#aiden x mc
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Happy Valentine’s Day, @cadybear420 !
I was so excited to get you as my partner for this event. You’re such an amazing and sweet person, and you always make my day when you comment and reblog my posts. Reading your hashtags just makes me so happy. I think you bring so much life to our little fandom and you make me feel so included as someone who had trouble making friends in this scene before.
I know how much you love Aiden so I obviously had to draw him and Evie.
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I know you usually prefer to have Aiden be the submissive one in your art and edits, but I really wanted to see him spoiling Evie for once. And of course the lipstick cause you like Aiden a lil fem, and he loves giving kisses.
I must deeply apologize again for my incompetence at drawing backgrounds though DX. I hope you still love it!
Edit: Forgot to tag @choicesfandomappreciation
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where-the-wind-travels · 11 months ago
evie, aiden, darlene & giselle ✦ colored by me
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i kept my promise of making this silly squad go on a double date together ~ @cadybear420 <3
fun fact: the text at the top means "the suspicious four" and i don't know why but i found that really funny so i had to put it in there. also because yeah they're definitely all sus
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cadybear420 · 10 months ago
Aiden always would invite MC to listen to him play piano before they dated, He’d always play a obscure love song so that MC wouldn’t know, after they started dating (he still does it, but MC might be catching on)
I just love the idea of them continuing dates where it's just MC listening to Aiden playing. I can totally see Aiden playing love songs but not saying they're love songs during those dates, which he'd get away with a lot because Evie is not an expert on classical music lol.
After they become official or after they confess their love for each other, though, I think Aiden would start telling Evie about the songs before playing them. But sometimes he will like to wait for Evie to go "this is a very romantic song" or "is this another love song?"
NECK KISSES Aiden loves the feel of MC’s neck, it’s soft and smooth, and he loves the scent of the perfume/cologne that MC wears that lingers on their neck
Definitely and I like to think he also loves nestling his face into MC/Evie's neck, cause it makes him feel cozy and safe :3
Aiden always lets MC play with his hair, he frowns, but MC catches his slightly upturns lips, as they style Aiden hair laughing when he looks silly afterwards
Yessss! Aiden 100% likes to pretend to be annoyed with MC playing or messing with his hair ("You ruined my perfect hair!") but they both know he likes it
”You’re the only person I’m so carefree and open with. You bring out the best in me, MC.”
YesyesyesyesyesYES and Evie expresses the exact same feelings which makes him blush and stutter
He loves to see MC smiling, whether it’s in the hall, during class, in the car, at a party, he just loves to see their beautiful smile, it makes him feel warm inside
YES. Just yes.
”I’m just so infatuated with you, MC. No song I could ever write will truly depict how beautiful you are.”
Aiden blushes all the time, at the slightest touch he’s already red in the cheeks, it makes MC smile to see him like that
It's very easy to make Aiden start blushing and Evie always loves to take advantage of that. Aiden also has a total praise kink absolutely loves receiving compliments and praise and words of affirmation, so that's a big go-to method Evie uses to make Aiden blush
He gets a jealous streak around Michael, he can’t help himself he sees the look Michael gives MC
My Evie did have a bit of a crush on Michael at one point, and even though it didn't go anywhere, Aiden does know that Evie did find Michael attractive and I think he might sometimes pretend to get jealous
Aiden likes to put his arm around MC’s shoulder and MC takes his hand softly and plays with the ring on his finger smiling happily
(Also insert headcanon about Evie/MC buying Aiden said ring and doing a play-proposal to him with it)
Aiden doesn’t dance, or so he claims, he likes to twirl MC on the dance floor and pull them close when a slow song comes on
Aiden at the start of Book 1: Can't dance for shit and runs away when he sees Evie do "sexy" moves
Aiden near the end of Book 1: Tries ballroom dancing for the first time with Evie leading him and gets the hang of it very quickly
Aiden near the end of Book 2: Loves to dance and is much more comfortable with initiating/leading dances with Evie; with someone like Evie anyways, I like to imagine he likes to twirl himself under her arm or prompt her to dip him
Aiden in Book 3: Shaking his hips so well that he puts Shakira into early retirement
MC blushes and kisses Aiden passionately on the lips. He pulls away beaming and flushed.*”Can’t handle kissing, Aiden?” *Aiden looks like he might pass out he’s so red
Evie being like "Awww you can't handle kissing?" and then proceeding to amp up the intensity, kissing him harder, kissing him all over, getting her hands all over him, etc. Aiden absolutely melts and he loves it
Myra sits next to MC and elbows them every time Aiden looks at them, it makes you both blush and look away smiling. ”Cutest couple at Berry still.” Myra jokes.
Myra is 100% the biggest Aidevie shipper, and they're 100% her favorite ship. This may or may not have anything to do with the fact that Myra is Aiden's closest friend.
Aiden’s parents love you after everything went down with Isa…Ashley…, and always asks Aiden when you’re coming over
I love the idea of Aiden's parents going from looking down upon Evie to deeply caring for and respecting her. Sometimes they fall back into being a bit protective but they're always very eager to get to know Evie better
They like to plan dinners for the 4 of y’all, sometimes 5 when they invite MC’s dad, MC’s dad grows close with them and even gets Glen and Bridgette into model trains, nonstop laughter when they’re together (sometimes they’ll even get Maria’s dads to join them)
Okay but this is so cute????? I can totally see this happening. And Evie also likes model trains, so sometimes the five of them would work on train models together
Every morning Aiden brings MC a thermos of mint tea, MC usually share it with their home room friends, Sydney, Myra, Caleb, Emma..
Aiden DEFINITELY does this for Evie, knowing that mint tea is one of her all-time favorites. She'd probably wanna keep the whole thing to herself though, but sometimes Aiden will make enough for Evie to share with her friends in homeroom
Aiden loves planning dates for MC, (don’t get him wrong he loves spontaneous dates MC ropes him into) but he loves the planned out dates the most, because he puts a lot of work into because he knows he’s not the best at it and just wants to see MC smile *It makes MC ecstatic just to see that Aiden would go out of his way to plan dates
Aiden loves when Evie plans dates because she's good at it and he loves to be spoiled like that, but he also loves planning dates because it's a chance for him to step out of his comfort zone a bit and demonstrate his appreciation for her
He loves the piano dates he has with MC, where he tries to teach them something on the piano, he starts with the ‘Singing In The Rain’ song MC and him danced to when they first started dating.
I'm just absolutely picturing Aiden trying to teach Evie how to play piano, and Evie (being someone who can't play instruments to save her life) just sounds really off-tune at first. But eventually she might get the hang of it.
Imagine also: Aiden sitting in Evie/MC's lap while he plays the piano. Or Evie/MC hugging Aiden from behind while he plays piano, like this.
”I’ve never been this happy to know someone like you. I truly don’t deserve all your love MC.”
Evie: "Shut the fuck up Aiden you deserve all my love, and more"
his heart flutters every time he sees MC, he’s only ever confided in Myra this feeling, it makes her aw obnoxiously (in his opinion), but he tells her anyways because he kinda likes when she tells him she wishes she had a relationship like that.
Absolutely fueling my headcanon of Aiden and Myra being best friends since first/second grade. I don't see Myra wishing she had a relationship like that since to me she was heavily implied (if not outright confirmed) to be aroace, but she is of course the biggest Aidevie shipper, so any time Aiden talks about Evie always gets her to squee
”I’m the luckiest man in the world, MC.”
Evie: "And I'm the luckiest woman in the world"
”you’re my very own Mozart.” MC often tells him after listening to him play, Aiden stutters and looks flush
Aiden loving to be referred to as "the next Mozart/Beethoven" or "my very own Mozart/Beethoven" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I love that image so muchhhhh
”We can’t make out here we’re in public.” Aiden often objects to PDA, but comes around when he sees MC’s pouty lips, their kissable soft pouty lips.
I like to imagine PDA is a guilty pleasure for Aiden. Sometimes he gets nervous about drawing too much attention to the two of them, but also he kind of sees it as "showing the world how much they love each other"
Kissing MC on the nose is Aiden’s second favorite place to kiss, he loves your nose after all, because it means he’s close to you then
Aiden and MC does Karaoke if it’s set up wherever they go, no matter how stupid the both of them look they can’t help but giggle and belt out the lyrics *It’s one of the few times Aiden lets go and has fun just to have fun, MC can’t stop smiling afterwards
At the end of that karaoke premium scene at Brian's party, MC is like "Maybe we should make MC-Aiden duets a thing" and I imagine that Evie-Aiden duets definitely become a thing, both karaoke and non-karaoke duets.
Evie considers herself a very average singer, but she feels a lot more comfortable when she's singing with Aiden– whom in her opinion anyways, sings so good it's practically worthy of the opera. Aiden has had some experience in singing, but it's not something he really trained much in– it just kind of comes to him naturally
”You truly are the most incredible person to ever come into my life.”
I am just so obsessed with Aiden valuing MC/Evie for just being in his life and helping him become better as a person + vice versa
Aiden loves when MC falls asleep on his chest, he loves running his hands through their hair and the peaceful look on MC’s face, it makes him blush when MC wakes up and he’s just looking at MC’s face smiling.
