Cobain was in his Saturn dasha when it came out
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aphrothiti · 19 days
Can i just say, i love how concisely you separate the “universe” & meaning of each nakshatra. I feel like when i see content on nakshatras online ppl are still v much discovering the meaning of each one.
I usually come across your interpretations of nakshatras that make me think twice about what i thought previously about it. For example you describe ashlesha as a nakshatra that breaks boundaries whereas i’ve always considered it very careful & trying to limit other people. My bf has ashlesha moon & mars in galactic center and it’s always seemed off to me bc in lahiri i could explain his boundary-phobic personality was by his purva bhadrapada sun or saturn ruled moon. However in galactic center he has uttara bhadrapada sun & ashlesha moon.
I wonder if you could expand a little on this aspect of ashlesha? Are they both expansive and limiting or do ppl generally interpret ashlesha wrong?
Ashlesha, being the embodiment of Rahu, is actually both of those things. People who want to break boundaries the most are also those who try to control them most intensely, because they feel it puts them in position of power. Notice the paradox, that for Ashlesha their freedom is in controlling of others and themselves.
Secretly, they want to have structure to their madness, but it is a lifetime struggle. This imo can be the most emotionally damaged Nakshatra in the zodiac.
Mercury Nakshatras have that particular blend of freedom and control in them. They’re past the Saturn stage of liberation and internal limitation, but they are not yet in the Ketu stage of complete boundary breaking. So they fluctuate, but something inside them always creates a push and pull.
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aphrothiti · 23 days
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Angie Bowie photographed by Terry O'Neill as a french maid, 1973.
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aphrothiti · 23 days
I love how you associated Rapunzel with Ashwini and I totally agree with you. I’m an Ashwini moon and she’s my favorite Disney princess. What Nakshatra would you put for Elsa?
Ooo that’s an interesting one
Maybe Ashelsha? If I could summarise her story it would be like
-“cursed” with special ability
-unintentionally hurts loved ones
-is isolated and grows emotionally cold
-when reentering the outside world, hurts others again out of fear
-Anna almost dies as a consequence and Elsa begs for forgiveness, so Anna and everyone else is saved
-Even after the happy ending, she goes to live in the mountains as she feels like an outsider
There may be some discrepancies since I haven’t watched either films since Frozen 2 came out back in 2019.
This story makes me think of Ashlesha’s mythology where the Nagas get cursed and must repent in order for it to be lifted, “repentance” for Elsa would be when she is forced to take accountability for her actions when Anna nearly dies.
Ashlesha has become infamous for its poisonous quality that often hurts the people around them when it goes unchecked. A lot of the time their “poison” is unresolved grief turned into avoidance and resentment. Being the clinging star, they like often can’t cope with the feeling of losing others so they turn themselves inward and get defensive.
I loveee the Hidden Octave’s video on Ashlesha and I recommend anyone to watch it when they get the chance.
Back on point, Elsa’s ice power is her poison and it’s only when she lets others in through her defences and heals her anxiety around losing Anna, that this poison becomes medicine. Ashlesha’s symbol the coiled serpent resembling the caduceus (the snakes outside pharmacies), poison and medicine are two sides of the same coin.
It’s also outcaste Ashleshas can feel like outsiders even within their own family. But it may also be sometimes a ketu/saturn trait.
Idina Menzel is either an Ashelsha or Magha moon👀 magha would kind of work too since royalty yk
I guess you could also consider her to be a little Jyesthacoded especially in relation to her younger sister Anna (Rohini). But lmk what you think
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aphrothiti · 23 days
Nakshatras and their Shakti pt 1
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What is Shakti?
Shakti translates to power in english , in the abode of stars each nakshatra is a blessed with a power that's inherent to them , the power in this sector can be channeled as a divine guiding force for a beautiful fruitful life . Check for your moon , sun and your Atmakraka ( planet in the highest degree ) .
Disclaimer : In the post below I talk about mantras as well but always remember to use mantras for good and the mantras taken directly from a guru or an authentic individual as wrong mantras do have consequences!
Like , reblogs and comments are highly appreciated. Dm me if you wanna book an astrology or a tarot reading .
