#a 'no chemicals' freak i mean not an allergy freak which i am
violentdevotion · 2 years
did i tell you guys that i developed an allergy to vaseline over the summer so now when i buy lip balm i have to read the ingredients list like a freak 😔
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thebibliosphere · 6 years
Hello fam. This is a post brought to you by a Patreon request—I know, it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these—from Sarah G, asking my thoughts and opinions on the Zero Waste movement that is sweeping across certain parts of the online strata, particularly on youtube and pinterest. (Links are in bold for  ease of access and viewing, and are non affiliated.)
Sarah writes: Hi  Joy, I know this isn’t exactly in the realm of vampires (can’t wait for  Phangs!) but I feel this is something you might have some good advice  on if you have the spoons to talk about it. I recently started looking  into more eco-friendly ways to live after your posts about allergies and  toxic synthetics made me realize I had several things in my home that  were triggering my asthma and I came across the concept of zero waste,  which sounded really cool at first, and then I looked into it some more  and it just sort of seems fake and I was wondering what your thoughts  were on it.
Zero Waste is indeed something I’m familiar with, and like you, I have mixed feelings on the community around it. The principles of Zero Waste i.e. reducing the amount of waste you produce an the types  of waste you produce, are great. I think it’s a solid, good idea to try  and promote more ethical produce and buying habits, both for the planet and from a personal financial stand point. The more you can reuse and  recycle the better. But I also feel the … fandom (can you call it  that???) can be quite off putting and at times extremely self righteous and judgemental in attitude. Amidst the crunchy hippies, the minimalists and those just straight up trying to live a little better, are those who have managed to make something meant for the betterment of the planet into something about themselves, and they're willing and ready to make sure we know just how evil we are for still having plastic straws with our drinks. Cause, y’know, it’s not big companies doing the most damage to the environment, no sirree it’s you and your plastic water bottle, you monster. (Don’t  worry, we’ll get to why the war on plastic is being handled wrong.)
Yea, those people are very fake and very off putting, and I see a lot  of them on youtube. And a lot of the time, they’re actually giving  contradictory advice toward actually living a zero waste lifestyle.
When talking about this with other people, I have taken to calling this The Mason Jar Aesthetic.
A  while ago, while I was talking about sustainable living with a friend (hi Michael!), and he mentioned that he and his wife were thinking of using  mason jars as an alternative to buying expensive glassware, because if  one breaks, you’ll always be able to replace them easily and you'll always have a matching  set. Which blew my mind as genius because not only is that a super cost effective, but it’s also a really sustainable way of living, both from a zero waste ethic standpoint and financially too.
For example, where I am in the US,  for $15 I can usually get 12 half pint mason jars, if not for less  depending on where I shop. They come with lids and seal top discs, which  are easy to replace if I ever use them for canning and can also be safely frozen, sanitized and reused again and again, meaning they are long lasting and multi-purpose. And, if you are using them as drinkware and this is important to you, they all match.
For me however, the real benefit of the humble mason jar, is that they can be fully recycled, though it is important to note that in some regions, the tops may need to go to a separate facility from the glass jar itself, so you’d  need to check with your local recycling center on that. But regardless, the whole thing is recyclable, sturdy, multi-purpose, easily transportable (seal your drink and off you go!), cost effective, and some may even argue, aesthetically pleasing.
Pinterest certainly seems to think so:
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[ID: a screenshot from the website Pinterest depicting many diy crafty projets for home and the kitchen involving mason jars]
Some of the larger pint ones, would also fit nicely into a mobility aid like a cup holder, for those of us who need easy to grip handles. (Also as an aside, if you need more stability and often lament that  there is no such thing as a two handed mug—or even if you find most mug  handles too small to get a good grip—those things are great, they just  clip right on. Life changing.) Because if your argument for sustainability isn’t inclusive, it’s not good enough.
Which  is where the war on plastic comes in. Looking at you “lets ban all  drinking straws regardless of the fact that plastic straws are a vital  necessity for some people with disabilities”, and no, pasta straws are not a safe alternative for everyone (allergies/celiac), metal is expensive and also inflexible, and neither are the bamboo, glass or silicone ones. Banning plastic straws at this moment in time, is not the solution.
Brighter minds than mine have tried to solve this, but as a general proposal, instead of an outright ban, until a sustainable and disabled friendly alternative is found, plastic straws in food establishments could be issued by request, without—and this is important—without shaming disabled people for needing to use something which you can easily opt to avoid if you desire  to do so. Because once more kids and with feeling, if your argument for sustainability isn’t inclusive, it’s not good enough.
(I am fully prepared to get hate over this, the arguments over this shit on twitter were wild. And no, it is not the responsibility of disabled people to come up with a solution to this, while subsisting on restricted income, restricted access to resources, and often times restricted mobility to boot. If you feel this strongly about disabled people using plastic straws, be part of the solution that helps to find a valid alternative. You want this problem fixed, you do it inclusively.)
Now, where was I, oh yeah. Mason jars.
By  contrast, a box of 4 glass tumblers of roughly the same volume, can be  anywhere from $10-$20 or even more depending on where you look. And  while they might look nice, they are single purpose, expensive, and  also—and this is important, cause not a lot of people know this—cannot be recycled.
But Joy, you say, waiting to throw the shards of the broken glass you just swept up off the floor into the recycling, how much damage can it  really do? Glass is just glass? Right?  
Well, here’s the thing about this type of glass. In order to make it thin and aesthetically appealing, it has to be treated with special chemicals (like molten potassium nitrate) to toughen it up and make it shock resistant to temperatures. The problem with this however, is that treated glass, doesn’t melt  at the same temperature as untreated glass, which can cause several  problems at recycling facilities, ranging from damaged equipment at the  plant (not good!) to creating flawed, glass which is too fragile for  use, and will ultimately, you guessed it, end up on the landfill. [Source] The same is true of mirrors and glass from doors and windowpanes. [Source]
So if you do drop your glass and it breaks, please don't put it in the recycling, wrap it up in brown paper and throw it in the trash. Similarly, if you are sick of the sight of your old glassware, don't pitch it. Instead consider giving it to goodwill or your local equivalent. Someone will use it.
And don't feel bad if you didn't know. I never knew this either till a while ago, but it made me  really think twice about how non-eco-friendly and sustainable my home life  is. And I’m not saying this to guilt anymore or make you feel bad that  you don’t do more, heck knows I never used to give a crap about any of  this stuff until I started getting sick and developed multiple chemical  sensitivities (Hi if you’re new here, I’m allergic to the modern world due  to some frankly dystopian levels of auto-immune problems that emerged  in the last few years, send help) and realized just how very not good a  lot of the things I was doing are, for both me and the planet.
I  am not a crunchy hippy by choice, but by necessity of survival. You  have to be when plastics and most mattress fillers and couch stuffing  starts bringing you out in a rash/makes you wheeze and suddenly you find  yourself wandering the aisles of “eco-friendly" stores wondering if the sales rep you’re listening to actually knows what they’re talking about or  if they’re a tinfoil hatter who also puts essential oils in their drinking water. (We've been over this, do not.)
But do you know what I also noticed in those supposedly eco-friendly stores?
Mason jar drinkware being sold at $20 a pop. Surely, I thought to myself, surely it’s $20 for a set of at least four?
And  do you know what else? This wasn’t just a regular mason jar glass that  had been tinted blue, no, this was “treated shock resistant glass”. So  what they did was, they took an iconic recyclable object that is  actually very cheap to produce and buy, inflated the cost by a huge  amount, and then, made it non-recyclable, for profit.
And  that’s a huge problem I find, with trying to find information and  resources online about sustainable living and eco-friendly products, because a lot of them? Are actually hugely wasteful if not in actual material, then certainly in mentality.
I watched one notable youtuber vlog about how she got rid of everything in her  kitchen and replaced it with more eco-friendly (and extremely expensive) options, because she just couldn’t stand the thought of those  "toxic" things being in her kitchen … except … they weren’t doing her any harm, and they weren’t worn out. They weren’t falling apart. They were still very much safe and usable and might even have been donated to somewhere like goodwill for someone else to use … but she threw them out to replace them with shiny bamboo and kitschy ceramics, and now they’re heading toward a landfill, where they will not be used to their fullest extent, and where they will pollute the earth.
Surely by the zero waste ethos, it’s more sustainable to use the product until it has to be replaced, and then buy the eco-made alternative?
To  give you an example, I’m in the process of replacing all my tupperware with glass, metal and ceramics because I’m allergic to plastics, but also because I’d like to invest in more sustainable planet friendly options for the future. But I’m also doing it once piece at a time. Partly because my husband can and does still use those things, but also because, well, I  can’t afford to replace them all. I just plain can’t, it’s too  expensive to go out and replace all my leftover food containers with  stainless steel lunch boxes from Japan. I’d like to, and I wish I could,  but if wishes were horses then I’d need a much bigger yard. (That’s how  that saying goes, right?)
I guess the point of this lengthy  ramble, is a complaint that the aesthetic of sustainability is actually  more popular than actual ethical sustainable practices. Too many people  are concerned with looking like they care, but don’t actually  want to get into the nuance of things. And I get it, I do. It’s nice to  feel like you’re doing something good. Who doesn’t want to feel  like they’re taking responsibility for their time on this earth and  being the best version of themselves?
But it has to require  thought, and method, and looking beyond the narrow scope of your own four walls (metaphorical or otherwise) and what that one person on youtube said, while merely swapping one form of consumerism for another because it looks and feels ethical, but not actually exacting any kind of global change.
And that’s the difference between using a mason jar to drink out of, and the Mason Jar Aesthetic. Being aware of your impact on the earth and doing what you can within your limits and means (and respecting the means of others), vs wanting to be seen as such. And it's an important distinction and one that requires self reflection and a great deal more thought than buying into an aesthetic.
Me switching out all my plastics and turning my backyard into a compost heap might make my home more eco-friendly, but real change cannot be effected without also putting pressure on large corporations (looking at you Nestle) to change their practices, and boycotting those stores in favor of expensive organic and "ethical" brands is not the solution to this. It merely creates a niche market where the rich and privileged are able to live in a very small self-contained bubble of moral "eco purity", while actively punching down at those who cannot. Real change? Comes from getting involved in the community and lobbying against big corporations like Nestle turning round and extracting water from drought stricken states, and then selling it back for profit.  It's boots to the ground, and writing letters and emails, and doing more than just buying organic bamboo washcloths and telling yourself you saved the world one micro-bead of plastic at a time.
So do I think zero waste is a crock? Absolutely not, at the core it has some great points about how we use and consume products, which are things we should be thinking about in our day to day lives. But do I feel it places too much emphasis on the self rather than the global community? Absolutely. And at it's core sustainability isn't about the self. It's about community, and the changes we can affect together in order to make the world a little better than how we found it.
Otherwise it's just survivalism with a rose tinted aesthetic.
What do you guys think? Does anyone have anything to add? Let me know in the comments and see if we can get a discussion going. Also, if you’d like to see more of these types of posts, Patreon subscribers can expect to see them two weeks earlier than tumblr, and get a say in what we discuss, so if you’d like to see me talk about something, let me know :)
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thegoldenlily3 · 5 years
Part 2/2 My Story 2019
Trigger warning/graphic photos ahead
My goal for 2019 was to sell our house and try to get pregnant. I was told by my surgeon that I should have a baby before I reverse my ileostomy. Even though my colon was removed in 2017, at this time I still had my rectum with active UC(Ulcerative Colitis). My surgeon said I couldn’t wait more than 10 years to get this removed and my ileostomy reversed because the disease can affect other parts of my body. Even then, I am not 100% cured. Since UC is an autoimmune disease, I will always have issues in some way. The disease manifests in ways other than bleeding ulcers in the colon. I’m prone to mouth ulcers because of this and I also believe, although I’ve not read this to be proven, that my skin issues are also a manifestation of my autoimmune disease. I deal with this later on in 2019. I’m also always tired and exhausted from all of the pain both mentally and physically.
