#jaune arc x yang xiao long
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juanarc-thethird · 11 months ago
The art of seduction.
Jaune: Yang, look.
Yang: Hm?
Jaune: *he takes out a hose* Hose...
Yang: ?
Jaune: *He puts a small mariachi hat on the hose* José :D
Jaune: *Nervous* You... You didn't like it?
Yang: I'm going to fuck you so hard.
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smh0217 · 1 year ago
Jaune: What are you doing?
Yang, “stuck” in a dryer: Help me. I'm stuck.
Jaune: What do you mean you're stuck?Are you stupid?
Yang, pulling herself out of the dryer: Are YOU stupid???
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meadowindreams · 6 days ago
Yandere AU: Yang Xiao Long
How would she get close?
Yang is expressive, bold and kinda chill, so it’s obvious that she is fun to be with. Just like Jaune, Yang loves making jokes that one of the things she uses, her sense of humour (and her huge jugs) to lure Jaune into her trap, they alway share a laugh together and pull pranks in each other, and only on each other beucase she can’t stand seeing Jaune smiling beucase of anyone else’s jokes or pranks, or how he put effort for other besides her.
“Protecting” Jaune?
She is more action than reason, she punch’s first then questio-no demands answer among other things after. She would be picking fight with anyone who messed with him, especially Cardin, hell he would most likely be kill the second he picked on him, and the rest of his team, picking fights both in public against bullies and in secert against those who are getting close to him, like definitely Pyrrha.
Dating him?
She is kinda shy, despite all her friends and her big personality, she has never dated anyone before and is kinda shy, she even asked Blake and her dad for help, she kinda shy about romance stuff and would be all hyper about any small form of affection from him even hand holding. After a while, she will be the one initiating everything, from kisses to cuddle to pelvis breaking sex, and she can’t keep her hands off him, and he can’t say no to her, beucase he loves her too much and he doesn’t have a choice
Marriage and Family?
Breed Marriage and impregnation, but it doesn’t have to be in that order, she always wanted kids, and be a good wife, considering t that her own mother abandoned her and her dad not long after she was born, so she would hate the idea of her (or in this case Jaune) leaving. She never wants to be like her mother, and be like her dad instead.
Other’s reaction?
Raven: she’s happy that her daughter found someone, tho she would keep her distance as Jaune does remind her of Tai a little bit too much for comfort. Also because Yang would still probably hate her
Ruby: She would be happy that Jaune is her new big brother, since they are already best friend
Qrow: ahe would be somewhat annoyed as there are now more noisy blondes, and his hangover aren’t getting better, but Jaune doesn’t weasel his way into his heart
Tai: At first he is protective and strict, however once he letsd own his walls, he actually starts to like Jaune, due to their personality and humour
Rejection and Resistance
She is devastated, she see as a betray or Jaune leading her on, actually like this is a very bad joke where she is not laughing, she would just kidnap him strat afterwards or break his legs, (it’s like he’s going to feel them after she charms and rapes him every night),
Once Jaune has been broken, they can finally have the happy large family that they (she) has been wanting
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darksaiyangoku · 10 months ago
RWBY: Meeting the Brothers
Jaune: Okay Yang, welcome to maison de Arc. *opens door*
Yang: Woooooah! *smiles* Pretty fancy place! Almost gives Ice Queen a run for her money.
Jaune: Eh, it's nothing special.
Yang: Jaune, you have three full sets of armour standing in your living room, a pool table, massage chairs, a HUGE flatscreen TV and sculpture of a lion!
Jaune: Hehe, yeah. Dad always did go crazy with the decorations. Anyway, it's a good thing he and mom are away for the weekend. *grabs Yang and lifts her up*
Yang: *giggles* Jaune! When did you get so forward?
Jaune: What can I say? I had a very good teacher. *smirks*
Yang: Well then, how about I give you a Grade A kiss?
Jaune: Yes pleaee, Miss Xiao Long.
Jaune gently placed her down and Yang draped her arms across his shoulders. They leaned in closer, their lips about to touch.
Noir: Hey Jaune! You didn't tell me we were expecting company!
Blanc: Yeah! I would've been out of my PJs!
