#play schools in pune
helloparent · 6 months
A Complete Approach of Early Learning with Montessori Education in Pune
Pune, known for its rich educational heritage, is home to a growing number of parents seeking high-quality early education for their children. Among the diverse approaches available, Montessori education stands out as a holistic and child-centric method that emphasizes independence, hands-on learning, and individualized instruction. In this comprehensive exploration of Montessori education in Pune, we will delve deep into its unique features and how it has become a preferred choice for many parents.
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Montessori Education Overview:
Montessori education is rooted in the teachings of Dr. Maria Montessori, an Italian physician and educator. This approach is meticulously designed to nurture a child's natural curiosity and love for learning through a carefully prepared environment. The key principles that underpin Montessori education include:
Child-Centric Approach: At the heart of Montessori education lies the recognition that every child is a unique individual with their own pace and style of learning. Montessori teachers adapt their methods to meet the individual needs of each child.
Freedom within Limits: Within the Montessori classroom, children have the freedom to choose their activities within a structured environment. This approach fosters independence, responsibility, and self-discipline.
Hands-On Learning: Montessori classrooms are thoughtfully designed and equipped with specially crafted materials that encourage tactile exploration and discovery. Children learn by actively engaging with these materials.
Mixed-Age Groups: Many Montessori classrooms feature mixed-age groups, allowing younger children to learn from older peers and older children to reinforce their knowledge by teaching younger ones.
Teacher as Guide: Montessori teachers are not traditional lecturers but rather guides or facilitators. They offer individual and small-group lessons based on a child's interests and developmental level.
Montessori in Pune:
Pune boasts a vibrant and thriving Montessori education scene, with numerous schools and preschools in Pune dedicated to the Montessori philosophy. These institutions offer a comprehensive range of programs catering to toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary-level students. Here are some key aspects that define Montessori education in Pune:
Holistic Development: Montessori schools in Pune are committed to nurturing the holistic development of children. They focus on their physical, intellectual, emotional, and social growth, ensuring that no aspect is neglected.
Child-Led Learning: One of the hallmarks of Montessori education is the emphasis on child-led learning. Students have the autonomy to choose their activities and explore subjects that genuinely interest them. This autonomy fosters a genuine love for learning and a sense of ownership over their education.
Prepared Environment: Montessori classrooms in Pune are thoughtfully prepared to encourage independence and exploration. They are filled with meticulously crafted, age-appropriate materials that facilitate learning through hands-on experiences.
Bilingual Education: Many Montessori schools in Pune offer bilingual education, allowing children to become proficient in both English and Marathi, or other regional languages, depending on the location.
Cultural Inclusivity: Pune's Montessori schools actively celebrate cultural diversity, exposing children to various traditions, languages, and customs. This exposure enriches their understanding of the world around them.
The Role of Parents:
In the Montessori approach, parents play a significant role in their child's educational journey. Here's how parents can actively contribute to and support their child's Montessori education:
Classroom Visits: Montessori schools in Pune often encourage parents to visit the classroom and observe activities. This firsthand experience helps parents gain a deeper understanding of their child's learning environment.
Support Independence: Parents can reinforce Montessori principles at home by allowing their child to make choices, encouraging responsibility, and providing opportunities for hands-on learning.
Open Communication: Regular communication between parents and Montessori teachers ensures that the child's needs and progress are well-understood and effectively supported. For this communication they use School Parent app
Enrichment at Home: Parents can complement their child's Montessori education with enriching activities and experiences outside of school, fostering a well-rounded development.
Also Check: Learning in Bangalore Preschools
Conclusion: A Foundation for Lifelong Learning
Montessori education in Pune transcends being merely a teaching method; it represents a profound educational philosophy that values a child's innate curiosity and potential. By providing an environment that fosters self-directed learning, independence, and respect for others, Montessori education lays a robust foundation for lifelong learning and personal growth.
For parents seeking a holistic approach to their child's early education in Pune, Montessori schools offer a compelling choice that aligns perfectly with their values and aspirations for their children's future. In this ever-evolving landscape of education, Montessori education in Pune continues to shine as a beacon of excellence and innovation. It equips children with not only academic knowledge but also essential life skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.
Originally Published by HelloParent.
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mrbrojangles · 2 years
Hey babe, new chocolate guy just dropped.
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innoveraschool08 · 4 months
A classroom filled with paper, balloons, and laughter - the perfect recipe for a day full of sweet memories.
For more details about Admission Open please visit us at:​
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elprofirststeps · 7 months
Transformative Teaching Methods in Pre-Nursery Education
The landscape of education constantly evolves, and pre-nursery education is no exception. Innovative teaching methods in these early learning environments have significantly transformed the way educators engage young minds. By embracing creative approaches and leveraging modern pedagogical techniques, pre-nursery teachers are enhancing the learning experiences of children in profound ways.