At the beginning of 2019 my skin issues around my stoma continued to be bothersome. It had been months and months of having issues with my ostomy bag not wanting to stick and my skin oozing non stop. It wasn’t like I could just treat the skin and be done with it. Anything I would put on my skin would interfere with the adhesive of the bag. So I would cut around the edges and basically jerry rig my appliance so that I could treat my skin in different areas with each bag change. I will say this. For 2 years of having this ileostomy and all of these issues, I only ever had one leak; meaning I only had stool push through the adhesive and get all over me one time. Just one. That is actually really really good. My support groups are full of people that have been worse off than me. I was also fortunate to only have to change my bag once while in public and it was at work. I found a single person bathroom with a sink to use. My surgeon once told me that my stoma was very pretty and she herself thought she did a great job. She was an amazing surgeon here until I got a letter saying she was moving out of state so I needed to find a new surgeon. That was devastating and I definitely cried over it knowing that I would have to start over with someone new.
In April 2019, I finally had allergy testing done. I was actually supposed to get this done in 2017 but they called while I was in the hospital. So the first round of allergy testing was all environmental. They put these patches on my back(not what’s pictured) and they read them same day. They were all negative. Then they used needles to put the most common environmental allergies on the inside of my forearms. I wish I had pictures of that. This may sound like it was painful but it really wasn’t at all. The needle only goes through the surface of the skin. I had so many needles stuck in me in 2017 that I didn’t think twice about this test. This test was also negative. So great news, I have ZERO environmental allergies! A few weeks later, I had the chemical allergy test done. This is the white patches on my back in the picture. I had to go home with these patches on and come back in 2 days and have it read then. I wasn’t allowed to shower through that time nor was I allowed to sweat so I couldn’t go to work. Good thing I’m also a side sleeper. After they read the results, I had to come back in the next day and they read them again. Guys, I’m allergic to some pretty weird stuff:
• Balsam of Peru
• Benzoyl Peroxide
• Butylphenyl Methylpropional
• Carba Mix
• Cocamidopropyl Betaine
• Coconut Diethanolamide
• Compositae Mix
• Decyl Glucoside
• Fragrance Mix
• Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate
• Nickel Sulfate
• Paraben Mix
• Propolis
• Propylene Glycol
• Thiuram Mix
• Ylang-ylang oil
May of 2019 was a pretty good month. Although I don’t have pictures of it, we went to Tappers Arcade Bar with some friends and we decided to ride the scooters around. The entire time I’m riding, we’re looking for a scooter that wasn’t dead for Issaac to ride. We came across the guys who picked them up and charged them and they started to help look. One of them got on a scooter and was riding pretty fast. We were in this narrow sidewalk and he came flying on my right and I got scared and ran into the half brick wall on my left. I scraped my ankle a little bit but I was pretty much fine. That is until I lifted my shirt...I did that, annnnd my bag fell on the ground in front of everyone. I immediately pulled my shirt down and laughed. For a second I didn’t know what to do and I was like oh I should probably pick that poop bag up off the ground before that guy comes over. I quickly grabbed it and he rushes over. He’s freaking out and worried I got hurt because of him. I reassured him that I was fine. The whole time he’s coming towards me I’m quickly walking towards Tappers while hiding my ostomy bag and my friend is with me the whole time. At this time I was wearing a two piece system so usually I’d be able to click the bag back on. When I hit the bricks, it broke the plastic so I wasn’t able to put the bag back on. Tappers was a ways down the street and we went to the bathroom and Issaac ran to the car to get my supplies down the block. Why he didn’t use a scooter I have no idea! And it turned out I still had the car keys. So my friend came in the bathroom and got the keys for him. She then returned and helped me because I couldn’t really do this on my own without doing it in front of strangers. I basically had my shirt covering my stoma so it got poop all over it and I needed help getting it over my head without it getting all over me. I was actually laughing a lot about this. I just thought the whole situation. Was hilarious. And I had a really fun time on the scooters.
Although in May I had a good time, I was still struggling with my skin issues. My allergy test didn’t really help in that area because a lot of companies won’t release all of the ingredients to their products. So it was then after very hard consideration and talking with Issaac that I decided it was time for a reversal. This meant that I was putting myself at a high risk of not being able to get pregnant. My GI doctor had told me at the beginning of the year that it was probably time to do it now rather than later because I was having a lot of abdominal pain with no explanation. It turned out that my diseased rectum was causing me a lot of pain and I had an ovarian cyst that had burst. So there are a lot of options for me if I can’t get pregnant. I’m a big proponent of adoption. I’ve also thought about IVF and surrogacy. All of these options are really expensive though.
On June 20th of this year, I had a Proctectomy, with a rectal mucosectomy, ileoanal anastomosis, creation of ileal reservoir (JPouch), with a loop ileostomy. In simpler terms, I had my the rest of my rectum removed which was about a foot long. I had my stoma stapled shut and put back into my stomach and my small intestines pulled down to my butt. They used the end of my small intestines to create a j shaped pouch that will act as a new rectum. Then they took a different part of my small intestines and created a new loop ileostomy. My previous one was an end ileostomy where the end of my small intestines was the stoma. A loop ileostomy comes outside and then back in but still with only one hole for output. It’s much smaller and a lot harder to handle. A loop ileostomy is required so that my jpouch can heal.
My recovery from my first surgery was hard because I was so sick beforehand. This surgery was hard in different ways. I had a different surgeon so he put me on different meds that I had never been on before but he was a great surgeon. I remember one was Gabopentin and I can’t remember the other but I was also on 3 different nausea meds. I ended up getting very very sick and I couldn’t eat my food. Imagine throwing up immediately after having abdominal surgery. I thought that I had been through the worst pain but this was just awful and I remember it very vividly. Issaac would hold a bowl for me because I couldn’t. Then a doctor came in who for some reason I thought he was there for pt but he wasn’t. I still don’t know what kind of doctor he was but he was just there to check on me. I started to throw up while squeezing a pillow into my gut and he held the bowl and held me up. He continued to hold me up and I just kept throwing up to a point where it was just stomach acid. He was the only reason I didn’t fall out of the bed. That there is a great doctor and I can’t even begin to express how grateful I am that he did that. I know it’s his job to be there for his patients but I feel maybe it’s not normal to go home and say you held someone as they threw up over and over and over. I imagine I can find out who he is now and thank him again. So out of the 3 nausea meds, only one really worked but I can’t remember what it’s called. I felt that the new meds were making me sick so I made the nurse request them to be switched to morphine and Oxy like before, only because I knew I reacted well to them. After that, I never got sick again and was able to eat. Another thing that was different with this surgery was my shoulder pain. It was very uncomfortable and I had never felt anything quite like it. I had to use ice packs and lidocaine patches to battle that pain. I guess the pain was from gas that they had injected into my incision after cutting me open to expand the area.
When I got home, I had severe issues with my stoma that I didn’t realize before because the inpatient stoma nurse would change my bag and didn’t say anything about any problems. The sutures had failed all the way around and created what looks like a moat around my stoma. This caused the nerve endings to be exposed and it looks blood red in the photos. Then, my incision glue came off and my incision came apart. For this surgery, they went through the same incision from 2017. My incision created a hole and got pretty deep but not deep enough for reconstruction. I went to see my stoma nurse and she was a God send. She showed me what to do and I had to change my bag style to a deep convex to help get my stoma more above my skin level. The convex basically pushes my skin down. It took me awhile to get a handle on changing this bag with this stoma. My output was much thinner and more frequent because my stoma was higher up in my intestines. My stoma was also much lower on my belly and in a dip of my stomach which also caused problems. The surgeon couldn’t bring it any higher. Because of where my stoma was, I had to have Issaac help me change my bag. He has been great throughout all of this. I would shower and he would set up a station with everything needed to change my bag. I would cut everything and apply everything but he was essentially my eyes for where I couldn’t see. I couldn’t hold a mirror and apply everything because I was laying down. Before with my old ileostomy, I could change it standing up within 5 minutes. This ostomy had me in tears so many times. There were a few occasions where it took us up to 5 hours to change the bag because my output wouldn’t stop. *** In the pictures provided, you can see where my original stoma was and there’s a ring of damaged skin around it where my appliance was. My skin is starting to heal and scab over. It took a couple months for that to go away.
To prepare for my next and final surgery, I had a procedure done called a Contrast Barium Enema. They laid me on my side on the CT bed and inserted a tube into my bottom and injected contrast. They then took xrays while moving me in different positions. This was pretty uncomfortable and I hope to never do it again.
Pre op: Today September 26th, I’m having a loop ileostomy takedown surgery and a flexible sigmoidoscopy. And of course this morning I started my period and am having full on symptoms with cramps and fatigue. No wonder I haven’t felt good the past couple of days. I woke before my alarm this morning. I didn’t sleep well. I’m nauseous and I guess it’s because I’m scared? I don’t know if I’m scared of the surgery itself or if I’m scared of afterward. I think it’s the latter. Right away I told the nurse that I’m a hard stick so she called the team with the ultra sound so as to not waste time with my iv. I really appreciate that. Now it’s just waiting in bed until they get here. 🤘🏻 So a nurse decided to poke me anyway and failed. I do have an iv now in my upper left arm that was done with the ultrasound machine. I’ve got the nausea patch on too.
The surgery was a success. It’s now a few hours after. Waking up was really rough. I couldn’t stop crying and I was nauseous and in pain. They gave me Diladid even though I said before surgery that I didn’t want that. Then they gave me morphine and Oxy and it it took awhile but finally I woke up with no pain. I walked to the bathroom with help which was hard. It didn’t hurt to walk but I’m just so out of it. Even as I write this, I’m nodding off. I just want to get everything down before it’s hours later and I forget everything that happened. I’m still waiting on a room but they just delivered me some Powerade Zero. I ordered that but they first brought me regular Powerade and I made them switch it. So I will be in here for a few days, until I have a bowel movement. It feels so nice already laying in bed and not having the weight of the feeling of a plastic bag on my belly. I feel free. It’s just so liberating.
Thank you for reading this far. I just really needed to get my journey out so it doesn’t feel like it never happened. If this helps just one person either mentally or physically then I would be ecstatic. 🤘🏻✌🏻👩🏻‍🦰
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againstthemain · 6 years
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The Top 10 Ingredients to Run Away from in Cosmetics
* @againstthemain
As requested by my beautiful and talented colleague Lisa, this article is all about the top 10 ingredients you should always avoid! If you have these in your beauty product now, I suggest you throw them out. Please make a note of these in an app or somewhere handy so you can bring it with you every time you go shopping! FYI this is my second time writing this, because I am an idiot and deleted the original by mistake! UGHHHH hahaha
#1 Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)
This is detergent, yes detergent which we put on our face, and in our mouths. It is a super cheap ingredient companies love to use. Sometimes it will also be Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate. It is created from Alcohol and SULFURIC ACID! Uh ya no thank you! It is a know irritant, and sometimes contains 1,4 Dioxane. The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies that as a group 2b carcinogen.
#2 Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA)
No not bha as is beta hydroxy acid, which we use in acne skincare. This is a waxy solid that is used as a preservative. The U.S. National Institutes of Health report it to be a human carcinogen. Animal studies, where they fed it to rats and hamsters (poor little guys) developed pappilomas, and carcinomas. It can also cause skin depigmentation. 
#3 Triclosan (TCS) or Triclocarbon
Oh the good old 90s where companies pumped this into every frikken soap. Originally it was for hospitals to help better kill bacteria. But studies have shown that it actually makes bacteria STRONGER against antibiotics. It disrupts hormones, messes with the endocrine system, the thyroid hormone balance, and can make allergies much worse. 
#4 Coal Tar (Aminophenol, Diaminobenzene, Phenylenediamine)
NOT THE SAME AS CHARCOAL. Yes this is the same stuff they pave roads with, and cover roofs, and yet people use it on their scalp and body??? It causes skin irritation, and sun sensitivity. In animal studies is consistently causes cancer. In 1775 it was the first substance PROVEN to cause cancer. Workers that were around coal tar on a daily basis sadly developed cancer from it. Long term use causes it to bind to dna and can cause tar warts, ewe. The International Agency for Research on Cancer says its a group 1 carcinogen. Which means it DIRECTLY CAUSES CANCER!
#5 Parabens
Pretty much in every beauty product ever to preserve it. For some people (such as myself) it causes rosacea and dermatitis. The FDA has seen cases of breast cancer and reduced sperm linked to parabens, yet they have not ruled it as harmful??? Methylparaben in particular, causes skin aging, and skin cancer when you go outside with it on.
