#misandrist beauty standards
vanilla-voyeur · 6 months
The Ozempic Olympics: Hollywood is Ruining Our Health
D'Angelo's best video yet! Finally a discussion on obesity that isn't cringey af
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tervencherries · 4 months
just got an ad on here for a photoshop app. it was a video but here’s the before & after:
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is it just me or did they make her look inhuman? they took away her skin, her beauty marks, changed the shape & color of her lips, and quite literally stole the light from her eyes.
this is literally dystopian.
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adobodemon · 8 months
The more I think about how the whole Barbie movie rollout turned out the more it pisses me off it’s a lil crazy…
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cry-ptidd · 1 month
Are there any things you don't like about Laura?
NOW THAT YOU MENTION IT. (Ranting below)
1) Her bangs are messy and hide her nose bump, which pisses me off when I try to draw her. I always have to find a way to make it show because her nose is pretty and one of her key facial features. Also curly hair is a pain to draw/line.
You can also add the fact that she has both thick body hair and body freckles, which looks a bit cluttered.
2) The situation with her skin tone is a bit... problematic. She has a bit of a tan, which was an aesthetic choice more than anything; and while I do think it makes her pretty and adds a characteristic, it's also reminiscent of (and most likely subconsciously influenced by) the trope that werewolves (aka big strong wild creatures) have darker skin and are more rugged than pale, refined vampires. That trope in itself is problematic, and is recurring especially in 2D media which might have influenced my hand as well. Then I did the thing where I was afraid I'd make her too pale and made her complexion a bit darker to remedy to that.
There's also the factor of her social class, with beauty standards in 1700s France being that being pale as a plate was preferred bc if you're tan it means you're poor and work in the sun which is yucky ew. Obviously the intention wasn't that her warm skin be a sign of ugliness, but it does add a small historical detail to her design.
3) She could at first glance embody the "predatory man-hating lesbian" trope. She explicitly hates men, fucks women and is hypersexual. Ultimately I don't see her that way, but she could be interpreted as that.
I knew she was supposed to like women from the start, more because I rarely ever make straight characters, and her fucked up backstory (and thus her misanthropy and misandry) came a tad bit later while I was honing her character past her design and basic tropes. She was also way less mean in the beginning and much more respectful, just a bit overworked.
Her being emotionally predatory and a misandrist is solely a result of her trauma, not her sexuality. In that same vein, her trauma isn't what made her a lesbian.
Also, she's a misanthrope first, misandrist second. She doesn't just jump at any woman she sees or even see a woman and think of sex first; she sees a human first and their gender second; she considers men more dangerous because of her own experiences, and women as more capable of providing something more comfortable for her (but ultimately both are a food source for her bc she's a lycanthrope). Even her first reasons for joining Integra (before I added the threat aspect from Alucard) was that she was impressed not by her looks but by her charisma and personality, which made her want to join. Integra's gender was only a factor in the way that it reassured Laura a man wouldn't have power over her. Her resulting infatuation is from being treated as an actual living creature and being given protection and a home.
If there are any other issues with her, please tell me. OCs are never really finished projects anyway.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Fandom 'anti-masculinity/misandry/etc is real' brocels tryna co-opt Percy Jackson of all characters as if Percy didn't have a whole book dedicated to proving themself as nothing like traditional men,is gender neutral/feminine in presentation and interests and mannerisms with in-universe comments on it by other characters,very specifically dosen't want to change those things about themself and constantly uses the male antagonists being overly conforming to manhood as roast material and for why they hate them.Percy IS an 'anti-masculinity misandrist' like it's a huge part of they are you can't extract or you loose a massive chunk of them so if he were transmasc,he wouldn't go on T or get surgeries and be one of those femme tboys y'all hate and think 'are the reason cis people hate us' and if she was canonically transfem,you'd be claiming she's 'every kind of trans all once' and sayin' Grover feels more trans than her and maybe even hating her super intensely and insisting it's because she's 'a bitch and a bad role model and unrealistic expectation on trans womens shoulders' and even calling her a slut/skank/etc
You also actually force Percy to be into Luke and the gods,who're like,their legit abusers and child predators even if (probably) non-romantically in the latter's case because you truly believe they only 'think' they hate them since they described them as falling under beauty standards when it's because they're punk-an ACTUAL punk,part of punk subculture and the lifestyle without caring about living up to the stereotype to 'prove' themself to normies.'Percy Jackson is the positive and healthy queer masculinity icon we needed'Percy Jackson is a femme latino afropunk who hates binary men and worships women
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they-them-that · 23 days
These cartoon episodes were actually kinda bad list
Powerpuff Girls: Equal Fights
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I remember at the time, it was so woke to call out women for being problematic because we still have this idea that women aren't held accountable enough??? It's wild that we get a misandrist villainess to school girls but hardly handle the subject of misogyny, something that is an actual real world threat. It just ends up coming off as misunderstanding and antagonizing feminists because they're not always nice to men.
