#We Grow Together Preschool Songs
skratc · 9 months
Ahhhhh! Andrew & Polly one of the 66th GRAMMY® nominees for Best Children's Music
Andrew & Polly received their nomination with their album Ahhhhh!, an 11 song album, released on September 15, 2023. In the list of nominees, you find Pierce Freelon & Nnenna Freelon with their album Ancestars, DJ Willy Wow! with his album Hip Hope for Kids!, Uncle Jumbo with his album Taste the Sky and 123 Andres with the album We Grow Together Preschool Songs.
Ahhhhh! Andrew & Polly 11…
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trippinsorrows · 13 days
without you + three
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authors note: welp. the ball is, gradually, rolling.
do not read this story if you haven’t read ’with me’. it won’t work as a standalone.
warnings: none
song inspo: be without you by mary j. blige
one + two
words: 4k
“I’ve been thinking.”
“That’s never a good thing.” Removing your eyes from the book in hand, you glare and flip your soon to be ex-fiance off if he keeps playing with you like this. 
Of course, he simply laughs as you shove on Joe’s shoulder.. “I’m serious.”
His hand moves to your stomach, rubbing a circle as he beckons, “tell me.”
Using the bookmark on the comforter, you stick it in the page you’re on and lay it against the side of you. “I think we should take Callie back so she can have her graduation.”
Joe looks over at you, brows furrowed. “I thought we were just going to do something here?”
“I know, and I think we still can, but I don’t want to take that from her. She was really excited about graduating.” It’s something you’ve been thinking about a lot, both as a teacher and a mom. It’s so important for children to feel and be able to celebrate their accomplishments. Sure, it’s only preschool, but it’s still a big deal for her.
You want her to be able to celebrate with her ‘classmates.’
And you express as such.
“She should be able to celebrate with the other kids. Plus, and I know right now, she’s still excited about them, but I don’t know, something tells me she’s going to struggle with some form of jealousy when the babies get here.”
Joe nods, not necessarily disagreeing with you. “But, that’s not entirely abnormal, right?”
“No, doesn’t mean it’ll be any easier to deal with though.” Frowning, it’s only now you also think about how that might be for you as well. For almost five years, you’ve been able to devote all of your time and attention onto one child. 
Now, it’s about to be four.
“Hey.” Joe, forever adept at reading you, brings his hand to your chin, forcing your gaze to land on him. “We’ll handle it together, alright?”
His words, as per usual, comfort you greatly. “You’re right.” His thumb flicks your chin, as you chuckle. “It’s probably good her little spoiled self is spending all this time with you now. Before she has to share you.”
His scowl makes you snort as he drops his hand back to your ever growing belly. “She’s not spoiled.”
“Joe, as the kids say, be so fucking for real.”
Ignoring the fact that this man literally probably still has an AOL email with out of touch he is, you continue with your very valid point. “That little girl is spoiled rotten. You give her whatever she wants.”
“She doesn’t ask for much.”
“Not you being in straight up denial.” He’s so down bad for Callie Bear. It’s not even funny. “Need I remind you of her little tantrum two weeks ago? Baby, the way you folded so quickly should have been recorded. Tribal Chief, my ass. Got taken down by a four year old.”
Joe shoves you gently. “Shut up.”
Laughing, you continue, “just admit it, she has you wrapped around her lil’ finger, and she knows it. That’s why she tried you the way she did, but I mean it, next time it happens, and it will, set her little butt straight. She can take it.”
Joe’s frown doesn’t make it any easier for you to hold in your laughter. “I don’t like being mean to her.”
“It’s not being mean, baby. It’s being a parent. As much as she loves to play with you like you’re one of her little friends, you’re not. You’re her dad. She needs to respect you as such.”
“She does,” he defends, and you sigh, knowing this is probably just a battle you won’t win. Quieting down, you decide to switch topics to something you’ve been thinking more about as you prepare for the arrival of your children.
“I’m gonna tell her, you know. When she gets older, that I’m the reason you weren’t there the first few years of her life.”
Joe sits up in the bed, removing his hand from your stomach, concern evident all over his handsome face. “Y/N—”
You lift your hand to silence him. “No, she’s going to eventually ask, and I’m not going to lie to her. Whatever anger she feels would be justified, and I’ll handle it.” 
You’ve thought about this more and more as you progress with your pregnancy. The fact that these babies will get to experience Joe from day one when Callie didn’t. There’s undeniable unfairness, and should she ever want to know just why Joe was MIA at the beginning, you will be honest with her.
You’ll make sure she knows that it was you who decided to keep her a secret from her father. How specific you’ll get will depend on her age, but you’re not a fan of lying to and holding secrets from kids when it directly impacts them.
You know firsthand how thinking your dad didn’t want to be around can fuck with someone’s mental.
You won’t let that be the case with Callie.
Joe looks just as bothered, like he doesn’t want you doing anything that could impact how Callie sees you. “You don’t have to do that.”
“Oh, but I do and will, baby.” You place your hand to his cheek, his beard a little more outgrown and slightly unkempt as he truly relaxes in the embrace of vacation. “Because that’s one thing I never did and would never do. I never let anyone say any disrespectful shit about you not being in Callie’s life. Amir would try it a lot, and I shot him down every time.”
The mention of Amir brings a scowl to Joe’s handsome face. It’s a bit of a distraction technique you’re grateful worked. This will also be a revisited topic over the years, clearly. “I don’t know what the fuck you saw in him.”
Small smile on your face, you shrug, “he’s not ugly, and his dick was decent.” And before he can say anything smug and smart, “yours is better, duh. Why you think I’m giving you all these kids, huh?” He smiles and shakes his head. “You gotta have God tier dick for me to push out not one but gonna be four of your big headed ass children. Boy, I wish you would try to leave me. You gon be wrestling into your eighties with how much I’ll come for you in child support.”
He rolls his eyes and kisses your temple, “you know I’m not going anywhere and neither are you.”
“Of course not, who the hell is gonna want me with all these damn kids?” The topic at hand reminds you of the book on the side of your bed, the previous reason you two were taking a break from figuring out your approach for letting friends and family know about the courthouse wedding. “Now, we really need to start deciding on names. I’m almost five months.” Pretty soon you’ll be finding out the sexes of the babies. It’s crazy to you how quickly this pregnancy is passing by, most likely due to the happiness you feel. 
Time flies when life is good. 
“Did you get Callie’s list?” 
He curses. “Shit, I forgot.”
You wave him off. “No worries.” Sitting further up in bed, you shout out, “Callie Bear! Bring us your list for baby names!” 
She doesn’t say anything, and you start to try again when she comes running into the room, Disney notebook in one hand and her American Doll in the other. She doesn’t hesitate to climb onto the bed and sit on her knees at the end, “here you go, mommy!”
You accept her notebook that’s already opened to her list of potential baby names that she came up with. “Thank you, baby.” Callie switches to sitting with her legs crossed, her doll that looks just like her, courtesy of her rich ass daddy, smack dab in the middle. “Let’s see.”
A smile falls on your face as you share the notebook with Joe, pointing out the first name that he also smiles at. 
“Moana.” Predictable. So predictable. “Maui. Hei Hei. Tamatoa.” Joe coughs beside you to clearly hold in his laugh. “Baby….are these all names from Moana?”
Callie nods happily. “And Toy Story and Encanto and The Little Mermaid,” she essentially continues to sing-song list off damn near every Disney movie ever created. “The babies have to like Disney too, mommy! Like me, you, and Grandma.”
“You’re so right.” To be fair, you really shouldn’t have expected too much more. She is one Disney loving kid, through and through. “Well, thank you so much for the list, Callie Bear.”
“Daddy, did you make a list?” She asks, head tilted as she gently caresses the top of her doll’s head.
“Not yet, baby. Mommy and I are gonna make one together.” 
“I like baby Moana.” 
He chuckles. “But you’re our little Moana.”
She pouts and corrects, “no, I’m Callie.” Her sass makes you laugh. Joe wasn’t entirely wrong. She really is a lot like you sometimes. “I want a baby sister named Moana.”
“What if they’re all boys?”
You and Callie have similar reactions. It’s just that yours is one of horror and hers is more of shock.
“Noooo, I want a little sister.” 
Adding onto Callie’s vehement protest, you make your own strong thoughts and feelings known. “And I am not pushing out three boys at once, Joe. You done lost your god—”
“What do you want for your birthday, Callie Bear?” You’re partially thankful for the save but also irritated he’s asking this question he already knows is gonna generate a wild ass answer.
“A puppy!”
You do your best to use the perfect combination of understanding yet assertiveness. “Baby, we done had this conversation before, we are not getting a puppy until you’re at least ten.”
“But, I’ll be old!”
“Exactly, old enough to take care of a puppy.” One look at Joe, and you can see he’s about to open his mouth and probably find some reason to ‘agree’ with or at least defend Callie’s request. “Absolutely not. No dog until she’s older, and that’s final.”
Callie, understandably, does not agree nor like this rule, and it’s evident in her deep pout and the way she crosses her arms over her little body. “Not fair.”
“Life ain’t fair, buttercup.” You retort, quickly reminding her as you take in her appearance. “Speaking of, it’s almost time for your wash day….”
The infamous, dreaded day of nonstop hair washing and styling is enough to wipe her smile away and award her a brand new reason to start whining, “I don’t want to.”
The feeling is mutual. “Neither does mommy, but we gotta do it eventually, Callie Bear.” Looking over at Joe, you inform him, “and you will be present for this ordeal, sir, so you can learn how to do her hair for me.”
He looks confused, nose turned up. A chuckle is withheld at how much he and his daughter mimic each other in this situation. “Baby, I don’t know how to do hair.”
Sucking your teeth, you smartly point out, “you do your own!”
“I barely do anything with my hair. You know this.” 
Damn. He’s right. Lucky ass. “Regardless, when I get too big to be bending over the sink like that, someone’s gonna have to do it.”
Of course, Joe’s smartass just decides to throw out something that should probably be discussed before saying around Callie, “I’ll take her to your mom.”
Callie’s eyes light up a bit. “Grandma!”
“Joe.” Lord, this man got too much money or something. “You seriously are going to fly our daughter out to my hometown so my mama can do her hair?”
He shrugs, clearly not seeing an issue with what’s being proposed. “Yeah.”
