Darby & Darla’s OC Zone
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We just wanna talk about our OCs,,, you know how it is!
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into-the-blorboverse · 1 year ago
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Felipe’s Friend Group! (one of many) They are all bros. :) (Darby OC=🦝/Darla OC=🦆)
Felipe Gutierrez- he/him- we know this guy!! self assured, flirt, goofy ass, cant take himself seriously. Makes friends easily and floats between the groups often. The sluttiest of the bunch. <3 Always down for a dumb stunt and loves to brag about all the scrapes he’s gotten into. “Wanna know how i lost this tooth ;)”  🦆
Soren Refuerzo- he/him- Okay he can be a bit of an asshole, and he’s definitely arrogant. Very competitive. A lil pretentious, and has a polished style. (Yes his shirt is ripped, YES it is Designer, and Made that way.) He’s good at playing pool/billiards, loves to show that off and is always willing to ‘correct someone's form’. ;) He hasn’t dated around much and when he does he has a hard time committing to a relationship. Only recently figured out he’s bisexual (and kinda dumb about queer stuff… He’s new here and always fumbling what hes saying. 🤦‍♂️) 🦝
Freddy Albright- he/him- While most of the group is big on skating and other fun activities, Freddy is the most traditionally sporty and athletic person, playing team sports and often watching The Big Game™! A true jock, you might say! He always loves to have the coolest, newest gadgets, and takes pride in what he owns. He owns an RV and it became one of his personality traits. (They always say: Axel’s married to Ada, while Freddy is married to RV) 🦆
Yusuf Swann- they/them- can be more socially awkward compared to the rest of the squad, they can be found joking and playing with their friends with ease but when it comes to new people Yusuf can be kinda nervous and awkward. It takes awhile for them to warm up but they are willing to become friends, just give em a chance! They love to skate and do art, recently gotten really into 3D printing. Also recently came out as non binary! Has been dating Genesis for a long time! 🦆 💖 Genesis Spears- she/her- loves music and big dogs, very outgoing and silly! A big sk8r, she’s good at it no matter what the current injuries may say. 🙄 She just goes a little too hard sometimes!!! Has a frantic energy about her… Loves playing around with gender expression and is so happy when she helps inspire transing Yusufs gender. She’s like a sister to Felipe! 🦝
Axel Seiff- he/him- He’s an overachiever and always trying to stay active and get into another project. He wants to be The Best at what they are all doing, no matter what that may be. He is trying to stay humble about it, though... 😔 However, he and Soren often still have lots of dumb little competitions going on.. Very loyal, and the most Voice Of Reason of the whole group. Of course he can be just as into the shenanigans that the group plans, but when it comes down to it he knows when they might be taking things a little too far! Married to Ada!!! (A bit of a wife guy.) 🦝 💝 Ada Seiff- she/her- She’s clumsy so she isn’t always joining everyone on their big active adventures lol! She’s happy to sit back and watch her husband and dumb friends get up to shit, hollering and cheering them on as they go! But she loves partying and hanging out when things are more casual. The newest to the group, but it’s been awhile now, and they get along great she is happy to be close with her husband’s buddies.🦆
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into-the-blorboverse · 1 year ago
re: the Drew Tattoo Drawing
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@marscats37 thank you!!! tbh, Drew probably has no clue about this! we talked about Mark finding out but only because he spends the weekend with some of these guys at a lake. kinda hard to miss when ur splashing around.. and when Kurt is showing off bc he's in love with Mark despite being Drew's best friend and tells him everything, he keeps it to himself since Mark knows this would just inflate Drew's ego...
however!!!! if Drew did find out i think he's sooo amused by this. so flattered and smug. wow, they really love me huh 😏 Mark would be right, yeah!! 🥴
also--- when Drew was dating Teddy he practically lived there, he was there all the time!! (he had breakdowns in each of their cars, no less) so the roomie squad is well acquainted with this guy actually. not random but very funny! im sure more random people will be inspired to get it though..... 😉
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into-the-blorboverse · 1 year ago
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Redrew a very special post I saw here on tumblr dot com. It felt very Drew in the era of dating Chelsea! A minor character, essentially made to be Drew's ex and complete opposite of Libra. They are dating for all the wrong reasons and I hope to god they're having fun while it lasts! 😬
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into-the-blorboverse · 1 year ago
Context to some Drew Things. You can see his inventory HERE and in here I'll talk about the lucky playing card he keeps in his wallet.