I will make a part two if this post reaches enough hehe
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Shidravyapani Shakti
Power to quickly attain ones motives or wishes , this applies in the sector of motivation and manifestation, Ashwini starts off as the sign with the most healing abilities guided by the Ashwin twins, being in the Ashwini Nakshatra your thoughts manifest being it good or bad , one has to practice discernment to thoroughly gain from this shakti , go for all the things that excite you and feel your true desires as the start of attaining something is to belive it's already yours. One in this Nakshatra can attain health and let go of disease just by commanding it feeling it. Residing in the mantra realm of Akarshan.
Apabharani shakti
Power to take something away , let go of something one has . Bharani as in Atharvaveda is considered as the last nakshatra , as the nakshatra of letting go of the body. One in this Nakshatra holds the power to take things that they want for themselves as well as letting go of what they don't want, this commands as an equal force of give and take a say a power in both the sectors , in Ashwini one could see the power to attain but in Bharani one has the power to let go , let go of disease , poverty , negative thinking . This also gives abilities in mantras of isthambhan, vashikaran.
Dahana shakti
The act of burning and purifying , in hinduism fire is considered as an element of purification being it in a yagya or after death rituals, krittika with this shakti acts a Phoenix, this shakti gives krittika natives the power to destroy themselves to purify themselves, reaching the depths of their soul or rock bottom to rise above it , it's getting closer to ones rebirth . A very easy ritual for krittika natives is to write what they wanna let go of and burn it so that the fires may take away your pain, a prayer to the fire liberates . This shakti also gives you the power to bring change in the lives of the people around you , like the very strict teacher who ultimately leads to the growth of a student.
Rohana shakti
The power of creation and the gift of fertility. After krittika burns and purifies Rohini makes the land fertile for growth. This shakti bestows the native a power of creativity and bringing their imagination to life , this is the first nakshatra of control as you're the creatrix , this Nakshatra gives the native the art and knowledge of saving and combining things and an eye for the bigger picture the patience the abilities that a perfect thing takes to develop . Masters of the process . The mantras of sammohan and pushti work well with Rohana shakti .
Prinana shakti
The shakti of satisfaction and fulfillment. Mrigashira is not always the nakshatra of search its also the nakshatra of finding what one was searching . This shakti gives the native to be fulfilled in whatever endeavour they choose , they also bring a sense of fulfillment in other people's lives , to me mrigashira is a balance of the masculine and feminine the form of Ardhanareshwar . They can do anything cause they embody the ultimate fulfillment in themselves . The mantras of Shanti and Pushti work well with prinana shakti .
Yatna Shakti
Yatna stands for effort , trial , this shakti is vast and diverse but what one requires is effort , if the native let's go of laziness one can find almost a meditative form of process to victory . The native has to just start and things fall in the right place . It's like a tortured victory but a victory is a victory the nature doesn't forget the process, it remembers , it remembers the form of Rudra in rage fighting for what belongs to one , the native inspires other people a spirit of fighting for rightes and gaining through the effort . The mantras of jrambhan work well with yatna shakti .
Vastutva prapana shakti
The power to gain objectives and wealth , punrvasu is the rehabilitation after the tortured gain of ardra , vastytva prapana shakti bestows the native the power and the knowledge to gain what they want in life through their knowledgeable efforts . The natives act as the people who show people how simple being and positive vibration can attract so much in ones life .They can easily attract wealth and materials in their life . The native manifests through embodiment and vision boards . The mantras of Mohan, akarshan and pushti work well with the shakti .
Brahmavarchava shakti
The power to harness creative spiritual energy . In Rohini we saw the start of creativity , in Pushya one harnesses it through themselves and the nature . Pushya is reiki energy , a pushya native enters the room and gives out their energy. They can easily create through their wishes , one of the fastest power in manifestation . The native becomes a beacon of light and nourishment to the people around them. The mantras of Shanti, Mohan , Pushti work well with the shakti .