I always loved how much the story would have MC rest their head on Aiden's chest. Evie looooves to snuggle into Aiden's chest, she loves the feeling of it and hearing his heartbeat is very soothing to her.
Like just I'm just imagining this for Evie/MC and Aiden so much. There's just something that really gets to Aiden (in a good way) about how Evie shows to be more physically strong and tough than he is, she can exude confidence, but she can also comfortably show her more vulnerable side and snuggle into his chest like a lil babie
Also imagine: Aiden stroking MC/Evie's hair and head when sleeping against his chest
Aiden loves holding hands, it’s one of the few PDAs he doesn’t frown upon, he loves to feel MC’s fingers laced in his ”I know it’s cheesy to say, but I love the way your hand fits mine. Like finding the perfect piano.”
Actually he would consider h*ndh*lding too lewd /jk
Real talk though, he would love handholding. Typical handholding, interlaced fingers, when Evie rubs her thumb over his knuckles, etc.
Aiden doesn’t often say I love you to MC, he worries it becomes less meaningful even though MC says it to him all the time. ”Love doesn’t go away just because you say, I love you, Aiden.” He pulls MC close to him their bodies touching, “I love you, MC.”
I can definitely see both Evie and Aiden feeling like that. They have trouble containing themselves around each other, but they're also worried about making it less meaningful. But they do understand that saying it more doesn't make it go away, and I love that for them
Hey, Aiden anon. Hcs are fine!
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Aiden x MC: Dating HCs:*Aiden always would invite MC to listen to him play piano before they dated, He’d always play a obscure love song so that MC wouldn’t know, after they started dating (he still does it, but MC might be catching on)*NECK KISSES*Aiden loves the feel of MC’s neck, it’s soft and smooth, and he loves the scent of the perfume/cologne that MC wears that lingers on their neck*Aiden always lets MC play with his hair, he frowns, but MC catches his slightly upturns lips, as they style Aiden hair laughing when he looks silly afterwards*”You’re the only person I’m so carefree and open with. You bring out the best in me, MC.”*He loves to see MC smiling, whether it’s in the hall, during class, in the car, at a party, he just loves to see their beautiful smile, it makes him feel warm inside*”I’m just so infatuated with you, MC. No song I could ever write will truly depict how beautiful you are.”*Aiden blushes all the time, at the slightest touch he’s already red in the cheeks, it makes MC smile to see him like that*He gets a jealous streak around Michael, he can’t help himself he sees the look Michael gives MC *Aiden likes to put his arm around MC’s shoulder and MC takes his hand softly and plays with the ring on his finger smiling happily*Aiden doesn’t dance, or so he claims, he likes to twirl MC on the dance floor and pull them close when a slow song comes on*MC blushes and kisses Aiden passionately on the lips. He pulls away beaming and flushed.*”Can’t handle kissing, Aiden?” *Aiden looks like he might pass out he’s so red*Myra sits next to MC and elbows them every time Aiden looks at them, it makes you both blush and look away smiling.*”Cutest couple at Berry still.” Myra jokes.*Aiden’s parents love you after everything went down with Isa…Ashley…, and always asks Aiden when you’re coming over *They like to plan dinners for the 4 of y’all, sometimes 5 when they invite MC’s dad, MC’s dad grows close with them and even gets Glen and Bridgette into model trains, nonstop laughter when they’re together (sometimes they’ll even get Maria’s dads to join them)*Every morning Aiden brings MC a thermos of mint tea, MC usually share it with their home room friends, Sydney, Myra, Caleb, Emma..*Aiden loves planning dates for MC, (don’t get him wrong he loves spontaneous dates MC ropes him into) but he loves the planned out dates the most, because he puts a lot of work into because he knows he’s not the best at it and just wants to see MC smile*It makes MC ecstatic just to see that Aiden would go out of his way to plan dates *He loves the piano dates he has with MC, where he tries to teach them something on the piano, he starts with the ‘Singing In The Rain’ song MC and him danced to when they first started dating.*”I’ve never been this happy to know someone like you. I truly don’t deserve all your love MC.”*his heart flutters every time he sees MC, he’s only ever confided in Myra this feeling, it makes her aw obnoxiously (in his opinion), but he tells her anyways because he kinda likes when she tells him she wishes she had a relationship like that.*”I’m the luckiest man in the world, MC.” *”you’re my very own Mozart.” MC often tells him after listening to him play, Aiden stutters and looks flush*RUNS HIS HANDS THROUGH HIS HAIR WHEN NERVOUS/EMBARRASSED*”We can’t make out here we’re in public.” Aiden often objects to PDA, but comes around when he sees MC’s pouty lips, their kissable soft pouty lips.*Kissing MC on the nose is Aiden’s second favorite place to kiss, he loves your nose after all, because it means he’s close to you then*Aiden and MC does Karaoke if it’s set up wherever they go, no matter how stupid the both of them look they can’t help but giggle and belt out the lyrics*It’s one of the few times Aiden lets go and has fun just to have fun, MC can’t stop smiling afterwards *”You truly are the most incredible person to ever come into my life.”*Aiden loves when MC falls asleep on his chest, he loves running his hands through their hair and the peaceful look on MC’s face, it makes him blush when MC wakes up and he’s just looking at MC’s face smiling.*Aiden loves holding hands, it’s one of the few PDAs he doesn’t frown upon, he loves to feel MC’s fingers laced in his*”I know it’s cheesy to say, but I love the way your hand fits mine. Like finding the perfect piano.”*Aiden doesn’t often say I love you to MC, he worries it becomes less meaningful even though MC says it to him all the time.*”Love doesn’t go away just because you say, I love you, Aiden.” He pulls MC close to him their bodies touching, “I love you, MC.”
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gyattoru · 6 months ago
the apparition (prologue) - hogwarts legacy fic (s.s)
title inspired on the apparition, by sleep token
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summary: An old family friend arrives on the Villin household with strange but intriguing news, and an undoubtly helpful preposition for the 15 year old set of twins whom hold something ancient and unknown within them.
cw: 1.2K words, hogwarts legacy fanfiction, female MC, sebastian sallow x female!MC, poppy sweeting x male!MC, muggle raised MCs, eventual pining & romance, eventual fluff & angst, minimal lore alterations, dialogue alterations, added events, sebastian sallow x seer!MC, will definitely add more as the chapters go on.
a/n: ahhh I honestly can't believe I'm posting this (after revising it three solid times, having second thoughts and realizing it’s super long), this has been in my drafts since I finished the game, writing the prologue (and half of the first chapter 🤫) has been so fun up until now and I really, REALLY hope you enjoy this, and my silly OCs.
-xxx, lola <3.
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A dream, the same one as always.
A roar of an animal, falling, nausea, abandoned ruins, white flashes of light.
A snake, a brunette, a mysterious task, four portraits, a cure for an illness, bright red, pain.
Brown eyes, they feel like home, now they’re melancholic, a sadness which is hidden behind books and wittiness, something dark, corruption.
An owl, a tomb, a green explosion, regret.
An important fight, the fate of the world, death.
Light summer rain tapped on the window as I awoke with a start, rubbing my temples and gazing over to the bed on the other side of the room. My brother, Aiden, was still asleep whilst the low light that got through the curtains reflected softly off his freckled features and silvery hair, he snored lightly.
As I pushed my heavy cotton quilt over to the side, muffled conversations could be heard coming from the other side of the door - intriguing - people rarely visited us, a widowed woman with twins to raise alone, townsfolk saw it as bad omen, or just sheer misfortune.
Haste fully, I changed my clothes and brushed my disheveled silver tresses, pining half of them up in an acceptable updo. I creaked the door open, careful not to disrupt the chattery voices nor wake brother from his slumber and walked over to the top of the stairs.
“Jasmine tea! One of my favorite blends, thank you for your hospitality, Abigail." An unknown voice echoed through the halls of the Villin home, mother chuckled softly.
"Don't mention it, Fig. You were Rick’s friend, that makes you a friend of mine." Rick. Richard Villin, this mysterious man was father’s friend?
I never knew much about our father, he died when I and brother were really young, mother refrained from talking about him, it never seemed as if she didn’t want to, it felt like she couldn’t.
“Eavesdropping again, Leesie?” I snap my head back at the bedroom door, squealing softly “You know mom doesn’t like it when you do that.”
“Bloody hell, Aiden! And you need to stop creeping up on people.” I hiss at him.
“That’s not polite for a lady, Leesie.”
“I’m glad you’re both dressed and awake!” We freeze, both our mouths clamping shut “We have a visitor, and he’s here to see you two.”
The tread down the flight of stairs was rather awkward for us, our mother right behind our tracks ushering us forward to meet the mysterious man. He was sat on the kitchen table, nestling a tea cup between his hands. His gaze quickly flicked towards us and he swiftly got up from his chair.
“Ah! I’m glad you’re both here at last, pleasure to meet you.” He gave us a soft smile while shaking both our hands “I’m Eleazar Fig, I was an old friend of your father’s.”
“Pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Fig.” Aiden answers on our behalf and I nod in acknowledgement.