TW for suicidal thoughts
When Drew was a teen he was going thru shit and was suicidal but he kept having like. vague little reasons to hold onto so he never tried anything but he was struggling a lot (repressed queer teen with homophobic parents for one thing) and one day he just. Shuffles a deck of cards, drawing a new card everyday, saying that when he draws the king of hearts AKA the suicide king he will either Act on It or he will see if he has his shit together. Basically 52 days or less to figure some things out. Well he draws a lot of cards and it becomes a sort of habit, one more day alright I can handle one more day. Then, he meets Libra at his band practice and they really hit it off actually and shes hot and actually interested in him wait this is great news??? Then he draws THe Card. fuck. alright... He stuffs that in his wallet to deal with later because he really wants to see where this relationship may be going. He's not gonna die yet!
And Drew and Libra are absolutely obsessed with each other (Drew Especially) and they date really hard and fast just so into each other, everyone else in the band is rolling their eyes alright we get it you finally have a girlfriend. But he can't help being excited!! Drew always felt like a late bloomer (WHICH HES NOT, HES ONLY 17!) when he sees all of his friends start dating people. The whole dating thing just doesn't really click for him. None of the girls at his school really interest him, and he's really trying to suppress new thoughts of guys, too. His friends Toby and Anna start dating and he's extra confused. "She's apart of our friend group? Shes One Of The Guys™?? You can't do that that's like if I started dating Mark ... that's ridiculous..." SO you understand why, when he finally meets a girl who he actually likes and who LIKES him Back is groundbreaking and adds to his complicated obsessed feelings.
Libra joins their little band, and they're always finding time to be together. They vent about family things together, they talk about music. Drew's finally not that afraid that he might like other boys because it doesn't matter look he's got a girlfriend he doesn't even have to worry about that!
BUuuut Libra is a dumb teen (they all are but you know) and cheats on Drew when she meets someone new she likes. It's a messy breakup, and a lot of drama as Libra is kicked out of the band as quickly as she came in... which all sends Drew spiraling pretttty badly. He drives recklessly to a bridge and thinks he'll jump, but again second guesses himself. He gets back into the car, still very distraught when he gets into a wreck and hits a tree. He's alright, just bruised and shaken up. (and now he has to lie and say he swerved to avoid a deer that came outta nowhere...)
He sees the card in his wallet has a moment of just. Man.... This shit sucks ... ... ... But I survived...! And shit does suck but hes getting older hes making plans to move out of his parents house with his best friend Mark and he wants their band to succeed. Hes Gonna Be OK. And That Card symbolizes that and he still has it with him as you can see.
ANDDd eventually after all this, for Drew's birthday Mark helps pay for his big Suicide King tattoo because it means a lot and he's proud of Drew for surviving too he knows this. He's good now, and in the future Drew starts a solo/side band project for fun with him as the lead called The Invincible Drew Donovan because,, well. Nothing can stop him actually, by the way.
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into-the-blorboverse · 1 year ago
Just need yall to know that somewhere out there (in my brain) there's an AU where Andre's 3 parents are in a well balanced polycule instead of the whole best friend cheating with your wife, suppressing that forever, staying together for the kids but blaming them for your problems thing that they've got going on in canon. Andre well adjusted adult moments??? more likely than you think. Somewhere out there.... in my brain.....
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into-the-blorboverse · 1 year ago
Charlie is a good boss to Brent! They meet when Brent's still in a really rough patch either during the end of or right after the relationship with his abusive ex. Brent's story hits a bit close to home for Charlie, so he treats him like family and is often very lenient with him. Which is great because Brent is a silly boy!! (And he needs to cut out early today if thats okay, his friends wanna hang out :3c)
Whether he's accidentally knocking down a whole display, bringing in a stray kitten, or he's price marking things as .69 because he's thinking of Drew, sighs, well it's just good to have an understanding boss. :)
One time Brent accidentally calls Charlie dad, idk if he ever recovered. "Please fire me, I can't come back from this!"
