#Yang X Winter
weisscoldglare · 1 year
Monochrome is some good shit, but how about some Yang/Winter kissing? Like in the morning where Winter is wearing a robe and Yang sneaks a quick kiss on her which she returns.
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rosesonapond · 2 years
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rachetmath · 1 month
Yang and Jaune reading comics.
Blake: FREEZE!!
Yang: Blake, what’s-
Blake: I knew you were cheating on me with Jaune.
Yang: Blake we're just relaxing together.
Jaune: Yeah, Blake, calm down.
Blake: What are you reading?
Yang: A comic book.
Blake: Why are you so close to him?!
Yang: *laying on his chest* He's comfortable!
Blake: Nope.
Blake grabs Yang and bolts.
Jaune: This is why we don't hang out.
Jaune makes Nora pancakes.
Jaune: Here you go Nora.
Nora: Alright!
Ren comes out of nowhere and kicks the pancakes away.
Nora: Ren!!
Ren replaces Jaune's pancakes with his own.
Jaune: Ren what-
Ren: Nora only eats my pancakes. Step back. Bitch.
Jaune: Well damn, chill, okay.
Jaune ask Penny advice on weapon modifications.
Jaune: So maybe here?
Penny: Yes but maybe instead of just your sword we could modify your gauntlets.
Jaune: Oh that could-
Ruby: What are you doing?!?
Jaune: Talking to Penny.
Ruby: No you were saying bye to Penny.
Penny: Ruby, friend Jaune just wants to discuss ways of modifying his gear.
Ruby: He can figure that out by himself. Come on, Penny.
Penny: But- but- Ruby- um-um b-bye Jaune and good luck.
Ruby pulls Penny away, leaving Jaune alone.
Jaune: *sigh*
Pietro: I'm sorry, I heard you and Penny's conversation, so why don't we work on those gauntlets.
Jaune: Thank you Professor.
Jaune talks to Winter.
Jaune: Excuse me, Ms.Schnee?
Winter: Oh, Mr. Arc. What is it?
Jaune: Well- wait a minute. *looks to see no one pops out of nowhere* Okay. Do you know where I could go to test out dust or learn more about it.
Winter: Why yes. We have a library on such a topic. But for testing I do advice you stay in the training room, a testing room but mainly outside the city in the snow. Plenty of room and less cleaning.
Jaune: Thank you.
Winter: Also, I could-
Weiss: *appears* Winter.
Jaune: (Where the hell did she come from? When the hell did she get here? )
Winter: Oh Weiss, I'm sorry, I was about to offer-
Weiss: I want to spend more time with you.
Winter: Weiss I-
Weiss: *puppy dog eyes*
Winter: *sigh* Never mind Mr. Arc.
Jaune: I understand.
Weiss: *smiles and leaves with her sister while giving Jaune the cold eyes*
Sees Oscar training.
Jaune: Hi Oscar.
Oscar: Hi Jaune.
Jaune: Well at least there’s one person I can talk to.
Months later
Emerald: He's mine now. Get away from him.
Jaune: OH COME ON!!
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arc-misadventures · 7 months
What are those
Winter " weiss mom wants me to marry jaune
All the girls who do want to marry him hug winter " welcome sister
Weiss 😱
The Dragons Dowery
Weiss: Ughhh… Gods that was a nightmare…
Yang: Yeah, that was… That was a mess…
Ruby: Going to have some words with, Blake. She… she…
Yang: Has no chill?
Ruby: Yeah, that… How did this all happen? I was too busy trying not to get attacked by crazed faunas that I forgot.
Weiss: Jaune said he eats dust, I wanted to test that out, and then he started belching up fire. Apparently, the quality of, Dust made by the, Schnee Dust Company is considered… cheap to his literal taste.
Yang: Cheap? What do you mean by cheap?
Weiss: I… I don’t know. When he started hacking, and belching out fire, and when he had a chance to speak all he said was that my father was a, ‘cheap bastard.’
Ruby: So, he thinks the dust is of poor quality? What does that mean?
: Mr. Arc considers the, Dust made by the, SDC to be of poor quality. As is it unrefined in his opinion. Therefore it… tastes rancid…
Ruby: Huw? Who are you?
Weiss: Winter; You’re here?!
Winter: Hello, Weiss it’s nice to see you again.
Yang: Is this your aunt, Weiss?
Weiss: Aunt? No this is my older sister, Winter Schnee. Why did you think she was my aunt?
Yang: She’s taller, older, has breasts…
Weiss: Hey!
Yang: She’s the complete opposite to you, so I thought you were family, just not siblings.
Winter: That is a fair assessment.
Weiss: Winter?!
Ruby: Hello! I’m Ruby, Ruby Rose leader of, Team RWBY!
Winter: Ruby of, Team RWBY?
Ruby: Yeah… even I get confused at times too…
Yang: Well, I’m Yang Xiao Long! This little gremlins cool hot older sister, nice to meet you!
Winter: Pleasure. There should be four members, where is the fourth member of your team?
Weiss: Our fourth member is, Blake Belladonna, and she is… somewhere…? I don’t know where she is, last time I saw her she was trying to linch me because she thought I tried to kill, Jaune.