“Fig is here to talk to you both about important matters, I’ll be taking care of the chores in the kitchen to give you some privacy.” Mother walks over to the archway opposite to the table “Make sure to show him hospitality, and tell him about last week’s event.” She reprimanded softly as Aiden gulped, I chuckle.
Both of us sit down at the table, Fig sitting opposite to us, he clears his throat. “Last week’s event?” He arches an eyebrow, Aiden looked away from him, a rather embarrassed expression plastered on his face.
“Well Aiden was quarreling with the Jones’ boy, they live just down the street from here.” I confess and signal with a hand “And when me and mom got there he was staring him down while the poor kid floated, we still have no idea how that happened.”
“Well, you’re both wizards! That’s why.” Fig said, baffled at the confusion instantly plastered in our faces “Although, rather late bloomers if you were to ask me.”
My eyes shot out as big as dinner plates, Aiden just laughed at the man’s face, much to their mother’s distaste “For God’s sake! Wizards? You can’t be earnest sir.”
“Your mother didn’t tell you anything?” Eleazar asks “After all, I came to deliver your acceptance letters from Hogwarts.”
“I don’t mean to be rude sir.” I state “But what even is a ‘Hogwarts’?”
“Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, it’s where you’re both supposed to study next term.” Fig explained calmly “Usually wizarding children show magic at one and ten, but you’ve only showed signs of witchcraft this year, so you’re both quite late bloomers.”
Is this why both of them didn’t fit in with the other kids in their borough? I could only wonder. I’ve always known something was different about us, but could never figure out what exactly it was. Sure, an unknown man telling me and Aiden that we possessed “magical abilities” was nothing far from odd.
“You said children show magic at one and ten?” I ask, the man nods “Wouldn’t that mean we’re rather far behind in- Well this sounds weird, magical studies?”
“Leesie, you’re actually taking this seriously!?” Aiden questions, rather harshly for my liking.
“Well Aiden, it’s not my fault as if it seemed you made the Jones’ kid float around and about!” I snap at him.
“Stop arguing!” Mom’s head pops out of the archway as she reprimands the both of us.
Aiden frowns and looks away from me as I look at my lap and fidget with my hands. Fig takes the opportunity to slide two letters over the table and towards us.
“Those are your acceptance letters from Hogwarts, you better skim them over.” He comments “And yes Ellise, you’re quite behind other kids your age, but that’s why I’m here too. Magic outside school is strictly forbidden for underage wizards, but the Ministry asked me to come teach you the basics and escort you both to school for the beginning of term.”
“So we have a month to catch up on what?” Aiden scoffs “Four years worth of knowledge?”
“Precisely.” Fig grins “Although, you’ll have to use the second hand wands that were lended to me, let’s hope that won’t be an issue.”
“When do we start?” I exclaim. In other circumstances I would’ve found my impulsive question quite rude, but in this moment I don’t bother with hiding my bubbling excitement. Aiden can’t help but still look apprehensive as he skimmed over his now opened letter.
“We can start today if you’d like.” Fig can’t manage to hide his matching excitement, I can easily tell he looks forward to teaching “Well, if your mother wouldn’t mind it, that is.”
“Oh, I’m quite sure she wouldn’t mind a day of freedom from our bickering.” Aiden states, lightly shouldering me. I give him a soft smile in return.
We surely had a busy summer ahead of us, I couldn’t help the excitement bubbling up in my chest.
I was looking forward to this new reality.
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a/n: ah yes, the famous “post and run”🏃‍♀️
-> chapter one | masterlist
wattpad link / ao3 link
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mlmichaelharrison · 3 months ago
HSS Christmas HCs
10PM on Christmas day itself. Cutting it a bit close lol.
Hey. Had some cute ideas so jotted them down. Not proofread, random dribbling, but I hope it brings a little festive joy 😊
The order, because I know y'all have your favorites:
Emma (Luis mention)
Caleb (Ezra mention)
Aiden (and Myra)
My MC Finley
Emma has a quiet Christmas with her mom, sharing homemade mulled wine while catching up on the trashy TV her mom never has time for, between working.
They watch Love Island, a tacky British reality show, and they mock the British accent back and forth. “I GOT A TEEEEXT!” Emma would yell every time her phone pinged, and she was startled by her mom screaming it at the top of her lungs a few hours later.
She and Luis text throughout the day, Luis sharing silly snapshots of the chaos that ensues when the whole family is crammed into his small house. Her heart flutters when he shares goofy selfies with his kiddy cousins.
Once a little tipsy, Emma and Julia switch the TV off and switch to their radio, dancing together around the coffee table of snacks. Julia teaches her some ballet moves she'd picked up from classes when she was very young. Emma felt like a princess, just as she deserves, spinning elegantly with her silver dress swirling around her.
She shares a classy selfie on the group chat of her and her mom tipping their wine glasses towards the camera, smiles broad and genuine, matching sparkly tiaras and true happiness.
Caleb’s parents have a huge party at theirs: friends, family, family friends - they're popular, too, so there's probably about 100 of them sprawled across the mansion. They have a giant spread of party food. Down with the traditional, boring roast!
The day is lovely but exhausting. Caleb’s mom followed his grandma's stuffing recipe to a T, and the result had them all smiling and mentioning memories of her. Just a few tears, and then it was on to games. In front of the fireplace for charades, a corner for snap with the kids, two tables of boardgames. Caleb drifts between them, making sure to spend time with every single person.
He drifts to the kitchen to pour himself another glass of pop when Ezra comes around the corner, a small, coy smile as he holds up two switch controllers. “Too tired for Mario Kart with your bro?”
Caleb grins broadly and follows his brother upstairs, hiding away in Ezra's bedroom as the battle valiantly. It's a tight match, and by the 12 and final race of the tournament, they're 6-5 to Ezra. Caleb pulls it back, ending them on a draw, which he'll take any day against such a worthy opponent.
Caleb takes a photo of Ezra's game face for the group chat, Rainbow Road on show in the corner, captioned “now THIS is what Christmas is all about”
Maria and her dads celebrate a traditional Christmas, just them in a private corner of a VERY high-class restaurant. Fancy suits for the men and a gorgeous flowing gown of pale blue and white for Maria. Quiet conversation and laughter passes between them.
When the conversation dies down - not that it's awkward, not at all - Maria pops up with a completely random question. A trick she learned from you. She learns so much about her fathers through this - like the heist they pulled in high school to steal a teacher’s laser pointer they used to shine in sleepy faces.
As the evening winds down, and after they've taken enough pictures together, they head home and curl up on the couch in matching festive pajamas to watch festive specials of game shows and shout answers at the screen.
After that, it's movie time, and Maria's eyes start drooping as her dads recite the words to Elf perfectly. To stop herself from falling asleep, she responds to each and every message in their group chat meticulously, commenting on how cute and festive everyone looks.
Her photo to the group chat is her and her fathers’s feet, propped up in a footstool, in matching Christmas slipper-socks, the fireplace and twinkling fairy lights and Elf blurry in the background.
Aiden's family also have a traditional Christmas, a home cooked roast for lunch where they all dress properly and dine with quiet classical music in the background. It's something Aiden used to enjoy as a kid, feeling so respected by his parents, but the older he gets the more he sees what he's missing out on. He's a little quieter this year.
That changes once Myra and her family turn up, alongside a couple other Asian-American families they've gotten close with other the years. They have a giant potluck of dishes spanning the continent their family came from in a colourful array that brings Aiden a lot more joy than the bland beiges of America.
He and Myra sneak off to his room with a bottle of gin to chat shit about the friend group - but, rather than chatting shit, Myra squeaks and shows Aiden every message that comes in, and he just chuckles and says he can see the messages on his phone as well. After an interaction between Finley and Michael that leaves Myra squealing, she asks if he will ever get flirting with someone. He shrugs and says he's waiting for the right person, which makes Myra roll her eyes, but she doesn't push him.
After a few drinks, they head downstairs to mingle again, avoiding uncomfortably heteronormative and invasive questions about when they'll finally settle down, as if they aren't 16 year olds. It's a little awkward, but they're used to it by now, gliding through practised sets of phrases and dodging questions about their friend choices.
Aiden and Myra head to the garden for a breath of fresh air, and it starts snowing. Myra, obviously, is ecstatic, and she runs up to Aiden with her camera open on her phone to send a photo to the group chat of them smiling, snow in their hair, captioned “hope your Christmases are gayer than ours!”
Michael is the only one who leaves the state for Christmas. His family are from New York, with him, his parents, and older sister being the only ones to have moved away. It's a gruelling 5 hour flight, but his two closest cousins scream into his shoulders as they both squeeze him in a hug.
Christmas is always a tough time for Michael. Closeted queerness, anorexia, high high high expectations that he repeatedly fails to meet. He's repeatedly asked if he's staying out of crime, out of violence, out of trouble, and it feels like they don't actually care and just want to remind him of his past.