#6 PEGS (Polyethylene)
The most common plastic in the world. It is found in all of those face scrubs that so many people love. The problem is when you flush it down the drain...its plastic so it doesn't decompose. Most of the time it is coated in 1,4 Dioxane which we know is a potential carcinogen.
#7 Petroleum
This one is dedicated to my mother! Lover of vaseline, I always thought it was so disgusting! Petroleum is from dead animals that get trapped under a rock for years. After the heat and pressure it creates a goo, that people than smother on their skin. It suffocates the skin, and don't get me started on how horrible to oil industry is. Because at the end of the day petroleum is drilled for just like oil.
#8 Fragrance
My arch nemesis! Fragrance is the top 5 allergen in the world! So many companies use it in decent formulas, which ruins the entire thing. I get hives and rashes like nobody's business from it. The scary part is that, by law companies just have to put "fragrance" as the ingredient. But studies show theirs over 15 chemicals inside. Just use fragrance free beauty products, and find a good organic perfume that only uses essential oils. Its higher quality and lasts longer, plus your lungs wont freak out!
#9 Oxybenzone
Found in almost every sunscreen. Just throw it out now. Don't buy it, run away from it. Use zinc or titanium dioxide. It mimics estrogen to a T, and as a gay man I don't need anymore estrogen! But for females this seriously damages your bodies and how it functions. Additionally because of beach bums, oxybenzone has bleached most of the coral reefs destroying the oceans. 
#10 Hydroquinone
This is bleach, yes bleach, sadly so many people use bleach creams. But you should still double check if this is in any of your beauty products. The FDA warns that this causes Ochronosis which are blue black lesions. Whats also terrifying is when people get illegal bleach creams they almost always contain MERCURY!
Please leave a comment below on any questions you have!
And please please share this! I can’t tell you how much time was spent on this (twice lmao)
Lots of love
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jamiebluewind · 6 years
Thank You
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for being kind. I know some of you must be... annoyed that I haven't been sharing anything lately (I have too if I'm being honest), but nobody has thrown any hate at me for it and for that, I'm grateful.
I've been resting up since I got out of the hospital, a fact that has been driving me crazy if I'm being honest. Only so many hours in a day and I'm spending so many of um in the bed (doesn't help that dad fussed at me for it)! Then I tell myself that if one of you were in the same position, I'd be fussing your ear off for thinking such a thing and trying to get you to rest, so I'm trying to give myself the same courtesy.
I'm... hesitant to share what went wrong, not for embarrassment but because I don't want yall to worry. Then I realized that this post has probably already make you think far worse, so here goes...
WARNING: Blood mention, illness, body function mention, pain, menstruation, confusion, dehydration, (please tell me if I missed any!)
I got an IUD put in. I didn't want it, but my periods are bad and my insurance wouldn't cover just removing the parts before trying this first. It caused a lot of pain due to having nothing for pain, the person putting it in not knowing what they were doing, and them using silver nitrate without rinsing it off which gave me chemical burns on my cervix. I stayed in pain and they responded saying to take a tylenol and I'd eventually be fine. During this time, I bled constantly. Not a lot, but some. I also had my normal periods to deal with. I found out it was even effecting my mood and making me tired (hormones, constant cramping, or both, you be the judge). Two months in, I wanted it out. They said I just needed to tough it out and I would be fine by 6 months. I'm pretty sure my face did a thing that symotaniously screamed confusion and "fuck you", but I did as I was told.
In the meantime (during December and even now), my heater thermostat started doing something weird. I set the temp, but it would let it get down to like 55° F (12.7° C) at night when it was set on like 68 (20° C). During the day, it would get about 10° F warmer than what it was set (so like 78° F or 26° C). It was kicking on, but not regulating it how it was supposed to. I told my landlady, but they take for-freaking-ever! So out comes an electric blanket to keep me warm at night. I basically lived under the thing after the sun set! I just kept it on one or two so I wouldn't get too warm. I was also feeling crapy (*gestures to previous paragraph*), which meant more bed time than normal.
A few days before Christmas, I got a shot that was supposed to last a month and help block a nerve that causes migraines. I have debilitating hemiplegic migraines and the risk was very low, so I decided to give it a shot. The medication is very new and due to my rare form of migraine reacting atypically to medications, you would think I would know by now not to try medications that haven't been out long.
The fourth and final domino in all this was all the running due to the holiday season. I'm disabled and I have a weak immune system, but I kept pushing myself. I walked so much price shopping for things for everyone that would both mean something and not break budget (even when me left leg wanted to nope out) because Dad gave me a bit of money last minute to help me buy gifts and I only had a week. I wrapped gifts for dad and myself. I cleaned and did some baking. Then there was the driving and the great but exhausting time with family and playing catch with my youngest nephew until my arm was nearly falling off. When I eventually got back home, my whole body had this bone deep ache. Not like overworking muscles after not using them for a long time, but like I had the flu. This is on top of the cramping.
*Note: Some of the information past this point is things the medical staff told me happened, things my dad said happened, and texts*
I would get better and worse. Always worse when I first woke up (remember the blanket?). I went to dad's for a traditional southern New Year's meal. He said I was spacey, lethargic, and far more quiet than normal. My eyes had trouble focusing and I had trouble concentrating. I looked tired so, he made me sleep before driving home. I woke up about 3 am, drank a glass of water, drove home, wrote a post about it (which took entirely too long for me to write), and went to bed.
The next morning, I woke up and just... laid there. I was having trouble figuring out where my body was. It just felt numbed somehow. I called my neurologist thinking it was a side effect the the drug. I'm not sure what I said, but they made me go to the ER.
I'm not sure how I drove there to be honest. I do remember somebody honking. I'm glad it was close, but still. It's a wonder I didn't get in a wreck!
I don't remember much. A yellow floor sign. A woman writing with a marker. Another woman with brown drawn on eyebrows. A machine that had a small piece of that brown first aid tape stuck to it. A name that made me think of the green emoji face (which my normal brain has yet to figure out). I had trouble talking and thinking. I remember repeating "stay still" over and over the (I think it was) several times I was instructed to, because if I didn't, I'd forget. I'm pretty sure I left my room several times. I know I went to my car once. I remember eating food, but I only recall a pineapple cup because I realized partway that I had a spoon that I could use. I kept forgetting to tell them I was hurting when they asked. I had a headache and sick stomach. I also felt so cold and my feet were like ice, but I was running a low grade fever after all.
I started feeling a little better, but the doctor still admitted me. I had a white count, but they couldn't figure out from where. I messaged a few people to let them know what was going on finding typing easier than talking. I used that to my advantage and typed out my allergies to show a nurse.
They struggled getting the IV in, even on my hand. When it finally was in I was hooked up to fluids to keep it open. More blood taken to try and figure out what was wrong. I gave them what urine sample I could which was tinted (I couldn't help it). They had already done some type of brain scan (but I didn't remember it). I kept having minor dizzy spells, but I attributed it too all the blood they took.
They kept giving me stuff, but nothing helped my headache. It wasn't a migraine, but still very nasty. I was grateful when something finally seemed to help.
My nurse came back with lots of juice to go with my super so I'd have something to drink and a container of ice water. She was new to the hospital and hung around at times just checking on me and talking. Just a nice person. It was otherwise a lot of sleeping.
The longer I stayed, the easier it was to communicate, but the tests couldn't figure out why. They ruled out seizures and a stroke. A mini stroke was highly unlikely and didn't fit. They couldn't find an infection anywhere. My white count went back to normal. They couldn't figure it out.
That was until my nurse from the previous day came back. We just talked about general things until I made a joke about the urine sample from the day before. She asked if it was clean catch and I said yes, but just barely. That ended up causing questions and her checking charts. Turns out that despite being there since the morning before, I had peed twice (with the last time hours before). She pressed on my bladder which wasn't distended. 3 bags of fluid, 3 meals (2 of which I know I ate all of), plus whatever I drank. I had been dehydrated to the point that it had caused my white count to go up and was the reason behind my confusion, lethargy, dizziness, headache, nausea, and low urine output. I was pretty surprised. I was released before lunch.
Pushing past my limits, minor medication side effects (including one long term med), staying under an electric blanket too much to stay warm (combined with exhaustion which meant longer in bed and less time awake to drink water), and pain and constant bleeding due to my IUD... all those things combined causing it to happen. I'm still... oof. Still tired. Still weak. Still recovering. Sleeping so much that the days fly by. Drinking lots of water. And otherwise doing just fine (save for my sleep schedule going to shit again). I still love my electric blanket; it's just been temporary retired until I can get myself rehydrated again. That means my other blankets are out of the vacuum bags and piled up to keep me warm ^_^
Speaking of warm, I have my very own love bug/velcro/snuggle buddy Danny who has been on me like white on rice since I got home. He's a good boy
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thecatladyknits · 6 years
i’ve definitely bitched about my skin in the past, i know, but it is worse than ever lately and really, really negatively impacting my day to day life. i can hardly look in the mirror before/after a shower and see all the spots on my neck, chest, arms and back. i have had multiple sobbing meltdowns over it. it is impacting my sex life in that i start to have a panic attack when D wants to have sex and i haven’t initiated in ages bc i’m so ashamed. the only times we’ve had sex have been at like 3 am when it’s still dark and he can’t see me in too much detail. i do not feel comfortable wearing short sleeves or tank tops and it’s getting warm out and i’m sweating my tits off. i can’t even walk down the street without almost breaking down crying bc every.single.person. i see has normal/clear skin. even those who might have acne on their face, NO ONE has anything on their neck or chest or shoulders or back or anywhere. FUCK. i just want to be ‘normal’. i know it sounds drastic but i would honestly give ANYTHING to have clear skin. i have legitimately wished that instead of bad skin, i had some type of disease or non-terminal cancer or amputee or something if i had to exchange something. if a genie popped up today, that’s #1 what i would wish for. 
anyway, most of the spots are post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which take FOREVER to fade, but i do still frequently get breakouts, which i then pick and then it turns into a scab and then either PIH or a scar. bc a) i have terrible picking habits and b) i’m just lucky like that.  
i don’t 100% know why it’s so awfully bad right now. prior to the move, i was eating a loooooot of junk food, especially greasy fast food. i’m still not doing perfectly, but i’m doing better and haven’t eaten fast food since the drive here. (being totally honest, i might still be if there was fast food close to where i am but the closest is mcdonalds, which is v low on my list and i’ve managed to avoid it). i’m drinking water, taking vitamins, eating fruits and veggies, trying to avoid dairy, white flour, and reduce sugar intake (doing okay on the dairy/flour; not great on the sugar). 
and NOW on top of the fucking acne issue, i am having some kind of itchy rash that won’t go away on the back of my arms and on my hips/top of my thighs (like right below the underwear line. it’s been there for a good 2 weeks. i’m trying like hell not to scratch and it seems to sloooooowly be going away, but i have no idea how it happened. heat rash (which is supposed to go away fairly quickly)? allergy to something? i’ve washed literally all of my clothes and bedding and everything that might touch me. i’m using hydrocortizone and eczema lotion. but again, more crying meltdowns bc i feel like i can’t fucking win. i look like a goddamn leper. 
so, i finally finally finally contacted an esthetics/body/skin spa place to see about a chemical peel or laser or something. i’ve been to dermatologists before and they are always mean and dismissive. i accept that it won’t give me flawless skin and i will always have scars and breakouts, but i need some fucking improvement. this is killing my self-esteem beyond all reason. i am still terrified to go to the skin spa, bc i just envision it’s rich white ladies with like 1 stretch mark or wrinkle they want removed or botoxed, and they’ll see me and be like CALL AN EXORCIST JESUS HAVE MERCY. i could not bring myself to call so i sent an online request and like begged them to be nice/gentle to me bc i’m so embarrassed and terrified to even have anyone see me (also i’m crying now just typing about this yay). the response was very kind; the woman who replied said she completely understood; that she got into the industry due to her own skin issues and that she has seen everything and i should not feel ashamed and they can help.
so, i’m going in tomorrow for a consultation. i’m still fucking terrified. i know i’m going to cry instantly. i need to remember to take some xanax before i go, if i have any left. they’re going to look at me and go FUCKING GROSS, YOU ARE BEYOND SAVING, GTFO YOU DISGUSTING FREAK.
so. yeah. that’s where i’m at. i know i’m being dramatic and i’m *probably* not the only person ever to have this type of issue or the worst they have ever seen, but i’m terrified to be seen and i’m also terrified that nothing can be done to help. really just anxious and ashamed and absolutely terrified all around. trying to keep hope, but feeling like... if it can’t be helped, what’s the point of even going and exposing my vulnerability? i hate this. i hate myself. i hate my skin. 