Proud Family: I Love You Penny Proud
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It's just so weird to me that when it comes to the subject of treating disabled people with humanity, someone in the writer's room thought "yeah but what if disabled people were jerks too huh? We're just gonna let them get away with it because they're disabled??" And then wrote a whole episode about their imaginary epithet. Why is the first and only wheelchair user representation in this show someone who isn't likeable??
Winx Club: Miss Magix
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Calling out the "ugly" girl for using magic to look "beautiful" in order to get a fair shot in showing off her talent and not any of the people who uphold those oppressive beauty standards and who'd go on to ridicule her after she gets exposed is WILD. Also, the other candidates are being sabotaged and the black girl getting an afro was apparently her downfall?? Yikes.
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thesinglesjukebox · 10 months
That's a wrap on Day 1! And we're just getting started...
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: The last time we talked about PinkPantheress I called her music "aural wallpaper" -- and I stand by that! It's just that "Boy's a liar" is exquisite aural wallpaper, the kind of endlessly loopable pop hit that has just enough variation to sound fresh even after most of a year's worth of overplay. Part of that comes from her guests. Ice Spice's verse is the most genuinely affecting she's ever been, and Mura Masa's assist on production varies the UK Garage-nostalgia formula just enough for it to work, bringing in faux-8-bit synth lines to cut through PinkPantheress' still-simple melodies. Yet the PinkPantheress of "Boy's a liar" is herself an artist evolved, one more driven towards actual sing-along hooks rather than just moods to ruminate in. The change works -- that chorus will be embedded in my head for the rest of my life, which I have to assume was the goal. [9]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: PinkPantheress riffs on UK dance music in a way that's antithetical to why I was drawn to it -- her diaristic lyrics and hushed vocalizing subtly position the music as a singer-songwriter's work, steering any breakbeat or 2-step jitter away from maximalist dancefloor pleasures. Her latest album Heaven knows assuaged some of my skepticism: "True romance" is tasteful in its momentary adoption of jungle, "Feel complete" brings her work in conversation with turn-of-the-millennium Shibuya-kei, and "Ophelia" is a hefty conceptual gambit that could only work with a sound so diaphanous. Before all this, though, was "Boy's a liar Pt. 2." It was the first track that made me appreciate the sketch-like nature of her craft. The song hinges on Ice Spice's nimble maneuvering of the beat, whose harpsichord-like melody and chiptune blips place this sorrowful recounting of a shitty ex as a truly timeless phenomenon. Ice Spice arrives mid-confession to act as the supportive friend -- if it's not completely felt in the lyrics, then it's there in her playful yet acerbic tone. She provides necessary relief; PinkPantheress' "good enough" chants feel slightly more hopeful by the time the song ends, like she knows she'll come out the other end soon. [6]
Jonathan Bradley: Ice Spice lays down 16 frothy bars that feel like eight, yet everything about this track feels twice as insubstantial as it really is. PinkPantheress contributes a burble-chirrup that in pixelated patterns of toy piano and ringtone synth and a back-and-forth loop that sounds most like a digital fish blowing bubbles. Suitably, Ice Spice's vocabulary abstracts into a "duh-duh-duh" that she still manages to rhyme with "shouldn't have." [8]
Oliver Maier: Big year for these two. The "good enough/duhduhduh/should'nt've" three-piece is amazingly silly, the axis around which the song (and most of the memes it has produced) spins and a great distillation of what is appealing about Ice Spice as a rapper. Not much else jumps out, though. PinkPantheress has a good ear for feathery beats, but this one feels paper-thin, and the chiptune flourishes get grating quick. [4]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: In which the value propositions of two emerging stars are perfectly merged. Effortlessly flexing and trashtalking, Ice Spice plays the foil to the cutesy but wounded and contemplative PinkPantheress. This is what shit talking a boy with a friend should sound like. [8]
Katherine St Asaph: Mura Masa called this single "borderline misandrist"; if so, that border is the size of a moat. The song isn't about boys as a group but one particular boy, whose crime isn't being a liar necessarily but being hypercritical. And "Boy's a Liar" isn't a breakup song so much as an epiphany: a celebration of the first tentative tendrils of renewed self-confidence. "You only want to hold me when I'm looking good enough" should not feel quietly radical, but after hearing "actually, beauty standards are primarily enforced by other women!" horseshit for seemingly decades, it does. Maybe that's why this diaphanous little single has gravitas beyond its weight. Or maybe it's just because I'm job hunting right now, and "Boy's a Liar" has been a great soundtrack for my (at time of writing) 194 autorejections. (damn) [9]
