#Watcher ldshadowlady
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blu-xp · 2 months ago
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watcher lizzie anyone?
(her ass HATES the watchers but she is one. oh to escape her past)
alt versions :]
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iamchaos1234 · 2 months ago
"I'm the monster underneath your bed, I'm every thought inside your head,
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you can run but you can hide, no not this, no not this time"
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insomniaruler · 1 year ago
Another canary curse theory because I’m soooooo normal
The end is actually not part of the game. It was never meant to be opened. It’s the domain of the Watchers. And Lizzie, dear, sweet, slightly unhinged Lizzie has been an object of interest for years, if not decades. And there she was on the end islands same place they claimed their last champion.
She died fully in their grasp basically in their inner sanctum. I think she’s been fundamentally changed into something other, something odd.
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sadagios · 2 months ago
some dec doodles/unfinished wips before 2025
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izelthewashbear · 26 days ago
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For some reason, I got possessed into making a custom Trivia bot for each Lifer + a Watcher bot and a Listener bot!
I just finished the lineart + flat colors yesterday, now I just need to roughly render all of these
If you have any suggestions for changes lemme know!
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meiwst · 3 months ago
I love the fact that the bamboozlers, the trio the most at risk with their red names and track record of dying easily got the most protective powers ever.
Jimmy got invisibility, Lizzie can give blindness and be invisible for a few seconds and Scar got thorns and can sit on people so they can’t reach him AND insane knock back so they are AWAY from him
I think it definitely helped them go through this session and if I’m insane enough I would that that watcher Grian chose those powers specifically for them to survive
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starrbuggie · 3 months ago
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Some MCYT themed art I did for my college project!
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loveaurapearl · 3 months ago
Hey, I saw the new episode of Wild Life and it was amazing. I love how personal these choices are, even though Grian himself didn't choose who got what power. But seriously, it feels like all the powers were personally picked for each player. I've seen people analyze each ablity and their connections and I wanted throw my hat in the ring. (Okay, update. Watched Grian's video and it's clear that Grian did personalized the powers. He has a list of all the people who have what powers, he just didn't realize how dangerous some of these powers are with red names. He mentioned regretting giving Scar the sit command the first time Scar sat on him so yeah. Unlike the randomness of Soulmates in Double life, these powers aren't random. Just want to clarify that.)
The first one I want to mention is Joel's ability since it's the one that has stumped everyone. I mean, after all, what does triple jumping have to do with Joel? Well, at the beginning of his episode, he mentioned that he hears a slime sound effect when he uses his ability. I think his superpower was chosen because of the slime shop that Joel forgot to create for most of Season 10 of Hermitcraft. Now what do Slimes have to do with triple jumping? Well, slimes are bouncy and create momentum. Also, I think Grian put it in because it sounded like a cool power. Also, Also, it allows Joel to do a lot of PARKOUR! Which Joel is obsessed with.
Rendog got the power of masking himself as other people. This is amazing because he masked as Tango in Secret Life and the guy's an actor. He's always putting up masks like the Red King, the King of Hermitcraft, the Guard Dog of the Fairy Forte, and being part of the Gigaverse.
Gem has Astral projection which was given to her because she hates using freecam so it was a punishment to her for being so too good at the game. However, she was given the ability to give her more control over people since she was able to snoop on everyone. Kind of like a Watcher. (Or Listener in some people's headcannons. I've seen evidence for people to think this is a Watcher power or Listener power. I'm leaning on Watcher Power.)
Cleo was given the power to raise the Dead because she is a Zombie.
BigB is the power of the Creaking which is fitting since he became one of them thanks to living in their forrest.
Bdubs has the power of time because of his obsession with clocks and the power of sleep because the man is obsessed with sleeping in Hermitcraft.
Etho is an loof and sneaky man who likes to keeps his distance. He's also a coward so a quick escape plan by yeeting yourself with wind charges helps. Also, he did Frogger in Minecraft and that's a lot of jumping around.
Tango's ability is to flee like he never fleed before. Aka being a coward and also annoy people. (Someone mentioned the icewalker ability could be reference to Decked out 2. Also flee with extra flee.)
Ldshadowlady (Aka Lizzie) is just focusing on the shadow in her user name. It also represents her time falling in the Void in Secret Life. The void energy engrained in her.
