#We both know that you want to rape him you horrible person.
samdeancass · 27 days
Past Experience
Requested by Anonymous
Pairing: Homelander x reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Characters: Homelander, Y/N
A/N: MENTIONS PAST SEXUAL ASSAULT BY EX-PARTNER. If you're not comfortable, please don't read. Feel free to message me if you need to.
Description: Y/N has had very bad experiences with their ex-partner in the past, which has had a knock-on effect on their life. When Homelander and Y/N begin to become intimate, Y/N pulls away and confides in him.
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He was always confused when you abruptly stopped kissing him when things began getting heated. Still, he never pressed the issue, honouring your wishes.
You used to be the most outgoing and confident person in the past, so full of life and passion until the one horrible night that changed your life forever. You were totally and completely in love with him; you thought he was the one, but you were sorely mistaken. He took advantage of you when you pleaded with him not to, that you didn't want it, but he didn't listen. He just kept going and left you in a crumpled mess on your bed, unable to move or contemplate what had just happened. That night completely broke you, and it took forever to build yourself back up again.
Everything changed, though, when you met Homelander. He made you feel safe and comforted, like nothing or nobody would hurt you again. At first, you kept him at arm's length. You hadn't been in a relationship with anyone since it happened, but he slowly broke down your defences and told you how much he cared for you through his words and actions. No matter how close you got, you never told him about what happened. You didn't want it to taint how he saw you.
You had been together for just over two years and still had not been very intimate. You knew how confusing this could be to him, but you could never bring yourself to tell Homelander the reason why. That was until you were both in the bedroom, him on top of you, kissing your neck, his hands beginning to roam your body, when images from that night washed over your memory. You pushed Homelander off, gasping for air with tears in your eyes.
Worry washed over Homelander's face as he watched the scene unfold. He gathered you in his arms, whispered soothing words into your ear and pressed soft kisses to the top of your head. Once you had calmed down, he manoeuvred the both of you so he was facing you, his eyes boring into yours.
"Y/n, what happened just now?" You moved your head down and fixated your gaze on the bed, your fingers fiddling with the covers, not wanting to meet his eyes again. His hand moved from your cheek to underneath your chin, and you tilted your head to meet his eyes again. "Please, Y/N, tell me. I want to know. Is it me? Do I scare you? I promise what I do out there is done by a completely different person; it's all for show. I won't ever hurt you."
Tears flowed down your cheeks as he finished what he was saying and shook your head. You couldn't believe he was blaming himself for your actions. He was the sweetest and most caring person with you; you never once thought that he would hurt you like you have been. A pang of hurt and regret exploded in your chest that you hadn't told him about what had happened sooner; you never wanted him to blame himself for the lack of intimacy you gave.
You looked at him through teary eyes and touched his cheek. He leaned into it and smiled, placing his hand on yours. "It's nothing to do with you; it's all me. I have never been scared of you, nor will I ever be. I know you would never hurt me." He took your other hand and rubbed soothing circles into the skin. "So, what's the matter, Y/N? Please tell me so I can help you."
As you looked into his eyes, you knew he would never blame you for what happened; you knew you could trust him. "Before we met, I-I was with this guy. I-I thought he w-was the one. He u-used my f-feelings f-for him, and…he…assaulted me. H-he r-r-raped m-me." You burst into tears as the memories you had tried so hard to keep hidden blurted into your mind once again.
"Oh my god! Y/N, I'm so sorry, I never knew." He gathered you in his arms and cradled you, letting you exhaust all of your emotions before continuing. "Why did you never tell me? If I knew, I never would have thought of touching you like that." You looked up at him, eyes still sparkling with tears.
"I never wanted you to know. I didn't want you to picture me as broken, someone tainted. I wanted you to see me as the person I was before that happened; that is the real me. What happened utterly broke me; I became a shell of who I was, but you, my darling, have helped me build my confidence again."
He shook his head, placing both his hands on your cheeks, before laying down on the bed, bringing you with him, and holding you close to his chest. "You are not broken, my love; you are the most perfect person I have ever met, and nothing will change my mind. I promise nothing like that will ever happen to you again."
You captured his lips in a slow kiss, silently thanking him for his sweet words. "Thank you for accepting me, knowing what happened." "You never need to thank me for anything. I do need you to tell me something, though." You looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah?" "Where does this fucker live so I can kill him?"
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thepurplewombat · 1 year
The Sin List
okay, so as we all know, it is vitally important that any character we stan must be morally pure and a good example to emulate in real life.
So I have decided to create a list of MDZS characters and their sins, which everyone can easily refer to in order to make sure that they are not following some horrible criminal or murderer!
This was a lot of work, but I'm very proud of it. Just doing my bit to ensure the moral purity of the fandom!
Wei Wuxian - Necromancy, disrespecting his elders, disrespecting the dead, killed Jin Zixuan, punched Jin Zixuan in the face one time, cannibalism, mind control, deviant sexual fantasies, trespassing, oath-breaking, urged Wen Qing to perform untested and possibly fatal operation on Jiang Cheng without his consent.
Lan Wangji - Defied his elders, broke the Lan Clan rules, sexually assaulted Wei Wuxian, deviant sexual fantasies, GBH (JGY)
Jin Guangyao - betrayed and killed Wen Ruohan, betrayed and killed Jin Guangshan, murder (NMJ), murdered assorted people, disrespecting the dead, assorted Spy Things for Wen Ruohan.
Nie Mingjue - Killed a lot of people during the war, verbally abused Nie Huaisang, burned Nie Huaisang's stuff, attempted murder (JGY), attempted murder (JGY), attempted murder (JGY), murder (JGY), killed the Mo family (well, his arm did anyway). In favor of the genocide of the Wen Remnants
Jin Guanshan: Sexual assault, rape, murder, ordering human experimentation with resentful energy to be done by his sect, played both sides during the war, didn't take responsibility for his children, ultimately responsible for getting WWX killed because he wanted the YTT so bad
Wen Ruohan: Attempted world domination, murder etc
Lan Qiren: has a stick up his ass
Su Minshan: Refused to die for the Lan, supported JGY in his efforts to prevent undead Da-ge from killing him. Also cursed Jin Zixun.
Sect Leader Yao: Weathervane politician
Jiang Wanyin: strangled Wei Wuxian that one time, keeps trying to talk to him but is way too tsundere about it, killed many during the war, didn't immediately forgive WWX for getting JYL killed, threatens to break Jin Ling's legs weekly.
Jin Ling: rude. rude rude rude. Also stabbed WWx one time
Lan Jingyi: not respecting his elders, rude rude rude. Also loud
JFM: shit dad, throw him in a volcano
Madame Yu: Angry mom, beat Wei Wuxian for things that weren't his fault, yelled at JC a lot, didn't appreciate JYL, very mean.
Lan Xichen: killed people during the war. Randomly starts doing flute solos in conversation
Meng Shi: was a prostitute. Told Meng Yao his dad was amazing and he should totally look him up later.
Madam Jin: awful person, she can go into the volcano with JFM. physical and verbal abuse (JGY)
Nie Huaisang: killed cats, nearly killed the juniors, let his sect fall into ruin, traded obscene materials, disrespecting his sect's traditions, lied to Lan Xichen to make him kill JGY
Wen Qing: went along with WRH's plans, performed surgery on JC without his consent
Wen Ning: Was part of the burning of LP
Mo Xuanyu: Summoned Satan to murder his relatives, harassed his brother
Jin Zixun: asshole, rude, broke the Geneva Convention on the ethical treatment of prisoners several times. Useless person
Jiang Yanli
Qin Su
Lan Shizui
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v0idund3rth3v3il · 2 months
These are not my words, please use the link if you want to see the author.
Explanation to verse 7:81 or the "Anti-gay" verse.
People often bring up verse 7:81 with out any context to show why the Quran forbids gay people and thinks that gay sex is haram, I'm here to give the full context and show why their wrong.
For those who don't know, verse 7:81 say's something like "Indeed, you approach men with desire, instead of women. Rather, you are a transgressing people." Which sounds bad alone until you actually take into full context what it means.