Embracing Technology Integration:
In today's digital age, incorporating technology into pre-nursery education has proven to be a valuable asset. Educational apps, interactive learning software, and age-appropriate devices offer new avenues for engagement and learning. Teachers utilize tablets or computers to introduce children to basic concepts through colorful visuals, interactive games, and engaging activities, making learning both fun and educational.
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Multisensory Learning Experiences:
Innovative pre-nursery educators recognize the significance of multisensory learning experiences. They design activities that engage various senses simultaneously, enhancing comprehension and retention. Through sensory play, children explore textures, colors, and sounds, promoting cognitive development while stimulating creativity and curiosity.
Project-Based Learning:
Project-based learning offers pre-nursery children the opportunity to explore topics of interest in-depth. Teachers guide students through hands-on projects that encourage investigation, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Whether it's creating art, exploring nature, or constructing simple structures, these projects foster a deeper understanding of concepts while promoting autonomy and creativity.
Incorporating Reggio Emilia Approach:
The Reggio Emilia approach has gained recognition in pre-nursery education for its emphasis on child-led learning and the importance of the learning environment. Teachers utilizing this approach facilitate learning through observation, documentation, and fostering children's interests. The environment is considered the third teacher, and classrooms are designed as inviting spaces that promote exploration and discovery.
Promoting Inquiry-Based Learning:
Inquiry-based learning encourages children to ask questions, explore, and seek answers independently. Pre-nursery teachers prompt curiosity by posing open-ended questions and providing opportunities for investigation. This approach nurtures critical thinking skills, encourages exploration, and allows children to construct their understanding of the world around them.
Play-Based STEAM Education:
Integrating STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) concepts into play-based activities has gained traction in pre-nursery education. Teachers introduce simple science experiments, building activities, artistic endeavors, and puzzles that incorporate mathematical concepts. Through these activities, children develop problem-solving abilities and gain early exposure to STEAM concepts in a playful manner.
Outdoor and Nature-Based Learning:
Innovative pre-nursery educators emphasize the importance of outdoor and nature-based learning experiences. Nature walks, gardening, and exploring the natural environment provide opportunities for hands-on learning. These experiences foster an appreciation for nature, encourage physical activity, and stimulate curiosity about the world around them.
Mindfulness and Well-being Practices:
Recognizing the significance of emotional well-being, some pre-nursery educators integrate mindfulness practices into their teaching. Simple breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, and guided meditation moments help children develop self-awareness, emotional regulation, and resilience.
Innovative teaching methods in pre-nursery education continue to evolve, offering diverse and dynamic approaches to early childhood learning. By embracing technology, multisensory experiences, project-based learning, the Reggio Emilia approach, inquiry-based learning, play-based STEAM education, outdoor experiences, and mindfulness practices, educators create engaging and enriching environments for young learners. These innovative methods not only foster intellectual growth but also cultivate creativity, critical thinking, social skills, and emotional well-being, laying a strong foundation for a lifetime of learning and success.
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xplintdigitalsolutions · 10 months
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Discover holistic child therapies in Kharadi at Wise Mind Educare. Our expert-led Occupational, Speech, Behavior, & Art Therapy, along with Yoga, Music, and Play Group sessions, foster all-round development. Special Educators, VR Games, Parent Training, and more ensure tailored care for your child's growth. for more visit: wisemindeducare.com/child-therapy-kharadi
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amanfp · 11 months
Footprints: Best Play School In Baner, Pune
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Experience excellence in early education at Footprints, the finest Play School in Baner, Pune. Our holistic approach blends learning and play, fostering your child's growth in a safe and stimulating environment. Join us to embark on a journey of exploration, curiosity, and joyful learning for a strong foundation.
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palakmehta12 · 1 year
Best Play Schools in Pune for Your Child's Early Learning and Development
If you're searching for the best play schools in Pune to enrol your child, look no further. Our guide will help you find the perfect play school that will help your child learn, grow and develop in a safe and nurturing environment. Our list features the most reputable and well-established play schools in Pune, equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, experienced teachers and a child-friendly curriculum. With our guide, you can ensure that your child's early years are spent in the best possible way.
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interiornx · 2 years
Discover the best Office False Ceiling Design Services in Pune. Get details about Office False Ceiling designing, and contractors, with design ideas in Pune.
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delcat177 · 2 years
Like Guy Fawkes Day.
With the fireworks.
'cause he was a phoenix.
And it's a British book.
It has been *twenty fucking years gdi*
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patronaccountingblog · 5 months
Best Landscape Architects In Pune
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In today’s busy life, people hardly have time for even themselves so giving time to architect their home as dream home is even more difficult. May be many people can manage to architect their homes but there are many more who are not able to do so. So, for those people we have a great service which will surely make them happy & relaxed. Every person wants his/her home to look undoubtedly beautiful. A normal house can have terrace, backyards, garden, balcony, landscape as its parts and these parts are the main areas where we can show our talent of architect.
