#Want. What do you want Jon? What do you WANT?
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part 4(!!) of things my friends and I have said as dc character bc I fucking can
Steph: I just witnessed something horrific
Tim: oh?
Steph: we did a lab today in bio
Steph: And like, we had to mix water, alcohol, soap, salt, and saliva together
Tim: you what
Steph: and some kid drank it
Damian: Thinking about that one tiny piece of sausage I ate a week ago (on purpose) that immediately reminded me why I stopped eating meat
Damian: that shits nasty
Jon: HELP?
Damian: it appears I gaslit myself into thinking I actually liked meat
Damian: there’s a reason I went five and a half years with no problem
Jason: Doping up on milkshakes is something I want to achieve one day
Tim: imagine dying bc of the riddler, I’d actually revive myself just to kill myself again
Kon: oh my god-
Tim: “How did you die” “some fuckass twink with a question mark on his ugly bald head and a dumbass riddle” “oh” “yeah”
Tim: like seriously that’s pathetic
Kon: Tim your hatred for this man is so fucking funny
Tim: he deserves it
Jason: I think being told that uncle iroh would be disappointed in me would actually make me fall over
dick: oh lord-
Tim: oh I forgot to eat dinner
kon: I’m gonna stab you
Tim: do it I dare you
Tim: my brothers got a knife collection if you need one
kon: that’s crazy-
(Damian texting Tim at that exact moment:
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Tim: correction, kon stab him please
Jason to Roy: good morning motherfucker how are you this fine morning
13 year old dick Grayson: I crave freedom
(school ends in one minute)
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 3 days ago
Sorry - Chapter 9
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
❤ Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
Series Masterlist
“So, you’re just gonna sit in this room all day and wallow?” Dominique let out a groan and threw the covers over her head. “Sis, come on. You know I love you and  J.R and Tayvon love having you here but I think you should call Jon back” Desiree trailed off and Dominique pulled the covers off her head and glared at her older sister. 
“I’m not calling him,” Dominique said in a tone that she hoped came off as final. Why would she call Jon? He had betrayed her in the worst way possible. She was already feeling a type of way about the bitch at the club but she was willing to let that go and be with him. Then she found out he was with Trinity and if she was being completely honest, that stung a whole lot. THEN to find him at Trinity’s house and to learn that they kissed was the final nail in the coffin. Jon had hurt her beyond repair. 
“Dom, he’s been calling me for hours, He just wants to talk to you.” 
“I don’t wanna talk to him!” Dominique snapped. Tears of frustration and pain now falling down her face, she angrily wiped at them as she sat up in the bed and looked at her sister. “He made me look so fucking stupid Muffin. He deadass left our home to go be with her.., He never wanted me he’s always wanted her and now I’m not in the way anymore he’s free to go do what he wants.” Dominique cried, pulled her knees to her chest, and crying into them Desiree felt her heart break as she looked at her younger sister, She pushed herself off the wall and walked over to her, she climbed into bed with Dominique and pulled her into a hug, letting her cry into her shoulder. 
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Talisua Fatu stared at her eldest son with disappointment etched on her face. “You kissed Trinity?” 
“She kissed me.” 
Talisua sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes. “Why did you go over there in the first place? You and Dom argued and you just what?  Happened to be in the neighborhood and decided to go visit Trinity?” 
Jon stayed silent and shifted uncomfortably in his chair. He didn’t know why he went to Trinity’s house… he just, wanted to vent, he didn’t expect Trinity to kiss him, he thought they had moved on from each other. 
“Ma’ I messed up. Bad. I know this, I just… I don’t know how to fix it.” 
“You probably can’t,” Talisua said as bluntly as possible. Jon lifted his gaze from the table to glare at her and she shrugged. “I’m sorry son, but you broke that woman’s heart. From what she told me, you made her feel unwanted and made her feel like Trinity would always be your top choice and I agree with her. You didn’t just kiss Trinity, you chose her.” 