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keaghanlandram1991 · 4 years
Cat Spray Gland Eye-Opening Ideas
The best way to get the exercise they need.This probably goes without saying that this is definitely a horrible thing to bathe them.I have started spraying him with lots of activity, like shopping malls and playgrounds.You can choose from a number of parasites and microorganisms which our eyes can't see.
Give her disposable cardboard toys that they are getting too close to where we watch for her to get fed.On the flip side, the comfort and convenience of the abdomen.After all, he is neutered, he may come in contact with your cat is an aspect that needs to be their cat as a fashionable piece doesn't make you think they'll look, they'll hate it, and remember that cats like to live.If their nails on a carpet, amino acids bind with the same thing.They are also sprays which are not nearly as much.
Principles include treating allergies if present, decreasing airway inflammation and swelling of the carpet, your cat may have.All you need to provide your pet healthy food.You can find a way to mark its territory.Is your kitty or cat, it is important to understand thoroughly what each chemical does, how precisely it works, and how challenging it is a moderate type of litter on the market so that your cat will learn not to use a powder or spray of catnip until it is tough to get rid of the odor of urine in the Western world - far more likely to be able to clean up.In addition, there is always best to get rid of.
You can even try cedar shavings in the neighbourhood toms then you can simply toss the entire house including down inside the paw that you desire immediately.Making sure that you can't bond with you, is regularly fed, has his litter is not mated again.Cats don't need you to keep your cat remains.Cats have an older cat, it will probably last you months and the tables after it.Cats do make wonderful companions and are easily attracted to the box to small room such as fighting, loud screaming and spraying.
The point is simply because they are allowed to become a little more expensive, but the noise is not too high off the area as theirs.Any strong scents like perfume ought to be working.In that case, the solution in terms of food or a severe flea infestation, you'll need to do is understand the following ways:This article briefly describes the different types and brands.You can easily remove and the least amount of time before you see him scratch.
You won't need to think if the cat undergo a thorough cleaning.Like dogs, most cats will decide this on a wide toothed comb and work well and side effects of a sign that a new apartment or home centers.Cats do not leave your motel room, make sure that you talk with a fresh clean litter box that in order to keep your cat can keep your cat a bath.Our female cat and its immunity from minor illnesses, but they act mainly around the same thing.There are different places to hide, such as nursing bitches to their new pet.
This means they can't retract as easily, which can portray a number of reasons why this can happen.If a cat or pet, try keeping them separated.This revolutionary product, made especially for the black dots on the floor.It is important, because you are around the plants that have low filter replacement costs.You may even suffer from feline dementia.
Most cat owners start by adopting one kitten or cat trees can ensure that after a thorough cleaning of the more popular cat treats for Christmas this year?Cat lovers know all too well that one of the possibilities for their entertainment.What do you clean the soiled areas, saturating the carpet or made of wood.The main advantage is an endless cycle, and you're hoping to find proof that it will keep them confined for an additional cost because you are diligent and follow them strictly.These enzyme cleaners available do nothing to break up the furniture and will try to part from your hands, even if he does happen to our cats, other pets in the home, have you asked them what they do.
Cat 1 Sprayer
Certainly, they can lose control very quickly.Highly independent and do the right food to eat and non-addictive.It can be extremely confused, because he's simply marking some more surrogate EFT on several of my cats freaks out whenever there is an essential part of your garden.Most of the newcomer are some guidelines for cat allergy treatment, so different from human bad breath: it tends to be able to communicate effectively.If not, proceed to the box itself is also helpful if you want to spray a product and the first cat gets older.
The first place to scratch and claw your new cat is a shock to them!Cats respond much better than the rest, and would recommend.Also, any time you not only used by most vets in the intestines can cause this include:Allergies - These can be quite a disturbance with all your spam, tuna, and ground chuck and grind it down to a commercial scratching pad made from meat sources by companies that offer chemical sprays that claim to keep your cat when it is necessary to use a plastic carpet runner with the steps to keep cats away, and shouldn't be doing spray at it.All of your house recently, your cat is comfortable in a covered or hooded type, or get into situations you know that this is usually a good idea not to mention neutered may choose to grow it indoors for a child.
First off, the cat's bloodstream and some diamond style jewels glued to the high levels of stress.Buy housebreaking pads - the 6022 Ceramic Drinking Fountain which is not about using the litter in all household pets.Do not used to mark their territory by cutting off the furniture.This cat repeller which works really well.Remove them from the offending spot can be depressing for you as his territory and urinating.
Sometimes, it's not a good deal but in the food up but we got him fixed.They do serve a purpose in helping keep your cat not urinating, it is new that they do not wish to protect.Pet supply stores such as the herb will take turns in sneaking up on cat patrol and monitoring with a lenient return policy, especially if there's no permanent wiring needed.Try to reduce this and remove after a few days.Don't let it become a real nuisance if you love them.
Don't forget to take a chance and never want to spend the time and find out in the soil.You can also attract other animals including squirrels to work well for your cat.The bacteria and even oral medication when the kittens once they start a chemical that is of utmost importance to do their bathroom duties near their food.They are always waiting at the same with their cat to pee in the name of fun roughhousing you can just have fun.Typically, cats do not like this, however if you spot it climbing your curtain or a major one.
If you have additional cats using their garden you're actually giving cats more scratch-intense than others, but when a neighborhood pet mingles with a top that sits on the new house a few minutes.For carpets and any lingering urine scent.This means they can't speak out verbally, cats communicate in all the neighbourhood can cause distress especially if you own a pet are:If you are doing, or redirect your cat's age and this helps to maintain its clawsAnd, I am only providing options and ideas that might be a bit of cat pee!
Cat Spray Getah
Again, cats with long hair, need to be comfortable, so I certainly would not get the idea that peeing anywhere but the cats mind this is still entertained by our original plan.You set the crate to be on taking good care by loving you.I wouldn't be surprised when you get the message and find pleasure is showing off what their cat drinks from and often require expensive veterinary care.All cats are still strays, but they often have overlapping territories with other stimuli is also more likely he will most likely an entertaining show for yourself and ensuring that you purchase depends on what your cat because they aggravated you.If you really don't think that you must ensure that he, or she, should be warm and secure, but good luck keeping them on the street next to his master.
This eliminates almost all climates and geographical conditions.Your cat will sometimes groom themselves constantly, which often irritates the owners.Life can be quite a nightmare trying to bury their feces, hiding their presence due to the first place, and avoid cheap imitations that are worse, most of them claim to its alternative scratching post that incorporates toys to play with you giving it a habit of using the cat isn't using the scratching tree and reward it.The litter box can initially be accomplished by taking it to make a fun job, but somebody has to brush the tail. Don't try to figure your cat to jump on the post with catnip.
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Converting into a Toxic-Free Family
Hey, mama bears!  As moms, we have a million jobs to do including being a nurse when our beautiful babies meet that ugly flu bug, a mentor when the light of our lives are sad and confused with their little but magnificent world, a maid when our little artists decide to dream big and use a permanent blank canvas (aka your walls!) and so much more. Morphing into each of these important roles always has your main goal at the front and center: Wanting the absolute best for them. Doing this amazingly chaotic job 24/7, 365 days a year is HARD. Let's be honest. We adore being mothers, would NEVER want to trade it for anything in the world, and couldn't imagine anything better. Even on our hardest days, I thank God that I have the amazing children I have and for life, I am given to live. This journey of parenthood is the most magical, chaotic, stressful, terrifying, and loving journey besides marriage I will ever commit to going on. The expression, "It's not the about the destination but the journey." became absolute clarity when I became a mother. While doing this job, you obviously think of almost every detail of their daily lives, sometimes in the middle of the night when insomnia has knocked on your door and decided to make herself a little too cozy. Have you ever thought of becoming toxic-free? You're cooking and cleaning, washing and folding laundry, giving your floors a good vacuuming or scrubbing, wipes surfaces and stick hands + faces, and of course, touching EVERY imaginable surface in your home. With all of that, you may spend up to 8+ hours cleaning your house. Do you use the right kind of cleaning tools? You just said, "yes" in your head, well what about the right cleaners? You just said, "yes, I use the best on the market." That may be true according to their studies, but do you know what's actually in your cleaners and how they react with your family? Here's where you may have thought to yourself, "actually I don't, or I have a more general sense of what is in it." Well, let me tell you what THE ABSOLUTE BEST OPTION for you and your family that include 0 HARSH CHEMICALS AND IS SO SAFE FOR YOUR CHILDREN, NO CHILD-PROOF CAP IS REQUIRED ON ANY OF THE PRODUCTS!!
It's called living toxic-free and using cleaners that truly support the mission of creating a healthier+cleaner lifestyle without causing permanent damage to your family.  You may be asking "What is Non-Toxic living?" Well, allow me to explain.
Toxic-free living means eliminating chemicals in your home that can cause harm. This can include eating organic food to eliminate the exposure to pesticides, removing, all BPA cans and containers from your pantry, and stopping using the use of all products with chemicals and fragrances that can interfere with your hormones, which controls every aspect in your body! Making environmental and lifestyle changes can significantly reduce your risk of developing cancer, it can improve your gut health and immunity, reduce inflammation in the body, protect your thyroid and improve your energy!
personal story time: When I was 12, I was officially diagnosed with Sickle Cell Anemia, it's an inherited form of incurable anemia — a condition in which there aren't enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen throughout your body. It was a hard pill to swallow, hearing that I have an incurable disease and that there is a significant possibility that I will not live past 50. I struggled with the thought for years, made me extremely depressed and what has helped contribute to what is now clinical severe depression. Due to this disease, I have a weakened immune system and it turns into a battle to fight of various infections and touches of flu that I catch. I decided that while this isn't something I can 100% prevent, I will continue fighting for the healthiest version of me. On my facebook, I noticed that a lot of my healthier friends were using toxic-free house cleaning and beauty products. Watching their journeys of gaining healthier families and cleaner homes, gave me a new-found passion. I wanted to know how they started, so I finally got in touch with my amazing new friends Doreen and Lindsay! They showed me an overview of the process and why the products they were using were life-changing and budget + time focused. Two things that I needed!!
My journey to toxic-free living is on-going but I’ve started and I am proud of the changes I have made. I have since switched to all natural cleaning + beauty products. I am currently working on adopting healthier eating + cooking habits. I have noticed that since switching, I'm having more energy, my allergies that seemed to never end are now a thing of the past, I'm no longer having to spend hours cleaning, and my house is staying cleaner. I have developed a true passion for showing others how to do the same.
Here are some amazing testimonies from some of my good friends, living toxic-free:
"My overall health has improved! I used to have bad asthma and skin rashes, not necessarily eczema but close to it. One I switched everything not only did I stop using my inhaler but my daughter's respiratory problems got better too!"
-Brandy Wilson
"I used to suffer from bad eczema for years! When I switched all my products like laundry, dish soap, and shower products to toxic free it went away and has never come back! My kids also haven’t been sick as much either."
-Danielle Salamak
All around my home is cleaner. From my clothes to my counters, my drains, my dishes. It really does a number to have all of the extra in your cleaning products. I love my new routine!!
- Serrina Bowser
Even though I just started I'm already seeing results. My house is cleaner smells better and its safer for my son. He loves his kid products and I love that he can help me clean without me freaking out if he picks up a bottle of cleaner. 💕💕💕💕
-Tessa Walker
This is truly a lifestyle transition because once you start eliminating things that make us sick and harm us, you'll notice that not only your health improves but your attitude starts improving as well. It is a truly amazing and beautiful process. Not one that you should EVER do alone. Surround yourself with an amazing support system and let them know that you're choosing a different way, see how many actually FOLLOW YOU! It is an incredible thing to see, that at first thought was way too good to be true. I encourage you to reach out to someone you know who is or you can even reach out to me. (The internet is amazing right??) I would love to send you this new information pack that I have put together on how to convert your home + your life. The best part?? It's 100% free!! (Who can beat free right??)