In Pune, landscape architects play an important role in shaping the city’s environment. They are responsible for designing and maintaining many of the city’s parks, gardens, and other public spaces. They also work with developers to create sustainable and attractive landscapes for new buildings and communities. Landscape architecture is the designing of the visible features of the space to enhance the overall aesthetic and experience by changing contours, planting trees and shrubs, and adding ornamental features. The broad and interdisciplinary field of Landscape Architecture also requires an understanding of architecture, biology, wildlife, engineering, and urban and interior design, and has recently gained quite some traction in India.
Landscaping architect in pune are highly in demand as pune is stated as the Silicon Valley of India, because of this, large number of organizations, school colleges, and other important infrastructure are established in this particular region of India. Landscape architect is required for every kind of building whether it is old, new or in the early stages of their construction. If you are considering a landscape project in Pune, sovereign landscape architect is the best. They can help you create a space that is both functional and beautiful, and that will add value to your property.
Sovereign Architects is a leading landscape architecture firm in Pune. We have a team of experienced and talented landscape architects who can help you create the outdoor space of your dreams. We understand that every project is unique, and we work with you to create a design that meets your needs and budget.
Architects not only provide plans for outdoor decorations but also for the indoor. We are the team of “landscaping architect in Pune” which provides quality outdoor as well as indoor space decorations which can satisfy the client which helps us to grow in our field. We always provide clients with the best solution. We have a professional team which is always ready to provide the best service to the clients.
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hrk4 · 6 months
The year that was...
“Slippery slope. I carry a spare shirt, pretty soon I’m carrying spare pants. Then I’d need a suitcase. Next thing I know, I’ve got a house and a car and a savings plan and I’m filling out all kinds of forms.” —Jack Reacher (in Lee Child’s 2007 novel Bad Luck and Trouble)
For close to a year, I have been fortunate to be part of the Saturday morning conversazione that takes place in the office of Dr. S R Ramaswamy (SRR), who is more than a mentor to me. In one of the early meetings of 2023, SRR gave me his personal copies of two Jack Reacher novels (by James Dover Grant, who writes under the pseudonym Lee Child) and added with a smile, "I must warn you, these are addictive!"
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A few days after that, I was going to be on a long train to Pune and had taken the novel with me. Even before we crossed the Karnataka border, I had finished reading the novel and cursed myself for not having brought the other one too (which was a result of my underestimation of my own reading speed). As soon as I came back to Bangalore, I raced through the other novel. When I returned the two novels to SRR, he gave me more. It had been years since I had read fiction and given that my day job involves reading, writing, design, and publication, I had forgotten the art of reading for pleasure. This gesture on SRR's part rekindled that spark. The flipside was that I started finding films and web series tiresome!
I mostly read Jack Reacher novels this year and what fascinated me the most (besides the intricate plots, value conflicts, and the edge-of-the-seat twists and turns) was the universal appeal of a character like Reacher who lives like a monk and fights like a tiger; even in the materialistic West the allure of a man who is detached and driven by a strong sense of dharma is irresistible. And that gives me hope.
Soon I will hit forty. Probably my best years are behind me but I like to believe that they are yet to come. To augment this belief, I lay out my plans for 2024 before getting into my recollections of 2023.
I have three short-term goals, which I wish to complete in the next six months: i. Organise my library ii. Simplify my wardrobe iii. Consolidate my finances and four lifestyle goals that I wish to continue through the year: 1. Exercise daily 2. Read more, and more varied books 3. Play the violin more 4. Avoid sugar and fried foods at all costs
Some of the books in the pipeline for this year are: A R Krishnasastri’s Kathāmṛta, a new edition of Bhāsa’s Svapna-vāsavadatta, D V Gundappa’s Jīvana-dharma-yoga translated by Raghavendra Hebbalalu and Sreelalitha Rupanagudi, Volumes VII and VIII of DVG’s Art Gallery of Memories, S R Ramaswamy’s Silhouettes of Excellence, Sripriya Srinivasan’s book on Pallava history for high school students, minor poems of Nīlakaṇṭha-dīkṣita, and Jayadeva’s Gīta-govindam, among others.
I'm also working on a few exciting projects with cousin Dr. Chandra Shekhar (a short stories anthology), my college classmate Sudarshan K A (on financial wisdom), and with my friends Ganesh Bhat Koppalatota and Neelakanth Kulkarni (curating the best of Kannada literature), and I hope that at least a few of these see completion by end of the year.
I was lucky to have a front row seat as the following books unfolded through the course of the year: Three volumes of DVG's Kannada writings in translation (Contemporaries of Vidyaranya, his writings on the two epics of India, and an anthology of his essays on poetics), Vols. V and VI of the Art Gallery of Memories by DVG, Śatāvadhānī Dr. R Ganesh's Kṣāttra: The Tradition of Valour in India, and Dr. L Subramaniam's Festival Beyond Borders, among others.
I was able to facilitate the publication of three books by family members: my mother's booklet of life-lessons titled Song of my Soul, my father's monograph on The Amazing Human Mind, and my great-uncle (Late) Sri S Rangarajan's mammoth 648-page memoirs titled It Happens as Ordained.