“Ma..” Jon trailed off with a deep sigh. “I didn’t mean to hurt her. I never wanted to hurt Dom” 
“Maybe you did.” Jon opened his mouth to argue but his mother's glare stopped him. “She hurt you by basically rejecting the idea of marriage and you hurt her by showing her she’s not the only option for you.” 
“But she is!” Jon snapped standing up from his chair, not caring about how it fell over. “What I feel for Dominique is way stronger than what I felt for Trinity. 
“Then you show her that! You drive your ass down to Ensley and go show her how much she means to you!” 
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Before Jon took the twelve-minute drive to Ensley he decided to visit Trinity. He needed her to know and understand that it was over between the two of them. He only wanted Dominique. 
Trinity opened her front door, looking surprised. “Jon? What—” she started, but he cut her off. 
“Coming here the other day was a mistake. And to be completely honest me being here now is probably gonna come back and bite me in the ass but, I need you to understand that there will never be anything between us... ever.” 
Trinity narrowed her eyes at him before scoffing and shutting the door in his face. Jon sighed then shrugged before turning on his heels was jogging back to his car. 
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Jon pulled up in front of Dominique's sister’s house. His heart was beating profusely in his chest as he walked up to the front door and knocked. He was just about to walk away when the front door opened and Desiree stood there with her arms crossed over her chest. 
“I just wanna see her,”  Jon said before Desiree could say anything. “I know I fucked up. I know I did. But I need to apologize. I need her to know I want to be with her.” 
Desiree stood there for a long moment, staring at Jon, her arms still crossed. “Jon, she’s hurt. You made her look stupid, feel stupid. She’s humiliated, Jonathan. She had people in her comments all week calling her Trinity’s replacement, people in her DMs telling her they knew you were going to go back to Trinity. She’s humiliated.” 
Jon felt like shit. Absolute garbage. “Please,” Jon said, his voice now steady with quiet desperation, “I need to see her. I need to talk to her. I know it might not make a difference, but I need her to know how much I care. How much I love her. That I want only her. I can’t lose her, Desiree.”
Desiree’s eyes softened, She had watched Jon and Dom’s whole relationship and he had never shown that he wasn’t fully invested in Dominique. She knew how much Dominique meant to him, but she also knew how deeply her sister had been hurt. She sighed, glancing over her shoulder as if trying to gauge how her sister might react.
“Fine, but if she tells you to leave, you leave.”  Jon nodded understandably and followed Desiree into the house, shutting the door behind him. Jon was a bundle of nerves as he followed Desiree up the stairs. He didn’t even know what else he was going to say to Dominique besides sorry. 
Dominique looked up when the bedroom door opened. When Jon stepped inside, she immediately started to shake her head.
“Dom please -” 
“No. leave.” 
“No.” Jon stood his ground, staring at her. He wasn’t about to let her walk out of his life without fighting for her. “I fucked up.” He said, moving closer to her when she turned her back to him. “I love you Dominique, not the chick from the club and not Trinity.” 
Dominique scoffed and kept her back to him, looking out into her sister’s backyard. “I know I hurt you.” He continued. “You helped me turn my life around after WWE threatened to fire me after my DUI’s. You helped me build a better relationship with my kids.” 
“Yeah, I helped you,” she muttered, her voice quiet but laced with bitterness. “But I did that because I believed in you. I trusted you.”Jon took another step forward, his heart breaking at the distant coldness in her tone.
"I know, baby. I know you trusted me. And I destroyed that trust." His voice was thick with regret. “But I need you to know that when I say I love you… I’m not just saying it to make things right. I do love you. I always have.”
“Then why did you go to her, Jon?” Dominque asked, turning to face him. Jon’s heart broke at the tears he caused streaming down her face. “Why did you have to kiss her?” Her sentence broke off with a choked sob and all Jon wanted to do was rush over to her and pull her into his arms. 
