elodieunderglass · 29 days
Mouse (1) is following in the skilled nonverbal communication steps of Bear(7) who never bothered to use more than one word until they were 3. By pointing, gesturing and saying “namnamnam” and “Ticky,” while leaning heavily on my parental psychic powers, Mouse clearly indicated “I want to feed a piece of ham to the chickens.” And so I gave them a piece of ham and opened the door, and that is exactly what they did. How precisely “nam nam , Ticky” tells me this, I could not say. And that is presumably why Mouse is going to follow the pattern of Bear.
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birdricks · 7 months
every member of the smith/sanchez family is autistic and queer. see my vision
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craycraybluejay · 7 months
Transphobes get off my blog, transandrophobes especially. In fact go hate queers with the evangelical white moms who have coincidentally the same talking points as you about trans men.
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dennisboobs · 1 year
my favourite thing about the always sunny podcast is listening to rcg all say something extremely neurodivergent and then agree amongst themselves and convince themselves its completely normal
#and to be clear im not diagnosing them charlie said he wasn't neurotypical#like deadass i think. the reason some of their writers just completely botch the gang's motivations/dialogue sometimes is bc at their core#these characters are all. SO autistic. which inevitably leads to them being misunderstood by others outside their group#whether rcg realizes it or not they inject this very specific vibe of neurodivergence into the gang#and its why they will just. argue over inconsequential details bc they Need to be understood completely#they can't just drop it unless they are crystal fucking clear#imo the biggest mistake other writers make is thinking that the gang is completely desensitized when its more like#they just don't react the way you would expect#which is often... adjacent to that but still distinct. and its trauma that influences this as well#the gang does not believe they themselves are 'bad people'. theyre most often oblivious to the fact that the things they do are insane#rob saying he doesnt pick up on social cues and then going on to argue in circles with glenn#i dont think last week was anything crazy but i think. rob doesn't know when to let up. which is a problem that *i* have#and while it comes across as being confrontational in an 'im right youre wrong' way i dont think its driven by ego here#just like with how as they said mac and dennis are making up while chucking bread rolls at each other#on both sides its frustration at being misunderstood#but they are all similar enough that even if they disagree over small details theyre usually on the same page. and this can be beneficial!!#thats the conclusion of the ep!!!! whether its suggesting smoking to cancel out the toxic apple skin or suggesting words u cant think of#glenn said he was upset about feeling misrepresented and picked on#dennis gets angry for those exact reasons in.... ALL of his big rage scenes#its frustration that leads to anger because youre speaking to (another) brick wall and you can't adequately explain yourself#which. glenn is clearly more competent than dennis & i think a lot of the time in sunny the gang is WAY more obtuse for the sake of comedy#but its interesting to watch the dynamic because as charlie said last week#they are mac and dennis (especially when theyre fighting)#i just think.. they are in a semi-unique position to understand this because this is how they are. while several other writers do not get i#ada speaks#untagged
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matoitech · 1 year
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new guy alert!! i went in to design a different character who ive been trying to work out in my mind and came out w a guy with a mullet. as one does. character designing similar to what happened when i tried to design cas and came out with lucas instead and was like okay well lucas fucks and i must keep him so theyre just two seperate guys now and i STILL have the original guy to design. but anyway i like him and im glad i liked the first pass of a design enough to work w it so he may go thru some changes since originally this was just gonna be laying down color ideas for the other guy and he morphed in2 his own thing
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superbellsubways · 2 years
you see an evil and fucked up villain and despise them from the beginning. I see an evil and fucked up villain and project onto them (making them queer and autistic). we are not the same.