Winter: And… why did she try to do that?
Weiss: Blake is a faunas, and she’s part of the more… fanatic devotees towards my friend, Jaune Arc.
Winter: I suppose it has to deal with him being this supposed, ‘Dragon King?’
Weiss: That’s more, or less it.
Ruby: So, what brings you here, Winter?
Winter: Mother, and I came at the request of your summons.
Yang: Summons?
Ruby: Are you talking about the time, Weiss yelled at your dad to get her diamonds checked?
Winter: Yes, Weiss wanted, Mr. Arc to authenticate the authenticity of our family’s family jewels.
Yang: Was that a correct sentence?
Ruby: The auto correct says so.
Weiss: And, how did the grading go?
Winter: Well… two thirds of them are fake…
Weiss: Eh…?
Winter: A fact that, Mr. Arc proved by eating the fakes…
Ruby: He ate them?
Winter: Even mother’s engagement ring was a fake, to which he proved by eating it.
Yang: Ouch.
Winter: But, based upon what, Mr. Arc said, the person father bought these diamonds from was an infamous swindler specializing in fake diamonds.
Weiss: Oh… Well, I guess that’s okay…
Winter: And, Mom offered the, Schnee Diamond as a dowery for, Jaune.
Weiss: Eh…?
Ruby: The what?
Yang: The Schnee Diamond? The hell is that?
Weiss: It’s our family’s heirloom; My grandfather, Nicolas Schnee found it decades ago during a mining expedition when he was founding the SDC. He named it after our family to be a moniker of our family’s legacy. Ha… you know it’s actually funny…
Ruby: What’s funny?
Weiss: All the diamonds my father acquired were fakes, and yet our grandfather’s diamond has more valuable than anything father could ever hope to acquire.
Winter: Fufufu~! That is quite funny.
Weiss: But, wait… Mom offered it as a dowery… F-For whose hand…?
Winter: …
Winter: M-My hand…
Weiss: W-W-What?!
Yang: Seriously?
Ruby: Congratulations!
Weiss: Ruby?!
Ruby: What?
Weiss: No, I… Okay, no… W-What did you say about all of this? No! What did, Jaune say about all of this, because based upon what he said, I will kill him!
Winter: Well… he was inspecting the, Schnee Diamond when, Mother made this offer. And, well… he seemed highly conflicted.
Yang: Was it because of, Jaune’s obsession of precious stones?
Winter: I would believe so. He seemed genuinely interested in accepting mother’s offer, but he eventually put the diamond back into its case, and shook his head. Jaune then told my mother that while he was genuinely tempted to accept her offer, it would remain my decision to accept this marriage proposal. And, that he wouldn’t accept anything until he learned more about me. Considering at most he knew about was that I was, Weiss’s older sister, and that I was more… full bodied than her. Whatever that meant.
Yang: I think he was talking about how, Weiss is flat, and you have booba.
Weiss: I am not flat!
Winter: Oh… that makes sense…
Ruby: So… you want to marry, Jaune?
Winter: …
Winter: Because of my position in the, Atlas Military I never thought about marriage. But, now that it has been presented before me as it has… Well… I am uncertain of how to react to all of this.
Yang: Probably should get to know, Jaune before you think of marriage then.
Winter: That would be an appropriate option to take. Should I ask him on an outing to get to know him then?
Yang: A date?
Winter: Yes, a date. Do you think he’d prefer dining at the, Chatou Chriteline?
Ruby: They serve food there right?
Winter: It’s a restaurant, the most famous high class one in all of, Vale. Have you not heard of it?
Yang: Lady, do we look like high class, hoty toty kind of gals?
Winter: Well…?!
Weiss: Don’t answer that.
Winter: Very well then…
Ruby: You could ask, Jaune’s girlfriends for help.
Winter: G-Girlfriends…? He already has a girlfriend?
Weiss: He has two actually…
Yang: And, if I play my cards right he’ll have three~!
Winter: You want to become a part of his… His…!!
Yang: Harem? Hell yeah I do~!
Winter: But, why?
Yang: I’m in love with the blond goofball. What more needs to be said?
Winter: You’re in love with him…?
Yang: Yeah. I can give you a list of reasons why, but all that matters really is that I love him.
Winter: Is that really all that matters…?
Yang: …
Yang: What are you asking?
Winter: I’m asking if you love him.
Yang: No, you’re not asking me that.
Ruby: What is she asking you, Yang?
: You should ask, ‘Have you ever been in love before?’
: She’s an, Atlasian. I doubt they understand the concept of love.
Winter: What? Who are you?
: Hello~! I’m Pyrrha Nikos, and I am, Jaune’s, First Chosen.
: Hi there pretty lady~! My name is, Coco Adel, his, Second Chosen.
Weiss: What are you two doing here?
Pyrrha: Yang texted me about the dowry. And, we decided to see who actually managed to get, Jaune’s attention.
Coco: And, I must say, Jaune has impeccable taste~!
Winter: Actually my mother put me up for this whole arranged marriage by offering him a dowery he couldn’t deny, well, barely could deny. This whole thing wasn’t my idea.