“Because I’m stupid.” 
Dominique’s body trembled as she tried to hold back more tears, her heart feeling like it was being shredded with each word Jon spoke. She could see the sincerity in his eyes, but the hurt was still too raw, too fresh for her to just let go of it.
“No,” she whispered, shaking her head slowly. “You’re not stupid, Jon. You’re selfish. I understand that I could have been truthful about my stance on marriage but never have I once thought about running back to Dave or evening going to see him. But you - you chose her.” 
“I didn’t choose her Dominique. I just- I don’t know what I thought was going to happen but I would never choose her over you. I would never choose anybody over you.” 
”I loved you. And you threw that away without even thinking about what it would do to me.”
“Don’t say that.” Jonathan shook his head walking into Dominique’s personal space and grabbing her hands. She tried to fight him off but he wasn’t about to let her go. “You love me and I love you, and we’re going to get through this. I can’t change what I did,” Jon said, his voice hoarse with emotion. “But I can tell you how much I regret it. I can tell you that I’ll spend every single day trying to make this right. I’ve never loved anyone like I love you, Dominique. And if you let me, I’ll show you that you’re the one I choose. Not her. Not anyone else. Just you.”
And now what? You expect me to just forgive you because you’re sorry? Because you say you love me?” she asked bitterly. “You left me for her. You kissed her. You chose her, Jon. Not once, but twice.”
“I didn’t choose her, Dom,” Jon said, his voice desperate. “I messed up, but it was never about choosing her. I was stupid, confused—selfish, but I never wanted to lose you. I just wanted to fix things, and I thought I could go back to her and get some clarity, but I was wrong. You’re the one I love. You’re the one I want. It’s always been you. Just let me make it up to you. Let me prove it to you.” 
“Let go of me.” She said and Jon immediately let go of her hands. Dominique took a deep breath and took a step back from Jon, creating space between him. “Get out.” 
“Wha- Baby. Please.” 
“Clarity? You went to her for clarity? The same women who drove you to drink in the first place? The same women who didn’t care if you had a good relationship with your kids or your family?” 
“I’m sorry.” Jon’s own tears were now flowing down his face. “I wish I could take it back.” 
“The fucked up thing is, all this started over me being apprehensive about getting married.”  Dominique scoffed and shook her head, tears streaming down her face. “I don’t know if I can trust you anymore, Jon. 
Gutted Jon nodded. He tucked his bottom lip into his teeth and started to back away from Dominique. He needed to get out of there fast, the walls felt like they were closing in on him. “Okay,” He whispered.  He didn’t know what else to say. There was nothing he could say to undo this. Nothing he could do to take back the damage. His mistake had been too big, and Dominique’s trust in him had been shattered beyond repair.
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Authors Note: Oh Damn... How do y'all think Jon is going to make it up to her??
❤ Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
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ghostybat · 2 days ago
what do u think about jondami becoming "parents" raising a "baby "for a school project basically the same with lizzie but with damian crying to dick that hes slowing turning into his mother after jon not showing interest in a fake preschool scenario for the baby because jon claims that he wasnt trained by the best of the best and he turned out ok who do u think in the batfam would get mad at jon over their fake baby
Damian: Jon you don't understand our child needs to be prepared to handle any oncoming threats
Jon is spent, they've been at this for at least 3 hours
Jon: Damian... the question was how would you teach our child how to handle conflict, not how to round house kick another preschooler
Damian: All I'm saying is, is that our child is going to be taught by the best of the best not only in physical training but education and the arts—
Jon: Arts and education I can get behind but our child doesn't need to know how to wield a sword! Look I wasn't taught by the best of the best and I turned out just fine
Jon: Stop it
-At least a day later-
Damian: Grayson I need your help! I'm afraid I'm turning into my mother
Dick, who was peacefully eating his cereal before Damian decided to bust into his apartment:
Dick: I mean you're already staring to look like her what else could there be?