Jimmy got invisiblity because the man is always sneaking around and the fact that Jimmy doesn't get this far normally. Normally he's not even alive at this point. So the narrative is kind of representing his unusual position. Also it feels like a very Listener kind of superpower.
Martyn's power is literally the power to LISTEN to people. Very Listener power.
Impulse's power is to swap places with people. It kind of represents how much of a flip-flopper he was in Third Life. Yeah know, traitor Impulse. Also, Enderpearl satis cambers and using weird glitches to find diamonds in Third life references.
Scott's ability of Animal shapeshifting is not only a cruel twisted torture made up by the Watchers because they hate Scott, seriously, it's the worst superpower, but it also represents Scott's kind and gentle nature. While the guy knows how to fight, most of the time Scott is a nice chill guy. He's friendly and charming like a passive mob. He does his best to support the team and he will sacrifice himself for the team. The guy is also soft with animals. Remember the cow and the pufferfish in Third Life? What about the Axolotos in Last Life? Also, the guy likes to get pets in Empires.
Pearl's ability to fly is the fact that she and Grian are Skyblings but also a more subtle connection to the watchers. After all, Watchers do have angel wings.
Grian's ability to mimic everyone else's powers is so Watcher-coded it's not even funny. It's like he's purposely making it clear to everyone that he's a Watcher now. And the fact that he made this Wild Card to get Skizz and Mumbo back is just icing on the cake. He just never realized how bad his wish to bring his friends back would bite him in the back so hard. Ah Grian, not thinking your plans ahead and thinking about the consequences. Just like always.
And finally Scar. Scar has wanted Super strength all season. He mentioned it in episode one and he's been testing it out every time a Wild Card has been activated except for when his teammates were on red. The guy loves the classic power to punch people and to yeet people off cliffs. It fits his namesake. And the power to sit on everything is just genius. Not only does it allow some very funny moments but it fits Scar's cowboy aesthetic. It's also the perfect fit for Scar because at first you think it's harmless. After all, you just get yeeted a bit and Scar rides on you. All fun and games. But once the fighting begins, this power shows how scary Scar actually is. Now you can't get Scar off you because he's sitting on you and you can't knock him off or hurt him. Sure he can't hurt you back, but it just means he's waiting his time. And the yeeting becomes more scary once your falling to your doom off a cliff. It's also a very protective power since he can make foes fly a million miles away from him, out of sword range and now the only way to hurt him is with a bow. A bow which Scar is way more skilled at using. After all, he is the HotGuy. Also he did mention HotGuy in his episode when he was trying to hit Tango. It's just that he missed it since Tango's so fast. (Oh yeah, I almost forgot, Scar got Thorns as part of his power set. Not only is it another defensive weapon since it makes people not want to hit him because they would be hurt back even with range attacks, but also it represents his connections to the earth. He is a terraformer. It also represents Double life since it kind of mimics the gimmick of if you get hurt, I get hurt of being soulmates. Just wanted to add this in.)
Anyway, I hope you like my analysis.
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lolli-popples · 1 year ago
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"Were your lungs too weak? You suffocated so fast... The song wasn't done."
(No text version below the cut)
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wixelt · 2 months ago
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Was working on this all the time Wild Life was on, & now I'm happy enough with it to give you...
...the Wheel of Life... v1.2!
Updated some symbols, connections & colours for visibility & accuracy, & changed a bunch of placements. Added a whole lot of new things, mostly from WL but also from feedback. Thanks for all that!
See what you can spot. :D
Thanks again to my guy @bgc-592 for their feedback. I appreciate it.
Previous Versions:
v1.2 (Wild Life) [You are here] - Oli's Symbol
v1.1 (Real Life) - Winners-only, Tokens, BTS
v1.0 (Secret Life) - BTS
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burdigel · 2 months ago
So one of the most lore-indepth wildcards of Wild Life would be the superpowers that relates past seasons of the Life Series and acknowledges other series (eg. Hermitcraft and Evo) and their personal lore to attribute to each participant's power.
Starting alphabetically,
Bdubs power is essentially all related to time and his ability to manipulate the day cycle expentially. With the clock being his main motif across all Life Series, the ability to slow and speed time according to his will is easily solvable but with the inclusion of the Hermitcraft and Empires crossover event, his ability to speed time according to his sleep schedule becomes another layer deep. Besides the clock being a main symbol for Bdubs, the concept of sleep is another that has essentially been from the beginning of Hermitcraft. Always carrying a bed and sleeping whenever. The Empires crossover Bdubs was framed as a god of sorts of the Sun. Always bright and always there when the Sun remained as its brightest.