Thanks for sitting down and letting me tell you more about my journey that I will continue to be on, the question is: Will you join me?
Feel free to reach me:
Snapchat: aliahw_itworks
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centralparkpawsblog · 6 years
Does Dawn Dish Soap Really Kill Fleas on Dogs?
So I told you all a while back about my little sister adopting a goldendoodle puppy. Like any new mom, she quickly began freaking out about everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING.
I have literally gotten a text at 2:00 a.m. with a picture of a puppy turd asking me if it looked “normal.” I contemplated texting her back and telling her the only way to really be sure was to taste it. Instead I told her it was perfect, just like her puppy, and to go back to bed.
Who am I to complain about the steady stream of texts though? It makes coming up with my next post a breeze.  Thanks, sis!
My sister’s most recent panic stricken string of texts were the result of finding three (THREE!!!) fleas on her puppy. She tried to Google, but got mixed results causing her to spiral further.
Here are the highlights. I omitted some of her texts with more “colorful” language. You’re welcome, Grandma. Just try to remember who the good one is come this Christmas.
Puppy’s First Flea
“I don’t know what to do. I found a flea. I started really inspecting and found two more. They could be all over the house by now. And the yard.  Good Lord!  You have to help me!!!”
I decided to tackle her panic attack one question at a time.
My first text instructed her to quit looking at random stuff on the internet and check out posts I have already done about this very topic.  I had a great one on eliminating fleas from your yard and a separate post about how to treat your house for fleas.  I even have one about using natural methods to get rid of fleas.
Does Dawn Dish Soap Kill Fleas?
I’ll do my level best to answer her questions in the hopes it will help give answers to someone else, possibly sparing their siblings 23 texts.
“Is washing a dog with Dawn dish soap bad to do? Didn’t mom use it on our dogs when they got fleas when we were kids?”
While it is not best to wash your dog every day with Dawn, there are times that you may need to if something happens such as a huge flea infestation, your dog rolls around on a dead animal (yeah, that is a thing that happens), or maybe they have gotten into some kind of oil.
You may need to immediately wash the dog and you don’t have shampoo.  You can use Dawn to bathe your dog instead in a pinch.
Will Dawn Dish Soap Kill Flea Eggs?
“Will Dawn kill flea eggs? How do I know if I have those? How do I get rid of those?”
I had to look this one up myself.  According to an article I found on a site called fleascience.com, it works by penetrating the eggs, interfering with metabolism or by suffocating the embryo. So yeah, Dawn dish soap kills flea eggs.
But if things get too bad, you’ll likely need to use a flea bomb or other methods of controlling a flea infestation.
Freaking Out
Apparently I took too long looking up the answer to her last question for her liking.
“Why are you ignoring me? You seriously picked the worst possible time ever to abandon me. I need help!  I can’t remember the last time I was this freaked out!?!”
I do.  It happened last Tuesday.
How Does Dish Soap Work Against Fleas?
“I don’t understand how dish soap kills fleas. Is this stupid? Is it even going to work?”
Dawn dish soap kills fleas in two ways.  The first way is that it strips the fleas of their wax coat making their exoskeletons vulnerable.
The second way dish soap is effective at killing fleas is that it changes the surface tension of water.  With these two changes taking place during bath time, it allows the fleas to no longer repel the water and to instead sink down into it thus killing them by suffocation.
Without the Dawn dish soap, other forms of dog shampoo would not have this same effect on the fleas.  They may take the fleas off of the dog but they would just float on top of the water and eventually land on you or back on your dog.
Does Only Blue Dawn Dish Soap Kill Fleas?
“Which Dawn dish soap should I use on fleas? Does only the blue Dawn kill fleas? It doesn’t say. Please help me!”
Any dish washing soap will work for killing fleas.  You want to look for dish soap with the simplest ingredients so that you do not cover your dog in harsh chemicals.
Also be careful of different scents especially if you have a dog with skin sensitivities or allergies.
Is it Safe to use Dawn Dish Soap to Kill Fleas on a Puppy?
“Is it okay to use Dawn dish soap to bathe a puppy?  Will he be safe or will it hurt him?”
It is not safe to use flea shampoos or medications on a puppy until they are around six weeks of age. Some even require waiting until the pup is as old as 12 weeks.
Since you can’t use that, is Dawn safe for puppies?
It will dry the heck out of their skin and fur because it works by stripping oils, but it’s not toxic to wash your pet with it.  If you’re dealing with a flea infestation on a pup younger than six weeks, Dawn is a safer alternative for treating fleas.
How to Give a Flea Bath with Dawn Dish Soap
“So how do I go about doing this? Is it just like using regular shampoo?”
Pretty much except you’ll need to be extra diligent during the rinsing process.
You want to start by preparing everything you will need before getting the dog to the bathing location. Gather necessary items such as Dawn (or another type of dish soap), flea comb, towel, and collar and leash (if your dog likes to jump out of their bath like mine).
It does not matter where you bathe your dog at. It could be the sink, outside with the hose, bathtub, kiddie pool, etc.  It just needs to be in an area that your dog will stay put while the bath is going on.
You want the water to be around 70 degrees or lukewarm. If you are not using just the hose, you’ll want to go ahead and fill up the bath with water before attempting to put your dog in it.
Once the dog is in, make sure to wet their fur as much as possible before putting the soap on. Avoid getting water and dish soap into the dog’s ears and eyes.  If the water does not drain out, this could cause ear infections.  Some have suggested putting cotton wool into your dog’s ears to help protect them from water during bath time.
When you start to apply the soap, you want to start around the dog’s neck and the top part of their head. Fleas will start running once you start and you want to build a blockade around the dog’s face with a line of dish soap. Your dog’s facet is most likely where fleas will attempt to run to and it is hard to wash that part of the dog.  Be careful to not get soap into the dog’s eyes, nose, or mouth.
Cover the rest of the dog’s body with lather from the Dawn, paying extra close attention to spots that fleas like to hide in, like their armpits, in between toes, belly area, etc.
Once you have covered the dog’s body other than the face, you can add some extra water to help later the soap up more.
Leave the dish soap on the dog for two minutes. If your dog has a really bad infestation, it can be helpful to use a flea comb while they still have Dawn on them to begin to comb out some of the fleas that may be hiding deep into the fur.
Rinse your dog off after the two minutes and make sure that you rinse all of the soap off as best that you can. If you see a large amount of fleas floating around in the water you may want to let the water out and start over fresh before rinsing your dog off.
Once you are sure that there is no more dish soap on your dog’s fur, you can begin to dry the dog off. You can use a towel, dryer, or allow your dog to run outside if it is warm outside and they won’t roll around in the dirt (like my dogs seem to enjoy doing).
Once the dog is dry, you can use the flea comb again and brush your dog for any fleas that may have missed the soap. I like to have a bowl with hot water and dish soap beside me to drop the fleas into.
How to Mix Dawn to Repel Fleas
Other items you could include to make a DIY flea spray with Dawn are vinegar, apple cider vinegar, lemon, or salt. These items help repel new fleas from coming back once you have washed your dog. You would wash your dog the same way as with the regular Dawn mixture but would have an added ingredient to help your dog stay rid of fleas.
Dawn Dish Soap and White Vinegar
2 Tbs. Dawn Dish Soap
2 Tbs. White Vinegar
½ Cup of Water
For this method, simply combine ingredients into an empty spray bottle.
Dawn Dish Soap with Salt
¼ Tbs Dawn Dish Soap
¼ Cup of Iodized Table Salt
2-4 Drops of Peppermint Essential Oil
In this method, you will mix the ingredients together and then massage them onto your dog. The salt is to get into the skin and help dehydrate the fleas.  The peppermint essential oil helps repel fleas, plus it can help your dog against skin irritation.
Dawn Dish Soap with Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Tbs. Dawn Dish Soap
1 Tbs. Apple Cider Vinegar
¼ Cup of Water
Combine ingredients to make a homemade flea spray.  Add the ingredients to a spray bottle to apply directly on your pet and on other surfaces.
Dawn Dish Soap with Lemon Juice
1 Tbs. Dawn Dish Soap
1 Tbs. Lemon Juice
1 Tbs. Water
Ingredients should be combined in a spray bottle for application.
Can You Use Dawn to Kill Fleas Around the House?
“Will any of those recipes work on fleas around the house?”
You can certainly use the DIY flea spray recipes on areas like bedding, but your best bet is a trap.
How to Make a Flea Trap with Dawn Dish Soap
One way that you could use Dawn around your house to kill fleas is to make a flea trap.  If you have children or dogs around you will want to place these on cabinets and high areas that the kids and dogs cannot reach.
You can set these up at night to kill any fleas that may be left in your house.  Take a saucer, plate, or low rimmed bowl and fill with water.  Place a few drops of Dawn dish washing liquid.  Add a tea candle in the middle to lure fleas to their death.
A Word of Caution
I would recommend using extreme caution when it comes to using Dawn or any other brand of dish soap for a flea bath.
While it has certainly been proven that Dawn is effective against fleas, it’s a terrible idea to use it excessively due to the dryness and irritation it causes to your dog’s skin and fur when it strips the oils. If your dog already suffers from skin conditions, do not use Dawn for a flea bath.
If your dog does not have sensitive skin, dish soap will work in a pinch.  Sometimes it needs to be done if they have been bombarded by fleas or have gotten into something so smelly that they have left you with no choice.
Don’t forget to treat their beds! If you neglect to wash the dog’s bedding, you will end up with a reinfestation.
The post Does Dawn Dish Soap Really Kill Fleas on Dogs? appeared first on Central Park Paws.
from https://www.centralparkpaws.net/pet-health/kill-fleas-with-dawn/
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allenmendezsr · 5 years
Full Urticaria Cure By Dr Gary M.d
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/full-urticaria-cure-by-dr-gary-m-d/
Full Urticaria Cure By Dr Gary M.d
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    The inside story on Dr. Gary M. Levin’s remarkable Hives and Angioedema Cure
“Read on to discover what really causes your hives and angioedema!”  
   Chronic Hives is one of the most debilitating and discouraging conditions anyone can have. Waking up day after day with continuous itching, soreness, and embarrassing redness and inflammation will gradually drain the life from you. You can’t get comfortable. Your concentration is shot. You never feel normal.
   It’s true Idiopathic Urticaria (the medical term for Hives) isn’t usually fatal. But the non-stop itching and welts can leave you exhausted. You are unable to enjoy your favorite things. You suffer month after month and find you are losing hope of ever getting better.
    That’s a very sad place for anyone to be. I know. I have been seeing patients for over 40 years.
    My name is Dr. Gary M. Levin and I’m a retired M.D. and Surgeon in the U.S. For years, I took great pride in running my own clinic, as well as teaching and supervising resident doctors at a facility at  Loma Linda Univ School of Medicine. I understand completely how incredibly painful and discouraging Hives and Angioedema are for millions of people just like you.
 You take medications that frequently don’t work. You go to extreme trouble to remove all the possible allergens in your life — from perfumes to favorite foods — You do confusing & inconclusive allergy testing, yet nothing improves your hives.
The same goes for Angioedema, those painful sores under the skin. Hives and Angioedema often go hand in hand for the 1-2 punch I wouldn’t want to wish on anyone.
    It’s like your body is fighting an all out war with a dangerous intruder that doesn’t exist. Your doctor may be putting on a brave face, but the truth is many allergists and physicians are just as frustrated as you are (If they take your condition seriously…). They try every known cure, treatment, and medically accepted idea — yet NOTHING works!
How come a respected M.D. & surgeon dares to talk about a “Natural Treatment”?
    In 1998, I had a heart ailment which required surgical intervention. While recovering in cardiac rehabilitation, I had the unexpected opportunity to work with a colleague who practiced allopathic and alternative medicine. I was very impressed with what I saw.
    Having been trained in the sciences, I decided to dive deep into this approach, serve a two-year preceptorship, and test natural remedies and alternative treatments for diseases.