Yang: Hm? Wha? *looks up* Oh hello there.
Blanc/Noir: Hi. *wave hands*
Jaune: Hey! Weren't you two supposed to be babysitting Adrien over in Argus?
Noir: *walks down* That was the plan, but Saphron and Terra ended up cancelling.
Blanc: *follows him* And we had nothing else to do, so we figured we'd crash here.
Jaune: But why tonight?! You knew I was bringing Yang over.
Yang: Jaune, relax. I don't mind. *turns to Noir and Blanc* So, who are you two lovely gentlemen?
Noir: Jaune's younger, and much cuter, brothers. Noir Arc. *bows*
Blanc: Blanc Arc. *kisses Yang's hand*
Yang: Awww. *chuckles*
Jaune: Oh for the love of-
Yang: The name's Yang. Yang Xiao Long.
Noir: It's nice to finally meet you. Jaune talks about you all the time.
Yang: Oh? *turns and smiles* Does he now?
Jaune: *blushes* Nononono. O-Of course I don't.
Blanc: Sure he does. We've heard a lot about what you get up to during missions. Kicking butts of bad guys, saving people from Grimm You're amazing!
Noir: Not to mention beautiful. Jaune really does have excellent taste.
Jaune: Noir!
Yang: Can't argue with that.
Jaune: Yang, don't encourage them.
Yang: Come on, they're just being nice. Are you really afraid of your younger brothers?
Jaune: N-No.
Blanc: Say Yang, if you ever get tired of Jaune, how about Noir and I go out with you? *smirks*
Noir: We'll pull out all the stops. A nice restaurant, a walk in the park, martial arts torunament, hot, sunny beach-
Jaune: Okay, time for bed. *lifts them up*
Blanc: Aw what?!
Noir: Not cool!
Jaune: You two must very tired. You deserve a nice, long rest.
Noir: We're not kids anymore! Come on!
Blanc: It's only 9:00PM!
Yang: Night boys.
Blanc: Night beautiful.
Noir: Call us!
Jaune: Grrrrr!
Yang: *laughing*
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 4 months ago
Yang: Your dick doubles in length but the person you hate most gets their dick tripled in length. Would you take it?
Jaune: So my dick sextuples in length? Yeah fuck it. Watch out for my six inch dick.
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madman479r · 1 year ago
At Junior's bar, Jaune and Yang were seen sitting at a booth and sharing a laugh.
"Damn, VB, I never thought you could be so funny." Yang chuckled with her eyes closed.
Jaune took the moment to look at Yang and appreciate her beauty. The way her nose scrunched up, how contagious her laugh was and how her golden hair seemed to glow like a low fire in the light.
When Jaune first arrived at Beacon and saw Yang, he thought she was drop dead gorgeous (but then again all the girls at Beacon were, was looking like a super model a requirement?) and wanted to try his luck with talking to her.
That was until he barfed all over her boots, yeah not a great first impression. And when he saw how she carried herself, her confidence, her charisma, Jaune knew he had no chance. Yang was probably asked out a lot by guys. Better looking, better fighters. What chance did he have?
But at least he could be her friend, and enjoy moments like this with her.
Jaune manged to gather himself in time as Yang's eyes opened again once her laughter calmed down. "Yeah, one could say I'm funnier than you." Jaune regretted his words immediately after saying them.
'What the fuck, jaune?!' The Knight thought to himself. 'You don't say you're funnier than a girl who likes her jokes!' Now he had surely blundered this whole night.
But strangely, Yang didnt seem upset. If anything, she smirked at Jaune and took a long swig of her drink.
Jaune watched as a drop of the drink escaped the glass, running down her rosy cheek, down her neck, past her collarbone and into the depths of her bust.
Jaune snapped his gaze back to Yang, hoping she would think his red face was just from drinking.
But he caught her eye, she had watched him. Jaune felt shameful, anticipating the jaw breaking slap she'd give him for being a perv.
But no slap came, if anything she had a tinge of amusement in her beautiful eye.
Once she downed the burning liquid, Yang smiled at Jaune, the smile made him feel like she was a predator and he was the prey.