The verse is talking about the village of Lot who were actively RAPING men, not just having sex with them (a major problem in the world back then as both the Romans and Greeks were known to rape other males). As in their lust had become so overwhelming that women weren't enough anymore, they had to attack visitors (a big no no in Islamic culture) and rape them even though they where guys. The people of Lot where so depraved that they literally tried to rape angels before being wiped out so it's a warning against the depravity of rape instead of homosexuality in general as no where in the Quran, unlike the bible, does it say anything against gay sex.
The verse literally right before it say's something like (plenty of translations but roughly) "How do you commit such a horrible that NO ONE/THING BEFORE YOU HAVE COMMITTED". This can't mean homosexuality as we know homosexuality in animals does exist and homosexuality was very well known to just about every person on the planet as shocker, gay people have always existed. Historically speaking, the Code of Hammurabi , which ordered society in most of the Tigris-Euphrates Valley for more than a thousand years, has nothing to say about homosexuality. The laws of Eshunna and Egypt are also silent on the subject with us knowing that there were ancient Egyptian gay couples including a Pharaoh who was more then likely bi. The Hittites forbade father-son relations, but that was part of a general rule against incest. The Assyrians thought it shameful for a man to repeatedly offer himself to other men, and also prohibited men from raping males of the same social class, but all other male-male sexual relations were ignored. These are all states that were around centuries before Sodom and Gomorrah were apparently destroyed destroyed. The much more rational explanation would be they made an entire society based on rape of men and other "abominations" to a point where they would kick people out for wanting to stay "pure" (line 7:82), something that no group of people before them have done.
Now people will often say "if it's bad raping man then it's ok if we rape woman right?" well no. This is because when you take it with the previous verse and the verse after it, it's clear that these people wanted the pleasure of doing something that no other group of people had ever done which was the mass rape/normalization of rape of men. It's absolutely horrible but the rape of women was a lot more normalized back than and so wouldn't fit with the previous line of them doing something that no group of people/creatures had ever done before. That also explains why they didn't except Lot's daughter (which could be interpreted as him trying to save them because the angels didn't take to kindly to wanting to be raped) as they got their rocks off by doing what no other people had ever done which was to mass rape men, not women which again, is also disgusting but a lot more normal back then.
To go more into Islamic history courtesy of u/cold-blue, The grand mufti of the Abbasid caliphate in the mid-9th century, Yahya ibn Aktham, was a known homosexual, and viewed a few verses through the gender/sexuality lens.
One of them was the verse where Allah says He prepares males for some, females for others, and mixes the males and females. I’ve read that ibn Aktham once said that this verse confused people because it alludes to sexual preferences. He also said that the heavenly cupbearers mentioned in the Quran are sexual rewards like the houris. (Whether or not homosexuality is allowed in Jannah was debated, and some came to the conclusion that it is, and the only reason it isn’t in this life is because the rectum is dirty.)
The Ottoman empire, the last caliphate of the Muslim world, not only didn't care about gay people (unlike the Europeans) but actually had art depicting it.
Another is al-Razi. While he didn’t outright say that homosexuality is allowed, he allowed gay couples to be together sexually so long as they didn’t have anal sex. He was concerned with homosexual men committing suicide over their innate feelings and said that if there is risk of that, and the man cannot change himself from homosexual to heterosexual/survive in an opposite-sex marriage, he may be with his beloved (a man) so long as he does not transgress the limits (in his opinion, anal sex).
One of the transmitters of the Quranic variants we have today (of which Warsh and Hafs are two) was a man named al-Kisa’i, who was also a known homosexual. So one of the seven qira’ats came from a gay man.
There was another man ALSO named al-Kisa’i, who was a historian in 1100 CE, and he said in his Stories of the Prophets (Qiṣaṣ al-'Anbiyā') that the people of Lut were specifically MEN WITH WIVES who raped other men, not homosexual men, lining up with what we know historically.
And speaking even more so on the physical element, the male "gspot" is actual in the anus which even if you find gross, is a design of Allah and not a flaw. Why would he do that if homosexuality is a sin?
The reason homosexuality is so hated in the Islamic world is none other then the heretical Salafi and Wahhabi movements (actually considered heretics for most of the time they were around including their top scholars, not my opinion, and the only reason their not now is because of British) and because of Europeans as homosexual relationships were generally tolerated in pre-modern Islamic societies, and historical records suggest that these laws were invoked infrequently, mainly in cases of rape or other "exceptionally blatant infringement on public morals". Public attitudes toward homosexuality in the Muslim world underwent a marked negative change starting from the 19th century through the gradual spread of Islamic fundamentalist movements such as Salafism and Wahhabism, and the influence of the sexual notions and restrictive norms prevalent in Europe at the time: a number of Muslim-majority countries have retained criminal penalties for homosexual acts enacted under European colonial rule.
People often only bring up verse 7:81 and don't bring the verses directly previous or after it nor does it take into consideration the histography of their actions and the verse. It would be like me saying a book said "...kill all black people." but not elaborating and saying that the line previous to is says "These people were so horrible that they would regularly chant..." and the line after it is "I can't believe they would say/do something so disgusting." with the entire context of the book being that they would kick out anyone who didn't want to kill all black people. They only say's that the book said to kill all black people. It's very disingenuous to say the least.
To further prove my point, the word "sodomite" is often used to mean the rape of another person through the ass, not consensual sex between the two. If you google "sodomized" than you'll see rapists, not a loving consensual couple. Even the Arabic words for "sodomite" and a gay person is different as sodomite is literally translated into "lut" well a gay person is translated into "shakhs mithliu aljins".
To get more philosophical about it, sex is not some fetish which just develops in people, it is the most primal human desire that a person can have. So why would Allah make a group (there's homosexual animals as well) a certain way and then say not to follow the most basic desire they'll ever have right after wanting food and water but then say the rest of that group can follow that desire after they get married? People can control their desires until marriage as the Quran makes clear, they don't just never have sex. So why would it be any different for a gay couple? This is like saying that sex with it self is haram.
Finally, people often forget the fact that Allah is an all loving and all knowing being so why would he make certain people that he hates or want's other people to hate aka be "phobic" of when in the Quran it's made clear that we should be loving and affectionate? Now even if after all of this people still believe homosexuality is haram, Allah is said multiple time to be all loving, all understanding and all forgiving so as long they are good people and don't commit a truly horrible sin (shirk aka worship of other false gods, rape, murder, hurting others, you know, the classics) Allah will inevitably forgive them for giving into their most basic human desire especially if it's with a loving partner with in a marriage so why would anyone else have a problem with them?
I'm not gonna add a tl;dr because I worked waaay to hard on this for it be condensed into a few sentences and I really want people to read it and fully understand where it's coming from.
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
I used to dislike blitzo back in season 1-early 2 cuz he was a jerk and abusive and the story tried to justify it with "womp womp he has trauma and he only wants to tough moxxie up so it's okay". And i was supposed to feel bad about his ass? After he verbally abused moxxie throughout all his work life and threteaned to rape him and his wife? Used verosika and stole from her when they where together? Disrespected barbie's boundaries and feelings? Dissmissed fizz's feelings and unintentionally said "hey i lost my mom bitch, you aren't the only one who has problems" WHEN FIZZ WAS FUCKING BURNED ALIVE, LOST HIS LIMBS AND HORNS AND WAS TRAUMATIZED FOR LIFE. ALL BECAUSE OF YOU I MIND YOU.
To be clear, i don't hate asshole characters. I hate when asshole characters are being coddled and excused by the narrative, it's insufferable to watch. Blitz was this. An asshole character who was excused by the writers and you are expected to feel bad about his ass when he got humilated in the club. Thanks i hate it. And it sucks because i love the concept of an abusive asshole realizing he is an abuser and trying to do better to people who he wronged. But i couldn't handle the awful execution.
And guess what?
FUCK MY ASS I'VE CHANGED MY MIND. I feel so bad for blitzo now lmao. The 2 times when blitzo isn't at fault THE WRITERS TRY TO PUT ALL THE BLAME ON BLITZO AND EXCUSE PEOPLE WHO ABUSE HIM JUST WHY. Loona physically assaults him when he respecfully asks her to be nicer to their clients because IT'S HER FUCKING JOB BITCH THEY WILL LOSE MONEY IF YOU DON'T AND IT AFFECTS YOU AS WELL YOU LITERALLY LIVE WITH HIM. And then she kicks him in nuts when all he did was apologising and attempting to hug her? What's funny? What's funny about this 22-years-old grown ass woman physically harming her adoptive dad who provides her a linvinghood, job and unconditional love when she is an adult? And saved her from a toxic and dangerous enviorment? Are you trying to say *he* is in the wrong in this situation and *deserves* to be beaten up by a person he has never wronged in his life? Are you kidding me? Why am i supposed to hate stella, who is abusing stolas, but expected to like loona, who is abusing blitz and moxxie, and to find her abuse "funny" and slapstick? You can't have both, pick one vivzie!