The highlight, however, was a little book that I co-wrote with Dr. Ganesh titled The Essential Sanatana Dharma.
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In addition to working on a few books in 2023, I was also invited to give lectures on a variety of topics, some of which were at the insistence of Dr. Arathi V B who has often magnanimously offered me opportunities that are far beyond my ken. If my calculations are right, I must have given no less than eighteen lectures this year. Friends like Madhulika Srivatsa, Sagar Mehta, and Vani Anur invited me to their homes to give lectures to their family and friends, which were highly rewarding.
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I had the singular fortune of addressing a large number of school children, teachers, young parents, devout Hindus, et al. on topics as varied as life skills to the essentials of Sanātana-dharma; from the importance of history and heritage to world musical genres (at an elders' enrichment centre); from Indian Knowledge Systems to the Art Gallery of Memories (series of lectures at the Gokhale Institute of Public Affairs); and on the Artha-śāstra, Mahābhārata, Bhagavad-gītā, and Śrīkṛṣṇa-karṇāmṛta.
For more than two decades I have been attending the Lakshminarayana Global Music Festival (LGMF) organised by my guru Dr. L Subramaniam (along with his wife, Smt. Kavita Krishnamurti, who is the director of the festival); for some years, I was also active in the organising committee of the festival. Each edition of the LGMF has been a historic event and 2023 was no different. The upcoming tour is no less exciting with a remarkable orchestra from Kazakhstan visiting India.
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Some of the other memorable events that I attended in 2023 include the third edition of Madanotsava organised by my good friends Nirupama and Rajendra, the eightieth birthday celebrations of Dr. Padma Subrahmanyam organised by Drishti Arts Centre, the fifth World Coffee Conference (thanks to my friend Ananth Bhatt), and a lovely eighty-fifth birthday celebration of my great-uncle Sri R Vasudevan that included a superb concert by the musician-surgeon of our family, Dr. Mukund Jagannathan.
Despite some challenges, the home situation was stable. My mother and my grandmother moved to an apartment next to my place and my father and brother regularly visit. I became one of the Trustees of our family trust and that means greater opportunity to help the community. I have also been involved in some consolidation of my finances so that I won't have to worry about money after 2024. I echo the sentiments of Jack Reacher in Gone Tomorrow (2009) — “I'm a rich man. To have everything you need is the definition of affluence.”
There are times when our family and friends perform an unexpected act of kindness that leaves us fumbling for words. My grandmother's younger sister, Smt. Shanti Rangarajan, aged 89, made a trip all the way from Chennai to Bangalore (with her daughter Deepta) to spend time with my mother on her 66th birthday, given that she was just recovering from her surgery and was home-bound.
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When I was in Mumbai earlier this year, I happened to ping my BMS College classmate Anshuman Borah, who emigrated to UK some years ago. He immediately wrote back saying that he was in Pune to sell his flat. I had been in Pune that very morning; distraught at having missed catching up with him, I called him up to berate him for not telling me earlier. He immediately said, "I'll come to Mumbai tomorrow. Just send me your location and I'll be there to pick you up." Sure enough, the next morning he took a taxi from Pune all the way to Mumbai just to meet me. We had a nice lunch and spent five or six hours before he took a taxi back to Pune. (And there were times in college when we have shared a jhal mudi costing Rs. 10 because we had run out of cash!)
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Anu and Chandra (technically my mother's generation but more like friends/cousins to me) generously offered me a carte blanche to pursue whatever projects I wish to, without fretting about the monetary implications. Their gesture has inspired me to work even more towards a larger cause, especially in the fields of culture, literature, music, and education, which are of common interest to us.
Prof. L V Shanthakumari has been a mentor-guru-adopted grandmother to me and many other friends. Earlier this year, she was visiting her younger son Sri Niranjana who lives across the town from her, in faraway Marathahalli. Our ancestral house in Halasuru is almost the mid-point between her house and her son's house, so I requested LVS madam to consider visiting us for lunch. She graciously agreed and visited us with Niranjana, who incidentally lived in the same neighbourhood many years earlier! My family and I were thrilled to host LVS madam and we spent a lovely afternoon together.
My cousin Arun was slated to visit India in August along with my aunt and uncle. I was planning to borrow my father's car so that I could take Arun around. Right at that time, my good friend Chandrashekhar told me, "I just bought a new car and there's the old one languishing in my place. Just take it and use it for as long as you want." Thanks to Chandru, I was able to drive around Arun and later had reliable transportation for myself, especially during some of the busy months of the year. After relying on public transport for more than a year, this came as a real boon.
My good friend Arjun Bharadwaj always teases me of excessively indulging in what he playfully dubs "Eating-Outing-Meeting." While I am an introvert by temperament, I often step out for these E-O-Ms for a dose of enrichment. Outside of my books and my music, I find nothing more enjoyable than a meaningful conversation with friends and savants.
It has been my great fortune to have come in contact with so many greats of our time—and in some cases, even dine with them and travel with them.
