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scriblesandbits · 1 month ago
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I think we as a society moved on from karkat’s pesterquest route too quickly
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nerdyspies · 4 months ago
thank you starkid for telling jon matteson to tone down his pleas and sobs in the cast recording of npmd cuz if i had to hear richie's voice cracking and shaking as he begs max to spare him everytime i wanted to listen to that song id kill myself
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nihildenial · 4 months ago
how i look at my mom when she starts talking about a childhood story and i don't remember how embarrassing it is:
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ctommy · 2 years ago
tubbo: wait. what if i get an egg.
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barty takes any disagreement or argument with regulus REALLY hard and hates himself for it
like he needs regulus to hold him after because he's terrified of being left alone but he hates the fact that he can't comfort regulus because he's still quite angry with barty
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kamilucky-blog · 1 year ago
here's a fun theory.
Grian is a human turned watcher. He is trying to cause chaos and does not want to function
BigB is a Watcher turned human. That's why he's actively trying to be a normal person but what is normal to him?
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glowsticcc · 1 year ago
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orangechickenpillow · 1 year ago
Astarion is just so, so afraid and also not a very good person, which is not a great combo when it comes to being offered all the power your abuser had and more. No wonder he wanted to ascend.
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murkyhazed · 7 months ago
@thecavclry said: ❛ it’s okay, you can touch me. ❜ Carol for Daryl aka the one that was supposed to be sent.
               his   hands   had   been   hovering,   too   scared   to   make   a   move.      hell,   he’d   barely   kissed   her   back   out   of   pure   fear   that   somehow,   someway   he’d   screw   everything   up.      it’s   not   like   he   had   experience   in   any   of   this,   not   the   kind   that   mattered   anyway.      daryl   had   never   had   a   girlfriend,   he’d   never   been   romantically   interested   in   anyone.      the   only   women   he’d   ever   been   with   had   been   floosys   at   the   bar,   and   it   had   just   been   about   scratching   an   itch.      he’d   never   cared   about   them,   or   if   they   got   off.
               but   with   carol?      she   was   a   goddess,   she   deserved   to   be   worshiped,   to   be   treated   with   gentle   hands   and   made   to   feel   like   the   only   woman   in   the   world.      daryl   wanted   to   do   all   of   that   and   more   for   her,   but   he   was   so   damn   scared   he’d   be   a   disappointment   to   her.
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               he   swallowed   hard,   and   shaking   hands   finally   settled   on   her   waist.      it   was   so   much   different   than   normal,   because   it   wasn’t   just   a   friendly   touch   or   hug.      it   was   charged   with   sexual   tension,   and   it   had   his   brain   short   circuiting.      his   fingers   flexed,   and   slowly   he   slid   his   hands   around   to   her   back.      he   needed   to   get   out   of   his   own   head   and   focus   on   her.      she   would   never   do   anything   to   make   him   feel   unsafe,   he   knew   that.
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mabepearls · 10 months ago
“come my padisarah” please no
live me and tighnari reaction
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quirkthieves · 1 year ago
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Members of class A have been so nice to him the last few days... What are they planning?!
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thedarklinglovearchived · 2 years ago
"...I don't wanna go back. Please don't send me back. I don't wanna go back."
A small whimper as the darkling curled up on the ground. He knew it was impossible. There were no others, therefore there was no more Black Doom.
But the fear was still there. That somehow he survived. And was hunting him down.
His claws gripped his head. His tail wrapped around him.
"...I don't wanna hurt anymore. Please."
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inkskinned · 3 months ago
it's extremely critical that you see the photo of the perp walk for luigi mangione as being propaganda. i've seen so many people wave it off and instead fawn over his looks. and trust me, i know it ended up being kind of pathetic and weird - but please don't brush it off as a "modelling opportunity" for him. it's a fucking terrifying message the police are sending.
i want to make a few comparisons here, in case you're not from the US or familiar with why the perp walk thing is something to pay attention to. just to set the groundwork for why this is a purposeful, unusual, and cruel act by the nyc police - for why this is not a common occurrence and for why that matters.
the prosecution alleges the show of force is due to the charge of "terrorism." for comparison, in june 2015, tsarnaev was found guilty for the boston marathon bombing, which killed 3 people and injured hundreds. his actions are considered to be an act of domestic terrorism. i have spent the last hour looking through google for pictures of similar to mangione's perp walk - and so far, i have found zero. i also just do not personally remember a moment like that, despite living in boston at the time.