Damian: Jon doesn't seem to understand or care that I just want the best for our child! And that includes how to know to take down an opponent in case Jon and or me are unavailable!
Dick:...Go on...
-Later that exact same day-
Dick: So you're telling me that you don't think it's beneficial for my niece and or nephew to know how to properly disarm a threat?
Jon: What???
Jason: Whoa, ok, what's all this about?
Dick: Jon doesn't seem to care that his and Damian's child is going to be completely defenseless once they get out into the real world and how it would benefit their child to at least know some basic hand to hand combat
Jason: Nah I don't think the kid needs to learn how to fight right away, they should however know how to use a taser or at least a stun gun. Otherwise you're just a dad that doesn't care... And you don't wanna be a dad that doesn't care now do you Jon?
Jon simply just wants to raise this baby in peace without having to be intimidated by its self-proclaimed uncles.
Tim, who's been quietly watching this whole display go down turns to Damian: Isn't your guys baby fake?... Isn't this all for some school project??
To simply answer your question anon, most likely Dick and then probably Jason lol. They do pass the class though! And while Jon reminds Damian that he does love him, he also reminds him that his family is crazy.
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ask-randal-magnus · 2 days ago
No. You’re just.. useful. He talked about you for a bit, but it was really just… he needed to make sure you were doing what he wanted.
*he looks reasonably unhappy talking about it*
And- maybe don’t take jons recorder right now? He’ll think you’re trying to stalk him.
you know he’s stalking Tim, right? well, everyone, really, but you live with Tim, so.
*he doesn’t respond to the last comment, instead squeezing wills hand*
He is standing in the doorway of whatever room Randal may be in, his hair seems longer and he looks. Really tired.
“Long time no see, huh? How was quarantine?”
- @miniarchivist (hes exhausted cause he had to take over for jon while he was away yaaaaaaayyyyyyy.......)
Unpleasant enough. How’s archiving been?
*he doesn’t look up, focused on what he’s writing, which appears to be a statement. He also happens to be wearing more cool greens, as opposed to the previous blues*
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n0tamused · 23 hours ago
⋆.˚ ★— @ n0tamused’s 1.500 followers celebration event!
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It has been a long time coming, and I am more than happy to announce that it is finally here! I hope you enjoy what I’ve prepared for you all, take this as me giving back to all of you for what you’ve done for me on this platform <3 -Now, what is this about? Well, recently I hit quite a large milestone and I wanted to organize a little event to give back to the community through writing, and perhaps a little doodle here and there if I grab the time for it. I have compiled a little prompt list here which you can choose from and send it to me through my ask box + your character of choice! Example: "Can I get prompt 17."Dance with me." with Zhongli?" (Note: requests can be romantic or platonic, just please make sure to include that in your ask). I will then do my best to write a little something for that prompt. I am planning to do these in a shorter format, just so I can go through all of them as they come in and so they don’t take ages for me to get to, since, unfortunately, I am not yet the speediest writer on the block. Basic requesting rules go but most importantly - don't be rude and be patient!
⋆.˚You can send up to three characters per prompt! And below are the fandoms and characters listed for who I will write:
✶Silmarillion: Maedhros, Fingon, Glorfindel
✶Lord of the Rings: Legolas, Aragorn, Boromir, Eomer, Haldir, Lindir, Thranduil, Elrond
✶Supernatural:  Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
✶Honkai Star Rail: Dr. Ratio, Jing Yuan, Dan Heng/Imbibitor Lunae, Blade, Aventurine, Boothill, Luocha, Welt, Mydei, Castorice, Yukong, Sunday, Gepard, Jiaoqiu
✶Genshin Impact: Zhongli, Neuvillette, Wriothesley, Thoma, Diluc, Childe, Raiden Ei, Al-Haitham, Albedo
✶Game of Thrones: Jon Snow, Robb Stark, Jorah Mormont, Oberyn Martel, Jamie Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, The Hound, Viserys, Theon Greyjoy, Daario Naharis, Gendry, Samwell Tarly, Tywin Lannister
✶House of The Dragon: Daemon Targaryen, Adam of Hull, Harwin Strong, Aemond Targaryen, Aegon Targaryen, Jacaerys Velaryon
Didn’t find your character on the list? You can still try your luck and send your character in and I’ll see what I can do! >:) In the list above are the characters I am most familiar with and that I enjoy writing the most, but that doesn’t mean I am not open to writing others, just means I’ll prioritize the listed ones first. You can always take a stroll through my masterlist and see who I wrote about before too! 