Pyrrha: Yeah, he’s been dealing with that a lot lately.
Winter: I’m willing to believe that. But, I must ask, what did the two of you mean by, ‘Chosen?’
Pyrrha: Oh it’s just a name we were given by the faunas because we were the… the… the first that…
Coco: The first girls that, Jaune fucked~!
Pyrrha: Yeah, that…
Winter: Y-You’ve slept with him?
Pyrrha: Yes we have.
Coco: Several times.
Pyrrha: We’ve slept with each other actually.
Coco: The future threesome we will have will be legendary~!
Pyrrha: Hopefully we won’t be walking out with a limp next time.
Coco: You kidding? The limp is the best part!
Yang: How good of a limp is it?
Coco: Why spoil the surprise~?
Weiss: Stop it. I don’t want to hear this. You can have your perverted sex lives all you want. I just don’t want to hear you explain it to me. Also, you broke, Ruby.
Yang: What?
Ruby: Bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaa…
Yang: RUBY?!
Pyrrha: Oops…
Coco: Ha! Blushing virgin.
Pyrrha: So… are you interested in dating, Jaune, Winter?
Winter: Well… to be honest, as you guessed I never dated before… or, be interested in anyone romantically. So, I don’t know…
Pyrrha: That’s fair, I’ve never been in love until I met, Jaune. And, after we first met I fell head over heels for him on the spot.
Winter: You’ve never been in love until after you met him?
Pyrrha: Nope. I’ve had plenty of famous people, and the like come on to me, but they never sparked anything in me. They were all just trying to use me to their advantage in one form, or the other. But, then I met someone who knew nothing about me, relied on me for who I am, and not who appeared to be. I’m more happy now than I have ever been since I met him, and becoming his girlfriend has made me more happy than I could ever imagine.
Winter: But, are you okay with… sharing him?
Pyrrha: I was hesitant at first, but the benefits of being part of a harem are quite… enticing~!
Winter: They are?
Coco: Ignore her, unless you want to hear something juicy~?
Winter: I would rather not.
Weiss: Me as well.
Yang: Well I would!
Coco: Later, hot stuff. So, tell me; are you interested in dating, Jaune, or would you prefer to brush this all aside, and forget this all happened?
Winter: …
Winter: I am willing to… investigate the possibility of a relationship if that is possible…
Weiss: You can’t be serious, Winter?
Winter: Have… have you ever seen a person, and thought, ‘what if?’
Weiss: I have…
Winter: Did you ever try to find out what, ‘what if’ could become?
Weiss: I have, and honestly I regretted trying to.
Winter: Then would you have regretted trying to, or never trying, Weiss?
Weiss: …
Weiss: Haa… I would have regretted never trying… Go… Go, and see if things could work between you two.
Winter: Thank you, Weiss.
Coco: Then come with us beautiful, and let us tell you all about our little dragon~!
Pyrrha: Little? Coco, honey, what part about, Jaune is little?
Coco: Good point.
Winter: I would prefer to learn more about his personality, habits, interests, and the like, before… before learning about those things.
Coco: Probably for the best if we do so.
Pyrrha: We wouldn’t want to scare her away now doubt we?
Coco: You coming along, Yang? Certainly you’ll want to hear this~!
Yang: Hell yeah I do!
Winter: I’ll see you later, Weiss. Shall we have dinner together later?
Weiss: I would love to, Winter. Have fun you… (Pa-Ping~!) Oh, Jaune just sent me a text.
Weiss: …
Weiss: W-What the hell…?
Pyrrha: What’s wrong, Weiss?
Weiss: ‘Weiss! Save me! Your mom is trying to seduce me, and it’s working! Save me before I do something I will (Slightly?) regret! Help!’
Coco: W-What…?
Pyrrha: Your mother is trying to seduce, Jaune… Why?
Yang: And, it’s working…?
Winter: How would I know?
Ruby: …
Ruby: Uhh… aren’t you going to go save, Jaune?
Weiss: Huw?
Winter: Beg pardon?
Ruby: Jaune just called for your help, are you two going to go save him, or are you going to let your mother sleep with your friend, and your, potential, husband?
Weiss: …
Winter: …
Weiss: Well… It’s, Jaune.
Winter: He seems like a pretty nice guy.
Weiss: And, the message he sent shows he doesn’t want to do it.
Winter: But, Mother is trying to seduce him, and succeeding… somehow.
Weiss: Mom sleeping with my friend just sounds wrong.
Winter: Not as bad as the thought of Mother sleeping with Father…
Weiss: I feel like throwing up just thinking about it…
Winter: Is that why she trying to seduce him, to have… to have a good time?
Weiss: Possibly, Pyrrha, and Coco gloat constantly on how good he is in bed. Maybe, Mom wanted to see that for herself.
Ruby: Uhh… Are you two trying to justify, Jaune sleeping with your mother?
Weiss: Uhh…
Yang: Sounds like you’re gonna let him bang your mom.
Winter: Well…
Ruby: Do you want, Jaune to sleep with your mom…?
Weiss: …
Winter: …
WW: Well…
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lovingdabeessss · 1 year
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More rwby memes!!!! From mostly beacon days but also some atlas stuff
I truly love when both beacon and atlas were going to hell Blake was trying to FaceTime Yang
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letters2won · 8 months
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GOOD 4 U !