Michelle Myers: The original "Boy's a Liar" is two minutes of vibey perfection, but calling it a song feels like a reach. The addition of an ill-fitting verse from Ice Spice is a step in the wrong direction. [7]
Jackie Powell: Ice Spice's feature not only helps the song's flow, but it establishes the track as a feminist call to action. The verse that Ice Spice replaced on the original "Boy's a Liar" sounded out of place and it slowed down the tempo that PinkPantheress established in the hook and opening verse. Lyrically that verse was also weaker. Without Ice Spice, PinkPantheress continues to plead with her lover to stay. She asks what she should do without him. Ice Spice's verse in Pt. 2 specifically calls out the liar in question and places accountability. Pt. 2 transforms the song from more of a woe as me track into a song telling a story about someone who should just buzz off after lying. He's clearly not good eno-o-ough, good eno-o-ough. [7]
Alfred Soto: Rounded up a notch for Ice Spice's rap and the insidiousness of the tiny, tinny synth hook. As much as I appreciate a 2:15 pop single, "Boy's a Liar" needs ballast. [6]
Will Adams: The original was carbonated and pleasant, like the first sip of a seltzer whose flavor turns out to be quite nice. With Ice Spice, there's added dimension; she lets slip a hint of vulnerability ("I don't sleep enough without you") and a hell of a lot of charisma. The brief run-time will probably bother me less and less as time goes on. [6]
Crystal Leww: I heard every kind of edit of this on the dancefloor, this year and it didn't matter if it was a UK garage version, Jersey Club, or baile funk -- you could hear the girls of New York City rap along to every single bar in the Ice Spice verse. I think my favorite part is the moment of quiet, pleading pause in Ice Spice's "But I don't sleep enough without you." She's seemingly all New York bad bitch, I'm-Tougher-Than-You big balls energy up until this point but yeah, bad bitches need a little love, too. [8]
Aaron Bergstrom: Reads like someone spent a long time trying to explain the concept of self-doubt to Ice Spice and she didn't quite get it, but the ideological odd couple bit actually works pretty well. [6]
Brad Shoup: The remix rap feature is a delightful gamble. Maybe you're just getting the name you paid for: the personality, the ad-lib. If it's a collab, maybe you get a couple bars that nod at your theme. Ice Spice's feature is precisely designed to complement the track: smash-cutting between bravado and insecurity. At the very end -- where those contractual wrap-up bars tend to go -- PinkPantheress and Mura Masa drop the skittering dialtone so she can plead in second-person. It's pretty devastating! [7]
Nortey Dowuona: It's always a delight to hear the taunting song title out of PinkPantheress's honeycomb soprano cuz it comes after a deeply anguished and frustrated first verse in which she feels the wrenching despair of not being good enough for her to be loved, cared for, trusted. It stacks depressed and tired line after depressed and tired line until she throws up her hands, deciding to wash her hands of him, letting go of his stated feelings to tend to her own coalescing into a stone, which Ice Spice hurls at another unnamed him, until she briefly considers her spite, then admitting to herself she does still care, worse, consider his presence important to her life. But "don't like sneaky shit that you do." [10]
Alex Ostroff: I'm still a little lukewarm on the concept of PinkPantheress as a pop star. The idea of the UK Garage revival actually topping the US charts this time around is something I'm 300% in favour of happening, but when niche scenes have their crossover moment I usually want the artists to really make a serious play for taking over the centre of culture and release songs that give us their unique take on Pop Music. (To be fair, this is likely because I am now An Old who missing the TRL era when all charting music seemed to exist in the same universe, whereas the charts in 2023 seem more like a way of ranking the relative popularity of different niche music scenes that remain hermetically sealed off from one another.) Too often for me, PinkPantheress' songs -- even after Boy's a liar" -- don't push beyond the slight UK garage-influenced TikTok bops she started out making. Ironically, this Pt. 2 with Ice Spice (which now feels like an early success from a previous era of her career) is one of the few times when her promise feels entirely fulfilled -- dragging Ice Spice in from the parallel universe of New York drill and putting her in a new context of chiptune bleep-bloops and PinkPantheress' vocals pivoting from wistful to joyous. That said, if the UK Garage revival crossover actually takes over the charts in 2024, I humbly request that we get more songs with gloss and big choruses and big emotions. [8]