And speaking of stolas...i don't even want to talk about it. I feel horrible for blitzo. Yes, he was an asshole and was only using stolas to get the book, but it was stolas who made their relationship transactional. It was stolas who reffered to blitzo as "his impish plaything". It was stolas who only ever asked from blitzo sex and sexually harassed him on daily basis. He even put a cigrette on his horn likw wtf? It was stolas who made the deal when blitzo couldn't even consent because he, you know, WAS ABOUT TO GET MURDERED BY THE CANNIBALS? AND STOLAS WAS FULLY AWARE OF IT? And the list goes on and on...
Okay, even we pretend none of the above happened and was retconned, blitzo *owns you nothing* stolas. If he doesn't have feelings for you it's not *his* fault. He shouldn't have his buisness tied to your bird ass to spend time with you (and in case if he doesn't, he will lose his job, how fair) if he doesn't love you. Get a life please, you only known this guy for *less than a day* and it was *25 years ago*. And he was completely disinterested in your hobbies and was literally only there because he was manipulated by his father and *sold to you like an object or a toy*. And you still obsessed over this random dude who doesn't even like you and love him more than your own daugther whom you known for 17 years??? Wow, such victim fel bed for him he so pooor :((((
And it doesn't help how not only the writers, almost an entire fandom thinks blitzo is abusive towards stolas or deserves to be kicked out by stolas or be beaten up by loona ("for comedy*) it's not funny. It makes me sick. It's the same as blitzo beating the shit out of moxxie and people praising *blitzo*. But not it's stolas abusing blitzo and people praising *stolas*
Fuck it.
I used to hate this guy, but now i can't feel anything but pity him. It's tragic how everyone blames him for things HE ISN'T EVEN AT FAULT HE DESERVES BETTER.
You're preaching to the choir, Anon! Blitzo is a tremendous asshole, multiple characters' lives are worse for knowing him, but he's a victim here -- and a chilling reminder of just how far people will go to defend a charming, attractive abuser that knows how to play the sympathy card.
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Okay, Pinterest has irritated me, so here I go.
I keep seeing posts of people saying Alastor and Valentino are equally bad, and I’m here to say: yes, but actually no.
See, here’s the thing.
Valentino abuses his workers. He physically abuses Angel and acts like a pervert. He throws huge, violent tantrums when things don’t go his way—remember his hissy fit in “Radio Killed The Video Star”? Also…he licks up Charlie’s arm. Ew.
Valentino is a creep. So is Alastor. But Alastor is not the same kind of creep.
Here’s the thing with Alastor—we only see two of his underlings, Husk and Niffty. The other beings he summons seem to be his puppets. So, what did he force these two to do?
Husk is a bartender in a hotel now. Niffty didn’t even wait for orders, she just started cleaning everything.
Neither are being forced to have their bodies violated.
Hell, even in the pilot, people keep forgetting what Husk said. “You think you can buy me with a wink and some cheap booze? Well, you can!”
From what Husk says in the first episode, the worst parts of his new job are listening to the others “bitch and moan”. And, well, it’s working at a hotel with, at most, six other people in it. It’s not the end of the world.
And, if everyone stopped looking for ways to make the show even more traumatic…you’d see that, at least on-screen, the most Alastor did to Husk was threaten him.
That whole scene was strange in its own way. Husk warns Alastor that Mimzy means trouble. Alastor tells him to calm tf down, he’s got it handled. Husk brings up his absence. Alastor tells him, again, not to worry. Husk gets pissed off because Alastor rubbed his head like you would a cat, and says he isn’t a pet. Alastor says “But you are, haha!” Then Husk brings up the leash Alastor is on.
If Husk has been working for Alastor as long as people think he has, then he should probably know that disrespect is a big no-no. Like, he could have chosen to not bring that specific thing up. Alastor wasn’t pissed until Husk said that. And even then…what did he do, really?
Sure, he had that villain speech. He threatened to tear Husk’s soul apart if he ever said that again. He brought out Husk’s chain and pulled him to the floor. He went mid-demon for a split second. He pointed his microphone at Husk.
But, other than the chain, Husk wasn’t physically hurt.
Angel’s breakdown took a whole episode and two musical numbers. Husk was perfectly fine and eating popcorn in, at most, ten minutes.
Because, as Alastor said in the pilot, “If I wanted to hurt anyone here, I would have done so already.” Husk knows it’s an empty threat because he isn’t currently dead. His soul isn’t currently being torn apart. Yeah, he was shaking on the floor—but who wouldn’t when faced with that, no matter how safe you may or may not be?
So, yes. Alastor and Valentino are both horrible people. They’re both creeps. But, taking what we see on-screen…Alastor is a better Overlord, at least. Come on. Do you think Valentino would let his underlings put a crown of twigs and dead roaches on him?
And, as you all know, Alastor does have morals. No one knows what they are, but they’re there.
Side note: I feel like everyone’s forgetting what usually happens in a serial killer’s process. Yeah, Alastor did kill people, but he didn’t rape them before or after. So, he’s at least got the ‘not as much of a horrible person as you could have been’ award. And as for Hell…people are killing each other in Hell all the time. Duh. It’s Hell. Alastor is remarkable because he killed Overlords, not because he killed.
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methed-up-marxist · 2 months
I have had multiple sexual experiences that are in many respects quite intertwined in the logics of rape, i repeatedly said I didn't want to do something and asked to be left alone not because i didnt want to be fucked but because i didnt want to have to be the person who was being forward in this. I was met half way in this by someone who just took me aside and fucked me violently and brutally - exactly like i wanted. I still have the power in this situation because he was an indian man and i couldve easily positioned him as a sexual aggresor even as like, i knew i secretly wanted it all along i just didnt want to say 'im into this' because i wanted to be a person who is being conqured, someone who is so desireable that ur willing to be forceful in getting it. Like yeah i said no repeatedly to this person, clearly vocally stated i wasnt into it. And then he just fucking made me do it, walked me to the bathroom, fucked me so good while i cried and screamed and afterwards i said thankyou to him, thankyou over and over again for what he'd done to me. Do you see how in a legal-contract form of consent i was the victimised party and yet all throughout the entire thing I have all the power because im a white semi-woman and could call down all manner of racist violence down on this person and yet he did exactly what i wanted precisely by doing exactly what he wanted and so many feminist legal-contract consent cunts cant see the amazing time we shared together where various forms of disgusting power regimes were suspended so we could get closer together. That's what trust is, trust is both of us feeling safe to staunch out the kind of sex we want and to get it and knowing that, even a stranger, will not bring horrible violence down on you. You cannot say there is nothing deeply communist about queer sex. The hate of indian men in this country is absolutely intolerable, the racist barrages against them as sexual predators are disgusting and too many white trans girls dont want to recognise the risks non-white men are taking by even hitting on us in many queer spaces
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thishazbinamistake · 9 months
In my opinion, Loona is a character with some of the most wasted potential in Helluva Boss.
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Though we don't have a ton of information about her background, we do know she lived in a shelter for much (or maybe even all) of her childhood. Loona is cold and distant to her adoptive father, and outright rude to many others, particularly Moxxie, who she constantly mocks and belittles. I'm thinking that this behavior is either a result of her upbringing, or perhaps it was even the reason she was put into the shelter to begin with. But until more is revealed about her past, I want to complain about the way she's currently written.
Loona is abusive, plain and simple. The way she treats Blitz, her adoptive father, goes way past simple angsty teenage rebellion and well into the abuse territory. Any semblance of Loona being remotely sympathetic was thrown out the window in Seeing Stars, when she kicks Blitz in the groin, all because he was relieved to see her and wanted to give her a hug. And all of that after she gives Octavia the "cut your dad some slack" speech.