His cousins, however, Emily and TJ, make sure he's comfortable. So much so, in fact, that after dinner, when they're hanging out in his room and getting ready to go to the skatepark (tradition, of course), he comes out. It kind of happens accidentally; TJ notices a bunch of sappy messages sent by ‘Fin’, so he asks. Michael gets a little flustered, but settles when he looks at his cousins. These kids had to raise themselves, together. “My boyfriend,” he says, plain and simple, smirking a little. Then he panics. “Don't tell anyone!”
Emily laughs and claps his back. “No worries, Mikey. Fellow queer.” “Really?” TJ rolls his eyes like it's old news. Maybe it is. He hasn't been there for a year. “Yes, really. Now hurry up. I wanna smoke.” TJ responds.
Michael sends a short video to the group chat of him skating around a heavily graffitied collection of concrete ramps with a spliff hanging out of his grinning lips.
Finley and Scott have a quiet Christmas, and even that has to wait until Scott gets home from work. He feels a little lonely, especially with his boyfriend on the other side of the country, but he wakes up, shrugs it off and gets to baking.
He is an avid baker, usually a stress baker, but this time it soothes his anxiety and gives him something to think about other than his mom. Their lavish parties, the presents, the meal. The hugs. The love. Nope, not thinking about it, he reminds himself as he stirs a brownie batter furiously.
The texts from Michael throughout the day fill him with warmth, despite his unheated home. He finds himself smiling at the screen at everything he says. Even the sadder parts, like how hard the big meal was, because even then it meant Michael was opening up to him. Then, Michael tells him he came out to his cousins. Then, he sends a selfie from the skatepark. “God, you're gorgeous”, Fin replies, met by eye rolling emojis.
He also checks in with the others, of course, rejects a couple of invitations for lunch and instead starts boiling the kettle for some instant ramen in the kitchen while the brownies bake. Emma drops him a call, reminding him of a group gift left for him in the fridge. He opens it to find a full Christmas dinner that each of them had helped to prepare. There's a card signed by all of them as well, with Michael's passage being the longest. He tears up a little and microwaves the meal, then dishes it up nicely for himself.
He takes a selfie, leaning back in the kitchen seat with the camera upside down and the meal and freshly baked brownies in frame on the table. He sticks his tongue out with a grin and says “hap hols hoes”.
Happy Christmas y'all, hope you had a good one ❤️
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lover-also-fighter-also · 3 months ago
So I have a couple of HC's for the future kids of my HSS MC's, Ria and Jeremy, and I've got a lot of brain worms on them recently, so here I am! Posting about them.
Tags: @cadybear420 @somerandomjewelleryonthefloor @choicesmc
Andrea Monero-Flores (Andie)
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Adopted daughter to Ria and Maria. She was adopted at 3 months old.
She is totally a clingy baby and a child that craves perfection, whether its what she eats or the toys she owns.
Close to both her mothers but she likes to imitate Maria's style of doing things, like the way she talks or the way she sits,
First word was definitely 'shit', which she heard a lot from Maria. Ria had to pull Maria aside and give her a long telling off about saying swear words in front of the baby.
Most closest she is to in the HSS gang is Michael, her godfather. Sometimes, they work together to piss Maria off.
She definitely gets all of Maria's hard-working nature and Ria's resilience. She doesn't go down without a fight, like her mama's.
Olivia Rin
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Jeremy and Emma's first child. They name her after Jeremy's late mother.
A very feisty and a talkative baby. She literally is a ball of energy.
Is a papa's girl through and through. She just loves being around Jeremy.
Loves flowery dresses ever since she was a baby. Emma just loves to dress her up.
She definitely started to dance just after she started walking.
Is a total social diva kid who especially loves being around the OG cheer squad. Especially Payton.
She gets her first ear piercings with Payton. Jeremy couldn't even look during the process and she goes 'Don't be a baby daddy. I'm fine.'
Is also pretty close to Maria and looks up to her because she doesn't take shit from people
Has a charming face and a flirty mouth. She definitely started her game in pre-school itself.
Jason Rin
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Jeremy and Emma's second kid. He is three years younger to Olivia.
A shy baby and more quieter and less fussier than his sister.
Is Emma's son through and through.
Loves to listen to Emma tell him stories and starts reading more earlier than his peers
He is the wallflower and the nerdy boy, but definitely a girl magnet.
Pretty awkward around strangers and takes time to get close to them.
More closer to Aiden in the OG gang, and learns music from him.
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cadybear420 · 1 year ago
Are they candid or structured? (Basically, was Aiden aware she was taking a picture or not?)
Aiden was definitely aware of her taking pictures. Most of them come from memory photos they'd take, but often Evie would get some of her Aiden photos from the yearbook. Every now and then they will do mini-photoshoots of each other, as an excuse to fawn over each other and save photos of each other.
What are her favorite scents?
Lavender, mint, eucalyptus, cherry blossom, strawberry, most ocean/beach themed scents, rose, gardenia, jasmine, sandalwood... and probably more.
What sort of animals are her stuffed animals? Do they share a theme?
Her favorites tend to be teddy bears and plush cats, but her collection is pretty varied. Almost anything that's cute goes. Plushies that aren't even animals like plush flowers or plush airplanes are also fair game.
She's also partial to stuffies that squeak or make an animal sound (like a cat plushie that makes little meow sounds when you squeeze it) when you squeeze them.
In fact, every now and then, Aiden would definitely gift her a plush toy where he records himself playing a song, singing a song, or telling her a sweet message, etc. and the plush toy will play that recording when she squeezes it. (And they totally do the same for any kids they have in the future)
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The self care kit
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storygirl03 · 4 months ago
This will forever be funny and cute to me!
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Happy (belated) birthday, Evie!
You deserve this
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I promise I tried my best to finish this but I’m in the middle of midterms and if I wait to post it until I’m done then it might never see the light of day. (There was even supposed to be a bonus pic of Evie and Aiden but….. I’ll try and finish it when it’s @cadybear420 ‘s actual birthday.)
P.S Yes Aiden is an adult in this art. We don’t draw spicy art of minors here
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cadybear420 · 1 year ago
Update March 4, 2024: This is a smaller and rougher profile of Evie.
For the proper and more fleshed out version, go here.
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Meet my OG HSS MC: Evie (I had a last name for her once but I'm considering changing it, so I'm not going to be including it until I have one I can commit to lol)
Redesign: As you can see, I gave her glasses and a more masc bodytype as that's how I headcanon her. She's a very butch/GNC jock girl and proud.
Personality: Fun-loving but also no-nonsense. Tough but also sweet. Will lift up Aiden but also snuggle into his chest. Horny on main but knows her boundaries. Sometimes level-headed, other times impulsive.
Childhood: Evie grew up with her dad Scott in a house in the Bay Area her whole life, until after her freshman year when they moved up north to Cedar Cove. Her mom Rani left when she was very young, barely even a week after she was born. While Rani was pregnant with her she'd realized she was not up to being a mother. Scott wanted to be a father however, so the two figured it was best to divorce on amicable terms due to their conflict of interests. Rani was still okay with carrying Evie to term for Scott, though Scott had assured her it was okay if she wasn't. Evie never felt resentment for either of them over this, but knowing how her mom was like has made her think about "what could have been" if she'd stayed with Scott.
Pride: Not sure if this means "things about herself that she's proud of" or "queer pride" lol. I'm gonna assume the latter. Evie is bi with a huge preference for guys. She first realized she wasn't straight around the end of 7th grade and knew for sure she was bi in 9th grade. However there was a lot of confusion for her in figuring this out because of her heavy preference for men, and stigmas that bi women with a male preference "aren't queer enough" or "just looking for attention". In fact she didn't even have her first actual girl-crush until she met Maria. But soon enough she was able to come to terms with the fact that her preference for men doesn't make her any less bi.
Past: Up until her move to Cedar Cove, she's spent her whole life in San Francisco. She's done basketball since she was 4, football since she was in middle school, and only just started baseball when she came to Berry. Her previous schools were very mixed bags in terms of how friendly the communities were and so while she made some friends there, it wasn't nearly as easy as it was at Berry. Her dad receiving a new job offer is what led to their move to Cedar Cove– Evie was not a fan of this at first but did also hope to end up in a better high school environment.
Future: Evie attends University (IDK which one yet) right after graduating Berry and earns a Bachelor's degree. But she does manage to maintain a strong relationship with her boyfriend Aiden, and halfway through her time at Uni, she decides to propose to him. The two get married a year after Evie's Uni graduation, and eventually have a couple of kids. Evie eventually becomes a published fiction author, while doing casual sports and singing + dance competitions with Aiden on the side.
Best Friends: She gets along quite well with most kids but she's probably the closest to: Emma Hawkins, Jade Ali, Caleb Michell, Michael Harrison, Maria Flores, Cher Lee (HSS:CA MC), Sakura Watanabe, Julian Castillo, Cameron Levy, Kieran Hale
Enemies: Brian Crandall, Ashley Farris, Danielle Whats-her-name from HSS:CA, Rodger and Loretta Crandall. She's on a not-buddybuddy-but-still-amicable terms with Zoe, Max, and Kara.
Family: Scott (Dad), Rani (Mom). Other family members yet to be established.
Partner: Aiden Zhou, her high school boyfriend that will eventually become her husband. Later on they do become open to occasionally swinging with Michael and Maria (who become a couple during the HSS:CA timeline).