Rolling your eyes and shaking your head, you lean further back in the pillows of the bed. “You are too—” However, you’re cut short mid-sentence, face and chest dropping simultaneously, the change in your disposition enough to catch Joe’s attention. 
“What’s wrong?” He’s sitting up even more, expertly masking the concern that’s growing by the second. Recognizing this, you will that small smile to start forming on your face, shaking your head as you motion for him and Callie to move closer.
“Mommy?” Callie is just as confused as you reach for both her and Joe’s hands, placing them on your belly, trying to find the spot of origin. “What—”
This time, she’s the one to stop mid-sentence as she feels it, the sensation you last felt when you were pregnant with her. Callie’s face is still set with understandable confusion, but your gaze on Joe reveals minimal concern and an abundance of amazement. 
“What is that, mommy?” Callie finally asks. The emotion in your throat takes you back a bit. You’re not typically a super emotional person, but there’s something about this moment, about feeling your babies kick for the first time and being able to share it with your fiance and child that does something to you. Knocks at those pillars that hold up your resolve. 
“That’s the babies. They’re kicking.” You explain, smiling a bit as Callie looks at you in horror.
“Why are they hurting you?”
“They’re not, sweetie. That’s what babies do. As they get bigger and grow, they need to move around and sometimes kick. You did the same thing to me.” Adding some playfulness into your voice, there’s a level of relief to see she appears less concerned. 
Your attention, however, is brought back to Joe as he kisses your temple, hand still planted on your stomach, clearly soaking up every bit of this precious, cherished moment. 
“I love you,” he murmurs against your temple. It’s such a simple statement, a little three letter sentence that means more than anyone could ever understand. Moving your hand to the side of his face, you both laugh as Callie moves her face to your stomach. 
“Don’t kick mommy too much, okay, little babies?” The determination on her face should be captured and locked away for safekeeping for the rest of time. “She’s the bestest mommy ever and pretty and smart and—”
“—and still not getting you a puppy.” While your daughter is undoubtedly one of the sweetest kids you’ve ever come across, she’s also intelligent as hell. And you know her like the back of your hand. Enough to know where she’s headed with this. 
And, you’re proven correct when she rolls her eyes again, making a ‘hmmph’ sound that has Joe chuckling next to you. She then sets her little plotting sights on Joe as she takes her hand from your stomach and moves to crawl into his lap.
You have to keep yourself from rolling your own eyes as she pulls out that sickeningly sweet voice and holds onto his shirt. “Daddy?”
Joe doesn’t hesitate to answer right away. “Yes, baby?” One look at him, and you already know what the answer is going to be. This man is so weak for this little girl. It’s not even funny. 
“Hallie wants a friend…..” Joe’s eyebrows cave in confusion as he looks over at you. 
Gesturing to her American Girl doll on the edge of the bed, you fill him in, “that’s what she named the doll.” 
He chuckles, clearly amused by the name that rhymes with hers. “She does?”
Callie nods, that excitement building back up. “Two friends!”
Mouth dropping, you prepare to put this child in her place when Daddy Warbucks beats you to it, living up to his reputation.
“Well, then we need to get her two friends.”
“Yay!” Callie celebrates, hugging Joe who ignores your look of disapproval. “Can I make her friends too?” 
And once again, the first living, breathing bank to ever exist is quick to fold. “Of course, Callie Bear.”
“Yay!” She cheers yet again for another way too easy battle. It’s not even a battle at this point. Battle would mean that both parties have somewhat of a chance, and Joe is clearly putty for his little girl. “Thank you, daddy.” She seals the deal with a hug and kiss on his cheek before climbing off the bed, grabbing Hallie as she shares, “I’m gonna make them now!”
With her tablet, clearly. The tablet you’d bet any money Joe once again disabled the time limits on. 
Lord, you’re about to have five damn children to take care of at this point. 
It’s only when Callie is out of the room and on her way to celebrate yet another successful day of finessing her daddy that you punch this man in his big ass arm. 
“What?” It’s him having the audacity to sound and look confused that has you ready to kick him out of the room. 
“What do you mean what?” Angling your body more toward him, you explain, “Joe, why are you buying her more dolls? American Girl dolls, at that. I know you must have paid at least $300 for the first one you got her. I saw all them accessories.” He rolls his eyes but doesn’t deny it, because he can’t. Callie had always asked you for one, and while you could have scraped some money together to make it happen, you couldn’t come to grips with just how many other more useful things one could do with that money. “She doesn’t need them dolls, babe.”
“You gon’ let her get a puppy now?”
An easy ass answer. “Hell no.”
He has the nerve to catch a slight attitude with you as he affirms, “then she’s getting the dolls.”
Rubbing your temples, you realize this isn’t a ‘fight’ you’re not going to win. “You know what, whatever. You do what you want, but I’m telling you right now, these—” You bring his hand back to your belly. “—babies are not going to be spoiled like their big sister. They gon be like Oliver Twist and grateful for a bowl of soup.”
He moves his hand around, probably trying to see if he can feel any more movement. “Callie is grateful.”
“For now.” Not really wanting to have this circular dialogue with him, you grab your phone to see a couple missed texts but open the one from your mom first, instantly rolling your eyes. “Not this again.”
The shift in your voice catches Joe’s attention. “What?”
Shaking your head, you show him the thread, thumb right next to the link for an article on ‘melanin maternal mental health’. 
Talk about fucking alliteration. 
“I don’t know what’s been up with her lately, but she’s been sending me all these links for articles and like motivational photos about mental health and motherhood.” You explain to him, going to heart the message and send a quick response to at least show some appreciation. Because there is a little there. That your mom cares about you so much. But the concern isn’t necessarily valid or needed..
This is the happiest you’ve been in some time. A long time. If ever.
Nothing is going to change that.
Especially being a mother to three more children. 
Placing your phone back on the nightstand, a glance at Joe reveals he’s debating something. “What?”
He moves closer to you, hand pushing back some of your coils. “Been thinking about that movie thing…..”
The smile on your face grows as you move closer, eyes twinkling with all the curiosity in the world. “What did you decide?”
Megan is having a wonderful day.
One of the best she’s had in a while.
Not only did she manage to wake up on time, but the coffee she ordered from this cute little cafe she found while on a business trip in Denver a couple months ago awaited her on the outside of her apartment door when she got back from her pilates class the night before.
And there’s few things she loves more than a delicious cup of morning Joe.
A smirk falls on her face as she hums “Here Comes the Bride” while engaging in her extensive shower routine, admiring the expert work of her wax lady. Body hair has always been an absolute no. But, it’s when she moves the loofah across the weight of her heavy breast that Megan imagines hands and not her loofah. Big hands that would cup her boobs roughly as he forces her to turn around, slams her up against the shower wall and fucks her hard from behind, her moans and shouts of pleasure dancing across the tile, alerting everyone of just who owns this pussy.
Hand gliding down her wet, nude body, she keeps the vision going, slender thighs clenching together at the thought of him forcing her on her knees, his dick down the back of her throat, eyes watering as he mouth fucks her.
“Joe….” Thin fingers slip past wet folds as she realizes she’s going to be a couple minutes late for work.
So worth it though. 
Because Megan hasn’t come like that in years. Her legs are practically wobbly as she finally exits the shower, bathroom mirror completely fogged to where she has to grab a towel to clear up a section so she can see herself.
The pink tinge of her cheek brings a sly smile to her face. 
“I can’t wait until we can be together, my love…” A sweep of sadness comes over her as she grabs her phone, admiring his handsome face on her lock screen and opens Apple Music to play his entrance music, selecting the repeat button before she continues with her routine. 
It takes her about the usual time.
And soon enough, Megan is out the door, having finished her delicious coffee and opted to just have a banana for breakfast. There’s no time for unnecessary caloric intake.
She has to start preparing for the wedding. 
Walking into the office, right away, she can detect the almost sullen atmosphere and does her best to match the vibe.
To play along. 
And before she can go to her office bestie, Paige, to “find out” why everything feels so off, the team is pulled in for a mandatory meeting.
Luke’s quiet demeanor does take her a bit back. He’s never quiet. She’s not complaining though. Not at all.
As soon as everyone is seated, he starts off with the general pleasantries that are weighed by the sadness in his voice. And then he gets into it. “I know some of you have heard, but for those who haven’t, I—uh—I got some bad news.” He takes a deep breath, shaking his head. “There’s uh—no way to say this, but Susan Jackson was found dead this morning.”
As an array of gasps and shocked countenances fill the room, Megan does her best to blend in, to play along with the genuine surprise of all of her coworkers.
Paige leans over to whisper to Megan, eyes also watery, “they say she killed herself. That she was found her on the sidewalk in front of her apartment building. Window was open and everything.”
Megan expertly fakes a horrified expression. “Oh my god, how heartbreaking.” She even manages to crank out some tears that don’t shed but get the job done. “I can’t believe she’s gone….”
“Megan.” She lifts her head, eyebrows also raising. “I know you worked close with Susan on a couple of clients, and you also know she was set to assist Roman Reigns on his debut film, but with Susan gone….”
Megan shakes her head, pulling out a few sniffles. “It’s okay. I’ll….I’ll do it. I’ll take Reigns as my client.”
And my husband.
Luke gives her a nod of appreciation, wiping at his eyes as he clears his throat and continues to address the room.
It takes almost everything in her not to roll her eyes. The woman was fucking fifty for crying out loud. 
She lived long enough. 
He says something about grief counseling, the suicide hotline, blah blah blah.
Megan does her best to listen but mostly tunes out the rest of the meeting. It’s irrelevant. She has what she wants. Now, it’s time to go after who she wants, the thought alone creating such an intense, euphoric feeling inside of her stomach as she casually traces the brand new tiny letter ‘J’ she now has tattooed on her ring finger.
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herprincess · 5 months
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-V&V would write/sing Everyone Knows That (the lost one or whatever)
-Velvet would write/sing that Zepotha opening song idk the name but it sounds very her
-Velvet wears acrylics because she picks at her nails and skin around them out of anxiety/nervous tic
-Veneer fights with his family at Thanksgiving over politics. Ever. Year. 