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I've seen people try and defend this behavior by pointing out that Loona has childhood trauma, and this is why she has these behavioral issues. It's certainly not unheard of for victims of childhood abuse/neglect to have anger issues and poor emotional regulation, and I would have absolutely no problem with this being the case if it was shown to actually be a problem, but it isn't. Not once does Loona get called out for her behavior or face any sort of consequence for treating others poorly. If anything, this abusive behavior is treated as a joke more often than not.
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It's extremely ironic that one of the most despised characters in Helluva Boss, Stella, receives so much hate for being abusive towards Stolas, when we've seen Loona do far worse to Blitz. I honestly cannot think of a logical reason as to why we're supposed to like Loona, while also hating Stella. We see Stella nearly hit Stolas and it's (rightfully) treated as being abusive. But when Loona is constantly beating up her dad for no good reason, we're just supposed to laugh? It seems extremely hypocritical on both the writers' part, as well as many of the fans'. I honestly can't tell if the writers genuinely think this behavior is okay (when it's coming from Loona) or if they just see it as a quirky character trait of hers.
If we're supposed to find Loona likeable, which we clearly are, then the writers seriously need to start making some changes. I'm not saying they should just completely retcon Loona's character and suddenly make her nice, but they do need to start being consistant with how they portray abuse, and they seriously need to stop excusing and coddling her horrible behavior, regardless of if she has childhood trauma. That is not how you grow as a person and overcome your issues. Yes, it's a process that is often long and difficult, but it hasn't been shown that Loona is actually trying to make any change at all, or that anyone is actually encouraging her to change.
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If you want an actually halfway decent example of a character overcoming their trauma (at least within the Hellaverse) look no further than Blitz himself. It's clear his father was abusive and explotative towards him, not to mention he accidentally caused the death of his mother and the maiming of his close friend. Both of these things likely contributed to many of Blitz's flaws and issues as an adult. But the thing is, despite all that, Blitz himself isn't abusive to his daughter. He has shown nothing but unconditional love and devotion to his daughter despite his past. I'm not saying Blitz is a perfect character by any means (I won't excuse him literally threatening to rape his employees), but it really goes to show this whole argument of 'Loona acts the way she does because she has childhood trauma and that makes it okay' doesn't hold up to scrutiny as much as her stans seem to think.
I think a good idea would be to start showing more of how Loona's behavior negatively affects those around her, something which would give her the motivation to want to change. Show how hurt Blitz feels whenever Loona lashes out at him. We get a taste of this in Spring Broken when she hurts Blitz's feelings, but it's clear from both her dialogue in the scene as well as her later actions that the writers apparently don't want her to actually learn from her mistakes and grow as a character, which is such a shame.
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Loona had the opportunity to be an extremely complex and compelling character if her aggression and violent outbursts were actually addressed as being a problem she needed to overcome, and if she actually tried changing herself for the better. Seeing the effort she puts into treating others better and breaking the cycle of abuse would have made her character feel so much stronger and more likeable. But instead, the show just treats this abusive behavior as a quirky, edgy joke and "lol that's just classic Loona!! What can ya do lol!!!"
She does have her moments where a good character actually shines through, but they're so few and far in between. I want to like Loona so much, but as it currently stands, I just can't, and that makes me sad.
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crazycoke-addict · 1 month
Alicent saved Dyana from torture.
In House Of the Dragon, Alicent Hightower finds out that her son aegon had raped a handmaiden named Dyana. Dyana helps with the kids for Helaena, so she was a good help for them. Alicent embraces Dyana, which only does with Helaena. Alicent helps Dyana but also in a way threatens her into silence and has her drink moon tea to prevent a pregnancy.
Many fans see this as Alicent trying to protect Aegon and his reputation so he can still have support to claim the iron throne. I can see that because she is protecting Aegon's reputation by belittling Rhaenyra's but only because this is a political move so that Viserys may change his mind about his succession.
So, in a way, she protects her son, who could damage his reputation, but when you look into context and how women are especially low-born like Dyana are being treated. Alicent saved her from being tortured. Women in westeroes are treated worse because the patriarchal system that with holds them.
Men can get away with a lot of things like adultery, fathering bastards and even rape. While women are punished for things. Women who have been raped are also punished and treated horrible, it's worse if you're a sex worker. Dyana spoke out about what Aegon did to her. She would be more punished than aegon would ever be.
You could say that if Viserys was alive as king, he would save her life from being tormented because Viserys has little to know about his kids with Alicent. However, we only see Viserys being angry at kids whenever it involves Rhaenyra, his favourite child. So, while he could spare Dyana's life, there's that question if he would.
Many fans claim that Alicent shows her hypocrisy for getting Dyana to drink the moontea when she resented Rhaenyra for doing the same years ago. I think people forget the reason why Alicent was mad at Rhaenyra and why she never trusts her again.
Alicent finds out by hearing that Rhaenyra was seen in a brothel with Daemon, Rhaenyra's uncle, and that she lost her virtue to him. Alicent and Rhaenyra were starting to repair their friendship that was strained, so hearing what Rhaenyra allegedly did. Alicent believes that Rhaenyra needs to honour her virtue and not be reckless. Alicent does want to Rhaenyra to rule.
Alicent confronts Rhaenyra and Rhaenyra tells half of the truth. She said that she was at brothel but that Daemon never slept with her nor touched her. Daemon never slept with her, but he did touch her. Rhaenyra lies to Alicent that she is still a virgin because Rhaenyra lost it to Criston Cole. Alicent believes her and tries to defend her against Otto.
It wasn't until Larys Strong who told her that he heard that a maester was seen heading over to Rhaenyra's chambers while holding a cup, which is most likely moontea. Alicent isn't mad at Rhaenyra for drinking moontea. She's mad that Rhaenyra lied to her. She feels so naive and betrayed by the one person that she thought she could trust.
Alicent does find out that it was Criston Cole who Rhaenyra lost her virginity. But instead of telling the king, she chose to keep it for herself. At that time, Alicent didn't know Criston that much, and she did need allies. Alicent kept this dark secret for years, which saved both Criston and Rhaenyra. Alicent could've said something, especially when Rhaenyra kept getting away with having illegitimate children, but she chose to stay silent.
Alicent gives Dyana moon tea to prevent a pregnancy. Alicent is seen as a horrible person for doing this because of her alleged hypocrisy, but I had already told you why. If Dyana has this child, it would be a lot harder. Alicent could've let Dyana stay in the redkeep, but people may start talking, and they already are.
I'm more concerned for Dyana's health because moontea is something that needs to be made very carefully. In the ASOIAF, it was revealed that Lysa Arryn, Catelyn's sister, drank moontea, ordered by her father because she technically raped Littlefinger. Lysa almost died from it, and it could only produce a sickly boy. So, it's good that maester orwyle knows how to make moontea carefully.
When Alicent hugs and comforts Dyana, you can see it as a manipulation tactic to silence Dyana from saying anything. But later on, Alicent hugs Helaena tightly because she is deeply saddened for Helaena and probably feels regret for setting up the marriage. Alicent isn't that affection towards her children besides Helaena. So, her hugging Dyana shows she does have sympathy for her.
When Alicent confronts Aegon, she slaps him and says that he is no son of hers. Alicent says that raping Dyana is a humiliation to his wife, Helaena, and technically, it does.
Dyana was probably the most helpful to Helaena with the kids, but because of Aegon's actions, Dyana left the red keep, and it's likely that Dyana was like a friend to Helaena. There's a scene where Helaena tells the newhandmaiden who looks uninterested about something interesting. It is possible that Dyana was the only one who may have understood Helaena or at least interested in what she had to say.
So, yes, Alicent does protect her son, but she also saves a girl from being tortured because the world in westeroes isn't kind to women like Dyana and especially women like Alicent.
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chicken-wayng · 16 days
“I need Alicent to regret all her life decisions”
Same, Alicent needs a reality check asap. Daemon kills your grandson, Rhaenyra doesn’t punish him and instead welcomes him back with open arms. You think you, Helaena and Jaehaera are safe around these people?
I know I've said it before, but Alicent reminds me of the basic religious southern woman.