One of our Saturday morning meet-ups took place on Church Street with SRR taking us (Vighneshwar Bhat, Sandeep Balakrishna, Arjun Bharadwaj, and me) to Select Book Shop, which was started by a friend of his. Later he took us out to lunch and simply refused to let any of us pay.
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Ambi (my uncle, Dr. Koti Sreekrishna) visited India earlier this year and even stayed with me for a few days. I had a great time with him, discussing everything from the ridiculous to the sublime—often through the course of a meal in a nearby restaurant. I also had the chance to drag two of my friends (Arjun and GS) to meet Ambi and his elder brother Kanna (my uncle, Sri K Srinivas) at their ancestral house. The conversations, mostly revolving around the the great epics of India, were memorable (with some of it secretly captured on video and clandestinely posted on Facebook by Ambi).
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My cousin Arun visited India in August and stayed with me. It had been years since we had met and there was so much to talk about. It was really inspiring to see his focus and his ability to grasp new ideas. I introduced him to a bunch of my friends and we all had a memorable time. Cousin Anita could not visit and was sorely missed, but she had just had a baby (my second nephew, Jayanth).
Arjun and I visited Mysore to meet Dr. S L Bhyrappa, who graciously invited us to lunch with him. Following that, we proceeded to Pandavapura to meet Mr. Anke Gowda, who has the largest personal collection of books that I have seen (over 1 million books). We were thrilled to visit his library as he enthusiastically showed us around. He has been collecting books for some seven decades with his meagre salary, driven by intense passion and devotion to literature.
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Through the course of the year, in addition to the regular meet-ups with my friends, gurus, and family, I had the opportunity to meet a host of interesting people: Sri Prafulla Ketkar (Chief Editor, Organiser), Sri Shivaswami (Bhagavad-gītā scholar), Dr. Manohar Shinde (Founder, Dharma Civilization Foundation), Dr. Shekhar Borgaonkar (my father's college classmate and old friend), Dr. Kanniks Kannikeswaran (musician-composer-educator), and the dedicated people who run Rashtrotthana Vidya Kendra at Hagaribommanahalli, among others.
It is a co-incidence that the year began with a trip to Ellora and just as 2023 came to an end, during the course of our Madhya Pradesh road-trip, the first destination was Ellora. It was wonderful to visit that puṇya-kṣetra twice in a calendar year.
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In addition to visiting Solapur, Sambhajinagar, Pune, Mumbai, Karwar, and Chennai, I went to Valparai (Tamil Nadu) for our annual boys' trip, with more friends joining the fray:
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I spent the last days of the year on the road: traversing 3,800+ kilometres (Bangalore-Ellora-Maheshwar-Indore-Ujjain-Vidisha/Sanchi-Udayapur-Khajuraho-Bedaghat-Bangalore) in nine days with five of my friends and a shoe-string budget.
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Among the many highlights of the trip was visiting Ahalyabai Holkar Smarak at Maheshwar.
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To see her humble dwelling and to contrast that with her unparalleled achievements was an inspiration. These are the real heroes of our land and it is a sin to forget them.
Sri C R Sathya, the grandson of Prof. A R Krishnasastri and a remarkable space scientist (and writer) in his own right died earlier this year. He had been a great support during the time I co-translated The Essential Mahabharata. Not many people know that the gentleman on the right side of this iconic photo by Henri Cartier-Bresson is C R Sathya:
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A few other greats who breathed their last in 2023 include Sri Siddeshwar Swamiji; the great gamaki Sri Chandrashekar Kedilaya; Wayne Shorter, the legendary jazz saxophonist; Sri B K S Varma, the painter par excellence; and iconic filmmaker Sri K Viswanath. I had the great fortune of meeting and interacting with both B K S Varma and K Viswanath some years ago.
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The changes around us end up affecting us in some way, directly or indirectly, unless of course we are really cut off and have isolated ourselves from society. In this vein, it might be instructive to broadly look at some of the events from 2023.
India has marched forward under the visionary leadership of Sri Narendra Modi, who has never failed to impress with his tireless striving for a better future.
India is now the most populous country with a host of internal problems, largely fuelled by predatory ideologies, be it the clashes between the Kuki and the Meitei or the Nuh violence or even the denigration of Sanātana-dharma, which is the most inclusive religio-philosophical system in the world. Despite this and some of the self-inflicted wounds to the economy, the country witnessed the manner in which challenges were masterfully met, be it the organisation of the spectacular G20 or the rescue of 41 miners trapped in the Uttarakashi tunnel, be it seamlessly shifting to the new parliament building or sending Chandrayaan III to the moon.
After the demonic attack that took place on October 7th, 2023, the world is slowly realising the danger of the bloodthirsty death cult masquerading as a religion. More and more countries are rejecting the pseudo-liberal ideologies of the left and are instead moving far right, which is also dangerous in its own way. Coupled with this, we are unsure of the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the future of humans. And somewhere amidst all this chaos, unknown men are quietly doing their work. And that brings me a great deal of peace.
