#Weight loss videos
everywherenyc · 1 year
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lylahammar · 3 months
Weight loss is a completely morally neutral personal choice that anyone can make for any reason, but if you choose to lose weight because you hate your fat body, please do the internal work to get over that internalized fatphobia before or during your weight loss efforts. I’ve seen far too many fat people become skinny and immediately turn their internalized fatphobia outwards, and it’s a bad time for everyone. If you have to keep the weight off through a strictly maintained diet and exercise, it’s pretty much inevitable that you will gain some weight back at some point in your life (likely more than you had in the first place if yo-yo dieting is in play), and you will find that all the hatred you projected at the fat community will come back to bite you in the ass with twice the power. Work on loving your fat self while you’re there, and if you choose to lose weight then work on continuing to love your old fat self. Life will feel much better for yourself and the fat people around you that way.
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catchymemes · 2 years
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amaranthdahlia · 1 year
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i absolutely adore chubby ryuunosuke so i had to draw him (accidentally made it asoryuu cus i let self indulgence take over & blacked out)
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YouTube used to have motivating fitness videos.... How do I find them??
I need something to watch at work to help myself. 😩
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intersectionalpraxis · 6 months
I would also like to add that there are folks who have thyroid and hormone-related illnesses, and there are even medications that can cause fluctuations in our body weight, and many of times make it difficult to lose weight. Aging and lifestyle changes and genetics also play a factor. No matter the case, another person's body is not your business.
I've done tons of research on the history of fatphobia and it's racist and classist roots in the US, so anytime I see a "former fattie" berate fat people online (especially former white fat women with socioeconomic privileges too), there's always something to unpack.
And I like how this Creator hits the nail on the head, so to speak. You can individually go on a weight loss venture -that's not the issue here. Reinforcing healthist and weight loss discourses BECAUSE of how pervasive body sizeism is -is what's incredibly damaging and problematic here.
It's just always so alarming to me (especially one Youtuber I'm thinking on whose entire channel calls fat liberation dangerous), that these specific people want to 'fit into' the boxes that many societies have normalized as okay -thin equals pretty and thin always equals healthy (which is not always the case and IS an ableist way of viewing health and well being).
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elianazzz · 27 days
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to all the beautiful women out there:
it is not your job nor is it your responsibility.it is his job and if he is not willing to chase you then you‘ll need to have the self-respect to just walk away.if a man really cares for you and really loves you he will chase you and put so much effort into you.
remember that !
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freeonlineworkouts · 9 months
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Flat Stomach Supplements
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everywherenyc · 1 year
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Just started on You Tube join me:
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mildmayfoxe · 1 month
i just tried to do a zumba video on youtube bc i’ve always thought it was something that might be fun and even though i don’t think of myself as a particularly uncoordinated person they are changing their feet so fucking fast. i stopped the first video (for beginners) ten minutes in and went to find an intro to moves video (even more beginner) and that didn’t help. spent half the time just kind of marching in place because i couldn’t figure out what they were doing bc it was too fast. but i sure am sweaty
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snorlax114 · 11 months
sweethearts on tiktok making videos about how hot heavy girls are and how soft and cute and all that and me feeling genuinely seen and loved for like 2sec before reminding myself that they definitely aren't talking about my obese ass💞
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fattofitsure · 1 year
Cardio workout for you to burn fat 🔥🔥
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leekeyrouz · 5 months
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drdemonprince · 1 year
hey! do you know of any workouts/weight lifting things for transmascs wanting to work on the shoulder/chest area?
There are so many great men's follow-along lifting channels on Youtube. I like Midas MVT, BullyJuice, Achv Peak, Tiff x Dan, Juice & Toya, and Daniel Pt Fitness' workout videos.
I started following these channels with zero weightlifting experience and nothing but a 10lb kettlebell to my name and I am now the swollen musclebound freak you see standing before you.
I recommend you start with a 10lb or 15lb set of dumbbells and the ACHV Peak channel's chest and shoulder videos and take it from there. Make sure to get some back (including lower back!!) quad and tricep work in there too.
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vanilla-voyeur · 6 months
The Ozempic Olympics: Hollywood is Ruining Our Health
D'Angelo's best video yet! Finally a discussion on obesity that isn't cringey af
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ssfith · 27 days
Run with me through my city🩷
I've started documenting my running story, would love to hear from any other runners or anyone who wants to check in and say hi 💖
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