Idk how much Charlie likes Drew but he at least tolerates him since Brent's happy. Teehee! "If your boyfriend's going to steal beer, tell him to make it less obvious." "You got it boss. 🫡"
Needless to say, Brent self designates himself employee of the month time and time again (he gets a lil treat when he wins the honor, teehee!) and Charlie doesn't have the heart to stop him. 👍
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into-the-blorboverse · 1 year ago
They're both big posts so I don't wanna reblog em both in a row necessarily but have you checked out our latest typing adventures? Deep diving into the Song Family (Sammy, Kyri and Emma) and the Holloway Family (Gabriel)
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into-the-blorboverse · 1 year ago
They're both big posts so I don't wanna reblog em both in a row necessarily but have you checked out our latest typing adventures? Deep diving into the Song Family (Sammy, Kyri and Emma) and the Holloway Family (Gabriel)
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into-the-blorboverse · 1 year ago
Holloway Sibling Dynamics
The Holloway family consists of 6 kids, 4 boys and 2 girls, and their mother and father. Their dad was in the military and is often pretty strict on all of them. The siblings bonded over their hatred of waking up god awful early to go run laps around the neighborhood. Hand-me-downs and very limited shower times was the norm for these kids. The family tries to all get together at least once a month for family dinners, which probably became a tradition now that the parents are now grandparents.
Michael is the oldest, and while he had plenty of responsibilities around the house he was also, the first rebellious one. But he also didn't push it very far, either. He just partied and went out with friends on occasion ((has had to run several laps hungover much to his chagrin)) and tried to play a few instruments in hopes of getting into a band at some point. He gives his drums to Gabe when he moves out lol score. Once he left the house, he didn't have much need to rebel and prove himself, he's settled down now and doesn't look back with regret that the band thing never came to fruition. He's married now and has a son! Turns out being a dad can be fun and isn't about being The Big Boss Man! 👍
Rebecca rushed into getting married to get out of the house when she hit 18. Safe to say that didn't go well in the end, and she's divorced now. She's got an attitude problem and a bad habit of "borrowing" money without asking, and yet... still manages to be the perfect angel in her parents eyes by faking her sweet little persona to them. 😇 Most of the siblings see through this act...
Raphael is just tryin to make it through this you know? He spends his money as soon as the paycheck comes in, weird, wonder if any siblings forced that to become a habit somehow idk... He doesn't take the best care of himself or take things seriously, but he's having fun. His parents are literally begging him to learn how to balance a checkbook. huh, wha? 😎
Gabriel is our main character here lol most of the dynamics below will be his perspective. :) He was the easiest to pick on as a kid, and didn't talk much due to a speech impediment (so true buddy). He has a complex about this, but if you see him not talking much nowadays you’d probably just think he’s the strong silent type. He was diagnosed with narcolepsy as a teen, but only after the struggle of his parents Not believing that anything was wrong, chalking it up to him being a lazy teen. Christ.. Rebecca still seems to see him this way and finds it Annoying when it comes up. CHRIST. Anyway Gabriel becomes more rebellious and fed up with this shit when he gets older, yay! His parents don't like that he quit his job and joined a band, and that's not even mentioning the full sleeve of tattoos... but it seems like he's stable and all so they don't express their disappointment too much... He feels it though! 🥴
Hannah was lucky that by the time she was born the parents had let go of the expectation that they may have another child (and daughter especially), and let go of the many hand-me-down clothes she would have inherited. She gets to get a whole new wardrobe, yay! She doesn't know how she wants to style herself, though. Rebecca tries to help and loves to take her shopping, excited to have a little sister! Hannah dislikes that people won't take her seriously because she looks younger than she is. Please! Like a true 18 year old's mentality, she thinks she knows it all now that she's An Adult. She is however. Very 18 still. 🙄
Noah hm.. so far Noah is just chillin, and he takes things in stride. Like a true 15 year old's humor... He's always jokin around and he easily shrugs off any teasing that comes his way from his older siblings. Their father sees a lot of potential with Noah seeming so athletic, maybe his son will be interested in becoming military like him?? But really he's just got a lot of energy to burn. 😂
Okay that was a fun intro to the characters... actual dynamics time under the cut!