-When Velvet was around the middle school age, she wanted to be a ER nurse 
-Veneer wanted to do it with her just so they could still be together
-Sometimes they will say the same thing at the same time + finish each others sentences 
-Velvet used to get mad at Veneer when they were younger because she would watch videos where twin sisters would pretend to be each other at school, and she couldn’t do that with him because their hair obviously and some facial differences
-The differences they have obviously besides gender is Velvet having a more upturned nose, farther set eyes, lighter eyes, (you can see in the GIF if you don’t believe me lol she rlly does have lighter eyes than him) and a bit thinner, while Veneer having a rounded top lip, closer set eyes, darker eyes, and a more boxy figure
-Velvet has undiagnosed borderline personality disorder because her parents were convinced she was just a growing girl so she just started masking it to try and seem pretty and proper like the girls she’d see on TV shows, but masking it eventually built up so much that it exploded and that didn’t end very well
-Velvet is the one who picks the pickles off everything and gives them to Veneer
-Velvets hair is very heat damaged 
-It used to be wavy✊
-She would try and revive them after regretting all her years of straightening it but the pattern is destroyed
-Veneer was a roblox ipad kid and he used to steal their moms card for robux
-Velvet likes watching crime shows
-Which always creeped Veneer out
-Velvet choked on a piece of steak once and now she won’t eat it
-V&V used to make up dances to perform to their parents to try and convince them to take them somewhere 
-Velvet is allergic to peanuts 
-Veneer is allergic to penicillin
-Velvet was a allstar cheerleader but left because the toxic environment of her gym
-V&V were preemies
-I promise you Veneer isn’t as shy uwu innocent as some people make him out to be like did we watch the same movie?
-Vels favorite snack is pink frosted animal crackers
-Vens is zebra cakes
-From what i’ve seen in pictures, V&V are the around the same exact height, Velvet being maybe a bit taller
-Velvet is a hypoglycemic, so she did use the troll gem thing for fruits a few times on off screen performances if her sugar was low (if they even had off screen performances)
-Velvet was more shy when her and Ven were toddlers but as she started preschool, her extrovertism started to show
-As I stated in a previous post, I think it would be funny if V&V could both sing but acted like they sucked to make the other feel better 
-I can just see them looking at each other like 
-Veneer is lefthanded 
-He still grips his spoon/fork like he did in the table flip scene
-Velvet had a tooth gap growing up 
-They would both get in trouble because they would sneak watching Jersey Shore
-Veneer has insomnia
-If the twins had socials they’d be cancelled within a week because of Vel
-They both ran track at some point
-They both spend HOURS in Sephora 
-When they would chase each other, Veneer was the one who jumped on the bed and kick his legs so Velvet can’t get him
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ashisill · 1 year
The Jake fic is taking longer than I thought. So here’s a blurb to hold you guys over. Soft Jake should be out by the end of the week.
Josh is a girl dad
Jake is a boy dad
Josh is the one who’s fixing her hair for pre school. “Do we want pig tails or buns?” Turning on the curling iron, and making sure she knows not to touch it. “Its hot don’t touch” he’d say pointing at it. She’d nod her head as she watched her dad put her hair into pigtails. Josh is the one to apologize when he pulls her hair to hard “I’m sorry baby did it hurt?”. He would get it to perfection. Putting colorful little hair ties around them, or clip on charms to make her feel pretty. “Okay princess all done”. She’d smile in the mirror at her hair, and twirl it a bit at the ends. She stands up being careful not to touch the curling iron, and hugs her dad. Thanking him for making her look like princess. He’d smile from ear and ear, and place a kiss on her forehead. “Your welcome little darling”. He always makes sure she knows how much he loves her before dropping her off at preschool. “Do you know how much I love you?”. She would stretch her arms out as far as she could “this much?”. He’d agree with her, and gives her hugs and kisses before he walks her into school. Sometimes she gets teary eyed before he leaves, but she always comes home with fun little stories to tell him. And he’ll listen to every single word as he cooks her dinner for the night. Josh always makes bath time fun and relaxing for her. Once a week he’ll set a theme for her, or let her have extra toys, or if she’s had a “long day” he’ll message her scalp while he washes her hair. Which always makes her doze off in his hands. Right after bath time he lays her down in her “big girl bed”, but somehow she always finds her way back to his bed. Even though it may cause him less sleep he’ll never complain. She’ll find a home in his arms, and they’ll both drift off to sleep for the night. When she’s older, and gets her first period he’ll already be prepared. Giving her the option between pads or tampons, and teaching her the difference. Making sure to give her ibuprofen, and a heating pad for her cramps. He’s extremely understanding when she snaps at him. He never really loses his temper at her, and always gives her space.
Jake is the one to make sure there always a guitar laying out for him. One day he bought him one of those mini guitars. It ended up broke when he pulled the strings to hard. Jake just laughed it off, and took it to his office to fix it. When he’s old enough he’ll quiz him over music. Covering the screen in the car, and saying “what’s this song? Correct now who sings it?” He’ll teach him to be a gentleman. “You do not speak to your mother or any woman that way. Do you understand?” He will explain to him the importance of respect, and though he might not understand it now. It will become a part of him as he grows. Jake tries his hardest not to lose him temper, but sometimes it’s bound to happen. He’ll realized he messed up, and his son will began to tear up. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to lose my temper with you. It’s just frustrating when you don’t listen. We can fix it together okay” When the time comes to teach him about the birds and the bees. A lot of parents get weird about having this talk, and leave out important things. Not Jake he told him everything he needed to know. When he hits high school, and starts trying to sneak around Jake knows. “I was your age once too. You don’t have to sneak around. I know your going to do it regardless if I say no. So I’m not gonna try to stop you just be safe” Jake makes sure he knows if he’s ever in a situation to call him. No matter what he’ll always pick him up. He’s pounded into his head to never get behind the wheel intoxicated. The day a girl breaks his heart for the first time. He’ll come from school and immediately head for his room. Jake will give him his space for a while, but he didn’t come out all afternoon he went to check on him. He’ll tell him about a girl he loved, and how she loved another. Jake will understand, and tell him how he got over his heart breaks. His son will tear up, and Jake will tell him that it’s okay to cry. Jake will hug him, and wipe his tears. When he gets his first girlfriend Jake makes sure he’s treating her right. When he tells Jake she had a bad day he tell his son to buy her some flowers. He learned everything he knows from his dad, and Jake was always more than happy to teach him.
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pastryland · 1 year
galex completed fic recommendations
If any of the authors of the fics mentioned here or are tagged and don't want their fics to be here, please let me know and I'll remove it!
Will update this list periodically
❤️ = favorite
⭐️ = I love fics by this author in general
❌ = triggering themes
🔥 = explicit
raw - 4k - ❤️
George is hungry and Alex is a volunteer in the food bank.
all i do is try, try, try - 13k
Alex is first in line to the throne, George is still a Formula 1 driver.
It's You I Fell Into - 23k - 🔥
When George signs up to marry someone he's never even met before in the name of a social experiment, he's not sure what to expect.OrThe Married At First Sight AU that noone asked for.
hands, knees, please - 4k
And Alex looks right back, tall and firm, one step further now and backlit by the sun kissing them both an orange goodbye. He meets the daring glint of George’s eye with a smile, an amused one, like his taunting is something he knows exactly how to dismantle, undeterred by what it means and almost excited to see it transpire. On the receiving end of that smirk, George is left only with the understanding that this isn’t friendly and a want so intense that he can barely sit together with.
i see you got that new mercedes, i might let you drive me crazy - 10k
“These black fireproofs look really good on you”, Alex comments. “It makes you look kind of hot.” Someone next to him coughs loudly and he’s surprised to see it isn’t George, but Lando. George just stares at him with a blank expression on his face. “Only kind of hot?” he teases when he finally has realised what Alex said. “Don’t you mean… George Russell, you look incredibly hot in those Mercedes fireproofs, you’ve never looked so good before… That’s what you meant, right?” Seeing George in those Mercedes fireproofs makes Alex think about his best friend in a way he never has before, but he himself is the last one to actually realise what that means. Except for George, of course.
ours to tell - 8k - ❤️
rubontruther Okay that's it I'm making a Rubon 2023 shenanigans masterpost. #And maybe some people will come to the realisation that maybe they are dating galextruther YES JAMIE DO IT WE WILL SHOW THEM THE TRUTH 13 notes rubontruther 17 Reasons Why We Think George Russell And Alex Albon Are A Couple We’re only six months into 2023 and Alex and George have been keeping us well-fed with their content, but if you look at everything together, it seems like they’re dating. Why? Well, see for yourself. *** After almost five years of dating, Alex and George are done with all the hiding and secrecy, so Lily, Carmen and Alicia suggest a soft launch. The internet has some thoughts on the matter.
you and me till the end of time - 28k
The one where George has a four-year-old daughter and Alex is her preschool teacher.
no precedent - 4k - ⭐️ 🔥
If he just wins, this will all end. If he just wins, Mercedes will build a fast car for next season. If he just wins, Alex will want him again.
spread before you like a picnic - 10k - ❤️ ⭐️ 🔥
Now, weeks later, he thinks that was probably the reason he’d said it, why when he came back to himself and noticed that Alex had manhandled him on his stomach and was in the process of peeling George’s jeans down, his first instinct was to say, panicky: “You can’t fuck me.”
and the stars shine upon us - 7k - ❌
In a world where soulmates are rare and their existance is a pain to many, George grows up noticing a lot around him. But it's the things he misses that tell his story. He is more than sceptical about the concept of a soulmate and is left scared when he realizes that it could tear Alex and him apart.
driver's license - 12k
"You said forever, now I drive alone past your street" Or Alex struggles to come to terms with how things changed once their paths diverged. (Yes, it's loosely based on the song)
Rescue You - 3k
‘What are you doing?’ George's panicked voice sounded from behind him. ‘Don’t fall, please.’ Alex jumped onto the floor of the other balcony and turned around with a wide grin. ‘I’m stealing my neighbour’s cat.’ George blinked at him a few times before his lips slowly curled up in an equal grin. ‘How scandalous of you, can I help?’ OR: Alex and George save a neglected cat and realize they have feelings for each other.