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transcicle · 6 months
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who up getting autistic over a podcast theyve never seen
more under cut idk if theyll format or not... beware
some of these i just did some of these are old
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some of these are the drawing style thing i did sooo.... in order... : FIRST THROUGH FOURTH IMAGE peter drew those :-) FIFTH rumi drew that one :-) SIXTH exandroth drew those :-) SEVENTH peter drew that one :-) self portait EIGHTH rumi [bad at art edition] both NINE and TEN i dont remember if they were ment to be peter or just me goofin... so picjk ur poison LOL ELEVEN thats peter LAST THREEEE meeeeee :3 9-10 and 12-14 are the older ones everything else i did last night / this mornin'
#jrwi#jrwi apotheosis#angelstone#sqlumi#................i prefer sqlumi.... why did name it angel stone thats like exandroth + peter not rumi + peter its confusing to me#im sorry i watched the angelstone cut like half a year ago#IM SOOO AUTISTIC ABOUT THEM YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA MAN YOU HAVE NO CLUE SOSHAKSHLSXHLDHDJDJKRKFKF#i cant contain it anymorw im going to post my cringe#quite a few of these ones are from my little handwriting drawing things where i make up their handwriting and art style tee hee#i think rumi either SUCKS ASS at drawing or can decently draw in an anime esque style#i imagine peter has a lil bit of artistic abilities... he did paint a ton of mug paintings if i remember right????#he aint the best but he can do it#thanatos has 0 skill because he has never drawn anything ever until this hypothetical situation where theyre drawing and writing this all#exandroth adapts peters skill to an extent#peter tries to follow the rules taught to him about writing as a child to a T soooo he has generally neat handwriting if hes thinking abt i#but if hes tired or just out of it idk#you cant get one word man that shit is just complete chicken scratch even he cant figure it out sometimes LOOLLLL#rumi also has very neat handwriting HOWEVER i love the idea that she hams it up to be really swirly like that one girl in elementary#thanatos is very stiff and neat might as well just be font...#exandroth is either writing in full caps or alternating between whatever ver of a letter he wants to write at any time#VERY heavy handed and goes over every line like 3 times#when writing his name EVERYTIME he writes exandroth archangel of retribution everytime#if you guys wanna see what i have so far.... you can ask.... hehe#theyre my ocs at this point man i havent seen the damn campaign#i would just make them my ocs but my brain immediately loses interest whenever i do that uuuuggghhhhg#i mean i have a beast moomin furry thing peter and an object oc peter bur#*but like idk#btw i have like waaayyy more to say but i reached tag limit <////333 tumblr hates autistic people real#ill just retype it all in the next post ^.^*#archive
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noooo you can let me describe the doctors body trust me i totally wont be weird about it this time
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cryptidmomochi · 29 days
did you know?
the insistence by commentary creators on treating children the same way as adults has caused ridiculous amounts of harm.
over and over i would see drama about various artists, and so many of them were just kids. some of them were younger than me, but i didnt know that. i thought they were all much older than me, because that's how they were treated.
"oh this person was a groomer" they were a child. if a child is exhibiting groomer-like tendencies, they don't just get that out of nowhere.
"oh this person pretended to have mental illness or s/h for attention" that is not a thing that normal people do. you look stupid when you say that. just because someone is doing something "for attention" doesn't mean nothing's actually wrong.
"this kid was racist" im from an extremely white, quite cishet, and very able-bodied town (or, at the very least, the town is inaccessible enough that you just don't see that many disabled people, who knows). sometimes you learn bigoted rhetoric, then have to unlearn it. sometimes you say stupid shit because other people around you say that exact stupid shit. kids in particular do not always know better. just because theyre 16 doesn't mean they're exempt from being stupid.
can we stop hatemobbing fucking children. i have at least lingered online for almost 10 years. kids are one of the most likely groups to get harassed, often by adults. im glad i never developed a sizeable following before i turned 18. i wouldnt have been able to handle it either.
but im just shouting to the void, really. commentary creators dont fucking learn. they just hop onto the next bandwagon and ignore it.
do you ever wonder why so many commentary types keep getting into trouble? hopeless peaches, creepshow, daftpina, turkey tom, omnia, prison mate luke, im sure i could think of more given the time and given a little bit more research to track down some old creators i used to watch. good people don't go online and talk about kids like they should be killed. the art commentary community as a whole is rife with toxicity, seemingly always searching for small prey nobody's heard of. I remember a very long time ago there was a "drama" because an artist on deviantart didn't want their art being favourited (they misunderstood what it did) and that was a big enough deal to start making videos about. playlists upon playlists preying on kids being stupid.
if not kids, then any other vulnerable group will do just fine, too. if you remember the "tumblr art style", youll know it had a few main "characteristics"; ambiguous race, hairy legs, character depictions that weren't conventionally attractive, bandaids, s/h scars, drawing the characters with different body types, depictions of mental illnesses and disorders, the works. the "tumblr art style" was, in reality, a dogwhistle. it wasn't about the art. it was about the fact that it wasnt a white, cishet, able-bodied, neurotypical man or woman. that was a topic for a few years. "the problem with the tumblr art style", "tumblr art style cringe", i only knew of tumblr from those types of videos when i was in middle school.
commentary rarely if ever cares about justice. its just another dime in their wallet, and if they have to harass kids to get it, well, that's just fine.