Southern Christian women are raised from birth believing that a man is their savior. That a husband and children are going to be their greatest achievement. A man will provide for them. A man will tell them what's okay to say and think. If a man says gay people are nasty, gay people are nasty - if you have those thoughts you're nasty and need to ask for forgiveness to block them out. If a man says a person's skin color makes them a thief, rapist or criminal then it's best to stay away from that colored person; regardless of the fact that the man has stolen more from you and actually has raped you. Which is another thing, rape doesn't exist between a husband and wife in the southern Christian mindset, and if you're not married according to the bible all you have to do is pay off her dad and marry her but to the SC mindset you can slut shame her and make her think its her fault, and why should he be forced to marry a slut?
I'm going on a soap box so I'll back down but I know these things because I was raised this way. I was raised to believe I was nasty for liking girls, I was raised to believe brown people ("especially Puerto Ricans like your nana and dad!") were bad. I was raised in so many sickening ways I'm still having to unlearn a lot of it. However I have resources that just aren't available in Westeros.
When I wanted to know why brown people were bad, all I had to do was get online and read about real life testimonies from the civil war all the way up to present day. What I learned is that we can't even say America has been segregation free for 50 years! 50 fucking years ago they were lynching not only adults but babies!!! I used to use "gator bait" talking about little children, cuz that's what you do in Arkansas, only to learn the term comes from slave days when they'd throw the slave's BABIES to gators!!! How disgusting
When I wanted to know why gay people were bad, all I had to do was get online and learn about the queer people from the 1600s to now. We've existed forever, so what I feel wasn't a phase, or a sin, or anything bad, it was normal. I was raised with the Holy Bible and the biggest lesson we learn is Jesus' love for us. "Love is used over 500 times in the Bible," is what my nana said. Why would he put it in there over 500 times to turn around and tell you to hate? Well I didn't get an answer to that from church or the bible, I got it from Queer Christians (that I was taught weren't a thing.) who told me love is love.
When I want to know why something I was taught doesn't feel right I can look into it. Alicent and Rhaenyra can't. That's part of the tragedy and why they'll never be able to apologize and stop hurting each other. In this way the patriarchy has deepened the divide between them. However their own choices have also done so. Alicent doesn't need to understand bastardphobia to use it to hurt Nyra and Nyra doesn't need to understand the patriarchy to understand why Alicent has to make the choices she has to use the patriarchy to hurt her. They both know they're hurting the other and that's all they care about. The "if I can't love you, if I can't have you think of my name endearingly then I'll have you hate me. I'll have my name ring in your ears until the void takes you." Is toxic but they can't stop. They regret it, but they won't stop. The love is there, but they won't stop.
I need Alicent and Nyra to regret their choices like I regret being a horrible person for the first 15 years of my life.
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jewishbarbies · 4 months
I 100% agree, as someone who considers myself pro Palestine (as in Palestinians no longer dying as well as Israelis no longer being kidnapped and having whatever done to them by Hamas, I just want all of this death and madness to stop for everyone, both Arabs and Jewish people), I’m so disgusted by the antisemitism I’m seeing towards Jewish people and Israelis and I’m disgusted with myself for not seeing it sooner. I’m seeing people engage in casual antisemitism in the name of “not conflating Israel with Judaism” and saying the most ridiculous things. I’m seeing people bring up ancestry tests to check if Israelis are “actually Jewish” or “actually from the land”, accusing Jewish Israelis of being European colonialists because on 23andme or on AncestryDNA, their results may show something like “Polish Jew” or “Ukrainian Jew” for example. True story, I’m seeing people accuse Benjamin Netanyahu of being a white European man larping as ethnic Jewish man and while I hate to defend politicians, I learnt from speaking to the jewish people that I know that many Ashkenazi hebracised their names similarly to how the Irish did after their independence- English names were changed to Gaelic forms. So I’m assuming that that’s what happened with him.
You know how of TikTok many people like to put their flags in their usernames? I’m seeing people who put the Israeli flag in their username (to showcase nationality) get massive death and… other (you can guess the other) threats for simply being from where they are from. Even if the person hasn’t even mentioned Israel!
I’m seeing people deny that the holocaust was “that bad” to Jewish people. That it was a long time ago and that they (“they” being the Jewish community) should move on. I’m not sure if pretending that the holocaust was not as bad as actually was counts as holocaust denial, but in my opinion it’s definitely teetering on the edge of it.
I’m seeing people say that the only real Jews are the Palestinian Jews because the others (others being the Israeli Jews) are European colonialists with “no ties to the land”. Also picking and choosing who is a “real Jew” based off of some ancestry tests (going back to what I said previously). I’m seeing people talk about Jewish people who support Palestinians as “the good ones” (as a black person, I know very well how disgusting it is to be referred to as one of the “good ones”). And while I do not agree with many of the sentiments pushed by a lot of pro Israel crowd (mainly the Islamophobic stuff and anti Arab sentiment that I see, people saying that Arabs cause trouble wherever they go, etc), I will never be able to understand denying someone of their heritage or religion or antagonising them more than criminals based off of their opinions.
Recently there was some hostages returned to Israel and I think one of them was a girl or a woman named Noa, I think (I’m going off of the top of my head, correct me if I’m wrong) and while I’m glad that she was returned to her family (on her father’s birthday right?), my joy was quickly soured by the wishes of death and rape, etc upon her by a lot of pro Palestinian extremists. What happened to wishing safety and peace upon both Palestinian citizens and Israeli citizens? I thought that’s what we all wanted? If I remember correctly, she as well as the other hostages were held in the home of an Al Jazeera journalist, the amount of DENIAL that I saw on social media???? Denying that she and those other victims were put through horrible circumstances, that the 07/10/23 incident even happened, etc. Denying that Hamas is a terrorist organisation or that they even EXIST, etc. I don’t even know what to say.
I’m also seeing people refuse to read different news sources and only read biased news. They’ll say something like “don’t watch American or British or Jewish news channels/sites, only watch Al Jazeera because Al Jazeera is unbiased”… Al Jazeera… unbiased???? Sure, jan. I prefer to read multiple, just to see different perspectives, but to be so biased as to only read Al Jazeera… I don’t even know anymore.
I live in an area in which a Jewish restaurant owner was recently attacked for supporting his family in Israel. “Funding Israel” as they call it now. I don’t care about his beliefs, that’s not my business, but he literally has an Israeli FAMILY. OF COURSE HE IS SUPPORTING HIS FAMILY.
I just wonder, why are people so comfortable calling Israelis demons and evil and everything under the sun? They’d never say that about Russians, despite what’s happening in Ukraine. Or about the Turkish and the Azerbaijanis despite Armenia. Why are we so comfortable demonising a whole nationality?
People say that they’ve read history and they know the full context of this situation when all they’ve done is hear it from TikTok. If people actually knew history, they’d stop questioning why American politicians are so hellbent on having Israel on their side. They’d know that Israel is a coveted ally to have (geopolitical influence, etc) and that if “Genocide Joe” was to stop aiding Israel, Israel would seek aid from somewhere else… like Russia. Or China. Or any other enemy countries of the US.
If people actually knew history, they’d know that complacency is what got Donald Trump elected in 2016. If people actually knew history, they’d know that Bush vs Gore shows us why we shouldn’t vote 3rd party in presidential elections.
If people studied politics, they’d know that Trump has made known his plans to annex the West Bank, flatten Gaza, and arrest every single pro Palestinian protester if he gets elected, referring to the Israel/Palestine region as “unfinished business”.
If people studies politics, they’d know that a major reason for why majority of European countries are becoming more and more far right and installing Nazi governments (e.g. Germans voting for the AfD and the French voting for far right as well) is due to LACK OF VOTER TURNOUT FROM LEFTISTS WHO YAP AND YAP AND COMPLAIN ON SOCIAL MEDIA BUT NO SHOW AT THE POLLS. Ironically, these are the same Europeans telling Americans to not vote.
IF PEOPLE STUDIED AND/OR PAID ATTENTION TO POLITICS, THEY’D BE TERRIFIED OF PROJECT 2025 AND WHAT IT MEANS FOR YOU, ME, US, AND DEMOCRACY AS A WHOLE. (Speaking of, please do spread awareness of P25, it’s very scary and I’d much rather have rights than live in a dictatorship, thank you).