Taylor Alatorre: Perfect timing aside, a key reason why "Pt. 2" took off the way it did is that Ice Spice displays an intuitive grasp of what this extended dance mix of a ringtone is really about: not middle-fingers-up misandry, but the torments of an ongoing fixation. PinkPantheress flits between the present and past tenses like she's reading from a jumbled diary entry, but amidst all her self-protective cooing, the line that lands the hardest is "you're not looking at me, boy," which is really more of a suggestion for improvement than a burning of bridges. So it's entirely fitting that Ice Spice end her characteristically efficient verse with an uncharacteristic airing of regret: "I don't sleep enough without you, and I don't eat enough without you." Nothing groundbreaking for the top 40, but it's these seamless transitions between expressions of superiority and vulnerability that have kept "Boy's a liar" from a lifetime sentence in the social media buzz bin. [6]
Tara Hillegeist: It's not that I'm against a song being useful as a TikTok soundbite, much less predisposed to think an artist who has primarily existed in that format cannot be interesting outside it, but... damn. If you set this against the original, to say nothing of "Mosquito" or even Ice Spice's own "Deli"... it's tempting to condescend in all good faith and write off the rehashtagged gestures as some attempt at a victory lap, maybe, but if this is the sound of #winning, it's awful perfunctory against either of their best, if not outright insulting to both. Preemptively remixing a perfectly good piece of Carly Rae-&B like "Boy's a liar" into nothing more than a half-rasped TikTok-ready clip reel, to say nothing of a guest verse that tries for above-it-all styling and lands on slumming-it-all tiresome -- from Ice Spice, an artist with more personality than panache to begin with -- is a gesture beneath the ability of any performer and flattering to none. But yesterday's leftovers will suit tomorrow's fancams just fine, won't they, so it hardly matters if there's hardly any marrow left on these bones, does it? [4]
Andrew Karpan: One wonders what the future holds for the seminal record of 2023, a charismatic bounce of emotional longing that was seemingly heard everywhere but that I can't imagine ever wanting to hear again. [7]
Daniel Montesinos-Donaghy: Pillowy, lightweight, more notable for Ice Spice's continued ascendance than PinkPantheress. One of these artists gets their lines coloured in and it's not the British gal. [7]
Ian Mathers: This is great, but I'm still holding out for us to review Pt. 3 where it's just the "Weird Fishes/Arpeggi" mashup, which has pretty much replaced this one in my earworms' songbook. [8]
Leah Isobel: A fax machine beeps incessantly in the American Embassy in London. A horde of 22-year old secretaries, outfitted in earth-toned Juicy Couture, jewel-bright nails click-clacking on the cracked screens of their iPhones, wait with bated breath as the message comes through. Urgent meeting with the Ambassador requested, it reads. Serious matter: the boy's a liar. Before the fax is even finished, Ice Spice is in the car, her driver careening through the city on the wrong side of the road. She mutters a few tentative thoughts into her voice memos: "He never drops his location, like..." Ambassador Spice arrives at Prime Minister Pantheress' office to find that news crews are already present, ready to capture a meeting of historic import, with implications international. The duo's regal bearing -- shaped by a lifetime of political service -- never falters, and their smiles never seem false. They are each truly beloved of their people. But they can never undo what has already been done: they cannot make the boy tell the truth. The flow of information has sped up over time, hastened by shimmering tentacles of fiber optics snaking under the Atlantic, heralded by jingly ringtones and text alert sounds, but it's never fast enough. Regret and grief attend every belated realization, every decision made, every path not taken. In the US and UK, millions of citizens watch their representatives come to an unprecedented agreement, one that future generations will look back on and think, "That could have been worse." The relieved masses, content to know that the truth has finally been revealed, hum and sway in agreement: "Good enough-ough-ough." [8]
Rachel Saywitz: sorry can't properly blurb this one, too busy shaking ass [7]
[Read and comment on The Singles Jukebox ]
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scarabjewels · 3 months
The movie that epitomizes "women can be shit too, when given the chance"
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I was watching so much of Final Girl Studios fil essays that I decided to watch a film recommendation from one of her videos.
To make it exciting, I watched it with my closest friends, blind to its content.
And by God, it was an EXPERIENCE.
First off, someone please put a warning on this film for the amount of sex scenes it was gonna have. Luckily, one of my friends were very open minded wuth these kinds of scenes, which is why we remained close friends. The rest were VISIBLY SHOCKED, WITH ME. I was flustered how pornesque the scenes went. As a result, we skipped a good amount of scenes.
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Second, this is a great girl's night movie, where you can talk over it. The scenes are visually stimulating, and also pretty long with not much going on. The themes of "beauty is pain" too, is a great conversation starter.