SYNOPSIS in which you’re DEFINITELY not upset that your ex moved on really easily (spoiler alert: you are!). Yang Jungwon, the student council president is glad your ex moved on because it’s time for him to shoot his shot (just not in the way he wanted.. a win is a win in his book!)
➶ pairings - non-idol! jungwon x fem! reader
➶ genre - fluff, slight angst, smau, attempted humor
➶ warnings - swearing, grammar warnings, silly people in love etc
➶ started - 01.20.24
➶ author’s note - my first smau! i’m so excited to start posting chapters and slowly get better at writing, but for now i hope you guys enjoy this silly smau! and ofc feedback would be nice, thank you <33
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PROFILES: Olivia Rodrigo wannabes | sassy men era
01: Ed Sheeran wouldn’t do this to me.
02: Okay Shawn mendez eat it up!
03: Bewitched
04: (NOT) standing on business
05: When world collides (BONUS)
06: is he bothering you queen?
07: go piss girl
08: the grind never stops
09: Hiding in plain sight
10: Hate rodrigo by yena (END)
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reashot · 7 months
A Final Goodbye... (Lancaster in the end.)
So with RT gone and with RWBY never going to get a satisfying ending I made this instead.
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Salem: ... It has begun.
Tyrian: May I ask, what has begun exactly, your evilship?
Salem: The end of the universe.
Tyrian: Oh... Can we stop that?
Salem: I'm afraid not. It has been decided by someone higher than me.
Tyrian: Someone higher. Is it the twin gods?
Salem: Ehhh..... Someone much higher than even them I'm afraid.
Tyrian: I see... So this is it then?
Salem: This is it.
Tyrian: Then I'm proud that I was your number one henchman.
think of this as the same thing that destroyed the multiverse during the crisis on infinite earth.
Somewhere in Vacuo
Yang: Well this sucks.
Blake: Tell me about it. Just right when we're finally together,
Yang: I know babe. And before we get to be erased from existence I want to say to you again.
I love you.
Blake: Come here...
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Tai: There goes my daughter.
Raven: At least she died with someone she loved.
Tai: ...It doesn't mean she hates you know.
Raven: Tai. We're about to die. So you don't have to lie to make me feel better.
Tai: If it makes you feel any better Yang doesn't want to spend her final moment with me either.
Raven: Some parents we are.
Tai: The last time I check I was the parent. And you were the one that left us.
Raven: I know that! Do you think I want to leave her in the first place and leave you?! But it's too late for that now.
Tai: You know maybe we can try again. You can apologize to Yang in the next life.
Raven: I-I would like that...
Willow: I really picked a bad time to stop drinking.
Whitley: At least we can spend our last family time together.
Weiss: As much I hate saying this. I'm glad I at least got to spend my last time on Remnants with you, mom and.... Wait a sec, where did Winter go?
Qrow: Boy. I really picked a good time to start drinking.
Winter: Qrow. There's something I wanted to tell you.
Qrow: Fire away Ice queen.
Winter: *gets down on one knee* Qrow Branwen will you marry me?
Qrow: Uhhh.... all right.
Winter: Great. Let me introduce you to my family. Weiss meet your new brother in-law.
Qrow: Uh hey Ice princess. I guess I'm marrying your sister now.
Weiss: WHAT!!! If you think I'm letting a drunk deadbeat marrying my sister then you must be fuc...
Ruby: This it Jaune. Are you scared?
Jaune: Very. So how do you feel Ruby.
Ruby: Same... It's not supposed to end this way.
Jaune: I know Rubes, but what done is done. And I'm glad I got to spend the end of the world with a friend.
Ruby: Yeah... Ah screw it. Jaune please don't get mad at me.
*kiss Jaune on the lips*
Jaune. I love you.
Jaune: W-what?
Ruby: I said I love you, you dork! I've been in love with you for a long time. I always wanted to tell you this but there was never a good time to do so.
Jaune: I see. Then I also have a confession to make. I feel the same way too. For a long time. I thought you don't feel the same way as I do.
Ruby: Well now we know. I just wish we have more time. To go on more dates, to go on a beach together, to get married, have kids and grow old togethers....
I don't want to die Jaune. Not yet. Not until we achieve our dreams together.
Jaune: I know Ruby but it's too late for that. At least we will die together.
Ruby: I guess there are worst ways to die. Jaune I love you and I hope we get to see each others again in the next life and the next life after that.
Jaune: Ruby I love you too. And I promise to always find you no matters where you are.
Ruby: And I will promise to always love you.
*kiss Jaune for the last time*
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Will make an epilogue if this gets 100 likes.
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lumosnox31 · 1 year
Nimona: Chopping of an arm is not a love language!!!