I’m so sorry for rambling about this in your ask box. I know that you as a Jewish person are probably very sick of the rampant antisemitism and the dog whistles you obviously know more of and about that than I could ever possibly imagine as a non Jewish person or a goyim and I’m sorry for ranting about stuff you probably already know about. I’m 18 and most of the people that I know within my age group are choosing not to vote because of what’s happening. I suspect they weren’t going to vote anyway, but now they have an “excuse” for it. And that sickens me as well. That no one actually gives a fuck about Israel or Palestine. No one actually cares about those civilians. People are just using this whole thing as an excuse to be lazy, to not learn, and to spread more hate and tribalism.
I think maybe social media has desensitised people to the fact that this is REAL and not a GAME. When you’re wishing death and rape upon all Israelis, you’re wishing death upon REAL PEOPLE. When you call jewish people Nazis, do you guys ever stop and think about what you’ve just said? Calling JEWISH PEOPLE NAZIS!!! Why is it so normal to strip people of their humanity the second you disagree with their opinions? Sick. As much as I disagree with the Israeli government, I cannot imagine generalising a whole population based solely on their GOVERNMENT.
I have one Jewish friend that lives near me, his name is Eli. He’s Mizrahi and Sephardic Jewish. We graduated together last year from high school. We live in a very white suburb and the antisemitism is rising by the day where we stay. I don’t even know what to say to him and his family right now, considering that this is his lived experience. Having to be afraid. Living in fear. How do you even attempt to comfort someone when they’re dealing with this? I can’t say that it will get better, because we both know it won’t. At least not any time soon. How many times are they going to tell us “Never again”’before “never again” actually sticks?
I’m just tired of this. I’m tired of the hatred. I’m tired of random Jewish people and random Arab people getting attacked. I’m tired of the Islamophobia and antisemitism. I’m tired of trying to push people to redirect their attention to the threat at hand which is Donald Trump. And if I’m tired of this, I cannot even fathom how tired the people affected are. Sorry for the long and annoying ask. Feel free to delete this, it’s a bunch of whining.
I don’t mind the rant/vent at all! the state of this world right now is just so disappointing it leaves you hollow. so much unnecessary hatred and death that could be avoided if people just made different choices. I’d say I’m embarrassed to be american but this is not anywhere near an american problem, it’s the entire world.
I just saw a tweet today about the hostage rescue saying the IDF (aka jews) are “demons” for allegedly going in disguised as an aid truck and then shooting people. like they went in disguised and just opened fire at random because they love to kill. so many people were shot as kidnappers. like, these people harbored kidnapping victims, tortured and enslaved them, and I would’ve preferred a life sentence but I’m not going to mourn their deaths.
now, idk how much of citizens helping hamas is from fear of ending up like the jews hamas brutalizes and how much is an actual desire to kill jews. there could very well be some of them who were hiding hostages to save their and their family’s lives. that being said, this has to stop, and we have to do better as a society when we respond to these events. because where we’re at right now and what we’re allowing ourselves to say/do is doing nothing but harming ALL of us.
these morons will say “never again means never again for anyone!” but it’s a phrase coined specifically by and for jews relating to the Holocaust and antisemitic violence. there is no “never again” if it’s still happening to jews. any goy using the phrase outside a context pertaining to jews is not to be trusted, and they’re a fucking idiot.
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voxpraxis · 1 year
lately i've been... idk if you can really call it "debating" but i've been interacting with some muslims in the comments of an instagram reel in which a young girl was speaking to a young boy (i want to emphasize that they are both children) and telling him that she wasn't allowed to speak to boys until she was married, because her parents and her religion said so. the boy was sad but replied with something like "oh, alright" and the caption & comments were all talking about how "sweet" the situation was. i commented that i didn't think it was sweet, and actually that's a horrible thing to put in a child's mind. the post never directly mentioned islam and neither did i, but everyone who's been replying to me is proselytizing islam, so. anyway, these are the points that have been thrown at me so far:
it's not wrong because both genders are forced apart from each other
in response to me saying it still enforces an extreme divide between genders and encourages them to see each other as opposites rather than equals: the separation is necessary to prevent rape
there is no rape in islam because of the separation between men and women, rape only occurs in western society because men and women are not separated (...because apparently we cannot expect men to not rape women unless they're physically kept away from them at all times)
rape does not happen between family members, it's just not a real thing, ever (incest doesn't exist?)
if you're interested in a girl you should marry her immediately, because dating leads to cheating
men and women cannot be just friends because "islam and science and psychology says so." one guy said it's because "women can't talk about cars and sports"
(i also got called a simp for saying i have female friends. can't make this shit up)
in response to me pointing out that what the girl is saying implies that she won't have any say in who her husband is: arranged marriages are better because they always work out and unlike western marriages, they never end in divorce! (i'll give you one guess why that is.)
similarly, single parent families and suicide are solely western problems
men and women are NOT equal
i need to shut up and respect it because that's their religion
islam cannot be questioned because islam says islam is true
and that's not including all the personal insults and threats i've received, in just a few days.
i will say this is one of the least challenging "debates" i've ever had, in the sense that almost no point brought against me has any logical foundation and is easily refutable. but it's one of the most frustrating because the problem is that they won't hear me at all, because islam teaches its followers to never consider anything else. it teaches them to accept exactly what they are spoon-fed as the ultimate truth. and this is by no means a problem exclusive to islam, but islam does this kind of control better than any other religion i know. people raised into islam are not taught to think in any logical terms - in fact, they're deliberately taught to avoid thinking logically. logical fallacies are the rule. so not only can they barely form a coherent argument in favour of their beliefs, but they have absolutely no clue how illogical they sound sometimes. when i point out a lapse in logic in something they've said, the response i get is "no, that's true because islam says it's true." no other explanation required. at least, i've sometimes heard people of other religions attempt to use logic or science to prove their beliefs, but with the muslims in these comments, those are unnecessary things to be absolutely avoided - it's like they don't even understand why i'd bother to use them. you can't use logic to get through to them because they've been taught to avoid logic and cling to the mantra of islam-is-true-because-islam-says-so.
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aliciavance4228 · 1 month
Quick Question: Why are there so many people who describe gods as "feminists"?
I remember myself writing last month at 2AM while drunk (romanians are just built different) an entire Bible about why Athena being labeled either as a Feminist or a Misogynist is wrong in both cases and that because we're talking here about a figure that was firstly mentioned hundreds of years ago when people had a completely different mentality than ours and blah blah blah. Yes, I'm the idiot who brought back the "Ovid is a faniction writer meme", but I'll let you beat the shit out of me later.
But I've discovered how a lot of greek gods are suddenly labeled as "feminists". And my genuine question is... how?
Ares: Many people claim that he was the protector of women and that he never raped any woman in his entire life just because he murdered his daughter's rapist. People forget the fact that just because there are few to no surviving written works in which he rapes women that doesn’t mean that he didn't do that at all; there are already two discovered myths in which he rapes a woman disguised as a shepard despite the fact that she was one of Artemis's huntress and one in which he sleeps with another woman in secret, respectively. Also, aside from his mother, lovers and daughters he doesn't protect any other woman that isn't close to him from being raped.
Apollo: Many people consider that just because he was a certified bisexual who deeply loved his mother and twin sister (and saved both of them from being raped in different myth versions) that makes him a feminist as well. Wrong: he raped Chione in her sleep and Dryone in the form of a snake.
Hermes: Hermes raped Chione in her sleep and Apemosyne after slipping on skinned hides that he placed on her path.
Dionysus: He raped Aura while she was drunk and Nicaea while she was unconscious. Also, people often forget that his own cult itself is the main reason why he cannot be a Feminist in the first place, and that because his priestesses usually had to get drunk during the festivals and rituals dedicated to him, which made them completely vulnerable to any man who wanted to take advantage of them.
Hades: On one hand, he lets his wife rule over the Underworld and have just as much authority as him. On the other hand, he still kidnapped her and then forced her to eat those pomegranate seeds. And because it's very uncertain wheter or not he actually raped her in Homeric Hymn to Demeter, some people may argue that the pomegranate seeds are supposed to symbolize his seed, and by extension him forcing Persephone to eat them is a metaphor for him forcing himself on her.
What is next: Telling me that Zeus was a feminist as well?