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˖ ࣪⊹Prompts
1.A kiss along the jawline
2.A kiss on the forehead
3.A kiss to a scar, birthmark, injury, or other marking
4.Person A patches person B after a fight
5.Feeding the other when they are sick
6.Gently asking the other one if they are okay
7.Person A hogs all the blankets and Person B gets cold so they cling tightly to Person A for warmth
8. Person B won't let Person A get out of bed by cuddling them
9.Person B having to help Person A undress after an injury
10.Person B pressing their forehead against Person A's forehead to check if they have a fever
11.Person A and B are sparring when one of them pins the other to the floor/wall
12.Person A reads aloud to person B
13.Taking a bath together
14.First kiss
15.Last kiss
16.Kissing the other to wake them up
17.Cooking together
18.Walking barefoot on the dew covered grass, hand in hand, under the stars
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19.A tries to hide their blush from B by turning their head away, but the latter doesn’t let them
20. Person A runs their fingers through person B's hair as they fall asleep in A's lap
21. Person A peppering B's face in kisses
22. Making a pinky promise
23. Person A gives person B a massage
‧₊Sentence prompts:
1."Did you just bite me!?"
2."You bit me? I barely felt it."
3."That was kind of hot."
4.“I never noticed your eyes were this [colour].”
5.“Your hair keeps falling into your eyes, do you know that? Here, lemme just—”
6."I sleep better if you’re around.”
7."Let’s push all of these stuff away. I wanna dance here right now with you."
8.“You wrote me a song/poem?”
9."Can I sit in your lap?"
10."Iwouldn't have called you if it wasn’t important."
11."You are so smart. The world is lucky to have you"
12.''I feel like shit. '' ''you look like shit."
13."It's funny how something as insignificant as a cloud can hide something as grand as the stars"
14."Why do I have to wait for the tables to turn? Can I not just jump across the table and attack you?"
15."Did you notice how the flowers in the garden bloom in patterns that mimic constellations?"
16."I like when you say my name like that."
17."Dance with me."
18."I think we should have another."
19.“Ibuprofen and a red bull is not breakfast.”
20."You know i'm always going to be there for you, right? always."
21."Can I kiss you?" "You have no idea how long I've waited to hear you ask that."
22.“You’re blushing.” “Yeah, so? Never seen anyone fall for your charm before?”
23. "I am not blushing..." "Yes you are~"
24. "You've gone through all this trouble..for me?"
25. "I love you...all of you. And nothing in this world could change that.."
26. "Do you think we're friends/lovers in every universe?"
27. "Can you sing for me..?"
28."Can you braid my hair?"
1."Where were you when I needed you most?"
2."You used me, just like everyone else."
3."Do you think I'm weak for having scars?" "Never. That's ridiculous. I think your scars make you who you are. And you're beautiful, with or without them."
4."I can do it myself." "I want to help." "But-" "Let. Me. Help."
5.'' I didn't have anywhere else to go.”
6.“Be more careful next time. I don’t want to bandage you up again.”
7.“Don’t ever leave my sight again.”
8.“How can I get rid of you? You keep trying to help me, to save me, and I don´t understand why.”
9."You changed." "I had to."