they allege that luigi is a stone-cold killer who carried out a longterm plan, making him particularly dangerous. again for comparison: in nyc, recently cory martin was found guilty of the killing of brandy odom. the murder was planned and premeditated to steal insurance money. and yet no staged perp walk. why didn't her life matter enough for a "show of force"?
but mangione gets paraded by a veritable army of police officers as if he is a rabid animal. for a single citizen who allegedly killed one other single citizen, the "largest perp walk ever" occurs.
so what is the "strong message" that the mayor and the police were trying to send here? the mayor speaks as if mangione is already convicted of terrorism. there is a very thin number of people who feel threatened by the CEO's death. none of us felt like mangione needs to be under massive armed guard.
the message is that you shouldn't resist. they are trying to "make an example" of him - that if you behave badly and kill a single rich person, you'll be treated as if you killed hundreds of people. you will be treated worse than a man who was found guilty of terrorism. you will be considered guilty without trial. the message is that the rich are a protected class, and you cannot touch them without massive punishment. they are trying to prevent a revolution by showing dominance and force against you.
the message is that the police are a puppet of the wealthy and that the law is not equally applied across class disparity. it is "some are more equal than others." it is "one life is more precious than another."
the show of force wasn't for luigi. it was for us. it was a warning. they are trying to remind us who is really in control.
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astronomodome · 4 months ago
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kibblebitz · 4 months ago
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POV: Some weird old guy chases you around a massive, unfamiliar room as three more tall things shout at you before he corners you, shocks the ever-loving shit out of you, and holds you up like some kind of trout.
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wolfjackle-creates · 2 years ago
There are so many great fills to this. I've only skimmed one or two, but it caught my attention and I had to do my own take. There's gonna be a part 2 coming from me, hopefully sooner than later, but I didn't want another Wednesday to go by without posting anything.
2.2k words
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Want to Hold on and Feel I Belong
Danny choked back a scream as he woke from another nightmare. Quickly he turned on the light next to his bed. Blue walls, gray ceiling dotted with glow-in-the-dark stars. Not a speck of white anywhere. He was safe.
He put his head between his knees and tried to breathe. The tremors didn't stop. He was safe. They didn't know where he was.
With a cry of frustration, he jumped out of bed. He needed to move, to get out. Maybe if he went to the kitchen, someone would be awake. Tim was home and he barely ever slept as far as Danny could tell. Mind made up, he slipped out of his room, bare feet silent as he made his way down the hall.
It was with relief that he saw the kitchen light on. But then he heard voices. He didn't want to intrude on any private conversations. He paused, just wanting to stay long enough to ensure he wouldn't be intruding.
"…proof I am the superior Robin." That was clearly Damian speaking.
"You're just jealous that Dick and Bruce trust me to do my own thing on patrol," Tim shot back. Patrol? Robin? No. They couldn't be. Not this family, too.
Danny carefully looked around to ensure none of the other family members were around and turned himself invisible and intangible to get closer.
"You had to blackmail your way into the Robin mantle. I earned my place in the suit."
"Alfred gave me the suit just like Dick gave it to you. Bruce didn't chose either of us."
No. It wasn't true. It couldn’t be true. He backed away from the door and straight through the far wall at which point he turned and flew right back to his room.
He collapsed on the floor and gasped for air. Bruce was Batman. They were part of the Justice League. The Justice League worked with them.
He needed to get out of here. It wasn't safe. He scrambled to the closet, phasing through it when his hands shook too much to grab the handle. His go-bag was woefully unprepared. He'd gotten complacent. Everyone here was just so nice. He liked them.
But he'd loved his parents, too. And that hadn't stopped them, either.
He shoved a few changes of clothes into the bag. His phone and electronics would have to be left behind. And any credit cards. Batman would have the resources to track any of them.
But he did grab the picture of himself, Sam, Tucker, and Jazz from his bedside table. And, after a pause, the one from a month after he'd joined the Waynes. Alfred had taken it when they’d had a movie night and Duke had his arm around Danny who was leaning against Jason’s legs. He’d just started allowing himself to think he might have a second chance at life and family.
He shoved it in his bag and went to his snack stash. He wished he'd had more food in his room, but whatever half-eaten snacks would have to do. And then he was flying out of the manor.
He was nearly to the edge of city limits before he froze in midair. They hadn't turned him in yet. They were trying to gather more information. What had they passed on? What details had he let slip about his friends and the ghosts and the realms that was now in their hands?
He had to go back. He had to keep his people safe. But he would never let himself be turned over. Not again.
His return to the manor seemed to take much longer than the journey out had. By the time he slipped back into his room, the sky was starting to lighten on the horizon. Danny hid his bag in the closet.