Now, I know that Greek Mythology is completely messed up and the desire to either change or erase some myths is justified. Also, it's really hard for a person who feels deeply connected to a certain deity to recognize that the respective deity has done some things that by modern standards would be considered immoral and/or completely disturbing. But that isn't an excuse for not admitting that yes, [Name] has done some horrible shit just like any other deity from the Pantheon. Save for Hestia, we all love her and she must be protected at all cost.
Now, I have absolutely no problem with your headcanons about the greek gods or depicting them in a better light in your fanfictions, comics, fanarts etc. etc.
However, claiming that your headcanons or retellings are mythologically accurate is a problem.
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lovemishjen · 5 months
Hi, I'm not a troll or a hater trying to get a reaction from you. I just want to know your opinion on Misha hate and if there's any truth to what the anti's are saying and that is Misha a bad person. Cuz my whole for you on Tumblr and Twitter is just filled with hate towards him and some have some okay points. You seem to be the only person in this Fandom who gives actual answers instead of just what fits your ship or highlights your fav.
I believe that anyone who says Celebrity X is so amazing and perfect, and God's gift to mankind, OR Celebrity Y is so evil, disgusting and horrible are both delusional. Why? Because we see a very carefully curated image of celebs, especially actors, through conventions and social media.
Now if I say i hate a well-known person, say Harvey Weinstein or Roman Polanski, who have been convicted of rape or such crimes, it is understandable. Or if I hate a colleague/neighbor for personal reasons, like they were rude to me or flirted with my partner or spread lies against me, again it is understandable.
The people who are anti-Misha, or anti-Jensen or any other actor, imagine having an entire blog on being malicious about someone you dislike.. that's such bad vibes, and they are spreading it around themselves.
Now take J2M for instance, I follow Misha and Jensen a lot more than Jared, (though I haven't been really active since the show ended) and the reason is I find Misha witty and Jensen charming. Does that mean they're perfect... absolutely not. I am sure their partners, kids, parents see the other side - when they are angry, when they're depressed, when they are irritable. Same way, just because I don't relate as much to Jared (I find him a tad immature, and I don't see much of depth in his answers at cons) doesn't mean he has no redeeming qualities. I am sure his friends and family adore him.
I am not that involved in the fandom that i should convince you that Misha is great or amazing. If you find the antis convincing, that's your choice. I generally block such blogs, so I am not sure what they're telling about him.
Misha used to be a lot more sarcastic and spontaneous in the early years, but he has mellowed down, and has become very cautious because he got attacked by antis several times. That tells me he is a sensitive person. Also, he has a very good equation with his kids, his mom, brother, and seems to be well-liked by Jensen, Jared, Danneel, Gen, Rob, Richard, Ruth, Mark and most of cast and crew, unlike say Pellegrino, who doesn't seem that popular among the cast. When Misha was asked to leave in end of season 6, the entire cast, especially Jensen seemed very upset with Sera Gamble at that Comic Con. But this is my observation as an outsider.
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And I genuinely feel that anti-blogs say less about the celeb and more about the person running it. It's projection, big time. I mean if you are happy with yourself and your life, would you spend all that time and energy bad-mouthing a stranger?
Edited to add - You should also understand 'winc*st' was the only major spn ship from 2005 to 2008. When Misha joined the cast, and the sudden popularity of destiel skyrocketed, there was a lot of resistance from the og shippers, which translated to Misha hate.
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imzsuzsis-blog · 1 month
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Because of the stupid dream, I just have to pee all the time. I'm on the toilet again and peeing. The other is that we broke up with Loki, I loved him so much. The third and the little ones haven't even been born, and I'm waiting for them. I don't know what Carlos is saying, but I don't have schizophrenia, but that's what Oscar said too.
"I don't have a personality disorder, Max!!!! Stop it… I was just dreaming.”
"But the girls too..." "No Max, he doesn't dream of that either."
"They broke up with Loki because of something stupid."
"That's not true either... Your dreams are too vivid, my friend... We're still together and we love each other."
I grimaced at him, but he just waved, because he thinks boys can't be pregnant.
"Max, stop waving. I really am pregnant.”
"That's not the problem!!! But the time, say, in Montreal, I opened for you and you had an orgasm!!!! Stupid English bastard face with twins!!!!”
"I already said I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but how many more times do I have to say it?"
Presentation and gone.
"As they say half the world is a left dick."
I sat down and closed my eyes again and soon fell asleep again, I've only been doing it for a few days. On vacation, half of my group of friends got on my nerves with this, one of them even made me a cube stomach with Photoshop, because he thought it would be a good joke for teenage girls.
"Lando, Lando... Ohhh, baby, did you fall asleep again?"
Loki? Yes, no, I'm not just resting my eyes, I needed it early again."
"Dude isn't even your best friend, can you call me baby?"
"Carlos, you're rubbish. Can you hear me?”
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"And you?"
There they were giggling on a bench, like two little girls from a girly novel that Lilly used to read... Well, I used to read them. To annoy her directly, but she likes it, she always laughs at me when I do this, but so does Lando.
"Yeah, we're just fooling around."
I laughed at Oscar, he showed me the girly things to read for the week.
"Gossip Girl... It's a joke, right?"
"Not Lando, now this is the next series, on Netfilx."
"I'm going to watch it now and it's damn good."
"I don't want to interrupt, but you are not complete that you started a book club and only read girly books for being boys. Okay, I look like Lando, but you don't look like Oscar."
Carlos, look at us as fools for doing this, we both love to do it, we haven't even read one of these, how to do it.
"If you don't like it, you can read one from the list."
"No thanks, I'll leave it to my girlfriend."
"It's your choice Carlos."
"Lando, is this serious? You say the one who made out with a girl in a disco, who is not, by the way, her friend."
"This is bullshit, it was another girl with another boy and the picture was taken on New Year's Eve."
"Lando, I have to make you dream, the video was just made in Ibiza... About you and Magui kissing passionately... Are you gay or not?"
I angrily slapped Carlos and started sobbing.
"Magui violently attacked me drunk and kissed me... Then she told me that he wanted to fuck me, when Keegan and Max found out, they pulled me away and told the security and threw me out."
I started shaking, I could tell it was a what-if situation, what if he did it. And she rapes me in a bush next to the disco, I'm afraid of her.
"Don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong, your friends were there to save you from this horrible girl... I can't stand calling her a whore either."
We kissed him forehead because he mentioned several times that him head hurts from something and him stomach is burning and he wants sex less... But he brushed this off for us and not for Loki, him boyfriend.
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Lando jumped on my neck for some reason, I only saw what he was doing on the scoreboard.
"Pole, pole!!!!"
The guy is happy.
"Hey, I see it too."
"I know, I know, I'm just fucking happy."
I started shaking my ass and grimacing at Alex and he back at me and we did this for about five minutes.
"Lando, honey, aren't you childish?"
“Yes, I know he is, but you?"
“Carl… Loki? The fuck came to me.”
"I'm George... That you can always be messed with by your boyfriend."
"Okay, who the hell was that?"
“Who said it could be?"
I almost fucked George for saying that to me.
"Alex started on Thursday... Because you bragged about his childhood in front of the audience, then Max because he opened up to you once and you were totally intoxicated, Carlos just for fun, Oscar because he still loves you."
"Here??? You're an idiot, a dick, George Russell!! Fuck you!!!”
After I took deep breaths, I suddenly had labor-like pains again, which I hadn't had in a month, and I calmed down because of it.
"Are you fucking okay, mate?"
"Everything is fine, only Braxton-Hicks contractions are fine. It is common in the third trimester.”
"I was terrified, I thought you were going to give birth." "I won't, we are already talking about it with DR Sarha, they will come when the girls come."
"Doctor... Let's leave the other one."
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"Today was agony, Loki. Let's not even talk about it."
Lando leaned over to me with tears in his eyes, because I was the only one and I was listening to what the others were saying to him. I think the whole thing was extremely disgusting, especially Carlos, who bought into a rumor again, like at the Belgian Grand Prix.
"Darling, do you know this world is just... Baby crying and two too? Did you give birth?”
He froze and could only nod, and in fright he held both children. I cried softly on my mobile through Síri. I called the ambulance as fast as lightning, but they were already here, there was a problem with someone here at the hotel.
in the hospital
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"No, no no!!!!!"