Raeda, Bumbleby and Stucky:
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solarnomoon · 4 days
your eyes on me -♥̩͙ sim jaeyun smau
chapter 00 - just a normal day, searing dawn
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the time of reckoning has come! everyone is linked to their soulmate when they're born, but only after they turn twenty does that link become visible. however, you don't expect much, because the stupid red line tied to you is only seen when they're close by. for now, you'll just help your best friend with their soulmate, hoping it'll happen to you too.
masterlist <> next
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taglist (open!): @bubblztaro @zhaegon @nootnootpinguuu @gnusihcom @strayy-kidz @starchasing-cryptid @matchawook (bold means i couldn't tag :o)
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kangshxrtie · 5 months
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synopsis ★ yuna finally gets a chance with the girl she's been in love with since the beginning of high school
pairing ★ shin yuna x fem!reader
status ★ on-hold
updates ★
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your gfs | freshman | upperclassman
1. start of something new
2. next morning
3. study breaks
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waltat04-kevinknight · 4 months
Jaune walked through the halls of the Vacuo hospital building with flowers in his hand and stopped at a door, the number 115. He knocked on the door and was met by the one person he had hoped not to run into first, Mr.Pelondina.
"What do you want, Jaune?" Pietro asked, gripping the handles of his wheelchair with suppressed anger.
"I wanted to check on Penny, see how she's holding u-" Jaune began to explain before he was cut off.
"Did you think of that before or after you chose to stab her huh?!" Peitro yelled before coughing and looking up at Jaune.
"Mr.Pelondina you have to understand tha-" Jaune tried to speak only to be cut off again.
"No, YOU need to understand that I don't want you around MY DAUGHTER anymore!" Peitro said, pressing the call button as a nurse came over.
"Yes? How can I help?" She asked.
"I want him gone and to not be allowed to see my daughter" Peitro said as the Nurse nodded and turned to Jaune and led him from the room.
"I'm sorry, sir, but her father has expressed not wanting you here. Please leave and have a nice day." The nurse says as Jaune nods and leaves with his head down in defeat.
Back at the camp area, Jaune comes back, setting the flowers down, before sitting in front of the campfire and curling up into a ball and placing his head on his knees and tried to fight the tears that were forming until he felt a hand on his shoulder as he looked up and saw Qrow.
"Hey ki- well I guess kid doesn't want anymore considering what you've been through in the ever after, come on let's talk a walk" Qrow says helping Jaune off his feet as the two walked through Vacuo seeing how everyone was doing.
While they walked, Jaune told Qrow about what happened at the hospital and in the crossroads.
"That's alot to take in, I'm surprised you haven't gone insane." Qrow says before speaking once again. "I know you want to see her but maybe give him and Penny some space. Winter told me that she saw a stab wound that matched your sword and put two and two together but what threw us both off was the fact the wound was healed" Qrow says.
"I figured out that I could use my Semblance on objects and use them as a connection, so when I stabbed Penny I had used my Semblance and had it course through me sword and into the stab wound. I never wanted to kill Penny, I had already lost Pyrrha to Cinder and I wasn't about to lose Penny too Qrow" Jaune says looking at Qrow.
"I understand, come on Willow is helping Klien cook up some shrimp gumbo and it hits the spot. I'm sure you'll feel better after it" Qrow says as Willow runs over and plants a kiss on Qrow's cheek.
"Hello my dark knight, hello Jaune" Willow says with a smile.
"Hello love, I hope you don't kind if I invited Jaune to dinner" Qrow says as Willow shook her head.
"Of course not. He looks like he could use some friendly company," Willow says, leading Qrow and Jaune to the massive cookout where everyone was including Peitro and Penny, who was being wheeled around by Winter.
Winter noices Jaune and walks over while wheeling Penny over with her.
"Greetings Jaune, how have you been" Winter asked.
"I've...I could be better" He says not making eye contact before he felt Penny's hand intertwine with his.
"Salutations boyfriend Jaune" Penny says with a smile and tears in her eyes as she let his hand go and opened her arms for a hug as Jaune teared up and dropped to his knees and hugged Penny not letting her.
While Penny brushed his blonde hair with her hand and began to softy sing a calming tune to make Jaune calm down.
"I want to see you smile, Jaune, not cry," Penny says as all of his ffiened surround him and join in the hug.
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tupayapsina · 1 year
Ruby: I want you to know that the reason I took so long to propose was because I was afraid of how Winter would react
Weiss: That's fair. I was holding back on proposing because I remembered Yang making a comment about skinning the person who tried to take her sister away from her
Ruby: ...You see, I was worried about verbal backlash. Now excuse me while I have a talk with Yang-
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darksaiyangoku · 9 months
RWBY Winter Tales
Ghostly Winds
For @chaoslordjoe
Jaune and Yang smiled as they watched Tristan and Lionel shape their snowmen. While most children would make simple snowpeople with sticks for arms, stones for eyes and a carrot nose, Tristan and Lionel decided to go all out and make snow sculptures. Tristan's was a knight wielding a sword in both hands, while Lionel's was a puppy with a bone in its mouth. Jaune chuckled as he picked up the younger of the two.
Jaune: Seems like we have ourselves two artisans in the making.
Lionel: *chuckles* You know it! I already have a name for this dog right here.
Jaune: Oh? What is it?
Lionel: Gelert! Just like in the story of the Loyal Dog.
Jaune: Awwww, that's really sweet! I'm sure Gelert would appreciate the tribute.