"Oh really? Well how about this one? I'm sure it'll leave you speechless." Yang challenged and leaned in towards Jaune.
Jaune had to focus on Yang's lilac eyes, doing his best to not give into temptation and let his eyes wander to her inviting cleavage. Again.
"So, there's three boy mice and a girl mouse, they're all stuck in a room with no doors or windows. One of the boy mice asks the girl mouse how to get out, and the girl replied with "sleep with me tonight and I'll tell you in the morning". He does and the next day, he is gone. The second boy mouse askes the girl mouse how to get out, and she says "sleep with me tonight and I'll tell you in the morning". The next day, he is gone too." Yang said before giving Jaune an intense look.
"Do you wanna know how the last mouse got out of the box?" She asked.
Jaune nodded, though he expected to hear some cheesy punchline or something.
What he didn't expect was for Yang to move closer to Jaune, practically pressing herself to him, half sitting on his lap. Jaune made to question her with a stuttering voice and red face until he felt Yang's warm breath against his ear, making him shiver as she finishes the joke.
"Sleep with me tonight, and I'll tell you in the morning.~"
Yang pulled away to face Jaune, her eyes looking deep into his own as she bit her lip.
Jaune, in fact, was speechless, so he simply nodded with a open mouth, letting himself be dragged by a giggling Yang off to somewhere else.
The next couple of minutes were a blur to him, up until they reached a hotel.
In the morning, Jaune forgot to ask how the mouse got out, but he'd certainly never forget the night they spent together.
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juanarc-thethird · 2 years ago
Getting Even
Jaune: *Staring at a door *
Ren: What are you doing?
Jaune: I'm waiting for Yang.
Ren: For...?
Jaune: Well, I'm tired of her pulling pranks on me all the time. So I came up with a plan to be even with her. Hehehe, my revenge will be sweet.
Ren: And what is your plan?
Jaune: Secret.
Ren: That doesn't sound good.
Jaune: Relax, my plan will not fail.
Yang: *Comes in*
Jaune *Quietly* She's here!
Jaune: Hey Yang!
Yang: What's up?
Jaune: Do you know Suk Mai?
Yang: Suk Mai?
Jaune: Suck my nuts! Hahahaha!
Yang: Ok
Jaune: What?
Yang: I'll do it. Drop your pants.
Jaune: *Confuse* What's going on?
Yang: I'm going to suck your balls, that's what's going on.
Jaune: Wait, it was a joke.
Yang: But I'm not joking.
Jaune: *Worry* B-But
Yang: You know what, I'm going to suck your dick too.
Jaune: *Grabs Ren's arm* Ren help me!
Yang: Where do you think you're going? *She grabs Jaune by the waist and puts him on her shoulder* You're coming with me, sweet cheeks. I'm going to leave you dry~💕 *Leaves*
Jaune: Ren!!!!
Ren: *Praying* Good luck.
Jaune: RENNNN!!!!
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smh0217 · 1 year ago
Yang, trying to use a pickup line on Jaune: Are you going on a trip? Because you sure are packin.
Jaune: Well that would be a lie. And I don’t want to date a liar, sooo.
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meadowindreams · 23 days ago
Yandere Team RWBY
Team RWBY all meant Jaune and fell in love, try they were all dating eachother already but why not add one more, so they would have him, he was kind, funny, and sweet, they all loved him for different traits but still love is love, but Pyrrha….. she was getting to close to him, ahe was in the same team as him, what is worst is that she was better than them, strong, popular, so….. when Cinder ended her, Jaune was devastated, and who was there to support him where he would rely on them and only them? Team RWBY
Soon he would be their wether he wants it or not
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meadowindreams · 14 days ago
2 hours have went by
Ruby: Hey guys how you see Yang or Jaune?
Weiss: No and honestly it’s quiet so I really don’t mind
Blake: now that you mentioned it I was getting pretty worried now
Ruby: ill go look for them in JNPR’s room
*Knock knock knock*
Ruby: Hey Jaune, I see ask- OB MY GOD
Jaune was being held down as Yang, bounced up and down on his “dragon slayer”, with no sign of stopping
Jaune: RUBY!!!?