10.“Why do you always make me regret trusting you?”
11.“Come  on  just . . . talk  to  me”
12.“You’re the one thing keeping me sane right now.”
13.“Please stay with me.”
14.“Yell, scream, cry, please, just say something, anything.”
15.“I can't  believe  you  hid  this  from  me.”
16.“Okay  fine. You  want me to talk  about  it?  Here  it  is”
17.“You could’ve died!”  “I didn’t!”   “Well, you were pretty fucking close”
18.“This is not how a family is supposed to feel like.”
19.“This is what friends are for. To protect you, even if it’s from yourself.”
20.“I have to leave, you know that. I’m just sad that I have to leave you here behind.”
21.“Wherever I go, I will always take a piece of you with me. Even if it’s just the voice in my head”
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22.“Please be okay. Please be okay, please be okay—”
23. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..please don't leave me, I can't live without you"
24. "I would do more if I knew what or how to do it, but all you do is push me away! I wish you needed me, I wish you at least trusted me.."
25. "How could you say I do not love you when all I've done was for you!"
26. "You tell me not to live in the past, but all the people I love are there.." "What about me..?"
27. "Get out. GET OUT. I do not want to even look at you! You dare to return to me after you've left me with nothing!"
28. "I thought you were dead..."
Ⓒ n0tamused/jarttavia_. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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omgfangirlland · 1 day ago
Truthfully about who should slip that Damian is a Wayne, personally I think it should be Jon or Damian himself, because just as you said that Talia would use it for trust points and so
I believe Damian would do so too.
I have 3 situations in mind
"ummm excuse me miss sorceress.... I know I'm just Damian's friend but....... I believe you should know that we haven't been fully honest with you"
And then it spirals from there, I believe a 100% that Jon would try to vouch for Damian a bit
"he only skipped that because he knew you maybe wouldn't wanna meet him if he was related to him Bruce , he really wanted to meet you... To meet his big sister."
"[name]........ I must admit I haven't been the most honest person brother to you.......... I was curios of who you were...... This may sound weird or off putting but I'll make sense when I finish. We share more than some mundane things in common..... I skipped this fact as I wanted to have the opportunity to meet you first.... And if you had known you probably wouldn't wanna have meet me....... We are blood related.....by...... Uhm.... Our father.... The biological one"
"I only wanted to know my big sister"
(the little demon would play his fckin cards right, his momma didn't raise no dummy)
"Did you know that Damian is a Wayne and also my son? He was very curios about you... Infact he came to Chicago by lying to Bruce, I guess people would say he was eager to meet you? Anyways"
Then proceeds to show Batsis the most cute baby pictures of Damian as a murderous cubby baby and Batsis ALMOST forgets why they were in a coffee shop in the first olace
Incorrect stuff that I almost wrote and I found funny:
Talia: if I gave you a hard drive with a compilations of all the bats failing to do stuff from Batman faceplanting into the pavement to The Red Hood crashing into a pole, would you reconsider babysitting Damian?
Batsis holding Jon: I've only meet him for 1 minute but if something happens to him I'll kill everyone in this room and then myself.
Jon: ╰⁠(⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠ᗜ⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠)
Damian while dragging Jon into his School trip lie: let's go towards my probably demise and forever grounding.
-Nameless 💜
You know what- you are right. Damian would definitely use it for trust points.
I don't think I'll use Dami tho(mostly because of how I want to make it turn out). I don't really want to make it easy for the demon child, and I kinda need the distrust to push another plot point for chapter 22-
Talia doing all that nonchalantly would be funny- Like dropping a bomb and then just pulling these photos/ photo album from thin air being just like "And this is Dami in his test tube." Meanwhile, MC is just going through like 10 emotions at once, trying not to bawl her eyes because the mere mention of Bruce has started to make this visceral anger run through her body.