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Third, the fall of the main character and that NO ONE rooted for her was something I wanted depicted in media. I am all for feminism but I truly wanted misandry and misogyny gone from the direction of the picture and rather ingrained into a character, to create complexity and agency for them. I want equality in all depictions, including how anyone, regardless gender and their past, can be shitty and complicated. This was just the breath of fresh air. It was not this woman character OBVIOUSLY exploited for her sadness and insanity, it was about a person obessessed with her image and exploits herself, then goes insane when she is replaced.
The actual review now
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The main character, Lilico, is truly a very shitty complicated person, and so are the other characters in the story. The characters feel real, even when so many of the visuals are so campy. The character that I was disappointed with a lot because I thought she would break free from Lilico's grasp was her manager/assistant , Hada. She was manipulated by Lilico so much, r*ped by Lilico, and verbally and emotionally and PHYSICALLY abused by her . She was the one to leak the information about her plastic surgery and yet..the ending is that Hada wanted Lilico to need her. It is so fucked up.
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I guess my favorite scene was when Hada was tasked by Lilico to cut Kozue's face, the younger natural beauty who replaced Lilico. Like Lilico, she was very much aware that her beauty is market value, the difference is that Kozue is unbothered by her own beauty and incredibly apathetic. Kozue gets confronted by Hada, as Hada shakes in nervousness, Kozue remains calm and apathetically tells Hada to get it over it, that she knows that she is replaceable.
She did not care about her so-called assets and is visibly bored with the world.
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My opinions:
Lilico had misogynistic and misandrist views, she knew about her "market value": her superficial beauty that people obsess over. She is easily triggered by other women's fame and beauty, believing they are out to eliminate her. She throws fits of anger and treats everyone as helpers, subject to that abuse is Hada. She hated men and women, and only thought about herself. Extremely narcissistic and prone to severe bipolar tendencies, e.g super angry to super depressed.
I will say, that if Lilico was a male model, it would play out just as it was with Lilico's story. Again, keep in mind, if LILICO was a male model. Lilico is untalented and looked like a weird doll, and believed her time as that young sexy doll would not last long, therefore continously does reckless things to satisfy her unrational needs and wants. I would argue that in the same setting, such as the place and the society of Japan and their glamorized views of youth, a male model is no exception to that kind of explotation. An example is Björn Andresen, the model that set the standard of the beautiful blonde boy image we see in Japanese media. His looks were exploited to the degree of which he can barely recover.
Exploitation centring young beautiful people delves into the obsession of youth, many of which percieves as the highest form of prime in terms of age, especially women. Youth is perceived as beauty. Interestingly, when I read the manga of Helter Skelter, Asada, the detective investigating the deaths of young women's visceral suicides and their connection to a plastic surgery clinic, quotes this: " Youth is beautiful, but youth is not beauty. Beauty is more all-encomposing."
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Overall, Helter Skelter provides a social commentary on the sewed in superficial views society has on beauty and youth, particularly on women. Themes of obessesion, self awareness, and apathetical acceptance are present. Depictions of narcissism as well as sexual assault are layed down clearly, all the while shows some complexity on behavior.
Campy and disturbing, GALORE.
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gothe · 10 months
i have high standards and they’re not unrealistic because i’ve been involved with them multiple times. the baseline is femme, crazy, beautiful, smart, misandrist, and outstanding in a way. they were all special and outstanding in their own ways. currently my dream girl is a pretty gym girl, that goes without saying..
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pokeblader3 · 1 year
You know that post that’s like “someone can call you ‘bitch’/’fag’ in a way that makes you feel so loved and affirmed, but no slur will hold as much malice as someone with homophobic beliefs saying ‘those people’ in a certain way (often polite and technically correct manner)? That’s how it feels reading how some of the posts on here use “Men”, often before spouting something with subtle underlying transmisogynstic/misandrist (or even outright patriarchal), not blinking twice while saying some shit to queer/trans men/men of color.
It’s not that I disagree with most of their points, I’ve been horribly traumatized and abused my many men and all marginalized men regularly deal with shitty men, both in and out of their community, and have a number of thoughts on the Patriarchy and all the fucked up, insidious ways it gets to you and creates the horrible parts of our society and culture that create traumas and abuse. I regularly spend a lot of day standing up to shitty men for being shitty using all the male-passing privilege I can muster (I still pass pretty well as a ‘cishet’ man). But the way a lot of these posts are phrased often feels... manipulative. Men and women are people, and the number one thing transitioning and being friends with more people opposite my assigned gender has taught me is that human behavior and emotions get ascribed to ‘femininity’ and ‘masculinity’ when they’re just normal emotions we all have. Violence and aggression and cruelty aren’t “masculine”, wisdom and compassion and empathy aren’t “feminine”, even if these things are associated with them because of gender roles and how the Patriarchy has shaped the society around us.