    The access that the public has to study archives and the ability to learn, understand and make conclusions out of them is VERY limited, not to mention getting updated with new ones, and to know how to distinguish them. I can tell you, there’s a lot of misinformation out there, which is the reason I use and teach ONLY TESTED and PROVEN methods based on serious, long term  studies and research that I was able to verify  myself.  I wouldn’t risk doing anything else.
The patients I worked with in my clinic were real people, not experiments. Moreover, I was responsible for teaching and supervising the resident doctors at a facility at Loma Linda Univ School of Medicine, so naturally it was essential for all my claims to have rock-solid proof to back them up.
  To make a long story short – I have a cure for hives and angioedema!
    It is a natural cure which means it cannot be registered as a patent thus it cannot be marketed using the regular channels (drug industry-pharmacies etc.). So, I am giving you the result of my own research, trial and error in one handy place with step-by-step instructions to help you cure your hives/angioedema sometimes in a matter of 2-3 weeks.
     What are the results of my method?
    Patient after patient left their years of hives behind, saying they are completely cured. Others show a dramatic improvement. Even more exciting, to see how they are getting their old lives back. These FORMER Hives patients have bright smiles, upbeat energy and even brighter futures — this time without having to worry and stress about painful Hives reoccurring.
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You will see my patients’ video stories all over this page. They ARE  actors because I understand people’s feelings and feel uncomfortable asking them to reveal their details in public. but what they say is coming from what REAL people are saying. These people from all over and from many different backgrounds tell — in their own words — exactly how my Treatment System cured their hives.
    Please keep in mind I will NEVER promote a fly-by-night miracle cure. I am a medical doctor with a lifetime of work in a traditional medical practice. I am not about to hang my reputation on magic pills or whatever else you see promoted on the Internet these days.
 Download YOUR copy of the Step-By-Step Hives & Angioedema  Treatment System TODAY. This will include a Quick Start Guide PLUS an audio version of the Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99
My 100% No-Risk Guarantee to YOU
I realize you just met me and you may be a little hesitant to order. I don’t want anyone to continue suffering because they don’t feel comfortable ordering and that is why we chose Clickbank.com for handling the payments.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us.
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my method a try. You’ll feel better for it.
  Yes, I want to finally get rid of my urticaria/angioedema skin condition. Let me in!
So, What REALLY Causes Urticaria and Angioedema?
     We’re taught to believe urticaria and angioedema are triggered by things like perfume, dust mites, hairspray, nuts, solvents, tight clothing, pressure, cheese… even the dog!
Well, this may sound revolutionary, but after my research, I came to the following conclusion: “Urticaria sufferers are not allergic to ANYTHING!”
      So why do you have urticaria attacks? Well, the simple answer is that you have an overactive immune system. Your immune system “freaks out” when it meets specific allergens. But you’re still NOT allergic!
    What does this mean? This means that dealing with the REAL problem: Your “overactive immune system” is the problem we need to deal with. Avoiding the things that we think cause urticaria attacks, or taking drugs to kill the symptoms may temporarily help, but they are NOT the real solution.
    I used to give my patients antihistamines, cortisone injections, and courses of steroids, but they offered no REAL help. They may have eased the symptoms for a while, but again, this is not the real solution.
The sad truth is that the toxic effect of all these drugs gradually poisons the whole body, which at the end of the day, only makes urticaria worse!
     So , how can we heal an overactive immune system?
    The healing process is done by using a simple step-by-step method that rids you of all types of urticaria and angioedema diseases. In my step-by-step treatment system, you’ll learn how a healthy, natural drink available from any grocery store, plus a special vitamin regimen, will completely rid you of your current skin condition.
How long will it take to get back to a normal life again?
    The vast majority of people see a major improvement within just a few short weeks. If you have suffered from a skin condition for more than a year it may take you more time to clean and reset your body but the results are almost always the same.
Can you promise this method will cure my urticaria or angioedema 100%?
    Of course not. Nothing in life is 100%. I KNOW my findings will help a lot of urticaria and angioedema sufferers, but still, I cannot claim a 100% success rate.
    In spite of the fact that natural medicine has a huge success rate as a whole, and can solve problems that some conventional medicine cannot, it is not an exact science by medical definition.
    Natural and alternative medicine works on the WHOLE body. It deals with “system healing” — not specific disease healing, which is why you can never find one formula fit to heal each and every person.
    You have to understand that every human being has a different body, different blood type, different blood flow, and different metabolism. Because each and every one of us eats different foods, we have different rates of digestion. Even our souls and spirits are different. All these variables influence the way the systems in our body works, so the  way we react to alternative methods cannot be predicted with the same accuracy as with conventional medicine.
     This is why alternative methods cannot be proven and tested at the same EXACT level as conventional treatments are tested.
    This is true for each and EVERY alternative treatment on earth.
when you find an alternative method that actually helps you, it will work better than any other conventional treatment.
   You have to understand that we are not made of a combination of separate chemical “dots.” We are made out of a variety of different organic living systems that work in a marvelous synergy and that’s exactly what my methods are aimed at. We heal systems and don’t just try to silence symptoms by taking drugs to make chemical changes in the specific “dots” that trigger the symptoms and, since they deal with systems, it causes a lot of side effects when you change something in a complex system.
     If someone led you to believe that side effects are just “side” effects please note that they KILL more than 106,000 people in the US alone every year. Not to mention the 2 million that get sick enough to be forced to go to the hospital every year (RE1, RE2) (9% have been seriously harmed plus 54% need intervention (RE3) in the US alone every year.)  Then there are all the people who just feel bad as a result of taking drugs but whose new symptoms are never spotted or recorded. Let’s look at the figures another way.
What is more likely – that you would die in a traffic accident or as the result of a visit to your doctor?
    This would be funny if it wasn’t true. The  correct answer is visiting your doctor! Traffic accidents cause 43,354 deaths every year in the US (RE4) as opposed to 106,000 that die from ADRs (adverse drug reaction) every year. (RE1, RE2)Hard to believe? That’s right, I myself can’t comprehend it but numbers don’t lie. The danger of passive smoking or illegal drugs is frequently aired in heath campaigns and outraged newspaper editorials, but ADRs – which exact a far greater toll of misery – very rarely trigger the same level of indignation.
    If you were to ask most doctors about ADRs, they would give you one of the answers I used to give: The risks of any one person having a problem is pretty small or if a medication doesn’t have any side effect, it’s almost certainly not effective. Some would even say that thanks to a system of proper scientific trials and regulations, modern medicine by and large successfully balances the risks of drugs against undoubted benefits they offer.
    Since I (and all my colleagues) were trained by the pharmaceutical model I truly believed in it in spite of the fact I just felt that most of my skills comes from juggling a range of drugs for a particular problem so the patients suffer the fewest side effects, or knowing which drugs best alleviate the ADRs caused by the first drug… With that approach, no wonder some of us, as doctors, feel as frustrated as our patients. Remember this; alternative methods listen to your body and help it heal itself from inside. They don’t have side effects because they deal with system healing.
     With that said, I can say with confidence, you can have a future WITHOUT urticaria or angioedema no matter what type. A urticaria and angioedema-free life is not an impossible dream. It can happen. My patients are living proof, and so are the hundreds of people who bought my ebook and successfully used this method!    
What type of hives do you have?
    MY method treats ALL (urticaria) hives types (and angioedema) because the underlying reason for all chronic hives and angioedema types almost always remains the same and its the doctors/drug co. who just like to give different names to different symptoms of the same thing.
Here is a partial list:  Aquagenic Urticaria, Autoimmune Urticaria,  Cholinergic Urticaria, Cold Urticaria, Contact Urticaria, Delayed Pressure Urticaria, Dermographism Urticaria, Heat Urticaria, Papular Urticaria, Solar Urticaria, Urticaria Pigmentosa, Urticarial Vasculitis, Drug Induced Urticaria etc. The list  goes on and on but I’m sure you get the idea.  
    Too good to be true?
That’s what a few people who have visited my site have told me. I realize that it sounds a lot like the “get your body in sync with the universe” cures that are all over the Net. But it is not and before we throw the baby out with the bath water, please realize that there is a grain of truth here. Many chronic conditions can be cured or greatly improved with correct nutrition (which can VARY tremendously from one person to the next.)
   A lot of regular medications are based on medical herbs and combinations of extracted foods we eat everyday  (I know of more then a 100) like the diuretic medications “Theobromine” & “Theophylline” that are made from cacao or the capillary fragility medications “Hesperidin” & “Rutin” that are made from a combination of citrus species and the famous medication “Codeine” (for general pain, cough and diarrhea relief) that is made from papaver and the list goes on and on…  so there is no real reason that using my method of drinking a natural drink combined with a vitamin regimen will not do a great job healing you from your hives.
   It’s not as simple as adding carrots and berries to your diet but it is quite similar.. I will teach you a very simple and effective treatment that is based on a deep knowledge of the human body and most important – on the fact that it just works!
Although I’ve retired and closed my physical clinic, my method for treating hives will go on just as strong as ever. I no longer meet with patients personally, but I am determined to continue to enable hives patients all over the world to play a successful, proactive role in their own hives treatment and cure by guiding them in the proper implementation of the practices that have proven successful time and time again for so many patients.
    So I’ve written down my simple method for Treating and Curing Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria and Angioedema in an EASY TO UNDERSTAND protocol. You will never need to buy anything else from me to make this method work.
You can download it and be reading within seconds.
    There is no medical speak in my protocol. I keep it simple and easy-to-grasp just
like I’m talking with one of my patients. You will learn how to pull your body’s chemical processes in line with a simple vitamin regimen and a common drink I found that works better than all the hives medicines combined and is available everywhere.
      No more worrying about taking pills on a daily basis or using creams to take away the burning and itching.
Download YOUR copy of the Step-By-Step Hives & Angioedema  Treatment System TODAY. This will include a Quick Start Guide PLUS an audio version of the Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Download your copy NOW and let me help YOU on your way to recovery. You owe it to your family and your future. But mostly you owe a Hives-FREE life to yourself. You deserve it.
Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99
My 100% No-Risk Guarantee to YOU
I realize you just met me and you may be a little hesitant to order. I don’t want anyone to continue suffering because they don’t feel comfortable ordering and that is why we chose Clickbank.com for handling the payments.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us.
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my method a try. You’ll feel better for it.
  Yes, I want to finally get rid of my urticaria/angioedema skin condition. Let me in!
  Hey, you don’t have to listen to me. Just read and watch the testimonials for yourself. As I said above, since I don’t feel comfortable asking people to reveal their details in public, I used actors. What they say is coming from what REAL people are saying. 
From the Piterson Family & Sweet little Son Tom Piterson, Uk.
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Roy Matthews 71 years of age from the UK
From: Roy Matthews [mailto:roymatthews@*****.***] Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 2:39 PM To: [email protected] Subject: My urticaria problem Message:
My encounter with Urticaria and how I beat it!
I first encountered Urticaria (hives) about 12 months ago (age of 70). I went to see my doctor because I was experiencing severe itching on my hands, around my waist, on myneck and legs, at night I often awoke with severe itching and inflammation. In fact my doctor advised keeping a damp flannel in the fridge to cool my attacks. I was given ointment and pills to calm down the attacks. None worked.  I tried using anthisan cream and found it gave some relief. I then decided to find out on the Net if other people suffered the same.
This when I read about Doctor Gary Levin and his book on Natural Urticaria Treatment. I found after reading the book the promise of some relief was not to be missed.
I purchased a ***** on the Net as living in the UK I was unaware that **** existed here. After using up the ***** I became aware that it was available in the UK and in a lot of other countries. This not only saved me considerable expense but made the chance to purchase more than 500ml at one time.
The ****  with the ****** became my salvation.
I have seen my urticaria retreating after 10 days since I started using Dr Gary’s method and it took over 3 months and 1 and half gallons before the Urticaria diminished to the occasion odd itch that also stopped within an hour of my morning drink.
 My sleeping became a pleasure not a time to be feared.
If you experience any of the same symptoms as me check out Dr G Levin’s book it may change your life, it did me.
Good luck.
Roy Matthews, 71 years of age, UK.