Thanks for reading this far, and with this I wish you and your family a wonderful new year! I hope it will be filled with joy, good health, prosperity, and moments to cherish. May your dreams come true!
— Appendix
I wish to share some of the fantastic accomplishments of a few people in my circle. It is, as always, an ad hoc list that I have prepared on the spur of the moment. I might have missed out some but those that I have listed are certainly notable:
Brahmin Genocide is an important topic researched by Sri Balaji Mahalingam (who writes under the pseudonym Asi) that brings to the fore an injustice that has pervaded our society in the last couple of centuries and must be immediately rectified if Hinduism is to survive. The first edition of the book was sold out in just a few months and he is now working on the second edition.
The seventh century CE Sanskrit play Bhagavad-ajjukam was documented by Nirupama and Rajendra with support from Sudha Murty, Śatāvadhānī Dr. R Ganesh, Praveen D Rao, Arjun Bharadwaj, et al.—see the Introduction and the complete play (with subtitles).
Bhāratīya Kṣāttra Paramparā (Hindi translation by Prof. Dharmaraj Singh Vaghela) Earlier this year, when the book Kṣāttra was released, I gave a copy of the book to my uncle Prof. Vaghela. The very next day, he called me and said that it is an important book which must reach the Hindi heartland and offered to translate it into Hindi. Dr. Ganesh immediately gave his consent. In a matter of months, he finished the translation, which is now appearing on www.prekshaa.in as a series and will soon be published in book form.
My good friend and former colleague Arjun Bharadwaj has come out with two remarkable books this year: the first, titled Nayana-Savana (co-written with Śatāvadhānī Dr. R Ganesh), which is a creative appreciation of some of the major productions of the legendary Dr. Padma Subrahmanyam and the second, titled Indian Perspective of Truth and Beauty in Homer’s Epics, which is worthy of a D.Litt. no less.
S R Ramaswamy's latest work titled Sāhitya Sānnihitya is an anthology of book reviews and writings on literature.
Saṃskṛti is a reprint of a charming little book on culture with essays by littérateurs including Devudu Narasimha Shastri, A N Murthy Rao, A N Krishna Rao, Masti Venkatesha Iyengar, and C K Venkataramayya.
Prekshaa Pratishtana has brought out a lovely introductory video that summarises its vision and objectives. They continue to publish many books every year and maintain an ad-free online journal (www.prekshaa.in) with authentic content on Indian heritage for one and all.
My cousin Arun Prasad continues to do remarkable work with Ambuda, the online digital library for Sanskrit.
The best of Śatāvadhānī Dr. R Ganesh's writings in Kannada have been compiled in two volumes with the title Rāga-bhāratī.
Dr. G Sudesh Kumar, a close family friend, recently authored a coffee-table book titled History of Sri Parakala Mutt.
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helloparent · 8 months
Top 20 Preschools in Pune for Arts and Creativity.
The city of Pune in India has long been a hub of educational excellence. It's no surprise that the city boasts a wide range of preschools, each with its unique approach to nurturing young minds. If you're a parent looking for the best preschools in Pune that focus on arts and creativity, you're in the right place. In this article, we'll guide you through the top 20 preschools in Pune that prioritize artistic expression, and we'll show you how to find the "nearest preschool to me" with the help of a parent app.
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1. ABC Montessori, Pune
ABC Montessori in Pune is known for its holistic approach to education, where arts and creativity are celebrated. Their curriculum is designed to encourage imagination and self-expression.
2. Little Millennium, Baner
Little Millennium in Baner offers a dynamic learning environment with a focus on arts and creativity. They have a wide range of activities to ignite young minds.
3. EuroKids, Pimple Saudagar
EuroKids in Pimple Saudagar provides a vibrant atmosphere where children are encouraged to explore their artistic talents. Their curriculum blends academics with creative expression.
4. The Learning Curve, Baner
The Learning Curve in Baner is dedicated to fostering creativity and imagination in young children. They offer a stimulating and artistic learning environment.
5. Podar Jumbo Kids, Vadgaon Sheri
Podar Jumbo Kids in Vadgaon Sheri is committed to nurturing creativity through various activities, ensuring that each child's artistic potential is unlocked.
6. IPlay ILearn, Kalyani Nagar
IPlay ILearn in Kalyani Nagar encourages children to express themselves through art and creativity. Their curriculum integrates arts into every aspect of learning.
7. Kangaroo Kids
Kangaroo Kids is well-known for its innovative teaching methods that emphasize creativity, ensuring every child is inspired to explore their artistic side.
8. Smartkidz Play School, Bhosari
Smartkidz Play School in Bhosari Nagar believes that creativity is the cornerstone of learning. They offer a nurturing environment where art and creativity flourish.
9. Kidzee, Anand Nagar
Kidzee in Anand Nagar combines academics with art, fostering creativity in young minds. Their unique approach to learning encourages children to embrace their artistic talents.