Yang, Stop and presses down on Jaune’s Excalibur: Sorry Rubes but I’m kinda busy
Ruby, too traumatised to speak slowly close the door:
Jaune: Ruby wait it’s not what it looks like
*Ruby runs away*
Yang: don’t worry Jaune I’ll tell her later
Jaune: Oh crap sorry, wrong room.
Yang: *Laying naked in her bed* Hold on.
Jaune: ...Yeah?
Yang: If you want to leave, you just close your eyes.
Yang: But if you stay, I'll open my thighs.
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darksaiyangoku · 2 years ago
RWBY: The Punmaster
Jaune: You know something, Yang? I should start calling you Cabbage.
Yang: Is it because I'm such a sweetheart? *smirks*
Jaune: Wha- how did you know that?
Yang: Face it, honey, you can't out pun the punmaster. *winks*
Jaune: Aw man and it took me all day to come up with that one.
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 1 year ago
Yang: Any questions so far?
Jaune: How big are those tiddies?
Yang: D cups.
Jaune: Thanks.
Yang: No problem.
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madman479r · 1 year ago
Jaune laid on his bed, a comic of X-Ray & Vav, a cold soda beside him and the warm sunlight through the window. Today was one of the few times he had him personal time alone. Don't get him wrong, he loved his friends and team but growing up in a home of 10 people can leave a person, especially a young man, wanting some alone time.
Jaune sighed, feeling peace and tranquillity. Nothing could spoil this mo-
"Heyfearlessleaderyouwouldnotbelievethedayihaddidyouknowsapcanbereallystickyandhardtogetoutofhairifanyoneknocksdontletthemit!" Nora burst into the room, nearly breaking the door off its hinges and slammed the door the door just as quickly, speaking a mile a minute, not even stopping for breath as she started to move her bed in front of the door.
Jaune sat up as he tried to decipher what Nora had just said. "Nora-- wait-- slowdown, what are you doing? What did you just say?"
Before Nora could say anything, a thunderous pounding came from the door. "NORA, OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR!"
Jaune slowly turned to a sheepish Nora who tried to look innocent. "...If anyone knocks, don't let them in." Nora said in a high pitched voice.
Jaune gave another sigh, this one in mourning at the loss of his alone time. Jaune crawled over to Nora's bed which was blocking the door and gingerly put her ear up to the door. "Yang? It's Jaune." He said through the wood.
"VOMIT BOY! OPEN THIS DOOR!" Had Jaune's head been a few inches to the left, he would have had his head bashed in by Yang's furious whack on the door as it bent the wood slightly on Impact.
"Holy fu--" Jaune swallowed his fear and tried again. "Yang! I won't open this door if you attempt to hurt Nora. So unless you take a breath, calm down and promise you won't hurt Nora, I'm not opening this door and don't even think about breaking down this door because you and I both fear Miss Goodwitch more than I fear you." Jaune said.
A few tense seconds passed, Jaune wondering if Yang was too enraged to fear the threat of Glynda before he heard a deep inhale and exhale.
"I'm. Calm." Yang didn't sound too calm but Jaune had known Yang long enough to tell when she was willing to listen even when angry.
"...I promise I won't permanently injury Nora." That was probably the best he was gonna get.
"Here goes nothing." Jaune muttered and moved the barricade out of the way and took a deep breath before opening the door.
Before him was a crimson eyed, flaming and seriously pissed off huntress-in-training who was glaring at him with crossed arms.
So far he hadn't had his face caved in nor been violently moved out of the way so that was a good sign.
Jaune motioned for Yang to come in which she did but Jaune made sure to at least keep himself between Yang and Nora. "Okay, can you explain to me what exactly happened." Jaune asked.
Yang glared at Nora as she spoke. "This fucking idiot got sap. In. My. HAIR!"
Jaune paused mand looked up at Yang's golden locks, not seeing anything wrong with it. "I don't see any--" Yang turned around and lifted up her hair to reveal the underside was stained and ruined with the red sticky substance.
"Oh." Jaune lamely said.
Yang turned back around and growled. "So either you ask Ozpin for a new member of your team or both Ren and Pyrrha are gonna need new partners." Yang gave her ultimatum and advanced toward Nora.