Pet: Her pet hamster called Cheese Nugget (Cheesy for short) and her pet cat called Daisy
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All prompts can be used in any combination, on any day, for any characters. You don’t need to use an OC/MC, you can use any character. I’m just secretly hoping to learn more about your OCs.
Have fun! I can’t wait to enjoy what y’all create!
Meet My OC/MC:
Best Friend(s)
Favorite Ship (platonic, romantic, whatever)
Ghost Story
Apple Picking
Dia Los Muertos
Pumpkin Picking/Carving
Pick Your Own
Friend’s OC(s)
Favorite Things
Song Lyrics
Crossover/AU/Swap with Another OC
Any Prompt
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where-the-wind-travels · 1 month ago
The Group™️ on a night out ✦ edit by me
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@cadybear420 <3 here they are!
it was so very hard to get 6 people to match but also very worth it......... i've only edited this group once and i already love them <3
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justanotherdumpingground · 2 years ago
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I commissioned @hydn-jpg fanart of my HSS!MC Joseph and Aiden together, and the result is an adorable picture of them kissing. This is cute beyond words! Thank you so much for this! 😍🥰
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choicesfrog · 2 years ago
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chaewillriot · 9 months ago
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PART 1 ..
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
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Bro would definitely try to help you with the objective but would be distracted every ten seconds.
Scream REALLY loud when there's a jumpscare (even though he leads himself right into it.)
He wouldn't leave you if there's a monster chasing you, but he'd LEAD the monster to you.
Laughs at any inconveniences.
Would call you "cute" when you scream or yelp into the microphone.
Would suddenly proclaim his love for you if he's on the verge of dying from a monster.
"Hey, wanna hide in a corner and pop out and scare Tyler?"
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She'll be really into it.
She's often the one leading you around the map, and would occasionally look back to check if you're still following.
"Please don't scream into the mic.."
If a jumpscare occurs, she just jumps a bit from her seat.
She and Logan would be the one's to figure out the puzzles.
If a monster's chasing after you or her, she'd immediately tell you to hide and help you find a spot.
Would audibly sigh if she sees you die because that'd mean she needs to go back to the checkpoint to guide you all over again (she doesn't mind).
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"Stop dying, dumbass!"
He'll try to guide you around the map but would rage if he goes the wrong way.
Would be the most protective of you and Taylor.
If he somehow finds a gun (or weapon), he'd tell you to stay behind him cause he wants to protect you.
Tells the monster to "piss off!"
Would do anything else other than the objective because he thinks the MC is already stupid for being in this mess.
Screams in a high-pitched tone. (You and Aiden are so dead)
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
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elysian467 · 3 months ago
Reader's Rant
Okay so I had finished reading the Legacy of Gods Series few days ago so here are my thoughts(after lots of thinking,psychoanalysing and self arguing)
•The "virgin trope" is seriously not a trope at this point when each and every book has this.She makes it seem as if the fmc has commited blasphemy(What's her obsession with this word anyways.Its everywhere in her books.The blasphemy😯) if she has slept with someone before the mc.Wth!?And every male character is a casanova.Like we will find virgin Mcs hot too okay?? Especially in Ava's case like I thought okay finally we have a fmc who has had a life before mc but no?Like she makes it seem Ava have a grandiose sex life and later makes her a virgin too!?Like its okay to have experience and its totally okay to not marry the first guy you sleep with.
I also think that having literally ALL men experienced in EVERY SINGLE THING is also so frustrating.Like it would have been cool if Eli or Creighton were not u know??She makes it seem as a chore the men have to do the second they turn 18
•Another example of misogyny is the extreme sense of ownership they have for all the women in their life. Like the dad's are seriously crossing limits.Protectiveness is cute but the no-twat-is-good-enough-for-my-princess shit is exhausting.Jeremy and Landon are wayyy too controlling.Its literally offensive.You will HATE such a brother and dad for life and beyond.
•She made all women literal doormats.Enough said. (except Ava,Ari and Maya-who she turned into a villain because she has a life so she should not be the good sister)
•The fmcs had all sort of problems, worries,insecurities blah blah which could not be cured by besties, family, friends, therapists nope!They could only be cured within 2 chapters at most once the perfect mc decides to help!
•Over possessiveness.Hated it.Like listen I can still somehow get Killian's jealousy towards Remi(by dark romance standards ONLY) but Creighton has been close friends with Remi since birth and how he literally does not allow a single friendly touch!?And his insta posts each statng MINE MINE MINE repeatedly felt embarrassing and cringe rather than hot and when he tells her to stop following people like WHAT!?
I am the kind of reader who gives great attention to the blurbs and tropes before reading a book.
•God of Pain is a grumpy x sunshine.Now I believe this was mentioned due to the appeal and popularity of the trope but Annika is not a sunshine at all.Sunshine character is not one which ACTS and pretends to be happy,outgoing and perfect while she has her insecurities,fears and troubles eat her up inside(her words)
•God of fury has been said to have the trope mafia prince x GOLDEN BOY which is not accurate.Anyone who has read the books should know this already ig.
•God of war which happens to be my fav from the series has false claimed tropes too.Like it was NOT a marriage of convenience.Eli forced the proximity upon Ava by forcing her to marry him(I believe forced proximity means both leads who hate each other are forced to be closer)and the sunshine point is similar as that of Annika.Imagine if someone is searching for a stand alone marriage of convenience and forced proximity....they'll be sad,angry and frustrated u know(Not me.I loved the book)
•Being an apathatic sociopath and selfish narcissist is different.Research your attributes Rina.
•Rina literally backtracks upon Eli's feelings in gow.Repeatedly mentions how Eli had no feelings for Ava before Uni.While she had stated in Royal Elite epilogue how Eli kisses new born Ava,calls her pretty,is asking Aiden for marriage pact,stares at her.Even in gow Ava mentions that he caused guys disappear even when she was in HIGH SCHOOL."Yeah he had no interest at all"😑(THE LAST LINE WAS SARCASM.YES SOME PEOPLE NEED IT TO BE SPELLED OUT.your welcome)
•Mia's selective mutism was played with totally wrong.AGAIN RESEARCH RINA!
•The extremely perfect mcs who are geniuses(Einstein who?),strong,attractive all the positive attributes who can think of other than a heart ofc.Like is it wrong if at least one mc has worked hard for the way they are!?Nope these are born perfections who can cure world hunger but will not because the world does not deserve it. Fmcs have all sorts of issues(other than being spineless,submissive doormats.Not Ava,Ari,Maya) which will be cured by the MC!Yeah!(Though the way Eli helps Ava is actually book perfect,heart warming and realistic.Its quite real that her parents and Cecily babied her and could not handle hard decisions that could benefit her)
•BRATS PLAYING GODS!All the mcs are over privileged brats who have done nothing but be born to "earn" their "god" status.Like they are literal UNI kids.Like they were all spoiled brats basically criminals who were setting things(buildings) on fire and hurting and killing people like what!?
•THEIR AGES AND THEIR*ahem* ACTIONS!?Their ages in their respective books:
Killian(19)-Glyndon(19)😱😲😵😶 Creighton(20)-Annika(17-18) Jeremy(23-24)-Cecily(20) Landon(23)-Mia(18-19) Nikolai(19)-Brandon(23) Eli and Ava had time skip so it was okay(29 and 23)
Like their ages are seriously concerning.I especially wanna talk about Creighton and Annika.Annika is literally a child and her book basically had her having some sort of Stockholm Syndrome.
I ABSOLUTELY HATED how creighton won't let Annika speak or talk to him without him adding the numbers iykyk.LIKE I hate how I have read soo many posts yet none mentions it!!?And how Annika is shown to have been cleared of her problems after she has sex !?And Creigh acts like a divorced 38 year old guy with an adult kid while Annika is has 0 personality(Haters can go cry a river)I really wanted Annika to leave him u know?And what was that soap opera shit with the gun and crying and sobbing and kidnapping(Which is okay because she revealed to Ava,Glyn,Cecy that its her fantasy😑)and because we are going all in so lets add suicide shit too.And yeah she was ready to kill herself yesterday and is sunshine and rainbows today yeah!!
Killian has had loads of experience in every kind of sexual activity with both men and women and in clubs and whatnot at 19 and he is bored of all that now😂😑
Ohh I almost forgot!Its literally sooo stupid and meaningless that the girls experience whatever fantasy they shared during a drunk night with each other😂😂😂Like Rina basically wants to sorta convey that the girls "wished" for it😂(Think before you wish folks!)
Zero family dynamics other than the fathers making a one chapter visit talking about the Everlasting love for their wives,their doormat of a princess daughters and zero say in all the "emotional trauma" ALL of them have(they wish)
Landon favourism was not good.Especially in gof where it should have been Niko's moment.
Its enough for today I think.
I am not posting it as a hate post.It is RANT as stated,a critical analysis.(Being going through a book hangover from Gow....partially cured through the MADDEST OBSESSION OMG YES!!!)
One last thing!!!!I get that its the creator's wish and whatever but the fact that Rina isn't writing a Remi (An Mc with emotions!!!!)Ariella(Strong fmc!The blasphemy! )and Maya Ilya book sorta shows how she can't change her formula.