10. The Learning Curve, Kothrud
The Learning Curve in Kothrud is known for its child-centric approach, which places a strong emphasis on creative expression. They offer a wide range of art activities.
11. Shanti Juniors, Bhumkar Chowk
Shanti Juniors in Bhumkar Chowk offers a range of programs that incorporate art and creativity into the learning process. They provide an artistic space for every child
12. Bachpan Play School, Viman Nagar
Bachpan Play School in Viman Nagar celebrates the artistic abilities of children. They integrate creativity into their daily lessons, allowing children to explore and create.
13. Small Wonders, Sinhagad
Small onders in Sinhagad provide a vibrant atmosphere where children can engage in artistic pursuits. Their creative programs encourage self-expression.
14. Sunshine Preschool and Daycare, Pashan
Sunshine Preschool and Daycare in Pashan focuses on creating an artistic and creative environment where children can thrive.
15. The Tree House, Kalyani Nagar
The Tree House in Kalyani Nagar offers programs that encourage artistic expression. Their curriculum emphasizes creativity, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to explore the arts.
Also Check: Benefits of Technology in Preschools
16. Leapbridge International, Kalyani Nagar
Leapbridge International in Kalyani Nagar fosters creativity through an array of artistic activities. They believe that nurturing creativity is vital for a child's holistic development.
17. Dnyansagar International School, Hadapsar
Dnyansagar International School in Hadapsar is known for its emphasis on creativity. Their arts-focused programs encourage children to explore their creative potential.
18. Kangaroo Kids, Aundh
Kangaroo Kids in Aundh provides a stimulating environment for creative learning. Their approach focuses on igniting the artistic spark in every child.
19. The Orbis School, Mundhwa
The Orbis School in Mundhwa combines academic excellence with a strong focus on creative expression. Their curriculum encourages artistic exploration.
20. Prodigy Kids, Viman Nagar
Prodigy Kids in Viman Nagar is dedicated to nurturing artistic talents in young children. Their programs include a wide range of artistic activities.
To find the "nearest preschool to me" in Pune, you can make use of a parent app provided by many preschools. These apps offer location-based services, helping you locate the best preschools in your vicinity. You can explore their offerings and check whether they prioritize arts and creativity in their curriculum.
In Pune, the options for preschools that focus on arts and creativity are abundant. Each of the top 20 preschools in Pune and also top preschools in India listed here offers a unique approach to fostering artistic expression in young children. When seeking the best preschool for your child, consider their dedication to creativity and explore the offerings available at each school. Utilizing a parent app can also simplify your search, making it easier to find the "nearest preschool to me" that aligns with your child's educational needs and artistic potential.
Originally Published by HelloParent.
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VJ Palladio Kharadi Pune - Vilas Javdekar Upcoming Project
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Vilas Javdekar Palladio developed by Vilas Javdekar Developer. This project is of 21 floors which is built up on 3.95 acers of land with 6 Iconic towers and 638 units. This project offers you 2 BHK & 3 BHK apartments with an area of 1020 Sq.ft and 1265 Sq.ft. This development is under construction possession.
The development provides you facilities like Children's Play Area, Swimming Pool, Gymnasium, Car Parking, CCTV Camera Security, Security Personnel, Landscaped Garden, Club House, Power Backup, Cricket PitchSkating Rink, Indoor Games etc. The complex provides you specifications RCC frame structure with anti termite treatment, Decorative compound wall with super strong entrance gate in oil paint, Flower beds and greenery at locations around the site etc.
Located at Bhumkar Chowk Road, Tathawade, Pune. The complex has well settled neighbourhoods and has few famous landmarks like Hotel Neelkamal, Blossom Public School, Shell Petrol Pump and Starwoods Ganesh Temple. The region has well road network like Mumbai Pune Bypass Road, Elementa Road and Bengaluru - Mumbai Highway.
Check out the complete details here: www.javdekar.com
Contact Now: +91 9069142141
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thebobby1432world · 1 year
Anjali Patil Wiki, Biography, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Net Worth
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Anjali Patil Wiki: Anjali Patil is an Indian actress, director, and model born on September 26, 1987, in Nashik, Maharashtra, India. She is mainly known for her role as 'Malko' in the Bollywood film "Newton." Today, we will explore Anjali Patil's biography, including her early life, family, boyfriend, movies, TV shows, and more. Anjali Patil Wiki Anjali Patil Movies Anjali Patil Web Series Anjali began acting in 2011 with the Hindi film "Delhi in a Day." In 2012, she played the role of 'Selvi' in the Sinhala film "Oba Nathuwa Oba Ekka." She also appeared as 'Durga' in the Malayalam film "Ente" in 2013. In 2015, she entered the Marathi film industry and acted in the film "The Silence" as 'Maami'.