So it'll have to be either Jon or TV, perhaps an overheard conversation between Jon and Damian where Jon tries to nudge his friend to come clean? Hm hmm thoughts and thoughtsss
Batsis would do it for a plate of fries just so she can boss Dami around. He does something, anything, "Don't make me call your mom" just to annoy him.
Based. Jon would be a breath of fresh air for MC tbh.
This is something that just crossed my mind btw:
Jon, basking in the attention and compliments of batsis: (✿◡‿◡)
MC: You're so normal, don't take it the mean way, it's a compliment considering how everyone has gone mad- i've christened you as my sunshine. innocent, happy-
Jon, catching Kon's eyes: ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Kon: <(ㅍ _ㅍ)> Well, now I have to compete against whatever this is-
Unless he comes back with hella information, Bruce will definitely put Robin in early retirement. Well, he'll try. When have the Robins ever listened to him? :)))
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thateclecticbitch · 1 year ago
What if I was obsessed about stories about trauma preventing us from accessing our authentic selves. What then?
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lmaowh-at · 5 months ago
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Lanns n Starks lineups/costumes sketches that I will probably add other houses to. Tywin and Joff & the rest aren't here because I was lazy and Cerseis dress took all of my energy. Don't ask me about inspiration or historical basis for these
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bluerosefox · 6 months ago
Soulmate Across the Multiverse
A DPxDC soulmate au idea
So DCverse is a soulmate world (pick any soulmate way btw, words, touch, drawings on the skin, can't see color(s) until they see or touch them, etc etc)
DPverse doesn't.
Meaning Danny wasn't born with a soulmark BUT he gets one after becoming a halfa because he is now connected to the Infinite Realms.
SO its during another one of Vlad's schemes, he's popping into different worlds and stealing things or something like that (basically like that one ep where Danny chases Vlad through the timeline after he stole Frostbite's map)
During the chase they pop out into the DCverse in one of the hero cities (pick any, not picky on which) and their fight is getting a bit out of hand (Vlad's fault, he's using the stuff he's been stealing, and Danny is doing his best to getting innocent people from getting hurt)
ANYWAYS during the fight, one of the cities hero's come to try to help/find out whats going on when Danny is hit by Vlad and gets tossed at them. The moment they either touch or Danny/Soulmate says something to the other, Danny feels the odd mark on him burn up and is MEGA confused on whats going on but decides to do what he does best.
Ignore it for now. He'd figure it out later he still needs to stop Vlad.
He apologizes to the other hero and gets back into his fight, missing the look of complete smitten awe/shock said hero had on their face.
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frosted-woods · 3 months ago
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autumn time to be gay and totally fine and not miserable at all
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creeping-sense-of-oh-fuck · 5 months ago
Here's the thing though. The people who say they saw Jon watching them in their dreams didn't say anything about a monster version of him with glowing eyes or many eyes or floating or whatever.
I love a good monster Jon design but just think THINK about how scary it is that he isn't. You met a fairly normal guy once and you told him the worst thing that ever happened to you. Now that man is there staring blankly while you suffer, over and over. You don't understand why it's happening. There's nothing you can do. The man is still out there, somewhere.
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lukazade · 2 months ago
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These kids are NOT studying rn
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nerdyspies · 3 months ago
thank you starkid for telling jon matteson to tone down his pleas and sobs in the cast recording of npmd cuz if i had to hear richie's voice cracking and shaking as he begs max to spare him everytime i wanted to listen to that song id kill myself
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cowardlykrow · 6 months ago
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"That is where you are wrong, my boy!"