nothing but teeth - 25k - ❤️ ⭐️ 🔥
“Oh, come on.” Alex says, poking George in the thigh again with his foot. “Don’t tell me you’ve never done a little-” Alex makes a complicated hand-wavy gesture that has the contents of his glass nearly sloshing over the sides. “At your fancy boy schools, a little stiff upper-lipped make-out amongst the chaps? In between rounds of cricket and fox hunting?”
grafted laurel - 1.6k - ⭐️
It’s a breathtaking journey to the outpost at sea where George and Alex are supposed to deliver the handwritten letter of gratitude from the King -- through forests and moorlands, a five days’ ride if you hurry. They’re not hurrying.
the price you pay for loss of control - 2k - ⭐️ 🔥
The bedsheets are soft where George is gripping them. George tries to concentrate on the cotton between his fingers instead of the burning between his legs. The thread count has to be over 800 at least. It’s a wedding stationary colour. He tries to place the exact shade. Ecru, maybe. In the right light, if it had enough sheen, it could be ivory. His sister has been picking out wedding stationary lately. She’s getting married next year, mailing out save the dates for June 2027, and George is losing another championship.
soldier down (on that icy ground) - 21k - ❤️ ⭐️
When later asked, George will always quote 2021 as the tipping point in his career as a Formula 1 driver. He didn’t know that back then. Obviously. But in hindsight, everything that led to this could be traced back to the three events in 2021. OR: Friends drive for Mercedes. Everything that can goes wrong. Again.
ode to a conversation stuck in your throat - 40k - ❤️ 🔥
They’d agreed on friends when Alex had come to collect the last of his things from George’s flat. George had been adamant about it, all uncomplicated smiles, like they hadn’t just spent six months living in each other’s pockets and having some of the most bizarrely intimate sex of Alex’s life. And friends is a noble intention, but. Alex still only has one friend who’s sucked him off in their driver’s room.
From whom you are standing still - 1.6k - ❤️
George has practised the whole set-up, of course. His laptop links to his tv with a HDMI cable, and then he can use the remote to move between slides. He's not wearing a suit (too much) but he's got a nice jumper on, and jeans that sit well on his legs, show off his thighs a bit. He's got a glass of water on the side table in case his throat gets dry. He's got his hair gelled into place. Alex is sprawled across the sofa, looking bored. He says, "George. Mate. What is this. I thought we were going to play FIFA, but I'm getting more of a 'you trying to sell me a timeshare' vibe." "Timeshares aren't good value for money," George says automatically. He's just checking through his slides one last time before he broadcasts them to the television.
all hunger, all restraint and poised bones - 18k - ❤️ 🔥
A simple thought cuts through his mind, hard-edged and cold in its importance. The person taking action was not him. These last thoughts do not belong to George. That means that the fear and shock do not belong to him either. God, he's feeling Alex's fear and Alex's shock. He pushes Alex away before he can feel his disgust alongside it.
the trajectory of us - 2k
The Vegas Grand Prix had been doomed from the start. When George and Alex both crash out there's not a lot to be done. The race is only secondary to the fact that they're both okay. When Alex mentions finding other things to do in Vegas than watch a shit race together, George comes up with an idea that seems like the natural course of action.
all green lights - 22k - ❤️ 🔥
Sorry mate I think you've got the wrong number
we found wonderland (you and i got lost in it) - 34k - ❤️ ⭐️
He closes his eyes one more time and opens them again. The clock on his dashboard mercilessly creeps ever so closer to eight am, the agreed upon time. The time he is supposed to be in the factory to meet Alex, his new rookie teammate and the Williams team he will be working with for the next year. He hopes there will be some familiar faces around, that not all his mechanics and engineers left just yet. OR: Alex left racing after Red Bull, George is at the end of his career himself. They are about to meet again
capture every minute, the feeling in it - 2k - 🔥
George thinks it's probably a coincidence that Alex asks him to make a sex tape less than a week after George bought a ring for his girlfriend. Alex sucks on his tongue and kisses the tip of it once, chaste and silly, where no one else has kissed him before in his life, then leans back and says, "Let me film you like this."
the way back - 30k - ❤️ 🔥
"You've never really been normal about each other," Alex is told.
table in the back - 47k - ❤️ ⭐️ 🔥
“Okay, here’s the offer." Alex says. "I’m going to make you something and if you don’t like it, you don’t pay. How does that sound?” “So I get a good meal or a free meal?” George asks. “Sounds like a no-lose scenario.” “Keen eye, George,” Alex grins. “Figured out my terrible business sense on the first try. Alright, take it or leave it.”
The Honey of Humanity - 59k - ❌
It's a death that after eight long years brings them all back together. It's been almost a decade since the self-proclaimed 'Bellgate Eight' have all seen one another. It just happens that the funeral of their shared past Literature teacher, George's life role model, is what brings them back together, for the better or the worse. Alternatively; an exploration of justice and injustice, love and hate, fire and water, and perhaps most fittingly the novel they studied together in their senior year at the prestigious Bellgate Academy; crime and punishment.
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
The Visitor
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Summary: Reader receives a surprise visit from the last person she ever expects. Andy Barber x Black!Reader, A.J. Barber
Warnings: Angst, Jacob Barber, Talk of Death, Surprised Reader, Sympathetic Reader, A.J. Cuteness, Angry Andy, Accepting Andy, Fluff, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Part of my Growing Pains Series. Please enjoy and let me know what you think. Feedback is always appreciated. Semi-proofread. All mistakes my own. Thanks for reading!
“How ya feelin’ buddy?” You ask your sweet A.J. from his place on the couch. Your poor baby was home sick today, which he hated, because he loved preschool. He was snuggled in his favorite Paw Patrol blanket with a cool compress on his forehead. “Does your tummy still hurt?”
A.J. shakes his head “no”. “I hungwy, Mama.”
“Okay.” You gingerly rub his belly. “You wanna try some soup?”
He nods. “Chicky stars pwease.”
“Comin’ right up, little dude. Drink your water, okay?”
Leaving him in the living room, you enter the kitchen, only to hear your phone ringing. Seeing it was your husband, you hit “answer”. 
“Hey, Andy.” You greet him as you crack open a can of Campbell’s Chicken & Stars soup and pour it into a pot, along with some water, before turning on the burner. “What’s up, my love?”
“Nothing. About to go into a meeting. Just wanted to check on you and our little guy.” 
His concern for you both makes you smile.
“We’re fine, baby. A.J.’s fever broke and he said his tummy doesn’t hurt anymore, so we’re gonna try some soup. I’ve got it heating up now. You wanna talk to him?”
“Sure.” Your husband chuckles. Leaving the soup on the stove you head back to the living room. 
“A.J., someone wants to talk to you!” You tell him in a sing-song voice while dangling the phone in front of him. He quickly takes it out of your hand.
“Hello?” He asks, holding the phone to his ear.
“Hi, Junior! It’s daddy - how are you feeling, buddy?”
“Hi daddy! I is okay. Tummy better. No mo’ frow up.” 
“Well, that makes me super happy to hear. Daddy was worried about you, little man.”
A.J. coughs a few times. “No worry bout dah A.J. I stwong. Tough wike daddy.”
You can hear Andy’s laughter from your place beside your son on the couch. 
“You’re super tough, Junior. Ope - daddy’s gotta go, buddy. I love you.”
“Wuv too! Buh-bye.” Your baby ends the call before you can take the phone back. 
Oh well. You’d see your man tonight.
Jogging back into the kitchen, you turn off the soup and ladle some into a bowl so that it can cool. While that’s doing its thing, fish out A.J.’s favorite Paw Patrol spoon. And then you pour him a little apple juice into a sippy cup. 
Food in hand, along with some napkins, you return to where your sick little dude is resting. He sits up when he sees you, softly clapping his hands. “Fanks, Mama.”  
“No problem, baby. Let Mama grab a tray and then she’ll get you all set up.”
“An’ den snuggies?” 
“Yes, sweet boy. And then we can snuggle.”
Once you’ve got A.J. taken care of, you decide it’s time to make a little lunch for yourself. Perhaps a sandwich would –
The sound of the doorbell surprises you. Pivoting away from the kitchen, you turn and make your way to the front door. Assuming it was something from Amazon, you open the door with no real thought, only to step back in surprise when you get a look at the nervous woman standing on your front porch. 
“Um, hello. I’m, uh, um - is this - is this Andrew Barber’s house? Someone told me it was but…”
“Uhh…” Is all you can muster as all thoughts of lunch fly out the window. Or in this case, the open door.
“I’m Gretchen Talbert, his mother-in-law. I mean his former mother-in-law. Sorry.” She tries again. 
You shake your head and clear your throat. “Yes, this is his house, I mean, our house. This is our house, together.” You respond, wincing at the defensiveness creeping into your tone. 
“Right. You must be his wife. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t -” Gretchen stammers.
“How about we start this over?” You offer her your hand, which she accepts. “Hi, I’m Andy’s wife, Y/N. How can I help you, Ms. Talbert?” You give her what you hope comes off as a friendly smile. 
“Please, call me Gretchen. And I was hoping to speak with Andrew about something. I know he sometimes works from his home office, or at least comes back for lunch, and I was hoping to catch him.”
“Well, he’s not here. And even if he was, I’m not sure if he’d want to see you.” You can tell your words hurt the woman, which wasn’t your intent. “I just mean, you two seeing each other might not be the best idea, is all.” 
According to Andy, the last time the two of them had been in the same room things had gotten pretty explosive. 
A tearful Gretchen nods her head. 
Not wanting to continue having this conversation on your front porch, and needing to keep an ear out for your sick child, you invite her inside so that you’re both standing in the foyer. “Hold on a sec.” You tell her. “I’ve got a little one home from school.” 
“A.J., baby, are you okay?” You call out. 
“Yeah, Mama. Soup’s yummy!” He shouts back. 
Satisfied that he was alright, you turn your attention back to the woman in front of you. 
“Look, I um, was just about to make lunch. Why don’t you come in and join me?”
“No, no. It’s okay. You don’t have to -” She starts, slowly backing away.
You run a hand through your curls. “I know what I don’t have to do, Gretchen. But I would also like to avoid all this potential soap opera crap. So at least let me get you something to drink. And maybe you can tell me why you need to talk to Andy…”
“Thank you.” the older woman murmurs as she sips on her glass of raspberry iced tea. 
“You’re welcome.” You respond as you finish prepping your roasted turkey sandwiches on ciabatta bread. “Mayo, mustard, or oil and red wine vinegar?”
