#dyana hotd
lovl3igh · 2 days
dyana poor girl working in the place where she's constantly harassed by men and that's because in the place when she had all the right to feel safe under crown's protection, she was raped and the person who should have do something about it, called the rape "troubles" and sent her away... give her a gun
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sansalicent · 2 days
I hope Dyana is the one to serve Aegon the poison. She got raped when she was serving him wine, she served him wine again at the tavern where he didn’t even recognise her after ruining her life and the story should end with her serving him the poisoned wine. In the words of queen Cersei herself “look at *her* face, it’ll be the last thing you see you see before you die.”
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okay but my main takeaway from ep3 was how good emma d'arcy looks as a septa the horror of dyana's character. even though she got free of the red keep she couldn't get free of the harassment and abuse from entitled men. and then thinking she had atleast gotten free of aegon- he came into the inn. and she had to serve him. the man who raped her.
she's just one example of what life is like for a woman in westeros.
i think every woman in this show should be allowed to murder a few men as they see fit.
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lilycatttt · 2 days
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bee-unknown · 1 month
The same people who call themselves feminists for supporting Alicent are the same ones who claim that Rhaenyra isn't the rightful heir because she's a woman, or wish Daemon beats Rhaenyra
And the same people who call TB rape apologists for saying that Alicent isn't the martyr they think she is because she got maritally raped are the same people who say they wish Dyana gets raped again or justify Aegon actions because she's a "thing"
No surprise most Alicent apologists are Swifties, they already have practice in harassing anyone who dares say something bad about their wannabe-martyr
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iliveinarainbow · 3 days
can i just say that it’s kinda funny to see how some people are still trying to claim that alicent is a good mother?
alicent is not a good mother, point blank period.
and whilst i understand why she’s like this i also think it’s stupid to act like she is.
she has every reason under the sun to struggle with motherhood, being forced to marry viserys and then have his kids who in turn just become physical representations of all she had to lose and endure in order to conceive them.
and whilst i don’t necessarily agree with the people who say she never had a good example of a parent, you can’t deny the impact that otto’s style of parenting had on alicent.
(people act like otto is the only parent alicent ever saw in her life, ignoring her own mother who died right before aemma did, aemma herself, viserys -kinda, only to rhaenyra and only sometimes-, rhaenyra herself -and olivia cooke did say that alicent knows rhaenyra is a better mother than her and instead of maybe taking some inspo it just fueled her anger-).
so yes, alicent has every reason to struggle with motherhood, but these reasons do not erase the damage that she has done to her kids, and i find it stupid to try and claim otherwise.
i swear the amount of comments i’ve seen “oh she’s a good mother, she just doesn’t show affection or comfort her kids or seem to care for them apart from what they can do for her and the war against rhaenyra”…
so how exactly is she a good mother then?
alicent is a victim of the cycle of abuse that otto started, that is a fact, but you can’t deny that she is now continuing it with her own children and that they are all suffering for it.
also love the people who claim that viserys is solely at fault for how his kids turned out, and yes obviously his neglect didn’t help, but i also feel you can’t ignore alicent’s emotional abuse towards them and how that contributed. but if you say this then you are “blaming the victim”, bc ig that since alicent is indeed a victim that means she can’t do anything wrong.
fucking side note: saw a comment defending alicent and then saying “well i wouldn’t comfort my rapist son either”, yeah well queen i personally also wouldn’t silence his victims and put a crown on his head but i guess we’re all built different.
i can excuse silencing rape victims, buying their secrecy and crowning a rapist, but i draw the line at hugging said rapist…
ok :)
and we see her at least try to comfort aemond and helaena in s1, so she knows what that means and that kids need it.
and you know what, you don’t want to hug aegon? fine. but to go in helaena’s rooms and not even say anything to at least try and comfort her but instead just trying to make sure she keeps her mouth shut about you and crispy? ok queen.
best part is that whenever you remind these people that alicent is not the only person suffering and has little reason to believe her situation is unfair bc at their time what happened to her was normal (i know it’s not normal and i know she is a victim for the peeps who won’t read this whole thing and just focus on that one line), they say that alicent is aware of how bad what happened to her was… ok so bc she’s aware of that she’s doing the same thing to her kids?
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dragondreamers · 8 months
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horizon-verizon · 1 month
Alicent telling Dyana not to tell anyone about what Aegon did to her because no one would believe her but Erryk Cargyll, the first person Dyana told about her rape, choose Rhaenyra because he knows what Aegon is, meaning Erryk DID believe Dyana.
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I need to give Dyana a gun
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Just today I looked at this shot:
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and had a delulu thought about the possibility of Dyana's role in S2 (or a part of this role) being actually helping Aegon and his friends to find and capture Cheese. Dyana was Jaehaerys' nanny after all so it would be pretty natural for her to care for the boy, even to love him.
She doesn't have to like Aegon to do that, she doesn't even have to actually forgive and forget his actions - only enough to ensure he gets justice for the pure, innocent soul taken.
Sweet dreams, I guess.
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Dyana! I knew she’d be back!
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iliveinarainbow · 2 days
i really hope dyana somehow gets her revenge.
on anyone really.
let it be aegon or that fuck ass man who assaulted her in the bar thing.
can this poor girl just show up on this damn show and not be traumatized JUST ONCE?
dyana my girl you deserve better and i’m sorry men exist.
double her pain and give it to aegon, or that man.
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1800naveen · 6 days
Listen to me on this....
How THOSE guys treat Gwyneth Berdara is how THOSE guys treat Dyana from House of the dragon.
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horizon-verizon · 2 months
So let me get this straight: everything Alicent did and every reaction she had, even if it wasn’t against Otto and Viserys, was justify because she was a victim of sexual abuse, she’s allowed to crown an unpunished & unrepented serial rapist after he assaulted an underage girl and cause a massive civil war that will devastate Westeros and amount to nothing but tragedy for all involved because she suffered but when it’s about Dyana she doesn’t get the same treatment ? Now all of a sudden, B&C would cancel out Dyana being a victim ? I thought y’all were team smallfolk, hm... Dyana doesn’t owe anything to anyone from that family, including Helaena and her children. Dyana had to see their mother granting her rapist the most powerful seat in the realm even after collapsing and crawling at Alicent’s feet, whatever she can do against them I will wholeheartedly support idgaf.
I hope Dyana will become a recurrent character and appear in season 3 and 4 as well then if they can’t stand a rape survivor like that, aaaand I hope she kills him to make this people even more mad (or at least, make Corlys and Larys hand Dyana that cup of wine with poison in it so she could be the one sending Aegon II to hell).
Might as well, with how HotD has written all of its characters ☠.
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selkiewife · 2 years
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Maddie Evans as Dyana in  HOUSE OF THE DRAGON S1E8 The Lord of the Tides
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seygay · 8 months
Shout out Maddie Evans (Dyana’s actress) because she portrays the most acurate panic attack I’ve ever seen
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