And the fact that people regularly face opposition or get run out of queer groups for being ‘cishet men’ by afab people and (usually cis) women who don’t want to engage with any of our queerness or the fact that we’re feminine (honestly often due to still lingering trauma which makes them distrustful of other people who remind them of their abusers and a lack of actual good mascs in their life who, I get it, I was afraid of men and masculinity for a long time too and had a friend group of mostly women, but it wasn’t healthy and my world is much better for trying to reach out and be close with some who seemed to be kindhearted and genuine, and eventually not be so afraid of other normal people you see on the street)... I’ve probably been discouraged to express myself and my femininity (you know, anti-patriarchal things for a man to do) by women and femmes just as much as I have by men (not mascs, they Get It, and trans men often are adamantly against this behavior but get drowned out or bullied into staying quiet). And it’s so much worse if you’re a masc/enby/transfemme of color, who are demonized for existing and held to impossible beauty standards even by those in the community who are supposed to be ‘on their side’ (and who still hold them to being on their own side). And it’s not like I haven’t been groomed, sexually abused, manipulated, and physically/emotionally abused by women throughout my life, either.
The people who run my state are trying to make crossdressing a sex crime. I cannot go out dressed femininely without risking being queer bashed or made an example of. This is not abnormal in this country, and if you live in a world where men are encouraged to express gender nonconformity and femininity and androgyny is accepted, I hate to burst your bubble but you live in a socially progressive part of this country, and the rest of us get at best bullied relentlessly for any ‘femininity’ from all sides around us.
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womanlives · 1 year
THE FLAMING ROSES were an all-female criminal gang that operated in the late 1400’s DR before their untimely demise. Originating in Baldur’s Gate as just another second-story gang, they eventually came to specialize in brokering confidential and illicit information for the criminal underworld. After operating alongside Nine-Fingers Keene for years upon years within Baldur’s Gate, the Roses infiltrated Waterdeep — and, more specifically, the Xanathar’s Thieves’ Guild. They operated out of both cities for around a decade before relocating the entirety of their operation to Waterdeep. They never returned. According to Nine-Fingers Keene, they remained loyal to her until the end.
Much of the Roses’ true history is all but lost to the ashes. What can be agreed upon is this: they were very well-respected by Nine-Fingers, and the Guild leader before her. The Roses were known for their discretion, their creativity, and their tight-knit sense of community. Save for one exception, they only ever had seven members at any given time: one for each of the seven capital virtues. Upon joining the gang, each Rose gave up her name in favor of her virtue. Be it by design or by chance, these women were never true to the virtues they embodied. Perhaps that was the whole point.
According to records kept by Bursar Uktar of the Nine-Fingers guild, the last-known Roses were as follows:
CHASTITY. Sun elf. Bard (favored instrument: flute). Age unknown. Judging by the faint presence of wrinkles, estimate ~400 years. Copper skin, green eyes, blood-red hair. Beautiful beyond belief. Active Upper City paramour. Don’t look at her when she sings (don’t trust anything she says). Close with Nine-Fingers (how? why?). Known misandrist. Refers to self in maternal terms, but no children. Suspected accessory to the murder of Vulgar Hoffson (pimp; Rivington. No gang affiliation). Delivered bad intel O times. Makes me uneasy.
TEMPERANCE. Half-orc. Berserker. 43. Blue-violet skin, tusks, indigo hair kept short. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE HER INTELLIGENCE. Plays dumb deliberately. Isn’t. Weaponizes stereotypes. Absolutely lethal. Has the coldest rage I’ve ever seen. Primary asset is strength; stealth capabilities unknown (reminder: weaponizes stereotypes). Keep away from bar. She’ll eat the Hall out of house and home. Guild members have lost 288 gold pieces betting against her in drinking contests.
CHARITY. Halfling. Thief. 26. Tan, golden hair, gray eyes. Wiry build. Stock-standard sneakthief. Real talent lies in legerdemain and sleight-of-hand. Favorite pastime: stealing from you while you’re looking dead in her eyes. (Picked my ring off my hand once and gave it back to me. Can’t call Guild violation; said it was a joke. Said she couldn’t help herself. Is there such a thing as a thief who steals too much?) Doesn’t share well. Quoted, when asked for a sip of beer: Hells, no. You could be on fire and I’d still drink every last drop. Wouldn’t even throw your corpse the mug. Funny.