Ashleshana shakti
The power to inflict poison and destroy . It's no secret that ashlesha is the most seductive nakshtra , this power bestows the native to destroy the enemy by the virtue of their presence and words no weapons are required they're a friend to a friend and the worst enemy to a enemy, a silent weapon of mystery and power . The natives are like Apsara Tillotama who made Sund and Upasund who killed themselves for her . A process of slow destruction is done by them to the enemy . Mantras if Uchchatan , Vidwezhan and Jrambhan work well with the shakti .
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Thank you so much for reading 🎀💗
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aphrothiti · 24 days
Pushya Nakshatra can give people with these placements a stringent and intense personal nature, making them both compelling and difficult to relate to. Although they project an air of charm and magnetism, their inner nature remains firm and resolute, revealing a character that is hard to sway or soften. Outwardly, they display a strong, charismatic front, exuding an impenetrable presence. Beneath this cool, composed exterior lies a delicate, coy sheepishness that is often guarded and suppressed. This blend of jadedness and discomfort, coupled with their projected charisma, is a defining feature of those born under Pushya
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In relationships, Pushya natives exhibit a frustratingly strained dynamic. Ruled by both Saturn and the Moon, they are known for their emotionally guarded nature, often requiring others to push past their tough boundaries to gain their care. This combination of Saturn's discipline and the Moon's emotional depth creates a strong sense of FOMO regarding human connection, contributing to their regrettable withholding of Cancerian lunar emotional expression. Their relationships can become one-sided, with emotions often delayed, suppressed, or carefully controlled.
Famous breakup songs by Pushya natives illustrate this dynamic. Selena Gomez, a Pushya Sun and Rising, captures the need to sever ties to connect with her emotional self in "Lose You to Love Me." Selena Gomez's turbulent, on-and-off relationship with Justin Bieber, often seen as detrimental to her emotional well-being, aligns with the Pushya tendency to engage with challenging dynamics rather than seeking warmer, more nurturing exchanges. Her regrettable actions toward a friend who donated a kidney to her, coupled with her continued use of the "Jelena" narrative for relevance despite both parties moving on, further illustrate the paradoxical and often detached nature of her emotional interactions. Similarly, Nico, with her Moon in Pushya, was frequently described as "unable to love anyone." Her deliberate attempt to obscure her beauty and be perceived as "ugly," despite her model appearance and surprising maternal connection to Alain Delon, reflects the emotional detachment characteristic of Pushya. Nico’s music, particularly in songs like “All Tomorrow's Parties” and “The Marble Index,” exudes a chilling, distant aura that aligns with the Nakshatra's influence of suppressed emotions and interpersonal discomfort. In “All Tomorrow's Parties,” her haunting and detached vocal delivery underscores a sense of emotional distance and isolation. “The Marble Index,” with its bleak and eerie atmosphere, further exemplifies the Pushya influence through its stark, emotionally repressed sound and lyrical themes. Cher Lloyd, another Pushya Sun, reflects strong attachment and desire only after separation in "Want U Back." Tommy Genesis, a Pushya Moon, exemplifies this influence in her song “Hair Like Water Wavy Like the Sea,” which is coldly tantric and dissonant, reflecting the Pushya Nakshatra's tendency toward emotional detachment and a unique, almost alienated allure. This sentiment aligns with the frequently expressed notion in Pushya natives' works of not finding another person like them. Alanis Morissette, a Pushya Rising, expresses attachment emerging post-heartbreak in "You Oughta Know," with songs like "Hands Clean" and "You Owe Me Nothing in Return" showcasing a transactional view of relationships, influenced by Saturn. Kate Bush, a Pushya Moon, explores this offbeat emotional landscape in "Wuthering Heights" and "Love and Anger," revealing the struggle between emotional expression and sheepishness. Celine Dion, the “My Heart Will Go On” singer and a Pushya Rising, reveals this nature in “Water from the Moon,” where her emotional investment in relationships appears to emerge only when there's something to strive for, contrasting with her otherwise robotic coldness. Additionally, despite rumors and public speculation, Celine has never come out as a lesbian or claimed that label, even though she’s rumored to have had a longtime girlfriend. Since the death of her husband and manager, she has become anorexic and has not publicly dated anyone, fueling rumors about her offbeat true personality or social awkwardness, humorously attributed to her being French-Canadian. Her literal approach to communication, devoid of sarcasm, is highlighted in her sharp comment about her slimness: “If I like it, I don’t want to talk about it. Don’t bother. Don’t take a picture,” she said. “If you like it, I’ll be there. If you don’t, leave me alone.” Lisa 'Left Eye' Lopes, a Pushya Rising, embodies similar traits. After leaving TLC to pursue a solo career and album, which resulted in a flop, and accidentally committing arson at her fiancé's home, rumors of mental illness contributed to her dissonant public image. Additionally, this detached delayed emotional nature is expressed by Iggy Pop, a Pushya Rising, evident in his song “Candy,” where emotional attachment is presented with a blend of nonchalance and sincerity, reflecting Pushya's paradoxical lunar-Saturnian nature.