He needed something to keep himself safe. He would not go back. He wouldn’t survive that again.
When he’d gotten here, he’d brought some of his parent’s inventions with him. Would he be able to modify one of them to work on humans? Only one way to find out.
He’d hidden all the weapons in the walls when he moved in, but he’d marked the locations. Phasing his hand through the NASA poster, he removed an ectoblaster. Time to get to work.
When the knock sounded on his door, he jumped so high he started flying. “Just a second!” he called out as he settled back to the floor and tried to get his breathing under control. He shoved both the blaster and his tools into the floor.
“Take your time, Master Danny,” replied Alfred from the other side of the door.
At the sound of his voice, Danny froze again. Was Alfred lying to him, too? He liked Alfred. He was teaching him how to cook without reanimating the food. Danny closed his eyes tightly and allowed himself two deep breaths before shuffling to the door and opening it partway.
“Hey, Alfred.” Danny couldn’t even give an insincere ‘good morning.’
“You don’t look well, Master Danny.” Alfred reached out to check his temperature.
At the feel of the warm fingers Danny flinched back violently. Warm touches meant humans. Meant pain and danger.
“I apologize for startling you. Are you ill?”
“I… Yeah. I’m not feeling well today. Couldn’t sleep and I can’t seem to get warm. I don’t think I’ll be able to make it into school today. Sorry I didn’t say something sooner. I won’t make Duke or Damian late, will I?”
“Not at all. I’ll bring up a bowl of oatmeal for you and perhaps a nice soup for lunch?”
“Sure. I don’t know how much I’ll be able to eat today.”
“Of course. Do you think it’s a stomach bug? Or a cold or flu? I’ll bring along some medications as well.”
As if he and everyone else didn’t know very well that human medications wouldn’t work on him. Though he had to applaud their acting skills. Danny shrugged. “Not sure. I just generally feel crappy today. I’m going to try and get some more rest.”
“Of course. I’ll wish you a speedy recovery and will bring up the oatmeal right away.”
Danny shut the door and froze the lock in place for good measure. Only way anyone would get in is if they broke the door down. He went back to working on the blaster. When Alfred returned, he didn’t open the door and yelled at him to leave the food on the floor.
Could he even trust the food they’d been giving him?
It’s not like he really needed to eat anyway. At least, not as much as a normal human. He kept working. The next time someone knocked on his door, he just yelled at them to go away.
By the time he finished modifying the blaster, it was early afternoon. No one would be home. When could he confront them? Learn what they’d told the GIW? Learn how much danger he’d put his people in?
Did everyone gather for patrol the way he, Sam, and Tuck would? Their meeting place would have to be attached to the manor somehow probably with a second entrance elsewhere. Vlad hid his secret lab underground, maybe Bruce did the same thing?
If he was really lucky, he’d be able to hack their computers and find out what they’d shared that way.
He clutched the blaster tight and turned invisible and intangible and flew downward. He needed to find it. To find anything. He would not be able to exist with himself if any of his people were hurt because he let himself trust the wrong people again.
At first, all he could find was solid rock. But he kept going. It had to be here somewhere.
And then the rock opened up in front of him, revealing a large cave. His eyes were immediately drawn to the giant T-Rex taking up part of the cave. But the giant penny was a close second.
He only allowed himself to look for a minute. When he turned from the trophy area, he saw Tim dressed Red Robin, though without the domino mask, sitting at the giant computer set up. Damn. He wasn’t going to be able to search it himself.
His hand tightened on the blaster as he stared at his foster brother. Would Tim know? No. He had to get them all together. He’d said different things to different people and he had no way of knowing if they compared notes or if each made their reports separately. He’d wait.
As time passed, Tim barely moved from his spot. Danny flew closer to see, but Tim wasn’t looking at anything to do with ghosts. No reports to the GIW filled the screen. It looked like it was something to do with Scarecrow.
Danny took up position by the wall again.
Alfred came down, tried to convince Tim to join them upstairs for dinner. Tim refused and Alfred came back with a sandwich for him to eat at the computer.
More time passed. He heard an engine. A motorcycle rolled in and Red Hood stepped off. Danny sensed the death on him and his core lurched when he realized it was Jason before he ever removed his helmet.
Why would Jason work with them? He was in nearly as much danger from them as Danny. The blaster felt solid in his hands. No matter who betrayed him, he wouldn’t go back. His eyes stung—was he really that awful? First his parents and now his adoptive family as well?
He waited. They all needed to be here. Jason and Tim argued and the familiar sight threatened to put Danny at ease.