“Oil and vinegar, please.”
“Excellent choice.” You say as you slather both sandwiches with the dressing before adding a dash of salt and pepper, as well as a pinch of garlic. You add some chips to your respective plates before joining your husband’s ex-mother-in-law at the kitchen table.
You and your husband’s ex-mother-in-law.
“Here you are.” The woman smiles and takes a bite. 
“Good?” You ask. After all, you’d roasted the turkey yourself.
You both eat in silence for a few moments, unsure of where to begin. Your mind briefly wanders to A.J. and then you remind yourself that you’d already checked on him, giving him more soup and apple juice. Your kiddo was fine. 
“I, um, I was surprised to see that you had a picture of Andy and Jacob in the entryway.”
You set down your sandwich and wipe your hands. 
“We actually have pictures of him all throughout the house. We, Andy and I, felt that it was important for our children to get to know their brother.” 
And that was the honest truth. Bianca had been incredibly curious about her late brother for the longest, and was always asking Andy to tell her stories about him. Over time, your other little ones had joined in and, after a long discussion between the two of you, you had decided that it was time to acknowledge Jacob. He deserved a presence in your home. And it was important that his half-siblings knew who he was. 
“Wow.” She clears her throat. “Thank you, Y/N, for not, uh, forgetting my boy.” You reach over and grab her hand. 
“Even if we wanted to, which we don’t, our babies wouldn’t let us. Your grandson, Jacob, is very much a part of this family, Gretchen. Whatever happened in the past deserves to be left firmly in the past. We all make mistakes. I know Jacob may or may not have made quite a few, but that doesn’t mean he’s not loved. It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t deserve to be remembered.” 
The woman dabs her eyes with her napkin. “Thank you.” She whispers.
“Of course.” 
“I have to say that you’re, uh, different than I thought you’d be. I mean, I had heard through the grapevine that Andy had remarried some years back, but…”
“And what exactly did you expect me to be like? A bitch?”
A sheepish Gretchen has the sense to look embarrassed. “I suppose so, yes.”
“I mean, that’s not my typical M.O, but I suppose we all have our days.” 
“Right, of course.” She takes another bite of her food before washing it down with a sip of her drink. “May I ask just how many children you have?”
“Four. Although sometimes it feels like double that.” You tell her. “Three girls and a boy. Our oldest girl, Bianca, is eight, Katrina is five, and Rory and A.J. are both two. They’re twins by the way, in case you didn’t catch that.” You finish with a wink.
“Sounds like you’re a very busy woman.” 
“Most days. But it’s worth it.” You offer up a shrug and a smile.
“I miss being a grandmother,” Gretchen whispers, tears once again filling her eyes. This time, a few manage to spill over. “I miss holding my baby. Both of them.” 
“I don’t know what happened. Maybe I should have paid better attention. Should’ve checked on Laurie and Jacob more when everything was going on. It was just…too much at times. It’s probably the reason your husband can’t seem to look at me and -”
“Gretchen, stop. Don’t take yourself down that road.” Your hand squeezes hers. “What is it you want from Andy? What are you looking for from him?”
You watch as the woman sobs softly into her napkin for another moment.
“I want Andy to come visit Jacob with me. His birthday is coming up and I want him to…” She clears her throat. “I want him to know that his father and grandmother came to see him. Together.”
You’re not sure why, but her request surprises you. Of all the things she could’ve wanted to ask your husband, you hadn’t been expecting that. 
Her request makes your heart hurt. As a wife. As a parent. As a mother. 
Just then, little A.J. toddles his cute self into the kitchen. 
“All dun’ wif’ dah soup, Mama. Yummy.” He hands you his bowl and spoon and then he turns to Gretchen. “Hi miss lady. I sick. Mama say buggies in dah tummy.” He pokes his belly for emphasis. 
“Well, I’m sorry you’re not feeling well, sweetheart.” The older woman tells him through her watery smile. 
You pick him up and place him in your lap to check if he has a fever. Hmm…maybe a low grade one. You were going to have to end things with Gretchen soon. Plus, it was almost time for you to give your baby his cold medication. 
“Mama, wan’ snuggies.” A.J. whines as he burrows deeper into your chest. 
“I know bud. And I’m sorry. I was just talking to Jacob’s grandma for a minute.”
Your son looks between the two of you before settling his focus on the other woman at the table. 
“Like our Jacob?” A.J. asks, his eyes wide.
“Yes, our Jacob.” You tell him. “This is his grandmama.” He turns to give her a shy wave, which she readily returns. 
“Jacob mah bruver.” He tells her. “He in heaven now, but we still wuv ‘im.”
“I’m sure he loves you too, you sweet little boy.” She’s quick to assure him.
“Why don’t you tell Miss Gretchen your full name, A. J.? Go ahead.” Your baby puffs out his chest before responding. 
“I is Andrew Jacob Barber Jr.” 
“What a beautiful name. Thank you for sharing that with me.” She looks like she’s about to cry all over again. 
“Welcome! Fweinds call muh’ A.J.”
“Alright, bud. Back to the couch. Mama will be in shortly.” 
He scampers off and then moments later, you hear the sound of a door slam, followed by Andy’s voice as he checks on your son. 
Once again, you reach over and grab Gretchen’s hand.
This was going to be awkward no matter what, but as long as Andy’s temper didn’t come into play, you’d all make it through this. Hopefully.
You both wait as you hear footsteps approach the kitchen. 
“What the hell is this?” Your husband growls as he takes in the sight of the two of you sitting at the table, sharing a meal. “Why are you here, Gretchen? What are you doing in my home?”
“Our home, Andrew.” You mutter out the reminder.
“What?” He turns his glare on you.
“I said this is our home, and I invited her in. She would like to talk to you, and I think you should listen.”
Your husband stares you down, his captivating blue eyes are hard and unreadable.  
“We have nothing to talk about.”
“From one mother to another, I wholeheartedly disagree. Step outside and talk to -”
“My ex-mother-in-law?”
“No, you buttface. I want you to go outside and talk with a mother who is grieving. Deeply. Please.”
He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “I’m hungry and I’m tired and I’m not in the mood to hear about how much of a shit father this woman thinks I used to be.” He mumbles to nobody in particular.
“You’re hungry? Here.” You say as you hand him your plate. You’d only taken two bites of the damned sandwich and you could always make yourself another one. “Now, please. Walk Gretchen out and just listen to her.”
Andy accepts the plate with a nod before taking a bite. He takes a moment to wolf down the half you’d nibbled on before placing it back on the table. 
“I’ll be back for the rest, Y/N.” He presses a kiss to your forehead. “Alright, Gretchen. Let’s talk.” ___
Nearly an hour later…
You’re snuggled up and dozing with a sleeping A.J. when Andy finally walks through the front door. 
“Hey…” You whisper when he walks right past you without a word. Untangling yourself from your son, you follow your husband into the kitchen where you see him enjoying the second half of your sandwich. 
You’d been so caught up in the drama that you’d forgotten to make yourself something else to eat. Trying to keep the mood casual, you walk over to the fridge and pull out all of the fixings to make another sandwich. 
“How’d things go?”
“Fine.” Andy grunts through a mouthful of food. 
“Just fine?” You ask as you place your turkey on the ciabatta before topping it with a piece of Muenster cheese. And then you go to slice your tomatoes and pickles. 
He sighs. “We’re going to visit Jacob in a couple weeks for his birthday. Actually, we’re uh, gonna try to visit him together more often.” He clears his throat. “So he knows that we’re thinking about him.”
Andy looks over at you, his beautiful eyes welling with tears. 
“He needs to know that his father thinks about him. All the time. And I need to tell him that myself.” 
You glide over to your man, wrapping your arms around his big body. 
“Yes, you do.” You wipe away a stray tear. “I’m proud of you. I’m proud of you for talking to your ex. I’m sure it was painful, but you did it. And maybe one day we can all go with you to see Jacob.”
“Yeah?” He whispers against the top of your head. “You’d do that?”
“Of course we would.” You pull away from him and lovingly pat his chest. “Now finish eating and go cuddle with A.J., it’ll help. Plus, Mama’s gotta make herself another sandwich.”
Andy finishes his lunch, wipes his hands, and walks off to go snuggle with his baby boy. 
By the time you join them in the living room with your food, you find A.J. once again fast asleep atop your husband’s chest, both of them snoring softly.
Grabbing another blanket, you cover both of them up before kissing their foreheads. 
Sweet dreams, my loves.
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ratskcoreddie · 1 year
Can you do like dad eddie since it’s Father’s Day and maybe like him having such a Goofy little baby girl like maybe they have a fun day together?
yes of course! i've been thinking about this all day actually. this concept has been rattling around in my brain, very loudly. here's some singledad!eddie with his little girl at her first concert.
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it was 1993. the crowd rumbled as the opening number started. to say eddie was excited would be an understatement. he was bouncing up and down on his heels and shouting at the top of his lungs. the way he was reacting was fitting as this was his first time seeing DIO ever, and they opened with 'stand up and shout'. hearing the guitars rift on stage with the bright lights was so intoxicating.
eddie was careful in the crowd, making sure to stay away from the men that were moshing a little to hard and shoving into each other in good fun as the tempo carried their movements, as if the drummer was guiding them to move all crazy and brash himself. eddie remembered when he could do that. honestly he missed it.
but now he was making new memories. the little girl on his shoulders kicked her legs to the beat on his chest as he held her thighs tightly to make sure she was on tight. she couldn't see from the ground and he had to be sure she would remember these moments. she was only four but he had read in some parenting book that kids develop their first memories at the ripe age of three. he was sure she would remember something as big as this.
he couldn't tell but the lights from the stage dazzled in her eyes. they were glued to the stage as ronnie james dio himself sung the same lyrics she would hear her daddy sing when he made her breakfast. it was loud but the bright yellow headphones she had on her ears protected her from any hearing damage. her dad.. not so much.
after many many songs and an encore eddie pulled his bundle of joy down from his neck and to rest on his hip. he pulled her headphones off as the sound of the crowd went from a loud rumble to just a busy chatter. "you like that, sweetheart?" she smiled at him and laughed as he nuzzled his cheek into hers with adoration. "you play guitar just like them!" she unknowingly complimented him. eddie chuckled. "yeah? you think so?"
eddie walked both of them towards the merch table, needing to add a new band tee to his ever growing collection, his daughter was squirming in his grasp. eddie timidly put her down so she could walk herself, not without him grabbing her hand almost painfully tightly so he wouldn't lose her in the crowd. she giggled and waved at all the people she passed. all of them looking like different variations of her own father. she looked up to him and pulled the hem of his battle vest. the same one he wore during his high school years. "are these all your friends?" eddie smiled and shook his head at her. "something like that, sure thing kiddo". he tussled her straight hair into a mess with his palm.
after a long walk they had finally made it out of the stadium, though the crowd had dissipated he still held her close as she stomped her feet in a tempo of a song stuck in her head from hearing it live. eddie smiled watching her, now dressed in a new tshirt that was his size. over her clothes and so big that it looked like a dress.
eddie was convinced he would have to pry it off of her when they got home, telling her it wasn't appropriate for her to wear to preschool because of the large devil named 'murray' on the front. she had gotten a lot of complements from her dad's "friends" as they were leaving the venue along side them. they had been shouting that she looked like a rockstar herself. her eyes would light up as she blushed and jumped up and down.
when they finally reached the van and eddie packed her into the backseat she looked up at him as he helped her with her seatbelt. "can we go back soon, daddy?"
eddie smiled, "you bet your ass we can, sweetheart".