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Despite their lack of direct or warmer emotional expression, Pushya natives tend to attract significant attention due to their magnetic presence. This allure is often coupled with a delicate, robotic quality-an emotional detachment that can make them seem inaccessible or unfeeling. Their approach to romance is passive, relying on attraction rather than pursuit. This passive allure, combined with their tendency to "beat around the bush," gives them an air of casual detachment that can be both intriguing and frustrating to those seeking deeper connections. Men with this placement may seem smooth and confident but often reveal a more sheepish and coy side when confronted seriously, recoiling from direct emotional engagement. This can make them appear brusque or dull, with an icicle-like coolness contributing to their reputation for being undateable despite their occasional appeal. Milo Yiannopoulos, with a Moon in Pushya, expressed in a Vice video a preference for the 1950s lifestyle of having a wife and kids while secretly seeking out men for excitement, despite being gay. This sentiment reflects Pushya's sociopathic and often paradoxical relationship dynamics. Similarly, Iggy Pop, another Pushya native, has demonstrated this paradoxical nature. In a 2003 interview, when asked about his gay experiences, he said, “I'm to the left of tolerant, but l've never had a gay experience. Two or three times, excited gay friends wanted to, like, nibble my nuts - generally when I was passed out or distracted. And then l'd go, 'Hey! Bruce! Cut it out!' And that would be the end of that. The gayest it got is some guy approaching my scrotum with oral intent." His performances, including appearing naked, further illustrate his provocative and daft demeanor. This reflects the Pushya tendency toward surface-level relationships, where genuine emotional intimacy is often sidelined for more controlled, socially acceptable facades. Yet, even when not conventionally attractive or warm, they possess a unique charm that makes them compelling, offering a blend of jaded wisdom and captivating charisma. In social settings, they command a significant presence, often becoming the center of attention. Their strong, magnetic aura can overshadow others, but their delicate, antisocial quality can make them seem wooden or unfeeling. They can be fair and disciplined, but when slighted, they may exhibit a nasty streak, especially if their reputation is at stake. Their tendency to maintain social status can lead to a tendency to escape controversy, complicating their relationships. Pushya natives are seen as sexy yet asexual, possessing a magnetic allure that is both enticing and disconnected, making them difficult yet intriguing to interact with. Loretta Lynn, a Pushya Moon, subtly captures the possessive yet heavily understated nature of Pushya natives in her repressed sentimental songwriting, particularly in tracks like 'One's on the Way,' which, beneath its light objectivity, reflects a profoundly understated perspective on women's desperation, and 'You Ain’t Woman Enough,' where emotional care is expressed in a reserved, only manifesting in possessive “don’t even try” manner. After her husband passed, Loretta Lynn's long-time companion was her gay dressmaker, who lived platonically with her at the ranch as her full-time caregiver, reflecting preference for controlled, uncomplicated interactions similar to what is observed in Celine Dion and Milo Yiannopoulos, where deep emotional engagement is often avoided in favor of easier, more manageable relationships suiting their inhibited emotional nature.