Bigb can summon creaking. He creaking. He is like a king or dimplomant to the players who invade their home and they view him as their kin so he has the responsibility and power to summon them.
Ethoslab based of Kakashi from Naruto is by definition a ninja. An escapee or fugitive at best. So with his ability to jump higher boosted by wind charges can be explained by his connection to the shonen series and the inclusion of the mace could be chalked up to typically stories of protagonists gaining resources or inventory to defeat the "Big Bad" or achieve some sort of goal that is to win the Life Series.
GeminiTay or GeminiSlay named by others intimidated by her, has slayed each participant brutally in the Life Series and on Hermitcraft rewarding her the reputation from her immense PvP skills. So with her power of astral projection, it acts retribution for the slayed to talk and apologise or instigate to those dead for her or others benefit.
GoodTimeWithScar is nortorious for being not PG friendly so the inclusion of one of his powers been the ability to ride people, it's self explanatory. Yet as Scar is commonly associated with and as a vex, his other powers of extreme knockback and thorns can be explained by the hostile and aggressivness of the mob.
Grian as essentially the grandmaster or orchestrator of the Life Series would have access to all the powers and mimic but not fully copy the others' powers. Yet because of his power chained by an omnipresent force, he's unable to fully copy the powers but imitate them for only short periods of time.
ImpulseSV and his teleportation powers could derive from his cyber-theme aesthetic for his Hermitcraft Season X base. With most series of fictions based around cyberpunk civilisations, technologies like teleporation and other advanced transportational devices are commonly utilsed. Resulting in Impulse's power of teleportation and the ability to swap the position of another with himself.
Martyn power is boosted hearing cause he's a Listener.
So Lizzie or LDShadowLady's inflicts blindless or a shadow upon the surrounding people in her radius and resulting her in temporary invisibility and blindess to others around her. But from her endless descent into the void in Secret Life, arises Lizzie with trails of the void clinging to grasp the light of the overworld. Causing the void remnants to spread to others and infect them with blindness in all for the hope to spread towards the light from the cold world of the End.
With the ability to fly, PearlescentMoon carries aesthetics relating to Greek mythology in both her powers and external design choices. As one of the Postmasters of Hermitcraft, Pearl is essentially the builder and additional redstone help of the trio for the postoffice and other aesthetic designs. Hermes the herald or messenger of the Olympus gods delievers messages to other celestial dieties and mortals similar to Pearl's jobs as a Postmaster. Other than the similar professions, both Pearl and Hermes wear a petasos which is essentially a wide-brimmed hat that is commoly adorned for shade and for Hermes, additional wings to the sides of the hat. Symbolising their shared ability to fly quickly and efficiently for a purpose.
As RentheDog is commonly interpreted as a dog-hybrid of sorts by the Hermitcraft and Life Series community, his ability to splice and copy the DNA of others to match their appearance could be an aftermath or positive side-effect from his hybrid mutation.
Similar to Ren, Scott has the capability to transform into any mob in sight and similar to Limited Life where he was depicted as a siren as part of the Mean Gills. His ability to shape-shift into any mob regardless if it's passive or aggressive could be similar to his mutliple origins from New Life SMP and Origin SMP and the reflect the changing nature of his powers.
So Joel with essentially triple jump could be hinting his slimely origins of his Shrek skin in the swamp. Where the swamp generally spawns slimes at a higher rate than other slime chunks and slime blocks harvested from the slimes can be used as jump boosts. Resulting in the triple jump.
After just breaking the Canary Curse two seasons ago, SolidarityGaming or Jimmy has the power to turn fully invisible until someone or something damages him. Ever since his debut to the Watchers back in Evo, Jimmy has been under constant surveillance by the Watchers as an object of their amusement. Always failing to reach even the finale and fumbling to keep alive. Yet when he broke the curse and relayed it too another, he was discarded. Seen invisible to the Watchers as he had become an object of boredom by reaching his resolution. So that's where his invisibility comes from.