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thank you so much for sending me this!! i hope you love it as much as i do! a lot of this was actually sitting in my drafts but thats not important happy father's day!
wanna send me a request?
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redpiperfox · 5 months
If I listened out everything I've walked through, objectively, this past semester, I think it might seem like the hardest several months you've ever heard from me.
It might sound overwhelming and horrible and that I'm barely treading water, and at the time of writing this, I will admit that it feels like I'm failing in most areas of life and the areas I'm not are so sorely misunderstood, misrepresented, and misconstrued that they feel like added burdens to my troubles.
But I had known some of this burden coming into the semester. I had realized, and accordingly, run to where my strength comes from, and carefully kept connections only to where I knew God's wisdom and grace would come from. God decided that I wouldn't be able to attend church much this semester. He decided to push my confidence in my own skills to the edge. He broke down my pride and slowly builds it into something more solid, firm in humility. And He also put my support systems through some of the hardest, most stressful stretches of life. He overwhelmed and tested people around me, in times where I did not even feel adequate to turn around and support them.
He gave me a warning bell of the final lap my grandpa has on this side of eternity. Label it "dying" if you will, but my grandpa's been "dying" for 15 years and altho he's only just lost his license to drive, can still out talk everyone around him. [Edit before this posts: Grandpa died a month later. We were in his hospital rooms, his final breath literally on my mom's face. We were singing and praying for two hours around his body after. It was sacred and holy in ways I cannot describe. I took an exam and did a final presentation the day after and with my sister and cousin, the three grandchildren gave eulogies that weekend. And then I went into finals week. A series of details that doesn't seem like I should attach the word "precious" to them, but I do.]
My God sounds like He's robbing me, doesn't He? If I list the facts, it sounds like a horrid trial. I don't think that idea had ever crossed my mind until I realized I didn't have the words to explain my last little lifetime without someone looking at me in horror.
So here is my attempt:
I had been talking to my sister, about the importance of giving children solid "affirmations" to hold onto, not just for them in that moment, because they will not understand it fully then, but more for the person they will grow into, small and scared and in a big chaotic world. Let me give an example of a good one:
"My God is so big. So strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God cannot do."
Nothing? How often do we think about that I wonder, and what it implies? Nothing? So then the things that I wanted Him to do that did not come to pass.... not because He cannot... and if He will not, and I know He works all things together for His children's good and His glory, and my chief end is to glorify Him... hmm... not something a preschooler thinks, but when we do?
Or how about:
"Jesus loves me, this I know. For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong. They are weak but He is strong!"
That second one covers the sufficiency of scripture, the power and grace of God, and our inadequacy in our own will. Human depravity, God's sufficiency, Christ's work in justification, sanctification, and glorification, that's a whole theological lecture in there! A rhyme and affirmation the preschooler might declare and believe simply and wholeheartedly, but might make the early adult stumble a little. Faith like a child looks a little harder than it sounds now.
Now for this song I picked and my little life update to finally make sense.
Those truths? Those affirmations and beliefs and intellect? Your brain is a muscle you strengthen or lose, and the intellect of faith is no different. Fighting the good fight and the race well run is a path of God renewing His child, in His child's deepening desire to look to Him and know Him more. Because knowing Him more is going from "My God is so Big" between two little hands, to "My God is so Big" in seeing His handiwork in each and every little detail.
The practice of seeing God weaving Christ from Genesis to Revalation, is to suddenly see it from your birth to death. The study of David and all his sin and God using him to lead a nation He set apart from the rest for His purposes, is to see God working through a sinful preacher's words and a stumbling Church's hands, and building a community of His purposes of reaching to save.
So I entered this semester like that. Knowing I would be stripped and exhausted and stretched thin and lost for words. Knowing that even this moment where I'm struck with the clarity of a thousand words would be rare and far between. Knowing my flesh and weakness would roar an uglier shade than I care to admit, and I would hear myself saying self-pitying loops when I could barely keep my eyes open, or keep my fingers from complaining.
So I did what anyone with forsight does, and I storm-weathered.
I hate complaining. It has no business in a Christian's life. To complain is to question a perfect God's perfect plan and call it imperfect and inadequate, because from who else does all detail flow? It is to claim wisdom over the wisdom-giver. But it is easy, and it is easy in the company of other sore hearts. And where the tongue writes it goads the heart, so that the heart gives black, bloody ink to the tongue, and a vicious cycle of digging yourself to a hole where God is suddenly nowhere in sight is done rather easily. And I personally decided I needed to learn to guard the pattern of my tongue, and till I did, I needed to guard where my tongue had power. Which is why, when I am full of praise, like a child validating good behavior, I make extra effort to pour out my words fully and true-- not because I have mastered any art or claim any pride in it, but because it is a good practice for me to guard my heart "desperately deceitful above all else, who can know it?" And then I fed my heart from a fresh well that promises to never run dry, and my lens of the world grew brighter.
So yes. These past months have been hard, truthfully objective. It has been trying and draining and there are days I have felt like drowning.
But thanks be to the God of wonderous mercies. Who promises to answer when we call, and urges me to call upon Him more. Who carries me when I don't look upon Him. Who weaves a tapestry more magnificent than I can imagine, to be revealed on the other side of eternity.
Job never learned why He was robbed so severely. He never needed to. God showed him something better. He showed Himself. And to see God in everything? What more do I need to see than heaven's light leaving fingerprints and blooming flowers for me to pick?
So I say, having walked these months with my eyes searching and never failing to find My God, that these have been the dearest, most precious months, and lift up a song of thanksgiving, over how He has blessed me, time and time again, in my shortcoming and in my weakness, in my heart and in my testimony of witness, may it be that He was lifted high.
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cadybear420 · 6 months
What is your favorite childhood memory?
What is your least favorite childhood memory?
What do you think had the biggest impact on you growing up?
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
You’re given an unlimited budget to build anything you want!  What do you build and where do you build it?
What is your favorite childhood memory?
Aiden: Easy. The time I played Mozart's 16th Sonata at my first recital when I was six.
Evie: I remember that! I mean, how could I not. The day you told me that--
Aiden: Was the day you started falling for me, I know. *he kisses her on the cheek, making her grin* What about your favorite?
Evie: Damn, I really can't pick. Probably the time my dad surprised me with a vacation trip to this resort I always wanted to go to?
Aiden: Oh yes! We gotta go visit that place ourselves as well.
Evie: Fuck yeah!
What is your least favorite childhood memory?
Evie: Do I have to answer that? Well... I guess one of the many times kids at school picked on me for fuck knows whatever reason.
Aiden: Well, there was this one time in preschool when we had to draw what career we wanted to have when we grew up. I made this drawing of mysef as a musician that I was really proud of. But then on parents' day, the teacher asked us to get our pictures... and I may have been a bit too excited... I sort of tried to run past the other kids, but got into a fight with one of them that somehow led to my picture getting ripped in half. I know this one sounds a bit juvenile to still be upset about, but--
Evie: You didn't like that something you worked so hard on and was precious to you got destroyed?
Aiden: Exactly! It was bad enough when it happened with a drawing I made as a four-year-old, I just can't possibly imagine something similar happening to any of the stuff I work on as I'm older...
Evie: Fucking same.
What do you think had the biggest impact on you growing up?
Evie: Honestly I have no fucking clue, haha...
Aiden: Definitely years of dedication to music and music practice.
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do? + You’re given an unlimited budget to build anything you want!  What do you build and where do you build it?
Answered here for Evie!
Aiden: As of now... probably the whole band drama and how I had to try and get everyone to agree on a song to play for halftime. But I'm probably forgetting something else. As for the building question... as much as I'd like to say "a new concert hall"... I'd actually go with Evie's idea. We can build our own special dream house together. It is for both of us after all.
Evie: Awwwww! *big grin*
Aiden: And I mean, I maybe could add a concert hall as part of it?
Evie: Hell yeah!
Ask List Here!
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Empowering Minds: Smart Learning Resources Toys for Every Age Group
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Smart Learning Resources Toys or educational Toys stimulate your toddler’s mental growth and develop their creativity level at every age. Parents of every child should grab certain smart toys for growing their kid’s communication efficiency.
Some categories of learning resources toys
1. Learning Toys Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years):
Soft Sensory Toys with Lights and Sounds: Toys with vibrant colors, different textures, and soft materials. Those that make gentle sounds or play soothing music.
Interactive Plush Toys: Soft toys that respond to touch or hugs with phrases, songs, or lights.
High-Contrast Visual Stimulation Toys: Toys with bold patterns and high-contrast colors to stimulate visual development.
2. Necessity of choosing smart toys:
Choosing toys depends on the baby’s age. Some toys can help to learn problem solving skills. Some others can prepare your child for advanced academic skills. Moreover, some smart toys can help your kids explore the best process to new ways of learning and playing. Such as puzzles, hand eye coordination toys and blocks.