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gyattoru · 6 months ago
the apparition - hogwarts legacy fanfic (s.s)
title inspired on the apparition by sleep token
• chapter one - the dire journey
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summary: After arduous magic lessons during the summer, it’s finally time for Fig to escort the twins to Hogwarts for the new beginning of term in the school, but a sudden twist of events turn the journey for the worst.
cw: 5,5k words, MENTIONS OF DEATH, hogwarts legacy fanfiction, female MC, sebastian sallow x female!MC, poppy sweeting x male!MC, muggle raised MCs, eventual pining & romance, eventual fluff & angst, minimal lore alterations, dialogue alterations, added events, sebastian sallow x seer!MC, will definitely add more as the chapters go on.
a/n: thank you all for the support on the prologue!! now the fun is really getting started 😉 enjoy!
- xxx lola
prologue | masterlist
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Something was different this time.
It was the roar of an animal, but it was loud, louder than my usual dream, reverberating in my brain. I see a red glow of magic but can’t figure out where it came from.
I know something is wrong, in my gut there is a feeling I can’t figure out, but I’m certain of one thing - this is not a mere dream.
A strong jaw with big, terrifying sets of teeth closes on me.
Aiden’s eyes snapped towards me as I awake with a start, the usual now. I must’ve fallen asleep at some point during the carriage ride, the steady flying of the vehicle rocking me into a light slumber.
I was glad she didn’t accidentally lay my head on our sudden acquaintance’s shoulder, George Osric. The high-ranking Ministry of Magic official surprised us, asking to accompany us on the journey with “urgent matters” to discuss with Fig.
He sat beside me, opposite my brother and the professor, they talked about the newest journal rumour - sources mentioned a goblin, Ranrok, posing as a looming threat to the wizarding world.
“It was your wife, Eleazar, who alerted me to his activities months ago.” George said softly as Fig’s brows wound tight together.
“Miriam? How?” The professor questions.
“She wrote to me about Ranrok before she died - wondering what the Ministry knew of the extent of his activities” George sighed “Before I could respond. I received this. It was the last thing she sent me.”
The official grabbed a cylinder-shaped container from his bag. As Aiden looked out the window, I studied the mysterious object residing in George’s hands. It had a stonish-esque pattern on its exterior and the intricate pattern carved into its front resembled an intricate swirling flame.
“It came to me via her owl.” He continued “But with no correspondence, I can only assume-“
“-That she had to get rid of it quickly to keep it safe.” Fig cut him off, grabbing the artefact to look closely at it.
“Presumably from Ranrok.” George commented “I cannot open it. Whatever magic protects this is powerful indeed.”
“It looks like goblin metal, George.” Eleazar inspected “That symbol-“
“What’s that glow?” I interrupted, piquing my brother’s interest, who also stopped to take a look at the artefact. 
“I don’t see a glow.” Fig said, confused.
“Nor do I.” George agreed.
The professor then passed the cylinder onto my hands, I noted it wasn’t as heavy as I thought it would be and the metal felt cold and sturdy.
“I see the glow too.” Aiden commented, “I can hear a sound coming from it.”
Suddenly, a click was heard and the small frontal opening of the artefact was unlatched, revealing an intricate key posing of the same design which was carved onto the cylinder.
“Merlin’s beard! How did you do that?” George asked surprised.
I reach for the key inside the container, just to be stopped by the professor’s word of caution.
“Wait! We do not know what-“
A roar of an animal.
Everything happened quickly, too quickly. Aiden’s head snapped to the side as he saw something approaching from the corner of his eye.
“Leesie, look out!” He pulled me towards him without even thinking twice, just fast enough to avoid me being taken along with George as a dragon gnawed on our half of the carriage, breaking it off and dragging the man away. 
One of her my dangled from the new sudden opening made into the carriage as brother held onto me as tight as he could, preventing me from falling like the artefact that fell from my hands towards the clouds that painted the morning sky. We watch with horror as the dragon held the other half of the vehicle in his mouth, suddenly chomping down on it, crumbling all its remains and, consequently, George.
I turn my head over to the front of the carriage and see the coachman urging the now visible thestrals forward as he tries to get us away from the angry winged beast. Aiden saw the dragon open its mouth and a fiery glow burned in the back of its throat as he urged for us.
“Jump!” Fig yelled over the hiss of the wind as he pulled both of us forward, jumping off the carriage as the dragon spit fire towards it.
We were falling at rapid speed as Fig swam across the air, trying to reach for the mysterious key which fell out of the cylinder container and me and Aiden hold tight onto each other, the icy wind feeling like blades cutting our faces.
“Give me your hand!” Fig warned Aiden, who tightened his hold on me with one arm and held onto the professor with the other. “Accio!” The key flew towards Eleazar’s hand.
I hit the solid ground with a thud, pain shooting from my side. My brother quickly got up, anxiously scanning their surroundings, it seemed as if we were in some sort of cave.
“Are you both alright?” Fig asked worriedly as he got up as well “You’re hurt Miss Villin.”
“Perhaps a bit.” I wince as brother's worried gaze found mine once again. “I must’ve hurt my leg in the fall.”
“Take this. It's a Wiggenweld potion.” The professor said as he uncorks and hands me a vial with a green liquid in it. “That stuff’ll right you in a second.”
Unfortunately, I sniff the potion before drinking it, the smell reeking of mucus mixed with a berry-ish scent, which only worsened the churning in my stomach from the sudden Apparating trip. Without thinking too much, I downthe contents of the vial in one big gulp, fortunately feeling immediate pain relief.
“What happened?” Aiden asks as he helps me get up from the floor, keeping close by in case I topple and fall over.
“Poor George- I can’t believe he-“ Fig sighs, one of his hands brush through his dishevelled ash hair. “What the hell got into that damned thing?! Attacking a carriage mid-air? A typical dragon would never!”
“Professor?” Aiden questioned “Sir- Where are we?”
“I’m not sure, but that key Ellise discovered was clearly a Portkey.”
“A Portkey?” I ask, confused.
“An item enchanted to bring anyone who touches it to a specific place.” The professor explains.
“I’m feeling better, sir- If you’d like us to look around a bit.” I say, the pain in my leg had immensely subdued and I felt as if I could certainly walk normally now. 
“I would, but stay close, both of you.” He urged us forward, towards the opening of the cave “We’ve no idea who created this Portkey- or why.”
Aiden kept close beside me as I follow Fig out of the mysterious cave, which led to a bright open area, it seemed the hole was on the side of an island and miles of sea were all that could be seen besides- 
Abandoned ruins. Just like the ones in my dream. I can’t help but question what in the world was going on, why did I dream about these things countless times before?
“How far did that Portkey take us, professor?” I question, shielding my eyes from the rapid wind that blew my hair.
“Farther from London than the carriage travelled.” He asserted “We’re somewhere in the Scottish Highlands.”
“Do you think we were supposed to be sent to those ruins up ahead?” Aiden points, catching Fig’s attention.
“I do.” Fig asserts “This has not been the day any of us expected. But Miriam sent that Portkey to George for a reason, and I believe they died in pursuit of what it was meant to lead to.” He paused, both of us listening intently to his words.
“If you both are sure you’re alright and wouldn’t mind indulging me- I’d like to have a look around.”
Aiden eyed me carefully, he figured it’d be best for me to choose since I was the one hurt in the first place. I meet his eye with understanding and give him a small nod.
“Absolutely, sir.” 
“Good!” He didn’t hide his excitement “Let’s see if we can find a path- however faded it may be.”
Along the mountain's edge, I minded my step not to trip in the rigged path. The wind bled through my coat, making me shiver slightly.
“Where do you suppose your wife got the Portkey?” Aiden asks, both of them walked just ahead of me, engaged in conversation.
We soon found out Miriam spent years looking for signs of another form of magic, a rather ancient one which was long forgotten since its prime. This magic could only be wielded by a rare few people, who seemed to have been lost to time. Eleazar presumed his wife’s research led her to the Portkey, which certainly played a big part in it.
The path flowed downwards and upwards, leading us to do some climbing and jumping, which was something none of us imagined would be required today.
We reached a dead end, a wall which looked as if made of ice blocking them from pushing forward. The professor saw it as a learning opportunity- as he saw most things -and told them to use the, in my opinion, overly practised, basic wand cast to break the wall. That task was no hard feat for the us, whom quickly brought down the wall and kept going forward once again.
“We’re close now.” Fig encouraged “It’s just ahead.”
As we reached a fully open area, the wind seemed stronger than before, me and brother having to steady ourselves to not be blown away. The bridge that led to the ruins seemed to be broken, but it was fixed with a quick ‘Reparo’ from Fig himself. Finally, we reached the ruins, each of us going off in one direction to find clues about the creator of the Portkey quickly.
“Lessie! Professor Fig!” Aiden calls from the back of the ruins
As we arrive, I see a weirdly transparent wall, which seemed to have a room behind it, the same glow from the cylinder container emanating from it. We got closer to it.
“An enchanted wall?” Ellise questioned, “But what’s that room behind it?”