DILIGENCE. Gnome. Cleric (Glittergold? Strange). 74. Pale, dark eyes, brown hair. Distinguishing features: broken jaw that never healed right. Flinches at any sudden movement. Prime suspect in the murder of Vulgar Hoffson (pimp; Rivington. No gang affiliation). Visits Stormshore Tabernacle monthly. Some sort of experimental treatment. Speaks to Sister Korinth exclusively. Always late with fee-sheets and theft-records. Bothersome, but neat as can be. Note from Chastity: DO NOT SUMMON TO GUILDHALL; INTERMEDIATE THROUGH MERCY, PLEASE. Why is she even a thief?
PATIENCE. Human. Bard (favored instrument: voice). 30s? Warm complexion, blue eyes, shock-pink hair. Vitiligo. Unsure if disguise. Noticeable body mannerisms ie: won’t stop fidgeting. Also won’t shut up (surprisingly not as obnoxious as one would think). Friendly, open. Background: actress. Kicked out of travelling troupe (need more information). Talk fast if she asks you questions, or she’ll get violent. Not allowed in Guildhall unless accompanied by at least one other Rose.
KINDNESS. Dwarf (suspected duergar roots and/or affiliations). Assassin. 230s(?). Shock-pale, cold blue eyes, bald. Noticeable tattooing on the right side of head and neck and down the right arm in addition to gang brand. Has no tongue. Fluent in Cant-Sign; interacted with her on several occasions. Uses specialized sign when communicating with fellow Roses. Attempting to decode. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DECODE. Follow the example of the Lady’s Court; give her a wide berth.
HUMILITY. Fucking can’t stand this fucking bitch. Sun elf. Artificer. 450s. Dark bronze skin, heterochromia (dark bronze left eye, milk-white right eye), dark bronze hair. Golden freckles. Extremely tall. Creative, but arrogant. Does not take commission-work unless ordered by Chastity or Nine-Fingers (no time?). Suspected planner of the Rose operations. ALCHEMIST. Blind in her right eye (alchemical explosion from bad ingredients. No investigation needed – dealer dismembered by Kindness). Supplies NF with special (re: spiked) moonflower dosages. Single?
MERCY. Thought they were only allowed seven? Special? [An addition, in fresher ink.] Gods, no. Just annoying.
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starting to feel more binary lately, more boy than not which is so ungodly painful because i used to id as a trans masc lesbian and lesbian started to feel more and more distant, and so now i feel like i don’t fit in with lesbians or queer women, but i also don’t feel like i fit in with queer men. and i’m not a man™️. straight people don’t see me as a guy and it’s a fight to get them to and they still see me as a girl and that makes me feel so awful, and i have to feel that no matter what, but i also have to deal with hearing the queer community talk about all men being evil, or how they hate all men, or how women are better then men, or how they’re misandrists and yeah i get jokes to a certain extent but i feel like people don’t realize how harmful it is as a trans guy to see all my friends joke about how awful it is to be a man and how much they hate them while wondering how many steps away from that you are. as a girl, i was never seen as pretty. i never got to be pretty, i could never quite get there, and i never fit in with the other girls, and then lesbianism seemed to welcome me with open arms, but discovering my transness muddled it all and just makes me feel like shit to think about because no matter what now there will be people who will never see me as the gender i am and people who will never accept me, and people in my own community who i can’t be sure if will back me up. there is something so painful about having femininity drilled into you your whole life as the only way to be beautiful, as a certain standard you could never live up to and then to realize it’s not even what you want, and that you never have wanted it, but if you could just fit yourself into that box, if you could just mold and sculpt yourself perfectly enough, maybe then you could fit in. maybe then you could be beautiful. trans boys are beautiful, masculinity is beautiful and wonderful, and i know this. but it doesn’t make it all hurt any less.
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jellyfemmes · 6 months
I’ve been getting back into self care, skincare, makeup, for myself. I used to not care for myself when I was depressed, but when I was able to get back to normal life, I still neglected my care because I didn’t want it to seem like I was appealing to men. “Why the hell should I shave my legs if one of the main reasons people do that is for mens enjoyment?”
That’s what I used to think for a long time. Part of me thinks “I should put on makeup before I go out,” and then I think, “why, so you conform to the unrealistic beauty standards you hate?”
While that side of me is correct, there’s other reasons to do those things. Put on makeup because you like accentuating your features. Do skincare because you like having smooth skin. Brush your teeth because you like having a clean mouth. Shave your legs because you don’t want the hairs to snag on your pants. As long as you are aware of the reason YOU’RE doing something, then there should be no reason why it’s not allowed.
You can be a misandrist and also wear makeup. It took me a while to realize it’s not hypocrisy. If you want to do something because it will make you feel better, just fucking do it. Don’t get in your head about everything you do and whether or not you’re conforming to the patriarchy. You’ll just be a joyless asshole. Trust me, I was for quite a while, until recently.