3. Learning and Creative toys for your toddler:
Toys can teach your child at every age. Preschoolers can be encouraged when you choose some creative smart toys for them to develop their intelligence. There are such creative toys as essential science kits, magnetic tile set, Building blocks, colorful puzzles etc.
4. Smart Resources toys for 1-5 years old kids:
Toys are a great source of educating your child smartly and smoothly. Children find interest when they can get a source from learning with toys. There are sorting, stacking and plugging toys which are beneficial for 1-5 years old kids. This toy could teach your child to identify colors and how to count numbers. Another great toy is named Jigsaw puzzle which is easy to assemble and fun to play. Ride-on toys and scooters are a mesmerizing tool for kids to teach balancing proficiency.
5. Sensory – based smart Resources toys for smarter babies:
Developing babies’ senses and encouraging them to explore is needed for children of all ages. Sensory based toys are great for all babies because those toys are specially designed to incite the sense by providing visual and auditory experience. Some sensory based toys are babbler play kit, the medical kit, Baby Night light projector, kinetic sand set, wooden stacking toys etc.
So, choosing smart toys for your baby is very important to boosting exploring skills, developing knowledge, creativity level and problem-solving skills. Smart toys can be the best learning and educational opportunities for children of all ages. BBwelBox is there for you, where you can get information for baby’s development besides you can choose appropriate toys for your child from Bbwelbox.
In the ongoing pursuit of advancing child well-being, the BBwelbox organization team is thrilled to present our most valuable research for kids in 2023. This comprehensive study reflects our commitment to understanding and addressing the evolving needs of children in today’s dynamic world. Through rigorous research and innovative insights, we aim to contribute to the enhancement of child development, education, and overall happiness. Our findings aspire to empower parents, educators, and policymakers with the knowledge necessary to cultivate environments that foster the growth and flourishing of the younger generation. Together, let us continue to shape a brighter future for the children of tomorrow ( Fun and Effective Social Skills Exercises for Kids ).
In our ongoing commitment to promoting overall well-being, our dedicated team at BBwelbox has recently concluded research on natural health for parents. The significance of parental health in influencing the well-being of their children cannot be overstated. Our team’s recently published report, accessible through the provided source, encapsulates valuable insights and recommendations for cultivating a healthier lifestyle among parents. By empowering parents with evidence-based knowledge and practical guidance, we aim to foster an environment that not only supports their own well-being but also lays the foundation for the health and vitality of future generations. ( Nutrient-Rich and Delicious Healthy Breakfast to Lose Weight Recipes )
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Song Family Dynamics
the Songs are a bit of a mixed family, the household has two dads and a mom as a polycule but they have kids from other relationships too. most of them share the same mom, except the oldest, Andréa.
Andréa is distanced from the family due to some Drama with her father, and she has such a age gap from the rest of her half siblings that she doesn't have a relationship with them. she's not even technically a Song but for convenience we refer to her as that lmao. she and Sammy have interacted more than the rest, being the oldest kids of the group, but Andréa was kind of a mess at the time and Sammy doesn't wanna be like her lmao. sorry girl, thanks for dissuading Sammy from substance abuse with your actions though teehee :)
Sammy takes the role of Oldest Sibling on easily though, even if he technically isn't the oldest. he had his time out of the house when he went to college and everything but he came back to live with the family at some point, there was Family Drama (this is a common thing in this family lmao.. vague drama u know how it is) that he felt he needed to come back to support the twins about. the twins have moved out on their own now but Sammy likes being home with the rest of the family, he has fun getting to help out with the youngest sister, Kai. Kai still sees Sammy as the Cooler Older Brother and he tries his best to keep that opinion in check lmao, of course i'll drive you somewhere no problem!
Sammy and the twins get along well, its always a fun wild time when the three of them are together. Kyri and Emma see him for the dork that he is and will tease him about him being their little big brother :) no fair that they're younger and taller than him...!!! arguments often ensue about things like who is the coolest and it gets loud and heated but they're always joking about it lmao.
Kyri and Emma are basically inseparable and have a bit of separation anxiety, stemming from aforementioned Family Drama TM. they live in an apartment together with their respective partners. the twins... you know the twins!! for some reason im blanking on things to say about them jhsfdh. i feel like the separation anxiety is stronger on Kyri's end, Emma could probably manage more distance but she doesn't mind living with her bro, she knows he needs her. and its never a dull moment with him, they're buddies and best friends!!
Laurence was adopted as a teen (13ish maybe) so he didn't grow up with all of them, Sammy was in college at the time so they don't have the greatest bond, but Sammy tries to reach out nowadays now that he's living in the house with him. he is the most reserved of the whole group but the twins try to draw him out a little, Kyri definitely being a bit more annoying about it lmao. Being the babies of the group Kai and Laurence get along well, they can confide in each other for alot of things. if Kai was like 4 when Laurence came into the family i'm sure that was a funny story to share at preschool, yay im getting a new brother! he's older than me though :)
Kai, or Kai Junior (she's named after one of her dads, yes its true), is da baby. the last teen in the house and can always count on a sibling to give her a ride somewhere, oh her social life is thriving thanks siblings! Kyri likes to call her Kaiju because come on that's a freaking rad nickname!!! he's a little jealous though if only he was Kai Junior..... the family is the most stable now at this point so luckily Kai hasn't had to deal with too much drama first hand (its vague timeline but she was probably pretty young), though she does wish that they would let her in on what happened back in the day. she does wonder about her mysterious oldest sister sometimes too, hm! maybe one day she can bridge that gap, when you're a lil older bb girl.
tbh this family has existed conceptually for a really long time and has went through alot of iterations, the parent trio were like OG ocs that i had with my cousins and it was like. alot of drama nonsense you write when you're a teen so trying to re-contextualize it now can be tricky?? like for example one of the dads was a vampire mob boss of sorts lmao. they were all vampires and were-people. how do you make that work. so some of this is Vague but i do like these lil guys anyway haha they hold a special place in my heart :)
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helloparent · 19 days
Indoor Kids Learning Activities for Pune Monsoon Season
Indoor Kids Learning Activities for Pune 
While Pune's monsoon season offers a welcome change of pace, it also restricts kids' outside playtime. When their kids are stuck indoors, parents frequently find themselves searching for ways to keep them amused, involved, and learning. Here, we look at a few indoor educational activities for youngsters that are ideal for Pune's monsoon season.
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Arts and Crafts
Arts and crafts are excellent for developing fine motor skills and sparking creativity in children. You can set up a mini art studio at home with basic supplies like colored paper, glue, scissors, markers, and paint. Encourage your children to create monsoon-themed artwork, such as painting rainbows, making paper boats, or crafting umbrellas. These activities not only keep them busy but also help improve their hand-eye coordination and creativity. Many preschools in Pune incorporate arts and crafts into their daily routine to enhance creativity among children.
Reading and Storytelling
The monsoon season is a great time to cultivate a love for reading in children. Create a cozy reading nook with pillows and blankets where they can dive into their favorite books. Storytelling sessions can also be a delightful way to spend time together. You can use books from local libraries or online resources to find stories that are appropriate for their age group. Engaging in storytelling helps enhance their vocabulary, comprehension skills, and imagination. Using a school parent app can help parents stay updated with their child's reading progress and find book recommendations from teachers.
Science Experiments
Indoor science experiments can be both fun and educational. Simple experiments like making a volcano with baking soda and vinegar, creating slime, or growing crystals can fascinate children and teach them basic scientific principles. These activities promote curiosity and a love for learning by allowing kids to explore and experiment with different materials.
Cooking and Baking
Cooking and baking are practical life skills that can be taught from a young age. Involve your children in the kitchen by having them help with simple recipes. Baking cookies, making sandwiches, or preparing fruit salads can be both enjoyable and educational. Cooking activities teach children about measurements, following instructions, and the importance of nutrition. Preschools in India often include cooking activities in their curriculum to help children learn about healthy eating.
Board Games and Puzzles
Board games and puzzles are excellent for cognitive development and family bonding. Choose games that are age-appropriate and focus on different skills, such as strategy, memory, or math. Classic games like Monopoly, Scrabble, and chess can be great for older kids, while younger children might enjoy games like Candy Land or simple jigsaw puzzles.
Music and Dance
Music and dance are fantastic ways to keep kids active and entertained indoors. You can have a mini dance party at home with their favorite songs or introduce them to different types of music and instruments. Singing and dancing help with physical coordination, rhythm, and expression. You can also use online resources to find music lessons or dance tutorials suitable for children.
Educational Apps and Online Learning
In today’s digital age, there are numerous educational apps and online resources available that can make learning fun. Apps that teach math, reading, and other subjects through interactive games can be very engaging. Websites like Khan Academy, ABCmouse, and Duolingo offer a range of educational content tailored for kids. However, it’s important to monitor screen time and ensure that the content is age-appropriate and educational. A school parent app can provide valuable insights and recommendations on the best educational apps for children.
Indoor Gardening
Indoor gardening can be a rewarding activity that teaches children about nature and responsibility. You can start with simple plants like herbs or succulents that are easy to care for. Involve your children in planting seeds, watering the plants, and watching them grow. This activity teaches them about the life cycle of plants, the importance of taking care of living things, and patience. Some preschools in Pune have indoor gardening sessions to teach children about the environment and sustainability.
Creative Writing and Journaling
Encourage your children to express their thoughts and creativity through writing. Provide them with notebooks and prompts to start writing stories, poems, or daily journals. Creative writing helps improve their writing skills, imagination, and ability to express themselves. Journaling can also be a reflective activity that helps them process their thoughts and emotions.
Also Check: Art Activities for Kindergarten
Indoor Sports and Physical Activities
Keeping kids physically active is important, even when they’re indoors. Set up a mini indoor sports area where they can play games like balloon volleyball, hopscotch, or an obstacle course. These activities help them burn off energy and stay fit. Yoga and stretching exercises can also be incorporated to promote flexibility and relaxation.
The monsoon season in Pune doesn’t have to mean boredom for kids. By incorporating a variety of indoor kids learning activities for Pune, parents can ensure that their children remain engaged, active, and learning throughout the rainy days. From arts and crafts to indoor gardening, these activities offer a blend of fun and education that can make monsoon days enjoyable and productive. By embracing these creative ideas, parents can turn rainy days into opportunities for growth and development, much like many preschools in India do to keep children engaged.