Gabriel and Michael get along ... okay. Now that they're older they're kinda building back what could have been. Michael realizing and admitting what Gabe went through was shitty, actually, and he promises he'll try and treat his son with more respect than what their parents gave Gabe. Gabe thinks his wife is nice and he loves having a little nephew. If ever the family dynamic otherwise imploded, I'm sure Gabriel would still try to be in touch with Michael and his newer tiny family. Michael's very excited that he's "following in his footsteps" drumming and getting into a band. Well, this is farther than his footsteps ever got, so good job lil bro!
Rebecca doesn't respect any of these bitches except Hannah. Michael and Raphael didn't really take any of her bullshit, but growing up Gabe always felt easier to pick on anyway. She continuously stole money from him as teens and she just played innocent to get away with it. Gabe avoids her as best as he can nowadays..
Gabe and Raph are closest in age and shared bedrooms growing up! Being in close quarters so often has given them the tightest bond between all the siblings. Despite having different interests, they still got along most of the time which made it work. Gabriel may not have specifically confided in Raph about being queer but Gabe knows that he can trust him with that information, however he learned about it. Context clues such as the posters on Gabe's walls and the Gay Ear piercing is all making sense now... They still hang out with each other pretty often.
When Hannah and Noah were young they were affectionately dubbed The Ketchup Kids by Gabriel and Raphael, because of their need to put ketchup on everything, as children do, of course. Gabe liked to tease them a little, since he got so much of that from his 3 older siblings, to varying degrees. They grew out of this phase but the name still stuck! Hannah is embarrassed by this now, but Noah fully embraces it. Amen, brother, pass the ketchup. 🍅
Gabe always wanted to be the Cool Older Brother TM that would take the lil guys to get ice cream for lunch, like Michael would do with him on occasion after he got his license. (Michael and Hannah being 7 years separated from Gabriel in either direction seems especially meaningful) But with his sleep disorder, the possibility of him learning to drive has flown out the window and the kids, not really thinking critically about the actual reason Gabe wants to hang out (being like 10 and 7 after all) just think "why would we take the bus with you we can just get mom to take us to the mall lol" :) haha... ha....... He takes this to heart and has a complex about it (as is tradition). When he confides in this to Michael, Michael offers to drive the whole group to get ice cream but god thats not the same you're still gonna be the cool brother who can drive and I can't!!!!!! It's fine...
Gabe doesn't reach out much now that they're older, he doesn't know them well and feels they won't have much in common. But they see each other at family dinners so not all is lost. There's still hope for them, seeing how Michael and Gabe's relationship is doing better, and him and Raph are still going strong... Maybe they just need more time to grow!
If you liked this deep dive into OC Families, Darla also wrote one about the Song siblings! Feel free to ask about other families you'd like to hear about, or leave comments if you enjoyed these, teehee!
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into-the-blorboverse · 1 year ago
Song Family Dynamics
the Songs are a bit of a mixed family, the household has two dads and a mom as a polycule but they have kids from other relationships too. most of them share the same mom, except the oldest, Andréa.
Andréa is distanced from the family due to some Drama with her father, and she has such a age gap from the rest of her half siblings that she doesn't have a relationship with them. she's not even technically a Song but for convenience we refer to her as that lmao. she and Sammy have interacted more than the rest, being the oldest kids of the group, but Andréa was kind of a mess at the time and Sammy doesn't wanna be like her lmao. sorry girl, thanks for dissuading Sammy from substance abuse with your actions though teehee :)
Sammy takes the role of Oldest Sibling on easily though, even if he technically isn't the oldest. he had his time out of the house when he went to college and everything but he came back to live with the family at some point, there was Family Drama (this is a common thing in this family lmao.. vague drama u know how it is) that he felt he needed to come back to support the twins about. the twins have moved out on their own now but Sammy likes being home with the rest of the family, he has fun getting to help out with the youngest sister, Kai. Kai still sees Sammy as the Cooler Older Brother and he tries his best to keep that opinion in check lmao, of course i'll drive you somewhere no problem!
Sammy and the twins get along well, its always a fun wild time when the three of them are together. Kyri and Emma see him for the dork that he is and will tease him about him being their little big brother :) no fair that they're younger and taller than him...!!! arguments often ensue about things like who is the coolest and it gets loud and heated but they're always joking about it lmao.