Yang: What about you, little man? Who's this handsome fellow supposed to be?
Tristan: That's me. Some day, I wanna be a great knight! Just like the ones in Vale!
Yang: *nods head* Very nice! Saving kingdoms, swinging swords and riding off in stylish armour.
Tristan: You know it! But if that doesn't work, I can always be like you and Jaune. A Witcher for hire.
Yang: ...you want to be a Witcher?
Tristan: Eh, maybe. But only if I can't be a knight.
Yang: I see... oh... *frowns*
Tristan: Hm? Are you okay?
Yang: ...you know, I think it's about time you went off to bed! *smiles nervously*
Lionel: Aw what?
Tristan: But it's not even dark yet.
Jaune: Boys, listen to your mother. Night falls faster in winter. Come on now, scoot.
Jaune and Yang hurried back inside and tucked in their children to bed. In the living room, Yang cast Igni on the candles and warmed her hands. She had a saddened look on her face.
Jaune: *places blanket over her* Is everything alright? You seem tense.
Yang: *sighs* Of course I'm tense. Tristan wants to be a Witcher.
Jaune: *raises eyebrow* That's what got you worried? Come on, he's a kid. They're always saying silly things like that.
Yang: But what if he's serious about this? Ever since we took him in after his father died, he's always looked up to us. He sees as heroes, even after some of the terrible things we've done.
Jaune: Isn't that a good thing? He doesn't see us as monsters.
Yang: I know, but our life as Witchers isn't what I want for him. It's filled with pain, blood, hatred. *carresses his cheek* We're a family now and I don't want him to face the kind of dangers we did.
Jaune: *holds Yang* He won't, don't worry. Look, I know you love him, Lionel too, but I think you're letting this get to your head a little. Kids change their mind all the time. Remember when Lionel was adamant about hating turnips. One bite of your roast changed that and now he begs for more every day.
Yang: *chuckles* Yeah, you're probably right. I guess I just didn't realise how hard being a mom would be. *turns to Jaune and kisses him* Thank you, sweetheart.
Jaune: Always. Now can I get some of that blanket? It's freezing.
Yang: *laughs and opens the blanket* Get in here.
Jaune sat on Yang's lap as she draped the blanket over both of them. Outside, the snow started fall heavier and the wind picked up. The sound of hooves thundered the ground as a group of knights in jet black armour raced across the landscape. They screeched and howled, their eyes glowing red as hot flames. Any who came into contact with them would never see their old life, their souls now belonging to the riders. Many nations and kingdoms across Remnant feared them, for they were wraiths that brought the omen of war. They were the Wild Hunt... and they were sending a message.
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
A Swimsuits Appeal
Ruby: Whoo! Let’s hit the pool everyone!
Yang: Lets go!
Nora: Cannonball!
Nora: Ahhaha! How was that, Ren?
Ren: Quite impressive, Nora. But, do that at the deeper end next time.
Nora: Okay!
Blake: It was nice of, Miss Schnee to let us use her indoor pool.
Jaune: I’ll say, it gives us all a well needed chance to relax.
Blake: Speaking of, Schnee’s, where is, Weiss?
Jaune: Still getting changed I guess?
Weiss: You are quite right, Jaune.
Jaune: Hey, Weiss are you… ready…?
Weiss: I’m ready. Going in for a swim sounds so refreshing after all we have been doing lately, don’t you agree, Winter?
Winter: A swim sounds nice, and all, but I am more looking forward to sinking myself into the jacuzzi later. Oh hi, Jaune~!
Jaune: H-Hi, Winter. You look nice…
Winter: Oh, why thank you, Jaune. We got our new swimsuits after we went on a family shopping trip.
Jaune: Family?
Willow: Well, since you were going swimming, I thought I might as well join in on the fun. Although, I too am looking forward to relaxing in the jacuzzi more than swimming. Are you planning on joining us, Jaune?
Jaune: I-In the jacuzzi?
Willow: Yes, in the jacuzzi~!
Jaune: S-S-Sure! I’m looking forward to it.
Willow: Marvellous~!
Winter: I’m looking forward to it.
Weiss: See you in the pool, Jaune.
Jaune: Y-Yeah… Oh, and ladies!
Willow: Yes, Jaune~?
Jaune: Your swimsuits… T-They look quite fetching on you… On all of you
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Willow: Oh… Why thank you, Jaune.
Winter: Told you one pieces were my style.
Weiss: I never denied that.
Winter: Yes you did.
Weiss: No I didn’t!
Jaune: …
Blake: …
Jaune: Fuuuuuuck! They look so damn hot!
Blake: They look nice, but I wouldn’t say the look hot. I think I look far more fetching in my bikini~!
Jaune: Ahh, Blake… You, and your unsophisticated plebeian tastes.
Blake: Excuse me?
Jaune: Don’t you know that the one piece swimsuit is the ultimate expression in ladies swimwear to emphasize the raw sexual appeal of any woman?
Blake: I… What?
Jaune: You think a bikini is more sexy than a one piece, why is that?
Blake: Because it shows more skin.
Jaune: Is that it?