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josepheconnell · 19 days
#shorts #nurseryrhymes | Gabby and Mercy Everybody Over Here! Playground Song for Kids | Nurs
Join the fun at the playground with this catchy and interactive song for kids! Sing along to the lyrics, dance to the beat, and encourage your little ones to participate. Let’s make the playground a place of joy and laughter! #PlaygroundSong #NurseryRhymes #ToddlerSongs Welcome to the magical world of Gabby and Mercy! In this delightful #shorts video, we invite all little ones to join in the fun with our catchy Playground Song, “Everybody Over Here!” Watch as Gabby and Mercy lead the way through a vibrant playground filled with laughter, joy, and engaging nursery rhymes that will have your kids singing along in no time! This enchanting song is perfect for toddlers and preschoolers, encouraging them to move, dance, and play while learning important social skills. Why should you watch? – Engaging Content: Our colorful animations and lively characters will capture your child’s attention and keep them entertained! – Educational Value: Nursery rhymes are not just fun; they help develop language skills, rhythm, and memory in young children. – Family-Friendly Fun: Enjoy quality time with your little ones as you sing along together! Don’t miss out on the joy of music and movement! Hit that play button now and let Gabby and Mercy take your kids on an unforgettable playground adventure. Subscribe for more fun! Join our growing community of parents and caregivers who love sharing joyful moments with their children. Click here to subscribe: [Gabby and Mercy Channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCde68JxF6O9SG00Ll3IE6vg?sub_confirmation=1) Let’s make learning fun together! Share this video with friends and family so everyone can join in on the fun. Remember to leave a comment below telling us what your child loved most about the song! #NurseryRhymes #KidsSongs #PlaygroundFun #GabbyAndMercy #FamilyEntertainment https://gabbyandmercy.wordpress.com/2024/09/16/shorts-nurseryrhymes-gabby-and-mercy%f0%9f%8e%b6-everybody-over-here-%f0%9f%91%a7%f0%9f%91%a6-playground-song-for-kids-nurs/
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gabbyandmercy · 19 days
#shorts #nurseryrhymes | Gabby and Mercy Everybody Over Here! Playground Song for Kids | Nurs
Join the fun at the playground with this catchy and interactive song for kids! Sing along to the lyrics, dance to the beat, and encourage your little ones to participate. Let's make the playground a place of joy and laughter! #PlaygroundSong #NurseryRhymes #ToddlerSongs 🎶 Welcome to the magical world of Gabby and Mercy! 🎶 In this delightful #shorts video, we invite all little ones to join in the fun with our catchy Playground Song, "Everybody Over Here!" 👧👦 Watch as Gabby and Mercy lead the way through a vibrant playground filled with laughter, joy, and engaging nursery rhymes that will have your kids singing along in no time! This enchanting song is perfect for toddlers and preschoolers, encouraging them to move, dance, and play while learning important social skills. 🌟 Why should you watch? 🌟 - Engaging Content: Our colorful animations and lively characters will capture your child's attention and keep them entertained! - Educational Value: Nursery rhymes are not just fun; they help develop language skills, rhythm, and memory in young children. - Family-Friendly Fun: Enjoy quality time with your little ones as you sing along together! Don't miss out on the joy of music and movement! Hit that play button now and let Gabby and Mercy take your kids on an unforgettable playground adventure. 🔔 Subscribe for more fun! 🔔 Join our growing community of parents and caregivers who love sharing joyful moments with their children. Click here to subscribe: [Gabby and Mercy Channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCde68JxF6O9SG00Ll3IE6vg?sub_confirmation=1) Let’s make learning fun together! Share this video with friends and family so everyone can join in on the fun. Remember to leave a comment below telling us what your child loved most about the song! #NurseryRhymes #KidsSongs #PlaygroundFun #GabbyAndMercy #FamilyEntertainment
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luminousvision · 25 days
And with that, dad was gone. Brent and Isabel exhaled together and turned to the living room wall, the one covered end to end with nine bookshelves full not with books, but puzzles. They ran to the one in the middle. Isabel pointed.
“That one isn’t hard enough,” Brent said. “We should have a good while.”
“How about the fruit bowl?” Isabel pulled out a box from underneath a pile.
“A safe pick,” he said. They opened the box on the coffee table and began to pull the pieces out one by one, sorting them by color.
Elegant leather couches surrounded them, but Brent and Isabel did not relax, content to arch their backs over the table, eyes focused on the rapidly moving pieces. Not a word was exchanged until all of the pieces were sorted into neat piles and the edges assembled. Isabel snatched a glance at the clock, an expensive and ultra-minimalist timepiece that made reading the exact time rather hard.
“You want the shadow and the dark parts of the bowl? I’ll do the fruit.”
They shifted a few piles around the table. Hands wordlessly flew back and forth across the table for a long time. Isabel completed the lemon and she lifted it into the center.
“Have you ever talked to Sabrina?” Brent asked.
Isabel didn’t look up, rapidly piecing multiple fruits simultaneously. “Not a whole lot. Why?”
“I mean like, really talk to her. Like when she’s playing her guitar, writing her music or whatever.”
“During recess? She doesn’t look like she wants to be bothered,” Isabel said. “These are part of the table, not the peach. I’ll do the table after.” She looked up at the clock.
“Finish all the fruits first,” Brent said.
“Okay, okay.”
They worked in silence for several minutes. Brent landed six pieces in quick succession. “I was bored after lunch the other day and I just watched her. She was writing in her notebook a bunch when she suddenly ripped the page out and folded it into a paper airplane. She didn’t even look upset about it. Guess what she did with it?”
“What?” Isabel asked, frantically swapping pieces.
“She threw it over the fence into the preschool and watched the kids run to catch it. Man, and she had the silliest smile on her face seeing them play with the paper airplane.” Brent slid a block of a shadowy bowl underneath the lit part and connected them. “At that point I couldn’t resist, so I went and asked her why she was so happy to see the kids with the paper airplane. You know what Sabrina said?”
“Brent, are you on this puzzle or not?” Isabel asked.
“Yeah, I got the shadows done here. I can talk at the same time,” he said.
“Can’t we just talk after?”
“Just hear me out—it’s a great story.”
Brent didn’t say anything more. The fruits were mostly complete. Isabel took the pile of table leg pieces and began to work on those. After minutes of silently matching pieces, he lifted the growing shadows on wallpaper into the main puzzle and spoke again.
“So I asked Sabrina why she brings a guitar to school. She says she’s not just playing the guitar. She’s writing songs. She showed me a bunch of them in her notebook. Can you believe it—she just does it for fun? She has no idea whether its any good or not—she doesn’t ask anyone. I asked her to play something for me and it was nice and pretty but what do I know?”
“Can you finish the wall?”
“Yeah, give me a minute.” Brent flattened the pile and started pairing up the pieces. Isabel looked at the clock.
A gray cat looking out the window hopped down from the windowsill and approached the table. It leapt onto the table, away from the puzzle.
“Not right now,” Isabel said firmly, lifting the cat back onto the floor. The cat meowed plaintively. It brushed against her and then Brent, repeating twice. Eventually it returned to the windowsill, examining the outside world. It soon fell asleep, its face content and peaceful.
The puzzle was mostly complete, with the bowl coming into full view on a wooden table, making a shadow on a patchy wall. 
“Just for fun,” Brent said to himself, flipping pieces around until they fit. “And she has no idea whether it’s any good or not.”
“And that’s an hour,” Isabel said, sighing in frustration. “That’s so slow. The Hoffenberger twins would be done by now. We’ll never win like this.”
“We’re almost there,” Brent said. There were several dozen pieces scattered around and three small holes remaining in the puzzle.
The creaking sound of the garage door made Isabel and Brent flinch. They instantly looked at each other with wide eyes. Isabel grabbed the puzzle box and held it out. Brent crumpled the nearly-complete fruit bowl from each side and thrust it into the container. 
“Why is he back so early?” Brent said, irritated.
“We were just slow. You distracted us.” Isabel said. 
They deftly swept every last piece off the table and into the box. Isabel ran to cram the puzzle into the bookshelf. They fled to the dining table, opened their backpacks, spread their schoolwork in front of them. They each inserted a pencil into their hands.
Dad stepped through the back door carrying several bags of groceries. “All right, let’s see it. How’d it go?” he said.
“We had too much homework,” Isabel said.
“We’ll try a puzzle after dinner,” Brent added. Dad made a face.
The cat jumped onto the table and purred, swishing its tail in Brent’s hair. Neither Brent nor Isabel seemed to notice.
“Homework is—“ Dad began, “—just like a puzzle,” Brent and Isabel said together. “We’re going as fast as we can,” Brent said. Dad put the groceries on the kitchen counter and went into the bathroom.
“So,” Brent began in a low voice, “do you know why Sabrina throws paper airplanes at the kids?”
“This again? Do you like Sabrina or something?”
“Listen to me. When I asked her, she just shrugged at me like she had never asked herself that question. And she says the kids have no clue how much she had to do for them to have fun. They have no idea what she was doing on that sheet of paper that she turned into an airplane. It doesn’t matter to them at all.”
“What?” Isabel said helplessly. “What are you trying to say?”
Brent’s voice hardened. “Sabrina smiles at things. She giggles at a paper airplane for God’s sake. Don’t you see?”
“Only three weeks left till the big day,” dad said from the hallway. “I’m so excited for the two of you—I can’t wait.”
Isabel glanced at the clock and went back to writing.
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playschoolinahmedabad · 4 months
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Our Daycare Center: A Celebration of Cultures!
Imagine a place where kids learn and play, and everyone feels special because of their unique background. That's what our daycare center is all about! We celebrate the amazing mix of cultures our children bring, because we know it helps them grow into kind and curious people.
Fun Ways to Learn About Each Other
Every day is an adventure in discovery! Here's how we explore different cultures:
Story Time Around the World: We read books from all over, learning about new clothes, foods, and even how to say "hello" in different languages!
Celebrating Together: From Diwali lights to dragon dances, we explore holidays with crafts, songs, and yummy treats everyone can enjoy.
By sharing traditions, we build a friendly space where each child feels proud of their heritage.
Tinker Tots Preschool and Daycare: Where every kid feels like a star!
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