“Room? What room?” Fig asks, confused.
We all exchange skeptical looks before reaching out to the wall, as we came in contact with it our surroundings seemed to change, we were now inside the mysterious room.
“What in Merlin’s name?!” Fig exclaimed.
“Where are we?” Aiden asks.
To say I was tired of being suddenly teleported was an understatement, this was enough teletransportation for my whole year already. We seemed to be in some sort of lobby, a snoring figure lying down at some sort of reception desk. 
“Hello?” I ask as I carefully approach the desk. The figure doesn’t bulge, Fig clears his throat in an attempt to wake it.
The figure awoke with a startled yell, now we could make out that it was a goblin, given his pointy ears and black sclera eyes, his nose was big and round and his nails were as long as they could be grown out. He blinked, confused, and suddenly his eyes popped out at the sight of the people in front of his desk.
“It can’t be.” He exclaimed, we just looked at him with arched eyebrows “Ah, just a moment.”
The goblin turned around as he mumbled to himself, getting down from the place he sat in to go around the tall desk.
“Welcome to Gringotts Wizarding Bank.” He said with a bow “Vault number twelve, I presume?”
I look around the fancy lobby once more, Gringotts? Why would we be in a bank?
“Precisely.” Fig disguised his confusion quickly.
“The key?” The goblin said as he presented his hand, waiting for the item to be given to him. The professor just looked at him, confused once more.
“Your wife’s Portkey.” Aiden whispers as he nudges the man.
“Yes, of course” Fig took the key out of his pocket, placing it in the goblin’s big hand.
“This way then.”
We follow the goblin towards what looks like a train platform that had wide rails in front of it, the creature whistled a tune and a cart came quickly, stopping with a half right in front of us.
“After you.” The goblin signalled for us to sit down.
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Aiden said he would’ve rathered Apparating a million times before having to ride this hellish cart again. As he focused on the path ahead to not throw up his breakfast, I admired the length of the tunnels of the bank, the cart bringing us lower and lower into the ground as the minutes passed, it tossed and turned and I noticed brother was more pale than usual, the water from the waterfall that cleanses enchantments only making his sickness worsen as his clothes were clinging onto him.
The goblin explained how the vault was commissioned shortly after Gringotts was founded, so it resided in the lowest part of the bank, a long ride ahead of them.
After quite some time, the cart stopped to a halt after a goblin security guard on a platform signalled for them to break.
“Vault number?” His voice was deep and dry, I could tell he wasn’t as nice as the goblin that was guiding them.
“Vault twelve!” The nice goblin answered “Momentous day!”
The guard goblin groaned.
“On your way.”
As he signalled the path ahead with his long hand, I noticed he had a band on his arm which had the same red glow of the collar the dragon that attacked us wore, I eyed their professor apprehensively as the cart took off again, to Aiden’s displeasure. I quietly nudge Fig, who questioned me with a soft hum and quietly told him about the glow of the band.
“Like the glow you saw on the Portkey container?” He asked
“No, darker. I saw that glow on the dragon’s collar.” I whisper, worried.
“What was that?” The nice goblin interrupted us, Fig asks about the guard.
The goblin told them that the grumpy guard watched over the eldest section of the bank, but rarely anyone went there anymore. Me and Aiden exchanged an alarmed gaze over the cart.
With a few more tosses and turns, the cart came to a final stop, and Aiden already took it as a prize that he managed to keep the contents of his stomach on the inside. We got up from our seats and followed the goblin towards one single door on the furthest wall in front of the rails.
The goblin grabbed the key from his pocket and inserted it into the keyhole of the heavy metal door, he turned it and the heavy metal locks groaned and they unlocked themselves. The goblin stood aside to let them get through the now-opened passage, and we thanked him as they stepped into a short candle-lit stone hallway.
“What do you suppose we should be looking for?” I ask as I look around our new surroundings.
“I’m not sure.” Fig says as he turns towards the goblin who was now standing in the doorway “Sir, I wonder if you might-”
“The instructions for vault twelve indicate that I am to grant access to the holder of the key - and then close the door.” He says with a smile, signalling with his hand and, in a swift motion, locking us in the room. “Best of luck!”
“Great.” Aiden complains “Professor?”
Fig didn’t hide his surprise, we certainly weren’t expecting to be locked in an unknown vault for God knows how long.
“Revelio might help us here.” The professor rubs his chin “A revealing charm, no time like the present, ready your wands.”
We both raise our second-hand wands and copy Fig as he shows us the movement of the spell. As we cast revelio, a door appears on the other end of the small hallway, it had the same blue glow as the container of the Portkey and we got closer to inspect it.
As the we touched the door, the corridor around us vanished and we found themselves in a vast, dark room.
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White flashes of light
That’s all me and Aiden saw for the past 30 minutes, which felt more like hours of my life. We had to battle knights, a safety matter, the boy presumed, and amidst the chaos we lost their professor, having to battle on our own.
Short of breath, we crossed a portal that led to a room full of grandeur with a basin in the middle of it. If the day hadn't already been weird enough, there was a small vial floating above said basin, we approached it and I reached for the weird container and took it. The door at the far end of the room opened and luckily Fig was just behind it, looking confused.
“There you are!” Fig looks around the room “How did you-? What is this place?”
“I don’t know.” I sigh as we approach him “But we found this floating above that basin.” I show him the vial.
Professor Fig takes a closer look at the said basin curiously “That is no mere ‘basin’. That is a Pensieve - for viewing memories.”
I hand the vial to him and he opens it “I wonder-“ He tips the container over the basin, a glowing liquid falling from it swiftly and making the water below it swirl with black.
“Follow my lead.” He puts the upper half of his face in the murky water.
I look over at brother, confused, he just shrugs “I guess we have no choice.” He chuckles and dips his head in as well. I take a deep breath and follow.
As the cold water swirls around my vision, I see the room we are in, but it was like watching it from behind a foggy glass. A man resided in the middle, he looked a little past Fig’s age and swished his wand around as he finished building the room, the same blue glow me and my brother saw earlier enveloped the pillars he conjured. I notice another wizard is on the other end of the room, seemingly helping with the room’s architecture, although he is quite shorter and fuller than the other man. 
They approach each other close to the Pensieve “All is in place.” The shorter one says.
“The Portkey is well hidden?” The tall one questions.
“Perhaps too well, I wonder if the path we created-“
“May be impossible to follow?” The tall wizard completes his mate's sentence ”It will only be impossible for one who cannot see traces of ancient magic - as I can.”
“Your ability to see what others cannot will not be enough, Percival.” Percival, that was the tall wizard’s name, I make sure to keep it in mind as the memory unfolds. “We are entrusting the one who embarks on this path with powerful secrets - with knowledge others will do anything to obtain.” 
“Yes, and if we are correct, Charles, the person who completes the trials will have proven themselves worthy of the knowledge and the responsibility that accompanies it.” Percival says, final. 
“We’ve done all we can.” Charles agrees.
They both gazed at the far wall for a second. Then, Percival places the tip of his wand to his temple as he pulls out the string of glowing magic that was poured onto the Pensieve.
The memory ends and we pull out our heads from the water of the basin. “That’s what you’re seeing?” Fig questions “The glow that surrounded them?” 
“Yes Sir.”  Aiden answer as he rubs water from his face “That blue glow.”
“Can we see magic?” I ask, puzzled.
“Traces of ancient magic, to be precise. The magic that Miriam had always believed existed but could never-“ The professor trails off “Miriam, and perhaps George, died in pursuit of knowledge that has been dormant for centuries - And you both, it seems, are the key to understanding why. We wou-“
We hear the voice of the nice goblin banker coming from the other side of the door, accompanied by heavy metal footsteps “It all looks rather different than it did a moment ago.” He chuckles awkwardly. 
“Someone’s coming.” Fig warns, turning towards the door.
“Who were they?” A deep voice asks.
“I don’t know - but sir, you shouldn’t be in here.” The nice goblin insists.
The door opens, a red glow coming from the other side. Ranrok. He walked in front, a rookie and the grumpy guard beside him, the nice goblin followed frantically after them “I was right.” Ranrok said in a menacing tone.
“Ranrok.” Fig spat at him, anger evident in his voice.
“Seems my reputation precedes me. I was beginning to think no one was ever going to visit Rackham’s vault.”
“And why are you here?” The professor pulls out his wand, and we follow, pointing them at the goblin.
“No need for that.” He puts out his hand urging us to stop “Just give me whatever it is you found here and we can let bygones be bygones.” 
We all stare each other down with icy gazes as the nice goblin places a long hand on Ranrok’s shoulder “Sir, they had the key to the vault.” 
“Choose your next words wisely.” Ranrok warns as he side-eyes him.
“- I only meant that the instructions for vault twelve were quite clear.” He mutters carefully and fists his hand to his sides “Sir, I must insist. I was to grant access only to one with the key. And you didn’t have-“
With a flash of red, Ranrok levitates the nice goblin banker with an angry grunt. He holds him in the air for a second before descending him towards the ground with full force. The goblin’s spine snaps with an audible ‘crack’, and I let out a trembling breath as brother steps a little bit more in front of me. 