He repeated this again and now the poor man was crying from the shock, I felt sorry for him, it was unexpected and scary. We were talking and suddenly they popped out of it without any effort. Although I just spoke to George, who said that he had pain but did not deal with it.
"Lando, why didn't you tell me you were in pain?"
"It completely slipped my mind because I was busy with something else today."
I started caressing him face and wiping him tears from him eyes. It's very beautiful and cute to see when Lando cries, I always smile inside, but not now. Because it's a sad sight when we were told how big and how many grams they came into the world, we were both completely terrified, but they will survive with their needles. Instead, he is here at the Hospital because of them because he has a race tomorrow and this is his first.
"They couldn't go home for an incredibly long time, as far as Belgium at the most, because of the girls, if they get better, we can only go that far because it's a neighboring country."
"Yes, I know... This damn premature birth was in the air mainly because of what was written about you, and this is mostly the fault of today's teenagers. Because they will see you somewhere and scream and need everything about you, or they need you. It's terrible.”
I kissed his hair because I was slowly starting to fall asleep, it had been a long day and even that might make him hate himself now.
"Hello, Loki... I talked to a doctor... He was at 33 weeks..."
"What happened?"
"He started labor against him will, he read something on the internet and so on. But he said politely, he got 34."
"Good, but they are in the preterm ward."
"I know about it and I'm sorry, it would have been a few weeks."
"Are they beautiful?"
I saw pictures of Penelope and Leah and they really were two little beauties, I would have grabbed them but I couldn't because they weren't allowed yet.
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sissa-arrows · 2 months
Have you ever encountered any PoC who were defensive of or “both sides” colonialism before? I remember one such conversation a friend had with a somewhat privileged classmate who complained that people harp on too much about colonialism and he argued it brought some benefits to the world. He said that his family was able to build their fortunes in that time and that places in East Asia (Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore) prove his point. He believed anti-colonial critics were too one-sided. What usually is your response to these mind-boggling takes to “see the whole picture”?
I did meet PoC like that. Mostly Moroccans who support Moroccan colonialism in Western Sahara in my case because of how French society is built (I’m more likely to cross path with a Moroccan than with a Korean for example) but I don’t think it’s unique to them. That being said I do think PoC who currently benefit from colonialism in their “home country” are more likely to dismiss the horrors of colonialism. People from Morocco, Türkiye, China… to name only these three, are more likely to try and justify colonialism because their countries are colonizing other people right now so they can’t just outright say colonialism is horrible and then support what their countries are doing.
First thing first if his family built their fortune during colonialism I have some news for him… they very likely were a bunch of spineless traitors who worked with the colonizers so honestly his opinion on colonialism is worthless.
Personally when people start with their both side I either just call them a piece of shit and leave, or if I can’t leave and can’t really argue I tell them “Look you’re full of bullshit so unless you want to eventually get punched in the face you need to stop right there and shut up” or when I can argue “You’re so right they built so many buildings, after destroying the ancestral buildings that were there. And all the schools they built as well! After destroying the existing school and after making sure the indigenous people wouldn’t have access to these new schools. Or wait maybe you’re talking about how good the colonizers were at training dogs? Very obedient dogs they even trained them to rape the indigenous men in some countries (to my knowledge only the French did it on Algerian men and now the “Israeli” are doing it to Palestinians but still) ! Please which one of these things is the most positive aspect of colonialism I really wanna know?”
So basically to answer your question I think the best options are
- If they just randomly both side it without listing some of the so called positive aspects: listing the horrors of colonialism and asking them which one of these things is so positive.
- If they do list some of the so called positive aspects: listing the horrors of colonialism and asking them if that minimal “positive thing” was worth these horrors. Switzerland got richer from WW2 so are we just going to say that WW2 had some positive aspects and that we insist too much on the negative? No. Nobody in their right mind would do that. So why would that be okay to do that with colonialism which made so much more victims all over the world?
- Sometimes it’s honestly not worth it and you just need to tell them to shut the fuck up already and leave the conversation. I know it seems counter productive to not argue and I have a hard time respecting that advice myself but sometimes arguing with a racist (because those who think colonialism had some good stuff are racist no question asked) only gives them more power. At the end of the day you’ll have used your energy to argue about your own humanity to prove that you are human and the other side still gets to ignore your humanity.
P.S: There’s a conversation to be had on privileged PoC in the Global North who behave like white people when other PoC in the Global North and in the Global South tell them they have privileges. But that’s only loosely related to the topic of this ask so I will refrain unless someone wants my opinion on the subject.
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sketching-shark · 2 years
Me ghink theres lot of hate towards tang sanzang some of which IS UNDERSTANDABLE
But alot of it goes too far and say the most rancid shit ever all bc hes book character. Mind ya hes based on actual person and is being use his likeness. Like some lmk fans be saying the worse thing ever towards this guy(for example wanting him get the d*ath penalty n amongst others).
We forgetting that yes some of his treatment towards swk IS horrible but we tends to forget swk had done some atrocious things that sanzang was witness to in full view. No human would journey like that without being completely scar and traumatized. Some of my friends while looking through the book had found that sanzang be using the circlet all in one go and then never used it in years.
His character development does happen yall in where he do trust his companion more and then *insert traumatizing moment* happen. I do think wukong didnt deserves the maltreatment tho(i want to say this bc later i get ppl saying that i support ab*se bc i defend sanzang for a bit, not knowing that i also disagreed w some his actions)
Most ppl forget that the first arc that the gang actually face as a group was the gingseng tree arc, not white bone spirit.that u have him defending wukong and countless other times where he do trust swk judgement in some cases. (i just wanted to get it out there since not many ppl realize it n im fully blaming osp for this bc they are skipping arcs. N they don’t really tell what arcs they’re skipping)
This just me rambling but dam all these ppl need therapy.
THEY'RE SAYING WHAT NOW ANON AAAAAAAAAAA but haha wow on a lighter note that is kind of funny that the fandom which routinely portrays the Six-Eared "I am going to try to murder-replace you for completely selfish reasons / repeatedly try to kill a young mortal that you love" Macaque as a monkey who never did anything wrong ever would then go out its way to demonize Tang "I do lash out & often don't trust my senior disciple but have also been threatened with death for fourteen years" Sanzang. Like geez I've seen many another fandom where the assumption is that for one character to be good/be "redeemed" you need to make another character horrible (tbh I'm starting to suspect that that's what's happening with the lego show version of Sun Wukong & the Six-Eared Macaque), but wild if true that some lmk fans would go THAT far in the attempt to paint the monk as a guy so awful that he literally deserves the death penalty.
Now to be fair it does need to be noted that even in Wu Cheng'en's classic (or at least from what I've seen in the Anthony C. Yu translation), Tang Sanzang was in many ways intentionally written as a caricature of a fussy Confucian scholar who may have memorized many doctrines but who doesn't really understand them, and who is often made a figure of fun for falling off his horse, and who does use the headband against Sun Wukong is some very explicitly painful and unjust scenes. In at least the book he's also a much more static character than the Monkey King in that we don't see any real changes in his thoughts or behavior over the course of the journey, which I can see as a something that would sour many against him. THAT SAID, you are very correct anon in noting that besides one traumatizing event after another happening to him, from his mother's suicide to constantly being threatened with death and/or rape at the hands of many yaoguai, this monk does have a number of reasons for why he's constantly crying and acting with hatred and suspicion towards the Monkey King. And let's not forget that one of the things SWK told Tang Sanzang early on in the journey was that he had literally killed so many he couldn't remember them all, and that was right before he tried to kill the monk himself! Point being that yes both Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong are extremely flawed individuals who often clashed with each other in some pretty upsetting ways, but there's also many understandable reasons for why they act the way they do. It's a real disservice to their characters and the underlying implications of the journey (or its retellings tbh) to forget or ignore that! *
*(and on THAT note this is another reason why it's kind of frustrating that the Overly Sarcastic Production & Monkie Kid retellings of Xiyouji seem to be the primary ways that western audiences are understanding the journey. Liking explicitly cartoony retellings is one thing. But then basing all your knowledge of the work on these retellings and/or even outright refusing to understand the classic in any other context makes for some really simplified and even really insulting beliefs about a culturally important work as a whole)
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