Kyri and Emma are basically inseparable and have a bit of separation anxiety, stemming from aforementioned Family Drama TM. they live in an apartment together with their respective partners. the twins... you know the twins!! for some reason im blanking on things to say about them jhsfdh. i feel like the separation anxiety is stronger on Kyri's end, Emma could probably manage more distance but she doesn't mind living with her bro, she knows he needs her. and its never a dull moment with him, they're buddies and best friends!!
Lorenz was adopted as a teen (13ish maybe) so he didn't grow up with all of them, Sammy was in college at the time so they don't have the greatest bond, but Sammy tries to reach out nowadays now that he's living in the house with him. he is the most reserved of the whole group but the twins try to draw him out a little, Kyri definitely being a bit more annoying about it lmao. Being the babies of the group Kai and Lorenz get along well, they can confide in each other for alot of things. if Kai was like 10 when Lorenz came into the family i'm sure that was a funny story to share at school, yay im getting a new brother! he's older than me though :)
Kai, or Kai Junior (she's named after one of her dads, yes its true), is da baby. the last teen in the house and can always count on a sibling to give her a ride somewhere, oh her social life is thriving thanks siblings! Kyri likes to call her Kaiju because come on that's a freaking rad nickname!!! he's a little jealous though if only he was Kai Junior..... the family is the most stable now at this point so luckily Kai hasn't had to deal with too much drama first hand (its vague timeline but she was probably pretty young), though she does wish that they would let her in on what happened back in the day. she does wonder about her mysterious oldest sister sometimes too, hm! maybe one day she can bridge that gap, when you're a lil older bb girl.
tbh this family has existed conceptually for a really long time and has went through alot of iterations, the parent trio were like OG ocs that i had with my cousins and it was like. alot of drama nonsense you write when you're a teen so trying to re-contextualize it now can be tricky?? like for example one of the dads was a vampire mob boss of sorts lmao. they were all vampires and were-people. how do you make that work. so some of this is Vague but i do like these lil guys anyway haha they hold a special place in my heart :)
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into-the-blorboverse · 1 year ago
Markanna Housesitting :)
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@marscats37 thank you for asking, hi!
so for the Disaster Trio AU (before Libra) Drew and Levi want to go on a trip to test how their relationship can handle Travel Stress, so of course besties Mark and Anna can step up to watch the apartment while they're gone!
Levi's place is a fairly small 2-bedroom apartment, he takes care to make sure it's nice and comfy for anyone who comes to visit. He would leave a nice champagne basket for Mark and Anna and insists they can use whatever in the house if they want. So there's not really any Big Secrecy but Mark and Anna are definitely curious to take a look around 👀 previously before they got there they talked about the kinds of wacky things they may find in the apartment. they make a little game out of it and while they're not surprised to find a pair of handcuffs or other restraints in the bedside drawer, they're a little surprised at the quantity. why do you need that many...? how many hands do you have??? hmm. (Anna is taking notes)
they said they wouldnt call Levi for any little problem, they can figure most stuff out, they're smart, but Levi's got this fancy coffee machine and Mark just can't handle it. he has to call Levi about it because Levi can't just explain what button to use, what do you want to make? "....a coffee?!!" ok and... its a coffee machine??? whats not clicking, Mark?? Drew finds this very amusing to listen to while he's driving them to their destination. hopefully Levi can walk him through this, otherwise Mark might have to make coffee runs somewhere for just some shitty coffee lmao.
on her first shower in the apartment Anna finds that there is so many smells to smell, all the shampoo and body washes and hair products and things-- she has to run out to show Mark he has to smell this one!! in their snooping expedition they also find 3 spare bottles of the same product, do you think he would even notice if we took one...? (later Levi would be like. hmm. i thought i had one more but i guess not.. 🤔 Drew, when was the last time i bought these? "huh? why would i....") Anna doesnt even wanna look up how much some of this costs she /knows/ its the good stuff, sometimes its better not to know..
oh also Drew would have asked Mark what bed they're gonna be "sleeping" in, because just so you know, Levi's bed is sooooo comfortable. or you could just fuck in the guest room its fine. Mark is just like wh-- why would i--- (has already fucked in their bed 😳) thanks buddy.....
anyway the plants get watered, the house is sitted, they have a good time. they have a nice tv setup there with all of Drew's games, gotta cuddle in for a nice movie or two from all this tough work of housesitting :P they get some champagne and free sneaky shampoo out of it as well:)
[more potential oc prompts here :)]
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into-the-blorboverse · 1 year ago
what should we talk about?