Tango with his cowardly approach to things, has constantly ran away from situations but with this power, it supercharges his speed allowing him to become part of the fight and conflict instead of running away. And with his ability to frost-walk on ice, it could recall his Season 9's skin back when he was the Dungeon Master in Decked Out II and became an icy persona.
ZombieCleo and resurect dead people as she's a reanimated zombie.
part 32
im tired
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spooky-cryptid-friend · 2 months ago
I think most of the life series fandom know about the Crow Curse (Lizzie saving Jimmy from the Canary Curse in secret life), but I don't think it really counts as a curse seeing as it only happened once. what I propose is the Shadow Curse, which is where Lizzie's deaths are always overshadowed or otherwise "not about her".
Starting in Last Life, her first death was escaping Joel as the Boogeyman, about breaking his curse rather than it being her fault. Her second life goes a similar way, to Joel by the Boogey curse. Her next life goes in a trap that could have killed anyone, it didn't matter. All that mattered was that the Boogey was cured. Then we have her final death in Last Life by Bdubs, and it wasn't about her. It was about clearing his name and proving something to Etho. She was just a convenient life.
Her next series was Secret Life, where she is most known for breaking the Canary Curse. Not something she built, not a relationship to another player, but her sacrifice to the Watchers and freeing Jimmy. Her first death was barely noticed, not even due to a player but a skeleton. Her second was by Jimmy, who didn't even know who she was or why she was there. Then her last life was a failed red kill, she tried to kill Scott but failed. She took too long, and looked an enderman in the eye. What killed her wasn't Scott's revenge, or an avenging ally of his, it was just a silly mistake.
Then in Wild Life we see this pattern of deaths being insignificant or inpersonal continue. She was killed twice by Skizz to get back to being a Yellow name, and once again we see that she was just a source of lives for the other players. Killed by Jimmy to get back to yellow again, this time it was consensual but still about someone else. Killed by a vex next, but it was lost in all the chaos of that session, then killed on a trap that again, could have killed anyone. Then finally, her last life, finally done on purpose by another player-- but it still isn't about her. It's about the rivalry between Jimmy and Grian. She was just caught in the crossfire. We don't even know her last words. And why should we want to know? She wasn't the important one in that scene, she was just an extra. The bait to Grian's trap. She never served any other purpose.
All of these details make her forgotten. All of them point to another player, if there was a player to begin with. She was just stuck in the crossfire, always overshadowed by someone else. And that's her curse. She will never be in the limelight. She will never be at the center of a conflict. She will always be in the Shadows.
Just like her name. Just like her nature.
(inspired by this post about lizzie being sacrificial lamb coded and it talks about a lot of similar things!
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autumnwhistles · 3 months ago
Instrumental for song 2 is finished, as are the lyrics (which will be below the cut)!
This introduces us to Martyn's character, as well as to the burdgeoning alliances currently forming (aside from Pearl and Scott, who will be focused on later; and from the Southlands, which have yet to form in the musical timeline).
(ft some anachromisms and contradictions to canon, since I know many of these alliances are formed later and don't interact with Martyn at this point, but I want to introduce them as soon as I can – there won't be time later)
Do note that the claps will be recorded in person, and that a sparser accompaniment generally means more vocal parts (which can't be heard here, since this is just the instrumental track).
(still may be changed on the recording day – lines I'm not sure about will have an asterisk – but currently:)
[music starts]
Martyn (spoken): Four lives? You know what, I’ll take it!
MARTYN Right, here we go again — new world, another start. New chance to see who’ll reach the end, and who will fall apart Well, won’t be me – this time I’ll be the very last to fall No care for cost, I’ll lie, double cross to take it all*
Walls, corners, edges, I’ve been this way before. You’ll be cornered in the corners, and on edge in many more; And walls you’ll build and walls you’ll raise(/raze) and walls will fall in war, Kinship destroyed, so keep it a void you’re fighting for.
So corner to corner, I’ll keep wandering on, Border to border, through woods, through caves, through spawn, Sure, laugh with some, don’t keep it glum, so long as lines are drawn Forego the rest, and don’t invest, just keep on wandering (WATCHER CHORUS: wandering, wandering) on.
[short instrumental]
LIZZIE Welcome, oh welcome to my tree fort, yet unnamed
MARTYN Be careful with that name you pick — don’t want it to get flamed!