In terms of their acting, Pushya natives often bring a distinctive and unsettling presence to the screen. This presence is marked by a restrained intensity that can lead to performances both acclaimed and criticized. Geraldine Chaplin's Sun in Pushya is evident in her eerie performance in “Remember My Name.” Her portrayal of a cold, antisocial character driven by repressed emotions captures the essence of Pushya's guarded and uncompromising nature. Selena Gomez, with her monotonous, dry voice, infuses her roles with a certain inaccessibility, resulting in performances that are notably lackluster yet compelling. Jack Nicholson and Peter O'Toole, both with Rising in Pushya, deliver masterful yet occasionally “hammy” dramatic performances. The clash between their natural reserve and the demand for emotional depth creates roles that are larger-than-life but somewhat disconnected. Kevin Spacey and Clint Eastwood, both with Moon in Pushya, are known for their portrayals of cold, stoic characters. Their performances are characterized by a lack of warmth and a focus on a smooth, robotic demeanor. Tom Cruise, another Moon in Pushya native, is more famous for his daring stunts than his emotional depth, reflecting the cold detachment often seen in Pushya actors. Willem Dafoe and Chace Crawford, with their icicle flair and sometimes wooden performances, further illustrate the Pushya influence. Lauren Bacall, a Pushya Rising from Old Hollywood, was known for her cool, composed roles, with her husky voice and limited emotional range reinforcing the characteristic detachment. Shia LaBeouf, also a Moon in Pushya, resorts to extreme method acting, such as sending a sex tape of himself for his audition for “Nymphomaniac,” which underscores his often vacant, disconnected demeanor. Pushya natives, influenced by Saturn and the Moon, often manifest a repressed, cold intensity that can be downright terrifying. James Woods, a Pushya Rising, exemplifies this with his chilling performance in “Videodrome” and his disturbing off-screen behavior. James Woods’ high IQ, CIA and 9/11 connections add to his detached, unsettling persona. His spot in Hollywood arguably being taken by Kevin Spacey, another Moon in Pushya, highlights the needed eerie role with unsettling energy in the industry. Wesley Snipes, a Pushya Moon, also embodies this intense nature. Known for his role in “Blade,” Snipes’ cold behavior is evident in a troubling incident where he reportedly punched Halle Berry, causing her permanent hearing loss. Similarly, Clint Eastwood, a Pushya Moon, is often associated with Hollywood conservatism and exhibits a surly, detached demeanor in his roles, reflecting the aggressive nature linked with Pushya placements. Angelina Jolie, a Pushya Rising, channels an icy intensity. A video of her in an acting class, where she chillingly says, “I’m going to hurt you,” demonstrates her ability to tap into darker aspects of her personality. Pushya Moon Monica Bellucci's role in “Irreversible” resonates deeply with the themes of Pushya Nakshatra, particularly through its portrayal of intense emotional detachment, the cold, relentless passage of time, and the dark, unsettling atmosphere that pervades the narrative. The film's reverse chronology mirrors Pushya's struggle with processing emotions, often delaying emotional responses in a way that gains clarity only through the need for closure. “Irreversible”’s brutal and unflinching depiction of violence and vengeance reflects Pushya's tendency towards emotional repression, capable of erupting into intense, sometimes destructive outbursts when provoked. The inherent detachment of the movie, coupled with a haunting sense of inevitability, highlights the Nakshatra's darker traits.
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Pushya natives' musicality also reflects their characteristic qualities. Kate Bush’s “Experiment IV” showcases a blend of eccentricity and emotional distance, aligning with the Pushya Nakshatra’s influence. Similarly, Iggy Pop’s band The Stooges, particularly with their song “We Will Fall,” demonstrates the Pushya tendency toward offbeat and unsettling artistic expression. These musical examples underscore the Pushya natives' challenge of merging emotional depth with their often detached and robotic tendencies. Whether it’s Kevin Spacey’s smooth, emotionless portrayals, Jack Nicholson and Peter O'Toole’s dramatic yet disconnected performances, or Wesley Snipes’ and James Woods’ aggressive behaviors, these actors show a pattern. Their acting, marked by a chilling detachment and intense jadedness, makes their roles both memorable and unsettling. This aggressive, ice-cold presence is a defining characteristic of Pushya, giving their performances a haunting and impactful quality.