@ratb4stard3 and I deliver another Cowardlyghostbro's(™) collab ✨💛
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dipperscavern · 7 months ago
millions must know what you’re currently cooking in the drafts…
jon snow & cockwarming
jon snow & a fellow nights watch reader breaking the nights watch no kissy oorah rule (curtesy of spirit airlines anon)
jon during his wife’s pregnancy/taking care of his child after it’s born
a jon snow fic (no i will not be elaborating) 🧏‍♀️🧏‍♀️ (curtesy of aristotle anon)
thoughts on how the stark men would eat you out [posted]
how i think cregan would be on your wedding night as he takes your maidenhood
flirting with cregan stark
deepthroating cregan stark (curtesy of cheeky anon)
cregan stark eating you out in the godswood/under the weirwood tree
cregan stark cockwarming (curtesy of reverse elsa anon)
enough father cregan stark thoughts to make the labrant family’s breeding kink look tame
i’ll expand on specifics w the father cregan stark thoughts because i’m soooooo kind and generous and merciful. consider these your winter rations
cregan being there for you during the birth/helping you through it (curtesy of reverse elsa anon) [posted]
how he’d react to you interacting with rickon, his one year old son from his late wife (curtesy of witchy anon)
just father cregan thoughts all around. raising them, training them, telling them stories of the north, playing with them etc (same ask as cregan being there during the birth. reverse elsa anon was having thoughts) [same first link]
a lord or lady visiting winterfell & seeing the wolf pack you and cregan have
some will probably be out tongiht during thought sharing time & others will take longer because of my long ass response LOL
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ekat-fandom-blog · 2 years ago
Blurred Lines
Danny had two names on his wrist: William Joseph Batson and Klarion Bleak. Jazz had one name: Richard John Grayson. Dani had two: Damian al Ghul Wayne and Jonathan Samuel Kent. To bad their soulmates didn't have their names. Just a thick smudge where it should be.
When the Fenton's were witch hunters, they got cursed. This curse made it difficult for their soulmate(s) to believe they are soulmates. It also impressed instinctual knowledge upon the Fenton's of who their soulmate was as soon as they saw them. It wasn't impossible to convince their soulmate(s), but it did require knowing all the loopholes in the curse. Unfortunately, the three youngest Fenton's weren't told about the curse.
Jazz had known as soon as his name was released to the public, that Bruce Wayne's first ward was her soulmate. And when she saw him later, she was even more certain.
She realized fairly early that there was going to be some pushback because of his social status. There were often articles about people falsely claiming to be his soulmate. She knew that people at school thought she was lying about being his soulmate too.
Then, she finally got the chance to meet him. Had everything prepared. Birth certificates, dated pictures of her soulmark, everything she could think of to prove that she was who she said she was. In the end it didn't matter. He didn't believe her. When she pushed, he showed her that he didn't have a name on his wrist. Just a weird smudge. He told her that there was probably a different person with the same name who had her name on their wrist. She had no choice but to accept what he said, even though she knew he was wrong.
Dani had a nagging feeling that she'd met her soulmates when she ran into Superboy and Robin for the first time. She wasn't going to confront them about it because it would be rude to ask them about their secret identities, but she'd suspected. Her suspicion was basically confirmed when Superboy told her his name.
What happened next hurt. She'd asked him if he'd realized they were soulmates the whole time, and he'd said he only had one whom he'd already met. When she asked if it was Damian, he freaked out. Then, Robin showed up equally freaked out, but hiding it better. Things escalated from there. To the point that she's now actively avoiding the two.
Danny was last to meet his soulmates out of the three. He'd been chasing after Amorpho when he bowled over Billy Batson and promised to buy him food after he caught Amorpho. Billy had been suspicious, but agreed. After they exchanged names, Danny immediately asked if Billy knew his soulmates. When Billy said no and then took off, Danny felt like he'd been rejected.
Then, he'd run into Klarion while he'd been enjoying creating some chaos in Amity (particularly annoying the mayor). Danny knew that Klarion was one of his soulmates. Even when Klarion was reluctant to accept it. He decided they needed to talk to his parents about whatever was going on.
That's when Jack and Maddie realized they'd never explained that their family was cursed.
(Klarion was furious. How dare someone attempt to keep his soulmate from him!)
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