LIZZIE (spoken: …Ah) They won’t demean* A fellow green... ...Your lives?
MARTYN That’s mine to know Is that a tower over there? See you, I’ve got to go!
[short instrumental]
TEAM BEST BEST will be the best, and we’ll show em what we got With our matching shields, and our towering snow fort
MARTYN Hold on a sec, where’s your respect?
MARTYN Yeah, that’s my bit! Same shields? Snow? A world ago? With Ren and- fine, have it
SCAR/BEST/LIZZIE/MARTYN No matter if you're in your sixes or twos/Let's find some ore to- I'll sell you an offer you/-mine cannot refuse/It'll be the fairy fort!
Crystals for fleeing,/I'm fine just to chat Crystals for flame,/Not falling for that! Survival's the
ALL Name of the game!
SCAR/BEST/LIZZIE/MARTYN Corner to corner, I'll just keep on wandering, wandering on/Yes, join the fairy fort, I'd love to have you here!/BEST will be the best, with our diamonds and our gold*
We can build a secret passageway so we'll always be near!/Put us to the test, and you'll see that we won't fold/A crystal or spell, oh, Joel, you'd help me sell?/Through woods, through caves-
-But still for my sake I probably should find a team: it would do me some-/We'll aid each other when we need, together we will succeed, oh-/Put us to the test and you'll see that we'll do-/Goody!* Magical Mountain we'll be!
ALL (including Cleo, BigB and Joel, who are now onstage with their respective alliances) Good – It's this I've understood!*
UPPER WATCHERS/LOWER WATCHERS Oh, wander, wander on/Wonder, wonder On/When they'll all start to turn tails
Wonder, wonder/Wander, wander When trust will yield to betrayals/On
WATCHERS/MARTYN Till the rest are gone.../Right, here I go again – I'll fight with my axe drawn* Oh, wander, little pawn/But, unlike then... I'll lead, not play a pawn
[instrumental; END]
(note: for the chorus where everyone's overlapping, I haven't heard it with words yet (since I can only sing one part at once) – I will pan it, but if some parts get too crowded/chaotic, I may remove one or two parts. On a stage, everyone would be singing in different groups in different areas, in different ranges, so it would be clearer – but that's not something available to ,e)
(end of post, just overlapping lyrics in black, to help with potential eyestrain:
SCAR/BEST/LIZZIE/MARTYN No matter if you're in your sixes or twos/Let's find some ore to- I'll sell you an offer you/-mine cannot refuse/It'll be the fairy fort!
Crystals for fleeing,/I'm fine just to chat Crystals for flame,/Not falling for that! Survival's the
ALL Name of the game!
SCAR/BEST/LIZZIE/MARTYN Corner to corner, I'll just keep on wandering, wandering on/Yes, join the fairy fort, I'd love to have you here!/BEST will be the best, with our diamonds and our gold*
We can build a secret passageway so we'll always be near!/Put us to the test, and you'll see that we won't fold/A crystal or spell, oh, Joel, you'd help me sell?/Through woods, through caves-
-But still for my sake I probably should find a team: it would do me some-/We'll aid each other when we need, together we will succeed, oh-/Put us to the test and you'll see that we'll do-/Goody! Magical Mountain we'll be!
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blu-xp · 4 months ago
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life siblings!!! rahh I love these guys sm
it was lots of fun drawing them all again cuz it rly has been months since I have, and it's always fun making them look similar in small ways like their eye shapes or the way their hair folds :]
and a glance at them being young watchers coz i will never miss an opportunity to shove my headcanons in people's face
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lyraofthestarsss · 4 months ago
Mumbo: True- by the way, can you hear this?
*minecraft eating noise*
*incredibly loud nether portal noise*
Lizzie, overlapping: Yes! Yes, I can hear that!
Grian, overlapping: Yes- please stop, please stop!
Grian: Please stop! It’s like being in Minecraft beta!
Minecraft Beta, you say?
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izelthewashbear · 16 days ago
Finally finished my personalized Triviabots designs!
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Long story short, I made a personalized trivia bot for each Lifer + a Watcher bot and a Listener bot :3
I was apprehensive about posting this since the WIP gathered over 1k notes (???how???) and I'm pretty sure this is not gonna get anywhere close. But eh, screw it, I had fun :3
If you have any questions or opinions about any of the specific designs lemme know
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