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Similarly, Paris Hilton, with her Moon in Pushya, exhibits these traits through her frequent damage control efforts following allegations of bigotry, coupled with her self-description as asexual. This highlights the Pushya tendency to maintain emotional distance and control public image, engaging with controversies only when necessary and avoiding deeper emotional truths. Actors like Jack Nicholson and Kevin Spacey, both with Moon in Pushya, further illustrate these traits. Jack Nicholson, known for his detached and problematic sexual behavior, has avoided significant repercussions, reflecting the Pushya ability to manage public scrutiny while maintaining a distant, yet charming, demeanor. Similarly, Kevin Spacey has evaded full cancellation despite serious allegations, showcasing the Pushya trait of detachment and smooth nature, specifically toward his public image management amidst controversy. Jennifer Lopez, also with a Pushya Moon, exemplifies this dynamic in her off-and-on relationship with Ben Affleck, where the public narrative suggests a push-pull dynamic that aligns with the Pushya tendency to engage in emotionally challenging rather than straightforward, nurturing relationships. Halle Berry, with her Pushya Moon, has experienced a tumultuous abusive love life, an emotional disconnect influencing her choice in both partners and non-leading movie roles, further highlighting the influence of this Nakshatra's emotionally detached nature.
In more expressive situations, Pushya Nakshatra natives, typically nonchalant and dry, display a unique blend of charisma and detachment. This is evident in the performances and public personas of various celebrities. Kate Bush and Iggy Pop exemplify this with their offbeat randomness and quirky performances. Kate Bush’s theatrical and enigmatic style, as seen in her music videos and live shows, often carries a whimsical and cryptic quality that can be both alluring and unsettling. In contrast, Iggy Pop’s eccentricity is characterized by his punk-like energy and daft demeanor. His Countdown performance of “I’m Bored” vividly demonstrates this with its random and forced energy, while his pre-performance interview highlights his brash and unapologetically unconventional personality. Celine Dion’s public persona also reflects Pushya traits, notably in her “Carpool Karaoke” appearance. Despite her immense talent, Celine Dion has received feedback about appearing socially unaware or brash in casual settings, and her deeply sincere demeanor can sometimes come across as disingenuous. Jennifer Lopez, another Pushya native, has faced public mockery for being daft, such as with the “Jenny from the Block” persona, illustrating how Pushya’s blend of charm and detachment can lead to both allure and scrutiny. Additionally, Alanis Morissette’s haunting and overly somber parody of “My Humps” adds a layer of offputting and robotic non-dancing quality, further reflecting the Pushya Nakshatra’s influence. Together, these examples underscore how Pushya Nakshatra natives channel their magnetic presence and emotional depth into their public personas and performances, blending charm with a profound sense of daftness and outlandish forced quality.
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In summary, the personalities and artistic expressions of those born under Pushya Nakshatra embody a detached post-ironic blend of charm and emotional reserve. Their magnetic yet distant nature makes them both captivating and elusive, often leaving others grappling with the tension between their charismatic allure and the cold, restrained undercurrents that define them. Pushya natives consistently reveal a guarded, sheepish sensitivity that is rarely overtly expressed. This unyielding reserve, coupled with their impenetrable public facades, reinforces their enigmatic presence—simultaneously drawing people in and leaving them exasperated with a sense of Saturnian delay of lunar expression.
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aphrothiti · 25 days
I’m not trying to teach you lol. I’m using examples, not because I think you haven’t heard this information before, but to justify my thought process.
I also spent the second half of the post literally agreeing with you and what my personal reasoning is as is to why. If anything it was an extension to your original point.
Also it’s just my opinion. I said that in my post. I’m not trying to be some factchecker nor am I a teacher😭 speaking in reference to mythology is just the form of communication that makes the most sense to me, again, not because I think you haven’t ever heard all this before.
About Bharani
Fate, The female and Desire.
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Venus ruled, Mars's sign, Rahu's birth, Saturn's debilitation.
A kind of love letter to myself and other bharanis, especially bharani moons.
So, aren't we amazing? 😄 jk, but in all seriousness, I have some opinions and want to express them.
We're mleccha(outcaste) and venus ruled. What the hell is that? We're precious, that's the truth.