“I have no patience for traitors.” The goblin says, his gaze snapping back to us “Now, where were we?”
“I’m not giving you anything.” Fig barks back at him.
Ranrok hums, annoyed. “Well - Perhaps your young friends here will be more helpful.” 
The professor’s wand lights up as he sends a spell towards Ranrok, who blocks it effortlessly with his own and overpowers it. He sends us flying to the back of the room, making our backs hit the floor with a painful thud.
The floor under the Pensieve starts to swirl as if it turned into water. A knight emerges from it, it is big, too big, and it charges for Ranrok and his comrades, barely missing him with his sword. Professor Fig gets up with a cough and I help brother get on his feet. 
From the corner of my eye I notice a portal to our right and walk over to it, on the other side lay a forest, seemingly peaceful. “I know a way out!” I yell as Fig and Aiden kneel to dodge a swing of the guardian’s sword, who cuts a pillar in half “Professor!” I scream to get their attention.
They run over to the portal as a pillar that was cut in half falls right in our direction, each of us held one of Fig’s shoulders and place our free hands on the portal, the three of us lower our heads and I squeeze my eyes shut as the pillar gets dangerously close to crushing us. A light flashes and the portal does its job.
The professor whoops at our sudden teletransportation and I abruptly open my eyes. I look around, dark trees being all that was around us.
“Are you both alright?” Fig asks.
“Fine, sir.” Aiden answers “Ellise?”
“Me too.”
“I’ve never seen so powerful a goblin.” Eleazar exclaims as he studies our surroundings “He seemed wholly unaffected by my magic.” He turned back to us.
“Where are we?” Aiden asks. a hint of concern in his voice.
Fig looks around once more and chuckles “It can’t be.” He says marvelled “It seems those who set up the Pensieve, the locket - and the path to both - wanted someone with your abilities to end up here.” 
We walk towards a lamppost with multiple path indicators on it, Fig stops right under it “Come. We’ve a Sorting Ceremony to get to.”
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The walk to Hogwarts grounds was far from short, and the staircase to the entrance hall was so long that my calves hurt after climbing them. We stood in the hall as Fig placed his ear on the heavy wooden doors.
He walked back to us “We haven’t missed the Sorting Ceremony” He pulls his wand out “I’m no expert, but that seems more appropriate.”
With a swish, Fig changes our clothes to plain black Hogwarts uniforms. The cloak is velvety smooth and the button-up fitted me perfectly. “I need to study this locket as soon as I can, but first I’ll contact the Ministry” He explains “They need to know about Ranrok, and what happened to George. For the moment I ask that you both keep what’s happened only between us.”
The professor walks back to the door and opens it slowly, loud chattering and laughter burst through the small opening and Fig peeks into the room, quickly turning back to us once more.
“Phineas Nigellus Black” He sighs with disdain “Prepare yourselves to meet the Headmaster.”
As if his entrance was timed, a man walks through the doors. He was tall and dressed with splendour, but, in my opinion, he looked much like a cranky goat. I had to hold back a snicker. Aiden noticed and grasped my thought immediately, covering his mouth with his fist to muffle a chuckle.
“Fig - Nice of you to join us.” The Headmaster reprimands “The Sorting Ceremony’s over.”
“There were - complications.” The professor tried to reason “It seems that the goblin problem-“
Nigellus groaned “Enough. Goblins?” He asks amused “I’ve no time for rumours, Fig. And I’m rapidly losing whatever patience I had left.” He turns towards me and my brother “If you’re lucky, we might still get you sorted this evening. Come.”
We both quickly follow the Headmaster, waving Fig a small goodbye with our hands. As we got through the grand doorway, I notice heads turning towards us; not knowing if it was curiosity over our tardiness or late sorting age.
“Professor Weasley, we’ve two more to get sorted” Nigellus exclaims dryly as we reach the front of the room, where a single stool was, ready for whoever to sit on “Go on.’
Aiden notices my apprehension “I can go.”, he reassures. He sat on the stool as the feast hall slowly got quieter, everyone now watching curiously. A woman, seemingly Professor Weasley, placed a hat on his head and as much as I tried to listen in, their mouths moved but no audible sound came out, was the conversation with the hat a private one?
The hat closed its cloth mouth looking deep in thought “You belong in - Slytherin!” The hat yelled through the hall, the Slytherin table bursting into loud cheers and whistles. Aiden got up and Professor Weasley changed his robe accents to his house’s, he walked towards me.
“Good luck, Leesie.” He gave me a reassuring smile and I watched as he walked over to stand beside the woman who was waiting for me to sit down to place the hat on my head.
The hall got quiet again as I sat down on the stool, I look around and-
Brown eyes
The same pair from my dream, I caught a glimpse of them and my heart leapt in her chest for some odd reason. I try to find the gaze again but can’t seem to, my thoughts being interrupted by the weight of the hat being placed on my head.
“Ah, another one of you.” I hear the hat say “Twins I presume?”
“Yes, I’m the oldest.”
“You both are a bit older than the others, aren’t you?” The hat comments, “You come here with preferences and preconceptions - certain expectations.”
“I’m looking forward to exploring Hogwarts and the world beyond the castle and grounds” I chirp at the hat.
“Indeed. Much can be gleaned by having an adventurous spirit. But your professors certainly have a great deal to teach you as well.” The hat stops to think for a bit “You do not give up easily, do you? You are undaunted to challenges that lie ahead, and your loyalty to a friend and your brother delayed your arrival here this evening. I’ve made my mind about you, child.” I fidget with my hands and count down the seconds until the hat announces my house.
“Better be - Hufflepuff!” The hat’s voice echoes down the packed hall, the Hufflepuff table cheering as the woman takes the hat off my head and changes my robe accents to a yolky yellow colour. Dread fills my gut as I realize I was placed in a different house from Aiden. That made me a bit anxious at the least, I hoped I could befriend anyone soon, but I had no clue how different witch children were from muggle-borns, not like I had muggle friends anyway. 
“Anyway, I’m sure you all have plenty to do before classes begin tomorrow,” Nigellus speaks out, the students just stared at him, which seemed to annoy the man “I said - I’m sure you all have plenty to do before classes begin tomorrow!”
Students roll their eyes and groan as all of them get up and exit the hall one by one, I figured I wouldn’t be able to talk to anyone from my house tonight, which bothered me even more.
The woman turned towards me and Aiden “Quite an entrance! It’s lovely to meet you, I’m-”
“Professor Weasley,” The Headmaster interrupts “- Would you be so kind as to show our new students their common rooms?”
“I shall see to it, sir.” she nods and turns back to us “As I was saying - I’m Matilda Weasley, a pleasure to meet you.”
Aiden shakes her hand “I’m Aiden Villin, this is my sister Ellise. A pleasure to meet you as well professor.” I also shake her hand and give her a soft smile, which, to my relief, she returns.
“As Deputy Headmistress, it is my distinct honour to show you both to your common rooms. Right this way.”
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Finally, me and Matilda get to my common room, we made sure to drop off brother first in the Slytherin common room, the snake door leaving the my mouth agape.
The Hufflepuff common room entrance was less extraordinary, consisting of what seemed like a wine cellar full of huge barrels “Now, here we are at the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room.” Matilda gestures to a couple of stacked barrels on the far end of the cellar.
“This is the entrance?” I ask, puzzled.
“Indeed! I will explain what to do, but I hesitate to do it myself as one errant knock leads to being doused in vinegar. Most unpleasant.” She lets out a low chuckle “You must tap the barrel, two from the bottom, middle of the second row, in the rhythm of Hel-ga Huff-le-puff” 
I approach the barrels, the last thing I need this evening is to be doused in vinegar, having to wash myself and my new uniform. I tap the barrel in the rhythm, thankfully in the correct way, and the biggest barrel in the cellar reveals a tunnel, I can’t hide my relieved smile, beaming with a little bit of pride.
“Well done! Now you go in and get some sleep, you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow.” The professor says and I climb into the barrel entrance “In the morning, please make sure to find your brother in his common room if you can, I’ll meet you both there to collect you for your first class.”
“Thank you, Professor Weasley.” I say, feeling grateful that not all faculty is like the goaty Headmaster.
“You’re welcome. I hope you enjoy your first night at Hogwarts. Sleep well.”
As I reached the room of the fifth years, I notice everyone is already asleep, so I’m careful to be as quiet as possible. Waking sleeping colleagues had to be an awful first impression. To my surprise, my tawny owl, Harriet, made it from the dragon attack. I change into the pair of pyjamas that were neatly folded on a bed, seemingly mine, and scratched the owl’s chin, muttering a low “Good girl.”
When I let myself fall on the bed, I feel the heavy exhaustion on my sore muscles, I can’t help but hope tomorrow will be more peaceful, and I can’t help but feel giddy to start classes and meet all sorts of people, people like me.
That night, for the first time in ages, my dreams don’t haunt me.
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a/n: Finally I finished this!! I have so much planned for the next chapters, if you read this far, I hope you enjoyed my writing and the next chapter will come soon!
ps. I hope you guys noticed I didn't cancel Quidditch 😉
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