Blake: What more is there to it? The smaller bikini the more skin you get to see; seeing all a women has to offer right there in front of you. It’s like catching someone in their underwear, but your actually allowed to check them out~!
Jaune: Ahh! You have such a boorish taste. Something you no doubt got from those third rate porn books you described as high literature.
Blake: Excuse me?!
Jaune: You see, the one piece is superior because of one simple fact: It hides everything, but hints towards everything~!
Blake: W-What does that mean?
Jaune: You see a bikini shows off everything; you know what the subtleness of a woman’s curves are, you can clearly see how well endowed a woman, how well defined the fullness of a woman rear is. And if they wear an even smaller bikini you see more, but their is no beauty in such apparel that gets the blood boiling with desire, and unbridled lust. It is quite simple really, very boring, and only alluring to those with such simplistic pallets such as yourself.
Blake: Then why is a one piece better then, you can’t see anything?!
Jaune: True, there is nothing really to see, but with the mind there is everything to see!
Blake: Meaning?
Jaune: As I said, in a bikini you see everything a woman has to offer in a bikini, but in a one piece it hints at everything she has to offer. It shows off how well endowed her bosom is, but since you can’t see her flesh precisely, your mind starts to wonder, and think of so many possibilities. Tell me; what do you think your mind starts to think about?
Blake: About how she looks without her one piece on. And, i-is her one piece holding them back, a-and making them look smaller… If so… H-How big is she actually…?
Jaune: Precisely, but there is more! They fully encompass her chest, so you get to see the shape of her chest, you know how big it appears to be. But, what is worse, it is that it is tight across her body. However, that makes it all the more tantalizing in the long run~!
Blake: How so?
Jaune: Look at, Yang, she’s wearing a bikini, and you can clearly see how well they bounce to, and fro don’t you?
Blake: They are… q-quite bouncy…
Jaune: Now, look at, Willow, do see such a heavy bounce in her full breasts?
Blake: N-No… They’re just there barely moving…
Jaune: But, what if they weren’t? What if they were bouncing about; would they look as good as, Yang’s, or even better?
Blake: T-They’re bigger, so…?
Jaune: Oh such dry, simple tastes you have, you will never experienced the many succulent flavours of a woman’s body at this rate.
Blake: Flavours of the body?
Jaune: Let’s move on shall we: Look at, Winter, do you see how her bodysuit so snuggly is wrapped around her waist?
Blake: Yes.
Jaune: Do you see how tight it appears around her wide hips of hers?
Blake: Yes…
Jaune: Doesn’t that make you want to run your hands down her body? To feel how it rises, and falls under your touch.
Blake: Y-Yes…
Jaune: So imagine your hands running higher up her body, tracing her succulent curves of her chest. To learn what it truly feels like to embrace a woman’s hour glass figure~!
Blake: Oh gods…
Jaune: Now look to, Weiss.
Blake: O-Okay…
Jaune: Notice how her swimsuit hugs her shapely rear, how it almost perfectly maps out her smooth curves.
Blake: Shapely…
Jaune: Don’t you want to just pull at the edge of her swimsuit, to let it go, and see how her butt ripples upon the impact. How the sound will echo within your ears. And, the moan that escapes her lips. Don’t want you to hear that?
Blake: Oh gods yes…
Jaune: Well, now that you understand how intoxicating a woman wearing a one piece can be, now imagine the best part.
Blake: T-There’s something better than what you’ve been describing…?!
Jaune: You’ve successfully imagined a woman wearing a one piece, now imagine them taking it off.
Blake: T-Taking it off…?
Jaune: When it comes to a flimsy bikini like yours, you just pull a couple of strings, and it falls to yhe ground, then you’ll go out it in like those third rate porn videos you like to pleasure yourself to.
Blake: How did you know that?!
Jaune: I didn’t, you just a basic bitch, so it’s not hard to assume what your interests on.
Blake: I-I’m not a basic bitch…
Jaune: I highly doubt that. Now, back to a lady in a one piece. When you take off her swimsuit, your arms will be across her body. Running up, and down her body as you press yourself against her. Feeling her body against you only being block by a thin piece of fabric. But, your hands have to run up her shoulders, to peel of the straps that have been stuck to her body. Then you pull them off revealing that succulent chest you have been fantasizing about, then you run your hands down her waist, peeling more of her swimsuit off, revealing more, and more of her succulent body in the bare flesh until it’s all gone. All the while your mind is running wild with the desire to kiss her all across her body. Passion runs you rampant as you crave to squeeze her body, to feel the softness of her skin upon your hands. Your body burning with lust to claim her as yours, and yours alone. Do you feel that, Blake, the desire, the lust, and the passion coursing through your body?
Blake: Yes~! Yes, I’m feeling it~!
Jaune: Then let’s do something about it~?
Blake: What do you recommend we do then~?
Jaune: This!
Blake: Wha?! Ahhh?!
Yang: Haha! Nice one, Jaune!
Jaune: Thank you, thank you very much!
Blake: Bhaa! Why did you do that?!
Jaune: You looked like you needed to cool off.
Blake: You asshole!
Jaune: Maybe. Now if you’ll excuse me, some ladies require my attention. Tata~!
Blake: Grrrrrrrr!