If there is one nakshatra that caters to females exclusively, this has to be it. This is no male territory. They wouldn't even understand. They don't. Think of how helpless they are when a female is birthing, how clueless they are about what menstruating feels like. We know some things have to be gatekept, for our sake. That's what we are about: guarding, protecting, gatekeeping, and we do it harshly, mercilessly, there's no other real way of doing it anyways.
I want to talk about what i think Bharani nakshatra is truly about: Fate.
Fate, choicelessness, being at the mercy of higher beings, authority, hierarchy...
Bharani's symbol is widely known to be the yoni(female sexual organ), a gateway to another world. Another symbol is the boat. In Greek mythology, souls were transported to the underworld via a boat. In various cultures, when a person died, people would put the corpse on a boat and let it burn while it floated away on water. Bharani-death association is no news, but why are females the key to all this?
After the freedom in Ashwini, the Sun's exaltation, we come to restraint, and not restraint from our own will, but the restraint we have no choice but to accept. This is the first nakshatra where we see the female. This is Saturn's debilitation, and amidst all this restraint we have the birth of planet Rahu, the birth of desire. Makes for a thrilling combination, does it not? While the male is cerebral, solar, the female is material. She IS the nature. While the male does, female is. The male's the user, the female's the used, and she can be used unfairly, poorly, incorrectly. This is the place where the female gets her revenge. Bharani is like a protection mechanism for ladies, she's given the right to refuse and if that right is violated, the will get her revenge. I'd say she has the power, but that would be wrong, because she IS power.
After all, all that male energy needs grounding, or it will disperse, that's why the female and her body, as well as mother nature that we all live on, are vessels_ material manifestations of the male energy that they hold. Bharani is about the rules that the universe is governed by, the unchangeable rules, the simple truths that have to be accepted. When you realize that the female perfection can be so easily ruined by the incorrect use of male energy, the choicelessness gains a whole new meaning in this context. It's the female that is choiceless, she's simply replicating the energy given to her on the material plane, giving it a shape, its proper shape, and if they don't like what they see, the blame should not be placed on the feminine.
So the female is the material and the rules,the boundaries, the limitations. That's why, in the most stereotipical way, many men fear women or are annoyed by them. The fate cannot be escaped, fortunately or unfortunately, and it does not really care what any individual thinks, it's much bigger than that.
Mythologically, various cultures have attributed fate to the feminine. The fates in greek mythology, three women with their threads of human fate, are one one of them. Another one that comes to mind is the norse goddess Frigg. Although I wouldn't coorelate her to Bharani, I think it's interesting that the highest standing(debatable) Norse goddess has a spinning wheel and a spindle, and it had been said that she knows the fate of everyone and eveything but keeps silent. Another interesting example would be Arianrhod from Welsh mythology. Her name literally means "The Silver wheel". Her various symbols include the tools used for weaving. The wheel-fate coorelation is apparent, and it's also interesting that fate is something to be "weaved" in all these mythologies I've mentioned.
The movie Brave(2012) comes to mind, where the rebellious princess Merida wants to change her fate, without any spoilers, there's a scene in the end where she has to repair a tapestry to avoid some disaster. She also has a tumultuous relationship with her mother, something that is also closely connected to Bharani. A really good example of this is the movie Ladybird starring Saoirse Ronan and Laurie Metcalfe, both Bharani moons.
Now we come to the part where I mention my personal life. As Bharani moon my relationship with my mother has been chaotic and full of tension, it's not exactly easy to talk about or explain. I've also noticed this in almost every Bharani person I ever knew. We always have that passion to stand up to authority and injustice, and it frequently leads to quarrels.
TRIGGER WARNING (gaslighting)
So I always thought that the gaslight gatekeep girlboss term was very Bharani. We've discussed the gatekeeping part, the girlboss part is obvious, and about gaslighting... the yoni is called "the great deluder"(source_claire nakti. Had to credit her!).
I want to talk about the movie Tangled and about Rapunzel's tale in general. The original story goes like this: A couple want a child(that venus, rahu's birth, desire theme) and the wife is pregnant(another bharani symbol) and she's craving a plant- rapunzel, that grows in their neighbor's garden(again, the desire-craving theme). Their neighbor is a sorceress. The husband ultimately steals the rapunzel, but he is caught by its rightful owner. They strike a deal: he can take all the rapunzel he wants in exchange for the baby. The man agrees.