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Anjali Patil
Anjali Patil Wiki
NameAnjali PatilProfessionActress, Director & ModelNationalityIndianYears Active2011 to PresentNet Worth (approx.)₹5 CroreAnjali Patil Personal LifeNick Name AnjaliBorn (Date of Birth)26 September 1987Age (as of 2023)36 Years OldBirthplaceNashik, Maharashtra, IndiaZodiac SignLibraGenderFemaleHometownNashik, Maharashtra, IndiaHobbies/HabitsSelfie Lover, Photography, Nature LoverFavorite BrandsLevi’s, Gap, Louis Vuitton, Calvin KleinFood HabitNon-VegetarianAnjali Patil CareerDebutIn 2011 - As an ActressAwards2012: International Film Festival of India in Goa - Best Actress - (With You Without You) (Won) 2012: Stardust Awards 2013 - Breakthrough Supporting Performance - Female - (Chakravyuh) (Nominated) 2012: Star Screen Awards for Most Promising Newcomer- Female - (Chakravyuh) (Nominated) 2012: New York Indian Film Festival for Best Actress - (Delhi in a Day) (Nominated) 2012: South Asian Film Festival New York - South Asian Rising Star for Best Supporting Actress - (Delhi in a Day) (Nominated) 2013: Nandi Award - Nandi Award for Best Actress - (Naa Bangaaru Talli) (Won) 2013: National Film Award – Special Mention - (Naa Bangaaru Talli) (Won) 2016: Sarasaviya Awards in Colombo Sri Lanka - Best Actress - (With You Without You) (Won) 2016: Presidential Film Awards in Colombo Sri Lanka - Best Actress - (With You Without You) (Won)Anjali Patil EducationSchoolNot KnownCollegeLalit Kala Kendra (Pune University) National School of DramaQualificationGraduated (in Acting) Post Graduate (in Design and Direction)Anjali Patil Family, BoyfriendMotherShubha ShindeFatherSanjay ShindeSister/BrotherNot KnownMarital StatusUnmarriedAffair/BoyfriendNot KnownHusband/SpouseNot KnownDaughter/Son/ChildrenNot KnownRelativesNot KnownFriendsNot KnownAnjali Patil Body Measurements Height165 cm 1.65 m 5 ft 5 inWeight52 KG 114 lbs (pounds)Eye ColorBlackHair ColorBrownFigure Size32-30-34Dress Size36 (EU)Shoe (Feet) Size5TattoosNoneDistinctive FeaturesSmile & ConfidenceAnjali Patil Social MediaInstagramInstagramFacebookNot KnownTwitterNot KnownYouTubeNot KnownLinkedInNot KnownGmail/Email IDNot Known
Anjali Patil Movies
YearMovies2011Delhi in a Day2011Green Bangles2012Prathyayam2012Oba Nathuwa Oba Ekka2012Chakravyuh2013Ente2013Naa Bangaaru Talli2013Apna Desh2013Shree2014Kill the Rapist?2014Finding Fanny2015The Silence2015Mrs Scooter2016Mirzya2017Sameer2017Newton2018Meri Nimmo2018Kaala2019Dithee2019Mere Pyare, Prime Minister2020Mann Fakiraa2022Kuthiraivaal2022Kaun Pravin Tambe?-Bardo
Anjali Patil Web Series
YearWeb Series2019Hutatma2020Afsos2020My Client's Wife Read the full article
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rohitvistaarr · 2 years
Joyville Skyluxe is launching  1/2 & 3 BHK Luxury Apartments for sale
Joyville Skyluxe is a pricey Residential of one, two, and three BHK residences in Hadapsar Annexe, Manjri, and Pune which gives exquisite homes for all classes. The Venture offers splendor abodes which is probably as it desires to be ordinary to healthy the dreams of families, with pinnacle-notch daytime and ordinary air. The homes are built with pinnacle-notch designs and smart structures, proving to be one of the most decided-on upcoming housing destinations. This asset in Hadapsar Annexe Pune enjoys bother-loose use because of the presence of a splendid organizational affiliation of streets and parkways. Additionally, there are various metropolis and employer structures indoors aspect the actual area of the development like clinics, schools, buying facilities, eateries, ATMs, good-sized stores, and more. The apartments on this improvement are very fantasizing with the hypnotizing framework and pinnacle-charge outfitting. The apartments are flawlessly created with wealthy designs. However, on the subject of the affiliation of conveniences and extravagances then this improvement is a set separate. This development renders a-list conveniences and pinnacle charge facilities like Club House, Contemplation Center, Children`s Play Region, Pool, Exercise center, Scene Nursery/Park, Open Space, Firefighting Hardware, Power Reinforcement, Downpour Water Collecting, 24 Hour Water Supply, Vehicle Parking, Video Safety, 24X7 Security, Wi-Fi affiliation, Running track, pollution loose climate, Foot Ball court docket, and Badminton court docket and some more.
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neuronlabs · 2 days
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Spark your child's curiosity and creativity at a playschool in Pune! These early learning centers provide a nurturing environment filled with play-based activities that promote social, emotional, and cognitive development. Explore our guide to find the perfect playschool for your little one's needs.
URL: https://neuronlabs.org/schoolpre-school/
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