Ruby: You okay, Blake?
Yang: Yeah, you look a little upset. Was it because, Jaune pushed you into the pool?
Blake: …
Blake: I should have bought a one piece swimsuit…
Yang: Eh?
Ruby: What?
Blake: I will have my revenge you stupid sexy blond! You hear me! I will have my revenge!
Ruby: What is she talking about?
Yang: Beats me.
Ruby: Okay then.
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lovingdabeessss · 8 months
More of team Rwby’s genius financial success
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Ruby and Weiss pickpocketing Yang for cash as younger sibling and honorary younger sibling
Weiss later uses this method to rob winter of key cards to get into parts of the military base
She could’ve never seen it coming
On the opposite side of financial spectrum Blake especially early Blake would be desperately trying to get her to stop buying her stuff which Yang would ignore
And now that’s totally flipped because Blake’s rich now and can and will buy Yang anything as Yang desperately tries to get her to stop
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letters2won · 8 months
03; Bewitched
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Your legs bounces up and down as the realization hits you.
You’re not a regretful person. You don’t regret accidentally taking a raccoon home instead of your beloved dog or how you showed a Jacob Elordi edit in front of your English class when you meant to present your presentation on “The Outsiders”.
But fake dating? not your smartest idea…
You have to be crazy for suggesting it. You have to be even crazier to agree to it. But what do you expect from a down bad admirer and a girl who wishes to move on?
The adored cat-like boy sitting across from you, felt his hands get sweaty. He knows you’re here to lay out some ground rules, but this was basically a date in his eyes!
You two sat in awkward silence, unsure on how to start the conversation. “Can’t believe your ex hates my guts… I'm just a silly little guy!” he joked out and you let a giggle slip out.
After that small joke he made, you guys were able to relax and have a smooth conversation. Jungwon even managed to started a debate on how cats were better than dogs.
“You’re literally betraying your own dog right now!” you said through fits of giggles. He was laughing alongside you as he ate the shared cake you guys got.
Soon after you two were full off of sweets and had calmed down, deciding it was best to start the rules as you see the sun setting.
“How should we go about this..?” he began, trying to hide his excitement.
You pondered for a minute before responding, “Rule number one! Don’t fall in love!”
Jungwon's smile falters a little before he proceeds to roll his eyes, “Seriously? Am I not your type?” he teased.
“Maybe if you were Choso..” you seriously considered and he glared at you.
“Of course you’re a Jujutsu Kaisen fan.. it all makes sense now.”
You huffed and then continued, “Oh another one! Rule number two, we hold hands and give each cheek kisses to make it believable!”
Jungwon's eyes widened. He only ever imagined giving you small pecks of kisses, he can’t believe his manifestations are coming true right now. You on the other hand can’t believe you really came up with that. Feeling embarrassed, you moved on rather quickly.
“Oh! I got one! Rule number three, only our close friends will know the truth.”
“Do we have to let them in on our plans..” he mumbled.
“Well yea! I suck at lying, I even got a whole medal at home for being the worst liar in school!” which you stated a little too proudly. He should’ve questioned that but he didn’t, instead he gave you a love sick smile and sighed dreamily, “You’re so talented…”
“Rule number four, We go on dates every friday or saturday!”
Jungwon added on, “We should also always go to each events..” and you weighed the pros and cons of that. For a second, you almost forgot that this was your student council president that was going along with everything that you were saying.
He plays such an important role for the school yet here you are dragging him into your little petty revenge plan on your ex without an incentive.
“Jungwon, what do you want to benefit from this? I feel kind of selfish for only thinking about my side of the plan..”
He let out a hum before giving you his famous dimpled smile which has you bewitched. “I want to spend more time with you in all of this.”
There it is again, that funny feeling. Something about Jungwon is making your heart do somersaults and cartwheels. You’re still confused about what's happening and tried to push it aside. You never felt like this with your ex so why now?
You cleared your throat after realizing you were staring at him with a dumbfounded look for a good moment, “O-oh okay! Easy peasy!”
He let out a breathy laugh as you tried acting nonchalant, shifting in your seat feeling your face get hot. “Moving on! For the last rule…hm.” You two started thinking hard, almost felt like your thinking caps were going to explode any second now.
You gasped and gave him a wide smile, “ Rule number five, every Thursday you watch the new Jujutsu Kaisen episode with me.” He gave you a deadpanned look.
“I’m not watching Jujutsu Kaisen with you.”
“Please! None of my friends wants to watch or hear my thoughts and since you’re my soon to be boyfriend you have to tune in to my rant sessions about them!” you rambled on, giving him those expecting wide eyes.
Jungwon was gone. He had officially lost it. Soon to be boyfriend? Yeah, he’s agreeing with everything you're saying from now on.
“I’ll do anything you ask me from now on queen!”
Oh boy… he is down bad.
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╰┈➤ this feels kind of rushed… i hope you guys enjoyed </3
SYNOPSIS in which you’re DEFINITELY not upset that your ex moved on really easily (spoiler alert: you are!). Yang Jungwon, the student council president is glad your ex moved on because it’s time for him to shoot his shot (just not in the way he wanted.. a win is a win in his book!)
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