After some time, the baby girl is born, and the witch comes to claim her. She names her Rapunzel, after the plant, and eventually, when she's twelve, locks her up in a tower. Let's pause for a moment to note the fact that we already have the Bharani themes of karma, cause and effect, desire and now claim and ownership(bharani, as the first venus-ruled nakshatra often tries to claim things and label them as their own and then gatekeep it harshly, just like the sorceress in this story. It's also interesting that the OWNED is also feminine).
Now, I really relate to Rapunzel. I also feel like I'm always missing something and that I could attain if only i could escape my current circumstances(the tower). Despite this state, I'm also full of desire and enthusiasm. When I was 8 (?) I won the tickets for my family to the premier of Tangled at my friend's birthday party. I obviously loved it(I still do), loved the story, the animation, THE MUSIC, Eugene... but never did I ever imagine that it would be so emotionally relevant to my life 12 years later. I kinda cracked the code and realised why I love it so much, it's cause she's basically me, and to be honest, she's every human in the truest, simplest way possible.
Anyways, let's continiue wuth the story. Rapunzel is locked in and while she's safe from the world, she's not safe from her "mother". Here I want to move over to the movie Tangled, but before that I'll finish the original. A prince finds her, they become lovers behind the sorceress's back, she eventually finds it out because Rapunzel can't keep her mouth shut, she cuts off Rapunzel's long golden hair and exiles her. When the prince comes to the tower he is greeted by Dame Gothel instead of Rapunzel, she tells him he's not to see Rapunzel again, he falls from there into the rose bushes and blinds himself. After years of wandering, he and Rapunzel finally find each other, Rapunzel's tears heal his blindness, they go to his kingdom and live happily ever after. Now, to Tangled.
The relationship between Rapunzel and and Gothel in Tangled is explored well enough for the audience to realize that she's abusive and a gaslighter(watch cinema therapy on youtube, they have a video about Tangled. They're also very wholesome). She's lying to her to keep her to herself, not really caring about her at all. The way Rapunzel feels misunderstood by the person who raised her feels very personal to me. This theme of gaslighting is very Bharani, as well the theme that love conquers all which is prevalent in the original tale. Also, I think that the damsel in distress archetype is very Bharani, as is the princess in the tower trope. She is power herself, so she's this completely passive power, waiting to be seen and be of use, longing for the other side while being trapped(saturn's debilitation). Bharani is about that leap of faith, to approach the female, to stand up to authority, to be brave, to follow your heart...
My another point is what drives these actions, which is desire and love. Overcoming fear through desire is the theme of Bharani. That's the very basis of life. There are tons of things to be wary of, but if we had no desire, no lust for life, we might not have lived at all. It's no secret that life and death, or birth and death, nourish each other. It's simply a matter of time(saturn, the material. The illusion of time is nessecary for life, limitations are nessecary for life, as bharani teaches us, the point is, are your limitations correct for you and your desires?), it's a process created by the illusion of time, and all that is driven by desire. While analyzing the tale of Rapunzel, I've noticed that most people focus on her long golden hair, ignoring what this tale is truly about, which is destiny, karma, cause and effect, bravery, how desire can lead to actions that have undoable consequences, how helplessly we are driven by desire.
One of my favourite movies, Tristan + Isolde (2006) is about the famous couple written about in medieval texts. They live in a cruel world but they're still driven by love, even though everyone and everything around them urges them towards restraint. They choose the limitation based on their hearts, knowing of the consequences that they would most likely have to face. I won't spoil it for you, but there's a quote in the end that i think really represents the essence of Bharani, at least, from the human perspective: " I don't know if life is greater than death, but love was more than either." This is very poweful. Life and death are just opposite sides of the same coin, death leads to birth, birth leads to death, and it's all driven by desire, it's all driven by love. And whether or not we have choice in all of this, we still simply have to accept the truth, we have to accept our truest limitations, as that is only way of growth and self-realization.
I'll leave you to that movie, that quote and this song. Love all of you, take care ❤
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