hi we've really been bouncing around a bunch of oc concepts this past week, let us know if you'd like us to go into any of this on this blog! here's a nice list :)
OC SIBLINGS (like all of them. so many of them. you can get specific if you're interested in someone in particular)
Andre Levi Married AU
Disaster Trio AU pre-Libra, overdose scare for Drew and Levi
Drew and Levi vacation :) test for bigger trip to Ibrahim’s wedding in the UK
Mark and Anna house sitting for Levi and Drew
Gabriel backstory, dealing with diagnosis + sibling stuff
Gabe bringing friends to family dinner, different one every time 🙂
Raph bringing Bev to family dinner (Gabe’s bro, Eve’s sister)
Gabe+Felipe Sammy jealousy ;)
Felipe Minnie friendship
What if Gabe and Teddy date AU
EZ and Kai dating (Drew’s brother, Sammy/Kyri/Emma’s sister)
EZ realizing he is aromantic after all that lol
Roman interacting with other teens (EZ + Ronnie)
General Menace lake house moments
thanks :)
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into-the-blorboverse · 1 year ago
Fun oc fact: Gabriel and his older brothers were named after angels (Michael and Raphael)
But when Gabe’s like 5 he assumes they were named after the teenage mutant ninja turtles and he wasn’t. Sad. :( When no one follows his request to be renamed Leonardo to match his bros Mikey and Raph, he makes his own ninja turtle OC named Gabriel. 😤 His brothers are happy to play along but just know he can’t copy any of the weapons or colors the real turtles use, that would just be ridiculous to have 2 turtles who use nunchucks, tch, obviously. 🙄 But yah sure they suppose Turtle Gabriel can use a lightsaber, I don’t see why not! 🤔
I think Gabe thinks fondly about his turtle self insert OC (as well as, probably, let’s face it, Sonic self inserts too) well into middle school and I hope even if he moved on to other things he still kept all those drawings of that era. ((Even if he is worried his cool bandmates and friends might tease him for it, now 😔))
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into-the-blorboverse · 1 year ago
One thing about the oc siblings is. EZ doesn’t actually go by EZ, that’s just what Drew calls him. But Drew is basically our POV character so it feels weird to refer to EZ as anything else? 🥴
EZ’s name is Ezekiel, which he hates, so he went by Zeke for most of his life, plus his older brother always calling him EZ for fun. He’s fine with that but like, no one else who knows him* calls him that? I think that’s literally just a Drew thing. However he’s recently (in story) wanting to be called by their last name, Donovan. But we can’t just write down the Donovan siblings: Donovan. Donovan Donovan. Sooo. You guys get to see him as EZ, too. Welcome to older brother territory, enjoy being on a nickname basis with the lil guy.
*I can only assume Drew’s friends who haven’t met EZ have only heard of him as such, but otherwise…
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into-the-blorboverse · 1 year ago
With Herbies family especially its really wild assigning them ages bc when i was thinking of that family at length Herbie was still in high school (and i was too tbh). What do you mean people age and the twins are teens now, huh??? wha????
also tangentally/vaguely related, being like yeah this is an older sibling they r so accomplished at the age of. *checks age and grimaces seeing thats my age* 28 huh.....
dont think about oc ages too hard basically hfdkjsh
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into-the-blorboverse · 1 year ago
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here's the results of our recent oc hyperfocus-- some sibling groups!!! designing them is so fun and i love them all, help!!! some of these guys are new but others have existed as concepts for years and had previous designs so it was just a matter of rehashing em a bit. they had vague ages before so all the work we did the other day really helped figure em out hehe!!!
theres more of them to work on but here is what we got for now hehe :) feel free to ask about any of em~
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into-the-blorboverse · 1 year ago
OC Sibling Age Chart
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When thinking of Gabriel and his siblings we realized we needed to sort out their ages more concretely, and it was so fun so we wanted to do more for other sibling (and close cousins in some places [Brennans]) groups! Not technically every oc that has siblings is on here but here's the ones that we've actively thought about at some point.
We've added asterisks for the Main OCs that we know and love :) but you may recognize some siblings too! Feel free to ask anything we love to talk about lil guys.
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