#ive on and off watched commentary videos for years.#birdie's recent apology has also left me with a few thoughts yknow#i can think of SEVERAL kids that were labelled as groomers#who were in reality being groomed themselves#or were otherwise surrounded by dangerous and harmful behaviour#i hate the refusal to see kids as kids#'oh well they should just know ebtter theyre old enough'#as if they have any real experience with the world#shit like this is why i have an extremely dicey relationship with whether or not kids should be allowed online#i wouldnt have most of my friends if i wasnt allowed online as a kid#but its undeniably hurt me too#and im scared to think what wouldve happened if id had the kind of presence some of these other kids had#because the internet LOVES to scream and bitch and moan at autistic kids in particular#the minute people realise youre disabled you become an easy target for mockery#anyway#cw grooming mention#muffle#ive watched people forget that this shit has happened#people treat it like tiktok invented this problem#but they havent#these are old wounds that the internet refuses to let scab over#ive tried to grow a presence for years so that id have enough people interested in my art to commission me#ive had accounts since i was 13#ive had beef with people. people have stolen my characters#people have lied about me.#and its a good thing none of that was in the hands of the wrong people.#this is such an important topic to me. its so important it makes me sick.#these situations are why internet safety matters so much.
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vaugarde · 1 year
yeah its important to have interests that arent just for children as an adult because at the end of the day it’s good for you and the way you percieve media overall to have a variety of things that you like but like you also shouldnt make fun of adults who are passionate about childrens media and imply theyre stupid for it. i think both of these takes can exist at once
#i dont like how some people are taking ''read a book for adults'' as ''do this so you are less cringe and stupid in my opinion''#rather than ''do so because its genuinely good for you''#and even so if someone likes childrens media and they like to analyze it and theyre not being a jackass to kids about it#just leave them alone? sometimes that's just what their interests are and thats okay. it makes them happy#and i hate to be That Guy but uhhhh. yeah theres an overlap here w nd adults#not all of us but certainly a good amount bc some special interests are so strong that they last throughout childhood#past an ''acceptable'' age#and again not the case for everyone but like most autistic adults i personally know are into childrens media#and have been into a specific property since they were a young child#and thats just autism like im sure for people with down syndrome and others have a similar experience#and even if they like something recent like bluey like. who cares it is not hurting you#echoed voice#and it also annoys me that most posts like this have people going ''um well fandom moms are annoying tho''#or even worse literally implying there's inherently a sinister motive#as if its not common for adults to get mocked for being childish and naturally get defensive#and as if every single adult into a pbs show or toh is inherently a bad person or something.#bc people will go through several mental gymnastics to defend being a jackass over something not socially acceptable#before they go ''yeah thats kind of rude sorry''
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toastsnaffler · 3 months
thinking abt the touden siblings got me sniffling and weeping....
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dizzybevvie · 7 months
what’s fantasy high ?^^
Fantasy High is a DnD show on yt ^^!!!!! its like, small town queer mystery, found family type shit about 6 teenagers in a school for adventurers!!!! <33
season 2 used to be behind a paywall but since season 3 is on the horizon (NEXT MONTH AHHH) theyre releasing s2 on yt now tooooo!!!
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craycraybluejay · 30 days
i know hardcore feminists will say weird men are responsible for their discomfort around weird men but there is a difference between a guy with social issues and a sleazeball.
like. i have a lot of personal irl experience with autistic people both kids and adults (mostly boys and men by coincidence but some girls and women too) and some of them have such low social awareness it gives me secondhand embarassment. but that's just the thing. people with this kind of issue HAVE made me uncomfortable before, but i also understand that some mental disabilities are more disabling than others. like i have a few social issues of my own but i have enough awareness to get by. not everyone has thst. i've met kids on the spectrum who seem to have no idea that you can't just run up and hug a complete stranger or similar things. i've met adults on the spectrum who unintentionally say things that come off as either creepy/aggressive/disinterested even if they're not trying to be creepy, aren't mad, or are interested in you/what you're saying. someone i care ab i can sometimes have issues with because of certain unawarenesses. its ok. just learn and do better. get a support network of people who are more socially apt than you. the best cure to coming off as unapproachable/rude/etc. is just meeting new people who decide to be your friend and help you. also though sometimes people will find things you say or do rude even if its completely innocuous and sometimes thats on them. socially apt people make mistakes and have biases too.