And then a pair of sliding doors opened and Bruce entered with Damian, Duke, and Dick.
Screams echoed in his ears. Screams of pain, of terror. Dani crying out, begging him to help her. His own screams as blades cut into his flesh. He dropped his invisibility and continued to wait, half hidden in the shadows.
His adoptive family lived up to their reputations and only minute or two passed before he was spotted.
“Danny?” asked Bruce. “How’d you get here?” He took a step towards Danny.
“What did you tell them?” asked Danny, voice low and steady. He clenched the blaster tighter but didn’t raise it yet.
Bruce froze. “Told who? Danny what are you talking about?”
Danny would’ve believed it if he didn’t know better. He swung the blaster up and pointed it right at his foster-father. “Don’t lie to me!” His voice cracked on the last word. “I won’t go back. You can’t make me!”
Dick took a step forward, hands up in a placating gesture. Danny turned the blaster on him.
“Don’t come any closer! You won’t take me. I won’t let you. Just—Just tell me what you told them.” His vision blurred and he blinked away the tears. “Just tell me and I’ll go. No one has to get hurt.”
Jason sent out a pulse of calm and Danny’s jaw clenched tighter. “Danny, who are you talking about? Where do you think we’re going to take you? You’re safe here.”
Danny shook his head. “Why are you helping them? They’ll go after you, too. They’ll tie you down and cut you open and they won’t care you’re more alive than dead.”
“I… What?” Jason took a step back at his words.
Bruce cleared his throat. “We won’t let anyone hurt Jason. Or you. We’re your family, Danny.”
Danny snorted. “So were my parents and it didn’t stop them. When I got out I swore I’d never go back. That it didn’t matter how much I loved the people who were turning me in, I’d fight.”
Dick tried again. “We’re not your parents, Danny. Why are you convinced we’re going to hurt you?”
Danny turned his blaster back towards Bruce. He locked his elbows to try and control how badly his hands were shaking. “You’re Batman. You’re part of the Justice League. The Justice League works for the US government. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. Now, I’m going to ask once more: what did you tell them.”
Tim rolled the chair back to face Danny more fully. “What do you think we told them?”
“You’ve been questioning me. I can’t believe I didn’t see it sooner.” Ancients, why was he crying? He should be better than this. “You’ve been questioning me. Asking about my friends and where I’d hang out. I edited my answers, I’m not a complete idiot, but if you already knew… I won’t go back. But I can’t leave until I know I didn’t put my people in more danger. Until I know they didn’t use information I let slip to capture and torture anyone else.”
“Danny, chum.” The nickname had Danny flinching back, and Bruce held up his hands. “Everything you’ve told us has stayed in the family. We haven’t shared any of it with anyone. Can you tell us who wants to hurt you?”
“Stop lying!” yelled Danny.
Bruce took a step forward and Danny pulled the trigger. He wouldn’t go back. He couldn’t. Bruce let out a yell of pain and fell to the ground. Everyone jumped into motion, some rushing to Bruce, some rushing towards him. Danny phased into the wall, flying up to his room and grabbing his go-bag. He’d have to find out what information the GIW had gotten some other way.
Been a while since I let loose with the angst. I had fun with this.
I won't be doing a tag list for this one. There's no way to tell if you're talking to me or one of the other authors, but it's on AO3 so you can follow there. (Updates might come here first, though.)
AO3 version is locked to registered users. I do have 2 or 3 invitations I can give out if there's anyone who follows me who still doesn't have an account - just DM me and I'll give it to you. I don't even need an email. (They'll be first come first serve.)
Fine line
Okay so we all know pre-reveal but already adopted Danny would question his whole life when he finds out about the vigilante life the Waynes are in but may I introduce you to:
✨Absolutely horrified Danny.✨
Basically he finds out that his seemingly normal family isn't so normal after all and due to the nature of the JL never responding to Amity calls he assumed that they were working with the government. This led to the realization that the family probably knows who he is (they really don't. They just think that he was a meta that doesn't want to deal with the crime-related life bs so they never brought it up) and they're probably in the midst of handing him to the GIW.
He's terrified, because god dammit he shouldn't have trusted a rich guy but he doesn't really have time to contemplate on his next move. Next thing you know Danny's holding a modified ecto gun that is now fatal to humans against Bruce.
The family is alert and ready to pounce on him, but they realized that Danny was shaking too much and his breathing was too ragged. His eyes are glossy and he's biting his lip like he's trying so hard to not drop the gun on his adoptive dad. Danny was having a panic attack.
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