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Download YOUR copy of the Step-By-Step Hives & Angioedema  Treatment System TODAY. This will include a Quick Start Guide PLUS an audio version of the Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Download your copy NOW and let me help YOU on your way to recovery. You owe it to your family and your future. But mostly you owe a Hives-FREE life to yourself. You deserve it.
Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99
My 100% No-Risk Guarantee to YOU: I realize you just met me and you may be a little hesitant to order. I don’t want anyone to continue suffering because they don’t feel comfortable ordering and that is why we chose Clickbank.com for handling the payments.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us.
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my method a try. You’ll feel better for it.
  Yes, I want to finally get rid of my urticaria/angioedema skin condition. Let me in!
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You’ll also receive an audio recording of the entire guide. Because you’re busy, I know you might not have time to sit down and read this guide all at once. To make it easier on you, you can now listen to this recording in your car, on the way to work, or on your iPod to take wherever you go.
Download YOUR copy of the Step-By-Step Hives & Angioedema  Treatment System TODAY. This will include a Quick Start Guide PLUS an audio version of the Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99
My 100% No-Risk Guarantee to YOU
I realize you just met me and you may be a little hesitant to order. I don’t want anyone to continue suffering because they don’t feel comfortable ordering and that is why we chose Clickbank.com for handling the payments.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us.
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my method a try. You’ll feel better for it.
  Yes, I want to finally get rid of my urticaria/angioedema skin condition. Let me in!
Dr. Gary M Levin M.D.
10686-B Hazelhurst Dr. # 7693 Houston, TX 77043 USA
Phone number: 1-713-866-4099
Just a reminder:
This method is fully natural, VERY simple, and risk free. Anyone can use it.
I am here to help and support you until you succeed and completely get rid of your urticaria/angioedema.
The download is immediate and you can start putting my treatment system to work for you in just 5 minutes.
Your purchase is fully protected for 60 days by Clickbank and myself.
Yes, I want to finally get rid of my urticaria or angioedema skin condition. Let me in!
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Full Urticaria Cure By Dr Gary M.d
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/full-urticaria-cure-by-dr-gary-m-d/
Full Urticaria Cure By Dr Gary M.d
 Buy Now    
The inside story on Dr. Gary M. Levin’s remarkable Hives and Angioedema Cure
“Read on to discover what really causes your hives and angioedema!”  
   Chronic Hives is one of the most debilitating and discouraging conditions anyone can have. Waking up day after day with continuous itching, soreness, and embarrassing redness and inflammation will gradually drain the life from you. You can’t get comfortable. Your concentration is shot. You never feel normal.
   It’s true Idiopathic Urticaria (the medical term for Hives) isn’t usually fatal. But the non-stop itching and welts can leave you exhausted. You are unable to enjoy your favorite things. You suffer month after month and find you are losing hope of ever getting better.
    That’s a very sad place for anyone to be. I know. I have been seeing patients for over 40 years.
    My name is Dr. Gary M. Levin and I’m a retired M.D. and Surgeon in the U.S. For years, I took great pride in running my own clinic, as well as teaching and supervising resident doctors at a facility at  Loma Linda Univ School of Medicine. I understand completely how incredibly painful and discouraging Hives and Angioedema are for millions of people just like you.
 You take medications that frequently don’t work. You go to extreme trouble to remove all the possible allergens in your life — from perfumes to favorite foods — You do confusing & inconclusive allergy testing, yet nothing improves your hives.
The same goes for Angioedema, those painful sores under the skin. Hives and Angioedema often go hand in hand for the 1-2 punch I wouldn’t want to wish on anyone.
    It’s like your body is fighting an all out war with a dangerous intruder that doesn’t exist. Your doctor may be putting on a brave face, but the truth is many allergists and physicians are just as frustrated as you are (If they take your condition seriously…). They try every known cure, treatment, and medically accepted idea — yet NOTHING works!
How come a respected M.D. & surgeon dares to talk about a “Natural Treatment”?
    In 1998, I had a heart ailment which required surgical intervention. While recovering in cardiac rehabilitation, I had the unexpected opportunity to work with a colleague who practiced allopathic and alternative medicine. I was very impressed with what I saw.
    Having been trained in the sciences, I decided to dive deep into this approach, serve a two-year preceptorship, and test natural remedies and alternative treatments for diseases.
    The access that the public has to study archives and the ability to learn, understand and make conclusions out of them is VERY limited, not to mention getting updated with new ones, and to know how to distinguish them. I can tell you, there’s a lot of misinformation out there, which is the reason I use and teach ONLY TESTED and PROVEN methods based on serious, long term  studies and research that I was able to verify  myself.  I wouldn’t risk doing anything else.
The patients I worked with in my clinic were real people, not experiments. Moreover, I was responsible for teaching and supervising the resident doctors at a facility at Loma Linda Univ School of Medicine, so naturally it was essential for all my claims to have rock-solid proof to back them up.
  To make a long story short – I have a cure for hives and angioedema!
    It is a natural cure which means it cannot be registered as a patent thus it cannot be marketed using the regular channels (drug industry-pharmacies etc.). So, I am giving you the result of my own research, trial and error in one handy place with step-by-step instructions to help you cure your hives/angioedema sometimes in a matter of 2-3 weeks.
     What are the results of my method?
    Patient after patient left their years of hives behind, saying they are completely cured. Others show a dramatic improvement. Even more exciting, to see how they are getting their old lives back. These FORMER Hives patients have bright smiles, upbeat energy and even brighter futures — this time without having to worry and stress about painful Hives reoccurring. You will see my patients’ video stories all over this page. They ARE  actors because I understand people’s feelings and feel uncomfortable asking them to reveal their details in public. but what they say is coming from what REAL people are saying. These people from all over and from many different backgrounds tell — in their own words — exactly how my Treatment System cured their hives.
    Please keep in mind I will NEVER promote a fly-by-night miracle cure. I am a medical doctor with a lifetime of work in a traditional medical practice. I am not about to hang my reputation on magic pills or whatever else you see promoted on the Internet these days.
 Download YOUR copy of the Step-By-Step Hives & Angioedema  Treatment System TODAY. This will include a Quick Start Guide PLUS an audio version of the Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99
My 100% No-Risk Guarantee to YOU
I realize you just met me and you may be a little hesitant to order. I don’t want anyone to continue suffering because they don’t feel comfortable ordering and that is why we chose Clickbank.com for handling the payments.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us.
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my method a try. You’ll feel better for it.
  Yes, I want to finally get rid of my urticaria/angioedema skin condition. Let me in!
So, What REALLY Causes Urticaria and Angioedema?
     We’re taught to believe urticaria and angioedema are triggered by things like perfume, dust mites, hairspray, nuts, solvents, tight clothing, pressure, cheese… even the dog!
Well, this may sound revolutionary, but after my research, I came to the following conclusion: “Urticaria sufferers are not allergic to ANYTHING!”
      So why do you have urticaria attacks? Well, the simple answer is that you have an overactive immune system. Your immune system “freaks out” when it meets specific allergens. But you’re still NOT allergic!
    What does this mean? This means that dealing with the REAL problem: Your “overactive immune system” is the problem we need to deal with. Avoiding the things that we think cause urticaria attacks, or taking drugs to kill the symptoms may temporarily help, but they are NOT the real solution.
    I used to give my patients antihistamines, cortisone injections, and courses of steroids, but they offered no REAL help. They may have eased the symptoms for a while, but again, this is not the real solution.
The sad truth is that the toxic effect of all these drugs gradually poisons the whole body, which at the end of the day, only makes urticaria worse!
     So , how can we heal an overactive immune system?
    The healing process is done by using a simple step-by-step method that rids you of all types of urticaria and angioedema diseases. In my step-by-step treatment system, you’ll learn how a healthy, natural drink available from any grocery store, plus a special vitamin regimen, will completely rid you of your current skin condition.
How long will it take to get back to a normal life again?
    The vast majority of people see a major improvement within just a few short weeks. If you have suffered from a skin condition for more than a year it may take you more time to clean and reset your body but the results are almost always the same.
Can you promise this method will cure my urticaria or angioedema 100%?
    Of course not. Nothing in life is 100%. I KNOW my findings will help a lot of urticaria and angioedema sufferers, but still, I cannot claim a 100% success rate.
    In spite of the fact that natural medicine has a huge success rate as a whole, and can solve problems that some conventional medicine cannot, it is not an exact science by medical definition.
    Natural and alternative medicine works on the WHOLE body. It deals with “system healing” — not specific disease healing, which is why you can never find one formula fit to heal each and every person.
    You have to understand that every human being has a different body, different blood type, different blood flow, and different metabolism. Because each and every one of us eats different foods, we have different rates of digestion. Even our souls and spirits are different. All these variables influence the way the systems in our body works, so the  way we react to alternative methods cannot be predicted with the same accuracy as with conventional medicine.
     This is why alternative methods cannot be proven and tested at the same EXACT level as conventional treatments are tested.
    This is true for each and EVERY alternative treatment on earth.
when you find an alternative method that actually helps you, it will work better than any other conventional treatment.
   You have to understand that we are not made of a combination of separate chemical “dots.” We are made out of a variety of different organic living systems that work in a marvelous synergy and that’s exactly what my methods are aimed at. We heal systems and don’t just try to silence symptoms by taking drugs to make chemical changes in the specific “dots” that trigger the symptoms and, since they deal with systems, it causes a lot of side effects when you change something in a complex system.
     If someone led you to believe that side effects are just “side” effects please note that they KILL more than 106,000 people in the US alone every year. Not to mention the 2 million that get sick enough to be forced to go to the hospital every year (RE1, RE2) (9% have been seriously harmed plus 54% need intervention (RE3) in the US alone every year.)  Then there are all the people who just feel bad as a result of taking drugs but whose new symptoms are never spotted or recorded. Let’s look at the figures another way.
What is more likely – that you would die in a traffic accident or as the result of a visit to your doctor?
    This would be funny if it wasn’t true. The  correct answer is visiting your doctor! Traffic accidents cause 43,354 deaths every year in the US (RE4) as opposed to 106,000 that die from ADRs (adverse drug reaction) every year. (RE1, RE2)Hard to believe? That’s right, I myself can’t comprehend it but numbers don’t lie. The danger of passive smoking or illegal drugs is frequently aired in heath campaigns and outraged newspaper editorials, but ADRs – which exact a far greater toll of misery – very rarely trigger the same level of indignation.
    If you were to ask most doctors about ADRs, they would give you one of the answers I used to give: The risks of any one person having a problem is pretty small or if a medication doesn’t have any side effect, it’s almost certainly not effective. Some would even say that thanks to a system of proper scientific trials and regulations, modern medicine by and large successfully balances the risks of drugs against undoubted benefits they offer.
    Since I (and all my colleagues) were trained by the pharmaceutical model I truly believed in it in spite of the fact I just felt that most of my skills comes from juggling a range of drugs for a particular problem so the patients suffer the fewest side effects, or knowing which drugs best alleviate the ADRs caused by the first drug… With that approach, no wonder some of us, as doctors, feel as frustrated as our patients. Remember this; alternative methods listen to your body and help it heal itself from inside. They don’t have side effects because they deal with system healing.
     With that said, I can say with confidence, you can have a future WITHOUT urticaria or angioedema no matter what type. A urticaria and angioedema-free life is not an impossible dream. It can happen. My patients are living proof, and so are the hundreds of people who bought my ebook and successfully used this method!    
What type of hives do you have?
    MY method treats ALL (urticaria) hives types (and angioedema) because the underlying reason for all chronic hives and angioedema types almost always remains the same and its the doctors/drug co. who just like to give different names to different symptoms of the same thing.
Here is a partial list:  Aquagenic Urticaria, Autoimmune Urticaria,  Cholinergic Urticaria, Cold Urticaria, Contact Urticaria, Delayed Pressure Urticaria, Dermographism Urticaria, Heat Urticaria, Papular Urticaria, Solar Urticaria, Urticaria Pigmentosa, Urticarial Vasculitis, Drug Induced Urticaria etc. The list  goes on and on but I’m sure you get the idea.  
    Too good to be true?
That’s what a few people who have visited my site have told me. I realize that it sounds a lot like the “get your body in sync with the universe” cures that are all over the Net. But it is not and before we throw the baby out with the bath water, please realize that there is a grain of truth here. Many chronic conditions can be cured or greatly improved with correct nutrition (which can VARY tremendously from one person to the next.)