Jaune quickly got between the two again. "Wait! Wait! Waitwaitwaitwait!"
"Out of the way, Vomit boy." Yang set her eyes on Jaune now.
"I can fix it! Your hair! I can fix it!" Jaune said loudly.
Yang paused at his words before snorting. "Bullshit."
"No!" Jaune got in front of Yang again. "It's true. I've cut hair before."
"Pubic hair doesn't count." Yang scoffed.
"No, I mean I've cut my sisters' hair before. Our usual barber wasn't available anymore and they needed it done for a family photo. Ever since then I've been their hairdresser. I-i actually have my gear with me." Jaune explained.
Yang's eyes, still red with anger, looked at Jaune with scrutiny before she closed her eyes and gave another growl, this one not sounding as scary as before.
Yang walked over to the chair at the desk and dragged it back to Jaune before planting herself onto it with crossed arms.
"If I don't like it, you die before Nora." Yang left the threat hanging in the air as Jaune gulped loudly.
"S-sure. Nora, could you-" Jaune looked to find Nora had disappeared while he had distracted Yang. Jaune sighed again and went to get his scissors and such.
Jaune nervously backed away from Yang once he had finished, waiting for Yang to decide his fate, so far Yang had kept her eyes shut, not yet seeing his completed work. "A-all done."
Yang took off the tarp that covered her and stood up. "Sorry, VB, all you did was give Nora a head sta-" Yang finally opened her eyes and saw her reflection in a nearby mirror. Her hair... wasn't ruined. If anything... it looked... Good! Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail but still kept her wild, fluffy like locks with her fringe untouched, the part of her hair that was ruined by the sap was cut off, with a 180 undercut that didn't look terrible. (Source/artist unknown)
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Yang continued to examine her new hairdo and remained silent, turning to Jaune with an unreadable expression.
Jaune flinched back and closed his eyes, waiting for the pain to come.
Jaune suddenly felt a hand grab his collar and nearly cried out until a pair of soft lips pressed onto his.
After a few seconds, Yang pulled away and Jaune looked at her with wide eyes.
Yang smirked and winked. "Not bad. Lover boy. Maybe I should have you be my personal barber." She laughed and exited the dorm, hips swaying as she did, feeling more confident than usual.
Jaune stood starstruck and wondering what exactly just happened. But his mind couldn't move away from how soft Yang's lips were and how they tasted of strawberries.
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darksaiyangoku · 2 years ago
@rwbysworld Funny story, I made a post about how, in one universe, Jaune is Spider-Man and Yang is Spider-Gwen and this just fits too perfectly. Lord help Yang when she has to partner up with symbiote-Jaune on a misson! XD
Oscar (crouched beside Jaune): What are we waiting for?! Let's get him.
Jaune (stops him, wearing the black suit): No...... He's Mine
Oscar: Are you sure? He's got, like,.... big teeth.
Jaune (turns to Oscar): ... So do i.. (swings away)
Oscar: Okay.... that was actually cool.
Yang (takes a sip from her soda before pausing): ....I now have the sudden urge to have Jaune nail me up against the wall...
Blake: ....What?
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arc-misadventures · 4 months ago
Siblings For Siblings
Ruby: Oh? Jaune just sent me a text.
Yang: He just sent me one too.
Ruby: I wonder what he…?!
Yang: What the…?!
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Ruby: Did, Mom just…?!
Yang: Jaune, just fucked our, Mom?!
Blake: …?
Blake: I think, Jaune was the one that got fucked by your mom, not the other way around.
Blake: Sorry…
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howi99 · 2 months ago
Penny: *with the most beaming smile upon her face, not moving an inch*
Yang: ... Is she ok?
Ciel: It appears your friend, Jaune, asks her out to the dance.
Yang: *looking at Penny a bit closer, then smirk* Oh, is that so? And nothing else?
Ciel: *Slight blush* Indeed, nothing else happened-
Blake: *entering the room* I just saw Jaune's face covered in blue and green lipstick marks and- *sees Ciel and Penny* ... Oh.
Yang: *grinning* Nothing else, uh?
Ciel: *hiding her face behind her beret, blushing furiously* Nothing else!
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