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why do teachers insist on going around and making everyone say their name and something about themself??? like what the fuck, what do they want from me hi I'm ellis and my fun fact is this is making me want to fucking combust, nice to meet you like I'm not gonna remember any of this I'm just suffering for no fucking reason
#i hate this teacher immediately#she did put her pronouns in her introduction slide but still#if you somehow dont know im autistic which the school knows#and that means i dont have to answer any questions if i dont want to#with no represcussions 🤙🏻🤙🏻#however it felt way more awkward to just stare at her this time 🧍🏻‍♂️so im going to throw myself off something /j#we're now watching some of hamlet and i fucking love hamlet i am a complete shakespeare nerd so she is gaining back some points#cause this isnt my shakespeare lecture but shes bringing him up anyway 🤭#i still hate her 🤺🤺 how dare you make me speak#NOW WE'RE WATCHING SOME OF LION KING COMPARING THEM HEHEHE i love the fun fact that lion king is an adaptation of hamlet#its a quite well known fact nowadays but in case you didnt know#lion king is an adaptation of hamlet 😚😚#hamlet and the tempest >>>> everything else#theyre my faaavveess#i really like literature#one of my broader special interests lmfao#i do have focuses#like shakespeare and marlowe#and then gothic fiction like dracula and frankenstein and jekyll & hyde and DORIAN GRAY#i fucking love dorian gray i have 5 copies 🤭🤭 possibly 6 i have a complete oscar wilde thing but i dont know if its just his plays or not#im very off topic but im trying to stop the autism panic by talking to myself about autism interests in tumblr tags lmfao#modern problems need modern solutions <3#the new and improved grounding technique#one of my favourite topic is the origins of vampires in literature 🤭#and how they went from mythical grave yard monsters to hot seductive nobility lmfao#OH FANTASTIC NOW SHES MAKING US SIT IN GROUPS AND TALK WOW I FUCKING LOVE THAT /SARCASM SARCASM SO MUCH SARCASM I WANT TO SCREAM AND RUN
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fslurusami · 1 year
you know how sometimes theres some popular character and most of the fanstuff is mostly accurate on the surface but you personally have some lived experience shared w this character that enables you to have a deeper understanding of little nuances under the hood that inform things like their decision making and stuff. its on a sliding scale of accuracy of course. personally i mostly get this with my mental disorders with characters such as ogata but sometimes theres LITTLE TINY THINGS that bother me about specifically the various violence related fetishes. and the fact that it bothers me itself bothers me cuz i feel like. "oh Clearly you havent received or inflicted wounds for sexual pleasure". yes obviously they havent done that. nobody else does that. i am abnormal in nature and insane in the head
#obviously not Rlly nobody else im well aware. but it is uncommon. and it doesnt Rlly bother me but i can often tell#yes ienaga vore jokes are funny but i dont think shes into vore based on what we see of her character and attitudes towards cannibalism#however. usami and tsurumi 100% are. tsurumis gay little speech in that scene would not be out of place on a vore sideblog thats EXACTLY#how certain ppl talk about it. thats literally It. tsurumi tokushirou invented vore in 1907#thats just the most clear cut and easily explainable example i think but there are so many little bits of tiny nuance idek#there are different attitudes of course but i feel like ienaga doesnt rlly feel any Connection to eating ppl and sure there are ocs and#little stories or scenarios about the pred just being like 'yea its just food' cuz some preys find that rlly hot but. irl there arent rlly#any of that kind of pred cuz if they dont care then. they dont care lol. like they dont Care about vore. so theyre not into vore. u know#so i think shes not into vore sexually and such shes literally just here for medicinal purposes or w/e. but that is just my opinion idk#sorry for vore essay in the tags i am autistic 👍 those deviantart stamps are not ironic they are a Warning#if anybody like. cares about being 1/5th of a mm off in their depiction of masochism or smthng i will answer questions. but be prepared for#me to get at least this ^^^ autistic about it. i dont have a phd in masochism but i can at least say with certainty that i have never#said 'it hurts so good' in real life. the full sentence like that is just a little cheesy in my opinion. 'it hurts' usually speaks 4 itself#og post
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nyupuun · 10 months
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i felt a bit bad because people kept tagging ancient pixie dragon as ancient fairy dragon... so I doodled both of my yaoi-handed blue noodles.
#“uhm akshually her name is fairy dragon - ancient in the manga so its not wrong :nerd: :point_up:”#AND UR RIGHT!!! but I still interpret them as different spirits.#But its like. hard to explain. like they would be in different dimensions of the duel monster spirit world#its like how stardust spark dragon is TECHNICALLY stardust dragon but i interpret her differently from anime stardust dragon#(or tcg/ocg stardust dragon)#simply because im delusional and like to imagine the duel dragons are characterized differently#<- said about beings that hold barely any character to begin with#but also kinda not true because the duel dragons are from ultimaya tzolking like how the signer dragons serve the crimson dragon and theyre#opposing forces yadayada#well you get what i mean.... i hope#sorry im autistic and dragons and yugioh are my special interests can you tell yet?#anyways ancient pixie dragon i view as somewhat of a scary little dragon who hides in the ancient forests#and just straight up kills people that disturb it#kinda like ancient fairy dragon in episod e 19 (almost)#well anyways enough rambled i seem insane i shared too much leave a like comment and subscribe :thumbs_up:#long tags#random ramble#yugioh#yugioh tcg#doodle#barely counts but WHATEVERRRRR#sorry oh my god im so embarrassed.#if anyone wants to talk about their hyperspecific yugioh duel monster spirit characterization#thoughts on dragons or whatsoever#My inbox is open and i am starving#or dms#or anything#plsss /j
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