   A lot of regular medications are based on medical herbs and combinations of extracted foods we eat everyday  (I know of more then a 100) like the diuretic medications “Theobromine” & “Theophylline” that are made from cacao or the capillary fragility medications “Hesperidin” & “Rutin” that are made from a combination of citrus species and the famous medication “Codeine” (for general pain, cough and diarrhea relief) that is made from papaver and the list goes on and on…  so there is no real reason that using my method of drinking a natural drink combined with a vitamin regimen will not do a great job healing you from your hives.
   It’s not as simple as adding carrots and berries to your diet but it is quite similar.. I will teach you a very simple and effective treatment that is based on a deep knowledge of the human body and most important – on the fact that it just works!
Although I’ve retired and closed my physical clinic, my method for treating hives will go on just as strong as ever. I no longer meet with patients personally, but I am determined to continue to enable hives patients all over the world to play a successful, proactive role in their own hives treatment and cure by guiding them in the proper implementation of the practices that have proven successful time and time again for so many patients.
    So I’ve written down my simple method for Treating and Curing Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria and Angioedema in an EASY TO UNDERSTAND protocol. You will never need to buy anything else from me to make this method work.
You can download it and be reading within seconds.
    There is no medical speak in my protocol. I keep it simple and easy-to-grasp just
like I’m talking with one of my patients. You will learn how to pull your body’s chemical processes in line with a simple vitamin regimen and a common drink I found that works better than all the hives medicines combined and is available everywhere.
      No more worrying about taking pills on a daily basis or using creams to take away the burning and itching.
Download YOUR copy of the Step-By-Step Hives & Angioedema  Treatment System TODAY. This will include a Quick Start Guide PLUS an audio version of the Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Download your copy NOW and let me help YOU on your way to recovery. You owe it to your family and your future. But mostly you owe a Hives-FREE life to yourself. You deserve it.
Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99
My 100% No-Risk Guarantee to YOU
I realize you just met me and you may be a little hesitant to order. I don’t want anyone to continue suffering because they don’t feel comfortable ordering and that is why we chose Clickbank.com for handling the payments.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us.
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my method a try. You’ll feel better for it.
  Yes, I want to finally get rid of my urticaria/angioedema skin condition. Let me in!
  Hey, you don’t have to listen to me. Just read and watch the testimonials for yourself. As I said above, since I don’t feel comfortable asking people to reveal their details in public, I used actors. What they say is coming from what REAL people are saying. 
Jason Meclan from Australia
From the Piterson Family & Sweet little Son Tom Piterson, Uk.
Marie From Atlanta Georgia
Roy Matthews 71 years of age from the UK
From: Roy Matthews [mailto:[email protected]*****.***] Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 2:39 PM To: [email protected] Subject: My urticaria problem Message:
My encounter with Urticaria and how I beat it!
I first encountered Urticaria (hives) about 12 months ago (age of 70). I went to see my doctor because I was experiencing severe itching on my hands, around my waist, on myneck and legs, at night I often awoke with severe itching and inflammation. In fact my doctor advised keeping a damp flannel in the fridge to cool my attacks. I was given ointment and pills to calm down the attacks. None worked.  I tried using anthisan cream and found it gave some relief. I then decided to find out on the Net if other people suffered the same.
This when I read about Doctor Gary Levin and his book on Natural Urticaria Treatment. I found after reading the book the promise of some relief was not to be missed.
I purchased a ***** on the Net as living in the UK I was unaware that **** existed here. After using up the ***** I became aware that it was available in the UK and in a lot of other countries. This not only saved me considerable expense but made the chance to purchase more than 500ml at one time.
The ****  with the ****** became my salvation.
I have seen my urticaria retreating after 10 days since I started using Dr Gary’s method and it took over 3 months and 1 and half gallons before the Urticaria diminished to the occasion odd itch that also stopped within an hour of my morning drink.
 My sleeping became a pleasure not a time to be feared.
If you experience any of the same symptoms as me check out Dr G Levin’s book it may change your life, it did me.
Good luck.
Roy Matthews, 71 years of age, UK.
Download YOUR copy of the Step-By-Step Hives & Angioedema  Treatment System TODAY. This will include a Quick Start Guide PLUS an audio version of the Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Download your copy NOW and let me help YOU on your way to recovery. You owe it to your family and your future. But mostly you owe a Hives-FREE life to yourself. You deserve it.
Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99
My 100% No-Risk Guarantee to YOU: I realize you just met me and you may be a little hesitant to order. I don’t want anyone to continue suffering because they don’t feel comfortable ordering and that is why we chose Clickbank.com for handling the payments.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us.
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my method a try. You’ll feel better for it.
  Yes, I want to finally get rid of my urticaria/angioedema skin condition. Let me in!
Extra bonuses!
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You’ll also receive an audio recording of the entire guide. Because you’re busy, I know you might not have time to sit down and read this guide all at once. To make it easier on you, you can now listen to this recording in your car, on the way to work, or on your iPod to take wherever you go.
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You’ll also receive an audio recording of the entire guide. Because you’re busy, I know you might not have time to sit down and read this guide all at once. To make it easier on you, you can now listen to this recording in your car, on the way to work, or on your iPod to take wherever you go.
Download YOUR copy of the Step-By-Step Hives & Angioedema  Treatment System TODAY. This will include a Quick Start Guide PLUS an audio version of the Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99
My 100% No-Risk Guarantee to YOU
I realize you just met me and you may be a little hesitant to order. I don’t want anyone to continue suffering because they don’t feel comfortable ordering and that is why we chose Clickbank.com for handling the payments.
Buying online securely: They provide the highest level of online payment encryption and security and they are the #1 payment processor for downloadable products worldwide. In addition, Clickbank’s order form is secured, and constantly monitored, by McAfee & VeriSign. Payment can be done using PayPal or credit card. The order form is compatible with all  mobile systems.
100% iron-clad, 2 month, No questions asked refund guarantee: Clickbank also takes the matter of customer refunds totally out of our hands. We don’t even get the money before the refund period ends. This means that for ANY reason, you can go directly to Clickbank.com to get a full refund. You won’t even need to contact us.
You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my method a try. You’ll feel better for it.
  Yes, I want to finally get rid of my urticaria/angioedema skin condition. Let me in!
Dr. Gary M Levin M.D.
10686-B Hazelhurst Dr. # 7693 Houston, TX 77043 USA
Phone number: 1-713-866-4099
Just a reminder:
This method is fully natural, VERY simple, and risk free. Anyone can use it.
I am here to help and support you until you succeed and completely get rid of your urticaria/angioedema.
The download is immediate and you can start putting my treatment system to work for you in just 5 minutes.
Your purchase is fully protected for 60 days by Clickbank and myself.
Yes, I want to finally get rid of my urticaria or angioedema skin condition. Let me in!
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Converting into a Toxic-Free Family
Hey, mama bears!  As moms, we have a million jobs to do including being a nurse when our beautiful babies meet that ugly flu bug, a mentor when the light of our lives are sad and confused with their little but magnificent world, a maid when our little artists decide to dream big and use a permanent blank canvas (aka your walls!) and so much more. Morphing into each of these important roles always has your main goal at the front and center: Wanting the absolute best for them. Doing this amazingly chaotic job 24/7, 365 days a year is HARD. Let's be honest. We adore being mothers, would NEVER want to trade it for anything in the world, and couldn't imagine anything better. Even on our hardest days, I thank God that I have the amazing children I have and for life, I am given to live. This journey of parenthood is the most magical, chaotic, stressful, terrifying, and loving journey besides marriage I will ever commit to going on. The expression, "It's not the about the destination but the journey." became absolute clarity when I became a mother. While doing this job, you obviously think of almost every detail of their daily lives, sometimes in the middle of the night when insomnia has knocked on your door and decided to make herself a little too cozy. Have you ever thought of becoming toxic-free? You're cooking and cleaning, washing and folding laundry, giving your floors a good vacuuming or scrubbing, wipes surfaces and stick hands + faces, and of course, touching EVERY imaginable surface in your home. With all of that, you may spend up to 8+ hours cleaning your house. Do you use the right kind of cleaning tools? You just said, "yes" in your head, well what about the right cleaners? You just said, "yes, I use the best on the market." That may be true according to their studies, but do you know what's actually in your cleaners and how they react with your family? Here's where you may have thought to yourself, "actually I don't, or I have a more general sense of what is in it." Well, let me tell you what THE ABSOLUTE BEST OPTION for you and your family that include 0 HARSH CHEMICALS AND IS SO SAFE FOR YOUR CHILDREN, NO CHILD-PROOF CAP IS REQUIRED ON ANY OF THE PRODUCTS!!
It's called living toxic-free and using cleaners that truly support the mission of creating a healthier+cleaner lifestyle without causing permanent damage to your family.  You may be asking "What is Non-Toxic living?" Well, allow me to explain.
Toxic-free living means eliminating chemicals in your home that can cause harm. This can include eating organic food to eliminate the exposure to pesticides, removing, all BPA cans and containers from your pantry, and stopping using the use of all products with chemicals and fragrances that can interfere with your hormones, which controls every aspect in your body! Making environmental and lifestyle changes can significantly reduce your risk of developing cancer, it can improve your gut health and immunity, reduce inflammation in the body, protect your thyroid and improve your energy!
personal story time: When I was 12, I was officially diagnosed with Sickle Cell Anemia, it's an inherited form of incurable anemia — a condition in which there aren't enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen throughout your body. It was a hard pill to swallow, hearing that I have an incurable disease and that there is a significant possibility that I will not live past 50. I struggled with the thought for years, made me extremely depressed and what has helped contribute to what is now clinical severe depression. Due to this disease, I have a weakened immune system and it turns into a battle to fight of various infections and touches of flu that I catch. I decided that while this isn't something I can 100% prevent, I will continue fighting for the healthiest version of me. On my facebook, I noticed that a lot of my healthier friends were using toxic-free house cleaning and beauty products. Watching their journeys of gaining healthier families and cleaner homes, gave me a new-found passion. I wanted to know how they started, so I finally got in touch with my amazing new friends Doreen and Lindsay! They showed me an overview of the process and why the products they were using were life-changing and budget + time focused. Two things that I needed!!
My journey to toxic-free living is on-going but I’ve started and I am proud of the changes I have made. I have since switched to all natural cleaning + beauty products. I am currently working on adopting healthier eating + cooking habits. I have noticed that since switching, I'm having more energy, my allergies that seemed to never end are now a thing of the past, I'm no longer having to spend hours cleaning, and my house is staying cleaner. I have developed a true passion for showing others how to do the same.
Here are some amazing testimonies from some of my good friends, living toxic-free:
"My overall health has improved! I used to have bad asthma and skin rashes, not necessarily eczema but close to it. One I switched everything not only did I stop using my inhaler but my daughter's respiratory problems got better too!"
-Brandy Wilson
"I used to suffer from bad eczema for years! When I switched all my products like laundry, dish soap, and shower products to toxic free it went away and has never come back! My kids also haven’t been sick as much either."
-Danielle Salamak
All around my home is cleaner. From my clothes to my counters, my drains, my dishes. It really does a number to have all of the extra in your cleaning products. I love my new routine!!
- Serrina Bowser
Even though I just started I'm already seeing results. My house is cleaner smells better and its safer for my son. He loves his kid products and I love that he can help me clean without me freaking out if he picks up a bottle of cleaner. 💕💕💕💕
-Tessa Walker
This is truly a lifestyle transition because once you start eliminating things that make us sick and harm us, you'll notice that not only your health improves but your attitude starts improving as well. It is a truly amazing and beautiful process. Not one that you should EVER do alone. Surround yourself with an amazing support system and let them know that you're choosing a different way, see how many actually FOLLOW YOU! It is an incredible thing to see, that at first thought was way too good to be true. I encourage you to reach out to someone you know who is or you can even reach out to me. (The internet is amazing right??) I would love to send you this new information pack that I have put together on how to convert your home + your life. The best part?? It's 100% free!! (Who can beat free right??)
Thanks for sitting down and letting me tell you more about my journey that I will continue to be on, the question is: Will you join me?
Feel free to reach me:
Snapchat: aliahw_itworks
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