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hopeless-orchid · 1 year
My name is Hope, ironically. I’m 24 and have suffered from BED and binge-restrict cycles since 2014, formally diagnosed in 2017. I’ve also been on and off ED tumblr since 2016. I’m a former nutrition & dietetics student and you’d think I would have a healthy relationship with food as a result... I don’t. Maybe someday, but I’ve relapsed once again, so here we are.
My last blog was silent-orchid. You might remember me for my “Your Favorite Th*nsp0 is Photoshopped” posts and attempts to combat the dangerous health/weight loss misinformation flooding ED tumblr. I got too much attention which ultimately led to people seeing and reporting me, so I got taken down. I’m just going to lay low this time around and keep to myself.
** I don’t post or reblog tsp0, this blog is purely for journaling, venting, and memes I find funny that help me cope.
DNI List
Minors: I know what it’s like to be 15 and addicted to ED tumblr, so please trust me when I say that all you’re gonna find here are unattainable beauty standards, dangerous misinformation regarding health and weight loss, an endless cycle feeling like you’ll never be good enough. I also know that nothing I say will prevent you from being here though, so I just ask that you don’t look at or interact with my blog. I’m not saying I’m okay with 18+ sufferers hanging out in this hellhole, but if I knew I influenced an impressionable minor in any way, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. I will not report you, but I will block you.
Racists, LGBT-phobes, cisphobes & heterophobes, misogynists, misandrists, TERFS, bodyshamers, any kind of bigot is not welcome here.
DD/LGs, MAPs, lolicons, or any other kind of pedophilic scum.
People who glorify/romanticize eating disorders or treat EDs like a diet or quirky personality trait rather than the mental anguish that they really are.
Anyone who thinks BED isn’t as serious as restrictive/purging EDs.
I’ll likely edit this post over time, but for now, that’s all. Feel free to follow or hit my DMs if you need someone to talk to.
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violentdevotion · 2 years
I've never really fully understood the meaning of a femcel. So many people have given it different meanings. Like I've heard it being "unattractive" women bringing down other women or being misandrists bc they've been rejected before. I've heard it being that they're like appeasing to incels and trying to be pick mes. The whole concept is confusing but I just know that the Pinterest version of it that's being heavily marketed towards adolescent girls is like based on white beauty standards and self victimization that's heavily associated with white womanhood. I feel like this is going to be an internet subculture that people are going to look back at a year from now, and wonder wtf were these girls really doing when this was created?
I do think the term has a different meaning to everyone that uses it. I feel like it centres around how undesirable someone is (to men), whether intentionally or not. but either way any meaningful discussion that could be made about female beauty standards, dating practices, how desire intersects with race, gender, sexuality, disability etc has just been lost to (skinny) white women using it as another aesthetic practice. I think it's telling that the only people ive seen use the term are t/rfs and and women that fit western beauty standards that want to, as you said, feel victimised in some way. dating isn't easy for anybody but once again white women have managed to make themselves the centre of the discussion, already crowded by their male counterparts who've spent the better half of a decade radicalising men to 'the black pill'. Incels are infinitely worse than any of these women ever could be which baffles me even more as to why they'd want to co-opt this term for themselves (already stolen from an East asian woman talking about how undesired she feels due to her race)
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anawkwardlady · 2 years
"We need a new wave of feminism" we sure do. But let's set the record straight okay. If, during the recent years, you were only mentioning feminism to parody, nitpick and misrepresent its points with your little twitter brain : you're part of the problem. If you shut down women everytime a gendered related issue is brought to the table because its man-hating/misandrist/sus/whatever you're part of the problem. If you let and perpetrated the current misogynist movement on social media by giving hateful sexist memes a pass, thinking sexism is okay and cool when its about someone you hate, you're part of the problem. If you only ever considered misogyny to be a valid problem when it was associated with another minority status it means you believe misogyny is a privileged thing to experience. It also confirms you don't actually believe minorities womanhood to be real and an important part of our identity (why a straight up misogynist take should hurt us less than a white cishet able bodied woman ? is it not also about us ? are we not women enough ?). If your feminism is only a shield for your hatred towards trans women, you're obviously a problem for feminism. If you refuse to hear any criticism on beauty standards, same. If you refuse to hear any criticism on fast fashion and the condition of enslaved poc women bc 'theres no ethical consumption under capitalism', same. If you insinuated women's trauma were taken more seriously than men : you are part of the problem. If you insinuated that women are always victimizing themselves and weaponizing victimhood you're part of the problem. If you were stanning white men weaponizing our minority status to be misogynist against white women, you're part of the problem.
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